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La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Shoot me

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 8

It had been ten months since we moved here, and I dreaded the day that dad would announce we were moving again. I had been helping Glenn with the last female shoot for the calendar and was enjoying myself more than I ever did in my life. This, to me, was another indication I really, really wanted to stay this time.

The shoot was the most daring one so far, as it was a copy of ‘Virgin Killer’ by The Scorpions. However, instead of a ten-year-old girl, a fifty-ish woman appeared. She was obviously nervous as hell. After she changed and I saw the picture we needed to copy, I knew why. In the original image, the girl is naked with a cracked glass effect obscuring her vagina from view. The woman was wearing a flesh-colored strapless bra and matching thong, which left little to the imagination. Glenn assured her that he’d airbrush out all visible portions of that bra, and he guaranteed it would be a tasteful picture.

Despite her age, I got hard seeing her this way. Glenn had anticipated this and gave me an apron with the studio’s logo before she arrived. “Here, Bud,” he said, “it’s the new company outfit. I ordered it specifically for you, ” and he smiled a knowing smile.

When I felt myself grow hard, I was very grateful for it. But, when we were done and Glenn dropped me off, I had a bad omen. And when I opened the door, it was immediately apparent why. Mom and dad were sitting on the couch, and my dad asked me to sit down.

“We’re moving again, aren’t we?” I blurted out and felt the tears welling up in my eyes.

“Yes, we are,” my dad responded coldly.

It turned out my dad was being sent to a new base in some hotbed in central Africa to help create a permanent presence there. In addition, my mom was asked to help set up the medical facilities, so not going there wasn’t really an option for them.

But as they explained the situation of the area we were moving to, it was clear to me they weren’t that fond of it. It was a hostile environment around the base, and many facilities needed to be created yet. Not an ideal situation for an almost thirteen-year-old boy to grow up in.

“We’re still talking about what we should do with you,” my mom said. “There are options, but none of them are completely worked out in detail.”

“Can’t I stay with Glenn and Gloria?” I said, making sure they wouldn’t miss this obvious option.

“No. Of course not! We can’t ask them to take you in for almost a year!” my dad said but looked at my mom with an expression I hadn’t seen before.

“We still have to work out the details, dear. But we figured we needed to tell you this now, so you can prepare for leaving too.”

I could see the struggle all over my mom’s face, and my dad wasn’t as confident as usual.

Later that evening, when I lay in bed, thinking about all this, I realized I needed a game plan. If I played my cards right, I might stay longer in Seattle instead of some hot hell-hole. Or worse, an army-run boarding school. If I could stay here, I could spend more time with Glenn and learn even more about photography. A win-win situation in my eyes.

The following morning, Glenn picked me up to help him with a shoot involving half a dozen models. We were going to take pictures for the winter billboard and shop decorations, and it promised to be chaotic with this many eighteen and nineteen-year-old models. Some of them were probably regular divas already.

Because of that, Gloria would be helping too, and the moment we started working in the studio together, I broke into tears.

“Hey… what’s up, bud?” Glenn asked, looking all concerned.

Gloria hugged and shushed me, and after my tears dried, I explained it all to them. I was careful not to mention the option of me staying with them. They needed to come up with that themselves. And Gloria did. Oh boy!

“They’re not taking you to a dangerous place like that! And you’re sure as hell not going to any boarding school either! Not while we’re around to take you in!”

She looked genuinely pissed. But, like so many times, Glenn was the voice of reason.

“He’s not our kid, honey. We can’t decide what his parents are going to do.”

“I know that!” she snapped. “But why don’t we talk to them and offer that Scott stays with us as an option?”

“Oh. We’ll definitely do that! But we can’t promise anything, Bud,” Glenn said, looking at me. “You know that, right?”

“I know. But thanks for trying!” I said, hugging them both and drying my eyes.

“Of course, honey. I’ll invite them over after church tomorrow, and we’ll see how it goes.”

Just as Glenn predicted, the shoot that day was more than chaotic. Half the girls barely listened to Glenn’s directions, and some of the clothes just didn’t fit properly. Gloria was helping the girls with getting dressed, and after I saw a naked butt and a naked back appear from behind the room divider, I just had to ‘accidentally’ take a look.

I knew I had to wait for the right opportunity to see as much as possible. I was so focused on the changing room that Glenn repeatedly had to correct me, obviously frustrated about how it all went down.

After a little while, my opportunity came. Three girls did one shoot together and had to do another one with a new set of clothes. So after a few moments and some talking, I knew they had to be naked. I pretended I had some stuff that needed to be placed in the back of the room. I walked past the closed bit of the divider toward the end of the room. I knew just where to stand there to see the entire hidden bit, which of course, wasn’t hidden from view from where I was standing now.

I turned around and… WOW!!! Three butt-naked girls were walking around in all their glory. Of course, their boobs weren’t big since they were models, but they were boobs, so I didn’t care. But their pussies were even more interesting. One of them had a thin, black stripe of hair covering it, but the other two were as bald as I was down under.

It was a good thing I was wearing my apron. I was now rock hard, and the strain of my stiffy against my jeans was very uncomfortable. But it didn’t matter because it was hidden, and I was looking at these nude girls. I was glancing so intensely that I didn’t see the broomstick. The moment I bumped into it, it fell over with a lot of noise.

I quickly pretended to be very busy but felt my face go beet-red. The girls were giggling, and I could hear them say things like, “how cute” and “he’s curious” to each other. I was glad they didn’t shout at me or something, and they didn’t seem bothered by me at all because they were still prancing around in the nude.

As quietly as I could, I slipped by them to get back to Glenn, all the while my eyes were focused on the bald slits of the two girls. It fascinated me greatly, and I almost stumbled over my own feet.

When I got back, Glenn shot me a furious look. And the moment he was done with this part of the shoot, he opened the door to the storage room and nodded for me to get in there.

“Don’t ever do that again!” he said with a raised voice, still with that pissed-off look on his face.

“I’m sorry. I just…” I tried but couldn’t look Glenn in the eyes, so I just looked at the floor.

“I know what you were doing. But I’m running a professional studio here, and you have to behave professionally too. Get it?” he said, still pissed off.

“Yes. I’m sorry, ” I mumbled, embarrassed, genuinely feeling sorry.

“If you need spanking material, just ask! I’ve got books for you to thumb through that will get you off within a minute. Just don’t…” Glenn trailed off, realizing he was ranting.

“Sorry. I promise I won’t…”

Glenn’s look was much kinder now and almost back to the Glenn I knew. A smile appeared, and he asked, “they do look good, don’t they?” and he nudged me in my side.

I smiled and said, “Yeah! Two of them don’t have hair. You know. Down there…”

“Haha! You DID have a good look. And they’re eighteen, so I’m pretty sure they shaved it.”

“Oh… Okay, ” I responded, not sure why they’d do that.

“Look, Bud. I’m serious. Give the models their privacy, okay?”

“K. Won’t happen again. Promise!”

And that was that. I didn’t intentionally peek again, although I did see bare boobs a few more times. Glenn later said that these girls were teasing me. I didn’t mind.

I stayed over at Glenn and Gloria’s place that Saturday night and was nervous as hell about the following day. Gloria promised me that she would talk to my parents about it and that I shouldn’t worry. But I still did.

Before we were done in the studio, Glenn called me over and handed me a thin book.

“Here, Bud. Look at this when you’re going to bed. It will help you out,” he said and smiled a conspiratorial smile.

The book was great. It contained all sorts of nude, full-body shots of models around the same age as the ones modeling this afternoon. The book’s title was ‘Best portfolio pics – Legal,’ and on the next line, it read, ‘Part III.’

As I lay alone in my bed and thumbed through the book, with just the dimmed light of my flashlight, I was quickly hard as a board. I started jacking it and was cumming hard before I knew it. This was some great stuff!

After I helped clean the breakfast table the following day, I couldn’t sit still. I was just too nervous about how my parents would react. So the moment the doorbell rang, I rushed over to the front door to let my parents in. There was a lot of small talk, but the subject of us moving inevitably came up. At first, my mom wouldn’t listen to Gloria, but thankfully, Gloria kept going.

“I assure you, Janice, it is no trouble at all! In fact, we’d be glad to have him over. He’s kind, helpful, and brings a lot of life to this house. Honestly, Janice!” Gloria pressed.

I could see my mom was struggling internally. She glanced at my dad, and his face basically said it all. He was okay with it! After all the struggles he and I had, he was finally on my side. I didn’t care if it was because he just wanted me out of the picture. I could stay!

The moment I realized this, my stomach did a backflip, and I was overwhelmed with joy. But my mom gave it one last try.

“But Gloria! We can’t ask this from the two of you! It’s almost a year!”

“You’re not asking, Janice. We’re offering! And we’re offering this because we want to. You can call us as often as you want to check on Scott if you want. But I assure you, he’s in good hands!” Gloria countered.

“I know… but…” my mom persisted, “you want to do this too, Frank?”

“Well… it beats going to Africa with us or going to a boarding school. And if it doesn’t work out for some reason, Scott can still go there. We’ll just have to arrange it remotely. As far as I see it, that’s the worst-case scenario,” my dad answered, clearly accustomed to the idea already.

“Well… then it’s settled! Drinks, anyone?” Gloria said enthusiastically.

And that was the start of a year without my parents and my sexual discovery with Glenn.

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Non possum manere nec expectare possum omnia de voluptate corporis mei invenire

Here’s the download link to this chapter’s audio file: Link

But I recommend downloading the complete audio file (.m4a, .m4b or .MP3) for the best experience. There’s also an eBook in both the ePub and PDF format available for download here.
Click here to go to the Audio book/eBook page

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Next steps

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 7

“You sure you’re ready?” I say to Audrey as she’s preparing to go to school again.

It’s been a few days since the funeral, and we both agreed that it’s the best thing for Audrey to pick up her everyday life as much as possible.

I kiss her on her forehead, she grabs her backpack, and waves at me as she rounds the corner and disappears from view. I still feel sad about Glenn’s passing, but caring for Audrey takes off the edge for me. At least for now.

My day consists of a lot of practical things, like calling my landlord and canceling the rent for my apartment. After that, I order a U-Haul truck to move my personal stuff. The apartment is fully furnished, so no need to haul over big pieces of furniture.

Next up is my call to Jack. The knot in my stomach grows bigger as I pick up the phone. I hate calling Jack to tell him I’m out. But he takes it really well and is very understanding about it.

“It isn’t a real surprise, Scott, ” Jack says, “I mean… you were already talking about getting out. And now you have to take care of that girl. I get it. And don’t worry about it.”

“Thanks, man. I wasn’t sure how you’d react. But…”

“I know. Like I said, don’t worry about it. If you ever want to come back, just give me a call. And if I need your advice or anything, I won’t hesitate either,” he laughed.

“You’re going back to the island?”

“Yeah. We’re going back there tomorrow. We’ve got some intel about the Colombian side planning something. So we’re needed to… well… you know,” Jack says calmly.

“I get it. Have fun,” I smiled.

“We will,” he chuckles, “and you’re still coming over to Mike’s place next month, right?”

The crew members took turns organizing a barbecue semiannually. Of course, I wanted to be there one last time.

“Wouldn’t want to miss it for anything.”

“Great! Oh, and I’ll mail you that last paycheck tomorrow morning, okay?”

“You’re the best, Jack!”

“Take care, man!”

And that was that. No more special forces. As of now, I’m just an ordinary civilian who takes care of a preteen girl. The mere thought about it is both very liberating and suffocating at the same time.

“Now. Let’s look at this,” I hear myself say as I booted Glenn’s PC.

I giggle at talking to myself in this big, empty house. Glenn’s PC is, in fact, an eight-year-old iMac. As I work my way through all the documents, spreadsheets, and other studio-related stuff, I get frustrated about how slow that thing is. Glenn never really believed in using photoshop and only used basic filtering and enhancement options of this software.

But I’ve gotten quite good with this kind of tool over the past years, so I get online, wait a few moments, and start searching for a decent computer to help me do this.

After I go back and check the documents, I notice the bank balance is fine. More than fine, actually. Thank God for that! But I see one thing that worries me. The order book is pretty empty at the moment. So, to make this a success, I need to focus on getting some new assignments.

After searching around on the web for a bit, I put out a few online ads. They don’t cost too much, and maybe this will get me on track. Besides the ads, I call a few of Glenn’s regular clients to let them know that the studio is still in business. Their response is mostly positive, and I get a few pointers to look into for potential work.

I spend all day finding work and continuity, and I’m so engrossed in it that I’m startled when I hear the front door open. I almost jump from my chair, and my heart is beating in my chest. Then, I reach for my pistol at my hip in a reflex. But, of course, there is no pistol, and when Audrey walks in, I immediately let my guard down.

“Hey! How’s it going?” she asks, letting her eyes roam over the messy desk.

“It’s going,” I respond, smiling weakly.

“Can I do something to help?”

“Nah. You worry about your homework, ” I hear myself say, dreading I’m basically becoming my dad.

Before I can say anything else, the phone rings. It’s the studio’s landline!

“Aquinas pictures, how can I help you?”

Audrey looks at me with anticipation of what this call is about. I quickly learn I’m talking to the owner of a suntan studio with several salons in the area. They want to put out an ad campaign on billboards and magazines and use their twin boys as their faces. The company they hired created a few background pictures with the setting and accompanying texts. They need shots of the boys against a green screen so they can easily be placed in these ads. The lady wants to know if I’m available and willing to take this assignment.

When I explain this to Audrey, she starts smiling and hugs me tightly.

“That’s great! Maybe some more work will follow because of this!”

“Yeah. Who knows? It’s a lot of exposure in the area. Oh! She also wants me to take portfolio pics for the twins to use. She’s convinced they’re destined to have a big modeling career,” I chuckle, quite familiar with over-enthusiastic parents already.


“Yeah. She found me through the ad I put online this afternoon. Guess that was a good idea.”

“I also talked about you to a few of my friends at school. Some girls want their portfolio shots taken too.”

We talk some more, but eventually, I have to send Audrey to the study to do her homework. Thankfully she doesn’t object too much because I hate to be that guy that’s on her heels constantly about this stuff.

After dinner, we prepare the studio for the shoot the next day together. Audrey is determined to help me out and keep the studio alive. We carry out the green screen, put it in place, and clean up. Since Glenn died, we didn’t come in here anymore, and it is a bit of a mess, so it’s a lot of work to make it look all shiny and professional.

It’s already late when we are done, so we head upstairs together. I quickly hop into the shower while Audrey gets her school bag ready for the next day.

As I exit the bathroom with a towel around my waist, Audrey sits on the bed, waiting for me. She’s dressed in her favorite pink hipster panties and plain blue bra. I know I shouldn’t look at her this way. I know it is immoral! I know she’s too young. I know all that! But she’s a young woman with a killer body! How can I not find this attractive?

I feel a stir behind my towel and just have to look away to prevent a very awkward situation from happening. Of course, I blame it on not having an orgasm in over a week, but deep down, I know better.

“Your turn, Lil’ Bit. It’s a school day tomorrow, so hurry up, kay?”

She gets up and heads to the bathroom, and as she walks away, my eyes are glued to her pert, tight ass. I put on a pair of plain black boxer briefs and crawl under the covers. I scroll through my phone as I wait for Audrey to finish.

Audrey walks in with a towel around her torso a few minutes later. The top is tugged under her armpits, and the bottom is barely long enough to hide her ass and pussy. Her hair is still damp, and she’s drying the last bit with a second towel. I look at her face and notice she’s a bit flushed. She keeps fiddling with her towel, and I can see something’s up. I’m curious what it is, but figure that if she’s got the urge to tell me, she will. So I leave it at that and pretend to be engrossed in my phone.

“Uhm… Scott?” she finally asks.

I look up from my phone and ask, “What’s up?”

“I… uhh…”

She’s clearly struggling to find the right words, and I feel a bit sorry for her. But I honestly don’t know what she’s up to, so I can’t help her.

“I really like sleeping with you in the same bed. Way, way better than just by myself in my own bed…”

“But…” I say, filling up the silence that follows.

“Well, I don’t like sleeping in clothes. I never had to before. I tried it now for a few nights. And I tried several different outfits, but it’s just…”

I didn’t expect this one. Of course, I know she slept naked since she was a kid and out of diapers. But I figured this ended when she entered puberty. Apparently not. But my conflicted emotions are struggling. On the one hand, I couldn’t care less what she wears to bed. But on the other, there’s the social pressure about the subject.

I prefer sleeping naked a lot more too. But it just isn’t right for a grown man to sleep naked in the same bed as a naked preteen girl.

My delayed response must’ve confused Audrey because she quickly added, “You can do the same, of course! I don’t care.”

“Well… it’s just that… I’m an adult. And adults aren’t supposed to…” I started, but halfway in my sentence, her puppy eyes got ‘that’ look that I can’t say no to.

I smile and just nod, which brings a huge grin to her face. Then, Audrey starts fumbling with the towel under her armpit. Before I know it, it’s on the floor, and I’m looking at one of the most gorgeous sights I’ve ever seen.

Audrey started doing gymnastics a couple of years ago, and now I could see first-hand what a remarkable effect it has on her body. I let my eyes roam over her exposed body quickly. Her small, half of a lemon-sized breasts are topped off with small, hard nipples. Her tight, slightly muscular belly looks astonishing with that outer belly button topping it off.

But the best part is below her belly. A small patch of black pubic hair sits above her puffy pussy lips. But this patch is still thin enough that skin shows through it. The rest of her pussy is bald and looks… well… delicious.

My eyes roaming over this preteen body only takes a moment, but as my eyes get back to look her in her eyes, I can see a sly smile appear in the corner of her mouth. She doesn’t say anything and just crawls into bed and takes her usual spot to the left of me.

“Thanks. I’m glad you don’t make a fuss out of it,” she says and gives me a peck on my cheek.

When she does this, her left boob presses against my upper arm, causing my already growing dick to grow to full mast.

“Of course, Lil’ Bit. But don’t talk about this to other people, okay? I don’t think they’ll understand.”

“Sure thing. Night!”

And with that, she clicks off the light, filling the room with darkness.

“Night, ” I softly say, glad this didn’t become a big thing, but horny as hell from looking at her magnificent, naked young body.

I lay there staring at the ceiling. My throbbing dick stuck under the waistband of my boxers. It’s uncomfortable, but I don’t want to move until Audrey is asleep next to me. But this isn’t easy. I’m incredibly horny from seeing her and the idea of her lying so close to me. There’s precum leaking from the tip already, and I really need to get off. I think about taking off my boxers too, because Audrey pointed out I could. But I’m too self-conscious about the inappropriateness of it all that I decide not to do it now. Maybe tomorrow.

We lay like this for a little while, and I’m guessing Audrey is almost asleep now. Her breathing is regular, and she’s usually asleep within a few minutes. I envy her for it, but now I figure I can use it to my advantage. I slide my hand under my boxers and firmly grip my boner, slowly gliding my hand up and down on it. This releases the pressure a bit, and I let out a big sigh.

I keep my dick firmly in my fist while waiting for Audrey to sleep deeply. I already made up my mind to jerk off. Maybe that’ll clean my head which is currently clogged with hormone-fueled thoughts and images that I need to get rid of.

So, after lying like this for a few more minutes, I tug the waistband of my boxers under my balls and start stroking my dick with the least amount of movement that I can master. It feels great to finally stroke it, and the moment I decide to pick up the pace, I almost get a heart attack.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Audrey softly says beside me, “I really need to get off too, you know?”

“I… uhm… it’s…” I stammer and clear my throat.

“Great!” is all she says, and as her elbow brushes my arm and the blanket starts ruffling, it’s clear that she’s masturbating beside me.

“Fuck it,” I mumble, kick down the blanket, pull my boxers down and kick them off.

Since Audrey clearly wants to do this, and thanks to the relative darkness of the room, I start jerking as if there’s no one else in the room.

“Ohhh,” Audrey moans beside me.

I have to admit to myself that masturbating like this is extremely hot, and I quickly feel the tension in my balls grow.

“Hmmm,” I moan and pick up the pace.

“Yeahhh… me too,” Audrey whispers between her ragged breaths.

Both our moans increase, and before I know it, my balls pull up, and I start unloading them. As the cum splatters all over my chest, I hear Audrey moan loudly beside me, and I feel her body spasm on the mattress. It’s clear she’s cumming too.

With my softening dick still in my hand and cum dribbling over my fingers, I feel the tension flow from my body and realize how much I needed this cum. Audrey moves beside me, and before I can react, she flips on the light, leaving me exposed as I lay there like a deer looking in the headlights.

Audrey moves over and kisses me on my cheek again, and I feel her eyes on my chest and dick.

“That was great! I never did this together with someone else, but I liked it!” she says enthusiastically, “Did you like it too?”

“I… uhm…” I start but quickly realize I might as well be honest about this. So I say, “Yeah. I liked it, Lil’ Bit. I didn’t know you were awake. Otherwise, I’d never have started it. But now that I did… yeah! It was great!”

Audrey smiles at me, kisses me again, and quickly scoops up a glob of cum from my chest. Then, she gets back in her own spot on the left side of the bed and openly starts examining my cum. I grab my boxers, wipe the remainder of my orgasm from my chest, and toss my boxers on the floor. I figure I might as well sleep naked from now on. The line is crossed anyway, so there’s no getting back now.

“It’s weird,” Audrey says as I pull up the blanket to regain at least a bit of modesty.

“What is?” I ask as my eyes roam over her exposed body, ending on her now almost flat chest as gravity is doing its job.

“Sperm,” she says as she sticks out her tongue to taste it.

I feel a surge flow through me as I see this incredible, young, naked girl taste my cum, but try to keep my cool and just smile, “Can’t help it. I only shoot it. I didn’t invent it.”

“Doesn’t taste bad, though,” she says and wipes the rest on the bed.

Audrey pulls up her blanket and looks at me. Then, a smile appears, and she whispers, “Thanks for being such a cool guy, Scott!”

“Night, Lil’ Bit. You’re not too bad yourself,” I chuckle and close my eyes as sleep washes over me.

“Night,” I hear as she clicks off the light once again.

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Non possum non ministro. Profecta est.

Here’s the download link to this chapter’s audio file: Link

But I recommend downloading the complete audio file (.m4a, .m4b or .MP3) for the best experience. There’s also an eBook in both the ePub and PDF format available for download here.
Click here to go to the Audio book/eBook page

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – Studio work

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 6

“Point the light a bit upward into that corner, and pull up that lamp a little closer, Scott,” Glenn said to me as we were getting ready for this evening’s shoot.

Over the last few weeks, I had been helping Glenn out with his studio. After school, I’d go over to Glenn and Gloria, eat with them, and do my homework. After that was all done, it was off to the studio. After the shoot, Glenn would throw my bike in the back of his truck and drive me home.

Glenn had recently landed a pretty big job for a local tech company where they wanted some of their employees to appear in a calendar. There would be a men’s and a women’s calendar. The men’s one was based on iconic movie posters, where the women would represent old classic album covers.

This sounded easy enough, but the setup for the scene was meticulous, and the models wouldn’t always look or stand how Glenn asked them to. So today was the second chance for the “The Terminator” poster. The background wasn’t too tricky, and Glenn found a replica of the gun Arnold held in his hand.

In order to check the lighting, Glenn asked me to get in position, hold the gun, and look all badass with the sunglasses that are too big for me.

“Great! Now just the red light reflecting in the sunglasses left,” Glenn says, obviously pleased with the current setup.

The bell rang as Glenn was putting up the red light. He looked at me and asked, “Can you get that? That’ll be Steven. Let’s hope he manages it better than John did yesterday.”

I nodded and headed to the door. Last night, John couldn’t pull it off. The guy was too skinny and too full of himself to get in the right pose. So Glenn called his contact at the company, and they promised they’d send someone else. When I opened the door, there was this guy that had a bit of Arnold’s physique, but his face wasn’t even close.

“Hi, kid. I’m Steven,” the guy said, smiling down at me.

“Welcome to Aquinas Pictures. Follow me to the studio, please. Mr. Taylor is setting things up. We’re almost ready.”

After Glenn and Steven shook hands and talked a bit, I showed Steven the clothes he needed to wear. Unfortunately, there wasn’t an actual dressing room in the studio, so we placed a room divider in a corner where the models could change.

After over an hour of tinkering, changing bits and pieces, and making sure the lights were just right, Glenn called, “That’s a wrap!”

Glenn looked satisfied and, despite my modest experience, I saw Steven was a far better model than John was. And, of course, his big pecs under the black leather jacket helped a lot too.

After Steven was gone, Glenn and I started breaking down the Terminator set and setting up the black and white Scarface background. Tomorrow, a guy named Joe de Niro would come by to be Scarface. This would probably be the center of the male calendar because this guy was the VP of sales and, with a name like that, he was destined for this cover.

After we were done with the initial setup, the thought about how clumsy John was at the first Terminator shoot entered my mind. And an idea popped into my head.

“Is it that difficult to pose correctly?”

Glenn looked over, smiled, and said, “Apparently. That John guy sucked. Steven was way better.”

“Can I try posing as a model? We’ve got a good backdrop now. I don’t wanna be Scarface, but I want to try posing and you giving directions. Is that weird?”

“Nah. It’s not weird, Bud. I’ll grab my new camera, and we’ll start doing some portfolio pics.”

I knew what portfolio pics were, but I wasn’t pursuing a modeling career. I just wanted to experience what modeling meant. So I guess shooting a bunch of portfolio shots was a good way to start.

Glenn turned on the studio lights and said, “Okay, Bud. Stand over there and act naturally. Maybe take off your shoes and socks. I heard from other models that this made them feel more at ease.”

I kicked off my shoes, got rid of my socks, and awkwardly got in front of the backdrop in just my white t-shirt, pale blue Levi’s 501 jeans, and white fruit of the looms. I didn’t know where to put my hands or how to look. But with Glenn’s pointers and reassuring words, I was getting more and more comfortable posing for the camera.

“Can you take off your t-shirt?” Glenn asked after about two dozen shots of me in an equal amount of different poses, “That way, I can take the best headshot.”

I didn’t have to think twice about it. I trusted Glenn completely and wanted to experience the whole shebang. So a moment later, my shirt flew through the room and landed near Glenn’s feet. Glenn got real close to me and started taking my headshots while directing me how to look and what to do. Next, where the three-quarter and full-length shots. But standing here without a shirt stirred something inside me. It made me feel sexy and attractive.

So as Glenn was lining me up in his lens, I started smiling coyly at him and slowly unbuttoned the top button of my jeans. I knew this exposed the waistband of my underwear, and it somehow made me feel sexier doing so.

Glenn lowered his camera and looked at me with that same look I saw yesterday by the pool when he looked at me beating off.

“Just do what comes naturally now. I’ll stop talking and just shoot away, okay?” Glenn said softly.

I just nodded but knew precisely what he meant. I had to forget there was a camera and just go for it.

And that’s exactly what I did. I turned my back to the camera and looked over my shoulder while pushing my ass back. I unbuttoned another button and felt myself grow stiffer as I did this. I wasn’t fully hard yet but was getting more aroused by the minute.

I turned back around, facing Glenn. I put both my hands behind my head, stretching my upper body this way. I felt my pants slide down a bit as I did this, but I had just enough buttons left to prevent my pants from sliding off my hips.

Glenn got closer and focussed on my midsection. I could see he had the top of my pants, undies, and belly button in the frame. After two shots, he got back and shot me at full length again.

Once I saw Glenn was ready, I placed my right hand on my cheek and slowly moved it down my chest toward the waistband of my undies. Next, I slid my fingers inside and stopped just short of my willie. I felt more aroused than I’ve ever been, doing stuff this kinky in front of a camera. And it must’ve shown because Glenn whispered, “Oh yeah. That’s a great look.”

This encouraged me even more, so I slowly took my fingers from my undies and agonizingly slow moved them toward the buttons of my jeans. The moment I loosened the third button, my jeans slid down my hips and crumbled around my feet.

I heard Glenn gasp at the sight. I knew he did his best to make me feel like he wasn’t there, but he apparently couldn’t hold up the act entirely. I felt my stiffy tenting out my white underwear, but it made me feel in control and powerful. I stepped out of my jeans, kicked them aside, and posed with my hands behind my head again.

I let Glenn take his shots before I moved both my hands down my body toward my stiff willie. When I reached the waistband, I let one hand slip inside at my hip while the other grabbed the base of my stiffy through my underwear to emphasize its hardness.

I stood like that for a few moments before the hand at my hip started pulling down my undies. My other hand kept gripping the base, which caused my bald pubes to come into view. My other hand prevented me from showing more.

As I opened my eyes, I saw Glenn standing there with the camera in front of his face. But my eyes immediately dropped to his groin, where his willie was obscenely tenting his jeans. Seeing this urged me on even more, and I looked directly into the lens as my hand let go of my stiffy. The moment I let go, my undies slipped past my stiffy, which slapped loudly against my belly and bounced down and up once more before pointing toward the ceiling.

Standing there exposed and as hard as I’ve ever been, caused my arousal to reach heights I never felt before. Glenn didn’t say anything, nor did he move. He just held the camera in front of his face, anticipating my next move.

I quickly wiggled out of my fruit of the looms and kicked these aside too. Then, not really knowing what to do, I grabbed my stiffy, ensuring my dickhead was still exposed, and smiled at the camera. This caused Glenn to whisper, “Oh yeah… that’s hot..” he moved in to take a close-up of my hand-wrapped stiffy. After three or four shots, I expected him to back up after these shots, but instead, he moved up to take close-up shots of my belly and chest all the way up to my bony shoulders and thin neck.

“Turn sideways,” Glenn said, still barely above a whisper.

So I turned sideways, which allowed Glenn to catch my butt, hip, and stiffy in one shot. I let go of my stiffy, and it was now twitching with anticipation. I didn’t wait for Glenn to give me more instructions. I just grabbed it in my hand and started stroking it, Glenn still close by.

I closed my eyes, and since all of this turned me on incredibly, I already knew this wasn’t going to take long. The tingle in my willie was stronger than it ever was before, and as my hand moved up and down, I heard myself moan loudly.

What happened next was almost an out-of-body experience. All sounds around me tuned out, and my vision was off. I only saw my body clearly. The rest around me was blurry. My main focus was the fantastic feeling in my willie and my stroking hand. I felt my balls contract against my body as my willie started kicking in my hand. I wasn’t cumming, but the feeling was almost the same. And then, only a few heartbeats later, I exploded. The kicking in my hand intensified, and sparks fired off in my brain. I felt my legs grow weak and fell to the floor. All the while, my willie kept twitching, and I couldn’t see anything.

“You okay, bud?” I heard in the distance. And a moment later, “Scott!?”

I lazily opened my eyes and saw Glenn standing there with a worried look on his face.

“Yeah. I’m fine. It’s just…”

I got a bit more comfortable on the floor as I enjoyed the afterglow of my orgasm.

“Hold still!” Glenn said enthusiastically, “you look perfect lying like this.”

I didn’t care. I felt a bit exposed this way, but it was still a big turn-on to be photographed like this. My still stiff willie was sticking up proudly from my groin, and I had one hand behind my head. This must be a great thing to look at. At least according to the way Glenn was acting now.

After six or seven more shots, there was the familiar sound of the end of the roll. I got back to earth and smiled at Glenn.

“Did I do okay for the first time?”

“Shit!! You did an extraordinary job! I never had anyone in front of my camera who acted more naturally and at ease as you did!”

“Thanks! I liked doing it too,” I said as I stood up and grabbed my undies. “Are these ‘Pyntar’ type shots?” I chuckled.

“Oh no! These are WAY too sexy for that. Maybe two or three are suitable, but the rest of them end up in my special-private-extra-super-private collection. No one but the two of us will ever see these.”

I smiled at that. I felt proud about posing and Glenn’s comments. I wanted to see these pics badly, but I sure as hell didn’t want anyone else to see them. So I was pleased with Glenn’s response.

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

ibi est primum omnia

Here’s the download link to this chapter’s audio file: Link

But I recommend downloading the complete audio file (.m4a, .m4b or .MP3) for the best experience. There’s also an eBook in both the ePub and PDF format available for download here.
Click here to go to the Audio book/eBook page

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – Funeral

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 5

I blink and open my eyes. Moments later, I hear it again, “Scott?”

So I turn to look at the door and see Audrey’s silhouette in the half-open doorway and the hallway light illuminating her from behind.

“Whizzit?” I grumble.

“I can’t sleep. Is it okay if I sleep in here with you?” Audrey asks and already enters my room.

“Uhh… I… okay.” I answer, not completely awake yet.

“Thanks!” she whispers and walks around my bed to get in on the other side of the queen-sized bed.

But then I realize I’m naked. “I’m… uhh… I’m not wearing anything right now. Do you want me to put on my boxers?”

Audrey doesn’t stop and starts crawling in. After she gets in, she looks at me and shrugs.

“I don’t care. I’ve seen you naked before when I was little. But if you want to, be my guest. It’s your bed, after all.”

“Kay. Good night then, Lil’ Bit,” I say as I move around a bit to find my spot again.

“Night. And thanks,” Audrey whispers as I feel her doing the same.

She never slept with me before, and although I know perfectly well this isn’t anything sexual, I get hard from the idea of this pert little girl in bed next to me, with the events of last night adding to the whole vibe.

The time Audrey saw me naked was a few years ago. She was around seven or eight at the time, and we were swimming in the pool. Gloria was at work, so it was just Glenn, Audrey, and me. At first, when Glenn and Audrey disrobed and jumped in the pool, I felt a bit odd. When I was alone with Glenn, being naked together was never weird. But I realized I had a slight mental block now that this young girl was here too. But when they both called for me to join them, I decided to drop my inhibitions and was in there with them in the blink of an eye. And that was that. We played in the pool, dunked each other, threw a ball around, and did all the stuff you do in a pool. We just did it naked.

After we swam, we dried off, got dressed, and didn’t talk about it anymore. To Glenn and Audrey, it was the most normal thing in the world. Just like it was to me when I was younger. But I guess me being older now caused me to think about it a bit differently.

Staring at the ceiling, I figured sleep wasn’t coming anymore with Audrey next to me. But the last day’s events wore me out more than I expected. The stir beside me awakened me, and I felt Audrey’s arm drape itself over my chest. After lying like this for a few minutes, I glance over to my left and see Audrey lying on her belly, still dressed in her T-shirt and loose-fitting boxers. These boxers are pulled down a bit, showing off the top of her ass crack.

I giggle internally about it when I realize I’m lying here, completely exposed. I kicked off the blanket during the night, and it fell to the floor. I know nudity isn’t an issue to Audrey, but still… But if I move, she wakes up. Oh boy…

As a compromise, I casually drape my right hand over my Johnson. Audrey’s eyes flutter open the moment I move, and immediately a smile spreads across her face.

“Morning, Scott,” she says cheerfully.

“Morning. Sleep well?” I ask, glad that the glumness of last night seems to be gone for now.

“Like a baby!” and she gets up a bit to hug me tightly and says, “Thanks for letting me sleep here with you!”

“Of course,” I say as I hug her back. The moment the hug is done, Audrey sits up straight. Unfortunately, this suddenness doesn’t give me the chance to cover up again, and she openly looks at my penis. Thank god I don’t have morning wood. At that moment, I notice her shirt is inside-out. Was it like that the night before?

Before I can ask about it, Audrey asks, “what do we do today?” She looks me in the face now, clearly not caring about my nakedness.

“Dunno. The only thing we need to do is make sure everything is set for the funeral. So we need to pick out some clothes, get the paperwork ready, that sort of stuff.”

“We’ll do this together, right?” she asks, looking down a bit sad.

“Of course we will, Lil’ Bit! But I need your help as much as you need mine. We’re in this together. But the two of us will get through it. No matter what!” I extend my arms, and Audrey dives in for another hug.

I hear her sniff and just hold her tightly. I don’t know what to say or do. I just want to be there for her the best I can. And I’m confident we’ll manage this together. I really am. Audrey is a bright kid, and Glenn’s attorney promised to help us to the best of his abilities. That’s what Glenn paid him for, after all. But I knew it wasn’t just for the pay. When we left his office yesterday, I learned that he’s a distant relative of Gloria, and Mr. Cohen insisted we’d call him whenever we had questions or needed help, and he’d take care of it.

I start making breakfast as Audrey hits the shower. When she walks into the kitchen, her shoulder-length hair is still wet, and she’s wearing the same short schoolgirl-styled skirt as yesterday. Her tight t-shirt accentuates her newly developed female forms magnificently. Because I’m currently dressed in just my boxers, I quickly sit down to hide my growing dick and look away to prevent it from becoming a full mast. Having a boner would just be too awkward for both of us.

After my shower, I get back in the kitchen, where I find Audrey cleaned everything, but she’s not in the kitchen anymore. Curious about what she’s doing, I head over to the living room to see if maybe she’s outside. The second I enter the living room, I realize something is wrong. I can’t see it right away, but I see Audrey lying there as I round the short space to the corner that leads to the couch. She’s curled up into a ball and crying her eyes out.

I pick her up the best I can and pull her into my lap. I gently rock her from left to right in an attempt to soothe her. The girl in my arms is crying with everything she’s got. I feel so powerless and inadequate to help this heartbroken girl.

“I miss him so much, you know?” she whispers between sobs.

“Shhh… I know, Lil’ bit. Me too,” I whisper back as I keep comforting her.

Tears flow down my cheeks as we sit there for about half an hour. After that, Audrey sits up straight, wipes her eyes, and kisses me on my cheek.

“We need to start doing something. I can’t spend my days crying on the couch,” she sternly says and gets to her feet.

“You know it’s okay to cry, right?”

“I know. And I will. But right now, we need to make sure to give Glenn the best funeral we can.”

This girl just keeps surprising me more and more. I know she needs room to mourn, and I promise myself I’d help her with that. But she’s right. We need to start working on the arrangements.

We spent the entire day calling people, browsing the internet, looking in Glenn’s closets for insurance papers. Finally, at the end of a long day, we’re pretty sure all the correct wheels are set in motion. Neither of us is in the mood to make dinner, so we order Chinese takeout and stare blankly at some lame movie Netflix recommended us.

“Can I sleep with you again tonight?” Audrey asks out of the blue, looking at me with her puppy eyes.

Not seeing any harm in it, I say, “Course, Lil’ Bit. It’ll be good for both of us.”

For things to stay at least a little bit modest, I decide to keep my boxers on as I crawl under the covers. I hate wearing clothes to bed. Every night I pop a few boners, and wearing clothes causes it to get trapped in the fabric, which in turn causes me to wake up. But with a twelve-year-old girl beside me, it’s just the right thing to do even though she doesn’t seem to care less if I’m naked or not.

Audrey enters my room dressed the same as last night. And again, I notice what a fine young woman she’s becoming. I lift the blanket at her side, and as she crawls in, I’m presented with a great view down the front of her t-shirt. I don’t see her tits completely, but the top of her nipples are clearly visible. I quickly look the other way, and as Audrey cuddles up to me, I do my best to think about other things than this girl’s developing breasts.

“Thanks for not being weird about this,” Audrey says as I feel her setting in for the night.

“No problem. Glad to help.”

“Well… I like it, so thanks,” she responds and starts yawning loudly.

“Night, Lil’Bit,” I say and kiss her on her forehead, tired too from the stressful day.

The following days are all centered around getting the funeral arranged. We select a casket, hire a funeral director, select a caterer, that sort of stuff. We also make sure the place under the tree, next to Gloria’s grave in the back of the yard, is ready. During all these tasks, Audrey and I basically act as one. In addition, Mr. Cohen makes sure all the insurances are taken care of and that everything is paid for.

So, eventually, the big day arrives. I wake up before Audrey does, glad the poor girl had some sleep. As I lay in bed, thinking about the dreadful day ahead, I feel Audrey stir beside me.

“Hey,” she whispers.

“Hey. This is the day. How do you feel?”

“I did sleep a few hours. Didn’t expect that.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“I wish this day was over…” she says, barely above a whisper.

“So do I, Lil’ Bit. We’ll stick together today and get through it. You and me. Deal?”

Audrey looks at me, and with a vague smile, she says, “That sounds like a deal!”

We get up, get dressed, and eat breakfast together. Neither of us eats a whole lot since we’re too tense about the day ahead of us. However, the funeral director is right on time, and at practically the same time, Mr. Cohen arrives. Together, we recheck the schedule of the day, which visibly puts Audrey at ease.

The funeral was… well… a funeral. We cried a lot but also chuckled at some old stories from Glenn’s earlier life. I was surprised to see almost all my special forces crew members showed up. We talked a bit after the funeral was done and agreed to meet up sometime in the near future to discuss my role in the team. But they also assured me to take as much time as I needed.

“I’m SO glad this is over!” Audrey says as she kicks off her shoes and falls on the couch.

“Me too. But, honestly, it wasn’t as bad as I expected,” I say as I kick off my own shoes and loosen my tie.

Audrey looks thoughtful, and after a few moments, she says, “guess you’re right. Just not the moment the casket went down…”

“That was bad, yeah,” I admit.

“That was so… permanent, you know?”

“Yeah. The definitive ending of Glenn. A turning point for us to go on with our lives, I guess.”

“Yeah…” Audrey whispers as she looks at one of the caterers outside hauling out the last chairs we rented.

“Sorry for being so philosophical,” I say, realizing I’m blabbering.

“No problem. I know what you mean,” she sighs.

I’m a bit surprised we don’t cry at this moment. But then again, we cried enough during the funeral. So maybe the tears dried up. I do feel an urge to get a drink, though. So I walk over to the liquor cabinet and pour myself a big glass of whiskey. I’m about to turn around when I hear Audrey say behind me, “Can I have one too, please?”

I didn’t see too much harm in it, considering the day we had. So I pour a little bit in a glass and join her on the couch.

“Ahh… That’s nice,” she says next to me as she polishes it off in one gulp.

“You’ve had some before?” I ask, amazed.

“A few times, yeah. Glenn didn’t want to drink alone on special occasions. So last year, he started giving me some too. Always just a bottom of whiskey, though. Never much.”

I feel surprised hearing this. I know Glenn was a free-spirited guy, but I didn’t expect him to do this. To me, it isn’t a big deal, but some people might think differently about it. I was determined not to make a habit out of it, which of course meant I had to cut down on the drinking too.

After about an hour of small talk on the couch, I notice Audrey looking tired. Feeling drained after today, I suggest we go to bed. So we clean up and head off to bed. I quickly disrobe and slide under the covers, wondering where Audrey is. Moments later, she walks in, and I see she switched her white blouse for a light-blue tube top.

“Can’t sleep in my blouse, and I hate wearing a bra to bed,” she says as she sees me checking her out.

“I get it,” I respond as casually as I can but feel my dick stiffen and press against the fabric of my boxers as I can’t keep my eyes from the nipples showing through her half-transparent top.

The moment she drops her skirt and her laced hipster-style panties come into view, I’m instantly in full-blown boner town. This is awkward. Out of precaution, I place my hand over my boner. Just in case she suddenly cuddles up and touches my boner through my boxers. This way, I’ll have a way to deflect her. She turns around and stands there looking thoughtful as I let my eyes roam over her magnificent nubile body. I’m not sure if she’s standing there so I can check her out, but I certainly seize the opportunity.

After a few moments, she lifts the blanket and crawls in. And, just as I expected, she cuddles up to me. As she settles in, I feel her hard nipple press against my chest through the thin fabric of her tube top, and she lifts her leg to drape it over me. Then, just before I can say anything, her legs stops moving, just a hair short of my sack.

“Night, Scott.”

“Night, Lil’ Bit,” I respond, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling.

I lay there contemplating what had just happened. Is she showing off to me? Am I reading into something that isn’t there? Is she, like Glenn and Gloria, just more open about her body than most people?

An image of her standing there in her semi-transparent tube top and laced pink panties fills my mind. She looks sexy as fuck with her raven-black hair just over her shoulders, accentuating her white skin and blue top. Maybe I need to convince her to sleep in her own bed again before this gets out of hand. But, despite all that, sleep comes quickly.

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

simul in uno lecto cum vix ullis vestibus, facito calamitatem

Here’s the download link to this chapter’s audio file: Link

But I recommend downloading the complete audio file (.m4a, .m4b or .MP3) for the best experience. There’s also an eBook in both the ePub and PDF format available for download here.
Click here to go to the Audio book/eBook page

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