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Tag: La Isla de Aquinas (Page 3 of 6)

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 12

Chapter 12 – Touch of an Angel

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 12

As I sat down on the couch, Glenn was smiling too. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but judging by the looks on their faces, I just knew they were going to send me back to my mom and dad in Africa.

“Sit down, Honey,” Gloria said with a big smile on her face, “we need to tell you something.”

Glenn put his hand around Gloria’s shoulder, looked at her, and nodded.

“Three, two, one… We’re pregnant!” they said with a cheerfulness I hadn’t heard before.

This took me some time to process. Of course, I knew they tried hard to get a kid of their own, but to the best of my knowledge, they dropped the IVF treatments and accepted they’d never be parents. I quickly got to my feet and hugged both of them

“Congratulations! This is amazing!” I said cheerfully, feeling genuinely happy for them.

“Thanks, Bud,” Glenn said with his dark voice and ruffled my hair.

“But… how?” I asked curiously, which caused both of them to chuckle.

“When a mommy and a daddy really like each other, they can do some special cuddling…” Glenn started with a big smile across his face.

“I know HOW,” I interrupted him, causing Gloria to laugh loudly, “but I thought you couldn’t, you know…”

“Oh, but we can, Honey. Apparently, we just had to be patient and less focused on getting pregnant.”

“I’m really happy for you!” I said and gave them another hug, “Do you know what it’s gonna be?”

“Haha! No, not yet,” Glenn said and gave Gloria a big kiss, “but it isn’t important at all. As long as he or she is healthy.”

“A boy will be the most fun,” I said while pointing at myself and laughing at their reaction.

“Listen, Bud,” Glenn said after we all stopped laughing, “ we wanna go back to the island to visit some old friends and personally bring them the good news. Since it’s spring break next week, we wondered if you want to come with us or if you want to stay at home with Gloria?”

“Are you kidding me? Of course, I’ll come!”

“See?” Glenn said to Gloria.

“I thought you’d rather stay here since you roamed around the earth so much already. But it’s up to you, Honey.”

“It’ll be awesome. This will be my first ever vacation!” I blurted out.

Glenn and Gloria looked at each other after hearing this. “I never thought about that, dear,” Gloria said sympathetically.

“Me neither, Bud. Since you’ve seen so many places, we thought…”

“Oh no! It’s no big deal. Don’t feel sorry or anything. I’ve seen more places in the world already than most people will see in a lifetime! I just want to go with you guys and have fun!” I said and gave them another tight hug.

“Great! I’ll go and call our travel agent,” Gloria said and walked over to the kitchen.

“You ready for the shoot tonight, Bud?” Glenn asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

“I guess,” I said, not overly excited about being naked in front of the camera with other people around.

“I promise you’ll like it! I’ve got a great idea! And you’ll be hugging Michelle while she’s naked too,” he whispered in a conspiracist voice and nudged me in my side.

“Will there be other people around too?”

“Nope. Just the three of us,” Glenn said matter-of-factly.

Hugging Michelle was one thing I was looking forward to! I didn’t forget about it, but I was primarily focused on my own part in the shoot. When Glenn saw my face light up, he winked at me.

“That’s the spirit!”

“What is?” Gloria asked as she walked over.

“Scott needed some encouragement for this evening’s shoot,” Glenn smiled.

“Oh. That’s right. That’s tonight. Michelle is coming over, isn’t she?”

“Yup,” was Glenn’s short reply.

“Tell her I said hi, will you? Francis and Joanne are coming over, so I don’t think I’ll see her.”

“Will do. It won’t take us too long this time. I’ve got it all worked out in my head, and I prepped the studio yesterday. So we’re good to go.“

“I’ve got some math homework. What time is dinner?”

“We’ll eat at around six. So a little under two hours.”

As I was sitting in my room, trying to do my homework, my mind kept drifting off to Michelle. How close would I get to actually touching her boobs? Or her ass? Or maybe even her pussy? It almost took me the entire two hours to do my homework, but it was done by the time Gloria called.

After dinner, Glenn and I headed over to the studio. After he flipped on the light, I saw a whole construction built by Glenn.

“What’s this?” I asked, a bit surprised.

“Welcome to the angel factory,” Glenn chuckled.

“What did you build here? Are we reconstructing the lunar landing, or what?”

“Walk with me. It’s pretty straightforward.”

We walked over to the construction. Once I got closer, I saw two gigantic white wings lying on the floor. Each wing was longer than Glenn.

“Michelle is going to lie on her back between these angel wings. The camera is high enough to capture her entire length and the width of the wings in one frame.”

“Oh wow! I see. And the black floor will make it look like she’s flying.”

“You get the picture, Bud!”

“But what about me?”

“You’ll be wearing small wings and lie down on top of Michelle. I’m not exactly sure about the position, so we need to try out two or three and see how they work out.”

“Will people see my willie?” I asked, not too fond about that because I’d definitely be sporting a woody during the entire shoot.

“No. Your willie will be covered all the time. I don’t want trouble with anyone. Your butt will, though, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem, right?”

“No. I Don’t care about that. But what are you representing here?”

“A young angel, protected by his mother. I call it ‘caring for an angel.’ It’s just a working title. I’m not too happy with it,” he said and looked a bit insecure.

“I’ll think about it too.”

“Thanks, Bud!” Glenn said and went over to the immaculate black floor to pick up a small piece of dust.

“Uhm… Glenn?”

Glenn turned around, and when he saw the worried look on my face, he was back immediately.

“What is it? Nervous?”

“A bit, yeah. But… I’m going to be naked. And so is Michelle. So I’m… you know…”

“Don’t worry about sporting a boner now, Bud! I promise you won’t see it on any picture!” he said with a reassuring voice.

“Thanks,” I said, feeling a little better now, “but won’t Michelle be…”

Glenn started laughing before I could finish my sentence.

“Don’t worry about Michelle, Bud! She won’t be offended in any way. In fact, I think she likes it when you’re hard!”

“You do?” I asked, surprised.

“Michelle is… let’s say she thinks differently about a lot of things than most people do. She hates it when things are being labeled. Or when she’s told she can’t do something she wants. The last shoot was a nice preview. Most people wouldn’t let their underaged daughter pose naked in a full-frontal shoot. She thinks it’s up to her daughter and not to her. And I can almost write a book about all the other examples.”

“I see. About that. How did you convince my Mom to agree with this shoot?”

“After your weekly call yesterday, I talked to her. I explained my vision. I assured her that only your backside and a bit of your face will be in the picture. And I bent the truth a bit. I told her we’d be using trick photography to make it look like a naked woman is carrying you.”

“Oh,” was all I could say.

“Yeah. I didn’t explain it in detail. She did the math for herself and figured the trick is about bringing you close to Michelle,” Glenn smiled.

“That’s pretty smart. And you’re sure Michelle is okay with this too? I mean, last time she called it the Maria shoot…”

“I know. That was my initial plan, but this is way, way better. And, judging by past experiences, I’m sure she’s fine with it.”

“Okay then. Guess you’re right. I really like her, you know?”

“I know. And I like her a lot too! Not in the same way as I like Gloria, of course. But Michelle is one of the most fun adults to be around with, I know!”

At that moment, the doorbell rang. The anxiety I felt before talking to Glenn was back instantly. My heartbeat was sky-high, and my mouth went dry.

“Hi, Scott!” she exclaimed as she entered the room and immediately gave me a tight hug.

“Hi Michelle,” I said timidly.

“Want to look how it’s being done again?” she asked, smiling a knowing smile.

“No. Not this time. Check this out,” Glenn said and showed her the sketch he made.

“Oh wow! That looks awesome! We’re going to be angels, dear!”

“He’s a bit nervous,” Glenn helped after I didn’t say anything.

“Nervous? Oh, don’t worry! I’ll help you through this,” and she hugged me again.

I felt her soft boobs against my collar bones. And just like last time, her presence made me feel more at ease with each passing second.

“Thanks,” I whispered.

“And I’m excited to be doing this shoot with a cute boy like you,” she whispered in my ear.

“You want a drink or something before we start?” Glenn asked.

“I think it’s better to start right away. I think Scott wants to get this out of the way, right dear?”

“Yeah. Let’s do this,” I said in the most confident tone I could, “You wanna go first?”

“Let’s change together. Maybe it’ll be easier for us that way,” Michelle smiled warmly.

I looked over at Glenn, and he nodded. “I’ll make sure everything is ready on set. Take your time, Bud.”

After we were behind the divider, Michelle looked at me, smiled, and took off her t-shirt. I started working on my shoes and socks, but after I bared my left foot and looked up, Michelle already stood there looking at me in just her bra and panties.

“Just relax. There’s nothing scary or dangerous about what we’re gonna do,” and she started working on her bra.

I started working on my right foot in a desperate attempt to refrain from getting a boner. But the stir inside my pants was already there. I was boning up. After I placed my sock inside my shoe, I looked at Michelle, and she was standing there, gloriously naked with her hands on her hips, smiling at me.

“Here. Let me help you,” she said and squatted in front of me.

Her legs were parted when she squatted, and my eyes immediately went to that place between her legs. My stiff willie was straining in my jeans, but I couldn’t stop looking.

“Lift your arms, dear,” she softly said, snapping me out of my trance.

In a daze, I lifted my arms, and I felt her hands at the bottom of my t-shirt, pulling it up slowly. Seconds later, I was topless, and Michelle neatly folded my shirt and put it on the ground next to me.

The moment her fingers started working on the buttons of my jeans, I panicked and put one hand on top of hers and the other over my stiffy.

“I uhh… I’m… I can’t,” I stammered.

“Don’t worry. I know you’re hard. No need to be embarrassed or ashamed about that!” Michelle said and gently but sternly pushed my hands out of the way.

Somehow, her words put me at ease once more, and I decided to let her undress me despite the awkwardness of my stiffy. I looked down at her as her fingers started working on my buttons again. In virtually no time, all buttons came undone, and she opened my pants. I found it fascinating how she managed to unbutton my fly without touching my willie.

As my pants slowly slid down my legs and my tented undies came into view, I expected some reaction from Michelle, despite what she said earlier. But she kept her word. She didn’t say anything, sigh, look funny, or any of that stuff. To her, it was the most normal thing in the world; she was just taking off my pants. After I stepped out of them, she folded my Levi’s and laid them on my shirt.

“Ready?” she asked as she looked up at me.

“Uh-huh,” I croaked.

Michelle slipped her index fingers inside the waistband of my tighty-whities, and she gently pulled it away from my body, creating enough space for my stiffy to pop free. Then, with an obscene smacking sound, it slapped against my belly. Instead of a giggle, or comment, Michelle said, “Oohhh! You’ve got a nice one, dear! You’re going to make a lot of girls happy with it. I’m sure!”

After saying these things, I saw she wasn’t kidding or making fun of me when she looked up at me. On the contrary, her being so genuinely amazed by my stiffie boosted my confidence level all the way up to a thousand.

“Th- thank you!” I said, barely over a whisper.

“And some cute balls too! You look amazing, dear!” she continued as she pulled down my underwear.

As I stepped out of them, Michelle folded these too and got to her feet. She looked me up and down and said, “Come here, dear!”

She spread her arms, and I hugged her as she hugged me back. My stiffy was trapped between our bodies, but it didn’t bother me anymore after what she said. And the feeling of her soft boobs against my chin and cheek was a nice distraction too.

“Now, let’s get you ready,” she said and picked up the small angel wings I was supposed to wear.

I looked at them and noticed how real they looked. The big, white feathers were laid nicely on top of the other, shaped like actual wings.

Michelle held up the wings for me so that I could stick an arm in each flesh-colored shoulder strap. Then, she tightened them and hid the straps in a spot under the wings.

“Wow! Even cuter this way!” She said softly as she stood back to look me over.

I looked in the mirror to see what I looked like. I ignored my stiffy sticking out from my groin and focused on the wings. They looked just like the ones on the floor where Michelle would be lying, only a lot smaller. I spread my arms to form a T-shape, and the tip of each wing ended at my elbow. They looked so natural on me that I could pass for an angel, except for the stiffy, of course.

“You look adorable. Come on, let’s make some history together.”

We walked toward the set, and I could see Glenn checking me out. His eyes went briefly to my crotch but almost immediately went back up to my wings and face. He winked at me and smiled a warm smile. An ‘everything will be fine’ look was spread out over his face, and all the anxiety I felt earlier was long gone by now.

“Okay, Michelle,” Glenn said, “you just lie down on your back on that small pillow. This way, I think the wings will look the best.”

“Okay,” Michelle started, “and what about my little angel?”

“Scott will lie down on top of you. I think we need to try a fetal position on your belly first. Scott, you make sure your penis and balls are hidden between your legs, okay?”

“Okay. But, uh… what’s a fetal position?”

Michelle turned to her side and showed me what I needed to do. This wasn’t very difficult, so I carefully climbed on top of her after Michelle took her position. I felt my stiffy press against her leg as I was taking my position, but Michelle just smiled and helped me get into position without falling off.

I was about to lay my head down on her breasts when I realized what I was about to do. So I quickly glanced up at her and saw her smiling down at me. “Go ahead, dear. It’s okay.” The moment my head hit her soft boobs, I felt my stiffy twitch. Right in front of my eye was her hard nipple, and it fascinated me greatly, looking at it this close.

“Okay, Scott. Pull up your right leg a bit more… Michelle, you need to…”

For the next ten to fifteen minutes, Glenn gave us all sorts of instructions on how to lie, look, and when to hold our breaths. Sometimes Michelle would whisper something funny, and every now and then, she’d brush my hair out of her face and caress my neck after.

“I want a PG-rated pic too for this one. Scott…” Glenn started.

I had to move my foot down slightly, so it covered Michelle’s pussy. The moment I moved it down, I felt her pubes tickle my foot, and we both giggled at that. But when I had to move my hand up to cover up her nipple, I felt my mouth go dry again. Michelle must’ve seen my hesitation, so she grabbed my hand and laid it down on top of her boob. “I told you not to worry about it, dear” she smiled. But her hard nipple poking at my palm caused my stiffy to twitch again, and I felt my balls tingle. This was the first boob I touched in my life! As if my hand didn’t belong to me anymore, I gave it a gentle squeeze to size up its firmness and texture. Then, feeling or hearing no objections from Michelle, I did it again. After the third time, Michelle whispered, “You like it?”

“Oh yeah!” I replied without looking up.

“Three… two… one…” Glenn said, and at that moment, the flash lit up a few times, signaling another burst of photos.

“Let’s switch positions now,” Glenn announced. “Scott, you cuddle up to her side, drape your leg over hers, so her groin is hidden by your knee. Michelle, you put your arm under him and grab him by his waist. This’ll create the illusion of you carrying him.”

After another burst, Glenn asked me to cover Michelle’s breast again. This time, he didn’t need to tell me twice, and I gently kneaded her boob again in record time. After another burst… and another… and another, Glenn announced we needed to change positions one last time.

“Okay, guys. Just one more position and we’re done. Do you want to continue, or maybe a short break first?”

Michelle and I traded looks, and we both shrugged. “Nah. Let’s finish this first,” Michelle said to Glenn. “It’s just too good to have such a cute angel lying on top of me.”

“I bet!” Glenn chuckled. “You too, Bud?”

“Yep! Keep going. It’s just too good to lie on top of such a pretty angel.”

Both Glenn and Michelle laughed loudly at that joke. “You’re getting slick, Bud!” Glenn smiled after they stopped laughing.

“I can handle it, Glenn. And don’t overstay your welcome here, my little angel,” Michelle said and rubbed my back again.

“Alright! We’re on the home stretch here!” Glenn said cheerfully. “Michelle, spread your legs a little bit. Then, Scott, you go and lie between her legs with your arms around Michelle’s neck and look to your left. When he’s lying down, you lay your hands on Scott’s butt, so he’s got a bit of dignity left, and it looks like you’re carrying him again.”

I had no clue that what we were about to do, came extremely close to the missionary position. Up until now, I still don’t know if Glenn was aware of this or that he just had an excellent composition in mind. Michelle sure acted as if she didn’t have a clue because she immediately said, “come here, dear!” spreading her arms and inviting me over.

The moment I got between her legs, nothing was out of the ordinary. We were just lying on top of each other as we did before. But when I scooted higher to put my hands around her neck, I felt my Willy brush against something warm and moist.

I glanced at Michelle as I felt another wave of panic wash over me. But she looked at me with a look I couldn’t place. I know now she was just plain horny, but it confused me big time.

“You know what that is, right?” she whispered.

I could hear myself swallow and nodded once.

“One sec! Glenn shouted. “I need to fix something here.”

“Stick it in, dear. You’ll love it,” Michelle whispered again and looked at me without even blinking once.

“But I… I never…” I stammered.

At that moment, Michelle put her hands on my butt and shifted her pelvis a bit. Then, she pushed down gently on my ass and smiled. “All you have to do now is push.”

I tentatively started pushing, but the moment my dickhead entered that warm, moist, velvety place in her body, I knew I was hooked for life. I stopped moving and held perfectly still, looking nervously at Michelle. I hoped she would guide me, and that was precisely what she did.

“Push it in all the way, dear. You won’t hurt me,” she soothingly whispered and gently squeezed my ass.

I swallowed hard and slowly but determined, pushed my stiffy further inside this magnificent place. I felt like every fiber in my body was on edge, and I couldn’t think straight. All my attention was focused on that soft, warm feeling that was engulfing my stiffy.

During this push, I felt a tingle in the back of my head, right at the place where my skull meets my neck. This tingle traveled down to my spine and right into my asshole. Moments later, my balls started tingling, and all I saw were Michelle’s boobs. I also noticed that my hearing was off. Everything sounded like I’d got two tin cans covering my ears.

“Yes!” I heard Michelle whisper in the distance, and she squeezed my ass more firmly.

This all seemed to take ages, but it was probably less than a second. The tingle in my balls kept growing, and at that moment, I couldn’t stand it anymore. My ass muscles clenched together, and I started cumming.

“Great!” I heard Glenn say in the distance as white flashes filled my eyes.

And then, everything turned black.

When I heard a barely hearable “Scott?” in the distance, I felt myself slowly slide back into consciousness.

“Scott?” I heard again and felt a hand stroking my cheek.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Michelle smiling at me with a bit of a worried look on her face. Then, I heard stumbling in the distance and Glenn’s voice asking, “What happened, Michelle?”

“He passed out for a few seconds,” Michelle said, and her worried look was gone.

“Scott?” Glenn asked as his face appeared above Michelle’s. “You okay, Bud?”

“Oh yeah!” I said excitedly, and as Michelle’s pussy squeezed my still stiff willie, which caused it to twitch, I let out a happy sigh.

Glenn’s eyes immediately went down to our crotches. And although he probably couldn’t see anything, the look on his face changed instantly.

“Michelle! You didn’t!” he said in a tone that hardly sounded surprised.

“I’m sorry, but he’s SO cute!”

“Damn! Did you like it, Bud?” Glenn asked but immediately realized he knew the answer.

“Fuck yeah!” I exclaimed. And, feeling bold, “Can we do it again, Michelle?”

Both Glenn and Michelle started laughing at my enthusiasm. I was a bit afraid Glenn would be angry for ruining his shoot, but when I glanced over at him, he was all smiles. Likewise, Michelle looked relaxed too, and when she looked at Glenn, she asked, “I’d love to! But we’re in the middle of a shoot.”

“From up there, you can’t see you’re inside her. And I think I just took pictures of your first fuck without realizing it. So… you know what?”

“What?” I asked anxiously.

“You start fucking Michelle. You’ll probably last longer this time, and I will take my pictures in the meantime. No one will know what’s really going on here, and the tension between the two of you will probably transfer beautifully into the picture!”

“YES!” I said excitedly and immediately started sliding out.

“Just a sec, tiger,” Michelle laughed, “Glenn needs to climb the ladder first. So hold your horses.”

“I’ll give you a signal when you can get going, Bud!” Glenn said as he walked away.

I looked Michelle deep into her eyes and asked, “Why me? Ain’t I too young for you?”

“Too young? What’s too young? I felt that you were ready for it, and so was I. I don’t believe in the number we slap on people and call it age. I’ve seen lots of older people with an aura that’s way less than yours,” she said and clenched her pussy muscles again, which caused me to gasp loudly.

“I’m not complaining,” I chuckled.

“Go for it when you’re ready!” Glenn shouted.

“Fuck me, angel stud!”

“Uh… I just move it in and out, right?” I asked, a bit unsure.

“That’s the general idea, yeah. But if you’ve got different ideas, let me know, and we’ll work something out,” Michelle said seriously.

“Nah. I’m good. Just… AHHH… checking,” I moaned as I moved my stiffy backward and almost slipped out. But Michelle’s hands pushed on my butt just in time, and I stopped.

As I pushed back in, the flashes of white light returned, and I realized these were the studio lights. Each time I drove in and my pubic bone smashed against Michelle’s, Glenn took a burst of pictures. I didn’t care. I had the time of my life and let the good feelings wash over me.

As I looked at Michelle’s face, I noticed she was flushed, and her gaze was a bit unfocused. Her mouth was slightly open, and she breathed heavily. But I also realized that I was moaning and breathing loudly too.

“Are… you… AAHHH… okay?” I managed to groan.

“Oh yeah! OHHH! You, OH! hit, OH! Exactly the, OH! Right spot, OH! Every time, OOHH!” Michelle moaned. Each time I pushed in, there was this loud “OH!”

By now, I didn’t notice the flashes anymore. I noticed that the tingle at the bottom of my skull was back, but instead of moving down, it lingered there for a while.

“AHH… I’m…” I moaned and couldn’t see Michelle’s face anymore. Just her eyes. Everything around that was blurry again.

“OH! Just, OH! a, OH! little, OH! long… NGNGGG!!” Michelle moaned, and suddenly, she dug her nails in my ass cheeks.

I felt her pussy contract sharply around my stiffy, her breath was ragged, and her eyes rolled back in their sockets. Realizing she was coming gave me a brief sense of pride. But right at the same time, that tingle was on its way toward my balls, and I knew I was going to cum again.

The white flashes were constantly around us, and somehow it enhanced the whole experience even more. “AAAAHHHH,” I groaned from deep within my throat as my balls unloaded themselves for the second time in ten minutes.

This time, I could even feel my cum leaving my willie. Michelle was still clenching my ass, and the contractions of her pussy were still going, but a little less powerful than when she just started cumming, but it still felt like she was milking me.

I laid my head on her shoulder and was panting heavily. I didn’t know sex could be this exhausting. As the clenching around my willie and my ass subsided, I looked at Michelle. She looked back at me, and there was something between a smile and pride written over her face.

“You are absolutely amazing, dear! You even made me cum! It’s been a long time since a man managed to give me an orgasm, that’s for sure!”

“Thanks! I guess. I can still feel your… vagina move around my willie,” I softly said.

“Don’t call it a willie anymore, dear. You know how to use that thing, might call it what it is. Your dick or, even better, your cock!” I felt myself blush as Michelle said these words.

“You sure?”

“Oh yeah! I’m VERY sure, dear. I can still feel your boner, and I can confirm it’s a cock now and not a willie anymore. Damn!”

“That good, huh?” Glenn’s voice came from behind me.

“Glenn, dear. You have no idea! This boy’s a natural! Oh my god!”

I wasn’t sure if we’d go at it again, so I decided not to move, just in case. But after Glenn started talking, Michele smiled at me and patted me on my butt.

“Time to get up now,” Michelle said, kissed me on my cheek, and gave my ass one last squeeze.

As my cock left her pussy and the cold hit it, I felt a bit sad. But when the realization that I was no longer a virgin hit me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Glenn winked at me as he offered a hand to Michelle and helped her to her feet. I started undoing my angel wings but got interrupted by Michelle’s big, tight hug.

“Can I offer you that drink now?” Glenn asked.

“Yes, please! You’ve got some white wine?”

“Sure! Chardonnay?”

“Great! I’ll grab my clothes.”

After all that had happened, I found it fascinating that both Glenn and Michelle acted like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. I figured I’d get dressed later. So I grabbed a coke and sat down at the table.

After Glenn put down the glass of wine on the table, Michelle joined us and started getting dressed. Even watching a reversed striptease was a feast to my eyes.

We made some small talk, but no one mentioned the sex. Since it apparently was normal, I didn’t want to spoil the moment and didn’t bring it up either. But I was dying to talk about it.

“I’m curious about the pictures,” Michelle suddenly said. “Especially the last ones. Can you send me some good copies?”

“Sure! And I’m extremely curious too! I never did a shoot like this. I’m sure the first two poses are great, but I honestly don’t know how the last ones turned out.”

“Ah, well. We’ll see.”

Michelle polished off her wine and got up. So did Glenn and I. Michelle kissed Glenn on his cheek and whispered something in his ear. When he smiled and nodded, I was curious about what they were talking about but figured I’d hear it later. Or maybe it was about money or something.

When Michelle looked at me, she immediately started smiling again. Then, she gave me another tight hug and squeezed my ass one last time.

“You were fabulous, dear!” She whispered in my ear.

She waved as she walked out the door, leaving me with an empty but satisfied feeling.

“Damn, Bud! You just lost your virginity. At twelve!” Glenn said proudly, and we bumped fists.

“Yeah,” I smiled weakly.

“You know what the best part is?” he asked.

The best part? There’s more? So I asked, “What?”

“Michelle wants you to come over after we’re back from the island. And she wants me to take pictures.”

“Over for what?” I asked, still as green as grass.

“What do you think?” Glenn smiled wickedly.

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

ipsum primum semper in memoria

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La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 11

Chapter 11 – B-Wyze

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 11

“Will do. Thank you for choosing Aquinas pictures,” I say to Mr. Leiberman over the phone as Audrey looks at me expectantly.

I smile at Audrey as I hang up. I know she’s dying of curiosity, but I decide to tease her a bit. So, I pretend to be very busy with all the paperwork lying around on the desk. I smile to myself as I hear Audrey groan.

“OOHHH!! Come on! What did he say?” Audrey whines as she slaps me softly on my shoulder.

“Just kidding, Lil’ Bit,” I say, laughing. I explain to Audrey that Mr. Lieberman owns the B-Wyze clothing company, whose primary focus is on swim and underwear for children and teens. The studio he worked with up until now doesn’t have the quality Mr. Lieberman is looking for. He heard some great stories about our studio, and after he saw some of the practice shots I did with Evan, he called us. As a first assignment, Mr. Lieberman wants us to do the catalog and webshop shots for the new swim and underwear collection. He’ll hire us as his primary studio if these are to his liking.

“That’s great news!” Audrey cheers and gives me a tight hug.

“It is! But it’s a lot of work too. The shipment with the clothes that need to be modeled arrives on Friday. That’s the day after tomorrow, and I need to prepare the studio too. After the clothes arrive, I’ll need to sort it and make sure they’re shot in the right order so that the printing company and webmaster won’t mix it up.”

“We…” Audrey says.

“What do you mean?”

“WE need to sort it and manage it. Not just you,” she says and kisses me on my cheek.

“Okay. WE,” I laugh, “I’m calling Miranda to see if she’s still interested in this.”

“What do you think?” Audrey chuckles. “She’ll probably be here in under a minute if you ask her.”

“I guess you’re right, but I have to ask it officially, and I need to negotiate the fee they’re gonna get.”

“Who are you going to ask for the girl’s collection?”

“Well… I was kinda hoping you’d help me out with at least the test shots. And if these are approved, it’ll be a lot easier to plan the whole thing.”

“Really? I uhm… I don’t know. I never thought about it. I want to try posing as a model to see what it’s like. But that’s just a thing between us. I don’t want a career in it.”

“Let’s do some test shots and see how it goes, okay?”

“I don’t know if I want a lot of people to see me in my bikini,” Audrey says, blushing furiously and looking very insecure all of a sudden.

“First off, you don’t have to be ashamed about anything! You look amazing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! I mean it,” I smile warmly, “And second, these shots will be body shots only. Your face won’t be in it.”

“Oh! Okay. Well… let’s try and see how it goes then,” she smiles, and the insecurity seems to fade away.

“This whole thing is going to be a lot of work, I’m afraid. Thankfully the test shots I made of Evan last time are approved, so we don’t have to do these anymore.”

“He liked them that much?”

“He didn’t choose us just because of them, of course. I had done a decent job shooting him…” I put on a horribly exaggerated French accent, “lahk a tdru ahr-TEEEST!!”

“Of course,” she giggles.

“So Saturday and Sunday will be all about shooting the twins, and I’m guessing a few evenings during the week too. And then we still have to find time to shoot your stuff.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll manage. Maybe I can skip my gymnastics practice once or twice this week. That’ll buy us some time too.”

“I don’t want you to have to miss practice because of this. Ah well… we’ll see. First, we need to make sure the twins are onboard.”

The call to Miranda was as expected. She said she was thrilled to help with the assignment. Even the price she asked for doing this was way better than expected. She only demanded that the boys’ names be spread around by B-Wyze and me. That way, they’d land more assignments, according to Miranda. I know it doesn’t always work like this in the business, but that’s up to Miranda to figure out.

We sit around quietly for a moment when an idea pops up. So I ask, “How about we try some portfolio shots? That way, you’ll know what it’s like to be in front of a camera, and it might give you an idea of what to expect.”

“Uhm… okay. When?” Audrey asks, not overly thrilled.

“How about now?” I say in an attempt to stop her from overthinking it.

“I… uhm… I guess?”

“Great! No need to change. Just wear your street clothes,” I say and head toward the studio, figuring Audrey will follow me.

I flip on the lights when we enter the studio, motioning for Audrey to step onto the carpet. The backdrop is plain white, which contrasts nicely with her hair. I grab my camera and smile at her, trying to put her at ease because she’s obviously more than just a little nervous.

“Now what?” she asks, fiddling with the hem of her blouse.

“We’ll start with some full-length shots. Just do what you think feels right, kay?”

“Okay,” she says timidly, “but you need to tell me when I look silly!”

“Don’t worry,” I say soothingly, “you won’t look silly. And no one but us will see these pics, so nothing to worry about.” That seems to put Audrey at ease, and she starts smiling at me. I give her a few directions, and before I know it, she’s posing almost like a pro.

When I finish with a few full-length shots, I move on to closeups on her head. These are usually done with a bare neck, and her blouse’s collar is covering it up. “You think you could open up the buttons of your top and pull it away? Or … just take it off?” She gets a coy look on her face and slowly starts unbuttoning. As this striptease unfolds before my eyes, I snap away as much as I can, surprised by how quickly this shy girl changed into a stripper.

The moment the blouse slides from her shoulders and her bra-covered breasts and tight belly come into view, I feel myself grow hard. I don’t want to and think it’s unprofessional even in a setting like this, but I just can’t help it.

I see Audrey’s eyes briefly go to my crotch, but she doesn’t say or do anything. So I decide to act like nothing is out of the ordinary either and move in to take her headshots.

“Aren’t my straps showing this way?” Audrey asks innocently but with a smile that oozes horniness.

“Yeah. A bit. But with a girl your age, this is perfectly normal. With adults, we ask to move them a bit out of…”

Before I can finish my sentence, Audrey moves both of her bra straps out of the way and smiles at me.

“Since it’s just the two of us, we might as well do this right,” she softly says.

So I snap a few shots of her head with her bare shoulders, and in the corner of my eye, I see the top of her right nipple showing above the pads of her small bra.

I quickly point my camera to this incredibly sexy spectacle and softly say, “since it’s just the two of us, the sexy bits can be shown too,”

Audrey starts to giggle nervously. “What’s next?”

“Just the half, quarter, and full-length body shots. And close-ups of your distinctive features.”

“And what are my distinctive features?”

“If you ask me, your belly and ass,” I say, knowing quite well how inappropriate it is to say it like this, but also knowing how much Audrey likes to be treated as equal.

I step back for the overview pictures, and Audrey gets back in the flow of posing like a pro. Taking off her blouse was almost like a striptease, but the way she removes her skirt is very unceremonial. She just unbuttons it, drops it to the floor, and kicks it away.

Even though I’ve seen it many times by now, the way she looks in her underwear still gets me going. Her bra straps are still loose around her upper arms, and the top of both her nipples are showing. It isn’t obscene or trashy, but more like an innocent wardrobe failure that doesn’t seem to bother her. Her standard laced hipster panties must be in the laundry or something because this time, she’s wearing classic white cotton panties with little red kisses all over them. There’s a mild cameltoe in the front, and it’s obvious she’s turned on by this, judging by the tiny dark spot accentuating her pussy.

I feel my still stiff dick twitch painfully in my pants and realize my precum is leaking like crazy. I see Audrey’s eyes move to my crotch again, and she asks, “Isn’t that uncomfortable?”

“Yeah. A bit. Sorry, but I can’t help it,” I say, blushing furiously.

“I don’t care. I’m flattered you like looking at me,” she chuckles. “You can take ‘em off if you want.”

Although this sounds very tempting, I figure I need to be the sensible one here before things start spiraling out of control. “Thanks. But I don’t think this is a good idea,” I say and try to sound as convincing as I can.

“Did you cum already?” Audrey blurts out, still focussed on my crotch.

I look down and see the big, damp spot my precum created. Wanting to be as honest as I can about all this, I say, “No. This is my precum. This whole situation is pretty exciting, and I’m getting aroused, so my dick is preparing itself to have sex.”

“Do you want to have sex with me?”

“No, no!! That’s not what I mean!” I say, terrified about how this is going.

“Why not? You just said I look sexy,” she pouts.

“Well… You do. But I’m… I can’t…uhm,” I stammer.

“I’m just pulling your chain,” Audrey says, laughing, “I’m not stupid, you know.”

“Oh. I uhm…” I keep stammering, “…you DO look sexy, but we can’t… Let’s take some more pictures, okay?”

“Sure,” Audrey says, smiling that horny smile again.

I take the necessary portfolio pictures and move in to take a close-up from her belly. Both from the front and side, noticing again how much her gymnastics training sculpted her body. After these are out of the way, she turns her back to me so that I can take pictures of her ass.

“Oh boy,” I hear myself whisper as I look at that tight, panty-clad ass right in front of me. Both undersides of her cheeks peek out from under the fabric, and her child-like panties make it look forbidden and sexy at the same time.

After taking a few pictures, Audrey looks back at me over her shoulder and says, “Wait a second. I think this will make it better.”

Before I can say anything, she hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her panties, lowers them, and steps out of them. As she’s bent over, I almost cream in my pants as I get a great look at her ass and pussy. It only lasts a few moments, but at that moment, I realize I’m basically powerless to resist this young girl. I know I have to be the responsible adult here, but she’s making it extremely difficult with her hot body and flirty attitude.

“That’s better, isn’t it?” she asks as she stands up straight and shakes her ass a little.

“Ahem… yeah,” I croak and clear my throat, “but these can’t go into your portfolio.”

“I know. But you like my ass, and I want to know what it looks like too.”

I’m currently on my knees at eye level with her butt, and I snap away at it. I ask her to bend forward a bit, lift one leg, and so on. Just when I think I’m done, Audrey starts to giggle.

“I want to try something. Sit back a little.”

So I do as she says, hold the camera in front of my face and make sure to keep her in the center of the frame. She quickly takes off her bra, and I see her spreading her legs. Now her legs make an almost perfect triangle with the floor, and I start snapping away. Audrey bends forward, grabs her ankles with her hands, and looks back at me, upside-down from between her legs. She smiles that horny smile again, and my finger almost can’t press the shutter button fast enough. I zoom in on her exposed tits, her thighs, her pussy, her face, her ass. Everything looks hot. The way she’s standing and looking at me, she just breathes sex. I didn’t realize it up until then, but twelve-year-old girls can be way sexier than most adults.

I have to adjust my straining boner, and I feel the wetness in my underwear as I do so. With the camera in my other hand, I keep finding new spots on her body to eternalize digitally.

“You sure about your pants?” Audrey asks again after looking at me, adjusting my boner.

“Uh-huh,” I half-heartedly reply.

“Well… I need to do something about it,” she says and sits down on the floor with her legs obscenely spread toward me, giving me an unobstructed view of her spread pussy.

I hear myself swallow as I see Audrey’s right hand slowly move toward her pussy, while her other hand moves to her boob and her fingers start pinching her nipple. “Audrey… Wh… What are you doing?” I stammer.

“The other day, I saw the pictures Glenn took of you when you first modeled, and I want to try that too,” she pants, and as her finger hits her clit, the sound of a loud moan fills the room. “Will you take my… ahhhh…. pictures too, pleas… hmmmhhmm?”

This takes me by surprise. Where did she find that book? Glenn promised me he hid it where only he could find it. At that moment, I realized I had given Audrey the combination of Glenn’s safe so that she could send Mr. Cohen some required copies of things like death certificates, so her trust could be started. And in the back of the safe, Glenn kept my most personal and intimate pictures.

Considering I’m horny as hell by now, the obvious effect it has on Audrey, and the fact that I have very fond memories of these pictures, make me dismiss the idea that she found something she shouldn’t have.

“Go for it…” I whisper and start taking the best pictures possible of this masturbating young girl in the spotlight of a photo studio.

The moment I whisper this, something changes in Audrey’s eyes. She starts going for it hardcore and appears to slip into her bubble. I crawl toward her for a better view, and she doesn’t even react to my movement.

As I inch closer, she lays back down on her back, her legs still spread and bend, so her knees point upward. I lay between them, looking up her body toward her head. Her middle finger slips inside her pussy, and she arches her back. This way, her tits are partly visible, and so are her head and the rest of her lower body. The pictures I snap at that moment are probably still the most intimate I ever took. Audrey is in the middle of the act of something very personal, but her entire, nubile young body, electrified with horniness, is on display.

“OHH…” Audrey moans, and I get on my knees to get a better view.

Looking down at her from an angle is still hot as fuck, and I feel the tension in my balls grow by the second. But I don’t want this to be about me. So I move around as quietly as I can, snapping away at this masturbating girl.

“Ohhh, Scott! I think I’m cumming alrea… AHH…. I’m… OHHH…”

Her head starts moving around from left to right, and her eyes are shot back in her head. By now, both her hands are working on her pussy. Her left middle finger plows in and out of her sopping pussy, making obscene squishy sounds, while her other hand works on her clit and lips.

“AIIIIHHHHIIII!!” Audrey almost screams.

I see her body stiffen, her hips push forward, so her ass is off the floor. Her hands are perfectly still, and her whole body starts spasming a heartbeat later. Seeing her cum, almost pushes me over the edge, and my dick is twitching inside my pants furiously. Thankfully, I don’t jizz my pants, but it’s close.

I keep taking a picture every now and then, and after a few moments, Audrey drops to the floor. Then, she slowly opens her eyes and smiles at me.

“That was HOT!!” she pants.

“Fucking hot,” I say, well aware of the swearword but figuring it emphasizes the intenseness of it all.

“I had a great teacher,” she whispers, blushing.

“Thanks,” is all I can come up with, “I think you’re ready to model that swimwear.”

We both start laughing, and Audrey gets up, hugging me tightly. As she does this, my nostrils are filled with the smell of young girl pussy, and I shiver as she hugs me.

“You’re awesome, Scott! I’m so glad you’re with me,” and I can hear her sniff at that.

I look her in the eyes, and I can see some tears in them. I kiss her softly on her lips, which causes Audrey to kiss me back instantly. The moment I feel her mouth open, I gently break the kiss and smile at her.

“You just came. Your hormones are playing tricks with you right now. Don’t worry about it.”

Audrey breaks the hug and starts gathering her clothes. As she pulls up her panties, she asks, “I don’t care if it’s my hormones talking. I’m really, really glad you’re taking care of me,” and seeing her determined look is a confirmation to me that she’s serious about it.

“I really like being with you too, Lil’ Bit!”

She smiles warmly as she puts on the rest of her clothes. “We can start prepping the studio right now, you know?”

Glad she changed the subject, I eagerly agree. A little over an hour later, the basic backdrop is set, and the spots are set to the default settings too. This way, I’ll only have to make minor changes to make sure the pictures all look the same, except for the twins’ clothes.

We clean up, watch some tv, and go to bed. Being naked next to each other in bed isn’t really an issue anymore, and as I lay there staring at the ceiling, I decide to jack off in the shower tomorrow. My level of arousal dropped enough to get through the night without much trouble.

“I didn’t think it would be that awesome,” Audrey says next to me.

“Me neither. I remember my first time like it was yesterday. Being in front of a camera makes you feel… important?”

“Yeah. That’s about right, I guess. But when I started… uhm… doing ‘that,’ I almost felt like I was watching myself. I felt SO hot doing it.”

“I know! I felt that, too, back then. Glenn didn’t push me or anything, but it felt like a switch was flipped when I was down to my underwear. I wanted to show everything I had, and I just had to jack off. I still don’t know what happened. It was almost like a trance.”

“It helped a lot too that it was you behind the camera and not some stranger.”

“True. But I still didn’t expect the urge to do it would be this strong.”

“Well… to be honest,” Audrey softly says, “I felt the urge to do it as I thumbed through the book this morning with the pics of your first session,” and I can almost hear her blush

“Those were meant to be private…” I half-heartedly respond, knowing perfectly well Glenn did his best.

“I know. But once I found them, I couldn’t stop looking.” She glances at me with a pensive look, concerned that she went too far. “I’m sorry.”

“Nah. It’s okay. I get it. And while we’re being honest, I would’ve looked too. In fact, I want to see them again. It’s been a long time.”

“I put the book back in the safe.”

“I’ll look at it tomorrow. But now we gotta sleep. School and prep day tomorrow. Night, Lil’ Bit”

“Night, Scott.”

“You looked amazing. You really did,” I say into the darkness.

I feel her moving beside me, and before I know it, her lips touch my face, and she gives me a tender kiss on my cheek. Then, she drapes her naked body over the side of mine as she cuddles up. The heat and wetness from her pussy on my leg immediately brings my dick to life, but I don’t care if she notices it anymore. I just enjoy her nude body on mine, and since she’s clearly interested in my boner, I figure there’s no need to be all paranoid about it anymore.

As we lay there, and I let the events of the day roll by in my head, I can’t help myself, and I realize how much I really like both the person and the body that’s cuddled up against me. Could it be … LOVE? I give my head a shake and dismiss this quickly. I CAN’T be in love with a twelve-year-old girl who is legally my sort-of daughter! I love her, but surely not like… THAT! We can play around, and I can help her explore her sexuality as Glenn did with me. But there needs to be a line I shouldn’t cross. So my only worry at the moment is where this is going to end and if I can contain myself when necessary.

* * *

The following morning, it’s business as usual. After Audrey gets out of the shower and I’m done with brushing my teeth, I hop in and let the warm water clean my body. The moment Audrey is done with drying herself, she finally leaves the bathroom, and I jerk myself to a quick orgasm. As my cum splatters against the tiles, I feel yesterday’s tension leave my body. But when I open my eyes, I see Audrey’s silhouette through the fogged-up glass door, standing there and brushing her teeth. Even though I jerked off with my back toward her, I feel a bit embarrassed. I don’t know when she came in, but what I did couldn’t be missed.

“You know you can do that in bed, right?” Audrey says after spitting out the toothpaste and without looking at me.

So much for secrecy and privacy. But the lack of guilt and shame I feel surprises me. So I turn sideways to grab the soap and say, “I know. But I didn’t want to bother you with it last night.”

“Okay. Fine with me. Just so you know, I don’t care. Kay?” and with that, she turns around and leaves the bathroom.

After Audrey heads off to school, I call Miranda. Luckily, she and the twins are available tonight and the rest of the weekend. So we arrange for them to come over at around seven this evening. We’ll take some test pictures, tweak the setup where necessary, and make sure the two remaining days can be used to produce the final images of the swim and underwear.

I move stuff around in the studio, and in the end, I think I created a pretty good setup. The room divider for giving the boys privacy when they need to change is now a bit closer to the shooting location, so the boys won’t waste too much time walking back and forth. I wish I could put it closer, but unfortunately, that’s not an option. I also tested with a triple camera setup to shoot all three sides at once. But I just can’t get the lighting right on all three, so they have to turn twice during the shoot. I hoped to get the total time to shoot one item down a bit, but sometimes it is what it is.

I start sorting the clothes and make sure they are all numbered correctly so that no one can mess up after we’re done. Then, after Audrey gets back from school, she starts helping me. Most of the items the boys need to model are basic boardshorts in all sorts, lengths, and colors. There are also about a dozen bikini-style pants and a few semi-professional tight swim trunks that end just above the knee.

The underwear is basically the same. Most of them are boxer briefs in all sorts of colors and lengths. There are about a dozen low-rise bikini-style briefs and a dozen old-school cotton boxer shorts. But when I open the box labeled ‘other,’ I’m a bit surprised. There are four different thongs in there and two types of jock-straps. I didn’t know they even made thongs for kids this age, but as the image forms in my head, I realize I won’t mind seeing these hot twins in them.

“Uhm… Scott?” Audrey asks while holding up a thong.

“What is it?” I ask, chuckling because of her questioning face.

“Do I need to wear this?”

Audrey took charge of the box with girls’ clothes, and I realized there were some clothes in there too that a kid this age wouldn’t normally wear.

“We promised Mr. Lieberman we’d shoot everything he’d send us.”

“Hmm…” Audrey says thoughtfully, “it’s a good thing it’s just body shots then.”

“Mr. Lieberman did mention that his company is unique in its products for teenagers. So I guess this is what he means by that,” I laugh as I hold up the boys’ thong.

“Oh wow… they’ve got these for boys too?” she asks with disbelief in her voice and her face getting red.

After we finish unpacking, sorting, and registering everything, we quickly eat something. Just after we finish, the bell rings, and the Thompsons are here. We greet each other, and as we walk toward the studio, Miranda asks, “Did you ever do a big shoot like this before?”

“Not this big on my own, no. But I assisted Glen a lot with these kinds of shoots, so I know quite well how it’s done and what’s needed.”

“Good to hear. And I… we need to talk about tomorrow,” she says, looking a bit embarrassed.

She’s interrupted by the twins, who have entered the studio and taken in the new setup. “Wow!” they both say simultaneously.

“That’s a pretty neat setup!” Miranda agrees, clearly impressed, and I can see the last bit of doubt disappear from her face.

“Thanks. We worked hard the last couple of days. What about tomorrow?”

“Oh. Well… My husband and I have an important meeting with a potential investor that afternoon. So I don’t know what time we’ll be done, and I’m afraid we won’t be able to pick up the boys. Is it too much to ask of you to drive them home tomorrow after they’re done here?”

“Oh no! Not at all!” I reply cheerfully, glad to know there won’t be a potential bossy parent around.

“Thanks! You’re the best,” Miranda sighs, clearly relieved to have this out of the way.

“Okay, boys!” I say as I stand next to Audrey and try to get their attention.

I explain to them how I need to make sure the setup is okay for tomorrow’s shoot. And that today will all be about practice. And that tomorrow and Sunday, we’ll do the hard work. Their nervousness is quickly gone after my explanation of the how and what.

“So, head over to Audrey, and she’ll hand you your first swimsuits.”

As Audrey hands them two board shorts, I explain that they can change behind the divider like last time. And that later on, we’ll do the speedos and maybe underwear. But that depends mostly on how complicated the lighting turns out to be with the first two items.

“I need to make sure the lighting is good for them too,” I say to the room divider where Evan and Owen are currently changing.

I already lost Miranda. She’s still inside the studio, but since I started talking to Evan and Owen, she’s made a phone call and is currently extremely busy typing on her phone. This is fine by me. The fewer comments from her, the easier it’ll all go down.

She must’ve seen me looking because out of the blue, she says, “We’re in the middle of acquiring three new salons. So I’m a bit occupied. Sorry.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got it covered. This way, you can see how I do things, so you don’t have to worry tomorrow when they’re here on their own,” I smile.

“Oh. I’m not worried about you. I can see how you handle them and how Audrey acts around you. So, no. No worries here,” she smiles.

“Thanks. I appreciate it,” I say, and at that moment, the boys get into the set.

They look just as hot as I remember them. And in my head, I already picture them in these tiny thongs. But first things first. We get to work after jumping through the hoops to determine who’s who. They both catch on quickly, and before we know it, it’s time to change into the speedos.

“Uhm… Scott?” I hear from behind the divider.

“What is it?” I ask, smiling knowingly at Audrey.

“Can you come here for a sec please?”

I look at Audrey and shrug. As I get behind the divider, one of the twins is looking at me and standing there in his blue speedos, with the other giggling and buck naked next to him. I quickly glance at the exposed dick, and seeing his birthmark assures me I’m looking at Evan.

“What is it?” I ask Owen, quickly drinking in the sight of both boys.

“Uhm… you know you can see it all in these things, right?” he says, looking a bit unsure.

“I know. That’s how these things work. You don’t feel comfortable wearing it?” I try carefully.

“Nah! I don’t care,” he smiles and grabs his dick through the thin fabric, “I just wanna know if I should point it to the left or the right,” he says with a straight face, but behind me, Evan bursts out into laughter.

I can’t help myself and start laughing too, glad to know they’re just playing with me. So I say, “Whatever you want. As long as it doesn’t peek out somewhere, it’s fine by me.”

I turn around, nodding my head, and see Evan pulling up his green speedos. I get one last look at his junk before I get back to my camera. I glance over at Audrey and see she’s smiling, but her face is flushed. I look at Miranda, and she’s smiling too. When she sees me looking, she just shrugs and rolls her eyes apologetically.

The speedo test pics are done relatively quickly, but I prolong it a bit by zooming at the crotches. This way, I’ve got some nice pics of what these boys are packing. When these are almost done, I check my watch and look over at Audrey.

“We can do your test pics right now too. Is that okay with you?”

“Uhh… sure,” she says and shrugs.

“Great! Go and change, so we can continue when I’m done here.”

I take a few more close-ups of Evan’s dick and balls. The moment I’m done, I stand up straight and say, “That’s it for today, guys. Thanks!”

Right at that moment, Audrey appears from behind the divider, and I can see both boys looking at her with their mouths open. I have to blink a few times too, but I quickly regain my senses and act as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. Audrey picked the bikini that’s clearly inspired by the one that Ursula Andress wore in the James Bond movie. And she looks absolutely fabulous in it.

As she walks over to the set for the test shots, she looks at Owen and Evan. I expected her to be all shy and reserved at this moment, but the boys’ reaction must’ve spiked her confidence. And that white bikini with black waistband looks smokin’ hot on her. I can’t blame the boys for looking at Audrey like they do.

“Great! Get over there, so I can do the necessary checks,” I say, winking at her.

“Dude!” I hear one of the boys whisper loudly behind me.

I look over to see what’s going on, and right before Owen covers it with his hands, I can see his speedo-covered boner pointing toward his hip. A quick glance toward his brother shows that he’s chubbed up but not hard. Of course, this all happens in a split second, but I like what I see. And I like it a lot!

“I’m sorry, dude! Can’t help it. Look at her!” he whispers back without showing much shame for boning up.

“I know, but…” Evan whispers softly and looks at his brother’s groin.

“You can go and change if you want, boys,” I say as I look for Miranda, who’s currently on the phone and not looking at what’s going on here.

“Nah. We’re good,” Owen smiles as our eyes meet.

“I can see that,” I chuckle as I nod toward his groin, “but I think it’s best if you hit the sack early today. We’ve got two long days ahead of us.”

Owen blushes when he realizes he’s busted. Evan just smiles and says, “Come on, Dude. He’s right. Mom will be ready soon too.”

And after they disappear behind the divider, I focus on Audrey again. Her confidence is still high, and she’s acting like a pro. It all goes way smoother than with the boys. We did have some practice, of course. But still… I’m impressed.

After we’re done, I look over my shoulder and see the boys are standing there in the clothes they wore when they came in. But, instead of what kids these days usually do, they aren’t looking at their phones. Instead, their eyes are glued to Audrey in her hot, white bikini.

“Ready?” Miranda asks as she walks toward us, her phone in her pocket for once.

“See you tomorrow,” Audrey says seductively as she walks by the boys and disappears behind the divider

“Yeah. All done for now,” I say to Miranda, ignoring Audrey and the boys. “Remember to wear loose-fitting clothes tomorrow, so we won’t see any lines we don’t wanna see.”

“Will do. And thanks for bringing them home tomorrow. You’re a life-saver!”

“Don’t mention it.”

“See you tomorrow, Mr. H,” Evan says, and we bump fists, “later, Audrey!”

I make another fistbump with Owen. “Later, Audrey!” he calls out, and they’re off.

Audrey and I watch some tv together, and after we clean up and get in bed, she asks, “Did you see how they looked at me?”

“I sure did,” I reply, not mentioning the boner incident since I don’t want to embarrass either of them. “And I don’t blame them. You looked like a million bucks in that bikini!”

“I do look good in it, don’t I?”

“Yeah. You sure do!”

“But they looked amazing too in those small speedos.”

“True. But not as hot as you did. Close, but not quite.”


“Night,” I say, yawning loudly. “Oh! Before I forget. We’re bringing them home tomorrow after the shoot. You can come too if you want.”


“What do you mean, why?”

“Why bring them home? They can stay here for the night. There’s still a room left that we don’t use. And Glenn’s room, of course.”

“Hmm. Didn’t think of that. I’ll ask Miranda. We’re basically strangers, so I don’t know what she thinks of it. But it does save a lot of time.”

“Kay. Night,” Audrey says and clicks off the light.

* * *

Audrey and I are still drinking our tea and coffee the following day when Miranda and the twins arrive. Both Owen and Evan have big smiles on their faces and look excited to get started. Miranda, however, looks anxious.

“You okay? Want some coffee, maybe?” I ask and motion for her to sit down at the table.

“Yes, please,” she responds thankfully and sits down.

“I’ll get it,” Audrey says as the twins join us at the table and sit on the wooden bench.

“We’re only wearing sweats, Mr. H.,” one says, and the other chuckles. “All airy and loose down there!”

Miranda looks at him with a frown, and he immediately responds, “What!? It’s true, isn’t it?”

“You know I told you not to say everything that pops up in your head. This is one of these things. Scott isn’t interested in how ‘loose’ everything is hanging,” she says sternly, with a clear emphasis on loose.

“Okay. Sorry, Mom.“

I know better than interfering in these discussions, so I decide to change the subject, “Audrey had a good idea,” I say as Audrey puts down the coffee in front of Miranda.

“Oh?” she asks, looking at Audrey.

“Yeah,” Audrey starts, “bringing them home tonight and then driving them back here tomorrow seems a bit silly to me. We’ve got a spare bedroom, and they can sleep there. If you’re okay with that, of course.”

“And if Owen and Evan want to, obviously,” I quickly add.

“I… uhm… I can’t ask this from you, guys!” she tries, but it’s immediately clear that she likes the idea.

“Nonsense! We’ve even got more time for the shoot this way!” I smile.

“Well… It does eliminate the need to be home in time tonight… You sure you don’t mind?”

“Honestly! They’re very polite, and I’m sure we’ll have a good time,” I say, knowing how much parents like it when other people call their kids polite.

“What do you think, little men?” she asks, looking at them.

“Fine by me,” Evan replies.

“Me too,” Owen adds.

“Just one thing. You’ll have to share a bed. That’s all. It’s a king-size, though.”

“No problem. We’re used to that. We do it almost every holiday we go on,” is Owen’s quick reply.

“And we shared a womb, so we’re used to being together!” adds Evan, grinning. Miranda rolls her eyes again.

“Thanks! Then it’s settled. That’s one concern less. Today is a very exciting day because if we manage to take over these other salons, we’d be the biggest in the area, opening many opportunities for us. We can get the…”

“Mom!” both boys say simultaneously.

“Oh. Sorry. You’re right,” she blushes, “I can sometimes get a little carried away about the salons.”

“Listen. Just do your thing today, and let me worry about these two little men. Just make sure you don’t forget about them,” I smile.

“No, silly!” Miranda chuckles, “We’ll pick them up at around four on Sunday?”

“Great! If things go well, we’re going to be done by then. I’m almost certain.”

Miranda polishes off her coffee and almost runs out of the studio to get her things done. It’s clear she cares a lot about the boys, but now it’s also apparent there is something massive happening with the salons. I’m glad to help, and I like that there are no prying eyes now. This way, I can focus on what I do best. And it’ll be fun with these two clowns around. I like these kids, and so does Audrey.

After announcing we’re starting, both boys get up and walk over to the divider. Audrey is with them and starts picking the first item for them to wear. She surprises me when she blurts out, “Now I see what you mean. You’re not wearing underwear!”

“Yeah. When you’re hung like us, it’s difficult to hide it, you know,” one of them says.

“Bullshit! I’ve seen you in speedos, so you don’t have a lot of secrets for me in that department,” Audrey chuckles.

“Shit. She’s right, dude,” the other one laughs.

Before we start shooting, I learn who’s who. I realize at that moment that if you just ask them, they give you an honest answer. It’s the guessing and saying how much they look alike that puts them off. When we start the shoot, I quickly get a bit annoyed by how much time it all takes. Sure, in the beginning, it’s getting used to everything, finding the correct spot and pose, that sort of stuff. Then, after three or four items each, the pace picks up a bit.

“We’re doing a lot of walking back and forth,” I hear Evan say behind me. “Would you mind if we just change … like, right here?”

I look back at him, figuring he’s asking me. But he’s actually asking Audrey, which I find very sweet of him. Audrey glances at me, and I just shrug.

“Uhm… no. I don’t mind. Do you want me to turn around or something?” she asks.

“Sure, if you want. We… kinda don’t care if you see us, we’re used to walking around… you know… naked when we’re at home,” Evan explains.

“It’s just that you might think it’s… you know…weird… or awkward. So it’s the right thing to ask first, right?” Owen adds.

“I uhh… no. Go ahead,” she says, and I can see a slight flush on her face.

“Mr. H?” Evan asks, looking at me.

“It might speed things up, so go ahead. And remember, what happens inside this studio, stays in this studio!”

“Almost like Vegas,” Owen smiles. Both of them hook their thumbs into their waistbands and are naked in under a second.

This sure speeds things up. The time it took them to walk back and forth to the divider is gone this way. And I see a gorgeous naked boy practically all the time. I manage to steer away from a boner, but it takes me some effort and a lot of focus doing so. I notice Audrey constantly stealing glances, but it just seems natural for them to walk around naked after a while, and even Audrey stops looking the entire time.

About halfway through the afternoon, I can see they’re all getting a bit tired. We’ve done great so far, and almost all the boardshorts are done. So now it’s just the speedos, underwear, and thongs left. We’re probably ready at around noon tomorrow if we keep up this shooting rate.

“Let’s finish the boardshorts, and then we’ll call it a day. Okay?”

“Sounds good! I’m getting pretty tired, you know?” Owen says as he scratches his balls.

I can’t help but look. His cut penis lies against the back of his hand, and his balls are moving in his sack as he scratches them. His hairless legs, the small patch of pubes, and slightly muscular chest make me want to touch him everywhere. I know I can’t, but they do make it damn difficult this way.

“Okay! That’s a wrap!” After the final board short is shot, I call out, “if you boys want, you can go take a shower.

“Nah. I’m good,” Evan says.

“Me too. I’ll take one in the morning. I didn’t sweat that much. Need any help in here?”

“You are the best,” I call out, and both of them are beaming with pride, “but you need to change into your sweats. We can’t go to Denny’s with you looking like this!” and I point at their boardshorts.

“Denny’s? Just a sec!” Owen says and quickly heads over to the divider, his brother hard on his heels.

“Even that ‘airy’ look is better than just swimming shorts!” Audrey shouts, chuckling.

“Yeah, yeah…” comes the muffled reply from behind the divider.

The evening is delightful! Evan and Owen are a lot of fun to be around and didn’t give me a hard time once. We eat at Denny’s, but the twins ask us to skip dessert. Instead, Evan insists on eating ice cream at a nearby shop that serves the best milkshake in the state, according to both of them! So we head over there, and I have to hand it to them.

“That’s one fine milkshake!” I say after I polish it off.

“Told you!” Evan says.

“Look, guys. Tomorrow we need to shoot the more revealing stuff,” I say seriously. “You don’t feel pressured or anything, right?”

“Huh? No!” Owen says with a look on his face as if I’m from Mars.

“Just checking. Sorry.”

“I really don’t care! I’d pose naked if you want. I’m not ashamed of my body. His body, on the other hand…” Owen says as he makes a disgusted face and points at his brother.

“Hahaha!! That’s funny! Ya know… cause y’all look… the same!” I say with a thick trailer-trash accent to emphasize the humor in explaining a joke.

We all laugh so loud that the waitress starts glaring at us. “Let’s tone it down a bit, guys. I don’t wanna be kicked out of here.”

“Sshhh…” Audrey whispers, still giggling.

“I think we’ve got time tomorrow to do a mood shot with the three of you. Would you mind?” I say after the laughter dies off.

“What’s a mood shot?” Audrey asks and judging by the questioning look on all faces, nobody knows what I mean.

“I want to put you guys on a beach where you’re having fun. Or where you look at the sea. Or just sunbathing. Stuff you do when you’re wearing these clothes. That way, Mr. Liebermann will see the added value of it because these can be used on his website, in his shops, his printed folders, you name it.”

“You want to go to the beach tomorrow? In Seattle?” Owen smirks.

“Duh! Of course not,” I reply with mock annoyance. “We’ll use a green screen. But if he likes it, I’ll try to persuade him to go to an actual tropical island and shoot the real deal.”

“Oh wow…” all three whisper together, which causes another burst of laughter.

“Count me in!” Owen says, ”if it can take me to a tropical island, I’m game!”

“Me too,” his brother replies and looks questioningly at Audrey.

“No. Not me. Find another idiot,” she says with a straight face.

“Owww!!” Evan and Owen whine.

“What do you think? Of course, I wanna go to a tropical island! Back at ya!”

“Wait a minute! I’m not saying we’re going to a tropical island, guys. I’m just saying we MIGHT go there IF I can convince Mr. Liebermann to pay for it.”

“I get it. But I wanna go anyway,” Evan giggles.

It’s already late when we get home, so we decide to hit the sack. I show the boys their room, and before I get a chance to leave them alone, they’re already naked. These kids have even fewer issues with being naked than I do.

“Night, boys. See you tomorrow.”

“Can you leave the door open, please?” Evan asks.

I need a moment to judge him if he’s not making fun of me this time. But it’s clear they’re both serious, so I don’t say anything and just nod.

“Sure thing. I’ll call you guys in the morning, kay?”

“You might need to call twice,” Evan says, scratching his ass, “or three times. We’re both very sound sleepers. Right, Dude?”

“Yep. Mom always complains about it,” Owen adds.

“I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks for today, guys! You were awesome!”

As I glance at Audrey’s exposed boobs, I crawl into bed. We lay there looking at the ceiling, and I just know Audrey wants to talk about today.

“I never thought a penis could be beautiful. To me, it was just a silly tube of flesh. But seeing it now with Evan and Owen…”

“They are magnificent. There’s no other word for how they look.”

“I just have to keep looking, you know? And at some point today, I just wanted to grab it and jack it as I did with you,” she says, looking at me, clearly uncomfortable admitting it.

“That’s not weird, Lil ‘Bit. You were horny. Heck, I had that thought once or twice too today,” I chuckle.

“I’m going to masturbate now,” Audrey states and pushes down the blanket, exposing her nubile naked young body and my precum-leaking boner.

I’m not going to argue. I also need to relieve the pressure so that I won’t do anything stupid tomorrow. I simply grab my hard-on and start jacking. As I do this, my eyes are glued between Audrey’s spread legs, where the movement of her hand betrays what she’s doing.

As she starts moaning, I quickly glance at her face and see her eyes are glued to the action between my legs. Neither of us says anything, and the room is filled with heavy panting, soft moans, and typical masturbation sounds.

“Oohhhh,” Audrey moans, and it’s clear she’s trying to keep the sound level down.

I can see her body stiffen as her hand moves faster and faster between her legs, with the squishy sounds getting louder by the second. The realization she’s cumming, pushes me over the edge more quickly than I ever experienced before. And before I can say or do anything, my cum flies out of my dick and coats me from my chin to my pubes.

I did my best to hold back my moans, but it was a powerful orgasm, so I end up making a bit more noise than I’d like. Beside me, Audrey moans again and, judging by her new spasms, comes again.

After we lay side by side for a few minutes, Audrey whispers, “It’s SO hot watching you cum! I came twice again…”

“You’re not too bad yourself. I get hot watching you too. I’m glad we’re doing this together now,” and I carefully move toward her and give her a peck on her cheek.

But right before I move in for a second one, she turns her head, and my kiss lands straight on her mouth. Then, she grabs my head with her hand, and she starts kissing me firmly. Again, no tongue, but not a friendly peck either.

The kiss lasts a few seconds. And after she lets go of my head, she looks me deep into my eyes and says, “I love you, Scott!”

This takes me by surprise, but I can’t deny my love for her, although I’m not sure what kind of love I’m feeling. But I do love her, so I reply, “I love you too, Lil’ Bit!”

This brings a smile to our faces, but I feel my cum sliding down, dangerously close to the mattress. So I turn to my back, reach under the bed for the towel, and quickly clean up my mess. After Audrey clicks off the light, she immediately cuddles up against me, and we’re asleep in record time.

* * *

I grumble as the sound of the alarm clock wakes me. Audrey moves next to me too. She moved away from me during the night, but her leg is still draped over mine. I rub my eyes, grab my phone, and get up.

“Too early,” I hear Audrey grumble.

“Welcome to the glamorous world of professional photography,” I reply as I pull up a fresh pair of boxers.

“Grmph… don’t wanna,” she wines and puts her arm over her eyes.

I walk over, grab the covers, and pull them down with a big tug. She doesn’t even move. I let my eyes roam quickly over her magnificent body. My eyes land on her puffy pussy lips, and a sudden urge to fuck her washes over me. This feeling scares the shit out of me! I can’t possibly fuck her! She’s twelve, damnit! And under my supervision. So, with all the willpower in me, I push back that thought and pretend it never happened. Instead, I reach out and tickle under her left foot.

“Hey!” she says, only pulling back her foot.

“Get up, okay? We’ve got work to do! I’ll go and wake up Evan and Owen.”

She grunts again, but before I leave the room, she sits upright and swings her legs over the edge of the bed. I walk over toward the boys’ room, and I can hear a soft snore coming from it. As I reach the half-open door, I stop dead in my tracks. Holy shit! Both boys lie on their backs, and the blanket is kicked around their feet. This isn’t a big surprise, considering the temperature in the room. They must’ve cranked up the heating last night.

But in the yellow illumination coming from the hallway, they look like they’re glowing. But the thing that strikes me most are the hard boners sticking up from their crotches. Because of these, I can’t see the birthmark, so it’s not exactly clear who’s who. But I don’t care! I feel myself grow stiff at the spectacle in front of me, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Both boys are sound asleep, and one of them lies with his head against his brother’s shoulder. It’s so sweet that if it wasn’t for them being naked and their hard-ons on display, it could easily be on the front of a Christmas card.

I hear some noise behind me and notice Audrey walking around in a tank top and panties. “PSST!” I whisper loudly, and when she looks at me, I motion her to come over. She looks at me with a questioning face but walks over anyway. As she comes closer, I see her eyes focus on my tented boxershorts, which make the question marks in her eyes even bigger.

“What is it?” she whispers as she comes closer.

I smile and whisper back, ”Take a look,” and step a bit aside

“Oh, wow!” she whispers as she looks at the boys, and in a reflex, she puts her hand in front of her mouth, probably to prevent her from waking them.

“I know, right? I wish I had my camera,” I softly giggle.

“They are… oh my god! This is…” she whispers, and I can see her hand move between her legs.

She seems to snap out of her trance as she realizes where her hand is going and looks at me with a flushed face. Then down at my tented underwear, and she smiles.

“You can’t wake them up like this, can you?”

“Oh, I can. And I will. If they don’t care, neither will I. But I’m not sure if they like it when you’re in the back, looking at their boners,” I say, still whispering.

“No. Me neither. Just one more minute,” she says, and we both take a good, long look at these young, angelic boys, looking smoking hot.

“Okay. That’s enough for now,” I say primarily to myself.

Audrey nods and walks back to our room to get dressed. I enter the room and clear my throat loudly. No movement. One of the boys’ boner twitches, but that’s all. So I clear my throat again, but still nothing. Finally, I move closer and reach out for their bodies. It takes a lot of willpower to ignore their hard dicks, but I place my hand just above Evan’s boner on his belly and feel the heat coming from his hard-on. Now that I’m close enough, I’m able to see the birthmark. I gently rub his tight belly, and he finally stirs. Before he realizes where my hand is, I move it over to his brother and repeat the action.

Both of them yawn loudly and stretch their bodies, making an already perfect picture even more perfect. I see them blink as they wake up, and I notice both boners twitch again in my peripheral vision. Finally, I smile as their eyes focus and see the realization in their eyes that they’re not in their own bed.

“Morning, guys!” I say cheerfully.

“Morning, Mr. H,” Owen groans.

They don’t seem to realize their situation since neither of them attempts to cover up at all. I give them a few more moments, and when I see Evan reach down to grab his boner, I realize they just don’t care about their situation. Especially when a few moments later Owen does the same.

I can’t ignore it anymore—two beautiful boys, naked and hard with their boners in their hands, ready to jerk.

“You might need to do something about that, don’t you?” I ask softly.

They look at me to see what I mean. And after I nod toward their hard-ons, they just smile, and I see Owen squeezing his dick.

“Nah. It’ll go down after a piss,” Evan simply says and sits up straight, rubbing his eyes.

“And look who’s talking,” Owen chuckles, his eyes focused on my tent.

“Yeah. Well… sorry about that, but I need to take a leak too, and you boys looked amazing lying there like that. Can’t help it.”

“Nevermind. We’re all guys here,” Evan says.

In the hallway, Audrey is making a bit of noise to announce her arrival. Both Evan and Owen simply place their hands over their boner, but that’s about all.

“Oh! Morning, guys! Sleep well?” she says, still flushed but acting overly casual, still dressed in a tank top and panties.

“I know I did. It was a bit cold last night, so we turned up the heater. A bit too much, obviously,” he says, pointing toward the crumbled blanket at their feet.

“Who’s first in the shower?” I ask, looking at all three kids.

“I don’t care,” Audrey says.

“We’ll go first then,” is Owen’s response.

“That way, we’re saving precious time,” Evan adds and smiles, “just ask our mom on a schoolday.”

Owen starts giggling, and I notice his boner is almost gone when he accidentally moves his hand out of the way.

“Great! I’ll start working on breakfast. See you downstairs in, let’s say, fifteen minutes?”

“I’ll take mine tonight,” Audrey says, “saves time too, and I’ll probably sweat a lot today. I’ll help you with breakfast.”

We’re almost done with pancakes and bacon when Owen and Evan walk in. Evan fully clothed, Owen in just his sweat pants. Both boys are obviously without underwear, judging by the moving lump in their sweats.

“It smells delicious, Mr. H,” Owen says kindly.

“Hey!” Audrey says, turning around with her hand on her hip.

“Sorry… and Audrey!” Owen adds quickly.

“That’s right,” Audrey smiles and blows him a small kiss with her lips.

We make small talk during breakfast. As we sit there, talking and laughing, I almost feel like we’re a family. Both boys are really nice and funny, and they fully respect Audrey and me in a very natural way. Audrey seems happy to be around them too. As I’m contemplating all this, I can’t help but think about how Glenn did the same for me. He made me feel at home and took me in as his own. He didn’t just teach me how to take good pictures. He taught me how to be a good person in general. I almost tear up, thinking about this.

After the breakfast table is cleaned, we head out to the studio again. Audrey and the boys walk over to the clothing racks, and within seconds, both boys are standing there naked as if there’s nothing strange about being naked in front of a girl about the same age. I love it!

“Let’s start out with the speedos, okay?” I say as I start clicking on the lights, computer, and stuff.

As time passes by, the speedos get skimpier. At one point, Evan walks over to the spot in front of the camera, and in my viewfinder, I notice some hair peeking out above the waistband.

“Uhmm… can you pull it up a tiny bit?” I ask, pointing at the monitor with the picture I’m about to take.

He looks at the monitor and shakes his head, “No. Sorry. That’ll give me a full-blown wedgie, I’m afraid. I’m glad my dick fits in this thing.”

“I see. That’ll be a Photoshop job, I’m afraid. I can’t send it to Mr. Lieberman like this.”

“You can cut them off if that’s easier for you,” he simply says.

I look at him to check if he’s serious, and judging by his look, he is. So I look around, and before I can do anything, Audrey hands me a pair of scissors.

“You want me to do that?” I ask, a little flabbergasted he’d trust me with such a job.

“Of course. You see what’s needed from down there,” and he just smiles.

I don’t want to let an opportunity like this go to waste, so I get on my knees in front of him and slowly bring the scissors toward the top of his speedos.

“I just need to pull this down a little bit,” I say softly and tug at the waistband near his hip.

This causes the waistband to slide down a tiny bit, but just enough for me to cut away a little more hairs. The back of the scissors touches his pubic bone, and he hisses at the contact.

“Sorry,” I say and pull back.

“It’s just cold. Go ahead.

When I bring the scissors back, I notice his growing dick. By the time I’m done cutting off a little bit of the hairs, he’s got a full-on boner. I look up at him, and he just smiles sheepishly down at me.

“Sorry, but no one ever touches me down there,” and he starts to blush.

“Don’t worry about it. It’ll go down in a few moments,” I say assuringly.

Owen and Audrey are talking to each other, seemingly oblivious to the predicament Evan is in, but the moment I stand up, Owen giggles and says, “Dude!”

Audrey looks too, but she just looks and doesn’t say anything, which is probably for the best.

“Can’t help it, dude! You go first. I’m ready in a moment.”

So they switch places, and as Evan stands next to Audrey, I see her eyes glued to Evan’s crotch. Owen wears the same model speedos as his brother, but he manages to hide it all from view. We’re done relatively quickly with this one, and by the time Evan is back at it, he’s ready too. His dick is only a little bigger than in the other pictures, but at least his pubes don’t peek out this time.

“Thong time!” Audrey giggles as the awkwardness is visible on both boys’ faces.

As they pull up the thongs and try to stuff their junk inside, Owen says, “That string between my cheeks isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

“Nah. It’s alright,” Evan adds, “but still not my kind of underwear.”

“Your butt looks great in it!” Audrey adds, immediately regretting she said it, judging by the look on her face.

“It does? Thanks!” Evan says, clearly taking it as a compliment.

Both boys turn around to show the other how they look. I can only laugh at such youthful playfulness. Owen spanks his brother, which has to be returned, of course. After letting them get used to the situation, I call them over. Owen is the first, and he acts like it’s the most normal thing in the world to be in front of a camera in just a thong. But so does Evan, and I compliment both boys on their professionalism.

After the thongs and underwear are done, I wipe the sweat from my forehead, take a sip from my coke, and look at Audrey.

“We’re done! That was the last piece we had to shoot,” she chirps.

“Yes!” The boys say and give each other a high-five.

They walk over to me in their tight boxer briefs, high-five me too, and do the same to Audrey.

“We did it, guys! Time for some lunch. And after that, green-screen and fun time!”

We sit at the table, drinking some soda and chatting while waiting for the delivery guy to show up. Evan and Owen are still in just the boxers, but I hardly notice that anymore. Audrey and the boys chat about what to wear for the mood shots as the doorbell rings.

“You need to wear that bikini you wore yesterday!” I hear Owen exclaim, “you look awesome in it!”

As I walk back to the table, I notice Audrey blushing and looking at the table. Then she says, “I’ll wear that bikini again, but only if at least one of you wears a speedo.”

“You know what?” Evan says boldly, “we’ll both wear a speedo.”

“Deal!” Audrey says and extends her hand to shake on it.

After our subs are done, we chat a little more. After I get up and roll in the green screen, Audrey disappears behind the divider to change. Both Evan and Owen help me set things up properly. We use a different corner of the studio, but during last week, I already worked out the lighting plan, so we’re done in no time.

“That was quick,” Evan says.

“I know. But I don’t want this to be too perfect. It must give him an idea of what I’m thinking about. If this is near-perfect, there’s no need to go to a real beach, right?” I smile.

After Audrey appears from behind the divider, both boys’ eyes almost pop out of their sockets again, but they don’t say anything. Instead, they just grab the speedos and start changing too. Moments later, they’re all in front of the green screen, looking at me for directions. So, I load up some pictures I made on the Island earlier, and we all look at the monitor for the right one.

“That’s nice,” Audrey says, “and now we just do… what?”

“Tell a joke. Or grab a ball and play with it. Or pretend to look at something in the distance. It’s okay to put an arm over a shoulder or around a waist. Just try to act natural, and like you’re having fun on a tropical beach.”

This starts out rather awkwardly, but they get into the mood after a few minutes. First, they pretend to play some volleyball. And later on, they kick the ball around. The ball isn’t in the picture, but the way their bodies move makes it look all-natural. Audrey grabs both boys around their waists a little later while they put their arms over her shoulders. At that moment, Owen let out a big fart, and we all laugh loudly at that. This is probably the best picture of the set, but we decide to take a few more.

Audrey’s hands are on the boys’ hips at that time, and I notice Evan boning up again. Neither of them notices, so I take a few pics of that and even two or three close-ups. Then I clear my throat and nod toward his groin. All three of them look, and Audrey starts to giggle, making Evan blush.

“Did I do that?” Audrey smiles.

“Well… uh… yeah… sorry?”

Audrey kisses him on his cheek, acting like it’s nothing, and says, “Let’s turn around and pretend we’re looking at something exciting.”

They do just that, and it immediately takes the tension out of the situation. I make a mental note to compliment her on how she handled it later.

After a lot more pictures, I call out, “That’s it, guys! We’re done!”

“Whoop, whoop!” Owen says and kisses Audrey on her cheek in excitement.

They all look at each other, and Audrey nods. I still don’t know when they talked about it, but at that moment, they run toward me and all hug me. Then, because of the speed, I stumble to the floor in loud laughter, still being embraced by three almost naked preteens. I feel like I’m in heaven and laugh loudly too.

“Thanks, guys! You all did a great job!”

“No, Mr. H. Thank you for helping us with our first modeling job,” Evan says seriously.

“Yeah. We’ll thank you in our Oscar acceptance speech when we’re big-shot models,” Owen adds, still laughing.

“It’s okay. We did this together. If Mr. Lieberman likes the mood shots, we’ll probably do another shoot. But in a completely different setting. That’ll be even more fun, I promise!”

“Let’s hope he likes them then,” Audrey says, untangling herself from the pile of legs and arms.

As Audrey and the boys change, I gather the memory cards and clean up a bit. Most of the setup needs to stay because the girls’ clothes still need to be shot. After about half an hour of hanging out together and drinking some more Cokes, the doorbell rings.

“That’ll be our mom,” Evan says and adjusts his sweater.

I open the door, and I’m greeted by Miranda and a man I haven’t seen before.

“Hi! I’m Luke. Nice to finally meet you,” he says, and we shake hands.

“I’m Scott. Nice to meet you too.”

Miranda and Luke follow me into the studio. Luke looks around and seems impressed.

“Nice setup you’ve got here!”

“Thanks,” I reply and walk over to the table where the kids are sitting.

“Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad,” Evan says, and both boys get up to hug their parents.

“I notice the house is still standing. Did they behave?” Miranda asks, looking seriously at me.

“They were fabulous! They helped us out with everything, worked hard, and even did the dishes,” I say, winking at the boys, “they can come over whenever they want. I mean it!”

They don’t have to know I like having them over to lust over their naked bodies. But it isn’t just that. I really had an excellent time, so I meant what I said.

“That’s great news. Good job, Little Men!” Miranda smiles.

“Did everything go well yesterday?” I ask, remembering her important appointment.

“Splendid! We’ve got the deal, so we’re expanding!” Luke smiles.

“That’s good news! Congratulations,” I say and shake both their hands.

“Thanks. We’re celebrating tonight,” Miranda says, “we made reservations at Don Frasco’s!”

“Yummie!” Evan and Owen say and look all excited at each other.

“Well then… Have fun! I’ll let you know when I’ve got another assignment,” I say, and we shake hands again.

We say our goodbyes, and after Evan and Owen bump fists with Audrey and me, they’re off. I look at Audrey, and when she looks at me, we both burst out into laughter.

“This was fun!” she laughs. “Too bad it’s done already!”

“Yeah. I didn’t expect it to be like this, but it was awesome. I hope I land some more jobs so that I can invite them over more often. They’re crazy. But in a good way.”

“Did Evan really get stiff over me?”

“Yes, he did. Owen had the same problem yesterday, but he managed to hide it from you.”

“I wanna do it now,” she says, blushing.

My first reaction is to ask her what she wants to do. But just by looking at her, I know what she means. And as she starts taking off her pants, I feel myself grow hard instantly and realize how horny I am myself.

By the time my boner pops free from my underwear and slaps against my belly, Audrey is completely naked too and sitting sideways on the wooden bench, facing me, her legs spread, and she’s giving me an unobstructed view of her pussy. I immediately feel that incredible urge to do more again, which both scares me and turns me on immensely.

“Want me to do that?” I hear myself ask with a hoarse voice.

She looks questionably at me, but after I look directly at her pussy again, she catches on.

“Oh, yeah! Would you?”

“Come over,” I say and sit sideways on the bench, too, just like her.

I never found this bench comfortable, but Glenn insisted on a bench at one side of the table, so more people could sit down than when there are only chairs available. But now I’m grateful for it.

Audrey moves over toward me but isn’t exactly sure what to do. So I grab her by the shoulders, give one of her nipples a quick suck, and whisper, “Sit down with your back against me, and let me give you the best cum you ever had.”

I realize what I’m saying isn’t very adult-like, but I’m so horny at the moment after all the naked boys, close-up dicks, and boners that I don’t really care either.

As Audrey sits down in front of me and traps my leaking boner between us, I don’t hold back. Instead, my right hand immediately goes down toward her belly, and my left hand firmly grabs her tit.

I start playing with her hard nipple, and Audrey rests her head against my right shoulder, sighing deeply. My right hand slowly inches down. I start at her belly button, and as I touch her sparse pubic hairs, her lower body starts squirming, and soft moans come deep from within her, sounding like music to my ears.

When my index finger hits her clit, she stiffens and spreads her legs even further. That’s when I stop being gentle. I fingered enough women in my life to know what works for them, and I bring all of it into practice with Audrey.

Her pelvis is constantly grinding against my fingers, and each time I pinch her nipple, an even louder moan sings in my ears. While her lower body moves against my slippery dick, I realize I’m getting close too. So I gently move my hips back a little, creating a bit more space and less friction. But when Audrey realizes what’s happening, she inches her right arm between our bodies and clumsily starts jacking me.

Despite the clumsiness, the effect is terrific, and I double my efforts if that’s even possible. The moans and grunts filling the studio sound loud and obscene, but somehow, this enhances the experience immensely. The studio feels almost a public place. Granted, we can’t be caught, but it’s kinkier than just doing it in the shower or the bedroom.

“OOHHH!! I’m…” Audrey says between moans.

“AHHH…Too!!!” I grunt.

And a moment later, when I enter her soaking pussy with a second finger, she stiffens. Her grip on my dick increases to a point it almost hurts, but somehow, that’s all it takes for me. Feeling her pussy contract around my fingers, combined with her firm grip, sets me off too. I feel the cum shoot through my shaft, and a heartbeat later, it’s coating both our bodies.

The moment my cum hits Audrey’s back, her pussy starts contracting even stronger, and she pushes her back against me harder as if she needs to brace herself. As my own orgasm dies down, Audrey is still riding the waves of her orgasmic high. The shaking of her body doesn’t die down much, but the contractions of her pussy and her loud moans slowly do.

After a little while, her body goes limp against mine, and she just pants heavily. My fingers are still buried inside her, and even the tiniest movements cause her to shiver. Finally, after I did this a few times, she whispers, “Stop it! No more!”

Her head turns, and she smiles lazily at me, and at that moment, I pull my fingers out, move my hand down from her boob to her belly, and I pull her in a warm embrace. Her hand is still around my dick, and me pulling out seems to be her cue for letting me go too.

She looks at her cum-covered hand and giggles.

“You came a lot. And I think we need that shower now.”

“I guess we do,” I respond, but neither of us makes a move to get up.

After a few more minutes of enjoying this intimate moment, Audrey gets up and pulls out a towel from under the sink. She wipes her back with it, and when I look down at the mess I made, I’m glad she throws me the towel after she’s done with it.

We get dressed, and after we look at each other, Audrey steps closer and gives me a very tight hug.

“I really love you, Scott. Thanks for doing these things with me.”

At that moment, I realize I’m falling in love with this amazing kid. I know it’s wrong in a million ways, but I can’t help it. I feel this morning’s lustful urge to fuck her completely being replaced by a deep, heartfelt love for her.

“I love you too, Lil’ Bit!” and before I know it, we kiss each other deeply.

After the kiss, we stand there, holding each other tight for a few minutes. Then, Audrey is the first to break the hug and asks, “Is it okay if I take a shower first?”

I’m tempted to propose showering together, but I don’t want to rush things. So I just nod and tell her to go ahead.

After I’m done cleaning up the traces of our encounter and locking up the studio, I suddenly miss Glenn. This feeling hits me like a ton of bricks. Of course, I think about Glenn more than a few times a day. But this feels more like an epiphany. I miss him terribly, but I suddenly realized many good things happened to me after his passing.

* * *

The following week, Audrey and I spent a lot of time in the studio to shoot her part. It takes us a couple of days, but the results are fantastic. During her time in school, I work on my computer to enhance and improve the pictures. I put the more daring ones in my private folder for later ‘reference.’

Friday evening at around ten, I email Mr. Lieberman the final results. I explain the mood shots in a separate email and include five of the best pictures from that shoot.

I pour myself a big glass of whiskey and walk over to Audrey to sit next to her to watch some TV together. But before my ass hits the couch, my phone rings. I look at the display, and I see it’s Mr. Lieberman.


“Mr. Harris?”

“Yes. Speaking.”

“I LOVE what you did, Scott! This is EXACTLY what my company needs. I need those mood shots! Can you arrange that for me?”

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

duo pueri calidi nihil pudere convivium oculis

P.S. That’s a really bad feature pic 🙂 I know! But I put it up there anyways as my own mood shot…

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La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Melancholia

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 10

Living without my parents around took me some getting used to. Glenn and Gloria were a lot less strict about a lot of things. My bedtime was up to me, as long as I wasn’t cranky or my grades in school went down. Gloria helped me out with my homework a lot, which was great! That way, I had more time helping out Glenn in the studio, which I liked best about staying with them.

They didn’t mind me walking around naked either. If I did this at home, mom or dad would send me upstairs to put some clothes on. But Gloria and Glenn didn’t care if I walked around naked. So, on the weekends, I ate my breakfast in the buff, helped Gloria out a bit in the kitchen, put some clothes on, and assisted Glenn with whatever he needed.

I really enjoyed my newfound freedom. Especially when Gloria was gone, and it was just Glenn and me. Glenn couldn’t stop showing me the ropes of being a good photographer and complimented me on my work as it was getting better and better.

One Friday evening, after we were done cleaning up the mess from the shoot we had just completed, we looked at each other and chuckled simultaneously. We were both sweaty from top to toe from all the hard work. We’d been hauling around heavy stuff as the hot studio lights were still radiating their warmth over the studio floor. Glenn quickly shouted, “I’m first!” and started running toward the house.

“Hey! Not fair! I want to go first!” I shouted, running after him.

“Not a chance!” Glenn shot back as he ran upstairs with me on his heels, but I lacked the speed because of my smaller frame.

Before I was upstairs, I heard the bathroom door slam shut. Damnit! So I started pounding on the door and whined, “I wanna go first! Please! I smell like a rat’s ass!”

“Nope!” Glenn said, and I could hear he was taking off his clothes already.

I thought about it for a second, and then I had an idea. This would be a first, but it had a fair chance of success after our swimming sessions.

“Can’t I join you then?” I tried carefully.

I strained my ears in an attempt to hear a reaction from Glenn. There was a bit more ruffling from him undressing, but that was about it. Then, right when I wanted to try again, I heard the door unlock.

I tentatively opened the door and peeked inside. I looked at Glenn’s naked backside walking over to the big shower stall, as he said, “You know the rules. Not a word,” and he opened the glass shower door without looking back.

I was thrilled to have that much-needed shower now but was even more excited about being so close to Glenn while we were both naked. Maybe he could show me a new trick or show me how he jerked off again. So I quickly disrobed and hurried over to join him.

Glenn was in the process of letting the water cascade over his body, so he had his eyes closed and face toward the ceiling. That gave me the opportunity to check out his manly body from head to toe. His penis looked massive to me, and the thick bush surrounding it made me jealous and self-conscious about my body.

I noticed Glenn’s penis was growing a bit. He wasn’t hard, but I saw it enough to know he wasn’t soft either. Suddenly, I felt an incredible urge to touch it. As if in a dream, I saw my hand extend itself toward his willie and looked up at Glenn to see if he was looking. He still had his hands in his hair but looked down at me and smiled a warm smile.

That was all the encouragement I needed, and I took Glenn’s willie in my hand. I heard him gasp above the cascading water, but he didn’t say anything. It felt weird having another guy’s willie in my hand, but the more I fumbled with it, the more I liked it. Especially when Glenn’s willie was fully erect. It didn’t take long, but that short period of feeling it grow from soft to hard got me worked up pretty well, and I was equally hard as I kept examining it with my hand.

Glenn moved his hand from his hair and laid one on my shoulder, and the other one just hung beside his body. It was clear he was letting me have my way, and I took the opportunity with both hands. Literally. After I meticulously judged its size and shape, I pulled back his foreskin with one hand, and with my index finger from my other hand, I touched his glans. I expected it to feel different from mine, but the opposite was true.

I let the skin slide back, and my free hand moved to his balls while my other hand kept moving the skin up and down over his glans. In my small hand, his full-grown boner and balls felt massive. I jiggled them around between my fingers, and I could hear Glenn moan. I still don’t know why, but this triggered something inside me. I wanted to thank him for showing me how I should jack off. I wanted to thank him for being such a great mentor in my photography. I wanted to thank him for taking me in as his son. I wanted to make Glenn have an orgasm.

So, that’s when I awkwardly started going to town on his willie. It took me a few moments to get accustomed to his size. And after I shifted a bit and got on my knees for a better view and a better grip, I really could get going. I was at eye-level with his willie now and took in every detail as I moved my hand up and down on it. Judging by Glenn’s moans, I was doing a decent job. All I heard was the water running over our bodies, the squishy motion of my jacking hand, and Glenn’s increasing moans.

“Oh, Bud! I’m… AHH..”

He was moaning about the same as he did last time he was jacking next to me. I put two and two together, and I knew he was getting close. So I kept stroking him, and my eyes fixated on the slit on the top of his glans. I wanted to see his sperm shoot out of it and couldn’t wait for it to happen.

“AHH… AHH… Bud, I’mmmm OHHHHH”

The moment he started groaning loudly, I felt his balls contract, his willie fattened and started kicking in my hand. Then, moments later, his sperm started shooting from the tip, and I was so hypnotized by its sight that I didn’t realize he was coating my right shoulder and chest with it.

I was mesmerized by the spectacle before me. Watching Glenn’s sperm fly out of his willie triggered something primal inside. I now know I was horny as fuck, but I couldn’t place this confusing feeling at that time. I kept trying to milk more sperm out of him. But after a few seconds, Glenn placed his big hand on my head and moaned, “Stop it, Bud. It’s too sensitive now.”

I felt a sense of pride that I made Glenn orgasm, but I was also sad it was over already. Seeing him shoot his load sure got me going. I looked up at Glenn, and when I saw him smiling down at me, I smiled back, stood up, and gave him a tight hug. I don’t know why I did it, but it just felt like the right- thing to do.

Glenn’s softening willie was trapped between us, and I could feel my stiffy pressing against Glenn’s leg. Suddenly I felt silly about the hug, and I didn’t want to make this too awkward, so I broke the hug and started rinsing my hair.

The next thing I knew, I felt Glenn’s fingers wrapping themselves around my stiffy. I opened my eyes and saw Glenn still smiling at me. He had a natural way of putting me at ease.

“Your turn,” he said, barely hearable above the water.

When he started jacking me, I closed my eyes as I wanted to experience the feeling the best I could. I hung my head back between my shoulderblades and just enjoyed the good feelings Glenn’s fingers were giving me. I was so focused on the good feelings on my stiffy that I didn’t notice Glenn moved beside me.

Suddenly, my stiffy felt like a warm, moist blanket surrounded it. My eyes crossed, and I nearly screamed because of this new sensation. Seconds later, after I regained some self-control, and looked down at what was happening. I was looking at the top of Glenn’s head and was shocked to see my willie disappear in his mouth. By then, I had never heard of a blowjob, but I sure as hell liked what it felt like!

The moment I felt Glenn’s tongue lap the underside of my willie, the feeling was just too overwhelming, and I had to steady myself by holding on to Glenn by his broad shoulders. He kept increasing his tongue motion but also started bobbing his head up and down on my willie.

“OHHHH!!! MMMHH,” I heard myself moan, my hips moving involuntarily.

Glenn’s hands moved slowly up the backside of my legs, and as he reached higher, I felt the pressure inside build-up with each up and down motion of his head. The moment Glenn’s hands finished their upward journey and arrived at my butt, he cupped my asscheeks with both hands and pulled me further toward his mouth. One of his fingers was extremely close to my butthole, but somehow it added an extra level of excitement.

“AAHHHH!!” I almost screamed as he sucked me harder and lapped over the entire underside of my willie.

I felt Glenn moan on my willie and realized I was going to cum any moment now. Glenn must’ve sensed it too, as he moved up and down now even faster. But, the moment his finger pressed on my asshole, I lost it. I pushed my hips forward and felt my willie kicking furiously inside Glenn’s mouth.

“AIIIIAAAHHIII” was the high-pitched scream I heard as I came, and my knees buckled.

It was a good thing I was leaning on Glenn’s shoulders. Otherwise, I would’ve fallen down again. The feeling of cumming inside Glenn’s mouth was amazing! I never felt anything better until then and couldn’t possibly imagine a feeling better than this. Ever.

Glenn’s sucking slowed down, and his finger released its pressure on my butt hole. Now he was cupping my ass again, and the lapping on my willie was toned down to a gentle caressing with his tongue.

I slowly regained my senses and just had to pull out of Glenn’s mouth. It was just getting too sensitive in there. Glenn sensed me pulling back and let go of my butt. With a loud popping sound, my willie exited his mouth. I looked down at Glenn, and I saw a big grin across his face as he stood up.

“How was it?” he asked with great interest.

I surprised myself when I exclaimed, “It was FUCKING awesome!”

“That good, huh!?” Glenn chuckled.

“Oh wow! It was like… I was… My willie was… What did you do?”

“I gave you a blowjob, Bud. Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Can I do it to you too?” I asked, excited to try.

“Haha! If you wanna try it, I don’t see why not. Just not now. You just jacked me off. Another time, kay?” Glenn said, smiling.

We finished our business in the bathroom, and after we dried off, we went downstairs together to watch some TV before I had to go to bed. We didn’t care about clothes since Gloria wouldn’t be back before midnight, and I would be in bed by then.

During the sitcom we watched, Glenn put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

“I think you’ll need your apron tomorrow. I’m doing a Pyntar shoot tomorrow,” Glenn said, looking down at me.

“Oh!? What is it?”

“It’s a mother and her daughter. They’ll be posing in front of a fake mirror where the mother looks melancholically at her youthful self.”

“Sounds great! But why the apron?”

“What do you think?” Glenn chuckled.

“Naked?” I asked, feeling a slight stir in my groin.

“Yup. I talked to the mother, and she’s okay with you hanging around to learn how this is done.”

“Really? That’s awesome!” I said, feeling excited about attending the more serious shoots.

“Just be professional, remember?”

“Of course!” I said, smiling the most innocent smile I had in me.

After I went to bed, I lay there looking at the ceiling, wondering how the shoot would go. And I was going to see my first real-life naked woman! I was so excited, I figured I’d never sleep, but before I knew it, I heard the familiar sounds of Gloria making breakfast.

“Morning!” Gloria chirped as I sat down at the counter, my chubbed-up willie leading the way.

“Good morning. How was the party last night?”

“It was fantastic! Thanks,” she said with a big smile as she put the eggs and bacon in front of me.

“Is Glenn up already?”

“Yeah. He’s in the studio. I heard you’re attending your first Pyntar shoot. Nervous?”

“A little,” I admitted as I was munching down the eggs, ”but excited too. These pics are all about lighting and composition, and I really want to learn how to do that right.”

“Right. About lighting. And naked people,” Gloria chuckled but looked serious after that initial chuckle. “You’re okay with that, right?”

I looked at her to check if she was kidding me. She looked serious, so I said, “I don’t care about that! Well… I have never seen a naked woman before, but I’m more interested in the process of how to take the proper picture. Honest!”

She checked me out for a few moments and said, “Okay. Have fun then!” and started cleaning the counter while I finished breakfast.

I went upstairs to get dressed and hesitated about what to wear today. The tightness of my jeans was probably too uncomfortable when I would sport a stiffy. And the chance that would happen was significant. But considering the day would be a relatively warm one and that I would be working with the hot lights all day, I figured I could get away with my usual short sweat pants. My stiffy would have plenty of room in it, and the apron would hide the tent I’d be sporting.

When I entered the studio, Glenn looked at me and smiled. “Dressed for the shoot? Make sure to wear the apron, Bud!” and I could see him chuckling at my expense, but he turned his head in an attempt to hide it.

“I know, but jeans are just too uncomfy. I’ll wear the apron. I promise,” I said, the annoyance in my voice clearly audible.

“Don’t worry, Bud. Michelle isn’t easily offended. And I’m sure she’ll make you feel at ease. And by now, I think Becky is about the same as her mom.”

Shit! I almost forgot! There was going to be a naked little girl too. I wasn’t very fond of that, but if she wasn’t too annoying, I’d probably still get to see her mom’s boobs and pussy enough.

“Did you photograph her before?” I asked, trying to get as much information as I could.

“Yeah. Lots of times. In fact, she’s the woman in silhouette in front of the sun in my latest book,” Glenn said excitedly.

“Oh wow! She’s pretty.”

“Yeah. She did a shoot with her daughter before, but that’s years ago. Michelle is one of these rare women that live day by day and don’t care what other people think of her. And she’s good at modeling too. A perfect combination!”

At that moment, the bell rang. Glenn looked at me and pointed toward the apron. “I’ll get the door. You put on the uniform, kay?”

I took the apron from the hook and tied it so that I would look presentable in it. I felt my heart beating in my throat as I heard Glenn talking to Michelle in the distance. The moment they came into view, I was stunned. Michelle was a gorgeous woman in her early thirties. But the moment her daughter walked in, I immediately felt my willie starting to grow inside my underwear. I was expecting a little girl, around six or seven. But instead, a beautiful young woman walked in. I guessed her to be about thirteen or fourteen, and she was HOT!

She had blond hair, just like her mom, and a pair of real-life, handful-sized boobs. She wore a lime green summer dress, which showed off her developing curves magnificently, but her best feature was the killer smile.

“Hi! You must be Scott,” she beamed and extended her hand for me to shake.

I must’ve looked like an idiot because I couldn’t move, and my jaw must’ve been open. Luckily, Glenn came to the rescue.

“Scott, meet Rebecca and Michelle, our models for today,” he said, which snapped me out of my trance.

“Just Becky,” Rebecca said.

“Hi. Nice to meet you,” I finally croaked and shook both their hands.

“This will be your first shoot?” Michelle kindly asked, “Glenn told me you’re learning the fine art of artistic photography?”

“Yeah. Glenn is teaching me everything there is to know, so hopefully, one day, I’ll be half as good as he is,” I said, knowing how much this would flatter Glenn.

“Ahh, how cute!” Michelle said.

“Maybe you’ll even become a better photographer than Glenn,” Becky laughed and placed her left hand on my upper arm. She tucked a bit of hair behind her ear with her other hand.

“Oh… I… uhm…” I stammered.

And once again, Glenn came to my rescue. He looked at Michelle and asked, “You’ve talked to Becky about the shoot we’re about to do?”

“Yeah, she did,” Becky said. “It sounds awesome!” and her smile melted my heart.

“Great! Why don’t you two get ready? Scott and I will set up the lights and cameras, and we’ll see you back here.”

“Okay,” Michelle and Becky said simultaneously and giggled as they walked toward the changing spot.

“You okay, Bud?” Glenn whispered as he laid his hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah… it’s just… I was expecting a little girl, but…”

“Haha! I see! Yeah. She did some growing up since the last time I had her in front of my camera,” Glenn responded like it was no big deal and started working on his camera.

I was trying to help Glenn, but my eyes kept drifting off to the divider, waiting for the two beautiful naked girls to appear. And the moment they did… Oh boy!

Both of them walked toward us, completely naked, and were chatting like it was the most normal thing to do. Since they weren’t looking at me, I let my eyes drink in the view in front of me.

Michelle was undeniably a grown woman. Her boobs were full, and she had curves in all the right places. I wasn’t an expert yet in the boob department, but later, Glenn told me Michelle had an average B-cup. She was on the thin side but not skinny. Her long legs seemed to go on forever, and as my eyes moved up, I ended at her crotch. A small stripe of black pubes hid her pussy lips from view.

I quickly scanned Becky before my window of opportunity was gone. She was, in essence, a carbon copy of her mom. Just younger and a bit smaller. In everything. Her boobs were smaller, her hips less curvy, and her pubes… They looked magnificent! Her pubes weren’t modeled in the same, thin stripe as her mom’s, but she didn’t need to shave, considering she had less hair than her. Her pussy lips were still somewhat visible through her pubes, which was incredibly sexy.

“Close your mouth,” Glenn whispered beside me and poked me in my side with his elbow.

This snapped me out of my trance, and I tore my eyes away from these gloriously naked bodies. I don’t remember my stiffy ever being this hard before, and I was glad the apron was at least a partial cover-up for it.

“Okay, Michelle. You stand over there and Becky on the opposite side of the frame,” Glenn said, pointing.

When Becky walked past me, she looked at me and smiled a smile that made my heart melt for the second time. Then, she tugged her hair behind her ear again and walked toward the spot Glenn pointed out. Glenn had positioned the camera and fake mirror frame in such a way that both of them had their front to the camera, and the frame looked to be the mirror they’d both be looking at.

Glenn gave Michelle and Becky clear instructions on how to stand, hold their arms, and look. This was just the first lighting and shadow test, so it wasn’t needed to be spot-on. I could see Glenn was in the zone and had a very clear idea in his head about how it all should look.

“Scott?” he asked, looking around and acting as if he had just returned from out of space.

“I’m here,” I said, making sure he could see me, even though this meant I couldn’t look at Michelle and Becky anymore.

“Can you move that spot up until I say stop?”

I spent the next fifteen minutes adjusting all sorts of spots. One of the critical elements in this shot was the exact same lighting on both models. But since they were different in so many ways, this was a complicated task.

“I think we’ve got it,” Glenn finally said.

“It’s a good thing it isn’t cold in here,” Michelle chuckled when she saw me walking around, sweating a lot from all the hard work.

“Just one more thing,” Glenn said, looking at me.


“Can you apply some matting powder on these spots?” Glenn asked as he pointed toward their shoulders and the top half of their breasts.

“Uhm,” I stammered, blushing.

“Don’t worry. I’ll look through the view-finder and tell you where it’s needed,” Glenn said.

I’ve applied that stuff before during the film poster and album cover shoots. But the big difference with this one was that I needed to apply it on naked women. So I took the jar and brush from the table and walked over to Michelle.

“Don’t worry about it, kiddo,” Michelle smiled at my obvious insecurity about it.

I took the brush and dipped it in the powder. My hand was shaking when it went to her shoulder. Michelle noticed it and just winked at me, which, strangely enough, put me at ease. With guidance from Glenn, I matted her shoulders enough, but the hard part was yet to come. The moment I started working on her boobs, I shifted my weight, which caused my boner to touch her leg. My eye immediately went up to meet hers, and the fear of being caught must be clear as day because she started giggling and put her hand on my shoulder.

“Relax, dear! I told you not to worry. It’s normal to be nervous, and… you know,” she said and winked again.

“Oh… okay… thanks?” I managed.

In no time, her boobs were done. While working on them, I took in every inch of them with my eyes. My hand was close to her boobs, so I felt a bit sad it was over already. I could only hope that Becky was as easy-going as her mom. But, as I walked over to her, my boner still straining my underwear, I saw her smiling and knew she was cool with it.

Her shoulders were easy because she had darker skin. But while I was working on her shoulders, I couldn’t keep my eyes from her amazing boobs. Of course, Michelle’s were fantastic, but seeing these pert boobs, with hard, upward-pointing nipples, by a girl close to my age, made me realize I was creating jerk-off material in my head for months.

My hand kept shaking as I kept working so close to her boobs, but I just couldn’t help it. Thankfully, Becky didn’t notice or didn’t let on that she saw it.

“Okay. I think we’re ready,” Glenn said as I was finishing up on Becky.

“Thank you,” Becky whispered to me, and I immediately felt my face go red.

“N-No problem,” I stammered.

That’s when the actual positions had to be taken. Since they had to be a mirror image of each other, this had to be done meticulously. Again, both of them were amazing at following Glenn’s directions. During this complex part of the shoot where I couldn’t do anything, I kept looking at both bodies and memorized every inch of them.

After what seemed like forever, Glenn took the first real shots. Then, four or five shots later, Glenn asked, “Here. You take a look. Notice the difference between shadow and light. And check how I positioned the mirror dead center.”

Now that I could see everything first-hand, I was even more impressed by Glenn’s ability to set the scene and mood in it. His eye for detail was exquisite! My barely trained eyes saw nothing that wasn’t one hundred percent thought through and executed to perfection.

“This is amazing!” I said, looking up at Glenn, “how do you come up with this?”

“When I’m on the toilet!” he chuckles, “Just kidding! It just pops up in my head at random moments.”

He took several more pics and made Michelle and Becky make minor adjustments in their hands and heads, and after about ten minutes, we were done.

“You did great, ladies!” Glenn said excitedly after the last shot, and he dismounted the camera from his tripod.

“Ahhh… finally,” Becky said as she stretched her body, making her look even more fabulous, “I started getting a cramp in my arm.”

“I told you posing like this wasn’t easy,” Michelle said, stretching her body too.

“One shot of you two together to remember this shoot by?” Glenn asked, holding up his camera.

“Sure!” they said enthusiastically.

They stood together, wrapped one arm around the other’s shoulder, and started smiling toward Glenn. Becky made a peace sign with her fingers, and Michelle just waved. Then, as Glenn lowered his camera, Becky asked, “Can you use the self-timer to take a shot from the four of us?”

Glenn looked over at me to size me up. I gave him a timid nod, and Glenn just shrugged.

“Of course,” he said, placed the camera back on the tripod, and started fiddling with it.

“Come here, Scott,” Michelle waved at me.

I walked over to her with shaky legs, and the moment she wrapped her hand around my waist, I felt a strange feeling. Almost as if I came home and a warm blanket wrapped around me. My shakiness was gone, and I just smiled at her.

“You did great!” she said softly.

I tore my eyes from her boobs that were almost pressed against my chin and smiled back at her, blushing furiously.

“Smile!” Glenn, who positioned himself next to Becky, cheered, and we all smiled at the camera.

After a few moments, we heard the familiar **Click!!** sound, and I let go of Michelle’s waist.

“There are two more. Keep smiling!” Glenn said, and I grabbed hold of Michelle again but pressed my cheek against her right boob accidentally. Michelle didn’t care, or at least didn’t say or do anything about it, and I was in heaven with a naked boob against my cheek.

“Is that the last one?” Becky asked after the third click.

“Yup. We’re done. Want to drink something before you leave?”

“No, thanks. It’s late already, and we’ve got almost an hour to drive before we’re home.”

“You’re still coming next week, right?”

“For that Mother Mary shoot, you mean?”

“That one, yes. Still working out the details, but I’ll manage.”

Michelle grabbed her PDA and quickly scrolled through it. Next, she smiled at Glenn and said, “Yes. It’s there. Around seven again, right?”

“Great! Seven will be fine,” Glenn said and hugged Michelle as if she was still fully clothed.

“Come here, Sugar!” Michelle said after breaking the hug with Glenn and spreading her arms invitingly.

Of course, I wouldn’t let the opportunity of hugging a naked woman go, so I dived right in. As my face was pressed against her bare boobs again, I heard Michelle softly say, “You’re really cute, you know that?”

That made me blush, and I stammered, “Th-Thank you. I like you too.”

Pretty lame, I know, but I’ve never been in a situation like this, so I didn’t know what to say otherwise. Before she broke the hug, she kissed me on my cheek and patted me on my butt as she walked away.

In the meantime, Becky had broken her hug with Glenn and walked over to me for another hug. She wrapped her arms around me and went for a full body-to-body hug, where Michelle’s left a bit more distance between our bodies.

I froze when I felt my boner press against her. The apron still covered it, but Becky couldn’t miss it. I was afraid she’d break the hug or would start shouting. But instead, she pressed her body more firmly against mine and smiled broadly at me.

“I like you too,” she chuckled and followed her mom to the divider.

To clear my head from what just happened, I started cleaning up. I killed the lights while Glenn worked on his camera and tripod.

“Thanks, guys!” Michelle said, and Glenn and I turned around simultaneously to look at her and her daughter, now fully dressed.

“No, Michelle! Thank YOU!” Glenn said and walked over.

I followed Glenn and couldn’t keep my eyes from Becky in her green summer dress. Now that I knew what was under it, I saw her in a whole new light and felt butterflies flying around inside my belly. Glenn handed Michelle an envelope, which she declined.

“No need to pay me, silly! You know I like doing it. Becky too, right?” she said and looked at Becky, who was nodding and smiling to confirm it.

“Please, Michelle. I insist. You make expenses too, driving all the way,” Glenn pressed.

“Absolutely not! Just make sure you come up with something good for next week. That’s all I’m asking.”

“Bye, Scott!” she said, waved, and kissed Glenn on the cheek before she turned around.

“Bye, Scott…” Becky said and winked at me.

I felt like I melted, and the only thing I was capable of at that moment was a timid wave back. I felt silly standing there, but I couldn’t move my feet.

“Bye, Glenn,” they both said and left the studio.

I was still standing there, looking at the door as Glenn walked over. He stood next to me and put a hand on my shoulder again.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. I think I am. It was…” I trailed off.

“I know. They’re a force of nature, aren’t they?”

“Oh boy…” I smiled and looked up at Glenn, “and a naked force too…”

“Good thing you wore your apron. And even that wasn’t enough to hide it all the time,” he chuckled.

We sat down at the canteen table. Glenn grabbed himself a beer and handed me a Coke. I was still flabbergasted about everything that had happened and was staring blankly at the wall. I heard Glenn talk in the distance, but it didn’t register. Flashes of their naked bodies still filled my head, and I felt like my balls and willie were about to explode.

“Huh?!” I asked and looked at Glenn.

“I said, are you sure you’re okay?” Glenn said with a knowing smile.

“Oh… yeah. I think I am. It’s just that… I feel funny. Down there,” I said, nodding down and blushing.

“You’re just horny!” Glenn laughed. And then, a bit lower and in a more conspirative tone, “We can jack off again. Or maybe you want another blowjob? We’ve still got some time before Gloria comes home.”

That surprised me. I didn’t expect that Glenn would want to do that again. Of course, I did realize Glenn was right about me being horny, and another blowjob would definitely solve that horniness. But I also wanted to try giving a blowjob, especially to Glenn. His big, manly body and his big willie were suddenly very appealing to me. So I whispered, “Me first,” got off my chair, and dropped to my knees. My hands immediately started working on Glenn’s button and zipper, and before I knew it, I had Glenn’s willie in my hand.

“You don’t have to do that, Bud,” Glenn tried, but he didn’t sound very convincing to me.

“I know,” I said, tugging at his pants. “Lift your butt.”

Glenn lifted his ass from the chair long enough, so I could slide his pants down to his ankles and started massaging his willie. As it grew stiff in my inexperienced hands, I felt Glenn work himself out of his pants. Now that he was naked, waist down, I could crawl between his legs and gain better access to his willie.

As I held it in my fist and pulled back the foreskin a bit, I could see some precum oozing out. I was expecting a little more hesitation on my part, but as I was looking at this big, stiff willie in front of me, I realized I wanted to taste it and wrap my lips around it. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that I was so horny at the time. Looking back at my first blowjob, the eagerness on my part made it a lot less awkward. There was no apprehension, no question if it would fit, no wonder what it would taste like, nothing. I just opened my mouth and wanted to have that thick tube of flesh in my mouth.

The moment my tongue hit his piss slit, my lips wrapped around the top of his shaft, just below his dickhead. The taste of his precum triggered me instantly. I couldn’t say I liked the taste and texture, but it was like an aphrodisiac to me. I simply wanted more, and I wanted it as quickly as possible!

So as I tried to remember what Glenn did to me in the shower, I started moving my head up and down over it. But during my masturbation sessions in my bed, I learned what the good parts of my willie were. So I figured Glenn’s were probably basically the same as mine. That’s when I lapped my tongue over the underside of his dickhead and used a lot of saliva to make it slippery.

“AHHH… Bud! You’re amazing… OHH…” Glenn moaned above me, which made me proud.

But the pressure in my willie was growing too, so I pulled the apron aside and slid my sweats down, so my willie was exposed and accessible to my hand. The movement caught Glenn’s attention because I felt him move, and he said, ”Lie down. Let’s try something new.”

Despite my curiosity about what he had in mind, I didn’t want to remove his willie from my mouth, so I kept sucking and lapping away on it. Eventually, after a few moments, I felt Glenn’s hand on my shoulders as he was gently pulling me away.

“Trust me,” he softly said.

It was just a few steps to the carpet where we’d usually shoot the pictures. But before I could get to my feet, Glenn lifted me, and he carried me in his strong arms. I felt his stiff willie bob against my backside as we walked, and I was shaking with anticipation. Moments later, Glenn gently laid me down on the carpet and started taking off his shirt. As I saw him doing this, I figured I might as well get naked too. I don’t think I ever took my clothes off faster, and before Glenn was lying down next to me, I was naked.

“Lay on your side,” he said.

I did as he said but found it odd that Glenn was lying down in the opposite direction. This only took me a moment because I quickly connected the dots when his willie came close to my face. This way, we both had access to each other’s stiffies simultaneously. The moment Glenn was down, I dived in and went back to sucking his willie.

“Whoah!” he moaned. “Easy there, Bud!”

But I didn’t want to take it easy! I wanted to suck, lick, caress, and taste his cum. I never felt what I was feeling before, but Glenn told me later that I was just horny as hell. I felt delighted and happy with Glenn’s willie in my mouth, especially now that the amount of precum increased. But the moment Glenn wrapped his mouth around mine, my eyes crossed, and I almost bit Glenn.

The tingle inside my balls and willie was already at my peak, and I figured it couldn’t get any better. But, oh boy, was I wrong! I heard myself moan uncontrollably when Glenn started moving up and down with his tongue all over my dickhead. But I had a task I wanted to fulfill too, so I tried focussing primarily on that. At that moment, I learned that I lasted longer because of having to divide my attention between Glenn’s willie and mine.

My balls were feeling like I could cum any moment now, but I didn’t cum yet for some reason. Feeling like I could cum any moment was incredible, especially now that I kept balancing on the verge of it! And as I kept sucking on Glenn’s thick willie. I noticed he was moaning loudly too.

Then, moments later, I felt Glenn’s hand move over my butt again, with his finger toward my butthole. Last time, it felt a bit silly when he was doing this. But now that I knew how awesome it felt, I was anticipating it, and a tingle went down my spine. I wasn’t ready yet to do it too, but I wanted to do something in return, and I used my left hand to cup his balls and toy with them.

As Glenn’s finger inched closer and closer to my hole, I felt my balls already pulling up toward my body. Right before his finger hit it, I doubled my efforts on Glenn’s willie in an attempt to prolong my orgasm. Judging by Glenn’s moans and that his dick was getting fatter, I figured he was extremely close too.

Just when I thought things couldn’t feel any better, Glenn placed the bar higher again. This morning, his finger just pressed on my hole. But this time, he started sliding it in. I practically screamed from joy, but Glenn’s willie in my mouth muffled the sound.

And that’s when I came.

All my senses were on fire, and all muscles in my belly tensed. I came harder than ever before and felt something I had never felt before. This finger up my ass sure triggered something. I was completely engrossed in my orgasm but still managed to lurk on Glenn’s willie. When I regained some of my consciousness, I worked on Glenn’s willie again. All the while, I felt the same feeling as I did when I came for the first time. It felt like hours of this awesomeness, but it was probably less than a minute in retrospect.

Glenn still had his finger up my butt and his mouth over my willie when he moaned loudly. Then, his willie got even fatter, and in my hand, I felt his balls pull up and spasm a few times.

The first hit surprised me. It flew directly down my throat, and I had to suppress a cough. I didn’t have time to think because before I knew it, there was another spurt. And another. I tried swallowing as much as I could, and I just loved the taste of it. But it was just too much, and I felt some of it ooze out of the corner of my mouth, around Glenn’s willie.

Just before Glenn came, I was still feeling like I was cumming, but it slowly ebbed away. Now that his cum filled my mouth, that feeling was back. Glenn was moving and spasming a bit when he came, which caused his finger to move around in my butt. That added a lot to the experience too.

Glenn still had my willie in his mouth but stopped the sucking and licking. So I figured I had to do the same now, even though I wanted to taste more of Glenn’s cum. My tongue eagerly lapped up each drop that dribbled out, but eventually, Glenn pulled back, leaving my mouth strangely empty. His finger slowly left my butt, which felt both good and bad at the same time. And as Glenn’s mouth left my willie and the cold hit it, I decided to turn on my back too, still breathing heavily.

“Wow!” I softly said, “I didn’t… wow!”

“Yeah,” was all Glenn said. And a few moments later, “I think you actually shot some sperm, Bud.”

“REALLY!?” I asked, propping myself up on my elbows and looking at Glenn.

“Really. It wasn’t much, but I felt it come out, and I tasted it,” he chuckled.

I turned around, threw myself at Glenn, and hugged him tightly. His softening willie was pressed against mine, making me feel all warm inside. Then, before I realized what I was doing, I kissed him on his cheek and said, “Thank you! You made my sperm come out!”

“Hahaha!” Glenn laughed. “You did that yourself, Bud!” and he kissed me on my cheek too and ruffled my hair.

I laid my head on his chest, enjoying what we did together. We laid like this for a few minutes before I said, “You were right about that new idea.”

“Well… technically, it isn’t a new idea. It’s called a sixty-nine.”


“Yeah. Picture the numbers and imagine the circles being a head…”

“Oh!” I said after visualizing it, “I see.”

“It’s amazing, right? Making each other feel good at the same time. It’s almost like actual fucking.”

“Yeah! I never thought about such a thing.”

“No wonder. You’re only twelve years old.”

“Hey! I’m almost thirteen!” I said with mock indignation.

“Right! Sorry, Bud!” Glenn laughed.



“Why did you put your finger… well…” I timidly asked.

“It’s what they call an erogenous zone of the male body. Didn’t you like it?”

“I… uhm… I actually liked it a lot! That’s not weird, is it? Does it mean I’m gay?”

That caused Glenn to lift his head and look me in my eyes. The serious look on his face made me think I asked something I shouldn’t have asked.

“No! That doesn’t mean you’re gay. Nor does it mean you’re straight. It just means you like giving your… butt a bit of attention. And what if it did mean you’re gay? I don’t care! Heck, I like it too, and I’m not gay.”

“Oh. Sorry.” I responded.

“No need to be sorry, Bud. You’re still learning a lot about your body.”

“I guess you’re right. Thanks for showing me all this!” I said, relieved it wasn’t a big thing, and I gave Glenn another tight hug.

“Let’s clean up in here and head to the house, okay? Gloria will be back from her bridge club soon, and I don’t think she’ll understand what’s happening here.”

I gave Glenn a peck on his lips and got to my feet. His eyes roamed over my body, and as I extended my hand to help him to his feet, he asked, “Would you mind posing together with Michelle next week?”

“Uhh, I don’t know. Can I?”

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Haec nova libertas inventa est magnifica

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La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – Meet the Thompsons

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 9

I wake up from Audrey’s buzzing phone. When I open my eyes, I’m treated with the sight of her bare boobs. Immediately I think back to last night, and a feeling of guilt washes over me. I should be the adult here. I should have stopped this. But then again… she’s the one that started this.

I look at Audrey getting up, and as she walks away, I notice once more what a fine-looking body she’s got. Oh my god. What’s happening to me? I hear myself think and realize how my growing dick is betraying me.

I get out of bed too and grab a clean pair of boxers. We’re in the bathroom together with me in my boxers and Audrey in her school uniform, which consists of a white school blouse and matching plaid skirt, but neither of us talks about what happened last night. It’s like it never happened. After Audrey is off to school, I continue my work in the studio and try to find more work for it.

I answer a few emails from women that want portfolio pics taken from their kids. Apparently, Glenn had built quite a reputation for himself, as he was clearly the go-to guy in the area. I make seven appointments in total. Three boys and four girls. The kid’s ages vary from eleven to fourteen, and I can’t help but think how good they all must look in their underwear pics. I try to dismiss that thought as quickly as it came, but I can’t deny to myself it was there and wonder what I should do to prevent this from happening again. But then again, should I really dismiss these thoughts? There’s nothing wrong as long as I don’t touch them or anything. And maybe it’s precisely what’s required to make the best portfolio pics of these kids.

I’m pulled out of this whirlpool of thoughts by the ringing of the studio’s doorbell. I check my phone and realize this must be the twins for their green screen shoot. I never realized time could fly like this when you’re working in a job you actually like. I open the door, and I’m looking at two of the most handsome boys I ever saw!

They’re both wearing cut-off jeans and flip-flops. In addition, one of them is wearing a plain white t-shirt, while the other wears a bright-orange shirt. They’re best described as ‘surfer boys.’ Their blonde, shaggy hair covers half of their ears, and a bronze, almost golden tan completes their surfer look. It’s odd looking at surfer guys in Seattle, but somehow these boys make it work.

“Hi, I’m Miranda Thompson,” a middle-aged woman says and extends her hand for me to shake. “This is Evan, and that is Owen,” she says, pointing at a boy as she says the name.

I honestly can’t see the difference between these hot and sexy boys, besides their different shirts, of course. I bet their mom can, but to me, it’s like there’s a mirror between them. They both look exactly alike and just have an aura of awesomeness over them. I can’t remember when I’ve been this impressed with how boys could look. I even feel a few butterflies going around in my stomach, which I quickly dismiss as silly and unprofessional.

“Hi. I’m Scott. Welcome to Aquinas Pictures.”

“Thank you for having us on such short notice,” Miranda says as they enter the studio.

“No problem at all,” I say, smiling.“ We had a hole in our schedule today, so it works out perfectly for both of us. You mentioned something about a sketch?”

It turned out the advertising agency sketched how the boys are supposed to sit in the picture. In the background, there was the obvious suntan equipment with the slogan written in a way that blended nicely with the rest of the scene. Miranda explains to me that the reason for this mock-up is that the equipment they find relevant can’t be this close together. It’s physically impossible. So that’s why they edited this on a computer. The only thing missing is the boys in the picture. In a second mock-up, there are figures drawn at the places where the boys should be.

“Did they mention anything about lighting, Mrs. Thompson?”

“Please! Miranda,” she smiles, “and no. They leave it up to your judgment.”

“Alright. Let’s upload that background picture to my computer, so we can see how it looks with the boys in them,” I say as I boot the computer and connect the camera.

“Do we need to get changed?” one of the boys asks.

“Sure. I’ll make sure everything is ready here,” I reply smiling, “you can change behind that room divider over there. You’re going to be wearing towels, right?”

They nod, and I say, “You can keep your underwear on if you want. Just make sure the towel covers it, kay?”

“Don’t be silly!” Miranda quickly chips in, “you boys don’t have anything I haven’t seen before, and I’m sure that Scott can handle it too. Just the towels, little men!”

Okay… Of course, I can handle it! Heck! I WANT to handle it if the towel fails. But I don’t want to drool over them, so I’m very focused on making this work. I already know I mustn’t interfere with mothers being bossy over their kids, and since I don’t see a problem here, I pretend to be very busy preparing my camera with the proper settings.

I keep stealing glances at the divider as I fiddle with my camera, hoping to see some flesh. There is some giggling, but I can’t see anything. The moment they come over to us with just towels around their waists, I’m speechless. Their chests already have a little muscle definition on their pecks, and next to the belly buttons, there’s a hint of a six-pack. That, combined with their broad shoulders and golden tan, makes them almost radiant. I feel like I’m looking at a pair of angels approaching me.

I clear my throat and direct the boys to the green-colored benches in front of the green screen. I pull the desk with my computer closer and point the camera at the boys. The background picture is visible on the screen, and the boys appear in it without the benches.

“That’s funny!” one of them says and starts waving.

“Yeah! Too bad we didn’t bring our green underwear,” the other giggles.

I give them a few moments to adjust. I glance over at Miranda and notice she’s busy with her phone, so I figure we might as well get started.

“Okay, Evan?” I ask, curious which boy will reply.

“Yes?” the left one replies.

I spend the next half hour directing the boys to sit in the right way, ensuring the lighting is okay and that the boys look natural in this setting. I think I managed two or three good ones, but I want to make sure I’ve got enough. Then, just as I’m about to go for it again, one of them says, “I need to take a leak. Can I?”

“Yeah. Me too,” the other one adds.

I hear Miranda sigh, but she doesn’t say anything. She occasionally looked at the progress on the screen, but she needed to answer two calls already and was constantly typing on her phone. I don’t see a problem, so I nod at them. Glenn taught me that the models need to feel comfortable at all times, and maybe if they retake their place on the bench, the picture looks even better. I’m not sure, but it’s a possibility.

After they come back, I say to one of them, “Okay, Owen? You take the left bench now, alright?”

“I’m Evan,” he simply says, looking blankly at me.

“Okay… Owen,” I say as I look at the other boy.

“Yes?” he smiles mischievously as he already knows what I’m about to ask.

They’ve played this twins game all their lives and are certainly way better at it than me, so I decide to play along.

“You sit on the left bench this time,” I smile.

“Sure,” he says and walks over to that bench.

“I don’t know who’s who. I’m sorry, boys. I just don’t see a difference,” I apologize.

“There is one,” Evan says, smirking.

“Yeah… there is one,” Owen adds.

“Here we go again…” I hear Miranda sigh, and at that moment, her phone rings, and she’s out of the door again to answer it.

Curious now, I ask, “Okay… wanna tell me what it is?”

“I’ve got a birthmark, and Owen doesn’t,” Evan smiles that same mischievous grin as his brother earlier.

I checked them out pretty thoroughly during the shoot but couldn’t see any birthmarks. So I figure it’s either under their feet or under the towel, and I’m hoping for the last. And hoping they’d show me, of course. But I don’t have to wait too long as Evan starts pulling down the towel at his front. Meanwhile, Owen gets to his feet and starts doing the same.

“See?” Evan asks.

They both pull down the towel at their front. I’m looking at a thin bush of pubic hairs. And just as with Audrey, their skin is showing through the thin, growing patch of pubes. I can see the start of the base of their dicks, which is showing too now, and I feel my growing boner uncomfortably stretch my underwear.

The reason they show me this is the birthmark at the base of Evan’s dick that Owen lacks. I feel my mouth go dry as I’m looking at this magnificent sight before me. Then, way too soon, they pull their towels back up and take their place on the benches. During the second part of the shoot, Owen’s towel is a bit loose, and a piece of his naked hip shows. It isn’t shocking or overly visible, but I think it gives a nice, authentic feel to the picture.

I’m almost done when the door opens, and Audrey walks in. She’s still dressed in her school uniform, and I can see both boys checking her out. I don’t blame them, considering they’re practically the same age, and Audrey looks real foxy in her school uniform.

“Hi! I’m Audrey,” she cheerfully says and waves at the boys as she gives me a peck on my cheek.

“Hi! I’m Owen, and that’s Evan,” Owen says, smiling and pointing at his brother.

I take one final picture and call out, “Okay. That’s a wrap!” Miranda walks over and starts browsing through the results with me. I glance over at Audrey and see she’s bringing the boys a coke. I hear laughing and giggling behind me, and I’m glad Audrey showed up to entertain the boys. Eventually, Miranda seems satisfied with the final pictures and has to agree with me that the one with a bit of Owen’s hip showing is the best. I upload all of them on a thumb drive and hand it over to her.

Miranda turns around and asks, “So, who’s first with the portfolio shots?”

The boys look at each other, and Evan shrugs. “I’ll go,” he says, gets up, and walks over to the room divider.

“Just underwear is enough. A headshot looks better without a shirt. Especially with that tan of yours,” I call as he disappears behind the screen.

“Okay. Just a sec,” he calls back.

Moments later, he walks out in yellow American Eagle boxer briefs. A black waistband with white letters separates the yellow from his bronzed skin, and I immediately notice how the yellow fabric nicely accentuates his bulge. I can see Audrey eyeing him as he walks by, and I feel a slight, barely noticeable sting of jealousy.

We take the usual portfolio pics. First, the headshot, then the three-quarter and full-length shots. After that, it’s a bit of freestyle. This kid is acting all-natural, and I’m wondering if this is actually his first time in front of a camera. Feeling a bit bold, I take some close-up shots too. His chest, belly, shoulders, feet. And finally, a few photos showing his groin from just above his belly button to just below his boxers. I take one from the side and one from the front.

The outline of his dick is clearly visible through his boxers. I can see his balls, shaft, and rim of his dickhead. I guess it to be around two and a half inches, which suits him nicely. Judging by the clearly visible rim, I assume he’s cut.

“Thanks,” I say after I cannot prolong these intimate shots any longer, “I want some test shots for a swimsuit shoot I might be landing.”

“No problem,” Evan says.

Before I know it, Miranda chips in and adds, “We are looking for modeling work, so if you’d like, the boys can do it.”

“Thanks. But nothing is determined yet. I’ll keep you in mind,” I smile, looking back at Miranda and notice her phone isn’t that important anymore at the moment.

“Dude! You’re up,” Evan says as he walks toward his brother.

Before Owen can react, Evan grabs his brother’s towel and yanks it from his waist. In a flash, I can see his dick. I can see my guess was about right, and I notice he’s indeed cut, so I can only assume his brother is too.

For a few moments, Owen stands there, looking at Audrey. I can see a slight flush spread across his face, and he shrugs apologetically. Then, a moment later, he cups his dick and balls with his hands and runs after his loudly laughing twin brother.

“GIVE IT BACK, FUCKER!” I hear him yell, and I can see Audrey standing there smiling, wide-eyed, and with a flushed face.

“LANGUAGE!” Miranda shouts without looking up from her phone.

Both boys are laughing loudly as they run after each other. Evan is swinging the towel triumphantly above his head. A few times, he gives Owen the idea he can grab the towel, who then reaches out to grab it. I can’t take my eyes off his cute bubble butt as he runs around and the glimpses of his dick I get when he reaches for the towel are a feast to the eye.

Eventually, he grabs the towel, bringing both of them off balance, which causes the boys to go rolling over the floor. One in his yellow underwear, the other naked. After a short struggle, Owen pins down his brother, trapping him under his naked body.

Owen starts making an obscene noise in his throat, clearly preparing a big glob of spit.

“No! No!!” Evan laughs, frantically trying to get free.

Figuring it’s enough, Miranda clears her throat, looking at her sons. Both boys look over and figure it has been enough. So, Owen gets up, extends his hand, and helps his brother to his feet. He swings the towel over his shoulder and walks toward the divider to put his boxers on, showing off all his assets as he walks. He clearly doesn’t care about us seeing it all, as he is still giggling.

Just before he disappears behind the divider, I notice the complete lack of tan lines. The reason for this is obvious but still a bit strange to see with my own eyes. Moments later, Evan shows up and stands next to me, panting from his efforts to outdo his brother.

“THAT was fun,” he laughs.

I look at him and say, “You know you basically exposed yourself, don’t you? Now we know what you look like too.”

His smile disappears for a moment from his face as he realizes what I just said is true. Then he just shrugs and says, “I don’t care. It was funny.”

“It was,” I admitted, unable to push the image from the young, tight, adonis-like body from my mind.

Moments later, Miranda drops her phone, looks at me, and smiles. “Boys,” she sighs and adds, “I guess they also showed you the ‘big difference’ between them?”

“Yup!” I say and try to act as casual as I can.

“Figures,” she says and is back to her phone again.

Moments later, Owen appears in his bright blue boxers, also American Eagle, and we take almost the same pictures as we did with his brother. I direct Owen a bit differently to avoid shooting precisely the same pictures.

After everything is done and the boys get dressed again, I shake Miranda’s hand and promise her to send her the edited portfolio pics as soon as they’re ready. The boys bump fists with Audrey, and I do the same as they walk past me.

“Call us when you land that swimsuit job, okay?” Owen says as he walks away, still looking at me and almost tripping over his feet.

“I will!” I say, smiling.

“That was… interesting,” Audrey says thoughtfully after I close the door.

I laugh at her stunned expression. “It was. And fun too!” I say as I start cleaning up the worst mess.

Audrey helps me out, but I decide to call it a night after putting away the green screen. We watch some television for about half an hour, and I see Audrey yawn. I feel pretty tired from today too, so we clean up and head upstairs.

I already decided to sleep naked this time. Audrey was very clear about it, and I feel I don’t impose myself on her, so I don’t see any more reason not to do it. I feel awkward standing by the bed in my boxers, but as Audrey walks in, naked as the day she was born, I realize I need to act fast to avoid an even more awkward situation. So I quickly drop my boxers and crawl under the covers. Moments later, Audrey joins me.

I lay there staring at the ceiling and let the events of the photoshoot replay in my head. The image of Owen’s penis and tight ass in front of my eyes causes my dick to chub up a bit.

“They’ve got really nice bodies,” Audrey says beside me.

I glance over and smile. “VERY nice bodies! I have to edit the pictures tomorrow, so I can look at it a little more,” I say and wink at her.

“I didn’t know you were gay…” she says, sounding surprised.

“Haha! I’m not! But near-perfect bodies like theirs are always nice to look at. Boy, or girl, man or woman. Don’t you think?”

“I think I do,” Audrey says after thinking about it for a few seconds. Then she starts smiling and softly says, “and an interesting… penis,” suddenly blushing furiously.

Audrey’s blushing surprises me. She has to be used to seeing some dicks over the years. I mean, at least Glenn’s and mine, but I assume she’s seen others when she helped Glenn with his shoots. I notice some movement beside me. Next, the blanket starts moving a bit, and before I can react, I feel Audrey’s hand gripping my dick. It takes me a moment to realize it, but the moment her hand wraps around my shaft, I jump up and get out of the bed, feeling both angry and surprised.

“What the fuck!” I almost shout.

I never swear in front of her, and I can see a mix of fear and wonder on her face. But that look on her face is gone in under a heartbeat, and I can see her eyes tearing up. My half-hard dick stops sticking out as it deflates quickly, and I realize I need to say something.

“You can’t just grab a man’s… penis, Audrey! And especially not an adult one,” I say, the anger still there, even though I do my best to hide it.

“I’m… I’m… I didn’t know… It’s… Sorry!” she yells out and starts crying for real now.

I immediately feel sorry for her and crawl back into bed. I move over to stroke her hair and notice again how amazing her pert little breasts look on her thin, girlish frame.

“I shouldn’t have yelled at you, but it’s just… it took me by surprise,” I sigh, still stroking her hair and face, “And you should’ve asked,” I softly add.

“I know! But seeing Owen today made me really curious about…” she sobs, takes a deep breath, and continues, “and I figured since you’re such a cool guy, you wouldn’t mind. But I…”

Hearing her say this boosts my ego a bit, and I can feel my anger fade away. And I can relate to her seeing a kid her own age naked. It sparked a whole new level of interest when I was her age, so I can imagine something like this having the same effect on her.

“Look. I’m sorry I got so angry,” I start.

“I shouldn’t have done that,” she interrupts me as her sobbing gets less intense.

“No. You shouldn’t have. But I get it.”

She looks at me for the first time since she started crying, and I can see her swollen eyes and the tears on her cheeks. She looks so vulnerable and fragile that all my anger is completely gone and replaced by empathy and curiosity.

“You do?”

“Yeah. I was young too, remember?” I chuckle, “and you can touch it now if you still want to,” I quickly add before I change my mind.

“I can?” she asks, surprised, and wipes the tears from her cheek with the back of her hand.

“Yeah. You’re gonna try and discover anyways, so it might as well be with someone who won’t hurt you, who loves you and can teach the stuff you need to know,” I say, mostly to myself as I realize I‘m heading down a slippery slope.

Deep down, I know I shouldn’t do this, of course. But she will find a way to satisfy her curiosity, and I don’t want it to be some pervert or asshole that will crush her heart. And I don’t want her to get hurt, so why not show her and explain everything. It’s not like I’m going to fuck her or anything. She’s just getting an anatomy lesson about male genitalia. That’s all.

“Let’s move over,” I say and sit up on the edge of her side of the bed and move the blanket out of the way to give access to my dick. As I move the blanket, Audrey’s body is coming into view too, but she doesn’t care about that at all. Audrey sits down next to me, and moments later, we’re both naked and looking at each other. The tension in the air is thick, and I think that’s why I don’t bone up.

Audrey looks up at me with big question marks in her eyes, and I simply nod. This is all the encouragement she needs, as she slowly extends her hand and takes my soft dick in her hand. Immediately, a big smile spreads across her face as she starts examining me with her small hand.

“It’s warm,” she matter-of-factly says and rubs her thumb over my glans.

I can barely hold back a big moan and say, ”You know there used to be skin there, don’t you?”

“Uh-huh. Glenn had skin there,” she says with her eyes focused on my junk.

“I’m circumcised. That’s what they call it AHH,” I moan as her finger rubs over that sensitive spot under the front of my dickhead.

I immediately feel myself grow stiff, but I already decided this isn’t a bad thing considering what we’re doing here. It amazes me it took me this long. But the moment I moan, Audrey pulls back as if she’s stung by a bee.

“Did I hurt you?” she asks worriedly.

“No! On the contrary,” I smile reassuringly, “it feels great when you touch me like that.”

Audrey looks down at my dick again and giggles. “I can see you like it,” and wraps her hand around my stiffening shaft.

She starts groping around again, and before I know it, I’m as hard as I’ve ever been. I have to admit to myself that I like this way more than I anticipated, but that we’re not doing this for my pleasure.

“I never knew a boner can get this hard and soft at the same time,” she whispers to no one in particular.

“You DO know the correct word for it, right?” I say in an attempt to keep up the illusion of education.

“Of course. It’s called an erection, and these are your testicles,” she says as her left hand starts cupping my balls without her right hand leaving my shaft.


“I know. Don’t worry,” Audrey softly says, with her confidence clearly growing by the minute.

Her hand starts toying with my balls, and her eyes are still focused on my dick. Then, she surprises me as she starts moving her right hand up and down on my shaft. It’s clear she’s beginning to jerk me, and I feel almost powerless to stop her.

After a few moments, I finally ask her, “What are you doing?” which takes great effort to say without moaning.

“Jerking you off,” she simply says with a very determined look on her face.

“It’s jacki… Ohhh”

I know it’s inappropriate. I know I have to stop her. And I know there are a million different things wrong with this. But her soft hand and determination to see me cum, combined with more than a year of involuntary celibacy, make it impossible for me to stop her.

“Hmmm… move your hand up higher on my dick,” I say between moans, “Ahhh… like that. Yeah.”

Audrey gets off the bed and sits on the ground between my legs, my dick almost at eye level. She keeps sliding up and down on my boner, and I’m very impressed by her technique. It’s probably because of the situation, but I already feel the build-up in my balls. Her soft, stroking hand feels fantastic! She’s even doing a weird twist-thing in her up and down motion that I only saw online once.

Her left hand leaves my balls a moment later and joins her right on my shaft. My hard-on is only six inches long, but her small hands fit perfectly on my dick, and it adds a whole new level to what she’s doing. She’s not moving fast, but the friction of her soft hands and the twisting motion are incredible!

“I’m getting ahhh,” I pant, “getting close. Look out!”

This triggers something in Audrey. She looks even more concentrated at my dick, and her hands pick up the pace. Despite all the action, I manage to keep my eyes open and look down at her. She spreads her legs a bit, and I notice her glistening, almost hairless pussy looks all swollen and puffy. She must be horny as hell now too!

I try to hold back as long as I can to enjoy this amazing feeling as much as possible, but it’s an uphill battle. I hear myself panting and moaning loudly, and I finally let out a big grunt from deep down my throat, “GRHHH CUMMINGG OAAHH..”

My balls almost pull back inside my body completely, and as my body tingles all over, I feel my cum shoot through my dick with a force I never felt before. In the distance, I feel one of her hands leave my dick while the other one keeps milking me slowly.

I hear Audrey moan too, and when I open my eyes, I almost cum again. Audrey is still sitting on her knees between my legs, and I see my cum splattered all over her tits and belly. Globs of cum are slowly sliding down, and there’s one long string of cum hanging from her stiff nipple. It looks vulgar and sexy at the same time. Audrey’s look is slightly unfocused as she keeps looking at my dick, but her right hand between her legs makes it impossible for her to think straight.

All of this happens in a flash, and the moment it sinks in what I’m looking at, my dick twitches furiously, and at the same time, I hear Audrey moan as she cums. Her eyes shoot back in their sockets, and she clenches her legs shut. Her grip on my dick increases, but I barely notice. I’m looking at one of the most erotic site I ever laid my eyes on. A twelve-year-old girl is having an orgasm while covered in cum. I might be a pervert, but I can’t imagine anybody not finding this almost too hot to handle.

As I sit there, enjoying the view, Audrey’s grip on my dick loosens a bit, and I can see her eyes regaining focus. She smiles shyly when her eyes meet mine and quickly removes her hand away from between her legs.

“I’m sorry, I was…” she softly starts.

I immediately interrupt her, “Don’t worry! I would’ve done the same,” I smile, feeling an intense urge to put her at ease after her first real sexual experience.

“I didn’t know you would shoot so much… stuff…” she says softly as she lets go of my dick, looks down her chest, and starts to giggle.

“Well… it was more than usual. You did an amazing job, Lil’ Bit!” I say and see her blush spreading across her face and upper chest as I say this.

“I did?”

“OH YEAH!” I say a bit too enthusiastically and quickly recover, “how did you come up with that twisting motion of your hands?”

“I uhm… I saw it in one of Glenn’s books. Why?”

“You taught me a new trick there,” I chuckle, “I usually just move up and down on it.”

“When you… sprayed your stuff all over me… I just had to touch myself. Is that normal?” she asks, and her shyness is back again.

“No, no! That’s not weird at all! In fact, it’s a perfectly normal thing to do. You need to enjoy yourself too when you’re doing stuff like this, you know? It’s a two-way street.”

That brings a smile to her face, and she eyes a drop of cum hanging from my dickhead. Then, she extends her finger, scoops it off my dick, and sticks her finger into her mouth.

“If it’s a two-way street, I can taste your stuff again. I like the taste of it,” she simply says as she starts to stand up.

I let my eyes roam over her magnificent, cum-covered body, ending at her sparse pubic hairs. Then, finally, I force myself to look her in the face and say, “We need to get some sleep, you know?”

“Yeah,” she simply says as she looks down at the mess on her chest and belly, “I’ll grab a towel and clean up.”

As she heads to the bathroom, I find my eyes glued to her ass once again. As she rounds the corner, I get up and crawl back into bed. A few minutes later, Audrey walks in with a big grin on her face.

“You sure sprayed a lot!” she giggles, “but I’ve got it all. Next time, I’ll make sure to stay out of the danger zone.”

“Next time!?” I think to myself but decide to drop it.

Audrey crawls in on her side of the bed and immediately drapes herself half over my body. I feel her hot pussy pressed against my leg, and her stiff nipple pokes my chest. Now that we crossed this line, I don’t feel the need to tell her to get back to her side of the bed. But at the same time, I’m wondering where this will end.

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

est semper nice est in occursum novi populi

P.S. The boys in the picture above this story, remind me a little of Evan and Owen. They’re not inspired on them, but after I found this pic online, I figured I might as well use it.

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