The Fiona-verse, as Tommy L will explain below, more or less wrote itself. These stories might feel a little different than most stories you’ll find here. But the only real difference at the character’s ages. I think Tommy L is spot-on with his explanation below. They’re wonderful stories, and I’m absolutely positive that you, as a Jason Crow site visitor, will also like these!

Tommy L went out of his way to write the stories, and the pictures are a more than excellent addition to the stories (his own words: ‘Learning how to make AI pictures took so long, I think I spent more time on creating AI pics for my stories than I did writing them) They sure liven up his work. All pics are AI generated by the way, so no real people were harmed…

His own words about the Fiona-verse:

Hey, kids…!

I wrote the Fiona stories in the summer and autumn of 2024 after I began working with Jason. Each was going to be a stand-alone story, but when I got to the second one, I found that it worked better when the characters were connected. Thus began – as Jason and I have joked between ourselves – The Fiona-verse!

Each still is a stand-alone story — you don’t have to have read the others to enjoy the latest one, but I like to think the experience is richer as the characters grow. My stories – the Fiona stories as well as my true stand-alone stories – all have one foot in reality, and the characters are concerned about falling in love – or not falling in love – as much as they are about having an erotic experience.

Elsewhere on this site, Levi Holland acknowledges that the Jason Crow website is “a story-first community.” As a reader, you will know this is true. Stories on JC don’t always have to be “first-time,” but do contain that element of ‘discovery’ no matter the age or gender of the characters – the first time ever, the first time for something different, encountering a new person, encountering two new people, a forbidden relationship, a unique way to enjoy each other… that kind of stuff.

So, I hope you enjoy meeting Scott and Fiona, as well as their friends, as they navigate life in their final years of high school. And I hope you find the stories hot!

Tommy L

Fiona and the International Scheme
Teenage Scott wants to get together with beautiful blond Fiona, but she is rebounding from her last relationship with someone. A friend convinces Scott that the way to get closer to her at a planned romantic rendezvous could involve some bisexuality to get in the door.  Can Scott handle it, or will he need some help from an admired acquaintance in this new world in order to win Fiona back?

Fiona Hosts Couples Night
Scott and Fiona host a Couples Night at her house while her parents are away.  Three other couples are invited, including Scott’s best friend Danny and his girl, Gwen.  They are relegated to the little brother’s room in the basement for their trysting, but virgins Charlie and Allison somehow wander in on the naked couple.  Do they need directions, or do they need direction?

Fiona’s Collateral Damage
Leo and Cindy are the people that Fiona and Scott broke up with before finding each other, again.  By coincidence, Leo and Cindy found each other.  After the final performance of their high school play, the two actors plan to go to their own private cast party, but Cindy brings her friend June along – a girl Leo rebounded with after Fiona.  How does one get to make it with their new girlfriend when her heartbroken bestie is sitting right next to them?  Unless… they can get virgin Junie to play, too, with both of them?

Fiona at the Three-Star Beach House
Scott, Fiona, and most of their friends take a June vacation to a beach house on the dunes of the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.  After playing in the water and sand, Scott shares Fiona with his friend and lover, Albert.  Al and Fiona get along extremely well and the three have a lot of fun together, but must confront the meaning of an actual love triangle between them before they can go home.