In You and I Both Rwxxx13 outdid himself again. His words:

This is the favorite story I’ve ever written. I realize it utilizes one of the more common tropes from this genre, that of the rich man and the lonely boy, but I hope I’ve managed to put my own spin on it. I really hope you enjoy it.

I think he did a more than excellent job! Unfortunately, the story ends a bit abruptly at the end of chapter seven. But it’s the same as with his other stories: this is it! No more will follow since, very sadly, he passed away.

But this doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the amazing work he left us. Enjoy yourself with this classic!

You and I Both – part one
You and I Both – part two
You and I Both – part three
You and I Both – part four
You and I Both – part five
You and I Both – part six
You and I Both – part seven