Fiona at the Three-Star Beach House – Part 3
Tommy Linarcos
I was on the fenced deck, watching the sun get low, when I told the boys to come join me. I had put on one of Scott’s button-down shirts I’d stolen from him, and was using it as a beach wrap, this trip. But when the boys dragged themselves out onto the deck, they were still quite naked and didn’t care if the whole town had gathered to see. Scott brought the Mike’s Hard to me and we shared it, finishing it tout de suite, as my grandpa says. Al propped himself up with the beer bottle on the fence.
“What’s… what did you say before that made him laugh? Adalbert?” I asked the boys.
“That’s his real name,” Scott said.
“My secret real name,” Al corrected.
“I don’t keep secrets from Fee.”
“But it was my secret.”
“You’d have told her.”
“True, but you’re lucky I love you guys.” Al turned to me. “It’s a family name. Now you don’t get to tell anyone.”
“Don’t worry, the guy I don’t hide secrets from is right here,” I said and gave Scott a kiss.
The tide waves were nice and big. “Not quite surfing waves,” Al said, “but really nice for boogie boards. I’m gonna rent one tomorrow.”
“You guys want to go take a dip?” I put out there.
“Skinny dip?” Scott asked.
“No, go get your suits on. Let’s be good.” Al went to his room while Scott and I found our items. On the beach, Al noticed that we matched — my white with blue, and Scott’s blue with white — it had waves all over it that looked like that famous painting of a big wave off of Japan.
“You two… are endgame… you know that…” he said, and ran into the lake.

Both Tori and Luke had returned at some point while the three of us were napping, but went back out. They returned again, changed, and joined us in the swim. They had met and played frisbee with some of the people at the campground north of us, as well as one group of college students at a house a little ways south of us.
It was during this time that Danny and Gwen returned. “Holy fuck! I wasted more gas driving around here than the whole drive in, I think!” he exclaimed. “There’s nothing here! Some restaurants… actually a couple good places we could check out… and a couple craft stores and crap… but I thought we’d have to come back and do all our shopping at the gas station store! Either that or drive back down to that New Buffalo place we passed on the way in. Finally, we found something up north, so… there will be breakfast.”
Gwen said, “And we found the fast food by the highway exit, so went there last and got everyone some Burger King because we are really too frustrated and angry to even try to do any cooking or anything tonight!”
Scotty helped them bring in the bags from the car while Al and Luke started a fire in the pit on our beach. Both had been Cub or Boy Scouts at one time, it seemed, but Luke actually carried a flint stick on his keychain, so they got that thing going, easy.
We wet people changed back into dry clothes, and gathered around the fire, sitting on a circle of logs, eating Burger King… things… burgers, fries, Big Macs, whatever, while the last rays of light gave way to night.
When all the food was gone, we wished one of us played guitar. With all of us being in the Band or Orchestra, you’d think one of us would have brought an instrument along. Danny’s clarinet might actually have been in the back of his vehicle, he offered, but we didn’t want a woodwind solo, then. Luke ran inside and came back out with a little Bluetooth speaker and found a playlist on his phone. He had some ambient movie themes he downloaded from YouTube, which was nice. Background music for the lake.
I was wearing Scotty’s light blue Disneyland hoodie, with Mickey looking like Indiana Jones. Scott had last worn it on the drive in, so it smelled like him. It’s mine, now.
“So, Al, is it close to how California was? Did we choose a good place?” I asked, sitting on the sand below Scott’s lap, between his knees.
Al looked out at the lake. The water was purple, the sky dark behind us and overhead, but there was red, orange, and yellow at the horizon, yet. He smiled, like he was looking inside himself. “Yeah. Yeah, you did good.”

Danny toasted his beer. “Good friends, good times.”
“Good friends, good times,” was repeated.
“Thanks for letting me come,” Luke said. “This is a great place, having a good time. But you said Charlie and Allison dropped out? Why?”
Danny laughed and took this one. “Dad caught them fuckin’ in her room.”
Tori and Gwen nodded.
“When they were with us,” Danny continued, “end of April, the night they lost it together, they were pretty loud, let me tell you!”
“Yeah, we haven’t heard any of that around here…” Tori said, looking at me.
“So, picture this,” Danny continued, his hands waving, building an image in his mind, “Allison’s bed, her pillow’s by the wall the door’s on, and her and Charlie are fuckin’, banging the headboard and moaning. Dad opens the door — ‘What in tarnation is a-goin’ on hyeer?!’ And what he sees is naked-ass Charlie, looking up at him, his mouth hanging open, Allison naked underneath. And she’s like, ‘Hi, Dad.’ Dad’s like, stunned, and says, ‘You guys got two minutes to put some clothes on and get out here.’ And he shuts the door. But Charlie puts his pants on and goes out the window, Allison throws the rest of his clothes out to him, hits him in the face with a shoe!”
“And…?” Al asked.
“That’s it. I heard this from Charlie. No update, yet, except they’re sneaking around to see each other, but going on this trip was definitely out.”
“Shame. That sucks,” Al noted.
Tori waited for any more reaction, then dropped: “And Allison might be pregnant.”
This was new. Only Al commented, “That really sucks.” We all had to agree.
“Would they have had one of the rooms with the twin beds?” Luke asked.
“Owner says in his letter you could push them together so long as we don’t scratch the floor,” Scott said, taking a drink.
We listened to the music as the waves crashed in. The light was getting lower.
“Wish we had a hot tub,” Tori said. “The house down there? With the college guys? They have a hot tub.”
“Sorry, Tori,” Scott said. “This is the one I could get.”
“Rate it three stars, then,” I said to the sky. Scott gave me a look and a smile. Al kicked my foot. We knew who the three stars were.
Tori turned to Luke. “What’s the most seductive thing you’ve ever wanted to say to me?”
He looked up. “What is this, Truth or Dare?” he laughed.
“No,” Tori said. “I just want to know.”
Luke looked troubled, but they had our attention. “Um… ‘Be quiet, for once’?”
We all laughed, but Tori pretend-fumed. “It’s a game! Act It Out! You have to play.”
Luke rocked his head. “Okayyy… Give me a different one.”
“I’ll come back to you,” she said. “Show you how it’s done. Fiona?”
“Sure,” I volunteered.
“Show me how you like to be kissed in bed,” Tori said.
“Act it out! Act it out!” Danny, Gwen, and Al chanted.
“Fine,” I said. Actually, this would be easy, and I’d kissed Tori before. I met her in the circle in front of Al, careful of the fire, where we took ahold of each other’s faces and planted one. But I was going to do this right, show Scott and Al. I lowered myself onto my back, pulling her with me, so she would have to kiss me like on a bed. Tongues were used, like with Scott, and I let my hands go inside her shirt, so she also went into my hoodie, pushing it up, though it bunched at my breasts. We kept it going long enough for everyone to wonder if there was a time limit, and then broke it off.
Danny made the first comment: “Nice!”
“Okay,” Tori said to Luke, “Now for yours. What’s the most daring fantasy you’ve had about us?”
Luke grumbled. “Well, I’m gay, so…”
“Wait, you’re gay?” Tori asked.
“But I’ll play, since we’re here.” He cleared his throat. “The most daring fantasy I’ve had about us is that, even though I’m gay, I would still like to see your tits.”
Danny and Gwen, and then the rest of us, chanted, “Act it out! Act it out!”
Tori was disappointed that both single guys were gay, but was happy at Luke’s request and took off her shirt. Nudity had been introduced into the game early. “And you’d like to touch them, right? Play right…”
“If I may,” Luke said, and with Tori’s nod, got about copping himself a feel of girl tits.
Scott took the next one, so it wasn’t just Tori’s game. “Danny, trace Gwen’s body with your fingertips, while whispering what you love about her.”
“Act it out! Act it out!” the circle chanted. Danny actually blushed, and we could tell even by firelight.
“Where’d you come up with that one?” I whispered to Scott.
“It’s something he talks about on Fridays,” was all he said.

Danny started lightly touching Gwen at her shoulders, but shortly into it, she was on the sand with her shirt off, and then her shorts, and her panties. Gwen was nude in front of us while Danny oh-so-lightly touched her. We could hear rumblings when he spoke, but very few actual words, though Gwen heard every one. One thing I did make out was “…fuzzy little pussy…” which we’ve heard from him before.
We didn’t argue rules about “tracing” her body, as Scott had said, versus what he was doing, we all just couldn’t take our eyes off of his light touch and Gwen visibly getting horny. And wet. Danny ended his trace at her clit and brought her off. She clung to him, after, for a good long time, and then put her clothes back on.
The circle was speechless. Good thing we were friends.
Al was playing with some onion rings. A couple small ones on his fingers, twirling a bigger one.
“Tell me about the middle girl,” I asked Al. I’d said it quietly, just in case.
He leaned toward my ear. “Please don’t ask that. I’ll tell you, but I don’t want to say it to the circle. I don’t want Tori to… get encouraged, you know?”
“Hey, no fair, over there,” Tori called us out. “No secrets. Act it out! Act it out!”
I had to make a save. “I asked him to show me how he likes to be touched. He said he wanted Scott to do it.”
Everyone looked at Scott. “Whoa-oh!” murmured the circle.
Scott gave me a look, like I’d just outed him. Danny threw him the save, this time. “We know.”
Scott stood up off the log, careful of me. Then Al stood. It looked like Scott realized he and Al should not step closer to the fire, and they both took up position behind where Al had been sitting, Scott behind Al, his arms around him at the waist. Al clasped his own hands behind him, between him and Scott, captive.
Scott unbuttoned Al’s shorts and let them fall. He put both hands inside his boxer briefs, the shadows and flicker from the fire making it look like a monster or alien was inside, about to burst out. “Show me how you like to be touched,” Scott said softly, but everyone heard him.
No one but me and Scott heard Al say, “You know how.”
Scott pulled Al’s underwear wide and let them drop before they caught at his knees, revealing his cock to the circle. There was a little gasp, but no comments. I looked at Tori, but she was laser-focused on the action.
Scott’s left hand raked through Al’s pubes and then went downward to fondle and hold his balls. His right hand found Al’s shaft. He gave it a couple long slow pulls to get it going, but I knew Al was half-hard the moment Scott touched him. Scott continued, with his hand open and flat, slowly sailing down the top, the flatter-side, of Al’s cock, toward his crown, pushing his cock downward, like he wanted all to see its length. Believe me, there was nothing else we could watch.
He did this again, and again, and again, as if this was the way. He got a little faster, coming up into his pubes, and back down, but splaying his fingers this time, and finally grasped Al’s shaft. Only the waves were louder than Al’s intake of breath. Al faltered a little in his stance, and we watched him knock his underwear down and step his right leg out of it.
I slowly moved my left leg until it contacted Scott’s ankle, and then my right foot until it was touching Al’s, connecting our circuit.
Al’s hips gave the first indication of ‘how’ he wanted to be touched, with a slight wave, making Scott increase his pumping of Al’s cock, but each time it was a complete top-to-bottom stroke. There was no baby oil or lube anywhere near our circle, so it must’ve been some pre-cum being spread or just the sweat of Scott’s palms, but Al’s cock was looking shiny.
Al’s breathing started to become labored, little “Uhn…” and “Mnnn…” noises escaped him. Then a very quiet, “Faster…” and Scott sped up. Then we got his “Ohh” sounds.
Scott’s hand left Al’s balls and held his shaft tight at the base, and he started stroking him fast with the other with shorter strokes near his head. Al’s crown grew — looked like it was being inflated — that was cool. I always liked when that happened to a guy. Well, Scott best of all. Scott let go of his tight hold and moved that hand behind Al. Whether it just grabbed him or went inside him a bit, we couldn’t tell, but we could tell that Al liked it.
“I’m cum — I’m fuckin’ cumming…” Al got out before all he could do was breathe and whine. And then his cum shot into the fire.
It wasn’t a massive load, and only Scott and I knew why not, but it was still impressive watching the streams and bullets fly into the fire and disappear.
Al collapsed backwards into Scott, who held him until he could recover, which was a while. We all just watched him hold him. Eventually, Scott released him, and Al put his stuff back on in the darkness. They both retook their seats on the logs.
Gwen broke the silence and asked Danny, “What is something you’ve always wanted to do to someone in the circle?”
I knew this was a loaded question. I held tightly onto Scott’s legs, and I think he knew it, too. Everyone else probably thought Danny would come up with some fantasy for him and Gwen, again, or perhaps admit some desire for Tori — like a threesome or watching her and Gwen go at it. Luke and Al likely had no clue what Danny would do.
Tori was already chanting, “Act it out! Act it out!”
Gwen, Scott, and I all saw Danny stand up, like in a dream and look at Scott over the fire.
Scott sighed, stood, and stepped between me and the fire. “Just this once.”
Danny took the few steps over to Scott and fell to his knees. He undid Scott’s shorts and pulled them down with his underwear, releasing his cock. He stared right at it. Of course, we all knew it wasn’t the first time he’d seen it, nor even held it. It was just the first time he was going to be allowed to suck it, and he was taking that moment for himself.
And then he took my Scotty’s cock into his mouth.
Being only his second blowjob, he still wasn’t that skilled, but you could see his desire to love his friend was there. In and out, as far as he could. He seemed reluctant to do anything more with his hands other than hold Scott’s waist, or cup his balls, or grasp the base of his cock, but from my vantage point, I could see his pinky finger twisting in Scott’s pubes. He’d learned the lesson of ‘do what I like when…’ and we could tell he was swishing around Scott’s cock head. And I could tell, and maybe Al could, too, that Danny was trying to find Scott’s sweet spot. And that was no surprise, as Danny was skilled in giving Scott handjobs over the years.
I made eye contact with Scott. Like I’ve said, he has a way to turn off his receptors when getting a blowjob, if he wants; he’ll enjoy the sensations, but he won’t take it to term. I whispered, “Let go,” to him. He understood. He let his fingers run through Danny’s black hair, and he held it, starting to fuck his mouth, needing a little more control in the action.
Danny reacted immediately, taking it — finally — as a sign of acceptance, and went to town bobbing on Scott’s cock.
Scott let go with his right hand and held it out to me, grabbing my shoulder. I took his hand to support him. He gritted his teeth, and I heard — we all probably heard — him mutter, “Fuck… me… Danny…” and then he exploded inside Danny’s mouth. Again, I knew Scott had already lost a few loads today, so Danny wasn’t getting everything Scott could give him on a good day, but that was probably best, as Danny took what Scott had and swallowed it.
Danny fell back, sitting on the sand, Scott’s clean cock still hanging before him. I could see Tori just staring at it, memorizing the length, the way it hung, the color from the fire.
Scott put himself back together and helped Danny up. I could tell that Danny was still waiting for a reaction. Scott put his arms around Danny and hugged him to him. Then he kissed him, though not quite as passionately as he would Al. “I love you, man.” I saw Danny smile. “Now get out of here.” He spun Danny around and swatted his backside, but missing his butt as he went back to Gwen.
Gwen took Danny back on the sand below her and whispered something in his ear. Danny just nodded.
Tori looked at the fire. “I’m going to need some help with my next one.” We all knew she was growing incredibly frustrated. I guess that was the problem with not just inviting couples. If Charlie and Allison had come, everything would probably be both hunky and dory.
“That was all kind of intense,” Luke noted. “I think I’m going to have to call it, though. Long day.”
We knew he was right, and me and Gwen wanted to calm Tori down before this became an incident when we still had a couple days left to go. Let me just say that… I hate to say it… that Luke walked off in the direction of the campsites, and Tori went inside with Gwen. She was saying she wanted to go visit the college guys down the beach, but we kept her from that bit of danger.
“Next thing you know,” Scott said, most likely correct, “is that they all come down here to steal our beer and check out our women, and then Danny and Al and me got to get into a fight…”
We put out the fire and headed inside.
There was TV and snacks and beer and Mike’s; Tori finished all four Seagram’s blue things, but there were still a couple pinks and oranges. But it was a long day, and Scott and I went into our room after a bit. Al went the long way and climbed in.
“You wanted the story of the middle girl,” he reminded me, though I didn’t need reminding. We each had a beverage, and Scott and I sat cross-legged on the bed while Al took the big chair.
“So, tell me about the other girl,” I put to him. “If I was your third, who was number two? Do I know her?”
I couldn’t see him too well, we didn’t turn on the light, but I imagine he got that far-away look in his eyes. “The other was a surfer girl who hung around with us. Same age as me, I’d known her for a couple summers. It happened right before I moved. Moved to here. The first couple times, I had to change schools once, but we were always still close enough that I could see my beach friends. She was real upset that I was leaving. Her name was Thetis. I don’t know if that was her real name, but that’s what she called herself, so that’s what I called her. That’s what we called her. She liked reading the Percy Jackson books, so it might be made up, I don’t know. I think she’d tried to claim me, wanted to get me away from the boys.”
He took a drink. “So, we did it at her house. In her bedroom, folks weren’t home. I don’t know, nothing special, just her bedroom. We were naked, we fucked twice… She cried — not from pain, but because I was moving away.”

Al got quiet. We weren’t sure if he was finished, or if he’d fallen asleep. But then, suddenly, “The boys… there was Johnny, the boy I liked, he was a year older; there was the boy who was my friend, Chase; and then the twins; the high school boys were hot, but they just kind of tolerated us like pets… and then there was this asshole kid that…” Al breathed heavy, snorting some anger. “And… this local guy — some older creep — who kept trying to get me to come stay at his apartment. I’m like, ‘I’m not homeless, Ace! Get the fuck away from me!’”
He stopped again for some time.
“But no girls here since I came to town. A few offers, but I’ve been getting what I really like, instead. I haven’t… I mean, in the three years… I’ve had a couple relationships with nice guys I liked, guys I trusted… a few shorter relationships… and a one-nighter or two, I’ll cop to that. There was one guy on the Gymnastics team who lasted, a couple guys in Theater…” I think he realized he was spouting too much information. “But I’m no slut or doorknob,” he told me.
“Didn’t think you were,” I said. “Being a girl, I was just curious about the girls. Thetis, huh? Did you like her?”
Al swallowed. “Sure. She was my friend. I don’t think I ever would have initiated sex, but she wanted to and I thought it would be nice. A nice way to say goodbye. But even then, I knew I could never fall in love with her.”
“When you arrange college out there, you gonna try and find any of them?” Scott asked. “I’d heard some of this before, but Thetis is new,” Scott told me.
“I’d like to find Johnny — the boy l liked, who took my virginity,” Al smiled. “And my friend, Chase — Benji actually looks a little like him. But who knows where they are. The twins, they were — I saw on the internet — they did some clothes modeling for B-Wyze, so maybe they’re doing well.”
A little time passed while we sat there. No one proposed ripping our clothes off and going at it, again. We were all tired. Al said good night to us and left through the deck.
Scott and I did get undressed and shared some intimacy in bed, but fell asleep fairly quickly.
End of part three
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos
All rights reserved
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