Stories by Levi Holland also need to be heard!
There are a lot of free tools out there to convert text to speech. I tried some of these free tools, and they either sound to robot-like, or are WAY too much work to convert my texts. But I wanted to offer my work as an audio book for a long time now. I know that some of you use their own methods of listening to my work in the car or something, but I want to offer audio book as an extra fan service from me, to you!

Now, I finally stumbled across a program that uses AI for their conversion. Not going to name it here, because it might trigger some copyright issues. Although I checked, and since I’m not selling the files, I think I’m good. But I don’t want troubles on that part, so that’s why.

I know that converting my stories with software, isn’t nearly the same as when a human reads it. But I’m not going to do it with my accent, and unless there’s someone willing to do it (if you think you want / can do it, mail me at or, it’s the next best thing. Especially the moaning can’t be done by a robot, but I tried to work around it as much as possible. But this way, you can still listen to our stories whenever you want, and you’ll just have to imagine that little bit.

I’m offering three file types. Mp3, .m4a and .m4b. The MP3 is the most compatible one of course, and can work with basically any player. The .m4a is known to be compatible with a wide variety of audio book players. The .m4b file, is a specific file type for audio books, as it contains chapters and other audio book-specific options. All three types are available for download, choose the one that suits you best.

The apps out there are plenty! I’m an Apple man, and I use Book Player for my audio books. For Android, I heard that LibriVox is a good one, but I’m not sure it allows custom downloaded books. If you’ve got suggestions, let me know, and I’ll change this text.

The above text is almost identical to the text I use to publish Jason Crow stories. I started converting Levi’s stories, and as time goes by, this collection will expand. There’s a limited amount of text I can convert each month. So, it’s a slow but steady process we’ll have to work through.

A Dream of Darkness

After being gifted with a mysterious ability to affect people’s arousal, a twelve-year-old gay boy begins exploring his sexuality with his younger brother and other boys in his life, all while something sinister lurks in the darkness.




Camping Out

A group of young boys take their first adult-free camping trip out in the woods. Come on…you know where this is headed…Nothing like a little tropey one-shot.




The Side Hustle

Twelve-year-old Sam thinks he has the perfect way to score some extra cash for him and his friends during the middle school football games. Before his plan can get started however, he and his friends will have to enlist the help of eighth-grader Molly Sinclair by learning to pay it forward.


