My Brother Saves Halloween – Part 2
Tommy Linarcos

Henry shut off the lamp so we could see the storm over the lake, better.  It was night out, and the city had lot of lights so the clouds were well-lit from below.  And with the big park between our hotel and the lake, we had a pretty good view.  Lots of lightning flashes!  We were just sittin’ there, us all lit up by the blue light of the TV, and I let my head roll over onto Henry’s shoulder.

Henry put his arm around me.  “Well, doll-face, we had us an adventure.”

“I guess we did.”  I tried to think if gorilla-guy made fun of Henry, he called him some letters, but I couldn’t remember, so I didn’t come up with a funny name for him.  Nah, he’s just my Henry.  And now I was ‘doll-face,’ but I liked when Henry said it.

When Henry stretched his arm around me, it opened up the wrap in his robe.  Neither of us had these things on tight, and the belts were loose.  I could see Henry’s chest and belly in the separation, and a little lower.  Now, I knew I didn’t have any bra or panties on, but it occurred to me again that Henry didn’t have anything on under the robe, either.

I was trying to use my psychic powers to make his robe fall more open.  C’mon… just a little more… move your leg a bit so it can…  But we were both too still.  I brought my hand over to give my brother a hug.  “Thank you for taking care of me, Henry.  Giving me a Halloween.”

“Heck, I didn’t take much care of you.  Just… took charge to get us out there for tricks-n-treats,” he shrugged.

I started running my hand up and down the terrycloth.  “You held my hand the entire time.”  I let my hand slip off the edge onto his skin.  I was running my fingertips from his chest down to his belly button, real slow.

“That’s what a brother does.”  Henry moved his legs a bit, like he was gettin’ uncomfortable, and uncrossed his feet on the table.

Then, with the hand on my shoulder, he started running his fingers through my damp hair.  He caught a little snag, but I didn’t care.  I didn’t care at all.

“You kissed me,” I said.  Just matter-of-fact, not an accusation.

“Yeah, I did,” Henry said.  He felt very still, like he was nervous or scared.

“That was my first kiss,” I admitted.  Heck, he probably knew it, too.  In 6th Grade, you don’t do a lot of kissing.

“If you want it to be,” he said, still looking straight ahead out the window.  “I’m your brother, so it don’t have to count, you know?”

“Oh, it counts…” I said softly into his collar.  My fingers went below his belly button this time until they hit the loose terrycloth belt and found some hair.  I’d seen this, but those other times it just went under his shorts.  Now, it was leading somewhere…

“I’m sorry,” Henry said, turning to look at me, so I turned my face up to his.  “You were in that dress, and you just looked so dang beautiful.  I mean that.  Your hair, your eyes were shiny, you were like a willow, I don’t know… all curvy.  You just looked so… happy… I just had to kiss you.  I’m sorry.”

“I’m not sorry.  I kissed you back, you know,” I said.

“Yeah.  You did.”

Probably too much time passed, then, us looking at each other, but I took a chance.  “Can I have a second kiss, now?”

I could hear my brother take a breath and then his lips were on mine.  Again.  Only this time, he wasn’t kissing a surprised closed mouth; I was kissing him before he was kissing me.

He turned in toward me, his hand coming over to hold me when my hand went under the belt and I bumped into… it.  Yes, his hair trail led to where I knew it would, only his dick was a lot closer to where my hand was than I thought it would be.  It broke our kiss.  “Is that…?” I asked Henry’s eyes.

“You know it is,” Henry breathed.

I had automatically pulled my hand away when I hit it, but Henry untwisted the belt, took my hand, brought it down, and put it right back on his dick.  All the way on it.  And for some reason, my hand automatically wrapped itself around his shaft.  He closed his eyes and breathed in, just like if he’d slammed his foot into the doorframe or got a cut.  I didn’t think my touching his dick hurt, but I kind of understood that the feeling would be intense, like if he touched my pussy I’d probably breathe the same way.

I got the feeling that it would not be an ‘if’ but a ‘when.’  I knew it.  I hoped it.

I was holding my brother’s dick.  It was hot.  And it was hard.  Soft, but hard.  And it was big.  I know I didn’t have anything to compare it to, this being my first time holding a dick and all, but it felt big to me.

Henry groaned and turned back to me and started kissing me, again.  And you better believe I was kissing him back.  And then, finally, his hand slipped under my robe and was feeling my boob.  My breast.  His hand was all over my skin, cupping my breast, his fingers swirling around my nipple and pulling on it.

I was in a sensory overload.  A wonderful one!  My head was like zip-zap inside, trying to figure out what I was feeling from the kiss, and what I was feeling in my hand, and what was going on while Henry felt my body and…  And what I was feeling inside all over, about Henry, about kissing, about the heat that was starting to churn in me down below, about maybe going further.

But it wasn’t confusion.  I knew what was going on.  It was just all going on at once.  I wanted to kiss my brother.  I wanted to feel my brother.  I wanted my brother to feel me.

I wanted my brother.

I always have, I guess.  He’s been my hero since I was a baby.  I mean, my daddy was, too, but Henry was my size, always there with me.  We explored the fields together and sometimes made friends together, sometimes we fought or argued, but he always looked out for me.  Always held my hand.  It’s no wonder I adored him.

As I watched him grow up, watched him get tan in the sun, watched his body change, watched him suddenly get taller, watched his shoulders get bigger, watched his chest get some muscle, watched his belly get flat, watched whatever was in his shorts get to lookin’ like it was lookin’, watched his hair go from whatever was on his head to having a cute cut, his face to just… having that smile…  I don’t know what I was going to say, I just wanted my brother to be doing what he was doing to me right then!

Henry needed me to do more, though.  He let go of my breast and threw off one whole side of his robe, took his arm out and put his hand on top of mine, and showed me how to stroke his dick.  “Please…” he breathed.  It wasn’t hard to figure out and he let me go solo.

Then he was all about getting my robe off.  My brother wanted me naked as much as I wanted him naked.  Only, while he undid my belt and tried to push off my robe, I had to stop stroking him in order to pull my arm out.  And we were kicking candy off the table.  But once my left side was free, then both of us had our close-in arms still in the robes.

Henry pulled back, not quite sitting up.  He wanted to see me.  His eyes were glued to my breasts.  I wasn’t nervous to let him see me.  Heck all, I wanted him to peek at me while we were getting changed into costumes and getting dry from the rain.  I liked my boobs.  My breasts.  They weren’t huge, but they were pretty good for what I see of my friends’ breasts.  I was pretty well proud of them.

He was trying to take me all in.  I could tell his eyes were down at my pussy, then, but I was turned away from the TV and he couldn’t see me real well.  His hands traveled over my body — oh, yes, they did! — and he tried to push me flat and feel my pussy, but it wasn’t working real well on this little couch unless I scooted forward but with the little table in front…  I could see by his eyes, lit up by the blue and red screen on the TV, that he was getting frustrated.  And I couldn’t even stroke him too well, at that point.

Henry stood up and threw off his robe.  And I could see my entirely naked brother.  Finally.  (Finally, for two years of wanting!)  I could see my brother’s dick.  His hard, pointing straight up, big, hairy dick.  It didn’t have a lot of hair, honestly, not like all over, but it was a nice bush of light brown pubes above his dick.  I thought they were light brown — that was my guess in the TV light, anyway, until I could see them in real light.  But I could still tell, here at the end of October with his tan faded, where he used to be tan and where he wasn’t, that swimsuit area lighter than the rest of him, even in the TV light.  For that second, I was able to look him up and down, all in one view.  My totally naked brother.

He stood me up, then, gently — gentle even in his need to do this, and finished taking off my robe.  Now I was completely naked for him.  I helped him out, though, taking his hands and making us trade places, with the light from the TV on me, then.  And like before, I watched his eyes look me over.  I guess he wanted to see me naked as much as I wanted to see him.  How long would he have wanted that?  Since he was twelve, like me?  Or once my body started to change?  I’ve been curious about him since I was ten.  But that didn’t matter at all, anymore, because right then, we were naked together.

Henry started breathing easier, though his dick was still hard and pointing at me and the ceiling.  Something came to his mind and he took my hand.  “Come on,” he said, and walked me into our bedroom, to the first bed, his bed.  “Okay?”  He didn’t push me; he asked me.

“Oh, yes,” I answered and climbed on the bed.  Henry left the door open so we could still hear the music, but we didn’t have the light of the TV on us, anymore.  We hadn’t closed the curtains, but it was dark in our room, so now we had a night-gray view of just the lake and all the clouds and the lightning flashes.  No trees in the way.  It was like being on a boat.  Just me and Henry and the lightning.

My brother lay down next to me and this time we could hold each other right and we got back to kissing.  As much as I wanted to feel his body, and feel his hands on my body, I think the kissing was my favorite part.  I thought it would be weird, when I’d considered it before, like when I was practicing kissing my hand, or me and Jenna kissed, I had to wonder if it would feel weird because he was my brother, like kissing Jenna was weird, at first.  But kissing Jenna became a little fun, and then I knew that because of how much I loved my brother, kissing him would be fun, too.

And then when he kissed me, I proved myself right.  Even more so when we started using our tongues.  At first, I just opened my mouth a little more in a kiss, wondering if this was how it worked.  Henry kind of opened his with me, then we both knew something was missing and, at once, our tongues found each other.  And it was like: wow!  And it wasn’t weird, it was easy.  And it was obviously a turn-on as I actually felt Henry’s dick get harder.

“Stroke my cock.  Please.  Jack my cock…”

So, it was a cock, not a dick.  A cock.  I could do that.  I jacked his cockJohn Hand Cock.  Because he had pubes, I figured he could shoot his stuff, too.  I wanted to see that, but it was too dark, then.  I loved doing it, though.  Suddenly, I wanted to be an expert at it!

And sure enough, I could feel Henry exploring further down me, and I opened my legs for him.  His fingers felt my patch of golden pubes, though he couldn’t see they were golden in the dark, and then he dipped into my flower.

“Oh, wow…”  He shuddered.  My brother actually shuddered.  He was nervous.  I had to think — I wasn’t really nervous, more excited, but I felt that he was excited and kind of nervous.  I held my brother a little tighter than I had been, letting him feel my breasts on his chest.

That actually felt great.  I wanted to do that lots more!  And I found his heart beating really fast!

He found my entrance.  His finger was going inside me.  He was feeling around, examining what it was like inside, and then plunging in and out.  He was going a little too fast, I think, but he didn’t know.  He was as… enthusiastic… as I was, probably, on his cock.

I took that opportunity to explore a little bit more, moving my hand down to his balls and feeling them, finding out what they were all about.  His ball sack was kind of tight, but I could feel his balls move as I massaged them, but didn’t squeeze — I knew that much!

Henry broke our kiss, and I let him because he was moving down to kiss and suck on my breasts, and I loved that!  His tongue and lips were on my chest, finding a path around my breasts.  I thought of the Candyland gameboard, for some reason, don’t ask me why.  But his tongue found the swell of my right breast and then his lips found my nipple, and then he was sucking on me…  “Ooohhhhh…”  I had to let out a moan, I’d wanted to feel that for so…

I was certain I could feel Henry smile while sucking at my breast, the way his lips and cheeks moved, like he knew I was liking it.  I allowed my one hand that had been finding how smooth his body was to now hold his head and run my fingers through his hair.  My other hand was trying to find a decent hold on his cock, again, and Henry changed his position enough to allow me to.

This was sex! I thought to myself.  Or it almost was.  Heck, we were naked in the dark, on a bed, there was some music, I was stroking his cock and he was sucking my tits and playing with my pussy, driving me nuts!  If that’s not sex, then…  But inside of me, I knew there could be more.  I was feeling very warm, the chill from the rain long forgotten.  Warm like… not like the robe, but like… inside me… 

Henry’s finger was still inside me.  I wanted him to psychically know he could explore more of me there, like find my clit, but I didn’t want to tell him.  He was, though, finding out just how wet I am, and…

“Can I fuck you?” he asked me.

That was the magic question, now, wasn’t it?

“I really want to fuck you,” he confessed to me.

“Yes,” I said, maybe too quickly.

I wanted to fuck.  I wanted to know what it feels like.  I wanted to be ‘a woman.’  I wanted my brother.  I wanted my brother to be the one.  I loved my brother.  Who else could it be?  And the way I was feeling right then, if he didn’t fuck me, I was going to fuck him.

I was a little nervous about this, finally.  Henry’s finger was inside me, and I’d had Jenna’s inside me, too and, of course, my own.  And I’d played with the handle of my hairbrush, but this was going to be a real dick.  Henry’s cock.  What I could feel of it in my hand told me this was going to be bigger than any finger or hairbrush.  The first time was supposed to hurt, some, they say.  But just how much?

With my ‘yes,’ Henry changed all his positioning, leaving my pussy and my breasts.  I spread my legs as he got in between them and propped himself over me.  He looked a little uncertain, that’s what I thought I saw in his eyes, anyway, his eyebrows getting scrunched.  Then he looked at me and gave me one more kiss.  I gladly accepted it!  Then he did a thing, taking a breath, like a ‘here goes…’

I looked down our bodies at his cock as it rubbed through my pubes, and then dropped down into my labia, finding center.  He started poking me.  He was using a gentle force, a light prodding, but he was in the wrong place.  I didn’t know if I was supposed to tell him or not.  I mean, he’s the boy, this was his part, right?

Henry’s face showed confusion or frustration when I looked up at him.  When he saw my eyes, he looked away right away, like he was embarrassed that he didn’t get it right.  I didn’t want to say it out loud, and he didn’t want to either, probably, but neither of us knew exactly what to do.  He finally used a hand to guide his cock where he thought he was supposed to go.  I got the guts to use my hand to help him find my entrance.

We both slid his cock head over my hole a couple times and then it went in.  The whole head went in!  And then he stopped.

I looked up to Henry and he looked at me, and we both instantly smiled!  This was the right spot.  It was going to work!  He kissed me again and then started to push in.  He kept his hand there to make sure.

I got the idea of how this was supposed to hurt, then.  I’m sure I’d already broken my hymen a couple months ago, but it was the size of his cock, the… width? that was…  I don’t know what is a normal size for a fourteen-year-old boy, but as far as its entering me, it might as well have been as huge as a grown man’s.  But it was the stretching.  His cock was stretching my insides.  He wasn’t taking it very slowly, either; he wanted to get his cock inside me.  I wanted his cock inside me, too, I just wanted it to go in easier.

I put my hands on his waist, making him pause, then I pushed him back a little, and held him.  I didn’t want him to pop out, I just felt that trying a couple back-and-forths might feel better, moving my wetness.

I was right.

Henry got the idea.  Turns out the in-and-out was natural for boys.  And then… he was… he was… all the way in.  My brother was all the way in.  My brother’s cock was all the way inside me.  I could feel his pubes on my clit as he just kind of floated there.  I opened my eyes and saw his were still closed.  It was dark, but in the faint light I could make out the look on his face.

It was like he couldn’t be happier.

I moved my arms up and wrapped them around him and pulled him down to me, kissing him when he got the idea.  Then I crossed my legs behind him and locked him inside me.

“Henry…” was all I could get out.  He opened his eyes and found mine.  He knew.

“Does it feel okay?” he asked.  “Does it hurt?”

I nodded a little.  “A little.  But keep going.  Let’s do it — slow!”

When I said that, I heard an echo of the word “slow” coming from the sitting room.  It was the TV music.  I realized I was losing my virginity to the song from Suicide Squad!  It was a great song, though — Twenty-One Pilots’ “Heathens”? — and it had a steady beat.  Maybe we could use that.

I corrected my request to Henry.  “…at first.”

“Okay.”  He licked his lips and nodded at me.  He raised back up and drew his cock back out.  I don’t think he wanted to do that, though, because he immediately got about fixing himself and finding my entrance, again.  And then I felt him sliding into me again, only this time his cock was wet, and so were my pussy lips.  I tried to not be nervous, I didn’t want to make my hole tight, but as he slipped further in, I found that I was starting to love that feeling of my pussy grabbing his cock, holding onto it like my hand had when I was stroking him.

Henry was all the way inside me, again, and when he pulled back he didn’t fall out.  He did make a little noise, an “Ohh-ohhh-ohhhh…” that I don’t think I was supposed to hear but he couldn’t help it.  He pushed back in more quickly, and did it all again.  And again.  My brother was fucking me! 

He started grunting as he made it back in me.  Not grunting like an animal, but soft little ones, the air coming out of him when he pushed himself in me.  It was like when you’re play-fighting and you make the noise when the other guy gets hit.  Henry was making his noises of fucking, his ‘Mmm’s and ‘Uh’s.  And he was doing it to the downbeat to the song!

I’d kind of been holding myself back with that, like I was trying to be quiet, like you’re not supposed to make noise doing this.  It was funny that Henry was losing his breath each time he grunted, because he was really knocking my breath out!  The next time he plunged into me with a grunt, I “ooh!”-ed right back at him.

That made him pop open his eyes and he looked right into mine and smiled.  “It’s better?”

“Oh, yeah, Henry,” I told him.  “So much better…!  Keep doing that… keep going….”

Henry didn’t close his eyes now, he kept looking at mine.  Then he started going faster, his soft grunts turning into one long groan.  My oohs turned into a whimper, just one long word, as high a voice as when I open a birthday present and like what’s inside.  And I really liked what was going on inside me!

This was feeling good!  I kinda knew I might be a little sore tomorrow, but this was feeling better and better.  And I was getting wetter and wetter.  This was why people liked fucking, I now knew. 

Henry was fucking me.  My brother was fucking me and I was loving it!

I was going to try to tell Henry all about it, somehow, when he dropped down and started holding me tight.  Real tight.  “Oh, Katie…!  I’m…  Ka-”  Then he went all stiff, except for his left leg — his left leg was shaking.  I remember that.  He stopped thrusting and I felt his cock swell up a little more inside me and then I felt it kick!  And suddenly, there was more wetness and warmth inside me than there was before.  His cock kicked again, and I knew he was shooting his stuff in me.  His cum.  I could feel it.  I could feel his cum.  The music crashed from its bridge and got intense, as if Henry had timed it!  He started fucking again, just a little in-and-out, but I could feel him still cumming in me.

I wrapped my arms around him, held him to me.  Me and Henry.  I slowly stroked his back while the song played out.  We were fine.  We didn’t move.  He was on top of me and still inside me.  We were fine.

The song on the TV changed twice before we moved.  I don’t remember what those ones were.  We were breathing easier.  Henry didn’t move off of me, but he did raise up, again.  He was still inside me.  I don’t think he wanted to come out of me.

“Katie… we…”


“Was it…?  Are you… alright?”

“Yeah.  Did you like it?” I asked him with a little smile.

“Oh, heck, yeah!” he grinned back.  “That was the greatest thing ever!”  He turned that into a kind of worried expression.  “Did you like it?”

“Mm-hmm…  I loved it.”  I kept stroking his back, and then his hair.

“Did you… cum… like me?”

I was honest.  “Almost.  I was getting there.  I could feel it coming on, but…”

“I’m sorry.  Katie, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean for it to be so fast.  It just felt… and then I…”

“It’s okay.  Henry, it’s okay,” I soothed.  “It was our first time.  For both of us, it was just our first time, so…”

Something clicked in my brother’s mind.  “Our first time?”

Then it clicked, what I’d said.  “Our first time.”

“Just our first time, huh?”

“Yeah, just our first time.”

Henry started fucking me, again.  I guess he’d never really gone soft — his cock, I mean.  And it was still inside me.  He was just looking at me, and I was looking at him, both of us with goofy smiles on our faces, and we started fucking again.

And that’s when the phone rang.

End of Part two

Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos
All rights reserved