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My Brother Saves Halloween – Part 3

My Brother Saves Halloween – Part 3
Tommy Linarcos

“It’s okay.  Henry, it’s okay,” I soothed.  “It was our first time.  For both of us, it was just our first time, so…”

Something clicked in my brother’s mind.  “Our first time?”

Then it clicked, what I’d said.  “Our first time.”

“Just our first time, huh?”

“Yeah, just our first time.”

Henry started fucking me, again.  I guess he’d never really gone soft — his cock, I mean.  And it was still inside me.  He was just looking at me, and I was looking at him, both of us with goofy smiles on our faces, and we started fucking again.

And that’s when the phone rang.

Both of us were in shock, like we’d been caught by Mom walking in, but it was just the phone.  Still, we pulled out of each other in a hurry and jumped off the bed, both of us running around trying to find our phones.  Whose was it?  Where was it?  Looking back, it was kind of funny, seeing Henry running around with a boner, though all the stuff leaking out of me while I ran wasn’t too much fun.

It’s like we were trying to get dressed to answer the phone!  Something in our brains finally clicked, and we stopped, and Henry picked up his phone.  “It’s Mom.”

“Answer it!” I whisper-screamed.

“Hi, Mom!  We’re okay, we weren’t doing nothing.”  Yep, that’s my brother.

“No, we’ve actually been here the whole time…  No, no one came to get us, so…  We’re upstairs…  Yeah, in our room.  Or the, you know, sitting room, the place with the TV.  We’re watching TV.”  Henry made motion to me to go fix the TV in the other room. 

I flipped around the couch and realized the TV was still on the channel guide and found something — an old movie from last century called Phantasm.  I don’t know what it’s about, but it looked scary, and it was Halloween, so I left it on that.

Henry wandered over, still naked, but his cock wasn’t pointing up, anymore.  It still looked good, and it was kind of pointing at me, but it just wasn’t straight up, anymore.  He turned on the lamp by the couch.  Then I saw him naked with the light on.  His pubes were blonde, like a real, real light brown.  His dick was kind of red, but I wasn’t sure if it was always like that, or if it was because it was hard and we’d been fucking.

“Mom’s on her way up!  We have to get dressed!”

I tried to think.  “In what?  Our costumes?”  Or our regular clothes, or…?

Henry was putting the candy and empty wrappers back on the table.  “No, we’re in for the night.  Put on your sweats or pjs or whatever.  Comfy stuff.  We’re watching TV and eating candy and Doritos, right?”

I ran into the bedroom and found my nightclothes in the top drawer where I’d put them this morning.  It was an easy ‘dress.’  I came back out and Henry had the root beer cups and the Doritos open.  “C’mon, c’mon!  You gotta get dressed, too!”  Henry and his cock ran into our bedroom and reappeared in his blue sweats and the same yellow Nike t-shirt he was wearing before.

We quick-looked around.  Was there anything else here that would give us away that we’d been having sex?  Maybe Henry’s mussy bed covers, but that was in the other room.

We waited for Mom.  She was taking a long time.

“Sit down,” Henry ordered.  We had to look like we’d been here for a while, so we stretched out on the couch.  The movie had some Tall Man stealing dead bodies, and there was this silver ball flying around a funeral place and it had blades that stuck in your head and a screw that drilled in your brain and blood came pouring out.  That was cool.

Finally, Mom and Aunt Marcy walked in.  They both came up to us and hugged us and hugged us and said how much they were sorry.  From what I could put together, both Uncle Ted and Uncle Bill thought that Aunt Frannie or Aunt Trisha were picking us up, but all of them were downstairs.  Aunt Marcy made fun of Uncle Ted, saying in a weird voice, “What we have here… is a failure… to communicate!”

They were both drunk out of their minds.

We showed them our candy haul, and then the Cereal Killer and Crazy Cat Lady costumes we’d made.  Mom and Marcy were all, “Oh, remember?  We used to make our own costumes!”  We told them that Mr. Thomas and Miss Carrie were very nice to us, and we had dinner at a soul food place, but got caught in the rain, so came back and dried off and ate garbage and watched scary movies.

Marcy was all impressed that we’d made a Halloween for ourselves even without going to the north side.  Mom was starting to snack on the box of Apple Jacks that Henry had speared.  Marcy thought that was a good idea and took the Corn Pops.  Then they were just standing there, eating dry cereal.  And looking at our candy.

“You guys can go back to the bar, now, if you want…” Henry told them.  “We’re fine, here.”

“Do you want to come down?  See everybody?  They have sodas there, too,” Aunt Marcy offered.

“No,” Henry said.  “We’ll see everyone tomorrow.  We’re a little tired.  We did a lot of walking.  We’ll probably go to bed like right after you leave.”  Henry looked at me, then, and I swore he winked at me, but it might’ve just been the light.

Aunt Marcy apologized again, and Mom told us she wouldn’t be long, but we promised we’d probably be asleep when she got back.  She made sure she had her key and they went back downstairs.

Henry and I collapsed on the couch, my head on his shoulder, his arm around me, just like before, except not in our robes.  The robes were still right there, and might have needed some explanation, but not when Mom had been drinking.

Henry ate a Reese’s.  “Energy,” he explained.  I had a Kit Kat.  Then he cleaned up the empty wrappers and threw away the root beer cups.  I put our candy in a Walgreens bag and put it safe in our room, along with our robes.  We took a couple extra minutes to clean up our markers and scraps and things from costume construction.  Finally, Henry turned on Mom’s bedroom light, shut off the lamp by the couch, and shut off the TV.

He held out his hand.  “You want to go back to bed with me?”

I took his hand and we walked into our bedroom.  I had to use the washroom, first, though, and just kept walking while Henry closed and locked our door.  When I came back out, I was naked hoping he would be, too, and he was.  He’d found that the alarm clock on his bedside was a radio, too, and he’d found a good station, so played it quietly.  The covers on my bed were messed up and the pillow all punched.  That was new, too; I didn’t remember leaving my bed like that.  Then I realized it was Henry’s smart thinking, because I wasn’t going to leave Henry’s bed until the morning, if I didn’t have to.

At the window, we could see that the storm was moving off, the lightning was more distant. Henry walked back to the bed, but turned on the bedside light.  I turned to see why; I wouldn’t have thought he’d want the light on.  He was staring at me, gazing at me.  “I need to see you.  Like, in color,” he said.

I came closer to him, between the beds and watched him watch me.  He was noting the pinky color of my nipples and the golden hue of my pubes.  He was nodding so slightly, he had a look of ‘I knew it’ on him.

I stopped him from getting into bed.  I purposely placed my hands on his chest.  “I have to do this…” I whispered.  I didn’t have to whisper as we were alone, that’s just how it came out.  He stood for me.

I just let my hands move along his body with weight, no light touch, slaloming over his chest, up to his shoulders, along his sides, back to his neck, his cheeks, and then his strong arms and his armpits, back down to his abs and waist.  He let me, with his eyes closed.

“I have to do this.  Touch you.  All of you.  Finally.  No secret feels like at the water park or touching legs on the couch.”  I wrapped my hands, as much as I could with my smaller hands compared to his body, around his thighs and down to his knees and calves, across his feet and toes, then up his backside to his butt and his back.  I had purposely avoided his cock until I was behind him.  “All this time, I’ve just wanted to feel… to touch… every part of you, Henry.”

I pressed my breasts against his back, my legs to his legs, and reached around and began to jerk his cock, slow and smooth.

“Oh… Katie—!” he breathed out in a weird voice that got caught in his throat.  His arms shot out to the side and he tried to touch me, to hold me, backwards.  I let him as much as he could without interrupting my efforts.

I let my left hand roam — from his butt, to his chest, to combing through his pubes, to holding his balls, which he seemed to like best.

You like this, Henry?” I asked in a deep voice, trying to sound all sexy.

Yes…” he hissed.  “Faster… please…

I took his advice and he started to falter, his knees bending and his legs giving out, and pushing himself back up, his breathing getting quicker.  Good.

I want to see you cum, Henry,” I demanded.  I swear, his cock was sweating.  And inflating.  I kept pumping him, getting faster, bottom of his shaft to the top, but I found he liked it better with short strokes right by his cock head.

Oh, Katie…

Are you going to cum for me?


When are you…” I was in the middle of saying when his whole body tensed up — every muscle from head to foot locked up in a whole-body clench.  His hands found the sides of my ass and pressed me to him.  I moved my legs back to support us both.  And then I looked around side his body, determined to see what I’d wanted.

He made a noise like, “Gahhhh…!” and his cum shot out of him and across the bed’s comforter.  I couldn’t hold back a gleeful squeal!  His second shot actually flew further and I swear it cleared the bed.  The third was as powerful as the first and it, too, painted the comforter.  So did the next four, but they didn’t go as far, and there was less of it.  After that, they mostly fell to the carpet or on my hand.  My brother shot eleven times, in all, by my count, including the small ones.  I slowed down my stroke, but I didn’t want to stop. 

I wound up stopping, though, because he’d lost all control in support and the two of us wound up collapsing backwards onto my bed.  Henry’s hands found my breasts.

We let a song play and end.  “That was intense…” Henry breathed.

“That was a lot of cum!” I snickered.  “Did you put that much in me before?”

Henry considered.  “Probably.”

“You might have to marry me.”  I brought my fist up to my mouth, and cautiously licked the back of my hand.  Henry watched me, fascinated, but didn’t ask.  It was… okay.  Not bad, kinda plain.  I’d have to try it again, hot from the source.

“Those first couple shots went, like, over the bed!” I recalled.

“I can hit the poster over my bed, at least with the first shot or two,” he bragged, but then got quieter, “If I haven’t, like… done… anything for a day.”  He didn’t have to be embarrassed.  What girl doesn’t know her brother jerks off?  I just never spied on him.

“Is that what happened to Livvy Dunne?” I asked about the pretty gymnast poster in his room.  “I thought you and Johnny just opened a shook-up Coke.”

“You and Mom are welcome to keep believing that,” he laughed.  “I’ll take her down, if you want.”

“No, don’t do that.”  I thought about his bedroom.  “Bet you can’t hit your Jaguar poster.”  His current cool car dream.

“No way would I shoot that!  She’s prettier than Livvy!  Livvy will get old, but I’ll take care of my car when…”

Henry got deep in thought.  He rolled over and kissed me, and kept doing so.  Then he surprised me by picking me up and bringing me back to his bed, laying me down.  “I’ll take care of you, Katie.”  He climbed on the bed and sat on his heels in front of me.

He moved up on his knees and caressed my breasts, though he was staring at my pussy.  His hands moved down along my sides to my waist.  “Katie, you are beautiful.  I mean that.  And I don’t just mean beautiful because you’re naked.  That is, I know you are beautiful naked, but I mean, like…  Katie, you’re just the prettiest girl I know, and I’m lucky enough to get to see you every day.”

“Henry…” I whispered.  I wanted to tell him how hot I thought he was, but didn’t want to copy his mood.  I’d tell him when the next chance came.  I wanted to touch his face, but he was too far away, so I just ran my hand down his arm to his hand.

He gently brought his hands to the insides of my thighs and opened my legs.  “I want to try this,” he said, then lowered himself down toward my pussy.

He hesitated, I could feel, as he tried to figure out all my bits down there.  Other than porn on his phone, it was probably his first live pussy, too, like me with his cock.  He touched his tongue to my entrance then moved up.  I could feel his tongue was flat, and I thought of a dog lapping.  I didn’t want to insult him as he learned, but I put my fingers down hear his mouth, showing him quietly that I liked to stroke my lips, and then pointedly circled my little clit.

He had watched, and when his tongue touched me again, I knew he didn’t take offense.  He took instruction well, like I probably will when I try giving him my first blowjob, sometime.  Tonight?  Tomorrow?

Henry was sliding his tongue up and down my labia, but when he got to my clit, it was like an electric shock!  Though I felt him probing for the right spot, when he circled it, both he and I could feel her getting stiff and popping out from her hood.  “Oh, Henry… yes!  Yes, rightthere rightthere!”  I was rolling my hips, helping give him a little motion, helping direct him off my clit to my lips or hole, knowing he’d make his way back to my clit, now that he knew about it.  And he did.

Ffffuck, Henry… yes, yes, yes…”  I could feel him react to my saying ‘fuck.’  I guess I didn’t really swear that much, or at least didn’t drop the F bomb, too much.

I was trying to just let my mind concentrate on the feeling, but my mind wandered with images of Henry on top of me before, fucking me, kissing me, his naked body, me touching his naked body, jerking him off, his cum spraying, the feel of his cum shooting inside me, and now his tongue…  and seeing his naked butt when he changed into a costume!  I’m not sure why, but that single image was sending me over the edge!

Henry!  Don’t stop!  Don’t stop… I’m… oh gah…”  I had been running my fingers through his hair, but now I latched onto it, gripping whatever lock was in my hand, keeping him in place.  I didn’t mean to trap him, but I clamped my thighs together, probably smothering him, but I had to.  I had to!

Henry!  Hen— h…. h…!”  And I shook as I exploded.  The only single feeling I was conscious of was my feet pushing into his ass, my toes clenching trying to grab it.  I’d been close to cumming when fucking Henry earlier, but now, oh…  This was so much better than doing it myself!

When I finally released my brother, he didn’t waste any time talking about how much fluid I’d cummed into his mouth and over his chin.  He just rose up and stretched over me and shut off the light.  Then he fed his arms around me as I kissed him twenty times in thanks for that wonderful, wonderful orgasm.

I could feel his hard, hard cock down below, and this time it had no trouble finding my entrance and making its way inside me.  And my brother fucked me.  He had to.  I wanted him to.

I didn’t time it, or count the number of songs, but we lasted longer than our first time, that’s for sure.

He was pounding me, breathing like an animal.  I could hear quiet words in his breath.  “Katie… can’t believe… fuck… I’m fuck…”

You’re fucking me,” I helped.

His eyes shot open.  “I’m fucking you.  I can’t believe I’m really fucking you, Katie.”

“Keep fucking me.”

My hands on his butt, helping push him inside me, I tried to speed up his thrusts.  He was only too happy to do so.


“Harder, Henry… fuck me harder…”

That unleashed a monster!  But fuck, it was feeling better and better!  Even more so because it was a boy I loved fucking me.  My brother.  My brother was fucking me.

That set me off — the speed, the slamming into my pussy, and the knowing who it was that was fucking me… I screamed as quietly as I could while I probably strangled Henry with my arms around his neck, as I quivered and shook again.  “Henry, oh… I’m cumming I’m cumming!…”

It would have been cool if we’d cum at the same time, but Henry needed a little more.  And even though there was so much of my own cum splashing around between us, you better believe it when I felt his cock swell and fill me with his own hot cum.  I was just laying back, basking in my own little aftershocks when the flood came. 

“Katie, I’m cumming… I’m cumming in you again…”

I could feel his body tighten up, again, but I couldn’t hold him, this time.  Not until he collapsed down on top of me.  I put my hand up to his face, and I could feel him clenching his jaw, and then it finally relaxed when he was sure he was done shooting everything he had inside me.

This time, he slid off my right side and he held me tightly, not quite done with his own shocks of lightning.  Yes, the storm had moved off over the lake, but all its lightning had stayed here in our room.

He found my breasts.  They were his favorite, and I was glad.

Four songs later, Henry said, “We don’t live in Arkansas or Mississippi, but, you know, if I have to…”

He made me laugh!  And he joined in, but I knew he was worried.

“I don’t know as much about it all as I could, but I just finished my period on Monday and Tuesday.  I think we’ll be okay,” I soothed him.

“So… we have to wait a month to know for sure?” he asked.  He held my hand.

“Pretty much.”

Henry shut off the radio.  “So, do you not want to…?”

“Are you kidding?” I had to turn his face to me.  “We’ve got this locked bedroom until we go home on Monday morning.  We got tomorrow morning, we can leave the wedding reception early tomorrow night, we’ve got all Sunday morning while Mom and Dad are doing their own snuggling, Sunday night…  I want my naked Henry to make love to me morning, noon, and night!”

He smiled.  I could feel his face against mine, even in the dark.  “And when we get home…”

“Every chance we get.”

My brother kissed me until we fell asleep, naked in each other’s arms, in his bed.

* * *

There was noise coming from the outer room.  People talking.  People laughing.

We’d both woken up, but didn’t want to acknowledge the adults, hoping they’d all leave soon.

Henry pulled himself out of bed and used the washroom.  Then he walked naked to the window.  “Hey, Katie, check this out…” 

I didn’t want to get out of our bed — I didn’t want him to get out of our bed, but now I had to see, I suppose.  I slid over and walked to the window.  I looked out, but Henry pointed me down to the street level at two police cars parked in front of our hotel, blue and red lights flashing.

“It’s the city.  Stuff happens,” I shrugged.  I mean, we couldn’t tell why they were here from up in our room, now could we?

“Yeah, sure,” Henry nodded.  “But don’t you see?  Now, with the cop cars… I can tell…  This is the place that Indiana Jones… the hotel that, um, Harrison Ford was at when he was the doctor?  Beating up the one-armed guy on the train, and then goes into the hotel — this hotel — and goes after his friend?  This is the place!”

I nodded sleepily.  I was about to go back into bed when I turned to him.  “You think they’re here because Mom and the others are partying too loud?”  I meant it as a joke, but Henry wondered.  His wheels were turning.

“Get your pjs on.  I’m gonna put a stop to this.”  He put his sweats and his Nike shirt back on.  I used the washroom myself and then put on my nightclothes and switched to my bed.  Henry gave me a sigh, then opened the door.  He stepped out into the light.

“What in the heck is going on out here?” Henry demanded.

I didn’t want to approach the door and look outside, so I can only imagine what the adults’ faces looked like.

“It’s two in the morning.  You people have to be in a wedding tomorrow!” he continued.  What they must have thought of him, addressing them barefoot in his pj sweats!

Mom was saying something back to him, but it wasn’t yelling at him for speaking to her in such a manner.  I could hear one of my uncles laughing, I think Uncle Bill.

“And why do you have the window open…?”  I could tell he went further into the room.  I could see people moving, now, but still didn’t want to go out there.

“Oh, my God!  What are you…?  Oh, Jesus!  You know the cops are down there, right?  We can see two cop cars in front from our window!”

Mom and Uncle Ted came into my bedroom to look out our window.  When Mom noticed I was sitting up, she came over and gave me a bunch of ‘Oh, Sweetie, we’re sorry for waking you,’ and other crap.  I had to say, “Um, please, we’re trying to sleep here?” and I pointed at the doorway well-lit from the other side.  My uncle left and Mom kissed my head and waved at me with a look on her face like she was pretend-sad.

“Gimme these.  All of them.  No, all of them!” Henry said about something.

“This is why we got the suite, huh?  So you all could party up here into the night after the bar downstairs closed down?  Is this going to happen tomorrow night, after the wedding, too?  Just you wait until my father gets here in the morning.  Why I ought’a…”

There was some chatter about cleaning up and going on home.

“We’re trying to get some sleep, and you should, too.  At least Aunt Marcy’s not here… she’s the only smart one.”

I heard the words taxi and Uber mentioned several times as Henry walked back into our room with the room’s ice bucket full of purple water balloons which he put on our washroom counter.  He gave me a silent look of ‘you wouldn’t believe this’ and just shook his head.

He went back out and said a couple kind-of-sarcastic good nights.  And lights were being turned off.  Then the funniest thing: “Alright, woman, go to your room and get to bed.  We’ll talk in the morning.”  Then I guess he had an afterthought.  “Do you need any help?  From Katie?  Okay.  Good night.”

Henry came in and asked me to help Mom undo her dress.  I won’t recount that here.  Let’s just say I put my mom to bed.

Henry had popped all the water balloons, but did not throw away the remnants, just poured out the water.  I gave him a puzzled look.

“They were throwing them at cars,” Henry said with disgust.  “Tomorrow, after breakfast when the maids open all the doors to the rooms they’re working on?  I’m gonna sneak into gorilla-guy’s room and put these remains by his window and in his trash.”

I love my brother.

“Is she down for the night?” he asked me.

“She’ll be out until lunchtime,” I said.

“Dad’s train pulls in sometime around 6:00am.  We’ll have to let him in when he gets here.”


We closed and locked the door, pulled off our clothes, and crawled back into our bed.

“Come here, doll-face…”

I fucked my brother one more time before we fell back asleep.

The End

Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos
All rights reserved


  1. Avatar for Jessie

    This was a really good story, Tommy. Thank you for sharing it. I hope you add a fourth part where they pick things up when they get back home. Would like to see how the relationship evolves in that setting.

    Also, really good AI. I just couldn’t figure out if the top image was also AI. Is it?

  2. Avatar for Tommy Linarcos
    Tommy Linarcos

    Jessie, thank you for the praise!

    A sequel story for Katie and Henry? I don’t know… I like those characters too much. I kind of hate to give them a new conflict.

    There’s a lot of space out in Nebraska to make it in the corn fields… Their house is small, and we really don’t want mom or dad to find out. Avoiding friends is a certainty, but it might be easy for a true friend to figure out (but not join in). There’s always the possibility that Katie is knocked-up. Any sequel could always be on a holiday, like this one, if I wanted to keep a theme… Though, it could take place a year later as Henry goes to high school and both get attracted to other people – how they deal with those feelings of having a girlfriend/boyfriend while continuing with a sibling. Is it cheating? On whom?

    See what I mean? Right now they’re happy, do I want to push a conflict on them? I’d have to figure out a resolution before I’d start that one. Anyway, you’ve got me thinkin’.

    As to the images: the story header is from free-source photography, as is the portrait of Katie, both with my backgrounds. The others are from my first attempts at AI and, where it gets risqué, AI plus bad Photoshop. I’m still learning how to manipulate things. Now I know the pain Jason has been going through trying to fix images with seven fingers and three legs…! (Oh, the horror of the images that didn’t make it…!)


  3. Avatar for Jessie

    Thank you for responding, Tommy.

    I came back to read the story again. It was that good.

    The reason why I would love a sequel is because there already is a lot of potential conflict. You are right that it will be very difficult for Katie and Henry to continue their relationship in Nebraska. There is a real chance they will be caught by their parents or friends. There could be a lot of problems if someone finds out about them.

    However, Katie and Henry are soulmates. They may try to date other people, but they won’t find the happiness in those relationships that they can only find in each other. What if Henry has another girlfriend, but can’t get hard unless he thinks of Katie? Can Katie make out with a boyfriend without her thoughts straying to Henry? How do they sit across from each other at the dinner table when all they can do is fantasize about stripping naked and having sex right there in the middle of the kitchen with their parents watching? Based on some of the dialogue in the story, I wouldn’t be surprised if Katie would even have fantasies about having Henry’s baby.

    How do Katie and Henry navigate these tensions? I think there is a lot to add to their story. Though, I understand if you disagree. In the mean time, I look forward to reading the Fiona-verse stories.

  4. Avatar for Tommy Linarcos
    Tommy Linarcos


    I won’t say ‘absolutely not’ to a sequel — obviously, I’ve thought about it. IF one happens, it would be a little down the road as I’m working on something else right now, which I hope you’ll enjoy.


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