Fiona Hosts Couples Night – Part 1
Tommy Linarcos
I wasn’t sure when we were all going to make our moves and find different rooms to fuck in. It wasn’t a typical gathering, or just hanging out, or an after-concert party. We were there to fuck.
My parents never leave the house, and it seemed like it was one of those days where everyone I knew was getting frustrated in finding some privacy. Sure, there’s always the backseat of our cars, but that gets kind of desperate, you know? Beds are much better. I don’t even mind sharing a room so long as there’s room for both of us, and I don’t mean on the floor. Like, if Scott and Fiona were making it, and me and Gwen were making it, and we all just happened to be in Scott’s bedroom when things got romantic… then that’s where we’d fuck.
However, it turned out to be a good night. Fiona’s parents were doing an overnight in Lake Geneva — I just had to get me and Gwen invited over, so I called Scott.
“S’up, Danny?” Scott asked when I called him. Scott’s on the Soccer team with me and we’re both in Jazz Band. He’s my best friend.
“What’chyu guys doing tonight?” I asked.
“Yes, you can come over,” he said. I could hear his eyes roll. He had me, he knew why I called. It’s not like anything was secret, I was just making sure it wasn’t going to be a Scott-and-Fiona-only night.
“Who’s all coming?”
“Well, Al and his boy Benji will be there, and now you and Gwen. I have a feeling Charlie and Allison want to get in on this, but that’s where I’m calling it,” Scott said. “It’s not a party… or an orgy!” he laughed.
“Aw, you’re no fun,” I teased him.
“You don’t have to come,” Scott warned me. “It could just be me and Fee. But we know what’s up, we’re good sharers.”
“Thanks. What time?”
“Figure around seven. Bring something to share as we settle in, or for afters.”
“Sure.” Then I had a thought. “Hey, how’s that gonna work for Charlie and Allison? Have they finally…?”
“Don’t know. Maybe.”
I took a shower and got all squeaky-clean, a bit of product in my black hair, working my side part. Denied myself the temptation of jerking off. Broke open a new thing of Old Spice deodorant that’s supposed to smell like a dragon, and hit myself with a little squirt of Tommy Bahama. Touch of Clearasil. Just kept my clothes typical — it’s not like we were going out dancing, and the object was to get my clothes off, anyway.
Us four couples gathered at Fiona’s around six-thirty. Couldn’t wait. Fee made a bunch of popcorn in her air popper, I got my sister to buy me a cold case of Mike’s Hard Lemonade to bring, and Charlie brought some Doritos. Scott liked that I brought the Mike’s, so split the cost with me. Then we went through an endless series of posters on Netflix, looking for a good romantic movie with lots of sex and nudity.
So, we all got comfortable and took up positions in her frontroom: Scott and Fiona on her couch, Al and Benji sitting on top of each other in the big chair, Charlie and Allison on the other end of the couch, and me and Gwen on the floor in front of the coffee table. I didn’t care if we were on the floor at this point; I knew it wouldn’t be for the whole time.

We’d settled on trying The Wolf of Wall Street — figured we’d heard there was lots of sex in it, the girls liked Leo DiCaprio, us guys wanted to see that Harley Quinn chick get naked, but it turned out that it was, like, a real movie. Like, about money and jobs and shit and let’s get to the sex, you know? We shut it off.
Benji wanted to watch Euphoria, butFiona doesn’t have HBO or MAX or whatever it’s called this month, so we couldn’t put that on. Allison suggested After, so we put that on, instead. That turned out to be some kind of chick-flick, like what some middle school girls hope sex and college will be like. But at least it was kind of romantic and we could start doing some making out.
Gwen’s kind of sitting on me/sitting in front of me, my hands are massaging her tits from behind, she’s rubbing her hand on my cock through my jeans, I’m kissing her neck. I figure it’s time to move on.
“Getting bored, Scott,” I called over my shoulder. There was no response. Gwen turned around and then twisted my head. All three couples’ faces were glued together, not saying anything back to me or even watching the movie.
“That’s what we get for sitting so close to the TV,” Gwen chastised me. Ooh, big word: chastised. Maybe I could get her to do that to me, later.
I looked my girl in the eye, nodded, and stood up with help from the coffee table. “Hey, Fee. We’re gonna…” I pointed toward the rest of the house.
Scott broke their lip-lock. “Nuh-uh, there’s room reservations, tonight. Don’t wander.”
Al cut it off with Benji, too. “Which room is ours, Fifi?”
Fiona took a deep breath and straightened up, turning to address us. And she fixed her shirt. It’s okay, I’d seen her tits before. “We’ve got my mom and dad’s room. Al, you guys have got my room because I trust you.”
“Cool,” Al nodded. That’s all he needed to hear. He and Ben untwisted and prepared to head on over.
“What? You don’t trust us?” I kidded Fiona.
“Gwen, yeah,” Fee said. “Not too sure about you, though, Danny. You’d go nosing around in my drawers, and stuff.”
I took comic offense to that and put my hand to my chest. “Fee, that hurts me in my heart. We want to fuck, not spy…”
“You guys were second to call about tonight, so you get her brother’s room,” Scott explained, fixing the button on his jeans.
“That’s in the basement,” Gwen knew.
“But there’s a bed,” Fiona said as she stood. Then she turned to Charlie and Allison. “Chuckles, the couch is yours. Don’t anyone bother us unless the house is on fire.”
Scott moved the two of them out. “And if the cops show, don’t let them in.”
Al and Benji followed them. It was weird — Al pinched Scott’s butt as they parted and went into different rooms.
I helped Gwen up. For a moment, I considered whether I wanted to bring a bowl of popcorn with us, but then I’m all, ‘What am I thinking?’ I told Charlie the remote control thingie was all his, and Gwen led me to the rear of the house and the back stairs.
As we’d passed the two closed bedroom doors, I thought briefly about knocking — just to throw a joke at Scott or his friend, Al — but decided not to. I let them all be.
I briefly wondered if I really wanted there to be an orgy tonight. I mean, that could be fun, if we were all doing it out in the frontroom, or on top of the biggest bed, her folks’ one, probably. That’s how I got to see Fiona naked. Not up close, but, you know. I didn’t get to fuck her, or anything, or climb over her, and we didn’t trade or nothing, you know. I got to see her tits, her pussy, her ass, while Scott fucked her. They got to see Gwen and me, too, but Scott’s seen me naked hundreds of times. And Fiona didn’t make fun of my dick or nothing, so I guess we’re okay.
I don’t know if Scott appreciated seeing my Gwen naked; he didn’t say anything. She’s got really nice tits and a great ass, and a fuzzy little pussy. She’s got shoulder-length brown hair, and her eyes light up and crinkle when she laughs. She’s a lot of fun, too — I don’t just mean I like her only to be fucking her. You know, we spend a lot of time together, going places, having fun — and of course, school — and we talk or text until we fall asleep. We’re not in love, or anything, but we’re in ‘serious like,’ I’d say. Yeah, I like her. So I hope Scott liked seeing her tits. I liked seeing Fee’s tits, but that doesn’t mean I’m not in love with Gwen. I mean… You know what I mean.
When that all happened, it was a couple weeks ago in Scott’s room. We were all gonna go out and eat, probably at The Meg, but just got horny and never made it out of there. I thought we’d just do some making out, maybe get blowjobs, but clothes started coming off! It was exciting! His folks were home, but they didn’t bother us. Scott said we were fine so long as we didn’t smack the headboard into the wall, too much. He put the radio on, and we kept the screaming down. From now until forever, “The Only Exception” will always remind me of that night.
We almost didn’t fuck that time. I remember Gwen asked me all quiet if we were really going to do it with them right there. Scott has a full-size bed, a little bigger than mine, but not really big enough for two couples, so we were mostly side-by side on the width, not the long ways. So, whatever each of us was doing, we were doing it right next to each other. But, I didn’t have a rubber with me that night, so I told Gwen, at first, that I didn’t think we’d do it, like I was being protective or conservative, or whatever. But Scott must have heard me because he stops what he’s doing with Fee, and goes into his sock drawer and gets me a condom. He’s a nice guy. My friend.
Anyways, we’re heading to Fiona’s brother’s room in the basement. There was one more bedroom right off of the kitchen, and I’m like, “Hey, what’s wrong with this room?” and I went inside.
And Gwendy goes, “Danny, that’s Fee’s mom’s room, now. That’s where she does her stuff.” She makes crap she sells on Etsy and craft fairs, now, I guess. So she kicked her kid out of his bedroom and sent him to the basement. Nice lady.
We went down the back stairs into the basement. This area must have been an addition because there was still a door down at the bottom to get in. Once inside, we took a couple minutes to feel along the wall for a light switch and didn’t find any. (Later, we’d find there was a pull-chain bulb not too far inside on the ceiling.) Luckily, there was enough light coming through the windows for us to find where the kid’s bed was and we found a lamp on his nightstand.
His room was the basement, alright. Everything that used to be in his room was down here, posters and toys and everything. His desk and books. And he had this big hanging rectangle-cube bag with all his shirts and pants hanging in it, like a hanging closet. I’d never seen anything like it. Maybe that’s what his mom makes for Etsy. True to what I told Fiona, I didn’t go spying around, looking in his drawers, or checking for porn. (The closest the kid had, anyway, was some pictures of girls from his school taped up to the wall next to his bed. Looked like a field trip and a trip to the beach.) The rest of the basement was the rest of the basement. He had a lot of room if he wanted to entertain. But privacy? I guess, if nobody came down to do the laundry or start up the furnace. I wondered if his mom ever surprised him jacking off, because I bet she’d never knocked on the basement door, before.
Suddenly, I wondered, “Why isn’t her brother home, anyway? I mean, I hope the kid isn’t gonna suddenly show up and here we are naked in his bed, getting cum all over his sheets…”
“Sleepover,” Gwen told me while she straightened the kid’s Spider-Man sheets and comforter for us. “But his friend doesn’t live far away, so let’s hope he brought his pajamas with him.”
I snorted a laugh. “You don’t wear pajamas at a sleepover…”
“Really…?” Gwen turned to look at me. “What do boys wear to bed at a sleepover?”
“Um…” I fought inside. Do I just laugh it off or really tell her? Eh, why not. She’s Gwen. “Just our boxers, usually. Only kids wear their pjs. And then the boxers come off.”
I kissed her and her shirt came off. To keep things equal, she took off my shirt. As I took her pants off, she asked me, “And do the boxers stay off?”
“For the most part,” I told her, helping to take my pants off. “If we had to go to the bathroom, then you got to put something on, unless it’s late or Scott dared me.”
“So, you just sleep naked for comfort, or…?” She was teasing me, now, giving me that smile that melts me. I helped her with her bra, though she does it easier without me in the way, but I like doing it.
“You really want me to say it?” I had to touch her tits. Her breasts. I fuckin’ love those things. And they were lookin’ right at me. Fiona’s might be bigger, but Gwen’s breasts are a lot of fun.
“Yeah, I want to hear you say it,” she laughed, marching her socks off with her toes, letting me keep fondling her breasts.
“Fine,” I said as I pulled off my boxers, letting my cock spring out, like I timed it to tell her, “That’s when we jacked each other off. I mean, I invented jacking off — that’s right, I invented it! — but that’s when we got better at it.”
I put my hands around her waist and gently sat her down on the Spider-Man bed. I peeled her pink panties off, only realizing at this point that the bra and panties were a set, and I hadn’t noticed. How do I fix this? “Later, when we go upstairs, I want you to wear just these pink things, show your bod off, make Al and Benji turn straight.”
“Okay,” she smiled back at me. Maybe performing in front of Scott and Fiona made her fearless. Spoiler: at around eleven, she did, when we went up to get a drink and see who was staying the night.
Her fuzzy little pussy was staring at me. Or I was staring at her fuzzy little pussy. I love her fuzzy little pussy. More than? Equal to? I don’t know. I do really love her tits. Maybe I can learn how to do some scientific study on it, to find out which I like better. No, I don’t want there to be a winner. I’m the winner.
She swung her legs up on Spider-Man and then yelled at me. Not really. “Lose the socks. Be naked with me. I don’t want you looking like you escaped from some bad Russian porno.”
I had to laugh at that! And, yes, I lost my socks. I was as naked as she was, now, and put myself into bed with her. I left the light burning on purpose. I wanted to see her fuzzy little pussy when I got around to licking it.
“It’s quiet,” she said, looking up at the rafters in the ceiling.
“The Etsy room and kitchen is right above us, I think, so if you really want to hear Al pounding Benji’s ass, listen over that way.” I pointed further into the basement shadows.
“Maybe they’re just making out, still. Being romantic,” she suggested, play-slapping me on the chest.
I just told her to “Come here,” and we started our own making out. I looked at her. Damn, I am one lucky son of a bitch… She opened her eyes and caught me staring. I really love her eyes, I love…

Um… have I said how much I like holding and caressing her tits? Just caressing them calms me down yet builds me up at the same time. They’re so soft. They’re like… the softest stuffed animals you had when you were a baby in the crib — not the hard styrofoam animals you win at the carnival, the kind you can beat people over the head with, but the ones that… I don’t know what material or stuffing it has, they were just softer than normal teddy bears. That’s her breasts, except I can lick these ones.
And so I kissed down her body, stopping at her tits for a while, of course, but then continued on to her fuzzy little pussy. She never needs to trim it, there’s just not a lot there. Little brown curls in the centerline above her slit, spreading out, but then they end, and there’s no shaving bumps. It’s just this nice little tuft — her fuzzy little pussy. I nudged her lips open with my nose, breathing her scent in, then went to town licking her lips and sucking on her little clit.
Scott gave me some hell that time we fucked together. He gave me the rubber and I was about to open it and put it on when he’s all like, “You’re just going right to it? Aren’t you going to…?” and he kind of made motion to Gwen’s pussy. I had to admit to him that I’d never done it before. And Gwen, she’s nice, she never complained. I mean, we fuck really good, we both get off. But I’d never licked her pussy, and she’s never given me a blowjob. Though I didn’t tell Scott and Fee that last thing.
But Scott wasn’t going to let me get away with it. He gave me that look, you know? The kind like a big brother gives his little brother that says, ‘You are doing this even if I have to make you.’ And I looked to Fiona, like for help, like to let me and Gwen just get back to doing what we do, but even Fiona gave me this schoolteacher look, like, ‘Shame on you for not licking Gwen’s pussy.’
I know Gwen would have said, ‘It’s okay, you don’t have to,’ but she didn’t. She actually gave me a look like she wouldn’t mind if I at least tried it.
So, I knew I had to lick Gwen’s pussy.
I don’t know if I was afraid before. I don’t think I was. Not afraid-afraid. It’s just a little weird, I guess. Her fuzzy little pussy is cute, and I love playing with her folds and getting my fingers inside her, and I know where her clit is, believe me. I at least know that much. I just never got my tongue in there.
Scott wasn’t going to do me the bad turn of trying to teach me what to do. He’s not like that. But he was waiting to see me go down on Gwen before he and Fee got busy, again. So, I didn’t have to go and screw my courage to the sticking place (hey – Shakespeare said that!), but I did tell myself ‘Hey, Danny, do this. You love this girl, right? Why wouldn’t you want to eat her pussy?’ And I got down by her pussy — her fuzzy little pussy — and I let my tongue do what my fingers usually did. It was that easy. I kinda knew what to expect on the taste because of tasting my fingers before. I mean, that right there should have made me go down on her before now.
I got my Gwendy moaning then. I’m pretty sure I made her cum — it was way wetter down there than just from what my own mouth laid on her. And then I felt Scott pat me on the back. I didn’t look up at him or Fiona, but I knew I’d gotten the “attaboy” and “good job” from my friend. Then I put the condom on and fucked Gwen blue.
But now… I love eating her pussy. Her fuzzy little pussy.
And so, at Fiona’s, I made Gwen break the quiet of the basement and scream my name. I hope Al and Scott heard it!
I moved up, wiped off my chin, and sucked on Gwen’s nipples for a while, again, while she recovered. And somehow, my cock was already slipping inside her pussy.
“You going to put on a condom?” she whispered. She whispered that after screaming to the ceiling.
“Let me feel you like this. Just a couple times. Then I’ll put it on,” I told her.
“Don’t cum in me,” she warned. Not mean, just we both know the danger. I’m pretty good with being able to go in bare and pull out before I cum if I don’t have a rubber.
Then I had an idea. “If you gave me a blowjob, then I’d be able to last a lot longer, condom or no.” I pulled out of her and sat back on my knees.
She raised herself up a little on her elbows. I could see her wheels turning inside. She sat up more and I knew I was finally gonna get my first blowjob from Gwen! We kind of traded places, me laying back but propped up on the headboard, her on her knees in front of me on top of Spider-Man. She held my cock, and looked it over. She must’ve been feeling the same things I was when I finally ate her pussy.
“Did you ever do this with Scott?” she asked.
That’s where her mind was at? Holy cow! Not what I expected. But she’s my Gwendy. I’d already told her so much. “No,” I told her. “We never did that. We almost did. A couple times we almost did, but no. Didn’t fuck each other, either, if that’s what you’re going to ask next.”
Gwen blushed for me. “Just wondering.”
“You’ve seen his dick,” I reminded her. “He’s a little bigger than me. He was bigger than me back then, too. I mean, we were only twelve, thirteen, no neither of us was huge, but it was all… kind of… you know, in comparison…”
“Relative,” she corrected me.
But I got stupid. “No, we didn’t do it with any relatives…” She just glared at me, and then I got it. “Oh, like in math and stuff. Yeah, big for twelve, same big for seventeen. Hey, quit thinkin’ about Scott’s dick.”
“You brought it up,” she smiled at me, still holding my cock up in front of her, her other hand playing with my black pubes. “Don’t worry. You’re plenty big for me. That’s part of why I haven’t been ready. That… and I don’t know if I’ll be any good.”
“You’ll do fine. There’s no such thing as a bad blowjob,” I assured her. “Just take it in, lick it like a popsicle, suck on it, you don’t have to try and deepthroat it like in porn. Just be nice to it.” Then I reached down and touched my special spot below my dickhead. “And make sure to pay attention right here.”
She smiled and understood. “That’s like your clit?”
“The whole thing’s like my clit,” I laughed, “but, yeah.”
“Why are your pubes thinner here in the middle?” She was wasting time, now, playing with the less-thick black hair at the base of my cock.
“Because I jerk off too much, thinking about you. Now, come on…” I said that wrong, I didn’t mean to push her. “If you really don’t want to, it’s okay.”
And then she went down on me. And… it felt great! Of course, it did, it’s a blowjob. She was no expert, but I loved every second of it, every swipe of her tongue, every suck of her… mouth, I guess. I only gave a pointer now and then, like to use her hand and jerk me a little bit while she bobbed. I gave her some audible moaning, too, but those were no lie. Hell, I could probably count on one hand the number of blowjobs my old girlfriend gave me. Not probably. Four. So this was number six, from like, ever. Gwen is sucking my dick; I am loving every single thing she does.
She was holding back, though, even I could tell. “I… I don’t want you to cum in my mouth,” she finally admitted.
“Don’t have to, babe. But I do want to cum. You’ve done a great job! The way you’ve been working me, if we just go to fucking, it’ll be over real fast,” I told her.
“Can I watch you cum?” she asked. That’s what she wanted. I told her to go faster and keep on my dickhead while I took over pumping. I could tell she was still afraid I’d blast into her mouth, but I wouldn’t do that to her. But I did love the sight, watching her mouth, seeing her eyes look to see if I was enjoying her work. Finally, I reached that point, pulled out of her mouth, fell back onto the kid’s pillow, and shot my webs all over the Spider-sheets.
And a little bit on Gwen, but the smile on her face from watching me explode told me she didn’t mind too much.
While I caught my breath, she looked for something to wipe up with, and I sacrificed my boxer briefs. Part of me thought about leaving them here as a surprise for Fee’s brother, but I’d hear about that from Scott, later, and I knew he wouldn’t think it was cool. We couldn’t do a lot about the cum on the sheets, but she tried.
There was still some on Gwen’s arm that she missed. I scooped it with my finger and held it out for her. “Taste it?” She looked at me like I was crazy, that I’d missed the whole point of not cumming in her mouth. “If you try it, you’ll see what it’s like. Then, you know, it won’t be so bad, next time.” She opened her mouth and I deposited it on her tongue. She took it inside and I could tell she was swirling it. Her eyes gave away her feelings. “See? It’s not like it’s ice cream, but it’s not bad,” I tried to cut-off her judgement.
Gwen found another missed stream and scooped that for me. I had a feeling she might. I opened my mouth and took her finger while she giggled. “How do you like it?” she laughed at me.
I just shrugged. “I’ve tasted it before. Scott’s too, if that’s what you’re gonna ask next.” I pulled her to me. “Now, clean me off.” I said it like I meant it, too. I still had that bit of tiger running up my spine, if you know what I mean. I love my Gwendy, but we needed to do this right.
At first, she looked for my boxers, but I held her hands, she caught the look in my eyes, and knew the score. She looked down at my cock, then bent down and put it back inside her mouth. She sucked on it nice and slow, letting her tongue swish around. When she was satisfied, she pulled off.
I lifted her chin and gave her a kiss, letting my tongue slip past her lips, showing I was willing to share the pain. I didn’t think about this then, but I hope she compared it to what I taste when I go down on her. Porn stories talk about pussy juice tasting like peaches; it ain’t like peaches, but I do like it. It was like having my first beer as a kid — you think ‘who could like this stuff?’ and now I put down half-a-sixer easy.
“So, did I do okay?” Gwen asked me.
“Oh, yeah…” I didn’t lie.
She started to get comfortable, squeezing in next to me, moving me over. I got the idea and we shared space on the kid brother’s twin bed. I could feel a couple wet spots under my thigh, but you really can’t wipe up boy or girl spooge from bed sheets too well. I could imagine the kid — whose name I honestly don’t know, I’m sorry — going to bed tomorrow night and starts sniffing, and gets all horny, for some odd reason… He’s either in 7th or 8th Grade, so you know his hormones are runnin’ fierce. Hell, me and Gwen were probably laying on dried puddles of the kid’s own cum.
I was just running my fingers up and down her arm. She’s got light little hairs there, and it feels cool. Sometimes she gets goosebumps from it, but I just like doing it. I like letting her know I’m still with her. “What are you guys working on for the year end concert right now?” I asked her.
“We just started learning Festival at Newport,” she told me. Gwen plays violin in the Orchestra. “You know it?”
“Yeah, I’ve heard it. It’s a shorter piece, right?”
“Mm-hm. And it sounds a bit… lonely to me.” She put her head on my shoulder.
“Like it gives you a lonely feeling listening to it?”
“Yeah, it’s a little sad. That and… like it needs something.” She was stroking my pecs when she found a long hair sticking out from under my armpit and started tugging on it. It tickled, but I wouldn’t stop her for the world.
“Maybe it could use some woodwind. You guys want to borrow me for the clarinet or add some flutes?” Sometimes we loan musicians to each other, Band and Orchestra, outside of running the full Concert Orchestra. I know Charlie and this other guy are doing some percussion for them. I don’t think a violin has ever played in the Band, though.
“It’s not arranged that way. It’s all string. For the String Orchestra,” she said. “There’s a line for piano, though we’re not adding that.”
“Your violin sounds beautiful — in your hands…” I told her, and made her blush.
Then I had an idea. Rare, I know…
“What if…” I let that hang in the air so she’d look at me, “we arranged it. You and me. Not talking horns, but I bet it would sound great with my clarinet.”
Her wheels were turning. “Maybe a bassoon to complement our bass. Like the… air… over the ocean. Nothing too high-pitched. Like, just chords, even, so the piece isn’t so tinny. Make it warmer…”
“You think Stromboli would let us do that?”
“Don’t see why not. If we did the work, all he’d have to do is listen to it. Worst thing is he says ‘no.’ Or, he might get excited and want to add to it!” Gwen was getting excited, now.
“That would be cool!” I kissed her cheek. “You’ve never got to play with me.”
“I’ll play with you…”
Gwen began stroking my cock, trying to figure out if I was going to get hard again, soon, when… “Hey, you’re hard already. I mean, I’ve only seen your dick soft a couple of times, but I thought you’d be…”
“Babe, your body drives me crazy. I just… you know what I mean,” I had to stop and figure out what I was really saying. I didn’t want to insult my baby. “You know I love you and all the stuff we do that’s not sex, and just being together. It’s you and me, you know? But right now, listening to you, thinking about working together, and I’m holding you, and you’re naked, and I know I’m going to be inside you very soon. So, yeah, I’m hard. I am so full of piss and vinegar, like Mr. Henegan says.”
“That’s a weird one!” she giggled, still pulling on my cock. “Get your condom, Danny.”
I leaned over and dug among the clothes on the floor for my pants, then when I found them, had to figure out which was my right pocket with the rubbers in it. But I got ‘em! When I righted myself, my Gwendy was already moving into position, taking the center of the pillow and getting comfy. I rolled along the edge of the bed and found my position between her legs, tore the condom package open, and tossed the other into the covers. (There were two rubbers, attached, so I wanted that next one where I knew it would be.)
I looked at my Gwen. Yeah, at her tits, sure, but honestly, I was looking at her face. At her blue eyes, her nose, her smile, how her cheeks pull back when she smiles, the little dimple on her chin. Her brown hair is pushed back on the pillow, but those couple strands are caught in her lip and she doesn’t know it. How the fuck did I manage to get this girl to like me? I mean, I know I’m nowhere near that Archie guy in Riverdale that she used to gush about. I mean, I got a pretty nice bod from Soccer team workouts, but I look in the mirror and just see this ugly cuss, a zit here and there, and somehow Gwen still loves me. Or ‘seriously-likes,’ anyway. Maybe if I styled my hair different. But right now, she’s looking back at me, and I am the luckiest guy in the world.
I got the rubber pinched and started rolling it on when I heard Gwen say, “Danny…” in this little voice like she wants me to do her homework for her. Then she dropped the bomb. “Danny, I want you to fuck me…”
God! If I hadn’t just cum, I’d have been shooting all over her right then. Just hearing her say that made me lose all control in my shoulders and arms, and I started falling forward. There were stars in my brain exploding and I had to get myself together. I righted myself, took a breath, and looked into her eyes. If my dick wasn’t hard enough, yet, that did it right there. I didn’t break our eye-lock, I didn’t blink, I barely breathed and I’m still not sure if I actually did. But I moved forward onto her, that tiger in my spine roaring. “I’ll fuck you, baby. Don’t you worry. I’m gonna fuck you…”
And then I fucked her.
Her legs were spread open for me, and I aimed my cock right at the entrance to her fuzzy little pussy. She was still so wet from what we did before that I slipped right in, no start-and-stop. I swear, my cock felt like it was a foot long, it just kept going inside her, feeling her pussy walls slick with her juice until we bottomed out and my pubes met her clit, then she gripped me tight inside. And I’m like, “Oh, fuck…” She’s trying to hold me there, like her pussy’s actually trying to prevent me from pulling my cock back out. I open my eyes and she’s got this devilish grin on her face.
I wanted to laugh, but it turned me on so much more. I wanted to fuck her, but I wanted her, too, you know? I launched forward and lay on top of her, my landing making her break her lock on my dick. I had to kiss her. I slid my arms under her back and held her tight to me and kissed her so hard I was stealing her breath. I say I kissed her hard, but her lips are so soft, I don’t know how to say it. My Gwen kissed me back.
My cock being freed, I slid out and thrust back in, again and again, speeding up the rhythm. I started going hard and fast. I don’t hurt my Gwendy, but I know how she likes it. And I… I just had to be… inside my Gwendy. And when she gives me that, “Oh, Danny… Fuck me… Fuck me, Danny…” I just go nuts and I don’t know what day it is or if I’m late for school or whether the icecaps have melted and the sun exploded or… I just know that me and Gwen, we’re just one person, one feeling, like I’m all bright light inside and that light just gets brighter and she’s the same and we’re one light, and she’s moaning, and I’m calling her name, and…
Okay, maybe I sound stupid, but that’s how I feel when I’m with my Gwen.
And I would do anything for her. I don’t care if she’s right or wrong, but if she told me to knock your lights out, you would be unconscious. But don’t worry, she wouldn’t tell me to do that. She wouldn’t tell me to rob a bank, either, I don’t think, so I don’t have to worry about going to jail. But the way I feel… I know she ‘seriously likes me,’ but I really… Anyway, that’s how I feel about her.
I’m not going to tell you the rest about how I fucked her. Just know we shook the house enough for the others to know where we were. And she told me, “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” and I know it was true because she flooded the bed, and when I came, the tiger in my spine roared like he told Tarzan and his pet lion to fuck off, and my muscles got all tense and I shot so hard my vision turned all yellow behind my eyelids. I really wish I could fuck her without a rubber and cum inside her. Someday.
I think we were in a couple different positions, but we wound up falling on my back with my Gwen wrapped around me, until it got too hot and she slipped off me, and we’re both breathing, trying to cool off. And it was the basement, so that happened. I didn’t pass out, but I’ll call it ‘semi-conscious recovery.’ Laying there with my Gwen after is, like, the second best feeling ever.
So we were laying there, little sparklies still rising from my spine, when we heard the door creak. It didn’t open, but there was a definite pressure on it. Gwen looked around, but the kid’s dresser was in the way. “What’s that?”
I raised up and could see the door better. “It’s Charlie and Allison.” I could see their faces in the window. Were they spying on us? The whole time, or just now? I saw Charlie’s face pull back, realizing they’d been caught.
I put my hand up, like a wave, but then I waved them to come in. Gwen realized what I’d done, and she gave me a look, but I waved them in, again, so there was no mistake.
The door opened, and Charlie and Allison came in slowly, still not sure if they really saw that I told them it was okay to come in.
End of part one
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos
All rights reserved
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