Fiona at the Three-Star Beach House – Part 4
Tommy Linarcos
The next morning, I woke up before Scott, and it was like my dreams. Nice breeze coming in the room, blue sky, the sun sparkling on the lake, and the most gorgeous guy next to me in bed. He looks younger when he’s sleeping, like I can see Little Scott in him, still. He has a cute, light snore I’ll probably hate when we’re old and fat! I snuck out of bed and made some coffee for him, then came back and woke him up the way I knew he’d really appreciate.
This next day was a dream vacation day. No one was waking up at the same time, so we didn’t have a big breakfast together like on TV. Just bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Pebbles, or Special K with milk and OJ. I won’t get too detailed, but we all hung out at our beach house, laid out in the sun, played in the water and on the sand, walked the trails, Al rented his boogie board and taught Tori how to body surf. Lunch was sandwiches, or we got stuff down at the vendors on the Dunes beach proper. For supper, Danny made a huge pot of spaghetti and meatballs with a giant bag of frozen veggies in it for dinner.
What I will say is that after lunch, when everyone was tired, again, like from the heat of the sun or whatever, a lot of us retired to our bedrooms. I walked in on Scott and Al fucking, again. They offered me to join them, but I didn’t. I kind of felt like I’d interrupted a ‘private time.’ I didn’t leave, but I did get comfortable in the big chair, watching.
Eventually, though, I did get in the mood. I took off what I was wearing and climbed on with them. At that point, Scott had cum in Al, and we were all mostly feeling each other, kissing. I wanted to suck Scott, but he wasn’t clean, yet, so I sucked Al.
Then Al put me on my back and fucked me. I loved it, and I came, but it was different. I looked at Scott, and could see in his eyes that it was different for him, too.
There was an upset, yet determined, look on his face, one I hadn’t seen since our Day 1. He excused himself and took a shower in our washroom.
Al stayed with me. He didn’t collect himself and sneak out. I think he knew he would have to be here for the fallout. We did get dressed, though. Al moved to the chair. I sat on the bed.

Scott returned and found us. He finished drying himself and threw on some light clothes, as we had. Something was coming. We all knew it. He climbed on the bed by me.
“I don’t know…” Scotty barely started. “It’s like…” He breathed heavily, then sat back, his signature, “Fuckin’…” barely escaping his lips. “Fiona, I don’t want to share you like that.” He reached and pulled me to him.
“I’m sorry,” Al said, and I said, “I shouldn’t have…” at the same time.
Scott and I just held each other close for the next who-knows-how-long.
“Have I lost a friend?” Al asked, finally. “Friends?”
Both Scott and I said, “No,” at the same time, and then he released me, slowly.
“It’s not your fault,” Scott said. “It’s been tough sorting how I feel. I know I was here for it, but… The two of you, alone, it just felt like… I don’t know… like if,” he turned to me, “like if we’d been fooling around with Tori, and then I went and fucked her on my own.”
“And,” I realized, “I’d already said that wouldn’t be right.”
“Fire would rain from the heavens, you said,” Scott reminded me. “I think…” Scott decided, “that we have to cut this part out.”
“I like being close to you,” Al pleaded.
“You guys will still be close,” I said, hoping I was saying the right thing. “You can decide what that means. I trust you both.” I knew compromises would be made by both of us. But that’s how you work things out instead of just breaking up.
“I know why he loves you,” Al said to me. “You can see it. You guys are gonna be endgame, if you can figure out college. I hope I haven’t messed that up.”
“You haven’t,” Scott told him.
Al approached us and kissed Scott’s cheek. “I hate… losing friends…”
“You won’t.” Scott said it, but I thought it, too. “We just have to look at this, like, what happens when we get back home? I like you and me,” he nodded to Al, and “and all of us is fun, but I love,” he looked to me, “you and me, the most.”
“Yeah.” Al backed away and was heading to the door when Scott stopped him.
“You and me — we’re good,” he told him, holding him.
“Some love triangle, huh?” Al sniffled.
“No,” I corrected him, on automatic. But then I had to explain myself. “We’re not a love triangle. We’re a love angle.” I held my fists out like points. “I love Scott, and you love Scott,” I ran my hands together into a third point, “Scott’s the vertex and he loves us,” I separated my point-hands, again, “but these two aren’t in love. So, it’s a love angle, not a triangle.”
“But I do really, really like you,” Al said, coming over to me, “Girl #3.” And he kissed me and gave me a hug, both of which I returned.
This time, Al did walk out our door, but he didn’t close it.
We could hear a little light plunking on the piano. And then we heard a song. It was beautiful. Sad, but incredibly beautiful. We didn’t dare speak. I could hear someone else in the house walk by to see who was playing, but they didn’t say a word, either.
Then the music was beautiful, but incredibly sad. I couldn’t hold it in. I grabbed Scott and buried my face in his chest and my tears flowed. He held me and stroked my hair. He didn’t need to say anything. I don’t think he could, either.
Al only played for about two minutes. There was probably more to the piece, but he finished at a point where it came to a conclusion, or he made it sound like one. Ritardando.
Al appeared at our door. “A song for you. Chopin. Nocturne number six in G minor. Opus fifteen. Number three. But I couldn’t finish it. Maybe later.” And he left.
“He knows a couple tunes, my ass,” Scott said. One of us had to say something. “We need him in Band. If Mr. Thorn hasn’t heard him, he will.”
“Should we go after him?” I asked, drying my eyes on Scott’s shirt.
“No, let him get some air.”
Ten minutes later, I still felt like I needed to apologize, though. “I’m sorry I jumped on Al.”
“Hey, we were sharing him. I just did it, too. I can’t blame you. Or him.” Scott took a breath. “But when I saw you… I realized… I couldn’t do it, anymore.”
I held the boy I loved. “Do we need to do anything to even this out? You and me?”
“Like what?”
“Like…” I ruminated, “do I invite Tori over and…”
“No,” Scott almost laughed. “I just said that as an example. She’s the girl you play with. She’s a nice girl, but I honestly have no desire to fuck her. She’s not…”
“Your type?”
“A player to be named later, then?” I offered. “Kari Tanaka?”
“No,” Scott almost laughed at my offer of Kari. “I don’t need that. I just need you.” Scott put one of his starlight kisses on me.
At dinner, Al had returned, and no more was said. We all celebrated being friends, again, while enjoying Danny’s spaghetti, and getting drunk on the remaining stock. Luke and Tori even had become friendly companions for this trip, exploring the park, though she respected his wishes and didn’t try to convert him. She went with him to the group at the campground, though that didn’t do anything to quell her frustrations, either, as they were also gay. Luke spent most of the night with them, after dinner.
That night, in a soap opera move I won’t go into too much detail on, Gwen invited Tori to her and Danny’s bed, and though Danny is devoted to Gwen, so long as they all knew it was just for fun, he fucked Tori into a pleasant stupor while she ate Gwen out. Though I’d see how that played out when we got home, it was too late to learn a lesson from as there was no real love between anyone other than Danny and Gwen, there.
* * *
Scott and I spent another blissful, just-as-if-we-were-married night together. Morning blowjobs are kind of fun.

Al was up early, and body surfing the morning waves. The wind was coming in, again, making him quite happy. I waved to him from our deck with my morning coffee, and he came bounding up the stairs, his boogie board attached to his ankle flapping behind him. He stopped halfway to detach it so it didn’t pull him back down. He jammed it into the sand outside our deck, sidled up to the fence, and gave me a big kiss on the cheek.
He looked at my cup and I just handed it to him, like I’d made it for him. I’d had a couple sips — I didn’t need the caffeine, it just felt like it made the morning complete.
“Hey, thanks!” he said. “Do you see those waves? There’s some big ones further out there. I bet I could actually surf on a real board, but I didn’t see any of those for rent at the shacks.”
“I love watching you have fun,” I almost giggled.
“You know, the California waves are made by — I mean, we get good waves all the time, but — the big ones come from storm systems far out, and then, you know, the weather… Here, it’s all wind, and you have a lot of wind!” he said, all excited.
“I don’t know how to take that. I have a lot of…?” I joked.
“No, no… You know what I mean!” he laughed.
Scott came out of the washroom with a towel around his waist and joined us on the deck. Al reached in and gave him a hug.
“You have an okay night?” Scott asked.
“Private room,” Al answered with a shrug.
It was us three again.
“Hey, did I leave my shoes in here?” Al asked.
“Yeah, come get ‘em,” Scott said. There were no shoes in our room and Al hadn’t worn any since the moment we got here the first day.
Al handed me the cup and leapt over the fence, still dripping wet and with sandy feet, I might add. He didn’t take a seat, just stood in the middle of the bedroom.
“I just wanted to say… don’t go thinking I’m, you know, the little gay boy who can’t get the boy he wants. Nothing so serious. I’m happy with Benji, for now. I just… really like my friend.” He looked directly at Scott. “I love my friend. If… we have to… curtail some of our activities, then that’s what we’ll do. Just don’t… stop… being my friends. Please.”
“You’re not losing us. We’re good forever. Even if you go back to California,” I said. “I think we’re open to having some ‘fun,’ still, but no more solos.”
Scott added, “And on Friday, after we’re home, I know you’re downloading the new Batman game, and I’m coming over to your place to beat your butt at it.” He looked to me, as if he needed to explain. “We would do the Star Wars game, but it’s full of bugs, so it needs patches and shit. And we’re going to find a pool hall, damn it! And there will probably be a blowjob or two. That’s my prediction, and I’ll stand by it. And we’ll talk about guy stuff, and who knows?”
Al said, “Last night, I figured… When you love someone, they have to love you back the same way. And I know that’s not where we are. We’re seventeen, no one’s getting married. Well, you two could, one day, and my guy is somewhere in California, probably. I could love you, Scott, but I know it won’t happen that way, like you two, and I’m not going to knock myself out over it. I like being friends. Having fun as friends is nice, too, if we can keep some of that.”
“You said you really, really like me,” I told Al, and he nodded. “And we really, really like you. So, though we only have a ‘love angle’ between us, maybe we can fix that, and have a ‘really, really like’ triangle.”
“That’s silly, but it works,” he snickered.
Scott wrapped Al up in his arms in a welcome-back gesture. Al turned it into a kiss.

I pulled Al’s swimsuit down to his ankles and dusted the sand off his calves. “Water was cold this morning, was it?” I asked Al.
“Can you help me with that?” he asked me back.
I took Al’s cock in my mouth to warm it up and get it on its way to becoming a plaything. Al ripped Scott’s towel open and off.
“About time,” Scott said. “Think you’d know how to do that, by now.”
Al got busy pumping my Scotty, but Scott pulled the both of us onto the bed. I removed my hoodie and panties. “Did you have breakfast this morning?” I asked Al.
He looked over and saw my spread legs. “You know me, I’m an early riser, but I haven’t eaten anything, yet.” Before he moved, he looked to Scott.
“Dig in, then,” Scott told him. Al set himself between my legs and combed my pubes with his fingers, then opened me up and dove in. Scott continued warming up Al’s cock.
Scott was in the wrong position for me to do anything with him, so I decided to be selfish this morning, since knowing that our threesomes would, from this point, become a little more rare.
“Hey, it’s my birthday, today,” I told the ceiling.
“That’s right,” Scott played along. “I’d made you a pot in Art class, but there was a kiln explosion. So, your present’s being delivered.”
“I always find out about these things too late,” Al took a moment from circling my clit. “What do you want for your birthday? I’ve got all day to find whatever you want.”
“I want both my boys home from school,” I moaned. “Both my boys.”
There was a bit of silence as Scott and Al registered that. Scott pulled off of Al’s cock and moved his head next to Al’s. “Fffuck!” I shout-whispered. Two tongues were touring my pussy. I’ve never felt that before! There were the two hands the other day, but this was wild! One went to the top while the other worked below — better than one on each side. I took a fistful of hair from each head and started whimpering as I hit my first orgasm of the morning.
They let me recover while they each went a different direction. Scott was massaging my leg until he reached my foot and was working over each piggie, while Al made his way up to my breasts. The similarity between the two of my guys obviously extended to their favorite parts of me, and Al was determined to have more time with my girls.
The orgasm might have made me happy enough to send my two boys off playing together, but it also made me adventurous enough to propose what I did. “Come here,” I called to them both. Al slid the couple inches while his hands continued on my breasts, while Scott hauled himself up to hold my waist and nibble my ear.
“What is it, baby? What can we do for you?”
“I got a text. The gift you sent is arriving, but I don’t know where the delivery guy is dropping it off. Can you each cover a door while I put my face on?” This extended birthday thing was kind of fun! “Scott, open the front door. Al, can you take the rear?”
My eyes were closed, but I could imagine their expressions, and could picture their faces communicating silently above me. Scott whispered, “You sure, baby? Are you ready for this?”
“I want to try it. I’ve never really had anything in there, but if you two can do it, if you two can take care of me, make it fun instead of painful…” I was nervous, but to have both my boys make ‘really, really like’ to me, to have both my boys inside me… I wanted to feel that.

Al left my side and I heard him finding the lube. Scott took the center of the bed and turned me over, on top of him. I thought about the different possible positions, and figured he was right, that this would be the most comfortable. While Al was getting me ready, Scott and I kissed each other and felt each other’s bodies like we were teenagers. Ha-ha! Okay, like our Day 1, like it was the first time after we got together. Like it should have been a year ago when we should have gotten together. God, I love him.
Al oiled me up along with his cock, and then started the process he helped me perform on Scott. The one finger inside me was easy — familiar, even, and fun. The second finger started the stretch. Not too bad, but the twisting felt awkward, but I knew why he was doing it. The third finger actually felt easier, even though it stretched me wider, I guess because it was a rounder shape? if that makes sense? It was rolling on three points instead of on two sides. Al took about ten or fifteen minutes, I think, doing all that. And with Scotty distracting me, I didn’t mind.
With a word from Al between them, Scott lifted me and entered me, the familiar feel of his cock filling me going right to my heart. I couldn’t help but start rocking on him, but then I felt Al’s hand on my rear, steadying me. And then I felt the tip of his cock at my anus. He pushed in slowly, but made sure his entire head was inside me.
It was huge! Well, it felt that way, anyway. Scott had stopped any thrusting, and was just the voice of reason in my ear. “Take it easy, baby. Don’t fight it. Don’t clench up. Don’t try to grasp it with your muscles. You have to consciously relax.” He didn’t spout that all-at-once, but nice and slow, gently in my ear, like a secret. I love my Scotty.
I tried what he said, and breathed my okay for Al to continue. And he did. Little by little, he slid further in. Al’s advice came toward the back of my other ear. “If you push back on me a little, Fifi, like when you… yeah, like that. Don’t grip it, just… yeah…”
Scott, below me, was reacting more than I was, now. “Oh, geez, Al. I can feel you. I can feel your cock slidin’ in. Just that little bit of skin between us. That is… that is fuckin’ wild!”
Al got in further. My god, how big was he? I mean, they? They’re the same size, so if Scott ever did this to me, it would be the same… Suddenly, I had a moment of panic, I had to stop them. “No, it hurts! It hurts! Stop!”
Al pulled back a little, showing me he was listening to me, though he didn’t pull out. The logical part of my mind knew it would be more difficult to start over. “Both of us, Fifi. You want both of us?”
“Yes,” I admitted.
Al slid in again. Scott moaned below me and I was going to tighten my hug on him, but consciously just tried to turn myself to jelly and let it happen. And then it did. I felt Al’s pubes on my ass, and he was all the way in. I couldn’t breathe.
Both my boys. Both of my boys were inside me. I was so freaking full!
And then they started moving. I wanted to tell them not to, that I was still getting used to it, but that’s what this was all about. Scott moved, first, then Al. This wasn’t going to be easy. I could feel they would have trouble going in and out at the same time, and I don’t know if they could manage a top-then-bottom rhythm, or front-then-back, whichever it was. My mind was blown.
When did the pleasure begin?
Scott said sometimes Al makes him tell a story to distract himself. I didn’t know any fuckin’ stories! But then I remembered something Scotty said when he was on his back and Al was inside him, when I was there for the first time with him. It was so much different for him, holding me, he’d said. So, I held him. I focused on kissing my Scotty. Loving him. Putting dents in his skin with my fingernails!
Unexpectedly, I realized they’d both been fucking me for some time! I didn’t count it, the number of times, but they’d found a rhythm, a give-and-take, because I still don’t know if it’s top-then-bottom or front-then-back. It wasn’t that bad. I would probably hurt like hell later on, but maybe I could do this again — with both my guys. But I’ll tell you, it made me appreciate making love to my Scotty one-on-one so much more!
This is my story, so I’m not telling you all the noises I made, all the “oh, fuck”s I shouted, like I’d heard Scott make, but they were there. At some point, Scott stopped making his thrusts, and just let Al go ahead. It was easier, and I started to concentrate on that feeling, trying to find the pleasure. And you know what? It was there. Mostly in my heart, though. Mostly in my heart.
Scott pulled out of me slowly but stayed at my entrance to still be officially inside me, and allowed Al to go faster. There wasn’t much I could do about it as he was on auto. I just took it. But I wanted to. I didn’t want to be the one to call it quits. I wanted Al to cum. I wanted him to cum inside me. I wanted to feel that. I could see from Scotty’s eyes that he knew this, and he wasn’t pressing for his own cum. We’d take care of that later.
And then Al squeezed down on me, his arms wrapping around me. Scott and I gave him room, and Al immediately found my breasts. I had a quick feeling that he and Scott would always fight over those any time we had some fun together. But Al’s cock became erratic, and I knew that feeling. One more slam into my ass and I heard Al grunt his “Grrrfffffuck!” and I felt — I actually felt — his cum blast inside me! It was different than in my pussy. It was a warm filling. And as he pulled back and forth those couple more times, I filled up more.
Al eventually fell out of me after his body relaxed. I was a little wiped-out, but I told Scott, “Finish me…” His cock entered me, again, and it felt welcome. This was what I wanted, this was my Scotty. This morning, I’d brought him coffee and a blowjob, again, but we hadn’t gotten around to screwing, yet. So, I needed my morning fix!
Oh, what will life be like when we return to civilization? We both still live at home and sleep in separate beds. Sigh…
I couldn’t bounce too much on Scott. He turned me over and I pleasantly found Al kissing me, as well, and going after my breasts. They shared them. Both of them shared both of them. My boys. My men.
Scotty fucked me hard and started cumming in me, triggering my orgasm. Just know that I screamed my pleasure and woke up Tori, who would not let me forget it for the remainder of the trip.
“Ready to go again?” Al asked. “We’ll trade sides this time.”
“No way!” I laughed. They had to be kidding!
“You’re mean,” Al moaned. “Isn’t she mean, Scott?”
“So mean…” Scott breathed, recovering from his own orgasm, yet.
After a while, and a shower, we made actual breakfast, serenaded by Al playing a more jaunty tune on the piano, an 80s song I can’t remember the title of right now. I don’t know how Al escaped Mr. Thorn or Mr. Stromboli hearing him play for three years.
When he finished, he closed the keyboard and said, “I really, really like you two.”
Our triangle was fixed.
It was our last full day here, and we didn’t waste it. By that I mean, there was no real agenda, like when you go to Six Flags or Disney. Sometimes it’s great to just lay out in the sun and do bunches of nothing with your friends. That night, sitting by the fire, good tunes playing on the Bluetooth, watching the sunset, Scott sat back in the V of Al’s legs, and I lay back in the V of his. I could run my hands along the hairy legs of both of them. I didn’t want to go home. It was nice just the way we were.
I thought I maybe could see the Chicago skyline across the lake in the red light, but it was probably just a mirage.

The End
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos
All rights reserved
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