Fiona at the Three-Star Beach House – Part 2
Tommy Linarcos
Taking our suits off and hanging them in our bathroom, we couldn’t resist a quickie. And everyone knew it.
It was rare for Scotty to take me from behind, but after he hung his blue trunks over the shower bar, he took my waist and bent me over at the sink. It felt a little weird, being cold and damp, yet, and his cock actually felt a little rubbery. He had to lick his palm to lube it up. Out on the beach, we were getting a little turned on, I could see he had an erection, but my wetness was all deep inside me.
I watched his eyes in the mirror as he negotiated getting inside me, taking five or six short thrusts to get past my labia to my wetness, but then he started slamming into me. Figure everything from waking up early, to the stress of the drive, to handling each other’s near-naked bodies in the water led to him giving it to me so.
But as I was moaning in the echo-y washroom, I felt his fire inside, and he lifted me, walking me — still on his cock! — back into the bedroom. We fell onto the bed, and he fell out of me, but we put ourselves back together and… He was above me, and I could see his eyes, and I held him, and he pounded me, and I came all over his cock. Sometimes, you just want it NOW, and I wanted it just like that.
He slid off me and we lay there. It was a nice bed.
“I just want to stay here,” I said into Scott’s neck.
“Maybe we can buy the place,” Scott dreamed.

There was a knock on our door. Danny stuck his head in before we told him to. It’s Danny —what else is new?
He came in and put two bottles down on our night stand — a beer for Scott and a Mike’s Hard Margarita for me. “Thought you could use some refreshment.”
“I knew there was a reason I liked you,” Scott said.
“Hey, we’re going to take a ride into town, get some supplies, some food, some crap, you know, for the couple days…” he told us. I could see his eyes moving up and down me. Not creepily, but with an appreciative smile. “Figured you two wouldn’t care too much.”
Scott sat up and got out of the bed, looking for his wallet in his khakis. “Let me give you some dough…”
Danny stopped him. “Don’t. Don’t worry. You gave my sister the money for all the beer and stuff, let me buy some groceries.”
Scott had driven very carefully through Indiana to make sure he didn’t get pulled over with two cases of beer, two cases of Mike’s Hard, and a few carriers of those Seagram’s blue and pink bottle things. “Ah-aight,” he slapped Danny on the shoulder. “Who you takin’?”

“Just me and Gwen,” Danny told him. “Hey, relax. We don’t have to plan this vacation. Everyone’s here because they want to be, you know? But… um… Luke and Tori went exploring, I’m not sure where Al is.”
“Cool. Drive safely.” Then he turned. “Hey, you haven’t been drinking, have you?”
“No, we loaded the fridge with some of each of the stuff you brought when we first rolled in, but haven’t had any, yet,” Danny calmed him. “Now that I could’ve used your help with!”
Scott took the ribbing. I could see Danny looking Scott over like he did me.
“Okay, we’ll see you later. And put some clothes on!” Danny shut our door behind him.
Scott got back into bed and wrapped me up like he does.
“Gwen told me that Danny wants to suck you off,” I mentioned casually.
“I know. He’s wanted to since 7th Grade.”
“You gonna let him?”
“He can keep dreamin’,” Scott chuckled.
“Why would you let Al and not him?” I asked. It sounded like an easy question, a teasing one, one he could give me a smart-aleck reply to, but Scott just kept quiet.
“Did he tell you what he did for Charlie on our Couples Night?” I asked.
“Yeah, he mentioned that.”
Danny had, for reasons known only to those assembled, taught Allison to suck cock by sucking Charlie’s cock for her. So, naturally, they told us.
That got me thinking about Al.
“How’s Al? Do you know?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he’s single on this trip. Benji got sick, couldn’t go,” I recounted. “Are you… going to… take care of him?”
Scott looked at me for a while, trying to read me. “Hadn’t really planned on that,” Scott told me. “This trip is with you.”
He kissed me, and I could easily have swooned into it, but I wanted to talk a bit. I guess I’d wanted to talk about Al for a little while now.
“Baby, are we okay?” I asked him, but I thought it was something he wanted to ask me, too.
Scott sat back, but still held me. I love his arms, his strength.
“You and me… are totally okay,” he said. “We’re never gonna not be okay.” He seemed to consider what we were really talking about, though. “It’s weird with Al, though.”
“It was kind of hot with Al, actually, that one time,” I joked, but maybe not.
Scott just smiled, didn’t laugh. “A few months ago, I was straight as an arrow. I’m with naked guys in the locker room and the shower all the time, and it does nothing for me. I mean, naked people are interesting, but I’ve had no attraction to any of them. But Al,” he paused, shrugged, looked around then back to me, “Al I’m attracted to. I don’t know why.”
“I can tell you a couple reasons why, but I’m a girl,” I joked, again. Maybe I was trying too hard to lighten the conversation.
“I just am. So when the opportunity came up, to try sex with him, I actually… went for it. And it’s fun.” Scott looked confused but not sad. “I like him. I like who he is. I’d wanted to be friends, and now we are. Like, if we stopped the sex, I’d still want to hang out with him.”
“Have you kissed him?” I asked, kissing being more personal, more passionate than just the mechanics of getting off.
“Yes,” he said. “We don’t do ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ kisses or anything like that, but when we’re in the middle of it,” he shrugged again, “it seems natural.”
“The passion,” I noted.
“Do you love him?” I had to ask.
“Yeah, but…” he added quickly, “not… like the love you and me have. It’s different, very separate. I love him because he’s my friend, like I love Danny. I probably love Danny more, actually, because I’ve known him since we were kids. If Danny and me got in a fight and it was my fault and he said he’d never see me again, I’d be torn apart. That kind of love. But I’m not attracted to Danny, so it’s still different, you know?”
“I’m trying to figure this out,” I admitted. “Not about you, I kind of get that, I love my friends, and I have a preference over what friends I’ve fooled around with, too. But I want to know if this means anything about you and me.” I’d said it, but I didn’t know if we’d find the answer right then.
“If the sex is too much,” he surmised.
We both got quiet.
“The way I love Al, is nothing like the way I love you. Or if you dumped me, then the way I could love some other girl, someday.” He put out a hand to stop my protest. “I just can’t love a guy that way. I’m not wired that way.” He waited to see if I understood, but I knew he wasn’t done. “With guy friends, or at least with my guy friends, if I’m different in some way… I have a lot of friends, but only with Danny and Al would I miss them if I had to go somewhere for two weeks. Only them would I want to give a hug to before I left. Charlie? You know, he’s cool, but I’ll see him when I see him, you know? Pietro, Luke, same thing. The Jazz Band? The team? Same thing.”
“I get that,” I assured him. It made sense.
“Just with Al, it’s confusing because he’s the one guy I actually… want… to… I don’t want to say ‘make love’ because that’s what this whole thing is about, isn’t it?” He got quiet and sat up. He looked frustrated, now, his eyes getting a little glassy. “Fuckin’…”
He was losing it. Why did I ask this? I had to do something.
“Hey… baby… it’s okay,” I held him to me, stroking his back, like I do after we’d just had a tender time together, him cumming so hard he still shakes for a time after. “I’m not asking you to lose a friend.”
“If you told me I had to stop messing around with him, I would, for you,” he said. “We don’t have to do it. It just seems… right, at the time. But I don’t want you to hate him, or be jealous of him.”

“I know.” I thought a minute, about myself, and I had an idea about something. “If you were, let’s say, making it on the side with another girl… Who’s a girl you think is pretty?”
Scott laughed. “You trying to trap me?”
“No, just to make it seem real.”
“Okay, um… Keri Tanaka.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty. I don’t know anything about her, but she’s pretty.”
“Okay,” I re-gathered. “If you suddenly started making it with Keri on the side, just because you were attracted to her and called her a friend, but swore you didn’t love her, I’d kick you in the balls.”
“Consider me warned,” Scott laughed nervously.
“And fire would rain from the heavens.”
“Got you.”
“And if you suddenly got back together with Cindy, I’d be crushed. Like inconsolable.” His old girlfriend, during the year we didn’t go out together.
“I know.”
“The same goes for me, I assume, with… whatever guys,” I waved down the particulars, this time, “because there’s the potential for love, right?” He nodded, following. “Question is, would you feel jealous or threatened if I had ‘recreational sex’ with Tori, or maybe Gwen, on Girls Night Friday? Girls I love more than regular friends or acquaintances?”
“No.” He said it instantly, instinctively. Then thought about it. “No. Because I have absolutely no doubt that you’d ever leave me for either of them. Or prefer them to me.”
I just looked at him, like, QED.
Scott melted. Almost literally. Okay, I know it couldn’t be literally, but I swear I could see all the stress just slide off his shoulders. Of being afraid I’d leave him because of a blowjob, now and then, or anything more, if they had, again. I’d never seen my Scotty cry — there were a couple times on that first day and just a minute ago where defeat almost made it happen — but I watched all the frustration leak out of his eyes. He collapsed in my arms and kissed me wherever his lips landed.
I didn’t tell you any of that, you understand?
Scott is my superhero.
There was a knock on the wooden fence outside. I looked up and saw Al. I don’t know how long he’d been there, or if he’d heard us. I waved at him. He nodded and took that to mean it was okay to come in. He was over the fence in a bounce, only using one hand, gymnast as he was.
“Hey.” I ran my hands through Scott’s hair. “Al’s here.”
“Ddnt hr u cm in…” Scott mumbled from my breast.
“I was just checking out the property, wandered over into the Dunes proper,” Al said, taking off his shirt and tossing it on a chair. “I wanted to ask you about your friend, Luke. You didn’t invite him along for me, did you?”
“No,” Scott said. “Just opened up the opportunity to him when Charlie and Allison dropped out.”
“Okay, making sure you’re not match-making,” Al said, dropping his shorts. “Just because he’s gay doesn’t mean I want to sleep with him.”
“He’s gay?” I asked.
“Totally. But he’s very private. You should tell Tori.” Al’s boxer briefs disappeared.
“That won’t matter to her,” I snickered.
Al was going to join us in bed. I could see him deliberate which side to climb in on, mine or Scott’s. That actually made me feel good, that he wanted me here, that he was as comfortable with my body as I was getting with his. Still, he spooned behind Scott.
“Are we okay?” Al whispered to me, no other real sound in the room other than the breeze coming in the window/door thing.
“Better than okay,” I assured him. I could feel his hand sliding under Scott’s side to hold his chest. His other hand was reaching for my waist.
“Good,” Al said, pulling the three of us together, tighter.
I put my hand atop of Al’s and moved it down to my ass. “You want this?”
He looked right at me. “Not as much as I want this,” he indicated Scott by licking his ear, “but yeah.”
Scott sucked on my breast a little harder, one hand down on my pussy, circling my clit.
“How’s that work for you?” I guess I had to ask.
“If you seduced me, Fifi,” Al proposed, using one of Scott’s pet names for me, “you’d be my third girl.”
“Really?” This got my curiosity up. More, as it were. “Who was your first?”
“My babysitter, back in California.”
“Babysitter?” Scott pulled off my breast at that and raised his eyebrows. Apparently, he didn’t know this one, either.
“Well, she babysat for my younger siblings. I was twelve and didn’t need a babysitter, but my mom wouldn’t put me in charge,” Al said. Made sense. “She was sixteen, and a couple times, when the little ones were asleep, we fucked on the beach outside my house.”
“But you didn’t like it?” I asked.
“I liked it fine enough. I just liked sucking the cocks of my surfing friends, better,” he clarified.

I had to stop and hold my scream in as Al had gotten his fingers where he intended. One was now inside my asshole, the others were playing with my vagina. And with Scott’s fingers circling my clit… “Oh, my god…” I’d never had that, before. This was new. I had to wrap my leg around them, over Al’s. I had to give them room. I know I was playing here with the idea of making it with two guys, a fantasy, I suppose, but this was really happening.
Even though Scott and I had that quickie a little while ago, I was ready for more. Damn right, I was. I was holding my Scott who was working my body the way he does, and this ghost hand that belonged to our hot friend was finishing me off. I curled my body so I could bite down on Scott’s shoulder. I’d lost him at my breast, but I had to have something in my teeth to stop me from screaming as I shook below.
“Let it out, baby,” Scott moaned to me. “This is why we’re here. We’ve got the house. Let it out…”
It clicked inside my head. Before Scott could finish what he was saying, I was — “Fffuck! Oh, oh, my god! Fffff-oohhhhh….!” My whole body was quivering in this curled position, and I was flinching, kicking back, but Scott and Al were both holding me, so it was like I was tied. That was incredible!
I was jelly for a while. Jelly. But that didn’t stop my guys. When they released me, Al climbed over and came to my right side. Each of my guys took a breast. They left my pussy to recover, but I could tell that Al was pumping Scotty’s cock. Al’s cock was rubbing against my thigh, and I realized it was left unattended. I took it in my hand, resulting in a nice “Mmmm” from Al in my ear.
His cock was quite similar in length and girth to Scott’s, I could tell, blindly, just by my finger-memory. Al’s short pubic hair, though, was a little tickly on my fingers, like when a boy gets a crew cut and it’s kind of bristly by his neck. I’d seen, even in the dim light before, that the ring around his cock was lighter than Scott’s, and he was a little smoother, but their cock heads were the same shape. But Al was hard, like he-wanted-to-cum-soon hard. He was rolling and grinding into my hand.
“Not yet,” I said to him.
“You’re mean,” he told me.
I pulled myself sitting. “Come here.” I let go of him, and indicated that he help me get Scott on his back in the middle of us. We situated ourselves below, looking at Scott’s cock.
Scott propped himself back on his elbows. He could see what was about to happen. “It’s not my birthday. You guys…” His smile was huge.
I took ahold of Scotty’s cock and winked at Al, basically telling him I’d show him how it’s done. I liked having his cock in my mouth; it fit, and I knew it well. I took him in, then I took him in further, then I relaxed my throat and took him all the way in, getting that scent in my nose. I came back up, licking his shaft and swirling my tongue around his crown. As I kissed and nibbled at Scott’s sweet spot, Al pulled his cock away from me and gave me a devilish grin.
I knew I’d started ‘dueling blowjobs,’ but I wasn’t just going to watch Al — I’d done that, already. I was going to do some things I was pretty sure Al didn’t know. I climbed up Scott and tongued his nipple, taking a little bite — a “nip” — now and then. Scott gave a requisite yelp, enough to get Al’s attention. Al looked up to see the cause and the two of them locked smiling eyes. Scott’s cock fell from Al’s mouth as he laughed, so he slapped it on his tongue a few times before engulfing it again, starting a bob — and dragging his teeth. Scott’s hands were all over me now that he could reach me, and as I leaned over further to engage his left nipple, he grabbed my ass, slid his hand down, and fingered my pussy.
“Fifi. Fifi, you are so wet. You are so wet!” Scott moaned to the air around him. He wasn’t lying. “Fifi, I need to fuck you, again. Let me fuck you.”
I felt Al’s hand grab my leg and glide up as far as he could reach. Didn’t make it to my pussy, but he’d completed that circuit, again, the three of us connected. I wanted his touch as much as Scott’s.
“Not yet,” I told Scott. Scott groaned in disappointment. I moved back down next to Al and grabbed my Scotty’s cock back from him. “Tag.”
“Isn’t she mean?” Al asked him.
“So mean,” Scott replied as I sucked on his balls. Scott grabbed at my long, blonde hair, trying to gather it to the side for me, and gave it a tug — a pretend haul, like he was trying badly to pull me up to him. “I need you, Fee.”
“Not yet, I said,” I said as I pulled on his pubes. Scott’s legs started twitching — sometimes a sign that he was going to cum.
I looked behind me to find out what Al had gotten up to, if it had anything to do with Scott’s twitching. He had Scott’s foot and was sucking on a toe. Okay, that was new. He got me. Al looked at me, again smiling with his eyes. He was using both hands to hold Scott, so couldn’t touch me. Instead, I ran my foot down to find contact with his cock. Al lifted his pelvis to help me, and then we started a grind.
Mostly, Scott likes to think about something else when I’m blowing him, turning off that switch so he doesn’t cum in my mouth, saving his cum load for fucking me, so I’d learned not to spend an hour down there. I called down to Al. “Come up here.” Al put down Scott’s foot and complied, running his hands up Scott’s legs as he did.
I moved away from Scott’s balls and spun to just above his cock, over his belly. “Fuck him.” Al’s eyes were on mine, then flicked to Scott’s. “Yeah. I want to see it. I want to see you fuck my Scotty.”
Al refocused on Scott’s cock, but wound up pushing Scott’s pelvis up in the air. Then he started licking Scott’s asshole. “Oh, my god…” I shot out. I had never seen that before, either. My hand went to my clit as I went back down on Scott’s cock.
Scott moaned and collapsed off his elbows. He’d let go of my hair, but now that I was turned, he just grabbed me. My back end was airborne — I tell you, like a superhero picking me up and spinning me on his finger — until I landed on his face. He gave my pussy a much-needed licking while I sucked his cock.
Switching it up was no good for Scott this time, he’d had too much stimulation, us double-teaming him, and he began his countdown to cum. “Baby, I’m… Fee… ffff…” was all the warning I was going to get. His forearms crushed my spine down, my pussy smashed to his face, as my Scotty came in my mouth. I took it and swallowed, took it and swallowed, then let a few shots fire outward for Al to see.
“Want some?” I asked him.
Al moved up and took Scott inside, taking what was left and cleaning off his cock.
Scott hadn’t unleashed me, yet, his arms still clenched tight, his legs still quivering in aftershocks. When Al finished, I asked, “Want some more?”
Al launched himself and kissed me. Albert Schroeder kissed me. I opened my mouth and accepted his tongue. In this way, with a full ounce or two of Scott still in my mouth, it was like a kiss between all of us.
Finally, I felt Scott relax his hold over me and I could slide off and rub my back while Al rose up to find his position.
“Is that gonna be good enough?” Scott asked from his daze.
“My lube is in the other room with my stuff. I can get it, or…” Al looked to me.
I understood and nodded toward my smaller bag. “That one.” He went to and opened my bag and found a clear zippered bag inside that I had a few travel-sized items in — one of which was a bottle of KY. It was the warming kind, which had been fun for me and Scott, but I wondered if…
“Is that okay for… down there?” I asked. Al nodded with a smirk.
He climbed back on the bed to his previous position, applying some lube to his cock. He was going to apply some additional to my Scotty’s ass when I intervened. “Let me,” I demanded. Al smiled and squeezed some onto my finger.
Scott gave me that look, that teasing warning, like he expected me to play a trick on him, but I wasn’t. I spread the lube around his pucker, then pushed inside him, and back out, and back in, and back out, finger-fucking my boy. “Like that?” I asked.
“Yeah…” he said. The same look.
I asked Al if that was enough and he said it would be, but to take my time and go to two fingers, which I did. Scott’s eyes closed. I went to three without Al’s prompting, but he stopped me before I tried four.
I looked for my position. To the side, to start, and I took Scott’s hand. I saw Al lift Scott’s legs and find his final position.
Then I saw Al slide his cock into my Scotty.
I couldn’t look away. I had to move, I had to see it from angles. My Scotty was taking a cock as big as his, inside his ass. And he wasn’t screaming.
He was breathing, though, loud, in gulps and moans. I slid to him, curled around him by his chest. He immediately grabbed me, and pulled me closer in to him. He brought my face to his and kissed me. One of those kisses that makes me forget where I am. One hand on my breasts, the other just holding my middle tight. He slid me further up so he could latch onto my breast and suckle on me as he got fucked.
I could feel Al pick up his pace, starting to slam into my Scotty instead of the gentle start I’d witnessed.
Scott released my breast and told me, “I’ve never… fuck… never had you with me… holding you… ohhh-oh… holding you with me… kissing you… fff-… fuck… kissing you while… it’s completely different…”
“You okay, baby?” I asked in his ear.
“Yeah,” he breathed.
I had to ask. “How many times…?”
“Fff-!… four… this is four…”
“Does it hurt?”
Scott’s eyes wobbled. “A little… a little bit… not as… ffff… not as… not like the… Fuck! Oh-ohhh!”
“That one did!” I realized.
“Yeah, that one did,” Scott said loud enough for Al to hear.
“Sorry!” Al called down to us. “I’m on a short timer. I need to cum.”
“Okay,” Scott breathed and nodded.
“I need you,” Al said. I turned to look at him to see if he was talking to me. “I need you to seal the deal.” He was speaking to Scott.
“Baby…” Scott said to me, and helped me move aside.
When I was clear, Al leaned in and kissed Scott. And Scott kissed him. I had to catch my breath. They were making out as Al pummeled my Scotty’s ass, and I saw the need for closeness between them. It wasn’t just a hormone-driven need to get off. This was the love Scott talked about. Something he would put up with, maybe even enjoy, to let his friend feel pleasure. To share it with him. I wondered then if Al might fall in love with Scott, because he was wired that way, as Scott put it.
Then Al groaned as he came. He was cumming inside my Scotty. And Scotty held him, the way I hold Scott.
I didn’t want to intrude on their moment, but I wanted to let them know I was here. And that I was okay with what I’d seen. I put a hand on each of their legs, and just gently stroked back and forth, rubbing their hairy legs up, and smoothing the hair back down.
There was one more kiss, then Al started picking himself up and out. He saw Scott’s beer and downed half of it. Then he quietly went into our washroom to get a damp, warm washcloth.
I curled around my Scotty, again. I was feeling needy. “That was… I don’t know.”
Scott just held me, recovering. “Hot?”
“Ha-ha… warming lube…” But I wondered. “Was it? Like…”
“It was nice. You know, you’ve used it.”
“Just not there.”
“Maybe you can find out someday soon.”
“Hmm, maybe,” I said. “I don’t know. What was it like? What’s it feel like?” I asked.
Al came back to the bed. He was going to cuddle behind Scott, but Scott drew him behind me. Al held me, too, about my waist. His hands rose to feel my breasts, but Scott gently pushed him off those. “Mine,” he said.

“I know what us having sex feels like for me,” I continued, “but this was different.”
“Yeah, well…” Scott tried, “besides the feeling of ‘fullness,’ of ‘being full,’ it can be fun, even pleasurable, or just painful and rough.”
Al tried to help explain. “The fucking part of it, well, that can be just fucking. It can be as personal or… impersonal… as you want. Pleasure or pain. So, it depends who it’s with.”
Scott said, “It’s having my friend inside me. Of having him inside me. I don’t think I like it enough to ever use a… whatyacallit? a dildo… but I like doing it with him because it’s with him.”
“There’s a difference,” Al said. “For you, like with vaginal sex, it would be like the difference between a plastic vibrator or just some guy you met because you’ve got an itch, and maybe he hurts you, versus a living, breathing boyfriend who loves you.”
It all made some sense, but I didn’t think I’d get it unless I tried it, myself. And I was not sure that was going to happen.
We lay there for some time, breathing, looking out of the big open doors at the lake. There were some stairs down to the beach, so our view from the bed was like right at the lake and sky. We lucked into some beautiful days to come here. There was a sailboat out there. I had to get some pictures of us to post. Fun things.
“Did you see there was a piano in the TV room?” I asked Al, who supposedly can play.
“I saw that. Couldn’t miss it.” It was a bright red Yamaha. I noted the name because I didn’t know that Yamaha was a brand of pianos. I don’t want to sound stupid, but I only knew Yamaha from motorcycles. At school, they have Baldwins in the practice rooms.
“Play me a song, later?”
Al was in thought, and his hands were roaming over me. His fingers dropped one at a time, and I got the impression he was pretending I was a keyboard. “Haven’t had any lessons since California, but I’ve got a couple tunes memorized.”
Al was getting all warm, I could feel. Scott was getting the feeling again, too.
“You sure I can’t hold her tits?” Al asked. “They look so damn soft…”
“No. They’re mine, I told you,” Scott play-barked, and took firm possession of my breasts.
“Oh, let him cop a feel,” I said and pried Scott’s hands off me and put Al’s on.
“Now you’ve done it,” Scott threatened, and in an instant, he came up on the bed, reached over me, and grabbed Al at his waist and, laughing, twisted him off of me and threw him to the other side of the bed.
“Get him!” I drove Scott. When he had Al on his back, I added, “Now give it to him!”
Scott stopped playing and looked at Al. “My turn?”
“Can you get it up?” he teased.
“Need help?” I offered.
Scott said, “No. Just… show me your pussy. Play with your pussy for me, baby.”
I found a sexy way to sit and thrust out my center. Both boys’ eyes were on me. I started a languid stroke of my labia. “Like this?”
“Yeah…” Scott said. And as I watched, his cock filled up, got fatter and harder, lolling to the side, started rising in little kicks until it was pointing at the ceiling. “You said you wanted to see that.”
“I sure fuckin’ did,” I agreed.
Scott got the KY and applied it where he needed it. Then I saw my Scotty pick up Al — which can’t be too easy, let me remind you, because Al weighs as much as Scott with all that definition — and put him on his knees. Then he gave Al some lube. And his cock slid inside.
“That’s it,” I moaned, watching Scott take his vengeance. But where I kind of expected Scott to be a little rougher with his playmate, he fucked him like he fucks me, with intensity but with feeling.
From his vantage point, Al was still intently watching me play with myself. “Hnnng… hnnnph… I need a distraction,” he said over his shoulder.
“Sometimes you make me tell you a story,” Scott said, rubbing Al’s back.
Al was focused on me. “Let me try it?” he asked both of us, then again over his shoulder, “Please?”
Scott hesitated. “If she’ll let you.”
Al rose without propping himself up and put his hands on my thighs. “May I? I’d like to try. I never have. I might not be any good, but…”
I unbent my legs and scooted in front of him, edging toward his face. “I’d like that.” Al ran his hand over my dark blonde delta, then down into my cleft and opened me. I grabbed his towel-dry blonde hair, and Al Schroeder licked my pussy.
Now Scott can make me forget who I am when he does me, so I will not compare the two efforts, but there was no fear in Al’s tongue. He was a little clumsy working on my entrance, though, so I kind of showed him with my finger to run up and along my labia, and remind him where my clit was.
I met Scott’s eyes. He was watching Al’s and my connection point, but when I met his eyes, he just stared into mine and stretched his hand out over Al’s back. I reached forward, budging Al a bit, and took Scott’s hand. We’d completed the circuit, again.
Al was doing a not-bad job, and I was actually getting quite warm, again, watching my Scotty in motion. I might cum, just from the notion of having a new tongue on me, but I wanted to do something. I moved off of Al with a quiet, “Pardon me.” Al gave me a worried look of ‘did I do okay?’ but I smiled at him, letting him know things were fine. Then I told Scott to “Flip him.”
My boys spun carefully. Al’s face showed that he was getting what he really preferred. But it was odd seeing his cock soft, now, or mostly soft. I moved to his side, and gave him a hand. Keeping one hand on Scott’s behind, maintaining our connection, I stroked Al’s cock back to hardness.
I looked up to Scott. He knew what I wanted. He nodded. And I got to suck Al’s cock.
“Oh, shit… fuck… suck my cock, Fifi, suck it!”
I took a guess that Al was enjoying my effort. I couldn’t help but do a good job, his cock was so similar to Scott’s, and I knew I could tease his glans just like I could Scott’s. Only question was whether Al’s sweet spot was the same, so I had to explore.
“Scott, Fifi’s sucking my cock, Scott… she’s fucking sucking my cock!… Fuck me, Scott, fuck me!”
Now, it wasn’t my goal to get Al to cum in my mouth. I carefully pulled off, leaving my tongue dragging until we lost contact, and I sat away from him.
“You’re so mean, Fifi… you’re so mean… fuck… fuck… isn’t she mean, Scott?”
“So fuckin’ mean,” Scott agreed, shoving his beautiful cock into Al’s ass.
Then I stood on the bed and straddled Al, holding onto Scott’s shoulders and looking him in his eyes. I looked for permission. I didn’t get an immediate nod or a smile. I asked Scotty’s ear, “Can we both fuck him?” I moved back to see his eyes.
Scott looked deep into mine. “Yes, let’s fuck our friend,” he said, and I lowered myself down.
I held Al’s cock upright and I was so fucking wet from Al licking me and just my own damn self that I sank down onto it in one easy motion until I could feel his pubes on my ass. I pressed my breasts into Scott’s chest and kissed him while I took my first rock on Al.
“Oh, fuck… Fifi… Fif… I can’t beli… I can’t believe… I can’t believe it… I’m in you…” Al’s hands came to my hips immediately and helped find the rhythm. And we needed one, with Scott pushing this way and me making waves that way.
This was mind-blowing. It’s like I was fucking Scott, but not fucking Scott, this ghost cock in me that was not his, him fucking a ghost that was not me. And when I focused, I realized that Al was both fucking and getting fucked at the same time. “Now we’re both fucking him!” I told Scott in wild discovery.
“Oh, fuck… fuck me… Scott, she’s fucking me… fuck me, Scott… oh, Fifi…”
It was crazy. It felt amazing, yet it was still missing something. And I could see it in Scott’s eyes when I opened mine. I kissed Scott, my tongue pulling his, then I licked my way to his ear. “I love you, Scott. I love you. I love only you…”
Scott held me tight and fucked Al so hard. Al called out a series of “yes! yes!” but we couldn’t be certain which of us he was reacting to, Scott’s pounding or my bouncing.
Al was on autopilot below us, moaning from having his senses rocked. He grabbed my hips and pulled down hard. “Fifi, Fiona, Fifi, I’m going to cum… I’m going to cum in you… Scott? Scott?”
“Cum in her. Cum in her Adalbert!” Scott called down.
Al laughed at the breaking of his cum shot, and I think it delayed it a bit as he swore at Scott: “Oh, fuck you, you fuck!” Then he gripped my waist hard and gave a great growl — a “Grrrrrffffffuckkkk…!” and exploded inside me.
I couldn’t help it, feeling Al’s cum hot inside me, and I squealed after, screaming so that everyone at the campgrounds down the beach had to have heard me. I let myself go and knew a gallon of my fluids were bathing Al’s balls. There was just this champaign-colored haze about my head. My head fell onto Scott’s shoulders and then his chest as he held me, keeping me from collapsing while I shook. There was no way my legs or even my knees would support me, any longer.
Holding me tightly, grunting into my hair, “I love you, baby, I love you, Fee,” Scott became the last of us to cum, and he blasted himself inside Al’s ass. A little thing inside my brain figured out that it was the first time I was not seeing or receiving my love’s hot load, but being in his arms, I knew it was still meant for me.
Al grunted below us. He was just a passenger on our voyage, now.
Scott was using my back and Al’s legs for support, then. We were leaning into each other, but soon he pulled himself out of the spent Al, and somehow carried me to the other side of the bed and lay me down. Scott stumbled a bit to find the washcloth Al had brought in, and cleaned off the lube from his cock. He bent down to the delirious Al and gave him a kiss — one with passion, as we’d spoken about. Then he climbed on the bed, rolling on top of me.
Scott’s cock wasn’t as hard as nails, at this point, but still firm enough to gain entry to my wet and cum-filled pussy. He didn’t fuck me any further, he just wanted to be inside me as he wrapped me up and kissed my neck.
Al rolled toward me and pulled my face to him and kissed me, too. A passion kiss, like Scott had given him. “You’re amazing, Girl #3…” he said, and felt up my left boob.
Scott slid to my side, not wanting to crush me, and took ahold of my right boob.
We fell asleep, to no one’s surprise.
End of part two
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos
All rights reserved
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