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The Esses – Part 1

The Esses – Part 1
Jason Crow

The Esses

Part one
It was the third of September, the memorable day this all started. After I changed into something more comfortable, I headed upstairs toward the pool deck. I couldn’t immediately find the girls. And since I had been downstairs for almost an hour, they could have been anywhere. I had to remind myself that I wasn’t their camp counselor and didn’t need to watch them every minute. That’s when I heard their voices outside on the pool deck. Relieved that they were making themselves at home, I went to check on them. They had been swimming and were now emerging from the pool, their bodies dripping wet.

“Fuck me…” I mumbled under my breath.

The two bikini-clad preteens, with their glistening bodies, struck a nerve inside I never knew I had. But I didn’t want to have this particular nerve! These girls were about to turn thirteen, damn it! And they were family.

Sarah was wearing a red bikini, which matched her blonde hair perfectly. It hid everything nicely from view and was decent enough for a girl her age, but it did manage to accentuate her curves nicely. Sandra’s bikini was denim blue with a bit of purple around its edges. It was a bit skimpier than Sara’s, but she could still go to a public pool with it without gathering too much attention.

I acted like it was the most normal thing in the world for me to be around two scantily dressed preteen girls, and I did my best not to stare. I liked looking at women. I enjoyed beautiful women! But these two weren’t women yet; they were girls. They were probably oblivious to how they looked and what their effect on men could be. I didn’t need to gawk over them. No! I needed to help them and learn how to deal with their maturing bodies.

“Hi, Uncle Ronald!” Sarah said with a smile, “Your pool is amazing!”

“Yeah…” Sandra added, “But I’m so wet…”

Wait… what? What did she just say? I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my head as I was looking for words.

“That’s the whole meaning of a pool, you dummy,” Sarah giggled.

“Uhm… yeah…” I tried, “water is wet, you know?”

“Jeez! I was just kidding,” Sandra said with mock annoyance as she wrung out her hair. “I’m looking for a towel.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and tossed her a freakin’ towel. Both girls dried themselves as I did my best not to look at their young breasts that were hidden by the small bikini tops. Their low-riding bottoms hugged their developing curves magnificently, and their bronzed skin showed no signs of any tan line either. I quickly needed to find something to do. Otherwise, I’d be busted looking at their bodies, and my life would be over. Okay, maybe not over, but I’d have a lot of explaining to do. So, I started checking on one of the umbrellas and made sure it was… well… still an umbrella…

“Uncle Ronald?” Sandra asked innocently behind me.

I turned around and saw that she was holding out a bottle of sunscreen in her hand. Yikes! They wanted me to apply that all over them? While a growing part of me was all in favor of that idea, a wiser part wasn’t sure about how good of an idea it was. I mean, I’ve done that for leggy models in this very spot, but for these two….? I tried distracting them by saying, “Please! Call me Ronald or Ron! That whole ‘Uncle’ stuff makes me feel old and saggy.”

“Okay, Un- Ronald. Would you mind helping us with our backs?”

“Yeah, please…” Sarah added as she lay down on her belly on one of the chaise lounges, “But you don’t look saggy to us, Ron!”

“No, not at all,” Sandra said as she handed me the sunscreen and lay down herself. “You’re quite handsome, actually.”

I didn’t know what to say or do. If I didn’t know any better, these two girls were hitting on me pretty heavily. But this was probably me, reading into something that wasn’t there, combined with the fact that I hadn’t gotten laid in almost a month. And there was no harm in applying sunscreen, was there?

“Alright! Who’s first?” I asked, trying to be as casual as possible.

“Do me,” Sandra said.

Oh, fuckI had to stop hearing these things in my adult mind…

She was lying closest to me, so I knelt beside her chair and squeezed some of the milky-white sunscreen onto my hand. Rubbing them together, I glanced down at her. She had turned her head towards me, wearing a warm yet mischievous smile.

As I reached out to apply the sunscreen to her shoulders, my hands trembled slightly. It felt a bit ridiculous—I was simply assisting her with something practical, nothing remotely intimate. Parents do this for their kids all the time. Nevertheless, I continued without dwelling on it, making sure to keep my touches purely platonic.

As I worked the sunscreen into her shoulders and back, I avoided any accidental brushes near sensitive areas. I wouldn’t accidentally want to touch some side boob or anything even remotely close. When I reached the top of her bikini bottom, she remarked with a playful tone, “You’ve got strong hands, Unc- Ronald!”

“Thanks,” I replied, feeling stupid for getting nervous about this. I grabbed the bottle of sunscreen, moved over to Sarah, and said as confidently as I could, “Your turn.”

It was the same routine with Sarah. But when I was at her lower back, she surprised me by untying her top and pulling the back strings out of the way.

“Can you please do that bit again? I don’t wanna get sunburned there.”

I swallowed when I looked at her bare back. It was really no different than it was a second ago, but with having that string untied… oh boy… I manned up and said, “Sure!” and rubbed her entire back again. I was trying to be as casual about this as I could, but my dick betrayed me when I felt it started to grow in my pants.

“There you go,” I said and oozed down on the spare chair next to Sarah.

“Why don’t you take off your shirt and chill a bit with us?” Sarah asked as she fixed her top and tied it back together again.

She was spot on. I really needed to unwind. I was currently wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt and loose-fitting khaki shorts, casual enough for me to chill with the girls. I knew I wasn’t bad to look at. Several other women had complimented me on my abs and pecs. I was far from buff but maybe even further from a typical dad-bod. This might have something to do with the fact that I wasn’t a dad and actually had time to work out. So I casually shrugged, slipped off my shirt, kicked off my boat shoes, and settled down beside my nieces on one of the chaise lounges. We engaged in some light conversation, and with each passing moment, I found myself sinking deeper into relaxation, basking in the warmth of the sun and the joy of my nieces’ company. I started thinking about how I had gotten into this unusual situation.

* * *

I had just wrapped up a Teams meeting with my financial advisors when my phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I let out a deep sigh. It was my sister calling, and history told me it wasn’t going to be good news.

“Hey, Laura,” I greeted with forced cheerfulness, attempting to conceal my annoyance.

“Hi, Ronald.”

Uh-oh. When she went for the full name, trouble was brewing. Judging by her tone, it was trouble with a capital T.

“I just got a call from Lisa. And believe it or not, she just announced her divorce too!” Laura said, a hint of amusement in her voice.


Not exactly breaking news. I didn’t see my sisters that much, but each time I did, I was amazed at how cold their marital relationships seemed. Lisa’s marriage had been on life support for ages, and Laura’s own divorce last month had practically telegraphed her twin’s imminent split.

Ever since I was a boy, my younger twin sisters have always copied each other’s actions. As identical twins, they considered it their prerogative. From the moment I first laid my eyes on them, I knew I was in trouble. They were four years younger than me, infinitely annoying, and had gotten themselves in trouble more than I can remember. I had to pull them out of a couple of tight spots numerous times.

“Yeah…” Laura continued, “She finally had the guts to tell that douchebag to go fuck himself.”


I kept my responses short, a strategy I’d learned over the years to avoid putting my foot in it. Laura was clearly on a roll, and I had no desire to interrupt her venting session.

“So, as we were talking about that shitty husband of hers, we decided that we deserved a break.”

In typical drama queen fashion, she paused for effect. I simply said, “A break…”

“A break, yes! We were both married for thirteen years, and we think it’s time for us to party!”

“To party… Right. You do realize you’re thirty-six, and it’s a bit sad when divorced women your age start hitting the clubs?”

“We don’t care, Ron. We need to let off some steam, period.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. It was obvious that something was up. She never calls me just to complain. She does that with Lisa. No, she wanted something.

After another dramatic pause, she dropped the bomb, “Because Lisa and I think it’s a good idea that you look after the girls for a while…”

“What!? No way! I’m swamped over here, and—”

“Bullshit! And you know it! We all think it’s good for Sarah and Sandra to see how a normal male role model behaves. And I know it’s a bit unsettling, but we think you’re the closest thing to a normal male for them.” 

“But… I don’t have a clue how to babysit two eight-year-olds!”

“They’re twelve, almost thirteen, Ron…” Lisa corrected me. “They practically look after themselves. You’re just there to make sure they eat and won’t accidentally set the house on fire. I… we… well… We think it’s good if you guys reconnect. It’s good for you, too, you know?”

I sighed audibly, but after another short break, Laura dropped another bomb, “And it’s only going to be for a week.”

“A whole week?” I exclaimed.

“Don’t be a pussy, Ronald. It’ll be over before you know it. Trust me.”

I knew I was cornered, but I wasn’t about to surrender without a fight. “I… I can’t! I’ve got—”

My sister cut through my feeble protests, “We’ll drop the Esses off tomorrow morning so we can catch our flight in time. Make sure you’re ready.”

I paused for a second, feeling deflated, and said, “I’ll ask Maria to prepare two bedrooms.”

“You’re the best, Ron! See you tomorrow!”


I hung up, feeling defeated. Why did my sisters still have this much power over me? Sure, I liked my nieces, but babysitting was not on my agenda. Yet, as I contemplated the impending chaos to my life, Laura’s words stuck, and a small part of me looked forward to actually reconnecting with the girls. And I did feel a bit guilty for keeping them at a distance. Granted, their husbands had something to do with that. Actually, quite a lot, if I was honest. But they were still my sisters, and I was the one who always blew them off with some lame excuse. Maybe this was the start of reconnecting with them. Who knows.

My sisters did everything together. When Lisa had her first real boyfriend at fourteen, Laura had one a week later. Laura announced her marriage about a decade later, so Lisa announced hers six weeks after that. When Laura was pregnant, it only took Lisa a month to proudly announce her own pregnancy. As a result of this, my nieces were born four and a half weeks apart from each other. When the kids were together, which was nearly all of the time, people always asked if they were twins since they looked and dressed almost identically. And since both their names started with an S, the nickname ‘The Esses’ was born soon enough.

But the last time I saw them, they were about to turn nine, and now they were almost thirteen. I knew I wasn’t the best uncle in the world, and I felt a bit guilty for not seeing them as much as I wanted, as I didn’t have any children myself. So, the idea of looking after them now wasn’t as bad as I wanted Laura to believe. I actually looked forward to spending some time with them, but I didn’t want Laura or Lisa to know this.

However, my life had changed significantly since I last saw them. I had developed an early AI and ML model that caught the attention of big tech. When one of them came knocking to buy this tech, I initially refused their offer – and it was a generous offer! But I just knew I could do better. So, after almost another year of tweaking and tinkering, I had the feeling it was done and ready to conquer the world.

I realized I couldn’t market this alone. And I knew this would be a difficult task. As I was talking to a friend about this, by some miracle, the planets aligned, and I received the most important phone call of my life.

Another big tech company had been following me for a while and was highly interested in my project. And they made me an offer I just couldn’t refuse. I’d be filthy rich overnight, and I’d also get a decent percentage of stocks from that firm. Best of all, I could keep using my tech to further develop stuff I’d find interesting, and we’d renegotiate the terms if I would produce something interesting enough.

After I received the payment, I bought a vast piece of land near the ocean. On this land, there was an old, abandoned bomb shelter, lots of woods, but also a small, private beach. Steep cliffs surrounded my private beach, so I could work on my laptop while lounging in the sun and looking at the ocean without being disturbed by anyone. I hired an architect to build me a house on the cliff with lots of windows and natural light so I could see both the sea and the woods from up there.

This house turned out even better than I’d envisioned. It had a massive basement carved into the rocks, which I’d transformed into my workshop, seamlessly connected to the bomb shelter through a series of tunnels. It had a cozy movie theater that could fit a small group of people. A spacious outdoor and indoor pool that appeared to blend into the cliff, creating the illusion of diving straight into the ocean. And, of course, a generous living room, a fully equipped kitchen, and an oversized garage for my other passion: sports cars. I’d automated everything with AI and smart tools, but I’d also brought on some staff to lend a hand. Being a forty-year-old single man in a house this big was both liberating and suffocating.

My hair had recently turned more into a salt-and-pepper-colored bush. Thankfully, it was still a full and lush bush of hair. Despite working mainly behind a desk, I’ve always had the intrinsic motivation to stay fit. Before I struck it big with my software, I used to hit the gym at least three times a week. Now, with my own gym at home, I worked out almost daily. Good genes helped, but I never aimed to be buff. I didn’t want a dad-bod, but I wasn’t aiming for huge muscles either. I was fit, especially for my age, and proud of the shape I was in.

Enter Maria, my housekeeper. She was a pretty woman, and despite my attempts at flirting, she politely turned me down, revealing she was a lesbian. Initially disappointed, I considered letting her go, but our dynamic turned out to be perfect. We share a more roommate-like relationship than the typical boss-employee setup, with no underlying tension. It’s a powerful bond that transcends the professional.

But I liked to be alone. My sisters always teased me for being a hermit, but living alone in this spacious mansion feels like paradise to me. Sure, there was a brief stint when I lived the playboy life, cruising into town in my flashy sports cars, picking up one or two beautiful women to indulge in a night of passion at my mansion. Threesomes and foursomes weren’t uncommon, but every departure left me feeling like a sleaze and downright miserable.

Maria was always frank with me, and after another night of endless sex where she’d find me on the couch in my underwear looking like shit, she confronted me and asked, “Why do you put yourself through this, Ron?”

“Do what?”

“You’re pretending to be someone you’re not.”

“I’m not trying…”

“Yes, you are. Admit it. You’re a loner. You don’t need people. Just embrace it and keep a small circle of friends. That’s all you need!”

“I… I don’t…”

“Think about it,” Maria advised before walking away.

Maria was something else. Despite not being on my payroll for that long, she could read me like an open book and never shied away from telling it like it was. The more I reflected on it, the more I had to admit it. She was right! I loved being alone! Society had this misguided notion that solitude was a sad state and that people should pity those labeled as loners. But truth be told, I could go for weeks without a soul around, and I’d still be in high spirits.

Once I fully embraced this realization, my life settled back into a comfortable routine. Sure, I’d venture out occasionally, but the days of bringing a woman home were now more like a once-a-month thing rather than the nightly extravaganzas of the past. And you know what? I loved it! Maria’s company was enjoyable, and Hank, my groundskeeper, was a hilarious guy who always found a way to have fun with me. So, yeah, life was good.

And then, there was this impending disruption. Two young girls about to turn my peaceful haven into a playground. I gave Maria a mission: go out and stock up on board games, coloring books, and anything else that might entertain little kids. She gave me a curious look and shrugged but ultimately went ahead and did as I asked.

When she returned, I knew we needed to have a difficult conversation. Maria had requested a two-week vacation to Hawaii with her girlfriend Anna, and Maria was planning to propose to her during the trip. But I couldn’t manage the girls on my own; I needed Maria’s help. My heart sank when I heard her open the front door.

“What’s up, Ron?” Maria asked, noticing my expression.

“Can you sit down, please?”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No! No… it’s just that…” I sighed deeply, “I can’t manage the girls on my own for a whole week. I know it’s short notice, but my sisters…”

“So… I can’t go on vacation?” Maria interrupted.

“It’s… uhm… I don’t think so, no. I’m really sorry, Maria, but I just can’t.”

“Well… fuck,” she muttered, leaning back in her chair, looking defeated.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you, and I’ll cover all the cancellation costs. But I really need your help right now.”

After a moment of silence, Maria stared into the distance, then stood up and looked me in the eyes. “Okay. But you have to promise to listen to me and not be stubborn. I practically raised my sister and little brother, so I know what I’m doing.”

“Deal!” I said, feeling immensely relieved.

I chuckled at how she stood with her hand on her hip, like a true diva. I stood up to give Maria a firm hug.

She quickly broke the hug and said, “I’ll go and call Anna. Not sure how she’s going to take this.”

“Good luck! I’ll call the travel agency and cancel everything. If you need anything, just let me know!”

Maria grabbed her purse and handed me all the information I needed to cancel everything. It was the least I could do, and I felt grateful and relieved that she was willing to stay and help me out.

“But don’t think I’ll forget this,” Maria said, her eyes flashing with intensity. “I’m helping you because you’re a nice guy, and I don’t want to lose this job. But I’m furioso about all this.”

“I understand,” I replied, knowing her well enough not to push back at that moment.

“It’s always me,” she continued angrily. “You don’t ask Hank to come back from his vacation.”

“That’s different, and you know it,” I said carefully.

Her anger seemed to simmer down a bit. The fire in her eyes softened as she looked at me and said, “I know. But it’s just…”

“I get it. And you have every right to be angry with me. But I promise I will make it up to you!”

“I know you will.”

With that, she turned and walked away from me. I had never seen her so upset before, and for a moment, I feared she might resign. Thankfully, her fiery Mexican temperament didn’t completely take over at that moment. 

End of part one

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Ibi habetis. Alia nova fabula, sicut pro te

In the Deep End – Part two

In the Deep End

In the Deep End – Part two

Freshly showered, shaved, plucked, and most anything else she could think of to avoid the inevitable return to the madhouse, Janice put on her bikini and prepared to go out into the hallway. She now wished she’d brought more modest swimwear, but it hadn’t even occurred to her. Not that there was anything wrong with the bikini. It wasn’t particularly daring in any way, just a simple black swimsuit that for some reason now struck her as incredibly sexy.

Poking her head into the hallway, she was relieved to find she was alone. She’d almost expected Emily to be waiting for her. She went with some trepidation back downstairs. Perhaps she could talk the kids into going out, she thought suddenly. Putt putt. Did kids do putt putt anymore? That seemed like a safe activity. However, looking down at her bikini she realized she was pretty much committed. Besides, what was she so worried about? She was the adult here. She was in charge.

Filled with new determination, she marched to the back of the house. She knew the pool was in the back, a huge, glass enclosed structure surrounded outside with a large, private lawn, hidden by high shrubs and a security fence beyond that. The pool was through a set of glass doors in the living room, and as she neared she got an idea of the size, which was impressive. She’d only gotten a vague impression the night before, as the pool had been dark.

The pool was long. She knew the kids were both swimmers, with Emily being the distance swimmer and Logan being the diver. Their father had indulged them and installed a twenty-five meter pool equipped with starter blocks and an impressive five, three, and one meter dive platform as well as diving boards. The depth of the swimming lane section was six feet along it’s length, but there was a shallow section off to the side for lounging. The deep end under the diving boards and platform was thirteen feet.

Janice saw someone moving in the pool, a sleek form moving gracefully through the water. As she slid open the door she was hit with the smell of chlorine and the clean scent of plants, which were sprinkled throughout to mask the scent of the former. Sound echoed differently in the large space, and she could hear the swimmer now.

Apparently they could hear her as well, as a blonde head came to a stop and made it’s way to the side of the pool. “Hi, Aunt Janice!” Emily called. She waved an arm, beckoning her. “C’mon in!”

Janice lifted a hand in greeting and stepped forward. She realized she’d forgotten to close the door, but when she turned to do so she found Logan standing there. The boy was still in the same briefs from that morning. There was no longer a wet spot on the front, and he didn’t seem to be erect any longer, his penis just a small lump in the material now.

“You should ask her,” he called, obviously talking to his sister.

“But mom said,” Emily whined.

The boy crossed his thin arms across his skinny chest and said, “You should still ask her.”

“She’s family,” Emily insisted.

“Ask me what?” Janice asked.

Logan sighed and explained, “When it’s just family, we’re allowed to swim naked. I told Em she should ask before just doing it, but,” and he leaned around and pitched his voice louder, “she just doesn’t listen.”

“She’s family,” Emily repeated.

“Uh…” Janice stalled, “guys, I’m not sure how comfortable I feel with that.”

“See?” Logan said. “I told you.”

“You mean I gotta put my stupid suit on?” Emily responded.

“You’re not wearing anything now?” Janice asked, surprised.

“No,” Emily said, and suddenly she lifted the top half of her body out of the pool. Janice couldn’t help but lock onto the girl’s budding little breasts, shining with wetness. Seeing her aunt hesitate, she asked, with just a hint of coyness, “Do I really have to?”

“I… I don’t…” Janice stammered. “I don’t want you guys to feel uncomfortable in your own house,” she finally said. She wasn’t sure if it was the right decision. She wasn’t sure there was a right decision.

“Yay!” Emily cried, slipping back down into the pool without a sound.

“So I suppose you’ll -” Janice began, turning to her nephew, but she was startled to find he’d already shucked off his briefs and was standing next to her completely naked. She hurriedly avoided looking at him.

“Are you going to take yours off?” Logan inquired.

“Uh… I think I’m just going to sit and relax for a bit,” Janice said, not even turning her head to look at him.

She sensed more than saw his shrug, and then he was trotting past her, his pert little ass flashing as he picked up speed and dove with all the grace of an otter into the pool. Janice had seen no tan lines there, his taut ass just as dark as the rest of him. Emily by this time surfaced on the far side, and Logan soon joined her. Finding a lawn chair, Janice sank into it, aware that the kids were speaking in low voices together.

Janice worried what they might have planned, and then chastised herself for imaging that there was any sort of planning going on at all. After a few moments and a final entreaty from Emily to join them which Janice waved off, the kids set about playing together.

Janice was happy to find a book on a small table next to the lounger. It was some schlocky romance novel, the type she knew her sister loved to read. She tried to get into it, only occasionally glancing up when she saw one nude sibling or the other run by, luckily far enough away that she didn’t get a lot of detail. Both of the kids wanted her to watch them dive, Logan doing some impressive somersaults off the five meter board, but again, distance kept all but the vaguest details of their bodies from her, which was fine with her.

It wasn’t until she heard the voice nearly right over her that she realized she’d fallen into the story in spite of herself and hadn’t even realized that the kids had walked up on her. “You said you’d come swimming,” Emily reminded her.

Startled, Janice glanced up to find Emily was standing right at the foot of the lounger. The girl’s sleek young body was shining wetly, highlighting her burgeoning curves. She had her hands on each of her slightly cocked hips, clearly displaying herself. Her tiny nipples were erect, her breasts small, but deliciously pert, just beginning to round. Water dripped down over her stomach into a thin little dusting of dark blonde pubic hair, pasted against her little mound. She was standing with her legs far enough apart for Janice to see the sleek pink lips of her vagina.

Tearing her eyes away just led her into more trouble, as Logan was standing practically at her left shoulder, and a glance had her staring directly at his crotch. No expert on penises, she could only think of the Seinfeld episode and the joke about shrinkage. She imagined that must be the case here, as Logan’s naked penis didn’t at all resemble what she imagined it must have looked like this morning, had he been naked then. It was less than two inches long, and she could see rows of wrinkles along it’s pale length. The bit on the end was a bit bluish, perhaps from the water she thought, and the little wrinkled bag which hung underneath was hugged up close, allowing her to see two grape-sized shapes within. Logan, like his sister, had only a light dusting of silky hairs at the base of his penis, probably darker than usual for being wet. Her final analysis, after a moment of thought, was that it was sort of adorable.

“I did say I’d swim,” Janice said. “I just got caught up in this book.”

“Swimming is more fun,” Emily assured her. “C’mon!”

Trapped, Janice swung her legs off to the left of the lounger. Unfortunately, this left her less than a foot away from Logan’s penis. “Okay, let’s go,” she said.

“Are you gonna take off your suit?” Emily asked.

“Does your mom swim with you naked?” Janice had to know.

“Sure, all the time,” Emily said.

“And what about your dad?” Janice asked, curious as to what was going on in this house.

“Well,” the girl paused, “not with Daddy. Not anymore.”

“Not anymore?” Janice asked, curious despite herself.

Emily giggled, “Because Daddy kept getting boners. Like Logan but a lot bigger.”

Apparently feeling slighted in some way, Logan said, “Only because you were always rubbing against him.”

“It’s called hugging, dummy,” Emily responded and proceeded to stick her tongue out at her older brother.

“It’s not hugging when Dad is layin’ down and you sit on top of his thing while you’re both naked and start rubbing. It’s called humping.”

Wow, Rachael thought, no wonder Ray wouldn’t swim in the nude with them.

Emily shrugged as if the semantics bored her.

“But you two swim naked together?” Janice pressed, although the answer was obvious. She just couldn’t understand how two such obviously sexually charged kids could do that and not… well, she wouldn’t allow herself to think of that.

“Of course,” Emily said, moving over to her brother. There was a sudden twinkle in the girl’s eyes that Janice didn’t like. Janice watched as the girl slid herself up under her brother’s left arm, so that it was around her neck. She hugged herself to his side, her left hand reaching out to lightly caress his stomach. Logan’s hand hovered awkwardly between the girl’s small breasts. A quick glance showed Janice that Logan wasn’t entirely comfortable with the move and she knew that the girl was definitely the aggressor in their relationship, whatever it was.

“Are you gonna take off your suit?” Emily repeated. Her hand slid a couple of inches downward along her brother’s slick body, moving playfully just below his innie navel. “Logan wants to see your boobs,” Emily grinned.

“I do not!” Logan protested, turning crimson, but there wasn’t a lot of power in his voice, and his eyes flicked guiltily towards her breasts and then away.

Janice was trying to formulate a response as she watched Emily’s fingers slip brazenly downward, her eyes daring her to say something. The woman swallowed as she watched her niece begin to playfully run her finger through her brother’s sparse pubic hair.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Janice managed to croak.

“What do you mean?” Emily grinned, her finger not stopping.

“Emily, that’s not appropriate,” Janice said, but there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice she didn’t like and that surely the perceptive little girl picked up on.

“What isn’t?” Emily teased, and then she ran a finger down along the short length of Logan’s penis before gently taking it between thumb and forefinger.

“Em,” Logan said warily, glancing nervously at his aunt.

Janice didn’t know why she was allowing herself to be drawn into this discussion, nor why she couldn’t tear her eyes away. Already Logan’s small member was beginning to lengthen as Emily gently tugged on it.

“You guys are brother and sister,” Janice said. “You shouldn’t touch each other like that.”

“But Logan likes it, don’t you, Logan?” Emily replied reasonably. When she reached down to caress the boy’s small testicles his penis remained sticking straight out, but continued to lengthen and lift with each heartbeat.

Within just a few moments, Janice finally got to see what she imagined she’d have seen at breakfast if Logan had simply walked into the kitchen naked. Gone were the wrinkles. What she saw now was a smooth tube of pale flesh, standing almost perfectly upright, although with the slightest of curves to the left, and quivering with hardness. The little glans was now gaining more of a pinkish hue, and had widened, but was still a bit thinner than the shaft beneath, a sleek bullet shape. Head met shaft at a little V-juncture, where a tiny membrane of skin sat and melted into a slight collar of thicker skin that she took to be the remnants of his foreskin.

Along the shaft was what looked like some sort of thick tube underneath the flesh, and she could see traceries of red veins along its length. Down below, under his sister’s gentle ministrations, Logan’s teen scrotum was loosening, making it easier for his sister to manipulate the delicate little balls within. Janice estimated that the boy’s penis was just over four inches, and maybe an inch thick. While still not the discomfort-inducing things she remembered from her previous sexual encounters with men, it was still more formidable than it had been just moments before.

“See?” Emily said, wrapping her tiny fist around her brother’s erection; all the evidence needed to prove that Logan did indeed like being touched there.

“Do you do that in front of your mom as well?” Janice asked.

“Well, not like this,” Emily said, sensuously stroking her hand up and down the boy’s shaft a few times. Logan squirmed. “But sometimes when he gets a boner I’ll just squeeze it to tease him.”

“And your mom is okay with that?” Janice asked, disbelieving.

“She thinks it’s kinda funny,” Emily said. “She says not to be mean and tease him, but she usually laughs when she says it. And sometimes she squeezes it, too.” Emily giggled. “She baby talks to it. She calls it Little Logan. Like,” and she adopted a baby voice, “Is Widdle Wogan all stiffy wiffy? Poor baby.” Emily laughed. “Once she even said she was gonna kiss it and make it feel better, but she didn’t. But I do, don’t I, Logan?” she finished sweetly.

“Em!” Logan said, with real warning in his voice now.

Janice felt her eyes widening in shock.

Seeing her aunt’s reaction, Emily said, “Wanna see?” and she immediately dropped to her knees and pulled on Logan’s erect penis so that he had no choice but to turn to face her.

“Em, stop!” Logan said, casting a frantic look at his aunt.

Janice knew she should be the one saying something, but it was like she’d been struck mute and she watched as Emily pulled her brother’s cock down until it was sticking straight out, and then she carefully wrapped her lips around it.

“Em,” Logan tried again, but this time there was no force at all in his voice as his sister slid forward, taking more and more of his teen cock into her mouth.

Once the girl’s lips encountered the silky-haired base she pulled back slowly, until the shiny tip slid with a soft sound out of her mouth, but the preteen girl wasn’t quite finished, using her tiny pink tongue to swirl a sensuous circle around the shiny cockhead and taking just the tip back between her lips again for a couple of bobbing strokes. Then, releasing it from her mouth, but still holding it down to point at her face, she turned a triumphant look at her aunt, her eyes dancing mischievously.

“Have you ever sucked a boy’s thing before?” the girl asked.

Janice shook her head mutely.

“You might like it,” the girl said. “Do you wanna try? I could show you how.”

The urge to lean forward and take that shiny tube of young flesh into her mouth was suddenly a very real one, and Janice, shocked, recoiled. What the hell was she thinking?

“I have to go,” she said weakly, but she was stopped by two things. The first was the fact that in order to stand she’d have to move even closer to Logan’s tantalizing young erection, and the second was the fact that she didn’t think her legs would support her. She also realized, to her shame, that she was soaked through, and her pussy was suddenly pulsing with need.

Either she somehow sensed it, or Emily had decided to try a different tact. Taking a couple of shuffling steps forward on her knees, she came up to Janice and put her hands on the woman’s thighs. Janice looked between her nephew, who’s cock was back to pointing to the ceiling, and her niece, who’s hands were so warm on her thighs.

Emily, suddenly shy, or so it seemed, was lightly caressing her aunt’s legs. “Aunt Janice?” she asked.

“Wh-what?” Janice managed.

Emily twisted her skinny hips a bit against her aunt’s knees, until the woman had no choice but to spread her legs and the little girl instantly insinuated herself between them, pressing closer and closer, her hands rising higher and higher up her thighs. Then the girl’s face lifted and met hers, all wide-eyed innocence. “Do you think you could teach me about gay sex?” she asked softly.

Janice was shocked, and then startled when she felt the girl’s thumbs brush against her crotch through her bikini. “Okay! That’s it!” she exclaimed. She took a firm grip on both of Emily’s shoulders and moved her backwards so that she could stand. Then she maneuvered away from Logan, who was playing idly with the head of his young dick. “I don’t know what this game is,” she told them firmly, “but I’m not playing it. You guys… no more of…” and she waved her hands vaguely at them, “whatever this is. Not while I’m in charge. And the next time I see you, you’d better have some damned clothes on.”

And with that, she stalked away, once again feeling lucky to have escaped.

The End

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Yes, really! The End. No more chapters will follow. Not written by me, nor by Rwxxx13. Sadly, he passed away and will never write another chapter. Even though I think it deserves a more satisfying ending, I’ll never write an end to it. I don’t want to touch this genius writer’s work, because I know I’ll never do it justice. But please! Feel free to do so yourself, and send it to me and I might end up posting it here!


In the Deep End – Part one

In the Deep End

In the Deep End – Part one

When Janice’s older sister Barb asked her to come watch her kids for two weeks, she was happy to arrange things so that she could do so. New York was miserable this time of year and San Diego was always gorgeous. Besides, it had been nearly two years since she’d seen her niece and nephew and they had always been sweet kids.

Janice worked as a graphic artist, but she was freelance and could work pretty much anywhere. The only thing that kept her in New York was the city itself, and her girlfriend, but having a break from both would be a nice change of pace. Not that she and Alex were having any problems, but every couple could use a break from time to time, or so she believed.

She was able to wrap up things in New York quickly and two days later she was on a plane. This wasn’t a planned vacation on Barb’s part. Her husband, Ray, got sent to St. Bart’s on business and he found he would have some unexpected downtime and thought she should come out to be with him. Although it was the height of summer and the kids were out of school, mom and dad thought a private vacation was just what they needed and Janice was happy to help.

She was met at the airport by her sister, but wouldn’t have recognized the kids if Barb hadn’t been with them. Janice and Barbara both had the light coloring of their mother, and Ray was also a blond, so the kids had always been light complected and fair. They’d grown so much since she last saw them that she could hardly believe it.

Although perhaps a bit small for his age, her nephew Logan was now thirteen and was clearly going to be a beautiful young man, with his bright green eyes, delicate features and sensual mouth. Not quite five feet, he was as thin and graceful as his sister Emily, who at eleven was almost as tall as he was. In fact, they looked more like twins than siblings with two years between them. The kids had nearly identical hair styles, wavy strands which just brushed their shoulders. Janice wondered if that was somehow intentional. In fact, if it weren’t for the little bumps just visible on her niece’s chest, and the lack of such on Logan, she might have wondered if they were the same sex, although if that would have been male or female she wasn’t sure. She supposed there was a soft masculinity to Logan’s face that was absent in Emily’s.

Barb didn’t look like she’d aged a single day, and she wondered how she was holding up herself. She was three years younger than her sister, and at thirty-one she worked hard to keep herself in good shape. Each of the sisters shared a slim, slightly athletic figure, with smallish breasts and hips and smoothly rounded behinds. However, where Janice preferred t-shirts and jeans whenever she could get away with it, Barb had taken to her husband’s lifestyle and usually sported little cocktail dresses or something sharp and business-like, looking like some female CEO. Today she was wearing a beautiful little skirt and a blouse with just a hint of tasteful jewelry. Logan was dressed in those baggy shorts all boys seemed to wear these days, with a t-shirt advertising what she thought was a video game underneath an unbuttoned short-sleeve plaid shirt. Emily was wearing a cute little sundress, just tight enough across the bodice to show off her tiny new breasts. In fact, the whole family looked like they’d just stepped out of a print ad for something beachy and expensive.

After the hugs and greetings, Janice held each child out at arm’s length, making a point of exclaiming just how much they’d grown and asking her sister what she was feeding them. After collecting her luggage they made their way out to the car for the hour and a half drive to her sister’s house. They’d moved since she lasted visited, so she got a tour of the house, each child insisting on showing off their rooms and the other major area of interest, that being the pool. Then it was time to clean up and head out to dinner. Barb would be picked up by a service at five in the morning in order to make her flight, so after sitting up just a short while to visit after the kids had gone to bed, the adults also headed off for the night.

Janice turned over to grab her phone when the alarm went off the next morning, but she reached to the wrong side of the bed, having momentarily forgotten where she was. Janice was usually an early-riser in any case, as she liked to get a good start on the day, but she was feeling the jet lag this morning and would have likely stayed under the covers if she hadn’t agreed with Barb that the fewer interruptions in the kids’ schedule the better, so she needed to get up and make them breakfast.

She’d slept in the nude, as was her habit, so she took a moment after a quick visit to the bathroom to pull on a t-shirt and some panties and cotton leggings. She took a moment to orient herself in the hallway and then headed to the stairs which would lead down to the kitchen. She didn’t hear anything from either kid’s room as she passed.

Janice had to admit her sister’s home was beautiful. And so much space! This much room in New York would have cost a fortune. Of course, looking around she imagined it must have cost a fortune anyway. The kitchen was clean and bright and modern. A couple of minutes hunting around and she had everything she needed to start breakfast.

She had just finished cooking, buttering the last slice of toast and putting it on the table with plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit, and pitchers of orange juice and milk, when the Keurig informed her that her coffee was ready. A bit of milk and sweetener and she sank gratefully into a chair at the small breakfast table.

Only a couple of minutes later Janice heard footsteps on the hardwood floors in the living room and then Emily’s girlish voice asking, “Is that bacon?”

The girl came into the kitchen, and that’s when Janice got her first surprise of the day. It wouldn’t be the last. Emily was a skinny little thing. Well, not precisely skinny, but certainly slender. She had what Janice knew would be the same slim, athletic build that she and her mother shared. Her bare legs seemed impossibly long, aided in large part by the fact that her little girl panties rode so high on her thin hips.

The girl’s panties seemed tiny, a little pink triangle that barely covered her small mound. To the side, near the waistband was a tiny round-headed figure licking a lollipop and winking. Below it was written, ‘Eye Candy’. Janice was shocked. She could see the girl’s vulva clearly through the thin material. She was a bit alarmed as she felt a tingle race through her at the sight. Yes, she was a lesbian, but she’d never been attracted to a young girl before. Especially her own niece. It wasn’t just the panties either. Up top Emily was wearing a too-small, spaghetti strapped tee, which left nothing to the imagination, especially when she bent over to hug her aunt and Janice was able to see her little tits plainly. Not that she had all that much to see, the girl’s tiny breasts being about the size of a half-lemon, more of a swelling topped with little brown boyish nipples than actual boobs.

Janice patted her niece uncomfortably on the back, unsure how to respond and baffled by her own response. “Did you sleep well?” she finally asked, at a loss of what to say.

“Yeah,” Emily smiled. “It’s gonna be so cool having you here,” she said. Then she glanced around for a moment and turned to go to a cupboard. It took many long moments for Janice to realize that the girl had gone to grab a glass, which she’d forgotten to put on the table. The reason for the delay in making the connection was the discovery that the girl’s little panties were in fact a thong. Did they even make thongs for such little girls? Apparently they did. Janice didn’t want to look, but her niece’s pert little ass was magnetic. She was barely able to shake herself out of it and she was staring fixedly down at her cup of coffee by the time the girl turned and came back to the table, where she poured herself a glass of milk and sat down across from her.

Emily began to talk about possible plans for the day, but Janice found it very difficult to listen. She was trying not to stare at the little girl’s breasts through the thin tee. Apparently the kitchen was a bit cool, because her tiny nipples were poking against the material. Of course, the girl was practically naked, so of course she’d be cool. That was when Logan joined them.

The boy stumbled sleepily into the kitchen, his eyes slits against the brightness through the window. He was absently scratching his belly and yawning. The boy was dressed only in a pair of powder blue briefs, and not the type of briefs Janice would have expected, thick cotton with the traditional Y front, but instead a thin, clingy cotton which hugged his hips and had no opening in the front. Which was probably a good thing, because his erection would have surely managed to escape otherwise.

Emily snorted with amusement into her milk, her eyes locked on her brother’s straining erection. Janice saw the girl glance at her from the corner of her eye to see if she’d noticed, and she was unable to pull her eyes away quickly enough to pretend she hadn’t. The boy didn’t have an adult-sized penis in his briefs, but it was bigger than she’d have imagined, if she’d have tried to imagine it, which she wouldn’t have. The thin tube of flesh was poking out at what she estimated was about a sixty degree angle, and she could clearly see the outline of the boy’s glans through the thin cloth, as it was wider around than the shaft. She could even see a little indent where the pee hole would be.

Realizing that she was staring, Janice tore her eyes away. She instead caught Emily’s bright green eyes, which were dancing with merriment and mischief. “He gets like that all the time,” she confided in a softer voice which wasn’t actually supposed to be hidden from her brother. Logan snorted dismissively and went to get his own glass. Janice realized her eyes were following yet another pert little bottom across the room. At least this one wasn’t bare.

Janice wasn’t sure if it was the early morning sun shining through the window, or the coffee, or something else, but she suddenly felt overly warm. Logan returned with a glass and stood at the table pouring a glass of orange juice, seemingly totally oblivious to his erection, or simply not caring. Janice studiously ignored it until he sat between the two females, but she could still see it poking up in his lap as he grunted what sounded like a greeting and began to load his plate with food.

Janice had very little experience with penises. She’d had a couple of experiences in high school, losing her virginity when she was a junior. It was a disaster and she hadn’t tried again until college. It didn’t go any better the second time and she finally accepted what she’d known all along, that she liked girls. Women, she was quick to correct herself in her mind with a glance at her niece.

Men were just so… brutish. With their hairy bodies and thick, aggressive cocks. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Logan’s young penis was as stiff as ever. She wondered if the thing ever went down. She was sure she’d heard somewhere about the stamina of young men. She supposed that went for young boys as well. She also realized that a small, dime-sized area of wetness had appeared where the head of his dick was pressing and thought back to her middle school health classes to realize it was the male equivalent of a girl’s pussy getting wet with excitement. Did that mean the boy was excited, or was this just normal? She also knew anecdotal stories about ‘morning wood’ and ‘piss hardons’. She wasn’t sure if this fell into one of those categories.

Janice found herself wondering what it would look like, her nephew’s penis. How big was that? About four inches perhaps? Five? What did five inches of penis look like? She had a vague memory of the boy she lost her virginity to proudly proclaiming to have six inches. His was much bigger than Logan’s, wasn’t it? Did he have any hair down there? There was certainly none on his body. She’d seen him scratching an armpit at the table and there was no hair there. None on his chest or stomach. He didn’t even have that ridiculous little mustache some boys got when they started going through puberty. In fact, she imagine that if she were to put Logan next to Emily and stripped them both naked, covering only their chest areas and groins that it would be almost impossible to tell boy from girl. The thought of a boy that was so much like a girl was somehow… intriguing.

Finished shoveling food into his mouth for the moment, Logan finally spoke, saying, “Hi, Aunt Janice. Thanks for breakfast. It’s really good.”

“He lives,” Emily teased, earning herself a scowl from her older brother. Glancing away, she said, sotto voce, “Well, we already knew part of him lived.”

“Shut up,” Logan said, finally blushing a little bit. He turned a quick glance at his aunt before turning to his sister and saying, “Mom says it’s normal.”

Janice saw Logan’s left hand creep into his lap, to cover himself she thought, but then she realized he was just squeezing the lump there.

“It’s like that practically all the time,” Emily confided again, as if to make sure her aunt hadn’t missed it the first time.

“Em,” Logan warned, stretching out the syllable and glancing nervously at his aunt.

Apparently done with the subject, Emily looked to her aunt and said, “Mom says you’re a lesbian.”

Startled, Janice replied, “Uh… yeah. Yes. That’s true, Emily.”

“See?” Emily said, as if she’d just won some sort of argument. “She doesn’t even care about what you have down there.”

While Logan sputtered, Emily said, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Uh… yes, I do,” Janice replied. “Her name is Alex.”

“That’s a boy’s name,” Logan pointed out helpfully.

“Why didn’t she come with you?” the girl asked.

“Well, she has to work,” she said to Emily, and then to Logan, “It’s short for Alexandra.”

“What does she do?” Emily asked.

“She’s an attorney,” Janice told her.

“That’s cool,” Emily replied. “Like my dad.” Before she could answer, Emily continued. “Did you ever have a boyfriend?”

Reeling from the rapid-fire questions, Janice replied, “A couple. When I was younger.”

“Did you have sex with them?” the girl asked.

“Well, that’s really none of your business,” Janice said, surprised.

“How do girls have sex together?”

“Well, that’s really none of your business,” Janice said.

Logan was watching this back and forth with interest, and Janice noticed that the wet spot at the tip of his penis had grown larger. He was clutching his erection tightly, and she was sure he even jacked it a couple of times. It was time to get out of here before things got even more weird.

“Well, I cooked, so I’m going to leave it to you guys to clean up, alright?” Janice said, standing.

“What are we gonna do then?” Emily asked, standing herself. Janice couldn’t help but notice the still-stiff little nipples and the way the girl cocked her slim hips.

“Well, I don’t know about you,” Janice said, “but I’m going to go take a shower.”

“Do you wanna go swimming after?” the girl asked, stepping closer.

“Maybe we could do that,” Janice answered nervously. “If that’s what you guys want to do.”

“We swim a lot,” Logan answered, rising from his chair. It was a mixed blessing to see that the boy’s erection had subsided to some degree. Mixed because on the one hand it was looking smaller in his tight briefs, but on the other, that left it poking out at a forty-five degree angle, which seemed somehow even more obscene. The boy began to gather dishes.

“Well, we don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Janice said.

“No, I mean we like to swim a lot,” Logan clarified.

Imagining that the boy would be dressed in those over-sized shorts all boys seemed to wear, she thought that would be a great improvement. “Swimming it is, then,” Janice said, trying on a smile.

Emily smiled happily and stepped forward to wrap her arms around the woman. Janice felt her niece’s head between her breasts, the girl’s own firm little tits pressed to her abdomen. “It’s so great to have you here,” she repeated. Janice shuddered as she felt hot breath from the girl’s mouth slide across her nipple, which stiffened instantly in response, much to her embarrassment.

She carefully unwrapped herself from the girl and forced herself to walk away slowly, literally feeling as if she were escaping.

Of course, the entire time she was in the shower, Janice’s thoughts were filled with her niece and nephew, which was really the worst of times to be thinking of them, she thought. Naked, in the shower, her thoughts had a natural tendency to turn to things sexual, which was the last thing she wanted on her mind right now. The kids were family of course, but they’d spent so much time apart over the years, only seeing each other every couple of years at Christmas or Thanksgiving, that they were practically strangers as well. Especially now that they were growing into actual little people, instead of just little bags of noise and nonsense. Of course, strangers or not, they were children, so such thoughts were inappropriate at best and frighteningly deviant at worst.

When was the last time she’d even thought about a penis? she wondered as she soaped her breasts, not realizing that her nipples were stiffening as she once again pictured Logan’s erection straining against his briefs. Alex liked to use dildos and vibrators from time to time, and Janice was happy to help her girlfriend in those moments, but she hadn’t been penetrated since college and hadn’t even thought about a real penis in years. She was always just vaguely repulsed by the thought of them. As her hand moved absently downward across her stomach and across her groin, she realized she didn’t once have that reaction as she’d watched Logan.

And what about Emily? she thought as she slid a hand between her legs. There was trouble, for certain. There was a knowing, wicked look in that young girl’s eyes that she recognized as nothing but trouble. She wondered if the girl always dressed so provocatively, or if it had somehow been for her benefit. So brazenly showing off her little pussy, her pert little ass, her budding little breasts…

Janice gasped as she realized she’d slid a finger into her pussy. She quickly pulled her hand away, trying to control her breathing. She was being silly. Of course the girl hadn’t done it for her. After all, her brother would have reacted if he wasn’t used to seeing her that way.

But then, what was all of that about, she wondered? An eleven-year-old girl and a thirteen-year-old boy, each quite obviously in the first explosive stages of puberty, showing themselves off like that, whether to her or just to each other. What did Emily think, seeing her brother’s hard-on? What did Logan imagine as he saw his sister’s nubile, near-naked body? Did Barb really let the kids run around like that? Did she watch Logan walk around with that straining erection every morning…?

Janice shuddered and realized that once again she was lightly fingering her pussy. Fuck, she was in trouble. She thought about finishing herself off right there, but knew that unlike a man, it wouldn’t release any pressure, but just rev her up for more. The best thing to do was ignore it. So, gritting her teeth, she reached down and began to turn the water as cold as she could stand it, shivering under the freezing spray until the urge to touch herself faded.

End of part one

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Beach Bums – Part 1

Beach Bums
rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Zach Jacobs stretched and squinted against the morning sunlight streaking through the crooked slats of his blinds. They’d gotten bent up one night when a friend of his was sneaking in through the window and accidentally tore them down. So much for stealth. He’d never bothered trying to straighten them and his mom wouldn’t replace them as some sort of punishment.

Zach had a sheet stretched across his stomach and for a moment he pulled it up under his chin, luxuriating in the warmth of his bed. He thought about going back to sleep, but a glance at his digital clock told him Benji would probably be over soon. Besides, his mom seemed to think it was some sort of sin to sleep past nine a.m. even if it was summer. Actually, his mom thought he should join her every morning to see the sunrise, as it was supposed to improve his soul or something. His mom thought a lot of things.

With a sigh of resignation, the thirteen-year-old threw back the sheet and slid out of the bed, body heavy and wanting nothing more than to crawl back under the covers. Eyes still squinted and feeling a bit fuzzy, he left his room and headed to the bathroom, lead, as he was every morning, by a pulsing erection protruding against his thin white briefs.

In the hall bathroom, which was designated as his so the seat was already up, he hooked a finger into his waistband and freed his young boner, then leaned against the wall at a forty-five degree angle until he could pee without spraying piss all over the place. After a couple of false starts where he had to mentally convince his bladder that he was indeed awake and it was okay to let go, he let loose a forceful stream and sighed.

Still feeling barely awake, Zach put his briefs back in place, flushed and made his way down the hall, stretching still. The pee had done nothing for his erection, which still stretched the front of his briefs. Zach didn’t wear boxer-briefs like every other boy he knew. When he was twelve one of his mother’s boyfriends was some French guy, and he’d introduced the boy to European style briefs, thin, form-fitting, and all of a color. They were the only clothes Zach really cared about and his mother was happy to get them for him.

Walking into the kitchen, Zach muttered, “Hey, Mom,” while going to the fridge and taking out a bottle of orange juice, which he drank from directly while standing in the open door, bathed in morning light through the window over the sink, which also brought him the fading nighttime scent of jasmine.

“Zachy,” his mom, Crystal, scolded lightly, “you didn’t say hi to ‘Becca.” Rebecca was one of his mom’s new friends from yoga. His mom was taking yoga classes now. Next month it would be transcendental meditation or past life regression or some other spiritual fad. His mother was a self-professed seeker.

“Hey,” Zach said, barely glancing at the woman as he screwed the top back on the orange juice and put it back in the fridge. It was impossible to tell if the boy wasn’t aware of his obvious erection, or simply didn’t care.

“Uh… hi, Zach,” the woman said, eyes locked on the front of the boy’s briefs. She was easier to read. There was a hunger there, but it was obviously warring with the guilt of being so turned on by such a young boy.

The woman could hardly be blamed though. Zach Jacobs was a near perfect example of youthful beauty, and he practically dripped with raw sensuality. It came off him in animal waves, from his prowling walk to his unconsciously out-thrust hips, showing off his stiff young sex. At five foot four Zach was a leanly muscled teen with limbs exhibiting just enough lankiness to give the impression of a stretching jungle cat. A natural blond, his shoulder-length hair was lightened by the sun to the point where it looked like molten sunlight. Always a bit shaggy, it often flew around his head in a halo of shimmering silk.

Zach’s skin was also touched by the sun, a tan so deep that the contrast between tanned skin and the untanned skin under his briefs was startling. That tanned skin rippled as the lean muscles moved underneath. His chest was widening with approaching adolescence and his stomach showed a four pack which lead to a sharp V disappearing into his briefs; briefs which would be riding much lower if it weren’t for the clearly defined head of his cock stretching them. Also shockingly pale were his eyes, a gray so light they were nearly silver with just a hint of blue in the right light.

At thirteen, Zach was a decent way into puberty, in that he was starting his growth spurt, but in the areas he thought really counted he was lagging behind his peers. He’d finally started getting some pubic hair, but it was so light, and they were so small, that they could only be seen from close up and in the right light. He had no armpit hairs, and he hadn’t even started to get a fuzzy lip. He was looking forward to that part because his dad had already told him to make sure he shaved it, as fuzzy lipped boys looked like dorks and shaving it made it grow in faster and thicker. He was eager to use this secret knowledge to get a leg up on the other guys. He imagined himself with a full goatee like his dad sported by the time he was fourteen.

The one thing Zach could take pride in, as far as the whole puberty thing went, was his cock. He was already a bit over five inches, which his Uncle Billy assured him meant that he’d be as big as him and his dad when he grew up. Having seen both Billy and his dad, he knew they were both big. Billy’s he’d seen a bunch of times when they screwed around, and his dad’s he’d seen about a year ago when he’d gone to his house early one morning to get him up to surf and had peeked through the window to see him lying naked in bed on his back, his giant nine inch boner throbbing on his stomach. Billy was his mom’s brother, so he had big dicks on both sides.

As Zach returned to his room, he flopped back onto his bed, considering again going back to bed for awhile. Then he heard the soft knock at his window and the sound of it being gently opened. The sound as Benji climbed awkwardly through it wasn’t nearly as soft.

Benji lived up the block. He was fifteen, gay, and desperately in love with Zach. Zach didn’t exactly abuse the older boy, but he certainly took advantage of him. Benji had confessed his love for him months before when they’d been high together. Zach had gotten him high in the hopes that he’d relax and stop being such a bore. Their moms knew each other and Benji had been forced on him one day. The boys had sat in Zach’s room for many long, uncomfortable minutes before Zach got the older boy high for the first time. Zach sometimes felt a small pang of guilt over the situation, but he rarely let it bother him.

Benji carefully shut the window behind him. “Hi, Zach,” he said shyly. He was always shy, which was silly, considering.

“Hey, Benji,” Zach said, barely glancing at the older boy.

Benji was a nice kid, but he was nowhere near cool, and his fear of getting outted made him strangers to practically everyone in his school. He was actually a decent looking kid, looking younger than his fifteen years by at least a year. In fact, he could easily pass for a mature thirteen-year-old. He had wheat-colored hair, which would be lighter if he spent any time outside, which he didn’t. He wasn’t fat, but he was soft, with rounded edges, rather than Zach’s slender, muscled body. His nipples were more pink than brown and looked puffy. His belly had a hint of roundness, especially if he was sitting, and his butt was very much of the bubble variety.

“Do you want me to suck you?” Benji asked softly, pitching his voice low because of the women who could be heard chatting in the kitchen.

Benji worshiped Zach. He thought he was the most perfect boy he’d ever seen, and while he knew the younger boy didn’t return his feelings, he was content to take what he could get. When Zach didn’t immediately answer, he began to strip out of his clothes.

“Do you want something more?” Benji asked, in what he hoped was a sexy voice. Naked, he lay down on the bed next to Zach. Between his legs, his penis was already stiff. Although Zach’s cock was longer than his by an inch, Benji’s was thicker, a bratwurst to Zach’s skinnier hot dog. There was a sweaty little bush of blond pubes at the base and his fleshy balls hung beneath.

Unasked, Benji reached out and ran a hand along Zach’s stiff cock, caressing it through his briefs. Zach barely reacted, just staring at the ceiling. The two boys screwed around most mornings before Zach went out to enjoy his day, mostly forgetting the older boy the moment he left. They’d been at it for nearly seven months, and while Zach wasn’t bored with it exactly, it was sex after all, it was getting a little predictable.

So the younger boy stared around his room as Benji stripped him out of his briefs and took his sleek young cock into his eager mouth. The gay boy certainly could suck a cock. He’d gotten most of his practice on him, Zach knew.

Zach was a surfer. Of course, most of the boys in Santa Carla were surfers. Zach enjoyed the culture, but he didn’t take it all very seriously. He would never surf for a team. That kind of practice and dedication was beyond him, but surfing was still a huge part of his life, and his room showed it. The boy’s room looked a bit as if a paper factory had exploded. It was covered, walls and ceiling, in a random assortment of posters, bumper stickers, patches, magazine cutouts and pinups. Most of it centered on surfing, from brand bumper stickers and posters, to carefully cut out pictures from various surfing magazines which mostly depicted particularly cute boy surfers.

The rest of the room was either naked women, shirtless boys, or representations of his other big interest; weed. There were pot leaves, giant joints, Bob Marley posters, etc. His mother had once gotten on him to get rid of them, but he’d just given her a look and she’d caved. She had no room to complain. While she officially made her living selling her home-made candles, it was her pot butter and brownies that brought in the real money.

Zach was really feeling it now. Benji was expertly swallowing his cock to the hilt, and Zach could feel the older boy’s throat muscles rippling around his sensitive head. He began to thrust his hips, but Benji knew him too well and immediately backed off and released him.

“Do it to me,” Benji whispered, rising to all fours and spitting into his hand. He swiped his fingers over his asshole and looked back expectantly.

Zach supressed a sigh and rose to his knees. He positioned himself behind the bigger boy and rubbed a hand over his fleshy asscheeks. There was no adjustment necessary; no awkward positioning. The boys had done this so many times that it was second nature. Pressing the slightly flared head of his cock against Benji’s hot button, he pressed forward and felt himself immediately encased in tight, molten flesh.

Benji sighed as the younger boy’s slim cock filled him. This was the only time he felt complete, joined intimately to the boy he loved. It was the feeling of that fucking teen prick as much as the spiritual connection that excited him, even if he was the only one feeling the latter. He knew the beautiful young boy didn’t love him, but that was okay with him. He got enough of him to keep the rest of the world at bay, and thought perhaps that any more of him would be like Icarus flying too close to the sun.

Zach had to admit he enjoyed fucking the boy. While he was well used to sharing blowjobs with other boys, and getting them from some girls and others, he didn’t get to screw someone every day. There was something nice about sliding his cock in and out of that tight canal. He wasn’t sure if he liked pussies or asses better. Asses were generally tighter, but pussies had that wonderful slickness which made everything so slippery and easy.

The thought of some pussy, which Zach hadn’t had in awhile, excited him, and he really began to give it to Benji, pounding the boy’s ass, using a firm grip on his hips to draw him back against him. The slapping sound of flesh on flesh was loud in the room, as were the little grunts of pleasure Benji was helpless to contain.

Zach was racing towards orgasm when there came a tentative knocking at his door. “Zachy?” It was his mother.

“Unghhh, later, Mom,” Zach grunted, pace not slowing. In fact, he began to fuck even harder, subconsciously rubbing the fact that he was fucking Benji in his mom’s face. Benji stiffened underneath him, trembling suddenly.

“Okay… well… ‘Becca and I are leaving for class. Your dad wanted you to stop by the shop. Uh… bye.”

Zach didn’t bother to answer. Somehow the exchange had turned him on even more and with a few more awkward, stuttering thrusts, he pressed himself forward and gave an explosive gasp as he emptied his balls deep into Benji’s clenching bowels. Benji was busily jacking himself and half a minute later grunted and spurted his jizz onto Zach’s sheets.

Feeling that his duty was done by allowing the older boy to cum, Zach slid his mostly hard cock from the boy’s rectum and collapsed to his back beside him, his breathing quick and the sweat where he’d been in contact with Benji’s body cooling quickly.

Benji cuddled up beside the shorter boy, knowing this brief moment would be the only time he could show some genuine affection. He caressed Zach’s lightly muscled chest, his flat stomach, and traced the smooth V of muscle that lead down to his groin. He gently nudged Zach’s cock aside so that he could play lightly with the tiny new blond growth at the base. He inhaled deeply with his face near Zach’s armpit, taking in his slightly funky, boyish scent, then licked at his chest, tasting salt.

As Benji began to lightly circle Zach’s nipple with his tongue, the younger boy pushed his face away and sat up. “I need to get into the shower,” he said, not unkindly, but with a bit of indifference.

Benji nearly worked up the courage to ask if he could accompany Zach to his father’s surf shop, but he already knew the answer, so he just repressed his own sigh and sat up. “I’m sorry I squirted on your sheets,” he said.

Zach shrugged as he stood, transitioning into a stretch which did wonderful things to his lean body. “It’s cool. See ya tomorrow.”

“Okay, see ya,” Benji said, then watched the boy walk through the door, his eyes locked on his pale, firm ass. Then he did sigh and began to dress, the darkness already pressing in around him as the light and warmth of Zach drifted down the hall.

Knowing his mom was gone, Zach returned to the kitchen. His cock was pointing downward now, although still with a hint of stiffness about it. Enough to make it sway when he walked. The kitchen smelled faintly of tomatoes and earth, overlaid by the faint scent of marijuana. There was an earthy smell, because his mother wasn’t the best housekeeper in the world. She kept everything semi-tidy, but deep cleans didn’t happen very often, so things tended towards cobwebs in corners, and dust in the nooks and crannies.

Zach’s bedroom, which was empty when he returned, Benji having exited back through the window as if he’d never been there, was much worse than the rest of the house. In addition to the riot of color on the walls and ceiling, the rest of the room was a chaotic mix of junk and clothes. There was barely a clear spot on the floor, most of it being covered with clothes in a random mix of clean and dirty, which left dressing in something clean a guessing game which involved a lot of hunting and sniffing. Under his bed lurked dust bunnies the size of actual bunnies. The sheets often got so cum-covered that they would began to bother him after a bit, so they got washed more often than anything else. His mom had never mentioned them. She’d also never mentioned that they were often covered in jizz long before Zach himself had been able to produce any. Not that she likely knew when he’d started to squirt, but she had to have guessed it wasn’t a couple of years ago.

The house was a three bedroom ranch less than a mile from the beach, but in a neighborhood that had more cars on blocks than on four wheels. It was a common party spot, depending on who his mom was dating at the time, attracting everything from latter day beatniks to bikers and everything in between.

Zach wasn’t hugely into showers, especially as he surfed most days and figured the ocean got him plenty clean enough, but he usually gave himself a quick soak on days when he fucked Benji instead of just letting the older boy suck him off, which he was always eager to do.

So the boy returned to the bathroom and slid back the soap scum covered glass door to turn on the water. He ignored the rust stains in the tub and washed quickly, paying most of his attention to his hair, and his dick, which quickly rose to fullness again, so that he was throbbingly erect when he stepped out a few minutes later.

Carefully combing out his hair, he inspected himself in the toothpaste speckled mirror, admiring his fine features and gray eyes. He knew he was good looking. He preferred to think of himself as handsome, but he knew that others always described him as beautiful, or even worse, pretty. His pink lips were full and sensual, his eyes large and expressive. He had long lashes, high cheekbones and perfect skin, untouched by the usual ravages of early adolescence. Sliding some deodorant over his hairless armpits and spraying himself with a liberal amount of Axe body spray, he left the bathroom in search of something to wear, loving the way his dick swung between his legs. In fact, he had to quash an urge to run outside.

As he was passing the hallway to the kitchen a voice called out, “Zachy, is your mom home?”

It was his Aunt Rachael. Well, she wasn’t really his aunt. She was childhood friends with his mom. Zach walked toward her, unconcerned with his nudity. She’d seen him naked before, although it had probably been awhile, and he wasn’t particularly body conscious. Or perhaps it was just his secret pride in his dick and his desire to show it off.

“Hey, Rache,” he said, walking out of the shadowy hallway into the brightness of the kitchen.

Rachael’s eyes were locked on Zach’s swinging cock, fully flaccid now, but he felt still impressive at nearly four inches long. “Damn, kid,” she said, staring.

“She went out to some class with that ‘Becca lady. Yoga I think,” Zach said, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning casually against the wall.

Rachael seemed to have to work to tear her eyes away and she said, “You’ve been doing some growing, kid.”

Zach looked down at his cock as if just noticing it for the first time. Inside he was thrilled that she’d noticed. “Sorry, I just got out of the shower,” he said.

Rachael’s eyes drifted back downwards and she licked her lips. “It’s your house,” she said, not trying to meet his eyes. Then she stepped forward. “Zachy… oh my god, are you getting hairs?” With that she stepped forward again until she was right in front of him and reached down to swipe a gentle finger right along the base of his cock, stirring the downy little hairs there. “You really are. When did you get so big? Uh… I mean, old.”

Zach shrugged, his eyes locked on Rachael’s chest. He always thought Rachael was good looking for an older lady. The blonde was probably thirty-three and she still had a nice body, with medium sized titties stuffed today in a tight, scoop necked t-shirt. With his close-up view of that cleavage and the finger literally tickling his fancy the inevitable happened.

Rachael’s eyes widened when Zach’s cock began to rise and she quickly snatched her hand away, although her eyes never left him. “Sorry, Zachy, I didn’t mean… sorry.”

Zach took no pity on the woman, secretly amused and excited. He unconsciously pushed his hips forward, offering his now fully erect young cock to her. “It happens all the time now,” he explained.

“Well… that’s normal,” she said, blushing. “Um… is your mom home? No, wait. I asked that. Okay, a class. Uh… okay. I’m gonna go then.” She turned then and practically fled to the kitchen door, but she turned for a last glance before she pulled the door open and walked quickly outside.

Zach chuckled and squeezed his dick fondly. The boy was well used to adults acting weird around him, especially when it came to anything to do with sex. Returning to his room he began the difficult task of finding something clean to wear. He started off searching for underwear, smelling and discarding pair after pair. It never occurred to him to keep dirty and clean separate from each other to make the process easier.

Zach had had numerous sexual encounters when he was a little kid, but only with other kids. He’d had his first encounter with an adult when he was ten. At the time, his mother, the perpetual hippie and seeker after universal truth and knowledge, had decided that the purification of toxins from the body through steam baths was part of the path to enlightenment.

Deciding that Zach should be a part of this spiritual journey, she’d taken him to the sauna with her. She’d been oblivious to the fact that many of the women were uncomfortable with being naked in front of a ten-year-old boy, and she’d happily chatted with her new, enlightened friends while Zach got eyefuls of lovely lady flesh.

When Zach’s little penis, already big for his age, announced itself while he stared around in joyous abandon, lost in a world of sensual wonders, most of the women got up and left, with one brave soul pointing out that it wasn’t appropriate for a young boy to be naked with a bunch of grown women. Crystal, in typical Crystal fashion, had pish-poshed the women and berated anyone who would listen that Zach’s little erection was perfectly normal, wholly appropriate, and even to be admired.

Still, she capitulated to a degree and the next time, instead of going in with the women, his mom instructed him to go into the men’s steam room. There was only one man inside when he’d entered. The man was probably in his forties, with a tiny potbelly and a cock which looked huge to Zach but was probably only of average length. Still, Zach hadn’t seen that many adult cocks in real life, and none as close as he was to this one.

The man, who’s name was John, was nice to Zach, eager to make him feel welcome and comfortable. He explained that not many men seemed to use the steam room during that time of day and that they were steam buddies. Steam buddies, it turned out, should sit together. So they sat together. Steam buddies, it further turned out, should be nice enough to massage each other, and since Zach was new, John volunteered to go first.

Then Zach got to get a good look at an erect adult cock as John’s already big dick grew and grew until it was hugging his belly. Zach got a feeling in his own belly as he stared at that big penis and John caressed his young body from his neck, down across his chest, his stomach, and even further downward.

Zach didn’t say a word when John took his soft penis between his shaky fingers and barely listened to whatever the man was saying as he gently squeezed and pulled until his little dick was just as stiff as John’s adult one. The one thing he remembered was John telling him how big his dick was for his age, and then he didn’t remember much else as the man took his penis into his hot mouth and began sucking him.

Zach was never sure how long that went on, but eventually he got the funniest feeling deep inside and he thought he was going to shake apart. He was scared at first, but before he could tell John to stop he felt something explode inside him and the most warm, wonderful feeling pulsed through his body. After that, he remembered John tenderly kissing his penis, then asking if he would sit in his lap.

The man basically lifted Zach’s mostly limp body and sat him in his lap until their penises were touching. Then John began to press his big penis against Zach’s stomach, whispering to him, telling him how beautiful he was until a minute later he stiffened and Zach’s belly was coated with stinging hot liquid.

At first he’d been upset that the man had peed on him, but John explained that it wasn’t pee, but rather a magic juice that men made when they got the feeling that Zach had just had himself. He assured Zach that some day he’d make magic juice, too.

Zach was eager to see John again the next time they went, but he never saw him again and eventually his mom stopped making him go with her.

The next man Zach was with wasn’t really a man. Zach was newly eleven and his parents were going through their divorce. His mom was coping with it mainly by sleeping around and drinking a lot. Realizing Crystal wasn’t going to do anything about it, his dad, Brad, arranged for one of the employees from his shop to babysit him on the weekends, when his mom would basically disappear.

The kid was seventeen and still a senior in high school. He looked like a man to Zach though, at nearly six feet and with a nicely muscled body. His name was Ryan and he was the first one to get Zach high. Zach knew what his mother did, what she sold, and what she and his dad and all their friends smoked, but they’d made an effort to keep him from it. Ryan had his own agenda, which Zach understood right away. He remembered the way John had stared at him. It was a look he’d caught from other adults and some kids as well. They were enamored of his beauty. For some it was a purely aesthetic appreciation, but for others it was lustful. Ryan looked at him with simmering lust, and those looks made Zach’s belly feel warm.

Ryan didn’t stretch out his seduction, mostly because he didn’t have to. The first night the young man watched him Zach went and took a shower and came out to watch tv with him only wearing his underwear. After about twenty minutes of watching Ryan’s eyes searching his crotch, he invited him to look if he wanted to, and pushed down the front of his briefs to reveal his young penis.

This time, Zach got to explore as well, as Ryan eagerly stripped off his clothes and lay naked with him in his mother’s bed. The older boy’s hands on his naked body made sure his little cock was stiff while Zach got to explore the fascinating thickness of Ryan’s hairy six inch man cock. It was Ryan who taught him how to suck a cock, and although he never caught the trick of overcoming his gag reflex to take it all, he enjoyed sucking the first few inches, feeling the heat of the boy’s impressive boner throbbing in his mouth. The taste of his spunk when it came was a not unpleasant surprise, and one for which he eventually gained a real appreciation, having sampled everything from adult cum to boys who could barely work up a drop or two. Zach and Ryan got to play around a few more times before Ryan went off to college, but again, Zach never heard from him afterwards.

A few months later, Zach had another encounter with a man. His mother was dating a guy who claimed to be a sculptor. She was going through an artistic phase and liked to invite ‘artists’ around and smoke french cigarettes. This guy, who was in his late forties, got one look at eleven-year-old Zach and told his mother that he must sculpt him. Crystal was eager for him to do so, telling Zach later how lucky he was to have his likeness captured by this great artist.

The sculpture apparently had to wait until the sketching phase was complete, so Crystal insisted that Zach stand nude in front of the man for hours on end while he was drawn over and over in pencil. Zach’s frequent erections were giggled over by his mother, and elicited a wild-eyed gleam in the gaze of the artist with which Zach was now well familiar.

After the first couple of sessions, Crystal apparently felt comfortable leaving Zach alone in the room with the artist. His name was Anton and he spoke with an accent. Zach thought he was Russian. Probably a spy. Every time his mother would leave the room, Anton would get up and lovingly caress Zach’s body. He explained that he needed to know how his body felt under his hands if he were going to bring him alive in clay. Apparently the part he was most interested in sculpting was Zach’s penis, and during that first week the man brought him to many dry orgasms. Funny that knowing how Zach’s body felt under his hands never seemed to be an issue when Crystal was around.

Crystal never questioned why Zach was constantly erect when she came back into the third bedroom, which she used as her studio to make her candles. The floor in the hall creaked even from Zach’s slight weight, so there was never any chance the artist would get caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, so he was always sitting with his pad in his lap covering his erection when Crystal checked in on them.

A week after meeting the guy, she left him alone with Zach while she went to the grocery store. Anton wasted no time, already sucking Zach’s cock to the noise of his mother’s car pulling out of the driveway. Then it was Anton’s turn, and Zach was instructed to return the favor on Anton’s relatively slender seven-inch uncircumcised cock. Zach hesitantly did so, and quickly earned a mouthful of bitter, oily cum.

The man wasn’t done though, and he went back to Zach, teaching the young boy the strange experience of having his ass rimmed. A stiffened finger in his rectum accompanied by Anton’s mouth around his cock brought him a second time by the time his mom returned.

Three days later Crystal had need to leave Zach alone again and Anton eagerly volunteered to watch him, claiming it would be a great opportunity to finish his sketches. This time, after sucking the boy to a dry orgasm and then having Zach work for a couple of minutes on his big adult cock, Anton turned the boy over and attacked his ass with his mouth again. Zach was only too happy to comply, having looked forward to repeating the weird but pleasurable act, but just when it was starting to feel really good, Anton rose and propped himself over him.

Zach cried out when the man’s cock entered him. It felt like he was on fire and being ripped apart. He struggled underneath the man, but Anton was too strong and he held him in place, whispering softly to him, allowing him to acclimate himself to the horrible stretching of his virgin anus. Eventually the pain died to some degree, or the boy just became numb, and Anton began to fuck him. Slowly at first, but then with increasing fervor, driving his cock deep into little Zach’s bowels, telling him all the while how he beautiful he was, how desirable.

Anton was gone by the time Crystal got back home. Zach only shrugged when she asked about him, and again, that was the last time he was to be seen. Zach spent time in the shower, allowing the hot water to flow over him, easing his hurts. His butt hurt all night, and into the next day, and this was accompanied by intense stomach aches. Crystal grew worried enough that she wanted to take him to the hospital, as distrustful as she was of western medicine, but Zach insisted he was fine and he suffered through an herbal tea and a Hopi poultice on his stomach that did more stinking than pain easing. Zach was never sure why he never told his mom what Anton had done.

In his room, Zach decided to give up on the idea of underwear. He couldn’t find a clean pair and he was tired of sniffing his own funk trying. After putting on his favorite puka shell necklace and several twisted bands of leather in various colors for his wrists, he grabbed a pair of camo cargo shorts and a black muscle shirt with a giant skull with a blunt between his teeth and slipped into his Nikes. He didn’t bother locking the door as he left. There wasn’t much worth stealing, and nobody would dare anyway. His father was sort of connected, as far as a beach community went anyway.

Then he hopped onto his bike and headed down the driveway, his blond hair streaming out behind him. His dad owned a surf shop on Diamond Bay beach, just over a mile from his house. Zach hung out there a lot, him and his friends, in a back room his dad provided for that purpose, thinking it would be easier to keep him out of trouble if he was close by. In order to make it work, his dad very rarely ventured back there, so the kids could do pretty much whatever they wanted as long as they weren’t too loud.

The beach was already fairly crowded. It was a weekday, but it was summer, so there was always a crowd. Zach’s eyes scanned the bodies worth scanning as he pedaled down Bay Drive. Within minutes he was pulling up in front of the Diamond Shack. The bell over the door tinkled as he went in, carefully maneuvering his bicycle inside.

“Zachy, I need you to watch the shop for a bit, okay?” his dad asked as he entered. His dad was a pretty big guy, six foot one and muscled. His blond hair was darker than Zach’s, but even longer, going a bit down past his shoulders. He had the usual three or four days worth of stubble and a goatee. He was wearing a shirt advertising the shop. “There’s a problem with a shipment so I have to drive all the way out to the UPS depot and Dani hasn’t shown up and I can’t get hold of her.”

Dani worked at the shop. She was sort of an assistant manager, having worked there the longest of his dad’s employees at nearly three years. Zach thought she was pretty cool. She was good looking, but she had a lot of piercings and shaved one side of her head, which he wasn’t sure helped or hurt. She also had a lot of tattoos, but Zach liked tattoos. He’d been thinking of getting one. He knew people that did them, but he hadn’t found one who would risk the wrath of his mom and dad to give him one at thirteen.

“Sure, Dad,” Zach said.

“Good man,” Brad Jacobs said, ruffling his son’s blond locks. Zach shook him off with an annoyed gesture. He hated having people mess with his hair.

Zach rolled past his dad and stored his bike in the back room. His dad was gathering his keys and some papers. “If Dani shows up, tell her she’s fired,” he said.

Zach stuck his head back in through the back doorway. “Again?” It wasn’t the first time he’d fired Dani. It wasn’t even the seventh.

Brad sighed. “No, but tell her I’m seriously pissed and I’m docking her pay.”

Zach shrugged. “Okay.”

“Alright, if anything comes up, you’ve got my number,” Brad said, and then with a quick hug he was out the door.

Zach headed immediately into the back room and to a small workbench set along one wall. In one of the drawers he pulled out a small toolbox. Behind the toolbox was a small wooden box, which he removed and took to the coffee table set in front of the tv. Sitting on the couch, he opened the lid of the box, and then opened the baggie also in the box and quickly filled the bowl of a small pipe. Flicking a lighter into life, he held it to the weed and sucked a lungful of smoke.

Zach held the smoke for several seconds, then let it out in a thick cloud. Two more hits finished off the bowl, and Zach replaced the pipe, lighter and the baggy and leaned back into the couch. Within a minute he felt the pot beginning to hit as his face became numb. He felt himself sinking further into the couch and could imagine that he was sinking into it. The cloth of the couch and his skin were melding into one.

That’s when the back door opened. Dani looked at him nervously and whispered, “Is your dad here, Zachy? I didn’t see his truck.”

“UPS,” the boy rasped a bit languidly. “He’s pissed.”

“Fucking Trevor took my phone instead of his this morning.” Trevor was her boyfriend.

Zach didn’t say anything, just staring at her. The half head of hair she had flopped over to the side she shaved and was dyed pink with distinct black roots, which was funny since she was actually blond, Zach knew. She had cool blue eyes and she was dressed today in painted on skinny jeans which were frayed at the knees and slit in horizontal stripes on the thighs. She was wearing a classic black Death Cab for Cutie t-shirt which hugged her small breasts. Dani liked obscure old bands.

“Gettin’ high already?” she asked, noting the smell and lingering cloud of smoke in the air.

Zach shrugged.

“Fuck it,” she said. “Day couldn’t get any worse.” Then she sat herself on the coffee table across from him and reached into the wooden box to load up her own bowl.

Zach didn’t object. He never paid for weed and could always get more. He watched as Dani inhaled, at the way her t-shirt stretched across her boobs. Dani was pretty old, like twenty-six, but she was still kinda hot.

They sat there for a few minutes, losing themselves in the growing mellow. Zach was aware of the way the couch felt against the back of his head, and the way his shirt moved against his chest as he breathed. Then he found himself once again watching the way Dani’s shirt moved across her chest as she breathed. He noticed that her nipples were stiff and easy to see through her shirt. He realized she must not be wearing a bra. That was a cool thought.

Then Zach became aware of a new physical sensation. It took him a moment, or perhaps many moments, to zero in on what it was. Finally he realized it was the movement of his dick against the material of his shorts as it rose.

Zach’s dick had been down between his legs as he sat on the couch, and it lengthened before it began to rise, so that when it poked up against the leg of his shorts, it was a ways down his thigh. The camo color actually did its job at first and camouflaged the rising erection, but then it reached the point where it wanted to flip up and point to his chest but it was restricted by the leg of his shorts. What he was left with was a quite obvious tent in his shorts.

“Zach,” Dani suddenly asked, “do you have a hard-on?”

“Maybe,” Zach allowed, after a bit of consideration.

“Maybe?” the young woman asked, eyes locked on the tent in the boy’s shorts.

“Probably,” Zach said. It felt like he had a hard-on. To make sure he decided to reach down and check. A careful squeeze confirmed it. “Yeah,” he said.

“Were you looking at my boobs?”

“I think so,” Zach said. He was pretty sure he remembered doing just that.

“You’re playing with it,” Dani said.

“With what?” Zach asked, wanting to shut his eyes.

“Your dick,” Dani said.

“Oh,” Zach replied. He gave himself another squeeze and then dropped his hand to the cushion. “Sorry.”

A few more seconds passed. Zach realized his eyes had shut and he opened them again. Dani was staring at his crotch.

“Yeah,” she said, “but now it’s just sticking up like that.”

Zach looked at where his dick was poking against his shorts leg. He thought about reaching down and adjusting it so that it would lie against his groin, but it just seemed like so much trouble.

“I can’t help it,” Zach said. “It’s too hard to put it the right way.”

Dani seemed to think about that for a minute. Her mind was fuzzy. Zach must have gotten hold of some really good shit. Her eyes turned back to Zach’s boner. She was supposed to do something about it. Oh, right, he couldn’t move it. Or something.

“I’ll help,” she announced.

With that, she slid to her knees in front of the boy and brought her hands to his knees. She decided he had nice knees. Nice legs, too. They were so smooth under her hands. Like silk. She realized she was rubbing his thighs. That didn’t seem right. Then she caught sight of his erection again. Big dick for a kid, she thought. She reached forward and squeezed it through his shorts. It was really hard. She squeezed it again. Then she remembered she was supposed to be straightening it out. She pulled it towards her.

“Ouch!” Zach said, jerking and sitting up straight.

“Sorry,” Dani said. “Sorry.” She gave his penis a soft little pat.

She needed a different approach, she realized. Then she had it. Releasing Zach’s cock, she went to work on the button at his waistband, and then his zipper. Pulling the sides apart, she could see the boy wasn’t wearing underwear. She figured that should make things easier. This time she pushed on his erection, but it was stuck in a fold of material and wasn’t going anywhere.

“Won’t work,” she said.

“Huh?” Zach asked. His eyes had been closed. He opened them to find Dani between his legs with his shorts gaping open. “What’re ya doin?” he asked.

“Fixin’ it,” she muttered.

“Oh. Okay.” He shut his eyes again.

Dani took hold of the sides of the boy’s shorts and began to tug on them. She worked first one side and then the other, back and forth, inch after inch until there was a meaty little slap and the tent was gone. Dani smiled, happy she’d found a solution.

When she looked at Zach, she realized that the boy’s shorts were partly down his thighs, enough to leave his entire crotch exposed, from his throbbing cock to the hairless balls hanging between his legs. There was a rational part of Dani’s mind that realized what she was seeing, and what she was doing, and knew that she’d done it on purpose, because the desire to see the beautiful young boy exactly like this had been growing in her for over a year. She didn’t know why, but she knew it was true, deep down.

Dani found her mouth watering at the sight of Zach’s teen cock. It was so much more slender and graceful than the adult cocks she was used to, but that only excited her more. She knew this was so, so wrong, but the weed was messing with her head just enough to allow her to convince herself that she wasn’t culpable for what she was about to do. The truth is that she’d been fascinated by Zachy for years and the older he got the more the fascination grew. She’d reached the point where she just couldn’t hold back anymore. With that vague thought, she leaned forward and took the thirteen-year-old’s cock into the warmth of her mouth.

Zach felt the woman’s lips close around his cock and his eyes fluttered open. Dani was slowly working her mouth up and down on his shaft. He had a moment of the mildest of surprise, everything a bit dulled by his smoke-addled brain. He couldn’t say he was completely surprised. He was used to people wanting to have sex with him, and had seen the carefully hidden desire in Dani’s eyes some time ago, so he just leaned back into the couch and enjoyed the sensation. He wasn’t sure if it was the pot or Dani, but she seemed to really know what she was doing.

With Zachy’s teen cock in her mouth, she had a direct view of the base of it, and she was happy to see some light blond hairs there. She felt perverted enough as it was. She was regretting none of it, however. Zach’s cock was everything she’d dreamed, long enough to challenge her throat, but thin enough not to strain her lips and jaw and make the blowjob uncomfortable.

She liked sucking cock well enough. There was a certain power in it that she found attractive, and if she really liked the guy, she knew she was bringing him incredible pleasure, which was great. Beside all that though, there was just something nice about a cock in her mouth. The feel of it, the silky smoothness of the skin, the throbbing hardness underneath, the comforting heat of it. There was also the almost animal scent of a man’s crotch in her face that did things deep inside her.

Dani was feeling that stirring now. Zach’s crotch, almost bare of hair, was no less full of male musk. In fact, underneath the soap which she was pretty sure was an Axe body wash, which made her smile, she could scent the indefinable scent of teen boy, which was somehow so much more powerful than a grown man’s. Or perhaps it was just more primal in some way. Primal innocence, she thought. They should make a new Axe scent. New from Axe… Primal Innocence, for the boy who just wants to fuck.

Dani backed off Zach’s cock, holding it gently in her hand as she kissed her way down along the glimmering shaft until she could slide her tongue into the loose skin of his balls. Then she drew first one and then the other into her mouth, switching between them, unsure of her ability to get both of them at the same time and not wanting to chance hurting him. There wasn’t a single hair on his balls. If she felt vaguely uncomfortable about the lack of hair at the base of his cock, the absence of hair on his nuts thrilled her. She hated that part.

Zach spread his thighs wider, allowing Dani better access to his balls. He loved having his balls sucked. If he moved his head a bit he could get a decent look at the way her breasts were stretching her shirt. Not even thinking about it, he asked, “Can I see your boobs?”

Dani pulled back immediately, releasing the boy’s cock with a wet slap against his abdomen. She pulled off her shirt, shaking out her pink hair and unconsciously thrusting her chest out a bit, showing her tits off to their best effect. A quick glance showed that her nipples were hard. She wondered how she’d been unaware of that. Apparently the pot was hitting her harder than she thought.

Wow, nice boobs, Zach thought. He glanced down at his stiff cock and back to Dani’s boobs and thought about fucking her. He decided after a few moments that he’d probably do that. Dani was good looking for her age. Nice body. Yeah, he decided, he’d probably fuck her if she wanted. He’d tear her up. Show her how it was done. That stupid Trevor probably didn’t know what he was doing if she was on her knees in front of him with his dick in her mouth. Tear that pussy up, he thought.

Dani was apparently having similar thoughts. She swayed a bit as she stood there, cupping her small breasts, lightly pinching and rolling her nipples between her fingers. Damn, she could stare at Zachy’s cock all day, she decided. She’d seen dicks she thought of as exciting. She’d seen small ones and large ones. Fat ones and skinny ones. Size had never been a factor for her, but she’d realized pretty early on that some were more aesthetically pleasing than others. She’d never seen one she thought of as beautiful though. Not until now. She supposed it was only fitting; Zachy was probably the most beautiful human she’d ever seen. Which explained why she was here in the first place.

Not even realizing what she was doing, Dani began to rub herself through the front of her jeans. Then she shuddered and caught herself. Without hesitation she began to slide out of her pants.

Zach watched as Dani’s dark blonde pussy was revealed. He told himself he could smell it over the lingering odor of cannabis. The moment she slipped her second foot out of the skinny pant legs he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her thighs, pressing his face into that damp triangle. He knew what girls liked.

Dani gasped as she felt Zach dive in between her legs, his tongue snaking out to lap against her swollen pussylips. Holy shit, she thought. Did thirteen-year-old kids know about going down on a pussy? She shuddered as he flicked his tongue over her little hooded clit and thought, well, this one certainly does. Then he sucked her little button between his lips and she grabbed the back of his head, holding on as waves of pleasure aided by the surreal sensation of the drug in her head pulsated through her.

Zach had only eaten two other pussies. The first was the one he learned on and belonged to a thirty-two-year-old girlfriend of one of his father’s friends. Zach had just recently turned twelve and his folks were still mostly together then. Back then their house was always busy with one party or another, especially on weekends.

The first time it happened the party had been going pretty strong, with bikers and surfers and his mom’s artist friends, who strangely all got along just fine, all drinking and getting high and dancing and singing into the night. Zach had been sneaking beer and taking passed joints here and there from people who thought it was amusing to get the little kid high. There always seemed to be a few in every bunch.

Anyway, sometime after midnight Zach was feeling dizzy and tired and he made his way to his room. He barely managed to get out of his clothes, and dressed only in his thin briefs he fell into bed. Some time later, he became aware that he wasn’t alone. There was a woman with her arm draped over him, snoring lightly against his chest. Her hair was in her face, but he thought he was sure he recognized her and was pretty sure her name was Sandy.

He shook her lightly and with a snort she’d woken. She’d been confused at first, and she was obviously under the influence of something. She’d started talking about how beautiful he was, which he was pretty used to, honestly. Then she’d kissed him. Not a regular kiss either, but a sexy kiss, with tongue and heat. He was a bit grossed out by the fact that she was old and didn’t have the best breath, but a sexy kiss was a sexy kiss and his body responded the way you’d imagine.

Sandy discovered this fact pretty quickly, as her forearm was draped over his crotch. Within moments she had his little briefs down around his knees and his cock was buried to the hilt in her mouth. She was sucking him hungrily, noisily, and in an amazingly short amount of time he was shuddering and dry-cumming in her mouth.

After that she started talking about reciprocation, which Zach had to look up the next day. She repeated it about a dozen times, so he had no problem remembering it. He thought she had a pretty exciting looking body for an older lady, with big breasts and a brown-haired pussy. He’d fucked a woman and two girls at that time already, so he wasn’t a virgin or any kind of innocent, but he’d never gone down on any of them. Sandy changed all that.

The woman coaxed him gently, telling him exactly what to do, and while Zach acclimated himself to the smell and taste of pussy, which, while seeming a bit gross at first, fairly quickly grew on him, she writhed underneath him. He wasn’t quite experienced enough to be able to tell how many times she came while he ate her out, but he was sure it was more than once.

Afterward, she allowed him to fuck her, which he did eagerly, and came twice again himself. Sandy was very vocal when she came, gasping and moaning, but the music from the back of the house was so loud that nobody ever heard them. Or if they did, they must have assumed it was adults having sex.

Sated, woman and boy rolled apart, sweaty skin drying in the air from the ceiling fan above. Sandy eventually dressed herself and with a slightly guilty smile, let herself out of his room. Unlike some of the other adult lovers that had come into his life, Sandy couldn’t stop herself and sometimes, even today, came back for more. Zach knew the sound of her bike, and he’d get hard whenever he heard it. Sandy knew what she was doing.

The other pussy he’d eaten had been a few months ago. She was a fifteen-year-old girl named Britt who was the older sister of a friend of his. They’d hooked up one night when he’d spent the night at his friend’s house, Britt having snuck into her brother’s room in the middle of the night to bring him to her room. Zach hadn’t been too surprised, having seen the way she’d been looking at him. So that night he got to suck his friend’s cock, have his sucked in return, and then get the same treatment from the sister.

She hadn’t let him fuck her that first time, even after he went down on her, which he’d thought would seal the deal. She’d been worried about waking her parents or brother, but he’d visited her since. He’d once even fucked her and her best friend at the same time. The girl had been a virgin and was afraid to do it, so her friend had arranged for Zach to take her cherry instead of her boyfriend, who the girls figured would be inept his first time. Zach had been happy to help. He dreamed of one day getting brother and sister together, but Britt had been pissed the one time he mentioned it, although she’d said nothing about the fact that Zach and her baby brother were sucking each other’s cocks.

Dani decided she was going to fuck him. She hadn’t been sure she would. She’d mostly wanted to suck his cock. Actually, she’d mostly just wanted to see his cock, all hard and throbbing and young, but the sight of it had made her want it in her mouth. Now she wanted it in her pussy. Between her legs, Zach was eagerly sucking and licking at her, and she was trembling against him.

She was very nearly at the point where she was becoming too sensitive for the attention the kid was giving to her clit. While he was adept enough at eating pussy, especially for such a young boy, he didn’t yet have enough experience to know when to back off her little button. She wasn’t in the mood to give a lesson, however. She just wanted his cock.

Zach was sitting on the edge of the couch with his face buried between Dani’s legs. He liked the taste of her pussy in his mouth. He also liked the way she was moaning and running her hands through his hair, and grinding herself against him. Her hips were making slow, languid circles. Her gasps were making him really hot, and his boner was hugging his stomach. Then she broke the grip of his arms around her legs and pushed him back.

With an effort of will, Dani broke the boy’s embrace and pushed him back until he was slumping on the couch, his ass nearly off the cushion. She knelt down until she had a knee on either side of him, then took hold of his straining erection. She didn’t even bother to swipe it over her, knowing she was more than wet enough to accommodate him. She positioned him carefully, and then with a hiss, she sank down, feeling him fill her.

Zach let out an involuntary groan as the woman’s pussy wrapped around his deeply buried cock. The sudden heat of her was amazing and he felt himself straining upward, trying to push more of himself up inside her.

Dani shuddered atop him, gripping his slender shoulders, tightening the muscles in her cunt, feeling them ripple around his slender length. It felt so good because she knew it was so bad. A thirteen-year-old boy, and she was sitting on his cock, the thing throbbing strongly inside her. And not just any thirteen-year-old, but the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen. Living and working on the beach, she’d seen many, but Zachy Jacobs shone with something that seemed barely human, and everyone who met him knew it and wanted a piece of it. She was getting her piece now. Or rather, he was.

Head still in that other place it went when he was high, Zach just leaned back and enjoyed the ride, watching as Dani worked herself up and down on his cock, her eyes closed, her hands on her small breasts, her body rising and falling as she fucked him. He liked the sound of her pussy as it sank around him again and again, like an oil derrick, rhythmic and slick. For a time he lost himself in that sound, the soft squelching. Then he became more aware of the feeling of her, the way her hot cunt was gripping his dick, riding up and down.

Dani figured the aborted blowjob must have gotten the kid ramped up, or maybe he was just normally this quick. She knew he was cumming when she heard the strangled gasp and he clutched her tightly. She could feel his cock jerking inside her, and even imagined him painting her insides with hot boyjizz, although with the lack of pubes she honestly wondered if he could shoot yet. She had to admit she was disappointed. She’d hoped he would last longer. She was so close herself. She reached between her legs, began rubbing her clit, hoping to finish herself off without making it too obvious that he hadn’t completed the job for her.

While she’d known he was done, she was still surprised when he began to work his way out from underneath her. She’d thought he’d want to at least enjoy the warm afterglow. She sighed as she sank down on her heels, fingers still working idly on her hooded clit. She found herself looking at Zach’s cock. That’s not a soft cock, she thought. It was still pointing at the ceiling and glistening with their combined body fluids.

Zach kicked his shorts the rest of the way off, then quickly peeled off his shirt. He saw the way Dani’s eyes went from his rigid dick to his lean and muscular chest and abdomen. His cock lurched. He loved it when people looked at him with that gleam in their eyes, that open hunger.

Dani had about three inches and she didn’t want to think about how many pounds on the kid, but that disparity wasn’t at all in evidence as he took her almost roughly by her upper arms and forced her back onto the couch. His slender arms felt like they were steel cables, and she gripped them as he climbed between her legs and within moments expertly guided his cock back into her pussy. She gasped as he filled her with a cock that seemed even harder than it had before.

That’s when Zachy began to fuck her in earnest. This was no languid screwing. No slow, erotic dance. Zach’s breath was hot on her neck as he began to piston his cock into her. He started off stiff-armed above her, his skinny hips working rapidly, but soon lowered himself to his elbows, hugging her tightly while his pale ass worked in a blur of movement.

Dani could only hold on. The single-mindedness of his attack was almost brutal. His pubic mound slammed into hers again and again, almost painfully. If the sound of their previous joining had been loud, it was now a staccato tattoo that she was sure could be heard through the walls. Of course, that wasn’t the only sound. Each rapid thrust of the boy’s cock forced a gasp from her, which somehow mixed with a long stream of moans that interwove with each forced exhalation.

Within a minute Dani was cumming. The orgasm crashed through her wholly unexpectedly, shocking her with the pleasure, which washed through her like a wave. Her whole body trembled and she tried to tell Zach to slow down, to give her a moment, but he was lost in his own world, intent on his goal. Given no chance to come down, she was equally unprepared for the second orgasm, which came right on the heels of the first.

By now, Dani had wrapped her legs up around Zach’s thighs, the insides of her legs already feeling raw from the friction of their bodies. Her nails were in the boy’s back, not quite piercing, but painful, leaving half-moon indentations. She reached down and grabbed the boy’s perfect ass, hoping to force him to slow, but she didn’t have enough strength in her arms to force him to alter his rhythm, which if anything seemed to be speeding.

Another orgasm ripped through her and Dani groaned. Each climax seemed to take her higher and higher, into a realm of pleasure she’d never known. It was akin to pain and she began to pray for and dread the next one. When it came, she was too hoarse to cry out, and she simply hung on, not knowing if she wanted it to stop or if she wanted it to go on and on until he broke her apart, melting her into disparate molecules which would float off into the cosmos.

Finally, after an amount of time she couldn’t even attempt to measure, Zachy pulled out of her. She found her eyes locked on his stiffly throbbing teen cock. However, any thoughts that the experience was over was quickly dashed when he used the strength in those slender arms to flip her over and pull her up onto her knees. Her face she buried in the cushion, smelling the bodies, the sea salt, the ground in corn chips and pot that infested it clogging her nose. Surely this wasn’t happening, she thought. Then she felt Zach’s five inches slam into her once again and she groaned.

She wanted to stop him. Had to stop him, but she was helpless. In this new position he could fuck her even faster, even deeper, than he had before. She came again almost immediately, crying out, sure that tears were forming in her eyes. She couldn’t breath. Couldn’t think. Her body trembled. Her pussy felt numb. It felt like it was on fire. It felt swollen and pained and so full of pulsing pleasure she could barely stand it.

Zach’s hand’s were on the woman’s thighs, pulling her against him as he slammed his cock into her again and again. He’d seen the way she’d been looking at him the last couple of years. He knew that look, though she did her best to disguise it. He’d wondered if she’d ever do anything about it and how he’d react. Now he’d found out. She has a nice pussy, he decided. It felt great wrapped around his dick. Not as tight as some, and certainly not as tight as a boy’s ass, but it was slick and welcoming and he was enjoying slamming his cock into it.

There was something really cool about hearing a woman gasp out with each of his thrusts, knowing they were feeling his cock and loving it. He wanted to show Dani that all that secret longing had been worth it. It was his duty, he figured, to give someone who wanted him a good experience. To him that meant fucking hard, and fucking fast, and fucking as long as he could fuck. He’d read about techniques online. Things like adjusting rhythms and circling his hips and shit like that. He’d even tried a few of them on Benji, who was sort of his experimental fuck puppet. They were okay, but nothing beat a straight out fucking, and with his head fucked up from the weed, that was one thing he knew he could deliver.

Zach was watching his cock slide in and out of Dani’s cunt. The pale length of him was there, and then it wasn’t. There and gone, there and gone. It was like a magic trick. Then his eyes moved upward, very slightly. There sat the pucker of her asshole. It was sorta winking at him. It was pretty much like most assholes he’d seen. He wasn’t sure he’d ever paid all that much attention to them. It was probably darker than others he’d seen. He wasn’t sure if that was because she was older or if it was just her. The only other assholes he’d actually fucked had been boys in the eleven to fifteen range, and theirs were nicely pink.

The more he stared at that winking anus, the more he thought about getting his cock in there. Pussies were great, and he was certainly enjoying the one he was in, but her asshole would have to be so much tighter, wouldn’t it? The thought was interrupted as he noticed Dani was cumming. He knew she’d cum before, but he hadn’t been paying a whole lot of attention. Sometimes her cunt would tighten down around him, but he’d been too involved in fucking to pay it much mind. Now he felt her loosening up around him again and he pulled out of her.

“Thank god,” she gasped softly.

It’s finally over, Dani thought. She felt wrecked, but she’d survived it and while it had actually verged into scary, it had been incredible. Then she felt something she’d felt only once before. It was the spongy presence of a cockhead being pressed against her asshole. Dani had let one guy fuck her in the ass. It had been years ago and it hadn’t gone well and she’d vowed never to do it again.

Dani didn’t seem to have the strength to tense up, and while her voice rose in a weak protest, it was choked off as Zach’s teen cock slid into her rectum. There was pain, but it was minimal. Mostly there was a stretching sensation like she was having a difficult time in the bathroom. Apparently Zach’s young cock was just thin enough to allow him access without too much discomfort.

Still, she didn’t want him in there. She felt immediately violated and uncomfortable, physically as well as mentally, and she wanted him out. However, the quick fucking of his cock resumed, rocking her body and stealing her breath. The boy was like a machine, pistoning in and out of her. Her whole groin felt numb from his earlier abuse, so she figured that was helping, as was the still strong buzz of good pot weaving through her tissues.

That was it, Zach decided. Her ass, as expected, was tighter than her pussy. His cock was already so well lubricated from her puss that it slid into her ass easily, and eased his passage as he began to fuck her again. He could tell she liked it. She was gasping like crazy and her ass was rippling around his cock, squeezing it. He began to slam it into her good, loving the meaty slaps of his groin against her asscheeks. He’d never had the luxury of two holes like this and thought he’d have to try it again next time he had a woman or girl. Dani certainly seemed to like it.

Dani couldn’t believe how much she was liking it. The sense of violation retreated when the stimulation of Zachy’s cock began to radiate through her. Her one experience with anal had been so bad that she’d never explored that area, and now she realized that she’d been missing something. It was different than the sensations she experienced from her pussy, but no less pleasurable for all that. It also allowed her to reach a hand up between her legs and directly manipulate her clit. As she brought herself to a shuddering orgasm she wondered just what the hell she was doing. She’d just felt like a survivor of some sort of natural disaster a minute before, and now she was throwing herself back into the maelstrom willingly.

Zach felt Dani’s asshole rippling around his cock as she came and he knew he’d reached his limit. He wouldn’t last much longer and frankly his cock was beginning to feel a bit raw, like when he jacked off one too many times. Wanting to go out with a bang, so to speak, the boy dug in his feet and began to go as hard and fast as he could, driving his cock almost maniacally.

Dani felt the increase in speed and force and shuddered helplessly underneath him. Her hand had left her pussy, requiring the strength she gained from clutching the cushion just to keep herself from shaking apart. Zach’s thirteen-year-old cock was a molten spike in her ass, driving faster and faster, filling her in equal measures with pleasure and pain. Then, with a final, grunting shove, he was cumming.

Zach pressed forward mightily, straining, his cock lurching, buried deep in the woman’s gripping ass. Zach didn’t shoot a lot, a thin stream or three with a few followup droplets most times, but it felt explosive as he fired his boyish salvo deep into the woman’s rectum.

He knelt there, breath a bit fast, but not terribly so. Dani was gasping like a dying fish. Maybe thirty seconds passed and he felt Dani’s asshole clench around him as there came a tinkling from the bell over the front door.

Zach calmly slid his cock back out of the woman’s asshole. He grabbed his shorts up off the floor and stepped into them. He started to pull them up and then paused with them at mid thigh. He dug into one of the large pockets and extracted a small square. He opened up the sanitizing wipe and swiped it over his half-hard cock, then crumbled it up and dropped it to the ground and pulled his shorts the rest of way up around his hips. A quick zip and he was through the door to the front of the store.

Dani watched him go, amazed at his calm, but so spent she couldn’t work up the energy to move, even knowing it was likely the kid’s dad out there. The pot at least was numbing the fear of possible discovery.

Zach found a guy and his kid. They were on vacation and dad wanted to talk boogie boards for his son. The son was pretty cute in a round faced, full lipped sort of way. He was about eleven or so, with brown hair in a kind of bowl cut and hazel eyes. In fact, he reminded him a lot of the boy in that new space show on Netflix. Hard to remember the name of it through the fog. Danger, Will Roberson!

The guy himself wasn’t bad looking. Mid to late thirties, athletic looking, sharp features. Kid must have gotten the apple cheeks and bee-stung lips from his mom.

Zach noticed right away the way the guy was checking him out. It wasn’t all that unusual for him to wait on customers without a shirt. It was a surf shop after all. The guy wasn’t even trying to hide how interested he was, even commenting on his tan and asking him to flex for him. The kid wasn’t very shy about checking him out either. Well, that wasn’t really true, he did seem shy, as his looks were all out of the corner of his eyes or through lowered eyelids, but he was looking nonetheless.

Zach found himself wondering what was up between the kid and man. Were they really father and son? Of course, even if they were it didn’t mean anything. He’d read some pretty fucked up stuff online. He’d never had a dad and son at the same time. The thought of it gave him a boner.

The man got even more demonstrative when he noticed Zach’s erection, which was sticking out pretty obviously in a clear area between his fly and his left pocket. Zach could have slid it up behind the zipper to make it a little less obvious, but he left it where it was, secretly enjoying the looks. The man was definitely hard himself, but it wasn’t all that noticeable in his loose khakis. Zach could tell by the way he moved though. The kid also seemed to be boned up, based on the way he was rubbing his wrist against the front of his pants.

The man had just offered to have Zach join them for lunch, which Zach knew really meant a lot more than lunch. He was definitely intrigued and was about to accept when his dad walked into the shop. He immediately slid a hand into his pocket, gripping his boner so it wasn’t noticeable.

As soon as they heard Zach call him ‘dad’, the man and son made a quick purchase and left the shop. His dad asked him if Dani had shown up, and before he had to make up a lie, Dani walked through the back door with lunch for her and him, but she would barely look at him. That was okay with him. He was pretty sure she’d get over it.

Adults seemed to feel guilty when they fucked a kid. It made sense with the way everybody was always screaming about what a horrible thing that was. Zach figured they should just shut the fuck up and get laid. If two, or more, people wanted to fuck, who the fuck else’s business was it? He knew how many adults checked him out and it wasn’t some tiny, disturbed percentage of the population like they tried to make it seem. There were a hell of a lot more people who wanted to get in his pants out there than anyone would believe, both men and women.

So he had no problem letting Dani have her little moment of self-examination, but he was fairly sure she’d get over it. Especially the next time she wanted a fuck. The fact that there would be a next time was never a question in his mind.

Just as he was about to go to the back room with his burrito, there came a soft rap at the front of the door. His dad and Dani were talking and didn’t hear it, but Zach looked up and saw the boy from before. He went outside and with a cute blush the boy silently slipped him a piece of plastic. It was a room key from a nice hotel up the beach. There was slight gleam in the boy’s bang-covered eyes as he ran back to a waiting sedan out front.

End of Part one

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