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Category: Cousins (Page 1 of 4)

The Esses – Part 1

The Esses – Part 1
Jason Crow

The Esses

Part one
It was the third of September, the memorable day this all started. After I changed into something more comfortable, I headed upstairs toward the pool deck. I couldn’t immediately find the girls. And since I had been downstairs for almost an hour, they could have been anywhere. I had to remind myself that I wasn’t their camp counselor and didn’t need to watch them every minute. That’s when I heard their voices outside on the pool deck. Relieved that they were making themselves at home, I went to check on them. They had been swimming and were now emerging from the pool, their bodies dripping wet.

“Fuck me…” I mumbled under my breath.

The two bikini-clad preteens, with their glistening bodies, struck a nerve inside I never knew I had. But I didn’t want to have this particular nerve! These girls were about to turn thirteen, damn it! And they were family.

Sarah was wearing a red bikini, which matched her blonde hair perfectly. It hid everything nicely from view and was decent enough for a girl her age, but it did manage to accentuate her curves nicely. Sandra’s bikini was denim blue with a bit of purple around its edges. It was a bit skimpier than Sara’s, but she could still go to a public pool with it without gathering too much attention.

I acted like it was the most normal thing in the world for me to be around two scantily dressed preteen girls, and I did my best not to stare. I liked looking at women. I enjoyed beautiful women! But these two weren’t women yet; they were girls. They were probably oblivious to how they looked and what their effect on men could be. I didn’t need to gawk over them. No! I needed to help them and learn how to deal with their maturing bodies.

“Hi, Uncle Ronald!” Sarah said with a smile, “Your pool is amazing!”

“Yeah…” Sandra added, “But I’m so wet…”

Wait… what? What did she just say? I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my head as I was looking for words.

“That’s the whole meaning of a pool, you dummy,” Sarah giggled.

“Uhm… yeah…” I tried, “water is wet, you know?”

“Jeez! I was just kidding,” Sandra said with mock annoyance as she wrung out her hair. “I’m looking for a towel.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and tossed her a freakin’ towel. Both girls dried themselves as I did my best not to look at their young breasts that were hidden by the small bikini tops. Their low-riding bottoms hugged their developing curves magnificently, and their bronzed skin showed no signs of any tan line either. I quickly needed to find something to do. Otherwise, I’d be busted looking at their bodies, and my life would be over. Okay, maybe not over, but I’d have a lot of explaining to do. So, I started checking on one of the umbrellas and made sure it was… well… still an umbrella…

“Uncle Ronald?” Sandra asked innocently behind me.

I turned around and saw that she was holding out a bottle of sunscreen in her hand. Yikes! They wanted me to apply that all over them? While a growing part of me was all in favor of that idea, a wiser part wasn’t sure about how good of an idea it was. I mean, I’ve done that for leggy models in this very spot, but for these two….? I tried distracting them by saying, “Please! Call me Ronald or Ron! That whole ‘Uncle’ stuff makes me feel old and saggy.”

“Okay, Un- Ronald. Would you mind helping us with our backs?”

“Yeah, please…” Sarah added as she lay down on her belly on one of the chaise lounges, “But you don’t look saggy to us, Ron!”

“No, not at all,” Sandra said as she handed me the sunscreen and lay down herself. “You’re quite handsome, actually.”

I didn’t know what to say or do. If I didn’t know any better, these two girls were hitting on me pretty heavily. But this was probably me, reading into something that wasn’t there, combined with the fact that I hadn’t gotten laid in almost a month. And there was no harm in applying sunscreen, was there?

“Alright! Who’s first?” I asked, trying to be as casual as possible.

“Do me,” Sandra said.

Oh, fuckI had to stop hearing these things in my adult mind…

She was lying closest to me, so I knelt beside her chair and squeezed some of the milky-white sunscreen onto my hand. Rubbing them together, I glanced down at her. She had turned her head towards me, wearing a warm yet mischievous smile.

As I reached out to apply the sunscreen to her shoulders, my hands trembled slightly. It felt a bit ridiculous—I was simply assisting her with something practical, nothing remotely intimate. Parents do this for their kids all the time. Nevertheless, I continued without dwelling on it, making sure to keep my touches purely platonic.

As I worked the sunscreen into her shoulders and back, I avoided any accidental brushes near sensitive areas. I wouldn’t accidentally want to touch some side boob or anything even remotely close. When I reached the top of her bikini bottom, she remarked with a playful tone, “You’ve got strong hands, Unc- Ronald!”

“Thanks,” I replied, feeling stupid for getting nervous about this. I grabbed the bottle of sunscreen, moved over to Sarah, and said as confidently as I could, “Your turn.”

It was the same routine with Sarah. But when I was at her lower back, she surprised me by untying her top and pulling the back strings out of the way.

“Can you please do that bit again? I don’t wanna get sunburned there.”

I swallowed when I looked at her bare back. It was really no different than it was a second ago, but with having that string untied… oh boy… I manned up and said, “Sure!” and rubbed her entire back again. I was trying to be as casual about this as I could, but my dick betrayed me when I felt it started to grow in my pants.

“There you go,” I said and oozed down on the spare chair next to Sarah.

“Why don’t you take off your shirt and chill a bit with us?” Sarah asked as she fixed her top and tied it back together again.

She was spot on. I really needed to unwind. I was currently wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt and loose-fitting khaki shorts, casual enough for me to chill with the girls. I knew I wasn’t bad to look at. Several other women had complimented me on my abs and pecs. I was far from buff but maybe even further from a typical dad-bod. This might have something to do with the fact that I wasn’t a dad and actually had time to work out. So I casually shrugged, slipped off my shirt, kicked off my boat shoes, and settled down beside my nieces on one of the chaise lounges. We engaged in some light conversation, and with each passing moment, I found myself sinking deeper into relaxation, basking in the warmth of the sun and the joy of my nieces’ company. I started thinking about how I had gotten into this unusual situation.

* * *

I had just wrapped up a Teams meeting with my financial advisors when my phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I let out a deep sigh. It was my sister calling, and history told me it wasn’t going to be good news.

“Hey, Laura,” I greeted with forced cheerfulness, attempting to conceal my annoyance.

“Hi, Ronald.”

Uh-oh. When she went for the full name, trouble was brewing. Judging by her tone, it was trouble with a capital T.

“I just got a call from Lisa. And believe it or not, she just announced her divorce too!” Laura said, a hint of amusement in her voice.


Not exactly breaking news. I didn’t see my sisters that much, but each time I did, I was amazed at how cold their marital relationships seemed. Lisa’s marriage had been on life support for ages, and Laura’s own divorce last month had practically telegraphed her twin’s imminent split.

Ever since I was a boy, my younger twin sisters have always copied each other’s actions. As identical twins, they considered it their prerogative. From the moment I first laid my eyes on them, I knew I was in trouble. They were four years younger than me, infinitely annoying, and had gotten themselves in trouble more than I can remember. I had to pull them out of a couple of tight spots numerous times.

“Yeah…” Laura continued, “She finally had the guts to tell that douchebag to go fuck himself.”


I kept my responses short, a strategy I’d learned over the years to avoid putting my foot in it. Laura was clearly on a roll, and I had no desire to interrupt her venting session.

“So, as we were talking about that shitty husband of hers, we decided that we deserved a break.”

In typical drama queen fashion, she paused for effect. I simply said, “A break…”

“A break, yes! We were both married for thirteen years, and we think it’s time for us to party!”

“To party… Right. You do realize you’re thirty-six, and it’s a bit sad when divorced women your age start hitting the clubs?”

“We don’t care, Ron. We need to let off some steam, period.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. It was obvious that something was up. She never calls me just to complain. She does that with Lisa. No, she wanted something.

After another dramatic pause, she dropped the bomb, “Because Lisa and I think it’s a good idea that you look after the girls for a while…”

“What!? No way! I’m swamped over here, and—”

“Bullshit! And you know it! We all think it’s good for Sarah and Sandra to see how a normal male role model behaves. And I know it’s a bit unsettling, but we think you’re the closest thing to a normal male for them.” 

“But… I don’t have a clue how to babysit two eight-year-olds!”

“They’re twelve, almost thirteen, Ron…” Lisa corrected me. “They practically look after themselves. You’re just there to make sure they eat and won’t accidentally set the house on fire. I… we… well… We think it’s good if you guys reconnect. It’s good for you, too, you know?”

I sighed audibly, but after another short break, Laura dropped another bomb, “And it’s only going to be for a week.”

“A whole week?” I exclaimed.

“Don’t be a pussy, Ronald. It’ll be over before you know it. Trust me.”

I knew I was cornered, but I wasn’t about to surrender without a fight. “I… I can’t! I’ve got—”

My sister cut through my feeble protests, “We’ll drop the Esses off tomorrow morning so we can catch our flight in time. Make sure you’re ready.”

I paused for a second, feeling deflated, and said, “I’ll ask Maria to prepare two bedrooms.”

“You’re the best, Ron! See you tomorrow!”


I hung up, feeling defeated. Why did my sisters still have this much power over me? Sure, I liked my nieces, but babysitting was not on my agenda. Yet, as I contemplated the impending chaos to my life, Laura’s words stuck, and a small part of me looked forward to actually reconnecting with the girls. And I did feel a bit guilty for keeping them at a distance. Granted, their husbands had something to do with that. Actually, quite a lot, if I was honest. But they were still my sisters, and I was the one who always blew them off with some lame excuse. Maybe this was the start of reconnecting with them. Who knows.

My sisters did everything together. When Lisa had her first real boyfriend at fourteen, Laura had one a week later. Laura announced her marriage about a decade later, so Lisa announced hers six weeks after that. When Laura was pregnant, it only took Lisa a month to proudly announce her own pregnancy. As a result of this, my nieces were born four and a half weeks apart from each other. When the kids were together, which was nearly all of the time, people always asked if they were twins since they looked and dressed almost identically. And since both their names started with an S, the nickname ‘The Esses’ was born soon enough.

But the last time I saw them, they were about to turn nine, and now they were almost thirteen. I knew I wasn’t the best uncle in the world, and I felt a bit guilty for not seeing them as much as I wanted, as I didn’t have any children myself. So, the idea of looking after them now wasn’t as bad as I wanted Laura to believe. I actually looked forward to spending some time with them, but I didn’t want Laura or Lisa to know this.

However, my life had changed significantly since I last saw them. I had developed an early AI and ML model that caught the attention of big tech. When one of them came knocking to buy this tech, I initially refused their offer – and it was a generous offer! But I just knew I could do better. So, after almost another year of tweaking and tinkering, I had the feeling it was done and ready to conquer the world.

I realized I couldn’t market this alone. And I knew this would be a difficult task. As I was talking to a friend about this, by some miracle, the planets aligned, and I received the most important phone call of my life.

Another big tech company had been following me for a while and was highly interested in my project. And they made me an offer I just couldn’t refuse. I’d be filthy rich overnight, and I’d also get a decent percentage of stocks from that firm. Best of all, I could keep using my tech to further develop stuff I’d find interesting, and we’d renegotiate the terms if I would produce something interesting enough.

After I received the payment, I bought a vast piece of land near the ocean. On this land, there was an old, abandoned bomb shelter, lots of woods, but also a small, private beach. Steep cliffs surrounded my private beach, so I could work on my laptop while lounging in the sun and looking at the ocean without being disturbed by anyone. I hired an architect to build me a house on the cliff with lots of windows and natural light so I could see both the sea and the woods from up there.

This house turned out even better than I’d envisioned. It had a massive basement carved into the rocks, which I’d transformed into my workshop, seamlessly connected to the bomb shelter through a series of tunnels. It had a cozy movie theater that could fit a small group of people. A spacious outdoor and indoor pool that appeared to blend into the cliff, creating the illusion of diving straight into the ocean. And, of course, a generous living room, a fully equipped kitchen, and an oversized garage for my other passion: sports cars. I’d automated everything with AI and smart tools, but I’d also brought on some staff to lend a hand. Being a forty-year-old single man in a house this big was both liberating and suffocating.

My hair had recently turned more into a salt-and-pepper-colored bush. Thankfully, it was still a full and lush bush of hair. Despite working mainly behind a desk, I’ve always had the intrinsic motivation to stay fit. Before I struck it big with my software, I used to hit the gym at least three times a week. Now, with my own gym at home, I worked out almost daily. Good genes helped, but I never aimed to be buff. I didn’t want a dad-bod, but I wasn’t aiming for huge muscles either. I was fit, especially for my age, and proud of the shape I was in.

Enter Maria, my housekeeper. She was a pretty woman, and despite my attempts at flirting, she politely turned me down, revealing she was a lesbian. Initially disappointed, I considered letting her go, but our dynamic turned out to be perfect. We share a more roommate-like relationship than the typical boss-employee setup, with no underlying tension. It’s a powerful bond that transcends the professional.

But I liked to be alone. My sisters always teased me for being a hermit, but living alone in this spacious mansion feels like paradise to me. Sure, there was a brief stint when I lived the playboy life, cruising into town in my flashy sports cars, picking up one or two beautiful women to indulge in a night of passion at my mansion. Threesomes and foursomes weren’t uncommon, but every departure left me feeling like a sleaze and downright miserable.

Maria was always frank with me, and after another night of endless sex where she’d find me on the couch in my underwear looking like shit, she confronted me and asked, “Why do you put yourself through this, Ron?”

“Do what?”

“You’re pretending to be someone you’re not.”

“I’m not trying…”

“Yes, you are. Admit it. You’re a loner. You don’t need people. Just embrace it and keep a small circle of friends. That’s all you need!”

“I… I don’t…”

“Think about it,” Maria advised before walking away.

Maria was something else. Despite not being on my payroll for that long, she could read me like an open book and never shied away from telling it like it was. The more I reflected on it, the more I had to admit it. She was right! I loved being alone! Society had this misguided notion that solitude was a sad state and that people should pity those labeled as loners. But truth be told, I could go for weeks without a soul around, and I’d still be in high spirits.

Once I fully embraced this realization, my life settled back into a comfortable routine. Sure, I’d venture out occasionally, but the days of bringing a woman home were now more like a once-a-month thing rather than the nightly extravaganzas of the past. And you know what? I loved it! Maria’s company was enjoyable, and Hank, my groundskeeper, was a hilarious guy who always found a way to have fun with me. So, yeah, life was good.

And then, there was this impending disruption. Two young girls about to turn my peaceful haven into a playground. I gave Maria a mission: go out and stock up on board games, coloring books, and anything else that might entertain little kids. She gave me a curious look and shrugged but ultimately went ahead and did as I asked.

When she returned, I knew we needed to have a difficult conversation. Maria had requested a two-week vacation to Hawaii with her girlfriend Anna, and Maria was planning to propose to her during the trip. But I couldn’t manage the girls on my own; I needed Maria’s help. My heart sank when I heard her open the front door.

“What’s up, Ron?” Maria asked, noticing my expression.

“Can you sit down, please?”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No! No… it’s just that…” I sighed deeply, “I can’t manage the girls on my own for a whole week. I know it’s short notice, but my sisters…”

“So… I can’t go on vacation?” Maria interrupted.

“It’s… uhm… I don’t think so, no. I’m really sorry, Maria, but I just can’t.”

“Well… fuck,” she muttered, leaning back in her chair, looking defeated.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you, and I’ll cover all the cancellation costs. But I really need your help right now.”

After a moment of silence, Maria stared into the distance, then stood up and looked me in the eyes. “Okay. But you have to promise to listen to me and not be stubborn. I practically raised my sister and little brother, so I know what I’m doing.”

“Deal!” I said, feeling immensely relieved.

I chuckled at how she stood with her hand on her hip, like a true diva. I stood up to give Maria a firm hug.

She quickly broke the hug and said, “I’ll go and call Anna. Not sure how she’s going to take this.”

“Good luck! I’ll call the travel agency and cancel everything. If you need anything, just let me know!”

Maria grabbed her purse and handed me all the information I needed to cancel everything. It was the least I could do, and I felt grateful and relieved that she was willing to stay and help me out.

“But don’t think I’ll forget this,” Maria said, her eyes flashing with intensity. “I’m helping you because you’re a nice guy, and I don’t want to lose this job. But I’m furioso about all this.”

“I understand,” I replied, knowing her well enough not to push back at that moment.

“It’s always me,” she continued angrily. “You don’t ask Hank to come back from his vacation.”

“That’s different, and you know it,” I said carefully.

Her anger seemed to simmer down a bit. The fire in her eyes softened as she looked at me and said, “I know. But it’s just…”

“I get it. And you have every right to be angry with me. But I promise I will make it up to you!”

“I know you will.”

With that, she turned and walked away from me. I had never seen her so upset before, and for a moment, I feared she might resign. Thankfully, her fiery Mexican temperament didn’t completely take over at that moment. 

End of part one

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Ibi habetis. Alia nova fabula, sicut pro te

Cliché Cousins

Cliché Cousins
rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

I hated Florida. Of course I’d only been here three days, but I knew I hated it. Or at least I knew I missed Wisconsin. My mom had moved us down here because she missed her sister, who had moved down here like ten years ago. But all my friends were in Wisconsin, and I was miserable. Of course, I was almost always miserable. Being sixteen and gay in a small town didn’t seem to leave much room for any other emotions.

I suppose I should have been happy. After all, a new place meant new chances right? At least that’s what my mom was trying to tell me. I wasn’t sure I was buying it. I was too busy sulking. In fact, I’d barely left my room since we’d arrived, ignoring my mom’s requests to visit with my aunt and her son.

See, I had just met somebody right before we left. Sixteen years in that town, at least five years knowing I was gay and desperately afraid someone would find out. Desperately afraid, also, that nobody would find out and I’d spend my life alone. And then I’d met Brett. He had moved into town a few months earlier, but except for noting he was kinda cute, I hadn’t really noticed him at all. Too caught up in my own private hell.

Then one day I was running down the hall at school, late for class, when I whipped around a corner and slammed right into him. Books everywhere. We laughed and helped each other pick up our things. After that I seemed to notice him a lot. At lunch, between classes, even the History class we shared. Finally, he asked me to come over to his house after school for some Xbox. To make a long story short, we ended up kissing. Just once, but man it was enough to make my heart soar. Finally! I’d thought. That night I still felt like I was walking on air when my mom told me we were moving. Talk about crash and burn. A week later we were here. I’d barely even had a chance to say goodbye. So if I wanted to lie in my bed and cry a bit and hate my life, well my mom was just going to have to live with it.

I think she was very confused by why I was so upset. I’d often talked about how much I hated our town. I’d never told her I was gay. I mean, I’m sure she probably would have been ok with it. I think. Anyway, I could hardly tell her the reason I was so upset was that I’d finally met a boy and now I was being ripped away from him before we’d even had a chance to fool around.

Sigh. Of course, things never work out the way you expect them to. I was lying there feeling wonderfully miserable when my mom pokes her head in the door, without knocking(!), and says, “Toby, you can’t stay in here forever. I’ve got your swim things. We’re going over to my sister’s. You can be miserable over there if you want.” Don’t you hate it when moms are right? Twenty minutes later I’d forgotten all about Brett.

My cousin Josh was eleven. Or eleven-and-three-quarters according to him. Of course, I’d met Josh before. He usually came to Wisconsin with his mom once a year for Thanksgiving. They hadn’t actually made it last year, ‘cause Josh was sick and they didn’t want to travel, so I hadn’t seen him since he was nine. Man, what a difference two years had made. I mean, well he wasn’t like One Direction hot, but he was cute as hell. He was probably four foot ten, making him a full foot shorter than me. He had short but wavy brown hair, and green eyes. Killer green eyes. A short, sharp little nose and full, pouty sorta lips. He was slender, but ripped for a little kid. Lean little muscles on a swimmer’s frame. He had a great tan, and I kept finding myself watching the way his skin glistened with the water. And did I notice some appreciative glances at my own body, or was that my imagination?

I had been sorta pissed about being dragged over there, but when Josh saw me he was just so happy about the fact that I’d moved down there and couldn’t wait to show me his room and then the pool. We’d quickly changed into board shorts and headed out to their nice sized pool. Just a couple minutes with Josh and I was smiling for the first time in weeks.

Like I said I’m about five ten and I’ve got about the same build as Josh, lean and muscled. So I had no problem picking him up and throwing him around the pool. He thought it was great and was laughing like crazy. I gotta admit I was enjoying the feel of his skin on mine. Which really got me thinking. I mean… I was basically perving on a little kid, and my cousin at that. Ok, I liked looking at younger guys, but never really thought about doing anything with one, you know? But Josh was so cute and funny and nice and warm and… there. I was having a great time.

After a couple hours we were both pretty pruney. Josh said he was gonna get out. He wanted to show me his Xbox. I was sitting on the stairs in the shallow end as he walked up past me and out of the pool. I turned to watch. So I’m sitting there talking to him and he strips right out of his board shorts and starts drying off right in front of me. My eyes must have bugged out or something cause he gave me this weird little smile and looked down at his dick. Of course that’s where my eyes went, too. Even after a couple hours in the pool it looked nice. About three inches long, slim, hairless, with small, loose hanging balls. I swallowed hard.

“Not allowed to drip across the living room,” he explained. “Gotta dry off out here.”

“Uh… ok,” I croaked.

He stood there with his hands on his slim hips, grinning at me, daring me. “Are you comin’?”

About to, I thought. To him I said, “I’ll be right behind ya.”

He smiled at me a moment longer and then shrugged. “Ok, but hurry! I wanna show you this new game I got!” And then he ran into the house, with my eyes glued to his pert little ass, so much paler than the rest of his tanned body.

I got out of the pool and peeked into the house, seeing that my mom and aunt were in the family room and wouldn’t see me if I ducked into the bathroom. I quickly stripped out of my shorts. My six inch dick was about half hard, pointing straight out. Drying it off only made it harder. I quickly wrapped the towel around my waist and dashed into the house.

The house was shaped a bit like an L. The pool sat between the two wings of the house with large sliding doors open to both wings. Luckily the wing to the left had the door and blinds shut, probably so my mom and aunt could talk without having to listen to us screw around in the pool. The right wing opened into the living room, with the kitchen to the left of that. Across the living room from the pool was a short hallway with Josh’s bedroom on the left, an office to the right, and a bathroom in between.

I just got my hand on the doorknob of the bathroom when Josh’s bedroom door opened and he popped out dressed in just a pair of tightie whities. He glanced down to where my hard cock was tenting the towel and giggled.

“Toby’s got a boner!” he teased in a singsong voice. He shook his hips and did a little dance, singing it again.

“Hush, brat!” I snapped with a smile and ducked into the bathroom, followed by his giggles.

My boner thankfully was not a topic of conversation by the time I’d dried off and changed. I found Josh dressed in shorts and eager to show me his room. While we played video games I couldn’t help glancing over at him. His tan skin seemed so smooth and touchable. I eventually managed to scoot over a bit so that our thighs pressed warmly together.

The truth is, I’d never really gotten this close to another boy before. Brett was the first boy I’d ever kissed, and that came and went so fast I barely had time to register it. I’d somehow missed out on all the sorta personal contact Josh and I had had today, casually touching one another. From time to time when we’d been out in the pool together he’d wrapped his arms around my neck, and his legs around my waist, just holding me like that. I think that, more than anything, is what was exciting me now. That closeness.

Before I knew it, we were called to dinner. Josh insisted I sit by him, and I noticed the amused smiles from both our mothers as they saw we were getting along so well. All too soon dinner was over, and after saying our goodbyes and promising to return tomorrow, we left for home.

That night, as I lay in bed, thinking about the day, I figured I’d end up jacking off. I mean, I almost always jack off at night anyway, and I certainly had tons of fuel from today. The image of Josh’s naked body kept flashing behind my eyes. But instead of getting all worked up, I just felt that same sense of warmth and closeness I’d had sitting with him in his room. I drifted off to sleep without a tear spilled for the first time in weeks.

*             *             *             *             *

The next day I was up early and with a decided bounce in my step. My mom was quick to notice. “Going to see Josh?”

“Yeah, figured I’d go swimming some more.”

“I’m glad to see you hit it off with him. He’s really been looking forward to you coming to live here. He looks up to you, you know.”

“How could he? He barely knows me.”

Mom shook her head and smiled. “Men!” she said with a long-suffering sigh filled with humor. “Honey, you’re a bit of a hero to Josh. You know he lost his dad very young, just like you did.”

“His dad died,” I pointed out. “Mine was just a jerk who walked out on us.”

“In any case, Josh has always seen you as a bit of an older brother. Your Aunt Kathy has told me he comes home after each Thanksgiving and can’t talk about anyone else for weeks. He thinks you’re really cool, dude.” I cringed a bit whenever my mom tried to talk ‘cool’.

“Well, he’s pretty cool. You know, for a kid. So anyway, I’m gonna go over there, ok?”

“Do you need a ride?” she asked.

They actually only lived about three miles away, but I had my motorcycle. It was just an old 250cc Honda my dad had left behind. I learned to ride it when I was twelve, but had just recently gotten licensed for it. “I’m gonna ride,” I informed her.

“Ok, honey, but be careful out there. There’s a lot more traffic than you’re used to.”

The bike wasn’t anything special, but it was mine. I’d learned all about bikes starting when I was about nine, when I realized that the bike would one day be mine. I maintained it for years before I was ever allowed to ride it. I learned to ride practicing on a friend’s dirt bike. By the time I was 13 I was sneaking the bike out on occasion, when I knew my mom wouldn’t be around to catch me. The day I got my license was one of the happiest I’d ever had, and I’d been riding every chance I got since then. I loved the feeling of riding it. It was so freeing.

I pulled up to my aunt’s house to find her outside in the front yard, doing something in a flower bed. She was dressed in shorts and a bikini top with gardener’s gloves. She was really attractive, but it was lost on me of course.

She turned and stood when I pulled into the drive and wiped her brow on her forearm. “Hi, Toby!” she smiled. “So that’s the infamous motorcycle, huh?”

“Yeah,” I said proudly, switching off the engine and lowering the kickstand. “Mom told you, huh?”

Kathy chuckled. “It terrifies your mom, you know. She’s sure you’re going to die on the thing.”

“She worries too much. I’m really careful,” I assured her.

“I’m sure you are. I see you’re dressed for swimming.” I was wearing my board shorts from yesterday and shoes and nothing else. “Josh is still in bed. Too early for that sleepyhead.”

“Oh,” I said, trying to keep the disappointment from my voice. “Should I come back later?”

“Don’t be silly,” she replied. “It’ll do him good to get up early for once. I swear, all that boy does is eat and sleep. Besides, he couldn’t stop talking about how much he enjoyed spending time with you yesterday.”

I actually felt myself blushing. “Uh, well, yeah. We had fun. So should I go in?”

“You go ahead,” she said. “I think I’m going to go to Home Depot here soon anyway. You won’t mind watching him for a bit while I go?”

“It’ll be my pleasure!” I grinned.

“Thanks, Toby. Oh, there’s pop in the fridge. If you want anything else just ask Josh.”

“I will,” I informed her, and then I went into the house.

As I walked through the quiet house I thought about Josh sleeping in his room. Did he wear pajamas, I wondered? Did he jack off? I wondered if he was too young yet or not. Maybe he jacked off last night, thinking about me. I shook my head to rid it of silly fantasies. Josh was just a normal kid with maybe a bit of hero worship. He certainly wasn’t a burgeoning fag, perving on his older cousin.

I had to get a grip.

Still, as I came to his bedroom door, I found myself twisting the knob as quietly as I could. I carefully eased open the door and slipped inside the dimly lit room. I could hear Josh’s soft breathing and see him clearly enough though the only light was that which leaked around the closed blinds. I just stood there for a minute, listening, watching, breathing. The room smelled so much more… Joshy, than it had yesterday. Warm and close and slightly musky. Sorta caused a bit of stir down below, to be honest. I moved a bit closer.

Josh was lying on his back, left hand on his stomach, right one underneath his pillow. His right side faced me, his feet towards the window. Without even realizing what I was doing, I found myself kneeling down beside the bed. His light brown hair was mussed from sleep. His eyes were shut and I could detect the slight movement under his eyelids which told me he was dreaming. His mouth was open slightly. I found myself looking at his hairless armpit, and bent over to take a quick sniff, feeling a bit pervy. I had an urge to lick that smooth skin but managed to control it. His smallish, dime-sized nipples were brownish and mostly smooth, showing just a slight bump in the center. I knew from watching yesterday that they would shrink even smaller when they got stiff.

The sheet was pulled to about halfway up his stomach. Glancing down, I felt myself suck in a quiet breath. Did he have a hard-on? It was sorta hard to tell in the gloom, and with the way the sheet was bunched around his waist, but I could swear I saw a dick-shaped lump down there between his legs. Not very big, but about the size I would have guesstimated given my free show yesterday. I briefly played with the idea of pulling his sheet down, and then his underwear and then… but better not to go there. My cock was already beginning to grow in my shorts and the last thing I needed was to be outted by my aunt while perving on her innocent young son.

Still, I couldn’t help reaching forward and placing my hand on his smooth, warm chest. Just for a moment I ran my thumb across the hairless skin of his armpit. He squirmed in his sleep. Back to his chest and I shook him a little.

“Josh,” I called softly. “Yo, Josh, wake up, lil dude.”

The boy grumbled in his sleep, so I shook him a bit harder. His legs moved, causing the sheet to shift and making me almost 100% certain that was a hard dick under there. I was staring intently between his legs when he said, “Hey, Toby!”

I guiltily snapped my gaze back to his face and caught his sleepy smile. He stretched, slow and languid, putting his whole body into it, like a cat. A quick glance downward. Oh man, that was definitely his dick. My own cock felt like a steel rod in my shorts. I used the cover of my position to quickly straighten it out and sighed with relief.

“Hey, kiddo,” I smiled. “Your mom told me to come in and wake you up. Hope you don’t mind.”

“It’s cool,” he smiled. He sat up on his elbows. “Did you wanna go swimming again?”

“Sure,” I smiled. I stood up as Josh whipped back his sheet and hopped out of bed. My eyes instantly locked onto his white briefs, so bright against his tan skin. His stiff little cock was clearly visible, poking insistently against the thin cloth. I felt my own cock lurch at the sight.

Josh caught my gaze and glanced down. “I got a boner,” he grinned, reaching down to clutch himself through his underwear. “Wanna see?” he teased. Then he glanced back at me. “Just kiddin’,” he said, as if he was sure I wouldn’t actually want to see it. “Let me pee and change and I’ll meet you in the pool!” Then he skipped out of the room.

For a minute I just stood there, feeling my dick throbbing in my shorts. I heard the bathroom door shut in the hall. Trying to get a grip on myself, I hurried out to the kitchen and grabbed a Mountain Dew out of the fridge. Keeping an eye on the hallway where Josh was, I stuck the can down my shorts. I gasped at the shock of it, and tried to will my cock back to limpness. It wasn’t working. So when Josh came out of the bathroom I pressed myself up against the kitchen counter to hide my condition. It really wasn’t that visible in the loose shorts, but I didn’t feel like taking any chances. I popped open the soda. “Want one?” I asked, having a brief fantasy of his lips and tongue against the can I had just had against my dick.

“Sure, grab me one, ok?” and he raced out the door and jumped into the pool.

I grabbed him a can from the fridge and went to join him. But before I made it out to the pool I found myself drawn to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, I quickly spotted Josh’s briefs on the floor. Feeling like a total pervert, I picked them up and looked at them. Hanes, size 10-12. No skidmarks, which was good. Unable to help myself, I lifted the crotch up to my nose, and I swear I swooned a little, inhaling his musky boyish scent. Reluctantly, I put them back on the ground where I found them, flushed the toilet just in case, and went out to join my cousin.

So we swam and we played and I think maybe I started to fall in love just a little. Josh was such a great kid. Funny, smart, affectionate. He was always hugging me or hanging on me, and I didn’t mind a bit. Around noon Kathy called us out for lunch. We sat by the pool and ate McDonald’s. Josh was nibbling fries like he was a squirrel, as he caught me smiling. I was leaning back in my chair, my feet up on the table.

“Your legs are sure hairy,” he said, staring.

They weren’t really, unless you compared them to his, which we both did. “Not that hairy,” I said. “There was this one kid in school named Matt Corelli who was so hairy we used to call him Wookie.”

Josh laughed. He had the cutest laugh. In fact, his voice was great. Sorta raspy and sexy. “You’ve got hair in your armpits, too,” he pointed out.

My hands were behind my head and I glanced to each of my pits in turn. Again, they weren’t really hairy compared to most guys I’d seen, but they probably seemed so to an eleven year old. Josh was looking at his own smooth armpits.

“You’ll get some soon enough,” I assured him.

Josh grinned and gave up his hopeless search for pit hairs. “And then I’ll get some down there, huh?”

“Down where?” I teased.

Josh stuck his tongue out at me. Man, I even liked his tongue. “Down in your pants. I bet you got tons.”

“Not much,” I told him.

“Like a jungle,” he teased. I laughed. “Like Bigfoot down there,” he laughed.

I grinned. “It’s not that big,” I told him. Josh thought that was hilarious.

After he stopped laughing he looked me over and said, “You should really get some sun. You’re like an albino or something.”

I really wasn’t that pale, but I wasn’t nearly as dark as Josh. “Do you lay out or something?” I asked.

“Nah, just swimming like normal and runnin’ around. Can’t wear board shorts all the time though or you get pale legs.”

I’d noticed he was wearing different shorts than yesterday. They were black and green and a bit shorter than the ones I’d seen him in before. The green really brought out his eyes. Remembering my view of his naked bod yesterday, I realized that he was only pale about where underwear would cover.

“So what else do you wear?” I asked, having visions of him running around the pool in wet tightie whities.

“I usually wear Speedos at home and board shorts only when I’m at the beach. We should go to the beach!”

I ignored that last, stuck on the mental vision of Josh in a Speedo. “So why aren’t you wearing a Speedo now?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I saw you had boards, so I wore mine. You have Speedos? You could work on your tan. You know… before somebody gets blinded from your albino legs.”

“I’ll show you albino when I spank your albino ass!” I yelled and jumped from my chair. Josh squealed and jumped up. We started chasing each other around the pool, laughing.

Before I knew it, Kathy was asking me if I wanted to stay for dinner. I said I would and then watched once again as Josh climbed out of the pool and stripped, trying not to stare as he dried himself. I once again waited for him to disappear into his room before getting out. Then I realized I didn’t have anything to change into. Embarrassed, I explained to my aunt. She had me strip and wrap a towel around my waist while she threw my wet shorts into the dryer.

I spent the whole meal feeling pretty exposed, praying I didn’t get a hard-on or lose my towel. I didn’t, but had a couple of close calls when Josh made a grab for it. The towel that is. On my way out of the house, once again in dry shorts, Josh saw my bike and begged for a ride, but his mom said it was too late and I promised him a ride on the following day.

*             *             *             *             *

The next morning I got stuck running errands with my mom and it was nearly noon by the time I was able to get over to Josh’s house. I was dressed once again in my board shorts, but this time I’d brought along an extra pair of regular shorts for later. Parking my bike I walked into the house and immediately heard high pitched voices and splashing coming from the pool. Passing through the living room I saw Josh and another boy at the same time my cousin spotted me.

“Toby!” Josh cried. Then he swam to the edge and climbed swiftly out of the pool. He was wearing a pair of Speedos, blue with green stripes on either side. I tried not to stare at the delicious little lump his cock made in the tight fabric. Dripping wet, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out to the pool.

“That’s Michael,” he said, pointing to the other boy, who was just climbing out of the pool. Michael, I was to confirm later, was ten. He was smaller and skinnier than Josh, with dark blond hair and a cute elfin face. He was also dressed in a Speedo, solid red. Michael waved and smiled.

“Come in and throw us!” Josh begged, pulling me towards the pool. “He can throw me really far!” he bragged to his friend.

So I threw ’em. Man, talk about a workout. I felt like a catapult. Michael weighed a lot less than Josh and I could really get some distance with him. The boys each had their own favorite throws. We named them. Josh liked the shot put. He would curl up in a ball, hugging his legs to his chest. I’d grab two handfuls of ass while his back rested against my chest, then launch him up and over my head backwards. Michael preferred what we called the slam dunk. He made a much smaller ball of himself, and I’d grab his tiny ass in one hand, back of the neck in the other, lift him up out of the water and then slam him back down head first. My personal favorite was what I called the stiffy, which always brought a case of boyish giggles. I would have the boys lie flat on their back, hands at their sides, making their bodies as stiff as possible, hence the name, then I’d lift them, flipping their legs back up and over their heads. The stiffy had a duel meaning for me, because while they were flat on their backs, I was staring straight down at their barely covered crotches. And though Michael was only ten, I enjoyed the sight of him almost as much as Josh. I was turning into a full-fledged pervert.

After awhile I had to call a break, and I headed to the shallow end to sit and relax a bit. Josh and Michael continued to entertain themselves, laughing and splashing and occasionally looking over at me and giggling. While I was relaxing, Josh got out of the pool and ran out the screen door into the yard. There was a small shower set up there. It quickly became apparent that he was taking a piss. He finished up and ran the water a bit before coming back and jumping into the pool.

“Did you just pee out there?” I asked him.

“We always do,” he informed me. “Mom knows. Easier than drying off to run into the house and do it.”

Thinking about that, I decided I could use a piss myself. Climbing out of the pool, I made my way over to the screen door.

“Are you gonna pee?” Josh asked.

“You said it was ok,” I said.

“It is,” he replied, and then I heard some giggles from him and Michael.

I quickly saw that the ground was just a couple paving stones set over gravel which was set over sand. The water, and piss, would just drain into the ground. I untied the drawstring around my shorts and was just starting to push them down enough to fish my dick out when I heard whispers and the screen door opening behind me. To my right I caught a hint of motion, and there was Michael, eyes eagerly searching the front of my pants.

He saw my glance. “I need to pee too,” he informed me. Then he quickly came over, pressing his left side to my right, and pushed down his Speedos and fished out his little cock. There wasn’t much there, but it was cute enough. While he watched, I pushed my shorts down further and grabbed my dick. We both started to pee. I kept expecting him to say something. His eyes were locked on my cock. It was all I could do to keep from getting hard in fact.

Have you ever seen a little boy pee? They go like gangbusters, and then, bam! Done. Just like that. From a stream to empty. I was still shaking myself off when Michael pulled up his Speedo and headed back to the pool. By the time I got my drawstring retied and rejoined them their heads were together, whispering and giggling.

I stopped at the side of the pool and looked down at them. Michael whispered something to Josh, whose back was to me. The older boy turned and looked up at me, grinned, and said, “Hi, Bigfoot!”

I roared and attacked them both amidst screams of laughter.

About an hour later Michael was called home by his parents and Josh begged me for a ride on my bike. I quickly checked with his mom, and she gave us the ok, making me swear I’d be careful. With a whoop of glee Josh ran to my bike.

“Should I get changed?” he asked, looking down at his Speedo.

“Hell, no,” I grinned. “Give the old folks something to talk about.” I started the bike and helped Josh get situated in back of me. “Ok, two rules,” I told him. “One, hold on tight to me, ok?” Josh nodded. “Number two, don’t lean into turns. You’re gonna want to. Just hold on and let your body move with mine.”

With that I put the bike in gear and took off, while Josh cried, “Woo woo!”

I took it easy through the neighborhoods, loving the feel of his arms around me. My short blond hair didn’t exactly fly in the breeze, but it felt great just the same. “Where to?”

“The beach!”

“The beach it is. Hang on!”

We had reached a major thoroughfare and I put on the throttle. Josh yipped and yelled with delight, while he molded his body against mine. The nearest beach was about fifteen minutes away with traffic. Residential neighborhoods gave way to strip malls, which finally opened up to water on each side of us. At one point we zipped up over a long drawbridge, the metal grating beneath us causing the whole bike to vibrate. Josh clutched me tightly and I could swear I felt his hard dick pressing into me.

“Having fun?” I asked over the sound of the bike and the wind.

“It’s great!” he laughed.

A minute later we had reached the main beach drag. “Go right,” Josh instructed. About a half mile later he pointed up ahead to our left. “Over there!”

Over there was a public beach access set between a Holiday Inn and a place called the Castaway Motel. I parked the bike and started to climb off, but Josh gripped me tightly by the shoulders and pulled me back down. “Wait!” he squeaked.

“What’s wrong?”

“Uh… nothing,” he stammered. “Let’s just look for a minute first.” He pulled back a bit so that he wasn’t pressed against my back.

“Ok,” I said amiably. “Let me know when your boner goes away and we’ll go to the beach.”

“Toby!” he cried, shocked and I think pleased. I turned around a bit and glanced down at his crotch. His hands were buried there, as if he would push his hard on down by force.

“Don’t worry about it, little dude,” I said, turning around with a happy grin. “I always get a hard-on when I ride.”

“Is that so you can use it as a kickstand?” he asked. He was a silly boy.

“It’s not that big,” I told him again.

“Bigfoot!” he cried, then jumped off the back of the bike and went running for the water. I chased after him.

*             *             *             *             *

We didn’t end up staying at the beach for long. It had been great watching him run through the surf though. He got quite a few looks from folks at the beach, running around in that skimpy Speedo. I thought maybe I got a few myself from folks wondering maybe what an older boy was doing with one so young, playing and hugging each other. Let em look, I was in love.

When we got back to Josh’s house I found my mom there as well. Seems they had decided to have a dinner party the next night to sort of introduce my mom to some of Kathy’s friends. As there was gonna be drinking involved, they had apparently decided that rather than having one of them driving home afterward, they would have the party at our house, and Kathy would spend the night over there while I stayed here and watched Josh. They wanted to know if I was ok with that. Easy enough to guess my answer to that one, huh?

*             *             *             *             *

The next day I was able to go over and spend some time in the pool with Josh and Michael earlier in the day. I also gave Michael a quick bike ride around the neighborhood, ‘cuz it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t’. That afternoon, though, I was busy helping my mom. She had me helping to square the house away, unpacking the last few boxes, and basically getting the house presentable. I even helped her do some cooking.

I actually tried to avoid any activities that would be considered ‘gay’. I didn’t dance, or sing. Not that those things are ‘gay’, but you know what I mean. I didn’t sew, or worry about whether my clothes were fashionable. I kept my hair cut short so as not to be seen brushing it. Silly, I know, but I was paranoid. I purposefully avoided anything that could be remotely construed as stereotypically gay so as to avoid suspicion. Everything but cooking. I really loved to cook. So sue me.

Late that afternoon I packed a bag with my toothbrush and some extra clothes and I rode over to Josh’s house. Kathy met me at the door. “I appreciate you doing this, Toby. It’s nice to give your mother a chance to have a little fun.”

“My pleasure,” I assured her.

“Ok, now I know it’s summer, but please don’t let Josh stay up past midnight. And no scary movies. He’ll have nightmares. I know he’ll swear he won’t, but he will. I’m sure you’ll both be swimming, so don’t let him go to bed without a shower, it’s not good to sleep with chlorine still in your hair and skin. Let’s see… I left money for a pizza. Josh knows the place to call. You can sleep in my bed. I changed the sheets for you. Hmm, I think that’s it. Any questions?”

“Shower, pizza, no scary movies, midnight.” I grinned. “Got it.”

“Ok, honey. You boys be good now.”

And then she was off. Josh was really excited to have me over. We ended up playing Xbox until about seven o’clock and then I ordered the pizza. When the pizza arrived we popped in Spiderman 2 and watched that while we curled up together on the couch. The movie ended around ten. It was dark out. I was putting away our dishes and looking out at the pool. I hadn’t been over here at night before, and the pool looked cool and dark and mysterious.

“Wanna go swimming?” I asked. “Do you go swimming at night?”

“Sure, all the time. There’s a light in the pool so you can see fine.”

“Do you ever swim without the light?” I asked.

“We can,” Josh grinned, like this was some great adventure. “You wanna?”

“Sure,” I said, stripping off my shirt and draping it over one of the barstools on the other side of the kitchen counter.

“Do you wanna go skinnydipping?” Josh asked, whispering the last word.

I was immediately alert. Trying to act casual I said, “Sure we could. If you want. Do you do that a lot?”

Josh giggled. “Only once when it was dark like this and mom was asleep. Oh and once me and Michael did it, but only for a couple minutes cuz he got scared.”

“Well, I’m game,” I said, stepping out through the doorway to the pool area. It was really pretty dark out there. To make it even darker I reached back into the house and shut off the living room lights. We were plunged into darkness. Josh giggled and I could hear his zipper. Mine quickly followed. Naked, I carefully inched my way towards the pool, willing my eyes to adjust faster to the darkness. I caught the hint of moonlight on the railing leading down the pool steps, and assured of my position, dove into the water.

I came up in the deep end and could hear Josh swimming towards me. I could just barely make out his dark form as he neared, and then he was next to me, a warm presence in the dark, pizza breath blowing near my ear.

“Are you really naked?” he asked softly, as if the whole neighborhood was listening in on our conversation. “I am,” he assured me.

“Yeah, I am, too.” Reaching out in the dark, I found his shoulder. Trailing my hand down to his, I pulled it under the water and slid it over my bare hip. “See?”

Josh giggled. “This is neat. Let’s go under water.”

Letting out my breath, I slowly sank to the bottom of the pool. I sat there, half sitting, half floating, silence all around me. Slowly my eyes began to adjust to the gloom. As my air ran low I pushed myself to the surface.

“You were under there forever,” Josh said, breathlessly. Apparently he’d tried to stay under as long as I and hadn’t met with as much success. Details of his face were beginning to become visible in the wan moonlight. “Let’s race to the other side.”

“How about we just go slow,” I suggested, enamored of the dark and quiet. “Like stealth submarines.”

“Yeah, or like sharks,” Josh suggested, his voice low to match mine. “Looking for prey.”

His sleek young body occasionally bumping mine, we made our way slowly to the shallow end of the pool, heads underwater, enjoying the silence. Reaching the other end, we sat with our backs to the wall, staring up at a quarter moon.

“Submarines back,” I suggested, and once again we floated across the length of the pool. And once again we fell into silence, each thinking our own thoughts.

“I’m glad you came to Florida,” Josh said softly, a couple of minutes later. I turned and studied his still face. He was staring up at the moon. “You’re my best friend.”

“I thought Michael was your best friend,” I said.

Josh shook his head. “Michael is just a kid,” he said. “You’re my real best friend.” A pause and then in a quieter voice, “Am I yours?”

“My very best friend in the world,” I assured him.

Soft sound of displaced water, and then Josh was next to me, his arms searching and then wrapping around my neck. A hug and then a quick, shy kiss on my cheek. My heart began to thud loudly in my chest. I couldn’t move. Or at least most of me couldn’t.

Josh giggled. He leaned in close, put his lips right against my ear and whispered, in a sing-song voice, “Toby’s got a boner, Toby’s got a boner.” And then I felt small fingers wrap around my dick. My breath caught in my throat. “Geez, Toby,” Josh breathed, “it’s ginormous!”

I forced air back into my lungs and managed to croak, “Josh, you shouldn’t be touching me there.”

“It’s ok,” he said, small hand beginning to explore up and down my shaft. “Mom says it’s normal to ‘speriment with dicks and stuff.”

“She… she did?” I could feel his head nod against mine.

His fingers slid into my small pubic mound. “Wow, you got lots of hair.” Then, “You can touch mine if you want.”

Stunned I might have been, but I wasn’t letting that suggestion go unanswered. Reaching down, my hand found his thigh. I slid inward, and then up, marveling again at how smooth and silky his skin felt. Josh gave a little gasp as my fingers found his small balls. I rolled them between my fingers, loving the feel of his hairless sac. Then I moved upward and my fingers found the focus of my desires. He wasn’t big, but he was desperately hard. I wrapped my fingers around the slim tube of flesh, feeling his pulse beating like a small bird’s. I gently explored his short length with my fingers, and then slowly began to jack him up and down.

“That feels good,” Josh breathed.

Turning my head, I sought out Josh’s mouth with mine. My lips grazed his cheek, and then I placed a gentle kiss on his mouth. Josh’s hand stilled, while he apparently considered what had happened. Then I felt him squeeze my cock as he tenderly returned the kiss. I moaned just a little as my mouth moved against his, and hesitantly I slid my tongue between his lips. He seemed startled for a moment, and then slowly eased his mouth open, accepting my invading tongue. I pushed my tongue against his, urging him. This was so new to me, but felt so right. Meanwhile I continued to slowly jack his turgid little prick.

We broke apart for air, both of us breathing heavily. Josh’s hand left my cock and he tried to squirm away from me. “Stop for a minute, Toby,” he gasped. “It’s feeling funny.”

“What?” I asked, not understanding, moving against him, wanting his warmth.

“My thing,” he croaked. “My dick. It feels funny. Stop for a minute. I gotta pee.”

“You don’t,” I assured, understanding dawning in a rush of excitement. “Just hold onto me. You’ll be ok, I swear.”

I didn’t even give him a chance to argue. Pulling him against me with my left arm, I kissed him deeply while my right hand increased its speed on his pubescent cock. He groaned in my mouth and began to squirm against me, the feelings coursing through his young body not allowing him to be still. My left hand drifted downward, squeezing and rubbing his glorious ass, and then my fingers found his cleft and dove inside. Quickly then, while Josh made mewling puppy noises in his throat, my index finger found his rubbery little sphincter. I felt him stiffen in my arms and he pulled back from our kiss and gave a half yell, half gasp as he shuddered in my arms. His tiny asshole quivered against my finger and in my other hand his boycock jerked spasmodically.

I began to slow my jacking hand as Josh’s head fell to my damp shoulder. His breath was hot and heavy against my neck. I could still feel his small body shuddering. Then his arms wrapped around me in a fierce hug, trapping my own throbbing cock between us.

Finally I heard his soft voice say, “T-Toby. Wha—what happened?”

“It’s called an orgasm,” I replied, holding him gently.

“That’s a orgasm?” he said, wonderingly. “I thought it just made sperm squirt out. I didn’t know it made you feel like that!”

I laughed softly. “Why do you think people want to have sex all the time?”

“Was that sex?” he asked. “Did I squirt sperms?”

“I don’t know, Joshy,” I replied. “You’re kinda young. Plus we’re in the water so I can’t tell. Maybe you did tho.”


And then we just held each other.

*             *             *             *             *

After awhile I became aware that Josh’s dick was poking rather insistently against my stomach. My own cock had softened by this time, lost as I was in the sensation of just being held. But feeling that hot little prick pressing against me reminded me that I hadn’t even gotten a chance to see it.

“Hey,” I said softly. “You wanna go take a shower? Your mom said you had to take one.”

“No,” he mumbled, hugging me closer. “I wanna stay with you.”

“I meant go take a shower together,” I smiled.

He was instantly alert. “Can we? Yeah, let’s take a shower! I’ll race ya!”

Then he was out of my arms and swimming hard for the shallow end. I just jumped out of the pool where I was and raced around the side, easily beating him into the house. He jumped up on my back just as we passed through the doorway, and I grabbed his legs to help him stay up on me.

“Yeehaw! Ride em, cowboy!” he yelled as I galloped, leaving a trail of water.

I galloped to the left, taking us through the living room to his mom’s bathroom, as I’d noted earlier that she had one of those big walk-in showers. “Go get us towels,” I said as I flipped on the lights and went to turn on the water. The shower was nice and roomy, with a little tiled bench built out of the wall to sit on.

I got the water just right and turned to find Josh behind me, fingering his stiff prick. His eyes immediately locked onto mine. “It really is big,” he said, stepping forward and taking it in his small hand. It immediately started to grow, which made him giggle. “Geez, Toby, it’s like a foot long!” As it reached its full length he began to slowly jack me up and down. I was really proud of my dick. It wasn’t the biggest, or the hairiest I’d seen around school but I liked the shape of it, and the thickness. I was cut, as was Josh, but then I’d rarely seen an uncut dick.

“More like half a foot,” I laughed. “And you have about a third of a foot.” Indeed, seen clearly in the light, Josh’s stiff little member looked to be almost exactly 4 inches, and not quite an inch thick. The spongy little cockhead was bright pink and the only sign of approaching puberty was the fact that his olive-sized balls had separated and hung a bit low. “Now c’mon, we’re supposed to be getting clean.”

Releasing his hold, but not his gaze, from my swaying dick, we entered the shower and started rinsing off the chlorine. I grabbed the shampoo and squeezed a bunch into my palm, then began to lather Josh’s hair. “Close your eyes,” I told him.

“I know,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut. “Mom washes my hair all the time.”

“She does?” I asked, surprised. That struck me as a bit odd.

Josh shrugged. “She says I do a crappy job at it.”

I decided not to explore that, instead enjoying the way his silky hair felt and concentrating on keeping the shampoo from sliding down into his eyes. Reaching out blindly, his hands once again found my cock. The sight of this little kid, one hand jacking my cock, one hand gently exploring my lightly haired balls, was perhaps the most exciting thing I’d ever seen.

“Do you think mine will get this big?” he asked.

“Sure will,” I assured him.

“I don’t even got hair yet,” he complained.

“You will soon enough,” I promised. “You already seem pretty big for a kid your age.”

“You think so? It’s bigger than Michael’s.”

“You’ve seen Michael’s all stiff like this, huh?”

“’Course,” he said. “I told you Mom said it was normal right? It was ‘cause she caught us doing it.”

“Caught you doing what?” I asked, excited by the thought.

“Just looking mostly. We didn’t do orgasms or anything.” After a few moments of silence he asked, “Can you make sperms?”


“Can I watch?”

I had to squirm away from his hands. “Keep that up and it’ll happen any second,” I warned. “We’re supposed to be getting clean.”

“You’re no fun,” he grinned. Then he grabbed a bottle of body wash off the shelf and started lathering his chest.

“Let me,” I said, taking the bottle. I moved over and sat on the bench, pulling him over till he was standing between my knees. For a second I could only stare at his cock. I couldn’t remember seeing anything quite so sexy as that stiff little prick rising up from a hairless base in the middle of that lean, wet body.

Squeezing out a dollop of body soap, I began to lather up each of Josh’s arms. The soap smelled like citrus. Made me want to lick him. Josh giggled as I soaped each smooth hairless armpit, then squirmed as I washed each nipple, then down across his flat stomach, which rippled with the beginnings of a six pack.

“Turn around,” I instructed. I washed his shoulders, and his slender back. Down lower, until I had two handfuls of young ass. Josh had a great ass. A nice little bubble butt. It was actually something we had in common. I quickly washed down the outside of each leg, from thigh to calf, and then back up again, doing the inside on the return trip. Josh spread his legs wider.

I carefully avoided touching Josh’s balls, instead dipping my soapy hand into the cleft of his ass. I began to move up and down that furrow, fingers skipping only lightly over the tiny pucker within. Up and down, each trip a little shorter, until I was rubbing back and forth at his puckered anus.

“That feels weird,” Josh said, squirming.

“But good, right?”

Butt good?” he laughed.

“Mmmm,” I agreed. “Butt gooood.”

I continued to rub back and forth, before finally pressing the tip of my finger against the tightened sphincter. With only a bare hint of resistance, it popped inside.

“That’s inside my butt, Toby!”

“Just relax, little dude,” I soothed as I began to slowly work my finger in and out, plunging each time just a little deeper. Reaching around my with my left hand, I found his quivering prick. Wrapping my hand around the short length, I began to slowly jack him in time with my invading finger.

Soon I was in to the second knuckle, and Josh’s small dick was throbbing in my fist. Josh was making little gasping grunts. Keeping my finger in place, I managed to turn the dazed boy around. His little dick was an angry red. I desperately wanted to take it into my mouth, and was about to when Josh surprised me. His legs went out from under him as he began to convulse.

“Toby!” he grunted. “Doin’ it again!” I grabbed him under his arms before his knees could smack against the ground and pulled him against me. His cock pressed against mine and I held him while he shuddered out his pleasure.

“Oh man, oh man, oh man,” he was softly chanting. He was humping himself against me, desperately driving his spasming cock against mine.

Finally he pulled away a bit and I released him. He knelt back on his heels and looked down at his cock, fingering it in wonder. Then he looked up at me and grinned. “Can we do this every day?”

I laughed. “Sure, Josh. Whenever you like.” I smiled and wiped a wet lock of his hair out of his eyes. Those eyes then dropped to my powerfully throbbing prick.

“How do I do it to you?” He reached forward and started to jack me, too fast and rough.

I grabbed his wrist to slow him. “Easy. Start off easy.” Then I grabbed Kathy’s conditioner off the shelf and said, “Here,” and when Josh held out his hand, I filled it with the silky liquid.

“I don’t have to put my finger up your butt, do I?” he asked, suddenly shy. “That’s gross. I mean… it felt good. Felt weird. But it’s still gross.”

“Just keep doin what you’re doin,” I told him.

He did, his small fist moving up and down the length of my cock. I showed him how to wrap his fist under the head, using the bit of excess skin there to jack up and down over the sensitive cockhead. I really wanted to ask him to suck, or at least try licking, my cock, but didn’t want to push him. I wasn’t sure how he would handle the request, and besides, the sight and sensation of this small boy jacking my prick was going to be plenty to get me off. And it wasn’t like I’d ever had anybody masturbate me before, so I was in heaven.

I felt the churning in my nuts that told me I was going to be coming soon. I had leaned my head back against the wall and let my eyes drift shut as I concentrated on the feelings Josh was giving me. Now I opened them again and looked down at Josh. His gaze was focused on my prick. He was now using both hands on my cock. They just barely fit. He felt my gaze and looked up at me and grinned.

“I’m gonna squirt really soon,” I warned him.

His eyes lit up. “What do I do?”

“Just keep doin that,” I said. “Man, Josh, your hands feel so good.”

“I’m doin it ok?”

“You’re doin it great. Just a minute more. Maybe go a little faster.”

He eagerly picked up the pace. I didn’t try to hold it back, but willed it forward, eagerly anticipating the moment of explosion. And just like that, it came. I grunted as my balls convulsed and the first ropy squirt of cum blasted out of my prick.

“Whoa!” I heard Josh cry, as I squirted, four, five, six times, cum flying upwards to land on my chest and stomach and then dribbling out to flow over Josh’s fingers. I’d never had such a powerful orgasm.

I didn’t realize my eyes had closed. I opened them to find myself covered with jizz. A stray shot had caught Josh on his cheek, and he was rubbing at it with fingers already covered in milky cum.

“It’s slimy,” he said, not in disgust, as I half expected, but in wonder. He rubbed it between his fingers. Then, to my amazement, he flicked out his small pink tongue and tasted it. He rolled the flavor around his mouth for a moment before shrugging. Then he looked up at me and grinned shyly. “Tastes weird,” he announced. Then he laughed, “Man, it’s all over you.” He reached forward and began to smear it all across my chest and stomach, and slowly deflating cock. They never taught this sort of finger-painting in school.

I had to laugh myself. “Stop making a mess, brat,” I grinned. “Let me get cleaned up.”

I stood and got myself under the shower. I began to wash at the slimy mess while Josh got a handful of body soap and began washing my chest. “You do that, I’ll shampoo,” I told him.

Josh did a pretty good job soaping me up, but he paid more attention to my cock than to the rest of me, so that by the time I finished rinsing the shampoo out of my hair my dick was once again hard as a rock, and very clean. His was too, I noticed, but then I don’t think his had ever gone down. Made me wonder again if he could squirt or not. Once again I’d missed an opportunity to see.

I turned off the shower, and Josh allowed me to dry him off. He smelled so delicious, and looked really tasty as well. He giggled when I dried his armpits and his dick stayed hard throughout.

“So what do we do next?” Josh asked as I finished drying myself with his help.

“I’m kinda beat,” I said, not a total fabrication. “I thought I’d go to bed.”

“Cool, I’ll go get you an extra pillow!”

“Actually, your mom wants me to sleep in her bed.”

“But… well, can I stay here with you? I mean… well I thought… you know.”

“You can stay if you want, of course. But what if your mom comes up and sees us in bed together?”

“It’s ok, I spend the night with her sometimes. I’ll just say I got scared cuz she wasn’t home.”

“Ok, well at least go get your pajamas or underwear or something.”

Josh pouted. “But I wanted to sleep naked with you.”

“You can, silly,” I smiled. “But if your mom comes home before we get up, you’ll need something to wear when we get out of bed. Or do you want her to know you slept naked with me?”

“Good point,” he grinned. Then he raced out of the room. I grabbed a pair of underwear from my bag, and stuffed them under my pillow, where I could get to them quickly if I needed them. Then I turned off the lights in the bathroom and bedroom and slid under the covers. Kathy had a great bed; really soft.

Josh came running back into the room clutching a pair of briefs. I had him go out and turn off the lights in the rest of the house and make sure the doors were locked. I probably should have done it myself, but I was comfortable. The last of the lights switched off out there, and seconds later I heard a bump and Josh cussed. I laughed.

“It’s too dark!” he said, overloud. Then, “I know!”

I sat in the darkness waiting, when the room was suddenly suffused with a soft glow. Out through the sliding glass doors I could see that some small lights strung around the pool area had been turned on. They weren’t intrusive. Instead filling the room with a gentle light. Josh appeared in the doorway. I could see him grin.

“That looks good, huh? So we can see a little.”

“Good idea,” I told him, and patted the space beside me. Josh jumped into bed and quickly slid beside me underneath the covers.

I turned to him and took him into my arms. We were both content to lie there for a couple of minutes, just holding one another. I was surprised at the depth of emotion that I was feeling, not only for him, but from him. I’d known he was smart and funny and playful, but I’d never realized he possessed the type of warmth and tenderness and shy affection that he had exhibited tonight.

“I slept naked with Michael before,” he said softly, “but this is different.”

“Why is it different?” I began to caress his back.

I felt him shrug. “It just is. ‘Cause it’s you. ‘Cause I feel different with you.”

“I feel different with you, too, Joshy.”

“I like when you call me that. Nobody ever called me that before.”

“Joshy,” I smiled.

I could just make out his smile in the dim light and then he leaned forward and our lips met in a tender kiss. Soon the kiss began to turn more passionate. Our breathing increased and we pulled each other tight as our tongues began to twist around each other. The heat from our bodies seemed to rise, making it uncomfortable beneath the covers, and by unspoken agreement we kicked them off, never breaking the kiss.

Josh’s hand found my cock and he began to jack me, his hand surer now in its task, his thumb swiping pre-cum around the head. I began to kiss my way down Josh’s neck. Pushing the boy onto his back, I licked along his clavicles, then down across his chest. I found his nipples, and quickly brought each to pebbly stiffness. He squirmed as I lightly nibbled on each one. My left hand meanwhile was caressing his stomach and groin and thighs, carefully avoiding his stiff dick.

I could taste the citrus soap as I licked and kissed my way across Josh’s smooth quivering belly. I dipped my tongue into his shallow navel, licking and sucking. Josh squirmed and moaned my name. Then I shifted around until I was lying between his outstretched legs. I slid my hands under his ass, squeezing, as I began to kiss and lick his inner thighs, leaving little patches of wetness against his smooth skin.

Soon there was nowhere else to go. Squeezing Josh’s ass, feeling his thighs quivering on each side of my head, I leaned forward and swiped my tongue across his little balls. Josh gasped as the small sac contracted against my tongue. I began to poke at them, then gently sucked first one, and then the other of the tender eggs into my mouth. I applied a bit of suction as my tongue danced over Josh’s hairless nuts, small but still managing to fill my mouth. I loved the way they felt in my mouth. It was better than I could have ever imagined.

I finally allowed his spit soaked balls to fall from my mouth, and then slid my hands from his ass to his thighs, pushing them up and against his chest. Eventually grasping the idea, he reached forward shakily to grab himself behind each knee and hold himself spread open for me.

In the dim light I could just make out the darker shape of his anus in the shadowy cleft of his ass. Being as new to this as Josh I leaned forward carefully, afraid I would hate this, but eager to try it after all these years of wondering. I tentatively pressed my tongue against the tiny pink pucker, ready for some nasty taste, but all I tasted after a moment was soap and a sweaty sort of boyish taste that belonged to Josh. I began to lap at the tight sphincter, feeling it moving against my tongue. Josh was moaning again.

Making a fleshy spear of my tongue, I finally pushed it forward, once again prepared to be repulsed. With a bit of pressure, Josh’s ass opened up to my probing tongue. I pushed it forward, swirling it, again tasting nothing more nasty than a sweaty sort of musk taste. Relieved, and loving the way Josh’s tiny asshole contracted against my lips, I began to work my tongue in and out. Josh’s entire body was trembling.

I finally raised my head and looked up at Josh. His eyes were squeezed shut and his head was shaking from side to side. His legs were trembling as he held them. I honestly wanted nothing more at that moment than to rise to my knees and plunge my cock into that tiny ass, but I knew he wasn’t ready for that. Then I spotted his cock, trembling as hard as the rest of his body, so stiff it looked like a sausage about to burst from its casing.

I reached up and grabbed Josh’s knees, pulling them down. His eyes opened and he fixed me with a dazed stare. He grinned. “That was intense,” he croaked.

I smiled and looked down at his pubescent prick. “That was nothing,” I promised. Then I leaned down and rasped my tongue up the short length of his cock.

“Oh, man!” Josh gasped.

I slowly licked from balls to crown once again, then swirled my tongue against his frenulum and sucked lightly at that loose bit of sensitive skin. Josh writhed and whimpered like a little lost puppy. Hooking my tongue around the underside, I lifted the small morsel enough to allow me to wrap my lips around the spongy little cockhead. I explored the acorn shaped glans with my tongue, sliding it into the tiny piss slit. Then I slowly moved my lips downward, taking inch after inch of that boyish treat.

I had been dreaming of sucking a cock for as long as I could remember. Well, at least since I was 11 or 12. I had imagined what it would feel like in my mouth, how it would taste, how it would be to hold such a tender part of another boy in my mouth, feeling their trust and love for me. Ok, I was a romantic. I knew some guys gave anonymous blowjobs in dirty bathrooms and it didn’t mean much to either person, but for me this was an act of love and tenderness.

Before I knew it, my lips had reached hairless base, and all four inches of Josh’s tender cock throbbed in my mouth, the head just at the entrance of my throat. I could feel it pulsing against my tongue, so hot and powerful. I began to suck at it, forming a vacuum. Then I started to move my mouth up and down, completely lost in the sensation of that slender tube of flesh sliding between my lips, over my tongue, against the roof of my mouth, while Josh’s body writhed and quivered beneath me. His hips began to lift off the mattress, humping against me, spastically at first, then slowly finding an instinctual rhythm. I felt his hands in my hair, pressing against the back of my head, urging me on.

In my mouth, Josh’s cock began to swell, and he cried out, “I’m gonna do it, Toby!”

While I really wanted to hold him in my mouth while he climaxed I was also desperate to find out whether or not he could squirt, so I pulled back off his small cock and then took it in my hands, jacking him rapidly as I tongued his tight balls. I felt his nuts convulse against my tongue as Josh’s body went stiff. Then his dick jerked in my fist and I watched as a single tiny spurt of clear liquid sprayed from the head of his prick. The second jerk produced nothing, so I quickly took his spasming dick back into my mouth, sucking lightly while his orgasm rocked him.

Eventually he pushed my head away, and I knew his cock had become too sensitive to touch. I released it, then gently lapped up the few drops of boyish jism I found on his hairless groin. It didn’t taste anything like my own cum. It was sweetish, but sweaty at the same time. I licked lightly at his cockhead once more, in case anything lingered there still, then slowly moved up to lie beside my eleven-year-old lover.

I watched his face. He was staring up at the ceiling, still panting. Sweat had dampened the hair around his brow. I placed my hand on his chest and leaned close, gently kissing his cheek. Idly toying with one nipple I nuzzled against his neck. Finally he turned his head and kissed me. Then we lay there, staring into each others eyes. He smiled and turned his body towards mine, his right arm going around my back, pressing his small frame against mine.

“That was the best one yet,” he said.

“I’m glad you liked it,” I said. “I liked doing it for you.”

“Did you like doing it to me best or somebody else?” Still the uncertain boy.

“That was the first time I ever did it,” I told him softly.

“Really?” I nodded. He seemed to think about this for a few long moments, then said, “Thank you.” I was once again struck by his maturity. I wondered how I would have reacted at his age to this kind of situation.

“You squirted, ya know.”

“I did?” His eyes lit up with excitement. “I really squirted sperms?”

I nodded and smiled. “My little boy is growing up,” I teased. He stuck his tongue out at me.

A couple of minutes passed while we just lay there, enjoying each others presence. Then, “Toby?”


“Are… Toby, are you gay?

I know it seems like a silly question, given what had just happened, but then I thought about his relationship with Michael, and what his mother had said about experimentation, and realized that he wouldn’t necessarily see what we’d done in the same light I did. I was also struck by how the question affected me. I’d never been asked before. I’d certainly never proclaimed it. But I did now.

“Yeah, Joshy, I’m gay. Is… is that ok?”

“I think it is,” he answered after a few moments of thought. “I mean, it’s ok that you are.” Another few long moments passed, then, “I think maybe I am, too.”

I hurried to reassure him. “Josh, just because we… well… did what we did, that doesn’t make you gay. It’s normal for boys to experiment, just like your mom said. It doesn’t mean you’re going to be gay. Don’t worry, ok?”

“I’m not worried,” he said, surprising me. “At least not now. But I always thought maybe I was. I mean, all the guys at school talk about girls and stuff, but I don’t think about them. I always thought about Michael, or other boys I know, or guys on tv. And now… well, you know. Since you came to live here I… I thought about you a lot.”

“I’ve thought about you a lot, too,” I assured him, which earned me a smile.


I smiled. “Yeah?”

“When you… sucked it. My dick…” he paused. “Well, what was it like?”

“I loved it,” I told him. “I always dreamed about it, and I’m glad you were the first one. It was really nice.”

“Would you want me to do it to you?” he asked in a soft voice. He wouldn’t quite meet my eyes.

“Only if you wanted to, Joshy. I wouldn’t want you to do anything ever that you didn’t want to.”

“If I wanted to, you’d want me to? I’d like to try it, I think.”

“If you wanted to, I’d like it very much.”

Without another word he sat up, pushed me onto my back, and stared down at my cock. I grabbed a pillow and watched him watching me. My cock was very stiff, hovering slightly, leaking a small bit of pre-cum. My balls were full and heavy between my thighs. They had very little hair on them, and what was there was blond. The hair that formed a small triangle at the base of my prick was mostly light brown, with some blond thrown in to lighten it. As I said, my prick was about average, a fraction over six inches, but sorta thin, I thought anyway, at about one-and-a-half inches across. I was cut and my glans was darkly red and flared, thicker than the shaft by probably a third of an inch on either side.

I watched as Josh reached out and took my cock into his small fist, began slowly jacking it up and down, watching as a tiny amount of pre-cum bubbled from the pisshole. Then he leaned over and sniffed, first the head, then my crotch, then my balls. Holding my dick gingerly, he then flicked his tongue against the shaft. Then another, longer lick. Then his lips were against me, and I could feel his tongue swirling.

“It just tastes like skin,” he informed me.


Eying my cock, he swiped his tongue over my swollen cockhead, up from under the glans and across the spongy surface, stopping before he reached the area which glistened wetly from my pre-cum. And then, after a moment, there too. I shuddered at the sensation. Then his soft, full lips were spreading over the tip of my cock, and his agile little tongue was flicking against my leaking pisshole. I watched in awe as his lips spread, taking more and more of me inside him. Then his lips were against the flared underside of my corona and the head of my cock was completely inside his mouth.

The sight of this beautiful child’s lips stretched wide around the shaft of my cock was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. My cock lurched in response and I had to will myself from cumming right then. I stared with a mixture of awe and excitement as he swallowed more of my cock. He managed to take about half of it before he gagged a tiny bit and backed off. Then he lifted himself up again, the shaft of my prick shining wetly with his saliva as it emerged.

Dropping a hand to my balls, he then began to gently bob his head up and down on my prick, his cheeks caving inward on each upstroke as he applied suction as if he’d been sucking cocks forever. He never nicked me with his teeth and his tongue and lips teased me as if they were separate entities. It was all I could do to keep my hips from thrusting, but I didn’t want to choke him. I allowed my fingers to play with his silky hair, though.

“Feels so good, Joshy,” I moaned softly. “You’re doing so good.”

He moaned around my cock, apparently enjoying himself as much as I was.

“Suck my cock, Joshy,” I said, surprised to hear such words coming from myself. “Suck it, baby.” He seemed to redouble his efforts.

My orgasm came upon me like an avalanche, distant and rumbling at first but growing louder and more thunderous as it prepared to bury you under. Despite my efforts, my hips began to work, a slow, sensuous rhythm, twisting and thrusting.

“It’s coming, Josh,” I warned in an urgent whisper. “Uhhhh, I’m gonna cum!”

Instead of pulling back, as I expected, Josh tried to take even more of my cock. I could hear him choking a bit as his hand squeezed and caressed my nuts and he sucked harder at my cock.

Then I cried out and thrust upward, grinding my crotch against Josh’s face while my cock exploded. I could feel him swallow the first blast of cum that shot into his throat, and then the second. Then he was choking and pulling back while I shot a third and a fourth time into his mouth. Then his mouth was gone and a fifth blast caught him across the face, from cheek to eyebrow. The sixth squirt caught him on the lips, and then the seventh and eighth against my stomach. I watched as he licked his lips clean, his pink tongue lapping up my spent jizz. Then he was leaning down and sucking up the cum from my stomach, before taking the head of my cock into his warm mouth once again, gently milking the last of my seed into his eager mouth.

I was only dimly aware as he crawled back up to lie beside me. I recall kissing him, tasting my cum in his sweet mouth. I remember holding him against me, and telling him how much I loved him. And I think I remember him telling me that he loved me, too. And then I don’t remember anything.

*             *             *             *             *

Something woke me. I wasn’t sure what. I opened my eyes and looked around without moving my head. Bright sunlight was streaming in through the glass doors, the light which reflected off the water in the pool dancing across the ceiling. Josh was on my left side, his left leg and arm draped over me, his head on my shoulder. Except for Josh’s soft breathing I couldn’t hear a sound. I started to drift off to sleep again.

The bedroom door opened.

My eyes flew open to see my Aunt Kathy standing in the doorway of the bedroom, smiling at me. “Don’t you two look comfy?” She spoke softly, and seeing my mouth open she lifted a finger to her lips and whispered, “Shhh. Just let me get something from my bathroom and I’ll let you get back to sleep, Toby.”

She walked quietly through the room and I quickly assessed the situation. Her eleven-year-old son was sleeping curled up against me. A quick glance showed that no flesh was showing, but it also revealed that my usual morning erection was creating an obscene tent in the sheet. I wanted desperately to hide it, but wasn’t sure how to do so without waking Josh and bringing even more attention to it. Deciding to brazen my way through it, I rested my head back, shut my eyes, and pretended to have fallen back asleep. I hoped Kathy wouldn’t notice my burning cheeks.

I listened as she puttered around the bathroom for a minute, and then heard her walking back through the bedroom. She seemed to pause at the foot of the bed and I struggled to keep my breathing slow and steady. As if to taunt me, I could feel my cock throbbing with stiffness. I wondered desperately if she would be able to tell I wasn’t wearing underwear. Why hadn’t I made sure we had put our underwear back on? Why did I even let Josh stay in this bed with me? Hell, why had I had sex with my eleven-year-old cousin!?!

The door closed with a snick. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. I began to relax. Apparently Kathy hadn’t seen anything to alarm her, or she would have said something. While she couldn’t have possibly missed my aroused state, she likely knew all about morning erections, being married before and being mother to Josh. And even if she’d suspected I wasn’t wearing underwear, she couldn’t prove it. Talk about your near misses. Or not, since a near miss is, logically, a hit. I was feeling a bit silly with relief.

Sighing, I pulled Josh closer to me. He mumbled in his sleep and hugged me tighter. I could feel the boy’s own morning erection poking against my hip. For a minute I just sat there and remembered the night before. A week ago I could have never imagined that I’d be having sex with anyone, let alone an eleven-year-old. But Josh was so beautiful, and funny, and gentle and … well, I suppose I could keep going on about how I felt for him. What it came down to was that I was in love. I’d finally found someone to trust with my secret.

While I was lying there, reliving my memories of the previous night, I heard a splash out in the pool. Turning to my right I saw Kathy swimming across the pool. Oh man! If I could see her, then there was a good chance she could see us in her bedroom. I gently shook Josh’s shoulder.

“Josh!” I whispered urgently. “Josh, wake up!”

“Mmmmm,” he moaned. He kissed my shoulder. “M’ sleeping.”

“Josh, we have to get up! Your mom is home!”

“Mom is home?” he mumbled. “Ok.” Then he kissed me on the cheek.

“Josh! Don’t kiss me! Your mom is outside in the pool! She can see us!”

That woke him up. He started to sit up and I pulled him back down. “Wha—” he began.

“Stay laying down a minute,” I instructed. “I’ll tell you when she’s facing away. Do you know where your underwear is?”

“Somewhere,” he whispered, feeling around the bed with his left arm. He rolled onto his back to search a wider area. I could see the little pup tent his dick made in the sheet and I wanted to grab it.

“In a second you need to slide out of bed to the left. Stay low. Look for them.” Keeping my eyes slitted just in case, I watched Kathy. She was swimming away from us. “Ok, now.”

I heard him fumbling around for a minute. Then, “Got em!”

“Ok, crawl into the bathroom and put em on in there.”

“Why?” he asked. “This is dumb, she won’t care.”

“Are you crazy?” I said. “Your mom will kill me if she sees us in bed naked together.” The look he gave me clearly said he didn’t believe me so I said, “Trust me.”

He shrugged. “Are you coming?” he asked.

“Yeah, just a sec.” I waited for Kathy to lap, then reached under my pillow, found my briefs, and quickly slid to my left and out of bed. I crawled into the bathroom to find Josh standing there, grinning at me. His underwear was hanging from his erection. Seeing me looking, he flexed his cock, making the briefs jump up and down.

“You should see yourself,” he laughed.

“You’re the one that looks silly,” I grinned, standing and sliding the door closed.

“Yeah, well you’re still Bigfoot,” he grinned, reaching out to grab my stiff prick.

I groaned. “Not now, Joshy. Your mom would kill us. Besides, I gotta piss like a Russian racehorse.”

Josh laughed. “A what?”

“It’s just something we used to say in Wisconsin,” I told him. Walking over to the toilet I lifted the seat and lid, took my stiff dick in my right hand, and put my left against the wall. Then I moved my feet back until I had a decent angle so I could pee without hitting the ceiling. Josh thought this was hilarious. He stepped up beside me, removed his briefs from his boner, then quickly adopted the same position and let fly. For a second we played around, crossing the streams of pee and I felt like a little kid again.

“Great, now we gotta clean this mess up,” I said, seeing that we’d sprayed a bit. I grabbed a big handful of toilet paper and wiped down the toilet and floor around it. Then I washed my hands.

My erection had subsided a bit, so when I pulled on my briefs I wasn’t quite busting out of them. Josh was just pulling his up, and I couldn’t help but think how cute he looked. Then I was pulling him to me and we were kissing. Wasn’t easy with him so much shorter. I hoped he’d hit a growth spurt before I got a permanent crick in my neck. By the time we finished kissing both our erections were back in full force.

I grinned. “Looks like we’ll have to wait a minute before we can go out there.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Well, I’m not gonna run around in front of your mom with a hard-on like this.”

Josh shrugged. “She won’t care. I get ’em all the time. She thinks it’s funny.”


“She’s always making jokes. Most times I get a boner in the morning like now, so she says stuff like, ‘Watch where you’re aiming that thing’, or ‘Hey! You’ll put somebody’s eye out!’”

I laughed. I really had to wonder about Kathy. She seemed surprisingly cool for a mom. Especially about things like nudity and boners. My mom was freaked out by such things.

“Hey, I know!” Josh suddenly exclaimed. “Let’s go to the beach again! Or to the Pass! We can play mini golf! You wanna?”

“Ok,” I grinned. “But you go tell your mom.” I figured he could run interference for me while I went and put on some shorts.

“Cool!” Josh cried, jumping up to give me another kiss and then running out to the pool.

I saw and heard them talking while I went out to the kitchen where I’d left my bag and grabbed a pair of shorts. Then I went and brushed my teeth in Kathy’s bathroom. When I came out she was standing in the bedroom with a towel around her.

“Here’s some money for mini golf and something for you two to eat lunch with,” she said, handing me forty bucks. “Should cover some gas for you as well.”

“Thanks,” I grinned.

“Did you two have a nice time last night?” she asked.

I was suddenly nervous, but I shrugged and played it cool. “Sure, we played Xbox and ate pizza. We watched Spiderman 2.”

“Did Josh get scared last night? He doesn’t sleep with me in here very often anymore. Are you sure it was only Spiderman 2 you watched?”

“Uh… yeah. He said something about missing you and I figured it would be ok if he slept in here. That’s ok, right?”

“Of course,” she smiled. “I just hope he didn’t keep you up all night.”

“Nah, he was cool,” I assured her while my mind played scenes from last. I felt myself blushing.

“You’re a nice boy, Toby. I’m glad you two are becoming such good friends. He’s really needed somebody in his life. A guy, you know? Somebody to look up to. Since his father…”

“Uh, yeah. I mean, I understand. He’s a cool kid, ya know? I like being with him.”

“I’m glad,” said, and grinned. “Now get out of here and let me change.”

Josh was pulling on shoes when I peeked into his room. He was dressed in a pair of denim shorts like me. No shirt. I don’t think I’d ever seen him in a shirt, come to think of it. That was fine with me. I liked looking at him. “You ready, Joshy?”

“Sure am, Bigfoot,” he grinned, jumping into my arms and sneaking another kiss. His mouth tasted of toothpaste and mouthwash. Refreshing! Each kiss made me a bit giddy with happiness. It was like Christmas morning and your first crush, all somehow rolled into one. I stood there for another minute, Josh’s legs around my waist, his tongue in my mouth.

I pulled back and we just stared into each others eyes for a moment, grinning at one another. I began to wonder if Josh was feeling the same things I was feeling. Perhaps it was just a bit of naughty fun for Josh, rather than the deep, sort of profound love I was sure I was feeling. I almost asked him, but I was scared of his answer. Instead I pecked him on the lips and lowered him to the ground.

“We better get going. And while we’re riding maybe you can think of a new nickname for me. Bigfoot is silly.”

“But your dick is—“

“Shhh!” I interrupted, then continued in a whisper. “Let’s leave dick talk until we know we’re alone, ok? I mean… you understand you can’t tell your mom about—” I wanted to say, ‘about us’, but was afraid he would read too much into that. Instead I settled on, “about last night. Right?”

Josh shrugged, which kinda worried me, I gotta admit. I hoped he was taking this seriously. “If you say so. But I really don’t think she’d be mad. I told you before.”

I wanted to explain that what we’d done, at least in my mind, was a heck of a lot more meaningful than ‘experimentation’, that there was a big difference between him fooling around with a ten-year-old and doing the same with a sixteen-year-old, but again, I was worried about revealing the full depths of my feelings. “Well, just do it for me, ok?”

“Ok, Toby.”

*             *             *             *             *

Dressed, brushed, cleaned, and slathered with sunscreen, in my case at least, the bold adventurers set forth. It was Saturday morning, so there was a lot more traffic at this time of day, most of it heading for the beach. Josh pointed the way while constantly joking about losing his grip on my slippery skin and falling to his death. By the time we’d ridden about five miles I threatened to throw him off myself. He retaliated by rubbing my nipples. He plays dirty.

We eventually arrived at Treasure Island Mini Golf. I’d seen putt putt before, but nothing like this. It was like a ride at Disney World or something. Ok, it was a bit cheaper once you got inside, but it was still impressive. There were rope bridges and waterfalls and elaborate holes. There were surprisingly few people around, and we were alone most of the time. Every time we found ourselves in some cool, dark grotto, and there were lots of them, Josh was all over me like a chihuahua in heat. I began to think I’d created a monster. Of course, the only thing that kept me from acting exactly the same was some, probably misguided, sense of maturity.

After our game, which Josh won… ok… to be fair, Josh didn’t just win; he annihilated me. But after that, I bought us popsicles. We ate them as we walked back to the bike. Josh used the opportunity to send me some not so subtle signals. In fact, the way he was sucking that popsicle would have made a porn star blush. I kid you not.

From putt putt, Josh directed us to The Pass, which was a collection of neat little shops and restaurants, most on piers out over the water. This place was much busier. As we walked around, snooping into each shop, joking about all the tourist crap for sale, my eye would catch couples here and there, holding hands, stopping to kiss or talk or share some private moment. I longed to do the same with Josh, but knew that his age and our sex ruled out that little fantasy. Still, either Josh felt the same, or he sensed my mood, because he made more of an effort as time went on to stay close to me, putting his arm around my waist, holding onto my arm, and looking into my eyes from time to time in a way that made me feel all warm inside.

At one point we found ourselves in a shop that sold novelty t-shirts. While I was going through the racks I actually found a shirt that was done up like a traffic sign, showing those exaggerated man and woman type outlines. The man had an obvious hard-on and the woman was bent over near it. The sign read – ‘You’ll poke your eye out!’ I quickly bought it and presented it to Josh, who thought it was hilarious. That shirt kept us giggling the rest of the afternoon and earned us quite a few weird looks. Or perhaps that was because, being too large, it made it easy to imagine Josh was naked underneath it.

Not much later we found a swimwear shop, where Josh insisted I buy a Speedo. I ended up buying a black one with random blue designs on each hip. Josh said they matched my eyes. All I could think about was how tiny they were.

We had lunch at a table overlooking the water. The place had a nautical theme, with lots of brass lanterns and nets and ship wheel chandeliers. While we ate our cheeseburgers, we watched dolphins swimming out in the bay. I was really starting to like Florida.

As we ate, the sky began to grow darker. I had already learned that in Florida the weather can change really quickly. Even though it was threatening rain by the time we finished eating, Josh insisted we go to the beach. So, of course, we went to the beach.

We had it pretty much to ourselves, as wiser people had started heading indoors. We walked through the surf, waves lapping against our calves, not talking, just staring out at the water. I was struck suddenly by how powerful the sea was. I guess it sounds a bit cliché, but it’s just so vast and unchanging, and here I was, just a speck in time and space. Then I felt Josh’s hand slip into mine. I looked over at him and he smiled gently, almost shyly. I squeezed his hand and any feelings of impending loneliness fled just like that.

“Toby?” he asked then.


“Are we boyfriends now?”

I swallowed at a sudden lump in my throat. “I think we are,” I told him. “If you want us to be.”

“I do,” he said solemnly, and I thought it was sort of funny that it sounded like he was taking vows. Then I realized that’s exactly what we were doing, in our own way, in this chapel created by God, witnessed by the surf and the sand.

“I do too, Josh. I do.”

So I walked along the deserted beach hand in hand with my young lover, not caring who might see, feeling a love more powerful than the tide.

*             *             *             *             *

We were completely drenched by the time we arrived back at Josh’s house. Josh held on tight to me, his head against my back, shivering in his overlarge t-shirt. The sky had opened up just as we’d returned to the bike. We decided we’d head home rather than waiting it out there on the beach. Within blocks we were soaked through. With the rain came a cold wind, which kept threatening to push us over. That, and the decreased visibility made for a harrowing ride. A few times I decided to just pull over and wait it out, but we weren’t really that far from home, and I wanted to get Josh out of those wet clothes. Well, you know what I mean.

Finally pulling into his driveway we headed towards the door like a couple of zombies. I have to admit I was feeling a bit like one. I was physically and mentally numb. It’s amazing I was able to control the bike, I realized later.

Kathy met us at the door, apparently either having been waiting for us or hearing my bike. Her eyes grew wide with concern when she got a look at us.

“Hurry up inside,” she said, herding us through the door. “Oh, you poor guys. Get out of those wet things. I’ll go get towels.”

With numb fingers we began pawing at our soaked clothes. I helped Josh remove his new shirt and it hit the tile entryway with a splat. Kathy arrived with big fluffy towels and started drying our heads, all the time telling us how silly we’d been to be riding in such weather and generally lamenting the complete lack of sense in males in general. Then, impatient with our fumbling, she quickly and efficiently got us out of the rest of our dripping clothes. I was too numb to feel any embarrassment as she stripped me naked and dried me off. Then, bundled in towels, she led us into her bedroom and put both of us naked into her bed. I was too dazed to appreciate the irony.

Josh and I instantly turned and clung to one another, shivering, feeling the warmth slowly begin to return to our bodies. A few minutes later Kathy returned with steaming mugs of some apple tea, or maybe cider. She made us each finish and then she left, closing the door behind her. We were asleep before the latch clicked into place.

*             *             *             *             *

I awoke with early evening light spilling through the room. Josh was lying on my left side, his arm and leg draped over me, his small erection poking me in the hip. For a moment I was lost in a feeling of déjà vu. I sat up and yawned loud and long, causing Josh to shift and crack open his eyes.

The door opened. Kathy peeked in and grinned, seeing me sitting up. “I thought I heard you awake in here. How are my sleepyheads, hmm?” She walked around to Josh’s side of the bed and sat down. She reached over and tousled my hair and then gently stroked Josh’s cheek. “You awake, Chipmunk?”

I snorted a laugh. “Chipmunk?”

Josh scowled. “Quiet, Bigfoot!” I laughed, feeling myself blush even though there was no way Kathy could know what the nickname meant.

Kathy smiled. “Nice to see you boys are recovered. Toby, what were you thinking, driving in that storm?”

I shifted in embarrassment. “It really wasn’t that bad when we started, and I figured I could make it home quick.”

“Well, next time you wait it out somewhere, or call me and I’ll come get you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh, hush with that ma’am stuff,” she chided. “I was just worried about you. And my little Chipmunk.” She pinched Josh’s cheek and kissed him on the forehead, making cooing baby noises.

“Mo-om!” Josh whined with a long-suffering sigh.

“I know, I know, you’re all grown up now,” she smiled. “Well, let’s get you slugabeds up and about. I’ve almost got dinner ready. Your clothes are in the laundry room.”

Josh then hopped out of bed, erect little dick and all. Kathy saw it and just grinned. Josh said, “Hey, Mom! Did you see my new shirt Toby got me?” He grinned down at his stiff dick and actually thrust his hips a couple of times. I was amazed at how casual they both were about it.

Kathy laughed. “Yes, I did. Now go poke somebody else’s eye out, I need to see to finish dinner.” She stood as Josh left the room, presumably to get dressed.

I figured I’d wait for Kathy to leave the room and then scrounge a towel from her bathroom, but she surprised me by walking around to my side of the bed and holding out her hand. “Up you go, big boy.”

I was suddenly unable to move or speak. “I…”

She just shook her head and grinned. “Men,” she sighed. “C’mon, Toby, you’ve been in my bed long enough. You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before. In fact, you may recall I’ve seen exactly what you have just a couple of hours ago, so you might as well get over this silly modesty of yours. Especially if you’re going to be hanging around my son. I’ve brought him up to be proud of his body and while I love my sister, I don’t want the modesty she brought you up with rubbing off on Josh. Besides, honey, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Steeling my will, I pulled back the covers and stood, thankful I didn’t have a hard-on. I figured Kathy would at least look politely away, but she stared right at my hanging dick and grinned at me. “That’s better,” she said, then smacked me on the bare butt. “Now, go get dressed. I won’t have naked boys running around here. This is a respectable house.” I gaped at her and she laughed and pointed. “Go!” Grinning, I went to find Josh.

Josh was in the laundry room off the kitchen, slipping into his Speedos. He insisted I wear mine too. At any other time I might have been a bit embarrassed wearing them; they really left very little to the imagination, but just now it felt almost like putting on a suit of armor.

Dinner was spent mostly listening to Josh chatter about what we’d done all day. To hear Josh tell it, the putt putt game we played ended with me lying on the ground sobbing, swearing never to touch a putter again, and our trip home became some sort of Norse saga involving typhoons, tornadoes, and attacking lightning bolts.

After dinner, Josh and I headed out to the pool. Josh kept teasing me about my Speedo, and used every opportunity to grab my dick, hoping to give me a boner so he could see how they looked. We ended up making a game of it, which I was mostly winning. Mostly, in that I was constantly at least partly hard, but not too noticeably. Which was a good thing since my mom showed up about thirty minutes after dinner.

“I understand you two had a rough day,” she said, coming out to the pool.

“Hey, Mom,” I smiled, getting out of the pool and kissing her, careful not to get her wet.

She was staring at my Speedos. “Toby, those are a bit… small, aren’t they?”

I shrugged. “I want to work on getting a good tan,” I explained.

“Toby, it’s dark out.”

Kathy saved me the trouble of answering by coming out to join us. “Honestly, Nancy, they’re boys. Let them be. How you ever grew up to be such a prude, I’ll never know.”

“I am not a prude!” she objected. “It’s just that those things would be more at home on a stripper than on my son.”

“Do you want to strip for us, Toby?” Kathy grinned. I grinned back and started to grind my hips.

My mom laughed and pushed me into the pool. “You’re going to corrupt him, Kat.”

“Somebody needs to,” my aunt answered. Then turning to us she said, “We’re going out, boys. Probably be home late. Toby, you can bunk with Josh or on the couch, but I’ll want my own bed tonight.” Then she turned a sly look at my mother. “Unless you’re still wearing those Speedos,” she added.

“Now, don’t make me push you into the pool,” my mom laughed.

We all said our goodbyes and watched as they left. When the door was closed and locked behind them, I turned to Josh. He was already grinning. We met in the middle of the pool. Josh came into my arms with a kiss while his legs wrapped around my waist. I quickly felt myself growing hard. Josh noticed it, too. He slid his hand down between us and grasped my cock through the thin material. I moaned into his mouth.

“Let me see how you look,” he said.

We made our way to the shallow end of the pool and I backed up the steps until my crotch was out of the water. The black lycra was molded to my erection, clearly showing the flared head, which rose up like some shiny black sea monster about an inch higher than the actual waistband. Josh ran his fingers over it, making me shudder.

I grabbed Josh under his armpits and turned and lifted him, sitting him on the edge of the pool. His erection was straining his own Speedos. Holding myself out of the water with my forearms, I leaned forward and began to lick at the water which glistened on his tanned stomach. I slowly licked lower and lower, until my tongue was running along his waistband. Then I grabbed the front of his Speedo with my right hand and pulled down and out, freeing his stiff four incher.

“Lift up,” I instructed. Josh did and helped me to skin off his tight trunks. Then I just stared at him for a few moments, enraptured. I have to admit that my fantasies before meeting Josh always seemed to feature larger cocks. Not super huge, I’m not a size queen. Actually I’m no sorta queen at all, thank you very much. But, you know, somewhere between six and eight inches, thick, heavy balls dangling below, a nice trim bush of curls around the base. That was my idea of a cock. But looking at the tender little morsel between Josh’s tanned, hairless thighs, I couldn’t imagine anything sexier.

I don’t believe Michelangelo could have done a finer job than nature had accomplished with Josh’s prick. It rose perfectly straight from his groin, only a slight inner bend curving it back towards his belly. The shape was much more streamlined than mine. Where I had a widely flared head, Josh’s rosy crown was actually smaller than the shaft, so it just sorta rounded off like a hot dog. While the remains of my foreskin were pretty much level all around, Josh’s sloped sharply, so from the frenulum on the underside, it cut down at about a 45 degree angle. His cockhead followed that same line, the ridge of it nearly lost in the circle of remaining foreskin. Only by pulling downward on the skin was it clearly revealed. That ring of skin was the darkest part of his prick. The head was pink and the shaft pale. His balls were a bit darker than the shaft as well.

I suppose Josh got impatient with my staring ‘cause he interrupted my reverie by saying, “Behold! The great and powerful Ween!”

“You’re a ween alright,” I teased. Then I leaned closer and blew against his dick. It twitched. I blew down across his balls, watching them contract a bit.

“Is this a blow job?” Josh asked. I grinned and then realized he was serious, which totally cracked me up. He jumped into the water and attacked me. I was so weak from laughing I couldn’t defend myself.

He ducked me under the water and I came up sputtering. “I am so gonna kick your ass,” I told him.

“How about kiss it instead,” he teased, bending over and shaking his butt at me.

“Good idea,” I grinned. Then I sank beneath the water, grabbed his hips, and buried my face in his ass. I licked down into the cleft as far as I could, then came up for air.

“You’re crazy,” he laughed.

“Crazy about your ass,” I told him, hugging him to me and squeezing the part in question.

“Let me see yours,” he said, reaching down and starting to push off my Speedo.

“Want me to model for ya?” I asked.

“Take it all off!” he cried, laughing.

I jumped out of the pool and faced him then started doing a sexy little dance. At least it felt sexy. Turning around I wiggled my ass for him then hooked my thumbs into my Speedos and bent over, slowly peeling them down. Naked, I straightened back up and writhed a bit for him.

“So, do you think I’m sexy?” I asked, caught up in the moment.

“I wish I had a body like yours,” he said.

I turned to him and said, “Your body is great, Joshy. I love your body.”

His eyes had immediately locked onto my stiff cock. “I just wish I had as big a dick as yours at least.”

I jumped into the pool and caught him up in a hug. “You will soon enough. And in the meantime I think yours is perfect.” To show him how perfect, I again sank under the water and then wrapped my lips around his small prick. When I ran out of air I came up and again grabbed him under the armpits and moved to the side of the pool where I lifted him out and moved between his legs.

“Perfect size for this,” I told him. Then I sucked it back into my mouth. I ran my tongue all around the slender stalk, making it slick. Applying a bit of suction, I then began to move my head up and down, stopping each time I reached the tip to tease it with my tongue. Meanwhile, my hands were busy, moving feather-light over his thighs and back and sides, making him shiver.

I just couldn’t get over the sensation of having his cock in my mouth. It felt so warm and alive. Laying my tongue along the shaft I could feel the beating of his pulse. It was such an intimate connection with Josh. I quickly came to learn what he liked best. Flicking my tongue over his frenulum caused him to writhe and moan. Sticking my tongue into his pisshole made him gasp. Just holding the length of him in my mouth with my lips wrapped tightly around the hairless base while I gently sucked made him sigh.

Josh suddenly flopped onto his back, put his hands on the back of my head, and with a little puppy growl, began working his hips up and down. I just held my head still then, allowing him to fuck my mouth. I could feel shudders begin to wrack him. My hands continued to caress his body, urging him on. I suddenly felt his cock swell against my tongue, and then he went stiff as a board, his ass hovering off the poolside, his crotch straining against my mouth. I waited to feel a squirt against the roof of my throat, but felt nothing but the powerful pulsing of Josh’s little prick in my mouth. Then I became aware of the taste of him, bittersweet, coating my tongue. I continued to suck him gently while he calmed, until he pushed my face away. I let his cock slip from my mouth then, and contented myself with licking his balls and around the hairless base.

“I wish somebody woulda told me ‘bout orgasms before,” Josh panted a minute later. “That’s better’n Xbox!”

“Great graphics,” I agreed, licking his slightly deflated cock.

Josh giggled and said, “Let me play with your Masamune sword!” That’s a Final Fantasy reference for you non-gamers.

“Ok, but inside,” I suggested. If the little imp wanted to suck my cock again, I was going to take advantage of the situation and live out a little fantasy of mine.

Ok, not so much a fantasy I guess, as a position I used to imagine. After drying off I led Josh into the family room. Just to the right was a couch with its back to the pool. To the right of that was a fireplace (I know, a fireplace in Florida? What’s up with that?). The wall on either side of the fireplace had mirrored panels. I sat down in the middle of the couch and fisted my cock.

I grinned up at Josh. “You wanted this?”

He grinned back and knelt between my legs. I’d always had this picture in my mind. A bright room, parents gone but could conceivably show up at any time, and my lover kneeling between my knees sucking my cock. The mirrored wall was a bonus. Looking to my right I watched as Josh reached out and replaced my hand with his own. He jacked me up and down a few times.

“It feels really weird,” he told me. “Hard and soft at the same time. All hot and squishy.”

“Squishy?” I asked, amused.

“At the top it is,” he replied, squeezing my cockhead with two fingers. A little dollop of pre-cum bubbled up and he used his index finger to spread it around the tip. Then he began shifting it around like a joystick, his thumb mashing my pisshole while making laser noises.

“Incoming bogey!” I shouted.

“Roger, Bigfoot, I’m on him!” Then he made a series of airplane and machine gun noises until, “I’m hit! Mayday, mayday! I’m going down!”

“So go down already, Chipmunk,” I teased. “My plasma cannon is ready to fire.”

That got us both laughing like crazy. Josh eventually picked himself up off the floor and grabbed hold of my prick again. He leaned forward and gave the head a quick lick. Then he moved it around again and started making lightsaber noises. “Luke,” he breathed, trying to imitate James Earl Jones’ sonorous tones. “Luke, I am your penis!”

“Give in to the Dark Side,” I urged. “Suck my ween and we shall rule the galaxy together!”

“You’re messed up,” Josh laughed.

I reached forward and brushed a stray lock of hair out of his eyes. All the humor suddenly left me as I stared into those green orbs. I felt such an upsurge of love and affection for this strange young boy. Seeing something in my eyes, Josh smiled softly and lifted himself until he was in my arms and we were kissing, kissing so deeply and lovingly that I thought my heart must surely burst. I squeezed him tightly and felt a sob suddenly shake me.

I opened my eyes to find Josh staring at me, a look of calm understanding on his face. I felt another sob hiccup out of me and my eyes blurred with tears. “How do you do that?” I cried. “How do you look at me like you know exactly what I’m feeling?”

Josh shrugged, still gently smiling. “I just do, I guess.”

“Do you really know?” I demanded, softly but urgently. “Do you know how I feel?”

He nodded again and spoke softly. “You love me.”

I choked back another sob and nodded, tears drifting down my cheeks. “I do, Josh. I love you so much.”

“I know.” He leaned forward and kissed the tears on my cheeks, small tongue lapping up the salty drops.

I hugged him to me, squeezing him as if I’d never let him go. “I love you, Josh,” I whispered close to his ear. “I love you. I love you.”

“I love you, too, Toby,” he whispered, and I felt my heart melt.

I can’t say how long we sat there like that, holding one another. I had found myself feeling Josh’s heart beating against me, concentrating on that in some part of my mind, and marveling as I felt our heartbeats fall into rhythm with each other. So caught up in that rhythmic dance was I that I didn’t immediately register the fact that Josh’s cock had stiffened between us, and he was gently humping against my belly. As I became aware of that my own cock began to fill and soon it was pressing insistently between Josh’s legs.

“Stop tryin’ to stick it in my butt, perv,” Josh said.

“You’re the one rubbing on it. I’m just sitting here.”

“Help, I’m being molested!” he giggled.

“I’ll show you molesting,” I told him.

“Nope, it’s my turn,” he said, and he began to slide himself downward, kissing along my neck and chest. He grinned as he teased my nipples. “Do you always moan that much when somebody licks your nipples?” he asked.

“Since this is the first time anybody ever did it, I guess the answer is yes.”

“Ooooo, a nipple virgin,” he laughed and sucked and bit on my nipple.

“You’re supposed to be licking, not chewing them off!”

“Sorry,” he grinned. He licked his way down along my stomach. Then he was back on his knees and had my cock in his fist. He continued to lick down my belly, to my groin, then down further until he was licking lightly at my balls.

I moaned again. “Ball virgin,” he muttered, lapping at the fleshy orbs while he continued to slowly jack my prick. He suddenly giggled.

“What?” I asked.

Still licking, he said, “The hair on your balls tickles.” I laughed too until he suddenly sucked my right nut into his mouth. That forced a gasp of pleasure from me.

“Mmmmm,” Josh moaned as he rolled my golf-ball sized nut around his mouth. The vibration made me squirm. Josh noticed and he hummed.

“Damn, Joshy!” I gasped.

He let my ball fall from his mouth and giggled, “This must be a hummer, huh?” Then he sucked up the other nut and started humming again. The sensation was so strange; it was all I could do to sit still.

Leaning back, Josh seemed to examine my glistening nuts. Apparently satisfied with what he saw, he leaned forward and slowly licked his way up along the shaft of my dick. Using his recently gained knowledge, he paused just below the head to suck and lick at the frenulum and then his small, pink tongue was circling my cockhead, licking up the leaking streams of pre-cum that coated it.

“That’s the weirdest taste ever,” he announced.

“Yeah? What’s it like?”

“It tastes ok. Kinda like… sour butter.” He grinned.

I laughed. “If you say so.”

My laugh was cut off when he leaned in again and swallowed the head of my prick. I gasped as I felt his lips close tightly underneath the flared ridge and his tongue began flicking across my pisshole. Then I groaned as Josh began humming again. The vibration spread down through my cock to my whole body, and I thought I might break apart. I clutched the couch cushions tightly.

Glancing to my right, I again caught sight of Josh in the mirrors there. The vision that was presented, slender young boy kneeling between my outstretched legs, his lips wrapped around my cock, hair falling about his eyes as his head began to bob up and down, small hand jacking the base of my prick, it was a vision I hoped to keep forever. I stared hard, willing the sight to burn itself into my memory.

Josh pulled back and looked at me, while his thumb and fingers began to swirl around my sensitive cockhead, making me writhe. He grinned, having learned a new trick. “Do you want me to stick my finger in your butt?” he asked with an impish smile.

The thought made my cock lurch. “Why, do you want to?” I asked carefully.

“It’s not gross, is it? Will I get poop on my finger?”

“No,” I assured him. “I’m clean.”

“Well, how do I do it then?”

“Just, you know, stick it in,” I told him. “Just go slow. And get your finger nice and wet first.”

He examined his right index finger, which was slick with my pre-cum and his saliva. He grinned. I slid lower on the couch, spreading my legs wider to give him access. Then my prick was back in his mouth and I felt his fingers fumbling around underneath my balls. I reached down and guided his finger to my asshole. I hoped he wasn’t grossed out by this act, because I was already eagerly anticipating the sensation. I’d experimented with a few things up my ass in the past; my fingers, of course, a few candles of varying widths and lengths, even one (un?)lucky screwdriver.

I felt Josh’s finger hesitantly circling my sphincter, and then he was pressing inward. I saw his eyes twitch in surprise at the ease with which it penetrated. Then he was carefully sliding it in further. He released my cock and said, wonderingly, “It’s sucking at my finger. It’s really warm in there.”

I swallowed and decided to take a chance. “Josh,” I began softly, “would you like to… make love to me?”

He looked up at me, searching my eyes. “You mean… screw you? With my… in your butt?”

I nodded. I felt his finger leave my ass with a little pang of regret. Josh examined his finger, turning it this way and that, then hesitantly brought it up to his nose and sniffed. His eyes met mine. “Won’t it hurt you?” he asked.

I stifled a smile of amusement. I didn’t want to tell him that I’d had larger things than his little cock in my ass. “We’ll go slow,” I assured him.

I leaned forward then while helping Josh to rise fully onto his knees. I eagerly took his prick into my mouth, swirling my tongue around, wetting him as thoroughly as I could. Then I leaned back again, thumb and finger still holding the tip of his prick, and with my other hand on his ass, carefully guided him between my legs. The angle was off a bit, so I grabbed myself under each knee and pulled my legs against my chest.

“Can you see where?” I asked, my eyes gleaming with excitement.

Josh nodded, staring between my legs. He took hold of his prick and pushed it down so it was sticking straight out, then slowly pushed forward. I felt his spongy little cockhead mash against my anus. A bit more pressure, and then he was inside. The tip only, but we both gasped.

“Just slide it in slowly,” I encouraged.

I moaned as inch after inch of Josh’s slim prick filled my ass. It wasn’t the biggest thing I’d had in there, but it was certainly the most exciting. No finger or candle generated that kind of heat, or throbbed that way. I could actually feel his heartbeat through his prick. It took me a few moments to realize that he was fully inside of me, and just sitting there.

“Ok?” I asked.

Josh nodded wordlessly. Then he swallowed and spoke with an effort. “It’s really hot,” he gasped. “I can feel it pulling on me, trying to suck me inside. It’s all around me.”

“You feel so good inside me, Joshy,” I said softly. “Now just start moving back and forth a little, ok?”

Josh nodded again, but it was another half minute before he actually pulled himself backwards. He retreated carefully, until only the tip of his prick remained inside me, and then he just as carefully pushed it back inside me. I released my right leg so I could reach down and grip my leaking cock.

Josh saw my movement, and he pushed my hand away, taking my prick into his own fist. He began to slowly jack me, and as he did, his hips began to move faster, matching the speed and rhythm of his fist. Or maybe his fist was going faster to match the rhythm of his hips.

Either way, I was in ecstasy. I’d imagined for years what this would be like, but this hot, slippery, gripping, panting, sharing was so much more than I’d anticipated. My imagination didn’t supply me with the feeling of Josh’s little balls slapping against my ass, or the jolt of his hairless crotch against me. It didn’t prepare me for the way his panting breaths and little grunts of pleasure would thrum through me. And I was in no way prepared, after finger, candle, and other weapons of mass destruction, for the way a real, live dick would feel inside me. If I thought I’d felt a connection with Josh before, it paled before this. It was like we were merging into one being, and the more Josh pumped that hot little cock of his into me, the faster and more completely we merged.

I pulled Josh toward me, so that we could kiss. He practically attacked my mouth, kissing me with a passion he’d never shown before. He was moaning loudly in my mouth, sucking at my tongue, while his hips worked and his fist flew. I grabbed his pert little ass, urging him on, losing myself in the primal rhythm.

Some time later I felt my balls start churning with the approach of orgasm. I tightened the muscles of my ass, clamping down on Josh’s prick, increasing the friction while I gripped his ass, pulling him into me.

Josh gasped and broke away from our kiss, like a swimmer coming up for air. “Toby! I’m gonna cum!”

I cried out as my own orgasm overwhelmed me. My cock bucked in Josh’s fist and I felt the first hot squirt of my cum splash between our sweating bodies. At nearly the same instant, Josh gave one last mighty thrust into my ass, wrapped both his arms around my neck and held himself there, his body thrumming, his pubescent cock throbbing and jerking inside me. I held him tightly to me, shuddering as my cock continued to spew hot ropes of cum between us.

Josh’s head was on my chest and he was gasping like a fish out of water. His cock continued to twitch in my ass. “Toby?” he asked after a couple of minutes.

“Yeah, Joshy?”

“Does this mean I’m not a virgin anymore?”

I chuckled. “I think it means neither of us are.”

“That was amazing.”

“You are amazing,” I told him. “I love you, Josh.”

“I love you, too.” He paused for a few moments then asked, “Wanna do it again?”

So we did it again. If you can believe it, it was even better the second time.

*             *             *             *             *

I could barely walk later as we made our way to the shower. Amazing how that four inches started feeling like eight after awhile. The kid fucked like a rabbit. We showered amidst much giggling and soapy fun. After drying off we retired to Josh’s room where we crawled into his twin bed. I was afraid the fit would be a bit tight, but it was nice and cozy.

We lay there for awhile in the dark, talking about nothing, just enjoying each others presence. We were constantly touching each other. Not sexually, but affectionately. Face, shoulders, chest, hip. Just maintaining contact in the darkness. Eventually, Josh’s hand found my limp dick. He held it gently, not playing with it, just holding it. It started to grow regardless.

“I like your dick,” he told me.

“It likes you, too,” I grinned.

He smacked me on the stomach, said, “Dork!” and then took me in hand again. “I’m serious. I just like the way it feels.” He ran his fingers over the satiny head. By now I was fully erect again. I felt him moving, and then he was lying beside me. He sort of hugged my cock against his face. I could feel the softness of his cheek. Then he planted a kiss on the tip. “It feels really nice,” he breathed.

I closed my eyes in a rush of sensual pleasure as I felt him take me once again into his mouth. There was nothing hesitant about his actions, nor was it rushed. Just a slow, luxurious engulfing. When he had about half or so of me inside the warmth of his mouth, he slowly rose up on it. Then he played one of my own tricks against me and blew lightly up and down the length of it. I gasped. No giggles from him this time, he just swallowed me again without a sound.

As Josh worked on taking more and more of my cock into his mouth, I quietly urged him to turn himself around on the bed. There were a few moments of awkward shuffling while he tried to figure out what I wanted, and then he was straddling my face and I had pulled his own stiff little prick into my mouth. I began to caress his ass and thighs while my tongue bathed his precious boyhood.

That’s when the door opened.

My eyes flew open. I was looking upside down at Josh’s mom standing in the doorway. I saw about fifteen different emotions race across her face in about three seconds, and then she started to close the door. Josh’s mouth pulled away from my cock, which flopped with a wet smack against my stomach. Then the door was opening again.

“Josh,” she said, “put something on and come talk to me. Toby, you wait here.” Then the door shut.

Josh was up like a shot, searching around the dark room for something to wear. He found a pair of briefs he’d probably worn a few days ago and tugged them on while we whispered frantically at each other. Had she seen us? What would she do? Would she call my mom? What was Josh going to say?

Then he was gone and I was alone in the dark room with only my thoughts and the panicked beating of my heart. Why did she want to talk to Josh? Shouldn’t she want to talk to me? I was the one doing the ‘molesting’ after all. Maybe she wanted to separate us so she could call the police. Would they arrest me? Would my mom be able to bail me out? Would I have to be in the jail with men or other kids? What were they talking about out there? Did Kathy have a gun? She wouldn’t shoot me, would she? Maybe me and Josh could run away. Where would we go? Did he have any money? Would he want to go to Wisconsin with me? No, better yet, San Francisco. That’s where we should go, right? What were they talking about out there? Was that a siren? Would they have their sirens on or would they just come quietly? Where were my clothes? Damn, in the laundry room. I had to wear something, right?

I got up and started searching around the room, desperately trying on anything I could find. All of Josh’s clothes were too small for me. I found the ‘poke your eye out’ t-shirt I’d bought him and put that on. It had been way too big for Josh and hit me right below my ass.

“Toby? Come out here, son,” I heard Kathy call out. I froze. Should I jump out the window? My bike was out there. Where were my keys? Damn, where were my fucking keys? I couldn’t remember and felt a sob well up inside me.

Hanging my head, I opened the door and stumbled out into the light of the family room, pulling the front of the t-shirt down to cover my nakedness. I heard a quick snicker and jerked my head up to see Josh trying to stifle a giggle. I suppose I looked pretty silly, but that wasn’t the reaction I’d expected. He wasn’t crying. In fact, once I got hold of myself and really looked I could see that he didn’t seem upset at all.

Then my eyes found Kathy’s. I couldn’t decipher the look there. It wasn’t angry though, at least that much I could tell. “Have a seat,” she said, directing me into a leather recliner across the couch from where they were sitting. I sat, careful to keep myself covered by the t-shirt.

“I’ve had a talk with Josh,” she began. I cringed. “Oh, stop,” she said. “And dry your eyes. You’re not in trouble, Toby.”

“I… I’m not?”

She smiled softly. “I had to make sure Josh knew what he was getting into, that he wasn’t being forced into anything.”

“I –” I started to protest, but she held up a forestalling hand. “I know you wouldn’t, Toby, but I just had to check to make sure. I knew there was a possibility this would happen when you moved down here.”

“But… I mean…”

I was at a complete loss for words. Luckily Kathy seemed to have the same uncanny ability to read thoughts and emotions as her son. “How did I know you were gay?” she smiled as I nodded dumbly. “Your mother told me of course. And before you ask,” she rushed on, seeing I was about to do just that, “she’s known for years. She’s your mother after all.”

“But…” My head was spinning. “But, why didn’t she anything?”

Kathy shrugged. “I suppose she felt that when you were ready you would talk to her. She worries about you, honey. Why do you think she moved you both down here?”

“She got a job…” I began, confused.

Kathy nodded. “She got a job after searching for about eight months. She wanted to get you out of that small town. She knew the kind of prejudice you would have to contend with there and she wanted you to have a chance to be happy.”

This was all coming way too fast. My mom knew I was gay? I was stunned.

Kathy continued. “So she found a job and I helped her find a house and here you are. We talked a lot about you and hoped that when you found yourself in a place where it would be a bit easier to be yourself, that maybe you’d come out of your shell a bit. I just don’t think either of us were expecting it to happen so fast.”

I focused on her again to find her smiling. “Like I said, I knew there was a possibility you and Josh would… well, find each other, I suppose. As I’m sure you’ve found, Josh is a special kid.”

“It’s true,” Josh supplied with a grin.

“Hush, you!” Kathy chided with a smile. “I’ve felt for awhile that Josh might be… well –“ she trailed off.

“She means I’m a fruit,” Josh giggled.

“You’re a fruit loop,” she responded, tickling his ribs. Josh giggled and squirmed away from her. She turned back to me. “I knew there was a good chance that Josh was gay, or at least bi. He’s always been a bit… different.”

“She means I’m crazy,” Josh cut in.

“I mean, Chipmunk, that you are a very special boy, as I’ve always told you.” She turned to me. “And you, Toby, are a very special boy, too. I’m glad that you and Toby are going to be able to work things through together.”

She stood up. “Tomorrow,” she said, fixing us both with a glance, “we’ll discuss some rules about behavior between you two. I don’t want to have to worry about catching you two… engaged, each time I come into a room. Also, I think we’ll leave your mother out of this little secret for now. Let me work on her a bit. Now, come over here and give me a hug and you two go to bed. And please keep it down; a mother doesn’t need to hear some things.”

I got up awkwardly and stepped forward to hug her. Josh jumped off the couch and joined us for a three way hug. I was still shocked, still half expecting the slap of metal around my wrists. Was I actually being sent off to sleep with my eleven-year-old cousin, with the full permission of his mother?

Kathy patted my back, kissed me on the cheek and stepped back. “Now, off to bed, you two.” She glanced down. “And put that away,” she grinned. “You’ll put somebody’s eye out.”

Josh busted into giggles and I couldn’t help a choked laugh myself. I hastily pulled down the front of my shirt and, taking Josh’s offered hand, allowed myself to be led back into his bedroom.

I stripped off the shirt once we were back in the dark room, and I heard the rustle as Josh kicked off his briefs. We crawled into bed together and snuggled close. I still felt this sense of unreality. I felt Josh’s hand snake down between my legs.

“I told you she wouldn’t care,” he said softly.

“Are you always going to be right?” I asked, grinning in the darkness.

“Yup,” he answered.

I turned and kissed him then, softly, pouring into him all my love and hopes and dreams. I felt a weight lift from me that I hadn’t been aware even existed. For the first time I felt myself thinking of the future, wondering what it would be like, happy knowing that Josh would be beside me.

The kiss ended and we held each other. Finally Josh asked, “Toby? Does this mean we’re kissing cousins?”

“Please,” I protested with a smile. “That’s so cliché.”


The End

Copyright 2023 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

This is the first story I ever wrote for Nifty, back in 2005.  It needed a bit of editing and some contact info updating.  Not sure if this will still be listed back then and you’ll be lucky to find it, or if it’ll appear as new again.  In either case, I hope you enjoy it.  This is one of my favorite stories I’ve written, and re-reading it always leaves me with a smile.  I hope it does the same for you.  If you enjoy it, please comment.  I love to hear from people who’ve enjoyed my stories, and really, it’s the only payment I receive.  You can contact me at rwxxx13@yahoo.com.  

Edit by Jason:
Yes, really! This is it. The End. No more chapters will follow. Not written by me, nor by Rwxxx13. Sadly, he passed away and will never write another story or chapter. Even though I think it deserves a decent ending, I’ll never write and end to it. I don’t want to touch this genius writer’s work, because I know I’ll never do it justice. But please! Feel free to do so yourself, and send it to me and I might end up posting it here!

Sibling Rivalry – Chapter Six

Sibling Rivalry
rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Chapter 6

If Megan had thought she was done with Jack, she was sorely mistaken. Literally sore, because it turned out that the eleven-year-old was a lot like that Energizer Bunny. Once he got started, he kept going… and going… and going…

Megan was pretty exhausted by the time Jacky fucked her on the ottoman after Richie had left. She needed some food in her, so she went into the kitchen to whip up something for lunch. However, despite her complaints, Jack kept rubbing up against her, or sucking at her tits, or sliding his talented little fingers up between her legs. Of course, her complaints were halfhearted at best.

She was bent over looking at something in the fridge when Jack stepped up behind her, grabbed her hips and just slid his little cock into her from behind. She had to stand there, bracing herself against the bottom shelf while the preteen wonder fucked her to another explosive orgasm while she stared at a container of strawberry yogurt. At least she could be thankful for the cool air on her face.

It took Megan forty minutes to prepare some canned soup and make grilled cheese sandwiches, because she had to keep stopping while Jack fucked her. He fucked her once at the fridge, once with her sitting on the counter while Jack stood on one of the chairs, and then once again with her standing at the dining room table, her upper body laid flat while Jack used a chair again, kneeling on it so he could fuck her in the ass. She wasn’t quite ready to admit just how much she loved his little cock in her ass.

It was almost scary, the kid’s stamina. He wasn’t just bringing her either. Each time he fucked her, he’d cum as well. She’d heard of course of the recovery power of young guys, but she didn’t see Jack’s little dick go soft once. She couldn’t help but think of those Viagra commercials and wonder if she should call a doctor after four hours to complain that no matter how many times her eleven-year-old nephew fucked her, his erection wouldn’t go away.

Sated in more ways than one after lunch, Megan went into the living room and flopped down on the sofa, leaning back and shutting her eyes. What a morning. She’d have never imagined it in a million years, that she’d spend a day getting fucked silly by a little boy. Jack was cute and sexy and funny and wicked. Everything she could have dreamed of in a boy lover. He was attentive and cared about her pleasure, and was advanced well beyond his years in making that happen.

Megan felt uneasy though. Things were going better than she’d ever dared hope, or even dream. Her nephews were beautiful and perfect, their bodies, their cocks, everything she’d ever wanted. She was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and she knew in her heart that shoe was going to be Nicole finding out about her, about what she’d been doing with her sons. She dreaded the confrontation, and it saddened her, because she knew it would wreck their relationship. Even if she managed to keep herself out of prison, there was no way Nicole would ever let her back into her life.

What could she do though? Leave? It was a bit too late for that, but she couldn’t imagine being able to get through the rest of her vacation without Nicole catching on to her depravity. She also couldn’t imagine just stopping. The boys were gorgeous. Gloriously sexy and eager for her. Eager to give her those lovely cocks and make her dreams come true.

Megan sensed him before she felt him. She was lying there when she felt the lightest of touches on her thighs, and then she gasped as Jack pushed his face between her legs and began to lap at her overworked pussy.

“Jacky, how can you want more?” she moaned, running her fingers through his short blond hair and writhing already as the boy worked his tongue up inside her.

Then the boy leaned back enough to say, “I like the taste.” Then, as if he felt the need to clarify, “Of your pussy.”

“Of my pussy,” she agreed. “Mmmm, eat that pussy.” Had she really just said that?

Jack backed his tongue out and rasped it over her inner lips, over and over again, the top of each upward trip sliding firmly over her clit and making her shudder. She gasped when he reached up between her legs and shoved two… no, three fingers up inside her. Then she gasped again as he pressed his lips around her clitoral hood and began to suck while flicking it rapidly with his tongue.

“Jacky… Jacky…” she moaned. “Oh, fuck, you’re gonna make me cum!”

Then the eleven-year-old straightened and grabbed her hips, surprising her with his wiry strength as he pulled her ass to the edge of the couch. “Gonna fuck you and make you cum,” he growled in his little boy voice.

“Yeah, Jacky,” she moaned eagerly, biting her bottom lip. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me with that hot little cock!”

He sank it into her, all the way to the hilt in one stroke and she nearly choked on the pleasure. There were no preliminaries this time. The preteen just began to hammer her, hard and fast, rocking her body with his thrusts, his bony hips jamming into her almost painfully. Megan was amazed at how full four inches of boycock could make her feel. It felt like Jack’s cock was riding into her stomach and she felt split apart. It didn’t make any sense, and she didn’t care.

“Fuckin’ your pussy so hard,” Jack gasped.

The dirty talk ratcheted up Megan’s pleasure in a way she didn’t understand. “Slam that sweet cock into me, baby,” she growled, gripping his muscular little ass. “Fuck me… fuck me… fuck your aunt’s pussy!”

“Fuckin’ you with my jailbait dick!” he grinned. “Little boy dick fucking your dirty pervert pussy.”

“Fuck!” she cried, her head slamming back against the cushions, feeling herself starting to cum around her nephew’s driving little cock. “Do it, Jacky! Shoot your little boy cum into my dirty pussy!”

“Gonna do it!” he gasped. “Gonna shoot my boy jizz right into your cunt!”

“Do it, Jacky!” she whined, shaking now as her orgasm crested, feeling the boy continue to slam himself into her. “Fill my pussy with your hot, sweet cum!”

Woman and boy shook as Jack’s cock jerked out his dry cum and Megan’s hungry pussy sucked madly at the little organ. Jack collapsed on top of her, breathing loudly, still inside her. Megan hugged his sweaty little body to her, also breathing hard, feeling the warmth of her orgasm melting through her body.

Finally, Megan felt Jack’s face lift up off her chest and she opened her eyes to see him grinning at her. “You’re weird,” he said. “That was fun.”

“Mmm…” she mewled, pulling his tight little ass against her, feeling his still-hard cock jerk inside her. “You bring out the weird in me, Jacky.”

“You wanna fuck again?” he asked, giving her a couple of gentle strokes of his buried cock, which made shivers race up and down Megan’s body.

“No, you little monster!” she laughed, pushing him away. “You’re going to kill me.”

Jack knelt there in front of her, his little erection throbbing and wet. “Suck it then, okay?”

“How can you want to cum again?” she asked, honestly amazed.

“Please?” he wheedled, climbing up on the sofa and straddling her legs.

“You are such a brat,” she grinned, and she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his little pink crown. She could taste herself on him and she rasped a tongue up along his thin shaft.

“You like my cock,” Jack said.

“I love your cock,” she grinned, then she licked him again.

The doorbell rang.

Megan panicked, sitting bolt upright and spilling Jack to the floor. “Sorry,” she said, wide-eyed. “What do we do?” She crossed her legs nervously. Her pussy was still wet and Jack’s little cock was still shining with a combination of her pussy juice and her tongue.

“Uh, usually answer the door,” Jack said with way too much sarcasm for an eleven-year-old.

“But, Jacky, we were…” Megan began, and all of a sudden felt shy saying they were fucking.

“Well, we’re not right this second, so nobody’ll know,” Jack said, walking to the door.

Megan straightened her back, put one arm over the back of the sofa and then nervously tried it on the arm, struggling for nonchalance. She watched Jack’s tanned, muscled little butt as he walked to the door. He opened it, but she wasn’t at an angle to see out.

“Hey,” she heard a voice say. A boy’s voice.

“Hi, Jack.” That was a girl, and she was obviously being very flirty, if her drawn out and playful ‘hi’ was any indication.

“Hey, April,” Jack said. “Shane’s not home.” Megan saw him hook a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m just hangin’ with my aunt.”

“She must be pretty to get you that hard,” Megan heard the girl say.

Then the first voice, the boy, said, “Geez, April, don’t just grab it. We’re outside.”

“Then let’s go inside,” the girl, April said. Then once more in her flirty voice, “You wanna play, Jack?”

Jack turned to look at Megan, giving her raised eyebrows. Megan shook her head in a firm no, but it didn’t do any good, as she saw someone brushing past Jack through the door.

It was the girl. She was a cute little thing, about Jack’s height and probably his age, although it was always hard to tell at that age. She was naked of course, with perky little budding breasts, really no more than swollen, conical nipples thrusting maybe two inches out on her chest. They were topped by little brown nipples, obviously stiff and about the size of pencil erasers. She had the tiniest bit of brown hair between her legs, straight and silky strands just at the top of her puffy labia. Like a little brown Hitler mustache on its side. Megan wasn’t sure why Hitler came to mind, except that maybe she felt a little bit like Poland in 1939.

“Hi,” the girl said perkily. Megan had perky on the brain. “I’m April,” the girl said, coming into the room and walking toward Megan. She had pigtails sticking up out of her head like radar towers. Even her hair was perky, Megan thought.

“Hi,” Megan said nervously. Could the girl smell it? The smell of sex? Pussy and sweat and illicit animal heat?

Megan heard Jack say, “I guess you might as well come in.”

“You’re Jack’s aunt?” April asked, coming to a stop in front of Megan. She could see her nephew opening the door to admit the boy.

If Megan had to guess, she’d assume the boy was the girl’s sister. He was older, and taller, maybe five-foot-five to the girl’s not quite five feet. He was an attractive boy, with the same brown hair as his sister, but short and parted on the side, creating a swoop. He was tanned all over of course, and had a small, but full little bush of brown curls over a fat little nub of a penis. Megan wondered if it was the same as Shane’s magical growing dick. Megan figured he was maybe a tall thirteen or maybe fourteen. She tore her eyes away from the kid’s dick, realizing the girl was waiting for an answer.

Megan forced a smile. “Hi, yeah. I’m visiting for a couple of weeks. You’re friends of Jack and Shane?”

Good friends,” the girl grinned, putting an emphasis on ‘good’ and cocking her slender little hips. Backlit by the panes of glass on either side of the door, Megan could see the distinctive little swells of the girl’s inner lips. Megan hadn’t seen a girl naked since she was one herself.

“This is Rain,” Jack said, accompanying the boy, his little erection swaying side to side.

“April Rain?” Megan asked. “Has someone shot your parents yet?”

The kids both laughed. “Mom thinks she’s a hippy,” the boy said in his scratchy adolescent voice.

April smiled, and then stepped over to Jack. She leaned close, putting her arm around the boy’s waist and whispered in his ear, grinning. Megan felt an unreasoning surge of jealousy. Then she felt a bit of alarm as Jack turned to her with a look. She wasn’t sure exactly what that look meant, but she was pretty sure it wasn’t good. The girl continued to whisper in Jack’s ear. Her nephew turned to whisper something to her, and then the girl boldly reached down and wrapped her hand around Jack’s boner.

Megan felt her eyebrows go up in surprise at the girl’s… well… balls. Like the little balls she was now brazenly caressing. Jack turned to Megan with a blush, and said, “She knows.”

Megan felt her heart jump into her throat while a ball of ice coalesced in her chest. She opened her mouth to speak, but April beat her to it, saying, “His dick was still wet when he answered the door.” Then she smiled seductively and said, “I could smell you on my fingers.”

“Well, fuck,” Megan said, just about summing up everything.

“Okay,” the girl grinned and plopped down on the couch next to Megan. She turned to her with a sunny smile and asked, “Do you wanna do Jack again, or Rain?”

Megan was stunned, to say the least. She looked over at Rain to see the older boy gently squeezing his penis, which she thought was starting to respond.

“Don’t worry, Aunt Megan,” Jack said. “They won’t tell. I promise.”

“Jack…” Megan said in a low, warning voice.

“We really won’t,” April said, leaning close. “We’ve done stuff with grown-ups before.”

“You have?” Megan asked, somehow no longer surprised.

The girl nodded and gave her a sly smile. “Do you like girls?” she asked as she placed a hand on Megan’s thigh. “You’re really pretty.”

“Uh… you’re very pretty, too,” Megan allowed, “but-” Megan got no further as the little girl slid her hand upward and her fingers lightly petted Megan’s swollen lips.

“You’re so wet already,” April said in a low voice. Then Megan gave a little gasp as she felt delicate fingers gently spread her open and slide into her.

In all the time Megan was dating boyish looking women, she had never once thought about being with a girl, but here was this adorable little preteen thing gently fingering her and she found herself looking at April in a new light.

“Boys are great for fucking,” April said, “but they aren’t nearly as good at eating pussy as a girl.”

“I am,” Jack protested.

April turned to the boy with a considering look and then grinned and said, “Okay, most boys.” Jack grinned proudly.

With that, April slid off the couch and crouched neatly between Megan’s legs. Her hands stroked Megan’s thighs while looking up at her for permission it seemed.

Megan sighed. “In for a penny.”

April’s face screwed up in confusion. “Huh?”

Megan explained, “I mean that I’ve already fucked my eleven-year-old nephew, and some random, giant-dicked kid, so I guess adding a brother and sister to my list of charges isn’t going to make a whole lot of difference.”

“Does that mean I can eat your pussy?” the girl asked.

Megan chuckled. “Sweetie, be my guest.” Then she leaned back and spread her legs wider, so overwhelmed by what was happening that her only option was to just ride the wave.

April wasted no time at all. She went right for Megan’s clit, and already turned on with her time with Jack, Megan went from zero to sixty in about three point two seconds.

“Fuck,” Megan said with a shuddering sigh, her hands reaching down to lightly play with the girl’s pigtails. Pigtails. Megan couldn’t believe she was getting her pussy eaten by someone with pigtails.

Megan looked up to find the two boys just standing there looking at them. The boy, Rain, apparently did not have Shane’s penis magic. He was standing up stiffly. It was thick. Thicker than Shane’s even, but probably no more than three inches long. It looked sort of like a fireplug, almost as thick as it was long.

April had apparently sensed her inattention to her eager pussy licking, and she looked up and then back. “Jack, put it in me, okay?”

The boy wonder didn’t require convincing. He hurried over and then lifted the end of the coffee table and moved it aside so he could kneel down behind April, who went to her knees in anticipation. Megan watched as Jack pushed his dick down with his thumb, then leaned a bit to the left, lining up his target. April meanwhile went back to licking and sucking at Megan’s pussy.

Megan knew the exact moment Jack’s cock slid into the little girl’s pussy, because April lifted her head with a moan and an almost pained look in her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut. She sighed and opened her eyes with a smile. Over her shoulder she said, “That’s really nice.” Then the girl turned her gaze up to Megan and asked, “Isn’t Jack’s dick great?”

“Yes, it is,” Megan had to say.

April grinned. “I bet he made you cum like crazy. Jack loves to fuck.”

Megan couldn’t help but laugh. “I think you saved me from him. He was trying to fuck me to death.”

April laughed. “You’re funny,” she said, and then her mouth was back on Megan’s pussy.

Megan looked over and saw Rain standing there all alone with his fat erection. She caught his eye and crooked her finger at him. “You look so lonely over there,” she said.

Rain grinned and came over and sat where his sister had sat before. Megan twisted a bit so she could see the boy better. He was just a tiny bit shorter than she was, but his body was still a slim boy’s body. “Hi,” she said with a smile.

Rain gave her a shy smile in return. “Hey.”

“Heck of a way to meet,” Megan joked.

Rain grinned appreciatively. “You’re really pretty.”

“Thank you,” she said. “You’re rather cute yourself. Maybe you could kneel up so I can get a closer look at you. If you don’t mind, that is.”

“I don’t mind,” Rain said a bit eagerly, quickly going to his knees.

This close, Megan could see the red highlights in the boy’s little pubic bush. It rose no more than an inch from the base of his thick little cock and stretched about two inches across, curving with the curve of the root of his dick. The boy’s cock really was surprisingly thick. Perhaps nearly as thick as Richie’s had been, but she thought that it was likely a smidge on the wrong side of three inches. He was cut, and the pink glans was oddly small in relation to the thick shaft, not flaring out at all and instead rounding off quickly.

Rain was looking down at her as she examined his erection. “It’s not very big,” he said almost apologetically.

“Looks pretty big to me,” she said, looking up at him with a grin, then shuddering from what the girl was doing between her legs.

“Yeah, but not long,” he said.

“I doubt anyone cares,” Megan said. Then, “How old are you, Rain?”

“Fourteen,” he said. “April’s eleven.”

“And a half!” April said, taking a break from the wonderful things she was doing between Megan’s legs. The girl had been right. Females just knew how to take care of a pussy.

Megan shuddered and opened her eyes to find Rain smiling at her. “April loves eating girls out,”

he informed her.

“And fucking,” Jack said enthusiastically, and Megan turned to see the boy slowly sliding himself in and out of the girl’s no doubt tiny pussy.

“Yeah, she loves to fuck, too. She makes me do it like five times a day.”

“Yeah, I make you,” the girl said sardonically. “I wasn’t even awake this morning and you were sticking it in me.”

“That was yesterday,” Rain said. “This morning you were fucking Brady.”

The girl looked up from Megan’s pussy, her face wet and said, “Oh yeah. You’re right.” Then she went right back to work between Megan’s legs.

“And who’s Brady?” Megan asked curiously.

“Our little brother,” Rain said. “He’s even hornier than April.”

“He’s got a big dick for a nine-year-old,” Jack said.

Megan just let all this wash over her. Brothers and sisters fucking. Nine-year-old boys apparently fucking. For a moment, Megan imagined Jack with a nine-year-old boy and she felt herself going. Her head went back into the cushions while she whined and shook.

Megan finally opened her eyes when she felt April pushing herself up with her hands on Megan’s thighs. Jack was kneeling there with a wet and throbbing dick. April said, “I made her cum. Your turn.”

She was apparently talking to her brother, because Rain eagerly slid off the couch and moved to his knees between Megan’s legs. Apparently she was going to fuck Rain now. Megan shrugged at the absurdity of it all.

“You’ll like Rain’s dick,” April promised, reaching out to gently squeeze Megan’s nipple.

Rain didn’t bother asking Megan if he could fuck her, and Megan didn’t bother stopping him. She just gasped as she felt that fat little cock spread her open and a moment later he was all the way inside her. He began to fuck her with short, powerful thrusts. Of course, short thrusts was all he was going to manage, but Megan didn’t care; there was another young boy fucking her.

“That…” Megan gasped, then bit her lip and wrapped her legs around Rain’s slim hips. “Fuck. That is one fat little cock.”

“Told you,” April said. Then she moved her ass to the edge of the sofa like Megan’s was and dipped a hand down between her own legs. Megan watched her spread those tiny pink petals, which were glistening with wetness. “Fuck me again, Jack.”

Then Megan got to watch while her eleven-year-old nephew slid his gorgeous four-inch cock into the tight little hole between the girl’s legs. Megan wasn’t sure what it was about the sight, but it sent her off again and she gasped and tightened her legs around Rain, who took that as a cue to fuck her faster and harder.

“I’m gonna…!” the boy gasped, and then Rain jammed himself forward once more and Megan felt him coating the walls of her pussy with his hot teen juice.

“Uhhh, squirt it, baby!” she moaned, cumming again. “Fill my pussy up!”

Seconds later, Rain leaned back, breathing hard, his fat little cock shining and dripping with oozing cum. Then April cheerily cried, “Switch!”

Rain grinned and Jack said, “Yeah!”

The boys quickly changed places and once again, Megan’s pussy was invaded by her nephew’s cock. Jack began to fuck her quickly, those fast little rabbit thrusts that drove her crazy. As her body rocked from the preteen’s assault, Megan watched as Rain slid that stubby cock of his into his sister’s pussy, watched as the girl’s swollen outer lips were pushed out to make room for it. As if he hadn’t just cum less than a minute before, Rain began to fuck his little sister with the same speed and force that Jack was giving to Megan.

Megan was biting her lip, her face tight with pleasure. Her eyes were going back and forth between Jack’s pistoning little dick and Rain’s pounding, stubby cock. She noticed April looking up at her, and when the girl saw her attention, she grinned and said, “Aren’t dicks great?”

Megan laughed, a laugh that turned into a moan as Jack bent down and took one of her nipples into his mouth. “So great,” she gasped.

April gave the woman a speculative look, her own face wincing with pleasure as her big brother continued to pound her tiny pussy with his fat cock. “Did you ever fuck other boys?”

“Not before yesterday,” Megan admitted.

“She’s a teacher,” Jack said helpfully, releasing her wet, swollen nipple for a moment, then giving it a quick flick of his tongue afterwards.

“What grade?” April asked, interested.

“Sixth,” Megan said. “I teach sixth-grade English.”

“I like English,” April said as she wrapped her legs around her brother’s waist. “There must be some cute boys in your classes.”

“She thinks about fucking and sucking them all day,” Jack said with a laugh.

“You should do it,” April said. “You’re really pretty. I bet they’d love to fuck you.”

Which of course got Megan thinking once again of being fucked by some of the cute boys she’d taught, the fantasy so much more intense given the hot little four-inch cock currently invading her throbbing pussy.

“You’re giving away all my secrets, Jacky,” Megan said in a strained voice.

“She gives really good blowjobs, too,” Jack grinned.

Megan laughed, delighted with the insanity of it all. Getting fucked by her eleven-year-old nephew who was telling an eleven-year-old girl and the fourteen-year-old brother who was fucking her beside them about her skill in sucking a little boy’s dick. Part of her knew that this was all going to end in disaster, which made her want to enjoy it while she could and also lent all her thoughts and actions a slightly manic air.

“April!” Rain gasped. “Gonna… ungh!”

Megan watched as the young teen pulled backward, causing that little fireplug of a cock to spring upward, where it bucked and sprayed three quick streamers of slightly cloudy jizz which coated his sister’s belly. Apparently that set Jack off, and the boy pressed into her hard and desperate, shaking and grunting while Megan felt his slender little cock jerking inside her.

Megan held Jack against her tightly, her pussy convulsing as his sweaty little body shook. She slicked her hands down over his athletic ass, pulling him against her, feeling him shift inside. Even after everything, the eleven-year-old’s cock showed no signs of wilting.

“Well, we better go,” April said. Megan watched as Rain stood, a thin droplet of cum sliding down his short, fat shaft, which continued to strain upward. The fact that the boy was about to leave, to walk around the complex with his thick little cock standing up for all to see shot another shiver through Megan.

Jack pulled away from Megan and stood, his own little erection glistening in the sunlight streaming through the windows. “Bye, you guys,” Jack said.

April walked up and kissed Jack soundly, reaching down to squeeze his cock, and Megan felt a surge of possessiveness. “It was nice meeting you, Megan,” April said.

Meeting, Megan thought with amusement. “You too,” she smiled. She didn’t feel the need to warn them about keeping her secret. She felt sure the siblings wouldn’t talk, although she had no reason to think that.

Jack saw the boy and girl out and then came back to her smiling, his dick still standing up. “Wanna do it again?” the boy asked hopefully.

Megan laughed tiredly. “No!” she smiled. “It’s almost two and you’ve about fucked me raw. Your mom and Shane are going to be home soon and we should wash off the smell of all this sex.”

“Your pussy, you mean,” Jack said with a grin.

“Yes, Jack, the smell of my pussy off your cute little cock,” she said, reaching out to gently tweak the boy’s erection.

Jack agreed to the shower, but of course insisted on taking his with her, which of course turned into her sitting on the bench in a cloud of steam while Jack worked himself into another grunting little cum between her legs.

Megan was firm afterwards about avoiding any sex play, much to Jack’s temporary disappointment, which was quickly alleviated by pulling up a Marvel movie on the Disney channel. Megan was amazed to see that the boy’s indefatigable penis remained erect, even as the Avengers were saving the world. She began to worry what her sister might think if she came home and saw it, and realized ruefully that Nicole would likely be more suspicious if the boy’s dick wasn’t hard.

The fate of the Earth remained up in the air, as the movie was interrupted when Shane and his mother arrived home laden with shopping bags. Megan was amused to see that Shane’s shirt was already off, the boy was so eager to get out of his clothes. Jack gave her a secretive grin as he followed his brother up the stairs.

“Was he a complete monster?” Nicole asked as she came into the living room where Megan was sitting on the sofa.

“He was an angel,” Megan said.

Nicole laughed. “He obviously has you fooled,” her sister joked. “All part of his evil plan to conquer the world.”

Megan was left alone after that, as her sister went up to change. Or rather to get undressed. She was back in a couple of minutes, gloriously nude of course, and Megan felt that old flash of jealousy in viewing her sister’s perfect body.

“Oh my lord,” Nicole said as she joined Megan on the couch. “He’s had you watching superheroes? I’ll bet he’s seen that movie thirty times, no exaggeration.” She turned the channel, putting on The Great British Baking Show. Then, without looking at her, Nicole asked, “So, is that all you guys did all day? Watch superheroes?”

Megan felt herself freeze. Was there an undercurrent in her sister’s tone? “Oh, we had lunch and talked,” Megan said with as much casualness as she could force into her voice. “He had a couple of friends come over and they played together for awhile.”

“Oh? What friends?” Nicole asked, turning to her.

“April and Rain,” Megan said.

Nicole laughed. “Those names,” she shook her head. “They’re nice kids. So… they played upstairs?”

“Some,” Megan lied, wondering what she should say. Wondering what Nicole would want to hear. Eager to change the subject, she said, “That boy brought you a dish, too. Richie.”

“Richie? The winner of the Kentucky Derby, Richie?” Nicole asked.

Megan couldn’t help a laugh, which petered out a bit at the end as she remembered the thirteen-year-old’s massive cock inside her. “That’s the one,” she said.

“And did they play up in Jacky’s room?” Nicole asked slyly, turning and placing a friendly hand on Megan’s knee. Megan couldn’t help a blush, which caused her sister to grin. “Did they have satisfied looks on their faces when they came down? Was Jacky walking funny?”

“Nic!” Megan asked, blushing harder but unable to stop a grin.

“Going to have to have that boy sleep over some night. Maybe I can catch them at it.”

“You’re awful,” Megan said, but the thought sent a twinge through her pussy.

Megan’s pussy got another twinge a few minutes later when the boys came downstairs. Megan knew instantly that Jack had told his older brother what the two of them had done that afternoon. She could see the knowledge in the thirteen-year-old’s eyes. Megan was sitting in the corner of the sofa, her left leg folded under her and her right bent with her foot up on the cushion. She wasn’t even sure why she did it, but she moved her leg to the right, spreading herself open to Shane’s gaze, only belatedly looking over at her sister to see if she’d noticed. She didn’t seem to have seen that, but she certainly noticed when Shane’s cock instantly stiffened to steely hardness.

“Boys,” Nicole said sardonically after a glance over at her son’s throbbing erection. “Only a thirteen-year-old boy could get a hard-on watching British people making pies.”

End of chapter six.

Copyright 2023 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Yes, really! This is it. The End. No more chapters will follow. Not written by me, nor by Rwxxx13. Sadly, he passed away and will never write another story or chapter. Even though I think it deserves a decent ending, I’ll never write and end to it. I don’t want to touch this genius writer’s work, because I know I’ll never do it justice. But please! Feel free to do so yourself, and send it to me and I might end up posting it here!

Sibling Rivalry – Chapter Five

Sibling Rivalry
rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Chapter 5


Megan was jolted awake just in time to see two fleshy torpedoes fly through the air to impact on either side of her, bouncing her up a foot off the bed. Jack grinned up at her cheekily from her right side, while Shane gave her a shyer, but no less pleased smile from her left.

“We called your name like three times but you didn’t hear us,” the dark-haired boy explained.

“So we had to dive bomb you,” Jack added, clear from his tone that the boys had sadly had no choice in the matter.

“No sleeping in around these parts,” Nicole said, leaning casually in the doorway, her arms crossed underneath her large breasts, smiling.

“We’re going to go get pancakes!” Jack said excitedly.

“We already took showers,” Shane said, and as he mentioned it, Megan was able to smell the scent of clean boys. “You gotta hurry so you can come with.”

“Yeah, hurry up, Sleeping Beauty,” Nicole laughed. Then, “You guys leave your Aunt Megan alone and go get dressed.”

“I don’t have to,” Jack said.

“Well, Shane does,” Nicole answered. “You can stay your cute little naked self. Now go!”

The boys were off like a shot, with Nicole laughing and trying to keep from being stampeded. She turned to watch them and then turned back to Megan with a smile. “Like a herd of buffalo,” she grinned. “I thought we could all go to breakfast. Shane has a doctor’s appointment and I promised him game and clothes shopping afterwards. You won’t mind watching Jack, I hope?”

“Of course not,” Megan said, tiny tingles shivering through her as she studied her sister’s words for hidden meaning. Stupid, she knew. If Nicole knew about what had happened with Jack they’d likely be going to the police rather than for pancakes. She certainly wouldn’t be leaving her alone with the boy.

“Then up!” Nicole laughed. “I swear, I’m going to give up law for cat wrangling. Get ready while I try to herd my hellions.”

Megan showered quickly, thankful to wash the stink of preteen sex off her body before her sister noticed. Jack said he had no need to dress, and neither, apparently, did Megan. They were eating at the clubhouse on the property, which she was told served a nice breakfast. So she and Jack ate nude except for sneakers, while Shane and Nicole, who would be leaving directly afterward, were dressed for the outside world. Megan marveled again at how nudity had become her new normal so quickly.

As Megan chewed thoughtfully on a slice of crispy bacon, she kept finding her eyes roaming. Not only to Jack, but to the three other boys in the clubhouse who were cute enough, and in the right age range, to attract her attention. One of the boys was the beautiful blond she’d seen that first day at the pool. He had long, wavy hair, down past his shoulders. He was tanned of course, with sparkling blue eyes, a ready white smile, and a hairless four-inch cock that was once again fully at attention as he stood at the breakfast buffet filling a plate with what looked to be his younger brother, a curly-haired moppet of about seven.

“…maybe four,” Megan heard, and she turned guiltily to her sister, who was looking at her expectantly.

“Hmm?” she inquired.

Nicole turned to look over her shoulder and then turned back with a smile to Megan, who blushed and looked down at her eggs. “I said I hope you and Jack can find something to occupy yourselves, as we probably won’t get home till about three or four.”

The thought of occupying herself with Jack just made Megan blush even more and she muttered, “I’m sure we’ll be fine,” as she stuffed more bacon into her mouth.

After breakfast they all said their goodbyes and Shane and Nicole got into her car while Megan and Jack headed back home. They weren’t even halfway back before Megan noticed that Jack was sporting an erection.

“Is that for me?” she teased.

“Is what?” Jack asked.

She gave him a pointed look and he got a sly grin. “Do you want it?”

She stopped and leaned down, putting her mouth right next to his ear and she whispered, “I want to suck that sweet cock into my mouth, and drink your cum, and then feel it in my wet pussy.”

As she leaned back from him, he was looking at her with a slightly awed look and said breathlessly, “Dang, Aunt Megan, you’re gonna make me bust right here.”

She grinned. “You realize you’re jacking off in the middle of the parking lot, don’t you?”

Jack blushed and dropped his hand, looking around guiltily. “You’re not supposed to do it outside,” he said, watching a couple of twenty-something girls who were giving him amused looks.

They began to hurry as they got closer to the door, each giggling and then laughing outright as they broke into a run, racing each other the last few feet. Jack won by dint of his youth and lack of embarrassment over having certain body parts jiggling wildly.

“You cheated,” she accused as she opened the door and ushered him past her.

“How?” he scoffed.

As she shut the door she said, “You distracted me with your boner.”

Jack giggled and turned to her, reaching up to wrap his skinny arms around her neck as he got up on his tiptoes and tilted his head back for a kiss. Megan eagerly returned the hug and pressed her lips to his, accepting his darting tongue as she reached down and wrapped a hand around his jutting erection.

They kissed for nearly a minute as Megan ran her hand up and down on Jack’s silky little boner, then they broke apart, each breathing heavily. Jack bit his lower lip and looked up at her with shining eyes. “Will you suck it?”

“I can’t wait that long,” she said hoarsely. She walked a few feet to a square gray ottoman in the living room, and dropped to her knees and lay her body against it, gripping it on either side. Then she looked over her shoulder and wiggled her ass invitingly. “Give it to me, Jacky.”

The eleven-year-old’s eyes widened and he grinned in anticipation as he rushed to her, dropping to his knees and immediately fitting his cock into her from behind. “You’re so wet,” Jack breathed.

Megan sighed in relief as she felt the slim cock slide into her, filling that aching emptiness that she’d been feeling all morning. Her pussy had become a home to Jack’s pubescent dick, and yearned for it when it was away.

Megan didn’t have to urge Jack now. The boy knew what she wanted, and he gripped her hips and began to gently fuck her, giving her all four inches of his incredible young cock. After a few languid strokes, just when Megan was getting into the groove of his rhythm, Jack slammed his hips into her, making her gasp.

“Does that feel good?” Jack asked, returning to the slow and steady strokes.

“So good,” Megan agreed, then gave a little squeal of pleasure as the boy slammed himself into her again.

“I like fucking you,” Jack told her.

“Mmmm, and I like being fucked by you,” Megan told him.

“Am I good at it?” he asked.

“The best I ever had,” she said honestly, the gasped as he once again surprised her with a powerful thrust.

“You like my dick, huh?” Megan could hear the pride in his voice.

“Jacky, baby,” she said, “I love your dick. It’s the most beautiful dick I’ve ever had in me.”

“In your pussy,” Jack said, slamming her again.

“Mmmm, fucking my pussy,” she agreed. She grunted as he gave her another sharp slam of his hips. “Just like that baby,” she urged. “Fuck me hard!”

The boy needed no further urging, and he began to fuck her like a pile driver, using his hips to pull himself forward, delivering body-shaking strokes that left her shaking and breathless, glad she was on her stomach, as she wasn’t sure she could have supported herself otherwise.

Megan’s pussy was throbbing. It was beginning to contract, tightening down around Jack’s driving cock, her orgasm just spilling over, when the doorbell rang.

Megan gasped, and Jack stilled, but it was too late for Megan, who began to shake as she climaxed, her pussy milking Jack’s buried preteen cock. She was about to tell him to be quiet, and that they’d go away, when he pulled out of her, his dick leaving that aching void once again. She turned and stared at his cock, glistening with her juices.

“Uh… maybe you shouldn’t be layin’ like that,” Jack said, chewing the inside of his cheek and staring between her legs. He met her eyes. “You know… with your pussy all hanging out and stuff.”

“I… you’re right,” she said, then chuckled as she tried to rise to her feet, realizing how weak her knees were after that intense fucking. “Just… get rid of whoever it is and come to my room, okay?”

“Okay,” Jack smiled. He went to the door, but then stopped with his hand on the handle. He quickly scooted to the entryway table which was covered with a cloth runner. On his tiptoes, he used the end of it to wipe at his dick. Then he turned and grinned as she headed up the stairs.

Megan reached the top of the stairs as she heard the door open. There was a faint voice and then Jack said, “Hey, Richie!”

Richie, she thought. RichieWhere do I know… ohhh, Richie.

As she entered her room, she could hear the boys’ voices, but not what they were saying. Apparently Jack hadn’t gotten rid of Richie as she’d asked. Intrigued, Megan returned to the top of the stairs, unseen, but able to hear everything.

“…your mom I’d bring it over,” Richie was saying. “So… anyway, here it is.”

“Cool,” Jack said. “She’s not home though.”

“That’s okay. Should I put it in the kitchen?”

“Yeah,” Jack answered, and Megan heard them moving away. “You want a Coke?”

“You got Mountain Dew?”


The boys’ voices faded a bit then as they drifted toward the kitchen. Megan wasn’t sure why she was hesitating to either go to her room or go say hi to the new boy and maybe try to hurry his departure so she could get Jack’s amazing little dick back inside her. Some sixth sense told her to just hold her position and wait.

“… boner,” Megan heard Richie saying as their voices grew closer a couple of minutes later.

Jack giggled. “Not like you haven’t seen it before.”

“I just never knew anybody who gets boners as much as you,” Richie said.

“I’m oversexed.”

“Does that mean you get it too much or think about it too much?”

“Both?” Jack said. Then, “See?”

“Gonna get a boner too if you keep doing that,” Richie said, and there was something in the tone of his voice that reminded Megan she’d just been fucking minutes earlier.

“What if I do this?” Jack asked.

“Definitely gonna get a boner,” Richie breathed.

Megan couldn’t help it. She crept silently down the stairs, then crouched about halfway down so that she could get a view down into the living room. She saw Richie standing there, his back to her, but not squarely. Jack knelt in front of the other boy, and there was no doubt what he was doing. She couldn’t see Richie’s monster cock, but Jack had just enough of an angle that he was able to spot her. His right hand snaked into view down around the other boy’s right knee and he gave her a jaunty wave. Megan almost snorted with laughter. The cheek.

“You like the way I suck your dick?” Jack asked.

“I guess,” Richie said.

“You guess?”

“I mean… yeah, you suck good. Just don’t be… gay about it.”

Jack laughed. “Yeah, ’cause suckin’ your dick isn’t gay at all.”

“Geez, you know what I mean.”

“Just for that, you can suck mine now,” Jack said, standing up and then sitting down on the ottoman Megan had so recently been bent over. She could see the way her nephew’s little cock was standing up between his legs. As Richie knelt down in front of him, Jack said, “Just try not to be gay about it.”

“Shut up,” Richie laughed, and then Megan saw him lean forward and take Jack’s cock into his mouth.

Then he immediately sat back and asked, “Who have you been screwing?”

“Huh?” Jack asked.

“Your dick tastes like pussy,” Richie said. “Did you fuck your mom?”

“Shut up!” Jack said, shooting Megan a look.

“She’s hot,” Richie said, then went back to sucking Jack’s dick.

Reminiscent of the shower the night before, Jack grinned at her as the other boy blew him. This went on for about three minutes, with Jack making faces at her and obscene gestures over Richie’s bobbing auburn-haired head. Megan retaliated by moving down the stairs enough for her nephew to watch as she lewdly fingered her pussy.

Jack gestured for her to move back, and once she had, she heard him say, “I wanna do yours now.”

Megan waited. She had the idea that Jack would give her a signal to tell her when it was safe to look. She realized the boy liked shocking her. He was also a showoff.

After a few seconds she heard Jack say, “Sit that way.”


“It’s easier ’cause there’s a corner.”


“Yeah, that’s good,” Jack said, and Megan guessed that was her signal.

She cautiously peeked downstairs and saw that Richie was now on the ottoman, but he was at more of an angle, so that she could see him, but he likely wouldn’t see her. And see him she did. Jack was kneeling before the other boy, both his hands wrapped around the massive cock that was jutting up from a tiny bush of copper-colored hairs. Jack had three or four inches of the monster in his mouth, and he was carefully bobbing his head up and down on it, his lips stretched tight.

As with Shane’s slightly larger than average penis, at least for his size and age, Richie’s porn star cock really wasn’t an attraction for her, but there was certainly something alluring about such a giant penis on such a young boy. There was also the completely wicked experience of watching her little eleven-year-old lover swallowing the beast, and apparently very much enjoying it.

Megan slid down the stairway enough so that she could sit and still see the scene below. She spread her legs for Jack, putting her hand between them, petting herself while her nephew moaned around Richie’s cock. The eleven-year-old took it out of his mouth, tongue sensually tracing lines up and down the shaft, then lifted those big balls in his palm and sucked lightly at the hairless scrotum. Tilting the cock to the side, he pressed his pink lips against it, then began to slide his mouth back and forth, up and down, paying special attention to the older boy’s frenulum, which had the older boy arching his back each time Jack attacked it.

Suddenly, Jack leaned back on his heels and said, in a strained voice, “Lean back.”

Richie moved his butt to the very edge of the ottoman and reclined to his back. “Are you gonna do it?” he asked softly.

“Yeah,” Jack said, rising to his feet, his dick of course sticking straight up.

Then Megan watched amazed as Jack lifted his foot up to the ottoman and spit in his hand. He reached the hand behind him, and the woman knew he was using the saliva to ease his finger, or maybe fingers, into his rectum. Megan hoped it was plural if Jack hoped to take Richie’s horse-cock in his ass. She’d heard her sister joke about this, but she hadn’t really believed it was true. She felt a thrill of excitement from what she was about to witness. Boy on boy sex. A fantasy come true. Of course she’d always imagined two boys hung like Jack was, or maybe even younger… and a vision of Jack with a boy of nine or ten flitted through her mind. She shivered.

Jack got up onto the ottoman, balancing himself briefly against Richie’s chest as he got into position, squatting over the auburn-haired boy. “You do it,” Jack said as he spread his hands on Richie’s chest. The thirteen-year-old reached down and gripped his massive cock, lifting it upright and maneuvering it into position as Jack wiggled his ass around, also seeking his target.

“Right there,” Richie said, and Jack’s slowly swirling hips stilled.

“Hold it,” Jack said, voice strained a bit.

Megan watched as Jack’s face twisted in concentration. She could see the strain in the corner of his eyes, in the set of his jaw. Then his eyes flew wide and he let out an explosive sigh.

“The head’s in,” Richie said.

Jack laughed and then winced. He took a shuddering breath and said, “Yeah, I kinda figured that out.”

“Sorry,” Richie said.

“You can let go,” Jack said, and Richie moved his hands to Jack’s knees.

Still balancing himself on Richie’s chest, Jack’s thighs trembled as he began to slowly lower himself. Megan guessed the boy took maybe three inches before he rose up a bit. “It feels bigger,” Jack said, voice strained.

“Man, I hope not,” Richie said wryly.

Jack giggled. “What a weird problem to have.”

“You try fitting into skinny jeans with this thing. It’s embarrassing.”

“Yeah, I guess. Sorry.”

Richie shrugged. “It’s okay. I’m used to it I guess. Are… you gonna be able to do it? Cuz I… you know… really need to cum.”

“Uh-huh,” Jack nodded, tongue in the corner of his mouth as he squeezed one eye shut and lowered himself again. Lower and lower, his knees beginning to wiggle and then he gasped and rose back up. “I need more spit,” he said.

Richie dribbled a puddle of saliva into his palm, then reached underneath Jack to spread it up and down the length of his cock. Jack, sitting at the top with just the fat head inside him, waited.

“Okay,” Richie said.

“’K,” Jack said, and he glanced up at Megan and gave her a fast grin, which twisted a bit as he lowered himself again. “Fuck,” he muttered as he went down and down. “Mmmm, fuck, fuck. So fuckin’… fuck! Big!” Then he let out one more explosive sigh as he reached the bottom, and crouched there panting a bit.

Richie rose up a bit, giving a thrust and Jack stiffened with a yelp. “Wait a sec!”

“Sorry, sorry,” the boy muttered. “I didn’t mean to. Sorry.”

“Just… let me get used to it,” Jack said, and then he very carefully began to circle his hips around. He lifted a couple of inches and then lowered himself again.

“Hey, uh, who was that lady with your mom yesterday?”

Jack shot Megan a look and grinned. Then he bit his lower lip and tried another thrust, lifting himself about halfway up Richie’s massive teen cock before lowering himself. “That was my Aunt…” another thrust, “… Megan.” He grinned at her again.

“She was hot,” Richie said. “Man, that feels really good.”

“Yeah,” Jack grunted. Another thrust. “She’s really hot.”

“I saw her checking out my dick,” Richie said, voiced a bit strained as Jack began to work himself up and down in a slow but steady rhythm.

“Everybody checks out your dick,” Jack joked, once again grinning her way.

Richie reached between Jack’s legs and pinched his little pink acorn, which was drooping a bit. He began to jack it lightly. “She was wearing sunglasses, but I could tell,” Richie said. “Can you go faster?” he gasped. “I’m getting’ close.”

“Uhhhn, sit up,” Jack gasped. “Wait! Slow,” he said as Richie started to sit.

Once Richie was sitting up, Jack lowered himself so that his calves and knees were resting on either side of the older boy. He put his hands on Richie’s shoulders and then began to work himself up and down again, faster this time.

Megan watched all this with a growing sense of excitement. She’d cum twice already, shaking on the stairwell as she fingered herself, her juices running down to leave a tiny, but growing puddle on the wooden riser. She’d had every intention once she realized what Jack was up to to sit quietly on the stairs and enjoy the spectacle. That had been her intention. However, the longer she watched, hearing the little boys below her gasp and moan as they fucked one another, the more she felt a growing compulsion to participate. That was crazy, she knew. Sure, she was fucking her eleven-year-old nephew, and she was surely going to burn for it, but Richie was a stranger. To involve herself with him would be the height of folly. She couldn’t imagine anything more stupid. That’s what she kept telling herself as she made her way down the stairs.

Jack was lost in the carnal rhythm of raising and lowering himself on the huge cock in his ass, so it took him a few moments to notice that Megan was making her way downstairs. His eyes grew wide as he saw her, but he didn’t stop fucking, just gave Richie an odd look and then looked back to his aunt, obviously curious as to what was about to happen.

“You boys woke me from a perfectly nice nap,” Megan said, and Richie gasped and twisted to stare at her, obviously unsure of what to do.

“Sorry, Aunt Megan,” Jack said, playing along. He continued to bounce up and down on Richie’s cock.

Megan stopped by the boys, looking down at them, the smell of them hot and vulgar in her nose. She played dumb and said, “Hmm… Richie, right?”

“Uhhm… yes, ma’am?” he said, and then shot an annoyed look at Jack who just continued to happily bounce up and down on his cock.

“Ohhhh, I remember now,” she said. “You’re the boy with the… hmm.” And she grinned. “And you’re taking all of that, Jacky?”

“Yeah, it’s huge!” Jack grinned, grunting as he worked himself even quicker up and down.

Richie gave a gurgling cry and he clutched Jack around his hips, trying to slow him. “Jack!” he gasped.

“Oh! Are you gonna squirt?” Jack asked.

“I…” and the boy looked up at Megan, stricken.

“Poor baby,” Megan said, placing a gentle hand on the boy’s downy cheek. “Is my Jacky going to make that big cock of yours explode?”

Jack was panting. He’d fought through Richie’s weak grip and he was riding the boy’s giant prick hard and fast. Richie’s face twisted and he nodded in answer to Megan’s question.

“You’re going to make him cum, Jacky.”

Jack turned to look at her and stilled for a moment. “You wanna see?” he asked, excited. Then he carefully lifted himself, giving Megan her first real look at the boy’s massive member. It was red and swollen, probably six-and-half inches in circumference, with an even wider head. It jutted obscenely up from his crotch about eight inches and change and at the base was just a little, sweaty tuft of auburn curls. Down below, lying between his thighs, were two hen-sized eggs in a fleshy, hairless sac. Jack quickly knelt down where he’d been before and took that impressive teen cock in both hands, stroking it up and down. Then he leaned down and pressed his lips against the boy’s frenulum, just like Megan had done with Shane.

Megan stared at that thick cockhead, purple and swollen, leaking a steady stream of precum. It was a huge, aggressive looking cock. The kind of thing that would normally turn her off completely. Yet, somehow, being attached to the handsome auburn-haired beauty, looking so embarrassed to be close to climaxing in front of a strange woman, it became somehow alluring. She found herself kneeling.

Megan watched Jack’s sliding fists for a few moments. He was looking at her, grinning, and she looked up into Richie’s sweet face. “Did you like fucking my nephew?” she asked him.

The boy bit his lip and then nodded.

Megan looked into the boy’s lap, and then her hand was reaching out. Jack, seeing her, released the boy’s cock, and Megan took it in her hand. She was amazed to discover that she couldn’t even wrap her fingers around it. She found Richie staring at her nervously and she smiled.

“How on earth did you get this thing in your sweet little ass, Jacky?” she asked, slowly sliding her fist up and down the boy’s length. She’d never touched a cock as big as this one, and the fact that it was attached to a thirteen-year-old boy was mind-boggling.

“I just keep sitting until it’s all the way in,” Jack said with a shrug.

“That’s it, hmm? Just keep sitting?” He nodded. “Well, that sounds easy enough,” she said, and then she rose, and pushed on Richie’s chest.

The boy fell back, surprised, and though her mind was screaming at her to stop, she quickly got up on the ottoman, fisted the boy’s giant cock, and pressed the fat crown against her entrance. She looked down at him, and he looked up at her with wide blue eyes. “Do you think I should just sit on it until it’s all the way in?”

“… yeah,” the boy croaked.

“You’re gonna fuck him, Aunt Megan?” Jack asked, kneeling beside them, absently stroking his little cock.

“Is that okay?” she asked.

“Yeah!” Jack grinned. “You’ll like it. It’s ginormous.”

“It certainly is,” she agreed, and then she grunted as she sank down on it. The fat purple head forced its way into her vagina, spreading her like she’d never been spread. That’s when Richie grunted and she felt the hot spray of semen pumping into her and then immediately dripping out of her to run down the boy’s thick shaft. She reached down, collecting some of it. It wasn’t as thick and white as it no doubt soon would be, but it was a bit thicker and a bit cloudier than Shane’s and certainly Jack’s.

“I’m sorry,” Richie muttered, looking mortified.

Megan lifted up and sat back, reaching out to grip the thick tool, squeezing the head and watching it ooze more boyish jizz. “That’s okay,” she smiled. “It means you like me.”

The boy grinned. Then Jack swooped in and took the plum-sized crown into his mouth. Richie gasped and then Jack released him and licked his way down the shaft, collecting all the dripping cum. He leaned back with a smile, licking his lips and found both Megan and Richie looking at him.

The boy shrugged. “Didn’t want it to go to waste.”

Taking Richie’s cock back in her hand, she was pleased to find it just as hard as it had been. “I think there’s plenty more,” she said, and then once again she raised herself above him and sank herself around the boy’s swollen knob.

“Are you good?” she asked him. “You still want this?”

“Yeah,” he said, eyes shining with eagerness.

That was all she needed. She put a hand between her legs, spreading her lips apart as if that would somehow make it easier to fit the thirteen-year-old’s horse-cock into her cunt. She twirled her hips, corkscrewing her way back and forth down the thick shaft, gasping as it filled her. When she didn’t think she could take anymore, the boy’s cock just kept going. She felt her thighs trembling as she sank down on it and then froze as it hit her cervix. She knew what it was. She’d hit it a few times in the past with a vibrator, back when she used a larger one, but she’d never had a cock reach that deep. Slowly, feeling the building pressure, she lowered herself further, taking another inch of Richie’s towering cock, but then she nervously stopped.

Megan felt like a Thanksgiving turkey, stuffed and cooked. Richie’s cock fully erect must have been three inches thick, and the girth was nearly painful, but it also filled her in a way she’d never experienced. She could honestly say that she still preferred Jack’s slim little dick, but she also couldn’t deny there was something a bit thrilling about being filled nearly to the point of pain. Especially by a cute young boy.

Placing her hands on Richie’s thin chest, just as Jack had before her, she raised herself, feeling that massive cock moving against all the sensitive tissue inside her. When just the bulbous head remained, she lowered herself, once again pausing as he bumped into her cervix. Determined, she pushed down, feeling mounting pressure, and then Richie’s cock shifted inside her and her eyes went wide. She had no idea where the little boy’s giant cock had gone, but it was into a place she’d never felt before, and she felt her whole body tense and thrum. Megan groaned and circled her hips, feeling that fat helmet sliding around in that space, making her heart race as warmth flowed through her. Glancing down, she realized that the lips of her pussy were smashed flat around Richie’s mostly hairless groin, stretched tight around his thick cock.

“Fuck, that’s a big cock,” Megan breathed. She looked at the boys, who were both looking at her with shining eyes. Jack was gently stroking his little boner. “Let him suck you, Jacky,” she said huskily. “I want to watch him suck your sweet little cock.”

Jack grinned and knelt down beside Richie’s head. Kneeling, Jack’s small throbbing cock was just a bit lower than Richie’s head, but then Jack got the idea to put his right knee up on the ottoman and he fed his slim dick into Richie’s mouth. Megan felt her pussy contract as Richie’s cock swelled in her and his eyes closed. For all Richie’s talk about being gay, there was no doubt in Megan’s mind just how much the auburn-haired cutie liked a boy dick in his mouth.

Megan watched as Richie’s cheeks sank in, sucking at Jack’s preteen cock. She raised herself, feeling the thirteen-year-old’s thick snake sliding against every bit of her, and when only that meaty cockhead remained inside, still spreading her hugely, she sank back down, all the way down, feeling it find it’s home back in that mysterious place she’d never been. As she grew used to the boy’s size, she began to move faster, feeling her thighs tremble as her pussy sent out pulses of pleasure that zinged through her body like cosmic rays, filling her with heat and light.

With her eyes locked on Jack’s cock as he slowly worked his hips, sliding it in and out between Richie’s full lips, she felt the thirteen-year-old’s hands on her hips. Then he surprised her as she was nearing the top of her journey up his thick cock when he thrust his hips upward and drove it back into her. He didn’t do it fast enough to hurt, but it surprised her and she halted her motion for a moment. Then Richie lowered his hips and drove upward again. Megan lowered herself a little bit, about halfway down his cock if he were still lying on his back, and she hovered there, feeling the little boy fuck her.

“Jacky, kiss me,” she said.

Jack turned to her with a smile, pulled his dick out of Richie’s mouth and then turned and pressed his mouth to hers. She felt his little tongue snake into her mouth and his hand reach up to squeeze her tit. Reaching down, she captured his little dick in her hand, feeling the heat and the stiffness.

Richie began to fuck her in earnest then, his skinny hips moving faster while he gripped her hips tightly. Megan hissed as he slammed the fat head of his prick against her cervix, but she didn’t care.

Megan didn’t even realize that Jack wasn’t standing beside her anymore. Lost in the feeling of Richie driving his massive cock into her, she hadn’t even noticed when he stopped kissing her and moved, and only became aware of him when she felt his small hands on her shoulders.

“Jacky?” she asked.

“Bend over,” he said in her ear.

Megan didn’t even question the boy. She immediately bent over. Her face was on a level with Richie, but he was short enough that her chin was about level with his forehead. She contorted herself enough to press her lips against his, kissing this strange boy while he fucked her.

Megan gasped, her eyes widening in surprise. “Jacky?” she asked.

“Just a sec,” he said, obviously distracted. Was he…?

Megan gasped again when she felt what had to be the spongy little acorn-shaped head of Jack’s penis slide into her ass. At first she’d thought it was his finger, but there was no mistaking the heat of the eleven-year-old’s little cock.

Megan had never tried anal sex. Well, that wasn’t strictly true. She’d tried. Once. The guy wasn’t even one of the larger guys she’d been with. He was maybe a bit over five inches. Actually, about the size of Shane’s cock, if a tad thicker. He’d suggested it, she agreed to try it. He’d gotten the head inside her and she knew she wasn’t willing to go any further. However, as little Jacky situated himself behind her and slip the tip of his cock in her, she didn’t say a word, just holding herself still and trying to relax.

Richie’s big cock continued to slide in and out of her hugely stuffed pussy, but Megan’s mouth dropped open as she felt Jack’s slim eleven-year-old dick slide into her ass. There was barely any resistance at all. One moment that little bullet head was spearing her sphincter, and the next all four inches was inside her.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped. “Jacky.”

“Do you like it, Aunt Megan?” Jack asked, beginning to work his hips, sliding that slippery little cock in and out of her incredibly tight rectum.

Megan could feel both cocks moving inside her at the same time and she felt like her brain was melting. Two little boys were fucking her. She’d never even imagined something like this. One in her pussy and one in her mouth, sure. That fantasy had given her a few satisfying cums, but one in each hole? As she felt those cocks moving inside her though, filling her up so completely, she about lost her mind.

“Fuck… fuck… fuck…” she gasped. “Uhhh, fuck me, boys. Unngggh, fuck me!”

The boys began to drive themselves into her and Megan heard herself whining, her voice rising in a panting, needy whine. “Faster! Unngghh, little boys fucking me. Fucking my pussy and my ass.” Megan couldn’t believe she was talking like this. It wasn’t her at all, but after years of desperate dreams and hopeless fantasies, she was getting fucked by an eleven-year-old and a thirteen-year-old boy. At the same time! Their cocks moving in her, Richie’s giant and Jacky’s feeling bigger than it was because it was in her ass, were creating a sort of friction in her that felt like it would shake her apart.

Megan was bent down over Richie, crying in the boy’s ear as he rapidly humped his huge cock in and out of her pussy, while behind her, little Jack was on his knees, his hands on her hips right next to Richie’s and he was pistoning his little boy dick into her asshole so fast she felt he must be blurring. Megan could hardly take a breath as their pubescent cocks stole it from her with each thrust. The sound alone was the hottest thing she’d ever heard; panting, grunting little boys and the squelching of her pussy and the wet, rapid slapping of skin on skin.

“Cumming!” she cried as her pussy convulsed around Richie’s horse-cock and her asshole clamped down around Jack’s driving preteen cock, but neither boy slowed. If anything, they drove into her faster and harder.

“You like it, Aunt Megan?” Jack panted, the cockier of the two. “You like our dicks inside of you? Fucking your pussy? Fucking your asshole?”

“Ohhhh, fuck me, baby,” she groaned. “Fuck me with that hot little cock, Jacky!”

“Gonna cum in your ass,” Jack panted, driving himself into her furiously. “You want it?”

“I want your cum!” she cried, convulsing again as her nephew’s dirty words inflamed her. “Shoot your little boy cum into me!”

“Uhhhh, shit,” Richie grunted, and Megan felt that huge cock swell and jerk inside her, painting her insides with hot boyjuice.

“Gonna do it!” Jack panted, the sound of his skinny hips a rapid tattoo against her ass, the feeling of his little cock a rapid-fire series of explosions in her rectum. “Gonna squirt!”

“Cum in me! Cum in me, Jacky! Cum in my ass!”

With one last thrust, Jack slammed into her and held her tight, pressing himself against her as his little cock jerked again and again inside her throbbing ass. His little puppy grunts as he shot his tiny droplets of preteen spunk made Megan go off again, and she whined and shook as she knelt there, impaled by pubescent boycock.

Finally, sometime later, Jack moved backward and his little cock popped out of her ass. Sighing, Megan sat up and then slid backward, watching as between her legs inch after inch of soft, but still long, boycock slid out of her. She felt the familiar ache of absence when a cock left her pussy, but on a scale she’d never experienced. The fat head of Richie’s cock finally came free and his slapped wetly against his mostly bald crotch.

“Shit, I better get back home,” Richie said, and stood with a groan. Megan watched that giant cock swing between his legs. “Thanks for the… you know,” Richie said.

“Pussy?” Megan asked with a tired smile.

Richie grinned and reached down to squeeze his cock. “Yeah, thanks for the pussy.”

“Do I need to say that you can’t tell anyone about this?” Megan asked, the implications of what she’d done just now gaining headway over her blind lust.

“Don’t worry,” Richie answered. “I never tell.”

Megan gave the boy a suspicious look. “Does that mean you’ve fucked adult women before?” she asked.

Richie just grinned and shrugged.

“Shit. How many?” she asked, amazed that she wasn’t the only one to fall under the spell of that giant, swinging dick.

Richie screwed up his face and looked at the ceiling. Finally he shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Like… twenty something? Thirty?”

Megan sputtered. Then she stared. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

Richie shrugged again.

“You seemed awfully surprised when I sat down on that thing,” Megan said.

“You know… cause I don’t know you,” he said. “I mean… usually I know the ladies. I see ’em around and stuff. Like friends of my mom or my doc… I mean, just ladies around here, ya know? More ladies than girls really. Lots of girls here like to play with it and suck it, but they’re afraid to let me fuck ’em. Anyway, I gotta get home. Thanks again.” And with that, he left.

Megan watched that trim little ass as the door shut. She wasn’t sure she had enough strength in her legs to stand, so she just leaned back on her elbows. Jack knelt down between her legs and looked up at her with bright, gimlet eyes.

“That was fun, huh?” he asked with a grin, running his hands up and down her thighs.

“That was stupid,” Megan said. “I can’t believe I did that.”

Jack shrugged. “Richie won’t tell,” he said. Then he leaned down and put his face between her legs and she felt his tongue slide over her pussylips.

Megan shuddered. “Jacky,” she moaned, “I don’t know if I can take anymore right now.”

Jack slid his tongue into her cunt and despite herself, Megan shuddered and she felt tingles race through her. “Because Richie has such a big one?” Jack asked, lifting a wet face.

Megan was about to answer when Jack slid two fingers into her. She tensed and gasped.

“Does it hurt?” Jack asked, his fingers stopping. “Sometimes my butt hurts when Richie fucks me.”

“Sometimes?” she laughed, and then gasped as that made her pussy clench around the boy’s fingers.

“Sometimes it feels so good I forget,” Jack said, and then he bent his face again, replacing his fingers with her tongue.

“Jacky,” she moaned.

“I like the taste of your pussy,” Jack said, his fingers taking back over for his tongue. He was sliding them in and out in slow, languid strokes. “I like the taste of Richie’s cum, too, so I get both at once.”

Megan had a thought and asked. “How many pussies have you tasted, Jacky?”

Jacky looked up at her and gave her a sly grin, made all the more wanton with her juices all over his mouth and cheeks. “A few.”

“And how many have you fucked?” she asked.

Jack straightened and she looked down to see his rampant little erection. “A few,” the eleven-year-old answered as he thumbed down his boner and slid it into her.

Megan gave a mewling cry of pleasure and reached out to clutch at the boy’s firm little ass, pulling him deeper, feeling all four inches of boycock slide into her. “Jacky,” she sighed. “That perfect little cock.”

“It feels okay after Richie’s?” Jack asked as he began to fuck her slowly.

“Better than okay,” she groaned, wrapping her legs around the little boy, using her heels to urge him on faster.

“Megan?” Jack asked.

She realized she’d closed her eyes, her body already humming around Jack’s fucking cock. “Hmm?” she asked, meeting his blue eyes.

Jack had a look on his face. Part cunning, part knowing, all cocky and sexy. “I’m fucking you.”

“You certainly are, baby,” she smiled.

“I’m eleven,” he said, and Megan felt something twinge inside her. Jack must have caught some of that, because he gave her a seductive look. A seductive look for an eleven-year-old, which she’d never thought to see. Megan realized that Jacky could see right into her and knew exactly what to say. “I’m just a little kid,” he said softly, still slowly sliding his cock in and out of her. “I’m even younger than the boys you teach, and I’m fucking you.”

Megan couldn’t speak. The boy’s insight was almost frightening, but also the most exciting, erotic thing she’d ever experienced.

“I bet you’ve wanted to fuck a little kid for a long time, huh?” he asked, and then he slammed his little cock into her with a meaty smack. She gasped. “Have you sat in class with your pussy all wet, staring at cute boys, wondering what it would feel like if their cocks were in there? Like mine is?”

“Yes,” she gasped.

Jack grinned knowingly. “What if after class one day, all the kids left except for the cutest boys, and they locked the doors and then pulled down their pants and they all had boners?”

“Jacky,” she sighed hoarsely.

“Would you suck their dicks? Drink their cum? Let them fuck your pussy?”

“Oh, yes, I would,” she groaned. “Sometimes they’d get hard in class,” she panted as Jack began to fuck her faster. “I always knew, and sometimes I’d even get to see a little bulge. I knew they were hard and I wanted to see them so badly, to suck their sweet little cocks.”

Jack bent over her and took her left nipple into his mouth, sucking so strongly at it that it almost hurt. It did hurt, but with his sweet cock driving rapidly between her legs, she didn’t care.

Jack released her nipple and asked, panting a bit from his exertions, “How long have you wanted to fuck me, Aunt Megan?”

“I… I don’t know,” she said.

“When you got here?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said truthfully.

“When we visited you last year?” he asked.

She didn’t want to answer, because the admission scared her a little and made her ashamed. “Yes.”

Jack grinned. “Shane wants to fuck you so bad.”

Megan shuddered. “Jacky.”

“He wants to get his cock right into your pussy like I am. You wanna do that, Aunt Megan? Like with me an Richie? Have both of your nephews fuck you at the same time.”

“Fuck…” she gasped. “Yes, Jacky. Ooooo, fuck. Yes, I want both of you fucking me at the same time!”

Jack suddenly went still. Megan realized she’d been staring at the ceiling and she dropped her eyes to his. “I can tell him,” Jack said softly. “We can both come to your bedroom tonight after Mom goes to bed.”

“Jack… I…” she stammered, torn with indecision.

“We’d never do anything to get you in trouble, Aunt Megan. He wants to fuck you so bad though. He was telling me all about it last night. While he was fucking me. He was kissing my neck and calling me Aunt Megan while he slid his cock in and out of me.”

That was too much for Megan, and she moaned as she felt herself going again. She grabbed on to Jack’s little ass with both hands, pulling him tight against her as she whined and trembled. His little cock jerked in her and she looked up to see his eyes rolled up and a pained look on his face as he had his own cum.

A few moments later, Megan released him and Jack blew out a breath. “Man, that was a good one.” He caught Megan’s eyes as she chuckled tiredly and said, “Maybe later I’ll let you watch Shane fuck me.”

There was no hiding her response, as her pussy clenched down around Jack’s still stiff cock. He pulled out of her and walked around to crouch next to her head. Leaning close, he whispered, “Last time we went to Pittsburgh I was ten. And you wanted to fuck me.”

End of chapter five.

Copyright 2023 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Well, this story seems to be pretty popular, so I took time away from writing The Great American Novel to generate my brand of high quality smut for you fine folks. As always, please donate something to Nifty, and please drop me a line if you enjoy this story. rwxxx13@yahoo.com

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