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Category: Incest (Page 1 of 46)

The Esses – Part 1

The Esses – Part 1
Jason Crow

The Esses

Part one
It was the third of September, the memorable day this all started. After I changed into something more comfortable, I headed upstairs toward the pool deck. I couldn’t immediately find the girls. And since I had been downstairs for almost an hour, they could have been anywhere. I had to remind myself that I wasn’t their camp counselor and didn’t need to watch them every minute. That’s when I heard their voices outside on the pool deck. Relieved that they were making themselves at home, I went to check on them. They had been swimming and were now emerging from the pool, their bodies dripping wet.

“Fuck me…” I mumbled under my breath.

The two bikini-clad preteens, with their glistening bodies, struck a nerve inside I never knew I had. But I didn’t want to have this particular nerve! These girls were about to turn thirteen, damn it! And they were family.

Sarah was wearing a red bikini, which matched her blonde hair perfectly. It hid everything nicely from view and was decent enough for a girl her age, but it did manage to accentuate her curves nicely. Sandra’s bikini was denim blue with a bit of purple around its edges. It was a bit skimpier than Sara’s, but she could still go to a public pool with it without gathering too much attention.

I acted like it was the most normal thing in the world for me to be around two scantily dressed preteen girls, and I did my best not to stare. I liked looking at women. I enjoyed beautiful women! But these two weren’t women yet; they were girls. They were probably oblivious to how they looked and what their effect on men could be. I didn’t need to gawk over them. No! I needed to help them and learn how to deal with their maturing bodies.

“Hi, Uncle Ronald!” Sarah said with a smile, “Your pool is amazing!”

“Yeah…” Sandra added, “But I’m so wet…”

Wait… what? What did she just say? I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my head as I was looking for words.

“That’s the whole meaning of a pool, you dummy,” Sarah giggled.

“Uhm… yeah…” I tried, “water is wet, you know?”

“Jeez! I was just kidding,” Sandra said with mock annoyance as she wrung out her hair. “I’m looking for a towel.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and tossed her a freakin’ towel. Both girls dried themselves as I did my best not to look at their young breasts that were hidden by the small bikini tops. Their low-riding bottoms hugged their developing curves magnificently, and their bronzed skin showed no signs of any tan line either. I quickly needed to find something to do. Otherwise, I’d be busted looking at their bodies, and my life would be over. Okay, maybe not over, but I’d have a lot of explaining to do. So, I started checking on one of the umbrellas and made sure it was… well… still an umbrella…

“Uncle Ronald?” Sandra asked innocently behind me.

I turned around and saw that she was holding out a bottle of sunscreen in her hand. Yikes! They wanted me to apply that all over them? While a growing part of me was all in favor of that idea, a wiser part wasn’t sure about how good of an idea it was. I mean, I’ve done that for leggy models in this very spot, but for these two….? I tried distracting them by saying, “Please! Call me Ronald or Ron! That whole ‘Uncle’ stuff makes me feel old and saggy.”

“Okay, Un- Ronald. Would you mind helping us with our backs?”

“Yeah, please…” Sarah added as she lay down on her belly on one of the chaise lounges, “But you don’t look saggy to us, Ron!”

“No, not at all,” Sandra said as she handed me the sunscreen and lay down herself. “You’re quite handsome, actually.”

I didn’t know what to say or do. If I didn’t know any better, these two girls were hitting on me pretty heavily. But this was probably me, reading into something that wasn’t there, combined with the fact that I hadn’t gotten laid in almost a month. And there was no harm in applying sunscreen, was there?

“Alright! Who’s first?” I asked, trying to be as casual as possible.

“Do me,” Sandra said.

Oh, fuckI had to stop hearing these things in my adult mind…

She was lying closest to me, so I knelt beside her chair and squeezed some of the milky-white sunscreen onto my hand. Rubbing them together, I glanced down at her. She had turned her head towards me, wearing a warm yet mischievous smile.

As I reached out to apply the sunscreen to her shoulders, my hands trembled slightly. It felt a bit ridiculous—I was simply assisting her with something practical, nothing remotely intimate. Parents do this for their kids all the time. Nevertheless, I continued without dwelling on it, making sure to keep my touches purely platonic.

As I worked the sunscreen into her shoulders and back, I avoided any accidental brushes near sensitive areas. I wouldn’t accidentally want to touch some side boob or anything even remotely close. When I reached the top of her bikini bottom, she remarked with a playful tone, “You’ve got strong hands, Unc- Ronald!”

“Thanks,” I replied, feeling stupid for getting nervous about this. I grabbed the bottle of sunscreen, moved over to Sarah, and said as confidently as I could, “Your turn.”

It was the same routine with Sarah. But when I was at her lower back, she surprised me by untying her top and pulling the back strings out of the way.

“Can you please do that bit again? I don’t wanna get sunburned there.”

I swallowed when I looked at her bare back. It was really no different than it was a second ago, but with having that string untied… oh boy… I manned up and said, “Sure!” and rubbed her entire back again. I was trying to be as casual about this as I could, but my dick betrayed me when I felt it started to grow in my pants.

“There you go,” I said and oozed down on the spare chair next to Sarah.

“Why don’t you take off your shirt and chill a bit with us?” Sarah asked as she fixed her top and tied it back together again.

She was spot on. I really needed to unwind. I was currently wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt and loose-fitting khaki shorts, casual enough for me to chill with the girls. I knew I wasn’t bad to look at. Several other women had complimented me on my abs and pecs. I was far from buff but maybe even further from a typical dad-bod. This might have something to do with the fact that I wasn’t a dad and actually had time to work out. So I casually shrugged, slipped off my shirt, kicked off my boat shoes, and settled down beside my nieces on one of the chaise lounges. We engaged in some light conversation, and with each passing moment, I found myself sinking deeper into relaxation, basking in the warmth of the sun and the joy of my nieces’ company. I started thinking about how I had gotten into this unusual situation.

* * *

I had just wrapped up a Teams meeting with my financial advisors when my phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I let out a deep sigh. It was my sister calling, and history told me it wasn’t going to be good news.

“Hey, Laura,” I greeted with forced cheerfulness, attempting to conceal my annoyance.

“Hi, Ronald.”

Uh-oh. When she went for the full name, trouble was brewing. Judging by her tone, it was trouble with a capital T.

“I just got a call from Lisa. And believe it or not, she just announced her divorce too!” Laura said, a hint of amusement in her voice.


Not exactly breaking news. I didn’t see my sisters that much, but each time I did, I was amazed at how cold their marital relationships seemed. Lisa’s marriage had been on life support for ages, and Laura’s own divorce last month had practically telegraphed her twin’s imminent split.

Ever since I was a boy, my younger twin sisters have always copied each other’s actions. As identical twins, they considered it their prerogative. From the moment I first laid my eyes on them, I knew I was in trouble. They were four years younger than me, infinitely annoying, and had gotten themselves in trouble more than I can remember. I had to pull them out of a couple of tight spots numerous times.

“Yeah…” Laura continued, “She finally had the guts to tell that douchebag to go fuck himself.”


I kept my responses short, a strategy I’d learned over the years to avoid putting my foot in it. Laura was clearly on a roll, and I had no desire to interrupt her venting session.

“So, as we were talking about that shitty husband of hers, we decided that we deserved a break.”

In typical drama queen fashion, she paused for effect. I simply said, “A break…”

“A break, yes! We were both married for thirteen years, and we think it’s time for us to party!”

“To party… Right. You do realize you’re thirty-six, and it’s a bit sad when divorced women your age start hitting the clubs?”

“We don’t care, Ron. We need to let off some steam, period.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. It was obvious that something was up. She never calls me just to complain. She does that with Lisa. No, she wanted something.

After another dramatic pause, she dropped the bomb, “Because Lisa and I think it’s a good idea that you look after the girls for a while…”

“What!? No way! I’m swamped over here, and—”

“Bullshit! And you know it! We all think it’s good for Sarah and Sandra to see how a normal male role model behaves. And I know it’s a bit unsettling, but we think you’re the closest thing to a normal male for them.” 

“But… I don’t have a clue how to babysit two eight-year-olds!”

“They’re twelve, almost thirteen, Ron…” Lisa corrected me. “They practically look after themselves. You’re just there to make sure they eat and won’t accidentally set the house on fire. I… we… well… We think it’s good if you guys reconnect. It’s good for you, too, you know?”

I sighed audibly, but after another short break, Laura dropped another bomb, “And it’s only going to be for a week.”

“A whole week?” I exclaimed.

“Don’t be a pussy, Ronald. It’ll be over before you know it. Trust me.”

I knew I was cornered, but I wasn’t about to surrender without a fight. “I… I can’t! I’ve got—”

My sister cut through my feeble protests, “We’ll drop the Esses off tomorrow morning so we can catch our flight in time. Make sure you’re ready.”

I paused for a second, feeling deflated, and said, “I’ll ask Maria to prepare two bedrooms.”

“You’re the best, Ron! See you tomorrow!”


I hung up, feeling defeated. Why did my sisters still have this much power over me? Sure, I liked my nieces, but babysitting was not on my agenda. Yet, as I contemplated the impending chaos to my life, Laura’s words stuck, and a small part of me looked forward to actually reconnecting with the girls. And I did feel a bit guilty for keeping them at a distance. Granted, their husbands had something to do with that. Actually, quite a lot, if I was honest. But they were still my sisters, and I was the one who always blew them off with some lame excuse. Maybe this was the start of reconnecting with them. Who knows.

My sisters did everything together. When Lisa had her first real boyfriend at fourteen, Laura had one a week later. Laura announced her marriage about a decade later, so Lisa announced hers six weeks after that. When Laura was pregnant, it only took Lisa a month to proudly announce her own pregnancy. As a result of this, my nieces were born four and a half weeks apart from each other. When the kids were together, which was nearly all of the time, people always asked if they were twins since they looked and dressed almost identically. And since both their names started with an S, the nickname ‘The Esses’ was born soon enough.

But the last time I saw them, they were about to turn nine, and now they were almost thirteen. I knew I wasn’t the best uncle in the world, and I felt a bit guilty for not seeing them as much as I wanted, as I didn’t have any children myself. So, the idea of looking after them now wasn’t as bad as I wanted Laura to believe. I actually looked forward to spending some time with them, but I didn’t want Laura or Lisa to know this.

However, my life had changed significantly since I last saw them. I had developed an early AI and ML model that caught the attention of big tech. When one of them came knocking to buy this tech, I initially refused their offer – and it was a generous offer! But I just knew I could do better. So, after almost another year of tweaking and tinkering, I had the feeling it was done and ready to conquer the world.

I realized I couldn’t market this alone. And I knew this would be a difficult task. As I was talking to a friend about this, by some miracle, the planets aligned, and I received the most important phone call of my life.

Another big tech company had been following me for a while and was highly interested in my project. And they made me an offer I just couldn’t refuse. I’d be filthy rich overnight, and I’d also get a decent percentage of stocks from that firm. Best of all, I could keep using my tech to further develop stuff I’d find interesting, and we’d renegotiate the terms if I would produce something interesting enough.

After I received the payment, I bought a vast piece of land near the ocean. On this land, there was an old, abandoned bomb shelter, lots of woods, but also a small, private beach. Steep cliffs surrounded my private beach, so I could work on my laptop while lounging in the sun and looking at the ocean without being disturbed by anyone. I hired an architect to build me a house on the cliff with lots of windows and natural light so I could see both the sea and the woods from up there.

This house turned out even better than I’d envisioned. It had a massive basement carved into the rocks, which I’d transformed into my workshop, seamlessly connected to the bomb shelter through a series of tunnels. It had a cozy movie theater that could fit a small group of people. A spacious outdoor and indoor pool that appeared to blend into the cliff, creating the illusion of diving straight into the ocean. And, of course, a generous living room, a fully equipped kitchen, and an oversized garage for my other passion: sports cars. I’d automated everything with AI and smart tools, but I’d also brought on some staff to lend a hand. Being a forty-year-old single man in a house this big was both liberating and suffocating.

My hair had recently turned more into a salt-and-pepper-colored bush. Thankfully, it was still a full and lush bush of hair. Despite working mainly behind a desk, I’ve always had the intrinsic motivation to stay fit. Before I struck it big with my software, I used to hit the gym at least three times a week. Now, with my own gym at home, I worked out almost daily. Good genes helped, but I never aimed to be buff. I didn’t want a dad-bod, but I wasn’t aiming for huge muscles either. I was fit, especially for my age, and proud of the shape I was in.

Enter Maria, my housekeeper. She was a pretty woman, and despite my attempts at flirting, she politely turned me down, revealing she was a lesbian. Initially disappointed, I considered letting her go, but our dynamic turned out to be perfect. We share a more roommate-like relationship than the typical boss-employee setup, with no underlying tension. It’s a powerful bond that transcends the professional.

But I liked to be alone. My sisters always teased me for being a hermit, but living alone in this spacious mansion feels like paradise to me. Sure, there was a brief stint when I lived the playboy life, cruising into town in my flashy sports cars, picking up one or two beautiful women to indulge in a night of passion at my mansion. Threesomes and foursomes weren’t uncommon, but every departure left me feeling like a sleaze and downright miserable.

Maria was always frank with me, and after another night of endless sex where she’d find me on the couch in my underwear looking like shit, she confronted me and asked, “Why do you put yourself through this, Ron?”

“Do what?”

“You’re pretending to be someone you’re not.”

“I’m not trying…”

“Yes, you are. Admit it. You’re a loner. You don’t need people. Just embrace it and keep a small circle of friends. That’s all you need!”

“I… I don’t…”

“Think about it,” Maria advised before walking away.

Maria was something else. Despite not being on my payroll for that long, she could read me like an open book and never shied away from telling it like it was. The more I reflected on it, the more I had to admit it. She was right! I loved being alone! Society had this misguided notion that solitude was a sad state and that people should pity those labeled as loners. But truth be told, I could go for weeks without a soul around, and I’d still be in high spirits.

Once I fully embraced this realization, my life settled back into a comfortable routine. Sure, I’d venture out occasionally, but the days of bringing a woman home were now more like a once-a-month thing rather than the nightly extravaganzas of the past. And you know what? I loved it! Maria’s company was enjoyable, and Hank, my groundskeeper, was a hilarious guy who always found a way to have fun with me. So, yeah, life was good.

And then, there was this impending disruption. Two young girls about to turn my peaceful haven into a playground. I gave Maria a mission: go out and stock up on board games, coloring books, and anything else that might entertain little kids. She gave me a curious look and shrugged but ultimately went ahead and did as I asked.

When she returned, I knew we needed to have a difficult conversation. Maria had requested a two-week vacation to Hawaii with her girlfriend Anna, and Maria was planning to propose to her during the trip. But I couldn’t manage the girls on my own; I needed Maria’s help. My heart sank when I heard her open the front door.

“What’s up, Ron?” Maria asked, noticing my expression.

“Can you sit down, please?”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No! No… it’s just that…” I sighed deeply, “I can’t manage the girls on my own for a whole week. I know it’s short notice, but my sisters…”

“So… I can’t go on vacation?” Maria interrupted.

“It’s… uhm… I don’t think so, no. I’m really sorry, Maria, but I just can’t.”

“Well… fuck,” she muttered, leaning back in her chair, looking defeated.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you, and I’ll cover all the cancellation costs. But I really need your help right now.”

After a moment of silence, Maria stared into the distance, then stood up and looked me in the eyes. “Okay. But you have to promise to listen to me and not be stubborn. I practically raised my sister and little brother, so I know what I’m doing.”

“Deal!” I said, feeling immensely relieved.

I chuckled at how she stood with her hand on her hip, like a true diva. I stood up to give Maria a firm hug.

She quickly broke the hug and said, “I’ll go and call Anna. Not sure how she’s going to take this.”

“Good luck! I’ll call the travel agency and cancel everything. If you need anything, just let me know!”

Maria grabbed her purse and handed me all the information I needed to cancel everything. It was the least I could do, and I felt grateful and relieved that she was willing to stay and help me out.

“But don’t think I’ll forget this,” Maria said, her eyes flashing with intensity. “I’m helping you because you’re a nice guy, and I don’t want to lose this job. But I’m furioso about all this.”

“I understand,” I replied, knowing her well enough not to push back at that moment.

“It’s always me,” she continued angrily. “You don’t ask Hank to come back from his vacation.”

“That’s different, and you know it,” I said carefully.

Her anger seemed to simmer down a bit. The fire in her eyes softened as she looked at me and said, “I know. But it’s just…”

“I get it. And you have every right to be angry with me. But I promise I will make it up to you!”

“I know you will.”

With that, she turned and walked away from me. I had never seen her so upset before, and for a moment, I feared she might resign. Thankfully, her fiery Mexican temperament didn’t completely take over at that moment. 

End of part one

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Ibi habetis. Alia nova fabula, sicut pro te

The Son Also Rises – Part eight

The Son Also Rises – Part eight
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Ryan got his blowjob, which had been needed and greatly desired, but that was three orgasms and it was just late afternoon. Ryan hadn’t cum three times in one day in years, and that was a problem because he didn’t think his little boy was anywhere near sated.

He got himself a respite by claiming to need to do some work, so Lucas disappeared into his bedroom while Ryan relaxed on the sofa with his laptop. Lucas continued to earn likes and comments. Ryan began to imagine different pics he could post. Like some of the ones Phil took. He felt a tightening down below and realized that wasn’t a good train of thought, so he switched to Youtube and watched inanities.

About an hour later, about the time Ryan was starting to think about what to do for dinner, Lucas came out of his room. “I’m gonna get a snack, Dad. You want somethin’?”

Ryan couldn’t help staring. He’d always known Lucas was a beautiful child, but found it amazing that he’d never really seen the entirety of his beauty. And that wasn’t just because he was nude, with his adorable little dick soft and only about two inches, bouncing with his footsteps.

Ryan tore his eyes away from the delectable little treat before he boned up again. “I was just thinking about dinner. Any ideas?”

“Pizza?” the boy asked, excited and hopeful.

Ryan chuckled. “Why did I bother to ask? I was thinking maybe Chinese. Golden Star is doing curbside and you like their General Tso’s.”

“Okay, but when are you gonna get it? I’m hungry.”

“I was thinking about ordering in about… thirty minutes.”

“Be right back!”

Ryan’s pause and Lucas bolting out of the room were both in response to the faint ringing of Lucas’ cell ringing in his room. Ryan sat appreciating the view as his boy hurried away. To steal from the internet… ‘that ass tho’.

A minute later and Ryan was back to watching Russian drivers fail to drive and Lucas returned. “Dad?” he said, holding out his phone. “It’s Mason’s mom. She wants to talk to you.”

Frowning, curious, Ryan took the phone. Of course the parents knew each other, living in the same neighborhood, going to the Parker’s July 4th block party every year. An attractive woman, single, and she’d even shown a little interest after his wife passed, but he hadn’t been ready.

“Hello? Gail?”

“Ryan, hey,” the woman answered, sounding a bit harried. “Look, I need to ask a huge favor. I know it’s a huge favor, but I’m sort of up against the wall here right now. Please feel free to refuse though. I know it’s asking a lot.”

Ryan chuckled. “You’re going to have to tell me what the favor is before I can refuse.”

“Sorry,” she said. “Sorry. My brain is in a hundred different places. Okay.” Ryan heard her take a long, calming breath. “I just got a call that my dad is in the hospital. COVID.”

“Gail, I’m sorry,” he said.

“Thanks. I really don’t know anything. If it’s bad or what, but it was the hospital that called, and not him, so it can’t be great. Anyway, the problem is that he’s in Detroit. I’ve arranged some time off from work, but I just don’t feel good about taking Mason with me. I don’t need him getting exposed. I’ve talked to everyone I know, and nobody else has been able to take him.”

“So I’m your last resort?” he asked, humor in his voice.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. That sounds bad. I just knew that you had your hands full already and besides, it’s not like we get together and braid our hair and gossip. Anyway, it would only be for three or four days. If it goes on any longer than that I’ll have to work out something else, but it’ll give me some breathing room. Part of the problem of course is that I’m doing everything so last minute. I just got the call a couple of hours ago.”

Ryan was torn. On the one hand, he was sure Lucas would enjoy having his friend over. He’d also be able to help out a single mom in a real bind, dealing with some tough personal issues. The other hand, of course, was that he and Lucas had jumped into this whole sex thing, and it was new and exciting, and this would mean turning that off for a few days. Of course, that was just him being selfish.

“Gail, of course we’ll take him in.” Ryan saw Lucas’ eyes raise. He obviously didn’t know what was happening. “I’m sure Lucas will be thrilled.” What? Lucas mimed.

Ryan listened, knowing to Lucas his end of the conversation was just, “Yeah. No, of course. It’s not a big deal, Gail. Let me worry about that, you worry about your dad. No, that’s fine. I was thinking about going out for Chinese actually. You don’t have to do that. Alright. Okay, we’ll be waiting. You, too.”

“What?!” Lucas asked as Ryan ended the call and held out his phone.

“Mason’s grandfather is in the hospital with the virus, so his mom is going to see him. So Mason is going to stay with us a few days.”

“Cool!” Lucas said. Then the dawning realization. “Oh.”

“Yeah, oh,” Ryan said ruefully.

“But… maybe we could still do stuff,” Lucas suggested. “Like… if Mason is taking a bath? Or at night?”

“I think Mason will be expecting you to be there at night. We wouldn’t want him to wake up and come looking for you.”

“Yeah, I guess not,” Lucas said, disappointed. Then he grinned wickedly and sank to his knees. “I can suck your cock one last time though,” he said, reaching out to fondle his dad’s big, floppy dick.

“Or not,” Ryan said, pushing his hands away. “He’ll be here in less than an hour, which means getting dressed.”

“Oh,” the boy said, disappointed. He was biting his lip when he looked up and gave his dad a sly grin.

“I don’t like that look,” Ryan said.

“Remember when I said I did some stuff with boys before?”

Ryan nodded, aware of course that one of the boys at least was Mason.

“Well, one boy was Mason.”

One boy. Ryan wondered how many others and who they were.

“We only ever jacked off and stuff. And anyway, I was thinking maybe I could suck his cock, now that I’m good at it.”

“Well, one of us will enjoy themselves.”

“Yeah, but maybe you could watch,” Lucas suggested.

Ryan looked highly skeptical. “I doubt Mason would go for that.”

“No, I mean watch without him knowing. Like… maybe hide in my closet or something? I bet you’d like seeing him naked. He’s really cute.”

“He is cute, but stuffing myself into a closet seems pretty dangerous. Not to mention uncomfortable.”

“Ummmm…” Lucas thought, “maybe I could do a Facetime!”

“Right,” Ryan scoffed. “My twelve-year-old son sucking off a ten-year-old and you want that going out on an unsecured phone?”

“Mason is eleven.”

“Doesn’t change the problem,” Ryan said. And then it came to him. As a real estate agent, he often found himself dealing with unoccupied homes. On occasions, those homes could get broken into and vandalized. It had happened to him twice, so when alarm systems weren’t installed in a place, he often set up his own security cameras to monitor them. Being out of work at the moment, all that equipment was just sitting in a box in the garage.

Ryan explained his plan to Lucas, who was enthusiastic. They spent about thirty minutes setting up two pinhole cameras in Lucas’ room and testing to make sure they worked. Perfect picture and sound.

“Just make sure you take ’em out later. I don’t want you watchin’ me jack off or somethin’,” Lucas grinned.

Ryan was thinking about their great timing when the doorbell rang less than ten minutes later. Two minutes before that Ryan had gone to his room to put on some clothes while he instructed Lucas to do the same.

So he was wearing red knee-length gym shorts with black stripes and a plain black tank top as he answered the door. He found young Mason wearing skinny jeans and a gray t-shirt with the slogan ‘Do it My Way’ which Ryan was perfectly willing to consider. So long as his way involved sliding between those slim little thighs. Mason had shortish golden hair that was sort of wavy and just flying all over. It was messy, but it looked deliberately messy.

His mother was standing beside him laden with a suitcase in one hand and a big bag from KFC in the other. She smiled, but she looked exhausted. “You didn’t have to do this,” Ryan said, indicating the food, which he took from her along with the suitcase. Mason was wearing a backpack.

“I wanted to,” she said, “and I know we didn’t discuss it, but we can work out something later. I don’t expect you to just take on the expense of housing him.”

“Gail, I’m not going to charge you. I want to help, not perform a transaction.”

“Well, we’ll figure out something, okay? Maybe some of that lasagna you guys liked so much.”

“Lasagna it is,” Ryan grinned.

“Hey, Mason!” Lucas said, greeting his friend happily. Ryan wasn’t so happy. He should have know that ‘get dressed’ was too little instruction. Lucas was wearing a pair of his little briefs, gray with faint pink stripes.

As the boys bumped fists, Ryan saw Gail’s eyes go to his son. His little bulge, soft at least, was clearly visible. He saw her quirk an eyebrow and turn to him, and he just shrugged and rolled his eyes. As the boys headed off to Lucas’ room, Ryan said, “If I can get him to put on a shirt for school and maybe brush his teeth every once in awhile, I consider it a win.”

Gail smiled. “Mason is the same. Especially with the lockdown. It was always a hassle keeping him in clothes.” She looked to make sure the boys were out of earshot and whispered, “Puberty,” before continuing in a normal tone, “started to change that, but then the lockdowns hit and he’s reverted to an animal-like state.” Seeing his look, she explained, “He has a fit if he hears me utter the P word.”

Ryan laughed appreciatively, while wondering what form puberty might be taking for the cute little blond. Realizing that was a dangerous train of thought, he carried the chicken to the kitchen table. “Can you join us for dinner at least?”

She shook her head. “No, and I feel terrible about the dump and run… that didn’t sound good, but I have a flight in less than two hours, and you know what it’s like these days.”

“Go,” he said, escorting her to the door. “I’ve got this. Don’t worry.”

“Thanks again, Ryan.”

“Just take care of your dad.”

A wave and she was gone. Ryan hurried to his bedroom and checked his laptop where he could access the surveillance cameras. The boys were just sitting on the bed talking, but Ryan could see very clearly that Lucas had an erection stretching those tiny briefs.

“So, you wanna?” Lucas asked. The voice was a bit tinny through the laptop speakers, but clear.

Ryan had a good enough angle from one of the two cameras that he could see Mason’s indecision, but also clear interest given where he was gazing.

“What about your dad, though? Plus there’s chicken.”

“We can play with boners first, and then go eat. Anyway, I know you want to.”

Mason blushed and squirmed, his hands going to his crotch. “Okay, but really fast, huh?”

Lucas grinned and stood, quickly shucking his briefs, freeing that magnificent little cock of his. Mason’s interest was clear. He kept his eyes locked on it as he kicked off his shoes and stood, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.

“Take your shirt off, too,” Lucas said.

“Why?” Mason asked, beginning to push his skinny jeans down over even skinnier hips. Black and white striped boxer-briefs with a black waistband and a cute little anchor on the left thigh.

“Cuz I like to look at you,” Lucas smiled.

Mason sighed and slipped out of his shirt. “You’re so gay.”

“You were the one who wanted to kiss me last time,” Lucas teased.

Mason blushed. “I just wanted to see what it was like.”

Ryan watched avidly, already straining to rip out of his shorts. As he knew from the last time Mason had stayed, the little blond was adorable. He was five inches shorter than Lucas at only 4’9”, but where Lucas’ body was lovely and perfect, his strength wasn’t at first evident. Mason was the opposite. A slight and slender boy, but he was already impressively muscular. Apparently he was a gymnast. Ryan had even done a little light lifting with the shy boy and answered some nutrition questions for him.

“So you don’t wanna kiss me again?” Lucas teased.

“Maybe I do,” Mason shrugged.

Lucas smiled and stepped close to the other boy, and leaned down, pressing his lips gently to Mason’s. It wasn’t the hungry, passionate kisses that were shared between father and son, but Ryan didn’t imagine it would take long until Lucas introduced that particular variety to the eleven-year-old. As their lips pressed, Lucas reached down and laid his hand on the bulge in the other boy’s shorts.

Giggling, Mason shucked out of his underwear, and Ryan’s cock lurched. He found it amazing that he hadn’t thought about boys sexually in years, or mostly hadn’t, but suddenly he was getting worked up over an eleven-year-old. He was gorgeous though. Once again, Ryan was treated to the sight of that cute little three-inch uncut erection. Ryan was intrigued by that little funnel at the tip of the boy’s uncircumcised member. Ryan was also struck by the oddly alluring sight of the boy standing there with a stiff little dick, naked except for white ankle socks. And a foreskin.

Lucas knelt before his friend.

“What are you doin’?” Mason asked.

“You wanna try something?” Lucas asked, reaching out to run a finger over his friend’s little boner. It jerked.

“What?” the boy asked suspiciously.

“A blowjob,” Lucas said.

“Eww, you wanna lick it?”

“Yeah,” Lucas said simply. “Can I?”

“I don’t know,” Mason answered nervously.

“I’ll just do it a little bit and if you want me to stop, I will, okay?”

“… I guess so,” he said dubiously.

Lucas turned and looked up at where one of the cameras was, making Ryan smack his forehead in disbelief. Then he gripped Mason’s slender hips and said, “Turn this way a little.”

“Why?” the boy asked, turning. Ryan realized Lucas was giving him a better angle, which he appreciated, but he wished Lucas could have done it without staring into the camera. Ryan expected his kid would wave next.

“I just wanna see better,” Lucas shrugged. Then he gripped the little boy’s stiff penis at the base, using his thumb and forefinger. He jacked it a couple of times, and then moved down, lifting up the little scrotum. Finally, he leaned forward and ran his tongue over his friend’s balls.

“Tickles,” Mason said, squirming.

“What about this then?” Lucas asked, and he licked upward along the little shaft until he reached that fascinating bit of skin at the top. Ryan had no experience with uncircumcised dicks. He’d seen plenty, on men, but had never touched one. The boy’s foreskin put Ryan in mind of a balloon, or at least the little bit that dangled after being blown up and tied.

Speaking of blowing up… Lucas sucked the foreskin between his lips, and then followed it all the way down the shaft. He bobbed his head three times and then released him. “What do you think?”

“Feels weird,” Mason said. “And anyway, it’s gross. I pee outta there.”

“So you want me to stop?”

“… you don’t have to,” Mason equivocated.

“Okay, try this,” Lucas said, and then he gripped the boy’s little boner near the top and gently skinned back that skin, revealing a slightly purplish little glans, not a mushroom head like Ryan and Lucas had, but a slim little bullet. It reminded Ryan of his wife’s lipsticks.

“You can’t lick there,” Mason said. “It’s dirty.”

“You don’t clean it?”

“Well, yeah, but still. You don’t think it’s gross?”

In answer, Ryan’s son took his friends exposed little cockhead between his lips. Mason gasped. Then Lucas must have started sucking and working it with his tongue, because Mason started to shiver and he reached down and pulled Lucas’ head, holding it tight against his groin.

“That’s…” the boy gasped. “That’s… unnggh,” he said and began to awkwardly fuck Lucas’ mouth. Ryan’s son reached up and grabbed the smaller boy’s pale little ass and let the eleven-year-old fuck his face.

Mason slowed and stopped a bit awkwardly, so Lucas took over, bobbing his head enthusiastically. Mason just held on, gasping and giving little puppy dog whines of pleasure. Ryan was feeling decidedly jealous of his son, and he was refraining from stroking his cock, though it was painfully hard. His dick, not… well, both applied.

Ryan watched as his son continued to bob his head on his friend’s little cock. He watched Mason, eyes squeezed shut, looking like he was in pain, his little body quivering. “Uhhhhh… gonna do it… gonna do it, Lucas!” Mason moaned.

Once again, Mason’s hips began an awkward, stuttering movement, and then he was thrusting forward, holding Lucas’ head tight against him as he rose up on the balls of his feet and grunted, straining and shaking.

The boys stayed in that position for maybe another fifteen seconds, before Mason squirmed and fell to his flat feet and backed away. His little dick was still perfectly stiff. The boy reached down and squeezed himself, looking down at his penis as if amazed that it had just done what it had. He skinned his foreskin back up, covering himself, then reached down and collected his balls and just held himself.

“How was that?” Lucas asked, looking up with a grin.

“Can we just do that from now on when we play with our boners?”

Lucas laughed. “Yeah. Now… let’s get chicken.”

After that, Lucas pulled his briefs back on, but they were being stretched over an obvious erection. Mason pulled his underwear back on, and then reached for his shorts.

“Just wear your underwear,” Lucas said. “Like last time.”

“Is that what you’re wearin’?”


“I can see your boner though.”

“And I can see yours,” Lucas grinned.

“Your dad will see.”

Lucas shrugged. “He’s seen me with boners before. Your mom’s never seen you with one? You wear underwear all the time at home.”

“Yeah, but she’s my mom.”

“My dad won’t care. Seriously.” He shrugged and said, “You don’t have to, but you’re gonna be here a few days, and me an my dad mostly just wear underwear all the time.”

“Your dad does?”

“Yeah. You should see when he gets a boner.”

All the talk of boners made Ryan very aware of his, and the fact that the boys would be emerging in moments expecting him to serve them dinner. Leaving the boys on the laptop, he quickly shucked off his clothes, turned on the water in his shower to cold, and jumped in. Two minutes later, wearing briefs and shorts but no shirt, he emerged without an erection.

The End

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Yes… This is it. I think it’s Rwxxx13’s last story he wrote. Unfortunately, he passed away due to that terrible disease. Cancer doesn’t care who you are. Black or white, gay or straight, Democrat or Republican. We all know someone we’ve lost to cancer.
I hope that we keep remembering Rwxxx13 for his magnificent stories. I know I love his work and by giving him a place here, I hope more people will remember and appreciate him. Rest in peace!

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P.S. Please! Don’t beg for more! Have the decency to leave it as it is.

The Son Also Rises – Part seven

The Son Also Rises – Part seven
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Ryan finally got Lucas to go take a shower, but he’d only go if Ryan went as well. Ryan was perfectly fine with that, as his cock was swaying in front of him and he was pretty sure he’d get some relief for it there. After the carrot incident, Ryan was kicking himself for not fucking Lucas, but he still had the presence of mind not to cross that line. After Lucas had recovered, Ryan had taken a bite of the carrot that had been in his son’s ass, making the boy laugh and call him gross. He didn’t eat the rest of the carrot, having only taken the bite for the shock value and to see Lucas smile.

They went to Ryan’s bathroom, as the shower was bigger. Ryan laid out towels for the two of them and started the water.

“Dad, stand here,” Lucas said. Ryan turned and then went to the indicated spot.

Ryan had a large, floor to ceiling section of wall that was mirrored. This was opposite the mirror over the vanity, which was handy for checking out his flexing ass when he was amusing himself. Lucas wanted him to stand to the right of him, and they both stood facing the mirror. Ryan was a full foot taller than his son, who was already tall for his age. They were a study in contrasts. Lucas was slender, and lithe, with golden hair. Ryan was very well-muscled, with thick, rounded shoulders, chiseled pecs, a stomach that showed a defined six pack, and a distinct V cut that showed off the thick seven-inch cock that was currently at about forty-five degrees. He also had short hair, but his was light brown, with chocolate brown eyes. He was tan and had tattoos all up and down both arms, which also bulged with muscle and thick, distinct veins. Lucas, meanwhile, was slender and androgynous, though the four-inch cock rising from his groin very adequately revealed his gender. To Ryan, Lucas looked soft and tender and fragile, but he knew how well muscled he was. There was strength there.

Lucas looked up at him and smiled. “You look so sexy, Dad,” he said, looking into the reflection of Ryan’s eyes.

“So do you, sexy boy,” Ryan said. “You look delicious. You are delicious,” he grinned.

“Dad…” Lucas bit his lip, chewing it nervously. “I always wanted to do… you know, the sex stuff, with you. As long as I can remember. Well, I mean, I didn’t really know what I wanted for awhile, but I always liked looking at you and touching you. Then, when I started… you know, puberty and stuff, even before that really, I wanted to… to suck your… you know… cock. And have you suck mine. And fuck me. I’ve… I’ve been… you know, thinking about that when I…” and he mimed jacking his cock.

“I… didn’t know that,” Ryan said, stunned by the confession.

Lucas nodded his head several times. “I… I just didn’t ever think it could be real. I wanted it to be real, but I didn’t know how to… you know… make you want to do things with me. So, I just wanted to say that you shouldn’t worry about how we’re doing incest, like the bad kind, because I want it and I wanted it for a long time.” Then he turned to Ryan, looking up at him. “Are you mad?”

“Why would I be mad, honey?”

Lucas grinned. “I like it when you call me honey.”

“Honey,” Ryan smiled.

“I’d like it better if you called me a sexy little cocksucking faggot,” he said, reaching out to stroke his father’s cock.

“I’ve told you I don’t like that word,” Ryan said.

“We call each other faggots all the time,” Lucas said. “You know, gay kids I know online. It’s not mean. Well, I guess it can be mean if you want it to, but if you call me your little faggot cocksucker, then that’s just sexy.”

“Lucas,” Ryan said, “you are a weird little kid. I love you though.”

Lucas smiled. “I love you, too. Daddy,” he finished with a cheeky grin.

“Okay, water is warm by now,” Ryan said, turning to go to the shower.

“Wait, Dad,” Lucas said, grabbing his arm and pulling back. “I just wanna see something, okay?”

“Okay. What do you want to see?”

“Turn this way,” he instructed, turning Ryan to the side. Satisfied, he knelt on the ground before Ryan and looked up at him with a nervous smile. Then he reached out and leaned forward, stretching his lips around his father’s meaty glans.

“Lucas,” Ryan protested lightly. He wanted it, but the water was going. Then he realized that Lucas was just watching himself suck on his dad’s cock in the mirror.

With one hand around the thick base, Lucas worked his way down his dad’s thick prick, taking as much as he could while looking at his reflection out of the corner of his eye. With his left hand he pushed down on his own little erection and began to gently jack it. Ryan closed his eyes with the pleasure of being in his son’s mouth.

Then Lucas was drawing back. He looked down, grinned and planted a wide lipped kiss on Ryan’s pisshole then gave him a quick flick of his tongue before standing. “I look really sexy sucking your cock,” Lucas said proudly.

“You’ll look even sexier all wet in the shower,” Ryan said.

“We can wash each other!” Lucas said eagerly, now hurrying past his dad to get into the large shower. The shower was done in alternating gray and beige tiles made to look like stone with some marbling. There was eight feet of glass along the front, and a single wall to the right which separated the toilet. That wall was done in stacked slate, or at least that was the effect. There were two large, foot square rain shower heads, and a panel in the middle of the back wall which would spray horizontally. There was a tile bench against the left wall.

Ryan had turned on both shower heads, but both he and Lucas stepped under the one on the right. Ryan tilted his head back and closed his eyes as the water beat down on his face, wetting his hair. Lucas was doing the same, continually bumping into Ryan’s erection.

After about half a minute, Lucas turned to face his dad. He stepped close, reaching out to grip Ryan’s cock as he pressed his body close and looked up at him. “So do I look sexier?”

“So sexy,” Ryan smiled, leaning down and pressing his lips to his son’s. Lucas rose to his tiptoes and opened his mouth. Their tongues swirled as the kiss grew heated.

Ryan stepped back, his cock harder than ever and breathing a bit heavy. Kissing his son was so carnal. “I could just go on kissing you forever,” Ryan said.

Lucas smiled and stepped close again. “Then why don’t you?” he asked, licking the middle of Ryan’s chest.

“Because I would starve to death,” Ryan said. “A man can’t live on kisses alone.”

Lucas reached out and gripped his dad’s cock again. “How about on blowjobs alone?”

“I’d die even faster. Sucking out all the protein. Plus, we’re supposed to be showering.”

“I wanna wash your cock,” Lucas said.

“You can, but I have to shave first,” Ryan told him.

“You shave in the shower?”

“Yup. Less cleanup,” he answered.

He grabbed his razor and a can of shaving cream off a shelf, sprayed a dollop in his hand, and smeared it on his face. There was a small mirror mounted on the side wall, and he quickly shaved.

“I wish I could shave,” Lucas said, watching him.

“You won’t be saying that in ten years,” Ryan promised him.


“Because it’s a pain in the ass,” he said, turning. He ran a hand over his son’s smooth cheek. “Besides, I like you like this.”

Ryan then grabbed the can again and collected and even smaller amount of shaving cream which he spread in a line from the top of his bush to his navel, and another between his pecs.

“You shave there?” Lucas asked, surprised.

Ryan shrugged as he took care of the stubble on his treasure trail and the tiny amount on his chest.

“Why though?”

“I just think it looks better,” Ryan told him.

“I would never shave my pubes,” Lucas told him. Then he ran a finger through his father’s neat bush. “Did you ever shave yours?”

“No,” Ryan said. Then, curious, “Why? Would you like me to?”

“You’d do it?” Lucas was surprised.

“I guess I would if you wanted me to.”

Lucas smiled. “Well, I like your hairs, because they look cool, but I do get your hairs in my mouth sometimes, which is a bit icky.”

“So let’s shave ’em,” Ryan said, reaching for the can again.

“You’re really gonna do it?” Lucas asked, shocked.

“Yup,” Ryan said, surprised by his own enthusiasm. It was never a thing he’d ever even considered, but somehow the idea was alluring.

“Are you gonna shave your balls, too?” the boy asked, reaching out to cup the heavy orbs.

“I guess I’ll have to,” Ryan said. He grabbed the razor, then thought better of it. “Hold on a sec,” he said, then stepped out of the shower. He took the towel he’d laid out and walked to the vanity trailing water. Then he quickly dried his crotch and plugged in the beard trimmer he’d used back when he had a goatee.

Ryan switched on the trimmer, feeling it vibrate and listening to the hum, wondering if he was actually going to do this. Hoping it wasn’t a huge mistake, he removed the guard from the trimmer and carefully ran it through his bush, collecting clumps of hair that he dropped into the sink. A few passes sheared him, and then he carefully removed what he could from his balls. Luckily, there wasn’t a whole lot there. Ryan just wasn’t a very hairy guy. He didn’t even have hair around his asshole.

When he turned and walked back to the shower, Lucas started giggling. “You look like your dick has a crew cut!”

Ryan thought he looked a bit more like a plucked chicken. “No teasing,” Ryan said. “I’m doing this for you after all.”

They talked a bit about shaving as Ryan carefully, very carefully, ran his razor over the thin skin holding his nuts. It went pretty quickly after that. He’d been sitting on the bench for most of it, and now he stood and went under the water to rinse.

“What do you think?” he asked, turning.

Lucas grinned, and there was a sparkle in his eye. “You look like a little kid with a giant cock.”

Ryan laughed. “Just the look I was going for. Do you want to touch it?”

“Yeah!” Lucas said. He gently ran his hands over his dad’s bald groin, and explored the base of his cock and his balls. “It feels weird,” he admitted. “Weird but nice.”

“I’ll take that,” Ryan said.

“Wait a second,” Lucas said. “Sit on the bench.”

When Ryan did, Lucas knelt in front of him. He took his cock in his small hand and leaned down, sliding his tongue slickly over the naked base. Then he lifted his dad’s scrotum and bathed his balls in spit before licking a hot line up along the length of the shaft until he reach that fat mushroom head which he eagerly swallowed.

Ryan let out a moan as Lucas worked his mouth down around his cock. The boy went lower and lower, until he almost gagged and backed off. Then he began a slow up and down, breathing noisily through his nose and humming in satisfaction.

After six or seven slow head bobs, Ryan said, “I thought you were just going to check the hairless parts.”

Lucas pulled back and circled the wide flared ridge of his dad’s cockhead before pressing his lips against the tip and giving it a deep, wide-lipped kiss. Without looking up, he said, “This part is hairless, too.” Then he gobbled up his father’s prick again.

Ryan leaned his head back against the tiled wall, watching his son suck him. The boy was so intense, his eyes slits and full of lust. Each time he’d reach the top, he’d let the head escape with a wet plop and an eager little sound of hunger as he’d gulp him down again. Just as he began to moan in pleasure, Lucas changed it up by taking a play out of Ryan’s book. Concentrating just on the bloated head and the frenulum, Lucas began to rapidly bob his head, wet, eager sucking sounds competing with the rain of water.

Just as Ryan was beginning to wonder how many orgasms he might have in him today, Lucas stopped. Ryan’s eyes had closed and he opened them to find his son looking at him.

“Hey, Dad?”

“Yeah?” he asked, breathing a bit ragged.

“You know when you licked my butthole? Was that gross?”


“It didn’t taste like poop?”

“Well, I don’t know what poop tastes like, but no. It just tasted like Lucas. A bit sweaty, like when I licked your armpits, or those adorable little nuts.”

“Oh,” Lucas said, looking through his dad’s dick and chewing his lip.

“Could I see yours? Your butthole?”

“I… guess so. If you really want to see it,” Ryan said hesitantly.

“Yeah, show me,” Lucas grinned.

Shrugging, Ryan leaned down from the bench and went to all fours on the floor. “Enjoy the show,” Ryan said.

Lucas squatted down behind his dad, looking for a few seconds, and then he reached out and spread the muscular cheeks wider. More time passed. “It looks weird,” Lucas finally pronounced.

“You’ve never seen an asshole?”

“Well, sorta. I mean, you see them in porns, but I never really looked close. I just wanted to see cocks. And I looked at mine once with a mirror but that was when I was a little kid and I couldn’t really see it all that good.” Another pause. “It looks sorta like a pink bullet hole. Like when that guy shot your car window with a BB gun?”

Ryan snorted. “I think you mean when you shot my car window with a BB gun.”

“I told you. It was a guy. Some guy with a beard and he was running around with a BB gun.”

“Uh huh. You were eight, and you were hanging out with that Devon kid who just happened to be shooting cans with a BB gun an hour earlier.”

“The beardy guy musta stoled it,” Lucas said. And then he giggled. “Anyway, that’s sorta what it looks like.” Then he reached out and poked at it.

Ryan flinched and looked back over his shoulder. “Hey, don’t just go pokin’ around back there.”

“You put your finger in mine,” Lucas said reasonably.

“Okay, first, you asked me to put my finger in there as I recall. And second, you seem to like having things poked in there. I don’t.”

“What did you poke in there?”

“I… well, nothing. That’s just the way I like it.”

“But how do you know if you never did it?”

“Stop being reasonable,” Ryan complained.

“Did anyone ever lick it?”

“No. Why? Are you volunteering?”

“Maybe,” Lucas said. “Can you wash it first?”

“Why? Is it dirty?”

“No. Gross. I just mean… you know. To make extra, extra sure.”

Looking amused, Ryan rose to his feet and stepped under the water. He squirted some body wash into his palm from the dispenser on a shelf and proceeded to wash his asshole. He even slipped a finger up in there, though he felt a bit weird about it. Then he rinsed, inside and out, and asked, “Good?”

Lucas looked uncertain, easy to tell because of the lip chewing, but he said, “I guess so.”

So Ryan took his place once again on the tile floor. He just looked at the floor and waited, honestly unsure of what was coming. Was Lucas going to lick him? Finger him? Hell, was he going to fuck him? He contemplated what that might be like, and surprised himself that he wasn’t wholly against the idea. He wondered what four inches of slender boycock would feel like in one’s asshole.

Ryan flinched only slightly when he felt his son’s hands on his ass. They rubbed the firmly muscled globes, then he felt a bit of weight on them, and finally, hot breath on his flesh.

“Don’t fart!” Lucas said, and Ryan laughed.

Then Ryan felt the most tentative of touches against his pucker. That was followed up a few long moments later by another, slightly more assertive touch. It was Lucas’ tongue, and Ryan couldn’t help a small shiver. Then his son full on licked him. Then again.

“It’s weird,” came the verdict, “but I like it. It doesn’t taste like anything bad. It feels good though, don’t it?”

“It does,” Ryan decided.

The tongue returned, flattened now and taking long, slow sweeps. Then Lucas lifted his bald balls and licked them a few times before licking from just behind them to a couple of inches past his asshole. Then Lucas was concentrating his attention there. Again and again. Ryan’s cock was throbbing, and he felt pleasure radiating outward from his sensitive pucker. He’d never felt anything like it.

Then the tongue stiffened and began to poke. Ryan had heard or read that gay guys who wanted to get fucked, or women he supposed, those who enjoyed anal, relaxed their sphincter, and even pushed out a bit like they were attempting to move their bowels. Ryan was scared to do that to Lucas, not fully confident in the result, but he did try to relax back there, and after a few seconds Lucas’ tongue slid into him.

Ryan moaned. He couldn’t help it. Lucas’ tongue was hot and wet and slippery and it was twirling around all these surprisingly sensitive little folds of flesh back there. “Feels really good, Lucas,” he said.

“Tell me to do it, Dad,” Lucas said, reaching up between his legs to grab his cock. “Tell me.”

It took a moment for Ryan to get it. He still didn’t feel comfortable with this thing of his son’s, but he wanted to make him happy so… “Eat my ass, boy,” he said, cringing a bit.

Lucas slipped his tongue in again, thrust it three or four times. “More, Daddy,” Lucas panted, his hand moving a bit frantically on Ryan’s cock.

“Eat it,” Ryan said a bit more forcefully. “Tongue that asshole.” Lucas groaned and attacked his father’s asshole with more vigor. There was a phrase sitting in Ryan’s head, sort of spinning there darkly, making him feel very ill at ease, but he knew that Lucas would get something out of it. It felt so wrong, but… “Yeah… eat my ass, you little faggot.”

“Uhnn, Daddy. Fuck, Daddy,” Lucas cried, stricken, not with disgust, but with a sexual fervor. He quickly left Ryan’s backside, coming around to his front. In a wildly athletic move, he grabbed his father’s neck and shot his body between his arms so that he was laid out underneath his dad.

“Say it again, Daddy,” Lucas begged, pulling himself up to kiss his father hard on the mouth.

Ryan kissed him right back, shoving his tongue into his boy’s mouth. He lowered his body, only slightly supporting himself, enough for Lucas to feel the weight of him crushing him. He kissed him almost cruelly, then he leaned down and growled in his ear, “You’re my little faggot aren’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy,” Lucas gasped.

“My sexy little cocksucking faggot boy.”

“I am!” Lucas panted. “Your little faggot boy. Do it, Daddy. Fuck me now. Fuck my ass with your big cock, Daddy.”

“I told you I’d give it to later, faggot,” Ryan growled, but he just hated the sound of it and decided he wouldn’t use it anymore. There had to be something else that would turn his son on. “I’d tear your little asshole apart, boy.”

“I want it,” Lucas moaned.

“You want it?” Ryan asked. The pleas to fuck his son were seriously getting to him. He wasn’t going to do it. He’d have to build up to it somehow. He wanted to do some reading on the internet. Still, the begging, so fucking sexy from his sex-starved little gay boy, those were affecting him.


Ryan rose to his knees, cock swaying. “You want it?” he growled, bodily lifting his son and flipping him over. He pushed Lucas’ face against the tile while lifting his ass into the air. Lucas was panting and trembling.

Spying the tiny pink pucker between his son’s gorgeous asscheeks, he spit on his palm and rubbed it over his fat knob, smearing it together there with the dripping precum. Then, holding Lucas at his abdomen with one hand, he lined up his cock with the other. He felt the immediate resistance, and he pushed. Nothing. He pushed harder, and Lucas grunted. Straining a bit, he watched his son’s tiny asshole begin to spread to fit his fat cockhead. Wider and wider, until he was in maybe three-quarters of an inch. Lucas’ legs were trembling, and he was letting out a pained moan. Just a tiny bit more, feeling the growing resistance, and Lucas gave a pained cry and his asshole clamped down, forcing him out.

Ryan laid down on the floor and he pulled his son to him, cuddling him against his body, caressing his face. “That’s why, honey,” he said gently. “I want it, too, Lucas. I do. I dream about fucking that sweet little ass of yours, but not yet. We’ll work toward it, okay?”

“Okay, Dad,” he said softly. Then, “I love you, Dad.”

“I love you, too, baby. Now be a good boy and suck Daddy’s cock, because if I don’t cum soon I’m gonna be hurting.”

Lucas grinned up at him and said, “Okay, Daddy.”

“Oh, and, you know, if you want to try a finger back there, I guess I’d be okay with that.”

Lucas giggled and said, “My daddy is just so naughty.

End of part seven

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

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The Son Also Rises – Part six

The Son Also Rises – Part six
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Ryan showered, shaved, dressed in sweatpants and a shirt, made his bed, checked online, ignored the memory card and basically tried to do anything he could to keep from leaving his room. Eventually he realized he was being silly. He’d just have to deal with the situation. Besides, he was hungry.

Lucas wasn’t in the living room. He wasn’t in the kitchen either. Ryan got coffee from the machine, but it had gone cold, so he put it in the microwave while he grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. Lucas still hadn’t appeared. Ryan wanted to check in with him. Things had gone way too far. He knew that. He didn’t know if it was even possible to go back to how it had been before, but he was determined to try.

He soon learned that was going to be more difficult than he’d imagined. He found Lucas in his room. He was on his bed with his laptop. He was lying on his stomach with his head at the foot of the bed, meaning his naked ass greeted Ryan when he came to the doorway.

Lucas was at least wearing a t-shirt, but it was bunched up around his waist. Ryan could even see a hint of his son’s delicious little balls. Ryan thought going back to normal might be a lot easier he didn’t think of his son’s balls as being delicious.

Ryan cleared his throat. Lucas turned and smiled. “Hi, Dad. I got dressed.”

“I was sort of hoping you’d be covered up a bit more,” Ryan said dryly.

“It’s long though,” Lucas said, turning to his back. His little penis was soft. It looked delicious. Dammit. Lucas pushed the hem down, and Ryan saw that his son had apparently taken a shirt out of his closet. It was a birthday present Lucas had gotten him a couple of years ago. It said ‘World’s Best Dad’.

Ryan sighed. “Well, there’s the world’s biggest mixed message,” he said.

“I just wanted you to know I love you,” Lucas said. “We don’t have to do stuff if you don’t want. It’s okay,” he said. Of course, lying there on his back, propped up on his elbows with his little penis dangling between his legs, it made Ryan suspicious of his son’s sincerity.

“Just put some shorts on, Lucas,” Ryan said. “Please. For me.”

“I thought you liked looking at me,” he said pulling back his feet and spreading his legs. Lucas grinned, his eyes fixing lower, and Ryan looked down, finally becoming aware that he’d grown hard again. “You do,” Lucas smiled brightly as Ryan reached into his sweatpants and arranged his dick so that it was up under the waistband of his briefs.

“That doesn’t change anything,” Ryan said, his eyes dragged inexorably between Lucas’ legs as the boy’s pubescent cock began to lift and lengthen, finally flipping up and over to point at the his chin. Four inches of perfection. Ryan wondered how it would feel and taste in his mouth. “Shorts,” he said, then turned and left.

Ryan went to the living room after grabbing his laptop. Youtube videos. The Voice Kids. Russian boy gymnasts. Boys dancing ballet in tights. Boys swimming and diving. It seemed Youtube knew him better than he knew himself.

Instagram. Pictures of his beautiful son, and comments from people who were either blatant or subtle about their sexual attraction to him.

Television. Medical drama. Shirtless twelve-year-old boy on a gurney. Shirtless kids on a beach selling sun screen. Big sale at Target; all boys clothes half off. Ryan decided to go work out. He put his shirt on the washing machine and started with stretches. When he was limber he hit the weights. Pushing himself hard, hoping the endorphins would cancel out the lust. Hot in the garage. Just a floor fan. Took off the soaked sweatpants. Went back to the weights. Working too hard to think.

Exhausted, he lay panting on the weight bench, arms crossed over his face. Led Zeppelin on Spotify. Stairway to Heaven. Your head is humming and it won’t go, in case you don’t know. The piper’s calling you to join him.

“You’re all sweaty,” Lucas said softly.

Ryan opened his eyes and moved his arms to his chest. Lucas stood between his knees at the end of the bench. His hands were clasped behind his back and he was chewing his lip as his eyes roamed over the sculpted planes of his dad’s toned body, coming back again and again to his sweat-soaked white boxer-briefs, damp and transparent, showing the length of his cock as it stretched down the right leg. Ryan saw all this, then dropped his head back to the bench, too tired to fight. At least Lucas was wearing shorts, if you could count tiny yellow briefs that were cut so low that his obvious erection had slid to the side to gain enough room to grow.

When Ryan didn’t answer, Lucas said, “Dad?”

“Yeah, Lucas,” Ryan said tiredly.

“I know you said you don’t wanna do stuff with me. Because you love me and it’s wrong, right?”


“Only,” Lucas paused, “only because I’ve been reading some stuff? There’s a whole lot of stories about boys who stuff with their dads.”

“Those are just stories, Lucas.”

“But… then why are there so many of them? I mean… doesn’t it mean that even if dads aren’t doing stuff with their sons that they want to do stuff?”

“I don’t know, Lucas. The world is fucked up I guess.”

After a pause, Lucas said, “You said the F word.”

“Sorry,” Ryan said.

There was movement, Lucas walking away, and Ryan hoped he was leaving him alone. He needed time to process. Lucas didn’t leave though.

“You’re all sweaty,” Lucas said. “Here,” he said, and Ryan looked down when he felt a towel on his right calf.

Lucas wiped down his calf, his fingers sliding over the muscles through the towel.

“You don’t…” Ryan began. “Just… don’t bother, Lucas. I’ll just take another shower.”

“You could drip all the way there,” Lucas said, coming to his side and sliding the towel over his shoulder.

Ryan once again knew he should say something. Put a stop to this. If they were going to get back to normal then he had to stop letting Lucas this close. As Lucas ran the towel over his chest, his arms and neck and armpits, Ryan said nothing. He thought about the money he was losing from the lockdown. About the savings he was burning up. Lucas dried his stomach. He could feel the towel brushing lower, but Lucas’ hand wasn’t behind it. Rent was due soon. Another withdrawal. Lucas dried his right thigh. Those unemployment checks had better start rolling. Left thigh.


Did he pay the car insurance? “Yeah, Lucas?”

“Your… your underwear. It’s all wet.”

“That’s okay,” Ryan murmured. Yeah, he’d paid the car insurance. He remembered now.

“I put your other clothes in the washing machine for later,” Lucas said softly.

“That’s good, Lucas,” Ryan murmured. It was the car payment. That’s what he’d been thinking about. It was due in a couple of days.

“I can put these in the wash, too,” Lucas said. “Is that okay?”

There was something. “Okay, Lucas.” Distracted. Right, the car payment. He shouldn’t have gotten the V8. Who needed that much power on city streets?

Lucas hooked his fingers into the sides of his dad’s soaked boxers, and began to peel them down. Ryan felt the cool air on his sweaty body. Felt his cock, free of the shorts, slide further down between his legs.

“I’ll just dry the rest,” Lucas said, his voice hushed.

Ryan felt the towel as it was rubbed over his bare left hip. Lucas was kneeling at the base of the bench. Right hip. He could hear Lucas breathing. A toweled hand gently lifted his balls, patted them dry. Ryan’s cock began to grow. He forgot about the car payment. How could he think about the car payment? The towel rubbed at his pubic hair, left side, then right. Then the small hand was sliding underneath, lifting him as he rubbed the towel around. His cock was fully erect. Achingly hard.

Ryan felt warm breath on his balls. Heard Lucas inhaling. There was a hand on either hip, and Lucas was bent over, his nose close, and closer, until it was in amid his pubic hair. Sniffing. His downy cheek against the side of his dad’s cock.

“You smell so good,” Lucas said softly. He rubbed his cheek against his dad’s cock, nose buried. Up and down, stroking it with his cheek. Sliding higher now. Just his cheek touching, hands still on his hips. Lucas’ cheek slid up to the swollen head of his father’s cock. Rubbing. His breath thready and rapid. His head slowly began to turn.

Ryan was looking now. Watching as Lucas caressed his cock with his cheek. He was going to stop this. He was. In just a minute. He watched as the rubbing cheek turned… turned, until just the corner of Lucas’ mouth was sliding against his cock. Just the corner. His son’s breathing fast, his hands clutching his hips now.

Turning. Perhaps a third, the left third, of those pink, kissable kips, rubbing against his swollen cock. Up, down. Up, down. His boy’s lips were parted, an almost drugged look on his sweet face. His eyes were closed. Panting. Then the center of Lucas’ lips were on his shaft. The center, where his upper lip curved upward in a way that took his face from being beautiful and angelic to something sensual.

Lucas’ left hand left Ryan’s hip and slid slowly inward. It turned and slid underneath his shaft, then gently curled around it. Lucas’ head continued to move up and down, his lips were spreading wider, and then his tongue snuck out and began to slide up and down with his movements. Up and down, licking, tasting.

Lucas moved down, still licking, leaving a trail of wet heat to the base of Ryan’s cock. Then Lucas was sliding his tongue through his pubic bush, soft moans escaping him. Down further. The right hand now came into play, sneaking between his father’s legs and lifting his large nuts. Lucas began to gently bathe them with his tongue. His left hand gripped his cock firmly. Ryan’s balls began to contract. Lucas lifted them, then tried to get his face lower and deeper. Ryan felt his hot little tongue lapping at his taint, but he could reach no further.

Another wet, hungry trip up along Ryan’s cock, licking and now kissing as well, his wet lips parting wide, pressing his mouth to the thick shaft, higher and higher, the base held firmly in Lucas’ left hand. A pause near the top. Then, as before, his little tongue slid up across his frenulum, continuing upward until it slid over his pisshole. Lucas was up on his knees now, bending over as he once again pressed his lips to the top of his father’s swollen glans in a wet kiss. His lips spread. His tongue lapped. He sucked, just a tiny bit.

Then it happened. Ryan watched as his preteen son’s mouth spread wide, wider, and he began to slide his lips downward. Ryan felt the head of his cock sliding against his son’s tongue. Then the roof of his mouth. Lucas’ lips slipped over the edge of his glans. He was breathing rapidly through his nose, his nostrils flaring with each breath. His tongue swirled, and then he was pressing down, wanting more of his father’s cock in his mouth.

Another inch. Two. Three. Ryan’s long, thick cock disappearing into his son’s mouth. Lucas got maybe another half inch, over four in total, before he gagged and slid back. Knowing his limit, he began to do what he’d apparently been reading about for some time. His lips slid upward until they hit the ridge of his cockhead. His tongue made another appearance, twirling and swirling. Then gentle suction and he moved back down. Up. Down. Establishing a rhythm.

Suddenly their eyes met, and Lucas stilled. He backed off. The last of Ryan’s cock left his mouth. Lucas looked down at it. Kissed it again, his eyes locked with his father’s. His tongue swirled and lapped and then he pulled back again.

“I’m sucking your cock, Daddy,” Lucas said.

Ryan could only nod. “I can see,” he said in a husky voice.

“I always wanted to suck a cock,” the boy said. He slid his tongue over Ryan’s bloated glans again. Another look. “Am I doing it good?”

“You’re perfect,” Ryan breathed.

Lucas bit his lip, grinning. He took the head back into his mouth, sucking hungrily. Then he backed off with a wet pop. “I love your cock, Dad.” The boy swallowed and pressed on. “I love sucking it.” Another lick. A kiss. “Thanks for letting me, Dad. Suck your cock I mean. I really wanted to bad.” He grinned. “I’m a cocksucker now.”

“You are,” Ryan choked.

“I’m your cocksucker, Daddy,” he said with his seductive voice. “Your little gay boy cocksucker.”

“My beautiful little gay boy,” Ryan agreed.

“Your cocksucker,” Lucas insisted. Ryan wondered what kind of shit he’d been reading, but Lucas was obviously turned on and needed this somehow.

“You’re my sexy little cocksucker,” Ryan said. Then he reached out and ran his fingers through his boy’s short blond hair. Reaching. He found the back of his head and pulled. “Suck my cock.”

Lucas sighed with pleasure and sank his mouth back around his father’s cock, sucking wetly, hungrily, his hand stroking now, head bobbing, taking as much as he could and speeding faster. Ryan began to moan and move his hips.

Lucas backed off again. “I want you to cum in my mouth,” Lucas said desperately. “Shoot it into me. Into my cocksucking mouth,” he panted before swallowing his dad’s cock again. Ryan couldn’t believe these things were coming out of his twelve-year-old son’s mouth. Of course, he could hardly believe what was going into it either.

Low hungry moans from Lucas as he bobbed his head up and down on his father’s cock, taking close to four inches each time. He didn’t stop to swirl his tongue around the head, just sped as fast as he comfortably could. Perhaps a bit more, as there was the occasional, quick gagging sound. Mostly it was just the wet, voracious sounds of sucking while Lucas’ right hand jacked hard and fast at the base.

Ryan was lost. Doomed in fact. All his good intentions, albeit after the fact, were out the window. Apparently you couldn’t put the genie back in the bottle. He was watching his son’s blond head bobbing, his lips stretched wide around his thick, seven-inch prick. The boy was a novice of course, but he’d apparently picked up tips online, as he had at least some idea of what he was doing. The rest he was learning quickly.

His boy was giving him a blowjob. Ryan knew it was wrong. There wasn’t even a question about that. The problem was that he was weak. It was too much to fight against. His willowy, young, gay, ballet dancing son, who he’d watched grow from an infant into this cock-starved little boy, was hungrily swallowing his dad’s dick. And loving it. Ryan had never been so turned on in his entire life. Not with his wife or other girlfriends. Not with Scott, his dirty secret. This was what he wanted. His child. His smooth body, his alluring little penis, and his hot, eager, cocksucking mouth.

“Gonna cum,” Ryan gasped. Lucas whined and worked even harder. “Get ready,” Ryan said, his voice strained. “Fuck, fuck, fuck… eat it. Eat my cum!”

With a grunt and a shudder, Ryan exploded. The first blast of hot cum obviously surprised Lucas, who gagged and backed off his dad’s cock, taking the second right across the face, from cheek to forehead. He got his lips back around his father’s swollen cockhead for the third, and fourth, and fifth, and then he made a gurgling sound and backed off again, cum spilling from his slightly opened mouth and down the sides of the thick dick. He swallowed loudly, and then a sixth blast squirted directly into Lucas’ mouth as he was inhaling Ryan’s cock again, taking a few bubbling final surges that oozed out.

Lucas continued to suck and lick, getting every last drop of his father’s thick seed. Then he began to greedily lick up all that had escaped and flowed down his shaft and over Lucas’ hand. Finally, when every last trace of his dad’s hot cream was gone, Lucas looked up to find his father staring at him.

The little blond gay boy smiled proudly. “I did it,” he said, bending down to swipe his tongue again over his dad’s piss slit. Just in case. “I finally sucked a cock. Your cock, Daddy.” He bit his lip, but not in indecision, but rather in a coquettish way, a sly smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Staring in his father’s eyes, he swiped his tongue up over his fat knob again, slow and deliberate. He sucked it into his mouth, then released it with a wet smack of his lips. He grinned again. “I never knew cocks could be so delicious, Daddy. Mmmm, and your hot cum.” He swiped his tongue again. “I want more of your cum, Daddy.” Ryan’s cock was already wilting though.

Ryan sat up, his legs straddling the bench, and Lucas rose eagerly to his feet. Apparently, Lucas has shucked his shorts at some point, and Ryan found himself staring hungrily at his son’s stiff little penis. So pretty. “Sit, Lucas,” he said.

Lucas eagerly climbed into his dad’s lap, wrapping his coltish legs around his waist. Ryan had to pull him closer to support him, and he slid his arms around his back to hold him. Lucas put his hands on his dad’s shoulders and stared at him with anticipation.

“I love you, Daddy,” Lucas said.

Ryan winced a bit at the word. He had to admit it excited him in a way, but he didn’t think it was a healthy thing, not for him and not for Lucas. “Lucas,” he began, then paused. He ordered his thoughts, took a breath, and continued. “So… I guess things aren’t going back to normal.”

Lucas grinned.

“But… ground rules.”

“What kind of rules?”

“Well, first, the daddy thing.”

“What about it, Daddy?” Lucas said flirtily.

“Just that,” Ryan said. “It… doesn’t sound right.”

“You don’t like it?”

“Well, okay, yes, part of me does, I guess. But I feel bad about liking it, if you understand me, so I’d rather you not use it, okay?”

Lucas bit his lip, and this time uncertainly. “It makes me feel sexy,” he said softly. “Like when you called me your cocksucker. It makes me so horny.”

“I get that, Lucas. I do. I just think… I love you, Lucas. In spite of all of… this. You have to know it’s wrong. I know it’s wrong. I just can’t help myself.”

“I can’t help myself either,” Lucas said. “I tried not to think about it. About your big cock, and your muscles. Every time I’d try not to though, all I could think about was it. Touching it… sucking it. I am a cocksucker, so why can’t you call me one. Your cocksucker.”

“Because… well, I don’t know how it’s been for you, but when I was growing up, that’s something you said to insult people. It’s a mean thing to say to someone. I never want to be mean to you or make you feel bad.”

Lucas shrugged. “I don’t see why it’s a insult. I loved sucking your cock. I want to suck it every day. I want to suck it all day long. So that makes me a cocksucker. Plus, it’s kinda like talking dirty, and it makes me horny when we talk dirty. Like when I drank all your hot cum,” he said breathily, leaning forward and swiping his tongue over Ryan’s lips. Again. “Mmmm, kiss me, Daddy,” he breathed.

Ryan couldn’t help it. He kissed him. Lucas immediately began to moan, wrapping his arms around Ryan’s neck, his tongue eagerly fighting his dad’s, swirling and darting. Lucas began to thrust his slender hips, driving his little nail against his father’s rock-hard abs. Speaking of rock-hard, Ryan’s cock began to grow again, lifting up off the bench, rising higher until it bumped into Lucas.

Sweet, panting moans, Lucas kissing his father passionately. Then he reached back and down, finding his father’s cock. He jacked it a couple of times as Ryan kissed his son just as hungrily, tearing down his walls and giving in to his lust.

Ryan didn’t notice that Lucas had lifted himself a bit until he felt the head of his cock smashed against flesh. The pressure built, and then Ryan realized what was happening. Lucas was trying to get his dad’s cock into his tiny asshole.

Ryan took Lucas by the hips, lifted him up and back enough for his cock to spring upward between them before returning him to where he’d been. “Not that,” Ryan said.

“I want it, Daddy,” he moaned longingly. “I want you to fuck me.” He hugged himself close, putting his mouth right at his father’s ear and whispered, “Fuck me with your big cock, Daddy.”

“No, Lucas,” Ryan said, extricating himself from his son’s embrace. “I’d hurt you.”

“I don’t care,” the boy said, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement and need.

“I care,” Ryan said. “Maybe someday, but not now. And enough with the daddy and cocksucker talk already. It makes me feel weird.”

“Sorry, Dadd-” and he stumbled on the Y and finished, “Dad.”


“Dad…” his voice dropped, “will you at least make me cum? I need to cum so bad.”

Ryan smiled. “I can do that,” he said softly, then he stood, his hands going to his son’s plump ass. Lucas’ eyes lit with excitement and he hugged himself to his dad as he was carried through the house and laid down on his dad’s bed.

Ryan laid down next to his son, on his right side. He put his hand on his boy’s chest, touching the silky flesh, then he leaned down and pressed his lips gently to Lucas’. His son opened his mouth eagerly, his left arm reaching up to hug Ryan’s neck, pulling him closer. Ryan slid his tongue into the boy’s hot mouth, his hand wandering down, over the twelve-year-old’s flat stomach, and lower.

Lucas gasped and trembled as Ryan found his boy’s cock. He slid a finger down his four-inch length, then gathered his little nuts in his hand. Ryan broke their fevered kiss and began to lick and suck his way down Lucas’ elegant neck. To his delicate collarbone, then lower, moving so that he was on all fours above the boy. Lucas whined and arched his back as Ryan’s tongue slid down over his little tit, his tongue flicking the pebbly little nipple, then lightly biting it. Then he did the other one before lifting up and looking down at his son. Lucas looked up at him with lust-heavy eyes, his mouth open, breathing in stuttering gasps.

Ryan grinned and gripped his boy’s left arm. He pushed it up over his head, exposing his smooth, creamy armpit. Then he descended, sliding a tongue over the salty flesh, loving the taste of his son.

“Ohhh, Dad,” Lucas sighed.

Ryan lifted himself again, grinned down at his boy who was looking up at him with half-slitted eyes. Ryan kissed him again, and Lucas whined into his mouth as he returned it, sucking at his tongue greedily, hugging his neck tightly.

Ryan had to put a little effort into freeing himself from his son’s ardent embrace, but he did, working himself backward on hands and knees, once again licking and kissing his way downward over his son’s perfect body. Lucas’ belly trembled as he slid his tongue down the center of it, dipping into his shallow little navel.

Then Ryan slid down lower and finally settled his body on the bed. He gripped his son’s slender hips from underneath his cocked legs, spread wide and trembling. Ryan stared at his son’s cock. It twitched there, rising up gloriously from the smooth, hairless base. Four pale, delicate inches of slim boycock. The tender little crown, normally a soft pink, was darker, swollen with excitement. As Ryan stared, the tiny pisshole flared as the little cock gave a jerk, but it released nothing. This close, Ryan could see the delicate blue veins under the surface, the wrinkled little sac now small and tight between silky thighs.

Ryan lowered his face, much as his son had, to the boy’s bald crotch. The lack of hair should have dulled the childish perfume that rose from it, but it didn’t. Ryan inhaled deeply, his son’s crotch a melange of sweat and wild, boyish musk. Ryan slid out his tongue and rasped it wetly over that flesh, his boy’s little boner twitching against his cheek. He felt a shudder go through him as the essence of his son burned on his tongue.

Ryan became aware that Lucas was saying something, over and over, muttering. “Daddy… Daddy… Daddy…” full of need and desire. Ryan lifted his son’s balls with his tongue, feeling them shift and contract while Lucas gasped and trembled. His hips bucked, but Ryan’s firm grip kept them from going anywhere. He could feel the strength of the trembling though.

Lips parted, he gently sucked Lucas’ left nut into his mouth, tonguing the little orb before letting it drop wetly and taking in the other. Such delicate little things, barely able to churn up his baby cum. Spreading his mouth wider, he sucked in the whole scrotum and Lucas gave a series of high pitched whining moans, almost sobs.

The vulgar taste of his son’s sex in his mouth, Ryan needed more. He let Lucas’ little nuts slide from his mouth and pulled back, looking down at him. His cock was actually quivering, giving little jerks, ticking. Tick, tick, tick.

Ryan slid his left hand down to Lucas’ right knee, pushing it flat against the mattress, his crotch gaping. Then he slid his right hand behind the boy’s left knee, and raised it, higher, and higher, until he was stretched out and turned with his crotch facing to Ryan’s left. Between his son’s wide-stretched legs, his tiny pink pucker stared at him.

Ryan turned onto his right side, and pulled his son’s left thigh down against his neck, grabbing a handful of his left asscheek. Beginning just under the spot where his child’s little scrotum grew, he slid his tongue. Then he slowly, firmly licked a hot, wet line to his little gay boy’s virgin asshole.

“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” Lucas panted, a mantra as he shivered.

Ryan pursed his lips, trying to surround the little rosebud, and he sucked. Then his tongue snaked out, flicking, tasting. More boyish musk, but nothing unpleasant. Ryan knew boys had a reputation for less than stellar hygiene, but that wasn’t his Lucas. The boy was fastidious and always smelled clean.

“Unnnnngggh, Daddy,” Lucas gasped as Ryan tried to spear his tongue into his son’s sphincter. It resisted his efforts at first. He lapped at it with his tongue, firm swipes, over and over. He felt it wink against him, and he once again stiffened his tongue and sent it diving. It slid into the musky heat and Lucas cried out and shook as Ryan felt a lick of wet heat against his chest. He slid his left hand up and over the spot, feeling smearing wetness that he brought to his mouth, finally tasting his boy’s watery, boyish cum. It was sweet and slightly bitter at once, and it was the most amazing thing Ryan had ever tasted. He had to have more.

Ryan shifted his son’s hips so that he could get to his cock. He sucked the little glans between his lips, tongue searching for even a droplet of Lucas’ virgin boyjuice. There was just a bit of wetness between the tiny lips of his piss slit, and Ryan sucked them down eagerly while Lucas cried out in surprise and lust at having his dad’s mouth on his cock. The boy tried to bury his little bone, but Ryan still had a grip on his hips, and though Lucas struggled, he couldn’t gain any ground.

He was sucking his son’s cock. His own son’s little preteen cock was in his mouth. He sucked at the small head, slid his tongue wetly over the spongy, swollen flesh. Lucas whined and squirmed. Ryan relaxed his grip, and with a cry of release, Lucas slammed forward, shoving his little dick to the hilt in his dad’s mouth.

With the entirety of his son’s little tool in his mouth, Ryan wrapped his lips around the base and gently suckled at it. He could feel the little glans trembling and bouncing at the start of his throat, the four inches of twelve-year-old cock not enough to choke him. Then, hand once more steadying his son’s hip, he drew his lips backward, feeling the slim length of it sliding back out of his mouth. When just the little acorn remained, he circled it with his tongue, and then bobbed his head a few times, but only on the last inch or so, just enough to get his lip sliding over the frenulum, bobbing and sucking and flicking his tongue.

“Dad!” Lucas gasped. “Daddy! Uhhhh… uhhhhh, suck it, Daddy. Suck it, suck it, suck it.”

Ryan sucked it. He slid his lips to the base again, four slow, wet trips up and down the short length before once again bobbing his head fast on just that last inch, fifteen, twenty times before giving him four or five long strokes.

Lucas was still muttering, ‘Daddy’, again and again. He had both hands on the back of his father’s head, trying to pull him against his crotch while his hips struggled to work. With his right hand, Ryan reached down to his own cock, once again smearing his finger with his own precum. Then, on the first of a new set of slow slides along his little boy’s cock, he slid his finger into Lucas’ rectum.

The twelve-year-old gasped and shook like lightning was coursing through his body. Ryan worked his finger in as far as he could, and then he began to finger-fuck his boy’s asshole. He let go of Lucas’ hip. It took the boy a moment, but he finally realized he was free, and with an animal cry of lust, he began to rapidly, desperately fuck his father’s face.

Lucas’ hairless crotch slammed into Ryan’s mouth again and again, a rapid tattoo which made the bed shake. Ryan continued to slide his finger in and out of his boy’s incredibly tight little asshole. Lucas was emitting a keening wail of mindless lust, his body only able to seek pleasure. He thrust again and again, hard, fast, making Ryan wonder if he was going to have bruised lips after this.

“I… I…” Lucas gasped, harsh panting breaths. “Cu… cum… c-cumming… I… I…” and then he cried out unintelligibly as his little cock bucked in Ryan’s mouth and his tiny virgin asshole clamped down on his finger. Ryan was ready, and when his boy went for that final thrust, where he would bury his little cock to the hilt, he once again put his hand on his hip, arresting him. Then he sucked strongly at the abused little glans. It swelled and Ryan was rewarded with a hot lick of watery boycum across his tongue. He shuddered himself then, overcome with some primal thing as the ultimate expression of his son’s pubescence melted into his mouth, filling it with the distillation of Lucas’ sexuality.

Ryan continued to suck gently at his son’s penis until the boy couldn’t take it anymore and he pulled back. Lucas went to his back with a sigh, his spit-soaked little cock slowly shrinking. Ryan crawled up to lie next to him, his own cock of course steely and throbbing almost painfully.

Ryan smoothed his hand up along his son’s belly to his chest, leaned over and kissed his shoulder. “How was that, kiddo?” he asked gently.

Lucas didn’t answer for long moments, then he turned his head and looked at his father. In an almost emotionless voice, he said, “That was the most amazing thing ever.”

Ryan smiled. “I’m glad you liked it,” he said, leaning over to kiss his boy’s lips softly.

Lucas moaned and grabbed his neck, pulling him closer and trying to work his tongue into his mouth.

“Haven’t you had enough for now?” Ryan asked, giving him a quick peck and rolling to his back with a satisfied sigh.

“Uh-uh,” Lucas said, rolling to his knees. He quickly straddled his dad’s hips, wrapping both hands around his thick erection. He began to stroke it slowly.

“Well, I have,” Ryan told him. “Let’s get some lunch. Need to replace all this protein.”

“You’re so hard though,” Lucas said, bending over sharply and sliding his mouth around his dad’s fat knob. He moaned as he sucked.

“C’mon, Lucas,” Ryan squirmed. His boy’s mouth felt amazing. “I’m old. I need to rest a little.”

“You’re not old,” he said, releasing his dad’s cockhead with a loud slurp.

“Old enough,” Ryan said, sliding himself out from beneath Lucas and standing. He could admit to himself that his legs were a bit wobbly.

Lucas swirled around and slid his butt to the edge of the bed, sitting there. His cock was once again standing up stiffly. Ryan stretched, working kinks out of his muscles. “You’re so sexy like that,” Lucas said, admiring his dad’s body. “Your cock is so sexy.”

“You like saying that, don’t you?” Ryan smiled.

“Cock. Cocksucker. Fuck.” He stood up and went to his dad, so small beside him. He hugged Ryan with his left arm, laying his head against his chest as the fingers of his right teased his dad’s cock. “Cocksucking little faggot,” he moaned softly, then wrapped his lips around Ryan’s right nipple while taking a firm grip of his cock.

“Hey, none of that,” Ryan said, steel in his voice as he stepped back.

“Didn’t it feel good?” Lucas asked, confused.

“Not that,” Ryan said. “Never call yourself a faggot again. I mean it, Lucas.”

“I… okay, Dad. Sorry.”

Ryan leaned down and kissed his son. “Never degrade yourself. Never put yourself down. Trust me, there are plenty of people in the world willing to do it for you, and it’s much easier to believe they’re right if you’re doing it to yourself.”

Lucas reached up and wrapped his hands around his dad’s neck, pulling him down to his level. He kissed him softly on the lips, then opened his eyes and smiled. “I love you, Dad.”

Ryan smiled back. “Love you, too, kiddo. Now let’s see what we can get to eat.”

“I know what I want to eat,” Lucas grinned, as his hand reached down and found his father’s cock.

“There is a very good chance you’re going to kill me,” Ryan said.

Lunch was carrots and hummus with a protein shake for Ryan, who wouldn’t normally do both at once, but he had an idea he was going to need to replenish much more often going forward. Lucas had the last of the leftover pizza. Ryan offered to nuke it for him, but the boy preferred it cold.

They sat across from each other at the kitchen table. Lucas kept grinning evilly and sneaking his foot up between his dad’s legs, stroking his cock with his foot.

“You are incorrigible, you know that?” Ryan said, pushing his son’s foot off his chair for the third time. Each time his cock started to mercifully droop, Lucas would get it standing back up again.

“What’s that?”

“It means you won’t behave yourself,” Ryan said. “You’re also insatiable, infuriating, incessant, and indecent. And incestuous for the win.”

“We’re doin’ incest, right?”

“We’re doin’ incest,” Ryan agreed.

Lucas grinned. “Say something dirty.”

“Go take a shower.”

“Pfft. Really, Dad. Say something really naughty.” He climbed out of his chair and onto the table. “Say you wanna do something to me.”

“Something really dirty?” Ryan asked, leaning forward.

Lucas nodded, eyes sparkling. “And not a joke.”

Ryan slid his fingers through his son’s golden hair, caressed his cheek. “Lucas?”

“Yeah?” Lucas breathed, closing his eyes and leaning into his dad’s hand.

Ryan leaned even closer, until his mouth was right at Lucas’ ear. “Baby,” said softly, “I want to lick your asshole and suck your sweet little boycock.”

“Daddy,” Lucas breathed shakily.

Lucas went to kiss Ryan, but the man sat back and bit into a carrot with a grin. “Now go take a shower.”

Lucas pouted. “You’re mean,” he said. He rose up on his knees. “You got my little wiener all stiff, Daddy,” he said in a baby voice while biting his index finger.

Ryan wasn’t about to share just how much that stupid little display turned him on, because he wasn’t sure exactly what it said about him. Instead he tore his eyes away from his son’s throbbing boycock and took another loud, deliberate bite of his carrot.

Lucas got a look in his eye and reached forward, snagging one of the carrots. He went to his back, spread his legs, and reached down and began probing his ass with the fat end of the carrot. It was less than an inch thick, but still thicker than Ryan’s finger.

“That doesn’t look very sanitary,” Ryan said dryly.

Lucas ignored him and pressed harder, wincing.

“That’s a dry carrot, Lucas. Stop or you’re going to hurt yourself.”

Lucas hooked his hands behind his knees and rocked back, lifting his ass. He looked at his dad through his spread legs. “You could get it wet for me,” he suggested.

Ryan just stared at his son and then said, “I guess I was ready for dessert anyway.”

Ryan propped his hands under Lucas’ ass, gripping his hips. The boy’s tiny pink anus winked at him. Ryan leaned in and swiped his tongue across it, causing Lucas to suck in a breath.

“Lick me, Dad,” he breathed. “Lick me, Daddy.”

Ryan spread his lips wide and flattened his tongue. He circled all around Lucas’ asshole without touching, until the boy was begging, then he attacked it with firm, long strokes of his tongue until Lucas was shaking.

“Are you ready for it?” Ryan asked a bit hoarsely.

“Yes, Daddy!” Lucas said eagerly, staring between his legs.

Ryan grabbed the carrot and rubbed it against his son’s pink asshole. It was gaping, open and closed, like a fish on dry land.

“No, Daddy,” Lucas begged. “Your cock. Put your cock in me.”

“I can’t, Lucas,” Ryan said, though he wanted to so badly.

“Nooo, please, please. Please, Daddy, fuck me with your big cock. I need it in my ass so bad! Unggh, fuck my little gay boy asshole!”

“I… can’t, Lucas. Not yet,” he said.

“You want to, Daddy. I know you do. I know you want to fuck my little ass. Fill me up with your big, hard cock.”

“Damn, Lucas, you’re killing me,” Ryan gasped.

“Do it! Fuck me!” the boy cried earnestly. “Ohhhh, fuck me so hard, Daddy!”

Ryan clutched his cock under the table. It was so hard it ached. He wanted nothing more than to stand and shove it deep into his son’s rectum, to hear Lucas cry in ecstasy as he filled him. He knew that Lucas wasn’t ready though. He was so tight to even a finger. His fat cock would rip him apart. So as much as he wanted, needed, to fuck him, he refrained.

“This’ll have to do for now,” Ryan said. He slipped the carrot into his mouth, slicking it with his spit, and then pressed it against Lucas’ tiny pink pucker, which immediately gaped open to accept it.

“Uhhnn! Uhnn!” Lucas cried as Ryan carefully worked it deeper, in and out a little bit at a time. He saw the pink anus stretch around it, accepting it, sucking at it. Lucas was trembling. He reached back and spread his asscheeks wider. “Ohhh… fuck, fuck. It’s big! Daddy, it’s so big. Unnggg, fuck me with it. Fuck it into me!”

Ryan stood, one hand on the table while the other worked the carrot in and out of his son’s virgin asshole. He wanted to be careful not to break it off inside him, but he also wanted to give his son what he wanted. It was moving easily inside him now.

“Do it faster,” Lucas gasped, reaching down to take his little cock in his hand. He began to work it with his thumb and two fingers, rapidly jacking the area just below his little cockhead.

“Gonna cum, Daddy,” he gasped. “Gonna cum. Fuck me faster.”

Ryan leaned over, used his left hand to grab Lucas’ wrist and pull his hand away from his cock. Still working the carrot in and out of his rectum, he slid his mouth down around his son’s quivering cock, swallowing it to the bald root. Lucas cried out and his little boner bucked in his dad’s mouth, spilling out only a drop or two of his youthful nectar as his asshole clamped down hard on the invading carrot.

End of part six

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