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Category: Transformation (Page 1 of 2)

A weeping heart

I’m not about political statements or anything on this platform. My site is here only for entertainment purposes. I know that. But the story I heard today made my heart weep.

My eleven-year-old daughter (yes, I have a kid. And just to remind you: I WRITE about this stuff! So, no stupid questions or remarks please!!) has had a boyfriend for almost five years. It’s adorable at that age, and to them it’s just something you do. But, admittedly, five years is a long time. Especially at that age. He’s a nice and really kind kid. But my wife and I always thought that when they grow up, they’ll both probably end up marrying a guy. Absolutely nothing wrong with that! He just needs to figure it out for himself. We both found it funny that it was this obvious at his (let’s call him John. Not his real name obviously) young age.

But last week in school something had happened. Because of some bickering over some assignment, John called my daughter a name (I know. Kids, right!?) and in return she started shouting “Johnny is a girl!, Johnny is a girl!”. The whole class joined her for a few moments until the teacher ended it. The moment it ended, John shouted: “I can’t help it that I’m born as a boy!!” and started crying. Oh my god!

Why do we know this much detail? Well, his mother called us. She was upset, but didn’t blame us, nor our daughter. She just wanted to let us know what had happened. She said to us what John told her, and we asked our daughter, which resulted in the story I typed above. And if this wasn’t enough, he told his mother that evening that he didn’t want to live anymore. Hearing this, breaks every parent’s heart.

This whole story got me thinking. To be totally honest, up until now I always found the idea of girls wanting to be a boy and boys wanting to be a girl, a bit strange. They were attention hoggers as far as I was concerned. I am a firm believer of the fact that everyone can do with their lives what they want. If they’re gay, straight, undetermined. Want some stupid tattoo and ruin their body in the process. Walk around naked, leave everything behind and live alone in the woods. Whatever. They can do that, as long as they don’t hurt other people doing this.

But seeing this kid up close and hearing everything that happened over the past years, opened my eyes on the transgender subject. This is really a girl trapped inside a boy body. And I feel SO sorry for this kid. We know his/hers parents and they’ve gotten through a pretty nasty divorce two years ago. This doesn’t help John either, of course. But know that it’s pretty much out in the open, I sincerely hope it’ll all work out for this kid eventually.

So, I’m asking you guys. Please be understanding for people that are ‘different’. Not just the transgenders. I know. There’s also a lot of ‘phoneys’ out there. But try to keep an open mind. The last thing we wanna do is make people end their lives, just because no-one seems to understand them. If not for me, do it for little Johnny.


Wishful Thinking – Chapter One

November 4, 2008

Wishful Thinking – Chapter 1
Alex Hawk

I let out a soft, quiet sigh as I peer through the blinds, hand stroking my penis as I watched Devin, thirteen-year-old neighbor boy, mowing my lawn. He’d ditched his shirt some time ago and was really, really easy on the eyes.

I was a thirty-two-year-old man who was intensely attracted to teenage boys. Seeing their young, cute bodies in motion, even without them having sex, was one of the best, most perfect things I’d ever experienced. I’d had sex with girls aplenty back in the day. Heck, I had a thirteen-year-old son, Ebin, currently visiting his mother, due to one of those girls. But boys were my preference.

Much as I loved boys, I never acted on my desires for them. All I ever did was masturbate to pictures of teenagers and fantasize extensively. I had a large collection of kiddie porn on my computer and regularly enjoyed it.

Part of why I never acted on my desires was because of fear of getting caught, but there was also the fact that I was, let’s face it, an older man. More than twice the age of the boys that I wanted to have sex with. I’d had sex with guys my age and some a little younger, I considered myself gay, but never with a boy the age I really wanted. They were probably all straight, too, which made it even more difficult.

I felt very envious of teenage girls. The smart ones were able to get all the boypenis they wanted while all I had was my hand, my porn and, currently, the sight of a beautiful young boy mowing the lawn without his shirt.

Eventually Devin finished mowing the lawn. Sadly, this happened before I came. I quickly zipped myself up as the boy walked up and knocked on the door. I opened it up, looking at his half-naked young body, a couple beads of sweat working down his chest, onto his stomach and disappearing into the loose fitting shorts he was wearing.

“I’m all done, sir,” he said.

Smiling a little I said to him, “Devin, I’ve told you. You can call me Kelly.”

“Ok. I’m sorry, Mister Kelly.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just Kelly, Devin, just Kelly.” I walked outside and looked over the lawn. “Very good!”


I had to fight down the urge to run my hands down his bare chest and cup his penis. I imagined it would be very beautiful.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my wallet and took out a twenty. “Here you go,” I said, handing it to him.

“Wow, really? I thought you were only going to pay me ten!”

“Well, I don’t have a ten. Only a twenty. Besides, you did a really, really good job. I’m very pleased by all your hard work.”

“Thanks, Kelly!” Devin said smiling. “See, I remembered this time.”

“Yes, you did.” I so wanted to hold this boy. Kiss him, caress him, fondle him.

He pocketed the money. “Thanks a lot! I’ll see you next week.”

“You’re welcome,” I said, waving to Devin as he walked. God, he had a cute little butt.

Quickly I sprinted back into my house, booted up my computer, found a series of pictures of a boy who resembled Devin and gave myself a pretty good orgasm, all the while dreaming and wishing that I could have the boy himself.

Images of Devin’s body stayed with me all day, providing much distraction as I tried to get stuff done around the house. I kept picturing him naked, having sex with me, having sex with other boys, having sex with girls. Just having sex in general. I wanted the boy so much!

That night as I laid there in the darkness of my bed, I experienced another really good orgasm while picturing Devin fucking some lucky young girl. As I cleaned up my sperm with a towel I kept near the bed, one thought kept going through my mind.

“Man, I wish I could turn into an attractive teenage girl,” I mumbled.


The light blinded me for a couple seconds, and there was an odd smell of spices and perfume. And there, hovering about a foot above my bed was a small, rather fat looking man about two feet tall and floating with his legs in the lotus position. He looked rather like Buddha only he had an odd smirk and was entirely nude. Thankfully his stomach was fat enough to act as something of a fig leaf, keeping me from seeing what I didn’t really want to see.

“Good evening, efendi,” he said, salaaming to me.


“I am called Hasim. I am your most humble, worthless servant and am here to grant your wish.”

“Wish?” I said, finding my voice.

“Your wish, Grand Magisterial Magnificence,” he said a little testily. “You wanted to be able to be a girl, yes?”


The creature, a genie I supposed he was, sighed and pulled out a small tape recorder and pressed a button. My voice came out saying, “Man, I wish I could turn into an attractive teenage girl.”


“So I am here, O Lord of my Skills, to grant your wish.”

I shook my head. “Ok, ok. I know what’s happening. I’m sleeping and dreaming, yes?”


“Ah, but I’d expect you to say that as part of my dream.”

Hasim rolled his eyes. “O Master, I do not desire to contradict you in your infinite wisdom. However I must contend that I am, in fact, real and not a vision caused by too much pepperoni pizza washed down with Kool-Aid.”

“Yeah, but… you’re a genie, right?”

“Correct, O Ruler of the Heavens.”

“But genies don’t exist.”

“Well, I’m sure, O Great Fount of All Wisdom, that you’d know better than me, what with me only being a genie and all,” Hasim said, sounding testy again.

“Alright, alright,” I said, holding up a hand to placate him. “So you’re real and you’re a genie and you’re here to grant my wish.”

“Correct, O Mighty One. I am but your humble servant.” He salaamed again.

I sat up, figuring still that this was a dream. I’d had stranger ones. Once I had a dream where I dreamt an entire documentary on the early days of the telephone system. It was historically factual, too. This dream was at least far more interesting.

“Ok… Hasim, right? So you’re going to turn me into a girl?”

“Not unless that is your wish, O Worshipful One. What I shall do, in fact, is enable YOU to change from your current… form… to that of an comely maiden of approximately thirteen years of age.”

“And will I be able to change back?”

“At a whim, O Soon-to-be-Transmogrifying One.”

I considered this. “What’s the catch?”

“No catch, Great Sun of the Skies. You shall have this ability without strings or conditions.”

“Uh-huh… ok.”



Hasim pulled out a small bit of paper and looked it over. “You shall have this ability for 240 hours. Ten days from the time you wake up. You shall only have the power for ten days.”

“Only ten days?” I asked a little disappointed. Even if this was just a dream, I wanted more than that. “Is there any way to make it, you know, permanent?”

“There is, Great… Great…” Hasim thought quietly for a moment. “Great Desirer of Boys.”

“That was pretty weak.”

Hasim shrugged. “One does what one can, Most Illuminated Master of-”

“Let’s just stop it with the honorifics, ok?”

“Sure.” The genie sat back and said, “Ok, here’s the deal, pal. You can make the power permanent by having no less than ten boys ejaculate into you. Each must be a virgin prior to the encounter.”

I blinked. “What? What kind of condition is that?”

“The kind someone who planned to use the power to have sex with young boys might find to be fairly appealing,” Hasim retorted.

I sat silently for a second. “Ok, good point.” Something crossed my mind. “I won’t get pregnant, will I?”

“No, you’ll be infertile,” Hasim said, lighting up a cigarette he’d produced from somewhere. The smoke dissipated only a couple inches from him. “So, what’s it gonna be, bub? You want the wish or not?”

Thinking again I said, “There’s not, like, some weird Twilight Zone style thing that’ll happen, is there? Like I’ll turn into a beautiful teenage girl, but suddenly every cute young boy will be gay?”

Hasim rolled his eyes. “You people are so paranoid these days.”

“Well, I’m just asking.”

“If you had clients to please, would you go out of your way to put on strange conditions and weird consequences that made them unhappy and screwed them over?”

“Cell phone companies do,” I pointed out.

Hasim hesitated. “Ok, that might be a valid point. But we genies don’t.”

“Hmmm… and if I change my mind?”

“Then don’t turn into a girl and don’t have sex with ten boys and you’ll be you again, just like you are now, though why you’d want that, I can’t begin to guess.”

Staring hard at Hasim I said, “You know, I kind of miss those honorifics.”

“I bet.”

Silence prevailed for a bit. Hasim pulled out a watch and was pointedly looking at it as I considered my options.

“What do I have to do to change?”

“Just will that it be so.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. What, you want to say some stupid little rhyme or something?”

“Well, not really,” I confessed.

“Then accept what you get.”


“So you gonna take this offer, then? I do have other appointments tonight.”

Shrugging I said, “Sure. This is an interesting dream. Can’t wait to see where it goes.”

“Fine, then.” Hasim put out his cigarette and cleared his throat. Speaking in a language I didn’t recognize, he made many strange gestures and then finally stood up and said, “Right, that’s it.”

“I don’t feel any different,” I said after a bit.

Hasim rolled his eyes once more. “Listen, mortal, I told you it wouldn’t take effect until after you wake up.”

“Oh, right.”

“By the Great Hand of Allah you humans are so…” He pulled himself together. “Anyhow, let me help you sleep.” He pointed again at me and I felt my eyes grow heavy. The last I saw of Hasim was him muttering, “I don’t know. They promised me seventy-two virgins in Paradise, and what did I get? A bunch of raisins and a new job. Makes you wonder why you even bother…”

* * *

I woke with a start and a faint headache, the images of the dream still infused in my mind. I rolled over and laid on my back, thinking to myself how strange it had been, and how nice it might be to have something like that actually happen.

“Oh, well,” I said to myself. Then I paused. “Uh… hello?” My voice didn’t sound right.

I sat up and pulled the blanket back, looking down at myself. Where my penis should have been was a small slit with just a tiny bit of hair at the top. My beer gut was gone, replaced by smooth, flat stomach and my breasts had actually shrunk and firmed up, now looking very girly.

“Holy shit,” I whispered, my voice sounding very different from what I was used to. Getting rather awkwardly to my feet I walked over to the mirror and looked.

I was a girl. No two ways about it.

Not a bad looking girl, either. I looked to be a young thirteen. I had blue eyes and blond hair and a nice face. I would have fucked me. I placed a hand on one of my breasts and ran it between them and down onto what I guessed was now officially my vagina. Little tingles went through my body as I touched myself.

“Oh, my god,” I whispered. “It wasn’t just a dream.”

Then I thought about what Hasim had said about turning back. I closed my eyes and sort of imagined my vagina turning back into a penis. A shudder went through my body and when I opened my eyes I saw my old self looking at me.

“Oh, holy fuck!” I said with a laugh. “Oh, god! I can actually do this!”

I closed my eyes again and turned back once more into a girl, now giddy with excitement.

Now I could have any of the boys I wanted. I could get fucked by cute teenage boys whenever I wished. Flouncing over to my bed, I laid down and started rubbing at my vagina, enjoying the incredible new pleasure of being a girl. I even quickly found the entrance and worked first one and then two fingers up into myself, pleased as pie.

I actually kept masturbating for several minutes, picturing a series of young boys on top of me, spending themselves within my vagina. I eventually reached my first orgasm as a girl moments later. It was quite a bit different from what I’d experienced as a man. I couldn’t wait to have more!

Knowing that I’d have to gussy myself up for all this, I went and took a shower and then pondered what to wear. I wanted to go to the mall and buy myself some girl clothes, but first I had to figure out what to put on to get there. Finally a smart idea occurred to me and I went to my son’s room, standing there naked and looking through his clothes, feeling rather naughty about the idea that I was the first girl to be naked in my boy’s bedroom.

I eventually picked out a nice, loose, white t shirt, a pair of boxers and a pair of shorts. I then added a pair of white socks and white tennis shoes. I looked good. Not great, but good. No bra, of course. I figured this was good enough, and headed out.

Quickly I realized I had a problem. I didn’t have a driver’s license as a thirteen-year-old girl. Sighing a little I headed to a nearby bus stop. There would be a bus to the mall in a few minutes. Excellent. While I sat there, I looked around at the world, seeing a couple boys go by on their bikes. They checked me out as they passed. I checked them out, secure in the knowledge that I could probably get them to fuck me without any real effort. Wonderful.

The bus came and I went to the mall. I used my ATM card and pulled out three hundred bucks which I used to to buy myself all sorts of girl clothes. I was also aware of the eyes of many boys and men on me as I wandered. It was wonderful and I pondered the idea of just taking a boy and going to a dark corner and having him fuck me, but no. My first boy would be Devin.

Shopping done, I headed home, mind whirling with all the possibilities for what the next ten days might hold.


Copyright 2004 by Alex Hawk. Copy? Wrong. Copyright! ^_^

Wishful Thinking – Chapter Four

July 9, 2009

Wishful Thinking – Chapter 4
Alex Hawk

185:56 remaining

I slept in a bit the next morning. I’d only slept for about nine hours, but it felt more like five years. Still, I was well-rested and looking forward to another day preying among the young boys of my town.

It was after noon before I was finally dressed in what was becoming my uniform (t-shirt, short skirt, no panties), and out of the house. I had no idea where I was going to go, but I figured I’d just head out and see where the day took me.

As it happened, the day only took me as far as the end of the block. That was where I wound up running into Carlos Gold and Lucas Reynolds, two fourteen-year-old boys who were classmates/friends with my son, Ebin. They were in a parking lot where they were both attempting to do tricks on their bikes.

I stood across the street watching them. They noticed me pretty quickly and I saw them start trying to do other tricks; showing off for the hot girl. It was pretty entertaining, especially when one of them failed.

“That looked like that hurt,” I said, sauntering towards Lucas who was currently laying flat on his back.

“It didn’t feel good,” he admitted as Carlos helped him stand.

“I’m Lisa,” I said, holding out my hand to Lucas as he stood up. I shook his hand and Carlos’. “You guys are…?”

“Carlos. He’s Lucas.”

“Nice to meet you.” I grinned at Lucas. “You were doing pretty good there until you got turned into gravity’s bitch.”

Carlos laughed as Lucas grinned back, shyly. “Yeah. Well, I just need more practice I guess.”

“You aren’t hurt or anything, are you?” I asked him. “Only I’m staying with my uncle down the street,” I added, pointing. “If you need a Band-Aid or something we can get you one.”

The two exchanged a look that said a lot and suddenly Lucas sagged a little. “Well… my ankle kind of hurts? I mean, I didn’t land on it or anything, but still.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” I cooed. “Come on, let’s get back to my uncle’s house. I can give you some aspirin or something.”

We made our way to my place, Lucas occasionally remembering he was supposed to limp slightly. I was very amused by the two of them, and looked forward to seeing Lucas not limp, if you get my meaning.

Once we got back to my house, I had the boys park their bikes and let them inside. I dropped them off in the living room and then went to get a couple aspirin and three Cokes. Then I went back to the living room.

“Well, here you go,” I said, handing each boy a Coke and the aspirin to Lucas. “I hope your ankle feels better.”

“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be ok,” he said, reaching down to rub the left ankle. The right one had been the one with the “problem” before. I grinned and otherwise ignored it.

“So you’re Ebin’s cousin?” Carlos asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, since he’s gone for the summer, my Uncle Kelly said I could come stay here while he’s not around.”

“Oh, cool.”

I turned on TV and the three of us watched it for a bit. I could see them both trying to check me out a little as I tried to figure out how I was going to pop their cherries. Eventually an idea crept into my head.

“Lucas,” I said after a bit. “Why don’t you come to the bathroom with me? I want to get a good look at your ankle, make sure it’s ok. I’m in Girl Scouts; I know first aid,” I added.

“Oh, ok, sure.”

“You just wait here, Carlos,” I said over my shoulder as Lucas and I walked towards Ebin’s bathroom. “We’ll be right back.”


Once Lucas and I were in Ebin’s bathroom, I locked the door behind us and said, “So let me see your ankle.”

Lucas sat down on the edge of the bathtub and lifted his left foot.

A smile played at my lips as I said, “I thought you hurt your right ankle.”

“Huh? Oh!” He blushed and held up his right ankle.

“You didn’t hurt yourself at all, did you?” I asked smiling at him. “You just thought I was cute and I wanted to spend time with me, huh?”

Lucas blushed some more. “Well… you are cute, yeah.”

“You’re cute, too,” I said, then leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips.

“Cool,” he said with a nervous giggle.

I sat down on the toilet, which was right next to the bathtub, and started kissing him some more. Soon we were going at it pretty hardcore, our tongues dancing together in each other’s mouths. To my surprise the boy was actually a pretty good kisser!

But I knew I couldn’t keep kissing Lucas forever. First, Carlos would start to wonder what was going on, but second I had other things I wanted to do to him. Taking his virginity in Ebin’s bathroom would be tacky, so I had something else in mind.

“Stand up in front of me,” I said to him.

Looking a little confused, Lucas said, “Ok,” and stood up.

I reached out and rubbed the bulge in the front of his shorts, and then began to unbutton and unzip them. “You ever had your dick sucked?” I asked in a sweet voice.

“N… no…” Lucas whispered, eyes wide as I pulled his stiff, fourteen-year-old penis from inside his underwear. It was lovely; about five inches long, cut, very straight and very hard.

“Let’s change that, shall we?” With that I grinned at him and then lowered my mouth around his young erection, pleased that I was giving this kid his first blowjob.

“Oh… oh, Jesus…” Lucas whispered as I blew him.

I pulled my mouth off his penis long enough to say, “Make sure you warn me before you cum,” then put my mouth around it again and moved my hands back to cup his firm, rounded ass. It was smooth and hairless; everything I liked about a teenage boy’s ass!

“Oh, god, that feels good…”

I started masturbating him as I continued to suck him, wanting to get him to cum pretty quickly. Normally I would’ve taken my time, but, well, I didn’t want Carlos to get too impatient waiting for us, plus I still had to get Lucas and Carlos inside a different orifice of mine.

“Lisa…? I… I’m gonna…”

I braced myself for impact, and took Lucas’ penis as deep into my mouth as I could get it, as it began to spurt, shooting his sperm down my throat. I swallowed it all, savoring the feeling and delighting in the pleasure that I’d given this gorgeous boy.

Breathing hard, Lucas began to come down from his orgasm as I pulled my mouth off his penis and rinsed it out with a little cup of water. Then I grinned up at him and playfully batted his still-hard penis.

“You liked that?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said with a breathless nod. “Fuck, that was wonderful.”

“Glad you liked it,” I said, smiling as I got to my feet. I gave him a little kiss on the mouth and said, “We should probably get back to Carlos.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, right. Ok.” He stuffed his penis back into his shorts. I opened the door and we wandered back out into the living room.

Once back in the living room, Lucas took a seat next to Carlos on the couch, blushing furiously. I walked behind them and leaned down between them.

“I’m hungry. I’m going to make a pizza. You guys want some?”

“Sure,” Carlos said. Lucas just nodded.

“I’ll be in the kitchen for a bit, then.”

I wandered off, but paused as soon as I was out of sight of the living room. I listened carefully and heard Lucas say, “Dude, you will NOT believe what just happened!” then he started whispering. I grinned and went into the kitchen.

I puttered around the kitchen, cooking the pizza and actually going through the trouble to set the table. I thought about giving the boys a bit of beer to loosen them up, but I figured that wouldn’t be necessary.

Once the pizza was ready, I called the boys in. We all sat down and started to eat, both of them talking only slightly and not making eye contact with me, though they did both giggle a lot.

After the pizza was over, I said, “Hey, Carlos, will you help me clean up?”

“Uh, sure.”

“Cool. Lucas, why don’t you go watch TV for a bit?”

The boys traded looks and giggled a bit. Lucas said, “Ok, I’ll be in the living room,” then got up and left, leaving me and Carlos in the kitchen.

“Ok, well, I’ll rinse off the dishes and you can put them into the dishwasher, ok?” I said to Carlos.

“Sure, sounds good.”

We got the dishes squared away in record time, and once things were tidied up, I turned to Carlos and said, “Thank you for the help.”

“You’re welcome.”

I took a step towards him and put my hands on his shoulders. “Lucas told you about the bathroom?”

“Uh, yeah…” If he’d not been Hispanic, I’m sure he’d have been blushing.

I kissed him lightly on the mouth. “Lucas thinks I’m pretty cute. What do you think?”

“I think you’re gorgeous,” he whispered.


I kissed him some more and soon we were going at it pretty hardcore, him pushed back up against the counter and me rubbing at his crotch while we kissed. He wasn’t nearly as good at kissing as Lucas had been, but it was still fun.

“Lucas never had a blowjob before today,” I said between kisses. “Have you?”

“No,” Carlos replied.

“You want one?”

“… yeah…”

“Then you’ll get one. Just warn me when you’re gonna cum.”


I dropped down to my knees in front of Carlos, unbuttoning and unzipping his shorts, just like I had a bit ago with Lucas. I reached inside and got hold of Carlos’ penis, bringing it into the light. It was about the same size as Lucas’ had been, and at first I was a little surprised at him being cut, but then I remembered his last name (Gold), and had some vague recollection of Ebin being invited to Carlos’ bar mitzvah last year, so now it made sense.

I began stroking Carlos’ penis slowly as I gave the tip of it a little kiss. Then another kiss. Then I licked my way down the length of his shaft before finally taking the entirety of it into my eager mouth.

“Oh… oh, wow…” Carlos whispered, resting a hand on my head as he got his first blowjob.

I’d only been blowing Carlos for less than a minute when suddenly he whimpered and grunted and, without a word, began cumming in my mouth, his penis bucking and kicking as his sperm shot into me. I was slightly amused, and not surprised, that he hadn’t managed to warn me before he came.

I stood up, licking my lips and taking a swig from a nearby Coke, then I kissed Carlos, pressing my body against his, his still-hard penis trapped between our bodies.

“You were supposed to warn me first,” I said lightly.

Gasping a little, he said, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know I was that close.”

I kissed him again. “It’s ok. You’re inexperienced. You’ll learn.”


We kissed once more and I said, “Now put that thing away and let’s go back to Lucas. You can give him a high-five if you want,” I added.

Carlos grinned and we went back into the living room. I sat in my favorite chair as Carlos sat back down next to Lucas. He said, “Hey, dude?”


“High-five!” Carlos held his hand up.

Lucas looked puzzled for a second and then said, “Oh!” and high-fived Carlos.

I laughed. “You boys are sweet.”

“Thanks,” Lucas said.

I got up from my chair and moved over to the couch, sitting down between the boys. I put an arm around each one’s shoulders. I turned towards Lucas and gave him a kiss and then gave Carlos a kiss.

“You boys are both virgins, right?”

“Yeah,” Carlos mumbled. Lucas just nodded.


I took turns kissing both of them for a few more moments, really enjoying myself, and of course enjoying the boys.

Eventually I decided it was time to move things a little more forward. I started kissing Lucas exclusively, but took one of Carlos’ hands and put it on my inner thigh, spreading my legs a little and hoping the boy would get the hint. He seemed to, since he rubbed at my leg and moved his fingers up a little.

As I kissed Lucas, I began tugging at the bottom of his t-shirt. Eventually I worked it up and pulled it off him, throwing it onto the floor and resuming our kissing. His chest was smooth and hairless and wonderful, just as I liked!

I moved my mouth off Lucas’ mouth and down to suck on one of his nipples as I rubbed the bulge in his shorts. Meantime, Carlos’ hand had finally managed to reach my vagina. He didn’t seem to know what do to there, but he was trying his best; rubbing and touching.

I’d worked my way down Lucas’ chest and stomach to his shorts. The right thing to do now was to open his shorts up and get out his penis, which I did, and then lowered my lips around it, bobbing my head up and down a little.

Eventually I tired of this and gave first Lucas and then Carlos kisses. After that I stood up, grinned at the boys and quickly got naked. Once nude I sat back down, put Carlos’ hand directly onto my vagina and went back to blowing Lucas.

“You’re so sexy,” mumbled Lucas as I sucked him.

“So are you,” I said, lifting my face up to kiss him. Then I leaned over and kissed Carlos. “And you.”

“Thanks,” he said shyly.

I took a moment to undo his shorts and reached inside to extract his teenage penis. I began stroking him with one hand and Lucas with the other, taking turns kissing both all the while.

Then I got down onto the floor, kneeling in front of Lucas. I tugged at his shorts until he got the clue and then pulled them off, leaving the boy gloriously nude before me. I began moving up Lucas’ body, kissing all the while, ending with me straddling his waist and kissing him passionately on the mouth, his penis poking right against my vagina.

Smiling, I kissed Lucas one last time and said, “You ready to fuck me?”

He swallowed and said, “For real?”

“Yeah. If you want to. If you don’t, I’m sure Carlos will be happy to take a turn.” I winked at Carlos. “He’ll get a turn either way, if he wants, and you sure don’t want to chicken out in front of him, do you?”

“No,” he said, looking nervous but eager. “Ok.”

“Good.” I took the boy’s fourteen-year-old virgin penis in my hand, lined it up and slowly lowered my vagina down around it, savoring the look on his face as he entered a girl for the first time.

“Oh… oh, wow… fuck…” whispered Lucas, his first words as a non-virgin.

“You like?” I asked, riding him slowly.

“Oh, Jesus, yeah…”

“What’s it like, man?” asked Carlos, looking down to where Lucas’ penis disappeared into my vagina.

“Oh, god, it’s amazing,” Lucas moaned.

“You’ll find out yourself pretty soon,” I said, looking at Carlos. “You might want to get naked.”

“Huh? Oh, ok.” He started removing his clothes.

“Lisa…?” whispered Lucas in a small voice. “I’m gonna cum soon…”

“Do it,” I said back, leaning down and kissing him.

Lucas moaned and pushed hard up and into me, holding himself deep inside as his penis began flooding my vagina with his adolescent sperm. As before, a number appeared before my eyes. This time it was an 8, which rolled back to a 7.

I kissed him again and then dismounted, rolling back onto the couch. I turned to Carlos, who was now as naked as his friend and said, “You ready for your turn?”


“Cool. I think I want you on top, alright?”

“Ok, sure.”

I moved down onto the floor and spread my legs. Carlos knelt between them, his stiff penis pointing at the ceiling.

“Lay on top of me,” I instructed.

“Ok,” he replied, doing so, which lined him up nicely.

“Right.” I made sure he was in the correct place and then said, “Just move down and in.”


Carlos’ gorgeous body tensed as he started to move; slowly at first, but then with a bit more confidence as he sank his wonderful, fourteen-year-old virgin penis into place inside my vagina. Once he was inside me, he didn’t say anything, he just looked down at me with his mouth a wide “O” of surprise and pleasure.

“Now start fucking me,” I said, reaching back to cup his ass.

Carlos nodded and starting moving. He only managed a few strokes, though, before he grunted and started to cum, adding his sperm to Lucas’ as a 7 appeared in my eyes and rolled back into a 6.

I hadn’t cum myself, but that was ok. I hugged Carlos tight, and excused myself to go clean up a bit. Once I came back to the living room the three of us spent the rest of the afternoon lost in happy intercourse.

I wondered who I’d do next?


Copyright 2009 by Alex Hawk, all rights reserved.

So, yeah, after five years, another chapter in this silly saga. You can blame Josh at SkycladScribble for posting up something that inspired me to return to this series. Thanks, Josh!

Wishful Thinking – Chapter Three

November 4, 2008

Wishful Thinking – Chapter 3
Alex Hawk

210:19 remaining

I woke up the next morning at about the same time as I’d woken up yesterday. I laid there in bed, remembering how wonderful it had felt to get fucked by Devin. What I really wanted to go was go across the street and get that boy inside me again, but I had to go out and get myself another virgin. I wasn’t really bothered by the idea, mind you.

I decided to go out to a skate park near my house. I knew Ebin went there every once in a while. Sometimes I’d gone to pick him up and had sat back to watch some of the very cute young boys who skated there. I was sure I could find one of them to fuck me.

Before I left, I took a few moments to get myself all cleaned up, put on some decently revealing clothes (including no bra, a loose t-shirt, skirt and no panties), and then once I was ready, headed out into the world.

The bus was getting really irritating, I decided as I rode along towards the skate park. I got off a couple stops early, down at the mall, and ducked into Target where I bought a nice bicycle and a couple new shirts that I stuffed into a backpack I also bought. I was really starting to get into this whole “being a girl” thing!
When I finally reached the skate-park, I locked up my bike and walked around for a little bit, scouting about for the cutest boy that I could find.

Eventually I spotted a likely candidate. He was young, probably around thirteen or fourteen, had a very cute face, a sweet little body and looked like he was alone. He was just skating back and forth on a ramp, trying his best to grind but not doing it very well. I walked over and sat on the ground, making it clear that I was watching him.

The boy seemed to notice me there. He nodded at me and kept skating. I could see him looking my direction fairly often, checking me out as he tried to show off as best he could. It was really cute, actually. Gave me a great feeling of power, too.

Finally he managed to pull off a decent grind. I clapped a few times and said, “Hey, that was pretty good.”

“Thanks,” he said with a little embarrassment. “I haven’t been doing this very long.”

“Well, you look pretty good to me.”

“Thank you.”

I crossed my legs as I sat, hoping that the boy would have a good view up my skirt to my uncovered vagina. “What’s your name?”

“Denton. What’s yours?”


“Cool.” He got off his board and walked over, sitting down near me. “I got this board for my birthday last month. I’ve been trying really hard to get good at it.”

I smiled. “You seem pretty good to me. How old did you turn?”


“Cool. Me, too,” I lied. “I just turned fourteen a couple days ago.”

“Cool. If I knew you then, I would have given you a present.”

I laughed. “Yeah, well, and I would have given you something really, really cool if I knew you last month.”

“Like what?”

“I dunno. A kiss, probably.”

Denton blushed. “Yeah? Really?”

“Yeah. You’re really cute.”


“How about a kiss now?” I asked, leaning towards him.

“Ok,” he said with a little shrug. He leaned towards me and our mouths pressed together.

“You’re a pretty good kisser,” I said to Denton. I was very pleased that things were moving along quickly. The odds of me getting him into bed were pretty decent, I thought.

“Thanks, you, too.”

“Wanna walk around for a little bit?”


Denton picked up his board as we stood and started to walk, talking about whatever came into our heads. The skate park was built onto a regular park, and there were lots of trees and grass all over the place. It was a nice area to hang out in.

Finally we got to a pretty secluded area. I looked around, hoping that no one would come across us as I said to Denton, “Let’s sit for a bit.”


We plopped down onto the ground together. “So do you have a girlfriend?” I asked him.

Denton said, “No. I used to but we broke up last month.”

“Oh, that sucks.”

“Yeah. Well, she wasn’t that great anyhow.”

“Not as nice as me, I’m sure,” I said with a grin.

“No, you’re pretty cool, Lisa.”

“Thanks. That gets you another kiss.” I kissed him again.

“Cool. You kiss much better than she did.”

“Glad to hear it.” I kissed Denton a couple more times and soon we were really swapping spit as we went at it. By this point, my vagina was wet as hell and I really wanted to get fucked by this boy. My original plan had been to get him all hot and horny here and then take him back to my place. Now I had a different idea in mind.

“So did you ever fuck this girl you were dating?” I asked Denton in what I thought was a pretty sexy voice.

Denton blushed a little once more and said, “Well… no. I mean… I’m still… I’ve never…”

“You’re a virgin?”


“That’s ok. Everyone is at first.” I kissed him some more while I placed a hand on his chest and ran it slowly down.

“Are you?” he asked quietly.


“Cool,” Denton whispered.

I kissed him a little more and moved my hand lower and lower until I was at the edge of his shorts. Slowly I slid my hand inside, brushing it against the shaft of Denton’s erection. He let out a little gasp that turned into a moan as I started stroking it softly, then worked it out of his shorts. It was a nice penis, that was for sure. A little bigger than Devin’s. I couldn’t wait to have it inside me!

“What are you doing?” he whispered. “Someone’s going to see.”

“That’s probably true,” I conceded. Then with a wicked gleam in my eye I said, “Well, in that case I better make sure no one can see it.”

Before Denton could figure out what I was talking about, I got on top of him, straddling him at the waist. Holding up his erection, I rubbed it gently against my slit. Then I grinned a sweet little grin and, keeping my eyes fixed on Denton’s face, slowly lowered my extremely wet and eager vagina down around his cute fourteen-year-old virgin penis, sliding down until he was all the way inside me.

“There,” I whispered, looking at the look of amazement and bliss on Denton’s face. “Now no one can see it. Nice, huh?”

“Ooooh… yeah…” he managed to whimper.

I slowly rode Denton, greatly enjoying the pleasure of having a young boy’s penis inside me yet again. I could really get used to this! I really hoped I’d be able to seduce all the boys I needed to so that I could have this power of transformation be permanent.

Denton was trying his best to thrust up into me as I rode him. He looked very happy as he got laid for the first time, which was no real surprise. Soon he started breathing really hard and began fucking faster and faster. Then with a low grunt of pleasure, he started to cum, his penis jerking around inside my vagina as his sperm shot up into me.

Just as I had yesterday with Devin, I experienced a vision as Denton’s virgin sperm splashed up into my waiting vagina. There was a large number 9 that faded and was replaced by a number 8. Another boy down! Wonderful!

Denton fucked me twice more that morning. My favorite time was the last time, when he fucked me missionary style. It was very nice holding onto his butt as he screwed me. I didn’t wind up having an orgasm at all during any of the sex, but it was still nice.

After the third time, I got myself together, promised Denton I’d see him again, and went back home. I relaxed for a couple hours, very happy that I was making such fast progress with these boys!


Copyright 2004 by Alex Hawk and stuff.

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