Tommy Linarcos truly deserves his spot as a standout writer, thanks to his exceptional skill in crafting complex, believable characters and his expert understanding of story structure. It’s clear that Tommy’s dedication to his craft has earned him well-deserved recognition, and I’m excited to share the links to his stories below for anyone looking to experience his talent firsthand. He was a bit apprehensive at first, but I think his work deserves to be here. Both quality and ‘content’ are way above par, so I’m sure you’ll all enjoy his work.

Becky and Jimmy Don’t Watch TV

Off from high school for the summer, Becky watches her younger brother’s body instead of boring television.  What can she do to get to see him naked, and what would Jimmy be willing to do once he was?

Jason’s Mom and the Wrestling Team Car Wash

Helen supports her teenage son Jason’s wrestling team fundraiser and has a perspective-changing incident, driving her to give in to her desire to see and experience his body.

My Brother Saves Halloween

In Chicago for a wedding, a young girl and her older brother are left alone and forgotten on Halloween. They make a Halloween for themselves and go trick-or-treating in the big city, but caught in the rain, their interests turn to each other when they dry off back at their hotel.