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Category: Siblings (Page 1 of 37)

Aetheria – Chapter 13

Jason Crow

Chapter 13 – Us

Walking through the halls somehow felt different now. They seemed brighter, and the mess inside was less depressing. The cleaning bots were finished in certain parts of the building, and it showed. Those bots didn’t care about their imminent death. They didn’t know and just did what they were designed to do. Because of this, some parts of the base looked just as if the quake never happened.

But the clean halls weren’t the only reason it felt different, of course. The fact that we were leaving was probably the most critical factor. I felt cleaned up inside my head and cheerful about the future, which had been a while. It was a bummer that we had to go back to Earth, but at least we’d live.

Nadia walked next to me, and as we walked, she wrapped her arm around my waist and laid her head on my shoulder. We didn’t talk, but we both knew how the other felt. She did surprise me when her hand moved over and squeezed one of my ass cheeks.

I looked at her as she did this, and her smile was a mix of apologies and cheekiness. I smiled back and shook my head. She always did dumb stuff like this, and thankfully, today wasn’t an exception. In fact, her whole body language showed signs of mischief, and she acted skittishly.

We were now at the door of our room. I swiped my wrist in front of the keypad on the wall, and the door opened with the familiar whooshing sound. Inside, the cleaning bots were obviously done. It was as clean as when we left it the day we went outside with Ethan.

Ethan… it seemed like an eternity ago! I knew I shouldn’t be thinking about him now. I’d have plenty of time for that after we get off this planet. But still… I tried pushing these thoughts away, but it wasn’t easy.

But Nadia came to the rescue. She must have noticed something because she stepped in close and wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt her boobs pressed against my chest as she leaned in and kissed me hungrily.

“Cheer up! We’ll grab our stuff, and we’re out of here before you know it,” she said softly after we broke the kiss.

“I know… thanks!” I said, “I need to take a piss.”

I went into the bathroom, and as I did my business, I tried to focus my thoughts on getting out of here instead of my dead brother. I stuffed my dick back inside my boxers, zipped up, and sighed deeply. I washed my hands, splashed some water on my face, and was ready to move on. I unlocked the door and expected Nadia to stand there to go in after me, but no one was there.

In the corner of my eye, I saw movement on the bed. I turned my head to look at her and almost choked. Nadia was as naked as the day she was born and smiled seductively at me. She had positioned herself in such a way that she didn’t look cheap or thrashy but simply irresistible.

She leaned against the pillows with her upper body, showing off her magnificent breasts perfectly. Her legs were slightly parted, showing a hint of her slit, but the few hairs above it obscured the view just enough to make me want more.

“Wh- what’s this?” I asked, feeling my now stiff dick twitch hard in my boxers.

“We’ve got time to spare. So… get over here,” she hoarsely whispered.

I still don’t know why, but seeing her like this, the way she talked, and how she was taking the lead triggered something inside. I felt the almost unstoppable urge to fuck her. Making love was terrific, but now I wanted to FUCK her. I was both shocked and amazed by this realization. I didn’t know where I had heard that word before, but it was exactly what I wanted. There was no better word to describe my urges.

I looked at my sister as I kicked off my shoes and lifted my shirt. The moment it was off, I focused on her eyes again and started working on my button and zipper. Nadia’s eyes roamed over my chest, and when I opened my pants, her eyes locked onto that.

I shed my pants quickly, and as they crumpled at my feet, I stood there in just my tented boxers, my dick pointing straight forward. Nadia’s eyes were locked on that tent, and a wicked smile was all over her face. I hooked my fingers inside the waistband of my boxers and slowly started sliding them down. I knew I shouldn’t try a striptease because I’d look ridiculous if I did. But I could take it slow and expose myself in a more or less sexy way like this.

My boxers slid down slowly, and the tip of my dick got caught behind the elastic band, moving it down with my boxers. As I went lower, my pubes and the base of my dick were now exposed, causing Nadia to lick her lips seductively. With an obscene slapping sound, my dick sprang free and slapped against my belly.  Nadia didn’t flinch and kept staring at it.

I quickly ditched my boxers and crawled toward my twin sister on the bed. My hard dick bobbed as I did this. Nadia slid down the pillows and lay flat on the bed, spreading her legs widely. If I still had any doubts about what she wanted, they were now out of the window.

I lay my body down on top of hers and pressed as much of it as possible against her. As my dick rubbed over her slit, she purred coyly and wrapped her arms around me. One of her hands squeezed my ass, and the other pulled my face toward hers.

We kissed each other hungrily, and our bodies rubbed against each other. Her warm pussy felt terrific on my dick, but I wanted… no! I needed more. I didn’t hesitate and sneaked my hand between our bodies. I grabbed my dick and lined it up. I had rubbed it down there enough to know where I could enter her. And without any effort, my dickhead popped inside my twin sister’s pussy.

Nadia looked determined and extremely horny at me, and I felt an almost animalistic urge to make her mine. I didn’t want to hurt her. I’d never hurt her! But it just felt right to penetrate her a lot rougher than last time. So I pushed forward with more force, and the look of surprise on her face when I entered her changed into one of pure lust and submission. I never saw her like this, but there wasn’t a fiber in my body doubting that she liked what I did.

I entered her quickly and with such force that our pubes smashed together.

“Aaahh!! Yesss! Take me…” Nadia grunted.

This wasn’t lovemaking. This was raw sex, and I loved it! And I loved that our twin telepathy even extended to this and that we both enjoyed what we were doing tremendously. I pulled back and slammed back in. The pace was slow, and I was constantly checking out my sister. I wanted her to cum without hurting her, and my own pleasure came in second place.

My dick and my actions had the power to make her feel the most amazing feelings. And I wanted to use that power the best I could. So I kept slamming into her and made sure each trust counted.

She already had an unfocused look on her face, and her head was tilted back. Every time my pubes slammed against her clit, her moans got louder and the tone of her moans higher.

My right hand was still between our bodies, and I managed to rub my thumb over her clit each time I pulled back. It was a bit awkward, but with my left hand, I grabbed her tit and gently squeezed her nipple. Nadia was too unfocused to keep on kissing, so I started nibbling at her neck, a very sensitive spot that I recently discovered.

“Oh! Oh! Ah! Ah! Ah! AY!!! AAIII!! AAAIII!!”

I increased the speed by which I was slamming into my sister slightly, but the thumb on her clit and hand on her boob was enough. When she breathed this shallowly and started screaming my name, I knew she was coming. This was the perfect moment to let go. I stopped my focus on her and just went for it. Since this was only my second fuck, I was way closer than I wanted to be, and there was no way I was holding back anymore.

“AAAIIII!” Nadia screamed and dug her fingers into my ass and my back.

Her whole body tensed up, and her pussy gripped my dick so firmly I could hardly move.  But I HAD to move! The snowball was already rolling down the hill, and I had to stay ahead of it. So, I kept on pistoning in and out, pushing through the clenching pussy of my sister.

After I pulled out the third time, the grip around my dick loosened a little, which was enough to push me over the edge. I slammed in two more times, and when I felt the cum shooting up my shaft, Nadia’s pussy gripped me again, and maybe even firmer than before.

As my incestuous cum coated my sister’s insides, my brain went offline. I only saw her wrinkled-up face as she was still orgasming pretty heavily. Everything around us was gone. My dick throbbed, and Nadia’s pussy was milking me, claiming everything I had to offer.

I couldn’t hold my body up anymore and dropped down on top of her. She’d told me that she liked to feel my weight on her, and that’s exactly what I was doing now, although for a different reason. I felt utterly spent! We both lay there panting. Nadia started caressing the back of my head and whispered, “You are amazing!”

I couldn’t say anything and nodded once to show I heard her. Occasionally, her pussy gripped my dick, which caused it to twitch. The last time this happened, we started giggling, but now, Nadia said, “I’m still sorta… cumming. I’m still really close.”

And after my dick twitched again, she said with a bit of amazement in her voice, “And you’re still hard!”

I lifted my head to look at her and wasn’t sure what to do next. I figured it was over and started pulling out of her so she could cuddle. But the moment she felt me move, she wrapped her legs around my ass. Her pussy twitched quite firmly as she did this, and it felt terrific around my sensitive dick as I slid back inside.

A wicked grin spread across her face, but I didn’t have a clue what she was thinking. Before I could say or do anything, she moved her body, pressed against my shoulder, and turned her lower body with her legs still wrapped around me. I fell to my left, and before I realized what happened, Nadia also turned. It all happened really quickly, and before I knew it, I was lying on my back, and Nadia sat on top of me. My dick somehow managed to stay inside of her, and as she pushed her body down on it, her face looked amazed.

“It’s in even deeper like this!” she said as she sat up straight and ground her pussy against my pubic bone.

The way she was sitting gave me the best view of my sister and the most fantastic feeling around my dick at the same time. I looked at her incredible body rising up from my groin. Her boobs looked terrific, and as my eyes traveled down her tight belly and ended on her pussy where our genitals merged, I knew I was the luckiest boy in the universe.

I instinctively placed my hands on her hips and looked her in the eyes. Nadia placed her hands on my chest and gyrated her hips, which did amazing things on and around my dick. This was a whole new stimulation I never felt before.

“You’re the… and I… Bisque, so…” Nadia whispered incomprehensibly as she moved herself on my dick more deliberately now.

I moved my left hand from her hip to her tit to play with her nipple. They looked so incredibly inviting as they hovered above me that I just had to touch them. The moment I gently squeezed it, Nadia stiffened, and her pussy gripped my dick firmly again. The deep groan coming from her throat, combined with her convulsing pussy, didn’t take a genius to add two and two together.

This time, her orgasm didn’t take over completely. Yes, she was cumming, but she kept grinding against me. After the clenching around my dick ebbed away a little, she started lifting herself. My dick traveled down her love canal, and it was both weird and exciting to not be in control of that.

After I almost slipped out, Nadia moved her body down again. Her face had an odd look that I hadn’t seen before. It was as if she was hypnotized and completely in her own bubble, oblivious to the world around her.

My right hand sneaked over her hip and firmly gripped her ass cheek. Feeling the muscles move under her soft skin as she rose again was tantalizing. And after she moved back down and pressed her clit against me, she grunted deeply again, and her pussy gripped me once more. It was about the same as before. She obviously came, but she didn’t cum hard enough. Every half a minute or so, she did this. Sweat was forming on her forehead and upper lip, but she kept on going.

She didn’t pick up the pace, nor did she slow down. Now I was the one being fucked, and I didn’t mind one bit. I did find it hard to keep my focus, though. So I placed both my hands on my sister’s hips as she kept impaling herself on my throbbing dick. The speed didn’t change, but her moves were more deliberate now.

Just as I was starting to get used to the frequency of her orgasms, she didn’t cum. She dug her fingers into the flesh of my chest and slammed down hard against me with her pussy. It didn’t hurt, far from it, but something had definitely changed.

I didn’t know how long we were fucking like this, but I was glad I already came before. Otherwise, there was no way I would’ve lasted this long. But with the change of force of her actions and the way her pussy kept on gripping my dick, I was a lost cause. The buildup inside my balls had reached a boiling point, something I pushed away to the background. But now, my balls almost screamed that they needed relief.

I couldn’t help myself anymore and slammed hard against my sister’s pelvis as she moved down. But after just two of these, I froze. My ass was still off the bed, and I felt my dick fatten. This orgasm happened so suddenly and was so intense that I practically screamed.

As the first powerful spurt left my dick, Nadia’s weight forced my ass back down. And despite my extremely powerful climax, I felt Nadia’s orgasm hit her. The grip around my dick was almost painful but added such an extra dimension to it all, that I thought I had left my body.

Nadia dropped down on me, and as her pussy kept trying to squeeze my dick off, her body was limp and shook uncontrollably. Her “ooohhh… ooohhh… yesss… aaahhh…” in my ear pushed me through another wave. And although I had no more sperm left to give, I felt like I came again.

Nadia breathed raggedly, and as I felt her weight on top of me, I knew what she meant. We were so connected at that moment! Her contracting pussy and my twitching dick, combined with all the skin contact and sweat, made me feel like we were one.

I was still panting heavily, and so was Nadia. But it concerned me a little that she didn’t move at all.  Besides the movement of her pussy, of course. So I stroked her hair and softly whispered her name. This seemed to break the spell, and she started moving. She lifted her head and looked at me as if she was amazed to see me there.

“I was… holy moly!” she whispered and kissed me passionately on my mouth, grabbing my face with both hands.

I felt my dick deflate and slowly slide out of my sister’s slippery love tunnel. It flopped out unceremoniously, and some of my cum dripped out of her and onto my limp dick and pubes. Nadia kept kissing me, and I cupped her firm ass with both hands. This wasn’t a loving kiss but one that expressed our physical attraction to each other. After we broke the kiss, Nadia rolled off me and onto the mattress.

“We are really good at this sex thing, aren’t we?” I asked in the silence that followed.

“Oh boy! You can say that again! I could do this all day!”

“Uhm… what was that thing you did with your, uhm…”

“What do you mean?” she asked as she turned on her side to face me.

“You kept squeezing my… dick when you sat on top of me.”

“Oh that… I think I… I was almost constantly cumming. I didn’t know I could do that!”

“I’m jealous! You seemed to really be enjoying yourself,” I chuckled.

“Your, uhm, cock is amazing! It triggers something inside I can’t explain. Every time you move it in or out, it’s like a short circuit in my brain. Does that sound weird?” she asked as she lay her head on my chest and cupped my balls again.

“Nah… I think I get it.”

Nadia toyed gently with my balls as we were lost in our thoughts. I knew we had to get up sometime, but lying like this was just too lovely.

Nadia cleared her throat and softly said, “I liked this time better than our first…”

“Yeah. Me too. Way less depressing.”

“Guess you’re right. It’s too bad this will also be our last time for a while. I don’t think Mom and Dad will understand if we share a suspension pod on the way back.”

I laughed at that. I knew she was right. Our love for each other had to remain a secret between us. Maybe back on Earth, we could find some way to be together as much as possible, but we’d still have to be careful.

“I don’t think they’ll understand, no,” I smiled.

“But… I want to be with you, Ay! Why’s that so strange?”

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you and with no one else! We’ll have to find a way to make this work! And I know we will. But first, we need to get off this planet,” I said, feeling tears of frustration well up in my eyes.

Nadia moved over and kissed me tenderly on my lips. We shared a loving kiss for a couple of moments, savoring each other’s love.

“I need to pee,” Nadia giggled after we broke the kiss, “your stuff keeps leaking out.”

“Let’s get dressed and prepare to go outside, okay?”

She gave my balls a gentle squeeze, kissed me on my cheeks, and treated me with a fantastic view of her fine ass as she headed to the bathroom.

“See you on the other side,” I said as I entered the small change room.

The automatic system didn’t allow us to change together, so we each went into separate booths. We had cleaned and closed the room in the basement, and our bedroom was already being swept by the bots as we left it. We shut down all unneeded equipment, grabbed our bags, and headed out.

Our personal bags were in the garage’s airlock, so we could grab them later. After going through the decontamination and airlock cycle, I was outside first. My eyes immediately went to the sky, and there, right between the two moons, it was…

“That’s… that’s a big one,” Nadia said as she walked up next to me.

“It is! We’d never survive the impact. Not even if the shelter was fifty stories deep.”

“Let’s grab our bags,” Nadia said, and we headed over to the garage.

After we grabbed our bags, we walked over to the landing zone. We were about forty minutes early instead of the sixty we had planned for because Nadia had an issue with her HB-ICS undersuit. It didn’t recognize her at first, so we had to give it a hard reset. But we still had plenty of time to spare as we sat down on some rocks.

After a couple of minutes, Nadia said, “Well… this is boring as hell…”

“Too bad we can’t have sex out here,” I giggled, “That would definitely kill some time.”

A heartbeat later, I felt buzzing near my dick, and I boned up instantly. I glanced over at Nadia, who looked smug at me with her finger still on her wrist pad.

“It’s not the same,” I said and enabled the same thing on Nadia’s suit to get back at her.

“Ohh… No, not at all! Does feel good, though!” she smiled.

The stimulation around my dick was great, but I didn’t want to cum in my pants. So I looked at my sister and said, “Turn it off, please. I don’t want a mess inside my pants.”

The look on her face betrayed she hadn’t realized this. And as she switched it off, I opened the app on my wrist pad.

“Leave it on! I’m… ahhh… not the one making a mess.”

I shrugged and looked at her. That horny look I loved so much was back. The monitor app on my wrist showed she had an elevated heart rate, and her breathing was shallower than it should be. There was nothing to worry about yet, and if there was, this function would automatically disable itself.

“I love how your cock makes me feel filled up,” she said out of the blue.

“I… uhm…”

“It’s so thick! And so hard, it doesn’t… oohhh… bend at all. So when it rubs over that one… hmmm… special place inside, it’s…”

She looked deep into my eyes as she said this. I didn’t know what to say to this, so I smiled weakly at her and said, “Sorry??”

“Uh uh,” she said and shook her head, “Don’t be. It’s like a perfect… ahhh… fit!”

I watched in silence as my sister approached her orgasm. It was hot to watch her squirm and hear her pant over the radio. After a couple of moments, it was clear she was getting close. I’ve seen her cum enough by now to know this for sure. But when her eyes flew open, and the look on her face morphed into one of anger and frustration, I immediately knew what was going on.

“What the hell, Ay! Why did you turn it off?”

“I didn’t! I swear! I was just thinking how hot it is to watch you like this.”

She pressed some buttons on her wrist pad, but all she got was an annoying beep. She pressed the buttons more urgently, but her pad kept on beeping. I couldn’t suppress a giggle as she was fiddling and got more and more frustrated.

“Stop laughing, Doofus! I was almost there! And now it just stopped… Again!” she said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

“I think it’s a function they built in to get the colonists, you know… going… to populate the planet. It doesn’t help to push them over the edge.”

Nadia looked at me, and as the wheels turned inside her head, I could see the realization in her eyes.

“You think so?”

I shrugged and said, “Makes sense…”

“I guess you’re right! Didn’t think of it like that. I thought it was a useless feature, but now that you put it like this, it makes perfect sense.”

“Although I have to admit it’s a bit cruel.”

“Tell me about it! I was so close, and now I can’t do anything about it.”

“We can go back inside…” I chuckled.

“Yeah, right. And miss out on that one opportunity we’ve got to get out of here! No way.”

Even if she wanted to go back inside, I wouldn’t let her. It was a joke, but considering the situation, probably not my best one, so I decided to drop it. We waited in silence for a couple of minutes, with both of us looking at the approaching rock in the sky.

“It’s a pity, you know?” Nadia said after a while.

“What is?”

“That this beautiful place will be evaporated…”

“I thought you didn’t like it here?”

“I didn’t wanna leave Earth. That’s something different.”

“True. But what if-“

We both looked up at the approaching humming sound. There, still a tiny spot in the sky, a transport ship grew bigger with each passing second.

“They’re here!” Nadia exclaimed as she jumped up.

I got to my feet and had to swallow down a lump in my throat. They really came back for us. My head knew they would, but in my heart, I still had doubts. Nadia slammed her body into mine, and we hugged each other tightly. We made sure to step out of the way so the transport would have an unobstructed path to the landing spot. I almost bounced with joy as the ship landed. Behind the windows, Mom and Dad’s excited faces showed, and we waved excitedly at each other.

The moment the door opened and Mom and Dad came running out, Nadia and I sprinted toward them.

“Aidan! Nadia!” Mom shouted as we hugged in one big, family hug.

“We’re so sorry!” Dad started but was cut off immediately by Nadia.

“You’re here! We’re here! That’s what’s important,” she said.

I wouldn’t have any of that either, so I said, “The base is a mess. You did the right thing!”

“But Ethan…” Mom stammered.

“I know,” I said softly, “but there’s nothing any of us could do about it. It was a stupid accident.”

Mom smiled through her tears and gave me another firm hug. Dad was hugging Nadia, and I heard him sniff over the radio.

“Sir?” the pilot said nervously over the radio.

“Right! We need to go, guys. We’ll talk on the Zephyr.”

Nadia and I grabbed our bags and sat down in the transporter. About an hour later, we were greeted enthusiastically by the people aboard the Zephyr.

We were in the big garage that was now almost empty. There wasn’t a room big enough in the simulated gravity portion of the ship, so everyone had gathered in here. The downside of being weightless didn’t measure up to the chance of being together. It did strike me that the group was a lot smaller than back down on Aetheria. As some people came to talk to us and shake our hands, it turned out that everyone was worried sick about us. Since we lost a lot of people during the quake, people looked at our survival as a beacon of hope.

Dad took the microphone and thanked everyone for their help in our rescue. He specifically thanked the guy who came up with the idea of relaying the radio signal through the Terra site. After Dad was done talking, Jovii floated to the central spot and took the mic from him.

“Because of the effort Major Thom had to put in the rescue of his son and daughter, I was given the task of monitoring the asteroid. We decided to call it Moros, and we were able to track its course in more detail. And we’ve got news for you,” he said with a serious look on his face.

A lot of mumbling and excited whispers went through the crowd. I looked at Dad, who simply shrugged.

“Moros will enter Aetheria’s atmosphere, that we know for sure. But it won’t crash on the planet!”

“What!?” I heard myself ask as the crowd erupted with excited chatter.

Nadia looked wide-eyed at me and appeared just as confused as I was. Jovii lifted his hand for us to be quiet.

“Moros will probably ricochet off the atmosphere like a pebble on the water, and its course will change forever. But the fact that it’ll hit the atmosphere isn’t a bad thing. During this time, it’ll add significant heat to the planet, and judging by the composition of Moros, it’ll add a significant portion of oxygen and hydrogen to the planet’s atmosphere. You just don’t want to be down there when it hits.”

“What does that mean?” someone in the back shouted.

“We think it’ll save us at least two years of terraforming, probably three.”

“Oh wow!” Dad said excitedly.

“After our evasive maneuver is done, we’ll show the impact on the large screen here in the central hall.”

Turned out the calculations were correct. The external cameras managed to capture the impact beautifully. Everyone was holding their breath as Moros approached. When Moros entered the atmosphere, the whole planet got an eerie red glow. Nadia was standing next to me and squeezed my hand tightly as this happened. When Moros sort of bounced off the invisible band of air surrounding the planet, and it was clear it wouldn’t crash, the whole crowd cheered in excitement. The color of the atmosphere went back to normal quickly as the rock shot off into deep space.

People were celebrating, and I could see Mom and Dad were happy. They were constantly smiling and very affectionate toward each other. After a couple of moments of watching the celebrations, Nadia pulled me close, hugged me tightly, and gave me a quick peck on my lips.

After the excitement died down and the celebrations were done, we went to our cabin. We sat at the table and talked about the things that had happened. It turned out that Nadia and I had a walk in the park compared to what had happened at the main base.

Lots of injuries and missing people. Dad had to manage all that while worrying about his missing kids on a foreign planet in the meantime. We cried a lot about Ethan. This was actually the first time both Nadia and I allowed the thoughts about what had happened and of losing him to come to the forefront. And it hit us hard. But after Mom and Dad assured us we’d give him a proper funeral, we were able to give it a place. We agreed that we’d never forget him.

Dad told us that about half the people wanted to return to Earth. We also talked about this extensively, and despite everything that had happened, Nadia and I wanted to stay. Mom wasn’t convinced but said she couldn’t leave us on this planet, so they would also remain here.

It was getting late, and I had to suppress a yawn, but Nadia saw me. She winked at me and surprised me when she asked, “Mom? Can Aidan and I sleep in one of the unoccupied cabins?”

“Uhm… I guess…” Mom said questioningly as she looked at Dad.

“We’ve been alone for so long now, and I think it’ll help me sleep when it’s just the two of us…” she said sweetly.

Dad shrugged and said, “I don’t see why not. The one next door where Seymour and Patty used to live is available.”

“You sure you don’t mind?” Nadia asked.

“Of course not, hon,” Mom said warmly.

“Come on, Dufus. Time to hit the sack.”

I followed my sister out of the room and into the next. I was at a loss for words and dumbfounded at how she had managed to do this. She knew how to play Mom and Dad like a fiddle and did it with excellence.

After the door closed behind us, Nadia lifted her shirt and unclasped her bra. She turned around and seductively said, “It’s time for you to fuck me, big brother.”

I wasn’t one to argue with that, and after another fantastic love-making session, we fell asleep in each other’s arms, Nadia’s hand firmly cupping my balls.

We were still alive and were going to make it count. Together.

The end

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Et semper post feliciter vixerunt

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Aetheria – Chapter 12

Jason Crow

Chapter 12 – Shelter

We were quiet as we walked down the stairs. Basement eight was the deepest one the base had, and it doubled as a bomb shelter slash panic room. Since no one knew what could happen, a shelter was mandatory when colonizing another planet. I didn’t think it would help us one bit when a colossal meteor would hit us, but it was the smartest thing to do other than get off the planet.

Nadia opened the door, and we went inside. I closed the door and pressed the button marked ‘seal,’ and lots of loud clicks and clunky sounds filled the room as a big wheel on the door turned. The wheel looked like one you’d find on an airlock in an old spaceship, and it was evident we were locked inside.

I looked around and was pleasantly surprised by how the room looked. It was big and had several separate rooms around it. We were standing in the main living area, but there were doors all around it. As we checked them out, we learned that most of them were bedrooms, but there was also a big kitchen and a control room.

“Maybe this room is still operational,” I pointed as Nadia walked up next to me.

“Let’s see.”

Nadia fiddled a bit with the computers, and after about a minute, she pulled up a screen with a countdown timer and looked worriedly at me. It didn’t take a genius to know what I was looking at.

The clock was currently at twenty-five hours, eight minutes, and thirty-two seconds. A little over a day…

“Well… shit!” I mumbled.

“You can say that again… And it has a possible impact percentage of seventy-nine percent.”

“That’s relatively low, isn’t it?”

“Still freaking high if you ask me.”

I sat down and felt utterly defeated. Nadia looked at me, and she looked even worse. We started talking about everything that had happened. Like, why did we even go to this remote planet in the first place? About how it threw everything it had at us in an attempt to kill us. What the odds of an earthquake followed by a destructive meteor were. We figured that the chances of winning the lottery twice in a row were probably higher.

The more we talked about it, the better I felt. I was with the person I loved most, and the fact that we were about to die didn’t even bother me that much anymore. I was with Nadia, and we were together. That was all that mattered.

“We need to find a way to use that antenna to contact the Zephyr. But I just don’t see a way to do it. We can’t possibly point it towards that ship, and It’s way too underpowered,” Nadia said after we were quiet for a couple of minutes.

“Then we need to think outside the box.”

“I’ve tried to do that ever since we got here, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t find a solution!”

She sounded very frustrated, and I couldn’t blame her. I felt exactly the same, although I realized I had started to give up. But I didn’t want the love of my life to die! And then and there, right at that moment, I found new energy to try and fix the problem. Nadia just couldn’t die! I simply wouldn’t allow that. I wrecked my brain for a couple of moments, and suddenly, an idea popped up. Two actually.

“We’ve still got plenty of time to go out, right?”

Nadia looked puzzled at me, pointed at the screen, and nodded.

“Look. We can’t write a message in the sand outside, right?”

“Yes. We talked about this. The rain will wash it away before we can finish it.”

“So… Morse code!” I said excitedly.

Nadia didn’t catch on, so I continued, “We place rocks outside. It’s not too much work, and we only need twelve rocks. Three short, which are three rocks. Then, three long, which are two rocks each. And then three rocks for the last three shorts. S.O.S.”

Nadia looked expressionless at me for a couple of moments and then mumbled, “That might work, you know? It’s a bit of a long shot, but why not? Are you okay with wearing an exo suit again?”

“I don’t see why not. The last time was an accident, but this is exactly what the suits are made for. So… no. Not a problem!”


“And there’s another option,” I said and paused dramatically, but when Nadia rolled her eyes, I said triumphantly,  “The water collection drones!”

Nadia shook her head, “I checked them. They can’t carry people, and there’s no life support on board. Not an option.”

“I know! But… hear me out. I saw buckets of paint in the hallway on the way up. We can paint text on one of them and then hope someone will read that when they board the ship to dump the water.”

“Another long shot because it’s a fully automated system, and people hardly ever come back there,” she said, and after a short pause, she continued, “But it’s better than nothing…”

“Let’s go! There’s still some daylight left, so we need to get going.”

I got into the exo suit, and I had to admit that it did feel a bit odd. But as I got to work, this feeling quickly disappeared.

As I was putting the rocks together, Nadia managed to redirect three of the water transport drones to shore. Telling them that they needed repairs was enough. After she had painted the text, ‘Aidan and Nadia still alive – send help!’ On each of them, they went back to their original task of gathering water and flying to the Zephyr.

“Now what?” Nadia asked after we were done.

“Dunno. I guess it’s best to go to the shelter and just wait.”

“Wait for what?”

“Don’t,” I said softly, feeling her fears, “we tried everything. They’ll come for us. And if not, that shelter might save our lives.”

“Tomorrow morning, we can actually see the meteor from here…” Nadia said, looking up.

“I hope to be off this planet by then.”

We headed back to the base and went into the shelter. After I sealed the door, Nadia grabbed a big toothpaste-like tube for each of us that contained our dinner. We didn’t need to heat it because when you unscrewed the cap, it warmed itself. We flopped down on the couch, where we squirted the gooey substance in our mouths.

“It tastes great!” Nadia said, surprised. I could see her actually lighten up a little.

“It does!”

After we finished our ‘dinner’, we sat on the couch opposite to each other. I was toying with my coms, and Nadia had picked up a magazine from the coffee table. I was so engrossed in my coms that I didn’t notice Nadia scooting over. She laid herself against me and sighed deeply.

“We are going to die, aren’t we?” she whispered.

“What!?” I replied loudly, “No! Of course not! We are goi-“

“Stop it, Ay! Don’t. Just… don’t. We are not going to make it, and you know it.”

“But…” I half-heartedly tried.

But I knew she was right. Deep down, I knew this for a while but was too afraid to admit it to myself. Nadia just had the guts to say it out loud. I saw a tear roll down her cheek, and I felt my eyes water. The inconvenient truth was that we weren’t going to survive this.

“I… I don’t wanna die, but now that it’s, you know…, I’m glad I’m with you,” Nadia said between soft sniffs.

I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye, swallowed a lump in my throat away, and nodded.

“I love you…” I whispered as it felt like the only thing to say at that moment.

Nadia moved up and kissed me tenderly on my cheek. After that, she whispered a soft but heartfelt “I love you so much!” in my ear.

I sat there thinking about all the things I still wanted to do but were never going to happen. I would miss out on so many things! I’d never fly my own spaceship, never be a systems engineer, never have children, and I’d die without having… Oh wow! We’d both die as virgins.

Nadia shifted next to me, and I hesitated. Was this the right moment to bring this up? Why was this on top of my mind at this moment? Shouldn’t we only be concerned about saving our lives? I was SO confused.

“Ay?” Nadia asked softly.

“Sup?” I asked and kissed her on her head.

“I… will you, I mean…” she cleared her throat, “will you please have sex with me?”

I was stunned by her question. How did she know I wanted this, too? Why did she have the courage to ask where I didn’t?

“I… I was…” I stammered, “Nevermind! Yes! I would absolutely love to!”

“Really?” Nadia asked excitedly.

“Of course! I love you, and everything we have done so far is amazing! So why die as virgins?”

“You’re so romantic,” she chuckled.

Neither of us moved for a few moments. I felt my dick throb in my pants from anticipation and decided we needed to do this. So, I got to my feet, and as Nadia eyed the tent in my pants, I offered her my hand. She grabbed it, and I pulled her to her feet.

I didn’t know why, but it felt right to lift her from her feet and carry her in my arms. As I did this, she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder.

She was heavier than I anticipated, so I was glad it was just a short walk to the bedroom. I lay her gently on the bed and looked at her. The look on her face was a mix of sadness, eagerness, anticipation, and excitement.

Before I could do anything, she sat up and started working on the button and zipper of my pants. It wasn’t rushed or extreme lust that drove her. She was just getting me ready by undressing me. As my pants slid down my hips, I pulled up my shirt.

I was now standing in front of my sister in just my tented black boxers. Nadia didn’t know what to do next, so I reached down and pulled at her shirt. She caught on and lifted her arms to help me. By now, she knew I was terrible at bras, so as I dropped her shirt, she quickly unclasped her bra and dropped it on the floor.

I moved myself down, kissed her tenderly on her lips, and pressed softly against her upper body. Nadia knew what I meant. She lay back down on the bed and looked at me. Her whole body language oozed trust, and she looked magnificent, lying there topless with her nipples hard as erasers.

I kneeled on the bed with one knee and opened her pants. As I pulled at the legs, she shimmied her hips sexily, and her pants came off quickly enough. She smiled coyly at me as I hooked my trembling fingers in the waistband of her white cotton panties.

I stood back up and looked down at my now-naked sister. I was freaking out about what we were going to do, but seeing how she looked at me with a warm but nervous smile, calmed me down considerably.  

I unceremoniously dropped my boxers, and my boner wiggled in front of me as I got back on the bed between my sister’s spread legs. I lay my body down on top of hers but made sure my dick was nowhere near her pussy. It was a bit awkward like this, but because this was our first time, I didn’t want to rush things.

My face was inches from hers, and we looked deep into each other’s eyes. Nadia wrapped her arms around my body and pulled me closer. This meant my dick now lay on top of her pussy, but she didn’t seem to mind one bit and even moaned softly when we touched.

I moved my face down and kissed her deeply. Nadia’s hands roamed all over my back, and her soft touch sent shivers down my spine. After kissing like this for a while, we broke it and opened our eyes. This was it! We didn’t need words or anything. We simply knew what to do and what the other one wanted.

I pulled my ass back a bit, and my dick dropped between her legs. I reached between our bodies, grabbed my dick by its base, and pressed my dickhead against my sister’s opening. The tip slid in a tiny bit, and her pussy lips wrapped around it and kept my throbbing member in place.

“I love you, Ay!” Nadia whispered.

I pushed my hips forward and felt myself slide slowly into the most wonderful place ever. The slick, velvety sleeve surrounding my dick was like nothing I could ever imagine.

We kept looking at each other as I entered my sister. Slowly but steadily, more and more of my dick was surrounded by her warm, soft skin. Nadia’s look lost her focus a few times, and her soft, almost whimpering moans urged me on. I had expected some resistance, But after what seemed like forever, I had penetrated my sister completely.

My balls rested against her underside, and my pubes pressed against hers. I even felt them tickle a bit. I lay completely still, unsure what to do next.

“Oh… wow!!” Nadia whispered, “This is…”

A tear formed in the corner of her eye. I was afraid I was hurting her, but a barely noticeable smile on her lips told me this was something different.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, still a bit worried.

“It’s… we are going to die. And here we are, doing something we should’ve done a long time ago! I… I love you so much, Ay!”

“I… I love you too! I wish we had more time together.”

“Me too. Let’s just enjoy the time we have left, okay?” Nadia said and moved her hands on top of my ass to urge me on.

I didn’t need any more encouragement. I knew what I had to do, and my instinct took over. I started pulling back, and a tingle shot through me as I did. Nadia hissed loudly and arched her back.

“Did I hurt you?” I asked and stopped moving altogether.

“No, no! It’s bisque… keep going, please!”

So, I pulled back further. I didn’t want to pull out too far and leave my sister’s pussy, so after a few moments of pulling out, I pushed back in. I heard myself moan as the feeling in and around my dick intensified. Nadia also groaned as I pressed my pubic bone against hers.

I pulled out again, but this time, I pulled out too far. My dick slipped out, and Nadia looked almost pleadingly at me. I managed to get back in with just a slight movement of my hips and pushed in swiftly.

Nadia and I moaned simultaneously as I pressed hard against her again. I pulled out again and pushed back in without issues. Out and in again. And again.

“Ohhh… yesss…” Nadia hissed.

I was so focused on making my sister feel good that I almost didn’t notice the tear rolling down my cheek. It was weird feeling sad, excited, and horny at the same time. I didn’t want to lose my sister. I wanted us to have a life together. But here we were, expressing our love and devotion to each other for the first and last time in our young lives. It was a tear of sadness and happiness at the same time.

My hands were beside her head as my body lay entirely on top of hers. This way, I could feel all of my twin sister’s body as we lost our virginities to each other. Nadia’s hands left the top of my ass, and each of them snuggled into mine. Our fingers interlocked, and as I looked into her eyes, I realized I had never felt closer to another person in my life.

But it didn’t take long to just focus on the fantastic feelings on my dick. Nadia already had the telltale signs of her approaching orgasm, and I felt the pressure build between my balls and butthole. I was thrusting in and out of my sister at a steady pace. I had only slipped out once and knew now exactly how far I could pull back. I liked long and steady in and out thrusts, as opposed to the short and rapid ones I tried briefly.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” Nadia panted.

I knew she was in the endzone now. Our hands left each other, and she wrapped her arms around my upper body. They squeezed me tight, and she wrapped her legs around my lower body, pushing me in even deeper that way.

But I was quickly approaching the point of no return myself. I wanted my sister to have the best first time I could possibly give her, but I started losing control myself. I slammed harder into her with every thrust. And even though my ass didn’t have much room to move anymore, I managed to make them count.

My entire groin tingled intensely, and just when I thought I was going to cum, Nadia groaned, and her body started convulsing. She slammed her eyes shut, and her mouth formed a perfect ‘O’.

Despite my internal promise to give her the best orgasm she ever had, my own urges took over. I kept pistoning in and out at the same pace and tried to stay ahead of the approaching tidal wave my orgasm was going to be.

As Nadia came, the feeling around my dick became almost unbearably amazing. Her moist, soft, and squishy pussy was squeezing and massaging my dick in such a way that I just couldn’t control myself anymore. With one last powerful thrust, I slammed deep into my sister.

My balls pulled up, and every part between my ass and the tip of my dick felt like it was on fire and frozen solid at the same time.

“Aaanngghh!!” I grunted as the first spurt of cum left my dick.

Nadia hugged me even tighter as the cum left my body and coated my sister’s insides. Her mouth was close to my ear this way, and her soft, “ohh yeah… I feel your…aaahh” gave me goosebumps all over.

My dick was still twitching, but no more cum came out. Every time it twitched, Nadia’s pussy gripped it firmly, which caused my dick to twitch again. After this happened a few times, we giggled. As I regained my breath, I moved my dick in and out one last time. I lifted my head as I did this, and we looked intensely at each other. I leaned in, and we kissed tenderly before I reluctantly pulled out and lay down next to my sister.

Immediately, she cuddled up and lay her head on my chest. I was so overwhelmed by my first time that I didn’t know what to say or do. I wasn’t a virgin anymore, but I wasn’t proud or excited about it.

“Thank you,” Nadia said softly.

“No! Thank you!” I replied, feeling weird about being thanked for having sex.

“Can we do this when… you know… ‘IT’ hits us?”

“Good plan! We’ll go out with a bang,” I said seriously.

“Do you think it’ll hurt much? Dying, I mean…”

“Dunno. If you look clinically at it, I don’t think so. When the meteor hits, the air will become so hot it’ll actually turn into a fireball. That’ll vaporize us instantly. And if, by some miracle, we’re out of the fireball zone, the debris flying around will be enough to crush us within a millisecond.”

“You thought it through, didn’t you?”

“Yeah. I did. I don’t want you to suffer. I even considered suicide by swallowing pills or something. But the meteor will kill us way faster, I reckon.”

Nadia sniffed, pressed herself tighter against me, and said in a heartbreaking tone, “I don’t wanna die, Ay!”

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I tried comforting her. But the whole concept of our upcoming death was also too much for me. We both lay there crying our eyes out and trying to find some comfort in each other. 

“We’ve still got a little over fourteen hours left to live. I don’t wanna sleep the rest of my life away, but I’m tired. Can we nap for a while?” Nadia asked after the tears dried out.

“Sure thing. Computer! Please wake us in four hours,” I said.

Nadia got comfy beside me, moved her hand down to cup my balls, and whispered, “I love you, Ay.”

After a couple of minutes, her breathing deepened. A few minutes after that, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

‘Beep! Beep! Beep!’

The sound of annoying beeps pulled me back to the land of the living. I blinked a few times, and it took me a couple of seconds to realize where I was. Nadia was lying against me, and her hand was still cupping my balls.

I wasn’t woken by the alarm I set. These were different beeps, and I hadn’t heard those before. As I was waking up, Nadia stirred next to me.

“Wh… whsdr!?” she grumbled.

“I think there’s something wrong,” I said after clearing my throat.

Nadia has always been quicker at waking up than I was. She let go of my balls, rubbed her eyes, and got to her feet. She gave me just enough time to scan her ass and boobs before she headed over to the control panel in the other room.

I quickly got up and followed her. On the monitoring screen, it was clear that something was wrong with the Terra site. The site itself didn’t seem offline, but all the telemetry readouts were gone.

“Nadia pressed some buttons, opened up a couple of other windows on the computer, and mumbled a soft, “What the..”

“What’s wrong?”

“Dunno. I can’t explain it. Everything is up and running. There’s just no more telemetric data coming our way.”

“Is it broken?”

“That’s what’s so weird. There’s still a constant data stream, but the computer can’t make any sense of that data.”

Nadia fiddled some more on the computer. I tried to figure out what she was doing, but this was what she was trained for back on Earth. Just like I was prepared for all sorts of outdoor activities. Nadia obviously knew what she was doing, and I pulled up a chair for her to sit on.

“Thanks,” she said as she sat down, never taking her eyes off the screen.

I got us a drink, sat down next to her, and watched her do her magic. I was glad the beeps had stopped, but other than that, I thought it was a waste of time. Why try to save the Terra site when it would be destroyed anyway in a couple of hours? But Nadia was busy, and it took her mind off the big rock that would kill us, so I figured it was good. And I liked watching my naked sister, and I had plenty of opportunities now.

About half an hour later, I figured it was enough. But right when I wanted to open my mouth, Nadia whispered, “That’s it!”

I perked up, sat up straight, and asked, “What?”

“One sec.”

I was annoyed about being kept in the dark, but I knew her too well to say something. She wanted to double-check this.

She turned her chair to look at me, and with a smile on her face, she said, “I think we’ve got a way to communicate with the Zephyr!”

“No way! How?”

“I’ve analyzed the data stream coming in, and it’s the source code for an application. I’m compiling it now to see what it does.”

“But… how?” I asked again, missing the big picture here.

“Okay. I think it’s like this. Bear with me. The Zephyr receives information from the terra site, so they know how the planet is doing before landing or sending specific equipment from Earth.”


“This is a very, very narrow band and only suitable for sending text in small pieces. But that’s enough since we only need that telemetry data, and not even in real-time. I think someone at the Zephyr reversed the flow and reprogrammed the telemetry system so it can relay its communications to us.”

“Oh wow!” I said, realizing my mouth was open.

“Pretty clever, yeah,” Nadia said and turned to face her monitor as the progress bar on her screen was approaching 100%.

“Now what?” I asked anxiously.

“I’ll see if I can run the program. I don’t have a clue what it is. It might also just be a simple document wishing us good luck.”


“I’m kidding,” she chuckled. And after a short pause, she continued, “But it can be. Although I find it hard to believe that they would put this much effort into it.”

“Let’s see,” I said as I toyed nervously with a couple of my pubes.

Nadia’s eyes briefly went to my fiddling fingers, and the corners of her mouth moved slightly upward. It was barely there, but I noticed. I didn’t care at that moment because I just had to know what the application was all about.

“It’s done!” Nadia said and started clicking and typing away.

I saw her moving some files around, edit a couple of text files, and finally, she opened the freshly compiled application.

“It’s a chat app!” she said excitedly.

I looked at the screen where a clunky and rudimentary chat app was showing. The top half of the screen was for the other side, and in the bottom half, we could type our text.

“Type something!” I exclaimed, “Let them know we’re here.”

“What should I type?” Nadia asked and looked very indecisive.

“Anything,” I answered, trying to keep calm.

“You do it,” Nadia said as she moved the keyboard my way.

I immediately started typing. If this was what we thought it was, this was our only and final option.


I expected I had to wait a while for a response, but less than two seconds later, a response showed up.

Hello! Aidan and Nadia?

Yes! We’re still on Aetheria.

We know! We saw your Morse code. Your parents are very worried about you. How are you?

We’re okay. We survived the quake and lived inside the remote site for a while, expecting the main base to come and rescue us.

I see. We couldn’t do that. We thought you were dead. We simply didn’t have the time, people, or equipment to go and check.

I know. We saw how the main base is doing.

It took a while for another response. Nadia and I looked at each other, and I shrugged.

“Ask if they know more about the meteor,” she said.

I thought for a moment, nodded, and held my fingers above the keyboard. But before I could type anything, the Zephyr started typing again.

Your father and mother are here and want to say hello.

Hi mom and dad! Surprise!

Nadia giggled next to me and said, “You can’t say that! They were worried sick!”

The undertone in her voice was one of amusement, so I said, “Of course I can! What are they gonna do? Ground me?”

I turned my attention back to the monitor. Two lines were there that almost made me tear up.

They say they love you. And they’re sorry.

Sorry for what?

Sorry for leaving you behind.

Don’t be sorry! You did the only logical thing!! Really! It’s NOT YOUR FAULT!

Nadia placed a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed it. I knew she felt the same about this. They thought we were dead, had one option to leave the planet, and gave it their all to find us from up there. But most of all, they never gave up.

They thank you for saying that.

And we mean it. How about that meteor? What’s the status? We kind of don’t wanna die, you know?

The meteor is still coming our way. In approximately 10 hours, it’s here.


Yes. But there’s been a development. Due to the gravitational pull of one of the other planets, its path had a tiny correction. It’s still going to be too close to call, but it might miss us.

And now what?

Now that we’ve established contact with you guys, we’re going to make some necessary course corrections to get back into low orbit. Then we can send down a transport to pick you up.


Yes, really. But during this time, we’ll have to go offline again, unfortunately. This radio won’t work in low orbit.

How much time?

It’ll take us roughly four hours to complete the maneuver. Then another thirty minutes for the transport.

We’ll make sure we’re outside near the landing zone.

That would be great because the inside dock is broken. And we don’t have very much time to spare because we need to get out of the way so the meteor or the impact on the planet won’t hit us.

Don’t worry. We’ll be ready.

Perfect! We’re starting the maneuver in five minutes. Anything else?

No! Glad you’re coming for us!

See you in a couple of hours then. Be ready! Zephyr out.

“OH MY GOD!!!” Nadia shouted and slammed her body into mine to give me the tightest hug known to men.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks from excitement and joy. When Nadia looked at me, she was also crying. But these were good tears! Without saying anything, we moved in close, and kissed each other firmly, our wet faces pressed together.

“We’re going to live, Ay!”

“Yeah… we’re being rescued thanks to you!”

“Don’t be silly!” Nadia said sternly, “If you didn’t put those rocks out there-“

“If you weren’t this smart to decipher that data stream, we’d be hopelessly lost,” I interrupted.

“Stop saying that!! WE did it. You and me! We! Together.”

I didn’t want to hear it, but when she said it, I knew she was right. We had both played our parts in this. I decided to drop it and to change the subject.

“So… Do we need to prepare anything? Should we go outside already, just to be sure?”

“Nah. We’ll only need our suits. Maybe grab some clothes and other personal stuff from our room?”

“Good idea,” I said, “I’d say we’ve got about three and a half hours to kill before we head out, right? I reckon we better be outside too early rather than too late, right?”

“Yeah. It is better to wait outside for an hour than miss the ride because of a stupid error like a leaking suit or something. With an hour to spare, we’ve got time to fix it.”


Nadia started putting on her clothes. This reversed striptease in front of me never got old, and I stalled with putting on my own clothes just so I could watch this.

As she pulled down her shirt, hiding her little black bra from view, I started putting on my clothes. I made a little show of adjusting my chubbed-up dick inside my boxers as Nadia watched intensely what I was doing. I wasn’t an expert at this. Far from it, actually! But I felt a tension in the air I couldn’t quite place.

“Ready?” I asked as I held my finger above the button that opened the door.

End of chapter 12

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Tandem res suspiciunt. Salus prope est

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Aetheria – Chapter 11

Jason Crow

Chapter 11 – The News

“Acquiring signal…” and ten seconds later, the text, “Sending ping…” showed up on the radio’s control screen. This repeated every thirty seconds.

“Just a few more minutes, I guess,” I said to Nadia, who sat next to me.

My eyes roamed to her bare chest every now and then. Even though I saw her boobs almost constantly now, my eyes were still drawn to them every time I thought she wouldn’t notice me looking.

“Takes longer than I thought,” Nadia said.

She had logged on to another system and was browsing around on it. I noticed her going through the schematics of the suits, and on another window, she had some information about the med pods.

“Yeah. Usually, it’s a lot faster.”

“Do you think something’s wrong?” Nadia asked worriedly after a couple of moments.

“I… I honestly don’t know.”

“What if we’re the only humans left?”

“We’re not. And we can always try to contact the Zephyr. There’s still a skeleton crew on it.”

“But we need the main base’s radio to contact them, don’t we?”

“Yes…” I replied softly.

“But what if there’s no-“

“Don’t think like that. We’ll work something out if we have to,” I interrupted her.

“I’m not saying,”

At that moment, the screen showed, “Connection acquired. Securing channels.”

“YES!!” we simultaneously exclaimed.

“Data flow starting. Lemme check the systems,” Nadia said.

I looked over her shoulder and quickly realized it wasn’t good. It took us a while, but it was clear that the reason the connection took so long to start was that our dish had to failover to the tertiary connection. This could only mean the primary and backup radios were offline.

“Do you know why the primary radio is offline,” I asked cautiously after a while.

“Yes. I think I do. Look.”

Nadia opened a 3D model of the main base. The middle part, where the central hall and command center were located, was collapsed. The left part of the base showed some damage but was mostly still intact. The right side, where most of the sleeping and residential chambers were, looked unharmed.

“This is a generated model based on the CPU’s information. Looks like they suffered a catastrophic failure after the quake,” Nadia said softly.

“Well… shit!” I said, feeling bummed out.

“I’m trying to retrieve the logs, but the data is too scrambled. I tried all error corrections there are, but I can’t see anything useful.”

“So… we don’t know if they’re still inside, went into some shelter, or left?”

“No. As far as I can tell, it could be all three of these options.”

I thought about it for a moment. What should we do? What if Mom and Dad were in there? What if they were trapped? And after a moment, the realization hit… what if we were really only the last two people left?

Nadia slouched back into her chair and looked defeated. I felt the same as she looked, but I knew we had to move forward. Try to find out what happened and act on that.

I cleared my throat and said, “We need to go over there and check it out.”

“I know,” Nadia sighed, “but what if…”

“We don’t know anything,” I interrupted her, “and besides… not knowing is even worse than knowing what happened. Even when… well, you know…”

“You’re right. I know you’re right! But I wasn’t expecting anything this bad. And seeing the simulation about the base makes me… sad, I guess.”

I moved over to give Nadia a firm hug, which she eagerly returned. As I gently tried to break it after a short while, she pulled me close and hugged me even tighter.

“We’ll work it out. I promise!” I whispered in her ear.

“I know. And I’m glad you’re with me. I wouldn’t know what to do without you,” Nadia said as we broke the hug.

“All right! First things first. How do we get there?” I asked and looked at the monitors. 

“Good question,” she said.

Nadia looked thoughtfully at me. She turned her chair and faced her computer. She typed frantically, scrolled around, and nodded a few times. I felt useless but knew this was precisely what Nadia was good at, so I let her do her thing.

After a while, she said, “I think we’ve got three options. First, the rover. But we need to take that long detour because of…”

“I know…”

“Second, now that the coms are back, we can also use the low-altitude cruiser.”

“Good one! Didn’t think of that!” I said, “We can’t fly it, but it can fly on its own with the beaconing system back online.”

“Right. It’ll be quick, but we’d also need to recharge that old equipment for almost an entire day. But, I don’t think either the rover or the cruiser are our best options. We won’t know what we’ll find, so we need to be able to return here if needed.”

“Don’t we have enough daylight for a return trip in the rover?”

“It’ll be tight. And that’s without the time we need to check the main base.”

“Hmm. And the third option?”

“I saw a couple of dirtbikes in the garage. Those are fast, so we don’t need the detour, and we can go back and forth twice on a single charge. We just can’t take any big parts with us. We’ve only got our backpacks and the small storage compartments for the stuff we wanna take with us.”

I was genuinely impressed. This was a great idea! But then a thought struck. I couldn’t drive a dirt bike with my hands still in the braces.

Nadia must have seen my reaction because she said, “You can ride with me. Or…”

“Or what?”

“Those purple lights? I checked what they mean.”


“Yeah. According to this,” she said and opened up a window on her computer to show me, “it’s the final stage of recovery. The active reconstruction of the nerves and bones is completed, and now it’s just a precaution to stop your fingers from moving.”

“Why? If it’s cured, it’s cured, right?”

“There are known cases where patients lost the feeling in their hand. If that happens, it means an invasive surgery and at least six weeks of recovery. So that’s why those braces are on the safe side by default.”

“Well… shit!” I said.

“We can take off the braces. It’s just… a bit of a risk.”

How big is that risk?” I asked, feeling apprehensive about it. But the idea of regaining the use of my fingers was very appealing.

“A little less than five percent.”

I let this sink in for a moment. Five percent is pretty high. One in every twenty people. But this would make our trip a lot easier.

“I think it’s a risk worth taking, don’t you think?” I said.

“They’re your hands. So, I’ll leave it up to you, but it makes the trip to the main base a lot easier. And we managed just fine in here without the use of your hands, so I think we can also last six weeks if we have to.”

“I think we should take them off tomorrow before we head out. And you’re right. We did manage in here because of you.”

“Because of us,” Nadia said sternly, with an emphasis on ‘us’. And a moment later, she blushed and said, “But I DID like some things about helping you…”

“Yeah… me too. But that doesn’t have to stop,” I said, smiling broadly.


We talked about our plans for tomorrow. In the morning, my braces would come off, and we’d grab the two backpacks we were going to prepare this evening. Nadia had already checked the status of the bikes from her computer, and five of them were fully charged, so there was no problem there.

We’d head out early so we could use most of the available daylight. Our goal was to enter the main base through the emergency exit at the back of the compound. This exit/entrance was located in the section where the living quarters were. We’d have the best chance to enter the base there and see if the quarters were occupied.

After we made our plans, I helped Nadia with the backpacks. Although helping is kind of a stretch. I pointed out things she could put in there. We also prepared the suits for tomorrow and made sure everything was in working order.

As we entered the bedroom, Nadia went to the toilet. I crawled into bed, unsure what we’d do next. I really liked what we did so far and wanted nothing more than to do sexy stuff with my sister. But I just wasn’t in the mood at the moment. The tension about the trip and what we’d find tomorrow was at the top of my mind. Doing sexy stuff simply wasn’t.

Nadia looked all serious as she came out of the bathroom. Checking out her naked body never got old, and since Nadia didn’t seem to mind, I let my eyes roam. They went from her small boobs, over her tight belly, down to her small patch of pubes above her lovely slit, and ended up on her sweet ass as she lifted the covers to get in.

She immediately cuddled up to me, and as I was thinking about how I’d probably still join her with the sexy stuff if she’d started it, Nadia cleared her throat.

“Let’s just cuddle, okay?” she asked softly.


“I’m scared, Ay”, she said after a few minutes of silence.

“Me too. But as long as we’re together, I know we’ll be fine!”

“That sounds corny…” Nadia chuckled.

I also chuckled and had to admit it sounded really corny indeed. Nadia moved her hand down and cupped my balls.

“I just wanna hold you. Do you mind?”

“Of course not. Feels nice.”

She relaxed her hand and arm, and it was clear she had settled in for the night. I liked how her hand on my balls felt. And despite her thumb on the base of my dick and hand cupping my balls, I didn’t bone up. It was just an extremely lovely way to cuddle like this.

“I hope I can sleep,” Nadia softly said.

I just nodded and let tomorrow’s plans pass through my head again to make sure we weren’t overlooking something. After a couple of minutes, I heard Nadia’s breathing deepen and smiled inwardly.

“Ready?” Nadia asked as her hand hovered over the med pod’s computer panel.

I nodded and looked at my braces. A second later, a loud beep sounded, and the lights turned green. I felt a slight tingle in my wrists, and the braces opened. Nadia took them and laid them inside the med pod.

I tried wiggling my fingers and was glad to see them move. It didn’t hurt at all, and when Nadia brushed her fingers over the back of my hand, I felt them move.

“That’s some good news. According to that article I read, you’re not out of the woods yet. The numbness can still happen, but this is definitely a good start.”

“Bisque! Let’s grab the backpacks and head downstairs,” I said.

In the central control room, Nadia set the base to hibernation mode. This way, we could always return, and the base would continue to operate. After everything checked out, we grabbed the backpacks.

“It’ll be weird wearing clothes again,” I said as we approached the inner airlock.

“Yeah… but at least now I won’t be hypnotized all the time by your swaying dick anymore,” Nadia chuckled.

We both laughed at that and entered the first airlock. After we suited up and went through the second airlock, we headed over to the bikes. The bikes were about six feet long and about three feet high.

They weren’t anything like the vintage dirtbikes we saw in the movies. These wheels were smaller, and the tires were a lot bigger. They had the same tractor-like look as the tires on the rover and were as high as my hip. With the ten-inch width, they had loads of grip on rough terrain.

Under the big seat of the bike, there was a storage compartment. We placed the backpacks in there. We also checked the spare oxygen tanks, and after each of them hissed loudly after we opened the valves, we knew we were ready to go.

I mounted my bike, and the front and back wheels moved toward each other. The whole motorcycle rose higher, and my feet were now about two feet from the ground. This way, we had both excellent suspension and enough clearance to drive over almost every piece of terrain.

I rotated the throttle at the handlebars and drove toward the control panel of the garage door. I glanced over at Nadia, and she simply nodded. I pressed the button, and the door opened.

“Coms check.”

“Coms okay,” Nadia replied, “I’ll be right behind you.”

The rain wasn’t that heavy today, and the ground wasn’t muddy at all, so we made good progress. The AR navigation system in my helmet projected the ideal path to drive, and we were at our crash site in no time.

I glanced at the rock that killed our brother and was glad there were no signs of his body. The confrontation of his accident was bad enough as it was. But I didn’t want to dwell on it, so I drove toward the small opening between the canyon wall and the massive boulder in the middle of the road. It was a tight fit, but we could pass through it with our bikes without any significant problems.

“You okay?” I asked after we both passed through.

“Yeah. But it’s… you know?”

Yeah. But… we… you know, need to keep going. So, let’s roll.”

The electric engines hummed softly as we pulled away. As we drove through the canyon, the only signs that we were here before were the lights beside the road. The rain had washed away all other evidence. We had to drive around a couple more fallen rocks, but other than that, the trip through the canyon was uneventful.

After we had left the canyon behind us, it was smooth sailing toward the main base. No more fallen rocks or rugged terrain. Nadia pulled up next to me, and we drove next to each other for a while.

“If I wasn’t this worried about Mom and Dad, I’d say it’s a beautiful planet,” Nadia said.

“It sure is.”

We approached the top of a small hill, and I knew we had to be close to the base by now. But when I saw it appear in the distance, I was shocked by how it looked.

It was still a bit too far away to see much detail, but what I could see from here was that the 3D model was pretty accurate about the damage.

“Oh wow,” Nadia said as she stopped next to me.

We stood there for a couple of minutes, and I felt an incredible urge to check out the damage. Maybe there were still people inside!

“Come on,” I said, turning the gas handle fully open with rocks shooting away from under my tires.

As we came closer, I felt my stomach tighten. This was bad. The middle part of the base had collapsed completely, and the part where the labs and workshops were located was also damaged. It wasn’t nearly as bad as the central hub, but still.

“At least the airlock is still functional,” I said as I stepped off my bike and assessed the damage to the structure of the living quarters.

I looked at my sister as she grabbed her backpack. The look on her face showed it all. She was just as scared as I was, but I knew I couldn’t show it. I needed to be strong, but this wasn’t easy. I was so worried about what we’d find in there that I almost shitted myself.

“Grab the oxygen tank. We need to wear our masks inside, just to be safe.”

Nadia didn’t say anything but grabbed her stuff and stood next to me. After I grabbed my backpack and oxygen tank, we headed to the airlock.

“See you on the other side,” Nadia said and entered the airlock first.

As I entered the changing room, a hatch opened, and a bot appeared. It drove to the center of the room. Once there, it opened, and the clothes I took off when we left hung inside that bot.

A couple of minutes later, we stood, fully dressed in our own clothes, inside the living part of the main base. We both were wearing our oxygen masks, just to be sure.

This part of the base didn’t look too damaged. There wasn’t an alarm sounding, the ceiling hadn’t collapsed, no loud hisses of venting steam pipes, nothing like you’d see in the movies. There was just an eerie quietness around us.

Usually, people were walking and talking in this part of the building. But now, it was just the two of us.

“HELLO!?” I shouted, followed by an even louder, “ANYONE IN HERE?!”

We both yelled a couple of times, but after no one reacted, we stopped shouting and focused on other things. Nadia checked a control panel on the wall. After a few moments, she said, “The air seems okay, and there are no signs of a breach anywhere.”

“That must mean the automatic inner seals did their job. Let’s see if there’s a way left to go to the central control room.”

We both enabled our internal nav system. I was notified immediately that there wasn’t a standard route to that destination, and a loud, annoying beep sounded in my ear. But Nadia kept fiddling, and after a couple of moments, she said, “There might be a way, but I’m not sure if it’s still there.”

“Just lead the way, and we’ll see.”

We walked through parts of the base I’d never been to before. But eventually, we rounded a corner and had to stop at a glass door. Through the door, we saw the devastation of the central part of the base. The entire primary structure was gone.

The central hub where we had our first briefing, the command module, the garage, storage… everything was gone!

“This is bad…” I said softly.

“Do you think Dad was in the command center when it… happened?”

“Dunno. Let’s check their room. Maybe we’ll find something there. There’s nothing left on this side anyway.”

I entered my parent’s room as a destination in my nav, and before we knew it, we were standing in front of their door. I hesitated momentarily but eventually swiped my wrist over the lock pad. After a soft beep, the door slid open, and I walked in. Nadia decided to wait in the hallway, and I couldn’t blame her. We had no idea what to expect here. But as I looked around, nothing was shocking in there, so I called that she could come in.

She quickly looked around and whispered, “They’re gone…”

I didn’t want to hear this. Our parents wouldn’t abandon us. So, with a bit of fire in my voice, I said, “No, they’re not! They’re probably hiding-“

She interrupted me and pointed at the closet, “Their clothes are gone.”

Damnit! She was right! The closet door was open, and I could see the empty shelves. Why did they leave? What happened here? That’s when I noticed the holo cube on the main table. The small, blinking green light got my attention.

“Someone left a message,” I said as I hovered my finger above the small cube.

“Well?” Nadia said with an anxious look on her face.

I pressed the cube, and after it scanned my fingertips, it buzzed. In front of the table, a holographic image of our mom appeared. In the background, we could hear Dad say, “Okay, go!”

She nodded and looked directly at the cube, something we’ve told her dozens of times not to do and pretend people are standing around you. Mom never seemed to learn, and I felt stupid for thinking about something this unimportant at this moment.

“Aidan? Nadia? I know you’re still alive, and I just know you’ll see this! Listen very carefully because we don’t have much time to explain.”

Mom sniffed and blew her nose. She cleared her throat, looked at her feet, and was clearly trying to keep her act together. She was shifting her weight from left to right, took a deep breath, and continued.

“We constantly kept an eye on your sensors from here. I wanted to make sure that everything went well, so we had a monitor session open in here… Right before we got the quake announcement, Ethan’s sensors went offline. And that’s when the quake hit us. Thank God your father was in here with me when the quake hit. Otherwise, he’d also be…” Mom stopped talking, and we heard her choke up.

“Take a breath, Hon,” we heard Dad say.

Mom sighed deeply again and continued, “After the quake, there was a blind panic in here. Your father and I had to keep checking the monitors and sensors ourselves from the control panel in our room. When the monitor had power again, we noticed your sensors and the rover were offline. It was hard to reach people who knew all about these sensors, but we were told your rover must’ve been crushed or something. So, I called the technician who had talked to…”

“Uhm… a little faster, Hon,” Dad said in the background.

“Yes. Long story short… the Zephyr pointed a camera at your site, and it turned out to be a video feed that showed us almost nothing. Your last known location was empty but littered with big rocks and boulders. There was also a recording from that same camera that showed Ethan when he… But when the quake happened, that camera was pointed to the main base. After we rechecked your site, we couldn’t find the rover anywhere, and everyone assumed you were crushed. And that you were also…”

Another sniff and another deep breath. She focused on the cube and said, “But I just know you’re alive! I can feel it!!! And now…”

She started crying, and Dad walked into the picture. He put an arm around her shoulders and looked thoughtfully at us.

“Guys… we need to warn you. There’s no easy way to say this. The quake wasn’t even the worst thing that happened. When you see this, we’re going to the Zephyr because…” he sighed deeply, “because there’s a huge meteor coming our way.”

I looked at Nadia, and the stunned expression on her face matched my feelings of disbelief.

“This meteor,” Dad continued, “was spotted about ten minutes before the quake hit us. It is one of the planet-killing types. Even bigger than the one that killed the dinosaurs on Earth. We don’t know for sure if it’ll hit us because we don’t have all the necessary equipment to measure it precisely. But trust me, it’ll be close.”

“Holy moly,” I whispered.

Nadia walked over and put her arms around me. She pressed herself against me, and I heard her sniff. But the hologram kept talking.

“I promise we’ll keep scanning the planet to see if we can find you, but the Zephyr only has limited equipment for this. But please! When you see this, head down to the shelter in basement eight. It’s designed to withstand almost everything. If there’s any-“

Loud sirens and flashing lights started in the background. Dad looked at the cube and said, “We have to go now. PLEASE! Go to that basement! We WILL find you. I promise!”

A couple of guys appeared in the background and grabbed Mom. “We love you!” she shouted and was taken out of the room.

“Stay safe! I’m the commander, and I promise I’ll do everything I can to…” he looked up at the man and held up one finger of his hand. The man nodded, and Dad said, “Go to the basement! We love you!”

And with that, the holograms disappeared, and we were alone again. Nadia turned her body to hug me tightly, and she started crying. I comforted her but felt a wave of panic and hopelessness wash over me. What should we do?

After a couple of moments, Nadia stopped crying and looked at me. Her eyes were swollen, and her cheeks were wet. But I felt such a deep, intense love for my sister at that moment I knew I would do anything to protect her. We needed to seek shelter, and we needed to know how much time we had. And on top of that, we needed to let our parents know we were here.

“Mom and Dad are alive. At least that’s some good news, right?” Nadia smiled weakly.

I chuckled at that. This was precisely what I liked so much about her. She always tried to see the positive side of things.

“Yes. But they’re about three hundred miles above us. We need to let them know we’re here. And we need to know how much time we have until that meteor crashes.”

“But the control center is gone.”

“I know. And that’s a big problem because the primary and secondary antenna arrays are also gone.”

We sat down at the table, each lost in our thoughts. I tried hard to think of a way out of this. If the Zephyr had their cameras pointed to the base and was at the right place in orbit, they may have seen us going in. But what if the camera was pointed toward the Meteor? Or at some other big problem? And what if the orbit they were currently in meant that they could only see us every six hours or so? Then they’d definitely missed us. No. We needed to contact the Zephyr. That was our top priority. Finding out the time we had until impact was second.

“Do you think we can contact the Zephyr from here?” I asked Nadia.

“Dunno. The tertiary antenna rig is designed for on-planet communications only. The other antennas are gone.”

“And we don’t have the command center anymore, so there is no way to control the antenna…” I added, feeling defeated.

“We’d better head to the basement. Nothing we can do here,” Nadia said as she got up.

“Guess you’re right.”

End of chapter 11

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Mors proxima est. remanebunt?

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Aetheria – Chapter 10

Jason Crow

Chapter 10 – Repairs

We sat next to each other at the table, where Nadia ate her dinner and fed me mine. We got used to eating like this, and I didn’t feel like a baby anymore. I didn’t feel the need to talk about what just happened, and apparently, neither did Nadia.

“Why are the lights purple?” I asked as Nadia finished her plate.

She looked at the braces around my wrists and shrugged. “Dunno. Can you use your fingers?”

I tried wiggling my fingers, but the light immediately turned red, and my fingers didn’t move.

“Guess not,” Nadia said, “we’ll check it with the med pod later.”

After a couple of minutes of silence, Nadia said, “I think I’ve got an idea.”


“I think I can go out to fix the dish. You can watch me through my suit’s camera and guide me with what to do. I mean… it doesn’t have to be you going out there. Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t fix it!”

“It’s not because you’re a girl!” I exclaimed, slightly offended by her comment, “It’s because I had the specialized training about this. It would be the same with the drilling equipment where you’re the specialist.”

“I know… I’m sorry, and you’re right. But I wanna know if we can go back to Mom and Dad, you know? We can’t stay here forever, and I don’t think they’re coming for us anytime soon.”

“Yeah… we need to do something, that’s for sure. And I think it might work, but…”

“But you need to be able to operate the CPU. I know. That’s my other idea. How about we tie one of those operating pens to your wrists so you can press the buttons that way?”

I thought about it briefly and felt stupid for not thinking of that myself. When I nodded, a smile appeared on Nadia’s face.

“That’s very smart, you know?”

Nadia beamed with pride as I said this. We discussed how to do this and made an actual mission plan together. Our primary objective was to realign the communication dish and to bring coms with the main base back online. But there were also two secondary objectives.

We needed some stuff from our transport rover. A suit for me, for example. But also additional oxygen bottles, face masks to go with the oxygen, and maybe some parts to fix the garage. The garage was the other secondary objective. Since the door was jammed, she needed to check if it was fixable. It was most likely a blown circuit board, according to the CPU’s self-tests, but if we could fix this, it would increase our chances of getting out of here.

We worked at the plan for a while. The fact we weren’t wearing any clothes wasn’t really distracting us anymore, not when we were occupied with our task.

By the time we were done, it was already late. We were hyped about our plans for tomorrow and finally knowing the situation at the main base.

As we walked toward the bedroom, Nadia put her arm around my waist. I got the hint and draped mine over her shoulder. As we walked, Nadia placed her head on my shoulder, and I lay mine against hers. It was nice, walking together like this, naked and in love. When Nadia’s hand went lower and cupped my ass, it made me smile, especially when she gently squeezed it.

We entered our bedroom, and Nadia stopped at the bed. She turned over, placed both her arms around my neck, and kissed me deeply. I put my arms around her waist, frustrated that I couldn’t use my hands to caress her back.

Before I knew it, Nadia broke the kiss and pushed at my chest. I fell back down on the bed, looked at her, and saw she had a wicked grin on her face. Nadia moved quickly, and within seconds she was turned around and lying on top of me with her head near my dick, each leg next to my face, and her pussy inches away from my mouth.

The moment I felt her lips touch my dickhead, I let out a moan, moved my face forward, and kissed her pussy. I was immediately treated with that taste I learned to love so much during the last time of eating her out and started working on my sister’s pussy.  

Licking her like this was different than last time. This new position caused her hips to be turned a little, and her legs were spread a bit more. This way, her clit could be reached better, but I couldn’t get to the low end of her slit near her asshole as easily as last time. Because of this, I had to focus more on her clit and the upper half of her slit.

As I was licking away, I felt Nadia’s mouth doing all sorts of things on my cock. One of her hands was toying with my balls, while the other was on my ass with her fingers close to my opening. I was afraid a finger near my hole would put me off, but the opposite was true. She didn’t actually touch my hole, but it was interesting nevertheless. Nadia wasn’t sucking me as furiously as before, and because of that, this wasn’t a race to orgasm. We were just working on each other’s genitals with our mouths in an attempt to make the other feel as good as possible.

I liked what we were doing. The buildup was slow but deliberate this way. When Nadia felt me approaching my peak, she stopped momentarily, licked my balls, and toyed with my pubes. I did precisely the same when I felt my sister reach the higher regions of her orgasm. When her squirming and moaning got more intense, I stopped for a moment and focused on other things.

I don’t know how long we were lying like this. It felt like ages, but it was probably about half an hour of licking, sucking, grunting and moaning. But when I involuntarily started moving my hips to drive more of my dick into her mouth because of my rapidly approaching orgasm, Nadia didn’t back down. She actually started squirming more and pressed her pussy firmly against my face.

We didn’t need to talk about this. We both just knew this was it. Nadia doubled her effort on my dick, and I was treated with copious amounts of her fantastic juices that I lapped up eagerly.

It was as if I was covered with a blanket of ants. There were tiny tingles all over my body, all accumulating in my balls. I moaned loudly on my twin’s pussy as I felt my balls pull up.

At the same time, Nadia moaned loudly, and another gush of her cunt juices came out. Her pussy lips started opening and closing rapidly, and her body lay perfectly still on top of mine. I felt her muscles tighten all over, and gush after gush of her sweet nectar filled my mouth.

She was cumming, and she came strongly. This realization hit me so hard that I couldn’t hold back anymore. I lifted my ass off the bed, and as my balls unloaded themselves, Nadia sucked hard on my dick, swallowing everything I had to offer.

Having to work for it and not being able to only focus on the good feelings during my orgasm was a first, but not unpleasant at all. I had to divide my attention between my sister’s orgasm and my own, which kept me slightly horny after I came.

Nadia was still slowly sucking on my softening dick, and I lazily lapped around her lips after we came. The flow of her juices had died down, but it was still fun to trigger her pussy like this. Nadia let my dick slip from her mouth and said, “There’s no more sperm. Too bad…”

She climbed off of me, turned around, and cuddled up to me. She had a massive grin on her face and kissed me on my cheek as she settled in for the night.

“I love your sperm,” she said softly.

“I love how you taste down there,” I whispered back.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Nadia said, “We don’t need to have, you know… real sex to feel good, do we?”

“Nope,” I replied, “but everything we did so far felt better than what we did before that, so…”

Nadia giggled at that and said, “Guess you’re right.”

Another silence. Out of the blue, Nadia said, “When you were on painkillers…”

“What about that?” I asked cautiously.

“You said you had… dreams, right?”

“I thought they were dreams, yes…”

“We didn’t just kiss, you know?”

I froze at that last comment. What else did I do? I didn’t rape my sister or anything else really bad, did I?

“When I was preparing the med pod, you…”

“Uh oh…” I said, trying to break the ice.

Nadia chuckled. She looked at me and said, “Nothing bad, don’t worry. You… kissed and sucked my breasts.”

“Oh… I remember that! It was a wonderful dream…” I answered, feeling relieved it wasn’t anything stupid I did.

“I liked that,” Nadia said softly, and I could see her blush.


“I think that was when I knew I could do more with you. I was unsure what you wanted, but it was clear as day at that moment.”

I pulled her close to me and hugged her the best I could. I kissed her on her head and said, “And I’m SO glad we did!”

“Me too…”

After that, we kissed some more. We Frenched for a while, but mostly we kissed tenderly and just enjoyed the closeness between us.

“I didn’t do anything else, did I?” I asked after we broke the kiss.

“You danced the Hokey-Pokey and barked like a dog. But other than that…” Nadia chuckled.

I poked her in her ribs, causing her to squeal and laugh. I tried looking all serious at her, but I knew I failed miserably.

“No. That was it,” Nadia said eventually.

“Thank God!”

Before I knew it, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Despite being alone on a distant planet inside an abandoned base, I felt safe and at ease with the situation.

I was awakened by the shuffling of the bed. I assumed Nadia had to go to the bathroom. But when her hand gripped my dick moments later, and I felt something wet on the tip of it, I had to open my eyes.

I looked down and expected her lips around the tip of my dick, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw her squatting above my crotch, guiding my hard cock toward the opening of her pussy.

“Wh- what are you doing?” I stammered groggily.

Nadia didn’t look at me, was only focused on getting my dick between her legs, and said, “I wanna try something…”

“Are… are you gonna stick it in? Because…”

“No! I just want to try this.”


“I’m not sticking it in!” she said, slightly annoyed.

I moaned as she started moving my dick around over her moist pussy. Nadia’s goal wasn’t to get me off. She was just doing this to make herself feel good.

“Oh, wow…” she moaned excitedly as she rubbed my dickhead over her clit.

“This is… ohh… bisque… hmm…”

We both moaned and grunted as Nadia used my dick as her personal pleasure tool. It was pretty amazing, knowing how she was using me like this for her own pleasure. But the effect on me was also pretty mind-boggling.

Nadia groaned and shifted a little. It was clear that she wasn’t comfortable in the position she was in. So I said, “Lay on your back,” and moved to my side.

Nadia lay on her back and looked expectantly at me. I scooted closer, my dick pointing forward toward my twin sister’s opening. I pushed it down with my wrist as I scooted closer. My dick touched her sopping wet pussy, and it slid up right away, brushing her clit. Nadia moaned loudly and had the horniest look in her eyes I ever saw up until then.

She grabbed my dick and started using it as a paintbrush and moved it all over her pussy. This was amazing and felt nearly the same as when she sucked me. But the idea of being so close to entering her and having real sex was an added layer that brought me quite close to shooting my load again.

Nadia must’ve seen the look on my face because she grabbed my dickhead, and used it to focus on rubbing her clit. My sole task was to move as little as possible and not shoot my sperm. But this was a lot to ask! Each time the underside of my dickhead came into contact with my sister’s clit, a shot of electricity shot through me. And now she was rubbing them constantly together.

“Ohh… I’m close… to… aahhhb!” I groaned.

Nadia kept rubbing for a few moments and then surprised me by moving my dick down.

“Oohhh… you… ahhh… Shoot in here,” she moaned.

The tip of my dickhead touched her silky soft, warm, and moist flesh. The moment I realized I was right at her entrance, I lost it.

“NNGGGGHHH!” I grunted in a vain attempt to hold back.

But I was already tumbling down the hill as my orgasm hit me. My dick twitched, and as my first spurt entered my sister, I felt her pussy lips squeeze tight, and my dick slid back. The three spurts that followed landed on her pussy and a bit on her pubes.

In front of me, my sister was twitching on the bed, panting heavily and still on the high of her orgasm. I had regained just enough of my wits to push my hips forward and rub her pussy again. But I had to stop right away because my dickhead was just too sensitive.

I placed one hand on her knee to steady myself while Nadia returned to the land of the living. She looked at me and blushed. Her guilty look puzzled me initially, but as I lay down next to her, it dawned on me.

“That was BISQUE!!” I exclaimed, hoping to wash away her guilt.

“It was, right?” she panted.

“Yeah… especially when you, you know… lined me up…”

She was quiet for a moment and said, “I was afraid you wouldn’t like it. Because, you know… it’s almost sex?”

“Almost sex isn’t real sex,” I said and kissed her on her cheek.

We were silent for a few minutes when Nadia put her hands between her legs and giggled, “We need a shower.”

Nadia and I showered together, and she made sure I was clean all over, including the important places. We still had the four-minute limit to shower in our system, so we did everything quickly and efficiently. Showering together wasn’t anything sexual we did, but it was amazing to be this close and open with each other.

After the shower, we ate breakfast and made our plans for the day. There was no point in waiting any longer for the main base to come and search for us. It was even more likely that they had more significant problems than we did. And the weather wasn’t too bad either. Just mild rain and no wind.

As we walked toward the airlock, I could feel Nadia’s nervousness. I tried putting her at ease by cracking a few jokes, but they didn’t land. Right before she entered the airlock. She fiddled with the sticks she had tied to my wrists to check if they were still fastened enough. After she confirmed they were, she took a deep breath.

I hugged her tightly and said, “You’ve got this! Don’t worry. You managed to get both of us inside on your own, so this should be a breeze. I’m with you over the coms constantly.”

“I know. But it’s scary to do this alone, you know?”

“Yeah. If anything happens that you don’t trust, just come back, and we’ll try again later. If there’s another quake, drop to the surface of the station. You’re under the shields that way, and you can wait it out safely. You’ll be fine! I’m sure!”

“Thanks, Ay! I… I love you…”

We kissed each other, and after she broke the hug, she entered the airlock. The tension was all over her face, and I felt sorry for her. The annoyance about my fingers boiled up again, but I managed to stay focused on the task at hand.

After I couldn’t see my sister anymore, I rushed back to the control room. I sat down and made sure the pins on my wrists were still tight. Next, I pressed some buttons, and Nadia’s camera feed showed up on the screen. Her helmet with the cameras was still on the bench, and I could only see my sister’s legs. But a moment later, the camera shook, and Nadia clicked the helmet in place on her suit.

“Coms check,” she said.

“Coms okay. Let’s go,” I replied and tried to sound as calm as I could.

But the nervousness Nadia felt was also in my system. During training, it was decided that I would do the external tasks, and not being in control now had an effect on me I didn’t expect. But I tried to hide this from Nadia and maybe talk about it after this was done.

“Head over to the rover now. Cameras show there’s no debris over there, so it should be easy.”

“Check. Heading over to the rover.”

“Vision is clear on all cameras,” I said as I checked out the different monitors, “you’re doing great, Sis!”

“Yeah… I’m pretty awesome.”

Through her helmet cam, I could follow her every move. And the outside feeds provided me the bigger picture. Nadia grabbed the antenna repair kit, which was a flight case containing several components that were easily replaceable.

“You okay?” I asked after she had climbed the ladder to the back end of the building.

“Yeah. It’s easier than I thought.”

“Good. Wanna hear another joke?”

“Oh boy…”

“Two wind turbines stand in a field. One asks the other: so, what kind of music are you into? The other replies: oh! I’m a huge metal fan!”

It was awfully quiet for a moment, but then I heard a muffled giggle.

“Get it?” I pressed, knowing how much she likes it when I play dumb and explain a joke, “A metal fan… because he’s a-“

“I get it!” Nadia interrupted, giggling audibly now.

“You know you like me…”

“You’re an idiot …”

She walked a little further, and when she rounded the corner, the antenna dish came into view.

“There it is,” Nadia said, and I saw she doubled her pace.

Nadia kneeled down at its base, and we started our work. I could talk Nadia through everything easier than anticipated. After a bit of testing and troubleshooting, it turned out the alignment motor was off. It appeared to work, and all the tests said it was okay, but it just wouldn’t align the dish properly.

Thankfully, the repair kit contained a spare motor. It was connected with just four bolts and a simple connector that Nadia could loosen and tighten easily with the automatic screwdriver from the kit.

“Done. Anything else?” Nadia asked after tightening the last bolt.

“I’ll start the calibration sequence. Just a sec.”

It wasn’t easy operating the CPU with just two sticks, but eventually, I managed to start the sequence. The dish started rotating left to right and up and down, and after a few minutes, the green light lit up next to the operational status on the screen.

“Looks like it’s working,” I said.

“Yess!” Nadia exclaimed.

“Just… one… more… thing…” I said as I started the self-test sequence.

“Self-test running. 1% complete.” appeared on the screen. After a minute had passed, it read, “Self-test running. 1.2% complete.”

“It’s running a full diagnostic test. It can take a while before we can search for the home base’s signal. You might as well come back now.”

“Roger. Returning to base. Next stop: garage door!”

After about an hour of walking, fiddling, and testing, Nadia had inserted a spare circuit board. All sorts of lights started blinking, and with a loud noise, the garage door opened. It was almost as if it protested against being used.

“I really am awesome, ain’t I?” Nadia exclaimed after the door opened completely.

“No point in denying that,” I laughed.

Now that we had fixed the two errors and were off the hook, I figured I might as well pull a prank on my sister. So, I opened up her suit settings, hesitated a brief moment, and activated the massage function at her crotch.

“What the…” came over the radio a moment later.

“What’s up?” I asked innocently.

“You know damn well what’s up… Oohh…”

“Just kidding. I’ll switch it off.”

“No! Leave… aaahhh, it on,” Nadia said, panting a little already.

“I wonder why they built this in. It doesn’t seem to serve a purpose other than… you know…”

“Maybe it’s because of…”

Nadia was quiet for a second, but I could still hear her panting. When she didn’t continue, I said, “Maybe when there’s a wound in that area, it can stop the bleeding?”

“I don’t care! It feels good!”

“Just as good as what we did earlier?”

“Oh no! That was WAY… ohh… better!”

On the camera feeds, I could see she was still walking toward the rover, but her pace had slowed down considerably.

“I, uhm… I liked shooting my stuff on your…” I said timidly.

“Ahh.. that was totally bisque! I liked that SO… ohh much! I think we shou- hey!”

“What’s the matter?” I asked, now quickly checking all camera feeds to see what had happened.

“What did you do? The massaging stopped!”

“I didn’t,” I said and checked the suit settings.

“I can’t turn it back on again,” Nadia said, and I saw through her helmet cam she was pressing the buttons on her wrist pad.

I also tried to re-enable the massage function, but it wouldn’t start either. I tried to overrule it, but another beep told me it wouldn’t work.

“Well… that’s a bummer,” I said.

“Major a-hole who built this! Bring people to their peak, and then…” Nadia grumbled as she got into the rover.

“It’s weird… why would they build it like this?”

I saw Nadia powering up the rover, and she said, “I don’t know. But you better be ready for it when I come back. I need to finish this, and I know you’ve got the perfect tool to help me with that!”

This made me blush, and my dick rose to full mast when I realized what we were going to do in a couple of minutes.

“But…” I stammered, a bit overwhelmed by my sister’s determination on this subject.

“Look… it feels good for both of us. So why not do it?”

I caught myself shrugging, but knowing she couldn’t see me, I said, “Good point, I guess. But isn’t, you know… sticking it in, like… sex?”

“If it’s just the tip, I don’t think so. Do you?”

“Dunno. Guess you’re right,” I said, acutely aware of my twitching boner.

I was beaming with anticipation as I watched Nadia unload the rover and place all the spare stuff in their respective places. Was I really going to stick the tip of my dick into my sister’s pussy, or was she just yanking my chain? Or maybe we’d do what we did this morning?

“I think we can call this a success,” Nadia said, snapping me out of my thoughts, “I’m coming back inside.”

“You did great! I couldn’t have done it better myself. Diagnostic is at sixty-three percent and counting.”

“I’ll see you in our bedroom,” Nadia replied emotionlessly.

I practically ran to our bedroom. The moment I stepped inside, I was unsure what to do. Lie down or sit on the bed? Lean against the wall and try to look all cool?

As I was contemplating this, I heard a sound behind me. Before I knew it, Nadia’s hand sneaked over my hip and gripped my dick at its base, and started stroking it up and down. Nadia had tiptoed toward me and whispered in my ear, “Good! Nice and hard already…”

Her hand didn’t leave my dick as I turned around. I kissed her on her mouth, and she immediately opened her lips to let my tongue in. We Frenched for a couple of moments before she broke the kiss, looked me in my eyes, gave my dick a squeeze, and said, “I need this, and I need it now…”

“What happened to you?” I chuckled, “Not that I mind…”

“I guess I’m just… what did they call it in that movie? Horny?”


Nadia let go of my dick and got on the bed. She obscenely spread her legs and looked at me with a look I hadn’t seen before.

“Come on, big brother. Help your poor little sister…”

I loved this version of Nadia! I was way too shy to take the lead. This way, I only had to go with the flow. And it turned me on immensely. I crawled on my knees between her legs again, my hard dick pointing the way. The moment Nadia could reach it, she was rubbing my dickhead all over her pussy, focusing on her clit.

“Ooohhh… YESS!” she moaned the moment we made contact.

I got as comfortable as possible and lay my hand on her knees. She had pulled her feet toward her ass, causing her knees to stick up. Holding on to them was an excellent way to steady myself.

The feeling of her slippery wet pussy on my dick was indescribable. Knowing I was giving my sister an even better feeling this way turned me on even more.

“Ohhh… I’m close! I…” Nadia whispered between her ragged pants.

The suit had given her a headstart over me. I knew I wasn’t here for my own pleasure, so I let her have her way. And sure enough, before long, I saw the now telltale signs of her approaching climax. Ragged breaths, head moving around, soft whimpering. All signs I learned recently.

“Aaahh!!!” Nadia grunted.

Her body stiffened, and she arched her back. As she came, she lay perfectly still, pressing my dickhead firmly against her clit.

My dick was tingling all over, and I realized I was closer than I anticipated. Being the source of my sister’s pleasure, and her moist, velvety pussy, probably also helped a lot. Nadia opened her eyes and smiled at me. She checked me out from head to toe and slowly started rubbing my dick around again.

“Now it’s time for the grand finale,” she said, giggling coyly.

“Ahh… you ohh… won’t have to wait too long…”

Nadia increased the pace, and I saw her body twitch every now and then.

“I’m still… hmmm… cumming a… ohh… little.”

I didn’t understand that. Once you came, you were done, right? “Girls are more complicated,” I thought.

“I think… I…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Nadia rubbed my dickhead down toward her entrance. A heartbeat later, I felt her warm lips against the tip of my dick again. I looked wide-eyed at my sister as she pushed it firmer against her. I had to move slightly, and that’s when I felt it!

My dickhead was surrounded by the most amazing soft, moist, silky, and slippery thing I ever felt up until then. There was a minor popping sensation as her lips closed again behind the rim of my dickhead. I looked down at her pussy, and my dickhead was now gone!

“Hmmmm!! Ohhh…” Nadia moaned.

“I… I… I…” was all I could say.

The realization I was a little inside my twin sister was all it took. My balls pulled up, and I heard myself grunt loudly.

The moment the first spurt left my dick, Nadia also grunted loudly, and her pussy started gripping my dick even more firmly. It was as if she tried pulling me inside. The way I was sitting made it impossible, but if I’d let my instincts take over, I would’ve definitely pushed all the way inside.

This realization happened in a millisecond inside my head. The second and third spurt were also coming out, and everything ended up inside my sister’s sopping wet pussy. Nadia was still having her orgasm as mine died down a little.

My eyes got their vision back, and seeing only my shaft stick out from my body and disappear between my sister’s legs was an incredible sight.

“Mother of God!” Nadia exclaimed.

“I didn’t know…” I stammered.

As much as I hated it, I knew I should pull out. Otherwise, we might end up having real sex, and we didn’t want that. Right?

I was starting to second-guess this decision but pulled out nevertheless. A strange feeling washed over me as I felt the cold hit my wet, glistening dickhead. Nadia looked a little disappointed for a brief moment. But as I moved over to lie down next to her, she smiled warmly at me.

“I absolutely LOVE using your dick on me! And feeling you shoot your stuff inside is just sooo… bisque!” Nadia said excitedly as she cuddled up and draped her body half on mine.

I felt her breasts on my chest and loved how excited she was and even more that I was the cause of that. I hesitated slightly and said, “If this was only the tip, I can’t even begin to imagine what real sex must feel like!”

“I know, right? Too bad we can’t, though…” she trailed off.

Good! She wanted to try it. Maybe I’d have a chance to try it out. If only for once. We lay like that for a few more minutes when Nadia said, “We really need to check that radio, Ay.”

“I know! But you keep using me for your own personal needs…”

“Shut up!” Nadia laughed and slapped me playfully on my chest.

She patted my now soft dick and softly said, “It IS the best part of you, that’s for sure.”

Now, it was my turn to act offended, but after a good, long, and tender kiss, we headed over to the control room.

End of chapter 10

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Noli commoveri. Justo faucibus est. Nemo sciet

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