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Tag: La Isla de Aquinas (Page 2 of 6)

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 16

Chapter 16 – Angels

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 16

“No problem! I’ll ask him tonight. See you tomorrow,” I said to Daniel as I closed my locker, bumped fists, and walked away.

Daniel was in my class and part of the group I hung out with during recess and sometimes after school. He asked me if Glenn would shoot his portfolio pics or maybe even have an assignment he could be in when he heard what Glenn did for a living.

I already knew that Glenn wouldn’t mind shooting the portfolio for a friend of mine. However, I wasn’t sure if he had anything lying around that he could be in.

I threw my bag in a corner, kissed Gloria, and asked where Glenn was. She smiled and pointed toward the studio.

“He’s in there, Honey,” she smiled. “Where else would he be? He asked if you could come over the moment you got home.”

“Thanks!” I called as I ran out of the back door toward the studio.

When I got there, I noticed the little red light was on, so I knocked softly on the door, just as Glenn asked me to. The red light meant that Glenn was doing a shoot, and I couldn’t simply barge in. There could be someone naked in there who didn’t want to be seen by someone other than Glenn or something like that.

“Come in!” I heard Glenn shout.

I entered the studio, where Glenn was smiling at me. I looked at the set and was surprised to see someone was there. I didn’t know that Glenn had a shoot today but judging by what I saw, the shoot was in full swing already.

I guessed the guy on the set was around twenty years old. He was tall, dark-skinned, with black, spiky hair. He was stark naked, and as my eyes quickly roamed over his muscular chest and down to his six-pack, I noticed his enormous penis. A quick guess was that it was about six inches and really thick. I’ve never seen a dick this big.

I knew I was staring, so I tore my eyes away, and that’s when I noticed the angel wings on his back.

I looked at Glenn and asked, “Gloria said you needed me?”

“Yeah. That angel shoot you did with Michelle really inspired me. So I asked Ron if he had time to do a shoot,” he said as he pointed at Ron.

“Hey, Scott! Nice to meet you!” he said smiling. “Love the stuff you did with Michelle!”

“Thanks,” I said, smiling back but giggling inside. If he only knew…

“I hate to ask you this without talking about it first, but would you mind joining Ron with this one?” Glenn asked, and he looked a bit uncomfortable.

“Uhm.. guess not. What do I need to do?”

After a few moments, I was naked, and Glenn was helping me with my wings. I walked over to Ron and could barely keep my eyes from that monster between his legs. I looked at him and knew he caught me looking. I started to blush, and he just smiled at me.

“Don’t worry. You’re not the only one who looks. I really don’t care if you do.”

“I’ve never seen one this big,” I blurted out.

“Sorry. Can’t help it,” Ron chuckled.

I was glad it wasn’t cold inside the studio, so my willie wasn’t just a shriveled little shrimp. I looked down at my own barely three-inch noodle hanging over my sack and giggled.

“Me neither,” and we both chuckled at that.

“Don’t worry. You’ve still got some growing to do.”

“Ready guys?” Glenn asked.

We had to do three poses together. We started out with me in front of Ron, with my back toward his front. He had to put his arms over my chest and hold me against him. I had to use both my hands to cup my dick and balls, so they were obscured from view.

“Look at that green dot on the wall. And don’t smile! Look as sad as you can,” Glenn instructed.

I felt the massive dick brush against my lower back, and I instinctively pressed back against it. But it didn’t move or even get a little hard. Ron was clearly a professional. I wanted to touch it to feel what it’s like from the moment I saw it. But judging by the vibe he was giving off, I knew it wasn’t going to happen.

“Scott. You sit Indian-style on the floor. Ron, stand behind him and make sure your stuff is hidden behind Scott’s head. Spread your legs if you need to,” Glenn instructed.

We did just that, and when I felt the thick dickhead touch the back of my head, I could hardly suppress a smile. Ron didn’t say or do anything, but I sure liked how it felt.

“Okay, you two. Scott, you look up. Ron, you look down.” Glenn said. And moments later, “That’s great! Scott, cover your willie with your hands.”

After several bursts of white flashing lights, I knew we were done. Before Ron could move, I scooted sideways and turned my head. I was treated with a close-up look of his massive dick for a second and was impressed even more when I saw it this close. Unfortunately, it only lasted a second, and I don’t think Ron noticed. At least he didn’t let on if he did. He just smiled, held out his hand, and helped me to my feet.

“Do you think you can carry Scott?” Glenn asked, looking at Ron.

Ron looked me over, shrugged, and said, “I guess so. Not for too long, but I think I can manage a minute or so. What do you have in mind?”

“Scott needs to pretend he’s dead while you’re carrying him back to heaven.”

“Sounds cool!” I said excitedly.

“Great!” Glenn said cheerfully.

Ron and I stood there waiting for Glenn to get the lights and his camera ready when Ron said, “Let’s try it.”

And with that, he put one arm around my upper back while the other grabbed just below my butt. One hand touched my cheek, but before I could say anything, I was off the ground and lying in his strong arms.

“No problem!” Ron chuckled and put me back down.

A minute later, Glenn announced it was time to get ready. He gave us instructions first. All I had to do was act completely limp and let Ron do all the work. Before I knew it, I was lying in his arms, acting like I was dead. I was almost lying straight in his arms, with my head back and my arms hanging down.

A burst of flashes later, Glenn asked if Ron could hold me a bit lower, and after he did, another burst of flashes followed.

Ron put me down, and I saw a bit of sweat on his forehead. He noticed me looking and said, “You’re heavier than you look, big guy!” and he playfully punched me against my shoulder.

“Can you try if this works?” Glenn asked as he handed us both two small cloths of white silk fabric.

“Try it how?” I asked.

“Put it between your legs to hide your dicks. I want to recreate the effect you see in these old paintings where all the precious bits are hidden. That way, I can also show it to people who don’t like nudity. I need to eat, you know?” he chuckled

“You need a bigger cloth for Ron,” I laughed.

Ron punched against my shoulder again but laughed loudly. “I’ll manage. Don’t worry.”

I started fumbling with the cloth, but I couldn’t work it out. I glanced over at Ron, and surprisingly, he found a way to hide his huge member and also managed to look good in it.

When he saw me struggling, he whispered, “If you make it hard, you can trap the cloth under it.”


“Trust me. I did it too when I was your age. Now I don’t need it anymore, but it’s an old Scouts trick I learned.”

I openly started toying with my dick, and as I looked over at Ron’s sculptured body and pictured his massive dick in my mouth, I boned up pretty quickly. Ron looked at my work and smiled.

“Good. Now wrap the top of the cloth around it, and you’re good.”

I did just that, and the cloth stayed in place. It actually looked good on me. During this second part of the shoot, I remained hard by picturing Ron’s dick as I licked it and toyed with it.

After we were done, Ron gave me a high-five and said I did an awesome job. When he removed his cloth, I figured it wouldn’t matter anymore and openly looked at it. Ron noticed, and I swear he let me look way longer than necessary, as it was obvious he was stalling getting dressed as he kept making small talk with Glenn.

We said our goodbyes and I helped Glenn with putting away the equipment. He handed me a coke as we sat down at the table, where he looked at me, smiled, and said, “He’s huge, right?”

“Huge? He’s hung like a pony! I’ve never seen one that big!” I exclaimed.

“That’s one of the reasons why I love to work with him. And he’s extremely professional too.”

“I get it. He’s good-looking too,” I said, taking a sip from my coke.

“He is.”

We sat there in silence for a bit when I asked, “You’re really into that angel theme, aren’t you?”

“I am! You two inspired me big time!” Glenn said with an excited look on his face. “I think this might just be the last thing I need to get my own exposition in a gallery,” he continued.

“That would be awesome!”

“Yeah! And all thanks to you, Bud!” he said and ruffled my hair.

“You did all the work,” I timidly responded.

“Yeah. But you inspired me. You pose for me each time I’ve got an idea. So you deserve the credit too!”

“Uhm… thanks? I guess?” I smiled shyly.

“Sure, Bud! Don’t be shy. Be proud! When you get a compliment, own it!” Glen said and slapped me on my shoulder.

“I uhm… Thanks!” I said sternly and pushed my chest forward.

“That’s it!” Glenn smiled.

“I… uhm… can Daniel stay over tomorrow night?” I asked, asking the question that was on my lips the entire time.

“Sure. I don’t see why not. What did Gloria say?”

“She said she didn’t mind but that I had to ask you too.”

“Then I don’t see any problems. If his parents want to check on us, just let them call us.”

“I don’t think parents do that anymore,” I chuckled. “But I’ll tell him. And uhm…”

“What?” Glenn asked cautiously.

“He asked if you’d take some pictures for his portfolio?” I tried with a sly smile.

“Oh. No problem! I was worried you might want something from the liquor cabinet,” he laughed.

“Great! I’ll tell him that it’s okay! This will be SO much fun!” I said as we got up and left the studio.

* * *

That Friday during school, I was distracted a lot. Daniel sat in front of me, and I kept stealing glances at him. His light-Brown hair was a bit shaggy and hung over his ears. He was on the skinny side, and his boney shoulders were about the same width as his hips. Puberty clearly had to start on him too.

When he looked sideways, I noticed for the first time his features were a bit feminine. When I started at this school, some kids picked on him, and now I realized it was probably because of this. I really hate it when someone gets picked on by a group, so when I saw what was going on, I walked up to them and told them to stop.

Adam, the biggest boy in class and kind of the leader of the pack, looked at me and wanted to know who the fuck I was and why I cared. At that moment, one of the other kids whispered something in his ear. His face changed, and he backed away.

“Just don’t do it again, Daniel!” he said, pointing at him and walking away.

“What was that?” Daniel asked, looking at me with a surprised look. “Are you the son of a mobster or something?”

“Not that I know,” I chuckled, also surprised by this sudden change.

From that moment on, Daniel and I hung out together in school. Turned out that the other kids were scared of me because my dad was a big-shot army man. Glenn, who regularly dropped me off at school, looked pretty impressive too, of course. So it turned out I had an easy time at school. I wasn’t at the top of the food chain, but I was nobody’s bitch either. I wasn’t bullied, nobody told me what to do, and everybody I hung out with was also left alone, so I figured I landed a sweet deal.

I had a small group of friends that, by modern standards, you would call nerds. But I didn’t care about that at all. We got along well, and we had lots of fun. All of them knew I was into photography, and Daniel was very interested in that. He was curious about the how and what and wanted to learn how to do it too. So that’s probably why he wanted to get his pictures taken.

“Gloria, Daniel. Daniel, Gloria,” I said as we walked into the kitchen together and found Gloria there.

“Hi, Mrs. Taylor. Thank you for letting me stay here,” Daniel said as he smiled politely.

“Please, sweetie. Call me Gloria!” she smiled and offered us a drink.

After finishing it, we went upstairs to drop off Daniel’s stuff. After he dropped his bag on my bed, he immediately stood in front of my very first picture that I hung on the wall.

“Did you make this?” he asked surprised.

“Yeah. With a little help from Glenn, of course.”

“That bee looks amazing on that red flower! The colors really pop!”

“Thanks. I’m quite proud of that one,” I replied shyly.

“And you should!”

“Are you okay to sleep in the same bed? Or should I get the spare mattress to put on the floor?” I asked, pointing at the queen-sized bed.

I could see his eyes light up briefly, and he shook his head. “Nah. I’m fine with sleeping in the same bed. As long as you don’t steal the covers,” he chuckled.

We put away his stuff and went down to head over to the studio. Daniel got all excited about the pool when we walked out of the patio door.

“You should’ve told me there’s a pool here, man! I would’ve brought my trunks!”

“Oh yeah. Sorry. Didn’t think of it. I think tomorrow’s weather is pretty good too. So I guess we’ll have to work something out,” I said, already picturing us skinny-dipping together.

I didn’t know how Daniel would think about this stuff. I never saw him naked. Just in his regular, blue bikini-style briefs when we were changing for PE. He was one of the few kids I knew that didn’t wear the regular tighty-whities we all wore, and it made me curious about him. So I was thinking about a natural way to see his dick, but I certainly didn’t wanna push my luck in that department.

“Glenn!?” I shouted as we entered the empty studio.

“Just a sec!” came the muffled reply.

I pointed toward the current plain black and white set, and as we walked over, Glenn came out of the darkroom with a few pictures in his hand. He placed them on the kitchen table and smiled at us. We changed directions and walked toward Glenn.

“Glenn, this is Daniel. We’re having a sleepover tonight.”

“I know. Hi Daniel,” Glenn smiled warmly as he extended his hand.

“Hi, Mr. Taylor. Thanks for having me over,” he said, shaking Glenn’s hand, and I knew Glenn would react instantly.

“Please! Call me Glenn! Mr. Taylor was my father,” he laughed. “You wanna have your picture taken?”

“Oh. Yeah, please. I wanna learn how it’s done, and what better place to learn than in front of a camera, right?”

“Depends on what you wanna learn,” Glenn chuckled. “But I guess you’re right. Scott did both modeling and shooting. After seeing him doing that, I think it makes you a better photographer.”

“Thanks!” I said, feeling myself blush.

“Do you mind if I show Daniel the angel pics?” Glenn asked as he looked at me.

“Of course not!” I reply, not feeling any shame about these.

Glenn spread out the pics of me posing as an angel with Michelle. He hesitated slightly but put down the pics of Ron and the ones where we pose together too.

“Oh, wow!” Daniel whispered as he looked them over. “These are amazing!”

“Thanks,” Glenn responded with a big smile.

“Glenn is an expert with lights and shadows,” I softly said, feeling a sense of pride as I looked at myself in the pictures.

Obviously, I was naked in them, but only the picture where Ron carried me as a dead angel showed my dick. And as I checked that one out, I was glad it apparently wasn’t cold inside the studio when we shot it because my dick looked fine in it. It was far away from the cold ‘shrunken into oblivion’ mode and more between comfortably soft and that ‘starting to get hard’ phase, so I had nothing to be ashamed of.

I glanced at Daniel and noticed he looked intensely at all pics, but his gaze went to that particular picture a lot.

“Scott told me you want portfolio shots. Or do you want something else, like a traditional portrait?” Glenn asked, looking at Daniel.

“Portfolio shots, please. I mean… if that’s okay with you.?”

“Of course! You can always use them later, right?” Glenn said and winked at Daniel.

Daniel was directed on set by Glenn, and after the initial shyness and awkwardness, Daniel got the hang of it. He looked natural in front of the camera, and I noticed for the first time how much we looked alike. He was skinnier than me, and his hair was longer, but other than that, our bodies looked basically the same.

“Do you mind taking off your shirt?” Glenn asked calmly and with a warm smile.

“Not at all,” was Daniel’s reply, and he quickly took it off and tossed it at me.

“The headshots look way better with bare shoulders,” Glenn said and started moving in on Daniel to take his shots.

I’ve seen Daniel without a shirt after PE, but seeing him in this setting made me look differently at him. I wasn’t falling in love or anything, but I was suddenly getting extremely curious about how the other parts of his body looked.

“Awesome!” Glenn exclaimed. “We’re done.”

“That was quick,” Daniel said, a bit disappointed.

“If you’re up to it, we can do a real shoot tomorrow,” Glenn said, eyeing me as he smiled at Daniel.

“Okay. I guess… What do I have to do?” he asked apprehensively, but the look on his face was full of curiosity.

“I’ve got something in mind for the two of you. But I have to think about it, so we’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay? Now we’re gonna eat and have some fun.”

Gloria outdid herself, and we had a great dinner together. After we cleaned up, we played a game of monopoly. I was out first, and next was Gloria. Glenn and Daniel played the endgame, and neither wanted to lose. Eventually, Glenn was the winner, and he congratulated Daniel on his game.

After a game of Charades where I laughed so hard that tears flowed down my cheeks a few times, Gloria announced it was bedtime for us. She was understanding enough to let us go upstairs and do our own thing, so she hugged me and kissed me goodnight downstairs. I knew she wouldn’t come upstairs to tuck us in or something.

“Don’t make it too late, guys,” Glenn said seriously. “You can talk some more, but don’t make it an all-nighter, okay?”

“Okay. We won’t,” I said, and with that, we went upstairs.

As I was undressing for bed, I wondered if I should wear pajamas or just sleep in my underwear. Then, I noticed Daniel rummaging through his backpack and asked, “Forgot something?”

“I didn’t bring my pajamas,” he said and blushed.

“No problem. We’ll sleep in our underwear. I like it better that way anyway. So I don’t care.”

“Me too,” he giggled. “I usually sleep naked, so I guess that’s why I forgot to bring some PJ’s.”

“Haha! Me too,” I laughed but couldn’t bring up the courage to propose sleeping naked tonight too.

I dropped my pants and stood beside the bed, waiting for Daniel to do the same, so we could crawl in at the same time. When he dropped his pants and stood there in his blue bikini briefs, I felt a stir inside my underwear. To avoid awkwardness, I quickly crawled under the covers.

“What’s with the blue undies?” I asked as Daniel crawled in too.

“Dunno. My mom accidentally bought a pack of these a while back, and I like them. It kinda stuck on me since then. I like that they’re different than the plain white ones.”

“I see. It looks good on you,” I softly said.

“Thanks. And they sorta hide my peter too in the changing room, when I… you know…” he trailed off.

“I know! I hate when that happens,” I replied, wanting him to feel comfortable.

As I lay there, thinking about a way to see his dick and maybe, just maybe, play with it, Daniel suddenly asked, “Your shoot with that woman… was that a trick shot, or were you both naked?”

I needed to think for a second. Glenn told my parents it was a trick shot. But telling the truth was a great way to impress Daniel. Would he squeal on me? After a few moments, I figured I could probably trust him, so I softly said, “That was real.”

“Oh wow… how was it?” he asked, clearly impressed.

“It was amazing! She was warm and soft and sweet. And at one point, I had to touch her boobs, and they were… freaking awesome!” I whispered loudly.

“I bet… I can’t wait to touch boobs too, man!” he chuckled.

“You’ll love it!”

We were quiet for a bit, and I realized I was stiff as a board from thinking about the events.

“In one shot, you were lying… between her legs. Did your willie touch her… you know?” asked Daniel in the silence that followed.


“And you were… uhm… hard?”

“It’s impossible to not have a boner in that situation, man. So, yes,” I chuckled.

“Really?” Daniel asked with awe in his voice. “Did she say anything about it?”

This was a tricky one. Should I tell him and increase the possibility of fooling around, or should I be a gentleman and drop it?

“You HAVE to promise me to keep your mouth shut about this, okay?” I asked, looking at him in the dark room, barely making out his features.

“I swear! Whatever happens here tonight is just between you and me! Scout’s honor!” he chuckled.

“Well… at one point, she asked me to stick it in…”

“NO! She didn’t!” Daniel said almost out loud, forgetting we should whisper.

“I swear to god, man!”

“How was it!?”

“Only like the best freaking feeling ever!”

“I bet…”

“You jerk off, right?” I asked.

“I uhm…” he hesitated, “yeah… who doesn’t?”

“Imagine that feeling, and multiply it by a million. It’s like your dick is being wrapped in a warm, wet, velvety sleeve, where something squeezes tightly every few seconds.”

“I can’t believe it. You’re SO lucky, man!”

“I know. We did it twice because I came immediately after I was inside for the first time. It just felt too good,” I giggled.

“What about Glenn?”

“What about him?”

“Did he know you were… uhm… fucking her?”

“Not the first time. But he came down to check on us, and that’s when he saw what we were doing.”

“And?” Daniel asked, obviously extremely curious.

“He said it was okay and that it didn’t show on the pictures. According to him, it even added a new, intense layer to the picture. So he was cool with it.”

“Oh wow. And you don’t really care walking around naked in front of him, do you?”

“No. Why should I? Glenn is the coolest guy I know. AND he let me fuck a woman,” I laughed.

“Can I see it?” Daniel asked after a few seconds of silence and turning on his side toward me.

“See what?” I asked, having no clue at all what he meant.

“Your willie. You had inside a woman, and I’m curious if it looks different now.”

I didn’t see this one coming. But I was glad Daniel asked first, and I knew then and there that we were going to fool around. I just had to play along and maybe take the lead, but my twitching boner and I were on the same page now.

“Uhm…” I said, not wanting to be too eager.

“You don’t have to,” he quickly added. “and I’ll show you mine too if you want.”

“I think it’s okay. You’ve seen it in that picture with Ron already.”

“Right. But I couldn’t see it good enough to see any difference,” Daniel said, keeping up appearances.

“But… I am hard now from all that talk. Do you mind?” I asked, giggling inside.

“No. Not at all!” Daniel casually said. “In fact, I’m hard too. And we’re just boys here, so who cares, right?”

I clicked on the bedside lamp and looked at Daniel’s excited face. I smiled and started pushing the blanket down. When our undies came into view, it was obvious we were both excited. I couldn’t wait to see Daniel’s hard dick, which was covered by the blue, stretched fabrics of his briefs. So I decided to take the lead.

“Why don’t you turn around and lie with your head near my crotch. That way, we can both check the other one out.”

“Like a sixty-nine, you mean?” Daniel smiled.

“Yeah! Like that,” I replied, wondering where he learned this position.

Daniel quickly turned around, and I was greeted with his blue undies in my face, where his hard dick was making an obscene tent. The moment he laid down, he didn’t waste a second and started fumbling with my plain-white undies, and when I felt his fingers slide in the waistband, I wondered who was really in the lead here.

But I didn’t want to miss this opportunity, so I got to work too. I slipped my fingers in the waistband of the front of his undies and felt the ticking of some hairs. Good. When I pulled it out of his body and his dickhead was no longer held back by it, I saw it pop free. I quickly lowered his undies down further, completely freeing his dick and balls. He wiggled a bit with his hips, and I slid his undies halfway down his upper legs.

In the meantime, Daniel had done the same, and we were now studying each other’s tools. My first impression was that Daniel’s dick was basically the same as mine. Being this close to it, I saw all the details, and I liked it!

His length and girth were the same as mine. He had a little bit more pubes, but I had slightly bigger balls. His dickhead was a bit blunter than mine, and he had a slight bend to the left, where mine was almost perfectly straight.

I was mesmerized by his hot dick, and when I noted a tiny drop of precum come out of the tip, he whispered, “Can I touch it?”

I didn’t answer him. Instead, I wrapped my fingers around his tool and started feeling it up and down. That was all the encouragement he needed. So after a low moan from him, I felt his fingers do the same to me.

“I don’t see or feel any difference,” Daniel panted.

I figured we could drop the pretense of checking for differences, so I slowly changed my groping of his dick from probing around to slow jerking.

That triggered something in Daniel because he started moaning and switched to a full-blown jerking motion on me too. I started moaning, which encouraged Daniel to keep going, and I gripped his dick firmly and also picked up the pace.

The good feelings in my dick increased, and I was getting hornier by the second. I kept my eyes firmly on Daniel’s dick and admired the smoothness and its spongy dickhead. I felt my mouth water and wanted it in my mouth badly. But I didn’t know how Daniel would react to that. Finally, after a short internal struggle to blow him or not, I made up my mind to do it. So I opened my mouth and pointed his dick toward it when I suddenly felt my own dick being engulfed in a warm, wet, and soft place. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what happened. Daniel beat me to it.

I let out a low moan again and immediately wrapped my lips around his rock-hard dick. I loved the smell and taste of it! Where Glenn’s tasted musky and salty, with a manly scent, Daniel’s was sweet and light. It fitted easily inside my mouth, and I could generously use my tongue to stimulate him even more, which I eagerly did.

The feeling around my dick was amazing. I didn’t know for sure, but the way his lips and tongue were working my dick made me think this wasn’t his first rodeo. But I didn’t mind at all. It was a fantastic feeling. Me working on his dick and all the attention my own dick was getting.

We were both moaning softly while bobbing up and down and working our tongues around the other’s dickhead. I moved my hand over to cup his skinny buttcheek and slowly worked a finger toward his hole. This time, he didn’t copy my action and just went on sucking me.

The buildup inside was getting stronger, and I knew I was getting close to cumming. But judging by Daniel’s moans and the movement of his hips, I figured he was getting close too. I was feeling so horny by now that I threw all the caution in the wind and pressed my index finger against his puckered asshole.

“Mmmhhh…” he moaned on my dick.

Next, he pushed his hips firmly against my face, sliding his dick all the way into my mouth. I felt a few of his pubes tickle my chin. That, combined with his dickhead rubbing against the back of my palate, turned me on even more. A few heartbeats later, I felt his dick grow fatter in my mouth, It twitched, and a few drops of sweet, watery cum landed on the back of my tongue.

This triggered my own orgasm, and I pushed my groin hard against his face, causing Daniel’s tongue to lap furiously over my dickhead as he sucked on me hard. One of his hands cupped my balls, and he squeezed them firmly. This didn’t hurt at all but felt awesome as it prolonged my orgasm for a few seconds.

The moment the taste of his cum really registered in my head, I felt my balls contract, and I came. It wasn’t the best orgasm I ever had, but the combination of his efforts and his still twitching dick in my mouth caused me to moan loudly on his dick nevertheless.

After my orgasm died down a bit, I gently kept sucking on Daniel’s softening dick while toying with it in my mouth. Daniel was doing the same, and after a few minutes of this, I let it slip from my mouth and looked down.

Daniel did the same, and as he looked at me, I could see him blush.

“I’m sorry… I couldn’t help it…” he whispered.

“Don’t be sorry! I loved it! I did it too, you know?”

He moved over, turned around, and lay on his side with his face toward me.

“I was afraid you’d be mad or something,” he said, looking relieved.

“Don’t be silly! I love doing this stuff,” I whispered, trying to make him feel more at ease.

“You did this before too?” Daniel asked, amazed.

“I… uhm…” I hesitated slightly but quickly realized I might as well be honest about this, “yeah… you?”

“My… I… uhm… My next-door neighbor Jeff and I… did some stuff together. He’s a year older than me. He showed me… Well. He and I… you know… fooled around.”

“Yeah. I’ve got a friend like that too,” I said, deliberately leaving it vague.

“But I like doing it with you too,” he giggled. “And you’re really good at sucking.”

“Thanks!” I chuckled, “you’re not too bad yourself.”

“Scott?” he softly asked after a moment of silence.

“’ Sup?” I said, sensing the tension in the air.

“I think I’m gay…” he whispered, and I could see him blush.

“That’s… uhm… that’s fine, you know?” I responded, immediately feeling silly for not knowing how to react appropriately.

“You’re not mad?”

“No. Why should I be?”

“Because I tricked you into doing this stuff with me…”

“Shit, man! I wanted to do that too. You didn’t trick me or anything.”

I could see his shoulders relax, and he sighed a deep breath of relief. I just smiled at him, genuinely feeling a lot of affection for him. He started smiling back and gave me an awkward hug. I could feel our soft dicks touch, but there was nothing sexual about our embrace, so I ignored it and hugged him back.

“Are you… gay too?” Daniel asked after we broke the hug, and both lay on our backs, looking at the ceiling.

I thought about this for a few seconds and let the words Glenn told me roll through my head.

“Nah. I don’t think so. I really like looking at naked girls and women too. And I absolutely loved fucking Michelle, so I wanna do that a lot more whenever I can. But I really like doing stuff like this too. So I think I’m a bit of both? If that makes sense…”

“Yeah. I think I get it. But I don’t feel that way. When I looked at the pictures of you and Michelle, I looked at you. I couldn’t be bothered with her. And I immediately got hard when I looked at you and that man.”

“You mean Ron,” I smiled.

“Yeah. Ron. I could only think about how amazing it would be to handle that massive willie he has. And with you naked in his arms. THAT combination got me worked up in the blink of an eye. So yeah…”

“Oh. But I would’ve loved to touch it too, man! Especially when I was on my knees right in front of it and saw it up close. But he was just too damn professional,” I chuckled.

“You won’t tell anyone in school about this, will you?” he asked after a few moments of silence, and I could feel his fear of being outed.

“Don’t be silly! Of course not! It’s our secret. When you think you’re ready for it, you tell people how you feel. That’s not up to me. And we can still have sleepovers and do stuff together. I’m just not in love with you. I mean… I love you, but just… not like that.”

“You’re the best, Scott!” he whispered, and I could hear him sniff.

“Hey! Wanna do that shoot together tomorrow? I’m sure Glenn would love to see us with these angel wings together,” I said in the silence that followed in an attempt to cheer him up.

“I… uhm… yes. I’d like that. But, uhm… are we gonna be naked during the shoot?” he asked apprehensively.

“Of course we will. But don’t worry about Glenn. He’s a cool guy. You’ll hardly know he’s there.”

“But… uhm… what if I get, you know… hard?”

“Haha! Then I’ll suck you off, so you’re soft again,” I giggled.


“I told you, man! Glenn is a cool guy. He saw me hard dozens of times. He doesn’t care. And I jerked off once while he took pictures of me. He doesn’t judge or make fun of you. I promise!”

“You’d suck me off in front of the camera? Really?”

“Sure! As long as Glenn’s behind it, I don’t care. And you’ve got a great dick, so I don’t mind sucking it.”

“Oh wow…”

“You want me to suck it now?” I asked and snaked my hand down over his torso toward his groin, where I was treated with a very hard, throbbing cock.

This time, we took turns sucking each other off. I sucked Daniel first. He placed his hands on my head and rubbed his fingers through my hair while moaning softly. Then, as his panting increased, I slipped a finger up his butt, and he shot a few drops of cum in my mouth.

I figured he’d do the same to me when he sucked me, but apparently, he didn’t dare. I didn’t care too much because he was an excellent cocksucker. Despite having an orgasm under half an hour ago, I quickly felt the point of no return approach. Especially when he started toying expertly with my balls.

Looking back. I was a bit surprised we both swallowed the other’s cum. We didn’t talk about it. We just did. And I loved the sweet taste of his cum! I guess that’s where my love for young boy cum is born.

* * *

When I woke up the following day, Daniel was lying against me with his hand draped over my belly, inches away from my morning wood. I had to pee badly, so I wiggled myself free and went to the bathroom. When I came back, Daniel was yawning and stretching. His eyes roamed up and down over my naked body as I stood there smiling at him.

“You look good, you know that?” he chuckled.

“No. I didn’t know that. But hearing it from a gay boy is a big compliment,” I laughed and started putting on my clothes.

I figured he probably wasn’t ready to do his morning routine the same way as I usually did. And since the smell of eggs and bacon filled the house already, I didn’t have time to figure it out.

“Come on. Get up! Gloria is making breakfast. And you don’t want to miss that!” I said as I pulled down the blanket.

I openly checked out his hard dick and licked my lips overly exaggeratedly, which caused him to giggle and jump out of bed in an attempt to attack me. But we heard footsteps on the stairs, so he quickly grabbed his blue undies, which he rapidly pulled up. They did nothing to hide the fact that he had a boner, but at least it was covered now.

Gloria knocked on the door softly and said, “Are you awake, boys? Breakfast is ready.”

I opened the door a bit and smiled at her through the crack as I grabbed my t-shirt.

“Almost done,” I said, making sure to stand in front of Daniel.

“Yeah, Mrs. Tay- Gloria. We’re almost ready.”

When we came downstairs, Glenn was already sitting at the breakfast table. It was clear he made an effort to be a good host because it was usually just Gloria and me. We chatted about the games we played and the day that lay ahead of us.

“It will be a sunny afternoon. You can play in the pool if you want,” Gloria said.

“Daniel didn’t bring his trunks,” I said, looking at Daniel. “And he thinks I’m making fun of him when I tell him what we usually wear in the pool.”

This caused Gloria to chuckle. She smiled warmly at Daniel and said, “Scott is right, dear. And if it makes you feel more at ease, I’m meeting some friends later today, so it’ll just be the three of you.”

“See? We can have a sausage fest!” I smiled broadly.

“Or you can wear your underwear. Or one of Glenn’s trunks. It’s all fine by us,” Gloria quickly added and looked sternly at me.

“What did I do?” I asked, acting all innocently.

“Don’t force that poor boy into something he doesn’t feel like doing!” Gloria said and looked at Daniel with an empathetic look.

“Oh. I don’t mind, Mrs… Gloria. I…” Daniel stammered.

“But first, we need to do that shoot. Right Glenn?” I interrupted Daniel, feeling the need to change the subject.

“We’d better do that first. Otherwise, it might get too hot in the studio,” Glenn replied.

“You don’t want to miss shooting these two little angels, right?” I smiled.

I looked at Glenn’s face as I said this, and it immediately lit up. I could see the wheels inside start turning, and he knew exactly what I meant by it.

“Right,” was all Glenn said.

“But doing that, it might also get too hot inside the studio. I mean… look at us!” I laughed, pointing at Daniel and me.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Honey!” Gloria giggled, playing along.

“We’ll see! But work first, fun later,” I smiled, trying to act wise beyond my years.

“Sure, Bud,” Glenn chuckled.

Daniel and I helped Gloria clear the table, and we did the dishes together while Glenn went over to the studio to prepare everything.

“I’m both excited and nervous about doing this,” Daniel giggled as we walked over to the studio.

Judging by his giggles, he was mostly excited. And so was I. I just knew we’d end up having sex in front of Glenn and his camera, and this turned me on tremendously. I only needed to figure out a way to make it happen.

“I’m with you, man. We’ll do this together. And don’t worry about Glenn. Really!”

“So…” Glenn said as we entered the studio, “you wanna do a shoot together?”

“Yeah. If that’s okay with you,” I said, knowing perfectly well how excited Glenn was about the idea.

“I love it! It’s a perfect way to complete this angel theme for my exposition. If you don’t mind posing as angels, of course.”

I glanced over at Daniel. He noticed me looking and timidly said, “No. I… we don’t mind.”

“I see…” Glenn said thoughtfully. He started rummaging through the pictures on the table, picked one up, and showed it to Daniel. “We can start with this if you don’t want to do it naked.”

I looked at the picture and saw it was one of the pics where Ron and I were wearing white cloths. Daniel just shook his head and said, “No. I want to do it properly. I’m just a bit nervous and afraid I’ll…”

“I understand,” Glenn said calmly and placed a hand on Daniel’s shoulder, “I swear this is a safe environment, and no one but us will see all the pictures. You can decide which ones can leave the studio. If any.”

This clearly put Daniel at ease. He looked into Glenn’s eyes and said, “But what if I get…”

“Hard? Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ve seen it all plenty of times. And it’s a very healthy and very normal reaction. And we’ve got ways to work around it,” Glenn smiled and softly squeezed Daniel’s shoulder.

“See?” I said smiling.

“Let’s do it,” Daniel said, trying to sound tough.

I started taking off my t-shirt, and as I was sliding down my pants with both Glenn and Daniel checking me out, I asked, “What?”

“We’ve got a designated changing spot in here, you know?” Glenn said as he pointed toward the divider.

“So? It’s just the three of us. And you’re going to see us naked anyways. So what’s the point?”

“You’re not alone here,” Glenn said sternly and nodded toward Daniel.

Daniel got the idea, and as he pulled up his shirt, he said, “Scott’s right. Might as well get it over with. I guess it’s like ripping off a band-aid, right?”

I pulled down my shorts and undies simultaneously, so I stood there stark naked when Daniel pulled his shirt over his head and saw me again. I swung my hips from left to right, causing my soft dick to wobble from left to right. Daniel noticed and burst out into laughter. The moment he did, I laughed loudly too.

This broke the ice, and he slid down his pants and underwear too. Glenn walked back over to us, where we were now, both slapping our dicks against from left to right by the movement of our hips, and he smiled and shook his head.

“Here you go. Do you need help with these?” he asked as he handed us each a pair of angel wings.

“Nah. We’ll manage,” I said as I took the wings and slid an arm through the straps.

“Great. Just get to the set when you’re ready, kay?”

Daniel needed a little help with the straps over his shoulders, so I stood real close and helped him with it. As I was working on these straps, I felt something bump against my hip, so I instinctively looked down to see what it was.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “You’re being close, and touc-”

“Shh. I told you not to worry,” I interrupted him.

I finished fixing the straps holding up the wings. I looked him over and behind his bony shoulders were now two bright white wings. My gaze went lower over his boyish chest, down to his sparse pubes where his four-and-a-half-inch boner stuck out from his groin.

“You look more like a little devil this way,” I chuckled. “Come on! Let’s get to work.”

I walked over to the center of the stage with Daniel on my heels. I looked at Glenn, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Daniel was cupping his balls and boner, making sure it was hidden from view. Glenn didn’t say or do anything about it. He just gave us instructions on what to do.

Daniel had to turn his back to the camera, draping his left arm over my chest and shoulder, turn his head to the left, and look at me. I had my front toward the camera, looked directly in it, and had to cup my balls and dick, so it was hidden from view, and the picture would be PG-rated.

“Awesome!” Glenn exclaimed, “You guys look freakin amazing together!”

I glanced over at Daniel, and we both smiled. I could see his boner had subsided during this first pose and hoped he wouldn’t be too shy anymore. He tentatively turned around, and I could see his hands move down to hide his jewels, but he must’ve realized it wasn’t necessary because his hands awkwardly ended on his hips.

With his hand on the camera, Glenn looked at us and ‘accidentally’ pressed the shutter button, causing the lights to flash.

“Sorry! Sorry! I’m SO sorry!” he apologized, fiddling with his camera and a bright flush on his face.

I later learned it was a genuine accident, and he felt awful about it, putting Daniel on the spot like that.

“Here! Take one like this,” Daniel laughed as he put his arms around my shoulder, with me quickly catching on and doing the same.

We stood there in all our naked glory. Our hips touched, and big grins on our faces, with Daniel making a peace sign. Glenn hesitated slightly but shot a few pics of us like that.

“Great, guys!” Glenn said and laughed at our silliness. “Scott, do you mind holding Daniel?”

I looked at Daniel, and he shrugged. So I smiled coyly and said, “Sure. I’ll hold him, just tell me where.”

Daniel chuckled as I said this, but Glenn didn’t respond. Instead, he just asked me to stand behind Daniel. I wrapped my arms around his chest and laid my head on his left shoulder, looking in the distance to my left. Daniel had his hands in front of his dick and looked dreamy to the left too.

I wasn’t sure what Glenn was portraying here, but I liked the closeness of Daniel’s body against mine. So I pressed my body firmly against his, and my dick started to respond. It went from almost soft to hard in a few heartbeats, and I had to move my hips back a bit to let it stand up. That way, it was pressed between our bodies, and when I flexed my hips a bit, I felt it slide between Daniel’s ass cheeks.

“You like this a lot, don’t you?” Daniel chuckled as he pressed his ass back against me.

“You’re hot. So, yeah,” I said seriously, feeling bold and horny.

“Daniel? Can you… uhm you…” Glenn said.

“Oh! Sorry!” Daniel said, and judging by his movements, his dick peaked out above his hands.

“Just a few more,” Glenn said after the error was corrected.

Another few bursts of lights later, Glenn asked, “Do you mind putting your arms over Scott’s head and embracing him?”

“Uhm… I’m still,” Daniel started.

“I know you are, but I think it’ll make for a powerful picture!” Glenn said softly but quickly added, “But you don’t have to if you don’t want to!”

Daniel didn’t respond and just moved his arms upward and back over my head and kissed me on my cheek. We kept this pose for a few moments, and I firmly rubbed my dick against his ass and lower back.

“That’s magnificent! Really! You guys are hot, sexy, and innocent. The perfect combination I need for this setting.”

“Thanks,” we said simultaneously and let go of our embrace.

We stood next to each other, looking at Glenn, and I noticed Daniel’s shyness was gone. He stood there with his stiff dick sticking out from his groin, without the need of covering it up, glancing at my twitching boner.

“Just one more,” Glenn said. “Do you mind if Scott’s face is close to your peter?”

I had to hold back a giggle, and I noticed Daniel also had trouble keeping a straight face. “No, I don’t mind at all,” he said, and I just nodded.

“Wonderful!” Glenn cheered, not knowing what this was about, or at least not letting on if he did.

I had to sit on my knees in front of Daniel with my back toward the camera. Daniel’s stiff dick was inches away from my face this way, and I had to suppress the urge to wrap my lips around it.

“Right. Scott, can you look to your right and press your cheek against Daniel’s peter? Then wrap your arms around him and hold him like you’re afraid he’ll leave you.”

Glenn must’ve known how much sexual tension this would bring. But he probably figured out by now that Daniel and I had fooled around or were at least open to it.

So I did as Glenn instructed and pressed my cheek against Daniel’s boner. It was now trapped between his body and my cheek, and I felt his pubes against my cheekbone. A barely audible moan escaped Daniel’s lips, and I couldn’t hold back a sly smile.

Next, I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his buttcheeks against my lower arms, and firmly held on to his hips. His boner twitched against my cheek every now and then, and I felt myself grow hornier by the minute.

“You look down and caress Scott’s hair. Try to look like you’re comforting him,” Glenn said softly. And after I felt Daniel’s hands on my head, he excitedly said, “That’s it! Just like that!”

Judging by the flashing light, Glenn shot a lot of pictures of us like this. But as I sat there with Daniel’s boner pressed firmly against my cheek and his hips making barely noticeable humping moves, causing his dick to slide against my face, I lost it.

I let go of his hips and looked him in his eyes. My hands moved to his dick like they weren’t my own, and one hand grabbed the base of it while the other cupped his balls and toyed with them. I kept looking Daniel straight in his eyes as I slightly opened my mouth and let his dickhead rub against my lips.

“One sec,” Glenn said behind me, and I heard him walk to my left.

He stood to our left, and when I heard the familiar clicks of his camera, I knew what was going on, and I loved it! This added a whole new level to my horniness. I would be sucking off another boy, and everyone could see this intimate act between us.

So I decided to make a show out of it. With my lips still just covering half of his dickhead and my eyes focused on Daniel’s, I slowly moved my face down, keeping my lips wrapped tightly around his head and shaft as my nose approached his pubes.

“Ooohhh…” Daniel moaned, urging me on and obviously accepting Glenn’s presence.

“Keep going, Scott. Pretend the camera isn’t here,” Glenn whispered so softly I could barely hear him.

I was treated with the taste of Daniel’s precum and swirled my tongue around his head as I slowly bobbed up and down, keeping my eyes on Daniel all the time. I loved the unfocused look of pure bliss and horniness on his face. But, of course, I wanted to make it look good on camera too, so I lifted my head, and with a pop, his dick left my mouth.

I pointed his dick upward, looked directly into the camera, and started licking his dick like a popsicle. After a lot of pictures like this, I wrapped my lips around his head again, wrapped my hand around it, and tried to jerk and suck him at the same time. But his dick wasn’t big enough for this, so I just wrapped my thumb and index finger around the base and just went for it.

“Ohhh… Scott…” Daniel moaned.

This pushed me on more, and I was determined to make him cum and drink his boy nectar.

“Scott!” Daniel said more urgently, causing me to look up.

His eyes had a pleading look in them, and I wondered what was happening. His dick was twitching inside my mouth, and I let my tongue softly caress the underside of his glans.

“Will you… aahhh… please fuck me?” he panted, and I could hardly believe what he said.

So I let his dick slip from my mouth and asked, “You want me to fuck you? Really?”

“Oh yeah! Jeff did it to me a few times, and I love it,” he said, dropping his inhibitions and embarrassment.

“I, uhm… I would love to,” I said softly, bringing a lustful smile to his face, “you’ve got some lube in here?” I asked, looking at Glenn.

“Sure. One sec,” he said and walked over to the cupboard in the kitchen.

I was feeling a bit nervous about this, despite my experience with Glenn. But I was also excited as hell to do it. He had a cute ass, and he was practically begging me.

“How do you want to do it?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Will you lay on your back, or do you want me behind you on all fours?”

“I uhm… Jeff always gets behind me. I never thought there was another way,” he said softly while idly toying with his boner, “I guess I want to see you if that’s okay?”

“I’d like that a lot too!” I said and felt a sudden urge to kiss him.

I moved closer, placed his face in my hand, and gave him a sloppy wet kiss while pressing my entire body against his. After we broke the kiss, he asked, “What was that?”

“Dunno. I just wanted to kiss you,” I whispered.

“Here you go, guys,” Glenn said as he put down a small bench and handed me the can of lube.

“Thanks,” Daniel said and checked out the bench.

The bench was actually more like a small table and completely white. Its height was perfect for me, so I wouldn’t have to stand on my toes or bend my knees.

“Do you mind if I keep taking pictures?” Glenn asked, and I could see his boner stretching his jeans.

“No. I… uhm… I like the idea of being watched. Is that weird?” Daniel asked and blushed when he said it.

“Of course, it isn’t weird, man! It turns me on too! Here. Lube up,” I said, holding out the jar.

Daniel scooped up a big glob of oil and openly started spreading it around his hole. I started lubing up my dick as Glenn moved out of the way to let us do our thing.

I watched as Daniel laid on the bench and pulled up his legs to give me the access I needed. Then, I heard the clicks of Glenn’s camera as I moved closer to Daniel.

“You sure?” I asked as I pressed my dick against his hole and looked him in his eyes.

“Oh yes! Fuck me, Scott!” he said, and a mix of excitement and lust was all over his face.

I pushed my hips forward, and after applying a little bit of pressure, my glans slid in and popped through his sphincter, causing both of us to moan.

“You okay?” I whispered.

“Yeah! You’re a… aahhh… little smaller than Jeff. But, ohhh… this feels awesome!”

He wrapped his legs around my butt and pushed against me to get me in further. I slowly but deliberately moved forward, stopping and pulling back a bit every time I felt the pressure around my dick build. Before I knew it, I was balls deep inside Daniel and felt his balls against my pubes.

“I’m… aaahhh… I can’t go deeper…” I whispered, and Daniel’s eyes tried to focus on mine, which clearly took some effort.

“Fuck! Oohhh… this is… fuck… you feel… aaahhh… way better than Jeff! Fuck me! Do it!”

That did it. I was obviously giving my friend the time of his life, so I was sure I didn’t need to hold back. So I pulled out, and right before I’d slip out, I slowly eased back in. I did this two or three times.

“Faster!!” Daniel said with a pleading look.

I picked up the pace a bit, which felt better to me, but I was more worried about Daniel than my own pleasure. I was trying to find a rhythm when Daniel panted, “Fastrrr… Hardrrrrr… ooohhhh…”

This turned me on immensely, and I threw all tenderness and caution out of the window. Daniel wanted to be fucked hard so he’d get what he wanted. My hands were on his hips, and as I looked down to where our bodies merged, I saw his hard-on twitch every time I slid inside.

I took his dick in my right hand and tried jerking him the best I could as I started slamming hard against him at a fast pace. Because I was paying a lot of attention to how Daniel was doing, I wasn’t close to cumming yet.

The clicks of the camera and flashes barely registered. Instead, I was focused on Daniel. With each loud slap of my pelvis against his butt, his body moved, and his head bobbed. His head was thrashing around uncontrollably, and I found a good pace with my hand, which basically matched my pelvic motion.

“Oohhh!!! Oohhh!!! Oohhh!!!” groaned Daniel below me.

I noticed his dick thicken in my hand, which was a good indication of him cumming. Then, I felt a sudden buildup, and his ass muscles clamped firmly around my dick.

“Aaahhh…” I moaned, feeling the point of no return approaching quickly.

I looked down at Daniel’s dick, expecting him to shoot off by now, but he was still thrashing around like a maniac, and his dick grew even fatter.

“AAAAHHHHH!!!” he moaned and stopped moving all of a sudden.

His ass muscles were milking my dick now, and I felt my balls pull up. Feeling drops of his cum on my fingers and the tight, massaging ass around my dick sent shivers all over my body. And that’s when I came. And boy did I come! I instinctively slammed in extremely hard, trying to enter him as deep as possible, and I started unloading my balls inside my friend’s bowels.

“Oohhh…yesss! Cum inside me! I feel it… aaahh!!!” Daniel moaned.

I myself was lost for words. My dick kept on twitching, and I felt like I was being drained. I could hardly stand on my legs, so I leaned forward and dropped myself on top of Daniel, keeping my still stiff dick nestled inside him and his boner poking my belly. Daniel kissed me on my forehead and wrapped his arms around me.

“Fucking awesome!” he whispered, “Thanks!”

“Don’t mention it,” I giggled, feeling my now softening dick slowly slide out.

Glen was standing beside me, and the moment I slipped out completely, I heard a few clicks.

This brought both of us back to reality. I looked at Daniel, who now had a worried look on his face. I stood up straight, extending my hand to pull him up too. Glenn was next to us with an ear-to-ear grin on his face.

“You looked amazing! How was it, Daniel?” he asked, smiling warmly without any judgment.

Daniel must’ve sensed it too because his worried look instantly vanished. He smiled brightly now and exclaimed, “It was awesome! Even better than when Jeff does it! I can’t explain it, but I feel all warm and fuzzy inside when someone sticks his dick up my ass. And when they hit that spot inside, I lose myself instantly and can only think about how good…”

He realized he was ranting, so he stopped and blushed brightly.

“Sorry. If I get excited, I…”

“No problem, man!” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Glad you liked it. So did I! You are a great guy to fuck.”

The three of us chuckled at that, and after Daniel went to the bathroom, we put away the wings and got dressed. Then, after cleaning up the studio, we got inside for drinks and a small lunch.

After lunch, we all went swimming. Skinny dipping wasn’t an issue anymore. Daniel was naked before I was, and he ran around as if he had done this many times before. We just had plain old fun inside the pool. We dunked each other, grabbed ass and dick whenever we got the chance, threw a ball around, and just laughed and had fun.

Each of us got hard a few times, but we didn’t do anything more despite the usual grabbing. We got tired after a few hours, and Daniel’s mom was about to pick him up, so we got out, dried, and dressed. A few minutes after we were done, we heard the car in the driveway.

Daniel hugged me tightly, and we agreed on having another sleepover. His mom insisted on having me over at their place, and we set a date three weeks from now. I hoped we could be together sooner, but our schedules just didn’t match. We waved goodbye, and as Glenn and I sat down to relax, he said, “You guys sure put on a show this morning. Ready for some more fun?”

I looked over and saw Glenn had pulled down his shorts and boxers, and his stiff dick was sticking up from his groin. The next half hour was indeed filled with a lot of fun.

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Simplex fillius capitulum evasit valde delectabile

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La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 15

Chapter 15 – Shoot them

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 15

“Where did you find this place?” Miranda says as we enter our cabin on the beach.

“This is fucking awesome!” I hear one of the twins say behind me.

“LANGUAGE!” both Miranda and Luke say at the same time.

“But… can’t you see where we are?” the boy persisted.

“I don’t care,” Luke says, “We don’t talk like that, and you know it, Evan!”

“I’m sorry,” Evan replies, but his ear-to-ear smile can’t be missed when I glance over.

Holding back a chuckle, I decide to address the elephant in the room. “There are only two bedrooms, so I assume Audrey and I take the one with the single Queen-sized bed, and you take the one with the two beds?”

“That’ll be great. Yeah. You okay with that too, boys?” Luke asks as he looks at the twins.

“I don’t care,” Owen says, “We’re mostly out on the beach anyways.”

“That’s true,” I add, “I wanna start early tomorrow. I think that’s when we’ll have the best light for the non-swimwear clothes.”

“Sounds good,” Miranda chips in, “How about we find us a restaurant and eat? It’s almost dinner time, and it’s our treat.”

“Thanks, Miranda. But there’s no need. I’d be happy to pay for Audrey and me.”

“Don’t be silly! You arranged it all, so buying dinner is the least we can do!”

It’s clear this is non-negotiable. So I decide to drop it and mention that I know a good restaurant where the six of us can eat. There’s a little debate if we’re going to walk there or grab a cab. But eventually, we all go for the walk and figure we’ll determine how we get back once we get in the restaurant.

So after we all finish unpacking, we head out to the restaurant. I rented this specific cabin because it’s the furthest down the beach. I figured this would automatically mean that we’d have the least traffic from people passing by. The only downside is that the total walk takes us a little over thirty minutes by being so far up the beach. And the restaurant being a bit out of the touristic coastal area doesn’t help either. Luke, Miranda, and I talk a little about the history I’ve got with the island. They already know about my past in the special forces and that I’ve been to this island a lot. I tell them I can’t talk too much about what I’ve done, and they get it and respect it.

As we walk, I notice how well the boys and Audrey get along. They’re constantly laughing and goofing around, which warms my heart.

Dinner is excellent, and we laugh a lot. Especially when Evan and Owen take turns in telling jokes. Both Luke and Miranda are funny people to be around with. At one moment during dinner, Audrey and I look at each other, and I realize how glad I am that she has this much fun after losing her dad.

During the walk back, we talk about the shoot the next day. It’s an early start, but neither the twins nor Audrey seem bothered by it. However, I see Luke looking a bit apprehensive, so I say, “You can join us later. The first part will be setting up the scene and composition anyways.”

“Is that okay with you?” Luke asks, looking slightly embarrassed.

“Of course! The boys and Audrey know what to do. You come and join us when you’re ready. After all, it’s your holiday.”

“Great. And thanks,” he smiles.

When we arrive at the beach entrance and take off our shoes, I smile mischievously and say, “You know what?”

“What?” Owen asks curiously.

“Officially, this is a clothing-optional beach.”

“Really?” both boys ask simultaneously.

“No kidding,” I say, and I see the boys unit at each other.

As they stand up and start pulling up their shirts, Miranda clears her throat.

“Don’t even think about it, little men,” she sternly says.

“But Mom…” Owen whines.

“Listen, guys,” I interrupt. “Officially, all beaches on the island are clothing-optional. With the emphasis on officially.”

“What do you mean?” Evan asks.

“Well… back when I was your age, Glenn and I lounged naked on this beach a few times. A lot of people did. Some wore clothes, some didn’t. No one cared.”

“Oh wow,” Evan whispers.

“We can walk around naked on the beach?” Owen adds.

“Yeah… well… not quite anymore. A couple of years ago, a new leader was put in charge by the military, and this changed a lot. And I mean A LOT! It also changed the way people thought about things. Or better, They were told how to think about things. This led to many protests, but the new leader ended these the hard way,” I say, realizing everyone is listening intently.

“I heard about that,” Luke says as he grabs his shoes and looks at us. “But there’s peace now, right?”

“Relative peace, yes. But then there’s also the threat coming from Nicaragua,” I say glumly.

“Trouble in paradise,” Miranda adds.

“Yeah. Such a shame for the people on this beautiful island,” I say as I look around.

During our conversation, we start walking back to the cabin. Once we get there, Audrey unlocks the door and says, “Let’s try to have fun anyways. Clothes or no clothes.”

I laugh at that, and so do Miranda and Luke. Finally, Owen, always wanting to have the last word, softly says, “Well… I prefer the no-clothes option.”

I can’t help myself but chuckle softly. I glance over at Luke and see him chuckling too. Miranda’s face looks serious, but I can see by her eyes that she’s amused too.

“Okay. We’re going to bed,” I announce, attempting to change the subject.

“Us too,” Miranda says, looks at the boys, and asks, “You’ve got your phones to set your alarm?”

“Got it, Mom. We get up at seven. Right, Mr. H?”

“Right. We’ll eat on the porch, and the clothes we need are in the shed. So you two can sleep in if you want,” I say, smiling at Luke and Miranda.

“Thanks. Appreciate it,” Luke says.

“Goodnight!” Audrey says and opens our bedroom door.

“Night,” we all say simultaneously, which results in some giggles.

I start undressing, and as I pull up the thin sheet, my eyes drink in the sight of Audrey’s nude body. She smiles broadly as she crawls in too and sees me looking.

“I’m SO excited that we’re really here!” She says and kisses me on my cheek.

“Me too! Can’t wait to get started on the swimsuit pics. Too bad we have to wait for these a bit longer.”

“Ah well… consider tomorrow as a warm-up,” Audrey laughs softly.

She crawls up against me in her usual spot. With her warm pussy pressed against my leg and her nipple poking my chest, I realize once again how lucky I am. Her hand slowly moves down over my belly, and a moment later, her small hand finds my soft dick and wraps around it. Her touch gets me hard in seconds, and Audrey giggles as she feels this.

“We can’t do this now, Lil’ Bit,” I say, reluctant but sternly.

“I know. But I just like lying close to you and holding this,” she says, squeezing my dick.

“Well… have fun,” I snicker.

“I will. Night.”

“Night,” I say, and I kiss Audrey on her forehead.

* * *

The soft buzz from my phone roughly pulls me out of a deep sleep. I feel a warm breeze over my body and need a moment to realize where I am. The reddish-yellow morning light is filling the room, and when I look over at Audrey, it immediately comes back to me where I am.

She turned onto her back during the night, and her arms are lying above her head now. With her legs slightly parted, she’s completely exposed, and I don’t let the opportunity to check her out thoroughly again go to waste.

As my eyes and on her bald and incredibly sexy pussy, I have to suppress the urge to lick and caress it. But it’s difficult when she’s looking this inviting. So instead, I softly rub her cheek and whisper her name.

Her eyes flutter open, and after a long yawn, she smiles at me, followed by a stretch.

“It’s really happening today,” she whispers.

“Yep! Ready for it?”

“Oh yeah!” and after a few moments, she asks, “Scott?”

“Audrey?” I reply, smiling, but this fades quickly when I see her face turned all serious.

“Do you think it’s okay if I let Evan and Owen see me… uhm… naked too?”

This one catches me off-guard. I think about it for a few seconds and say, “Well… it’s your body, Lil’ Bit. So you decide who sees it or touches you. That’s entirely up to you and to no one else but you. I know you’re far from reckless, so I trust you’ll always make the right decision.”

“You really think that? Thanks!” She whispers and gives me a hug.

“And it’s a completely safe environment here, so I don’t see any harm in it,” I say and avoid asking about the reason why.

“I do feel safe. And I think it’ll be fun to see their reaction. And I think it’s… fair, I guess?”

“That alone is not a very good reason to do this. But I get what you mean. After all this time together, it feels like a natural thing to do.”

“Yeah! That’s it! That’s what I mean. It feels like a logical step for me,” Audrey smiles excitedly.

“And I’d love to see their reaction too,” I snicker.

“Yeah. Do you think they’ll get… uhm… hard?” she whispers, and I can see her blush.

“Hundred percent! They’ve never seen a beautiful girl like you naked. And considering their reaction when you were in your bikini… I’m sure they’ll get hard and give you a lot of attention.”

“I like the idea, but I’m also a little nervous about doing it. I mean… with you, it wasn’t a big deal to me, but now I feel butterflies just thinking about it,” she says softly.

“That’s normal. They’re about your age, they’re your friends, and a lot younger than me. Just remember. No one is forcing you to do this! And if you don’t want to do it, fine! If you regret doing it? Just put your clothes back on. If you need help? Just ask. But don’t feel pressured and take your time. That’s all I have to say about it. The rest is up to you, Lil’ Bit.”

“You’re such a great guy!” she says and dives in for another hug.

“Thanks. You’re not too bad yourself,” I say and give her another kiss on her forehead.

After lying like this for a few more minutes, I say, “I’ll go grab us breakfast and set the table on the porch. See you in a sec,” I say as I get up, pull up my shorts, and grab my shirt.

“I’ll do my hair. See you outside.”

“Be quiet, okay? I don’t want to wake Luke and Miranda. Maybe the boys will, but that’s out of our control. We need them in our team.”

“I get it. Don’t worry,” she smiles, and after I let my eyes roam over her naked body one last time, I slowly open the bedroom door and head for the kitchen.

Knowing some people on the island and calling in a few favors came in handy. When I booked the cabin, I arranged for the shed, usually used to store beach stuff, to be cleared out. The guy I know at the Fed-Ex office placed all the clothes I sent him in the shed, and Thiago’s wife made sure there were groceries in the fridge and cabinets.

This way, we only had to unpack our suitcases when we arrived. Now we can start shooting without caring about all the other practical stuff. It didn’t cost me much, and next time I’m here and have more time on my hand, I’ll visit and thank them properly.

After putting the breakfast stuff on the table, I look at the beach. Seeing it by full daylight again sure brings back some memories. I have to swallow a lump in my throat away as memories of Glenn fill my mind.

“Morning, Mr. H,” I hear behind me and see one of the boys walk onto the porch, dressed in his tight red boxer briefs.

“Morning. Owen?” I ask as my eyes roam over his body and prominent bulge.

“Evan,” he mumbles and sits down on the nearest chair.

“Morning, Evan. Ready for the big day?”

“Yeah. But it’s early, so just give me a sec please,” he yawns.

“Hi guys,” I hear Audrey say cheerfully as she walks onto the porch.

I see Evan’s eyes grow wide, and he seems instantly awake. So I turn to look at her and realize Audrey has already dropped her modesty. She’s wearing her favorite hipster-style panties, only red instead of pink ones this time. Her small black bra covers her boobs, but that’s all she’s currently wearing. And she looks mighty fine like this.

“M- morning,” Evan croaks.

“Hey! Same color underwear!” Audrey points out and sits down at the table as if she’s done this a dozen times.

“Uhm… yeah,” is all that comes out of Evan’s mouth, his eyes glued to her body.

“Morni… oh!” Owens says as he joins us.

He’s in just his boxers too, only is he wearing bright green ones, which helps me to distinguish the two. His eyes roam over Audrey’s body, and he stops scratching his ass as he’s standing there.

“You… uhm… look great,” Owen stammers.

“Thanks! You too,” she smirks. “I figured that just wearing underwear is easier for the shoot. In the studio, you did that too, and I found it pretty efficient. And besides, you’ve seen me in my bikini already, so…”

“Yeah. We did. But..” Owen says softly.

“But what?” Audrey asks innocently, but I know by now that she’s just playing with them.

“Nevermind,” Owen trails off but looks big-eyes at his brother, who simply nods.

Breakfast itself is uneventful, but the boys keep stealing glances at Audrey while I keep glancing at all of them. After we’re done, I quietly put the stuff in the kitchen, and we head out to the shed. It feels a bit odd to do this with three underwear-clad preteens at my side, but I don’t complain.

We grab the schedule Audrey and I created back home, and we select the clothes we need. Next, I set up my camera at the first location. Then, after making sure all the settings, composition, and lighting are correct, I instruct the kids to walk toward me and tell jokes to each other, so they look all spontaneous and smiling.

After the first set of pics, I see Miranda and Luke walk toward us. She’s carrying a tray with drinks, and Luke is behind her with two chairs.

“How’s it going?” she asks as she hands me a mug filled with coffee and the soda to the kids.

“Great! They’re naturals!” I beam, genuinely glad about the way they act and the chemistry between the three of them.

Miranda and Luke settle themselves on the chairs on the beach and watch us work. Thankfully, they don’t interfere or comment on what we’re doing. So I don’t really care that they’re watching.

During the rest of the morning, we do all sorts of shoots in different combinations with the kids and in different locations. The last one of the day is on the porch of our condo. I glance over at Luke and Miranda, and they look pretty bored. They don’t complain or anything, but it’s clear they’re not enjoying themselves very much.

“That’s it for today!” I call out.

The kids high-five each other, and I see Owen nod toward me. Then, Audrey looks at me and asks, “We wanna go swimming in the ocean. Is that okay?”

“I don’t see why not,” I say and look over at Luke.

He just shrugs and says, “Have fun. Just make sure to stay in sight, okay?”

“Okay!” Audrey says and quickly walks into the condo.

“Will do, Dad,” Evan says, and the boys head inside to change too.

Miranda gets back from the kitchen with a glass of wine in her hand. She hands Luke and me a beer, and we settle down on the porch, looking at the ocean.

We sit like that for a few moments when the boys join us. They’ve got beach towels around their necks and are dressed in typical surfer boardshorts. Combined with the shorts and the beach, their natural look seems so much more in place here than in Seattle. I inwardly laugh at that observation and just look at those extraordinary boys.

But when Audrey opens the door and stands there in her black, sexy as fuck bikini with the towel in her hand, eight male eyes immediately drink in every inch of her.

“Ready?” she simply asks and starts walking toward the beach, showing off her tight body.

“Hell yeah!” Owen whisperers so softly that only Evan and I can probably hear.

“Ready!” Evan croaks as he starts walking too.

I notice both Miranda and Luke looking at Audrey. Judging by their looks and seeing Audrey walking around like this, I feel I need to say something about her bikini.

“Bikinis these days are skimpier than I remember growing up,” I say, with a fake embarrassment.

“Nonsense!” Miranda responds sternly, “Audrey looks great in it! No need to be embarrassed.”

“She also tried on others, but this one was perfect according to the women at the shop. Audrey wanted this one, and if it’s the latest fashion, who am I to judge? She does look fine in it.”

“Yeah. She really does. What do YOU think of it, honey?” Miranda asks, with a hint of scorn in her voice.

“Uhm… I uh…” Luke stammers, and he seems a bit uncomfortable, and a look of guilt spreads across his face. Then he regains his confidence, clears his throat, and says, “You’re magnificent with these kids, Scott. The way they’re acting in front of your camera and the way you direct them is amazing. But, to me, it seems like it doesn’t feel like work for them.”

“Thanks! I appreciate it. I always try to work this way. When the models are comfortable, it always shows on film. Always. I think it’s my job to make them feel that way. So I’m glad it’s being noticed,” I smile.

“You’re amazing,” Miranda adds. “But despite the wonderful view, it’s a little boring to us. Right, dear?”

It’s clear now that Miranda is toying a bit with Luke. But she also made a point here. So now I know I have to be careful how I look at these kids too, although I’ve got the excuse of the photographers’ eye.

“Yeah. It is. Besides getting food and drinks, isn’t there something we can do to help?” Luke asks me.

I pretend to think about it for a minute because having them around too closely will only disturb the shoot. “Uhm. Actually, no. And to be honest, it might disturb the chemistry. But besides that, I really don’t have anything else to do. Sorry.” I say with an apologetic face.

“I see. And I guess you’re right. It’ll be a long week then, dear,” Miranda says, smiling at Luke.

“We can always go shopping tomorrow, but we’ll be done in under an hour judging by the stores I’ve seen so far. And then we’ve still got a few days left. Ah well… at least the weather and the view are great,” Luke replies, trying to sound optimistic.

“If you’d like, I can call an old friend that organizes guided tours through the jungle. These are multi-day trips, and you’ll see all the beauty the north side of the island has to offer.”

Luke immediately sits up straight and looks excitedly at Miranda. But by the look on her face, she has reservations about the idea.

“We knew this trip wasn’t going to be the most exciting one, dear. We can’t leave Scott and make him take care of our kids.”

“Nonsense! Sure you can!” I reply sternly. “It’s your holiday too, and I can handle these three. So don’t worry about that.”

“See?” Luke says hopefully to Miranda.

“But what about the boys? They can be such a handful,” she says, still trying, but it’s clear she’s starting to like the idea.

“What about ‘em? They’re having so much fun with Scott and Audrey that they probably won’t even notice we’re gone!”

“Well… it does sound like fun,” she says with a small smile forming around her mouth.

Luke looks at me and nods. I grab my phone, dial the number, and after about fifteen minutes, all the arrangements are made. It turns out that they’re lucky because the following day, a trip is planned, and there’s still room for them. They’ll be gone for three nights in a row, but by then, they’ve seen all the beautiful places the island has to offer. They’re being picked up at around nine, and they’re told what kind of clothes to pack.

“Cheers!” Miranda says after she grabs us two new beers and holds up her glass.

“Cheers!” We say as our glasses touch.

I smile, glad to have the three kids to myself. And as I look at the kids playing in the tide and seeing how much innocent fun they’re having, a feeling of utter happiness washes over me.

* * *

“Have fun!” Owen says as Miranda and Luke get on the bus.

“Thanks. And remember, you listen to Scott! If I hear that even one of you misbehaved, you’re in for something!” Miranda says with a stern look on her face.

“I know, Mom. Don’t worry! Just have fun out there,” Evan replies.

“Just call us if something happens, okay, Scott?” Miranda says in a last attempt to stay in control.

“Of course. But there won’t be anything. Trust me. So make sure to enjoy this trip,” I smile.

I know perfectly well that calling her is useless. There won’t be a signal anywhere in the jungle. And if there is, it’ll take them at least six hours to get here. But I figure she likes the idea, so I let her be.

“Come on, dear. We’re leaving,” Luke says and gently urges her into the bus.

We watch as Miranda and Luke take their place on the bus. Then, as it starts pulling away, we wave at them and wait for it to disappear from sight.

“Party time!” Owen exclaims as he puts his hands in the air.

“The hell it is,” I smile, knowing he’s joking. “We’ve got work to do.”

“I know. I’m kidding. What’s our schedule for today?”

As we walk back toward the cabin, we talk about the plans for today. We’ve still got a few more regular clothes to shoot. I want to do a few swimsuit shots too today, but I think it’s better to do these when the sun starts setting.

When we get to the shed, Audrey is the first to grab her clothes. I help the boys with their clothes, and as we turn around, I hear both boys suck in their breaths beside me.

I look over at what they’re looking at, and I see Audrey with her back toward us, completely naked except for her red hipster panties. She seems to be struggling with the tank top she’s going to wear under her blouse, and it allows us to check her out thoroughly.

“You okay there, Lil’ Bit?” I ask, ignoring the boys.

“Yeah. It’s just this stupid top! It’s got multiple layers of overlapping fabric, and I can’t get it right,” She replies. She pretends to be angry, but I know her well enough by now to know she’s faking it.

“Do you need help?” Owen asks, winking and smirking at his brother.

“Yes, please!” Audrey says, turns around, and walks toward us.

“Uh…” Owen stammers, suddenly seeming very insecure, but his eyes glued to Audrey’s chest.

“Oh!” Audrey exclaims and suddenly stops moving while holding her tank top in front of her boobs, looking innocently at the boys. Then she asks, “you don’t mind, do you?”

“I uhm… ahem! No. No! Of course not,” Owen says, clearly blown away by this, his tented underwear betraying him. “It’s just that… I didn’t expect it. That’s all.”

“Here, let me help you,” Evan quickly says, walking over to Audrey and outsmarting his brother.

“Thanks!” Audrey smiles and hands him her top.

The boys’ reaction is priceless. Both of them do their best not to look at Audrey’s chest too openly, but looking at them from a distance, I can see they fail miserably at it. And seeing both boxer-clad boners is a big giveaway about how excited they are too.

I see Audrey glance at me, and I give her a quick wink, bringing a sly smile to her face. Meanwhile, Evan’s shaking hands have undone her tank top, and he says, “Hold up your arms.”

Audrey complies immediately, and Evan slides the top over her arms, pulls it down, and covers her chest.

“Thanks,” she says and straightens her top.

“Don’t mention it,” Evan says, trying to keep his cool the best he can.

“You sure you’re not offended by me?” Audrey asks as she openly eyes their boners and makes it clear she noticed.

“You look amazing!” Owen says without thinking.

After realizing what he said, he clears his throat and adds, “I mean… you don’t mind seeing us naked, so why would we? We’re all professionals here,” he smiles, but his usual confidence is gone.

I decide it’s time to spring into action, so I say, “It’s not uncommon to see other people naked during shoots. Heck! It’ll be virtually impossible not to see the others while changing with the swimsuit shoots later on. I don’t think anyone has issues with it, so why don’t we just get it over with? There’s nobody on the beach right now, and we’re pretty secluded here between the shed and the cabin…”

I give them time to let my words sink in, and I quickly see the realization land with Evan. To get things moving, I start taking off my shirt, and after throwing it in the sand, I start sliding down my shorts.

“What… oh!” Owen says as he sees my boxers come into view.

“Great idea, Scott!” Audrey chirps and starts taking off her top.

“Yeah! Excellent!” Evan says and slides down his boxers in record time.

With a loud slap against his belly, his boner springs free, and he kicks his boxers aside. I hesitate slightly but figure I might as well join them so there won’t be any more weirdness. So I slide down my boxers too, glad I’m still mostly soft, so I don’t scare anyone.

Owen lags behind, but the moment Audrey starts working on her panties, he kicks into gear too. A slap against his belly indicates he’s naked too. Moments later, we’re all done, standing straight and looking at each other. Both boys are stiff, and their gaze switches between Audrey and me but focuses mainly on Audrey’s fabulous body.

Audrey’s eyes are glued on both preteen boners, and so are mine. Their tight, bronzed bodies look even hotter with these hard cocks sticking out from their groins.

Owen, getting famous for his lack of filter when he talks, looks at Audrey and asks, “You don’t have hairs yet?” and starts tugging at his own to prove his point.

“I do! But those peeked out of my bikini, so Scott shaved them for me,” Audrey says proudly.

“I like it!” Owen exclaims, “Will you shave me too, please?” he asks, looking at me.

Already looking forward to it, I reply, “Of course! It makes shooting the speedos easier too,” and the three of them start smiling at the image of the incident in the studio.

As Audrey stands there with her hands on her hips for all three of us to see, I feel a weird feeling of pride wash over me. This timid little girl is starting to make her own conscious decisions and stands by them. And she looks mighty fine doing it.

“Okay, guys. Take a good, long look at each other, so next time, hopefully, there won’t be anymore awkwardness,” I say, drinking in the sight in front of me.

After about a minute or so, I announce, “Right. I think this is enough for now. Grab your clothes and put them on, so we can head out to the end of the beach.”

We all start putting on our clothes, and I can feel that the little tension there was, is completely gone. Audrey and the boys are laughing and cracking jokes like nothing out of the ordinary has happened.

I grab my camera bag, lock the shed, and start walking toward the end of the beach. The boys are walking to my right, carrying the bag with beach stuff, and Audrey is to my left, carrying a bag with clothes we need later. She grabs my hand without saying a word, and we keep walking like that.

After a few moments of walking like this in silence, Audrey asks, “Did I cause you guys to get hard back there?”

“Well… Duh!” Owen replies instantly, “I never saw a naked girl before, let alone such a beautiful one!”

He starts blushing when he realizes his mouth is faster than his brain again but relaxes the moment Audrey giggles and says, “Thanks, Owen. That’s sweet.”

“Why did you do it too, Mr. H?” Evan asks as he kicks against a shell sticking out of the sand, helping out his brother.

“I want the four of us to trust each other completely. And I think this undressing session is part of that circle of trust,” I say, trying to sound smart and like it’s normal to do before a shoot.

“You’ve got a big one,” Owen says.

“Nah. I’m pretty average. A little thicker than most maybe, but that’s all.”

“You’re bigger than our dad,” Evan adds.

“I… uhm… okay,” I reply, lost for anything else to say.

When we get to the end of the beach, we arrive at the line of trees and bushes that seems a bit out of place here. Just like the first time I saw this years ago when Glenn and I were here, the thick foliage extends all the way down to the water’s edge and may be even thicker than I remember it. “What’s on the other side?” Owen asks as I’m setting up my gear.

The kids notice it as well. “What’s on the other side?” Owen asks as I’m setting up my gear.

“I don’t know. You can’t go around it. I remember Glenn said it probably extends all the way into the ocean, or maybe just a few rocks behind it. I never checked.”

“Can we go and check it?” Evan asks excitedly.

Audrey and Owen seem excited to check it out too, and I’m pretty curious about it myself. But I figure I can use this curiosity to my advantage, so I say, “Tell you what. When the shoot is done, and we’ve got some time left, we’ll check it out. Deal?”

“Deal! What do you want us to do?”

I start directing the kids, and they’re all extremely cooperative. It’s clear they all want to check out the mystery behind the trees because they tell each other to stay focused when someone isn’t paying attention.

This works exceptionally well, and before I know it, we’re done. Judging by the sun, it’s just a little past noon. So I check my phone, which confirms it.

“You were awesome, guys! We’re ready for this morning,” I smile and start putting my camera stuff in the bag.

“So we can go and check it out now?” Owen asks excitedly, already turning around.

“Wait!” I exclaim, “Not with these clothes. I don’t want them to get damaged, so we need to get to the house and get changed first.”

“But Scott…” Audrey starts whining.

“You promised, Mr. H!” Evan says, clearly disappointed.

“What if we just take off the clothes?” Owen says, looking expectantly at me, causing the two other heads to turn and nod at me.

“It’s a five-minute walk to the house!” I say, a bit surprised by their reaction.

“So?” Audrey asks, already unbuttoning her blouse.

“Okay then. If it’s such a big deal…” I smile.

Within a few moments, all B-Wyze clothes are off, placed inside the bag, leaving the three kids in their underwear. Four eyes are glued to Audrey’s chest, but she pretends she doesn’t notice. I insist they wear the shoes because I don’t want anyone to get hurt, delaying the shoot because of that.

“Let’s go!” Owen says, and we start working our way through the thick foliage of the trees and bushes. It takes us a bit of time to find a path, and after a while of winding through the trees, light from the other side is visible through the trees.

“I can see the end!” Owen shouts as if we’re in the middle of dense rainforest.

I guess the entire strip of the bush is about fifty feet wide, and despite what it looks like from the beach, it’s not too difficult to pass through. The ground is mainly covered with the same sand as on the beach, and if you watch where you’re going, you don’t even need shoes to protect your feet.

“Fucking hell!” Owen exclaims as he clears the bushes.

“Oh my!” Audrey says as she’s right behind Owen.

“Jesus!” I hear Evan say in front of me.

And when I finally get out, I’m greeted by a magnificent piece of the island. Instead of the expected rocks, we’re on a pristine beach. It’s about eighty by a hundred and fifty feet, with waves gently caressing the sand as they get to shore. Spread over the beach, a few palm trees provide some shadow, and the sand is almost white.

Glenn was right about the rocks. Because twenty to thirty feet from the shore, pointy rocks stick out of the water and break the waves. This is a highly secluded area, and it makes me feel like we’ve found paradise on earth.

“This used to be a pirate hideout!” Evan states with a certainty that’s pretty amusing.

“You might be right,” I say, feeding his imagination.

“Do you think there’s a treasure buried over here?” Owen says with big eyes as he turns toward me.

“Dunno. Might be. But pirates used to bury their treasures away from their home,” I say, still trying to sound as hyped as them.

“Yeah. Guess you’re right,” Evan says, a bit disappointed.

We all explore some more, and after about half an hour, I look over at Audrey. She walked ankle-deep into the ocean and is now looking at something in the distance. Her back is toward me, and I notice only a few main colors are visible here on this beach and at this time of day. Mostly yellow and white, because of the beach and the sun.

Due to this lack of more colors, her black hair and red panties really stand out. So I quickly grab my camera, and right at the moment I start snapping away, a gush of wind lifts her hair. I check the display on my camera and realize I accidentally made one of my best pictures ever. Both the composition and the subject in the picture look spotless. I need to check it out on my computer, but I’m pretty confident about this one, even though I can only check it on this tiny screen.

After a few more minutes, all three kids gather around me. I look at them and ask, “Time for some lunch?”

“Yeah. I’m getting hungry,” Evan says, rubbing his belly to emphasize his point.

After our trip through the bushes, we walk back toward the cabin. Audrey quickly slips on her blouse to cover herself up, just in case. We all talk excitedly about the private beach we found.

“Can’t we just have lunch here?” Audrey asks as we enter the cabin.

“Yeah,” Evan chips in, “I don’t feel like getting dressed and walking all the way over to the boulevard.”

“Sure! We’ve got plenty of stuff to eat in here,” I answer, not too fond of getting out either.

So I prepare some sandwiches with Audrey helping me. And after we’re done eating and just chilling on the porch, I say, “I think we might as well do the afternoon swimsuit shoot on our newly found private beach. There are lots of nice shadows and backgrounds over there too. What do you think?”

“Yeah!” they all nod in agreement.

The boys clean up, and we chill some more in the shadow of our porch. I feel delighted about our current situation and let out a deep sigh. Audrey looks over and smiles, her blouse open with parts of her boobs showing.

“I’m glad we did what we did earlier,” she says, smiling at us.

“Me too,” Evan adds, immediately catching on to what Audrey’s talking about.

“Good to hear,” I say. “And I’m glad you’re comfortable around each other like that. I’ve been at shoots where nudity was a real issue, and they all went horribly wrong.”

“Yeah… about that…” Owen trails off, and a sly smile appears around his lips.

I notice Evan smiling too, but I don’t have a clue where this is going. When I glance over at Audrey, I’m glad to see she seems clueless too.

“Well… we’re doing swimsuits this afternoon, and ‘something’ might peek out,” he says, making air quotes with the word something.

“Oh!” I say, suddenly catching on.

“Can you shave me before we do that shoot, please?” Owen continues, the smile never leaving his face and his dick clearly growing.

“Uhm… I don’t see why not,” I reply, inwardly jumping with joy.

“Will you do me too?” Evan adds quickly.

“Can I watch?” Audrey says almost at the same time.

“Whoa! Relax! One at a time,” I chuckle. “Sure, Evan. No problem. And Audrey, that’s not up to me.”

“Sure! You can watch. I don’t care,” Owen says, and Evan nods at that.

“That’s settled then. Let’s get to the bathroom,” I say, standing up.

The bathroom isn’t big enough for the four of us. So as I start rummaging through my stuff to look for the right razor, I instruct Owen to get in the shower stall and leave the curtain open. Evan and Audrey can look from the doorway.

I turn around, and Owen is just standing there in his green boxers, looking expectantly at me. I smile at him and point at his boxers.

“Off they go,” I say.

Owen doesn’t hesitate, hooks his thumbs in the waistband, and slides them down. When his dick comes into view, I’m a bit surprised to see he’s still soft. I blame it on the fact that he’s probably a bit anxious about what’s going to happen.

“Grab the showerhead and make sure the water is lukewarm. That’s more comfortable for you and easier to shave,” I snicker.

Moments later, and after checking out his cute bubble butt again, he turns around.

“Now what?” he asks.

“Make sure your pubes, penis, balls are nice and wet,” I say as I grab the can of shaving foam.

Owen is being his typical self and is making a show out of it. He ‘accidentally’ sprays some water on Audrey and Evan but stops once he sees the stern look on my face.

“Do you want to apply it yourself?” I ask as I hold up the can.

He looks questionably at me and shakes his head. “No. You do it. I don’t know how that stuff works.”

“You know that means that I have to touch you. You know… down there…” I say to clarify things and ensure I won’t get into trouble.

“Yeah. So what?” Owen says, clearly not seeing any issues with it.

“I’m just saying…” I trail off, very excited to the prospect of touching his heavenly body.

I spray some cream on my hand, and Owen watches intensely as it expands in my hand. I get on my knees in front of him, and I’m treated with the best view yet of his gorgeous cock. I look up and ask, “Ready?”

A simple nod is all I get, and I start rubbing the foam all around his dick and over his almost hairless sack. Within seconds, he’s hard as a rock and mumbles, “I’m sorry,” just loud enough for me to hear.

“Don’t worry about it,” I answer just as softly.

I rub around a little more and grab my razor in my right hand. I reach out with my left to take hold of the first preteen boner I’ve held in my hands for years. Right before I take hold of it, I look up at Owen, and a simple nod is all the confirmation I get and all I need to start.

“Why are you hard, Owen?” I hear Audrey ask behind me, right before my fingers wrap around Owen’s boyhood.

“He can’t help it, Lil’ Bit. With all the action down here and you guys watching.”

“Oh. Really?” she asks, surprised.

“Yeah. Can’t help it,” he says, but he doesn’t seem ashamed.

“But it’s much easier to shave this way,” I lie and wink at Owen.

Having waited long enough now, I take hold of Owen’s boner and love how it feels in my hand. The hardness of it surprises me, and I just have to give it a slight wank. The gasp above me makes me smile, and I start shaving. I move his boner around during the shaving session to provide me with room to shave. I love the feeling of his hard tube between my fingers, and I know I’m overdoing it, but I just can’t help it.

The moment I think it’s no longer believable to keep going, I lay down my razor and give him one more slow wank.

“Time to clean it up,” I say and gently take the showerhead to wash him clean.

I also take my time with this, and I boldly take hold of his balls, lift them and pretend I need to wash there thoroughly too.

“All done,” I say, feeling a bit sad it’s over already. “How’s it feel?”

Owen starts probing around with his fingers and starts giggling.

“I feel like a little boy again,” he says and looks at his brother. “You do it too, Dude!”

Evan shrugs and asks, “You’ll do me too, right?”

Oh, I’ll do you, alright. Just tell me where and when I think to myself. But instead, I say, “Of course! Get over here.”

The process is basically the same. He starts out soft, and once I start, he’s hard within seconds. After I clear the hairs over and around the birthmark, I hear Audrey and Owen chuckling. They’re laughing because of how he looks now, but they quickly focus on Evan and me.

Working on my second preteen cock, has gotten me pretty worked up. I know that no one can see it, but my straining boner is starting to leak precum. I can only hope my boxers will absorb enough so it won’t show through my shorts.

After I’m done with Evan, and all three of them are giggling like schoolgirls when they check out the result, I get up.

“You too, Mr. H!” Owen exclaims.

“Yeah!” Audrey exclaims enthusiastically.

I smile at them and shrug. “Okay. I don’t see why not,” warming up to the idea.

“It makes your dick look bigger,” Owen says and looks down at his crotch.

“We’ll help you, Mr. H,” Evan says as he picks up the razor.

“Thanks, but no thanks. No offense, but I don’t want a bloodbath in here,” I smile, and Evan realizes I’m right.

“We can apply the foam and rinse,” Owen says, stepping forward.

“I… uhm… it’s…” I stammer, lost for words and needing a way out so they won’t see my boner.

“He’s just embarrassed that he’s hard,” Audrey says, still standing in the doorway with her eyes on my crotch.

Owen and Evan look me in my eyes, and Owen asks, “So what? You said yourself that it’s no big deal.”

“Yeah! And it’s even easier to shave that way,” Evan chips in.

Not seeing a quick way out, I give in. I lift my shirt and drop my shorts and boxers in one move. Both boys ‘ eyes grow wide as my dick slaps against my belly.

“Whoa! It’s huge!” Owen says, openly checking out my boner.

“I’m just…” I try but stop my protest as Evan gently pushes me toward the shower.

Owen grabs the shower head and starts spraying around my dick and balls. In the meantime, Evan takes the can with shaving cream and sprays it on his hand. Owen holds up his hand when he’s done with the water, and he’s given a big glob too. They look at each other, and without words, they start covering my pubes, dick, and balls in a thick coat of shaving cream.

The feeling of four small hands rubbing around my most sensitive area is magnificent. I can barely hold back a moan, and when I look over at Audrey, she’s smiling broadly, alternating her gaze between the action between my legs and the boys’ naked backsides.

“Here you go, Mr. H,” Owen says as he hands me the razor.

I look down at the boys, and their identical faces are focused on my dick. The idea of this audience so close is extremely hot, so I decide to go for it. I make a bit of a show out of it and point my dick from left to right, up and down, and everything in between.

When I start working on my balls, I place my dick against my belly and smile at their wide-open eyes and looks of concentration on their faces. I’ve always focused on my manscaping because I hate a big bush. Thankfully, I’m not too hairy down there, but still. So because I don’t have to cut away an entire forest, I’m done relatively quickly.

“All done,”‘I say, looking down.

Owen immediately starts spraying off the remaining shaving cream, and before I can react, both hands are feeling around my now bare pubes and are cupping my hairless balls.

“All smooth, Mr. H!” Evan says after they thoroughly checked if I did a decent job.

“Thanks,” I smile, flushed by all the attention they gave me.

And as if nothing weird has happened, the boys grab their boxers, pull them up, and walk away while chatting with Audrey.

Now that I’m all alone in the bathroom, I take a deep breath and let the events sink in. I let my racing heart calm down, putting on my clothes. After cleaning up, I feel relaxed enough to leave the bathroom and join the kids on the porch.

* * *

“When does the next shoot start, Mr. H?” Evan asks as I sit down next to him at the table.

I look up to check where the sun currently is and say, “We can go now if you’re ready.”

“Yesss!” Owen exclaims.

“Just make sure to grab the beach toys to liven up the shoot, okay? And the big blanket. Oh! And the sunscreen just in case. Audrey and I will grab the clothes we need for this one.”

After I lock the cabin, we start walking back toward the bush at the end of the regular beach. Owen and Audrey walk in front of me, talking about some video game they’re both playing. I see Evan dropping back a little, and he ends up walking next to me.

“It feels a bit weird,” he says and scratches his pubic bone.

“Yeah. It takes a little getting used to,” I reply.

“I didn’t know I got used to my hairs so quickly. I like the way it looks now, though,” he adds.

“I do too,” I say, as I feel a blush spread across my face and avoid his look.

“I liked helping you,” Evan almost whispers, “I’ve never touched another guy’s junk before.”

“And I really like what you did. You were pros! But I know what you mean. I liked doing it to you too. At first, I was afraid it might be weird, but it never was,” I respond and look at him despite my flushed face.

“Uhm… Audrey talked to us about your Pyntar pics. I was wondering… can we do some of these too?” Evan says after we walk quietly for a bit.

“I don’t think your mom will…” I say after thinking about it for a few moments.

“Mom doesn’t have to know,” Evan immediately interrupts me.

We stop walking, and I look at him. His face is dead serious, and he seems more determined than I’ve seen him before.

“Did Audrey tell you what’s the common dress code during these shoots?” I ask, trying to size him up.

“Yeah. And I think that’s the most fun part of it,” he chuckles. “And the artistic contribution we make, of course,” he quickly adds with a big smile across his face.

“I’ll think about it. But, first, we need to finish the shots we’re here for,” I say, but I already have a few compositions in my head, and I warm up to the idea quickly.

“We’re here!” Owen shouts as he’s waiting with Audrey for us in front of the bush.

We work our way through the foliage, and once we get to the other side, I’m impressed again with how unique this spot is. Audrey lays out the swimsuits they need to wear in the proper order.

Moments later, I’m looking at three naked kids again. They’re chatting and laughing, seemingly not caring about the nudity. But I can see them stealing glances at each other, which isn’t strange, of course.

After I’m done with my camera, we start shooting mood shots with these new swimsuits. It takes us longer than expected, but I’m delighted with the results. All planned swimwear sets look great as far as I can see on the small camera screen.

As I’m checking my camera, Audrey walks up to me and asks softly, “Can we do a Pyntar shoot now, please? I love the atmosphere here, and Owen and Evan want to do it too.”

I look at her, and her puppy eyes make my heart melt. But during the shoot, I had already made up my mind to do this.

“Are you sure, Lil’ Bit?”

“Oh yeah! Will you do it?”

“Hey, guys! You wanna do that Pyntar shoot now?” I shout out at the boys.

“Are you shitting me? Of course!” Owen says as his face lights up.

“Let’s do it,” I say and change the memory card in my camera.

The three of them look at me for directions. I smile at the nervous looks on their faces and realize they need me to take the lead.

“Alright. First, spread out the big blanket on the sand,” I say to Audrey.

Owen and Evan immediately start helping her, glad to have something on their hands. They first spread it out in the middle of the beach, but I gently urge them to place it in the shadow of a palm tree.

“Now what?” Owen asks me, and I glance at his speedo, which has barely enough room to hide his hard-on.

“Now… it’s naked time,” I say to the three of them and smile as they waste no time getting undressed.

Audrey and I check out two boners while the boys’ eyes roam all over Audrey’s body. I can almost feel the tension in the air. So I quickly direct them to their first pose.

With the ocean in the background, I instruct the boys to stand with their backs toward me, legs spread widely, and their feet touching. Audrey’s body toward me, legs spread too with her body between the twins and her feet in the middle between each boys’ feet. This way, there’s a lovely tangle of legs where it’s difficult to see who’s who.

“Okay, Evan. You put your left arm in front of Audrey’s body to cover her boobs. Owen, you use your left hand and cover her vagina. A little higher, Evan…”

It takes me a while to get them in the correct position, but once everything is in place and Audrey puts her head between her shoulders and looks up at the sky, I start taking my pics. It takes me a few minutes to get them appropriately aligned in the middle of the frame and with the correct lighting, but the kids don’t move an inch, so the results are promising.

The next shot is with Audrey on her knees, looking intensely at the camera. The boys face each other, foreheads touching and their eyes closed. Audrey’s head obscures the boy’s dicks from view, and with Audrey covering her boobs with her hands, I’ve created another tasteful pic with three nude kids.

“Do you care if it’s a bit more… intimate?” I ask, looking at Audrey.

“No. Definitely not. What do you have in mind?”

“Do you?” I ask, looking at the boys but already knowing the answer.

They look wickedly at me with smiles splattered across their faces and wordlessly nod. I instruct Audrey to stand and face the camera with her legs spread about forty inches apart. Next, I tell Owen to stand to her left, facing her, with Evan on her other side.

“Owen?” I ask, and he looks at me. “Pussy or boob?”

“Huh?” he asks with a questioning face.

“Pussy!” Evan immediately responds.

“Evan gets pussy,” I chuckle.

“Think fast, Dude!” he laughs at his brother.

“Owen, you cup one of Audrey’s breasts,” I say, and his face turns into a mix of excitement and fear.

“Is that okay with you,” he asks, looking at Audrey.

“Of course, silly!” she smiles, takes his hand, and places it directly on her right boob.

I can almost hear Owen swallow, but his twitching dick shows he’s all too happy to touch his first tit.

“Evan, you grab her vagina firmly.”

Evan looks nervously at Audrey, and her slight nod is all the encouragement he needs. His hand slides down over her belly until his fingers slide between her legs and his hand is fully covering her pussy. I see his fingers move as he starts gripping his first-ever pussy.

“Ooohhh,” Audrey moans softly, and both boys look anxiously at me as if they did something wrong.

I just smile and wink, which puts them at ease. Then, seeing the twitching boners, I decide to turn up the heat.

“Audrey, now you grab their penises and point them toward your hips. If that’s okay with you guys, of course.”

“Uh-huh,” is all that comes out of Evan’s throat, which is more sound than his brother can produce, who simply nods.

I see a slight hesitation in Audrey’s moves, but when she realizes the opportunity she’s given, both her hands wrap around two similar dicks. The look on her face is priceless, and judging by the two moans, the twins like it a lot too.

“Perfect!” I say and start snapping away, and after a few moments, I decide to turn it up a notch.

“Can you guys start moving your hands a little?” I ask, and I’m greeted with three wide-eyed faces.

“I want it to look more natural. It’s way too static this way,” I smile and wink at Audrey.

I feel pretty worked up from watching them, so I figure this is an excellent way to push them a bit further. The faces turn to smiles, and Owen massages Audrey’s boob and pinches her nipple before I know it. Evan is working his hand up and down over Audrey’s pussy, and Audrey seems in haven while she’s basically jacking two young cocks simultaneously.

“This is awesome, guys! Just a few more,” I encourage them as I walk around to get the best pictures possible.

Soft, low moans and groans come from their throats. I am stiff as a board from watching this, and I take as many pictures as possible.

“That’s it. The Pyntar shots are done for today,” I call out.

Not surprisingly, the kids are a bit disappointed by this, and the looks on their faces say it all. Apparently, me calling quits is their cue to let go of each other and step back.

“Really? It was just starting to get fun!” Audrey whines.

“Uhm… yeah!” Owen smirks.

“Well… If you want, you can do more… uhm… sexy stuff,” I say and pretend I’m blushing, “these just won’t be regular Pyntar shots.”

“What do you mean?” Evan asks, a drop of precum glistening in the sun at the tip of his boner.

“Oh, I don’t know… Judging by your moans and looking at your faces, you must be pretty horny by now. So why don’t you lay down on the blanket and ‘do your thing’ there,” I say, emphasizing the last bit of the sentence.

Audrey looks at the boys, and not seeing them move makes her take the lead this time. She lies down on the middle of the blanket and spreads her legs a bit. Her hand immediately moves down to her pussy as she looks at the boys.

“Come on! It’ll be fun doing this together,” she smiles with a flush spreading across her face and upper chest.

This seems to snap Evan and Owen out of it. They quickly move over to the blanket too, and they each lay down on one side of Audrey. Owen looks down at Audrey’s hand between her legs and grips his boner. Evan looks at both of them, then at me, and asks, “You sure about this?”

“Go for it! Pretend I’m not here and do whatever feels natural.”

Owen didn’t wait for my confirmation and is slowly stroking his boner with his eyes fixed on Audrey’s body. Evan starts going to town too, and Audrey switches her gaze between the two identical boys in their intimate act of self-pleasure.

After a few moments, their moans start to increase, and I can see Audrey is entirely into it. I’m standing between her legs and move a bit closer. She doesn’t seem to notice, and I bring my camera within a few inches of her probing fingers and spread pussy lips.

It’s an extremely lewd picture, but judging by the pressure inside my pants, also a scorching hot one. Since I’m down at their feet, I snap close-up shots from both fist-wrapped boners, and no one seems to notice me doing this.

I feel a steady flow of precum oozing out of my rock-hard boner and an incredible urge to join their masturbation session. But the desire to document all this is stronger, so I just keep on snapping away.

“Oohhh… oohhh… I’m…” Owen starts moaning.

I quickly get closer to him and make sure to have his midsection in the frame. It starts just below his balls and ends around his belly button. In the background, Audrey’s hand on her pussy is blurry but clearly visible.

“Aaahhh…” Owen moans and holds his dick firmly at the base.

I press the shutter button, and my camera starts taking shot after shot in burst mode. The moment his cum starts shooting from his dick, I hear Evan moan too, but I don’t want to miss anything of this hot boy’s ejaculation.

Owen lets go of his dick, and I take a few more pics from his leaking boner and the three small puddles of cum on his belly.

Evan’s moans increase, so I get to my feet, adjust the frame and focus, and make sure I don’t miss his cum. This overview shot of the three young bodies with one of the boys shooting his sperm, and the other with traces of his own cum on his belly, is beyond hot. I notice Audrey has stopped the action between her legs and is focused on both shooting boys.

I know she must be horny as hell by now because I am too, and I haven’t even touched myself. After Evan is done cumming, he lays there panting like an old dog with his eyes shut. Audrey glances over to Owen, who lays next to her with a big grin on his face but still enjoying the afterglow of his orgasm.

Audrey winks at me, smirks, and moves her head down to Owen’s midsection. I hold the camera in front of my face again, so I won’t miss a thing from what Audrey is planning.

As she starts licking the cum from Owen’s body, he looks down at his belly with a surprised look on his face. But when Audrey grabs his dick and matter-of-factly slides her mouth over it, his eyes grow wide as saucers, and my camera doesn’t stop shooting.

“There. All clean,” she says to Owen after his dick pops free from her mouth.

When she moves over to Evan to do the same, Evan’s eyes fly open the moment she licks around his belly button and moans loudly when his dick enters her mouth.

After she’s done, she looks at me and asks, “Is it okay if I wanna do more?”

“Of course, Lil’ Bit! But they have to agree too,” I say and nod my head toward the two bronzed, naked and hard Adonises.

She doesn’t wait for an answer and throws herself at Owen. She gives him a firm hug and crawls on top of him with her legs on each side of his body and her wet pussy mere inches above his hard dick.

She leans down, looks him in the face, and starts kissing him pretty hardcore. I stand at their feet, and seeing Owen’s boner so close to Audrey’s pussy, makes me realize she’s not leaving this island as a virgin.

Evan is looking at the two, and he just smiles. There’s not even a hint of jealousy on his face, just lust and affection. Then, moments later, I see Audrey gripping her legs firmly around Owen’s hips, and she rolls to her left, taking Owen with her.

Audrey is back at her initial spot, but now Owen is lying on top of her in a traditional missionary position. The sexual tension in the air is palpable, but none of the three kids seem to notice. Audrey gently directs Owen’s face toward one of her tits, and once Owen gets the idea, his face moves down, and he latches on to Audrey’s left boob.

Once his lips close around her hard, pointy nipples, a big moan escapes her lips, and she pushes her chest forward. Encouraged by this, Owen starts alternating between her left and right boob, and his whole body wiggles on top of Audrey.

By now, Owen’s dick is a bit further away from Audrey’s pussy, but it’ll only take a little movement to line him up. So I decide to keep standing at their feet to have the best seat in the house. I keep snapping some pictures, and as Evan starts moving too, I focus on his face.

Audrey looks to her right and sees Evan closing in. She grabs Owen’s head to urge him on to keep sucking her tits, and she turns her head toward Evan, and they start kissing furiously.

Evan turns to his side and needs a place to put his arm. So he moves it on top of his brother’s back but pulls back the moment he realizes it’s his brother. I laugh inwardly at this and figure we need to quickly do something about this apprehension. It isn’t the time or place to do it now, but I want to see these two get busy too at one time, but I know we need to take it slowly at the moment.

After a few minutes of this hot action, Audrey and Evan stop kissing, and she looks down at the tit-sucking boy. A sly smile appears in the corner of her mouth, and she starts pulling at Owen’s hair. He looks up at her and immediately gets the idea. He moves up on Audrey’s body to start kissing her again.

I zoom in between their legs, and as his dick inches closer and closer to her pussy, I feel a tingle in my balls and realize my precum is oozing out in a steady flow. When Owen’s dick slides up over Audrey’s dripping pussy, both kids moan loudly into each other’s mouths. Audrey’s hands grab both his ass cheeks, and she squeezes them tightly.

Owen’s dick slides back down, and I can see its underside is coated with Audrey’s juices. He instinctively slides back up, but the top of his dick gets caught in Audrey’s entrance. The moment this happens, he stops and immediately sits back on his feet, leaving Audrey with a questioning look on her face.

Owen gets up, and I can see tears forming in his eyes, but I don’t have a clue why. He steps back, and as a tear flows down his cheek, he stammers, “I… I didn’t mean to… I wasn’t… I’m sorry, Audrey!”

Audrey props herself up on her elbows and looks questionably at Owen. I step in, put a hand around his shoulder, and hold him close to me.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” I softly say to him.

“But… I was about to… fuck her!” he whispers back, already a bit calmer.

“Yeah. You were,” Audrey says and smiles at the troubled boy.

“See?” Owen responds and looks at me with big eyes.

“But I want you to fuck me!” Audrey continues, alternating her look between the twins.

“You do?” Owen says as I feel his shoulders relax.

I let go of Owen and step a bit closer to Audrey. She smiles broadly, and the look on the boys’ faces is one of disbelief.

“Yeah. Audrey and I talked about it, and as long as everyone is doing this out of their free will and no one is forced, I don’t see why you guys shouldn’t do it.”

“Really?” both boys reply simultaneously.

“Haha! Really!” Audrey laughs. “It’s my first time too, and I know you’ll be careful and won’t hurt me.”

“Of course we won’t hurt you!” Owen exclaims, and I notice his dick has gone soft.

“You’re good. Don’t worry! And uh… I know I want to have sex with you!” Evan says excitedly. “You, Dude?” he asks his brother.

“I… uh… yeah. Me too!” Owen replies, a little more hesitant.

“You wanna continue, or do you want me to go first?” Evan asks, his boner twitching with anticipation.

Owen looks down at his soft dick and then at his brother’s. Audrey has an ‘I don’t care’ look on her face and is beaming with anticipation.

“You do it, Dude. You’re the oldest, so I guess it’s your birthright,” he chuckles.

As Evan scoots over to Audrey and settles his body between her legs, she extends her arms toward Owen and says, “Come here!”

Owen gets on his knees next to Audrey, and they hug tightly. Audrey kisses him firmly on his lips while Evan has the decency to wait for them to finish.

“Will you hold my hand? I’m a bit nervous,” she softly asks Owen after they break their kiss.

Owen grabs her hand as his brother lowers himself down on top of Audrey’s body. I position myself in a spot where I can see the penetration and keep a good look at Audrey’s face to check on how she’s doing.

“Now what?” Evan asks insecurely after laying his lower body down on Audrey’s but keeping his torso away from her with his hands on the blanket.

“Just hug, kiss, and rub your bodies against each other. You’ll both know when you’re ready. Just take your time,” I say soothingly.

Evan lowers his face and starts kissing Audrey. She puts her free hand on his back but quickly moves it down to cup his firm little ass.

As Evan’s dick slides up and down over Audrey’s soaking wet, slippery pussy, they start moaning loudly. After a few moments of this, Audrey’s hand leaves Evan’s ass and moves between them, where she grabs Evan’s dick. I see her lining him up while Evan holds still and sucks in a breath when his dickhead touches the entrance of Audrey’s pussy. I quickly take a few pics before saying, “Push it in slowly, Evan. And try to relax, Lil’ Bit!”

I feel torn between two feelings. Watching these preteen kids lose their virginities is extremely hot and sexy. But my inner caretaker wants to protect Audrey from it. Thankfully, my mind tells me there’s no need to worry. Audrey wants this, and the boy taking her virginity is lovely and caring. So I keep telling myself there’s no need to worry.

As I watch Evan’s butt muscles tighten, his twelve-year-old cock slowly slides inside Audrey’s equally preteen pussy.

“Oohhh!” I hear both kids moan.

Audrey’s hand is back on squeezing Evan’s ass, and Owen is watching wide-eyed at what’s happening in front of him.

“I feel you slide in… Ahhhh!” Audrey moans while panting heavily and spreading her legs even further.

“Oohhhh… this… I… ohhh, Audrey!” Evan grunts.

I see he’s all the way inside Audrey’s pussy now, and he’s holding perfectly still. I quickly take close-up shots from between their legs where their genitals are merged into one.

“I… oohhh…” Audrey pants.

As I get up to take pictures of their faces, Evan looks at me and asks between pants, “Do I move it out now?”

“Yeah. But not completely out. Leave the tip inside. And then back in,” I smile, glad to assist these wonderful kids during their first intercourse.

Owen is still holding on to Audrey’s hand, which is adorable, but I signal with my head to let it go and softly say, “Let them enjoy this together. I’ve got a feeling you’re next.”

Audrey’s look is a bit unfocused, and her mouth is slightly open, which are both good signs. All the time, I kept one eye on Audrey’s face to see how she’s doing, but it’s clear she’s enjoying every second of it up until now.

After hearing me talking to Owen, she looks at him and nods. But before she can say anything, her eyes cross, and another loud moan escapes her lips.

I look down and see Evan already pushed back and is all the way inside her again. I watch him move and see he’s moving in and out very slowly. The look on Audrey’s face is one of pure bliss, but I can also see a hint of frustration.

“You can move faster. You won’t break her,” I say as I look at him, following a drop of sweat from his forehead down his cheek.

“I can?” he asks, looking down at Audrey.

“OH YES! PLEASE!” she almost shouts.

Needing no more encouragement, Evan starts picking up the pace, slapping his pelvis hard against Audrey’s. Seeing their bare pubes mash together, I know I have to take shots of that too. So I put my camera in front of my face, and I take a series of burst shots of three in-and-out motions from Evan.

But hearing him moan, I know he won’t last much longer, so I take my position to take shots of both their faces when he cums inside a girl for the very first time.

“Oh… oh… oh… AAHHH!” Evan shouts and pushes firmly inside Audrey for one last time, where he holds perfectly still.

It doesn’t take a genius to realize what’s happening, and I’m recording it all with my camera. Audrey looks up at Evan with a big grin across her face, but I see she isn’t cumming yet. As Evan’s ass cheeks relax, I see him catching his breath, and as he opens his eyes, a huge grin spreads across his face too.

“That was AWESOME!” he exclaims and gives Audrey a tender kiss on her lips.

“Yeah! This is amazing!” Audrey says and looks all hyped at me.

“You gotta try it too, Dude!” Evan says while looking at his brother.

When he realizes what he’s saying, he glances down at Audrey with a guilty look on his face and stammers, “I mean… if that’s okay with you, of course…”

“Yeah! Of course! Move over, Evan!” Audrey says, nodding furiously.

I look at Owen, and I’m glad to see he’s ready for it. His young dick stands up proudly from his groin, and his nervousness seems to be gone. Evan slides back on the blanket, and his glistening dick has gone a little soft, but not by much.

As Owen crawls between Audrey’s spread legs, she extends her arms to give him another firm hug. Owen gets the hint, lays himself down on her, and they passionately kiss each other. His hips are grinding again, and his hard dick is inches away from Audrey’s opening.

This time, he doesn’t waste any time and starts humping against her. I see Audrey’s flushed face, and within seconds, she reaches down between their bodies to line up the second dick within minutes that’s ready to enter her.

“Ready?” she asks with a hoarse voice while placing her hands on his butt.

Evan sits down next to me, and his glistening, half-hard dick looks delicious. It takes me a bit of willpower to prevent me from licking it clean, but the spectacle in front of us is enough to keep me from molesting this wonderful boy.

“Just do it, Dude!” Evan says with a comforting voice.

“Oooohhhhh!!” Owen moans as he starts sliding in.

His tight butt pushes down, and I scoot over to get another pic of young, joined genitals. Since Owen paid attention when his brother lost his virginity, he starts pulling back once he’s completely inside. This makes for another great series of pics. Right then and there, I realize that watching preteen kids fuck for the first time in their lives is something I’ll never grow tired of. Despite this realization, I know that my main focus is documenting how another young boy loses his virginity.

Before I know it, he’s pistoning in and out of Audrey’s pussy, and as their bare pubes slap against each other, loud moans come from both their throats. Owen lasts a bit longer than his brother, but after a little over a minute, I hear low grunts coming from his throat and the force of his thrusts increases.

But when I look at Audrey, I see a familiar look on her face. As Owen pushes in firmly for his last thrust, I see her eyes cross, and her body shakes.

“AAAHHHH!!” she practically screams and digs her fingertips firmly in Owen’s ass cheeks.

“HUHHH…” is the low groan coming from Owen’s throat.

I take close-up shots of Owen’s face as his orgasm hits him. The look on his face is absolutely priceless, and I feel a sense of pride and gratitude for being able to witness and document this.

“This is hot!” Evan whispers beside me, and I notice he’s hard again, wishing I was still his age.

“Yeah!” I whisper back and continue taking pictures.

Owen buries his head between Audrey’s neck and shoulder, and they both lay there panting heavily as they try to regain their breaths.

“Oh! I feel some sperm leaking out!” Audrey giggles.

I quickly move between their legs and take the best pictures of the entire session. Owen’s dick is buried inside Audrey’s pussy. Above his tight ballsack and around his dick, some sperm leaks out, dribbling toward Audrey’s ass, and some drip on the blanket.

“Are you okay?” Owen asks after a few moments.

“I’m more than okay!” Audrey exclaims, hugs Owen, and indicates Evan to join them.

As the three of them hug each other, I make sure to capture this affectionate moment of joy between them. After a few moments, Owen pulls back and lies down next to Audrey. Evan joins him on her other side, and as they lay there relaxing in the shade, I snap the last pic of the session and sit down on the blanket.

“How was it, Lil’ Bit?”

“It’s absolutely amazing! It didn’t hurt AT ALL! They were careful. I do feel a bit stretched down there, but in a good way. And it’s even better than when you eat me out!” she blabbers on, holding her hand in front of her mouth the moment she realizes what she said.

I glance over at both boys, and they just smile. Then, Owen winks at me and says, “We figured you did some of this together. And I get it… she’s just too cute.”

“Yeah… uhm… we’ll… you know you can’t talk about all this, right?” I ask, feeling a bit of panic about it.

“Of course! Don’t worry, Mr. H. Your secret is safe with us!” Evan says reassuringly.

“Yeah. You’re the coolest guy we know, so just chill, okay?” Owen adds.

“Thanks, guys! Who’s hungry?” I ask, trying to change the subject and not make a big fuss about their first fucks.

The kids get dressed as I put my camera gear in my bag, and we grab our stuff. The three of them are chatting excitedly about how it felt and how much they liked it. But once we clear the line of trees and walk toward the cabin, their conversation is back to video games and movies they like, as if nothing weird has happened.

* * *

“The shower is free,” Audrey says, walking in while drying her hair.

Evan gets up, and as he walks by Audrey, he openly checks out her naked body, which causes Audrey to smile seductively.

We’re sitting on the porch with a table filled with dirty dishes. We’ve had an excellent spaghetti and meatball dinner, which was gratefully devoured by the four of us. I drank almost four glasses of white wine during dinner, which is more than I usually drink. But figuring it’s a sort of holiday and the chill vibe I’m getting from the kids and the island, I figured I could do this for once. I’m feeling relaxed, and as I watch the beach, the ocean, and the setting sun, I feel privileged to be here with these three amazing kids.

I’m in my swimming trunks and a shirt, Owen put on his underwear after his shower, but I think he’s regretting it when he sees Audrey staying naked. Surprisingly, there’s absolutely no one on the beach at this time of day, so I don’t care how the kids are dressed.

“Sooo… you ate her out…” Owen says out of the blue, and a big grin is plastered across his face.

I feel a slight panic building up inside, but luckily, Audrey comes to the rescue.

“Yeah. He did. And I gave him a blowjob. It’s fantastic!” she says without any expression other than compassion for me on her face.

“I thought so… I want to learn how to do that too,” Owen responds.

I simply smile, but Audrey sees an opportunity, so she says, “If you want to learn how to do more sex stuff, you can try it with me. Scott can help us if we have questions.” she says extremely enthusiastically.

“Really! Can I?” Owen says surprised, and looks at me.

“Like I said earlier, as long as everyone involved is okay with it, I don’t see a problem,” I respond, glad we’re not talking about me eating out Audrey anymore.

“I want to learn everything!” Owen says like an absolute stud with the emphasis on everything and asks, “What else can we do?”

I see him looking at me and see Audrey’s questioning expression too. So I figure I might as well be honest and name it all.

“There’s intercourse, or fucking, obviously. There’s oral like a blowjob or eating out a girl. Anal, of course. You can do a threesome…” I say and see Evan coming onto the porch, naked as the day he was born.

“Or foursome…” he simply says, looking at me as he sits down at the table with his damp hair.

“Of course!” Audrey says as if she just had an epiphany.

“Yeah!” Owen adds. “You should join us!”

“Uhm… I can’t… I mean… you are… uhm…” I stammer.

“Oh! You promised you’d think about it!” Audrey whines.

“Look,” I say seriously to all three of them, “I’m basically Audrey’s parent in the eyes of the law. And you guys are at an age where no judge will have mercy on me. So I just can’t,” I say as I try to be as serious as possible.

Owen looks questionably at me, and after a few moments, he says, “But no one but the four of us will know.”

“Yeah!” Evan chips in, “I think it’ll be fun, and you can teach us a whole lot! I’d love to do all the stuff you just said!”

“See?” Audrey says with a big smirk across her face.

“I don’t know…” I try, but my straining boner is betraying me as these three kids are practically begging me to have sex with them.

I know I should say no. My mind tells me I shouldn’t do it. But my heart tells me something else. I glance over at Audrey and realize I can still protect her, even when we’ve had sex. It feels like a wall crumbling down around my inhibitions, and as more of that wall goes down, the more I feel the excitement of joining these three kids’ sexual development.

I remember the joys I’ve had with Glenn and how it helped me become the person I am today. And when that realization hits me, I make a deal with myself to keep everything as safe, pleasant, and open as Glenn did with me. With that promise in the back of my mind, I can practically hear the last bit of the wall crumble, and a smile forms around my mouth.

As Audrey sees this, she gets up, and as she straddles my waist, both boys get up too and stand on either side of me. I see Owen dropping his boxers as Evan gently guides my right hand and lays it on his semi-hard dick.

I feel his dick grow to full mast in my hand, and I can’t help but squeeze it. As I look up at his face, he just smiles hornily down at me. While Audrey presses her pussy down on my now rock-hard boner, Owen grabs my hand and guides it to his boner. Once I realize the situation I’m in, with two preteen boners in my hands, and a naked girl squirming in my lap, I feel the very last of my inhibitions float away.

“Alright. But not here out in the open,” I hear myself whisper.

“YEAH!” both boys say simultaneously and high-five each other.

“YESSS!” Audrey says loudly and kisses me hard on my lips, grinding herself firmly against my mid-section.

I can’t stop fiddling with the two boners in my hands, and for a moment, nobody moves. Then, reluctantly let go of Evan and Owen’s rock-hard and amazing dicks, and gently push the naked preteen girl from my lap. The moment I get to my feet, Audrey and Owen start working on my trunks, but I push them away long enough so that we can all get inside the cabin and close the door behind us. Small hands attack me again, and my swimsuit lies crumbled at my feet within seconds. Meanwhile, Evan is taking off my shirt, and as he throws it into a corner, I’m as naked as the kids, and another boner joins the team.

Audrey starts walking toward our bedroom but is quickly chased by the twins who run by her. And as they round the corner, I see their boners flopping around, which causes Audrey to giggle.

They jump on the bed, and as I enter the bedroom, they’ve turned around and sit on the bed on their knees, looking expectantly at me.

“What can we do?” Owen asks.

“I wanna do everything!” Audrey says, eyeing the boners around her.

“Can we do anal?” Evan asks practically at the same time.

Owen looks questionably at his brother, who blushes once he realizes what he said. But he keeps looking at me, and I can see he isn’t kidding and seems interested in it.

“We’ll do it all. Don’t worry,” I respond with a warm smile and wink toward Evan. “Probably anal too, and I promise you’ll love it! I’m not sure if it’ll fit, but just the trying will be fun!”

“Okay…” is Owen’s tentative response, but I see him already opening up to the idea.

“Let’s do blowjobs!” Audrey exclaims after a few moments, drops to her knees in front of Evan, and motions me to do the same with his brother.

This is it. I’m going to do it, and I can’t wait to have this hard, young cock in my mouth. So I drop to my knees too, sit shoulder to shoulder with Audrey, and look at the throbbing boner in front of my eyes. Then, without hesitation and without counting down, Audrey and I dive in at the exact same moment.

I grab Owen’s boner by its base, open my mouth and let it slide in between my lips. The moment my tongue hits the underside of his glans, I instinctively know I did the right thing. The low moans above us bring a smile to my face. I glance over at Audrey, and I can see her smiling too, as she’s checking me out from the corner of her eyes. This only lasts a few moments, and as I’m getting into blowing this young, hot boy, I want nothing more than to feel his cum shoot in my mouth and swallow everything he has to give to me.

I’m really getting into it, and as my lips rub over the stiff shaft with low moans and grunts coming from the boy above me, Audrey lets go of Evan’s cock. The smacking sound of her mouth leaving his cock, and the deep sigh coming from Evan makes me glance over at the two kids to my left. I’m not ready to let this young, tasty cock leave my mouth, so I slightly turn my head and let my tongue caress his glans.

“Time to switch!” Audrey exclaims excitedly and gets to her feet.

Only because I know I’ll have another hard cock in my mouth within seconds, I let Owen’s dick slip from my mouth. I scoot over to my left, where I see my bag standing against the wall and within reach.

“Lie down on your back,” I say to Evan as I reach inside.

After a bit of probing around, I find what I’m looking for. I pull out the can of coconut oil and put it down on the floor between Evan’s feet, who’s oblivious to my actions.

I don’t want to waste any time, so I grab his spit-covered glistening boner and slip my mouth around it. Then, with my free hand, I quietly pop off the cap from the can of oil and scoop up a glob of it on my fingers.

As my head bobs up and down, I slowly move my finger toward Evan’s anus. I increase my tongue action to distract him a bit. The moment my slick finger touches his anus, it immediately slides in a little, which causes Evan to moan loudly, and his boner twitches furiously in my mouth.

“Ooohhhh!!” he moans and presses his ass down on my slippery finger.

“More?” I simply ask as I take my mouth off his dick just long enough to ask this and immediately put my mouth around it again.

“Yessss. Oooohhh yesss!” Evan groans.

Judging by how relaxed his sphincter already is, I figure I can use two fingers easily. So I quickly extract my finger to scoop up another glob but with two fingers this time, which causes Evan to groan from emptiness.

The moment I press my two fingers against him, he’s basically begging me to stick them inside. So I keep my tongue action active and slowly but steadily slide two fingers inside this angelic boy.

“Hhmmm…” he groans, and I feel his muscles relax under my probing fingers.

This boy is a natural! I don’t have to tell him to relax or push back. I slide in easily, and before I know it, I’m all the way inside. As I start moving them in and out, his hard dick twitches in my mouth each time I hit his prostate. So I focus on that and keep lapping away under and over his glans.

When his hands grab my hair and his moans turn into high-pitched grunts, I know he’s cumming. I can’t wait to taste him, so I increase both speed and intensity as he starts lifting his ass off the mattress.

There’s one last loud grunt, and as his fingers dig into my skull, I feel his hard cock fatten even more, and the moment his ass muscles clench tightly around my fingers, I feel the sweet, young boy nectar fill my mouth.

Four spurts of watery cum fill my mouth. It isn’t too much to handle, and I let the sweet and light fluid go through my mouth as I savor its taste. Moments later, his body starts relaxing, and as his ass hits the mattress again, only a slow dribble of cum comes out of his cock, which I eagerly lap up.

I reluctantly swallow it and retract my fingers from his ass, making sure to stimulate his prostate as much as I can. Evan isn’t entirely with us yet, so I glance over at the action to my right.

Audrey’s head is bobbing up and down on Owen, and judging by his moans and the similar way he lifts his ass off the bed, I realize he’s close. I move over, kneel behind Audrey and start pinching her nipple while my other hand searches for her sopping pussy.

Audrey doesn’t react and just keeps on sucking Owen. I rub my dick between her ass cheeks as I start fingering her while looking over her shoulder at one heck of an erotic sight. After a few more seconds, Owen’s hands dig into Audrey’s hair, and as his high-pitched moan fills the room, it’s clear he’s cumming too.

I let Audrey suck him dry, and I slow down my action on her pussy and tits. I glance over at Evan and see him looking at his brother’s orgasm, with a sheepish grin all over his face. I get up and lie down on the bed between the twins, thinking about what to do next. I’m still uncertain if I should fuck Audrey, but judging by how easy Evan opened up his boy pussy and how eager he is to do anal, I make up my mind to at least fuck him, and maybe his brother too.

I feel a hand wrap around my boner as I’m contemplating this. I glance down and see Evan looking down at my dick and sizing it up. I look at him and smile.

“Are you sure it’ll fit?” he asks with a bit of uncertainty as he squeezes my boner.

“Yeah. It’ll definitely fit. I had the same doubts when Glenn and I did it for the first time.”

I feel the bed move, and Audrey squeezes herself between Owen and me. Owen clearly recovered from his orgasm minutes ago because he wastes no time and starts feeling up Audrey’s tits, which causes her to purr softly.

“Why don’t you try it, Evan?” she asks with an eager grin across her face.

“You sure?” he asks quietly, looking me in my face.

“You’ll love it! And if it hurts, we’ll just stop and do something else. No worries!” I soothingly say.

“Uhm… can I… uhh…” Owen stammers with a blush spreading out over his face and upper chest.

Audrey looks at him and immediately gives him a tight hug. “Of course you can!” she chirps, “right, Scott?”

“Sure! We just need to lube you up too!”

“But… isn’t it… gay?” he stammers again.

“So?” Audrey asks as if Owen just asked the stupidest question ever. “You can always stick it in me again later, so I doubt it being too gay!”

That seems to do the trick. Owen simply nods and asks, “How do I lube up?”

Without answering, I drop to my knees and grab the can of coconut oil. A few loud moans and a couple of minutes later, I think he’s lubed up enough. I glance over at Audrey and Evan and see they decided to kill time by Frenching and groping around. As they’re occupied, I figure I might as well lube Evan up even more, which he, judging by his moans, doesn’t mind too much.

“Get on all fours. It’ll be easier that way,” I say to Evan, who immediately breaks the kiss and gets on his hands and knees.

“Can I watch?” Audrey asks as she gets to her knees.

“Of course, Lil’ Bit,” I say, as I realize I’m tremendously turned by both the audience as devirginizing the twins’ asses.

“And what do I do?” Owen asks, and he wants to be fucked badly, too, judging by how he looks.

“Why don’t you do it too? I’ll switch between you two.” I turn to Audrey. “Lil’ Bit?”

“What is it?”

“Sit between them on the bed, and… uhm… make sure their… dicks get some attention,” I smile, knowing how much she likes to handle a dick, let alone two at once.

She sits between the boys and has a great view of what I’m about to do. Her hands reach down, and judging by the moans, grips their dicks and starts toying with them. As she’s smiling from ear to ear, I grab the oil and lube up my rock-hard and twitching dick.

“Ready?” I ask, and after a timid nod from Evan, I press my glans against his rosebud and whisper, “Try to relax and push back a little. If you want me to stop, just say the word, okay?”

After another wordless nod, I start applying more pressure. With some effort, my dickhead slips in and is engulfed by his warm rectum. I know the worst part is already over, so I ask, “You okay?”

“Ohhh… yeah! This is… hmmm…” he moans, and I see Audrey’s eyes wide open, and her hands stop moving.

A simple nod from my head gets her moving again, and I can see Owen glancing at his brother to size him up. Seeing him smile is all the encouragement I need to push and slide in further. I grab his boyish hips to steady myself and feel his ass muscles clench and relax as I move in. This boy is a pro, and I almost can’t believe he’s never done this before.

It takes me a few in and out motions during my entrance, but before long, I’ve got no more dick left to slide in and feel my balls rest against his small, hairless sack.

“This is it,” I hear myself pant. “Still good?”

“Oohhh… yeah! This is… hmm…” he moans, clearly enjoying it.

“This is so hot!” Audrey whispers as she is slowly jacking him off, and her eyes focused on where our bodies merged.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” I say to Evan as I gently squeeze his ass.

“Yessss… please!”

As I slide out, I feel my dickhead rub against something. His loud moan and clenching muscles make me realize it’s his prostate. I’ve never felt it so prominent before in my life, but it’s a big turn-on knowing how much we both enjoy this.

As the boiling inside my balls is building, I realize I need to do something to prevent myself from popping off inside this fabulous preteen ass. A quick glance at the other exposed boy gives me an idea.

“It’s your brother’s turn,” I hoarsely say.

As I slide out, Evan moans a bit, but seeing the way he looks excitedly at his brother, shows love and excitement for both of them.

“This is fucking amazing!” he says to his nervous-looking brother.

I lube up some more and stand behind Owen, with my glistening glans pressed against his opening. He inhales sharply at the contact, so I grab him by his small waist and say, “Remember to relax, and you’re fine!”

Obviously lost for words, he nods with his eyes locked with his brother. Audrey starts milking him faster to distract him, which is my cue to enter another tight butthole. Looking down at his bronzed ass and seeing my stiff dick slowly sliding in almost makes me cum. But during the switch, my level of arousal dropped enough to keep me going.

After a few minutes, I’m fully buried into Owen, who moans and nods furiously at his twin brother.

“Fuck! This… ahhh… is… ahh… fucking ama… zing…”

As I move in and out, I feel the same spot hitting my glans. Each time I rub against it, the moans get louder. I feel Owen’s ass tighten, and I want to postpone his orgasm. So I switch back to his brother and enter him with ease, and another loud moan fills the room.

Audrey’s action is down to a simple massage. That much is clear from my point of view. And I don’t think either boy minds. Because when I pick up the pace with Evan, he starts pushing his ass back at me with each inward thrust, making our fucking session more intense.

I switch back to Owen, and after I fucked him for about a minute, and I’m sliding back in his brother, I’m amazed by my stamina. But I blame that on my focus on making it a pleasant first fuck for the boys and the amount of wine I drank already.

“Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! I’m… ohh… ohhh…” Evan moans, and the tension of his ass muscles increases to a point it’s almost too tight.

I keep pistoning in and out when he suddenly freezes and lets out a high-pitched groan. I feel his prostate move on the underside of my dick, and the “Ahh… yesss!” from Audrey is the definitive confirmation he’s cumming.

I let him enjoy his orgasm for a few moments before I pull out and sink into Owen, where my balls slap against his. He’s clearly on the edge too, because it only takes me about ten or eleven fucks for him to grunt with the same high-pitched moan. It’s almost a carbon copy of his brother’s cum, and I hold perfectly still to allow him the same satisfaction.

Both boys collapse on the bed with their asses sticking up. I grab some wet wipes, discretely but thoroughly clean my dick, and throw them in the trash can. Audrey is looking at me with the horniest face I’ve seen on her up until now, and her pleading eyes say it all.

“Will you… stick it in me now? Please?” she beggingly whispers, causing both boys to turn their heads and look expectantly at me.

The hormones must be clouding my brain because I hear myself whisper, “Lie on your back, Lil’ Bit,” and I step forward, gripping my boner at the base.

“Really?” she asks excitedly as she moves back on the bed, lies her head on the pillow, and looks at me with an expression I haven’t seen before.

The twins move back a bit and almost simultaneously pop up their heads on their hands, looking down at Audrey. As I’m looking at the gloriously sexy young girl on the bed looking expectantly at me, I suppress the urge to simply fuck her brains out. I know I have to be tender and gentle to make our first time together a pleasurable and memorable experience.

“Really!” I reply warmly as I smile at her excited face.

Her smile quickly turns into a horny and serious look. The eagerness is so apparent that even a blind man can see it.

“Spread your legs, Lil’ Bit,” I whisper as I get on the bed.

The moment she spreads her legs, I get between them and lie my body gently on hers. I make sure the tip of my dick is touching her pussy lips, and the weight of my body presses it down between her folds.

I look down at her anxious face and feel nothing but love for this wonderful girl. As I lean down to kiss her, she wraps her arms around me and slightly opens her mouth. The moment our lips touch, it’s like a bolt of electricity shoots through me.

The moments our tongues make contact, we both moan into each other’s mouths, and my hips start moving involuntarily. We kiss passionately, and every time my dickhead touches her clit, Audrey moans louder and digs her finger deeper into my back.

I lift my face, reach down to grab my throbbing boner, and look her in the eyes. For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m communicating with someone on a spiritual level instead of with words. She doesn’t even have to nod for me to know she’s ready. I can see it in her eyes.

So as I line myself up, I make sure to keep eye contact. The moment I push and feel the folds of her pussy give way, she sucks in a deep breath. I freeze for a second, but I push further when I see she’s okay. As I’m about halfway inside her wonderfully soft and velvety love canal, her eyes cross, she arches her back and lifts her head back.

“Ooohh…” is the deep, low grunt that comes from her throat.

Her fingers grab me even firmer as I keep sliding in. I don’t have to pull back even once to make the entrance easier on her. She is so wet and slippery that there’s almost no resistance, only a firm grip around my hard dick.

The moment I’m in all the way, I feel the tip of my dick touch her inside. And as my balls touch her ass, they start to tingle with anticipation. Audrey tries focusing on me, and once she manages to do that, she smiles and whispers, “Finally… aaahh…”

Right at that moment, I just know I’m doing the right thing. Despite our pseudo-father-daughter relationship, despite her age, and despite the fear of molesting her, I just know. And I know this isn’t a fluke but a deep, soulmate-like connection we’re building.

I manage to stay perfectly still, and I lean down to kiss her again. This time, she returns the kiss with passionate enthusiasm. She keeps moaning, and her probing tongue is almost violently moving around.

“Ahh… do it, Scott!” she moans between kisses, still unable to use dirty words, even now.

I slowly pull back, and I feel her pussy muscles gripping my dick in an attempt to keep me in. But as I push back in and she arches her back again, the grip around my dick feels even better.

“Oohhh…” we moan simultaneously.

I know that the twins are watching us in the back of my head, but due to this intense psychological connection during our first fuck, it’s tuned out completely, and the only two people in the world that matter are Audrey and me.

I keep a slow and steady rhythm, so I know I can last a little longer. But judging by the trashing young girl below me, I don’t need to last very much longer.

I place one hand against her cheek as I keep using slow but firm thrusts. Her eyes lock on mine the moment I do this, but her gaze is off. Her shallow, ragged breath is also a clear indicator of what is about to happen.

The familiar buildup is snowballing inside my body, and I’m approaching my peak at lightning speed. I push with another firm thrust, and by now, only a low gurgle comes out of her mouth, and her pussy clenches hard around my cock. I slowly pull back and slide in firmly where my pubic bone mashes with hers. And that is when it happens.

“Aaaahhh! Aaahhhh! Ooooohhhh!” Audrey almost screams.

Her fingers dig into my back so deep it hurts. Her clenching pussy was tight before my last push, but now it feels like she’s milking me. I know I have to stop to give her time to enjoy it, but I’m one thrust away from cumming myself, so I slam it in one last time before my balls unload themselves, and I coat the insides of this wonderful girl.

This last thrust apparently did something to her too, because she’s grinding her pussy hard against me and her head keeps moving from left to right, and her body moves so violently, it’s almost like she’s having a seizure.

But this all barely registers as I feel spurt after spurt leave my dick and fill her up with it. My dickhead is pressed against her cervix, and in my head, I picture my cum shooting straight into her womb. This all adds to my orgasm, and I feel like I’m floating weightless in outer space.

After I come down a bit and look at the pure bliss on Audrey’s face, I slowly move my barely softening dick in and out to extend her pleasure. I’m not aiming for another orgasm, just a prolongation of her current one. Judging by her movements, this works flawlessly, but eventually, it dies down, and she looks at me with a more focused look on her face.

“I feel your… stuff inside,” she whispers.

I can’t help but smile and just nod. “I feel you gripping my penis,” I reply after her muscles contract softly.

“Really?” she giggles and clenches them again.

“Oohhh…” I moan to emphasize the point.

Audrey’s hands move up my back, and she looks at me with a deep, loving look.

“I love you!”

I can’t help it. I’m totally over the moon and hopelessly in love with this wonderful girl. Deep down, I knew this already, but now, right after our first lovemaking, I feel it strongly, and there’s no more denying it. So with all the love I have inside me, I softly say, “I love you too!”

I know, corny as hell, but so right at the moment. We tenderly start kissing each other, and after a few moments, I feel two boy bodies on either side of us, hugging us too in a big group hug.

“That was… sweet!” Evan whispers.

“Yeah, Dude! Sweet and hot!”

“Thanks!” I say without anything witty to say at that moment., “Let’s lie down, okay? Audrey is getting crushed this way.”

We all lie down on our backs and talk about what we have done so far. I’m thrilled to find out that all three of them feel free to talk about this subject. No more silly giggles when someone mentions a dick or something. They talk openly about what they like and what they wanna do. Eventually, the talk dies down a bit, and I notice Audrey has trouble keeping her eyes open. I see Evan yawning too, and I whisper a soft “Goodnight,” which is the cue for all of us to close our eyes and call it a day. And what a day!

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Ego amare negotiandi locos

P.S. The picture above this story is the one that started all this. This one gave me the inspiration for being the photographer behind the camera and all the possibilities that comes with it. Just so you know…

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La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Come to the island

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 14

“This is amazing!” I said as Glenn, Gloria, and I entered the apartment.

I immediately ran over to the balcony to enjoy the view we had of the ocean. As the soft, warm breeze touched my skin and the sunset colored the sky red, I felt a weird calmness flow through my body.

“This view is great. Isn’t it, honey?” Gloria asked as she stood beside me on the balcony.

“Thank you guys SO much for taking me here with you!” I said and hugged Gloria tightly.

But the moment I realized I was hugging her tightly, I let go and stepped back a bit. “Sorry! I don’t want to hurt the baby,” I said, afraid she would be mad.

“Haha! Don’t worry, honey! It’s safe inside my belly. No need to worry that you’re going to hurt it.”

“Oh… I thought I’d…” I stammered and hugged Gloria tightly again.

“Right. Let’s finish unpacking. We’re invited over at Thiago’s for dinner. And believe me, you don’t want to miss that!” Gloria smiled.

So after we unpacked and I made the bed in my small room, we went out to Thiago. Glenn had rented a car so he could visit his old friends. Since it was a convertible, I insisted on driving with the top down. Glenn just smiled when Gloria pressed the button, and the roof automatically opened.

This was precisely how I always pictured a vacation. Having fun and doing all sorts of stuff you wouldn’t do at home. And all that with a nice, warm breeze in a new environment.

When we arrived at Thiago, a man looking about the same as Glenn came running with his arms spread and called out his name. The moment his body collided with Glenn, they hugged each other firmly with loud pads on their backs and shoulders.

Next, he greeted Gloria, and a woman joined him. After Glenn introduced me and I got hugged too, I learned that Thiago was Glenn’s best friend when they grew up. Finally, his wife, Maria, invited us over to the table where we had one of the best meals I ever had.

Glenn and Thiago shared a lot of childhood stories about all the mischief they did and got away with. All of them were having a good time, and I had to laugh at a lot of the funny stories too. Sometime during all of this, the conversation became more serious.

“If those idiots think they can take our island, they’re in for a treat!” Thiago said sternly.

“I know, T. But don’t do anything stupid, okay? I’m sure they’ll find a diplomatic solution and push back these Nicaraguans,” Glenn replied, and he sounded all serious now too.

I later learned that they barely avoided a full-blown civil war at that time by sending US troops to keep the peace. One of the outcomes of the peace negotiations was that a part of the island became a permanent part of Nicaragua

At the time, this didn’t register with me. I only noticed a lot of soldiers in the lesser part of the town and the graffiti sprayed on the buildings with all sorts of images I couldn’t place and text I couldn’t read.

I was getting pretty tired, and when Gloria saw me yawn, she announced it was time to head back to the apartment.

The following day was all about revisiting old friends. Again. And although these were all very friendly people, I was starting to get bored. So when we were sitting at the breakfast table the following morning, Gloria asked, “How about you and I doing something fun today while Glenn visits some more friends?”

“That sounds great!” I said enthusiastically, glad to do something else than being the fifth wheel on the wagon.

“An excellent plan!” Glenn said and looked at Gloria, “But is it okay if Scott and I do some shots on the beach for about one or two hours first? The light is fantastic this time of day.”

“Sure! That gives me time to plan something for us. Back here at ten?” Gloria asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Let’s go, Bud! We’re heading to the beach,” Glenn said as he got up and grabbed his camera bag from the cabin in the corner.

“Don’t I need my swimming trunks or something?”

“Nah. We don’t need them. But bring a beach towel just in case,” Glenn smiled and winked at me.

When we reached the beach entrance, Glenn pointed to the left. So after I took off my shoes and felt the dry sand between my toes, we started walking in that direction. Despite the already lovely weather, there weren’t many people on the beach. Before we started walking, I could see a couple and a man with his dog walking in the distance to our right, but other than that, we were alone.

To the left of us, old cabins were overlooking the ocean. The location was incredible, but these cabins looked old and worn. As far as I could see, none of them were occupied, which was a bit of a shame considering the fantastic spot on this beach.

“What’s with these cabins?” I asked Glenn.

“They were put here about a decade ago. But no one took care of them, so now they’re old and shabby.”

“Pitty,” I said.

“There’s the spot I was thinking about,” Glenn said after we walked some more and pointed toward a lush bush of tropical plants on the end of the beach, where the ocean crashed with mild waves at the shore.

“That looks nice!” I exclaimed, impressed by the tropical look I only saw in magazines up until now.

“I think it’s the most beautiful spot on the island,” Glenn said as he put down his camera bag.

As I put down the bag with the towel next to it, I asked, “What do you wanna shoot today?”

“I wanna do another Pyntar shoot today. But a little different than usual. Where most of these are single-shot images, I want to tell a story here,” he said, looking expectantly at me.

“Okay… and?” I asked, completely clueless about where this was going.

“On the island,” Glenn continued, “all beaches are clothing optional. You can be naked if you want to, but you don’t have to. I’ve seen families having fun on the beach completely naked, sitting next to another fully clothed group. And everything in between. No one cares.”

I must’ve looked stupid because he started laughing when Glenn looked at me. But, it didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all because I knew he’d explain everything.

“Sorry, Bud. I guess I don’t make a lot of sense. I want to tell a story with multiple pictures. The story is about a boy on a beach,” he said, theatrically waving his hand to accentuate the location, “who discovers the joys of being naked outdoors. Or just in his undies,” Glenn quickly added.

“Oh,” I simply said, envisioning the shoot in my head already.

“That’s up to you, of course,” Glenn said, trying to size me up about being naked.

“So I need to do some acting for this shoot?”

“Acting is a big word. I want to tell a story with pictures this time. It’ll be a first for me too.”

“Sounds like fun! How do we do this?” I asked, excited to get going.

Glenn talked me through his plan, and after a few minutes, I walked toward the bush in my short blue sweat shorts and white t-shirt, with the bath towel around my neck. Glenn was behind me, snapping away already.

“Stop there and look around,” Glenn said while I was facing the ocean.

After a few pictures like this, Glenn told me to place the towel on the sand and to take off my shirt. Next, he asked to walk knee-deep into the ocean.

“Look at your pants. Try to look worried they’ll get wet,” Glenn instructed me as he was standing in the water next to me in his underwear and shirt.

I did just that and felt the tension inside build. I knew what was coming next, and I felt pretty excited. When I was back at the towel, I waited a few moments for Glenn to catch up and waited for further instructions.

“Slowly drop your sweats, Bud. I need to shoot both the pants and your face, so please take it slow.”

“Okay,” I mumbled, surprised that my dick was still soft.

After I kicked away my sweats, Glenn took a few close-up shots of the bulge in my tighty-whities.

“Look around shyly to check if no one is looking and hook your thumbs in the waistband,” is all I heard.

I did just that, and I felt incredibly naughty for what I was about to do. I didn’t know why, but I was still completely soft despite all this tension.

“Slowly pull them down…” Glenn softly said as he was snapping away.

The moment my dick was free from its confinement, I felt the warm breeze on it and realized how awesome it is to be naked on this beach.

After Glenn was done with the closeup from my dick, balls, and ass, he asked, “Can you stretch your body? That way, it’ll look like you’re enjoying this freedom even more.”

I turned my body toward the ocean, put my arms in the air, and stretched. Then, I casually wiggled my midsection so my dick was flopping gently from left to right.

“That’s awesome,” Glenn said to me. “Can you run around and do some exploring near these bushes?”

After pretending to play and discover, Glenn directed me to the ocean again. I got in, and with the water ending just below my balls, I looked into the distance. Glenn took his shots again, and as I went for a swim, he tried to follow me as far as possible. Eventually, I swam back toward him and almost touched the camera as I got closer.

“Lie down on the towel to let the wind and the sun dry you,” Glenn said as we walked out of the ocean.

“Do you want me to make my dick hard?” I asked as I looked down toward my shriveled dick and balls.

“Dick, huh? What happened to willie?” he chuckled.

“Michelle said I shouldn’t call it a willie anymore after… you know…”

“Haha! She’s right. You’ve got a real dick now! You’ve jerked, you’ve fucked, and you can shoot cum. Yeah. That sure qualifies as a dick to me,” Glenn said, ruffled my hair, and patted me on my butt.

“But do I?”

“Uhm… It would make some nice pictures if you decide to spank it…” Glenn smiled after he looked around and saw nobody even remotely close to us.

“We’ll see,” I smiled mischievously and walked over to the towel.

“Go for it,” Glenn said as he put the camera in front of his face.

I stood by the towel with my back toward Glenn. I stretched again and pretended to look around carefully. I already saw that we were completely alone at this end of the beach and felt my dick chub up a bit from the anticipation of what I was about to do. After a few moments, I kneeled and laid down on the towel on my back with my legs spread slightly and my hands folded behind my back. As I looked at the passing clouds and listened to Glenn’s camera clicking away, I let my mind drift to my actions with Michelle. The images of Michelle’s body below me quickly morphed into Becky’s naked body in front of my eyes, and I realized I was getting hard.

I noticed Glenn being close by to shoot as many pictures as possible of my growing member, which excited me even more. By the time I was fully hard, I was so horny that I just had to jack it. So as I gripped my hard dick and started sliding my fist up and down, I heard Glenn moan a soft, “Oh yeah…” and decided to give him a good show.

My right hand was finding a nice rhythm, but I wanted more this time. So I spread my legs further and let my left hand slide down between them. As my index finger started searching for my butthole, I saw Glenn move in the corner of my eye, and he walked over, so he looked up at me from between my legs. He got to his knees and moved even lower to a point where his camera was almost touching the sand.

Doing such a naughty act in a public place was an even bigger turn-on for me than I expected, and I realized I was starting to get close already. I let my finger press on my butthole and relaxed my muscles down there. This immediately caused the tip of my finger to enter me, and a surge of pleasure shot through me as it happened. I pressed down and felt my finger go even deeper until I touched a spot that sent off fireworks in my brain.

“OOHHHH!!!” I moaned loudly.

I sped up the motion of my right hand and started moving my finger in and out of my hole. As I did this, I heard myself moan and felt movement on the towel, realizing Glenn was taking all sorts of close-ups of my body during this wild jack-off session. But I didn’t care. I was so engrossed in jacking off I only paid attention to the good feelings in my lower body, with only the sound of the crashing waves resonating in my ears. Even if a marching band walked by, I probably wouldn’t even notice.

My fist and finger movement increased even more, and I felt I was about to cum. I wasn’t sure how I did it, but I managed to open my eyes and look straight into the camera and moaned, “I’m cumming…. Ohhhh… Shoot my… ahh… dick!”

Glenn’s camera moved away from my face and immediately focused on my dick. Then, with a last, loud moan, I felt the now-familiar movement inside my dick, and a moment later, I felt two warm drops of liquid land on my belly after my dick spasmed wildly in my gripping fist.

I needed some time to recover, but I had to remove my finger from my butt to relax more comfortably. So, with a deep sigh and a squishy sound, I retracted my finger, and I felt my anus and lower-body muscles relax. The warm wind over my body, the sound of the waves in the background, and the screaming seagull in the distance were so relaxing that I almost drifted off.

“That was awesome, Bud!” Glenn said as he sat down next to me on the towel, looking at my face and smiling.

I opened my eyes and smiled back. Then I looked down at my belly, where my softening dick was lying on my thigh, and I saw the two clear drops of cum. I scooped them up with my right index finger and brought it to my face. It looked very watery and not at all like Glenn’s cum. But I was extremely curious about the taste, so I opened my mouth, and the moment they activated my tastebuds, I was surprised by its taste. Glenn’s cum was salty and musky. But this was sweet and light.

“This tastes good!” I exclaimed, causing Glenn to chuckle.

“Yeah. Your cum tastes amazing!” he said and quickly moved his head down to lap up the remains my fingers didn’t pick up.

“That tickles!” I giggled as his tongue moved over my belly.

We sat there for a few more moments when Glenn asked, “You really like anal stimulation, don’t you?”

“I like what?”I asked, vaguely aware of what he was talking about.

“Sticking things up your butt,” he said bluntly while looking at me.

This caused me to blush a bit, and after a few moments, I just nodded.

“I told you before. There’s nothing wrong with that. I just want to warn you about what you stick inside. Look out for things with sharp edges. This might damage your insides. But stuff like a hairbrush handle or banana is perfectly fine. Just make sure you lube up and be careful.”

“Lube up? You mean like using grease or something?”

“Yeah. Something like that. Just make sure it’s based on natural ingredients and doesn’t contain any alcohol or other aggressive substances.”

“How do I know which is right?”

“When we get back home, I’ll buy the good stuff and give it to you, okay?”

“That’ll be great! Thanks.” I said and suddenly felt even more grateful for having Glenn in my life.

“I’ll also buy you a small dildo that’s made for this, so it’s perfectly safe. Or you can find a boy who’s willing to put his dick up there. That’s even better than dildos or hairbrushes,” he smiled and winked.

“I think I’ve already found a guy that’s willing to do that,” I smiled and looked expectantly at Glenn.

“Haha! I’m willing, that’s for sure. But I think I’m too big for you and I might hurt you. Maybe in a few years, Bud.”

“I was afraid you’d say that,” I said, feeling a bit disappointed.

We went quiet after that and just stared at the ocean and the crashing waves. I looked over and wondered about the weird line of trees and bushes at the end of the beach. It almost felt like someone planted it there to prevent people from falling off the island or something.

The line ended at the ocean on both sides, and it looked like a lost piece of rainforest decided it liked the beach better.

“What’s with these trees?” I asked.

“Dunno. They’re here for as long as I can remember,” Glenn said as he looked at the tree line.

“Have you ever gone through to see where they end?”

“No. I went around the island with a boat once, and there’s no way to get there from the water. There’s sort of a ring of pointy rocks in the ocean after the tree line. I think it’s just rocks and stones over there.”

“Can we go and check it out?” I asked excitedly, already looking forward to an adventure with Glenn.

“I don’t see why. Like I said, probably nothing but rocks. And Gloria will be here soon. Maybe later, okay?”

I felt a bit disappointed, but Glenn did have a point. I was looking forward to spending the afternoon with Gloria, and we could always check it out later.

“Ready for a few more pics until Gloria gets here?” Glenn asked, holding up his camera and radically changing the subject.

“Sure!” I said, “What do we need?”

“I need just a few more to tell the story. Not everything I shot so far is suited for Pyntar,” he winked.

After he shot a few more with me lying on my back, some with my knee in the air to hide my dick, he asked me to roll over and lay on my stomach. After a few more of these, I heard, “There you are!” and I looked up to see Gloria walk toward us.

“Hi Gloria,” I said and waved.

“Just in time, Hon. We’re done here,” Glenn said and kissed his wife on her cheek.

“I’ll see you two later. I’m off to see Lucas,” Glenn said as he grabbed his camera bag.

“Any idea when you’ll be back?” Gloria asked.

“Not really. But knowing Lucas, it’ll be late. Or early,” Glenn smiled.

“Have fun!” both Gloria and I said as Glenn started walking toward the apartment.

When he rounded the corner, he waved at us. I got up from my sitting position and looked excitedly at Gloria, not feeling any need to cover up.

“You know you’re allowed to be naked out here?” I said, pointing toward both ends of the beach.

“Haha. Yeah, I know. And it’s just the thing for you, honey. Isn’t it?”

“Yeah. I really like it a lot!”

“Ready for the real fun then?” Gloria asked and handed me my swimming trunks.

“What are we going to do?” I asked as I took it and started pulling them up.

It turned out that Gloria had an excellent idea of fun. She rented a speedboat for us. There even was a parasail option on it, which I had to try out, of course.

We spent almost the entire day at sea. Every time I got behind the wheel of the speedboat, I felt like the king of the world. The sheer power of the boat, combined with the wind in my hair and the splashes of water in my face, was priceless.

After returning the boat, we went to the harbor, where Gloria had made reservations in a small restaurant. After getting our drinks, I raised my glass, and Gloria did the same.

“To an amazing day,” I said as our glasses touched.

“To an amazing day,” Gloria said in return and smiled.

We checked the menu, and after the waiter took our order, Gloria looked thoughtfully at me.

“The time in Africa is almost over for your parents,” she said, clearly trying to see how I’d react.

But I didn’t mind talking about it. I could tell Glenn and Gloria everything. So I shrugged and said, “I know. And according to mom, they’re going to live in Seattle for a year so that I can settle down even more. So I’m glad they’re thinking about me for once.”

I wasn’t angry or anything. It was just something I felt deep inside, something I could vent to Gloria about. She kept looking and just nodded.

“I get it. But it’s the life your dad chose, and you’ll have to deal with it. Sometimes things don’t feel fair, and I guess this is one of these things.”

“I guess. And with you and Glenn, I can do the things I like to do without the constant mocking from my dad. He wants me to play baseball or football. He just doesn’t get my interest in photography,” I glumly said.

“I wouldn’t worry about that too much, Honey. You just keep doing your thing, and he’ll see it isn’t a fluke or anything. It’s a very… uhm… manly world he’s in, and photography doesn’t have a very masculine image.”

“I know. And I don’t hate him for it or anything. And we do fun stuff together too. But I just wish… you know…”

“I do. But look at the bright side. When you’re staying in Seattle, you can come and visit us as much as you want!” she said smiling. “You’re funny, kind, helpful, and SO much more. We’re delighted you stayed with us this past year…”

“Almost a year,” I interrupted her with a smile.

“You’re right. Almost a year. But the guest room isn’t the guest room anymore. It’s YOUR room now,” Gloria said and pointed at me.

“I uhm…” I stammered, flabbergasted by her heartwarming words.

“So, please. Will you do us a favor and keep coming over, lighting up our days?”

“Yes. Yes! I’d love to!”

“I’ll drink to that,” and Gloria held up her glass of coke once again.

The dinner we had was excellent. The Colombian kitchen isn’t that well known across the world, but I didn’t eat anything that wasn’t tasteful during my time there. After Gloria paid the bill, we walked toward the exit and waited for the cab. Once it pulled up, I opened the door for Gloria to let her go in.

“Wow! Quite the gentleman,” she smiled.

I quickly walked around the car and got in on the other side. During the ride, I felt a warm feeling inside my stomach because of the love Gloria expressed for me.

“I really love you guys! And I can’t thank you enough for taking me in!” and I hugged Gloria tightly on the cab’s back seat.

“I love you too, Honey. And don’t worry about it! We’re so glad to have you over. You’re basically doing us a favor.”

When we entered the apartment, Glenn wasn’t home yet. But I felt tired, so I went to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. Then, I walked back into the living room to give Gloria a goodnight hug and kiss, which she eagerly accepted.

“What’s the plan for tomorrow?” I asked before I left the room.

“I’m off early tomorrow. But Glenn will be home. I’m going to visit the other side of the island with Thiago to see how the situation is over there at first hand. I’m curious, and I might be able to use that in one of my lessons. I think Glenn only has one appointment tomorrow, and it’s late in the afternoon.”

“Cool. Goodnight!”

“Night, Honey.”

* * *

A honking car outside the apartment woke me up. I looked at the alarm clock and learned it was a little past nine. I idly toyed with my sparse pubes and with my balls hanging down in my loose sack as I thought about the great day I had with Gloria. My morning wood stuck up from my groin, and the urge to go peeing grew by the minute.

After doing my business in the bathroom, I wasn’t sure what to do. I felt a bit horny, but it was also almost time for Gloria to get up and start making breakfast, so a quick wank wasn’t an option. That’s when I realized Gloria was gone already and that it was just Glenn and me.

I figured Glenn would probably be in for some fooling around, so I quietly walked over to their room. As I approached it, I saw the door was open, and the light was streaming in from the window.

Glenn was lying on his back, legs spread, and one arm above his head. He snored loudly, and his face was looking toward the window, away from the door. The thin sheet was crumbled around his feet, and his dick lay softly on his thigh.

As I looked at his groin, I noticed how massive his balls looked compared to mine. They weren’t very hairy, so I could study them nicely from where I was standing. I wondered if I should wake him. He probably had a short night, but he’d already said he didn’t want to sleep this vacation away. So, after thinking about it for a few moments, I tip-toed over to the bed and got on the mattress between his legs as quietly as I could.

Judging by his snoring and the fact that he didn’t move a muscle, I figured I was still good. So I leaned forward a bit, took his soft dick in my hand, and sucked it into my mouth.

This was the first time I had his dick in my mouth while it was soft. I played with it by using my tongue and cheeks for a bit, and it started to grow before long.

After toying with it a bit longer and wrapping my lips around it, it was as hard as I remembered. The snoring above me had died down, but I saw Glenn was still asleep when I looked up.

Feeling Glenn’s hard dick in my mouth got me pretty worked up, so I decided to start sucking him for real now. I used my right hand to wrap around his shaft while my tongue worked his dickhead. I was getting into it when I felt Glenn move.

“Huh? What?” he mumbled, and moments later, I felt his hand on my head.

I let his dick slip from my mouth, looked up at Glenn, and smiled. “Morning,” I whispered and started lapping his dick from bottom to top like a popsicle while keeping my eyes locked with his.

“Ooohhh… that’s some way to wake up…” Glenn groaned.

Moments later, he rubbed me over my cheek and said, “Come here,” and he gently pulled me up to his body.

I crawled up to lay down on his muscular chest with my legs on each side of his body and my boner pressing in his stomach. He kissed me on my mouth and hugged me tightly.

“Why did you do that?” he asked.

“I like doing that. And I like doing this stuff with you.”

“We’ll… we’ve got all morning, so no need to rush,” Glenn said smiling.

Lying there on top of Glenn with his muscular body pressed against mine and with every now and then a warm breeze over my body, I felt safe, horny, and completely at ease. But when I shifted my body down slightly, I felt Glenn’s hardon press against my ass.

I looked at Glenn the moment this happened and firmly pressed my butt against it. Glenn just smiled and let me do my thing for a moment.

“I think I want to try it now. I think I can handle it,” I whispered, feeling a bit nervous because of his size but also excited as hell to try it.

Glenn looked at me and sized me up. I could see him struggling with what he should do, but after a few moments, he said, “First, we’re gonna try if it’s even an option. Your anus might be too tight for it, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Really!? Thanks!” I said excitedly and looked him deep into his eyes, “And I know you won’t hurt me! So how do we do this?”

“Haha! How can I say no to such eagerness?” Glenn laughed, “I’ll grab the lube, and we’ll try with my fingers how tight you are and let you get used to the feeling of more than just one finger.”

Glenn gently pushed me aside, where I landed on the mattress and lay on my back. My hand started toying with my boner as Glenn went to the bathroom. When he came back, he had a jar in his hand, and his bouncing boner led the way as he walked toward the bed.

“Get on all fours, Bud. It’ll be easier that way.

I quickly got on my hands and knees and asked, “Is that lube?”

“Yeah. It’s coconut oil. It’s one hundred percent natural and slippery as hell. People over here use it for all sorts of things. Here. Check it out,” he said, holding the jar in front of me.

I sniffed at it, and it didn’t smell like much. Just plain coconut. I dipped one finger in it and examined its texture. Glenn was right. This stuff was very slippery and looked a bit like thick water on my fingers.

“Cool. And now you put it on your willie, or what?”

“Not yet. First, I’m gonna use my fingers to lube up your hole. But more importantly, to check if it isn’t too tight down there. You ready?” Glenn asked as he took the jar, his boner wiggling in the corner of my eyes.

“I guess…” I said, still eager to try but a bit anxious about it.

I felt Glenn’s finger rub over my hole a few moments later. I was surprised about how warm the oil felt on his finger. I expected a cold rush like when someone squirts sunscreen on your back. But the opposite was true.

After rubbing around for a short while, Glenn said, “I’m going to press now and try to slide in. Don’t try to clamp your hole shut. Just try to push like you’re taking a dump. It’ll be way easier that way.”

I simply nodded and did what Glenn asked. And the moment Glenn’s finger started sliding in, I felt my boner twitch and couldn’t hold back a moan.

“You’re doing great, Bud,” Glenn softly said. “This was way easier than I anticipated.”

He started sliding his finger in and out, and each time he hit a particular spot, my boner twitched. Finally, after a minute or so, he slid out, stuck his finger in the oil, and said, “I’m lubing you up extra good to make sure it doesn’t hurt that much.”

I simply nodded again because I was enjoying this too much and didn’t trust my voice at that moment.

“I’m going to try using two fingers now. I think you’re loose enough for that. Is that okay?”

“Uh-huh,” I mumbled, pressing my ass against his hand and feeling all-new incredible sensations flowing through my body.

When Glenn’s fingers left me to scoop up some more oil, I felt empty but couldn’t wait for him to enter me again and rub against that weird spot inside me.

“Okay, Bud. Take a deep breath, try to relax, and push back a little, okay?”

“Yeah… just… I’m…” I stammered, trying to find the right words.

Glenn must’ve sensed I was ready for it because he started pressing with two fingers now. As the pressure grew, I remembered Glenn’s words, took a deep breath, and pushed back by using my muscles around my asshole. Moments later, I felt both fingers slide in slowly and moaned.

“Does it hurt?” Glenn asked worriedly and immediately stopped moving his fingers.

“No. It doesn’t hurt. I just… feel full. It feels good,” I said, still trying to relax as much as possible.

“So I just keep going?”

“Oh yes, please!”

After a few minutes, Glenn’s fingers were probing around and sliding in and out of my ass easily. Every time he touched my sensitive spot, I moaned loudly. My dick was rock hard, and I felt horny as hell by now.

“I didn’t expect it, Bud, but I think you’re ready,” Glenn whispered in my ear, his finger still sliding in and out.

I looked up, and a big smile spread across my face when I saw the look in Glenn’s eyes. Of course, I wasn’t very experienced yet, but I had seen this look before, and it was one of pure lust.

“I think it’s better if you lie down on your back. Just spread your legs, lift your knees, and place this pillow under your lower back,” he said and grabbed the oil.

I did just that and looked at Glenn while he lubed up his big, hard dick. As I looked at it and realized how much thicker his dick was, I suddenly felt a wave of nervousness wash over me. Glenn must’ve noticed because he asked, “Nervous?”

I just nodded and whispered, “Yeah. A bit.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll stop the second you want! Just say it, and we’ll find another cool thing to do,” Glenn said soothingly.

I was still horny as hell, so despite the anxiety, I nodded and said, “I want to do this, so just fuck me already.”

Both Glenn and I looked surprised as these words came out of my mouth, and I started giggling nervously while Glenn just smiled broadly.

“Alright, Bud. I’ll fuck you already!” He smiled and grabbed his hard dick in his hand.

Moments later, I felt the tip of his dick brushing against my slippery butt hole. He pressed firmly against it and softly said, “Remember. Deep breaths and press as if you’re going to the toilet.”

I nodded once more and felt my heart throbbing in my throat. I inhaled deeply, and the moment Glenn’s dick started sliding in, I exhaled and loosened my sphincter. I felt a popping sensation and a mild gust of pain. But the pain went away immediately, and I realized Glenn had entered me. The feeling was quite overwhelming, and I needed a moment to get used to being so full.

I looked at his face and noticed his worried expression. He was constantly looking at me to see if I was okay.

“I feel it,” I moaned softly.

“You okay?”

“Yes. Just give me one second to adjust.”

“Sure,” Glenn said and held his body perfectly still.

After a few seconds, I felt Glenn’s fingers wrap around my stiff dick, and he started playing with it. He wasn’t jacking me, just massaging it and making me feel good. This worked quite well, and after a few more moments, I said, “Can you go deeper?”

Now it was Glenn’s turn to nod, and with a soft push of his hips, I felt him entering me. It was a little uncomfortable, but the feeling of something entering me, the naughtiness of it, combined with his massaging hand, was way more powerful, and I started panting heavily.

When his dick rubbed against that particular spot inside me, I moaned loudly, and my dick started twitching furiously.

“Ooohhh. Yessss…”

Glenn just kept going. He slid in, retracted a bit, slid in further, and repeated this a few times. I was in heaven. The expected pain wasn’t there. Only the fantastic feeling of his hard dick inside of me and rubbing against something I didn’t know I had.

The moment I felt his pubes tickle against my hairless balls, I knew I would want this a lot more. Since his dick rubbed that spot the first time, I was on the verge of an orgasm.

“Oh, wow,” Glenn moaned, “you’re doing great! I’m all the way in.”

“Ooohhh. I know. Ahhh… I… hmmm…” was all that came out.

When Glenn slowly moved out, I felt like my orgasm hit me. But it lingered a bit, and when Glenn pushed back in, the same thing happened. With each fucking motion from Glenn, I felt like I almost came.

At that moment, I couldn’t speak anymore. Only low grunts escaped my throat, and all my attention was between my legs. Glenn was still massaging my dick, but he started jerking me in earnest after we fucked for a while.

The fucking wasn’t loud or obscene. Just slow, steady strokes from Glenn. But after he fucked me for a few minutes more, I noticed a change on his face. I knew by now that this meant he would be coming soon. At that moment, his inbound thrusts became more fierce, and when his groin slapped against my butt, this felt even better for me.

“AH! YES! AH! YES! AH! YES!!” I kept grunting.

“UH! UH! UH! UHH!” Glenn groaned.

The sound of loud slaps filled the room, and the feeling inside me intensified even more. I still don’t know if it was Glenn’s fat dick filling me up, the rubbing against ‘that’ spot, or the idea of being submissive to someone. But I don’t care now, and I certainly didn’t care back then.

“Ohhh… I’m cumming!” Glenn moaned and kept slamming into me.

The familiar tingle I usually felt when I came didn’t come this time. Instead, it was more like a whirlpool of soft cotton balls floating through my head and body. But when Glenn slapped at me with a final push, and his dick started kicking inside me, his hot cum coating my insides, all muscles between my belly button and knees began to contract.

Glenn and I came at the same time, and I felt so connected to him at that moment that I still remember that feeling vividly until today. My orgasm was very different from my usual orgasms. It usually focused on my dick, this time, it felt like it came from the inside behind my pubes. It’s hard to explain, and I still can’t put it into words. I did notice something splashing on my belly in the back of my head but was too engrossed with this different orgasm to notice or care.

Glenn stayed inside me for a few more moments but eventually, he had to pull out and lay down on his back beside me on the bed.

As we lay there side by side, regaining our breaths and letting the air cool us, I felt a bit of Glenn’s cum oozing out of my hole. I knew I couldn’t help it, and instead of feeling embarrassed by it, I felt a sense of pride for being able to give him this much pleasure and for being able to take his fat dick up my ass.

After a while, I felt something cold on my belly and looked down to see what it was. There, around my belly button, a long stripe of watery cum laid glistening in the morning light. I never came this much, and I wondered if this was even my cum.

Glenn saw me looking and said, “You came a lot, Bud! You’re becoming a man!”

He extended his fingers, scooped up a glob, and put it in his mouth. I did the same, and after two or three times, my belly was clean.

“How did I do?” I finally asked, curious how Glenn experienced it.

“Honestly?” he asked and looked at me.

I nodded shyly, a little bit afraid of what he’d say.

“I honestly didn’t think you could handle it and that you’d be too tight down there. But the opposite is true! You were amazing! It’s been a long time since I’ve had sex that was this good!”

I felt a blanket of pride covering me and realized we’d probably be doing this a lot more.

“And you?” Glenn asked, smiling.

“It was awesome! The moment your dickhead was in, I felt a bit of pain. But that was gone before I knew it. Your dick kept rubbing against a special spot inside me, and each time it did, it felt a bit better.”

“That’s your prostate. Most men like it a lot when it’s stimulated,” he said. And after a few seconds, “So do I.”

I felt a bit more oozing out and moved my hand down to assess the damage. Glenn noticed and said, “You’d better go to the bathroom and let it all out. After that, we’ll take a shower and clean ourselves up properly.”

And that’s precisely what we did. After showering, we ate breakfast together. And after breakfast, Glenn sucked me off at the kitchen table. Just like that. I wanted to return the favor, but he just said he wasn’t eighteen anymore and explained it took him a while to get going again.

It wasn’t even noon yet when we arrived at the beach. Glenn wasn’t much of a beach guy, but after a bit of whining from me, he decided we could go. Of course, we took the usual stuff like towels, sunscreen, and frisbee with us, but I insisted on leaving our trunks in the apartment. It took some convincing, but eventually, Glenn agreed.

Lounging naked on the beach with Glenn was absolutely amazing. We chatted a bit, swam in the ocean, threw the frisbee around, and generally had a good time. Being naked together in a public place added a whole new level to it for me, and it was simply fantastic.

I felt a bit odd down there for the rest of the day, but nothing substantial. Glenn assured me this would wear off. I didn’t care about it. I got fucked for the first time, and I loved it!

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Postica mea ridiculam sentit, sed eam amavi

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La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 13

Chapter 13 – Prepping

La Isla de Aquinas – Chapter 13

“I swear, Owen!” Audrey says, smiling. And after a short pause, “No! Honestly. I’m not… uhm… kidding you!”

I look at her and motion for her to hand me her phone. Audrey nods and says, “One sec. I’m putting you on speaker.”

“Hey, guys!” I say to the phone that Audrey holds in her hand.

“Hi, Mr. H,” both boys say simultaneously.

“Audrey is right. Mr. Lieberman green-lighted a project to do proper mood shots. He asked me to arrange everything. The reason we’re calling is that we wanted to ask you guys if you’re willing to do this shoot with us….” I say, smiling and knowing how much they want this.

“So you’re not shitting us?” Owen asks again.

“Swear to god!” I reply.

“Fuck me! Of course, we wanna do that!” he practically shouts.

“Hell yeah!” his brother adds.

“Great! I figured you would. But I have to talk to your mom and dad, of course. And I need formal permission, plus we need to talk about details. But she didn’t answer her phone. Can you ask her to call me?”

“She’s still at work,” Evan says. “But she’ll be home any minute now, and we’ll ask her,” Owen adds.

“Thanks! Mr. Lieberman said he was very impressed by you guys and Audrey.”

“This is SO Awesome!” Owen says, with an enthusiastic, “I can’t believe it!” from Evan in the background.

“Glad you’re excited. So are we!” Audrey says.

“Okay, boys. Gotta go! Talk to you later,” I say.

“Later, Mr. H. Later, Audrey!”

I gulp down the whiskey that’s left in my glass and smile at Audrey. She smiles and just nods. So I walk over to the liquor cabinet and pour two glasses. The moment I hand Audrey her glass, my phone rings. I look at it and see Miranda is calling.

“That’s quick!” Audrey says as she looks at the display.

I pick it up, and it’s immediately clear she’s just as excited about this trip as her sons. So we quickly agree she should come over to arrange the details. We compare schedules, and we agree on ten a.m. the following day. Both Audrey and the twins will be at school, but since we’re going to be discussing the boring things like costs, legal responsibilities and stuff, we figure we might as well do it without the kids.

After the call, I feel the need to celebrate. So I pour myself another glass and add a little more to Audrey’s. Then, as we sit down on the couch, I hold up my glass and say, ”Cheers! Here’s to Mr. Lieberman.”

“Cheers!” Audrey smiles and empties her glass in one big gulp.

“Careful there, Lil’ Bit!” I say, already feeling the effects of the first two glasses myself.

We watch some TV and chat a little about how exciting it all is. Audrey cuddles up to me during this chat, lays her head on my shoulder, and softly says, “I can’t wait to see Evan and Owen again. Their bodies are SO amazing.”

“Same here. Their tight abs and pecks, the cute asses… Even their dicks look like…” I hear myself say with a slight slur and immediately know I should stop here. “I mean…” I try.

“Haha! You said it, I thought about it,” Audrey laughs, and I hear a bit of a slur coming from her too.

Audrey’s hand is currently on my upper leg, and I hear her sigh deeply. “Yeah… their penises are magnificent!”

After she says this, she snuggles up even closer, and slowly her hand moves up my legs, causing me to get hard in mere seconds. I guess the booze is doing its work because I don’t feel the need to stop her. The moment her hand touches my balls, she lifts her head and looks at me.

“Will you do more sex stuff with me, please?” she asks.

I know I really should say no. But her pleading eyes, hand on my balls, and sexy body, combined with the booze, cause me to say, “Sure, Lil’ Bit. What do you wanna do?”

“Uhh… I don’t know? Will you use your fingers on me again? That was fantastic! Or is there something else we can do?” she asks, as the inexperience is dripping from her face.

While her hand moves upward even further and is now firmly pressed against my boner, I think about what to do. I already decided for myself that I can’t fuck her. But there are a lot of different things I can show her and have fun while doing so.

“Come here,” I say and pull her gently on my lap.

Audrey gets the idea and straddles my waist while facing me. As I look at her horny face, I feel my dick twitch inside my pants, which causes Audrey to smile wickedly. Then, she presses her groin firmly against mine and moves her pelvis around.

“We can do this,” I whisper and gently take her face in my hands, look her deep into her eyes, and kiss her firmly on her lips.

I see her closing her eyes, and at that moment, I slip my tongue inside her mouth. The second I enter her mouth, her eyes fly open, and she opens her mouth too. At first, she starts Frenching me a bit clumsily, but after a few minutes into it, she catches on, and we’re in a full lip-lock with our tongues probing around furiously.

I slowly move my hands up and down her back, caressing her tenderly. But as she keeps pushing herself against my hard dick, I feel my horniness increase. So I move my hands down and start lifting her T-shirt. Audrey immediately catches on, breaks the kiss, and lifts her arms to help me take off her shirt. A little black bra covers her small breasts, and they look extremely inviting this close. So moments after I toss her shirt across the room, my hands start working on the hooks at her back. They come undone before I know it, and Audrey slides the straps from her shoulders. Once the pads fall away from her breasts, I’m treated with the glorious sight of two young boobs, with hard nipples proudly topping off her small areolas. I feel my mouth water and immediately close my mouth around her left nipple, sucking on it and feeling it stiffen even more under my lapping tongue.

“OHHH…” Audrey moans, and I can see her throwing her head back and feel her pushing her chest forward to meet my sucking mouth.

I move my hands down to cup her jeans-covered ass and grab it firmly, pressing her pussy even harder against my straining boner. I lick my way up from her tits, down her neck and earlobe, and end in her mouth, where we continue our Frenching.

“Let’s go upstairs,” I say hoarsely, tightening the grip on her ass, and we stand up.

The moment I’m on my feet, Audrey wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She licks my lips while looking me deep into my eyes. I can see horniness and complete trust in her eyes. That’s when I realize how privileged I am to assist this amazing girl down her path of sexual discovery. Despite my apprehension, I inwardly praise myself for helping her.

I know the way down the house quite well and can probably find my way around it blindfolded. But with a horny young girl rubbing against me and licking my neck and face, I need to find my bearings with my hands. As I reach the stairs, I look around her face to ensure we don’t fall. After about three steps, I’m confident we’ll make it upstairs. But then Audrey starts tugging at my shirt, which complicates things immensely. Before I reach the top, Audrey manages to take off my shirt and throws it down the stairs, and in my peripheral vision, I see the entrance to our bedroom.

She wraps her arms around my neck tightly again, and I can feel her hard nipples press against my bare chest. Audrey’s moan in my ear and pelvic pressure against me is a confirmation of how sexy this feeling is for her too.

I gently lay her down on the bed, but instead of lying down, she immediately sits up straight and starts working on my belt and zipper. Audrey clearly lacks experience in undressing someone else, so it takes a bit longer than usual. But I’m too horny to care, so I let her do her thing. After she’s done unbuttoning my fly, my jeans slide off my hips, so I step out of them and kick them aside. Audrey immediately starts tugging at my boxers, and the loud slap of my hard-on slapping against my belly causes both of us to smile.

After I step out of them too, and I’m naked in front of her with my dick at eye level, she looks at it, wraps her hand around it, and slowly starts jacking me. As she looks up, it’s immediately clear that she doesn’t have a clue what to do next. So I decide to take the lead and introduce her to something new.

I gently push her against her bare shoulders. Audrey gets what I mean, and she lies down on her back. I get down to my knees and rub my hands over her upper legs, looking up at her face, only mildly distracted by her hard nipples, partially blocking the view. I keep moving upward, and after I unbutton her jeans, I slip my fingers in the waistband of both her jeans and panties and start sliding them down.

Audrey lifts her butt from the bed, and before I know it, I’m looking at her sparse pubic hairs. Then, after her jeans come off, she kicks them aside, and I sit up straight. Her butt is still lying close to the edge of the bed, and my stiff dick is pointing upward and now very close to her pussy. I look at her, and she suddenly seems pretty nervous.

“Are you… are you going to put it inside?” she whispers.

I look down and realize how close I am to fucking her and why she’s so nervous all of a sudden. So I shake my head and look serious at her. “No, Lil’ Bit. I won’t do that. It’s too… I just can’t.” I stammer.

Looking relieved, she says, “I want to try that. And I want to do it with you! Just not yet, you know?”

“I know. And you should be proud of yourself for knowing what you want! No need to rush anything. But I do think you’ll like what I have in mind,” I say, smiling wickedly at her. “Move up, and make yourself comfortable.”

Audrey moves up on the bed and lays her head on the pillow. One of her hands is behind her head, and the look on her face is one of anticipation and plain lust. I let my eyes roam over her body once more, and her small breasts with pointy nipples, tight belly with starting sixpack look amazing. But when I look at her puffy pussy lips, covered with these sparse pubes, I feel my mouth water again. This is the moment I’ve anticipated for a while now. I move down and start kissing her on her left knee and slowly kiss a trail up her inner leg, ending just below her pussy.

As I come closer, I smell the intoxicating smell of young pussy again, and I plant a big, sloppy kiss on it. Her soft pubes are tickling my lips, and as I open my mouth to wrap my lips around hers, Audrey sucks in a deep breath. I lick with my tongue between her outer lips without any pressure. But this is enough for her juices to hit my tastebuds, and I decide to start eating her out properly. I apply a bit more pressure with my tongue, and the moment I do this, it slides between her lips a little bit.

“AHHH!!!” Audrey moans loudly and arches her back.

Since I’m just getting started, I smile inwardly about how much more new sensations she will experience. Then, I slowly move my tongue upward while maintaining the same depth. When I touch her clit, she moans loudly again, and I can feel a shiver go through her body. Next, I play with her clit a little by gently moving my tongue over it. Judging by how her pelvis is moving around, it’s an excellent way to get her cherry lubed up even more.

I start licking a bit more firmly now and feel her juices flowing quite seriously by now. I lap up as much as I can, which in turn gets me going. I stop focussing on just her clit, and start lapping from her entrance to her clit in long strokes with the entire width of my tongue pressed against her pussy. Her moans increase, and so do her juices, so I’m positive I’m doing the right thing.

I lay comfortably on the bed with my hard dick pressed against the mattress, enjoying every second of this. I figured I’d take my time for Audrey’s introduction to oral sex, but as she lays her hands on my head and starts grunting, “MMMHHH… Almost… AHHH!!” I realize she’s getting close to cumming already.

Most women I ate out in my life usually took a bit longer than this. But I guess her build-up tension of the day, combined with the first time someone is licking her down there, is enough trigger for her to cum quickly. So, way sooner than I anticipated, I bring my fingers into the action. I gently start probing around her entrance, giving her the illusion I’m about to enter her. I let my fingers and tongue work in unison for a few moments until I hear, “AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!” above me and her fingers gripping my hair. She starts pressing her pussy firmly against my face, but I managed to place my index finger against her entrance.

“AHH!!! AHH!!! AHH!!!”

Her moans are stronger now, and it’s clear she’s on the verge of cumming. And as I slowly enter her, her lower body stops moving entirely. My tongue is focussing on her clit again, and by now, her pussy is so wet that my entire chin is coated with her juices. I give my finger one final push, and I’m all the way inside her now. I rub the tip of my finger over the inner side of her love canal and feel her legs stiffen.

A few heartbeats later, her pussy starts contracting sharply around my finger, and her hands push my face firmly against her groin.

“OOHHH!!! AAAHHHH!!!!” Audrey moans, but I’m surprised about how she manages to keep the noise down.

I try my best to lap up as much of the pussy nectar she’s producing now, but this isn’t easy since I’m being pressed so tightly against her. I’m breathing through my nose, and all I can smell is that wonderful smell of her young pussy I’ve come to love so much. I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.

I keep rubbing her insides with the tip of my finger, and I know this will prolong her orgasm. But breathing like this is getting harder and harder for me, and I have to pull back my head a bit. Despite her orgasmic high, Audrey releases her grip on my head. My tongue is only touching her clitoris lightly now, and I slow down the motion of my finger.

After a few minutes, I feel Audrey coming back again, as her body relaxes and she sighs deeply. I lift my face from her groin and look up at her. I immediately see why her moans were muffled. She’s still biting on the ball of her thumb. I don’t want her to feel uneasy, so I lick my lips and grab a bit of the blanket to wipe my face quickly before she sees my shiny face.

After another deep sigh, she opens her eyes, looks down at me, and smiles the most satisfied smile I have ever seen. I move up the bed and lie down next to her, looking her in her eyes with a big grin.

“That was AWESOME!” she exclaims, throwing her arms around my neck, and kissing me deeply while pressing her entire body against mine.

“Thanks! I knew you’d like it,” I smile.

I hold Audrey close as she gets her breath back. Then, after a few minutes, she looks up at me tentatively, “Was that a blowjob?” she asks.

“No. I went down on you or, as some people call it, I ate you out. Only a guy can get a blowjob. It’s when someone takes the penis in their mouth and…” I say with all the professionalism I can find.

But before I can finish my sentence, Audrey moves down on the bed and enthusiastically wraps her hand around my leaking dick. Then, she inches her head closer, moves my dick around, and examines it closely. I feel her hot breath on my shaft, causing tingles inside my balls already.

“And now what?” Audrey asks while looking at me expectantly and pressing my dick against her cheek.

“You… uhh… if you want to give me a blowjob, you just… uhh…” I hear myself stammer.

“Don’t be a wuss! Just tell me how I’m supposed to do it! I wanna return the favor, AND I wanna learn how to do it properly,” Audrey says, clearly amused by my apprehension.

“You… ahem! You can lick it like a popsicle. But you can also wrap your lips around it and bob your head up and down. And you can use your tongue to stimulate the glans, and you… AHHHH,” I say, interrupted by her tongue lapping up from my balls to the tip, just like you would lick a popsicle.

“Like this?” she asks innocently.

“Yeah! Like that. And watch the teeth! It’s very unpleasant when the teeth scrape over my dickhead or shaft,” I explain, figuring I might as well use words from a bit more dirty vocabulary.

“I’ll try,” she says and slips her lips around my glans and moves her head down over it.

I can feel she wrapped her lips over her teeth, which makes her mouth a tiny bit too tight for my grown dick. After a few seconds, she lifts her head and looks at me with a surprised look on her face. “It doesn’t taste bad! It’s more like skin. And I can taste your stuff again!”

“You want me to… AHHH YEAH!!! … warn you when I OOHHH… cum?” I ask as she’s going down on my dick again.

She just nods her head and is very focused on sucking me off. At first, she goes at it way too enthusiastically, and gags as my dick hits her tonsils. But after a few more rookie mistakes and a good laugh from both of us, I’m surprised at how fast she learns! I only have to give her a few more pointers, but other than that, she listens very carefully to my moans to find out which has the biggest effect on me. I quickly learn that this is an excellent way to steer her without words and that she’s a very eager and bright student.

One hand is cupping my balls, while the other is gripping my cock, so she can use a jerking motion each time her head moves up. When I was younger, the few girls that sucked me off got tired of it quickly and started complaining about their jaws. But those girls didn’t have the skillset or eagerness Audrey is showing. Those girls in my early years probably wouldn’t have gotten me off anyways. I know that now. But the way Audrey is sucking me… Oh boy!

I’m tapping into every technique I know to hold back on cumming. But because of the enthusiasm, combined with the taboo of being sucked by a preteen girl, I’m close to shooting my load already after just a few minutes of getting my dick sucked.

But the moment Audrey starts using her tongue furiously on my dickhead, I know I’m a goner. The tingle spreads in my balls faster than I’m used to, but I know I’ve still got time to warn her.

“OHHHH! Look out! I’m cumming!” I pant.

I expect Audrey to lift her head and only use her hand to jerk me. But instead, she starts doubling her efforts. Finally, unsure if she’s heard me but getting close to shooting, I almost scream, “I’m cumming! Look out!”

She must’ve heard this time, but instead of lifting, she keeps sucking and lapping. The tingle is in the bottom half of my dick now, and I feel the dam break. My balls pull up, and I feel my dick start kicking and blasting out my cum. During my cum, I sense that Audrey’s mouth is still around my dick, but her tongue work has stopped. I’m afraid she’s choking, but I’m too far gone now to do something about it.

After the peak of cum is gone, and I’m regaining my senses, I look down, worried about Audrey. But I quickly learn that I’ve got nothing to worry about. I see her swallowing, with my dick still deep in her mouth. This sight puts me at ease, and I let the good feelings retake control.

When Audrey lifts her head and lets my dick slip out of her mouth with a loud pop, I feel the cold hit it but also notice it’s clean. No traces of sticky cum hitting my pubes. However, the movement on the bed brings me back to reality, and the moment Audrey cuddles up to me again, I’m afraid the guilt will hit me.

But when I look at her, and I’m greeted with nothing but smiles, I know there’s nothing to be guilty about. Her hand wraps around my softening dick, and she says, “So that’s what giving a blowjob feels.”

“You sure this was your first one?” I smile.

“Yeah. Why? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, Lil’ Bit! You were FUCKING amazing!” I chuckle, “It’s not easy to make me cum with a blowjob. But you managed on your first try. I’m VERY impressed!”

Audrey looks at me and is obviously checking if I’m making fun of her. But when she sees I’m not kidding, she starts blushing. “Really? Did I do it that well?”

“Oh yeah! And you listened to my responses to find out what worked. That’s something you can use all the time during sex to know what your partner likes and dislikes. But damn, girl! You’re good!”

“Thanks… And… uh… your… uhm… stuff tastes amazing,” she smirks and licks her lips to make a point.

“I thought you wouldn’t want me to cum in your mouth?”

“When I tasted your, what’s it called again? Freecum?”


“Right! When I tasted your precum, I liked it so much that I wanted more. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, Lil’ Bit! Having sex is all about doing the things you and your partner like. And if you want to try something and it doesn’t hurt your partner, there’s no need to apologize!”

I can see her blush, and she suddenly blurts out, “I like to drink your cum, Scott! I want your cum in my mouth, taste it and swallow it!”

After realizing what she just said, she puts her hand in front of her mouth and starts blushing furiously.

“You go, girl!” I say with an overly gay accent and snapping my fingers. “Girl power!”

“Hahaha! I don’t know why I said that,” she says and starts yawning.

“I do. But let’s sleep, okay?” I say, feeling tired myself. “Busy day tomorrow.”

I click off the light, and I feel myself start drifting off already.

“Scott?” Audrey whispers.

“Yeah?” I reply.

“I really like doing sex stuff with you. Can we do more tomorrow?” and her hand grips my now soft dick firmly as she says this.

“I don’t see why not,” is my reply, still surprised by the lack of guilt I’m feeling.

* * *

After throwing her school bag in a corner and looking all expectantly, Audrey asks, “How was it?”

I explain to her that the meeting with Miranda took a turn I wasn’t expecting.

“We worked out the money and legal stuff rather quickly. But… they wanna come too,” I say.

“Huh!? What do you mean?”

“Miranda and Luke. They’re coming with us to the island.”

“Oh,” was all she said, but the disappointment was all over her face.

“Honestly, I can’t blame them. I wouldn’t send you to a faraway island with people that are basically strangers either.”

“I know. But I was kinda hoping it was just going to be the four of us again. You know? We had a lot of fun that weekend,” she pouts.

“I know, Lil’ Bit. Me too. Miranda said that it is not that she doesn’t trust me or anything, but she just thinks she needs to be there. She also mentioned that they haven’t been on holiday like this recently, and she thinks it’s a nice way to celebrate the acquisition of the new shops as a bonus.”

Audrey thinks for a second and then says, “Ah well…it is what it is. At least we’re going to the island.”

“That’s the spirit!” I smile.

“When are we going?”

“I made a lot of calls today. And it looks like we’re leaving next Sunday, so we’re there during your spring break. And… I managed to book us a condo right on the beach! It’s a two-bedroom cabin, with a living room and kitchen. I booked the one at the end of the row, the farthest from the beach entrance. That way, we’ll be disturbed the least when we want to do some shooting there.”

“Oh wow! On the beach?” Audrey says as her face lights up.

“Yeah. I’ve been there before with Glenn. Thankfully, the condos have been replaced by new ones because they really needed some fixing-up, but the location is unimaginably beautiful.”

“Oh! I’m SO excited!” Audrey exclaims as she bounces on her feet.

I laugh at her enthusiasm and give her a tight hug. “How about we go out and buy you a new swimsuit for the trip? We can’t use the pieces Mr. Lieberman wants us to wear for the shoot for our personal use, of course.”

“That’s a great idea! My current suit is getting a bit too small.”

And so, as we walk around our nearby mall, Audrey asks, “Is it okay if I buy a bikini?”

“Sure. I don’t see why not,” I reply, already creating a mental picture with her in it.

“I feel I’m getting a bit too old for a one-piece suit. And I like how you boys reacted to a bikini when I wore the one for the shoot.”

“I liked that too,” I chuckle.

“Here it is,” Audrey says, pointing toward the shop with the latest and hottest swimwear.

We go our separate ways, and as we browse the racks, I’m intrigued by how many modest pieces there are on display. But after a good five minutes, I manage to find two good ones. Finally, after a few more minutes, Audrey walks up to me, holding up a set that consists of red bikini briefs with knots on the hips, and a black and blue striped top, with way too much fabric for it to be a sexy bikini. I wrinkle my nose, making it clear I’m not too fond of it that much, and she looks a bit disappointed. But when I hold up the two bikinis I found, her face lights up immediately.

“Ohh, Scott! These look awesome! Can I try them on?”

“Of course. Maybe you should take the one you found too. Just for comparison.”

We head over to the dressing rooms, where I wait outside in order to keep up appearances. I want nothing more than to see her in it, but maybe there are other women in there, and I don’t want to stir things up in there unnecessarily. As I patiently wait outside, I hear a soft, “Scott!”

So I look around to see if no one is looking, but nobody seems to notice me. So I peek my head inside the dressing room and ask, “What is it?”

“Can you check if it’s okay?” she asks with a lot of uncertainty in her voice. “I’m the only one in here, so you can come in.”

I walk over to the only stall with a closed curtain. At that moment, I realize that people could see me as her dad, despite my young age. And it isn’t weird for parents to check when their kids are trying on stuff in a dressing room.

“You in here?” I ask softly.

A hand pokes out beside the curtain motioning for me to come and look. So I pull away a bit of the curtain and poke my head in. As I look at her, I immediately feel growth inside my pants.

Audrey looks timidly at me, but there’s absolutely no need for that. The black bikini fits like a glove. The contrast of the dark fabric against her light skin, combined with her black hair, makes her look like something out of a painting. The top seems to be held together by a few tied knots. There’s one between her boobs, behind her neck, and one on her back. The pieces of cloth covering her nipples are small triangles. They are just big enough to prevent her from looking slutty, but tiny enough to look hot as fuck.

But her bottoms. Oh my… the front covering her pubic mound is cut extremely low. I’ve seen her naked enough by now to know that the fabric stops a little less than an inch shy of the top of her slit. I can see some of her black pubes peeking out above the waistband. And the strings that need to keep it all in place are cut very high and move over the top of her hip bones. The fabric between her legs is a bit stretched because of these strings, and I notice a few hairs peeking out there too. Her ass is covered decent enough. Bits of her butt cheeks peek out, but according to modern standards, nothing inappropriate there.

“Oh…” is all I can say.

“What? It’s too much, isn’t it? My hairs are showing, and when my nipples get hard, I…”

“You look gorgeous, Lil’ Bit!” I interrupt her.

“I do? Don’t you think it’s too much?”

“I don’t. Honestly! This is on the sexy side, I admit. But it IS the latest fashion, and you make it work.”

“You really think so?” Audrey asks as her face lights up again.

“I do! And there is a very simple solution for these hairs. So we’ll take care of that. Now try the white one, please,” I smile coyly.

I close the curtain and liger a bit as I hear the ruffling behind the curtain. Then, before I can make it out of the dressing room, I hear a sharp intake of breath. “Scott! This one’s even more… revealing,” she giggles.

“It is?” I ask, extremely curious by now.

“Come look for yourself.”

I pull the curtain away a bit again and pop my head back inside. My half-hard boner instantly goes to full-mast from the spectacle in front of me. This white bikini looks even skimpier than the tiny black one she wore moments ago. Two small triangles barely cover her nipples, and the strings holding everything together look so small that you have to look twice to notice them.

The strings holding the fabric of her black bikini briefs together were high on her hips. These strings are horizontal on her body, riding so low it’s almost a miracle they stay up. The thin white fabric is so tiny that it barely covers her pussy. But when she spins around and shows me her ass cheeks with the thong string between them, I almost pop off in my pants.

“Fuck me!” I whisper.

“That good, huh?” Audrey smiles wickedly.

“Oh, yeah…” I manage to say but find it strange that the timid girl in the black bikini is completely gone now. So I ask her, “What do you think?”

“Well… I don’t know, but… I feel… I don’t know. Powerful?”

“Powerful, huh?” I say and think for a second. Then, “I think I get it. You realize you can use your body to get attention.”

“Yeah!” she exclaims. “I think you’re right!”

“That’s great, Lil’ Bit! But remember what Spiderman’s Uncle Ben always said.” I chuckle.

“With great power comes great responsibility,” we say together and laugh at the silliness of it.

“I mean it, Lil’ Bit. Be proud of your body, but don’t overdo it, okay?”

“Of course! This one feels like I’m almost naked. And I like that!” she smiles.

“As long as you promise to take them with you on our trip, you can have both, okay?”

“Thanks, Scott! She exclaims and gives me a big kiss on my mouth, briefly sliding her tongue inside.

I head out of the room to let her change into her street clothes. As we pay for the bikinis, the woman behind the counter doesn’t even give us a second look. I can only assume that it’s normal for preteen girls to prance around almost naked by modern standards.

After we buy some more stuff we’re going to need, like sunscreen, a decent suitcase, and sunglasses, we head out to the food court.

“This is going to be so much fun,” Audrey says excitedly as she starts with her burger.

“I never asked you this, but have you ever been to the island before?” I ask, moving in on my burger myself.

“Yeah. When I was four, Glenn and Gloria took me there. But I don’t remember anything except for what I see in the pictures from that trip.”

“I’m sure you’re gonna love it there. I know this is going to be a work trip, but if we’ve even got the slightest possibility to go and explore, we will.”

We make some more small talk and head home. Audrey clears her throat as we’re putting away the stuff we’ve bought. I look at her questioning face, wondering what’s on her mind.

She’s looking at her new bikinis and asks, “You said you could fix the… you know…” she says and looks down at her crotch, blushing.

“I can. And it’s very simple,” I say, smiling.

“Like you did with Owen?”

“That’s an option, but not a very precise one. I’m thinking about shaving. You are growing up, and one thing that comes with that is taking care of your growing body. Shaving down there is a part of it for most women.”

“But I don’t know how…”

“I know. That’s why I’ll help you with it and teach you how to do it yourself.”

“I did like it better without the hairs,” she says and blushes again.

“Well… most men and women like it when there’s no hair down there.”

“You too?”

“Yeah. Me too. I think it looks better without hair. And when I go down on you, it just feels better.” I smile and quickly add, “For both of us.”

“So… how do we do this?” she eagerly asks.

“Let’s go to the bathroom. We can use the big tub so that you can sit comfortably, and we’ve got warm running water at hand.”

We go upstairs, where I start rummaging through my shaving gear in the bathroom while Audrey starts undressing beside me. After finding my ‘downstairs razor’ and shaving cream, I look over at Audrey. She’s standing unabashedly naked in front of me with her hands on her hips, looking expectantly at me.

“Legs inside or outside the tub?” she asks as she heads over to the tub and starts working on the faucet.

“Inside,” I reply, realizing I have to be in there with her too.

I place my gear on the edge of the tub and start undressing too. Audrey looks at me, and her face lights up after seeing what I’m doing.

“You’re joining me?”

“It’s easier to do it while I’m in the tub. That way, I don’t have to worry about the water spilling everywhere. And when I’m naked, I don’t have to worry about my clothes. So, yeah,” I say, realizing I’m already hard from anticipation.

Audrey steps in and plants her pert ass on the edge of the tub. I step in after her with my boner bobbing in front of me.

“Look out!” Audrey giggles and playfully slaps my dick as if she’s almost hit in the face by it.

“Okay. First, we gotta make sure the shaving foam is spread out nicely, so the hairs will be sticking up a bit more. That way, you’ll have fewer stubbles, and the razor won’t have to go over the same spot that much.”

I look her in her face, and she just nods. There isn’t a trace of nervousness or anxiety on her face. Just complete trust.

“Do you want to rub it around yourself, or do you want me to do it?” I ask, knowing the answer already.

“You do it. You’re more experienced,” she smirks.

“Sure,” I say knowingly, but looking forward to touching her again.

I spray the foam on my left hand, and as it starts growing in my hand, I pour some warm water over her pubes with my other. Audrey spreads her legs further apart as I do this to give me better access.

I look at her, and as I scoop up a glob of cream with my right hand and bring it toward her pussy, she nods. My hand starts rubbing the foam over her pubic area, and I notice how much heat radiates from her slit. This isn’t just the clinical act of shaving. It’s also a very intimate moment between us with an undeniable sexual element in it.

“That feels good,” Audrey softly says.

I choose to ignore it and proceed to rub around a bit more. After I’m done, I clean my hands under the faucet and pick up my razor.

“It’s important to shave in the direction of the way your hairs grow. Otherwise, your follicles might get irritated, which can be uncomfortable.”

“That makes sense,” Audrey says while looking down at her crotch.

“Ready?” I ask.

Audrey nods and keeps looking between her legs. I can see my hand trembling as I move the razor toward her pussy. Then, I take a deep breath to steady my hand. Thankfully, this works, and the moment the razor touches her skin, I start moving it down steadily.

“That tickles!” she giggles but manages to keep her pelvis from moving.

As I move the razor around, more and more of her bald pussy appears. Seeing her pussy this way makes me realize I like it even more now than I did before, which I didn’t think was possible. My boner twitches, and as a drop of precum oozes out of my tip, I can feel my arousal grow by the second.

I already knew this would be at least mildly sexy, but seeing her bald lips appear with each move of the razor, is even beyond erotic. This is fucking hot!

Almost reluctantly, I put the razor aside and start pouring water over the area to wash away the shaving foam.

“All done,” I say and look at Audrey.

She starts probing around her lips with her palm and fingers, and a sly smile appears on her face.

“It’s like I’m a little girl again!” she exclaims.

As I’m sitting on my knees now, admiring my handiwork, Audrey pulls me close to hug me. But when my throbbing erection brushes against her moist pussy, both our eyes fly open, and Audrey looks at me nervous but expectantly.

“Are… are you gonna put it… inside now?” she stammers softly.

The temptation is almost too big, but I manage to refrain from pushing my hips forward.

“No, Lil’ Bit. Told you already. We can’t do that,” I croak, “but we can try this.”

And with that, I pull my body back a bit, take my hard dick in my hand, push my glans between the folds of her slippery pussy, and rub against her clit.

“Ohhh,” we both moan simultaneously.

I rub my dick up and down her slit, making sure to rub it around all the sensitive spots but focusing on her engorged clit. I feel my dickhead getting lubed by her soaking pussy as I’m doing this. By now, it takes all my willpower to retract myself from her and not accidentally start fucking her.

“Ohhh… why do you stop?” Audrey whines with a flushed face.

Needing to find a way out of this, I hear myself say, “I want a taste of that freshly shaved heaven between your legs.”

“Oh,” is all she says, but when she eyes my glistening boner, she adds, “only if I can get another taste from you too.”

“Deal!” I say and stand up, extending my hand to help Audrey get up. She immediately wraps her arms around my neck, lifts her body, and wraps her legs around my waist. My hard dick slaps against the underside of her ass as she does this.

“I wanna go first,” Audrey says and lowers herself to press more of her downside against my throbbing member.

“I’ve got a better idea,” I say as we walk toward the bedroom.

As I get to the bed, I gently pull Audrey free from my body and drop her on the bed. She immediately starts to get up and reaches for my dick, her lips already parted.

“Just a sec, Lil’ Bit. Lie down, and you’ll see,” I say as I gently push her back against the mattress.

I quickly walk around the bed and lie down opposite to her, my face near her crotch. She instinctively spreads her legs, and I can see the smile forming on her face.

“See?” I ask, “this way, we can do it together.”

The moment I finish my sentence, her hand is around the base of my cock, and her head moves toward my dickhead. A heartbeat later, I feel her soft lips around my glans, and a moan escapes my lips.

The picture in front of me is one I’ll probably never grow tired of. Her legs are spread, and her bald pussy lips look soft as velvet. The small stripe between her lips is a bit swollen and glistening with her juices and mine.

I don’t want to waste any second, so I immediately start lapping my tongue between her lips, savoring the taste from her young, sweet pussy nectar mixed with a bit of my precum. But, of course, now that her pubes are gone, eating her out is even a bigger treat than before.

And the added bonus is now that her mouth and hands are working expertly on my dick. Every now and then, a low moan resonates on my glans, which causes me to moan in return. I’m highly impressed by how quick she’s learned how to work my dick, with her tongue rubbing around my dickhead, my circumcision scar, and that sensitive spot behind my piss slit at the underside of my dick. So I try and focus on that sweet and delicious flower in front of me. But, because of her relentless efforts, I need to step up my game to prolong my orgasm.

My head lies comfortably on Audrey’s bottom leg, and she’s doing the same with me. This way, we’re both relaxed and don’t have to crane our necks or something. But instead of a lazy sixty-nine I usually do this way, we’re both working hard to get the other off with laziness not being an option. The urgency of our actions surprises me but is a huge turn-on at the same time.

As Audrey uses her hand to fill up the space her mouth leaves with every upward motion of her head, I decide to bring my hands and fingers into action too. So I use my right hand to spread her pussy lips, and I’m treated with the fantastic sight of her dark, reddish inner lips and soaking wet entrance. This way, I lap deeper between her lips, to which Audrey immediately responds by grinding her hips and deep, muffled moans on my dick.

But the moment I stick my tongue inside her, her legs clamp shut around my face, and the action on my dick comes to a stop. I move my tongue around inside her sweet love canal for a few moments, but because I’m running out of breath, I have to stop eventually. So after I retract my tongue, I use my left hand to push her legs open gently.

“Sorry,” Audrey moans, taking her mouth off my dick just long enough to say this.

I simply hum against her clit as I’m back at lapping up the sweet syrup she’s feeding me. Then, I slowly start inserting two fingers at once inside her while putting all my tongue’s attention to her clit. I start out with small circles, but as my fingers slide in deeper, I alternate between the small circles and using the entire width of my tongue.

Due to my efforts on Audrey’s pussy, I didn’t focus enough on my own feelings. But then I suddenly realize how close I am. Her right hand is still helping her mouth on my shaft, but her left starts toying with my balls.

At that moment, I feel my balls pull up inside my sack and approach the point of no return with lightning speed. In a desperate attempt to prolong it a little longer, I move the fingers of my left hand toward Audrey’s anus. But the buildup inside my balls reaches its peak, and I know there’s no stopping. I’m cumming.

Audrey’s words about how much she likes my cum in her mouth resonate in my head, so I figure I don’t have to warn her this time. I just continue rubbing my finger over her anus, lap away at her clit furiously, and piston my two fingers in and out of her cunt.

And then, my orgasm hits me. I have to stop moving my fingers for a second as my balls start unloading themselves into her preteen mouth, but I manage to keep my tongue busy. The moment my first spurt leaves my dick, Audrey starts cumming. Her pussy contracts sharply around my fingers, and my lips and chin are coated with the sweet, slick juices from her spasming cunt. This sensation adds a whole new level to my orgasm, and the second and third spurts are even more powerful than the first. I feel her mouth and tongue working hard to swallow all the cum I’m feeding her, and at the same time, I have to suck and lap for all I’m worth too. Finally, after sucking each other dry and letting the sensations subside a bit, we turn to our backs simultaneously. I’m still panting heavily when I hear Audrey sigh, ”That was unbelievable!”

“It’s great, isn’t it?” I say without looking down at her face, “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you.”

“It’s okay. I felt it coming. Your balls moved, and your… uhm… penis got fatter, so I figured what was coming,” she chuckled.

I chuckle at her reservations about using the more naughty words and find it adorable. As I lay there recovering, I feel a bit of pride about the self-discipline I managed to prevent myself from fucking her brains out.

“Do you still think it isn’t weird that I like the taste of your… stuff?” Audrey asks, clearly uncomfortable asking this.

“Of course! When you’re having sex, almost nothing is weird. As long as both people aren’t hurt and agree with what’s going on.”

“Then… uhm… why won’t you, you know… put it inside me?”

This catches me by surprise. So I turn my body around so that we’re looking at each other, and I stammer, “well… I uhm… According to the law, you’re basically my daughter now. And I’m supposed to protect you and take care of you. So I think that sticking it inside you is wrong.”

“But what if I want you to do it? And I know you would never hurt me, so I don’t see why we can’t do that.”

“It’s just that… oh!! I don’t know!” I say, frustrated. And after a few moments of thinking about it, “Tell you what. I promise to think about it. And maybe when you’re older, we might do it. But no promises, okay?” I say, feeling stupid already for promising this.

“Okay. I guess. I don’t see what all the fuss is about, but okay.”

And with that, she kisses me on my cheek and turns to her back again, looking at the ceiling.

“I think I’m getting my period,” she blurts out after a few minutes lying like this.

“Oh?” I answer without knowing what else to say to this.

“Yeah. But the good news is that it’ll be over by the time we leave for the shoot on Sunday.”

“Do you need anything? Like tampons or something? Or do you have questions about it?” I say, immediately switching over to my care-taking role, despite lying naked next to her with her juices still coating my chin.

“Haha! No, silly! Glenn already talked to me about it, and I’ve got it covered.”

“Oh. Okay. If you need anything, just let me know.”

“You’re sweet,” she whispers and gives me another peck on my cheek.

The following week, I’m completely focused on getting everything ready for our trip. I don’t want to leave anything to chance, so I triple-check everything. I managed to land a sweet deal on new and larger memory cards, and after cleaning the camera bodies, I’m confident that I’ve got that part covered. On Wednesday, I finally get the green light from my guy at Fed-ex that the clothes have arrived and are at the drop-off point near our cabin.

When Audrey gets to bed, I notice she’s wearing panties each evening. She says it makes her feel more confident during her period, despite wearing tampons. So during this week, we only masturbate twice, with Audrey’s hands in her panties and me stroking my own cock, with her eyes glued to it.

The rest of the week is pretty uneventful. We pack our clothes on Saturday, and I can’t help but notice how hyped Audrey is. I’m pretty excited myself, but when the doorbell rings on the morning of our departure and as I see the twins bounce around, I realize we’re just scratching the surface of being hyped.

Miranda walks in behind the bouncing boys and just nods her head. I see Luke hauling with two big suitcases, and I quickly go and help him put them in the back of my truck.

“Ready, Mr. H?” both boys ask simultaneously when we get to the living room.

I look at Miranda and Luke and see their smiling faces. Since everything is packed and the tickets are in my bag, I don’t see any reason to prolong this. So I just smile and say, “There’s a plane waiting for us. So let’s go!”

Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Rerum incipit calefaciendo nunc. Quid deinde fiet?

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