High quality erotica. And more....

Day: January 17, 2024 (Page 2 of 4)

Minding the Children – Chapter 4

Minding the Children – Chapter 4
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Dave took a little nap. He’d really needed to recharge his batteries. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cum so many times in a single day. Since his teens probably. He attributed it to the magic of Cody, his dream boy.

Getting up around 9pm, he chugged some orange juice and looked into his fridge for something to eat. Nothing looked good. He thought briefly about going to Lynn and Cody’s apartment. He could get Lynn to make him something to eat easily enough. Of course, that would lead to more, and Dave frankly wasn’t sure he could take another orgasm. He felt drained.

Instead he decided to go out and treat himself. He wondered briefly if it was a treat if he could basically have anything he wanted. He marveled at how much his life had changed and how quickly it had happened. He clutched the necklace around his neck and thanked whatever power had brought it into his possession.

Dave took a quick shower, getting rid of the sweat and spit and the remnants of Cody’s tight little boy ass and his mother’s wet pussy. He was hard again by the time he was through, and it made him chuckle. After his shower he dressed nicely and went out to his car. Unlocking the Celica, he thought about getting a new car. He wasn’t sure how he’d do that. Sure, he could just tell someone to give him a car, but he didn’t want to hurt anyone, and he wasn’t sure how having a car missing from an inventory would affect a salesman or a dealership owner. Those folks had to make a living after all.

Dave drove to a nearby steakhouse. He’d only been there once, but he’d thought it was very nice; just a bit too expensive for his budget. Once he was seated, he ordered a steak and a glass of wine and sat back to look around. That was when he spotted him.

The boy looked to be about thirteen, possibly even a young fifteen. Of course, at that age it was impossible to say and he could have been a mature eleven-year-old or a late blooming seventeen. Okay, probably not the latter; he still had a babyish face. He was a gorgeous kid no matter his age. He had that classic skaterboy look, with longish blond hair. Unlike Cody’s shaggy golden hair, this boy was more of a dirty blond, and his hair was straight and swept up over a clear brow.

The boy was talking animatedly, which made him more attractive to Dave. Sometimes boys that age got sullen and quiet, and that was a turn-off to him. The boy was sitting with a man and woman who Dave imagined had to be his parents. They all shared a similar look. They were dressed nicely. A lovely little family, Dave felt.

Heart beating with fear and excitement, Dave stood. He’d had plenty of evidence that the necklace worked, but each new person upon whom he tested its powers made him nervous. He gave it a squeeze through his shirt, and then walked across the room.

Stopping at the table where the family was sitting, Dave gave them a disarming smile. The man looked pretty intimidating this close, but the boy was even more beautiful. That made up his mind. “Hey folks,” he began in a low voice. “My name is Dave. We’re all old friends and you guys really like me and trust me. Is it okay if I sit?”

Once again, there was the briefest flash or flicker in three sets of eyes, and then the cautious frowns that had begun to form when he’d walked up suddenly turned to warm and welcoming smiles. “Dave!” the man said. “Sure! Have a seat. How have you been?”

“I’ve been great,” Dave said, sliding into the booth next to the boy. This close, he could smell him. Probably Axe, Dave figured. “I forget your son’s name,” Dave said apologetically.

“It’s Jason,” the woman said helpfully. “Say hi to Dave, Jason.”

“Hey, Dave,” Jason smiled.

“Hey, Jason and I are going to go to the bathroom. You guys are perfectly okay with that. It doesn’t seem at all out of the ordinary and you aren’t going to worry about him while he’s gone.”

“Sure,” said mom.

“You bet,” dad agreed happily.

Dave turned to the boy and said, “Jason, you’d like to go to the bathroom with me, okay?”

“Okay,” Jason said, rising when Dave stood and gave him room.

As they marched toward the bathroom Dave leaned down to speak quietly to the boy. “You completely trust me, Jason. You always tell me the truth and you are never embarrassed to tell me anything or do anything I ask. You’re also happy with anything I do to you, okay?”

“Okay, Dave,” Jason said. Dave thought he had a great voice, husky with puberty but still without the deepness that adolescence would bring.

Dave entered the men’s room first and took a quick look around. It smelled good at least. It was done in dark tile and soft music played from speakers. There were three sinks, two urinals and two stalls. Once Jason entered behind him, Dave looked for a lock. Unfortunately, there wasn’t one. There was a free standing trash can though, and he moved that a bit, so that an opening door would hit it, giving him a bit of warning if they were disturbed.

Then Dave went to the far stall, which was for handicapped. The extra room was nice and Dave was happy to see it was clean. “You can come in with me, Jason,” Dave said.

“Into the stall?” Jason asked.

“It’s okay,” Dave assured him. The boy shrugged and entered. “You can go ahead and lock it,” Dave suggested.

Once he’d done so, Dave just stared at him for a few moments. The boy was an inch or two over five feet, with what seemed to be a nicely athletic little body on him. He was wearing a red Polo shirt over denim skinny jeans. The pants were very tight, and Dave felt his eyes drawn to the small lump in front.

“How old are you, Jason?” Dave asked.

“Fourteen,” the boy answered. “Today is my birthday.”

“Have you got any hair down here yet?” he asked, placing his hand over that slight rise in the fabric.

“Some,” Jason allowed, as if he’d been asked what he’d had for lunch.

Dave decided he wanted to see the boy soft before seeing him hard, so he moved his hand away. He pulled out his phone and began recording. “Jason, would you please take off your shirt and hang it from the hook on the door there?”

The boy did so, revealing a lightly muscled chest and flat stomach. He had lovely brown nipples and the V of muscle leading down into the tight jeans made Dave’s own pants grow tight, at least in the crotch. “Can you lift your arms for me?” Dave asked, heart beating wildly now.

Jason lifted his arms, revealing completely hairless armpits. Dave longed to shove his face in there, but he knew he couldn’t keep the boy indefinitely and his food would be coming soon. He wanted that hot food nearly as much as he wanted this.

“Please push your pants down around your knees, Jason,” Dave asked in a shaky voice.

Without any hesitation, the boy unzipped and unbuttoned himself then skinned his jeans downward. He was wearing briefs with horizontal orange and navy stripes and a wide white waistband which read Gap all around. They got caught up in his jeans and were pulled partially down, revealing a large swath of smooth, pale groin. Dave swallowed his excitement. He hoped his hand holding his camera wasn’t shaking too badly.

Dave played the camera up and down, hoping to catch all of the boy’s beauty. Then, “Jason, please push your underwear down now.”

Dave took in a shaky breath when the boy was revealed to him. Years and years of deprivation and now he’d seen two gorgeous young cocks in the same day. Jason was bigger than Cody. In fact, Jason looked like he might be as big as, or even bigger, than Dave himself. The boy seemed to be somewhere between a grower and a shower, his young cock wrinkled and dangling about three inches over a nice set of balls sprinkled with some silky hairs. At the base of his cock was a neat little bush of light brown pubes, less than an inch high and maybe two inches across. Surprisingly, at least to Dave, the boy was uncircumcised.

Dave had never touched an uncut dick before. Making sure the phone was capturing the action, he reached forward and took the boy’s cock between his fingers. Then he gently skinned back the funnel-shaped foreskin. It peeled back easily, revealing a thin, purplish head. The boy’s cockhead wasn’t much wider than his shaft.

“Has anyone touched you like this, Jason?” Dave asked.

“Some people,” Jason said.

“More than one, huh?” Dave asked, excited. “Can you tell me about them?”

“All of them?” Jason asked.

“Well, how far back are we talking?”

Jason’s face scrunched up a bit as he thought. “I don’t know. Since I was a little kid.”

“Ah, like playing doctor?”

Jason nodded.

“Well-” Dave began, but just then the door hit the trash can, which scraped a bit. Dave held his finger to his lips and Jason nodded. Dave listened intently as someone came in and used the urinal. He continued to move the boy’s foreskin back and forth, fascinated by that bit of skin. Jason’s cock began to grow as he gently masturbated him.

Eventually the urinal was flushed and the sink came to life as hands were washed. An electric paper towel dispenser whirred and paper was used and crumpled. Then the door opened and closed again. Filling Dave’s hand by then was a fully erect teenage cock. It was impressive for a young boy, close to six inches and maybe an inch-and-a-quarter thick. The boy’s foreskin stayed back on its own now and the whole thing throbbed in Dave’s fist. It was a bit weird for him, holding a cock larger than his own.

Dave continued their interrupted conversation. “How about you just tell me who’s touched you here since you started puberty,” he suggested.

Jason squinted an eye in thought, then said, “My best friend Ryan touches it a lot. We even suck each other. His isn’t as big, but he’s starting to get hair. Also my cousin Amy touched it last summer. She jacked me off three times, but she would only let me stick my finger in her pussy one time. My doctor touched me, but not like you are. I got hard anyway, but he said that’s normal.”

“If you hold the camera for me, I’ll suck you. Would you like that?” Dave asked.

“Okay,” Jason said, a bit eagerly Dave thought. Or hoped.

He handed off the camera, making sure that the boy was indeed filming the action. He grinned brazenly, not caring that a recording of this highly illegal deed would exist in the world. Then he lowered his face to the boy’s big cock and took it into his mouth.

Dave had often wondered how he would feel, presented with a cock larger than his own. He’d never been with a man, and had given up thought of being with another boy, but he’d still explored the possibility in his head. Would he be turned off? The biggest cock he’d ever had in his mouth before that moment was Luke’s at four-and-a-half inches. Jason’s seemed significantly larger, adult sized certainly, but being attached to such a beautiful kid Dave felt no hesitation in taking it as deep into his mouth as he could and eagerly bobbing his head up and down on the big tool. He reached around and clutched muscular ass cheeks.

Dave felt a hand on his head and looked up to see Jason looking down at him intently, still filming with the phone. He released the big cock, which bounced. “Is that good, Jason?” he asked.

“You do it really good,” the boy allowed.

“How big is Ryan’s dick?” he asked, sliding his hand up and down on the boy’s spit-soaked shaft, rubbing his thumb over the sensitive glans.

“He’s about four inches,” Jason said, breathing heavier now.

“Can he squirt?” Dave asked. “Does he squirt his hot little boy cum in your mouth?”

Jason nodded. “Just a little bit, and his is still thin and clear. I like it though.”

“Have you ever fucked him?” Dave asked.

Jason shook his head. “I’ve thought about it, but I’m scared to say anything.”

“I bet you’d love to get this big boy dick of yours inside his tight little ass, wouldn’t you?”

“Yeah,” Jason said, voice whisper soft.

“Does he spend the night with you?”


“And that’s when you play around?”

“Then and after school sometimes,” Jason said.

Dave leaned in and swirled his tongue around the boy’s glans. “Soon we’re going to finish in here, Jason,” Dave said, “and when we do I’ll ask you to forget this ever happened, but I’ll want you to remember one thing, okay?”

“What?” Jason asked.

“The next time you and Ryan get together, when you know he’s clean… he takes showers at your house when he stays over?”

“Yeah, usually.”

“Okay, the next time you’re sure he’s clean, when you guys are fooling around, you should give him a rimjob. Do you know what that is?”


“It’s when you lick someone’s asshole. You swirl your tongue all around and even stick your tongue and your finger inside them.”

“Gross,” Jason said.

“Nope,” Dave said with a grin. “In fact, you won’t think it’s gross at all. You’ll love doing it. You’ll think Ryan’s asshole tastes delicious and you’ll love seeing how much pleasure you can bring him that way. And do you know the best part?”


“After you do that a few times, and get him used to a finger, and then two fingers, well, pretty soon I bet you he’ll be begging for your cock. Would you like that?”

“Yeah, I want to fuck him so bad.”

“Well, that’s all you have to do,” Dave said. “If he doesn’t ask for it after awhile, just suggest it. Now I’m going to suck you some more and I want you to cum for me, okay?”

“Yeah,” Jason nodded eagerly.

Dave took the boy’s big cock back into his mouth, and true to his word, Jason was shaking within about thirty seconds and filling his mouth with his hot jizz. Dave was unprepared for the amount and force of the boy’s ejaculation, but did his best to swallow it all, only losing a small amount as it escaped the corner of his mouth and dripped down his chin.

“That was really good,” Jason said, panting a bit as Dave released his still-hard young cock. He wiped off his chin, looking at the thick white jizz. He wiped his hand on the boy’s jeans.

“Let me stand, please,” Dave said, and Jason made room for him. He reached down and helped the boy pull up his pants, loving the sight of that big teen cock pressing against the front of his tight jeans. He wondered what the boy’s mother would think when she saw that tube of boy meat.

“Have a seat please,” Dave said, indicating the toilet. Once the boy was seated he undid his own pants and let them drop. His briefs followed, releasing his desperately throbbing cock, already wet with precum.

“Do you want to suck me?” Dave asked.

“Yeah,” the boy answered, staring.

The answer surprised Dave, as he knew the boy was answering truthfully and he hadn’t compelled that answer from the fourteen-year-old. “Let me film it and you can,” Dave said. Then he raised the phone.

Jason reached forward and took Dave’s cock in his hand. He jacked it experimentally a few times, familiarizing himself with it. “Yours is really hairy,” he said, cupping Dave’s balls and then sliding a finger through his thick pubic bush.

“You can’t wait to drink my cum,” Dave breathed.

Without wasting another moment, the young boy swallowed Dave’s cock. The kid obviously had some experience. There were no teeth, and the boy quickly found a nice, suctioning rhythm. Before Dave was really even ready for it he felt himself tensing. The zoomed in phone showed Dave that the boy was truly enjoying sucking his cock.

“Cumming,” he growled, thrusting forward, blasting the boy’s mouth with what was no doubt a small amount of cum. Dave felt an odd emptiness in his balls. He vowed to get a second steak. He had to replace some protein. Still, Jason drank it eagerly enough. Then, holding his own cock, wet with the boy’s saliva, Dave rubbed the head back and forth across the boy’s lips, making sure the camera caught it all. The look on the boy’s face as Dave’s cock slid across his cum-soaked lips was erotic as hell.

“You are one terrific little cocksucker, Jason,” Dave said approvingly.

“Thanks, Dave,” Jason said. He licked his lips, taking up any stray bits of jism.

“Okay,” Dave said as he pulled up his pants. “Remember what I said. After I leave the bathroom, I want you to count to one hundred and then go back to your table like nothing happened. All you’ll remember is coming in and thinking you had to poop, but you never did. You just gave up and went back to your table. You won’t remember me at all. You will want to give Ryan a rimjob the next time you’re fooling around though, although you’ll think it’s your own idea. Got all that?”

“Yeah, Dave,” Jason smiled. Dave grinned and kissed the boy on his forehead. “Oh, and one last thing; when you go back to the table, make sure that big cock of yours is hard as a rock and parked a bit to the side so that it’s really obvious in your pants, okay?”

Getting a nod, Dave exited the men’s room, stuffing his phone into his pocket. He went back to the table where Jason’s parents met him with smiles. He sat, and in a low voice said, “Guys, you won’t be shocked or upset by anything I say, okay? And you’ll want to answer all my questions honestly.”

“Sure, Dave,” they answered.

Dave turned to the mom, realizing he didn’t know her name. He asked her, “Do you have any idea how big your son’s cock is?”

She leaned in conspiratorially and said softly, “I haven’t seen it in awhile honestly, and Jason is so shy lately, but I saw him in his underwear a month or so ago. It was just for a moment, because he covered up, but I thought then that his bulge seemed big for such a young kid.”

“How big is yours?” I asked dad, curious despite myself.

“About six inches,” dad admitted. Dave suspected Jason’s would end up being quite a bit bigger than dad’s.

“Jason is coming out in a minute and you won’t notice a thing about his crotch,” Dave told the father, then he turned to the mother and said, “but you’ll notice it right away and be incredibly turned on by the sight, thinking about it often over the next few months. Now, I’m going back to my table, and neither of you will remember ever meeting me, okay?”

The parents nodded, Dave rose and saw Jason exiting the bathroom just as sat at his own table. His food had already arrived. He watched Jason approaching, the boy’s big erection apparent even from twenty feet away. A glance to the other table showed him that the mother’s eyes were locked on the front of her son’s pants, staring.

Dave dug into his meal, grinning in spite of himself each time he saw Jason’s mother let her eyes slip to her son’s crotch. He wondered if the boy was still hard, and what he might have just set into motion. He didn’t know anything about the woman, but it wasn’t like he’d told her to cross any lines with her son. Maybe it would just be a dark fantasy for her for a few months. The uncertainty held a bit of fascination for Dave.

End of chapter 4

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved


Minding the Children – Chapter 3

Minding the Children – Chapter 3
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Almost five, Dave thought. So he had about an hour before Cody’s mother got home and started wondering where he was. Plenty of time.

“Cody, you just love me so much,” Dave said.

“I do, Dave. I love you so much,” the boy said.

“You’re fascinated with my body. You just want to touch me and caress me and kiss me everywhere. Touching me makes me happy, which makes you happy. It also excites you, making your little cock feel so, so good.”

Cody sat up and began to caress Dave’s body. He explored his nipples, running his small fingers through the hairs on his chest, then down over his ample belly. Dave decided he’d have to start going to the gym again. Or maybe not. He didn’t exactly have to be in shape to attract a partner now.

“I love how hairy you are,” Cody said. “It feels so neat.”

Dave glanced into the boy’s lap and was unsurprised to see his little cock sticking upward stiffly. “You can touch your dick while you touch me,” Dave said, wanting to see the little blond stroking himself.

Cody’s touch was a bit awkward at first, but he was soon jacking his small cock in his fist, up and down, the little pink cockhead disappearing again and again into his fist.

“Does that feel good?” Dave asked.

Cody nodded enthusiastically. “I’m already getting tickles,” he said, breathing already quickening.

“You’d like to lick my nipples,” Dave said.

The boy immediately stretched out beside him, hand still working at his turgid little member while he began to lick lightly at Dave’s nipples. Dave shuddered as he felt that warm little tongue flicking over the sensitive flesh.

“Suck them please. Not too hard,” Dave said.

Cody did just that, applying light pressure to the area surrounding his nipples. Then the boy surprised Dave by moving downward, sliding his tongue in a wet trail over his hairy belly and further still. He’d obviously released his own stiff dick, because he a had a hand free to grip Dave’s. Then Cody was swallowing his cock again, his tongue swirling over the wide head as he sucked lightly.

As pleasant as that was, Dave wasn’t prepared to cum just yet. He’d already cum twice that day, and he had plans. He wasn’t a young guy anymore after all. “That’s enough, honey,” Dave said, lifting the boy’s mouth from his cock. He hadn’t realized how hard that would be.

Cody looked at him in confusion. “I want to touch you and make you feel good,” he said.

“It’s my turn to make you feel good,” Dave informed him. “Would you like that?”

Cody grinned. “Yeah!”

“Okay,” Dave said. “Lie down here, please,” and he patted the spot next to him.

Dave stared down at the little blond twelve-year-old and marveled once again that the boy was in his bed. He pushed a stray golden curl from the boy’s eyes, then gently caressed his cheek. With infinite tenderness, he leaned down and pressed his lips to Cody’s. The boy seemed unsure what to do at first, but he relaxed after a moment, accepting the adult’s kiss.

Dave couldn’t believe how soft the boy’s lips were. He’d often dreamed of them, pressing against his own lips, wrapped around his cock, wet and lightly parted as he breathed heavily, feeling Dave’s cock move in his little preteen asshole. Dave pressed his lips tighter, and then let his tongue slip into the boy’s mouth, tasting his sweetness.

“You want to learn to kiss,” Dave breathed. “You can learn by doing what I’m doing.”

Cody immediately began to press his little tongue against Dave’s and they began to dance around each other. Dave sucked at the boy’s tongue, then thrilled as the boy returned the move. They were both breathing heavily through their noses now, excited by the kissing.

Finally Dave broke the kiss and asked, “What did you think of that?”

“Kissing is amazing,” the boy breathed.

“And you’re an amazing kisser,” Dave said. Cody beamed with pride.

Dave then began to nuzzle the boy’s neck, smelling his shampoo. He nibbled his way down to Cody’s shoulder, then lifted his arm, exposing his hairless armpit. The man leaned in and inhaled, actually shivering at the scent of the boy before rasping his tongue roughly over the lightly sweaty flesh. Ambrosia.

Dave slid his body downward as he went from Cody’s armpit to his chest. Once again he sucked and licked at the child’s little tits, flicking the pebbly nipples with his tongue, biting them gently between his teeth. Then he leaned back and blew lightly, causing Cody to gasp and shiver.

As Dave moved lower, his lips and tongue working their way down Cody’s perfect little body, he reached out to caress the silky flesh of the boy’s inner thighs. Cody was shaking by the time Dave began to circle his belly-button with his tongue.

“My orgasm!” the boy gasped, and Dave turned his gaze downward to see the little boy’s cock twitching madly.

Dave slid his body around and situated himself between Cody’s legs. He stared for a moment, entranced by the beauty of the boy’s rigid little penis. Then he leaned forward and rasped his tongue over the the kid’s small, tight scrotum.

“Ungh! Dave!” Cody gasped, shuddering again.

Dave carefully took the boy’s entire sac into the warmth of his mouth, gently bathing the little orbs with his tongue, feeling them shift as he poked and caressed them. He could feel the shaft of Cody’s little stalk against his nose, and his nostrils were buried right where hairs would no doubt soon be sprouting. The smell of the boy was intoxicating.

Letting the tiny eggs fall from his mouth, Dave slid his tongue up along the short length of Cody’s preteen cock. A quick scoop at the tip and there it was, sliding past his lips until he hit the hairless base, all three-and-a-half inches of the boycock he’d been dreaming of for so long. It was like a dream. He felt the little member throbbing strongly, and to judge by Cody’s moaning and gasping, the twelve-year-old was experiencing yet another dry orgasm. Dave wondered idly just how many times the boy could cum.

Dave slid back until just the thick little cockhead remained in his mouth, then swallowed the boy again. After repeating the movement several times, Cody’s natural instincts seemed to take over and he began to flex his narrow hips, his athletic little body tensing again and again as he drove his nail in and out of Dave’s mouth. Dave felt Cody’s hands grip the sides of his head. Little grunts of boyish pleasure sent a thrill through Dave, who pressed his straining cock into the mattress.

Cody came again, his fat little cock spasming in Dave’s mouth. Then, body thrumming with excitement but not yet wanting to loose another load, Dave rose from the bed and stood staring down at the boy, who’s cock remained stiff. Cody stared up at him glassy-eyed, panting.

Dave grinned, suddenly overwhelmed with a fantastic idea. He reached over and grabbed his phone off his bedside table. “Cody,” he said softly, “I’d like you to show me what you’ve learned about playing with your little cock. Tease yourself please, and stare into my phone like it’s me, and tell me with your eyes all the naughty things you want to do with me.”

Dave watched as the boy’s hands slid down over his body. He immediately began to film. Cody’s movements were a bit awkward, but his fingers began to lightly stroke and tease his penis. The look in his eyes was one of hunger and need. The boy’s other hand slid between his outstretched legs, caressing his little balls. He then took his dick between thumb and forefinger and began to gently jack himself.

It was almost too much for Dave. He couldn’t imagine a more erotic sight. The boy’s perfect young body, small muscles rippling, writhed on the bed as he pleasured himself, all the while staring with longing into the camera. Cody gasped and groaned and whined with pleasure as he worked himself into a frenzy. Dave was able to tell each time the boy came because of the sudden stiffening of his body, followed by intense shaking. However, with no changes to the instructions he’d been given, he’d immediately start over, stroking himself toward another climax.

Struck with inspiration a second time, Dave reached into his bedside table and pulled out a tube of lube he used with his Fleshlight, when he could be bothered to make use of the thing. Who knew sex toys could be such a pain to use? He tossed the tube on the bed beside Cody.

“Put some of that on your left finger, please,” Dave instructed.

Cody grabbed the tube and flipped open the lid. He squeezed, none too gently, and smeared the large dollop all over most of his left hand.

Cody was already lying on his back, legs spread, his crotch on display to Dave’s camera. Dave said, “Cody, please reach underneath yourself and put your left index finger into your bottom. Do you understand?”

Cody nodded. He leaned a bit to his right and slid his hand under his ass. Dave saw the little questing hand emerge underneath his balls, and then the finger began circling around. The boy found his asshole quickly, and a quick movement had it inside him to the second knuckle. Dave felt his cock lurch.

“Cody, you should move your finger in out of your butt now, while you play with your wiener with your other hand, okay?”

“Okay, Dave,” Cody said, a bit breathlessly.

Then Dave watched as the boy fingered his asshole, his eyes fluttering with pleasure as he stroked his cock with his whole fist. Dave’s hand wandered down to his own cock. He squeezed himself and a large drop of precum practically squirted out of his pisshole.

“Does that feel good?” Dave asked.

Cody nodded with tired enthusiasm. “Really good, Dave,” he panted.

Dave’s cock throbbed in his fist. Fuck it, he thought.

“Cody, do you like my cock?”

“Uh-huh,” the boy groaned. “I love it so much.”

“Please tell me you want it inside you,” Dave said.

“I want it inside me,” Cody said.

“Tell me you want me to fuck you,” Dave said.

“Huh?” the boy asked.

Dave growled with frustration and said, “Please tell me you want me to fuck you. That you want me to fuck your pretty ass with my big, hard cock.”

“Dave,” Cody whined, “please fuck my pretty ass with your big, hard cock.”

Dave felt a bolt of excitement as if the words had struck him physically. He’d coerced them, but he didn’t care. “Scoot back please,” Dave said, and Cody did so, immediately going back to frigging his ass and jacking his cock.

Dave grabbed up the lube and applied it generously to his cock. Then he climbed onto the bed and moved forward until he could grab Cody under his knees. Then he remembered the phone and cursed. He crawled off the bed, cock bouncing, and grabbed the phone. He used his alarm clock as a brace, and propped it up so that it would see the action, then he got back onto the bed.

Dave adjusted the angle at which Cody was lying, then once again grabbed the boy under his knees. “Please hold your knees, Cody,” he said. The boy did so, opening himself up to him. He stared down, seeing the shine of lube surrounding the boy’s tiny, pink asshole. Dave reached a hand underneath the boy to lift his ass, then reached out and grabbed a pillow to do the job for him. When he had Cody’s body properly adjusted, Dave began to circle the head of his cock around the boy’s tiny starburst.

“Cody, I’m about to put my cock inside you.”

“Okay, Dave,” the boy said.

“When I do that, you’re going to feel the most intense pleasure. Do you understand?”

Cody nodded his head. “It will feel even better than when you get your tickles, okay? You won’t feel any pain, just pleasure.”

“Okay, Dave,” the boy whispered.

Nodding to himself, Dave gripped Cody’s hip with his left hand, and guided himself forward with his right. Breathing heavily in anticipation, he pressed forward. Dave had never fucked a boy before, although he’d dreamed about it countless times. As the heat of Cody’s insides practically burned him, and the tightness of his virgin sphincter closed around him, Dave shuddered.

Dave looked down to see Cody was staring up at him longingly, his eyes shining with pleasure, mouth open and slack. Dave pulled back a bit, then went further inside, using the lube from his cock to slowly open up a way for him. Little by little he delved deeper, his hips working slowly, driving his cock deeper and deeper into the boy’s squeezing bowels until he finally could go no further.

Cody looked up at him, eyes, wide with awe. “It’s in me!” he gasped.

“Is it big?” Dave asked.

“It’s really big,” Cody said, panting from the magically-induced pleasure.

Dave’s eyes flashed. “Please ask me to fuck you, Cody,” the man moaned. “Talk about my cock and how good it feels in your ass. Use your own words please.”

Cody thought for a moment and then met Dave’s eyes. “Please fuck my ass, Dave. Your cock feels so good inside my butthole. I can’t believe how good it feels. Please fuck me.”

Dave didn’t care that the boy’s words were being influenced by the necklace, that he likely never would have said anything like that otherwise. They were words he’d waited years to hear, and he eagerly took them to heart. Gripping Cody’s upper legs, he began to thrust into the boy, driving his cock into his incredibly tight asshole. It was like his cock was being squeezed by a vice, but it was the most warm and pleasurable vice he could imagine.

Each time Dave drove his cock inward, his balls would slap against Cody’s taut little butt. There was a squelching sound as he worked his cock in and out of the kid’s clutching bowels, and each thrust caused Cody to gasp in pleasure. Although the boy was bent almost double, a glance showed Dave his stiff little nail. Dave adjusted himself a bit so that he could get a better view of the boy. There was something about the way that Cody was holding his knees, opening himself to him so eagerly that caused Dave’s heart to race.

Dave noticed the boy’s lips were moving, but couldn’t quite make out what he was mumbling. Then he concentrated and caught it. The boy was softly saying, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” over and over again as Dave’s cock thrust inside him. Dave reached out and caressed the boy’s cheek and Cody smiled up at him.

“Your cock feels so good inside me,” Cody said. “I love it when you fuck me in my ass.”

“Dammit,” Dave said suddenly. Then he backed away, his cock leaving Cody’s hungry ass with an audible pop.

“Noooo, please keep fucking me!” Cody whined.

“Just a second, baby,” Dave said. Then he reached out and grabbed his phone. Back on his knees before the boy he said, “Okay, open up for me.”

Cody eagerly spread his legs again, holding his knees up on level with his chin, but far apart to offer Dave the best access. Dave turned the phone to the sight, filming the shiny, dilated asshole and above it the boy’s little balls and rigid penis. He aligned himself, then took his cock in one hand while he filmed with the other.

“Do you want me to put it back inside?” Dave teased, slapping the meaty head of his cock against the boy’s gaping hole.

“Please put your cock back inside my ass and fuck me, Dave!” the boy begged.

Still filming, Dave pressed himself forward, watching intently as the head of his cock was sucked eagerly into the boy’s ass. He pushed forward, and then began once again to slide himself in and out, zooming in to watch the action through his phone. Then he lifted it to film Cody’s ecstasy-etched face, slack mouth panting and eyes shining but unfocused.

“I love your sweet little ass so much,” Dave said.

“Your cock feels so good inside me,” Cody responded.

“Please hold the phone,” Dave asked, holding it out to the boy.

Cody reached out and took the phone while still trying to keep his legs up and apart. He was pointing it in generally the right direction, and Dave was able to concentrate on fucking. He tried to remember the last time he’d fucked a woman. Ten years ago? Something like that. He didn’t think it had ever been this good. Never this tight; and he’d certainly never stuck his dick into something as beautiful as young Cody.

Dave increased the speed and strength of his thrusts. He knew he’d have cum long before if he hadn’t already cum twice that day. It was allowing him to go much longer than he would normally, but at that moment all he wanted was to cum, so he put every bit of effort into achieving that goal. So intent on his orgasm was Dave, that he barely even heard the boy crying out time and again.

Finally he looked down and saw tears in the boy’s eyes and wondered if he’d somehow hurt him in spite of his suggestions, but then he heard Cody sobbing.

“Feels so good,” Cody was saying over and over.

That was too much for Dave. His powerful thrusts began to stutter as he felt his orgasm rushing toward him. He lost his rhythm and tried to just maintain his thrusting, but the sensations quickly overwhelmed him and with a final thrust he pressed himself as deep as he could and let loose, spraying his hot cum deep inside the boy.

Cody’s eyes flew open. “What’s happening?! Ohhhh! What is it? Ahhhh!”

Dave shot his first couple of salvos deep inside the boy’s bowels, but then he regained a hint of his senses and he quickly pulled out. The rest of his gooey white jizz spurted out to land on the boy’s stomach, all captured by the shaking phone held in Cody’s hand.

That’s when there was a knock at the door.


Dave jumped up, heart pounding, thoughts of police and handcuffs and sliding cell bars flashing through his head. Then he remembered the necklace, the power, and he calmed. He didn’t have anything to worry about. He glanced down at Cody, who was looking up at him curiously. Amazingly, the boy’s little penis was still as rigid as ever.

“Cody,” Dave said, “could you please get yourself cleaned up in the bathroom and put your clothes back on? You won’t need your shoes. Just wait in here until I call you, okay?”

“Okay, Dave!” the boy said enthusiastically, jumping from the bed, stiff little dick bouncing. He gave Dave an affectionate hug and reached out to wrap his hand around Dave’s mostly limp penis.

“More of that later, little buddy,” Dave said with a smile. “Now scat,” and he gave the boy a light smack on his pert little behind.

Dave then grabbed a robe from his closet. It used to hang from a hook in the bathroom until he realized one day that he never used it. There was little point, living on his own. He was reluctant to simply toss it out though, so he’d hung it deep inside his closet. This seemed like a great opportunity to grab it, as he wasn’t prepared to get dressed just yet. Whoever was at the door would just have to deal with seeing him in a robe, which wasn’t all that unusual, he figured.

Dave closed the door to the bathroom behind him and made his way to the door. A glance at a clock on the wall showed that it was 6:37pm. He was amazed so much time had passed, and he wasn’t very surprised then to see that it was Lynn Martin at his door when he opened it.

“Dave,” Lynn said with a distracted smile. “I’m so sorry to bother you.” Her eyes took in in the bathrobe. Dave wasn’t sure what to make of the look she gave him. “I wanted to ask, have you seen Cody? It’s just, I’ve been home for twenty minutes now and he’s not here. It’s just not like him. Did you see him at all?”

Dave smiled sympathetically, while his eyes took in Cody’s mother. She was blonde, like her son, but her hair was a bit darker. At least at the roots. Not much darker, she was a natural blonde, but Dave suspected she colored it a shade or two lighter than her natural color. She wasn’t a tall women, only five-and-a-half feet tall, but she was very attractive. Dave had imagined once upon a time getting to know her and date her, but then the depression had sunk its claws into him and those kinds of hopes had died.

“Lynn,” Dave smiled. “We’ve always been good friends, haven’t we?”

“Uhh, sure, Dave,” she said, a bit uncertainly.

Dave nodded. “Actually, we’ve been really great friends, right?”

“Of course we have, Dave. Great friends.”

There it is, Dave thought with satisfaction. “Lynn, you should come inside so we can talk. Of course you trust me completely.”

“You know I do, Dave,” she said, stepping inside without hesitation. She stood looking around for a moment. “Seems funny that I’ve never been inside here before,” she remarked.

“Well, we’ve fixed that now,” Dave said, “and you’re very comfortable here. Why don’t you have a seat?”

As Lynn was sitting, she said, “I’m just so worried about Cody.”

“You can relax,” Dave said. “Cody is here and he’s perfectly fine. You trust me with him completely.”

Lynn sighed and relaxed back into the sofa. She even gave a little chuckle. “I’m so relieved, Dave. I was so worried. I hope he hasn’t been too much trouble.”

“He’s been great, Lynn,” Dave assured her, a smile on his lips thinking about what he’d just been up to with her son. “It really makes you happy that Cody spends time with me. In fact, you would be perfectly happy with anything Cody and I did together.”

“Of course I would, Dave,” she assured him.

“Would you like to know what we were doing?” Dave asked, feeling a giddy excitement.

“Sure,” Lynn said with a smile.

“I was fucking him,” Dave smiled. “I was just in there plowing his sweet little ass with my cock.”

There seemed to be just a millisecond of something passing through the woman’s eyes, some sort of horror or protest, gone so fast that Dave wasn’t even sure he’d seen it, and then Lynn smiled and said, “That’s great, Dave. I hope you boys enjoyed it.”

“He was begging for more,” Dave said, enjoying himself. “That kid just loves my cock.”

“I’ll bet,” she smiled.

“Lynn, please be honest with me. Do you find me attractive?”

“I’ve always thought you were attractive, Dave,” she said. “Of course, then you started putting on the weight and I always thought it was such a shame.”

“Have you ever thought about my cock?” Dave asked.

“Dave!” Lynn said, blushing.

“It’s okay, Lynn,” Dave said. “You’re never embarrassed by anything I say or do. In fact, you feel free to say anything you like in my apartment without any embarrassment. Have you thought about my cock?”

“Sure, Dave,” Lynn said without any trace of embarrassment. “I’ve wondered a couple of times what it might look like.”

Dave thought about getting her opinion, but he’d had enough truth about his dick after the incident in the bar earlier. Instead he went to the bedroom door, opened it, and said, “Cody, can you come in here please?”

Cody came into the room and saw his mother. “Mom!” the boy cried happily and rushed forward to give his mother a hug.

“Hey, baby,” the woman said, ruffling his blond hair. “I was worried about you. You weren’t home when I got home from work.”

“Sorry, mom,” the boy said. “We were busy. Dave was fucking my ass.”

“So I heard,” Lynn said, as if the boy had said they were watching television. “Well, I hope you haven’t been a nuisance.”

“I haven’t, have I, Dave?” the boy asked.

“He’s been great,” Dave assured them both. “Lynn, you have a very beautiful boy.”

“He’s a looker,” Lynn agreed, affectionately caressing Cody’s cheek.

“Lynn, when was the last time you saw Cody naked?”

Lynn thought for a moment. “It’s been a couple of years,” she said. “I think it was that time you came home soaked to the skin from the rain, wasn’t it, Cody?”

“Yeah,” the boy agreed with a smile. “You made me take off all my clothes and made me stand in the shower because I was shivering so bad.”

“Have you wondered what he looks like naked now?”

Lynn smiled. “Of course. I’m curious what’s happening with the little guy’s body. I’m guessing he’s started puberty by now. He’s certainly going through a growth spurt.”

“Would you like to see him naked right now?”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to embarrass him,” she said.

“Cody, you’d like your mom to see you naked. You won’t get embarrassed, will you?”

“I won’t,” he said with a smile. “You want to see me, Mom?”

“Cody, why don’t you stand up and take off your shirt?”

The boy didn’t hesitate, quickly revealing his muscular little chest and flat stomach. His jeans rode low enough that the V of muscle could be seen disappearing down into them.

“Now your pants, please,” Dave said.

In a moment, Cody’s shorts joined his shirt on the ground, leaving him standing in just his black boxer-briefs. Dave was a bit surprised to see evidence of a boyish erection. Did the boy ever get soft?

“Does Cody wear underwear around the house, Lynn?” Dave asked. His cock was growing underneath his robe.

“From time to time,” Lynn answered, eyes locked on that little bulge. “He’s become fairly shy lately, though.”

“Can you see him, Lynn?” Dave asked. “Can you see how hard your little boy’s cock is?”

Lynn just nodded.

“Do you want to see it?” Dave asked. “Do you want to see Cody’s stiff dick?”

“Yes,” Lynn answered honestly.

“Lynn, why don’t you go ahead and take off Cody’s undies for him,” Dave suggested, while seating himself next to her.

Mother then reached out and hooked her thumbs into her son’s briefs. She pulled them down, revealing the boy’s bouncing little boner. She helped Cody step out of his briefs while staring at his cock.

“What do you think of it?” Dave asked.

“It’s bigger than I was expecting,” Lynn said. “It’s grown. I mean, I haven’t seen it hard in a few years. It’s grown a lot since then.”

“You can touch it,” Dave said.

“A mother shouldn’t touch her son that way,” Lynn said.

“It’s okay to touch him that way,” Dave said. “In fact, you very much want to touch Cody and make him feel good.”

Lynn reached out and took Cody’s cock delicately between her fingers. “It’s so hard, baby,” she remarked as she gently explored his length. “Your father had a fat cock,” she said. “I bet yours will be fat, too.” She reached down then and explored Cody’s little balls, making the boy gasp and his cock lurch.

“I’m gonna get my orgasm,” Cody said in a strained whisper.

“Just let it come,” Dave suggested. “You should help him cum, Lynn,” Dave suggested, and watched the woman’s hand wrap around her son’s fat little cock, beginning to jack it expertly. In less than a minute Cody shuddered. Then, “You just made your son cum, Lynn. That turns you on so much.”

Lynn reached up and cupped her left breast. Her breathing began to quicken.

“Cody,” Dave asked, “have you ever wanted to see your mom naked?”

“Sometimes I think about it,” Cody admitted, while his mother continued to gently stroke his little erection.

“Lynn, why don’t you strip for us?” Dave said. “It will make us happy and you want to make us happy.”

The blonde woman stood and began to undress. She’d obviously already changed from her work clothes, which were nurses scrubs. She was just wearing a t-shirt with a sports bra underneath and yoga pants with purple panties. It was all on the floor in moments.

Dave wasn’t sure how old Lynn might be. Cody was twelve, so if she’d given birth to him when she was twenty, that would make her thirty-two or so. She was still very attractive and Dave didn’t know if she kept in shape by going to a gym, or just by being a nurse and being on her feet all day. In either case, her body was nicely toned. There was a neat triangle of light brown hair between her legs, and her breasts were large on her small frame, but still surprisingly firm, topped with large brown areolas and stiff nipples.

“What do you think of your mom’s body, Cody?” Dave asked.

“She’s beautiful,” Cody breathed, staring.

“Does looking at her make your little cock throb?” he asked. Cody nodded dumbly. “You’re making your son hot for you, Lynn. You can’t believe how much that excites you.”

“Baby, you like Momma’s body?” the woman asked, stepping up to Cody, fingers playfully exploring his smooth chest.

“Cody,” Dave interrupted, “why don’t you come over here and show your mom how you can suck my cock? Lynn, watching Cody doing anything sexual is such a turn-on for you.”

Cody happily knelt between Dave’s legs and reached out and untied the terrycloth belt holding his robe together. Spreading it apart, he revealed Dave’s big hairy belly and his throbbing cock. From his position, Dave only saw the top half of his dick, so he only saw a small portion of Cody’s fist as it wrapped around it. Then the boy was eagerly licking him.

“Why don’t you come sit beside me, Lynn?” Dave said, patting the cushion beside him.

The woman joined him, eyes locked on her son as he swallowed Dave’s cock, his soft, full lips riding up and down on the skinny length of the man’s stiffened penis. Dave watched Lynn’s hand move between her legs and saw her fingers began to move as she stroked her already wet sex.

“You should slide a finger into your pussy,” Dave said in a bit of a shaky voice. His eyes widened in appreciation as he watched Lynn do just that. “Did you ever expect to see your baby boy with a cock in his mouth?”

Lynn shook her head, but didn’t answer, just continuing to stare and finger herself.

Dave again considered asking the woman what she thought about his dick, but he figured he’d learned his lesson earlier and he wasn’t sure his ego could take another hit. Instead, it occurred to him to hedge his bets, as it were. “Lynn, I have the greatest cock you’ve ever seen on a man. Say something nice about it, please.”

“I love watching Cody suck your cock,” she said. “It’s so beautiful. Both of you.”

“Cody, why don’t you let your mom have a try,” Dave suggested.

“Okay,” Cody said, after releasing his spit-soaked cock. “Your turn, Mom.”

Lynn didn’t hesitate, quickly adjusting herself on the couch so that she could lean down into Dave’s lap. Dave could immediately tell the difference between youthful enthusiasm and hard won experience. Lynn’s experienced mouth quickly had his cock thrumming, but again, he didn’t want to waste what he thought might be the last orgasm he had in him. For awhile at least.

“Lynn, you’d make me so happy if you knelt on the floor in front of Cody and sucked his cock. Cody, could you stand up so your mom can suck you?”

Cody eagerly rose, practically standing at attention, just like his little soldier, which throbbed eagerly. Lynn slid off the couch and knelt before her son, taking just a moment to seemingly admire his beautiful young body. Then she reached out and took Cody’s little cock between her thumb and forefinger. She jacked him a couple of times, and then her fingers slid downward, going up under and behind the twelve-year-old’s little balls, lifting them.

Dave watched as Lynn’s tongue snaked out and began to lap lightly at the little boy’s hairless nuggets. Then she was sucking one of them between her lips, moaning as she swirled her tongue over it. The other quickly followed, and she had her son’s entire scrotum in her mouth, teasing it. When she finally released his balls they hung shining with spit and tightened into a plum-sized ball.

Lynn then played her tongue around the base of Cody’s cock, tasting and teasing the completely hairless flesh there, showing no signs that this was anything but a complete pleasure to her. In fact, Dave noticed that once again the fingers of her left hand played between her legs, two of them driving themselves slowly and deliberately into her soaked pussy. Her right hand was firmly clutching one of Cody’s beautifully rounded butt cheeks.

Bald pubic mound properly explored, Lynn traced a hot, wet line up the short length of her son’s pubescent cock. Cody gasped.

“Isn’t that the most perfect little cock you’ve ever seen?” Dave asked, reaching down to lightly stroke his own cock.

“Perfect,” Lynn breathed, and then she wrapped her lips around the tip. She swirled her tongue around the sensitive little cockhead and Cody visibly shivered. In moments Lynn had her lips pressed against the smooth base and then she was bobbing her head up and down, the sounds of her suctioning mouth lewdly resounding through the room.

Dave heaved himself up off the sofa and stepped up to stand beside Cody. “Both of us, please,” he said to the woman.

Lynn immediately released her son’s little cock and took Dave’s into her mouth. She sucked him expertly for about twenty seconds before switching back to Cody. Dave allowed this to go on for about five minutes. Cody announced he was having an orgasm once during that time, and Dave felt close several times himself, always telling Lynn to switch when he got too near the edge.

Finally, wanting to move things along, Dave moved the party into the bedroom. He had Lynn lie down on the bed, her legs hanging over the edge. Her pussy was fully on display, and Dave could see Cody staring avidly, his fingers playing feather-light on his little erection.

“That’s your mom’s pussy, Cody,” Dave said. “Do you like it?”

“It’s weird,” Cody allowed.

Dave grinned. “Cody, your mother would like it if you knelt down there and licked her pussy all over. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Lynn?”

“Oh yes,” Lynn moaned. “Please eat my pussy, Cody. Eat Mommy’s pussy.”

Cody knelt down and put his hands on his mother’s thighs. “What do I do?” he asked.

“Just lick me, baby,” Lynn said helpfully. She ran a finger up along her gaping pink slit. “Here, just lick me all over here.”

Cody leaned his face down into his mom’s crotch. Dave assumed from the woman’s suddenly arching back and twisted facial expressions that she enjoyed having her son lapping at her cunt. Lynn took Cody’s blond head in her hands and pushed her crotch upward while pulling him against her, grinding her pussy against his face. She began to gasp.

“Lick me here, Cody,” she hissed, and Dave saw she was indicating her little button. A moment later, her whole body shook. “Uhhnngh, that’s it, baby,” she said hoarsely.

After a couple of minutes Dave felt himself growing a bit bored. “Please move back, Cody,” he said, and the boy obeyed. Dave stepped up between Lynn’s widespread legs. Her pussy gleamed wetly. “Watch this, Cody,” he said. “I’m going to fuck your mom.”

Then Dave took his erection in his hand and carefully guided it towards Lynn’s little hole. He sighed as he pushed the head inside, and then he drove himself slowly forward, loving the feeling of the woman’s pussy wrapping itself around his cock.

“Does that feel good, Lynn?” he gasped. “Do you like my cock in your pussy?”

“Feels so good,” she said, squeezing her large breasts.

Dave began to thrust, roughly slamming his cock into the woman, watching her big tits bounce with each powerful thrust. His cock felt amazing, and he knew he could quickly cum if he allowed himself. So it was with difficulty that he withdrew, his cock sliding from Lynn’s pussy, dripping with her juices and his own precum.

There was one final thing Dave wanted to see before he allowed himself the pleasure of release. “Cody, it’s your turn to fuck your mother.”

“I’m gonna put it inside her?” the boy asked, eyes growing wide.

“You sure are,” Dave said. “It’s going to be the most amazing thing you’ve ever felt.” Then, “Lynn, Cody is going to fuck you. You’re going to fuck your own little boy. His little cock is like magic. It’ll be the most wonderful thing you’ve ever felt inside you.”

“Please fuck me, Cody,” Lynn said, coaxing her son near.

Cody licked his lips a bit nervously and stepped up to the end of the bed, standing between his mother’s outstretched legs. Dave stepped behind the boy and wrapped his arms around him, reaching down to caress the boy’s adorable little cock. He wrapped his fist around it, embarrassed and excited that the twelve-year-old’s little cock was just as thick as his own.

“Let’s just get you lined up,” Dave breathed, feeling his cock leaving a wet trail against Cody’s back as he pressed the boy closer. He realized the boy wouldn’t even have to kneel to get his dick into his mother’s pussy. So once Cody was close enough, he rubbed the fat little cock along his mother’s slit until it was wet enough, then he pressed it forward. “You just need to press forward now, Cody,” Dave said.

Dave had perhaps expected the boy to slide himself forward slowly, but apparently Cody had other ideas, and he simply slammed his skinny hips forward.

“Oh!” Lynn gasped, and then she was convulsing. “Oh! Oh, Cody!” She locked her ankles around Cody, holding him close while she came, shaking and crying with pleasure.

“I’m doing it again!” Cody gasped.

“You need to fuck her, Cody,” Dave instructed. “Like I did it. Go in and out. Fuck your mother’s pussy.”

Gripping her thighs for balance, Cody began to drive his three-and-a-half inch cock in and out of his mother’s pussy. Lynn’s eyes were wide with wonder and perhaps a bit of fear as she continued to convulse. Apparently Dave’s suggestion that her son’s cock was the most amazing thing she’d ever feel was being taken to heart, because she seemed to be experiencing either one long, rolling orgasm, or a long series of them back to back. The end result was that Cody continue to work his slender little hips, driving his small cock like a piston into his mother’s cunt and Lynn just sobbed and shook.

Finally, Dave couldn’t take anymore. He needed his own. He crawled up onto the bed and stretched out awkwardly until he could get his cock near Lynn’s face. The woman was so wrapped up in what was happening to her that she didn’t even seem to notice.

“Lynn,” Dave said, “please suck me while Cody fucks you. It’ll make you feel even better. Also, you’ll have no problems taking me all the way.” Dave wasn’t sure if that last bit was necessary with just his five-and-a-half inches, but he didn’t want to hear any gagging when he just wanted to cum, watching the hot action between mother and son.

Dave was concentrating on the look on Cody’s face as he drove his little erection into his mother’s gripping pussy. He felt Lynn take his cock into her mouth and he felt a shiver race through him. She really knew what she was doing. He was able to ignore all but the sensations she was giving him as he watched the little blond boy he’d fantasized about for so long ramming his cock into his mom. He knew he’d caused this, a dark fantasy come to life, and he shuddered again. Man, Lynn’s mouth was like magic. She was sucking desperately at him, her head bobbing just a bit. He began to work his own hips, driving his cock into her mouth.

This time when he felt himself getting near, Dave made no effort to stop the action. He gave into it, driving himself even harder and faster into the woman’s welcoming mouth. There was something about the way his slightly puffy pubic mound ground against Lynn’s mouth that just did it for him. That and the sight of Cody tirelessly driving his pubescent cock into his own mother’s pussy.

Lynn didn’t even choke when Dave finally came. He thrust forward a final time, gripping the back of the woman’s head as he exploded into her mouth, spurt after spurt of his hot semen jetting into her throat as he shuddered. She just swallowed and continued to suck at him. It quickly became too much for Dave, who had to pull backward to save his over-sensitive cock from her desperate sucking. Even then she attempted to take him back into her mouth, until he rolled to his back, out of her range.

Dave just lay there for a couple of minutes, feeling the glow of his orgasm slowly fade. The sound of Cody’s sturdy little cock working continued to fill the room, as did the boy’s breathing and his mother’s moans and gasps and cries of pleasure.

Finally, Dave sat up. It was a bit more of a struggle than it should have been, but he was wiped out and his gut wasn’t helping things. He stared idly at the fucking couple, mother and son joined and bringing each each other continuous pleasure. A glance downward showed his penis, soft and shriveled, the spit from Lynn’s mouth already dried.

“Okay, that’s enough,” he said, a bit annoyed. “You guys are going to have one big final orgasm in ten seconds and then you’ll be ready to stop.”

Sure enough, mother and son acted as if the world were exploding or something. Dave just watched, tired of the display. As Cody collapsed on top of his mom and Lynn gasped for breath, hugging his small body to her, Dave stood.

“Okay, please listen to me, you two.” Dave thought a moment as the woman and boy looked at him attentively. Dave wondered if Cody’s little cock was still hard inside his mother’s pussy. “You two are going to go home in a couple of minutes. When you leave here, you’ll forget all about what happened here.” Dave paused, thinking of the possible implications of that. “Unless I remind you, that is,” he said. Then, “Aw, dammit. I didn’t think to film you guys,” he muttered. “Oh, well. Next time. Anyway,” he said, directing his attention back to the pair, “you’ll forget about it all until I remind you. In the meantime, you’ll go home and just remember having a normal day, doing whatever you usually do. Understand?”

The pair nodded, and Dave thought a bit more. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to leave it at that, but he wanted to be careful because he didn’t actually want to have mom and son fully aware of having sex with each other going forward. He figured that would seriously mess with their future relationship. Still…

“Cody, what do you normally wear around the house in the evenings?”

“Usually shorts and a shirt,” the boy said with a shrug.

“Lynn, you said Cody sometimes wears underwear around the house, didn’t you?”

“Well, it’s been a bit, like I said. Not just underwear though. He always wore a shirt as well,” Lynn answered.

Dave grinned. “Okay, Cody you’ll go back to wearing underwear and a t-shirt in the evenings instead of shorts. After… oh, let’s say three days, you’ll just stop wearing the shirt and only wear your underwear, okay? Oh, and what do you sleep in?”

“Just underwear,” the boy answered.

“Do you put anything on before you go down for breakfast?”

“My shorts and a shirt again,” he said.

“Okay, from now on you’ll just stay in your underwear when you go down in the mornings, okay?”

Cody thought a moment and said, “Will she still want to see my boner after we forget? I get them in the mornings all the time now.”

“You won’t mind,” Dave said. “In fact, part of you secretly wants your mom to see your boners. You’ll have a boner every morning. And Lynn, part of you is secretly thrilled by seeing Cody has an erection. In fact, you’re going to start trying to subtly engineer situations where you can see Cody naked. You won’t let it go beyond looking, but the sight of his nude body will give you a secret thrill. In fact, when it happens, you’ll just joke about it, and Cody, even though you’ll probably be a bit embarrassed when she sees you naked, or hard, it won’t bother you all that much and you’ll think about it when you masturbate. Oh, and tonight, because you won’t remember that I taught you how, you’ll learn how to masturbate on your own all the way to orgasm and think that you came up with the idea all on your own, okay?”

“Okay, Dave,” Cody smiled.

“Okay then, guys,” Dave said. “Why don’t we all get dressed and you two can get home. Remember, as soon as you walk through your door you’ll follow all the instructions I’ve explained to you.”

A minute later mother and son were dressed and out the door, presumably to go home to a mostly normal evening. For a moment Dave imagined Cody lounging around in his underwear and Lynn catching sight of a bulge in his little undies. He realized he was hard again, and though the urge was there, he decided to let it go for now.

End of Chapter 3

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Minding the Children – Chapter 2

Minding the Children – Chapter 2
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Dave was whistling to himself as he parked his car. He didn’t know what the hell was going on. He’d been thinking about it all day. He’d stopped and had lunch, and the owner had been happy to give him the food for free after Dave suggested it. He still tipped his waitress though. Then he’d just wandered around, thinking.

He’d decided that it must have something to do with his new necklace. Nothing else made sense. Not that a magic necklace made any sense either, but the world could be a mysterious place. He just knew he wasn’t going to look this gift horse in the mouth.

As he was walking up the stairs to his apartment he heard it. Tiny wheels on a pebbled surface. Cody and his skateboard. He stopped halfway up the steps. He’d never once thought of the kid as he wandered around, pondering how this necklace was going to change his life. That thought amazed him. Cody. How could he have possibly forgotten about the object of his dreams? His wet dreams anyway.

Heart suddenly thudding in his chest, he continued his climb, hurrying now. There he was. The boy was racing in the opposite direction. He was wearing tight little red shorts that ended just above his knees and molded themselves to his magnificent backside. He had on a black t-shirt over that and on his feet were blue and turquoise checked slip on shoes with tiny red ankle socks.

Dave walked to his door and then waited, watching the boy reach the end of the corridor and then start back in his direction. He put one hand on his knob. The doorknob, that is. His mouth was suddenly dry and he swallowed nervously as Cody noticed him, and saw that he was looking at him.

Cody came as close as his own door and stopped. He was grinning. With an idle wave, he brushed a curl of blond hair out of his eyes. “Hey, Mr. Bingham,” he said, cheerily enough, but with a bit of caution and curiosity.

“Hi, Cody,” Dave said, realizing it was the first time he’d ever spoken directly to the boy. “Uh… how are you?”

Cody grinned. “I’m cool. Just chillin’, ya know.”

“Is your, uh, mom home?” Dave asked, swallowing again.

A flash of something in the boy’s eyes, maybe a hint of suspicion. Still, he shrugged and said, “Nah, she works till six.”

“Right,” Dave said, as if he knew the inner workings of the Martin household. If he’d thought about it he’d have probably remembered seeing her coming in at that time, but he’d tried to distance himself from them.

“So you’re just… chillin’,” Dave said. He gave the boy an awkward smile.

“Yeah, well, I guess I better get inside,” the boy said. Apparently Dave was making him nervous. “I’m really not supposed to be riding my board out here.”

Now or never, Dave thought. “Hey Cody, you think I’m a really nice guy, right?”

Cody didn’t seem to think that was an odd way to say it. He just grinned and said, “Of course you are. My mom thinks you’re nice, too. She says you’re just shy.”

“I am shy,” Dave said. “I was hoping maybe we could be friends. Would you like that?”

“Sure!” Cody said, smiling now. He walked forward, skateboard held at his side.

“Hey, Cody,” Dave said, “I’d really like it if you just trusted everything I said and did. You’d always know I wouldn’t steer you wrong. Could you do that?”

“Sure, I trust you, Mr. Bingham,” the boy said.

“You can call me Dave,” he said.

“Okay, cool, Dave,” the boy smiled.

“So just so we understand each other, you trust me completely and you like me a whole lot and you want to do anything to make me happy. Does that sound good?”

“That sounds good,” the boy said, stepping closer again.

Dave reached out and put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. Cody just stood there, smiling up at him. Dave could hardly believe he was touching the boy. He could feel the heat of his skin through his shirt, along with the firmness of his muscles. This close, he could smell the boy, a heady scent of light boy sweat and Axe body spray.

“Okay, I also want you to remember to always be completely honest with me, okay? You want to answer any question I ask honestly, and you should never feel embarrassed about anything I say or do, okay?”

“Okay, Dave,” the boy said.

Dave took a look around. He saw no one. His hand drifted up from the boy’s shoulder to his neck. He was touching bare skin! Then to the boy’s cheek. So soft! He rubbed his thumb across the boy’s cheek and Cody leaned into the touch.

“That feels nice, doesn’t it?” Dave asked. The boy just nodded to him, seeming a bit lost in the touch.

“Let’s go inside, okay?” Dave said. The boy went with him willingly.


Walking behind Cody, with his hands on his thin shoulders, steering him, Dave guessed the boy was just short of five feet tall. It was hard to get an accurate assessment when only seeing someone from a distance. This close, he seemed particularly delicate, but also strangely powerful in his youthful vibrancy.

Heart beating madly in his chest, penis already straining in his briefs, Dave ushered Cody into his bedroom, then he sat on the edge of the bed while Cody situated himself just a few inches from his spread knees. Dave reached out and took the boy by his slender hips, pulling him closer.

“You smell wonderful,” Dave said.

“I wear Axe,” Cody said proudly, and Dave realized that his mother had mostly likely just begun buying it for him; evidence of his impending pubescence.

“I guess you’ve finally started puberty then,” Dave said.

The boy seemed mildly confused for just a split second, and then he relaxed. “Yeah, mom says I’m starting to stink so I have to wear deodorant now. I don’t got any pit hairs though. Not yet. She says I’ll get some later. Maybe in a year or two.”

“So have you got any hair down here?” Dave asked, daring to let his fingertips dance over the front of Cody’s shorts, right where he imagined the boy’s soft little penis must be nestled.

“I don’t yet,” Cody giggled. “I keep checkin’ every day. My friend Jason has eight of ’em so far. He’s so lucky.”

“Oh?” Dave asked, curious. “Have you seen them?”

“Yeah, he showed me last weekend. I spent the night at his house.” Then Cody laughed. “He got a boner when I was looking.”

“Did you like looking at his boner?” Dave asked, excited by the thought.

Again it looked like Cody might have grown embarrassed, but the thought or feeling lasted only a moment and he nodded eagerly. “It was really neat. I’ve never seen another boy’s all stiff like that before. I really wanted to touch it, but I was afraid he’d think I was gay or something.”

Dave had continued to play lightly at the front of Cody’s shorts, slowly increasing the intensity of his touch. Moments ago he’d found the tip of Cody’s little dick. He was gently squeezing it and he could feel it beginning to shift and grow under his touch.

Cody squirmed. “That feels funny,” the boy said.

“Hasn’t anyone ever touched you down here?” Dave asked.

“My doctor did when I had a physical for soccer, but my wiener didn’t get stiff like it’s gettin’ now.”

There was now a flush to Cody’s cheeks and he was squirming even more. Between Dave’s fingers, the boy’s little nail continued to grow. “Do you like me touching you like this?” Dave asked.

Cody seemed to think for a moment, then he shook his head. “I know I shouldn’t be scared, because it’s you, but I am a little bit.”

Dave felt bad immediately. “You shouldn’t be scared, Cody,” Dave said gently. “This is perfectly natural. I’m making you feel good, and you like it when I make you feel good, okay?”

Cody nodded.

“Is that better then?” Dave asked.

“Yeah,” Cody grinned. “It feels really good. I like it when you touch me there.”

Dave smiled. “Cody, it would make me really happy if you took off your shirt.”

The boy didn’t even hesitate. He just pulled the shirt up and off, dropping it to the floor. Dave gasped, drinking in the twelve-year-old’s beauty. Against his fingers, Cody little dick was straining, now fully erect. The boy’s leanly muscled little chest was rising and falling rapidly with his breathing.

Dave forgot about the boy’s cock for the moment. When he removed his fingers he could see where the little head was pressing against the cloth of his shorts. Ignoring that for now, he slid his hands up the boy’s flanks, reveling in the satiny feel of Cody’s skin under his hands. He found the twelve-year-old’s tiny brown nipples and rubbed them until they stiffened. Cody’s breath caught.

“Can you lift your hands over your head please?”

Cody did so immediately, revealing his smooth, milky armpits. Dave had a thing for armpits. “Let me smell,” he said, and helped the boy sit down on his right thigh. Dave leaned in close and sniffed the boy’s left pit. He shuddered as memories flooded through him, of being naked in bed with Luke, exploring the boy’s beautiful young body. He flicked out his tongue and rasped it over that virgin flesh.

Cody giggled and squirmed. “That tickles.”

“How about this?” Dave asked, and he bent his head until he could get his mouth to one of the boy’s tiny tits. He sucked at the surrounding flesh while flicking his tongue rapidly over the pointed little nubbin in the center. Cody gasped.

Now Dave was the one breathing heavily. He helped the boy to stand and his shaking hands went to the button on Cody’s shorts. It took him three tries to get it unbuttoned, and then his hand continued to shake as he took hold of the zipper and tugged it slowly downward.

The boy’s red shorts slowly spread open, revealing black cotton underneath. Dave looked down and instructed, “Kick off your shoes and take off your socks.”

“My shoes and socks?” the boy asked, and Dave realized his mistake.

“Could you please take off your shoes and socks? For me?”

“Okay,” Cody said with a grin.

His shorts slipped down to his knees when he tried to take off the first sock, and Dave said, “You can just leave them off.”

Cody removed his second sock, stepped out of his shorts and waited patiently. Dave stared at the spot where the twelve-year-old’s cock could be seen pressing against the thin cotton. Dave thought about teasing him through his boxer-briefs, but he just couldn’t wait any longer. Hooking a thumb under the waistband at either hip, Dave gently tugged down the boy’s underwear, being careful not to snag his little erection.

Dave leaned back as he cleared about mid-thigh. He was awestruck. As Cody shifted a bit, the undies dropped to the floor. Dave barely noticed. His attention was locked in with laser focus between the boy’s legs. Cody indeed had no hair between his legs. Dave had never seen a real boy with no hair. Luke had sported a tiny little bush, new grown and silky, but there. This was a different experience altogether.

“You’re beautiful,” Dave breathed.

“You think so?” Cody asked.

Dave looked up and caught his eye. The boy didn’t seem embarrassed, but he did seem a bit unsure. “You’re awesome,” Dave assured him. “That is the best looking penis I have ever seen in my life.”

Cody grinned.

Dave wasn’t even exaggerating. Luke, at thirteen, had possessed a slim little boner, about four-and-a-half inches long, with a narrow, uncircumcised head. At the time, Dave couldn’t have imagined anything better. Cody had him beat hands down.

Dave couldn’t say why he liked Cody’s penis better. It was less than four inches long. About three-and-a-half if he had to guess. The boy was circumcised and his little pink head was shaped like a helmet. It was a surprisingly sturdy little cock, thicker than he’d have guessed, nearly an inch thick along the shaft, that and more at the ridge of his little pink cockhead. His small balls were smooth and hairless, but the scrotum had the darker shade of pubescence and his balls were fully dropped and separated. Not very big yet, about the size of small grapes, but delicious looking all the same.

Speaking of delicious, this close to the boy’s crotch the Axe smell was fainter and the smell of twelve-year-old ball sweat was much more prominent. Dave looked at the boy, standing there patiently, his little cock twitching, and said, “Would you like me to touch you some more, Cody? I can make you feel very good.”

“Yeah, please touch my wiener some more,” the boy said.

Dave slid to the side. “Here,” he said. “Why don’t you lie down with me.” The boy immediately took his place on the bed. Dave looked at him lying there. He remembered all the times he’d lain in this bed, imagining this boy here with him, and now, like a dream, he was here, looking so innocent and angelic, except for that needy little cock, twitching between his outstretched legs.

Dave lay down beside the boy. Almost reverently he reached out and stroked Cody’s inner thigh, marveling at the silky touch of his skin. Higher and higher his hand moved until he found his small scrotum. He gently lifted it in his palm, feeling its smooth warmth. He put his thumb into it, feeling the little balls squirm to either side. Cody gasped at the touch.

Dave looked up to the find the kid staring at him avidly, his mouth open, breathing rapidly. Cody’s brilliant blue eyes sparkled, his golden brows raised in surprise. The boy’s cupid bow mouth hung open, and Dave could see the pinkness of his tongue pressing against the left corner of his lips. Dave teasingly traced a finger upward from Cody’s balls, making a line up and around that just barely avoided touching the boy’s little penis, which hovered there, pointing at his chin and jerking with his heartbeats.

When he didn’t think the boy could stand any more teasing, he finally allowed his finger to gently touch the fat little boycock. Cody sighed explosively. Dave gently ran a finger up and down the boy’s shaft, from crown to balls, again and again, each time circling the little bundle of nerves in the frenulum.

Finally, Dave took the boy’s little penis between his fingers. It was a moment he’d daydreamed about for months and it exceeded his wildest expectations. It was so warm and hard and alive. He squeezed and Cody gave a little puppy whine of pleasure, his whole body thrumming. Then Dave began to slowly, gently, jack that adorable little penis.

“Does it feel nice, Cody?” he asked softly.

Cody nodded enthusiastically, swallowing his excitement. “It’s great, Dave,” he panted. “I can’t hardly believe it.”

“Do you ever touch yourself like this?” Dave asked. “Do you stroke your delicious little cock?”

“Sometimes I touch it at night,” the boy confessed, eyes a little glassy with pleasure. “Or in the shower. Not like this, though. Kinda soft and tickley. Usually it starts to feel weird and I have to stop. It feels super tickley now,” he said, squirming.

“So you’ve never cum?” Dave asked.

“Come where?” Cody asked, obviously confused.

Dave thrilled, knowing he was about to give the twelve-year-old his first orgasm. He redoubled his efforts on the sturdy little dick, using his other hand to scratch and tug at the boy’s small, hairless scrotum.

In amidst the needy little whines, Cody’s face began to screw up into a half frown. “I… I think I need to stop now, Dave,” he panted. “I think something is happening.” His hands wouldn’t stay still. He was rubbing them back and forth across the sheets, as if searching for something, then he’d take a clutching handful, only to release it a moment later. Suddenly his hands were on his chest, rubbing, but in an agitated manner.

“It’s okay, Cody,” Dave assured him. “You can trust me, remember? Just relax. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

“But it’s really tickley and weird!” the boy whined.

Dave’s fingers continued to move up and down on the boy’s little cock. There was just barely enough room on the little stump of a penis to allow all of his fingers to grip him, and his hand jerked rapidly up and down, his thumb constantly caressing the shaft just beneath the boy’s bright pink corona.

Suddenly the preteen gasped and went still, his whole body locking up, stomach and leg muscles bunching as his body straightened like he was being shot through with a thousand volts of electricity. Then he began to tremble. Between his fingers, Dave could feel the jerking pulses of Cody’s little cock as the boy experienced his first dry cum.

The pulsing of the boy’s dick eventually subsided and with a great sigh, Cody sank back to the mattress. Dave held his penis gently, just lightly squeezing it now. Soon the twelve-year-old’s bright blue eyes found and focused on Dave’s and a bright, awed smile tugged at his mouth.

“What was that?” the boy asked. “That was amazing!”

“That’s called an orgasm,” Dave told him, smiling himself. “It’s also called a climax, or a cum, and lots of other things.”

“And that happens when someone rubs your wiener like that?”

“Yup. You can even rub your own wiener and get that feeling. That tickley feeling you were getting meant you’re getting close. You were just stopping too soon.”

“You mean I coulda been doin’ this the whole time?” Cody asked. “Wow. Now I feel dumb.”

Dave chuckled. “Don’t feel bad. You couldn’t have known, and now that you do, well, you’ve got your whole life to make yourself feel good.”

“Wow,” Cody repeated. Then he glanced down to where Dave was still gently squeezing his little penis, which was just as stiff as ever. With a shy smile, he asked, “Would you do it again?”

Dave laughed. “Don’t worry, Cody, I’ll make you feel good, but there are lots of other ways to get that feeling.”

“Will you teach me?”

The sincerity in the boy’s eyes made Dave’s heart melt. “Of course I will,” he said earnestly. “First, let me ask you a question.”


“Do you think you’d like to see my wiener?”

“You mean it?” Cody asked, his eyes going to Dave’s crotch. “Sure I would.” Then he looked a bit nervous. “You won’t tell my mom, will you?”

“It’ll be our little secret,” Dave promised, although he was already thinking about breaking that promise.

Dave slid himself off the end of the bed and stood. Cody just watched him as he kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt up and off. “Would you like to help me with my pants?”

“Okay,” the boy said, and sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. Once there, he crossed his legs and leaned forward. Cody tugged awkwardly at Dave’s belt. Once it was open, he unbuttoned and then unzipped his slacks. Weighed down with wallet and keys, they dropped to the ground. Dave was left wearing gray briefs, black socks, and a straining erection. There was a large wet spot where the head of his cock was pressing.

Cody giggled. “You peed your pants.”

“That’s not pee,” Dave told him. “When you get older, when your penis gets really stiff you leak what’s called precum.”

Cody’s face screwed up a bit. “Is that like sperms? We learned about it in school.”

“Sort of like sperm,” Dave said. “Precum comes from the same place. It comes out before the cum does. See? Pre cum.”

“Oh, I get it.” Cody pushed a finger forward, touching it to the wet spot, and incidentally into the head of Dave’s dick, which made him give a small gasp.

Cody grinned again. “You got a boner.”

“You can pull my underwear down and see it if you want.”

Cody nodded and took hold of the briefs with one hand in the front. He tugged and they almost immediately caught hold of Dave’s erection, which went down with the briefs until suddenly coming loose and slapping against his groin.

Cody giggled, then just stared, briefs forgotten. “Man, your thing is really big. And hairy. Wow.” He looked up and caught Dave’s eyes. “You’ve got hair everywhere!”

“You can touch it if you like,” Dave said in a trembling voice.

Cody’s eyes lit with excitement and he reached forward, immediately wrapping his hand around the shaft of Dave’s cock. Dave couldn’t help a grunt and Cody looked up concerned. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No, Cody,” Dave assured him. “It just feels so good having you touch me.”

“Like what you did?” the boy asked, experimentally moving his hand up and down, jacking Dave’s cock.


“Man, your balls are huge,” the boy said, carefully lifting and examining the golf ball sized orbs. “The hair feels weird,” he said. Then he took the shaft of Dave’s cock and pulled downward to examine the man’s pisshole. “I see it leaking out!” he said, excited at the discovery.

Dave couldn’t help himself. He’d meant to take things slower, but the sight of the gorgeous little tween sitting there, naked, with his own little erection straining upward, his hand wrapped around his cock, was just too much for him.

Dave cleared his throat. “Cody, it would make me so happy if you licked my penis. Right where the precum is coming out. You’ll love the taste, I promise.”

Cody didn’t even hesitate. “Okay,” he said with a smile, and then, one hand tugging the five-and-a-half inch cock downward, he leaned forward and swiped his tongue over the swollen cockhead.

Dave shuddered. That tiny pink tongue sticking out between those full pink lips. He’d never seen a hotter sight. “Lick it all over please,” Dave said in a harsh whisper.

“Like an ice cream cone?” the boy asked.

“Just like an ice cream cone,” Dave managed to say, heart racing.

Again without hesitation, the preteen boy began to lap eagerly at Dave’s cock. He licked him from the base of his cock upward, then spent a few long licks at the pisshole. “It really tastes great,” the boy said. He looked up at Dave. “Can I suck it like a freeze pop?”

“Yes!” Dave practically hissed. “Just be careful of your teeth.”

Then Dave got to watch as the boy slowly took him into his mouth. He watched those beautifully full lips spread around him, and felt the heat of Cody’s mouth as it slid around him. Cody took about three inches and then stopped, sucking gently. “Would you try moving your mouth up and down?” Dave suggested, then shuddered as the boy did so, his mouth sliding along his shaft. He repeated the process several times, nearly bringing Dave to his knees.

Dave reached down and caressed the boy’s downy cheek as Cody continued to bob his head up and down on his straining cock. He couldn’t believe this was happening, and he gripped the pendant which hung warm against his chest.

Cody released him from the warmth of his mouth and asked, “Am I doin’ it right?”

“Almost perfect,” Dave said. “If you want to do it even better, use your tongue while it’s in your mouth, especially on the tip, and apply a bit of suction while you’re doing that. Do you know what I mean?”

“Like a vacuum cleaner?”

“More like drinking from a straw,” Dave said.

Cody looked at the man’s cock dubiously and said, “It’s an awful big straw.”

Dave laughed. “Well, do your best, sweetie.”

Cody grinned. “That’s what my mom calls me.”

“Maybe it’s because of your sweet mouth,” Dave said.

“You really think I’m doin’ it good?” the boy asked. “Am I making you feel like an organism?”

Dave laughed. “It’s orgasm, and yes, if you keep it up I’ll have an orgasm and spray my hot cum right into your sweet little cocksucking mouth. Would you like that?” Dave asked surprised by his own language. He’d never imagined talking to a boy like that, but it just seemed to come out without thought.

“What do sperms taste like?” Cody asked uncertainly.

“Like the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. And guess what else?” he asked, having a thought.


“The more you suck my cock, the better your wiener will feel. Do you remember the feeling you got?” The boy nodded. “The more you suck me, the more your cute little wiener will feel good like it did before, and when my sperm shoots into your mouth you’ll have another orgasm. How does that sound?”

“It sounds great!” the boy said enthusiastically.

“Also,” Dave continued, “the more of my sperm you can swallow, the better and better your orgasm will feel, so try to swallow it all.”

“I will!” the boy said, and he immediately began sucking again.

This time Cody worked in the new instructions he’d been given, applying a nice suction as he bobbed his head up and down, pausing at the crown of Dave’s cock on each upward swing to swirl his eager little tongue around the sensitive cockhead.

Dave continued to caress the boy’s cheek with one hand, while running his fingers through Cody’s silky gold hair with the other. The slurping sounds Cody was producing were filling the room, as were the boy’s gasping breaths as he sucked air through his nose.

After a couple of minutes the boy released his cock long enough to gasp out, “It’s doing it! My wiener is feeling it again. The tickles!”

“If you keep sucking, you’ll get the feeling,” Dave assured him.

Cody needed no further prompting, immediately swallowing Dave’s cock again. The man could feel his climax coming. His balls were tightening between his legs and he was suffused with warmth. Suddenly gripping Cody’s face, he growled out, “Please relax your throat, Cody. You won’t choke, I promise. Just ignore the choking feeling.”

Then, not sure if it would work or not, Dave began to push forward. He pressed deeper and deeper, waiting for the boy to choke on his cock, but after a few moments his groin was pressing against the boy’s lips and the last third or so of his cock was throbbing inside the boy’s throat, which rippled around him.

Slowly then, and soon after with increasing speed, he began to fuck the boy’s mouth. His balls were swinging, slapping against Cody’s chin. Cody was moaning around Dave’s cock, and the man imagined it had to do with his suggestion that his own cock would feel good. A glance showed that the boy wasn’t even touching himself, just sitting there passively while Dave worked his cock aggressively in and out of the kid’s sweet mouth.

Finally his hips stuttered and he thrust forward one last time, pressing himself forward roughly while he unloaded his balls into the boy’s throat. Cody choked once and then gasped, closing his mouth more tightly around Dave’s cock, his throat rippling as he worked to swallow the man’s gushing cum.

Eventually Dave felt a final dribble leave his cock and he slid backward, his spit-soaked erection already fading. Cody looked up at him with pleasure-clouded eyes. Dave swiped the head of his cock against the twelve-year-old’s slightly parted lips, leaving a last smear of hot cream behind. Cody’s little pink tongue snaked out, eagerly lapping it up, shivering as he did so. A glance showed Dave that the boy’s cock was still desperately stiff and twitching between his legs.

Exhausted for the moment, Dave crawled onto the bed. A few soft words and Cody joined him. He cuddled the boy against him, gently caressing his soft skin, reveling in the warmth and nearness of him, inhaling his boyish scent. Dave decided this was the best day of his life. A glance at his bedside clock made him wonder where the time had gone.

4:48 pm.

Seventy-two hours and Dave Bingham had a different life.

End of chapter two

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Minding the Children – Chapter 1

Minding the Children – Chapter 1
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Dave Bingham looked up at the clock and fought a sigh. 4:42pm. He was sure the day would never end. If someone had asked him, he’d have sworn at least twenty minutes had passed since he’d last glanced at the clock. It had only been three.

His phone rang. “Sunstate Solutions, this is Dave, how can I help you?” he inquired with false cheeriness. He listened while the customer tried to explain how important it was that he print up a vital report and how the printer wasn’t working and if it wasn’t fixed someone was going to pay. After about five minutes Dave determined that the printer wasn’t turned on and instructed the customer how to switch on the power button. The man did so and rather sheepishly hung up the phone.



Dave trudged up the stairs to his apartment, both hands weighed down with plastic bags of groceries from the local FoodMart. He was trying to decide if he’d go for the Salisbury steak or the pasta Alfredo. He’d had shells in sauce the night before, so decided the Salisbury steak would win. He figured he’d lose either way. Microwave dinners left no winners.

As he was walking toward his door there was a flurry of sound and activity up ahead. Cody Martin came tearing up the exterior corridor on his skateboard. The twelve-year-old wasn’t supposed to ride it in the breezeway, Dave knew. He’d heard the boy’s mother tell him so often enough. Cody was that kind of kid though; not mean-spirited or obstinate, but rambunctious and carefree and not much of one for rules.

Cody and his mother, Lynn, lived three doors down from Dave. They would say hi to each other, but Dave had never allowed it to go beyond that. He barely even acknowledged the boy. Case in point, Cody came a stop at his own door, kicked up his board so that it hopped into his arms as if by magic and gave Dave an enthusiastic wave and a friendly ‘hey!’ Dave gave the boy a casual nod and fished his keys out of his pocket, ignoring him. Despite Dave’s ambivalence, Cody always greeted him warmly. He was that kind of kid.

Unlocking his door, Dave cast a last surreptitious glance at the boy from the corner of his eye. Cody was beautiful, with his shaggy blond hair and gorgeous pubescent features that were just starting to turn more handsome than pretty. Dave imagined the boy must barely be into puberty. He was small yet, slender, but his voice had that timber of a boy who’s not quite a child anymore. His legs were practically shooting out of the cuffs of his jeans, speaking of a recent growth spurt. The days he saw Cody were about the best days Dave had, but he knew that way lay trouble, and he avoided contact like the plague.

In his apartment, Dave put away his few groceries and then went to his room to get changed. He ditched the slacks and shirt, putting his tie in a little plastic turning rack in his closet. He didn’t understand why they were forced to wear shirts and ties at work when they were never seen by the public, but he figured the powers that be imagined that looking professional meant their employees would act professional. Dave figured that was asking a lot of people who basically worked in a cheap call center.

Seven years before, a suit and tie had been par for the course. He’d been an up and coming attorney; a young hotshot with a fantastic career ahead of him. Then he’d gotten involved with a coworker’s thirteen-year-old son. It wasn’t something he’d planned. The kid was definitely the aggressor, and Dave found out later he wasn’t even the first of the boy’s conquests. That was the only thing that kept him out of prison.

The whole thing was quietly swept under the rug, but there were whispers and he’d been blacklisted at every law firm he’d tried to find work at since. The whispers had even followed him all the way south to Georgia. Nobody would touch him. They might not know why, but they knew he was radioactive. So now he spent his days telling morons how to do basic computer troubleshooting. Living the high life.

Dave grabbed shorts and a t-shirt from his dresser and paused in front of the mirror there. He was thirty-three now. His blond hair was beginning to thin a bit on top. He was twenty pounds overweight. Okay, thirty. He grabbed his little pouch belly and lifted it. It jiggled a bit when he released it. On a whim, he pushed his briefs down to mid-thigh. His cock dangled there, about two inches long at the moment, on the slim side. So dangled was probably a bit of wishful thinking. More accurately, it just poked out a bit. He was circumcised and the head was pink among the light brown curls of his pubic hair. He was more a grower than a shower, and he’d get to five-and-a-half inches when hard. Dave often reassured himself that it was technically above the average of five point two inches, but being six-foot one, it seemed smaller than it might have on a smaller guy. He looked down. At least he could still see it. Mostly. He let out the breath he’d been holding and it disappeared from view. Giving it an idle squeeze, he pulled his briefs back into place and pulled on the shirt and shorts.


The next day was Saturday. Dave was grateful. He wasn’t sure he’d have been able to take another day at work. He’d hoped to sleep in, but the rumbling of a skateboard over the pebbled surface of the walkway outside told him that Cody was once again flying in the face of his mother’s rules about skating in the corridor. Dave didn’t mind. It was pleasant to think of the boy out there, his wheat-colored hair flying behind him, his youthful body working as he sped up and down outside his apartment.

Dave wasn’t sure why he liked boys. He’d never been molested or anything like that. He was pretty sure that was just a myth anyway. The world would be full of boylovers if that were the case. In fact he’d had a very happy childhood. His parents had split when he twelve, but it had seemed amicable enough to him and his little sister. They still saw plenty of their dad, and his parents were always nice to each other, never talking bad about the other.

Dave had played around with boys when he was that age, and even later, but he also remembered liking girls. He’d been a very attractive boy, but he’d always been shy around girls. Boys were just easier to understand. As he got older, the other boys outpaced him physically. By the time he was eighteen and graduating high school, he barely looked a day over fourteen. He figured that was probably at least a factor in his attraction to young boys still at the age of thirty-three. That’s what he told himself anyway.

He’d dated plenty of women. By twenty-one his body had caught up with his age and he was over six feet tall and in great shape with handsome features and fantastic hair. He was also in law school, with a promising future ahead of him. Still, his relationships with women had always been about sex and companionship, and he’d never had any real romantic feelings for any of them. Even during that time he thought about boys, but it wasn’t something he dwelt on, thinking it was just a quirk of his personality.

That was until he’d met Luke. Of course, that had turned out horribly, but being with the boy, caressing his young body, drinking in the sight and smell and feel of him, that small, beautiful cock, his perfect skin… it had changed everything. He’d barely thought of, or even looked at, a woman since then. His obsession now was purely with boys on the cusp of puberty.

It was a dangerous attraction, he knew. He didn’t find it at all difficult to control his urges, but the urges were there. As he lay there listening to that skateboard, his cock stiffened, just imagining what young Cody must look like naked, his beautiful young limbs, his delicate little penis. He reached down and grabbed himself.


Dave finished dressing in jeans and a polo shirt. He’d cum explosively in the shower, thinking about Cody. It wasn’t the first time. He knew it wouldn’t be the last. Grabbing his wallet and keys, he headed out the door. He needed to get out of his apartment for awhile. He wasn’t sure where, he just wanted out.

Sadly, Cody was nowhere to be seen. Dave reflected that it was probably for the best. Twenty minutes earlier he’d been furiously stroking his cock while thinking about sliding his lips down the length of the boy’s preteen penis. He wasn’t sure how he’d have reacted if he’d seen him at that moment. Would the boy be able to see the lust in his eyes?

In the parking lot Dave climbed into his car, a twelve-year-old Toyota Celica, blue except for the passenger door which was white after someone had backed into him in a parking lot. He’d never bothered to have it painted. Frankly, he couldn’t afford it.

The seatbelt was tight around the waist. Everything was tight around his waist these days. He didn’t like to think about how many pant sizes he’d gone up in recent years. He used to hit the gym at least four times a week. Now it had been at least four years since he’d even set foot in one.

He knew it was the depression. It really did mess with one’s head. Losing his career had been a huge blow. Coming to terms with the fact that he’d never be able to be with anyone sexually again was crushing. He was facing a lifetime of solitude and loneliness. He just had no interest in women any longer, and boys were certainly off limits. Sometimes it was all he could do to get out of bed.

Dave just drove. He had the radio on and the windows down. The days were warming nicely. It had been a long, cold winter. Soon it would be summer. He remembered the few times he’d dared go to the apartment complex’s pool the previous year. He’d watched Cody, then an eleven-year-old tornado of skinny arms and legs and flashing golden hair, through dark sunglasses, sure every adult there was thinking the same dark thoughts about him.

He drove aimlessly. He had no destination in mind. He lived in one of the more eclectic suburbs of Atlanta, a mix of bohemian creativity and hipster delusion. Finally he found a spot on an interesting street and pulled over and parked. The street was an interesting mix of cafes and shops, most of which would be out of business in the next six months, replaced by an identical shop selling counter-culture dreams.

He sat and had a cup of coffee, watching people in knitted wool caps and thick glasses hunched over iPads or huddled together, sucking on vape pens. He gathered from the conversations he overheard that Trump was the devil and the end was nigh. What did any of that matter when he was facing a lifetime of sadness? He paid for his ridiculously expensive coffee and left.

There were some really nice and interesting murals painted on the buildings in this section of town. Dave found himself just wandering, enjoying the warmth of the day and the creativity of the artists. Eventually he ran out of sidewalk. He decided to go over one block, to see if there was anything to see there on his walk back to his car.

He was disappointed. The main strip he’d just left had all the interesting shops and murals. Along this street were some small law firms, accountants, an older pizza joint, and other anonymous shops. He’d just decided to pass back, figuring that looking at the same murals a second time was better than looking at nothing but the psychic and tarot reader he was passing at the moment.

He went to the corner, planning on turning back to the main strip when he paused. On the corner was a pawn shop. It didn’t have the look of a normal pawn shop though. No cheap neon. No musical instruments in the window, or cheap watches. No promises of guns and electronics inside. In fact, while the place was labeled Eastern Promise Pawn, it looked more like an antique store. Some of the items in the windows were fascinating and seemed to be of high quality. Deciding to take a chance at a distraction, he entered.

Dave decided it definitely wasn’t your typical pawn shop. Not that he’d been in all that many, but he’d been in a couple, and driven past hundreds more. The place had a quiet feel to it, and smelled of incense and furniture polish. It wasn’t open and bright, but though it was crowded with furniture pieces, it didn’t feel oppressive. Instead it felt cozy. Everywhere he looked was another fascinating item, from gilt bird cages to exotic masks and statuary in jade and onyx.

He made his way through a somewhat narrow corridor of Eastern style dressing screens and came into an open area. Here were finally the display cases he’d expected, but even here he was surprised. Instead of cheap metal and glass, lit with strips of LED lights, these cases were obviously hand-made, with dark quality wood, lovingly shaped. The items they contained all looked like treasures.

“Hello to you,” said a voice. It was deeply accented.

Dave looked up to see a woman behind one of the counters. He’d have sworn she hadn’t been there a moment before and reasoned she must have stepped quietly through the dark curtain behind her which he surmised led to a private back area. The woman was older, perhaps in her late fifties or perhaps even older, yet she had a timeless feel to her. He guessed that she was Chinese, but he was no expert. She was dressed in an Oriental gown. Her hair was still black as pitch and tied up in a bun, which seemed to be held together with two jade chopsticks. Of course, he realized they probably weren’t chopsticks, but he wasn’t sure what to call them. He wondered if thinking they were chopsticks was racist.

“Uh, hello,” he said. “You have a beautiful shop.”

She smiled. “Thank you.” Then she waved him forward.

Dave stepped closer, eyes going to the shelves in front of her. There were small knives with decorative handles, more of the chopstick things, perhaps actual chopsticks this time, tiny figurines, necklaces, rings and fans. In fact, so many things that he was losing himself trying to take it all in, his eyes feasting on the rich and exotic nature of the items.

Finally, Dave realized he was being rude and he looked up a bit sheepishly. The woman was smiling at him indulgently. To his surprise, she reached forward and lightly patted the back of his hand, which was resting on the glass.

Dave began to yank his hand back, afraid he’d offended her by getting his fingerprints all over the glass, but she gripped his hand before he could pull it away. She had a surprisingly strong grip. Her hand turned, taking his hand in hers. She once again patted the back of his hand with her other, then she held him and searched his eyes.

“You very sad,” she finally said.

Dave wasn’t sure what she’d said. Or maybe he didn’t understand why she’d said it. “I…” he began.

The woman smiled sadly and shook her head. “So sad,” she said.

Then, with a final squeeze of his hands, she released him. She turned around, looking at a curio cabinet. She opened a door and selected a small wooden box. She looked back over her shoulder and caught Dave’s eye. She seemed to think for a moment, then she nodded once and closed the cabinet door.

Turning, the woman placed the small box on the counter in front of Dave. “Is very special,” she said. Dave found himself leaning closer. The woman lifted the lid and pulled it open. Inside was a necklace. The chain was gold, but what drew Dave’s eye was the pendant. It was a circle of jade, about the size of a quarter, and within was carved a Chinese character. Of course, Dave had no idea what it meant.

The woman lifted the chain from the box, allowing the pendant to rest against her palm, displaying it to him. Dave couldn’t have said why, but he was fascinated.

The woman said, “You buy. Two hundred.”

Two hundred dollars? Dave thought. I can’t afford two hundred dollars.

He didn’t hesitate however, immediately reaching into his wallet and handing the woman his Visa card. She ran the card on one of those antique card sliders and had him sign the slip. As she held up the necklace to him he reached forward to take it, but at the last moment she snatched it back. She gave him a very intense look.

“You a good man. Remember,” she said. Then she handed him the necklace.

Dave didn’t hesitate, immediately undoing the clasp and slipping it around his neck and clasping it again. He thought it was strangely warm against his skin, as if he’d already been wearing it. Before he could even thank her, the woman disappeared back behind the curtain. Dave took that as his cue and left the store.


Sunday had been a day of television and watching videos on YouTube. Okay, and reading the occasional boylove story on Nifty.

On Monday morning he once again forced himself to crawl out of bed and prepare for another day of boredom and humiliation. He wasn’t disappointed. He hadn’t been in his cubicle ten minutes when Gary Cook, his twenty-one-year-old supervisor, was hovering over him. Gary had a style to him that some might call slick, but Dave thought of as slimy. He was an okay looking kid, but he didn’t hesitate to abuse the small amount of power he had. Dave hated him.

The feeling was mutual. Dave had been working at Sunstate for a year. It was the latest fall from glory. He’d been working as an account executive for a bank prior to that, but somehow, through some insidious means, his employers had gotten wind that he wasn’t to be trusted. He’d been asked to leave. It wasn’t the first time. Dave was convinced that someone, likely Luke’s mother, was still poisoning his work relationships, all these years later. If so, the woman was holding a hell of a grudge.

Sunstate hadn’t yet gotten the word, or perhaps they simply didn’t care. He was in a tech support position, and there wasn’t much lower he could sink, considering his education. In fact, it was his education that was causing him problems with Gary the slime. The guy had somehow figured out that Dave used to be an attorney. Dave hadn’t advertised the fact. In fact, he hadn’t even mentioned it on his resume. Gary had no idea why Dave wasn’t working as a lawyer anymore, but he was sure it must be horribly embarrassing, and he seemed to delight in tormenting Dave about it.

“Looks like your numbers were down last week, Bingham,” Gary said, waving a stack of papers idly. “Call volume is important around here. Maybe you were busy preparing for a big case?” he smirked.

Dave felt himself tensing. This little shit was getting on his last nerve. Bad enough he had to work in this craphole; to have to deal with Gary Cook on top of it was just the booger on the shit sandwich.

Fed up, not even caring at this point if it cost him his job, Dave turned and growled, “Why don’t you piss off, Gary?”

Dave wasn’t sure what he was expecting. Anger? Would the guy storm off? Fire him on the spot? Get red in the face and wander off, unsure how to cope with someone talking back to him? There were any number of other scenarios Dave could have imagined, but he’d never have dreamed of what actually happened.

A strange look came over Gary’s face. He looked momentarily confused, then worried. Dave smelled it before he saw it, the odor of urine. Then he watched, stunned, as the left leg of Gary’s khaki slacks grew dark. Soon his crotch darkened as well, and piss began to run out of his pant leg, soaking into the guy’s shoes and socks before spilling out onto the carpet. Gary just stood there, stunned.

Dave jumped up, distancing himself. He was shocked. The kid was just standing there, pissing himself, almost glassy-eyed. “Gary?” he asked, nervously. “Dude? Are you okay? Are you… having a stroke or something?”

Finally Gary shook his head. He glanced downward, seeing his piss-stained pants. Then his eyes grew wide with shock and he clutched his crotch before realizing what he was doing and awkwardly wiped them on his shirt. Without a word, he turned and fled.

Dave watched him go, unsure what to say or do. He looked around, catching the faces of stunned coworkers, calls forgotten, headsets ignored while the man disappeared into the men’s room. Dave uttered what they were all thinking, in one form or another. “What the actual fuck?”

After another few stunned moments a few workers went back to calls in progress. Others set down their headsets and began to huddle together, whispering. Dave put some distance between himself and his cubicle, as if the piss stain on the floor were somehow his fault.

Eventually the incident drew the attention of management and a higher up came to investigate. Workers were briefly interviewed, then the woman, Kelly Cartwright, took Dave to a conference for his take on the incident. Dave told it as he’d seen it. While they were talking a girl came in and whispered something to Kelly. Dave heard her say something that included, “Send him home.”

After the girl left, Kelly asked Dave, “What do you think set the guy off? Have you seen anything off about him lately?”

Other than being a douchebag? Dave wanted to ask. Instead he shrugged and said, “It can be a stressful job I guess. Customers call with problems, so they’re always upset. I suppose that can get to someone after awhile.” Then he smiled to show he was joking and said, “You should send all of us home for the day.”

A strange look came over the woman’s face then, and after a moment she nodded. “Good idea,” she said. “Thanks, Mr. Bingham,” she said, and shook his hand.

Kelly led Dave out of the conference room and loudly announced to the room, “In light of the… incident today, we’re going to send you all home. With pay of course. Relax. Enjoy yourselves. Try to let the stress of the day and the job flow away. We’ll see you again tomorrow, recharged and ready to get to it. Have a nice day.”

The workers looked around at each other, shocked by the news. However, none were as shocked as Dave. A company like this, hell, especially a company like this, didn’t just send their employees home for the day. With pay? And she hadn’t even hesitated. She just took his suggestion as… Dave felt his eyes growing wide. It hadn’t hit him until that moment, but hadn’t he said something to Gary about pissing? Piss off, Gary. That’s what he’d said, and a moment later the guy was pissing himself. Okay, it wasn’t pissing off necessarily, more like pissing on, but still. What the hell?

Unconsciously, Dave’s hand went to the pendant around his neck. Was this really happening? Well, there was a way to found out, as outrageous as it all seemed. He’d approach the question scientifically. As he was gathering his things, readying himself to leave, he saw Al Johnson. Al was a nice enough guy, which is why he’d lent him the twenty bucks in the first place, but the guy always seemed to have an excuse when it came to paying him back.

Hurrying to catch up to Al’s retreating back, he touched the man on the elbow and said, “Hey, Al.”

Al stopped and turned, he had a slightly guilty look in his eyes, as he always did since getting the twenty he apparently had no intention of ever repaying. “Hey, Dave. Crazy, huh? Did you see Cook running for the jakes? Piss all over, man.” Then Al bonked himself on the forehead. “Of course you did. You were right there. That must have been freaky, man.”

“Yeah, it was nuts,” Dave allowed. Then, “Al, give me my twenty bucks.”

Al cringed a bit. “Man, I would,” he said, a wheedling tone in his voice, “but I had to give all the cash I had to my kid this morning for some field trip. I had to pack a lunch,” he said holding up a greasy paper bag as proof.

So much for that, Dave thought. Then he realized that maybe Al would have paid him back if he had the money and just couldn’t obey whatever weird mental waves Dave was conceivably sending because he was broke. Still, it was time he turned the screw a bit at the very least.

Dave sighed. “Alright man, but if you’re going to borrow some cash from someone you should really pay it back when you can.”

There was a brief flicker in the man’s eyes, and he shrugged. “You’re right, Dave.” He reached into his back pocket and withdrew his wallet. He pulled out two tens and handed them over. “Sorry about that. Hey, we’ll see you tomorrow, huh?” Then the man left, leaving Dave standing there with two tens and a shocked look on his face.


Dave sat in his car, trying to work it out in his mind. He was idly fingering his new necklace, rolling the pendant between his fingers as he thought. Evidence was beginning to stack up on the side of something actually happening. As fucking crazy as that was. Surely this wasn’t just a string of coincidences. If Dave assumed for the moment that something actually was happening, then what were the mechanics of it?

He’d told Al to give him his twenty bucks, and even though the man had the money, he’d been able to lie and say he didn’t. There was certainly no mental compulsion there. So how did that explain the other incidents? After all, Al had given him the money eventually. What had he said? He said that Al should pay him. That wasn’t really a demand. It was more of a suggestion for proper behavior. It was also a suggestion, although given in jest, that had lead Kelly to release everyone for the day.

What had he said to Gary? Dave strained to remember. Finally it hit him. He’d said, ‘Why don’t you piss off?’ Sure, it could be interpreted as an order, but it could also easily be seen as a suggestion. If Gary took it that way…

Dave stuck the key in the ignition. He had to do some field testing. He took off out of the parking lot, mind whirring. He’d been driving only a couple of minutes before he saw a cheap looking bar off the side of the road. It had the look of one of those places that attracted people who liked to start drinking at ten in the morning and were wasted by late afternoon. It was the sort of place he’d never go into normally.

Dave pulled into the parking lot, dust rising and pebbles pinging off the undercarriage of his car. A sign announced the place as The Dugout. The neon in the sign was already lit and he could see that the O was out in the sign. Taking a breath to steel himself, he entered the Dug ut.

The smell hit him immediately. Stale cigarettes and beer with an undercurrent of motor oil, body odor and cheap pine cleanser. There were six people in the bar; four customers, three rough looking guys who looked liked they were in for a liquid lunch, and one really old guy who look wedded to his stool. Behind the bar was a fat guy in his forties wearing a stained white t-shirt insufficiently stretched over an ample belly, a good portion of which was on display. Also behind the bar was a young, attractive woman. She looked maybe nineteen or so and had long brown hair. She was holding a pencil and apparently working on the books, given the stack of receipts before her.

Dave walked up to the bar and chose a stool. He looked around for a moment, working up his courage, then said to one of the rough looking guys, “Hey buddy, buy me a beer.”

The guy scowled at him. “Fuck off,” he said and went back to talking in a low voice with his buddies. There was chuckling.

“How about you?” Dave asked another guy at the table who was looking over at him. “Wouldn’t you like to buy me a beer?”

The guy looked momentarily confused, but he didn’t refuse outright. Instead he asked, “Why would I do that?”

Why would he? Dave wondered. “Because we’re old friends,” he answered. “You’d love to buy me a beer.”

The guy nodded and held up a hand. “Charlie, get my friend a beer.”

The other two guys at the table suddenly started to quietly question the guy. Dave could see him shrugging, apparently a bit confused. The fat guy behind the bar, Charlie, handed him a glass of beer with a suspicious scowl.

The first guy Dave had talked to suddenly rose from the table and walked over to him. Dave felt himself tensing. “Where the hell you know Drew from?” he asked, hooking a finger at the guy who’d bought him the beer.

“I told you,” Dave said. “We’re old friends.” Then he raised his voice to carry through the room and said, “Hey, we’re all good friends, aren’t we? You guys trust me completely.”

The look on the guy’s face changed immediately. Where he’d been scowling moments before, now a grin broke out on his face. “Hey man! How you been?” he asked. He squeezed Dave’s shoulder companionably. “You guys all know my friend, right?” Then he turned to Dave. “Man, I’m so embarrassed, but I forget your name.”

“It’s Dave,” Dave said.

“Dave!” the guy said happily. “Man, Dave, it’s so great to see you. How you been?”

Dave was thrilled. He didn’t know how or why, but whatever was happening was really happening. He wasn’t just imagining all this. These guys genuinely liked him. They were treating him like an old, dear friend. Just then, Dave glanced behind the bar at the girl. She gave him a friendly smile, but then went back to her books.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Dave asked her.

“Jenny,” the girl said with a smile.

“Hey, Jenny,” he grinned. “Why don’t you come and give me a kiss?”

The party atmosphere dimmed a little bit. There was a flickering of frowns through the smiles. Guy number one walked cautiously back to his seat, watching him. Dave had to tread carefully.

The girl asked, a bit confused, “Why would I do that, Dave?”

Dave thought carefully. He wanted to word this just right, not just for her, but for the suspicious men. “Hey, like I said, you trust me completely.” He judged the effect for a moment, then continued. “Plus, you’re really attracted to me, and all the guys would be happy if we hooked up.”

“Go get ‘im, Jen,” Charlie said with a grin.

Jenny smiled and ducked under the bar. She came right up to him and snuggled up between his legs then wrapped her arms around his neck. Then Dave had his first kiss in eight years. It wasn’t Luke with his hot little mouth, but the girl knew how to kiss and she was apparently eager for it. In spite of himself, Dave felt himself growing hard.

When the kiss broke, Jenny smiled and Dave swallowed nervously. “Hey guys,” Dave said, having to clear his voice twice to get it out. “Maybe you guys could turn around, give me and Jenny some privacy? I think that would make everyone happy.”

“Sure thing, Dave!”

“You got it!”

“Give it to her, Dave,” came the round of happy encouragement.

Dave leaned close to Jenny, who was still snuggled up against him. He whispered in her ear, “Would you like to suck my cock?”

Jenny seemed to think a minute. Then she shook her head. “Not right now, Dave.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked, confused. Shouldn’t she just want to dive in, as it were?

She looked around nervously. “We’re in the middle of the bar. My dad is right there. I’m really attracted to you, and I trust you, but…” and she trailed off.

Dave nodded, thinking. Then he said, “It’s perfectly fine to suck a cock in a bar, if you like and trust the guy. Your dad won’t watch, but he’s happy knowing you’re doing it. It’ll make him happy. Besides, you’ve never wanted to suck a cock as much as you want to suck mine.”

“Stand up,” she whispered, suddenly a bit frenzied.

Dave stood and she immediately attacked his belt and then the button and zipper on his slacks. She pushed his pants and briefs down. Then she sank to her knees in front of him and took his cock in her fist. Dave couldn’t believe how excited he was, considering she was a woman. His heart was racing. He gasped as she swallowed his cock.

“Do you like my cock?” he had to ask.

Jenny released him for a moment and leaned back, examining his stiffened penis. “It’s not very big,” she said, “but it looks nice. Easy to suck, which is great because I’ve never wanted to suck a dick as much as I want to suck yours.”

Dave took that with equanimity. He’d asked after all. Thinking a moment, he said, “Jenny? I have the most amazing cock you’ve ever seen. It’s beautiful and you want more than anything to pleasure it. It gives you pleasure to pleasure me.”

Jenny whined and doubled her efforts on Dave’s cock. He admitted to himself that he’d never had a better blowjob. Well, Luke was better, but only by dint of being a young boy and the excitement that brought. The kid’s technique was decent, but not on par with young Jenny.

Jenny released his cock, licking up and down the shaft, sucking at his balls. “I love your cock so much,” she practically sobbed. Dave noticed that her hand was rubbing furiously between her legs. He hoped her jeans didn’t get wet.

Dave didn’t last long. It had been too long since anyone had touched him and Jenny was too good. The weird sense of power he was experiencing was also completely new to him. Within only a couple of minutes he was spraying his load into Jenny’s throat. She swallowed it expertly, moaning all the while.

When she finally released him, she stood, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I’ve never cum like that,” she told him.

Interesting, Dave thought. To her he said, “You were wonderful, baby.” She smiled beatifically.

Then Dave realized that he was standing there in the middle of a dingy bar with his pants around his ankles and his penis slowly shrinking. He’d always been a bit uncomfortable being nude in front of men. He knew he was average in the dick department, but his height made it look smaller. So did the fact that he was a grower and thirty pounds overweight, so he avoided situations where he might be seen. Now he was standing here in the middle of a bar, letting it all hang out. Of course, nobody was looking but Jenny, who was still staring at it hungrily, so it didn’t mean much.

“You guys can turn around,” Dave said.

He waited for comments, but apparently his suggestion that they were friends kept them from saying anything. Not knowing why he was doing it, he said, “What do you guys think about my dick? You can be honest.” By now it had shrunk almost completely, and was once again just poking out a bit, not much more than three inches long.

The guys at the table looked at each other. Charlie was coming around the bar. The first guy Dave had talked to shrugged and said, “Pretty small, man, but it’s probably bigger when it’s stiff, so who knows? Looks alright.”

The third guy, who’s name Dave never heard, said, “Looks okay. Bit on the small side maybe.”

Drew spoke up, saying, “I’d suck it,” earning strange looks from everyone. Apparently just realizing what he’d said, Drew shrugged.

Charlie had just made it around the bar and stood a couple of feet away, looking down at Dave’s dick. “Bigger’n mine,” he said.

Jenny giggled. “It’s true,” she said. “My daddy has a little one.”

Charlie glared suspiciously at his daughter and she laughed. “How many times have I put your drunk ass to bed?” she asked. “You think I haven’t seen what you’re packing a few times.” She shrugged. “Anyway, Mom told me. She likes it though. Says it’s easy to suck.”

Dave pulled up his pants, and as he was zipping and buckling he looked around. He could see some suspicious glances being cast around. None directed at him, but he had the idea he’d stirred up some shit. There was also some quiet arguing between the guys, likely over Drew’s admission of being gay.

Feeling bad, he spoke up. “Guys, I’ve had a great time, I want to thank you for that.”

Everyone smiled and guy number one said, “Some more than others,” with a nod to Jenny, who smiled.

“I’m going to leave,” he said, to a chorus of disappointment. He held up his hands for quiet and got it. “When I walk out the door, I want you guys to forget I was here. Forget you ever saw me, and forget everything that happened while I was here. That sound good to everyone? It’ll be for the best.”

They seemed to think about it, but slowly they all began to nod. “Okay, so you guys just had your usual time, nothing unusual happened and now you’ll go back to your day like always.”

“Take care, Dave!” they all called, or words to that effect.

Dave walked out of the bar, a new, confident spring in his step.

End of Chapter one

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Okay, so there were no young boys cavorting around in the nude, but you can likely imagine where this is going, so stay tuned for part two. Also, I’ll let you in on a secret. The more emails I get the faster I tend to get the next part out. (okay, that’s a lie, but I really do like emails)

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