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Day: January 17, 2024 (Page 3 of 4)

Hearts and Bones

Hearts and Bones
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

It was night. Of course, it was always night. It had been night for over 500 years. But out here, so far from the lights and sounds of the city, the night seemed a living thing, thick, cloying. Julien walked silently down the quiet residential street, senses alert, searching.

If anyone were to glance out their window they’d have viewed an apparition… a slender boy on the brink of pubescence, seemingly floating down the middle of the road, so graceful were his movements. No gawkiness here. Julien walked like an old jungle cat, fluid, powerful, completely assured that he and he alone ruled this nightscape. A child alone at such an hour would be strange enough, but that would be the least of the oddities about the sight. To say he was pale would be a classic understatement; his skin was luminous in its whiteness, like the moon made flesh. The long hair, so rich in luxurious curls, was equally pale, a white so light and fine as to defy definition. Dressed in a long-sleeved black silk shirt, tightly cuffed at each slender wrist but left unbuttoned so that the shirt floated behind him like the wings of a bat, one caught occasional glimpses of his softly pink nipples, so frail in his smooth chest. The pants were of satin, cut low around slim hips and molded to his skin like paint. Soft leather boots encased each calf, reaching to just below his knees. The boy would have been a strange sight, indeed, had anyone been awake to observe him.

Julien had taken himself out of the city, with its noise and stink and violence. He told himself that he simply needed a break. He wasn’t running from anything. Certainly not from Ramos. Ramos wasn’t even 200. But he did have a following. And perhaps a strange relationship with the Watchers. Yes, he thought, perhaps it was a relationship indeed. But enough, he scolded himself. Time enough later to dwell upon such things. For now he craved peace and comfort. And companionship.

As he traveled along the quiet suburban streets he listened, his mind browsing through slumbering images of the sleepers around him, testing… tasting. Dreams and fancies and worries and fears, all were his to peruse. From such nocturnal mutterings he came to know something of those he passed, not just of their dreams but of their selves. At each house he passed he was able to discern the number of hearts that beat within, their approximate age, their sex, and even their state of health. To his left, an elderly couple, the male slowly being riddled with cancer. To his right, a young family; a pregnant mother, a father who was beginning to drink too much from the stress and responsibility of providing for a family, and a young girl, perhaps 4 or 5, who was blissfully unaware of the tumor that was growing in her cat. And then quite suddenly, there it was.

The boy shone like heat lightning on the horizon, his thoughts bright and alive and sensuous. Barely aware of his sexuality, his dreams were unfocused but powerfully, though vaguely, erotic. Even some distance away Julien could feel his body’s excitement.

The house was much like the others around it; a small ranch house in a quiet cul-de-sac. In the driveway sat a minivan and against the garage door leaned a boys bicycle. The house was dark, and beside the boy there was only a young woman within. Julien sensed she was in her early 30s and her dreams were untroubled.

Julien stopped at the front door, resting his forehead against the wood, sharpening his senses. To the woman he sent the suggestion to sleep, and he felt her sleep deepen. Then he turned his senses to the boy. Snippets of the boy’s dream flitted through his head, visions of naked flesh and hungry eyes. Julien focused his will, insinuating himself into the boy’s consciousness.

Wake, he willed. Awaken now.

Thirty feet away, through brick and plaster, Julien sensed the boy’s eyes flutter open. Calm, he sent, and felt the beating of the boy’s heart, racing as he pursued his erotic shadows, begin to slow.

Now come to me, he sent. Come to the door and let me in. You’ve been waiting for me. You’re happy to see me.

A soft rustle as bedclothes were pulled back. The quiet pad of small feet across carpet. The opening of a bedroom door. Footsteps closer and closer. Then as Julien stood waiting, the deadbolt was withdrawn and the door was pulled open.

The boy was perhaps 11 or 12. 12, Julien decided. He was a small boy; four foot nine, slender. His longish blond hair was sleep-tousled, and his soft blue eyes glazed with sleep and Julien’s compulsion. His eyes were large and his nose small and pert, giving him the appearance of one of those Japanese cartoon boys that had so recently amused the vampire. His lips were full and pink and soft. He wore only a pair of white briefs and his boyhood protruded, still half erect, a remnant of his dreams. The sight and scent of the boy, so fresh from his bed, caused Julien to shudder with anticipation and longing.

The boy smiled sleepily. “I’ve been waiting for you. I’m happy to see you.”

The Jedi, Julien thought with amusement, as he had since the 1970s and their birth, had nothing on vampires.

“May I enter your home?” Julien asked softly, withdrawing completely from the boy’s mind.

The boy blinked. He could refuse at this point. Permission had to be given without compulsion, but the confusion of the boy, his excited state from the dream, and the lingering effects of the previous compulsion were enough. “Sure… c’mon in.”

And then Julien was in the home and back into the boy’s mind. Verbal instruction was unnecessary. The slightest touch of Julien’s will was sufficient to guide the child back to his room. He had no desire to crush the boy’s mind, to make him a thrall. He exerted only the slightest influence, taking away the urge to question the situation and leaving him in a warm daze.

The room was typical of a young boy in this century, hung about with glossy posters of dinosaurs and super heroes, although his impending adolescence was reflected in the appearance of a teen idol or two. His impending homosexuality, not fully accepted yet by the boy, was evident in the fact that the teen idols were pretty, androgynous males. The double bed stood in one corner, sheets tangled, exuding the boy’s scent to Julien’s keen nose.

“Are we going to sleep now?” the boy asked, glancing between Julien and the bed, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Julien gazed at the innocent lad as he stood glowing in a luminous shaft of moonlight through the window. “What is your name?” he asked, while mentally smoothing the boy’s confusion. He removed a pair of ruby and onyx cufflinks and let his silk shirt slide coolly from his shoulders to flutter silently to the floor.

“My name’s Dylan. What’s yours?”

“I am Julien.”


“Julien. With a soft J.”

“Julien.” The boy smiled. “I like that. Julien,” he said again, wrapping his tongue around the unfamiliar French pronunciation.

Standing on one foot and then the other, Julien quickly removed his boots. With a quick shimmy he snaked out of his clinging satin pants. He wore no underwear.

Dylan eyes grew wide as he watched the other boy quickly undress. His eyes locked on Julien’s penis, where it hung pale and long from a hairless groin. He unconsciously licked his lips.

“You sure are white,” he said, wonderingly. “You look nice though.”

“You look wonderful as well, mon petit amour,” Julien breathed as he stepped forward and placed his hands on the other boy’s chest. He stood there for long moments, allowing the boy’s warmth to bathe against him, through him, suffusing him. Their eyes locked, innocent blue meeting knowing gray.

They were nearly the same height so Julien had only to lean forward to brush his cool lips against Dylan’s warm ones, and then to the other boy’s neck, nuzzling the warmth there, drinking in the twelve-year-old’s warm, boyish scent. Dylan gasped in surprised pleasure as he felt the boy vampire’s tongue lick at his neck. He lifted his hands to Julien’s sides and then his back, feeling the cool skin, like ivory or marble, slide under his trembling fingers. What a strange, wonderful dream, he thought.

Chest to chest, nipple to nipple, Julien teased himself, letting his small fangs scrape over Dylan’s exposed neck while he held the boy closer. Against his lips he felt the strong pulsing of the child’s carotid artery. Between their bodies he could feel the stirring of Dylan’s little penis, awakening from its brief slumber to poke hot and insistent against his groin. Dylan’s hands drifted along Julien’s slender back to his small firm ass, squeezing and caressing, pulling their crotches tighter together.

With a gasp Dylan felt the fangs sink into his neck. His small body trembled as Julien’s lips locked tightly against the throbbing vein in his neck, suckling him like a hungry puppy. There was only the briefest hint of pain before a pleasurable warmth began to spread from his neck, slowly encompassing his body.

Julien received the first spurt of the boy’s rich blood like a benediction, shuddering in ecstasy as the child’s warmth began to infuse him. In his chest his heart stuttered and then began to beat, quickly spreading the boy’s blood throughout his body, revitalizing and warming him. Between them, blood found its way to Julien’s penis, which began to lift and throb to match Dylan’s own.

Sated for the moment Julien began to lick at the twin punctures in the boy’s neck, an enzyme in his saliva quickly working to close the wounds. Dylan shuddered and sighed, shaky with a sort of lust he’d never encountered in his young life. He marveled as he stood there, chest to chest with this strange boy, feeling their hearts beat as one, feeling the insistent throb of Julien’s penis alongside his own. His mind was awhirl with pleasure and wonder.

After one last lick Julien trailed light kisses along the boy’s swan neck, along the soft curve of his jaw, to his soft, full lips. Dylan seemed startled for a moment by the kiss, his body tensing. Julien snaked his small tongue between the boy’s lips and felt the hesitant touch of Dylan’s tongue in return. He explored the warm cavern of the boy’s mouth, redolent of toothpaste and a hint of peanut butter, and then sighed in response as he felt Dylan’s tongue shyly protrude into his own mouth, sliding between his fangs, no doubt tasting the coppery-sweet tang of his own blood.

“Wha—what’s happening?” Dylan asked, catching his breath as he recovered from the kiss. His emotions were in an uproar even through the dreamy fog of his thoughts.

“Your reward, little prince,” Julien replied. “Repayment for your generosity.”

“I… I don’t understand.”

Relax, Julien sent, and the slight tension melted from the boy’s body.

It was Julien’s turn to explore the boy’s body, and he did so with hands and lips that had known the bodies of countless boys. Still, he thought, each boy was a surprise to him. Each one a rare pearl to be examined and delighted over. With hands that trembled nearly as much as those of the child before him, Julien traced the knobs of the boy’s spine, circling and caressing each one, lower and lower. He stroked Dylan’s tender flanks, fluttering with his breaths. High on his hips, a gathering of cloth between fingers and a slight exertion and the ruined briefs fell to the ground, leaving nothing between their bodies but air. Dylan didn’t even seem to notice. His eyes were shut, and his head tilted slightly back, his breathing shallow and rapid as he tried to contain the sensations traveling through his small body.

Fingers trailing lightly down each side, they reached down to hairless thighs, then around the back and up, lightly cupping then squeezing each pert buttock. Dylan, his eyes slowly opening and gaining some focus, leaned forward and once again found Julien’s lips. His own hands, fluttering uselessly at his sides, once again reached out to likewise rub tender ass flesh.

“I never did this,” he breathed.

“I will show you all, little one,” Julien smiled.

“Is this real?” Dylan then asked in his little boy voice.

“It is real. And it is a dream. Worry not, my love, I will leave you with a delicious memory.”

Julien turned the boy then lowered him till he was sitting on the bed. He then knelt between his legs and pushed his chest gently until he was leaning back on his elbows, his legs spread wide. Placing a hand on each thigh he gazed down upon the boy. Dylan stared back at him, heavy-lidded but eager. The boy’s chest rose and fell with each breath, his flat stomach showing some definition. Tanned flesh gave over to pale flesh below the child’s navel.

Cradled like a precious icon between his outstretched legs, his boycock stood stiffly, throbbing with every beat of his heart. Just four inches long and three quarters of an inch thick, the small morsel gleamed, covered in a surprising amount of pre-cum. The head was circumcised and Julien could see where the doctor had cut crookedly, leaving a slanting ring of tissue that the vampire found adorable. The small cockhead glowed pink and shiny in the moonlight. Below was a tightly wrinkled sac holding olive sized balls. Several small stray strands of golden hair covered the sac. The base of the boy’s pricklet was smooth and hairless.

Julien moved his hands to the boy’s hips and then leaned forward, licking the middle of his chest, tasting the sweat-slick flesh. Using his tongue he swiped a cool, wet line to Dylan’s left nipple. The boy gasped as he felt the warmth of Julien’s mouth close over that nubbin of flesh. Tongue whipping he quickly teased the pinkish tan nipple erect. Dylan then shuddered as Julien playfully bit at the pebbly flesh, his fang stopping just short of piercing the tender nub.

To the other nipple then, while his body sank against the boy’s, Dylan’s fevered prick pressing insistently against his chest, slicking him with his copious outpouring of pre-cum. Julien then playfully bit and licked and kissed and suckled his way down along Dylan’s quivering stomach, his tongue stopping on its downward trek only long enough to plunge and swirl into the boy’s small, taut bellybutton, causing the twelve-year-old to squirm.

Carefully skirting the object of his desire, Julien allowed his tongue to trace a path down along that pale groin until he found the moist cleft where thigh met trunk. The vampire then lifted each small ankle, bringing both up to the mattress, forcing the boy to lie back. Between virgin thighs Dylan’s small scrotum sat, tight and quivering. Watery pre-cum had carved a path of wetness to either side of the small sac, at the juncture of each thigh. And just below that, moist and pink and untouched, crouched the boy’s tiny rosebud.

Julien’s head darted once again between the boy’s legs. Sticking out his tongue he leaned forward slowly until it contacted one of those trails of pre-cum. Boy and vampire sighed as contact was made, the boy with sensation, and the vampire in epicurean delight. There was a sweet bitterness to a boy’s pre-cum when he was at a certain age; just into pubescence, but not yet into adolescence. As the diminutive vampire’s tongue lapped up his bounty, he tried to ignore the powerful pull of Dylan’s femoral artery, so tantalizingly close. Then his tongue found that sensitive area between a boy’s balls and his asshole, and he smiled as Dylan gasped and shuddered, releasing more boyish wetness.

Lower still, tongue skipping lightly over the tightened sphincter, feeling it contract as the boy moaned in fevered ecstasy. Swirling and tasting and pushing lightly. Then swirling and pushing again. Until finally, preternatural tongue slipped into preteen anus.

A vampire as old as Julien enjoyed a certain amount of control over his physical form. He couldn’t turn into a bat, or a wolf, or deconstruct himself to form a mist; such things were the stuff of fantasy. However, his vampiric flesh could be molded to a degree. While he couldn’t gain enough mass to form an adult body, he could change the shape of his face if he wished, taking on the appearance of another boy altogether. On a few occasions he had even formed himself small breasts and dressed as a girl, using his ‘feminine’ wiles to lure a few lecherous men to their doom. His hair, white as the soft downy feathers on a dove’s breast, was pure affectation, his one concession to vanity. His own blond hair, so long now without the touch of the sun, was the palest of yellows. The cupid’s bow mouth, the large, liquid gray eyes, the perfection of cheek and brow and jaw, all blending into a face at once innocent and wholly sensual, was his by nature.

Julien used that ability now to lengthen his tongue, spearing it inwards into Dylan’s sweaty center, swirling and twisting, making the boy writhe and moan. He thickened it too, filling the boy’s ass to just this side of uncomfortable. Then withdrawing and reverting to regular size, he licked back up and over the sensitive perineum and finally up under the taut nutsac.

The young boy’s thighs were trembling as Julien allowed his feet to lower back towards the floor. Meanwhile his tongue lightly explored the boy’s wrinkled scrotum. His tongue swirled and prodded each small testicle, wetting and sliding along each tiny wrinkled groove. With very little effort he was able to take the entire sac into his mouth, sucking lightly. Dylan clutched handfuls of sheet while his body shook and he whipped his head from side to side.

His pale fingers making the whiteness of Dylan’s groin seem tan in comparison, Julien reached forward and slid a hand beneath the boy’s quivering penis. He sensuously rubbed the pre-cum he found there into the smooth skin. Then, pressing lightly against the base, caused Dylan’s penis to lift upward. Gently releasing the small tender balls, he rasped his tongue slowly up the short length of prepubescent cock.

“Are you gonna… oh man, you are. Oh man,” Dylan whispered.

Julien’s tongue explored the delightfully crooked remnant of foreskin, then swirled expertly around the small, tender head. Moaning himself, he lapped at the small, leaking pisshole, forcing his tongue into the tiny slit. Then he wrapped his lips around the small spongy head and applied suction until Dylan sobbed with pleasure. Downward then in a slow, sensual journey only inches in length but long, teasing minutes in the making. All the while Julien took special care to keep the boy from cumming, seeing how long he could keep him on the precipice without allowing him to spill over. Walking the razor’s edge. Only preternatural senses allowed such a delicate balance.

Finally, reaching the gloriously smooth base, Julien took a few long moments just to revel in the sensation of having the whole of Dylan’s boyhood in his mouth. Such a feeling of power, given and received. And a feeling of responsibility, holding the tender stalk within, protecting it, worshiping it. Julien realized centuries ago that he worshiped at the idol of boyhood. And who better to do so than the very avatar of youth? And if boys were his religion, then the penis of a young boy was at the very core of its doctrine. The Eternal Font of Youth. The Scepter of Grace. The Rod of Nobility. And as the High Priest of his religion, he prepared to receive the Sacrament.

Lips firmly locked, Julien began to move up and down, allowing the young cock to piston in and out of his mouth. With his left hand he reached out to rub and squeeze Dylan’s pert nipples, while with his right thumb he began to press against his rubbery sphincter. Dylan spread his legs wider while his hands found Julien’s head. He began to thrust his slim hips upward, trying to match the rhythm of the vampire’s sucking mouth.

With a last push, Julien’s thumb speared into the tight anus, and with a cry Dylan’s hips thrust upward and locked into place, pressing insistently against Julien’s mouth, quivering while his young cock exploded. Julien felt the first searing blast of thin boyish cum splatter the back of his throat and he groaned as he was bathed in spurt after spurt… four… five… then growing weaker as Dylan grunted and ground his crotch against his face. Then with a gasp he collapsed back to the bed, his spit and cum-slickened cock shining wetly in the moonlight, panting.

Mouth still filled with watery boycum, Julien slid his body up and over Dylan’s until he was once again chest to chest with the small blond. He lowered his lips to his panting mouth and allowed a few dribbles of youthful nectar to drip between his parted lips. Dylan groaned and wrapped his arms and legs around the vampire, pressing his mouth to Julien’s, eager little tongue exploring, tasting. Julien shared the boy’s bounty, his mind awash in the boy’s pleasure.

Julien at last managed to separate his thoughts from those of the boy. But it was only with difficulty; Dylan’s thoughts were so primal, his pleasure so all-encompassing. Gently untangling himself from the boy’s clinging limbs he sat back and simply stared. Still locked in the fiery afterglow of his orgasm, Dylan hugged himself and rocked gently from side to side, smiling and mewling.

With gentle hands Julien rolled the boy until he was lying on his stomach, his still hard cock pressing wetly against the mattress. Sliding off the end of the bed Julien took into his hands Dylan’s left foot. He brought it to his face, first smelling, then licking the sensitive sole. Dylan giggled and squirmed. Julien slid his tongue between each toe, then took them one by one into his mouth. Dylan’s giggles turned to groans.

Julien licked around the boy’s ankle, then slowly began journeying upward. There was the lightest bit of golden down on each slim calf. Behind the knee, Julien once again paused to feel the beating of Dylan’s strong pulse against his lips. Then upward once again, over smooth, hairless thighs.

Settling himself between Dylan’s outstretched legs, Julien used his thumbs to gently spread the twelve year old’s small cheeks. Dylan shuddered as he felt the vampire’s hot breath across his tiny puckered asshole. Pushing his face into that gentle cleft, Julien once again assaulted the virgin hole with his tongue. He ravished the boy with his tongue, licking, sucking, probing. Then when he felt the boy was prepared, he sat back and stared. The tiny pink mouth dilated on its own, hungry now.

Gently easing a pillow under the boy’s hips, Julien crawled up the bed and covered Dylan’s body with his own. His stiff penis, only a bit larger than Dylan’s at nearly five inches and just an inch thick, throbbed as it rested in the sweaty cleft of the boy’s ass.

“Are… are you gonna do it,” Dylan asked breathlessly. “Are you gonna put in me?”

Oui, méchant,” Julien murmured, laying his lips close behind the smaller boy’s ear, feeling his damp blond curls against his cheek.

“Will it hurt?” he asked, worry seeping into his voice.

“I promise you it will not,” Julien breathed.

“I never…”

“Shhhh, I know.”

Julien began to move his hips, sliding his cock along the valley between Dylan’s pert asscheeks. Then reaching down he grasped his stiff penis and, skinning back the foreskin, set the small spongy head at the entrance to the boy’s ass. He could feel Dylan shudder under him in anticipation. Tensing then, Julien pushed forward, harder, harder, until the head of his cock slipped past the tightly muscled ring of the small boy’s anus.

Dylan gasped. “It’s in me!”

“Almost chou-chou. Almost.” So saying, he pushed forward, gently filling the boy with this slim cock.

“Filling me up,” Dylan whispered in wonder.

Finally Julien could go no further. He was encased in fiery flesh. Dylan’s ass sucked at his cock, milking him. He groaned. Sliding his hands along the boy’s forearms he wrapped his hands over Dylan’s, interlocking their fingers. Then he began to move.

To Julien this was a dance. A ballet of the flesh. The choreography of lust. Each move was precise, calculated to bring the most pleasure to both partners. To Dylan it was nothing so structured. To the virgin boy it was elemental and chaotic. Like being caught up in the ocean, twisted and churned by the surf, crashed against the shore only to be taken back out to sea, caught in a riptide, drowning in sensation.

Julien’s hips moved, driving his cock in and out of Dylan’s little ass. Much as he had earlier sensed the boy, he sensed his impending climax, like heat lightning on the horizon, distant but growing in power. His ears were full of Dylan’s breathless gasps and his own bestial little grunts, of the slap, slap, slap of their sweaty bodies as they each rushed toward orgasm.

Closer and closer. Julien felt himself losing control. His mind was being assaulted by the primal beat of Dylan’s thoughts. Sex and skin and sweat and blood. And blood. At the crest of the wave Julien was rolled under. As his orgasm crashed over him he savagely sank his fangs into the side of Dylan’s neck. As his own bloodied emission spurted into the boy’s ass, he drew Dylan’s lifeblood into himself, a circle of blood and life and death.

It was the small boy’s pitiful moan that finally brought Julien to his senses. One moment he was lying on top of the boy, fangs in his neck, cock still pulsing in his ass, and the next he was standing, back to the wall across the room, staring in fear and horror. The boy still breathed and Julien threw out his senses, desperately analyzing Dylan’s condition. Finally he sensed that the boy wasn’t quite as damaged as he’d feared, but still dangerously weakened.

Julien collapsed in relief, all strength running out of his body. With what seemed a colossal effort he crawled back onto the bed and pulled the child into his arms, unnerved by how doll-like he seemed. He smoothed his hands over the small frail body, whispering his apologies to him, promising him all would be well. He licked at the boy’s neck, closing the ragged wound, deeply ashamed at having lost control.

Julien couldn’t remember the last time something like this had happened. He was always fully in control of himself. While it was true that he hadn’t had a boy in quite awhile, it was no excuse for losing himself like that. He was no neophyte bloodsucker. Perhaps his frustration and fear, yes fear he finally admitted to himself, with his own current situation had gotten the better of him. Holding the boy close, warming him, being warmed by him, he vowed that he would run no longer.

The End

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Wrote this way back in 2005. Needed a little sprucing up, so here is a newly edited version for your enjoyment. If you do come across this story, please consider leaving me a comment at rwxxx13@yahoo.com. I love hearing from people who’ve enjoyed my stories.
As you can see, the story is begging to be continued.  Hoping to get to that soon.  I think Julien’s tale isn’t yet finished.  Hope you enjoyed him.  Please drop me a line if you liked it at 

Edit by Jason:
Yes, really! The End. No more chapters will follow. Not written by me, nor by Rwxxx13. Sadly, he passed away and will never write another story or chapter. Even though I think it deserves a decent ending, I’ll never write and end to it. I don’t want to touch this genius writer’s work, because I know I’ll never do it justice. But please! Feel free to do so yourself, and send it to me and I might end up posting it here!

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – part 5

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – Part 5

The next morning the first thing I became aware of was the most wonderful feeling in my groin. My eyes fluttered open to darkness, but I thought I was still dreaming. It took me a moment to realize that what I was taking for darkness was actually the black cloud of my aunt’s long hair spread across my lower body.

Sensing I was awake, Donna lifted her head and her hair spread like a curtain to reveal her face. Her eyes were dancing with mischief, and her lips were spread in an O around the tip of my cock. She released me with a grin and then circled my cockhead slowly with her tongue. “Morning, Tiger,” she said softly.

“Uh… good morning,” I answered.

“I needed a little treat this morning,” she said, licking sensuously from my balls to the tip of my dick.

“What about-” I began, but she interrupted and said, “Don’t worry, I haven’t woken Jimmy up yet. We have a few minutes just for ourselves.”

With that, Donna rose to her knees. She was naked. She artfully straddled my hips and with a quick movement lifted my cock and then settled down onto it. I groaned as my prick sank into the intoxicating heat of my aunt’s vagina. She rode me gently, her hands pressed to my chest, her hips rising and falling, undulating, twisting, grinding her hairy cunt against my pubic bone.

I began to lift my hips to meet her downward thrusts, adding my own power to our coupling. My hands gripped her hips, pulling her down onto my cock. “That’s it, baby,” Donna moaned. “Fuck me, angel.”

This was a different kind of screwing than I’d grown used to. This was slow and sensual. The feelings built slower, but somehow more powerfully. I wanted to speed my thrusts, but Donna used her body to prevent it, to keep me at a slow, steady pace.

Still maintaining her rhythmic bouncing on my cock, Donna grabbed my wrists and pushed my arms up over my head. Then she attacked my neck, lightly biting and sucking me. She kissed and licked her way down my shoulder and into my left armpit. There she licked long, slow swathes across the hairless skin.

“I love that you don’t have any hair here,” she breathed, her tongue lapping. I was surprised it wasn’t ticklish, but it just made me squirm in pleasure.

“Because you like little boys,” I said softly.

“Because I like little boys,” she cooed. “Beautiful, delicious little hairless boys.”

“Is that why you and Jimmy…” I began, but left the rest unsaid.

Donna stopped bouncing on my cock. She sat back, looking pained. “I know that’s wrong,” she said softly. “He’s my son. And he’s so young still. It just started by accident. I was washing him and not even really paying attention when I made him come. After that, I swore to myself it would never happen again, but he got so upset when I refused to give him ‘the feeling’ that I just kept doing it whenever he wanted. Now… it’s different. He’s my baby, and I’m making him feel good. But it will never go further than that, Tommy. I mean it. It’s bad enough I’m sitting here with my nephew’s cock inside me. I won’t ever do that with my own son.”

“Well,” I grinned. “At least you have me,” I said, and then I flexed, making my cock jerk inside her.

“I have you,” she smiled, “and your delicious little cock.”

“My boycock,” I teased.

“Yes, angel, your perfect little boycock.”

Then she started to fuck me again, but this time her movements were more desperate and it wasn’t long before we were each panting heavily, the wet, messy sound of our sex growing louder. I felt my orgasm begin to erupt and I gave out a painful sounding yelp. Knowing I was coming put Donna over the edge and we writhed together, sharing our ecstasy.

Afterward, sweaty and panting, Donna lifted herself off me and stood unsteadily at the side of my bed as she grabbed her robe and tied the belt around her waist. Then she bent over and gave me a short but sound kiss on the lips. “You’d better get into the shower before you get dressed, Tiger. Wouldn’t want you going to school smelling like pussy.”

I grinned. “Maybe I would.”

She reached down and grabbed my balls. “Up or they’re mine,” she teased.

I got up and headed naked into the bathroom for a quick shower while she went to wake Jimmy. By the time I finished and got dressed for school and headed downstairs, Jimmy was already at the breakfast table eating. Donna gave me a conspiratorial wink as she handed me a plate and I sat to eat.

After breakfast I prepared to leave for school while Jimmy ran upstairs to the bathroom. Donna caught me at the door before I could leave and she caught me in a heated kiss while her hand squeezed my cock through my Levis.

“I’ll see you later, Tiger.”

School that day was a bit of a disappointment. Billy and I met before 1st period, but he informed me that he wouldn’t be around for gym because his mom was picking him for a dentist appointment. That also meant he wouldn’t be coming over to my house after school. It made for a boring day, as I didn’t have anything to look forward to. Well, other than sex with Donna later. I hoped.

I wasn’t looking forward to gym. It just wouldn’t be the same without Billy to talk to and laugh with. I was all alone as I changed into my gym clothes. I’d say it was a uniform, since we all had to wear the same colors, but you could wear any type of shirt and shorts as long as they were the right color. I had on a plain, white, tight-fitting Fruit of the Loom t-shirt tucked into a pair of blue cotton gym shorts, which also fit pretty tightly, hugging my small package. My shoes were Converse high-tops. Not cause I played basketball, but just because I thought they looked cool. My white tube socks, which rose nearly to my knees, had blue stripes, to match my shorts.

In gym that week we were doing some sort of Presidential fitness thing. You had to choose between 4 programs to do, A through D, A being the hardest. I picked A, because I thought I was pretty athletic. It was mostly running and jumping and chin-ups and push-ups. Stuff like that.

The hardest part of the A program was the rope climb. You had to shinny up a thick rope and slap the steel ceiling beam, 20+ feet above. I actually thought the rope climb was pretty easy, since there were big knots every few feet to help you, but it scared most kids.

The President’s thing was a co-ed activity, so all the kids were gathered around the mats with Mr. Patton and Ms. Wallace, the girl’s gym teacher. Usually boys and girls had their own activities on their respective sides of the gym.

Anyway, when it was my turn the for the rope climb, I admit I was showing off a bit. I went up the rope like a monkey, and within seconds I was slapping the ceiling beam from a dizzying height. Then I started back down the rope with the goal of going down even faster than I’d gone up. That’s sorta where I had a problem.

I was nearly all the way back down, and I could already hear the cheers of my peers when my feet missed the last knot and I lost my grip. I instinctively wrapped my thighs tightly around the rope and reached out to hug the rope with my arms, which worked. Sorta. I caught the rope right against my crotch, which allowed me time to grab the rope again, but I was still sliding down fast and when I hit that knot, it was right on my nuts. The shock of the pain made me lose my grip with my hands and I fell the last 4 or 5 feet and landed flat on my back on the mat, driving the air out of my lungs.

I lost a few moments then, concerned with the state of my balls and the fact that I couldn’t get a decent breath. My hands were cupping my abused nuggets and I was rolling around, gasping like a fish out of water. I sensed Mr. Patton over me, and heard him talking to Ms. Wallace, and then I was being lifted and carried away.

I finally got a decent breath as we passed out of the big gym double doors. We were then in the short hallway to the locker-room and I told Mr. Patton that I was ok, and that he could put me down.

“Well, we’re almost here now, so just hold on,” he told me.

I found myself with the urge to reach out and grab the silver whistle hanging around his neck and blow, it, but I restrained myself. Mr. Patton turned and used his back to open the door to the locker-room, exposing us to the smell of disinfectant and feet. Then we were in his office and he was carefully helping me down to stand on my own.

“You’re sure you’re ok?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Ok, well let’s just be sure,” he said. Then he sat in his office chair and he reached out to pull the front of my t-shirt out of my shorts and slid his hand up underneath where he pressed his warm hand against my chest. His other hand rested against my back. “Breathe,” he instructed.

I took a deep breath, to show I could. He moved his hand to the other side of my chest and asked me to breath again. Then his hand was on my stomach. His hands were really big. Mr. Patton was about 6 feet tall and he had big hands and very hairy arms. I could feel his arm hairs on my belly.

Mr. Patton patted me on the stomach and smiled. “Ok, all feels good,” he said, and I relaxed. “Now about your other injury,” he said. “It all… feels ok now?” he asked.

I nodded nervously. He was talking about my balls. “I think I feel ok now,” I informed him.

“No soreness?” he inquired earnestly.

I shrugged. “Maybe a tiny bit,” I allowed.

“Well, we’d best check, to be on the safe side,” he said.

I swallowed nervously. He wanted to check? My balls?

“Just relax,” he said soothingly, reaching out to hook his thumbs into my shorts on both of my hips. “We’ll just make sure everything is ok and get you back to class.”

“But, I – ” I began, but it was too late. With a gentle tug, my shorts and underwear were down around my knees.

Mr. Patton stared at my crotch. I saw him bite his lower lip. Then he swallowed. “E-everything looks ok,” he said, emphasis on the word looks. He planted a smile on his face and looked up and said, “You racked yourself pretty good, huh?”

I nodded slowly. Mr. Patton was acting weird. In fact, Mr. Patton was acting a bit like my Aunt Donna, the first time she’d seen me naked in the bathtub.

“Never can be too careful,” he said, eyes back on my crotch. Then he reached out and put his hand between my thighs, making me spread my legs a little. My shorts fell the rest of the way to drape over my Converse. Then Mr. Patton was gently cupping my small, hairless nuts.

I gasped a bit at the contact, even though I was expecting it. My balls seemed really small in Mr. Patton’s big hand, but his hand was warm and very gentle. He pulled my balls out away from my body a bit, and carefully rolled them around, lightly squeezing them. Then his other hand reached out and and gently picked up my dick and moved it to the side.

“We’ll have to move Little Tommy off to the side, so I can see,” he explained. “Not that he’s all that little,” he went on, his voice oddly higher than normal. “You’re a good size for your age, Tommy. You’re not yet thirteen are you?” He was talking really fast. “You already have some hair down here. That’s nice. I hadn’t noticed before. They’re very light.”

He’d noticed my crotch? Was everyone watching my crotch?

“No pain?” he asked, his voice a bit tight. I could feel his hot breath wafting over my crotch, and then I felt a twinge in my dick. I knew what that twinge meant.

“I think I’m fine, Mr. Patton,” I said worriedly.

“Well, we just want to be sure,” he said. “An injury like this can sneak up on you. Oh!”

He felt what I knew he’d feel and I cringed in embarrassment. His left hand let go of my dick and it dropped downward, only to bob twice and then to rise again. I saw Mr. Patton’s eyes widening as my pubescent cock grew right before him.

“Th-that’s perfectly normal, Tommy,” he said, eyes locked on my growing penis. He licked his lips again. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens to all boys.”

It seemed it didn’t just happen to boys. A glance downward showed me a straining bulge in Mr. Patton’s tight blue shorts. His weren’t gym shorts like the boys wore, but had pockets and a zipper. Real shorts. Still, I could see a rising projection there. My own cock reached it’s full length, quivering with hardness, pointed straight up at the ceiling.

Mr. Patton’s hand was still on my balls, but I realized he wasn’t examining so much as caressing them now. That wasn’t helping my boner at all. Mr. Patton didn’t say a thing.

“Mr. Patton?” I said helpfully.

“Oh!” His eyes rose to meet mine, and then dropped again to my cock. “I…” he swallowed, nervously I thought. “Nothing to embarrassed about, Tommy,” he repeated a bit dazedly. “Perfectly normal.” He went on staring and caressing my ballsac.

“I think I’m ok,” I said, hoping he’d get the hint. Was my dick magic or something? Everyone that saw it seemed to go all glassy-eyed.

“You’re perfect,” I heard him breath softly.

“What?” I asked, though I’d heard him just fine.

Mr. Patton must have realized what he’d said and sort of shook himself, sat up straighter and finally released my nuts. “I mean, you seem perfectly fine, young man,” he said. His voice was much deeper this time. Deeper than normal actually.

“Can I get dressed?” I asked, hopefully.

Mr. Patton’s eyes were locked once again on my swaying cock. He licked his lips yet again. “Do you masturbate, Tommy?” he asked suddenly.

“Wh-what?” I asked.

“It’s… uh… important. Medically. To know.” Mr. Patton looked up at me guiltily, apparently aware he was rambling. He visibly gathered himself. “An injury like this,” he started, hand reaching out towards my balls again, stopping himself just before taking them in his warm hand. “…well, it can sneak up on you. You think you’re fine, see, and then later you… engage in… a certain activity, and… well, you can realize you’re injured worse than you thought. Of course, by then it’s too late. So… do you?”

Mr. Patton tore his eyes away from my cock long enough to look me in the eyes. I nodded nervously, torn between embarrassment and a growing sexual excitement.

“That’s good,” he said. “I mean, that’s normal. For a boy. Your age. I mean, for all ages, but… at your stage of development… it’s good. And normal. To do that.” His eyes were back on my cock. I saw his his hand drop to his lap, where he quickly adjusted his cock where it was straining uncomfortably against his shorts.

“I think…” he began again, and I got the distinct impression he was making things up as he went along, “Tommy, I think I should, just to be safe, mind you, uh… simulate… that action. Just for a bit. To be sure. You wouldn’t want to find out later you’d badly injured yourself. So…” his hand reached out, “… just for a moment…”

Then his hand gently wrapped around my cock. We both gasped at the contact. Mr. Patton just held me for a moment, in his big, warm fist. I was completely engulfed in his hand, able to see only the barest hint of pink poking out the top. His hand squeezed me softly, and I saw a tiny bubble of pre-cum ooze out of my piss-slit. Mr. Patton used his thumb to touch that drop of liquid, then be lifted it. It stretched upward for about half an inch before separating. Then his thumb was back and he swirled it in a small circle atop my spongy cockhead. I groaned.

Mr. Patton moved his fingers enough to allow his thumb to apply a coating of the slowly leaking fluid to the entirety of my acorn-sized cockhead. By that time I was growing a little shaky. Seeing the state I was in, Mr. Patton released my cock long enough to grab me by the hips and sit me on the edge of his desk. My underwear and shorts were left dangling by just one foot. Spreading my smooth, hairless thighs, he was able to scoot even closer to me.

“You let me know if this starts to hurt,” Mr. Patton said softly, taking my quivering cock back into his fist. He began to slowly move it up and down, causing my leaking pisshole to gape open on each downward thrust. Then, as if he realized how blatantly sexual this was and somehow felt the need to disguise it, he said, “So your friend Mr. Parker is absent today.”

“He had to go to the dentist,” I said, panting a little, my voice small and breathy. I watched Mr. Patton’s hand continue it’s steady up and down motion.

“You two seem to have become very good friends,” he said, eyes not leaving my cock and his gentle ministrations. I saw his other hand reach down and clutch the tubular bulge in his shorts, squeezing.

“So does Mr. Parker have a few hairs down here too? Blonde and hard to see like yours perhaps?”

I was beyond caring that it was such and odd and personal question. “He doesn’t have any yet, but he can squirt.”

Mr. Patton’s eyes left my crotch then, snapping up to my face, widening a bit with surprise, his eyes sparkling. It took me a moment to realize what I’d just said. What I’d just admitted. Mr. Patton licked his lips. “And what about you, Tommy?” he asked, trying to hide the eagerness in his voice. “Can you squirt too?”

I felt myself nodding. I guess having someone jacking your cock is sort of like a truth serum. “Only a tiny bit. I did it the first time last night.”

“Just last night?” he asked. His eyes were back on my cock. “Just last night,” he repeated softly. His hand sped up on my cock. “I knew his cousin, you know,” he said. “Dylan. I had him for 3 years. We became good friends.

Are you ok, Tommy?” he asked me. “It doesn’t hurt, does it?” As if he thought it did. I shook my head. “Feels good,” I managed to gasp.

Mr. Patton was silent then, for about 20 seconds he just jacked me. “I can make you feel even better, Tommy,” he said then. He looked up and caught my eye and then quickly looked away. “Would you like that?”

I had an idea what he meant. I could see the hungry look in his eye as he stared at my cock. “Please make it feel better,” I gasped.

That was all the permission he apparently required. With a hungry moan, he leaned his head down into my lap and swallowed me whole. I shuddered as I felt his lips close tightly around the sparse hairs at the base of my throbbing dick. Mr. Patton groaned loudly as he just held me there, his lips and tongue working, sucking at me strongly. His right hand disappeared into his lap. I heard a snap, and then the sound of a zipper. Leaning forward a bit to look, I watched as he used both hands to spread his shorts wide. Then he hooked a finger into his white briefs and pushed them down, freeing his cock.

It was the first real grownup penis I’d seen outside of a magazine. I was surprised by how much hair he had down there. His dick was practically lost in it. It was hard to see at first because of the angle, but then he wrapped his other fist around it and pushed it out and down. It looked to be about as long as Billy’s cock. About 5 inches or so. It was a lot thicker tho. Like me, Billy’s dick wasn’t even an inch thick, but Mr. Patton’s adult cock was nearly an inch and a half wide. I tried to imagine what a nine inch penis would look like, and I couldn’t manage it. The most interesting difference was that Mr. Patton’s big dick wasn’t circumcised like mine. I’d only seen them in books before. I watched as that encircling bunch of skin was slowly pulled back to reveal a thick, purplish cockhead which was glistening with wetness.

Then Mr. Patton’s hand began to move back and forth on his own cock, covering and then uncovering that wide head with it’s layer of skin. I wondered what it would be like to have a foreskin of my own. That’s when Mr. Patton began to slowly bob his head up and down on my dick. On each upward rise, he would stop for just a moment, just long enough to swirl his tongue twice around the head of my cock, before sinking down to once again wrap his lips tightly around the base. Then he’d do it all again. It was official. Mr. Patton was the best cocksucker yet.

Mr. Patton’s foreskin made a wet sound each time it retracted from his cockhead. Mr. Patton’s mouth made all kinds of wet sounds as it worked up and down on my spit-covered little dick. The site of his jacking hand and his hungry mouth soon had me panting shallowly while my whole body began to tingle. I leaned far back on the desk, my hands bracing me on the opposite edge while I began to give little thrusts of my hips.

“Gonna come!” I managed to gasp breathlessly.

Mr. Patton groaned loudly and redoubled his efforts on my little cock, the suction becoming so much more intense, as if he he was trying to suck my balls up through my cock. My whole body was tensing, holding off the moment as long as I could, quivering with the need for release but fighting to restrain it. Finally I could fight it no longer, and with a series of high-pitched, desperate little gasps, I felt my cock begin to jerk violently in my gym teachers hot, eager mouth.

I shuddered and flopped back onto the desk. Mr. Patton couldn’t maintain that angle, and with a pop he released my cock. I lay there for at least a minute, my head lolling off the end of the desk, my long blonde hair nearly touching the floor. My legs were spread wide, my briefs still dangling precariously from one white Converse. Between my legs, my cock continued to twitch, spit-soaked and cooling. My small balls, drawn up tightly when I was coming, slowly loosened and fell in their hairless little sac.

With a heaving sigh and a bunching of stomach muscles, I sat up. My cock fell limply over my balls. Mr. Patton was slumped, eyes closed, in his office chair, hands draped limply over either arm. He was still breathing heavily. His shorts had been pushed down a little bit, so they were tight around his thighs. A thick carpet of hair poked out from the end of his polo shirt, growing thicker around his groin. Even his upper thighs were covered in thick dark brown curls.

In the middle of that patch of hair Mr Patton’s cock lay wrinkled and soft, now less than 3 inches long, but still pretty thick, at least to my eyes. The head was covered once more, and there was a thick line of white slime leading from the pencil-thick, puckered opening of his foreskin as well as little clumpy dollops through his pubic bush and even on his thighs. I could see his balls as well, about the size of robin’s eggs. His scrotum was very dark, wrinkly and hairy.

I slid my ass off his desk, then bent over to grab hold of my shorts and undies. I carefully fit my left foot back through the leg hole, then straightened, pulling them up. I heard Mr. Patton’s chair squeak, and then felt his hands on my bare hips before I could get my shorts all the way up. He turned me so that my back was more fully towards him.

“Magnificent,” he said, running his hand over the smooth flesh of my ass. With one hand on my back, he bent me forward. I didn’t resist. Leaning over his desk, he spread my asscheeks wide and just held them there. Then I felt his thumb press lightly against my little rosebud. “You have a perfect little ass, Tommy.”

After that he released me and stood. I turned to see him adjusting his shorts. I slowly pulled my shorts up as well, slowly, so that he could see my cock was already rising into stiffness again. Mr. Patton grinned, reached out, and give it a little squeeze just before it disappeared.

“You’re a naughty little thing, aren’t you, Tommy?” he asked with a grin.

I grinned back then, emboldened, reached out and squeezed the lump of his adult cock through his shorts. “Maybe a little,” I allowed.

Mr. Patton’s face turned serious then. “Tommy, I don’t need to tell you do I – ” he began but I cut him off with a giggle and a sexy little spin before I headed to the door.

“Don’t worry,” I assured him. “I won’t tell anyone.” And I wouldn’t. Well… maybe Billy. Ok, definitely Billy.

I took my time walking home after school, so I’d only been home about ten minutes when I heard the front door open and slam shut and the rapid patter of little feet racing up the stairs. Jimmy appeared moments later in my doorway to see me lying in bed, relaxing while I worked up the energy to perhaps make a snack or go watch television. His young face was excited, eyes roaming, but visible disappointment fell over his face when he saw me.

“Isn’t Billy here?” he asked.

I had to laugh at his crushing disappointment. “Nope, just me.”

Jimmy shrugged and came into my room and hopped onto my bed with his knees. “That’s ok. We can still play the Rapist Game by ourselves, right?”

“Horny, huh?” I grinned.

“What’s horny?”

“Means you want ‘the feeling’ really bad,” I explained.

“Yeah!” Jimmy grinned. He sat down at my side, facing me and reached out to rub his hand over my crotch.

“Wow, you really are horny, aren’t you?” I asked, feeling my cock beginning to stiffen under Jimmy’s awkward ministrations.

“Really horny,” he said. “See?” Then he rose to his knees, quickly unzipped his pants and pushed them down around his thighs along with his undies. His three inch boner snapped straight up.

My now stiff dick and the sight of Jimmy’s got me thinking and I wondered just how far I could take this situation. Knowing the way Jimmy’s mind worked I said, “I don’t know, Jimmy. You’re kinda little still. I don’t think you could do all the stuff me and Billy were doing.”

“I can, too,” he insisted, hands back on the erection bulging in my jeans. He unsnapped and then unzipped my Levis. With my help he wrestled them down enough to free my cock. “I can do all that stuff. Remember? Billy let me put my thing in his butt and everything!”

“Well, yeah,” I allowed, “but that’s cause you were playing the Rapist. What if I was the Rapist?”

“You mean…” Jimmy took a moment to figure it out. “You’d put your thing in my butt?”

“See?” I said. “I told you you were too little.”

“Am not!” he insisted. He reached out and wrapped his small fist around my cock. He began to jack me up and down. “Would it hurt?” he asked.

Hiding my excitement, I said, “Well, maybe a tiny bit, but if it did I would stop.” The thought of burying my cock in my 9 year old cousin’s tiny ass made my cock lurch in his fist.

“Ok, we can try,” he relented.

I grinned and said, “Ok, take off your clothes.”

We both stripped and within just a few moments we were lying naked together on the bed, both of us with stiff erections. I reached out and took his tiny dick in my hand, caressing it while he reached out to do the same. Curious, I leaned toward him and kissed him on the lips.

Jimmy pulled back. “Gross,” he exclaimed.

“Just try it,” I said, then I leaned back in again. This time Jimmy held still and our soft lips pressed together. After a moment I carefully slid my tongue between his lips, tasting the peanut-butter he’d had for lunch. I released his dick and wrapped my left hand into his longish auburn hair. It was thick and silky.

The kiss went on for nearly a minute, growing hotter and hotter. I was amazed at how quickly he was taking to it and how good it was. His tongue danced against mine while he wrapped his arm around me to pull me closer. Our dicks pressed against each other.

Finally I broke the kiss and pulled back. It took a moment for Jimmy’s eyes to open and then they widened. “Wow,” he breathed.

I grinned. “Nice, huh?” Jimmy nodded.

I pushed Jimmy onto his back and kissed him again. Not long this time before I left the softness of his lips to trace kisses down his neck to his thin shoulders. Curious about what Donna had seen in it, I pushed his left arm up over his head and kissed and licked my way down to Jimmy’s little armpit. Unlike me, he obviously found it very ticklish and just giggled and squirmed away.

I gave that cause up for lost and instead kissed my way down his small chest. I stopped at his tiny nipple, licking it until it stiffened into a tiny nubbin, then continued downward. I had to be careful as I made way down over Jimmy’s belly, as he started to giggle and squirm again. Instead I mostly skipped it and went instead directly to his little cock, which was bobbing eagerly above his hairless groin.

My tongue traced a patch down the moist crease where his leg met his crotch. Then I licked up over his tiny wrinkled nutsac. Unlike mine and Billy’s, Jimmy scrotum was still a tight little thing, like half a walnut shell. I inhaled the faint smell of Jimmy’s crotch, mostly just smelling of soap from his shower last night.

Taking his stiff little penis between thumb and forefinger, I lifted it, then allowed my tongue to trace up it’s length. Reaching the tip, I flicked it with my tongue, making Jimmy giggle. Then I wrapped my lips around his thin cock and slowly took it into my mouth. It fit easily and within moments my lips were pressed against the hairless base. I liked the feel of it, stiff and throbbing in my mouth.

I slid over then, so that I was laying between Jimmy’s outstretched legs. As I began to bob my head up and down, Jimmy reached down to cup the sides of my face. Jimmy moved his feet back, lifting his knees. I moved my arms so that they went underneath and I could rub them up and down his chest and stomach. His cock was a slick little bullet in my mouth.

“I’m getting the feeling,” Jimmy gasped after a few minutes. He began to bounce his skinny hips, driving himself into my mouth while his hands tightened on either side of my face. I kept sucking and soon Jimmy gasped and I felt his slick little cock twitching as he had his dry orgasm.

I continued to suck gently at his little dick until he squirmed away. “That tickles too much,” he said.

“Did you like that?” I asked, moving up to lie beside him.

“It was great,” he said with a grin.

“Wanna try doin’ it to me?” I asked.

Jimmy looked at my cock dubiously and then back up at my face. “What’s it taste like?” he asked.

“Open your mouth,” I told him. He hesitantly did so. I reached out and stuck my finger in his mouth. “Suck,” I instructed. He did, then I removed my wet finger. “It tastes like that,” I said.

“That’s it?” he said, surprised. “That’s easy!”

With that he was on his knees with his face over my crotch. He took my dick in his left hand and then leaned forward and hesitantly swiped his tiny pink tongue over the swollen head of my cock. Seemingly unsure, he then took the entire head between his lips and sucked at it for a few seconds.

With a grin he looked up and said, “It tastes just like your finger!”

“Told you,” I smiled. “See how much you can get in your mouth,” I suggested. “Just be careful with your teeth.”

“Ok,” he said, and then happily bent to the task.

I watched as the head of my cock disappeared back into his mouth. There was something really sexy about watching the nine year old boy with my nearly teenaged cock in his mouth. He gamely lowered himself until nearly all of it was in his mouth, then he gagged a bit and backed off. I instructed him how to tighten his lips around my shaft, how to use his tongue and suck a little. I don’t know if he was a natural or not, but it felt pretty good. Not as good as Billy, and nowhere near as good as his mother or Mr. Patton, but better than just jacking off, that was for sure. Still, I had another goal and after a few minutes I told him he could stop.

“Did you get the feeling?” he asked.

“Not yet, but I wanna try something else,” I told him.

“You wanna put it in my butt now?”

I nodded. “It should be slippery enough now.”

Jimmy cocked his head to the side. “That’s why you lick it first? To make it slippery?”

“Yeah, so it goes in easier,” I explained.

“I got an idea!” he said, and then he was up and racing out of my room, my eyes on his pale little ass.

He returned just a few moments later holding up a bottle triumphantly. “My mom uses it when she suntans,” he said. “It’s super slippery.”

I took the bottle from him. It was Johnson’s Baby Oil. Well, it certainly would be slippery. “Ok,” I said, “uhh… you wanna do it from the front or the back?”

Jimmy grinned and went down on all fours. His white asscheeks glowed and he wiggled his tush back and forth while resting his face on it’s side in my pillow. “Like this!”

I got up on my knees and moved around behind him, my cock wagging back and forth. I looked down between his legs, seeing his little nutsac and the tiny pink pucker just above that. I carefully squeezed out a little puddle of baby oil in my palm, and then slathered my cock with it. It was slippery alright. I vowed to remember this stuff the next time I jacked off. Hell, it felt so good I almost forgot what I was doing.

Just to cover my bases, I thought I should probably put some oil on Jimmy too. In fact, I should probably put some inside him. I hesitated a bit. Putting my cock in there was one thing, but putting my finger in his tiny butt seemed a bit gross. I shook myself out of it and squirted some baby oil right into Jimmy’s asscrack.

He giggled. “That tickles.”

I used my finger to spread it around his tiny asshole, then I slowly started to push it inward. Jimmy’s spine straightened. “That feels weird.”

“I have to put some oil inside so you’re really slippery,” I told him. With very little resistance, my finger sank all the way inside. Jimmy’s ass was really tight, and like his mother’s pussy it seemed to be sucking at my finger. I slowly pulled it out and then slid it back inside.

“How is it?” I asked.

“It feels weird,” he said.

“Does it hurt?”

“No, just weird. Sorta neat though.”

Well, that was encouraging. “Ok, I’m gonna try to put it in,” I warned.


Pushing my rigid cock down so that it was horizontal, I carefully positioned myself until my spongy cockhead was pressed against that tiny pucker. I could feel the heat of Jimmy’s asshole against my cock and I wanted inside. Being as slow and careful as I could stand to be, I carefully pushed forward.

“Ow!” Jimmy exclaimed, tensing.

I hadn’t even got my cockhead inside yet. “Are you ok?”

“It feels really big,” he said, worry in his voice.

“Just try to relax,” I said. “Don’t tense up. I’ll go really slow.”


I was still pressing against him. I waited for about 20 seconds, and then I very carefully pushed forward, just a tiny bit. While Jimmy didn’t object, I decided to wait for a little bit, just to let him get used to it. After another 20 seconds I pushed forward again. I felt the tight ring of his sphincter close around the flared head of my cock.

“Is it ok?” I asked.

“Yeah. Is it in?”

“Well, the tip is,” I said. “I think that’s the worst part. Does it hurt?”

“No, but it still feels weird.”

“Ok, tell me if it hurts.”


With that I slowly pushed forward again. The rest went in with surprising ease. The baby oil made it easy. Within just a few moments I was balls deep in the little boy’s gripping asshole.

“I’m all the way in,” I informed Jimmy.

“It’s really big,” Jimmy said softly.

“Does it hurt?”

He shook his head. I felt his ass squeeze me and I gasped. “It’s filling me all the way up,” he said, voice full of wonder.

Relaxing a bit, knowing he was ok, I slowly pulled back until just the head of my cock remained buried inside him, and then I slowly thrust forward again. Jimmy gave a little gasp of his own. I reached down and found his little prick. It was small and limp. My fingers still slick with baby oil, I began to slowly jack him while I pulled my cock back and then slowly thrust forward again. Very slowly I felt him stiffening in my fingers.

Jimmy’s breathing was quickening. “Do it faster, Tommy,” he instructed me.

“My hand or my dick?” I asked, unsure what he was asking.

“Both,” he insisted.

With that I began to slowly fuck my nine year old cousin’s ass in earnest. I kept it nice and steady, like me and Donna that morning, but pretty soon that wasn’t enough. Even Jimmy was unsatisfied with the slow pace.

“Do it faster, Tommy,” he said again.

“Does it feel good?”

“Really good,” he gasped, pushing his little ass back against me. “Rape me faster.”

“It’s called fucking,” I told him, quickening my pace. “You mean fuck you faster.”

“Fuck me faster,” he panted.

My hand was a blur on my cousin’s 3 inch dick, but I couldn’t get the speed I wanted while still jacking him, so I let go and put both hands on his skinny hips. I saw his own hand reach down to start jacking himself.

“Gimme some baby oil,” he said.

Staying buried deep inside him, I reached over for the bottle and popped the top. “Hold out your hand.” He did so and I filled it with oil. He reached back down and I heard the squelching as he began to frantically jack his little cock.

“Fuck now,” he gasped.

I didn’t need any further encouragement. Taking a firm grip on his hips I began to drive my cock into him, while at the same time pulling him roughly back against me. The heat of his little ass canal was incredible. Jimmy began to grunt as I pistoned my swollen cock in and out of his prepubescent asshole. The meaty smack of my groin against his ass reverberated through the room, twining with his little grunts and the wet sound of his hand desperately jacking his tiny cock.

“G-getting the f-f-feeling!” Jimmy gasped, stuttering with the force of my thrusting cock.

I felt his asshole become even tighter around my buried cock, strangling it. The added friction was too much for me. With one last, desperate thrust, I began to come. I held myself there, buried as deeply as I could get, my spine bowed, my long blonde hair tickling my back, my cock jerking spasmodically deep inside Jimmy’s ass.

My balls gave one last convulsion and with a ‘pop’ of release I collapsed to the side on my back. I saw Jimmy slowly lower his ass until his stomach met the mattress. He was facing away from me, but after a moment his head turned our eyes met. Jimmy grinned.

“That was fun,” he said.

I laughed. “You’re crazy,” I said. “I can’t believe we did that.”

“It still feels like your wiener is inside me,” he said.

“Say cock,” I said.


“Older boys call it a cock,” I said. “Or a dick. If you can fuck, you shouldn’t be saying wiener.” I laughed again at the absurdity of it.

“It still feels like your cock is inside me,” he said.

I grinned and rolled on my side to face him. I leaned in for a kiss and he rolled onto his side to hug me closer. We kissed passionately for some time, our thin limbs entwined. Eventually we were both hard again and rubbing our cocks together.

“Do you wanna fuck me again?” he asked.

“Don’t you wanna try to do me?” I asked. I’d been thinking about it and wondering what it would feel like to have a cock inside me. I figured it would be better to start with Jimmy than to start with Billy’s much bigger dick.

“I want you to do it to me again,” he said. “I liked it.”

“You like getting fucked,” I said. Then, because I couldn’t help it, I added, ‘By my boycock.”

“Yeah,” Jimmy said with a grin, reaching down to grab that very thing.

So I fucked him again. It was even better than the first time.

So, it seems I created a bit of a monster. Jimmy actually wanted to do it a third time. I was really gonna have to trying getting screwed if it was as good as he was making it out to be. I’d have do it too, but we didn’t have a whole lot of time until his mom would be home.

I told him to go take a quick shower and to clean his ass good. I didn’t want Donna noticing her baby’s ass was slick with oil. Bad enough was the worry that she’d notice he was walking a bit funny. Jimmy swore it didn’t hurt, but he was waddling around like my cock was still up his ass.

After his shower, I made sure he put back on the same underwear and shirt, in case Donna should somehow remember which ones he’d been wearing. I dressed in my underwear and a pair of shorts I usually put on after school. I didn’t bother with a shirt.

Donna arrived home soon after that. I’d made sure to tell Jimmy yet again that he couldn’t tell his mom about our little games and he insisted he wouldn’t. Still, I was nervous as he greeted her at the door, but of course she didn’t sense anything out of the ordinary. After hugging her he went to watch cartoons.

Donna watched him retreat to the living room and then came to me. “And how was your day, Tiger?” she asked. Turning to see that we were unobserved, she ran a finger down my bare chest and then squeezed my cock through my thin shorts. “Did you miss me?” she asked softly. My cock instantly stiffened, tenting my shorts. Donna grinned and said, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Donna went up to her room to change out of her work clothes, and I went up to my room. It had been a busy afternoon and I thought maybe I could just lie down and relax a bit until dinner. I was lying in bed, my arms under my head, when Donna stepped into the doorway.

She looked at me, then turned and yelled down the stairs. “Are you watching cartoons, honey?”

“Yes, Momma,” I heard him reply.

She turned back to me with a grin. “You look so sexy lying there,” she said. “I’ve been thinking about you all day. My boss thinks I’ve got the stomach flu because I went to the bathroom so many times today.”

Seeing my blank look, she clarified. “Because I was masturbating, silly. Fingering my pussy in the bathroom stall like some junior high girl with a crush.”

The admission shocked me a bit. It also made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Of course, there was another part of me that was just as turned on by what she’d said. I felt my cock growing again.

Apparently Donna noticed because she turned once again to make sure the stairway was clear, or maybe she was listening to make sure cartoons were playing downstairs. She turned back around and said, “Take off your clothes.”

I wanted to protest that Jimmy was right downstairs and could come up the stairs any minute, but she interrupted me as soon as I opened my mouth. “I’ll hear him if he comes up and I’ll shut your door so he’ll never see you. I just want to look at you, Tommy. So take off your shorts. I want to see you naked.”

In spite of myself, the idea turned me on a lot. She wanted to see me naked. Just see me. And I knew it would excite her. I grinned and, lifting my hips, slipped down my shorts and briefs. I kicked them off my feet and then lay back against my pillows, my eyes darting between her avaricious eyes and my cock, hovering with stiffness above my groin.

“Look at how hard you are, baby,” she said. She tilted her head back to listen, then returned her attention to me. “Touch yourself, Tommy.”

I reached down to grab my cock, but she said, “Not there. Not yet. Just touch your body. Slowly.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted, so I started just rubbing my hands over my stomach and chest. She smiled. I realized this was a lot like when I masturbated during those times when I didn’t want to just come right away, but to make it last. So I did what I did then. I began to slowly stroke my skin. I ran my fingertips up my sides, over my chest. I stuck my finger in my mouth and then used it to slowly circle each of my nipples, making them grow pointy. Then I slowly twisted my tiny nipples with my thumb and finger.

Donna groaned and squeezed her own nipples through her t-shirt. The sight really turned me on. I let my right hand drift down across my stomach, one finger outstretched to play among my few silky pubes. I lifted my knees, spreading my legs wide, and stroked the skin there in the crease of my thighs. I watched one of Donna’s hands slip down between her legs and she began to rub her crotch.

I stroked the inside of my thighs, from knee to groin, making myself shudder as I caressed the hairless skin there. Then I rubbed the skin between my balls and my asshole. Donna groaned so I slowly circled my pink asshole with one finger. On a whim, I brought that finger up to my mouth and sucked it for a minute before returning to my asshole, where I carefully inserted it. I felt my ass clench, but it felt great. I slid it in to the second knuckle, making my dick jump. Donna’s hands were eagerly rubbing and pinching her tits and rubbing between her legs.

Unable to hold back anymore, I gripped my cock in my fist while my other hand continued to finger my asshole. Donna gasped. While I started to jack myself, I watched as Donna slipped a hand into her sweatpants. She groaned and I imagined her fingers working desperately in her wet pussy.

I started jacking even faster then, desperate to come. My finger felt great in my asshole, and I found myself wishing I had a bit of baby oil. My fist pumped harder and faster on my small cock and I started making little involuntary grunts. Finally I felt it coming over me. My asshole clamped down around my finger, which I pushed in as far as I could. My hips lifted off the bed and my dick spasmed. I was shocked to see an actual squirt of liquid leap out of my pisshole. I felt it hit my stomach, and burn there as it ran down to my chest while I shuddered. Then I collapsed, my cock still jerking in my fist, a tiny stream of liquid running hotly over my fingers.

I looked up to see that Donna had nearly collapsed in my doorway. Both her hands were buried in her sweatpants and she was shuddering. “I squirted!” I said hoarsely.

“Oh, I saw! I saw you did, baby,” she said weakly. With an obvious effort she straightened. She pulled her hands from her sweats, straightened her shirt, and turned to look down the stairs. Then she came into my room, walking a bit unsteadily.

I released my cock and stared at the clear liquid on my finger. On a whim I brought it to my mouth and licked it off. It reminded me of Billy’s but it was different. Sweeter maybe. Donna just groaned. Then she quickly sat on my bed and, leaning over, lapped at my belly, sucking up the few drops of watery boycum there. She lapped again with her tongue to make sure she’d gotten it all, and then she quickly moved down to take just the head of my cock into her mouth. I gasped as she sucked at my sensitive knob, but she released it quickly, sitting back, rolling her tongue around her mouth, savoring.

Donna looked guiltily towards my wide-open door and realizing the risk, quickly stood and headed to the doorway. She turned back to me and grinned. “Just what I needed,” she said. “An after work snack.”

You know that saying? No rest for the wicked? All this sex must have been pretty darned wicked, because I wasn’t getting any rest. Even during dinner I spent the whole meal with Donna’s foot in my lap under the table. She used her toes to rub up and down my stiff dick through my shorts. Afterward I had to wait until Jimmy was looking the other way so I could get up without him seeing me pitching a tent.

I hurried up to the bathroom to shower alone. I wasn’t worried about getting another handjob. In fact, I really wanted one, considering how hard I was after dinner, but I was still worried about what Jimmy might do if the 3 of us were in the bath together.

I was surprised to see there was a circle of wetness in my underwear when I stripped in front of the mirror. Examining my penis, I could see the little bubbles of pre-cum there. I nearly jerked off right there, staring at my hand moving up and down my little cock in the mirror. I guess I could see what Donna was so excited about. I really was pretty sexy.

Still, I knew I had to get my shower finished so I abandoned my double in the mirror and started the water in the shower. Spending time in front of the mirror had given me an idea though. I was even more curious after fingering my asshole earlier about what getting fucked in the butt might be like. On the bathroom counter was a decorative oil lamp. In the middle of the lamp was a long white candle. It was about 8 inches long and had never been used. It was thicker than Jimmy’s dick, but not as thick as mine. I took it into the shower with me.

A few minutes later, clean and ready to play, I was lying on my back in the tub with the shower pelting my chest and stomach. I had my legs spread and my feet up on the edge of the tub. My cock was in my right fist, and my left held the candle, which was currently about 4 inches deep in my gripping ass.

That’s when the shower curtain opened.

I looked up, startled, to see Donna standing over me. She was naked and her eyes were wide with excitement. I hurriedly pulled the candle from my ass and sat up. “I… I … I was just–!” I began.

Donna smiled. “You don’t have to explain to me, Tiger,” she purred. “You’ve just given me a wonderful idea for later.”


“No time,” she said, reaching down to grab my wrist. She pulled me to my feet. Her hand immediately reached down and wrapped itself around my straining dick. “Jimmy is going to be here any minute wanting his bath,” she explained. “I just couldn’t wait.”

“What do you-“

“Fuck me, Tommy,” she insisted, pulling me out of the tub and against her nude body. She backed until she was pressed up against the wall. I was dripping water all over the floor. “Can you hold me?”

I wasn’t even being given a chance to figure out what the heck was happening. “Hold?”

“Hold me,” she repeated. Then, holding me close, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I staggered and would have fallen except she was braced by the wall. Donna weighed at least as much as I did, and probably more. She shoved her hand down between our bodies and gripped my dick. After a quick adjustment I slipped right into her and she lowered herself so that I was in her to the hilt.

Donna hissed as my cock filled her. “That’s it, baby,” she whispered in my ear. “Mmmm, fuck me, Tommy. Fuck me with that hot little cock!”

I didn’t seem to have a whole lot of choice. Not that was I complaining. Her pussy felt wonderful around my dick. With no more prompting, I began to piston my cock in and out, my feet pushing to keep us upright. I could feel Donna’s nails in my back, her heels digging in just above my ass. She hugged me tightly, grunting with each thrust of my cock.

“So… good… so… fucking… good,” she panted in rhythm with my thrusts. “Fuck… me… Tommy! Oh… oh… oh… fuck… so… hard…”

The sound of our slapping flesh, mine into hers, hers into the wall, seemed loud to me, but I supposed the noise of the shower would cover it if Jimmy were to show up outside the door. As if the thought had summoned him, there was a knocking at the door.

“Tommy, are you almost done?” Jimmy called.

I froze, but Donna wasn’t having any of that. “Don’t stop,” she insisted.

“But-” I began to protest, but she whispered again insistantly, “Keep fucking.”

So I kept fucking. “I’ll… I’ll be out in a minute, Jimmy,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady as my hips worked, slamming my cock again and again into my aunt’s gripping cunt.

“Have you seen my mom?” he asked.

I nearly laughed. “I think she’s in the kitchen,” I called.

“Ok, I’ll check there,” he said, and then he was gone.

My legs were growing rubbery, both from the feelings racing through me and the weight I was holding. “Gonna fall,” I panted, voice straining.

“Wait,” Donna insisted, and then she quickly lowered her legs and stood. She looked around for just a moment, then walked over to the toilet. She lowered the lid and sat down and then gestured me over. I immediately saw what she intended, and I knelt on the floor between her widespread legs, my eyes on her dripping pussy.

She grabbed my slippery cock and pulled it against her, then again wrapped her legs around my waist. I hugged her tight and began to fuck her again. She reached around and grabbed my ass, pulling me hard against her.

Again came a knocking at the door, but not the bathroom door. It was Jimmy knocking on his mother’s bedroom door. “Momma, are you in there?” we heard him call.

I knew better than to stop again, but I pulled my upper body away so I could see her face. Her eyes were wide with what I thought was panic, but I quickly realized was excitement. “I’m in here, angel,” she called, eyes bright, hands still pulling my ass hard against her.

The doorknob turned. “The door is locked,” Jimmy called. “Are you helping Tommy with his bath?”

“No, honey, I’m… I’m peeing. I had to pee. I’ll be right out, ok? Tommy, are you almost done with your shower?”

“Almost!” I managed to call out, my voice straining.

“He’s almost done and then I’ll help you with your bath, ok, honey? Why don’t you start getting undressed?”

“Ok, Momma,” Jimmy called, and then he was gone again.

Donna grabbed my neck and pulled my head close. She whispered hotly in my ear. “Do it! Do it now, Tommy! Make me come!”

I wasn’t sure what else I could do. I was already growing shaky with weakness, but I managed to redouble my efforts and within about thirty seconds I felt it coming over me.

“Coming!” I gasped.

“Shoot it!” she gasped. “Shoot your boycum in my pussy!”

I managed 3 or 4 more thrusts and that’s when it hit me. I pushed forward one last time, straining as my balls erupted. Donna gasped loudly and I felt her cunt clamp down hard around my spasming dick. We held on to each other while we both shook, but before I could even get my breath she was pushing me away and standing. She helped me to my feet and led me to the shower.

“Hurry and rinse off,” she instructed. She disappeared into her bedroom and returned a moment later in her sweatpants, pulling on a t-shirt over her large boobs. She went to the door and opened it just as Jimmy knocked again.

“Are you ready, honey?” she asked, ushering Jimmy into the bathroom, already naked and ready for his bath. “Tommy is just finishing. Aren’t you, Tommy?”

I turned off the shower, nearly shaking with exhaustion. I even forgot to dry off, just stepping out of the shower, dripping on the floor, forgetting what went next. Donna came to my rescue, grabbing a towel and quickly drying me off. I noticed Jimmy couldn’t keep his eyes off my half-hard cock, and by the time Donna dried my hair he was fully erect and absently pulling on his little penis.

Donna ushered him into the water while I ran a desultory brush through my damp hair. Without a word I left the bathroom and went into my room and collapsed naked into bed.

They let me sleep for about an hour. It must have been a very long shower. If Jimmy’s level of horniness earlier was any indication, he’d have likely insisted on the ‘good clean’ tonight. I can only imagine that Donna was happy to oblige him. Despite what she’d said, I had seen the way she looked at Jimmy’s little cock. She wanted it.

I was woken, for the second time that day, by soft lips wrapped around my erect dick. I must have made a sound, because Jimmy sat back on his heels with a big grin. I was on my back, my cock bobbing stiffly, glistening with the faint light coming in from the hallway. Jimmy, straddling my thighs, reached out to grab my dick, jacking it enthusiastically.

“You’re finally awake,” he said, stating the obvious. “Mom is downstairs. She said I should come and get you. Happy Days is about to start!” Jimmy loved Happy Days. Ok, I loved Happy Days too. The Fonz was just too cool.

“Ok, well you have to get off of me first,” I said.

Jimmy grinned, and with a last, wistful look at my stiff cock, scooted backwards and off the end of my bed. I went and opened the top drawer of my dresser and pulled out the first pair of underwear I felt. There wasn’t really enough light to see, so I felt around the inside rim until I felt the tag then, adjusting accordingly, pulled them on and up over my slim hips. I could tell by the way they fit that they were one of the ‘sexy’ pair. The bikini briefs.

“Come on, it’s starting!” Jimmy said, practically jumping with excitement at the top of the stairs. Faintly I could hear the theme song begin.

Sunday, Monday, Happy Days. Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days. Thursday, Friday, Happy Days! The weekend comes the da da dums… ok, so I didn’t know all the words, but I was refreshed from my nap and I raced down the stairs after Jimmy.

Jimmy plopped on to his side of the couch, and I as I walked by him he pointed and giggled, “Tommy’s got a boner!”

I looked down, and sure enough, I was poking rather obscenely against the thin cloth of my briefs. There was even a tiny wet patch at the tip, but whether from dripping pre-cum, or Jimmy’s saliva, I couldn’t tell. It was his damned fault in the first place. Hardly fair he could suck it into stiffness and then laugh about it.

“Oh yeah?” I replied. I stopped and bent slightly and pulled the back of my briefs down, mooning him. Then I sat down smugly, my hand unconsciously gripping my stiff cock.

“Mom!” Jimmy exclaimed. “Tommy mooned me!”

“I saw that,” Donna replied with a chuckle. “You sort of asked for it, I think.”

“Oh yeah?” he said. Then he hopped up, balancing unsteadily on the couch cushion, thrust out his skinny hips and pushed down the front of his Underoos, exposing his little dick, already half hard itself, which he proceeded to waggle at me. “So I’m sunning you!” Then he plopped back down into his seat.

“Sunning?” I said with a laugh.

“Ok, ok, both of you settle down and put your little toys away,” Donna laughed. “Someone is going to lose an eye, and then you’ll both feel bad.” We laughed and settled down to watch our show.

Donna didn’t use the blanket trick again, but neither did she leave me alone. Every couple of minutes her left hand would sneak it’s way into my lap to tease, and squeeze and otherwise play with my stiff little dick. I never got a chance to lose my hardon. Worse, this whole semen thing was turning out to be a mixed blessing. It was really cool, and it tasted neat, and felt great, but by the time Happy Days was over the light gray briefs I was wearing looked as if I’d peed in them. The entire area covering my dick looked black with pre-cum.

I couldn’t believe it how much I was leaking. Especially after today. As many times as I’d come today, I was amazed there was anything left in my balls. There were pretty small after all. I guess they just kept making more though.

Happy Days ended and led into Laverne and Shirley, which Jimmy didn’t like as much, unless it heavily featured Lenny and Squiggy. So, by the end of that show, he was dead asleep. After that was Three’s Company, but I had an idea I wasn’t going to get a chance to watch it.

Jimmy had fallen asleep flat on his back, his head in his mom’s lap, his legs splayed wide and scrunched up against the arm of the sofa. As Laverne and Shirley ended, Donna put her hand lightly on his bare chest and shook him, softly calling his name. Jimmy was a pretty heavy sleeper. When he didn’t wake, she carefully held his head while she slipped out from underneath him. Then she gently laid his head down on the cushion.

Putting a finger to her lips to make sure I stayed quiet, Donna stood in front of me, blocking the tv, and slowly untied the belt of her dressing gown. Arms down, she shrugged her shoulders and that silken cloth puddled to the ground, leaving her gloriously naked.

“Do you like it, Tommy?” she asked in a soft voice. She ran her hands down her sides, over her wide hips, then slowly up her flat stomach. She reached her large breasts, which she caressed. Then she lifted them, each in one hand, pressed them together, and began to lick her own fat brown nipples. My cock thrummed in my soaked briefs.

With on hand holding a boob, her other hand hand drifted downward over her stomach until her fingers were sliding through the dark fur between her legs. I watched as she parted her slick pink lips with two fingers, then used a third to stroke up and down in the slit. Up and down, up and down, until she squatted just a little, just enough to let me see her slide her middle finger into the wetness of her cunt.

I watched that finger work itself in and out of her gripping pussy. My own hand drifted into my lap and wrapped around my quivering little dick, instantly wet from my damp briefs. I made to push them down, but Donna quickly stepped forward.

“Let me,” she said, softly but urgently.

She knelt between my widespread knees and gripped the sides of my underwear. I lifted my hips a little, and she pulled them down, causing my dick to slap wetly against my smooth groin. As she leaned back, my legs drew closer so she could slip off my underwear. She pulled them off my feet, the wetness of them cooling my toes.

Donna sat there with her hands on my knees, staring at my crotch hungrily. She ran her hands up my hairless thighs, the back to my knees. Again, and then once more. Then she was pushing my knees apart and leaning forward. I felt her hands join at my crotch, framing my four inch cock. Then she was taking my little missile in the fingers of her right hand, while her left dipped down to caress my heavy, hairless balls.

My lap was hidden by her hair, but I felt my aunt’s tongue lap wetly across the head of my cock. I shivered. Then her tongue was at the base, and slowly making it’s way up. A quick series of flicks against that inverted V, and then her mouth was around my flared head. She moaned softly, and slowly lowered her mouth until her lips touched the base.

“Is Momma playing the game now, too?” I heard.

Oh shit!

Donna sat up quickly, my cock leaving her mouth with a wet slurp. Her hands went between her legs, to cover herself. I looked to my left to see Jimmy now on his stomach, looking excited. “Can I have a turn?” he asked.

Before Donna’s incredulous eyes, Jimmy slid along the couch until he was right next to me, and then he quickly swallowed my glistening cock. Donna gasped in shock and I didn’t know what the hell to do. Should I stop him? It seemed sorta late for that. Should I try to explain? Hard to do when your cock is currently being sucked. Jimmy started making greedy little noises as he bobbed up and down on my cock.

“Donna…” I started, feeling I had to say something.

“What are you doing?” she asked with a gasp. I wasn’t sure who she was talking to.

Jimmy apparently didn’t share my confusion. He pulled off my cock for a moment and smiled at his mom. “I’m sucking Tommy’s cock!”

“Sucking… cock…” she gasped.

Oblivious to the chaos he was causing, Jimmy wrapped his mouth back around my cock. Donna looked on, still stunned, still covering her sex. Slurp, slurp. Jimmy provided totally inappropriate sound effects to highlight this particular moment.

Donna wouldn’t meet my eyes, her own were locked on my crotch, to the joining of my 12 year old cock to her nine year old son. I was having a hard time feeling what I thought would be the appropriate amount of shame and embarrassment over this situation. Again, hard to feel too bad when your cock is being sucked on, especially by a cute nine year old boy.

After a few moments, I realized that the hands between Donna’s legs were no longer just hiding her sex from her son. One of those hands was moving in a very familiar motion. Donna was fingering herself. I watched as her knees spread further. Now she was using her left hand to spread her swollen labia apart, while her other hand circled and rubbed at her clit.

“Do you like that, Jimmy?” she asked quietly. “Do you like sucking Tommy’s cock?”

Jimmy lifted his head and glanced at his mother. I saw his eyes widen with equal shares of confusion and excitement as he saw she was rubbing herself between her legs. “It’s neat,” he smiled. “And it feels good too, huh, Tommy?”

“It sure does,” I agreed.

“What else have you two been doing together?” she asked. “Is there more to your game?”

Jimmy looked excited. “Wait here!” he said eagerly, and then he jumped up and ran up the stairs.

“Tommy…” Donna began as soon as he was gone.

“It just happened!” I said. “I’m sorry!”

Before I could explain further, Jimmy came tearing back down the steps. In his hand was a clear bottle of baby oil. I cringed inwardly. Now I was in for it.

“Here, Tommy!” he said, handing me the bottle. “Let’s show Momma!” Then he quickly stripped off his undies, revealing his immature erection, and went down on his knees and bent over the couch, presenting his ass.

“Oh my God,” Donna breathed, quickly realizing the implications.

“Donna, I -” I began.

“Do it,” she said in a low, husky voice.

“What?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“Put it in me, Tommy,” Jimmy joined in. “Let’s show Momma.”

“You’ve been fucking my baby,” she said. “So fuck him.”


“Fuck him!”

“Yeah, Tommy, fuck me!”

I winced and Donna’s eyes grew bright with wild excitement.

Slowly, I rose up off the couch. My cock, unfazed, swayed stiffly from my mostly hairless groin. I slowly settled on my knees behind my little cousin. With another look at Donna, who was staring at us with a look I couldn’t define, I opened up the bottle of baby oil and poured a bit into the palm my my hand. I quickly lathered my already wet cock, and then slid a finger into Jimmy’s ass.

“Yeah!” Jimmy gasped.

With one last look at my aunt, I pushed my hips forward while lowering my cock with two fingers. I quickly felt the heat of Jimmy’s asshole against my spongy cockhead, and then I was pressing it into him. Jimmy gasped again as the head of penis invaded his asshole. Then, with a steady push, I was was quickly buried to the hilt in nine year old boy ass.

“Oh my God,” Donna breathed.

Taking his skinny hips in my hands, I began to slowly rock my hips, driving my cock in and out of Jimmy’s ass. Donna moved closer.

“He’s fucking you,” Donna said. “Jimmy, Tommy is fucking you.”

“I know. Neat, huh?” To Jimmy it was all a game.

“Does it hurt, baby?”

“No,” Jimmy sighed. He gave a little grunt as I gave him a harder thrust. “Feels good. It fills me all up.”

“Stop,” Donna suddenly said.

Oh man, here it was. I prepared for my annihilation. I pulled my cock out.

Instead of murdering me, Donna urged Jimmy to turn around and sit on the couch. She helped position him so that his ass was hanging half off the couch. Between his gaping thighs, his little dick twitched stiffly.

“Now, do it like this, Tommy,” she instructed.

I saw she wanted me to fuck Jimmy as I’d fucked Billy, from the front. I grabbed my cock and eagerly moved into position.

“No, wait,” Donna said. Then she reached out and slapped my hand away, taking my cock in her hand instead. “Let me do it.”

So I allowed my aunt to guide my cock into her son’s waiting asshole. We all gasped as the head entered and my shaft was slowly engulfed. Donna knelt at my side, one hand on my ass, the hand that had just helped me violate her son splayed out on my groin. I began to pump my hips.

“It’s funner like this,” Jimmy said. “So I can see everything.”

Jimmy reached down to grab his stiff little nail, but Donna stopped him. “Let me, sweetie,” she said. She took his tiny cock in her hand, gently stroking it. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she said softly. “I’m watching my nephew fuck my baby in his ass.”

Jimmy giggled. “Momma, you said a bad word.”

“Yes, I did, didn’t I?” she said. “I think I’ll say it again. Fuck him, Tommy. Fuck my angel’s little ass with your beautiful cock!”

“My boycock,” I reminded her playfully.

Donna laughed. “Yes, baby, your magnificent boycock.”

I didn’t need any further urging. Jimmy’s hot little ass was sucking strongly at my buried cock. I began thrusting harder, faster, the wet sounds of my passage making Jimmy giggle. Donna’s fingers were a blur on her son’s little penis.

“Jimmy,” she said, “do you remember the Baby Game?”

“Uh-huh,” he grunted.

“Be my Baby,” she said, shifting to sit on the couch and offering him one of her large breasts. Jimmy’s lips clamped down around the large, stiff nipple and Donna gasped. Her right hand moved back to her dripping pussy, while her left eagerly masturbated her nine year old.

I lifted Jimmy’s legs, pushing his knees closer to his chest so I could have better access to his ass. The new position allowed me drive my four inch cock deeper into his bowels.

Jimmy gasped, his breaths coming in little hitching gasps. “Do it harder, Tommy,” he begged, not sounding like a little boy anymore. “Make it go harder!”

“Is it good, baby?” Donna asked. “Is Tommy’s cock making you feel good?”

“So good!” he agreed, his voice straining. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

“Oh my God!” Donna gasped, and she began to shudder.

“Gonna come!” I gasped. “Jimmy, are you getting the feeling?”

“Almost,” he grunted.

I wanted him to come with me, so I gasped out, “Donna, suck him!”

Donna’s eyes snapped up at me in surprise, then grew wide with excitement. She had said she never wanted to do this, but I knew from the look in her eyes that was a lie. She barely hesitated, her head shooting between Jimmy’s legs and swallowing his tiny prick whole.

“Momma!” Jimmy gasped, his skinny little hips beginning to buck. “Suck it, Momma! Suck my cock!”

That did it for Donna, who groaned and began to shudder again. I could see her fingers plunging desperately in and out of her sopping wet cunt. Her cries of pleasure sent me over the edge as well. “Coming!” I yelped, and then I pressed myself forward one last time while my body began to shake and my cock jerked powerfully inside my tiny cousin’s ass.

After a minute I rocked backwards and sank onto my back. Between his legs, Jimmy’s normally pink asshole looked red and abused. It was shiny with baby oil and possibly more, a little stream of liquid slowly oozing from his twitching opening. Donna moved up to lie on the sofa, her head in her son’s lap, his little prick still sunk between her lips. She gently suckled it, like it were a pacifier.

“Well,” Donna said, sitting up a few minutes later, “I wasn’t expecting that.”

Jimmy stretched his hands down between his legs, cupping his crotch and anus. “My butt feels all empty again,” he complained softly.

“My poor baby,” Donna said. She leaned down and gently cleaned Jimmy’s asshole with her tongue, like a mother lion caring for a cub. Then she moved between my legs and did the same thing to my cock, which of course rose, perhaps reluctantly, back to attention, like an old soldier coming to attention after a battle. After suckling my balls for a little bit, she tried to move lower, but couldn’t because I was lying flat and too tired to move.

Donna then went over to Jimmy, and I saw her whispering into his ear. They spoke in whispers for a few minutes, and then finally Jimmy stood with a sly smile and ran up the stairs. She came back to me.

“Up you go,” she said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a sitting position. All I wanted to do was sleep and I grumbled. “No argument,” she scolded. “Did you think you could go behind my back, fuck my nine year old son, and not face any punishment?”

That got my attention. I was instantly more alert. “Up,” she ordered, pulling me to my knees. With trepidation, I followed her lead. She didn’t take me far, only to the couch, where she bent me over the cushions, kneeling in front of it, much as Jimmy had been earlier. Then, my face on the cushions, she moved behind me.

Was she going to spank me? I had no idea, but I was worried. I felt her hands reach out to roam over my taut asscheeks. I felt them spread, and then her face was in that moist cleft, her hot breath wafting over sensitive flesh. With a shudder, I felt her tongue rasp over my asshole. I gasped. Here was yet another thing I’d never thought about before. Licking someone’s butthole? It seemed so gross, but it felt so good.

She circled my rosebud with her tongue, making my cock pound and my body writhe. She had to struggle a bit to hold me still. Then I felt the muscly wetness of her tongue stiffen and push into that tiny pink pucker. I gasped again, my body stiffening in surprise. That’s when Jimmy came back downstairs. I heard his little footsteps on the stairs, and then he was behind me.

“Momma,” he exclaimed, “are you licking Tommy’s butthole? Nasty!”

“It’s actually very nice, baby, and it feels very good to Tommy, doesn’t it sweetie?” I nodded, then, not sure if they saw me, grunted yes. “Here, honey,” she said. “Give that to Mommy.”

Give what to Mommy, I wondered. I didn’t wonder long, because Donna’s mouth was quickly back between my ass. Her tongue was again flicking, teasing, then driving inside. After a bit she stopped and said, “Do you wanna try, honey?”

“Is it gross?” Jimmy asked uncertainly.

“No, angel, it’s nice. You liked sucking Tommy’s cock, didn’t you?” Jimmy must have nodded, although I couldn’t see either of them. “Well, it’s sort of like that. It tastes about the same.”

“Isn’t there poop?” he asked worriedly.

“Not if you’re clean, and Tommy is very clean, I promise.”

Then I felt more hot breath in the moist cleft of my ass, and another, much more tentative tongue probing at my little hole. Jimmy didn’t try to enter me, but as he gained a bit of confidence his tongue was just as energetic as it danced over my sensitive pucker.

“Here, honey, let’s try Mommy’s toy now,” Donna suddenly said. Toy? “Hand me that baby oil,” she instructed. I started to turn to see what was happening, but Donna put a hand on my head, forcing it back to the cushion.

I heard a click, and then a strange humming sound. I sensed Donna kneeling behind me. Her hand was on my back. “Tommy?” she suddenly asked, sweetly.

“Yeah?” I asked, nervously. What was that buzzing?

“We’re going to play a game.”

“What kinda game?” I asked cautiously.

“It’s called the Rapist Game,” she said. “I think you’re going to like it.”

Oh shit, I thought.

Then something was back at my asshole. It wasn’t a tongue, and it wasn’t a finger. Whatever it was was hard, and it was vibrating. I felt it circling my asshole, and I felt myself clenching shut back there. Donna apparently wasn’t have any of that. The vibrating thing pressed. My asshole resisted, but the combination of baby oil and the force of her pushing left it a foregone conclusion.

My asshole parted before the invading instrument, spreading to accept it, albeit reluctantly. I gasped as I felt my asshole stretching. “Donna!” I gasped, worried.

“Just relax, Tommy,” she said soothingly. “Push back, like you’re pooping. It’ll help.”

It sounded like horrible advice, but my teeth were beginning to grit as more and more of whatever it was invaded my ass, spreading my poor little asshole wider and wider. Was it the candle from before? No, candle’s didnt buzz. Plus, this seemed much wider. I bore down, pushing back against it with the muscles in my ass, and something loosened or… something.

“Almost there,” Donna cooed.

I grunted, and then I could feel her hand against my ass and realized that the invading instrument had finally stopped. “All the way in,” she said happily.

I could only breathe, trying to relax and grow accustomed to the girth of the thing stretching my asshole. Was this like getting fucked? If so, I wasn’t sure I liked it. There was none of the warmth and throbbing I’d imagined Billy’s slim cock would have. No, this thing was rigid and cool, although warming with the heat of my ass. I doubted Billy’s cock would buzz like this thing either, but that part actually wasn’t half bad.

“How do you like it, Tiger?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully. “It’s big.”

“About as big as your cock would be to my poor Jimmy’s little asshole?” she asked, but not cruelly. I got the idea she wasn’t as mad as I thought.

“It’s like a handle in your butt,” Jimmy giggled.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Mother’s little helper,” Donna answered. “Now let’s feel it’s magic, ok?”

Before I could answer, Donna did something to the thing in my ass, and the light buzzing suddenly became a powerful vibrating. My guts lurched and my cock jerked. Wow! I made some sort of strangled gurgling sound, and Donna chuckled. Then she began working it back and forth, slowly at first, fucking my ass, then with more force.

“Honey, can you do this?” I heard her ask.

“Ok, Momma,” Jimmy answered, and after a brief pause, the thing was driving in and out of my ass again, although not as quickly as before.

“That’s only half of your punishment,” Donna informed me, crawling onto the sofa. She got right in front of me, and then sank down, her legs spread on either side of me, her hairy pussy inches from my face. I smelled the strong scent of her sex.

“Do you like my pussy?” she asked, spreading her fat, pink lips apart, showing me all the soft, wet folds inside. I nodded. “Lick it, Tommy,” she instructed. “Eat my pussy, you bad boy you.”

I had no idea what I was doing, but I didn’t hesitate. I put my mouth down into all that slippery wetness and just began licking and sucking everywhere. The taste was decidedly weird, but not bad. Whatever I was doing seemed to agree with Donna, who began to writhe underneath me, her hands on the back of my head, pulling my face into her hairy crotch.

“That’s it,” she growled. “Eat that pussy, Tiger.”

In the meantime, Jimmy continued to drive the buzzing stick thing into my ass, causing my whole body to shake. Then I felt his hand between my legs, wrapping around my throbbing dick. I could have kissed him, if I hadn’t been busy kissing his mother’s cunt.

“Momma,” Jimmy suddenly asked, “can I stop? I want Tommy to fuck me some more. My butt is empty.”

Donna was biting her lower lip, her hips churning. “I have an idea,” I said, raising my face, my mouth and cheeks glistening with pussyjuice.

I reached back and with a shudder, pulled the thing from my ass. I immediately knew what Jimmy was complaining about. It had begun to grow really pleasurable, and it’s absence left me feeling empty and needy. I saw that it was a white tube, about 7 inches long, about an inch and half thick. It was shaped like lipstick or something. Well, sorta like a dick I guess, which is probably what it was supposed to look like. I dropped it, still buzzing, on the couch. Donna grabbed it and gave it a twist, which ceased it’s buzzing.

Jimmy and I were both on our knees, and I leaned close to him and whispered in his ear. His eyes grew wide as I explained my plan, and then he nodded. With a bit of maneuvering, I placed Jimmy between his mother’s legs.

“What’s have you two cooked up?” she asked suspiciously.

“Just something so everyone gets what they want,” I explained. Then I got up behind Jimmy, grabbed his stiff little prick, and guided him forward.

Donna put a hand on his chest. “No, Tommy,” she said, her voice going low and serious.

“You know you want to,” I said softly. I jacked Jimmy’s little cock a bit. “Look how hard he is.”

“He’s my baby,” she said.

“So he’s just going back to where he came from,” I said reasonably.

“Don’t you want me to fuck you, Momma?” Jimmy asked.

Donna’s resolved crumbled. “Oh, Jimmy, I do. I really do, but..”

I didn’t give her a chance to come up with excuses. With a guiding hand on his back and another on his little cock, I pushed Jimmy forward until his slipped right into his mother’s pussy.

“Oh my God,” Donna gasped. “It’s in me,” she said incredulously. “Jimmy, you’re inside Mommy!”

“It’s really warm and squishy,” Jimmy said.

While mother and son joined together, I grabbed the bottle of baby oil and quickly lubed up my cock. Then I was leaning forward myself, and with a pop and a sigh, I was sliding my slippery cock back into the gripping warmth of my nine year old cousin’s tight little ass.

There began a little game of sexual tug of war, with Jimmy in the middle. Eventually I left it up to him to move, diving forward to drive his tiny cock into his mother’s wet, eager pussy, and thrusting backward to impale his ass on my throbbing young cock. Back and forth, in and out, everyone winning this particular game.

The look on Donna’s face as she finally got what she wanted, her son’s cock in her cunt, was priceless. For my part, I was content. To imagine that just a couple of weeks ago the extent of my sexual knowledge was that it felt good when I rubbed my dick sorta staggered me. I could only imagine what experiences the next few weeks would bring.

I began to feel that oh so familiar build up deep inside, just about the time that Jimmy claimed he was getting ‘the feeling’. Donna had come some many times that I’d lost count. I braced myself for the final explosion.

Sometime deep in the night I got up with the urge to pee. I extricated myself from a tangle of limbs and stumbled into the dark downstairs half bath where, with a bit of blind maneuvering, I was able to let loose a stream into the toilet. I flushed and was about to head back to the living-room when I noticed a pale blue light from up the stairs.

Curious, I climbed the stairs. I could see the light coming out from underneath my bedroom door. When I entered I saw two people standing near the foot of my bed. They were each my height. In fact, they were each my everything. To my eyes, they could have been my identical twins. The only difference was that one had cotton-candy pink hair, and one had the same in a shade of blue. They were dressed in shiny, tight-fitting, silver jumpsuits, which had circular openings around each nipple. They were also crotchless and assless. To my further surprise, they each looked to be uncircumcised.

The boy with the blue hair nudged the other, who was looking the other way when I entered. “That must be him.”

Pink hair turned around and saw me. “Ya think?” he said sarcastically. He was holding a pair of my briefs. Had he been sniffing them? He cleared his throat, dropped my underwear, and said, “Greetings, Earthling Tommy!” In unison, they saluted me, I think, with a fist slapping their chests, and then they each reached down and waggled their soft penises at me, in a very ceremonial manner.

“Uh… greetings?” I answered, uncertainly.

Pink continued. “We are from the planet Remulak. Everyone on the planet looks exactly like you. I know, weird, huh?”

To say the least, I thought.

“Anywhoooo,” the alien continued, “our planet recently passed through a freak radiation storm, and now everyone is sterile. Sooo, we’re gonna need you to come with us. We’ll give you a serum that’ll keep you young forever, and then you’ll need to impregnated everyone on the planet.”

Blue spoke up, saying, “All hail Earthling Tommy and his Grand Galactic Gonads!”

Then both Pink and Blue stuck their hands ‘in’ like they were a little league team and with rising voices and hands, chanted, “yyyyyyYYYAAAAYYY BALLS!”

“So,” Pink said, “you need to grab anything? Toothbrush?” He turned to Blue who started to shrug uncertainly, and then turned it into an increasingly enthusiastic nodding of his head. Pink said, “Yeah, I guess we can find you a toothbrush.”

Pink took me by the arm and led me to the window, where the blue glow in the room was emanating from a circle of light on the floor. Blue went over to my bedside table. “What are you doin?” Pink asked. “What are you taking?”

“I like this song,” Blue insisted.

As the small, alien craft lifted silently into the night air it seemed to bob a bit, as if three little people were dancing inside. If you listened closely there could be heard a faint disco beat and the soft voice of a man singing, ‘If you want my body, and you think I’m sexy, Come on, sugar, Let me know.’

The End

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Well, how else was I supposed to end it?

Edit by Jason:
Yes, really! The End. No more chapters will follow. Not written by me, nor by Rwxxx13. Sadly, he passed away and will never write another story or chapter. Even though I think it deserves a decent ending, I’ll never write and end to it. I don’t want to touch this genius writer’s work, because I know I’ll never do it justice. But please! Feel free to do so yourself, and send it to me and I might end up posting it here!

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – part 4

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – Part 4

Billy and I cuddled for a bit and just talked, which quickly bored Jimmy, who left to watch cartoons downstairs. I found out that Billy had learned all about sex from his own cousin, a boy named Dylan who was now sixteen. They’d been fooling around for about three years now. Billy also hinted that maybe Dylan had learned about sex from his own father.

After a bit, all the sex talk got both of us horny again, but I realized that it was nearly time for Donna to get home from work, so we reluctantly got up and got dressed. It was a good thing too. I had just kissed Billy goodbye, and opened the door to see him off when Donna’s car pulled up out front. I watched her get out of the car, then follow Billy with her eyes as he walked out of sight around the corner of the building on his way home.

“Who was that?” she asked, coming up to the door. She grabbed me for a hug and a quick peck on the lips.

“He’s a friend from school,” I told her, jumping a bit when her hand reached down and lightly squeezed my ass.

“He’s cute. Do you like him?”

There was something in her tone that made me wonder if she was asking if I like liked him. I answered, “What do you mean?”

She grinned and shrugged. “Nothing, Tiger.” The she was past me and Jimmy was up off the couch for his own hug. I noticed he didn’t get his ass squeezed.

After dinner I hurried upstairs. I wanted to get into the shower before there was even a question of whether I’d be taking a bath with Jimmy. As I was undressing it struck me how stupid that sounded. I mean, I had a sexy woman who would probably jack me off again if I wanted, and I was fighting against it. Well, after the way she’d acted afterward I was still confused about just what the heck was going on, to be honest.

The doorknob twisted as I was just about to step into the shower. I was thankful I’d locked the door, but knowing the other didn’t lock I hurriedly stepped inside, even though the water hadn’t fully warmed.

“Aren’t you gonna take a bath with me again?” Jimmy called out.

“Uh… I’m just gonna grab a quick shower,” I shouted back. “I’ll be right out!”

And I was. I hurried through my shower, finishing in maybe 3 minutes, which I felt was probably a personal record. After quickly drying off I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the door.

Jimmy walked in and immediately started undressing. “Mom!” he called. “Tommy’s done!”

By the time Jimmy was stepping out of his underwear his mom had joined us. I tried to ignore them, concentrating on combing my damp hair.

As Donna walked behind me I saw her looking at me in the mirror. She stopped and ran a finger down my spine, making me shiver. “Better hope that towel doesn’t drop,” she said teasingly, then slipped a finger underneath and gave a playful tug. I grabbed it, though it was in no danger of falling. With a grin she gave me a light smack on the ass and went to help Jimmy.

I hurried out of the bathroom, worried she’d see the way I was beginning to tent the towel. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why I was still so shy about that sort of thing. She’d not only seen it before, she’d touched and even jacked it off. It still seemed weird to let someone see me naked though, especially with a boner.

I was sitting on the couch with my legs crossed, Indian style, when Jimmy and Donna finally joined me. I was wearing a pair of light blue briefs. Just the regular Y-front type. I figured those were the least sexy and I was still confused about if I was supposed to be trying to look sexy or not. I’d thought about wearing pajama bottoms, but that seemed too much like retreating. Jimmy was dressed in yet another pair of Underoos, while Donna was wearing her usual nightgown.

Donna sat next to me and before Jimmy could sit said, “Honey, grab the blanket for me, will you? Mommy’s cold tonight.”

“Ok, Momma,” Jimmy replied and grabbed a thin blanket that usually sat draped over the back of my uncle’s recliner.

“You look cold, too, Tommy,” she said, shaking out the blanket and covering us both to our waists. “You can share with me.” I was about to protest that I didn’t need a blanket, as it was plenty warm enough in the room, as evidenced by the fact that we boys were sitting around in nothing but our undies, but before I could say anything I felt her hand slide over my leg to the inside of my thigh and my teeth clicked shut.

It was impossible to concentrate on the television. Donna’s hand teased and caressed my leg, from my knee to my groin, her hand just barely brushing against my cloth-covered balls. Sometimes she rubbed, sometimes she’d tease me with her nails. I was instantly hard of course, and was practically screaming in my mind, ‘TOUCH ME!’. This torture went on for what seemed forever, but in actuality was probably about 15 minutes, as the television show hadn’t even gone to commercial yet.

That was when she finally touched me. Touched it anyway, which was really all that I cared about. The position must have been awkward for her, which is probably why she started with just rubbing the back of her hand against my crotch. With agonizing slowness she rubbed her hand up over my balls, then up along my shaft, her knuckles hard against the unyielding flesh of my dick. Up and down, up and down, leaving me a quivering mess.

Then the hand was gone. I was confused a moment. Where had the wonderful hand gone? Then it was back, sliding down my wrist to my right hand, which was then pulled towards her. I couldn’t figure out what the heck was going on, and then I felt my hand being pulled into her lap. I stiffened for a moment in surprise, but with a little tug she got me moving again, and then my hand was between my aunt’s legs.

She switched hands, so that her right was now on the back of my right, molding her fingers to mine. Then we were moving. I realized that her robe must be open. From the heat of her thigh we reached over and down, until I felt her pubic hair tickling against my fingers. It was a bit wiry, which surprised me, as I had expected it to be soft and silky like mine. My fingers moved down through that thicket of hair, guided by her hand, until it reached something hot and damp. Donna gasped.

She began squeezing my hand, causing me to squeeze mine. Against my fingers, wet heat, slippery skin, coarse hair. I couldn’t make sense of any of it. I mean, I’d seen a few dirty magazines. I knew there was a slit there, and some fleshy bits, and presumably a hole, but seeing it and feeling it were completely different experiences.

After a minute of rubbing and squeezing I felt Donna take hold of my index and middle fingers and adjust them just so. Then they were suddenly surrounded by velvet wetness. I knew then that I was inside her pussy. Donna gasped again, and her breathing quickened. She began to work my fingers in and out of her. I could feel the way her pussy sucked at my fingers, grasping. I quickly learned the rhythm and began to move my fingers in and out on my own.

Then Donna’s left hand was back, this time sliding quickly across my stomach and diving straight into my underwear. It was my turn to gasp as she wrapped her fist around my cock. If it was possible, Donna’s pussy seemed to grow even wetter around my fingers. I continued to work them in and out of her hot pussy as she steadily jacked my throbbing dick, her thumb making quick little circles over that sensitive spot just below my little helmet.

Then Donna pulled a play from Billy’s book and she was leaning into me, her lips against my ear. “Do you like my pussy, Tommy?” she asked in a whisper. “Do you like fingering my wet pussy?”

Her words made me shudder. Who knew talking could be so hot? It made what we were doing seem so much more intense. So much more dirty.

“Your little cock is so hard, baby,” she continued. The heat of her breath against my ear nearly an equal to the heat around my fingers. “So hot and hard. I can feel it throbbing in my fist, Tommy. Are you gonna come for me, Tommy? Is your hard cock gonna come while you finger my pussy?”

I felt myself nodding, then looking over desperately at Jimmy, who was oblivious, absorbed in the tv. Then, without warning, Donna’s right hand was in my lap, grabbing hold of the concealing blanket. Alarmed, I watched as she slowly pulled it away, revealing her left fist tight around my cock, the throbbing red cockhead poking out above. I glanced back towards Jimmy, knowing all he’d have to do is lean forward and a bit and look to his left, but he seemed content to watch tv.

“Look at how hard your cock is, baby,” Donna whispered. She stopped jacking me for a moment, her thumb and forefinger holding my rigid dick in place. I looked down to see it all throbbing and red. “I bet you want to put this stiff, young thing in my pussy, don’t you?” She started jacking me again, tight and controlled, her thumb working, keeping her movements from alerting Jimmy to what we were doing only 2 feet away from the little boy. “Do you? Do you want to fuck my pussy with your hot little cock?”

I started to come right then, shocked by how nasty she was being. Her fist slid tightly up and down my thin shaft while it bucked wildly. I was looking down at her jacking fist when I exploded, and I was amazed to see little bubbles of liquid, like spit bubbles, burble out of my small pee slit. I was squirting! Well, sorta.

Donna’s right hand released the blanket and swiped over the head of my dick, collecting that small amount of liquid. Then she brought her hand to her mouth and I watched her pink tongue snake out to lap up my first cum. I watched her eyes squeeze shut while she gave a quiet gasp and then began to shake. Her pussy spasmed around my fingers, gripping them tightly. I realized how tightly she must be reigning herself in so that Jimmy didn’t notice.

Donna’s pussy finally relaxed it’s grip on my fingers, but I didn’t move my hand. She didn’t move hers either, continuing to squeeze and lightly stroke my cock, which softened for a few moments before stiffening right back up again. I finally remembered to pull the blanket back up, covering myself.

After a bit a commercial came on and Donna retrieved her hand while moving mine back to my lap. She fiddled under the blanket, obviously tying her robe shut again, and then announced she had to go to the bathroom. I made sure my underwear was again covering my stiff dick when she stood up and the blanket slid down, but it didn’t hide the obvious bulge there. I quickly covered it again before Jimmy could see.

While Donna was in the bathroom I lifted my right hand up to my nose and inhaled. My fingers were dry by then, but I could strongly smell Donna’s pussy there. It was a really odd odor, somehow familiar, but alien at the same time.

Donna was gone for awhile. When she came back, the tv show that mostly only Jimmy had been watching was just ending. “Come on, Jimmy. Time for bed, honey,” she called.

“Night, Tommy,” Jimmy said, and then he was off and up the stairs.

I sat on the couch, wondering what would happen next. I was trying not to imagine anything, because of course I was so confused that I didn’t have a clue what it could be, but my imagination was getting the best of me anyway, and my dick was still like a stick of wood in my briefs by the time I heard Donna softly call my name about 10 minutes later.

I turned to see her on the stairway, mostly in shadow. She was still wearing her nightgown, but it was gaping open, framing her large naked breasts and the dark triangle of hair between her legs. She motioned for me to follow and then disappeared into the darkness at the top of the stairs.

I sat frozen for a second, both because I wasn’t sure what to do, and I was a bit scared of any decision I’d make. Finally I felt myself rise from the couch. My legs felt like rubber as I staggered woodenly to the tv to shut it off and then turned to the stairs. At the bottom I looked up. Donna was gone, and that stairway seemed three or four times longer than it normally did. Switching off the lights, I hurried upward, trying to be quiet so Jimmy didn’t hear me.

As I neared the top I had a vision of my little cousin dashing out of his bedroom, angrily confronting me for soiling his mother. I worked that little vision so thoroughly that I actually flinched when I reached the top of the stairs. Then, uncertain where I was supposed to go, I glanced into my room, but it was dark and empty. I turned left to face the door to my aunt’s bedroom.

The door was closed. As I stepped up to it, knowing in my mind that she was waiting, expecting me to open it, I hesitated, feeling as if it were a violation of some sort. My hand settled on the knob. I looked down and although it was too dark to see it, I could feel the way my cock was straining inside my briefs, urging me forward, through that threshold.

I finally turned the knob and let the door swing open. The darkness of the hallway gave way to the soft, diffuse light of several candles. There was a scent in the air of my aunt’s perfume, the scented candles, and underneath that the subtle smell of her sex.

“Close the door,” Donna called softly. I turned right to see her lying on her king-sized bed. She was propped up on pillows and her long black hair covered her breasts and also fanned out to the sides, a sharp contrast against the whiteness of the sheets. Her left leg was straight out, but her right was cocked. Between her legs, her hand moved in small circles, the tan skin nearly as dark as the black curls that peeked out around it. I stepped lightly forward and then back, allowing my butt and back to slowly push the door closed. Without turning, I reached down to the lock and twisted it. I was breathless.

Donna moved then, sliding over to the side of the bed. She lowered her legs to the floor and faced me. I caught flashes of her nipples between strands of her long hair. “Come here, baby,” she called, and held out her hand to me. I stepped forward and she spread her legs so that my knees pressed against the side of the mattress. In the dark shadows between her legs I thought I glimpsed something wet.

Donna put her hands on my hips and pulled me close, her mouth against my stomach, her legs pressing against mine. “You smell so good,” she said, placing a kiss on my stomach. Then she licked me there. Her hands slid around to my ass and squeezed, making my dick lurch in my underwear.

Donna grinned, and slipped her fingers into the sides of my briefs. “Let me see you,” she said, and then she was sliding them down. The waistband hung up on my stiffness, but with a little yank my cock jumped free, smacking against my nearly hairless groin. I felt my underwear settle against my feet, and I stepped out of them.

From only inches away, Donna stared at my pubescent cock. “So beautiful,” she murmured. Then she leaned forward and I felt her nose pressing against the base of my dick. She inhaled. Her cheek was warm against my swollen length. “You smell delicious.”

Donna leaned back a bit then and looked up at me. She smiled, and then slowly, her eyes never leaving mine, she lowered her mouth until it engulfed the small head of my penis. I sucked in a breath as her tongue flicked teasingly against the same spot her thumb had been rubbing me downstairs, just below the head, in that little bundle of nerves. Then she moved down, taking inch after inch inside her mouth until her red lips were snug against the lightly haired base of my twelve-year-old cock.

Billy, in my albeit limited experience, had been a terrific cocksucker, but he had nothing on my Aunt Donna. It wasn’t just the technique, her lips and tongue and mouth, the way she would suck and nip and lick. It was the sounds she made, the slurping, the sucking, the hungry moans, as if she were tasting the most delicious thing in the world and desperately wanted more. Sometimes she would bob her head up and down my short length, sometimes she would remove it from her mouth and just use her lips and tongue on the head, or the shaft, or even my hairless balls. Meanwhile, her hands were always busy, stroking my legs, squeezing my ass, caressing my nuts, or circling the little, pink rosebud between my legs.

In one of those moments when her mouth wasn’t filled with my cock, Donna looked up and said, “Are you going to come for me again, Tommy? Are you going to let me taste your little boy cum again?”

“I… I don’t know,” I said in a fit of honesty. “I think that was the first time I did that.”

Her eyes brightened and she smiled hugely. “That was your first cum? I got to taste your very first load out of these adorable little balls?” she said, caressing my nuts in her palm. “God, that’s so hot! Come for me again, Tommy. Mmmmm, let me taste your sweet boycum!”

Then she swallowed me again, but this time with a purpose. Her mouth was like a vacuum, sucking at my very being. Her right hand gently massaged my balls, which seemed so heavy. Sliding her left index finger into her mouth briefly, she quickly searched for my asshole, and in and instant slid it in to the second knuckle. I gasped at the sensation and began to move my hips, unable to help myself, fucking my aunt’s mouth.

Donna moaned louder, insistently around my cock. Her finger darted in and out of my tight asshole while her mouth suctioned on my thrusting cock. And then for the third time that day I was coming. I found my hands on my aunt’s head, gripping either side while I pumped my hips erratically. My balls felt like they were exploding and that wonderful feeling that seemed to start in my ass somewhere ripped up through my balls, through the short length of my cock, and out.

I just shook while my orgasm rolled over me, my cock jerking spasmodically in Donna’s hungry mouth. I had no idea if I was coming dry again or filling her mouth with my virgin seed, but she didn’t seem to care either way.

My knees suddenly went rubbery on me, and with a pop my glistening wet boner slid from her mouth and she helped me to sit and then lie back on the bed. My chest rose and fell, heaving. Donna curled up beside me, her hand stroking my naked chest, fingers playing with my tiny stiff nipples, my soft belly, my groin. She ran her fingers idly through my sparse pubic hairs, tugging on them playfully.

“I’ve wanted to do that since you first showed up at our door,” she confessed softly, fingers nudging against my softening penis. She picked it up between finger and thumb and wiggled it back and forth. “You have the cutest little dick,” she murmured, leaning forward to kiss my neck. “Thank God you have a little bit of fuzz down here,” she said, again playing with my silken pubes. “I feel perverted enough as it is.”

After a minute she leaned up on an elbow and looked down at me, a bemused expression on her face. “My poor little Tiger,” she said. “I guess you don’t know what to think anymore, do you?”

I couldn’t answer, so I just shook my head. She smiled gently. “Well, you shouldn’t get the idea I do this sort of thing all the time,” she said. “Seducing little boys, that is.” Her fingers danced over my face. “You’re just so beautiful.”

There was that word again. Not handsome, not cute… beautiful.

I saw her eyes drift down across my body and stop where my dick was lying limply between my legs. She smiled. “Do you know how big your Uncle Larry’s cock is?” she asked.

“N-no,” I stuttered in a whisper.

“Nine inches,” she said. “More than double what you’ve got down here,” she said, reaching out and tracing a finger lightly over my soft dick, causing it to twitch. “And it’s thick too. Big and thick and hairy, and when he puts it in me it fills me up and stretches me and makes me so hot I want to scream. And sometimes I do scream,” she continued with a grin.

“So you’re probably asking yourself, if I’ve got that in my bed, why am I all over your little twelve year old sausage, hmm?”

I was back to being unable to answer, feeling a bit ashamed along with my confusion. Then Donna sat up and straddled my legs, the darkness between her thighs just inches away from my cock, which quickly filled with blood and lifted up off my smooth groin. She just sat there for a minute, staring down at my cock. Then she met my eyes.

“Do you know what Larry isn’t?” she asked softly and I shook my head. “Beautiful,” she whispered. “He’s big and hairy and manly and he’s got a beer belly and a cock to make a girl scream, but for some reason that just hasn’t been enough.” Donna leaned forward then, hands on either side of my shoulders, all that dark hair cascading around us, forming a protective circle around us which tickled against my naked skin. “It happened this summer,” she said, eyes staring off into space.

“I was at the pool, of course,” she continued. “I was lying there, soaking up the sun, when I noticed all the boys at the pool. I found myself watching them, their smooth, perfect skin, their silky hair, their bright eyes. So young and beautiful.” She sighed wistfully. “There was one boy, I’ve seem him around the complex. He’s about your age, blonde like you. He was wearing a tight little bathing suit and I could see his dick so clearly. I found myself wondering what it would look like. What it would feel like.”

Donna began to sway back and forth, making her hair slide across my chest and stomach. I shuddered. “I thought about that boy a lot,” she confessed. “Him, and others I’d see. And then you came to stay with us. You’ve always been a beautiful little boy, Tommy, but you’ve grown so much since we last saw you. The day you arrived I knew I had to have you. Here, in my bed. And now here you are.”

Donna leaned over me, her face inches from mine. “And you’re all mine,” she said. Then she kissed me. This was no chaste kiss, but of course I hadn’t expected one. It was wet and heated and it went on for a long time. Finally she pulled back and looked into my eyes, her own eyes bright. “You’ve done that before,” she grinned.

I smiled back shyly, and then she leaned in for another kiss. This time she settled her lower body against me, and I gasped into her mouth as I felt the wet heat of her pussy press against my cock. She began to move back and forth, sliding her sopping sex against my stiff penis. I couldn’t believe the velvety heat of it, the sweet liquid burn. Her wiry bush scratched against my hairless groin, adding flavor to the sensations.

Then she sat up, pressing herself downwards against my short throbbing length. She shuddered atop me, eyes closed. Then with both arms she swept all that dark hair up and flipped it behind her so it cascaded down her back. My eyes locked on her heaving chest while my cock lurched against her grinding pussy. She reached down and grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands to her tits. I eagerly took two handfuls.

“You like my tits, Tommy?” she teased, twisting her hips, grinding herself against me wetly. “I’ve seen you staring at them. Mmmm, yes, baby, touch me there. Pinch my nipples, Tommy. See how hard they are? Ooooo, that’s right. Like that. Do you want to suck them? Does baby wanna suck Momma’s titties?”

I found myself nodding and then she was hovering over me, her large breasts right in my face. I took hold of the right one in both hands and eagerly closed my lips around the large brown nipple. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, so I treated it like I had Billy’s cock, sucking lightly, teasing it with my tongue, nibbling with my teeth.

“Oh, God, Tommy!” Donna gasped. “Just like that, baby! Oh, God that feels so good!”

I gasped as she reached behind her and grabbed my cock in her left hand. It was still so wet with her juices that it slid like quicksilver through her fist. She jacked me roughly, putting her whole arm into it, gripping me much too tightly if I hadn’t been so wet and my attention so involved in suckling her breasts.

“Tommy!” she suddenly gasped, her grip on my cock tightening even further. “Oh! Oh yes! Oh God!” Then she was shuddering atop me, gasping and moaning.

After a moment her eyes opened and she looked down at me, her eyes filled with intent. “Are you ready?” she asked, wiggling around on top of me. I realized she was trying to position herself. Then I realized why she was positioning herself and my eyes widened. I knew it was going to happen, but now, at the moment, I found myself unable to believe it.

Donna’s hand left my cock, but then she reached down and grabbed it again, this time from the front, her hand between her legs. She lifted a bit and then the tip of my cock was sliding against molten flesh. She slid it around for a moment until she was satisfied, and then she lowered herself, just a bit. Just enough for my cockhead to be swallowed by the silky wetness of her gripping pussy. With a sigh, she lowered herself completely.

I groaned, feeling my cock completely engulfed in the hot, liquid grip of my aunt’s vagina. She just sat atop me for a few moments, her sex gripping me tightly, sucking at my short length without even moving. My brain was on fire. I wasn’t a virgin anymore! My cock was inside a woman’s pussy! I was fucking!

“You feel so good inside me, Tommy. I didn’t think… I mean… Ohhhh, God it feels so good! After Larry’s cock I wasn’t sure, but, oh baby, do you feel so good! I can’t believe how hard you are, Tommy. So very hard inside me. I can feel your little cock throbbing in my pussy.”

Then she leaned forward and whispered hotly in my ear. “And now I’m gonna fuck you, Tommy. I’m going to fuck your little boy cock so hard! I’m going to make you come inside me so hard you scream!”

And then she was fucking me. Hard. She began to pump herself up and down on top of me, grunting so loudly I was sure Jimmy would hear us and come investigate. The wet smack of her pussy against my groin was so loud to my ears, like someone punching a side of beef.

I’m pretty sure Donna came at least twice while she rode my cock. At least her rhythm broke and she shuddered atop me two times before starting over again. After her second orgasm she rolled off me and then urged me to lie between her legs. Once again she reached between us and, grasping my slippery wet cock, pulled it back inside her. Then she wrapped her legs around me, grabbed my ass in both hands and urged me to fuck her.

“That’s it, baby!” she gasped. “Ohhh, fuck me! Fuck me with that sweet little cock!”

I sorta wished she would stop calling my dick little. I mean, I knew it wasn’t that big, but it made me feel, well… small. Childish, and inadequate, when I wanted to feel big and manly. I mean, I was fucking her wasn’t I? I was making her come. Wasn’t that manly? Still, she kept whispering and groaning and urging me to fuck her with my little boy dick. I figured it was sort of a thing for her. I think the idea that I was a boy was more important to her than the size of my dick, and for some reason it was making her really horny. Having gained a heck of a lot of confidence over the last couple of hours, I decided to experiment.

Screwing up my courage, afraid of sounding stupid, I whispered to her, “Does that feel good, Donna?”

“Ohhhh, so good, baby,” she panted.

“You like my hard little cock inside you?” I said, going for broke.

Donna gasped, and pulled back enough to look me in the eyes. Her face was intense. “YES!” she hissed. “It’s so good inside me! So hard!”

“What is?” I asked, teasing, my hips rising and falling, driving my cock inside her, our skin smacking loudly, my balls loose and slapping against her ass with each thrust.

“Oh, God, Tommy! Your cock! Your cock is so hard inside me!”

“My boycock?” I asked.

Donna groaned and shuddered underneath me. Her legs tightened around me and her fingers clawed at my back, her long nails leaving painful gouges. “Yes!” she gasped. “Yes! Your sweet, hard, beautiful, little boycock!”

“Uhhhngg!” I gasped then, caught up in the moment myself. “I’m gonna come!”

“Ohh, come in me, Tommy! Squirt your boycum into me! Fill my pussy with your sweet cum!”

I pounded into her faster and faster, my face buried against her neck which muffled my strangled grunts. Nothing could muffle the slap of flesh on flesh though. Closer and closer, harder and harder. Finally I gave one last, straining thrust, as if I could push my entire body into her pussy. My feet strained against the mattress, my whole body stiff and quaking as my balls exploded again and Donna’s pussy sucked hungrily at my jerking cock. All the while she gasped, “Come! Come! Oh, baby, come!”

After some time I rolled off her, spent, my soft cock slithering out of her pussy with a slurping sound. I collapsed on my back, breathless, feeling the sweat on my belly and thighs cooling, along with my pussy-soaked crotch. Donna’s breathing was just as loud as my own.

Eventually we calmed. I felt Donna get out of bed a few minutes later and then the faint sound of running water from the bathroom. A couple of minutes later she returned with a warm, damp cloth and she gently washed the evidence of our illicit lovemaking from my crotch and from between my legs. Some time after that I slept.

Donna woke me some later in the night. It was still dark and a glance at the alarm clock on her bedside table read 4:27. She softly urged me to return to my own room, so that Jimmy wouldn’t suspect anything. I made my unsteady way through the dark hall to my own bed and fell immediately into a dreamless sleep.

End of part four

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – part 3

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – Part 3

Sunday was church. My family and my aunt and uncle all went to the same church, so I got to see my mom and brother and sister. We all went out to lunch afterward. It was nice to see them. On the drive back home my Uncle Larry told us that he had to go out of town. He’d pack up as soon as we got back home and be gone until Wednesday.

Jimmy and I spent most of Sunday afternoon playing army up on Beck’s Hill. Beck’s Hill was the large wooded hill behind our side of the apartment complex. It was named for Beck’s grocery store, which was on the other side of the hill. Jimmy assured me it was a great place to go sledding during the winter, and seeing the steep slope and the wide open spaces below I believed him.

Donna called us in for dinner at 6. As soon as dinner ended Jimmy ran off to play or something while I helped Donna with the dishes. She washed and I dried. As we were at our task Donna told me that she would have to leave for a couple of hours as soon as the dishes were done. She asked if I’d mind helping Jimmy with his bath again. I said I didn’t mind at all.

“I heard you two took a bath together,” she said casually.

I immediately reddened and then felt my stomach twist as I wondered what else Jimmy had said about last night. Donna turned to look at me with what seemed a knowing look in her eyes. I dreaded what she’d say next.

“That was really smart,” she said. I was speechless. It was, at the least, the very opposite of what I feared she might say to me. “I was worried that Jimmy wouldn’t behave himself if I wasn’t there to help with his bath. It was smart to take a bath with him. You made it into a game.”

“Uh… yeah. Well, it just seemed sorta natural,” I stammered.

“You’re a natural,” she smiled. “A natural babysitter. Go ahead and take another bath with him tonight, ok? I should be home before he has to go to bed, so I’ll take care of that.”

I agreed readily enough and we finished up the dishes. Donna grabbed her purse and then called up the stairs. “I’m going, Jimmy! Tommy will help you with your bath, ok?”

“Ok, Momma,” I heard him faintly reply.

“I’ll be back soon as I can,” she said, then with a quick peck on my cheek she was out the door.

I headed up the stairs, already thinking of our bath. I wondered if Jimmy would grab my dick again. Heck, I imagined that with very little coaxing I could get him to masturbate me. I’d say it was some kind of game. I was smiling when I reached the top of the stairs.

“Bathtime!” I announced.

Jimmy charged out of his bedroom, already naked, his pale little penis flopping. “Are we gonna take a bath together again?” he asked, excited.

“Yup,” I smiled.


I followed him into the bathroom and began stripping off my clothes as Jimmy adjusted the water. After a moment I realized what he was doing. That sneaky brat, I thought. He didn’t need any help with his bath. He knew exactly what to do. Oh, well, I could hardly fault him. If my mom looked like his mom and wanted to help give me a bath, I’d probably fake a bit of incompetence myself.

We had just settled into the tub when we heard the hallway door open and Donna’s voice called out, “Did I make it in time for bathtime?”

I froze, shocked. With a click glance down I assured myself that the bubbles were high and concealing, but still I placed my hands over my penis under the water.

“Mom’s here!” Jimmy exclaimed happily, standing up and sloshing water everywhere. I watched in alarm, afraid the bubbles would disperse.

Donna came around the corner smiling. “Turns out I didn’t have to go out after all,” she informed us. I got just down the street and remembered my meeting wasn’t until tomorrow.”

Her meeting wasn’t until tomorrow? Really? Was this really happening? Did she plan this? My poor little mind was spinning. Could a grown up woman, my own aunt, be planning all this to catch me naked? To tease me? Was she coming on to me? Was it a game or was my oversexed pubescent mind just reading into everything?

Donna stood over the tub and looked down at us, me sitting, Jimmy standing. “I’m sorry, Tommy, I can help Jimmy with his bath now if you want to have your shower after.”

What? I thought to myself, and just stand up naked and walk out of here? No way! “Uh, that’s ok,” I stammered. “I’m already here, right?”

“Right you are,” she said cheerily. Then she turned to Jimmy. “Is my little man ready for his bath?” she asked.

“Yeah!” Jimmy replied happily.

Donna reached in to grab the soap and a washcloth, but stopped when Jimmy said, “Mom, you forgot.”

“Hmm? Forgot what, Jimmy?”

“You know,” he explained, “your shirt. You’re supposed to take it off so it won’t get wet, remember?”

“Oh,” she said, as if surprised, but I had my doubts. “You’re right, honey. I don’t want to get my shirt wet, do I?”

Jimmy shook his head. “Nope.”

With that, Donna began to unbutton her blouse. I could feel my eyes widening, and I was unable to look away as her fingers worked downwards, slowly unbuttoning each button. I glanced up for a moment and found her eyes on mine, so I quickly averted them. I couldn’t look away for long though, and soon enough they were back to watching her work on her buttons. Eventually she reached the last visible button, and with a couple of quick tugs she pulled the hem of the shirt out of her skirt.

Two more buttons and she was sliding her blouse off her shoulders. She turned around to hang it on the door handle which lead to her bedroom. Then I watched as her arms came up behind her back and she unhooked her beige bra. I realized my cock was standing at attention and I grabbed it with both hands, as if it would somehow burst up out of the water and give me away.

I gave an involuntary gasp when Donna turned around to face us. I didn’t know what different bra sizes were, but I knew these were pretty big. They looked about the size of cantaloupes my mom would buy. Big and bouncy with brown pointy nipples. You could clearly see the area where her bikini covered her, cause the flesh there was much paler. It was my first pair of real boobs and I was awed.

Jimmy sat back down in the tub as Donna knelt down at the side. She took up the washcloth once again and grabbed Jimmy’s arm, starting to wash it up and down. I just sat there, like a lump. Afraid to move, my eyes locked on Donna’s naked tits.

“Tommy didn’t think you really took off your shirt for baths,” Jimmy said.

“Oh, he didn’t, hmm? So you talked about it?” I blushed and looked away hurriedly.

“Yeah, I told him you don’t like to get your shirt wet, and I was right, huh?” He gave his mom his other arm.

“You certainly were,” she said indulgently. As she finished his other arm Jimmy sat back against the wall of the tub and stuck his right leg up out of the water. I watched as she slowly washed his skinny leg, higher and higher until her hand and the washcloth disappeared under the bubbles. Then she did the same to his other leg.

Jimmy continued to yammer on, oblivious to my own inner turmoil. Donna answered all his questions patiently, indulgently, occasionally glancing over at me, as if we sharing a secret, and I guess we were. I think. I was so confused.

Finished with his other leg, Jimmy sat up and Donna began to soap his chest, and then his back. Jimmy seemed to know what was expected next and when she finished his back he asked, “Up?”

“Up!” Donna replied cheerily.

Jimmy stood as Donna rose to her knees. I was surprised to see that Jimmy had a little hardon poking out, inches from his mother’s face. “I got a boner,” he announced happily.

“You certainly do,” Donna replied with a smile. “Should we get it clean?”

“Yeah, but first my butt, remember?” Jimmy said, as if this didn’t apparently happen every day.

“Yes, sir!” she replied and Jimmy turned to the side, hardon now facing me, as Donna swiped the washcloth up and down inside her son’s ass-crack.

Jimmy giggled and faced front again. “Now my wiener,” he instructed.

Donna smiled and then laid the washcloth over the side of the tub. She picked up the soap and lathered up her right hand, and then she reached out and grabbed her son’s stiff little penis. She moved her hands all around, soaping up all three inches of mini boy meat, including his little balls, which she rolled around her soapy fingers.

“All clean?” she finally asked.

Jimmy didn’t answer right away. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back a little. “A good clean this time,” he said in a tight voice.

“Oh a ‘good’ clean,” Donna said, flashing me a little grin.

“Uh-huh,” Jimmy replied.

Then Donna wrapped her fist around her son’s little cock and began an obvious jacking motion, one with witch I was intimately familiar. I could hear the squelching sound of soapy hand on cock as she maintained a quick and steady rhythm. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My aunt, my cousin’s own mother, was jacking his cock. And from the little grunts and tightly squeezed eyes, from the way his little hips were starting to jerk, I could tell he was loving it.

“I’m gonna get the feeling,” Jimmy finally gasped.

“Go ahead, honey,” Donna replied, glancing at me as her hand moved like a soapy blur on her son’s cock. “Let it come.”

Finally Jimmy grunted and his body shook. With a sigh, he plopped down in the tub, breathing hard. I was frozen in spot. After a few moments the boy opened his eyes and grinned. “I got the feeling again,” he informed us happily.

“I know you did, sweetie,” Donna replied.

“Now it’s your bathtime, Tommy,” Jimmy said.

“Oh,” I exclaimed, shocked. I guess I had assumed they would leave and I could somehow get out of this situation without my aunt seeing me naked. “Uh… th-that’s ok,” I stammered. “I can do it myself.” I saw Donna looking at me with a strange light in her eyes.

“No, you have to let Momma help,” Jimmy insisted. “It’s much better if she helps. It’s fun. Really. Right, Momma?”

“That’s right, Sunshine,” she said, looking over at me. “It wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t wash Tommy too, would it?”

“Nope,” he said with a grin, as if this were all a game.

“Donna, I – ” I began, but she cut me off as she grabbed the washcloth again, and then my left arm.

“Wouldn’t be fair,” she repeated. She walked a bit closer on her knees until she was right in front of me. Until her big bare boobs were right in front of me.

I sat there like a stone, in more ways than one, as her cloth covered hand worked it’s way up my thin arm and into my hairless armpit. She lifted my arm then, and leaning closer she scrubbed that area, then dipped the cloth into the water to rinse away the soap. “No hair there, yet?” she inquired, making me blush.

“He has hair on his wiener,” Jimmy happily supplied.

“Oh, he does, does he?” she asked with a sly smile. I turned beet red. I could actually feel my face flaming.

Donna washed my other arm and then said, “Legs,” with a smile.

I hesitated, afraid to move. The bubbles had subsided quite a lot and if I moved around too much they might disappear altogether. Seeing my hesitation, Donna said, “You could always stand…” trailing off, leaving me to imagine what that might be like. I quickly scooted my back against the wall of the tub and lifted my left leg up out of the water, my hands covering my dick, which despite my nervousness and near terror was still throbbing along like nothing was the matter. The sight of Donna’s wet boobs, the nipples stiff and poking out at me surely not helping in the least.

I shivered as I felt Donna’s cloth-covered hand move its way up my leg. Up and up my outer thigh to my hip, then at a diagonal until she was caressing my inner thigh. Then back down to my ankle. Once she’d soaped up each of my toes, in a way I felt had to be designed to drive me crazy, she released my leg and motioned for the other. This time her right hand worked it’s way up my right inner thigh. Slowly, back and forth, and up and up, until I felt the washcloth brush against my balls. I gasped and jerked a little.

“Oops,” Donna said with a soft smile. “Did we touch something sensitive?”

“Did you touch his wiener?” Jimmy asked, all innocent excitement.

“Somewhere else I think,” she answered with a wink.

“I bet she touched your nuts,” Jimmy giggled.

I didn’t answer, afraid to say anything as Donna worked her way down my outer thigh to my right foot. Then she let it go and gave me a look, part playful, part teasing, and all sexy. “Ok, Tiger, kneel up.”

I found myself shaking my head, unable to speak. Jimmy jumped in. Of course he did. “You have to kneel up so she can finish your bath,” he said, like I was stupid. “Go on, it’s fun.”

“Yeah, it’s fun,” Donna grinned. “Come on, you’re a big boy, you’re not embarrassed, are you?”

I was stuck. I quickly ran a mental checklist of my available responses to this situation, and none of them were good. I couldn’t think of a single way I got out of Donna seeing my boner, and as I thought about, I wondered if maybe it wasn’t such a big deal after all. I mean, she’d probably already sorta seen it in my underwear the other night. And didn’t I wear those underwear just so it would show off my dick? Didn’t I really in fact want her to see my dick?

Screwing up my courage, much as I’d done for my first trip into the boy’s shower, I gathered my legs underneath me and rose up on my knees. I didn’t know where to look, so I just stared high on the wall opposite me.

“He’s got a boner,” Jimmy giggled. “It’s really big, huh, Momma?”

“It certainly is,” she said with something I couldn’t identify in her voice. Her voice sounded thicker somehow, huskier. I glanced down and saw that Donna was staring straight at my throbbing pubescent cock. “It’s very big, and very hard, isn’t it?” she said absently.

“You have to wash his butt first, remember?” Jimmy asked.

“Of course, honey,” she replied, then she reached out both her hands and grabbed me by the hips. She pushed on my right and pulled on my left, so I’d turn to face my ass at Jimmy. As I twisted, my sensitive cock slid along the inside of Donna’s left arm. I shivered. I shivered again as Donna pulled her left arm back, slowly, intentionally rubbing the inside of her arm against my wildly throbbing dick where Jimmy couldn’t see.

Then I felt the washcloth on my ass. First the cheeks, slowly, caressing. Then she moved into my crack, up and down. I gasped when I felt her cloth-covered fingers rub slow circles around the little pink rosebud of my anus.

“Are you gonna wash his wiener now, Momma,” Jimmy asked, watching all this with some sort of childish fascination.

“Do you think I should?” she asked playfully. “Do you think it’s dirty? Does Tommy have a dirty, dirty penis?”

“I bet it’s really dirty,” Jimmy said, seeing there was a joke there, even if he didn’t understand it.

“What do you think, Tommy?” she asked, staring me straight in the eye, her voice going all husky again. From my position kneeling in the tub, to hers kneeling outside it, my cock was about on a level with her chin. I watched her eyes drop, staring at my swollen little member and then she met my eyes again. “Do you think I should give that a good washing?”

“A ‘good’ washing,” Jimmy chimed in, the emphasis apparent.

“A ‘good’ washing,” she repeated, her eyes never leaving mine. All I could do was nod.

Staring at my young cock again, Donna carefully squeezed out the washcloth and laid it over the edge of the tub. Then she grabbed the bar of soap and began to soap up her hand.

I don’t know what got into me, what gave me the courage, or perhaps stupidity to open my mouth, but I had a quick mental image of my soapy penis and the stinging sensation that would surely follow, and I blurted out, “Conditioner.”

I quickly raised my hand to my mouth, as if I could somehow force that word back inside, mortified, but Donna just gave me a surprised grin, and biting her lower lip she said, “Conditioner it is.”

She quickly rinsed off her hand in the tub and, grabbing the bottle of hair conditioner, squeezed out a big dollop in her right hand. I watched as she rubbed her fingers around, getting them well covered, and then she reached for me.

First she took hold of my balls, making me gasp and causing my cock to lurch. Slowly, sensuously, she caressed my hairless sack, rolling my grape sized balls gently between her slick fingers. I shuddered when I felt the fingernail on her forefinger scratch a path from near my asshole to the back side of my balls.

“See, he has hair on his thing,” Jimmy interjected, leaning close, watching as his mother caressed my balls.

“He does, doesn’t he, sweetie?” she purred, releasing my balls to rub a finger thru my sparse blonde pubes. She grabbed a few silky strands between her fingers and gently pulled on them, stretching them out to their full length of about three quarters of an inch. Then, gently, lovingly it almost seemed to me, she wrapped her hand around my shaft.

I let out a shuddering breath, my whole body trembling. Wrapped up in her silky, liquid fist I thought my cock had never been anywhere better. I couldn’t imagine a better feeling than this. Jimmy had touched me, and that had been exciting, but Donna touched me in a way that made me feel weak and powerful all at the same time.

Giving me a soft squeeze, Donna lifted her thumb up and ran it over my sensitive pink cockhead. I gave a helpless little whine of pleasure. She did again, then again, finally coming to circle it slowly, each circuit ending in a gentle squeeze of her fist. I’d never felt anything like it. I felt like I could just melt.

Then her other hand was reaching forward, once against cradling and caressing my small balls. Her right hand began an agonizingly slow up and down motion. I found myself unable to hold still. I started to thrust my skinny hips, pushing my cock against her hand, slowly at first, trying to restrain myself, but then unable to stop, thrusting harder and harder.

“Is he getting the feeling, Momma?” Jimmy asked, his face now close to my cock, his own little dick grasped in his squeezing fist.

Donna didn’t answer. Releasing my balls with her left hand she reached behind me to take a firm grip on my ass. Her other hand was still maintaining its slow, steady pace, fighting against my urgent thrusts. Then she was leaning forward. I felt her forehead against my stomach, her hot breath against my throbbing cock. Her hand left my ass, and I looked down to see her take her left breast in her hand, squeezing, pulling, twisting her big, pointy nipple.

It was that image that sent me over the edge. Whining like a puppy I felt my dick spasm and then I was coming, coming harder than I ever had, my whole body suffused with pleasure. My vision went white and I just stood there and shook.

I’m not sure how much time passed. I became aware that I was sitting in the tub, with no memory of how I’d gotten there. My cock was still hard as a rock, plainly visible as Donna had apparently started the tub draining while I was away. There was only a couple of inches of water left in the tub. I looked up to see Donna drying off her son. She seemed to be breathing as heavily as I was. She looked frazzled.

Jimmy’s voice seemed to come from a long way away, and I just caught the tail end of what he was saying. “…the feeling, huh, Momma?”

“Yes, he did, baby,” Donna replied softly.

“He looks sleepy.”

“I think we all are, Jimmy,” she said. Then she gave him a light slap on his bare ass and said, “Off to bed with you, sunshine. I’ll be in in a minute to tuck you in.”

“Ok, Momma,” he said, and then he was gone.

Then it was just the two of us. Donna caught my eye. I didn’t have a clue what she was thinking. Heck, I wasn’t even sure what I was thinking. I saw her look down at my cock, and a look I couldn’t decipher passed over her face.

“Can you dry yourself off, Tommy?” she asked.

I managed a nod.

“Ok, then,” she said. “Sleep tight.”

The next morning was weird. After I’d dried myself off and gone to my room I’d fallen asleep almost instantly. In the morning I was awoken by Donna, but instead of her normal means of waking me, with a soft voice and a hand on my shoulder, she just called my name from the doorway and then closed the door again once she saw that I was awake.

Donna wasn’t at the breakfast table when I went downstairs. There was a plate of food for me, and Jimmy was happy to talk about… something. I don’t even remember. When asked, he said his mom had told him she was going to the bathroom. She still hadn’t shown up when I finally had to leave for school.

I was distracted all morning, which my teachers all sensed. I was told more than once to get my head out of the clouds, or some version of that. I just couldn’t get last night out of my head. I mean, on one hand it was pretty amazing. Donna had jerked me off. Really and truly jerked me off. Ok, it was sorta disguised as cleaning me, but I knew what had really happened and so did she. Hell, so did Jimmy, to whom she’d done the same thing and had apparently been doing for awhile.

On the other hand, Donna was my aunt. A relative. My mom’s brother’s wife. And a grownup. And a mother. She was hot, but she was also old. Like… 30. That was kinda weird. I didn’t even see why she would want to do it. To a little kid. Did I make her horny? Was that even possible? But what other explanation was there?

“Earth to Tommy,” I heard. I started, realizing it wasn’t the first time I’d heard that and turned to my left to see Billy walking beside me, a shy grin on his face. I felt myself smiling in return.

“Hey, Billy.”

“You were like a million miles away. You ok?” he asked.

I shrugged off my confusion and doubts and grinned, happy to see my friend. “I’m ok. What’s up?”

“Well, gym class I guess,” he said, arching his eyebrows and indicating the locker-room which was just ahead of us. Seemed I’d been on auto-pilot.

“Oh, uh, right.”

Billy’s face turned a bit more serious, and a bit hesitant. “So… you think maybe after school…?”

Billy had been trying to get together after school since like the third day after we met. At first he’d invited me to his house, but I explained that I had to watch my cousin. Then he’d wanted to come over there. With all the weird stuff happening I hadn’t wanted him over, and things had just gotten weirder! However, I thought Billy would be a great distraction.

“Sure!” I said, clearly surprising the other boy. “Meet me after seventh period, ok? Do you need to call your mom or anything?” I wasn’t even sure where Billy lived, but I knew he took a bus home.

“She doesn’t even get home till 6,” he informed me. “I’ll be at your locker after last class.” Billy was smiling, which made me smile. Maybe this would be fun.

Billy and I stood on top of Beck’s hill, staring at the apartment complex laid out before us, discussing how cool it would be come winter to go sledding here. He looked really cute standing there, the wind lightly ruffling his feathered blonde hair, his shining eyes wide with the possibilities. I found myself looking at his lips, so full and pink and felt that now familiar stirring. How screwed up was I, I thought, that not only am I going through all this stuff with my aunt, but now I’m getting turned on by boys too?

We headed down the hill and were shortly at our front door. I unlocked it and we stepped inside. “You just wanna go to my room?” I asked hesitantly. I was sort of embarrassed by what he would see, considering all the Disney stuff all over the walls. “You remember it’s not really my room, right?”

“I don’t care what it looks like,” he said.

So we headed up the stairs. As we walked into the room I got my first shock. Laid out on the bed was more underwear. Seems Donna had wanted to give me a new surprise. There were 9 new pairs laid out. I turned to explain to Billy, but was surprised when I did at how close he was standing to me. Before I could even react he grabbed me and then his mouth was on mine.

I was so surprised I didn’t know what to do, but apparently my dick did. It stiffened immediately. Billy’s lips were so soft and warm on mine. I felt myself melting, my body pressing against his, fusing. His hands were on my back, caressing, the fevered breath from his nostrils against my cheek, and then I felt the tip of his tongue inside my mouth, the faint taste of peanut butter from his lunch.

I’d never been kissed before. I’d imagined it, but none of my fantasies lived up to the reality. This was magical. I found my own arms wrapping around Billy, pulling that slim body against mine. My own tongue began it’s own hesitant exploration, a fantastically warm and squishy and very, very intimate dance. My cock was pressing insistently against the front of my jeans, warmed by the heat of Billy’s crotch, and I could feel his own stiff member rubbing to the side of mine as our skinny hips writhed against each other.

Finally the kiss broke. It took me a moment to realize it. I found my eyes were closed and slowly opened them to find Billy staring at me from only inches away, his features showing excitement in equal measures with worry.

“I’ve wanted to do that for forever,” he grinned shyly.

“I never kissed anybody before,” I blurted, no idea why I was confessing and feeling foolish for it.

“You’re a great kisser,” he assured me, a little thrust of his hips reminding me that out throbbing dicks were still pressed tightly together. I looked down at where our stomachs pressed together and felt myself reddening. Billy leaned close then, and I got a repeat of that time in the shower as I felt his hot breath in my ear. “You’re so hard.”

It was a totally embarrassing thing to say, and yet it was incredibly sexy at the same time. I just stood there, smelling Billy’s hair against my face. I wasn’t sure how to answer, so I just squeezed him tighter. “Lock the door,” he whispered.

Lock the door. I knew what that meant. Or, at least I sort of knew what that meant. It meant something was going to happen. Something naughty. Something sexual. I wasn’t sure what, but I was pretty sure I wanted to find out. Billy released me and stepped aside. I couldn’t help but glancing down, excited to see the bulging tube of Billy’s cock pressing against the front of his jeans.

I reached out to lock the door, then remembered that Jimmy would be home pretty soon. Inspired, I told Billy to wait a sec and then I raced into Jimmy’s room. It only took a moment to grab the record player. I didn’t even glance at the bear.

I hurried back to my room to see Billy standing there, a pair of new underwear in each hand. They were the bikini briefs. The ones that showed off my dick so well. In fact, I was wearing my favorite baby blue pair.

Billy looked up, seeing me with the record player. He held up his hands and said, “New undies?”

I shrugged, hurrying over to my nightstand to place the record player and plug it in. “My aunt bought em for me.”

“I like em,” he said. “They look really sexy on you.” He grinned. I grinned back and turned on the record.

Sugar… Sugar… Oooo. The familiar strains of Rod’s big hit spilled into the room. If I hadn’t already been hard as a rock I would have been at that point. The song always made me go hard now, just thinking about what I was most often doing when I heard it.

Turning back to Billy, I stood there, hesitating for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Billy grinned, seeing my hesitation and sexily drawing me closer with a beckoning finger. I stepped closer and Billy reached out to grab my hand. He pulled me closer and pulled my hand to his face. “You’re really beautiful, you know?” he asked, planting a little kiss on the back of my hand.

It felt a bit odd being called beautiful instead of handsome. I felt myself blushing. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot,” Billy continued, kissing my fingers now. “Thinking about what we could do.” Billy’s voice was going low and husky, sort of like Donna’s. “Thinking about what I would do,” he said softly, and then my forefinger was in his mouth. I gasped as I felt his soft lips wrap themselves around my finger, and then he began to slowly move his mouth back and forth on it. I’d never felt anything like it and I felt my legs going weak.

Billy saved me from falling by turning us and the next thing I knew I was on my back on the bed and Billy was lying half over me, his lips once again pressed against mine, his warm little tongue swirling inside my mouth. I kissed him back, hungrily this time, little mewling sounds of pleasure escaping me. Billy pulled back a moment, making me lift my head, eager to continue kissing, but then he grabbed the sides of my white polo shirt and pulled them out of my jeans. He began to push it up around my chest and I sat up quickly and grabbed it myself.

“You, too,” I insisted, and then I pulled my shirt up and off. I watched Billy do the same, exposing his smooth chest. I’d never really noticed till now how big his nipples were. I mean, I suppose I’d noticed, but hadn’t paid any real attention. Who looks at boy nipples after all? While my nipples were about as big around as a dime, Billy’s were the size of nickles, maybe even bigger, and they seemed a bit puffy.

I didn’t get a chance to ponder this difference very long, as Billy was quickly back beside me, lying on his side and half leaning over me. His lips were back on mine, and as I fell into that magical kiss once again I felt his right hand stroking my bare chest.

The kiss went on and on. I never wanted it to end. I could feel Billy’s hand slowly working it’s way lower and lower, and I wanted to shout, ‘Just touch it already!’ cause I was sure that’s where he was headed. The anticipation was thrumming through my body. Finally, after what seemed a lifetime, I felt his hand slide over the waistband of my jeans and then he was softly rubbing my cock through the denim. I moaned into Billy’s mouth, wanting him to know I approved, while at the same time thrusting my hips, pushing my throbbing dick into his hand, to leave no doubt.

Billy tried to grip me tighter, but the tightness of my jeans made that impossible. With a little growl of frustration I felt him give up and then he was working at my waistband, first unsnapping and then unzipping my jeans. I moaned louder as my zipper was lowered as far as it would go and then then Billy’s hand was back on my dick, only the thin material of my briefs between us.

My tongue swirled frantically in Billy’s mouth, my left hand on the back of his head, pulling him tighter against me. Billy’s hand squeezed me tightly for a moment, but apparently not satisfied, it was gone a moment later. I almost cried out in disappointment, but before I got a chance his hand was back, this time sliding inside my briefs to wrap itself around my bare cock. I shuddered and almost came right then. I thrust into his sweaty little fist, gasping into his mouth.

Billy pulled his mouth away from mine then, leaving me once more lifting my head, wanting that contact to return. I opened my eyes once again to see that Billy was staring down at my cock, which was being slowly jacked by his warm hand. Without a word, never releasing his grip on my dick, Billy slid off the side of my bed to kneel on the floor at my feet. Finally releasing me, he grabbed two handfuls of jeans and briefs and started to tug. Immediately seeing his goal, I lifted my hips and my jeans and underwear were instantly around my ankles. A moment later I was completely naked except for my socks. I was lying back on the bed, propped up on my elbows with my legs hanging over the side. My cock, pale and thin, bobbed gently, not quite touching my stomach. Billy put his hands on my thighs. Pushing them apart just a little he knelt between them, and then I watched in astonishment as he took my dick in his right hand and then leaned down and took it right into his mouth.

My elbows shot out to the sides, leaving me flat on my back. I felt Billy do a slight adjustment to make up for the new angle, but my attention was mostly focused on the amazing sensations coming to me through my dick. I’d never even imagined such a thing. Who ever heard of putting someone’s dick in your mouth?

It was like my cock was stuck in some wet, sucking furnace. Or maybe a blender or… something. I couldn’t think straight. The heat of Billy’s mouth was intoxicating. I could feel the swirling of his tongue, the hot pressure of his lips rising and falling, the sweet suction he would apply.

Gathering my strength from somewhere, I rose again to my elbows, my desire to watch this overwhelming me. Billy sensed my attention and looked up to meet my eyes, his own blue eyes sparkling. The sight of my dick disappearing between his soft, pink lips made me shudder.

Seeing he had my full attention, Billy pulled back a bit, releasing my cock from his mouth, where it stood, pink and throbbing, glistening with wetness. Grinning, Billy’s tongue snaked out and licked the full length of my dick, from base to head. Pulling it towards him, he teasingly swirled his tongue around the sensitive head.

“Do you like that?” he teased. All I could was nod rapidly, making him grin even wider. “I’ve wanted to suck your cock since that first time in the shower,” he told me. “I almost dropped to my knees and sucked it right there, right in front of everyone.”

I had no idea how to respond to that. This was a different Billy. This Billy was wild and sexual and mysterious. My silence seemed to amuse him. “Rendered him speechless,” he said wickedly. Then he made me groan by lowering his head and licking at my small, hairless balls. I groaned louder a few moments later when I felt him suck the left one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while he slowly jacked my wet cock with his fist. With a grin he released my balls and then worked his tongue to the base of my cock, toying with the spit-slick hairs there.

Billy had just teased his way back to the head of my cock, swallowing it once again when I heard the doorknob twist. I looked up in alarm, realizing the music had long stopped. “Tommy, I’m home,” Jimmy called. “What are you doin? Can I come in?”

“Uh..” I called out in a strangled voice, looking frantically at Billy, who just grinned around my cock and started to bob his head up and down. “Uh… I’m not feeling good,” I called out weakly. “I’ll be down in a little while, ok?”

“Ok,” Jimmy called back and then he was gone.

I flopped back on the bed once again. Billy took that as a cue to speed his movements. His hands roamed all over, my thighs, my stomach, my chest, my sides. Soon I could feel my orgasm approaching and I began to give little, involuntary thrusts of my hips. The suction from Billy’s mouth grew, as if he was trying to suck my balls up through my cock.

Then it stopped. I looked down in amazement. Where had all the wonderful feelings gone? Billy was grinning at me. “Not too fast,” he said Then he was unsnapping his jeans. I watched with excitement as his zipper was lowered, and then he was wriggling out of his skin-tight jeans. I stared eagerly at the bulging lump in his underwear, then Billy hooked a thumb in either side and they joined his jeans on the floor.

Billy’s cock looked long and lean. It somehow seemed even bigger than it had before. I found his complete lack of hair oddly sexy. Turning, Billy lifted the needle of the record player and put it back to the beginning, leaving me staring at his firm little ass.

Then he was back in front of me. My eyes were locked on his swaying cock. “Sit up,” he instructed, his voice barely heard over the sound of Rod Stewart. I didn’t hesitate. Sitting up put my face right in front of his groin. I’d never seen a boy’s dick from this close. Not even my own. Looking up, seeking permission, Billy gave me a smile and a nod.

Reaching out, I took hold of Billy’s dick. As soon as I wrapped my hand around it I realized two things. First, that Billy’s cock was actually bigger than mine. I knew how much dick stuck out of the top of my fist when I held my own. That made Billy’s dick longer by nearly an inch. The second thing I realized was that whatever confusion I’d been feeling about my sexuality and sex in general, this just felt right. Billy’s slim cock was so perfect in my hand. Silky smooth, warm, throbbing.

Billy’s dick pulsed in my hands as I studied it. Where the head of my cock was flared, like a mushroom or a helmet, Billy’s was more streamlined. Like a missile. The head extended from his shaft and then quickly rounded, like a cone. As I watched a little bubble of liquid formed at the tip, from the peehole, and then dripped over the side. It was hot against my fingers and I realized that Billy’s dick was actually slick with this liquid, quickly dispelling my first thought that it must be pee.

I released Billy’s stiff penis and looked at my wet palm. “I leak a lot,” Billy said, apology in his voice.

“What is it?” I asked.

Billy’s eyebrows rose, showing his surprise. “It’s cum,” he explained. “Well, really pre-cum.” Seeing my blank look, he said, “Don’t you… you know… squirt?”

“Squirt?” I asked, completely confused.

“Sperm,” he explained.

I looked back at my hand. “That’s sperm?”

“Well, not really. Not yet I don’t think,” he said, confusing me even more. “I just started squirting a couple months ago. I don’t think it turns into real sperm until later. That’s just the stuff sperm swims in, or something. I figured you’d squirt. You know… since you have hair.”

I looked down at the sparse hairs around the base of rigid dick and then back up at Billy. I reached out and grabbed his dick, looking suspiciously at the little slit in the tip, as if it would suddenly squirt me in the eye. “What’s it like?”

Billy grinned and said, “Keep jacking me and you’ll find out.”

That sounded like a good plan, but I thought I had a better one. I wanted Billy to experience the pleasure he’d given me, but the idea of putting a boy’s penis in my mouth seemed really dirty. And not dirty like naughty, although that was true as well, but dirty as in dirty. Still, the idea, so alien to me a few minutes ago, was quickly gaining a certain allure.

So, gathering my courage, I leaned forward, stuck out my tongue, and before I could change my mind, licked the shaft of my friend’s penis. I could taste the stuff he called pre-cum right away. It had a strange, bittersweet taste to it. I took a moment to savor it on my tongue, and then I licked again, trying to remember what Billy had done, going from the base, all the way up to his small cockhead.

“Suck my cock, Tommy,” Billy said softly. “Suck it.”

Deciding I wasn’t about to drop dead from some disease, I pulled Billy’s cock down so it was more in line with my mouth, then I carefully fit the tip into my mouth. With only an inch or so of it in my mouth, I closed my lips around it, getting used to the sensation. If Billy’s mouth had been warm and wet around my own cock, then his cock in my mouth was hot and firm. I could feel his pulse against my lips and I let my tongue play over the tip of him while he hissed his appreciation.

Instinctively keeping my teeth out of the way, I slid forward, accepting more and more of Billy’s teen cock into my mouth. Finally, with only a slight gag reflex which was more to having it in my mouth than the thought of it in my mouth, I felt my lips press against his hairless groin. Fully engaged now, I reached forward and let my hands run up the back of Billy’s thighs until I was holding two handfuls of firm ass. Holding him then, I pulled back until only the tip of him remained in my mouth, then, using a light suction as he had, I slowly moved back forward, swallowing him again.

Billy groaned. His hands went to my head, playing with my long blonde hair. As I slowly got into a rhythm, Billy began to match it, gently thrusting his slim hips. “God, Tommy, that’s so good. I knew you’d be good.”

Happy with his praise I continued to suck while my hands kneaded and caressed his ass. Suddenly I stopped and pulled off his cock. He looked down at me to see what was wrong and I said, “Tell me when you’re gonna squirt, ok?”

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I was gonna warn you first. I don’t have to cum in your mouth if you don’t want.”

“I mean, I just wanted to see it squirt. To see what it looks like,” I explained.

“Ohhh,” he smiled. “Ok, I’ll tell you.”

Then he was back in my mouth, where everything fit perfectly. I loved the heat of him, the taste of him, the throbbing of his cock, the flexing of his ass, the little gasps and moans of pleasure that let me know I was pleasing him. And I wanted to please him. I wanted to make him have an orgasm, to see his dick squirt his sperm, or cum, or whatever it was. This seemed like the most important thing in the world suddenly.

I must have lost myself in the wonder of what was happening. I suddenly became aware of Billy’s voice, sounding very strained saying, “Billy, seriously, I’m gonna cum any sec. Stop if you wanna see it!”

I realized I’d lost myself again and I quickly stopped what I was doing and pulled back. Billy immediately grabbed hold of his glistening cock and began to jack off furiously. It was so odd seeing another boy doing that to himself, so intimate and thrilling. I felt my hand go to my own rigid dick as I watched.

“Almost there,” Billy gasped. “It’s coming…”

Then with a grunt Billy thrust his hips forward and a thin stream of liquid shot at high speed out of the tip of his dick. It actually hit me right across my cheek and lips. Billy saw that and gasped even louder as a second and then a third stream of liquid spit out, hitting me in the shoulder and then my chest, where it began to drip down my belly.

I couldn’t help it. My tongue snaked out and licked up the liquid there. It was much like I’d tasted before, only stronger somehow. I lifted a hand to my belly and swiped up the stream of clear liquid running down there. I rubbed it between my fingers, finding it slippery. While I was thus engaged, Billy flopped down on the bed next to me, his hands over his head, breathing heavily.

I scooted back on the bed, lying down on my left side and looking at him, feeling proud of my accomplishment. Billy’s cock was still hard, a few last drops dribbling out of the end. I watched his chest rise and fall. I’d caused that, and the thought made me feel really good.

After a minute I felt eyes on me and I looked to see Billy staring at me, a smile on his face. “You’re so beautiful, Tommy.”

I blushed a bit. “You said that before,” I reminded him.

“I’ll say it again. You are so beautiful. I’ve never seen a boy as beautiful as you.”

I felt I needed to return the compliment, so I awkwardly said, “You’re beautiful, too.”

Billy grinned. “I’m good looking, I know, but not like you,” he said. “God, just look at you.” He rolled on to his right side and stared into my eyes. His hand reached out and traced the features of my face. He brushed my hair back behind my ear, caressed my cheek, run his thumb tenderly over my lips. Then he glanced down between us, where my dick was still stiff and pointing up at our faces.

He reached down and took hold of my cock. “You still haven’t cum,” he said.

“Are you gonna suck me again?” I asked, praying he’d say yes.

Billy grinned. “Something better.”

“Better?” I asked, wondering what could possibly be better than that.

Billy nodded and turned around on the bed until his face was over my crotch. I rolled on to my back and he once again took me into his hot mouth. I was just closing my eyes, beginning to really get into it, forgetting all about ‘better’ and happy with being sucked again by my little blonde friend when he stopped.

I opened my eyes to find Billy rising. He quickly straddled my body, his cock right above mine. Was he going to rub them together or something, I wondered. As I watched, Billy suddenly spit into his right hand and then that hand disappeared behind and beneath him. I was trying to figure out what in the heck he was doing when he gripped my dick. Then, with a bit of subtle maneuvering, I felt something hot pressing against the head of my cock.

“Are you ready?” Billy asked.

“For what?” I asked, still confused.

Billy grinned that grinned I was coming to love and… pressed. I could feel pressure against the head of my dick, and then… Oh, God! At first I couldn’t figure it out. Something… something magical wrapped itself around my cock. Heat and wetness and tightness like something I’d never imagined. It slowly engulfed more and more of me, inch after inch of my cock being swallowed and then I realized that I was inside of him. Somehow I was inside of Billy and it was amazing.

I felt a shudder go through Billy and he rested. I was fully inside him now, the tight ring of flesh gripping the base of my cock. My eyes shot to his and found them closed and I knew he was savoring feelings of his own. Then they fluttered open, finding mine.

“You feel so good in me,” he said. “Do you like it? Does your cock feel good in my ass?”

His ass. Of course, his ass. Where else could it be, I reasoned. I was in Billy’s ass. At the thought, my cock lurched. Billy shuddered and gasped, “Ohhh, do that again!”

I flexed deep inside and my cock lurched again. I was inside Billy. In his ass. Somehow the thought didn’t bring with it any sense of shame or dirtiness. Not like I’d have expected. If he had told me he was going to do it I’d have probably balked, but now, inside him, all I could think was how right it felt, as if my cock had finally found it’s home.

After another intentional lurch of my cock, Billy fell forward, his chest on mine, his arms wrapping around me. He kissed me hard on the lips and then breathlessly whispered. “Fuck me, Tommy. Fuck me now!”

Fuck? Oh my God! Is that what I was doing? I was fucking! I was fucking a boy!

I reached around and grabbed Billy’s ass. Then, shifting my legs a bit, I began to carefully thrust my hips, driving my cock upward, spearing Billy’s ass.

“Yesss!” Billy hissed. “That’s it! Fuck my ass!”

Then he was kissing me again, hard, his tongue in my mouth, grunting with each thrust of my cock into the tight, hot reaches of his rectum. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. Billy had been right. It was better. Different from being sucked, but definitely better. I began to get into a rhythm then, luxuriating in the tight grip of Billy’s ass around my cock. As our lovemaking went on we began to sweat, the sweat somehow making it all better. I could hear the squelching sound of my cock working in Billy’s ass, the burp of displaced air as our tummies writhed against each other.

“Who’s in there?!” I heard suddenly as a knock came at the door. I froze, and Billy froze above me. “I know someone is in there,” Jimmy called again. I realized that the music had stopped long ago. “Are you playing the Rapist game in there, Tommy? It’s supposed to be my turn!”

Billy’s eyebrows arched and he said softly, but with a wicked grin, “The Rapist game?”

I blushed furiously, but a clenching of Billy’s ass around my deeply buried cock caused me to gasp. “Jimmy,” I called weakly, “I’m busy, ok?”

“You said you were sick,” Jimmy called, and I could tell from the sound of his voice his ear was pressed up against the door. “Who’s in there? Can I play? Please?”

Then that oh so familiar sensation of Billy’s breath in my ear, so much more intimate with me buried in his ass, as he whispered, “So, can he play?”

I pushed his shoulders so I could see his face and he was looking at me with a wicked grin. “You want to let him in?” I asked, incredulous.

Billy gave an eloquent shrug. “He can join us if you want. Could be fun. Is he cute? What’s the Rapist game?”

I blushed again. “It just happened one night,” I tried to explain. “He caught me… you know… doin it to myself and it just sorta happened.”

“Tommy?” Jimmy called again. “I can hear you whispering!”

“Hold on!” I called loudly. Back to Billy I said, “He’s just a little kid.”

“Big enough to play the Rapist game with,” Billy reasoned with a smile.

I thought about that for a second. I remembered the way my cock had felt snuggled between those tiny asscheeks. The feel of his little dick in my hand. The look on his face as he came in his mother’s hand. My cock lurched again. Billy gasped and growled half in frustration as I worked my way out from beneath him and got to my feet. Billy moved around till he was lying with his back on the pillows, head against the headboard, one hand idly toying with his rigid teen cock. The sight made my knees weak.

I stepped up to the door and laid my hand on the knob. I heard a scrambling on the other side as Jimmy pulled back. “If I let you in,” I said, “you have to promise not to say anything to anybody, ok?”

“I swear!” Jimmy hurriedly replied.

With another glance at Billy, and getting another wicked grin in return, I unlocked and slowly opened the door. I held myself so that I was mostly hidden behind the door, covering my nakedness. Jimmy eagerly poked his head around the door and his eyes widened on seeing Billy.

“You are playing the Rapist game!” he exclaimed. “Can I play with you guys?”

“How do you play the Rapist game?” Billy asked.

Jimmy came fully into the room, his eyes taking in our naked bodies eagerly. I saw his hand go to his crotch as he explained. “Well, one guy is the rapist. He breaks into your house and finds a boy. Then he takes both your clothes off and lays on top of you and rubs until he gets the feeling.”

“Oh,” said Billy with a smile. “The feeling. And you played that game with Tommy?”

Jimmy nodded, hand still working at his crotch, eyes locked on Billy’s long slender cock. “Tommy said I could be the rapist next time.”

“Well, you can rape me if you like,” Billy smirked. “I’m Billy.”

“Ok, Billy!” Jimmy said eagerly, then he began to quickly strip. I saw Billy’s eyes eagerly watching as Jimmy’s little cock was exposed. It was of course already stiff as a nail.

Jimmy ran forward and jumped on the bed. He landed right beside Billy and immediately reached out but stopped just shy of grabbing the older boy’s cock. “Can I?” he asked, and at Billy’s nod he wrapped his little hand around the blonde’s dick. “Yours is even bigger than Tommy’s,” he said happily. Then, “Should I rape you now?”

“Hmm,” Billy said, “first let me see what you’re going to rape me with.”

Jimmy grinned and quickly rose to his knees, thrusting his skinny hips forward, presenting his prepubescent cock for inspection. Billy reached out and took it gently between his fingers. As he slowly stroked the little rod he glanced at me, still standing by the door, and said, “Your cousin’s got a nice little cock on him.”

Jimmy turned to me and grinned, obviously happy with the compliment, and then gasped. I watched his head swivel back and down to find that Billy had taken the little treat fully into his mouth. Jimmy’s eyes quickly came back to me and he loudly whispered, “My thingy is in his mouth!”

I knew what had happened, but I wanted to see it myself. I quickly joined them on the bed, kneeling down next to my cousin, watching as Billy worked his mouth on Jimmy’s skinny little dick. Seeing me there he then moved back and over and swallowed my cock.

“Wow,” Jimmy said, awed. “Does it feel good?” he asked me.

“He just did it to you, too,” I pointed out. “Did it feel good to you?” Jimmy nodded. He shivered when Billy once again switched in order to suck his dick.

Then Billy was leaning back. “All nice and wet,” he said. “Time to rape.” Then he grinned and shifted so that he was lying on his stomach.

“Ok!” Jimmy said happily. Then he climbed on to Billy’s back and slid his cock between the older boy’s asscheeks. He immediately began to rub himself in that sweet cleft until Billy reached back and took hold of his little dick.

“I’ll show you how to really rape someone,” Billy said, and then began to maneuver around. He obviously wasn’t satisfied, and I realized that Jimmy’s dick was probably too little. Then Billy got his knees under him and thrust his ass into the air. Taking hold of Jimmy’s cock again, he pulled the young boy forward until he had the proper position. I felt my own cock give a lurch as I watched my nine year old cousin’s stiff little prick disappear into my friend’s asshole.

“Gross!” Jimmy said, as soon as he realized what was happening. He started to pull out but I was there immediately. This was much too exciting to watch to let it end now.

“This is how you really rape someone,” I told him gently. “It feels really good. Just move back and forth.”

“But it’s in his butthole,” Jimmy complained.

“Ok,” I said with a casual shrug. “If you don’t wanna play with us…”

That did the trick. After a moment Jimmy began to slowly move back and forth. After maybe 5 or 6 thrusts he brought his hands to Billy’s hips and began to thrust with more confidence.

“That’s it,” Billy said softly. “Mmmm, fuck me with that little cock.”

I was watching, mesmerized. Then Billy reached out and grabbed my leg and my attention. “Lay down in front of me,” he instructed. I did as he asked and he immediately began sucking my cock.

“Feels really good,” Jimmy said, his tiny hips working.

“Mmmmm,” Billy hummed his agreement, his mouth full of my cock. Then he backed off with a gasp and said, “Shit, little kid knows how to work it!” Then he was back on my dick.

After a couple of minutes Jimmy called out, “I’m getting the feeling!”

I looked up and then watched as Jimmy’s eyes squeezed shut and he stopped his thrusting, his skinny frame trembling. “Ohhh, I can feel it!” Billy groaned after once again releasing my cock.

With a gasp, Jimmy sat back on his haunches. Billy immediately turned over and lay on his back and then said to me, “Now you, Tommy! Fuck me!”

I hesitated only a moment after kneeling between Jimmy’s widespread legs, unfamiliar with the position, then Billy’s hand was on my cock, pulling me down, then in again. I sighed as my cock was once again buried in his ass and Billy gasped. “Oh! So big! Do it, Tommy! Fuck me!”

I didn’t need any further urging. I buried my head into the pillow beside Billy’s and began to thrust. After so long without cumming, after all I’d seen and done in the last hour, I was desperate to feel that rush of orgasm.

It didn’t take long. I was thrusting madly into Billy, his legs wrapped behind my ass, urging me on breathlessly. “Cumming!” Billy suddenly cried. “Now, Tommy! Do it now!”

I felt Billy’s cock lurch between us, and the hot spray of his boycum on my stomach as his ass gripped my cock like a vice, spasming around me. My balls clenched as that familiar ache grew to an explosion of pleasure that suffused my whole body.

I was spent, lying heavily on top of my little blonde lover, sweat cooling on my back when I felt him brush my damp hair away from my face and tenderly kiss me on the lips. My eyes fluttered and I found him staring at me, a soft smile on his face.

“You were wonderful,” he told me. “But you’re heavy.”

“Oh!” I said, guiltily and slid off to the side.

Billy laughed. “It’s ok.” Then he leaned forward and kissed me again.

“You guys are so weird,” Jimmy said. “Boys don’t kiss other boys.”

Billy and I looked at one another and we started to laugh.

End of part three

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

So, was it good for you? Please don’t hesitate to send feedback. That’s really the only reward we get for writing these things and I’m always excited to see something in my inbox. You can get me at rwxxx13@yahoo.com. Hope to have part 4 done in a few days. Thanks for reading.

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