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Day: January 17, 2024 (Page 4 of 4)

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – part 2

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – part 2
rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Wednesday was only remarkable because of gym class. Billy met me in the hallway on the way to the gym and we walked the rest of the way together. We were both a bit shy at first, and we’d blush at odd moments, but we shared a lot of laughs as well and I was feeling very warm towards him. In the shower afterward we made sure to go in at the same time and we grabbed adjoining showers this time. By unspoken agreement we each seemed to avoid staring at each others naked bodies.

By Thursday I was beginning to form a routine. Up for breakfast, off to school, classes mostly a blur except for gym, which always shone clear in my mind. Home after school, hang out and watch tv or play games outside with Jimmy, dinner, bath, get touched by Donna (I could have called that tv time, but let’s be honest about what I was thinking during those times), and then off to bed. All that with lots of jacking off in between, often with my ursine companion. In fact, I’d even performed a little surgery on the bear. Taking a paring knife from the kitchen I’d cut a little slit right between the bear’s legs. Now I had a small opening just big enough for my thin cock. I was no longer rubbing up against his furry body, but the stuffing inside, the sensation of plunging in and out of an actual hole, and probably the mental image that accompanied the act, more than made up for it.

Friday was much like every other day that week with one notable exception. When I arrive home after school that day, thoughts of a certain bear in the front of my mind, I was surprised to see that Donna had left me a gift. On the bed in my room, already unpackaged, were 9 pairs of colored underwear. There were three different styles in all.

The first three were briefs like the ones I was used to, with a Y front fly and everything, except they were colored, red, blue, and green, all with white trim. Excited, I pulled off my pants and white briefs and slipped into the blue pair. They were a bright blue. I checked myself in the mirror, delighted as always too see the way my stiff dick would press against the material. I liked them, but except for the color they were much like what I always wore.

Much more exciting were the string bikinis. Not that I knew what they were called then. The material was shiny, and the sides were very thin, like maybe a quarter inch thick. The back panel was just barely enough to cover my bubble butt, and the front was a V, leaving quite a bit of groin exposed. They were just a bit loose on me, in spite of the fact that the material itself was tight. I saw that they were adult sized small. They came in a shiny red, yellow, and black. In spite of the looseness of the fit, they actually were a bit like wearing a jock strap, in that they held everything down. Looking at myself in the mirror in the red pair you could barely see the lump of my cock, despite how hard it was. Just a slick little tube.

The final set were cut much like the Speedo I’d worn last summer. Low cut, but high on the hips. These were regular bikini briefs. The material of these was very soft and much thinner than the other two. They came in baby blue, a soft gray, and black. I thought the blue would go nicely with my eyes and I slipped them on.

My eyes widened as I saw myself in the mirror. The thin material of these briefs clung to me like they were wet. My erection was plainly outlined, obvious, even blatant. I could not only see the ridge of my slightly flared little cockhead, but I could make out the ring of flesh below that which was all that remained of my foreskin. I could actually see my dick throbbing through the material. I didn’t even make it to the bear. I just flopped onto the bed and humped the mattress, not even pulling the briefs down, feeling that soft material hugging my boy parts.

Donna got me alone a little while after she got home that evening. “Did you get my little presents?” she asked.

“Yeah,”I smiled. “Thanks so much. They were great.”

“You’re wearing a pair right now, aren’t you?” she grinned. I nodded and blushed slightly. “Which ones? I wasn’t sure what kind you’d like best.”

“The blue ones,” I told her.

“I think I remember a couple of blue ones,” she said. “Show me.”

Looking at her with a bit of surprise, I thought a moment, surprised that I was a bit eager to show off, and then quickly unzipped my pants and pulled the flap apart, careful not to show too much, because even soft my dick was plainly visible in the bikini briefs.

“Oh,” she said, with a nod and a grin. “Good choice.” Then she leaned closer and said in a low, sexy voice, “Very sexy.” She gave me a wink and left me blushing as she moved on down the hall.

That night after my shower I had a debate with myself. I was standing in front of the mirror, wearing my new gray bikini briefs. My dick, amazing enough, wasn’t stiff. Probably because I’d just quickly jacked off in the shower a few minutes earlier. Even soft, the outline of my dick was clear in the briefs though, as well as the lump of my small balls. I tried putting my dick in different positions. Lying over my balls, lying to the side of my balls, straight up against my groin, and lying at an angle across my groin.

It was important to find just the right position, because I was planning on going downstairs for ‘tv’ time in just these briefs. After all, Jimmy was always wearing just his underwear. Donna never said anything about it. She even seemed to think it was cute. I wanted her to think I was cute, too. Ok, maybe not so much cute as sexy. I’d be happy with either though. So, screwing up my courage, I laid my dick at what I felt was a jaunty angle, up and to the left, and I headed downstairs.

When I got to the living room Donna and Jimmy were already curled up on the sofa. As I rounded the side of it and stepped into their view I heard Donna exclaim, “Oooo, look at this sexy little man.”

I fought to keep from blushing as I passed in front of them sure they were staring at the lump in my briefs. “You’re in your underwear, too,” Jimmy said with a giggle. “Yay, we’re the Underwear Gang!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Underwear Gang to the rescue!” I cried. This was Jimmy’s cue to jump up and do a few of his signature karate kicks, laying out bad guys in his red Robin Underoos.

This time I felt a bit awkward as I snuggled up against Donna to watch tv. I felt practically naked, and the feel of her silken nightgown against my bare thighs had me fighting to avoid getting a boner. Of course that wasn’t helped by her caressing hand, which seemed even more adventurous than usual, paying particular attention it seemed to my newly bared thighs. Eventually I had to put my hands in my lap to cover my inevitable hardon.

Said hardon had happily departed by the time Jimmy slipped down to lie on his back with his head in his mother’s lap, which had become my cue to do the same. Thankfully, Donna seemed to mostly pay attention to my chest that night. Just gently back and forth in the same area. It being Friday we were both allowed to stay up later, so by the time Johnny Carson started I was feeling pretty tired. In fact, I must have dozed off a bit, because I became aware all of a sudden that Donna’s hand was no longer rubbing my chest. In fact, thanks to the low rise brief I was wearing, her long-nailed fingers were lower than they’d ever been before. Dangerously low.

At the very moment I realized that, I felt the back of her fingers brush very softly against the very tip of my dick, a dick which was straining mightily against the clingy but restraining cloth of my briefs. I shuddered at the sensation, almost like a mini orgasm. In order to cover both my physical reaction to her touch, and what must have been an obscenely swollen lump in my underwear, I pretended to mumble in my sleep and I turned on to my right side, my left leg slightly forward so that my boner was pressing into the sofa cushion.

As I lay there with my eyes shut, praying Donna hadn’t noticed my swollen pubescent cock, or the fact that I’d been awake, I was struggling to make sense of what had just happened. Did Donna know I’d been hard? Was she doing it all to me on purpose, or was it just completely natural and innocent to her? I had no way of knowing, but my mind was in turmoil. This confusion wasn’t helped at all by the fact that Donna had just gone right on caressing me when I turned to my side, her hand now gently rubbing my ass.

Luckily, by the time Donna ‘woke’ me to go up to bed, I’d exhausted myself mentally and my dick was safely soft enough for me to get up and walk up the stairs with her without embarrassing myself. It took me a long time to fall asleep that night.

The next night, Saturday, Larry and Donna announced that they would be going out to dinner. We were to order pizza for dinner and ‘not wait up’. Donna also instructed me to make sure I helped Jimmy with his bath.

We ate our pizza around 6:30, and afterward I announced it was bathtime. “You’re gonna help me, right?” Jimmy asked.

A bit uncomfortable at the prospect I said, “Do you really need help?”

Jimmy nodded. “Mom always helps me so you have to, too.”

Since I was going to be helping, I decided to let him go first this time. He didn’t hesitate for even a moment in stripping in front of me. “Do the water,” he instructed while he stood there fingering his little boy dick. Even tho he was only 9, it really wasn’t all that different from some of the boys I’d seen in gym class. His little balls were a bit tighter in their sac maybe, and he was smaller than me, but I’d seen other boys in the shower who were just as small, just as hairless.

Jimmy walked me through preparing his bath, the correct temperature, how to plug the drain, how much bubble bath to pour. After it was filled high enough for him, he climbed in and sat down, smiling happily.

As I picked up the washcloth to get it soapy Jimmy said, “You should just take a bath with me.”

“Huh?” I exclaimed, a bit dimly.

Jimmy shrugged his thin shoulders. “You’re just gonna get wet anyway. I always get Mom wet. That’s why she always takes off her shirt. So you should-” he cut off when I gave a strangled, “What?!”

“What?” he asked innocently.

“What did you say about your mom?” I asked, knowing full well but for some reason needing to hear it again.

Jimmy looked at me quizzically. “I said she always gets wet. That’s why you should just take a bath with me. Cuz we’re both boys and you’re gonna get wet anyway so it don’t matter.”

“She always gets wet so she…?” I prompted.

Jimmy looked at me like I was dense. Maybe I was. “So…” he said, drawing it out mockingly, “she takes off her shirt. So it doesn’t get wet.”

“And her bra, too?” I asked.

“Duh,” he replied.

I took in this information as I stood and took off my shirt. Jimmy was right about one thing, it made more sense to take a bath together. And like he said, we were both boys, so it didn’t really matter. Or something. Besides, I wanted to find out more about his mom and her missing shirt and figured making him happy would be a good way to pump him for more info.

“You’re getting in?” Jimmy asked excitedly as I started to unsnap and unzip my jeans. I nodded and he said, “Cool!”

I noticed he made no attempt to hide the fact that he was staring right at my crotch. So, more familiar now with undressing in front of other boys, I went ahead and shrugged out of my jeans and then quickly pushed down my underwear, stepped out of them and stepped into the tub.

“Yours is really big,” Jimmy exclaimed, eyes riveted on my nearly teenaged dick.

I knew it really wasn’t, but I was still proud of it and the compliment warmed me inside. Outwardly I just shrugged and sank into the water, hidden beneath the bubbles. “Yours will get bigger too when you get older.”

“I can’t wait,” he replied.

“So,” I said, with all the nonchalance I could muster, “you’ve seen your mom’s boobs, huh?”

Jimmy gave me a sly look. “I knew it,” he said with a smile. “You got the hots for my mom!”

“Do not!”

“Do, too! Tommy and Donna, sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S- Hey!” he said when I punched him lightly in the shoulder. “Anyway, you do.”

“Whatever,” I shrugged, a bit embarrassed.

“I’ve seen her boobs a lot of times,” he said. “I’ve seen her all the way naked too.”

“You have?” I couldn’t help but exclaim.

He nodded knowingly. “I’ve even sucked her boobs. Wash my arms first,” he said, holding out his arm to me.

I reached out with the washcloth I’d just soaped up and absently rubbed his arm. “You have not,” I said, but I actually believed him.

Jimmy nodded. “It’s called the Baby Game,” he informed me.

According to Jimmy, he’d burst into his parent’s room one Saturday morning a few months ago. He’d caught them ‘wrestling’ under the sheet and wanted to join in, so he hopped onto the bed with them. His dad seemed to be a bit upset that he had joined the game, but his mom thought it was funny. After a bit, his dad, who was lying on his mom’s right side, pulled down the sheet to uncover her right boob. Jimmy had seen his mom’s boobs hundreds of times, so it didn’t phase him at all. However, he was surprised when his dad started to suck on his mom’s boob.

“Look, Mom,” he’d exclaimed. “Dad is a baby!”

“Larry,” Donna had admonished, trying to push him away.

“He had his turn when he was a baby, now it’s my turn,” his dad replied.

“I wanna be a baby, too!” Jimmy whined then, and without a pause pulled down the sheet exposing his mother’s other breast and latched on to it and began sucking.

Of course I was having to read a lot into this story, because of Jimmy’s ignorance, but the story I pieced together was that this ‘Baby Game’ went on for a bit, until his mom began to shake. I was pretty sure she’d had an orgasm then. I was blown away by his story. I was even more blown away when he confided that he and his mom still sometimes played the Baby Game when his dad wasn’t home. He told me it was supposed to be a secret.

“You got a boner!” Jimmy suddenly exclaimed. I looked down and sure enough, the bubbles which had hidden me before had faded away and my rock hard erection could clearly be seen. “Let me see!”

A bit too excited by his story and thinking about him sucking on his mom’s big boobs, I rose up on my knees. My dick pointed straight up, bouncing lightly and glistening in the fluorescent light. “Wow, it’s really big, Tommy,” Jimmy said, awed. Then he reached out his hand and gripped it.

I nearly jumped from the shock. Nobody else had ever touched my dick before. I couldn’t say a thing as Jimmy’s hand felt all over, rubbing and caressing, feeling my balls and my swollen shaft. “You got hair!” he exclaimed at one point, his finger rubbing the silky little strands.

I’m not sure how long this went on. It felt like forever. Finally Jimmy looked up at me, his hand wrapped around my dick and then he also go on his knees and said, “You can touch mine too if you want.”

I looked down at his skinny little body and there it was, pointing at about a 45 degree angle. Jimmy’s dick was about 3 inches long, and maybe as big around as one of his dad’s fingers. He didn’t have a single hair of course. Curious now, never having touched someone else’s dick, I reached down and took it gently in my hand. I really liked the feel of it, silky smooth yet very stiff. Warm and throbbing in my hand. I wondered if that’s would it would be like to hold Billy’s larger cock in my hand and my own cock gave a lurch.

That’s when I came to my senses. Taking a bath was one thing, boner and all, but having my nine year old cousin make me cum was quite another and a step I wasn’t ready to take. All business then I hurried us through the rest of our bath, much to Jimmy’s disappointment. We were both still stiff as I dried first him and then myself, and then I instructed him to go get dressed and I’d join him in a few minutes downstairs.

I waited beside the door, not bothering to dress, cock still achingly stiff, listening. Finally I heard Jimmy go downstairs. Waiting another 30 seconds or so, I stole out of my room, into his and grabbed his bear, quickly bringing it back to my room. I hurriedly arranged my pillow, and then my cuddly little lover on top of it. I sighed in pleasure as I carefully fit my cock into the little hole between his legs.

It wasn’t 20 seconds later when I heard my door open and Jimmy ask, “What are you doin’ to my bear?”

I turned around, startled, on my knees with my hard dick throbbing in front of me. Jimmy’s eyes locked on it immediately. “You’ve still got a boner,” he said with a grin. “I get them a lot, too. What are you doin with my bear?”

“Uh…” I hesitated, thinking quickly, “… just playin a game.”

“What sorta game?” he asked, coming closer. I could see a little tent forming in the front of his Batman Underoos.

“Uh… it’s called the Rapist Game,” I replied, no idea what I was saying, just struggling to make it up on the spot.

“What’s a rapist?”

“Uh… it’s somebody who sneaks into the house, and he takes off his clothes and your clothes and then holds you down.” Did that make any sense at all, I wondered.

“So why are you playing it with my bear?”

Man, this kid asked a lot of awkward questions. “Uh… I don’t know. I didn’t have anyone else to play with, I guess.” I said lamely.

“You can play with me then!” he said happily, and before I could say another word he’d stripped off his underwear. “What do I do?” he asked, crawling on my bed with me.

Hell, what did we do, I wondered. “Ok,” I said, thinking quick, “you lay down, and pretend you’re asleep.” I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but the foremost thing in my mind for some reason was making my bear humping seem something other than sexual, and hiding the fact that his bear had a new hole between his legs. Upon reflection, I really didn’t think it through very well.

Once Jimmy was lying on his stomach, I went over and turned off the light and shut the door. Adopting my best spooky voice I softly moaned, “Ooooo, I’m the rapist. I wonder if there are any little boys in this house?”

Jimmy giggled. “I think I see a bed,” I moaned. “I’ll look for a boy there.” Jimmy laughed. “Hush,” I said. “It’s a very serious game.”

“Ok,” he whispered.

I knelt on the end of the bed, and reached out in the dark and found his right calf. “I think I found a boy,” I said. “Now I’ll have to rape him.”

With that, I worked my hand up his leg, over his thigh, then over his ass. I was taken for a moment with the softness of the skin there and I remembered the way Donna had touched me there. I took a moment to move his legs apart and kneel between the so I could reach out and take a handful of his firm little ass in each hand. After that I moved up so that I was hovering over him, and then slowly lowered my weight on top of him.

My cock, still at least three quarters hard, settled right into the crack of Jimmy’s ass. As my weight settled I could feel each of those firm globes wrap themselves around my dick. Unable to help myself, I gave a little thrust. The sensation was much like sliding my cock in between the folds of my pillow, but so much better. Jimmy’s 9 year old ass was warm and silky and alive. I couldn’t control myself. I began to slide my cock back and forth in that crevice.

“Are you raping me now?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah,” I grunted.

“It feels weird,” he commented.

“Uh-huh,” I replied, incapable of anything more coherent.

As I thrust away my cousin’s ass crack grew slick with sweat, making the sensation that much more intense. Sweat began to form wherever we were touching skin on skin, and after a little bit my stomach against his back started to make a little farting noise.

“You farted!” Jimmy laughed.

“It’s not a fart. It’s just our skin making noise,” I said.

“Make it louder,” he giggled.

I only knew one way to do that, and that was to increase the pace and force of my thrusts, something I was only too happy to do. My elbows were at my sides, but I was clutching each of Jimmy’s shoulders as I humped my rigid cock against his sweaty ass. My head was back as I thrust harder and harder, feeling my orgasm like a storm building just offshore. Jimmy was giggling at the farting sound, but I was anything but amused. Finally, with a quaking shudder, I came, my dick spasming, my toes curling.

With a sigh I rolled off my little cousin, the relatively cool air of the room hitting my overheated body, making me shiver.

“Are we done?” Jimmy finally asked. I felt him reach out and touch my chest, and then his hand went lower, gripping my overly sensitive cock. “You’re all wet,” he informed me.

“Raping is hard work,” I informed him.

Jimmy giggled. “It was fun. Next time I get to rape you, ok?”

“Ok,” I agreed, wondering for a moment what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of that. “Hey, Jimmy?” I said.


“Uh… the Rapist Game should be our little secret, ok? Mom’s don’t seem to like naked games very much.”

“Ok, don’t worry I won’t tell anyone,” he assured me.

End of part two

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

And there we have it. Did you have fun? Are you a bit sweaty behind the knees. The feeling will soon pass. I suggest a quick jog around the block. If that doesn’t help, stick cold celery in your armpits. That won’t actually do anything, but the visual image amuses me. Again, feel free to write and request more at rwxxx13@yahoo.com. If you’re interested in my more serious stories, just email me and ask for titles. Be warned, you may cry.

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – part 1

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy – Part 1

I was 12 years old in the autumn of 1978. I was about to enter the 7th grade at a new school and I was nervous but also excited. Part of the adventure was that I was going to be living with my aunt and uncle for a couple of months. See, my mom was planning on moving to the town where my aunt and uncle lived, but she wouldn’t be ready to move until a couple of months after the new school year had started. Seeing as how she felt the move to a middle school (6-8th grade, after I’d just finished at an elementary school that was K-6) was a big deal, she thought it was important that I start at the new school at the start of the school year. That meant living with my aunt and uncle.

Just after Labor Day my mom drove me and a suitcase full of clothes to their house. My uncle was named Larry and my aunt was Donna. They lived in a townhouse in a large apartment complex with their 9 year old son, Jimmy. My name is Tommy by the way. My uncle was a big guy, like 6’4″ and built like a football player. Beth was petite. Only 5’2, an inch shorter than me. She’s what you’d call curvy, with wide hips and big boobs, but a small waist. She had straight, shiny black hair that went all the way to her waist. Donna was also a big tanner, something that would come back to haunt her when she was older, but at the time left her golden brown and pretty sexy.

I was invited in with open arms and big smiles. I hadn’t see my aunt and uncle in a few months and they both exclaimed about how big I was getting, which is pretty embarrassing when you’re going through puberty. It’s true though, that I was now taller than my aunt, which struck me as a bit weird.

I was taking over my cousin’s playroom. At the top of the stairs my new room would be straight across, Jimmy’s to the right, and a bathroom and then the master bedroom both to the left. The bedroom had lots of Disney stuff all over the walls. Jimmy was a big Mickey Mouse fan. At least he had been. He assured me he had outgrown all that, in spite of the large number of stuffed Disney animals that were now in his bedroom. I unpacked my clothes while Jimmy talked about how cool it would be for me to live there and our parents talked downstairs.

I liked Jimmy. He was a funny kid. He’d always been very cute, but I’d always thought of him as one of the ‘little kids’, like my brother and sister. Maybe we’d get a chance to be friends now.

After a bit of time making sure I was going to be ok and generally fussing over me, my mom left for the drive back home. I spent a bit of time talking to my cousin before dinner was called at 6pm. It was Sunday, so one of only two days that Uncle Larry joined us for dinner, the other being Saturday. It was a bit strange being around a different dinner table, but I was made to feel welcome.

After dinner Larry retired to his bedroom, which was his habit I found. During the week he’d come home around 9, just in time to take Jimmy upstairs and put him to bed. I rarely saw him except for the weekends. After dinner also meant bath time I found.

I went upstairs and grabbed a clean pair of underwear and my pajama bottoms. As I exited the bedroom I met Donna who was leaving the bathroom. “I’ve put a fresh towel on the counter for you, honey,” she smiled. “There’s soap and shampoo in the shower. If you need anything else just let me know, ok?”

“Thanks, Aunt Donna,” I replied.

“Just Donna, silly, I’ve told you.” And she had. Several times in the past couple of hours. I’d get it eventually. She’d just been Aunt Donna in my mind for so long that it was hard to break the habit.

Entering the bathroom, there was a vanity with a large mirror to the right, then the toilet. That was separated by a half wall with the shower. The door to my aunt and uncle’s bedroom was to the left, opposite the bathtub. After putting my clothes on the sink the first thing I did was lock the door behind me. I then went to the other door and attempted to lock that. I didn’t hear or feel the familiar click of the little button. I mashed it a couple more times, but got nothing. Finally I unlocked the other door and then knocked on my uncle’s bedroom door.

“Come in,” I heard his muffled voice call out.

I turned the knob and stuck my head in as I opened the door. My uncle was shirtless, lying on the bed with the covers around his waist. The television was on. “Uncle Larry, I think there’s something wrong with the lock on your bathroom door.”

“Wrong, how?” he asked.

“I don’t think it locks,” I replied.

“Huh. Well, don’t worry about it. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow. In the meantime, I’m sure we can restrain ourselves from barging in on you. Your modesty is safe.” He grinned.

I grinned in return. “OK, Uncle Larry. Thanks.”

I returned to the bathroom, but still locked the hallway door behind me. I moved to the shower to turn on the water, just then noticing the shower curtain for the first time. It was a black and white design, but showed naked people all over it. I could hardly believe it. Right there in… well, black and white. They looked Greek or Roman or something to me. Like old statues I’d seen. You couldn’t really see any men’s things, but there were plenty of boobs, which was exciting enough. At twelve I got excited by anything with a hint of sexuality. Already I felt a stiffening in my pants.

Adjusting the water to the proper temperature, I quickly stripped out of my clothes in front of the mirror and stuffed them into the hamper. I loved this part. I loved looking at myself, flexing, turning, looking at every part of myself. I thought I was a very cute boy, and I’d been told that by lots of other people, even adults. I had shoulder length blonde hair, which was even longer when wet because it was so wavy. When I say blonde, I mean it. Platinum blonde I’d heard it called. It was so blonde it was nearly white. My eyes were bright blue and sparkling. I thought I had a good looking body, not really muscular, but not skinny either. My dick, which was standing at attention like it nearly always was when I was naked, was four inches long and about as thick as a hot dog. I was circumcised, although I didn’t really know that, having never seen anything different. I had just a very light dusting of nearly invisible blonde hairs around the base of it. I remembered that unlocked door and cut short my examination and hopped into the shower.

Less than 5 minutes later I heard a knock at the door and my cousin’s voice saying, “Tommy, how long are you gonna be?”

“Uh, just a minute!” I replied. I was actually done cleaning myself by that point and had just been playing with myself. Not really masturbating yet, but just doing this sort of sensual all over body wash thing I did with lots of soap. Rinsing quickly I shut off the water in time to hear my aunt say something outside the door and Jimmy reply, “Why did he lock the door?”

I didn’t hear my aunt reply as I grabbed the towel off the doorknob to the bedroom and started quickly drying off. I threw the towel over the shower curtain bar and then hurriedly pulled on my underwear over my still stiff cock and then my loose cotton pajama bottoms. My cousin was just saying something else as I opened the door.

Jimmy and Donna turned to look at me, Donna with a smile. “I just need to fix my hair quick,” I told them. I turned to the mirror, grabbing a hair brush and started to try to tame my shoulder length blonde locks.

“You’re still dripping wet,” Donna chided, and indeed, I could feel water from my hair running down my back. Then she grabbed the towel I’d just used and said, “Hold still.” Then she proceeded to vigorously dry my hair. After a few moments of dizzying fury, she stopped and said, “There you go.”

“Thanks, Au-… Donna,” I said.

She grinned. “Better.”

In the meantime, Jimmy, anticipating his bath, had begun to strip off his clothes. As I watched he stepped out of his green briefs and then hopped into the tub, his pale ass flashing. Jimmy often tanned with his mom and was pretty dark, so that ass really stood out well. I started to brush my hair as Donna stepped past me, opened the shower curtain and knelt down and started the water. I was shocked. Jimmy was nine. Did he still need help with his bath? Apparently he did, as Donna began to soap up a washcloth while Jimmy talked about something or other, I wasn’t paying him much attention. Finishing my hair I left the bathroom, feeling a bit awkward.

After baths we were allowed to watch tv. I was already sitting on the sofa when Donna and Jimmy came down after his bath, him dressed only in a pair of blue Superman Underoos, which he proudly modeled for me, doing a couple of karate kicks for good measure. He looked cute in them, I admitted to myself, but it was a bit weird for me to see a kid running around in his underwear. My own mom was much more strict about such things and I had a distinct sense of modesty. Plus, Underoos were little kid underwear.

I was sitting on the right side of the sofa when they came in, and Donna sat next to me in the middle. Jimmy said, “You’re in my seat.”

“He can sit there if he wants, honey,” Donna said.

“But it’s my seat,” Jimmy pouted.

“It’s ok,” I said standing, “he can sit here if he wants.” I moved to the left side of the sofa while Jimmy settled in happily, snuggling up against his mom.

Donna must have seen something in my face because she smiled and held up her left arm and said, “C’mon, Tommy, you can snuggle too.”

So we snuggled and watched tv. It didn’t take me long to find that Donna was a very touchy sort of person. Her hand was constantly running up and down my arm, over my side and chest and stomach, pretty much wherever she could reach, including my left leg, which caused a bit of a thrill to shoot through me. A few times during the evening I even got hard while she stroked my bare skin, although a quick glance during the first time assured me that it couldn’t be seen in my bunched up pajama bottoms.

Around 8:30 Jimmy switch positions, lying back on the couch with his head in his mother’s lap. She just kept on stroking his bare chest, both of her arms going at once. She leaned close and whispered, “He usually falls asleep about this time.”

After about 5 minutes she said softly, “You can lie down too if you like, Tommy.”

I thought about it for only a moment, then stretched out on my back with my head in her lap. I could feel the top of my head touch Jimmy’s. Jimmy was a bit curled up and shorter, so I had more room to stretch out than he did, but I still ended up with the decision to put my legs over the arm of the sofa, drape them off the side, or cross them. I decided to cross them, leaving my legs splayed open.

Donna went back to rubbing my body as I watched tv and and enjoyed the sensation of her silken nightgown and warm thigh under my head. I wasn’t sure how much attention she was paying to touching me, or if it was just an absent sort of movement. It seemed absent, but it was hard for me to consider that some of what she was doing wasn’t being done on purpose. She had long fingernails, and she would scrape them over my skin, raising goosebumps. Sometimes she would stroke those nails over my tiny brownish nipples, causing them to pucker and stiffen. And of course that wasn’t the only thing stiffening, especially when those nails drifted down to play lightly against the waistband of my pale blue pajama bottoms.

Finally at ten o’clock the show we’d been watching ended and Donna gave me a pat on the belly. “Up and at ’em, Tiger,” she said softly. “You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

As I stood, careful to make sure my boner wasn’t poking outward, Donna gently roused Jimmy and got him to stagger up the stairs to his bed. “Sleep tight, Tommy,” she whispered at the top of the stairs. “I’ll get you up in the morning.”

With that she led Jimmy into his room, no doubt to tuck him in. I was sorta hoping she’d tuck me in as well as I closed the door, turned off the light and crawled into bed. Then I lay staring at the ceiling for a bit, wondering what 7th grade would be like.

The first thing I was aware of the next morning was a gentle hand on my shoulder and a soft voice telling me to wake up. My eyes fluttered open to find my Aunt Donna leaning over me. My eyes went right to the cleavage from her negligee.

“Well, I guess you’re awake,” she said with a grin. I found myself blushing and averting my eyes. “Ok, up you get, Tiger. Breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes.”

I found I liked when she called me Tiger. Nobody had ever called me that before. As she disappeared down the steps I got out of bed. Feeling my piss hard-on throbbing I quickly made my way to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and then pushed down the front of my pajamas and briefs. Pushing my straining dick down as far as I comfortably could, I leaned forward with one hand on the wall to get myself at an angle where I wouldn’t be peeing all over the back of the toilet. Then I sighed as my bladder began to empty, slowly straightening as my dick lost it’s rigidity.

Back to my new bedroom, I pulled off my pajama bottoms and slipped into a new pair of Levi’s, , socks and a new shirt, all purchased the week before when my mom took me new school clothes shopping. The jeans were a bit of a struggle. As was popular then, I’d bought them so that I had to literally squeeze into them. They were skin-tight and I liked the way you could see the thin tube of my dick in them. The new big thing was Izod polo shirts and I’d begged my mom to get me a few, even though they were a bit expensive. The one I had on was pink and I thought it looked great on me.

Donna and Jimmy were already around the dining room table when I got downstairs. Uncle Larry had already left by that time. We enjoyed bacon and eggs and toast with orange juice to wash it all down. It was a bit of a treat for me, because my mom usually just left me to make cold cereal for myself. After breakfast I took my new school supplies which mostly consisted of a Trapper Keeper and some pens and pencils and then headed out. Oak Park Middle School was only about a mile from my aunt and uncle’s house, so although I could take a bus, I felt it was much cooler to walk.

The first day of school was mostly meetings and assemblies. We started off in the morning all gathering in the gym for an orientation. There were handouts and speeches by several of the teachers as well as the Principal and Vice-Principal. Afterward we were assigned homerooms. Unlike elementary school, homerooms were just for certain occasions. We’d actually be going to different rooms for all of our classes, which I thought was cool and seemed very grown up. Each class was pretty much more of the same. We were given text books, which we stored in our lockers between classes, another cool new thing.

One thing I found worrying and intriguing was the talk we had with our gym teacher, Mr. Patton. During his talk about the sort of things we’d be doing that year we were informed that we would have to shower after every class, so we were to bring a change of underwear along with our gym clothes, which had to be taken home every Friday and washed. Mr. Patton was very big on hygiene. The thought of being naked with all the other boys had me excited and nervous and I found myself looking around at my new classmates, wondering what they would look like with no clothes.

It wasn’t the first time I’d been naked with a bunch of guys. Well, it would be the second. During the summer I’d attended a Jamboree with my Boy Scout troop. One night about eight of us were sitting around and one of the older guys suggested we all show each other our dicks. We ranged in age from 11 to 16. A couple of the boys started to get stiff immediately, and then it was a contest to see who would get hard last and compare boners. I was nowhere near the biggest, that belong to a 14 year old boy who had the biggest dick I ever saw, although those were the only ones I’d seen other than a Penthouse magazine I’d seen once. His name was John, but everyone started calling him Horse after that, which always made him blush.

After school I had to rush home. Part of my staying with my aunt and uncle was that I had to babysit Jimmy after school until Donna got home at about 5 o’clock. As a middle schooler I got out of school 30 minutes before him and although I was walking home and he was taking the bus, his school was further away, so I still had about 20 minutes before he arrived home.

I planned to use that time wisely. All day long my thoughts had kept returning to showering after gym class. So by the time I got home, my dick was aching in my pants. Unlocking the door I ran upstairs to my bedroom and pulled the door shut behind me. I kicked off my shoes and immediately stripped off my jeans and my underwear. I reached down and squeezed my boner, sighing with pleasure and anticipation.

Donna had apparently made my bed after I’d left, because I certainly hadn’t done it. I grabbed my pillow from the top of the bed and then knelt in the middle of the mattress. I had been masturbating now for about 5 months, and while I did the normal sort of jacking off while I was in the shower, where I could slather my dick with conditioner (I found out quickly that soap or shampoo would sting), when I was in my room I would do it the way I’d initially learned to do it. So, taking my pillow, I would fold about 1/3rd of it over and lay it out beneath me. I’d then fit my erection into that fold and lower my weight, holding the fold in place. Then I’d pretty much rut like a dog in heat.

Very soon after starting I felt that familiar bunching sensation somewhere between my ass and balls and I’d go stiff while my orgasm thundered through my lean body. I quivered and shook, giving out a little panting moan, and then I collapsed onto my back, my cock slowly softening while I lightly stroked my hairless balls.

I started when I heard the door opening and closing downstairs and Jimmy’s voice calling out to me. I hurriedly jumped up and pulled on my underwear and jeans. I was just snapping them closed when my bedroom door burst open.

“Isn’t this great!?” Jimmy exclaimed. “I hated going to Miss Linda’s house after school. We’re gonna have so much fun. We can do whatever we want! How was your first day? I got Mrs. Baker. I’d heard she was mean, but she seemed nice to me. She didn’t give us homework, but they usually don’t on the first day. Did you get homework?”

It went on pretty much like that for about 15 straight minutes while I went down to the kitchen and fixed us both a snack. Jimmy was a talker. We finally settled in front of the tv and didn’t move until Donna got home just a couple of minutes after five.

“And how are my two handsome boys today?” She asked as she swept into the house. She was wearing a short dress. I think she worked in a department store. Jimmy got up and ran to her for a hug. Then she looked at me expectantly and I got up with a grin and went to get my own hug.

Dinner was at six and we spent it telling Donna about our days. I have no idea why, but at one point I mentioned the shower thing, that we would be expected to shower every gym class. She must have realized I was a bit nervous because she leaned close and in a soft voice said, “I’m sure you don’t have anything to be embarrassed about, Tiger.” I felt a flutter in my stomach at that.

After dinner was bathtime again. I again went first and was too nervous to jack off thinking about that unlockable door (Larry hadn’t looked at it after all) and Jimmy’s impatience to get his own bath. I suppose I would have been eager as well, if I had him mom washing me. Of course that thought made me instantly hard and I turned the water cooler so I was poking out the front of my towel when my shower was over.

Still, that thought lingered. Seemed it was a day for thinking about bathing, in one form or another. I pushed my pajama bottoms and underwear around my knees and ravaged my pillow again before putting it back under my head (I was still cumming dry in those days) and heading off to sleep.

Tuesday was my first real day of gym class. I had gym right before lunch. We’d been assigned lockers the day and I saw a lot of furtive glances all around as everyone stripped to their underwear in order to put on the gym uniform, a white t-shirt and blue shorts. I especially was looking at a boy I’d seen yesterday. His name was Billy Parker and in my opinion he was the best looking boy in the class. His locker was in the same row as mine. He was blonde like me, although his hair was more a golden shade. He had been wearing an Izod shirt yesterday as well and we’d talked a little about that. He had blue eyes and white teeth and a nice smile.

I got a bit of a surprise when I saw Billy take off his pants though. At first I thought he was wearing Underoos, much like Jimmy, but on second glance I realized they were just colored briefs. All of a sudden my own plain white briefs seemed very pedestrian. Billy was sexy and fashionable and I immediately wanted to be more like him.

During class I kept thinking about those colored briefs. There had been another 2 boys I’d seen who were also wearing them. It seemed very adult and sexy to me. I found myself wondering what a boy who wore colored briefs would look like naked. Of course I got my chance to find out about 30 minutes later. My heart was beating faster as we made our raucous way back to the locker-room. Mr. Patton was standing in the doorway repeating instructions he’d given us the day before.

“You will grab a towel off the bench,” he instructed. There were stacks of towels on a bench just to the left as you entered the locker-room. “You will go to your lockers and put your dirty clothes inside. You will proceed to the shower. No roughhousing! After your shower, dry off and throw your towel into the big hamper. After that you’ll come to this spot,” he pointed at a spot in front of his office door, “where you will be inspected. If you haven’t showered, you’ll be sent back to do so and receive a demerit. Am I clear?” We answered in the affirmative and grabbed our towels.

Acting as if I did this every day, I went to my locker, opened it up and started to strip. First my shoes, and then my socks, glancing around while trying to appear as if I wasn’t. Off came my shirt and I stretched, as if I were bored. Then, sucking in a steadying breath, I shucked off my shorts and underwear in one quick motion, tossed them into my locker and quickly wrapped the towel around my waist. I’m sure I saw at least 3 boys glance quickly away from me as my eyes did a quick recon.

There were already three other boys in the shower when I arrived, with room for 12, assuming each boy took one showerhead. I stripped off my towel, threw it on a hook and stepped to one of the free showers. I busied myself adjusting the temperature of the water so I wouldn’t have to look around, afraid of getting caught looking as well as being afraid of others looking at me. When I finally got the water right and started to soap up I finally looked around. The last of the showers was just filling up, leaving me glancing around at 11 other naked boys. My eyes scanned crotches while I pretended my eyes were squeezed shut due to the shampoo.

About half of the boys seemed to have some pubic hair, and half didn’t. I was glad all of a sudden to be in the water, because my pubic hair was pretty hard to see if you weren’t close, but showed up a little bit darker when wet, so at least the other boys would know I had some. I was fascinated by all the other penises. Some were bigger than mine, some smaller. Some boys had little wrinkly ones which I knew from my jamboree experience could grow just as big as others that appeared much bigger. Mine was one of those that hung almost its full length when it was soft, only gaining a little bit of length and thickness when it was hard. One boy had such a thick bush of black hair that you could hardly even see his pale little dickhead inside it.

“Is it ok if we share?” I heard a voice ask.

I glanced up, startled, to see Billy Parker standing next to me. I couldn’t help it, I immediately glanced down at his dick. His dick was a shower like mine, smooth and pale and thin. The head was a soft pink. I couldn’t see any hair at all around the base though.

Realizing I’d been staring I looked up guiltily, flushing. Billy was blushing too. “It’s… uh… crowded,” he said. “Is it ok if we share?”

“Oh! Uh… sure! Yeah, here,” I stammered, moving over a bit to make room. He slid under the warm spray of water, closing his eyes as the water cascaded over his face. I found myself looking at his dick again. If I turned just like… With a little twist my cock was barely an inch from his own. For some reason I found that sight very exciting and I felt that rush that indicated I was about to get hard. I immediately tried to fight that just as Billy moved and suddenly our dicks mashed together. His eyes flew open, startled.

“Oh, sorry!” he said. He gave a sheepish smile. “Not much room.”

“Uh, no, not much,” I mumbled mortified to see and feel my dick lifting. Billy must have seen my eyes because he glanced down too and saw my cock starting to stiffen. Then his lips were against my ear, his warm breath tickling and causing my penis to shoot to full attention. “Turn to the corner,” he whispered.

Luckily the shower I’d grabbed was on the end on the right side. By angling my body towards the corner nobody else could see that I’d suddenly popped a boner. “Thanks,” I muttered.

“Yeah, well, you started it,” he whispered back, turning in the same direction. I glanced down to see that he too was fully erect. The sight caused my own dick to throb even harder. I don’t know why, but for some reason I found his little cock to be just beautiful, and I longed to reach out and and grab it, to feel it throbbing in my hand.

“Think about baseball,” I whispered.

“Batter up!” he replied and we started to giggle. I glanced around to make sure nobody thought we were being suspicious. Billy whispered, “At least you have hair down there.”

“I like it,” I answered. “I mean… I like yours.” I blushed furiously. “I mean, it’s fine. If you don’t. It’s looks good. And you’ll get some soon.”

Once again I felt that hot breath against my ear as Billy leaned close. “I like yours too,” he whispered.

It took a few minutes, but we were finally able to turn back to the rest of the shower without embarrassing ourselves. We were surprised to see that only two other boys were still in the shower and they were each getting ready to leave. We hurriedly shut off the water and grabbed our towels.

After drying off quickly we each tossed our towels into a big hamper and made our way to Mr. Patton’s office. The 2nd of the other 2 boys had just walked off. “Well, I guess I don’t have to ask if you two showered,” Mr. Patton said, with perhaps a bit of knowing irony in his voice. I watched as his eyes roamed over our naked bodies, checking, so I assumed, for signs that we’d been in the shower. “Very nice, boys,” he said. “You can get dressed now.”

After lunch I did something I very rarely did in those days, and that was masturbate standing up outside the shower. I couldn’t help it. All through lunch my dick had been throbbing, thinking about Billy’s cock. Thinking also, for some odd reason, of the way Mr. Patton had looked us over. I wolfed down my lunch and hurried out of the cafeteria, sure that everyone could see what felt like a massive boner straining inside my jeans. In the bathroom I unzipped and unbuttoned my pants and hurriedly pulled out my cock and then furiously stroked it while leaning up against the wall inside the stall.

I had to do the same thing between 6th and 7th period, and I was a nervous wreck because a boy’s voice had called out right towards the end, “What are you doing in there?” I almost had a heart attack. I’d thought I was alone in the bathroom. I hadn’t answered, still shaking with my orgasm as I stuffed my dick back into my jeans and hurried off to my final class.

The walk home from school was just as bad. I very nearly stopped on the wooded hill behind the apartment complex to jack off again, but figured I was close enough to home to hold out. Inside the apartment I was already kicking off my shoes and pushing down my pants as I made my way up the stairs. As I passed Jimmy’s room I had an idea. He had a record player in his room. All his 45s were kid music. Disney stuff for the most part. He had only one modern record and that was Rod Stewart singing, “Do You Think I’m Sexy?” I thought, if I put that record on and turned it up loud, then if Jimmy came home while I was still humping my pillow, he wouldn’t be able to hear it. So with one hand already down my pants gripping my stiff little nail, I popped on the record and dropped the needle at the start.

She sits alone, waiting for suggestions He’s so nervous, avoiding all the questions

The music started and I turned to head into my room when I spotted it. As I mentioned, Jimmy had a lot of stuffed animals in his room. Most of them were Disney. Mickey, Pluto, Donald, etc. One of them wasn’t Disney. It was a big, stuffed teddy bear. He was made with soft golden fur and he was probably about 3 feet high. I looked at that bear and I knew. Pushing my jeans down around my calves I hopped, scooted way unto Jimmy’s twin sized bed. Kneeling on Mickey’s mouse face, I grabbed his pillow and placed it just so, and then I grabbed that bear and laid him face down on top of it. Grabbing my trembling cock, I lowered myself and then carefully inserted it between bear and pillow. As my dick slid between those two items, caressed by that golden fur, I felt myself shudder. I wrapped my arms around the bear, my chin resting on his head and began to pump my skinny hips all the while being serenaded by Rod.

If you want my body and you think I’m sexy Come on, sugar, let me know If you really need me, just reach out and touch me Come on, honey, tell me so

It took maybe 10 seconds before I was shaking with one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever felt. I didn’t stop there though. After only a few seconds rest I started humping again, luxuriating in the feel of that fur against my sensitive cock. I lasted a few minutes that time, but again I was left gasping out my pleasure as the orgasm ripped through me a second time. At some point the record had ended and I hadn’t even noticed.

I was actually too exhausted to struggle into my clothes when I heard the door open downstairs. Instead I practically flopped off the bed, grabbed my jeans and underwear and quickly slipped into the bathroom. There I was able to take a minute and rest sitting on the toilet before I went out to face Jimmy.

At dinner that night Donna asked how the shower experience had gone and I couldn’t help a blush, which I prayed she didn’t notice. I told her it had gone fine. I also found myself telling her about the cool colored briefs that Billy and a couple other boys were wearing and shared with her my hope that I could talk my mom into buying me some.

You’d have thought after all the masturbating I’d done that day that I was beyond getting hot and bothered, but that night on the couch as Donna caressed my bare skin left me shaking just as badly as the first night. In bed, pillow folded under my sweating body, all I could think about was that bear.

End of Part one

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Thus ends part one. Please comment if you enjoyed it. The more comments, the faster the next installment will arrive. You can mail me at rwxxx13@yahoo.com.

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