High quality erotica. And more....

Day: January 23, 2023

Dear Jason – Chapter 13

Dear Jason – Chapter 13

It turned out that they spent a total of four nights with me. During these days and nights, we hardly wore any clothes. Only when we went out to eat or shop did we reluctantly put on some clothes.

But we did have a lot of sex together. Oh boy, did we have sex! Having these young, horny, enthusiastic, eager-to-learn kids around me with recovery times I couldn’t possibly match was both exciting and exhausting at the same time.

Every night I was awakened at least two times by a sucking or jacking kid, with most of the time them teaming up. James absolutely loved it when I fucked him, and with Julia sucking his cock every time I did, I couldn’t blame him.

After an experimental double penetration session of Julia in the pool with me up her ass and James in her cunt, her reservation about this was gone. We did it like this several times, each time making her cum at least four times during that fuck. James loved how our cocks rubbed together, only separated by a thin piece of his sister’s flesh, and wanted to do it like this every chance he got.

I’ve never felt this sexually drained in my entire life. I even had to pass on having sex with them several times. They didn’t mind at all and made good-hearted fun of me and me being too old. Whenever I didn’t join them, they just fucked or sucked each other.

But all good things come to an end. When their parents came home, and James and Julia had to go home, I insisted they come over whenever they wanted. They both smiled knowing smiles and hugged me tightly. Bill handed me a fine bottle of whiskey as a thank you for helping them out, which I grudgingly accepted, mentioning how it wasn’t necessary and such. But he insisted.

When I closed the door behind me, I felt relief and sadness for being alone again. After I cleaned up, I decided to start writing this story. The following day, I was sitting at my desk, writing away, when I noticed movement in the corner of my eye.

I looked at James’s room and saw James and Julia looking at me. When I looked at them, they both waved, and I waved back. What happened next brought a smile to my face and a rock-hard cock in my pants.

James turned sideways, so his body was parallel to the window and my view. Julia dropped to her knees and started pulling down her brother’s shorts and underwear. When his hard dick came into view, she wasted no time and immediately wrapped her lips around it.

As she started sucking off her brother, I unbuttoned my pants and openly started jerking myself as I looked at them. James glanced over and smiled when he saw what I was doing.

As Julia’s head bobbed up and down on James’s stiff shaft, he took off his shirt and laid his hands on his sister’s head. Watching this unfold before my eyes, with my own hand almost having a mind of its own, was enough to quickly get close to the edge.

After the telltale signs of James’s approaching orgasm, I sped up the movement of my fist, where Julia was doubling her efforts on her brother’s cock. The moment he threw his head back between his shoulder blades and Julia was clearly swallowing his cum, I sprayed mine all over my keyboard and t-shirt. Fuck, this was hot!

After I regained my cool a little, I glanced over and saw Julia standing up and smiling at me. She opened her mouth and extended her tongue to show me that some spunk was still left in her mouth. A second later, they started Frenching, and her hands roamed over his chest and ass.

A couple of minutes later, they were done and glanced at me again. What happened next was a bit unexpected. Suddenly, Julia ran toward the bathroom, and James quickly pulled up his pants. A heartbeat after he was done, his mother came in and started talking to James.

I casually made sure nothing indecent was visible from her point of view, and after she was done talking to James, she waved at me. I gave her a friendly smile and waved back, and she left James’s room.

James looked at me, and I could see the relief on his face. He overexaggerated wiping his head, and waved one last time at me before grabbing his shirt, and he headed downstairs

But this whole endeavor got my creative juices flowing, and I did some great time writing this story. I managed to squeeze out almost five thousand words each evening I sat down to write.

And almost every evening, I was treated to one show or the other. The best one was when James fucked his sister doggy-style. That way, I could see everything, and they kept a close eye on me.

But as they got older, their sexual escapades became less focused on me and more on each other. I knew this was inevitable, but it made me a bit sad nevertheless. Every once in a while, they came over to swim in my pool, and we still had fun together.

But when James mentioned with a big grin and in a conspiratorial tone that a new pair of preteen siblings had moved in at the end of the street, I couldn’t help myself and asked him to tell me all about it. Both laughed knowingly and offered to help whenever I needed it.

That evening, I grabbed my pads and strolled down the street toward my new project. And when I saw the eleven-year-old boy and his thirteen-year-old sister, a new plan was forming in my head.

There you have it, JD! The story you asked me to write about the fantastic ability you handed to me. I hope you enjoyed yourself! I know I did, and I promise to keep using this ability for the good stuff… maybe I’ll write you about some other adventures in the future. But for now, this is it.

To James and Julia: thank you for the marvelous time we had together and still have. I hope you won’t hate me for how I started all this and that I had to lie about it. The new kids that moved here are amazing, but I’ll never forget the two of you, and I hope you won’t forget me!

The end.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

finis lepus foraminis prope est

Here’s the download link to this chapter’s audio file: Link

But I recommend downloading the complete audio file (.m4a, .m4b or .MP3) for the best experience. There’s also an eBook in both the ePub and PDF format available for download here.
Click here to go to the Audio book/eBook page

Dear Jason – Chapter 12

Dear Jason – Chapter 12

When we walked into the restaurant, I realized I had forgotten how fancy it was. Good thing Julia wore a skirt and James and I wore dress pants. We all laughed when we saw we all decided on white shirts and blouse when we came downstairs to head to the restaurant.

“This is fancy,” James whispered after we were seated.

We were seated in a corner, and as I looked around, I figured that these were probably the least favorite seats in the house. But I didn’t mind at all, because we had lots of privacy here and our conversation could only be overheard by the waiters or when we were shouting.

“Yeah. It is. I forgot how classy this place has become with its new owner,” I said as I picked up the menu.

After we ordered, James said he felt terrible about his aunt. And when he said he felt bad for not thinking about her all the time, but mostly about sex things, Julia nodded in agreement. I assured them that they didn’t have to feel bad. Their aunt probably wanted them to live their life and not wallow in pity all the time.

That seemed to put them at ease, and pretty soon, the conversation turned to my stories.

“Did you really have sex with your brother?” Julia asked softly, “I read it in your FAQ.”

“Yeah. I did. Well… we did. And it was… okay,” I replied and added, “Doing stuff with Pete was way, way more interesting and fun!”

“That’s that Indian story, right?” Julia asked.

“Indian summer, yes.”

“Didn’t read that one yet,” she said.

“I did,” James said with a wicked smile, “and you had lots of fun in the woods!”

“Yeah, we did. But it wasn’t a hundred percent accurate. I did take some writing liberties to make the story a little more interesting. But almost all the sex parts and walking around in loincloths were true.”

“Cool!” James smiled.

“I liked All Dressed Up,” Julia said, “It was almost like it could happen to us, you know? They had sex almost accidentally, and they learned that deep down, they both wanted it…”

“Don’t read into it too much,” I chuckled, “I make up these stories, and there’s rarely a deeper meaning or anything.”

“Maybe, but I still read it like that,” she smirked.

“I just love how you describe it as the most normal thing to do. Most grownups are so uptight about this. I mean… it’s just sex, right?” James said at a level only the three of us could hear.

“I know!” Julia chipped in, “Grownups know how good sex feels, yet they tell us it’s bad for us. I don’t think it’s fair.”

“I never felt anything better in my life than when I… you know… stuck it in. If I knew how good it felt, not just for me but for you too, I would’ve asked you way sooner!”

“Exactly!” Julia said, a little too loud. And then continued at a lower level, “I don’t wanna marry you or anything. But I do wanna have sex with you. Why can’t this be two different things?”

Both kids looked questioningly at me, so I said, “I don’t know. Honestly. I think society decided this a long time ago, back in the days when the church had a big influence on things. I also see them as two separate things. When you love someone romantically, you can use sex to deepen and express that love. But when you just wanna have sex for the sheer pleasure it gives you, and you’re not in a relationship with anyone, all you need is someone who respects you and likes to have fun with you. And then you can enjoy the sex and have loads of fun!”

Both kids nodded and smiled knowingly. We were quiet as the waitress placed our food and drinks on the table. The moment we were alone again, I continued, “But there are a few pitfalls! When there’s an adult involved, it’s always risky!”

“What do you mean?” Julia asked, “You’re an adult.”

“I know. And I’m very aware of it. Adults tend to take control over kids, and kids automatically look up to them. So the mutual aspect of things might be off because of that.”

“But… I don’t feel it’s like that with you!” James said and took a sip of his Coke.

“Thanks. Me neither. But it is something that’s always just around the corner, and I need to keep reminding myself of this.”

I started cutting my meat to let this sink in with them. After we were quiet for a few moments, Julia asked, “What about the other things?”

I swallowed and looked at both of them. I paused dramatically and said, “Pregnancy.”

“Right…” Julia whispered.

“Especially with brother and sister. There’s always the risk of inbreeding, as we talked about earlier. But pregnancy, in general, is hard to explain to your parents,” I said, smiling.

“Yeah… I don’t think Dad will be thrilled to hear I knocked you up!” James laughed.

“Haha! No! He’ll ground us for twenty years!” Julia giggled.

“See?” I smiled, “Enjoy sex, but keep it safe and use your head! Then there’s nothing to worry about, and you can have fun together,” I said and lifted my glass to toast to that.

They both lifted their glasses and touched mine. James had a massive grin on his face and mumbled, “You’ll also have to use other body parts than just your head to have sex…”

After we were done laughing about that and ate dinner in silence for a few minutes, Julia softly said out of the blue, “I’m not wearing underwear…”

I almost choked on my drink, and she held her hand in front of her mouth to hide her smile when she saw my reaction. But James just smiled and said, “Me neither!”

“Oh my… I opened Pandora’s box…” I chuckled.

“See?” Julia said, turned her body toward mine, and lifted her skirt.

When I looked at her glistening slit and almost completely bald lips, my mouth watered, and all I could do was nod. When she turned her body back to finish her dinner, I smiled inwardly and realized I had really opened that damn box.

“Shotgun!” James shouted and ran toward the car after we left the restaurant.

After I started the car and drove for a couple of minutes, I noticed how quiet James was beside me. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw Julia looking out the window. And when I glanced back at James, I saw a huge grin on his face, and he was looking at me.

“What?” I asked, but then I noticed something move in the corner of my eye.

There, in his lap, he had unzipped and unbuttoned his pants and pulled them open. I was now looking at his hard dick sticking up from his groin, and when it twitched, I laughed out loud.

“Told ya!” He smirked.

Julia moved her head between the chairs to check what I was looking at, and she started to giggle when she saw what James had done.

“Looking good, Pep!” she laughed and patted him on his shoulder.

“Zip up, Champ. I don’t wanna be pulled over by a cop with a kid next to me whose boner is on display.”

“And look out with the zipper,” Julia chuckled.

James smiled knowingly, started putting his boner away, and carefully zipped up.

“I’m guessing you two want the bed tonight? So I’ll sleep on the couch to let you two have fun,” I said, figuring I’ll take a look anyways while using my invisibility powers.

“Hell no!” Julia said and sounded sincerely offended.

“Of course not!” James said almost simultaneously.

“I wanna feel what it’s like to have a bigger… uhm… dick inside!” Julia said as she poked her head between the chairs again.

“And I wanna try anal,” James said without any apprehension.

“And I want to suck you…” Julia added.

“Alright… alright,” I interrupted them, laughing loudly, “but it’ll be a bit crowded with the three of us.”


“Just saying,” I smiled, already looking forward to having these two young, hot, and naked bodies pressed against mine.

And Julia wanted me to fuck her… and so did James… holy shit! I expected to feel some reservations about this, but the exact opposite was true! I looked forward to sinking my throbbing cock inside these kids and fuck their brains out. This realization struck me hard, and there was nothing I could do to stop this. These magnificent kids wanted me to have sex with them in every way possible.

James and Julia practically ran to the front door when I parked the car. It was almost eleven when I unlocked the door and let them in. They ran inside and up the stairs, and before they hit the third step, both their clothes started coming off and were thrown on the stairs.

I smiled at their eagerness and felt myself grow to a semi from anticipation. I slowly walked upstairs, where I found socks and shoes, and in the hallway toward my bedroom laid James’s pants and Julia’s skirt in a heap on the floor.

When I rounded the corner to my bedroom, both kids were sitting on the bed, hands fumbling with each other’s genitals and looking expectantly at me. I smiled at them and started unbuttoning my shirt. Before I knew it, James was working on my button and zipper. Moments later, my pants were at my feet, and I stepped out of them.

As my shirt came off, so did my boxers. James wasted absolutely no time undressing me, and I wondered why. Julia laid down on her back and looked both anxious and seductively at me.

“What’s the rush, Champ?” I asked as my eyes roamed over Julia’s inviting-looking body.

“Julia wants you to fuck her, and I wanna help.”

I was already halfway there, but hearing him say this, and looking at the young, eagerly looking naked girl on the bed, got me to full mast almost instantly.

“You sure?” I asked, looking at Julia.

“Oh yeah! I wanna know what it feels like. But… won’t it hurt?” she asked, eyeing my boner and suddenly looking less confident.

“It might. But I’ll be gentle, and I’ve got enough experience to make sure you’re fine,” I said, smiling warmly at her.

Julia got a little more comfortable on the bed, and James almost dragged me by my boner toward his sister’s pussy.

“One sec, Champ,” I said and lowered my body down onto his sister’s.

I looked Julia into her eyes and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips as my hard cock rubbed over her wet pussy, being tickled by her sparse pubes. I sat on my knees and pulled her by her legs toward me, causing her to giggle coyly.

“Hand me that pillow, Champ,” I said to James.

After he handed me the pillow, I lifted Julia’s ass from the bed and put it under it. This way, her crotch was almost at the same height as mine, making it easier for me to penetrate her.

I probed around with my fingers to determine if she was wet enough. As my fingers slid through the folds of her pussy and a soft moan escaped her lips, I was surprised at how wet she was. She must really want this!

Seeing no more reasons to stop this, I looked at James. His eyes alternated between my cock and his sister’s pussy, and his throbbing boner showed he must’ve been as hyped as we were.

“Line me up, will ya?” I said to James.

He didn’t need to be told twice. He grabbed my cock at its base and pointed it down. I moved my hips forward, and after I was close enough, he rubbed my dickhead up and down through Julia’s slit, causing both of us to moan.

“Just do it,” Julia hoarsely whispered.

“Here, right?” he said as he lined me up properly, and my dickhead pressed against her opening.

I nodded and pushed forward a little to prove my point. My dick was now trapped at the entrance of her pussy, and just another slight push was enough to enter her. I looked down at her, and the nervous look, mixed with horniness and anticipation, made me realize she needed something more.

“Yeah…” I said to James and looked him in his eyes, “Why don’t you play with her tits a little?”

His eyes flew toward his sister’s pointy nipples, and without saying anything else, he scooted over and started licking, sucking, and playing with them. Julia briefly closed her eyes and purred softly as her brother pleasured her.

Julia’s eyes opened and locked on mine, and for a brief moment, I thought she’d ask me to stop. But the slightest nod of her head was all it took. I nodded back and pressed my dick more firmly against her. My dickhead immediately slipped in, causing Julia to sharply suck in a breath and tilt her head back.

I let her get used to feeling me inside her and held perfectly still. When her eyes found mine again, and I saw she looked fine and even a little flushed, I started sliding in some more.

Oh boy… she was so tight! Her young pussy firmly gripped my rock-hard cock, but she was so slippery inside that I didn’t feel any resistance other than a firm grip around my shaft.

I inched forward, and her breathing got shallower as I went. She didn’t look in pain or anything, but the look on her face wasn’t one of pure bliss. I figured she needed a little more stimulation than she was already getting, so I let go of her hips, and with my right thumb, I started looking for the sensitive knob at the top of her pussy.

When I started stimulating her little clit, her head flew back again, and James briefly looked up to see what was happening. His eyes widened when he saw I was almost completely inside his sister. And with one final push, my balls rested against her ass, and the tip of my cock hit her cervix.

“Oohhhh… you’re… aaahh… I’m…” she groaned.

“You okay?” James asked worriedly.

It took Julia a moment to focus, but then she looked at her brother and softly said, “Yeah… he’s just… big! I feel stuffed.”

“Do you want me to pull out?” I asked, hoping she wouldn’t let me.

“No, no! Just… one sec,” she stammered.

I kept stimulating her clit, and I felt the walls of her pussy ripple over my shaft. I had never fucked anyone this young or tight, but I absolutely loved it. It took me some willpower to not start fucking her brains out, but I knew that wouldn’t help any of us, so, with a lot of effort, I managed.

I slowly but deliberately started pulling out. I kept my eyes locked on hers, and when I saw the wonder in her eyes return, I knew I had done the right thing.

“Ohhhh… I feel you… aaaahhh!” she moaned and dug her fingers into her brother’s hair.

James looked up and winked wickedly at me. I winked back, and when I was almost all the way out, I slowly slid back in. Keeping a slow pace again took me some effort, but this way, her incredibly tight pussy gripped me so snuggly I could savor every second of it.

“Oohh, Jason! You’re so big… and it’s my… I’m…” Julia started moaning incomprehensibly.

After a few moments of slow in-and-out motions, I started picking up the pace. But every now and then, she winced when I didn’t get the angle perfectly straight. By now, I was wondering if she wasn’t too tight for me.

But when I kept it slow, her moans were urging me on, and she seemed to have an excellent time. And the way her tight, velvety sleeve felt around my throbbing cock, combined with her young, nubile body and the view of her naked brother working her tits, was a perfect stimulation for me. I would cum no matter what, as long as her tight pussy kept milking my cock.

The familiar buildup in my balls came quicker than expected. All the physical and optical stimulation must’ve been the cause of that. Julia’s mouth was open, and her breathing was shallow. I knew I needed to stay in my rhythm, and I was about to pass the point of no return. But I also knew that I needed to prolong it for as long as possible so maybe Julia could climax too.

But as my orgasm approached, I knew there was no way I could make Julia cum. I heard my own moans increase, and I saw James had turned his head so he could watch me but still sucked on his sister’s tits.

“Ohhh… I’m… I’m almost cumming… hmmm… Julia!”

“Do it!! Aaahhh… Shoot your stuff!” her eyes locked on mine again, and she moaned, “Fill me up!”

“You… oohhh… close?” I managed.

“Fuck me! Shoot! Shoot, damnit!” she raggedly moaned.

This was it. Hearing her talk like this and seeing her sweaty body glistening in the dimmed bedroom light made the dam break. I shoved my cock inside her for the final time. I managed to still do this slowly, but when the last bit needed to go in, I pressed hard and firmly against her groin. I knew I was also pressing firmly against her clit this way, but this feeling was pushed to the back when I felt the tip of my dick hit her cervix again.

I visualized how my cum was spurting out of my cock and shooting straight into her womb. Her tight cunt was rippling around my shaft, and her legs wrapped around my ass. She was trying to push me in even deeper, which miraculously worked perfectly. My dickhead was pushed even firmer against her womb, and my third and fourth spurts were even more powerful than my first this way.

As my orgasm subsided, I opened my eyes and was greeted by two wickedly smiling kids. Julia loosened her legs around my body and said, “You sure came a lot! I feel it inside…”

“You were… oh wow!” I panted.

“You sure looked like you enjoyed yourself,” James grinned, “glad you decided to join us?”

“Hell yeah!” I said and started pulling out of her.

“I feel your stuff seeping out of me,” Julia giggled as I laid down next to her on the bed.

I looked at James’s face, who was looking longingly between her legs. I wondered what was going on in his head, so I asked, “What’s up Champ?”

“It’s… it’s nothing,” he stammered and blushed.

“Oh no, mister!” Julia said, looking genuinely pissed, “you and I said we’d talk about everything and agreed there’s nothing weird! So spill it.”

“S-sorry. You’re right. But…” he started.

“She’s right, Champ. What happens here stays between the three of us.”

“Well, I… I like to taste your cum, but now it’s…”

“Have fun,” Julia excitedly interrupted him, spreading her legs widely to prove her point.

“You don’t mind me licking you?” he asked with wonder, which surprised me.

“Dude! You fucked me this afternoon. Why would I mind?” Julia laughed, and James’s face betrayed he was feeling stupid about this.

“I don’t know. I’m not… I just wanna…” he stammered.

“Shut up and lick me! I’m too worked up for all this!” she said with mock anger and gently pulled her brother’s face toward her crotch.

James hesitated only a second, but the moment his tongue hit his sister’s pussy, and he was encouraged by her low moans, he went for it. I lay there on my side, looking at what I had created. Two amazing kids exploring every inch of their sexuality together. They weren’t making love but having great sex. And the best part was that they both enjoyed it tremendously. James might need a little more steering to make clear that he should speak his mind. But other than that, my work here was done.

“Ohhh… you’re… aaahhh… so good!” Julia moaned.

I looked at James’s hard cock sticking down from between his legs, and I gently started toying with his balls. But this only lasted a second or two because, between her moans, Julia asked, “Will you please… hhmmm… fuck me? I’m… aaaahhh… getting close and… you’re… ahhh… not so big… and…”

Before Julia could finish, James sat on his knees, positioned himself between her legs, grabbed his cock, lined himself up, and easily sunk his hard dick inside his sister for the second time this day. My work here was indeed done!

As he started pounding away, I watched his magnificent ass move up and down. Both kids fucked as if there was no one else in the room. Julia clamped onto her brother’s ass with both hands, and as she arched her back and a high-pitched grunt filled the room, it was clear she came.

But James just kept on pounding away at a steady pace. I was amazed he hadn’t cum already, but judging by his concentrated face and the blissful look in his eyes, he wasn’t far off.

Julia came back down from her orgasm and looked at her brother’s face. She wasn’t completely with us yet and was breathing incredibly shallowly.

James started slamming in harder, and after he did this four or five times, he slammed in with such force they both moved up the bed a little. His tight ass became even tighter as his ass muscles contracted. His head flew back, and so did Julia’s.

Two familiar-sounding, high-pitched groans filled the room, and if there was any doubt that these two were siblings, you could throw them out of the window as you watched this. They acted exactly alike as they came. High-pitched groans, heads were thrown back, twitching bodies, and their mouths in a perfect “O” shape.

I realized I was hard again from watching this unforgettable spectacle. But I decided to let them have their moment together. So after a minute or so, James kissed his sister on her lips, slowly pulled out, and laid down on the bed between us, still panting heavily. So was Julia, but she’d already lifted her head to smile warmly at me.

After they caught their breaths, Julia said, “No offense, Jason, but I like James’s cock way better!”

“Haha! None taken,” I smiled, “its size suits you better. I get that!”

“Yeah… with you I’m so… I don’t know, like… stretched, I guess… It still feels amazing, but with Pep here, it just… you know, fits.”

“I know what you mean. And don’t worry about it. Really,” I smiled and stroked her cheek.

I saw James was yawning, and I realized I was getting tired myself. So I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling, wondering what we should do next.

“I’m feeling tired now,” Julia said softly.

“Me too,” James added.

“Then we should rest,” I said and yawned to prove my point.

After a few moments of silence, where I felt myself starting to doze off, a soft, “Jason?” Came from James’s side.


“How did you do that conscience thing in my room the other day?”

My blood almost froze when he said it. Fuck! I was busted. Now I had to decide what to do. I promised I wouldn’t tell a soul about my invisibility abilities, but I also didn’t want to lie to them. Not now that they trusted me completely.

My mind was racing when James said, “Did you do something through my computer? Did you hide stuff in my room?”

This was my escape! I just knew it. I sighed deeply and pretended to feel ashamed.

“Yeah. I’m sorry. I installed some software on your pc that I wanted to test. And… yes… I wanted you and Julia to experience the joys of sex with each other. I knew you’d both enjoy it, so… that’s why I did what I did. I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay,” James replied without any anger or disappointment in his voice, “I was just curious.”

“Well… I’m glad you did it,” Julia added, “if you didn’t, I wouldn’t have these!”

She lifted her body a little and petted both our dicks, and gave them a gentle squeeze, smiling coyly at us. She dropped back on the bed and cuddled up to her brother, draping a lot of her body over his. They both closed their eyes and sighed happily.

As I looked at this adorable sight next to me and realized I’d fulfilled one of the items on my bucket list. And I felt a lot of pride about my achievement. But now that my work was done, I felt a bit like the third wheel on the wagon. I needed to take a bit of distance to let these two figure it out by themselves.

As I lay there contemplating this, I heard light snoring beside me. These kids were amazing, and seeing them lying there completely naked and in each other’s arms made me feel like I had completed a lifelong goal and enhanced the lives of two fabulous kids.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

finis lepus foraminis prope est

Here’s the download link to this chapter’s audio file: Link

But I recommend downloading the complete audio file (.m4a, .m4b or .MP3) for the best experience. There’s also an eBook in both the ePub and PDF format available for download here.
Click here to go to the Audio book/eBook page


Dear Jason – Chapter 11

Dear Jason – Chapter 11

I was woken rudely from my sleep. My doorbell rang, and somehow it sounded more urgent than it usually did. I tried to get myself back to the land of the living, looked at my alarm clock, and blinked a few times to get the focus to read the time. Six-thirty? On a Monday?

I quickly got up, pulled up a pair of pants, slapped on a t-shirt, and hurried downstairs. When I opened the door, I saw Bill standing there with a worried look on his face.

“I’m so sorry, Jason!” he said, very apologetic.

“No problem. Come in,” I said as I stepped aside to give him room.

“Ellis called, and she really needs my help,” he started, “but we uhm… it’s James and Julia.”

“What about them?” I asked, hoping this was going where I hoped it was going.

“Well… they can’t come. That’s simply not an option. And we don’t know a lot of people here yet. When we talked about it, they both talked about… well… you.”

“You want me to babysit them?” I asked, making sure not to look too eager but inwardly thinking about all the possibilities.

“It’s not really babysitting anymore,” he said, clearly playing it down, “they’re very low maintenance, and James really had fun over here last time.”

“Yeah. It was fun! But…”

“We‘ll pay you!” Bill blurted.

I started laughing and said, “No need for that! I’d love helping you out and have them over! But I need to work it out with the office. Maybe work a little from home and take some days off.”

“Right! Didn’t think about that. The kids won’t have to go to school until after next week.”

“When will you be back?”

“It’s probably just a couple of days. Maybe a week. I don’t know yet.”

“I think I can work something out. Don’t worry. Give me half an hour, and I’ll make sure to get dressed and call the office. Just send them over. James knows where I keep the spare key.”

“You’re a lifesaver!” Bill said with tears forming in his eyes, and he gave me a firm hug.

That was a bit unexpected, but I patted him on his back and said, “You go now and worry about the important things. The kids are safe and taken care of.”

“We’ll make it up to you!” he said as he started crossing the street.

I smiled and felt my stomach do a backflip. I was about to spend a week with a sexually curious preteen boy and his equally curious twin sister. How could I not be excited?

As I was doing my thing in the bathroom, making sure I was ready, I tried to think of a battle plan. But no matter how hard I thought about it, a plan didn’t form. Each time, this little voice inside my head managed to tone down the excitement. Ultimately, I decided to ditch a battle plan and let things unfold as they came.

I wasn’t going to force anything. I wasn’t going to ask if they liked being naked. I was going to sleep on the couch and offer Julia a different place to sleep. I wasn’t going to talk about my stories, and I sure as hell wasn’t aiming for them to have intercourse with me watching. I was going to behave like a normal person and help out some friends. If the kids had questions, I’d answer them, but that was it. If anything else was going to happen, I’d figure it out as we went.

I found this state of mind extremely relaxing and liberating. I was just going to have a good time with these kids.

After I called my new boss at the office, we quickly worked things out. I only had three things that I needed to finish. But these were relatively easy for me, and I was already further than most people knew, but I wasn’t about to tell this now. We agreed that I’d work from home as long as needed.

After I thanked him and he wished me good luck, the doorbell rang. This couldn’t be timed better! As I opened the door, I was greeted with two big grins and one worried look.

Both kids were smiling, clearly excited, but the worried look on Bill’s face caused me to act a bit more reserved than I’d normally do.

Bill was holding James’s computer, and both kids were carrying a small weekend bag. James was wearing a white t-shirt and actual shorts. Julia wore a pink shirt and cut-off jeans. They both looked excited and ready for some fun.

“Thanks again, Jason! You’re such a big help!” Bill said.

“Good luck over there!” I answered with a serious face, “And don’t worry about us. I’ll take good care of them.”

Bill hugged both James and Julia and shook my hand firmly. He looked at his kids and said, “You to listen to Jason, okay? We’ll call you every day.”

“We will, Dad,” James said.

“Yeah,” his sister added, “there’s the cab. Go and help Mom, okay?”

“You’re the best!” he said as he turned around and headed over to the cab.

As the cab pulled away, Bill waved at us, and we waved back. When he was out of sight, Julia asked, “You sure you don’t mind having us over?”

“Of course not! I’ve arranged everything with my work, so now I only have to do a little work from home in the coming week. This way, you guys can still have a nice vacation week.”

“See!” James said with a snarky tone that only a brother and sister can use on each other.

We went inside, and as I placed James’s computer on the table, I asked, “Did you guys eat breakfast?”

It turned out they did, so as I prepared mine, James gave his sister a tour downstairs. As I sat down to eat my breakfast and took a sip of my coffee, they came back inside with excited looks on their faces.

“Have you fixed the pool?” James asked.

“I didn’t know you had one,” Julia chipped in.

I smiled at this because my pool was probably far more exciting than their own above-ground pool. And putting in the effort of getting it ready now would add up to a lot of fun for them.

“I talked to a guy, and he came over and said I’d probably only need to change the filters in the pump and get the leaves and stuff out of the water,” I said after I swallowed my cereal.

“Cool! Can we do that?” Julia asked.

“Uhh… sure! There are new filters in the shack… I think,” I said, but seriously doubting if there were any left.

“Come on, Pep,” Julia said to her brother, and they were off.

I didn’t mind. I didn’t have any plans made yet, which I wanted to discuss with them. But seeing them all hyped about the pool was great. And it meant I could use my pool again.

I finished my breakfast and went outside to see how it was going. As I approached the shed, I heard some muffled talking. I figured they were probably arguing about who could change the filter. But as I came closer, they were clearly having a conversation I wasn’t supposed to hear.

“I know, right?” James said.

“Yeah! They’re really hot!” Julia said softly.

“And he writes about… different things,” James cautiously pointed out.


“I already did it a few times when… I mean…” James stopped talking and cleared his throat.

“Did what?” Julia asked with an obvious interest in her voice.

“Never mind. Let’s get this filter in!”

I coughed softly to announce my arrival, and I entered the shed. I looked around and noticed two flushed faces with looks like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. But I decided to ignore that. It’ll inevitably come to the table in the coming days.

“How’s it going?” I asked, looking around in the shed.

As I stood there, I realized it was probably half a year ago that I last set foot in here. My stupid ex didn’t want to swim anymore and said the power bill for the useless hole in the ground was way too high. I didn’t feel like arguing about it at the time, so I let it be.

“Great! You’ve got a couple of spare filters, so we changed them on both pumps. But don’t you need to check the chlorine level of the reservoir?”

“Right! That was the other thing that guy said I needed to do!” I said, feeling myself blush.

I took the can of chlorine and made sure the tank was filled to the maximum level. After I closed the can and the tank, I said, “Let’s fire it up!”

I flipped the switch, and with a bit of huffing and puffing, the pumps came to life.

“Yes!” James exclaimed and gave his smiling sister a high five.

We all high-fived each other and walked over to the pool. There was still a lot of debris floating around in it, but without even asking, both kids grabbed a net and went to work.

“If you want to, you can do some work now. This won’t be finished in a while,” Julia said.

“That’s actually a good idea! Thanks!” I said, glad I didn’t have to do the work on the pool.

I love swimming, but I hate how high-maintenance a pool is. So I told them to call me if they needed anything and that I’d be in my office.

The moment I knew I was out of sight, I ran upstairs, went into the bathroom, and disrobed. I grabbed the pads and was invisible in record time. I made sure to close the door to the hallway from the inside and closed the door leading into my bedroom behind me. This way, I always had the excuse I was on the toilet or something.

I quickly got outside because I didn’t want to miss a thing these two would say to each other. And sure enough, I couldn’t help but smile when I got into earshot of them.

“… about kids our age!” Julia said.

“I know! It’s strange to read about it, but still… it’s hot!”

“Yeah. It is,” Julia said, scooped up a few leaves with her net, and added, “Do you think he makes it all up, or are these stories true?”

“Dunno. But I read his FAQ, and according to that, he had sex a lot when he was our age. So I honestly don’t know.”

They silently cleaned the pool for a few minutes. Clearly both were lost in their thoughts.

“What did you do a few times?” Julia asked softly as she stopped scooping in the pool

“What do you mean?” James answered, but judging by his red face, he knew what was coming.

“You said it earlier. You did ‘it’ a few times when we talked about the stories.”

“I… it’s… uhm… I…” the poor boy stammered.

“You mean you masturbated, right?” Julia asked blankly and without judgment.

“Well… I didn’t… it’s…”

“It’s okay. I did it too last night while reading one of the stories.”

“You did!? But… you’re a girl!” James blurted.

This caused both Julia and me to smile broadly. Julia just looked at him and said, “Yeah? So? Girls masturbate too, you know?”

“Wow…” he said softly after letting this sink in for a few moments, “I never thought about that…”

“Seriously? You read these types of stories, and you don’t come up with the idea that girls masturbate? You’re a real genius, Pep, you know that?”

“I just… ah, hell! Yeah! I jerked off a couple of times. Happy? I just didn’t think you would… you’re my sister. Sisters don’t do that stuff…” James said, still blushing and not looking at Julia.

Julia put a hand on her brother’s shoulder and soothingly said, “Don’t worry, bro. It’s our thing. No one will know!”

For the first time since they started talking, James looked into his sister’s eyes, smiled, and I saw a weight fall from his shoulders. “Thanks. We’re cool, right?”

“Yeah. We’re cool,” and Julia smiled an even bigger grin than her brother.

After another few minutes of silently cleaning the pool, James said, “Damn, it’s hot!” and he started pulling up his shirt and threw it on the grass.

Julia’s eyes roamed over her brother’s bare chest, and she chuckled, “You said Jason doesn’t mind if you take it all off…”

“Yeah… he doesn’t. But I don’t wanna scare you,” James said with a cocky face, looking down at his crotch.

“Pff! As if…” was Julia’s snotty reply, but she glanced at her brother’s crotch nevertheless.

After a few moments of mutual silence where neither wanted to trigger the other, they started a bit of small talk about some movie they saw and were clearly done with the subject of my stories. And I figured I had about five minutes left, so I headed back upstairs and got dressed. This was indeed getting interesting. Both kids were curious and weren’t put off by the whole incest theme in my stories.

I was sitting at my desk for a couple of minutes when I heard them come up the stairs. They walked into my office, and I noticed James was carrying his computer.

“I think the pumps need an hour or four, and then we can swim!” James said excitedly.

“Jason?” Julia asked timidly a second later.

“Shoot!” I said as I turned my chair to face her.

“Can we… uhm… build a computer for me? I mean… you talked about it last time, and I…”

“Say no more!” I said, smiling.

“We don’t need to do it now, but it’s just that…”

“Don’t worry. We’ll start collecting stuff and begin with the build. This alone will take us a few hours. The pool will be ready by then, and we can cool off a bit. Tonight or tomorrow, we’ll finish it.” I said as I got up and put my hand on her shoulder.

She responded with a little hug and softly said, “Thanks! Thanks a lot, Jason.”

I felt her small boobs press against my chest, and I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed how it felt. I enjoyed it a lot. Behind us, James was setting up his computer and asked, “Do you mind if I play some games in the meantime?”

“Knock yourself out, Champ!” I replied and started walking toward the attic with Julia on my heels.

After we picked out the correct parts and I explained each part’s role to Julia, we went back into my office, where James was engrossed in another fierce game of Apex. He was still shirtless, and I was sure that if his sister wasn’t here, he’d be naked the moment the door closed behind him. It surprised me a little that he was shy with his sister around.

During our work on her computer, James couldn’t help himself and joined us. After a few well-meant comments, I thanked him and pointed out that this wasn’t his computer. He got the message and pulled back a little but kept looking and ‘helping’ us.

I was sweating quite heavily now, and I noticed both kids had a couple of drops on their foreheads too. The moment the PC booted and the logo came into view, Julia high-fived her brother and me, and a huge grin was plastered on her face.

“Just the Windows setup left,” I said to her.

“And then some…” James mumbled next to me.

“Indeed. And then some…”

“I think the pool is ready. Can we go swimming now?” James asked hopefully as he wiped some sweat from his forehead.

“I don’t see why not!” I said as I did the same.

I saw Julia fumble with the hem of her shirt and look at the floor. I knew something was up but didn’t know exactly what.

“Uhm… I didn’t bring my swimsuit…” she said softly.

“You can go get it. Your house is across the street,” I chuckled.

“I know… but do you mind if we… uhm… you know… do it… naked?” she almost whispered with her face beet red by now, “…like when we were younger.”

“I… uhm… it’s…” I stammered, pretending to think about it.

“You let James do it last time…” she added without looking at me.

“True. But we agreed on something before we did it,” I replied.


“You can’t talk about it with anyone other than the three of us. Most people won’t understand, and I…”

“He can go to jail for this,” James said seriously as he interrupted me.

“Jail?” Julia asked, clearly thinking she was being played.

“Yeah. A lot of people think it’s inappropriate for us to do this,” I said, making sure she knew we weren’t kidding.

“But… we’re the ones asking this!”

“I know. But that doesn’t matter. But if you promise not to talk about it, I don’t see a problem,” I said, smiling.

“Cool!” Julia cheered.

“I… uhm…” James stammered.

“What is it, Champ?”

“I’m… uhm… I might be… I mean, I can get… you know…” he said with a blush spreading all across his upper body and face.

“Oh! Right. I see…” I replied, knowing what he meant, “that’s not… uhm…”

“What are you talking about?” Julia asked, completely missing the point.

I cleared my throat and said, “James is worried about getting an erection. Right, Champ?”

“Well…” he started, and after a few seconds, he timidly said, “yeah…”

“It’s about not wanting to offend you. And a little about feeling weird for having a boner in front of his sister,” I explained to an obviously confused Julia.

“But why would you get a… boner then?” she asked.

“Duh…” James mumbled.

“Because you’re a gorgeous young woman! And that can trigger something,” I smiled.

“But won’t you also get one, then?” Julia asked, trying to wrap her head around it.

“I’m a little older and not in puberty anymore. So I’ve got a little more control over it. But I can’t guarantee it!” I chuckled.

“Oh…” she softly said and was quiet for a few moments. After that, her face lit up, and she switched her gaze between the two of us and asked, “You really think I’m pretty?”

“Hell yeah!” James blurted out simultaneously with my, “Absolutely!”

This caused Julia to blush, and the three of us laughed awkwardly at this.

“Well… let’s try to ignore the boners when they happen, okay? I’ll take it as a compliment, and you don’t have to feel weird about it!” she said sternly with her hands on her hips, looking determined.

“O… okay,” James said as a smile spread across his face.

“I just wanna have fun in the pool like we used to have a few years ago!”

“Deal?” I asked, looking at James.

“Deal!” he said and got to his feet.

We went downstairs to check if the pool was ready. The vibe I was getting from James was way more relaxed than before, and Julia was hyped. I blamed that on her curiosity about her brother’s boner. I grabbed some towels, sunscreen, and a couple of Cokes, and we went outside.

After I checked the pH levels and the kids removed the last bits of leaves and bees from the pool, the tension in the air thickened. This was it! I was about to skinny-dip with two beautiful preteen kids! I felt myself chub up a bit but thankfully managed to keep it down.

“Alright. Let’s swim, shall we?” Julia announced but didn’t make a move.

I wasn’t sure what to do at this point. I knew I shouldn’t push them, but we needed to keep the momentum going. But before I could say or do anything, James moved.

“This is ridiculous! We’ve done this hundreds of times!” he said with a bit of annoyance in his voice and started taking off his socks.

“Yeah. You’re right!” Julia replied and started lifting her shirt.

I slowly worked my way out of my clothes while looking closely at these kids. When her shirt was gone, and her little black bra came into view, I was shirtless, and James was already sliding down his shorts.

After Julia dropped her pants and I got a nice view of her black panties, James stood straight and looked at his sister. She acted like she didn’t see him watching and unceremoniously unclasped her bra, freeing her young, small boobs. I was standing sideways to her, and seeing her almost naked body in silhouette, was a marvelous sight.

A quick glance at her brother showed that he was on his way to boner city. He must’ve also realized this because he quickly threw his boxers on the pile of clothes and immediately jumped into the pool, his semi-hard dick bouncing as he jumped.

“Whoo-hoo!” he shouted while he was airborne.

With a big splash, he landed in the water, causing both Julia and me to laugh loudly. I quickly got naked and jumped in right next to James. When I resurfaced, James was wiping the water from his eyes and splashed a bit of water to get back at me.

But before I could react, I saw something in the corner of my eye. When I turned my head, I saw a naked girl flying toward me, her legs pulled to her chest and her arms around them. This hot little cannonball jumped right next to me into the water, sending another wave of water over James and me.

As we were coughing from the water and trying to wipe our eyes, Julia jumped on my back and started trying to dunk me. The feeling of her naked boobs pressed against my back was terrific, and as I felt her bare underside pressed against my ass, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven.

But it got even better when James joined her in a combined attempt to dunk me. I felt this hard penis press against my leg as he also wrapped himself around my body.

It was fabulous feeling these bodies against mine, but they were also doing an excellent job dunking me. Before I knew it, I felt my feet slip. I might’ve been able to postpone falling down, but I wanted to let them have their victory.

So I gave in and let myself slide under water. I quickly resurfaced, acted defeated, and pretended to be coughing because of the water. I opened my eyes, and Julia stood there with her arms triumphantly in the air and smiling broadly.

My eyes immediately went to her exposed chest, and I was treated with a good view of her little tits. A quick glance at James learned that he was also focused on his sister’s chest.

“You’re next!” Julia exclaimed and threw herself at her brother.

The moment her body touched his, she stopped for a second. They exchanged looks, and it was clear his hard dick was touching his sister. This lasted a few moments where neither of them spoke, and the discomfort of the situation oozed from James’s face. But Julia quickly regained her cool, smiled, and dunked her brother with an easy push.

Her hands went into the air again, and she shouted, “Yeah! I’m the master of the water!”

“Not fair!” James pouted as he cleared his eyes and face.

“Oh? Why not?” Julia asked, acting offended.

“Your boobs! They’re too distracting!” James stated as if Julia didn’t already know this.

She looked down at her chest, said, “My boobs?” and then looked questioningly at both of us.

“Yeah!” James and I said simultaneously, causing the three of us to chuckle.

“But… they’re too small!” she softly said.

“They’re just perfect,” I sincerely said, knowing perfectly well that it was a little inappropriate.

James nodded and added, “I really like how they look,” and another blush spread over his face and upper body.

Julia was quiet for a moment when a sly smile appeared in the corner of her mouth. She looked at her brother and asked, “Is that really why you’re… you know…” and gestured toward her brother’s crotch.

“Uhh… yeah… I’m sorry?” he answered, clearly feeling not as awkward as before.

“It’s okay. Just wondering…” Julia said thoughtfully.

Looking back, I think this was the moment she realized she had a bit of power over boys and men by using her body. She acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary, but she was a bit more touchy-feely after that moment.

I figured it was best to let the tension die down a bit, so I grabbed a ball, and we started throwing it around. I glanced at Julia’s exposed boobs as much as I could without being suspicious, but James clearly didn’t have that discipline. He missed the ball on several occasions.

But when he missed it for the fourth time, it bounced out of the pool. Julia shouted with a big grin, “You missed, your problem!”

James looked at me with a bit of panic in his eyes, but I just shrugged. After all, we all agreed on not being weird about it, so this was a great test.

After he saw me shrug, his look suddenly changed from fear into determination. He waded toward the pool’s edge and pulled himself out, giving us a great view of his tight little ass.

After he grabbed the ball, I could see him hesitate for a microsecond, but then he turned around and walked toward us as if nothing was wrong. But his bobbing boner that was leading the way told another story. He stopped at the edge of the pool, showing it all. I saw in his eyes that it was a struggle to do this, but the determination he showed to do it nevertheless, was admirable.

And now it was Julia’s turn to stare. I had both James and Julia in my eyesight, and looking at her surprised and curious face with a naked boy in the corner of my eye made me feel all mushy inside.

James threw the ball and hit Julia on the side of her face. She was so focused on her brother’s boner that she never saw the ball coming. Watching these two kids dance around each other’s curiosity was adorable.

James dived into the pool and surfaced right next to me. He smiled and whispered, “You were right! She’s checking me out too!”

I smiled at him and playfully punched him on his shoulder. We threw the ball around and played tag for a while after that. We had a lot of fun, and the staring and awkwardness were going down by the minute. James climbed out of the pool two more times, and his dick was now soft. But both Julia and I couldn’t help ourselves and just had to look at it. James gave me a knowing smile before cannonballing back into the pool.

“I’m getting out,” I announced.

“Yeah, me too,” Julia said, and James simply nodded.

As I waded toward the edge to climb out, I heard James and Julia whisper to each other. I couldn’t listen to what they were saying, but I figured it probably wouldn’t take long or wasn’t important.

I sat down on one of the chaise lounges beside the pool. As James and Julia walked toward me, I drank in the sight of their youthful bodies. James was hard again, eyeing his sister’s ass as he walked slightly behind her.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” Julia asked her brother as she sat on the chair next to me.

“What?” James asked, sitting on the chair next to Julia, furthest away from me.

“Your… uhm… boner…” she said, trying to sound as casual as she could but failing miserably.

“Uhh… no. Well… after a while, it sometimes does, but not now. And when I… you know…” he said with his fist making the up and down motion, “the pain or pressure is gone immediately.”

I hadn’t seen him talk so openly to his sister about this subject, but apparently, some wall was broken down between them.

We chilled on the chairs and didn’t talk for a few minutes. In the corner of my eye, I noticed all three of us were trying to look at the other but not be too obvious about it. Julia checked me out a few times, but her main focus was on her brother, which was encouraging.

After a few minutes of silence, Julia asked, “James… uhm… can… can we like… ask you something?”

“Of course! You can ask me anything,” I replied, curious about where this was going.

“I uhm… well WE… we read some of your stories…” she trailed off, letting the tension hang in the air.

“Oh. You know there’s an age warning before you enter? And you’re not eighteen yet,” I said, looking all serious.

“But it’s just that… I… uhm… we…” Julia stammered and blushed furiously by now.

“I’m kidding! I know it’s just there for legal reasons. I know it wouldn’t have stopped me when I was your age. But what about them? Did you like them?”

“They’re awesome!” James chipped in.

“Yeah… they are… they’re like… hot. But also… you know…”

“What? Is it the sex? The kids?”

“Yeah. The kids are… our age. And in a few of them, they’re even brother and sister. Like us!” she said, still blushing and not looking directly at me.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed James’s twitching boner, and Julia’s hard nipples were even more pronounced now than before.

“So?” I answered as if I didn’t feel the tension in the air rise by the second.

“Well… uhm… isn’t it like… you know… weird?” Julia stammered, with James nodding in the background.

“No. I don’t think it’s weird, actually. I had a lot of sex when I was your age.”

“Really?” James asked, feigning surprise.

“Yeah. And I liked it a lot,” I smiled.

“But… aren’t we like… too young?” Julia asked without sounding very convinced.

I sighed exaggeratedly and said, “Look. You’re curious about sex, aren’t you?”

Both kids nodded and giggled when they saw they were both nodding simultaneously.

“So…” I said, and paused for the dramatic effect, “why don’t you have sex then?”

“Pfft! Because no girl is willing to try it with me!” James blurted out, and Julia just nodded knowingly at that.

“Precisely my point! A lot of kids are curious. Both boys and girls. But due to all sorts of social issues, trying and experimenting just isn’t an option. Boys get careless and reckless, and girls are called sluts. So why not do it with someone who loves you and isn’t going to hurt your feelings?”

I saw both of them looking intensely at me. James’s boner had deflated a bit, and I could practically see the wheels turn inside Julia’s head.

“And in my humble opinion, romantic love and sex aren’t necessarily related. Sure! When you’re in love with someone, sex is a great way to express that love. But a sibling-like love, like yours, for example, might be even better to learn about and experience sex. You love each other and won’t hurt the other. But you’re not romantically invested, so you won’t be heartbroken, for example. And you’re free to experiment because you don’t have to worry about looking silly, inexperienced, or something like that. As long as everyone involved does this out of their free will and isn’t pressured, I don’t see any problems.”

Both of them nodded understandingly and looked all serious. So I continued, “And when you DO find the love of your life, this way, you’ve got enough experience to make the sex with your partner count.” I paused for a few seconds and continued, “That’s how I see it, at least, and that’s why I write about it.”

They were both quiet and lost in their thoughts. James was the first to react with a soft, “Wow…” but Julia had clearly given it more thought.

“I didn’t think of it that way. I was always taught that having sex with family is bad. But when you put it like this, I think you’re right. I love Pep over there, for sure. But not like THAT, you know?”

I just nodded and wanted her to speak her mind, so I kept quiet.

“I know he’d never hurt me, and I trust him too. So that part is true. But isn’t there something like inbreed?”

“It’s inbred. But that’s only a thing when you’re planning to have kids,” I replied, wanting to be completely honest about this.

“Oh. But Mom already took me to a doctor for my extremely heavy cramps during my period. He prescribed the pill, so I can’t get pregnant as long as I take it.”

“I remember,” James said emphatically, “and I felt bad for you when you were in pain back then.”

“See?” she said, smiling at me, “he won’t hurt me!”

James blushed lightly, but they exchanged a warm, knowing smile. I knew by now they wanted to try it, and I sure as hell wanted to watch. But I wanted them to come up with it.

And sure enough, after a few more moments of silence, Julia asked, “We wanna try it. Can you help us?”

“You sure?” I asked, looking deep into her sparkling eyes.

“I’m sure!” she replied, and we both looked at James.

His dick had gone soft during my monologue, but it was growing rapidly with each heartbeat, and before he could answer, he was stiff as a board.

“Grpphh..” he cleared his throat and tried again, “Me too! I wanna know what all that fuss is about. But I don’t know how to start or what to do, so I’m hoping you’ll help us.”

“Okay. I’ll help you. But only if you keep your promise about keeping your mouth shut!” and with a big grin, I added, “And if I can write about it in one of my stories!”

“Of course! And I don’t care if you write about it. It might be fun to be in one of your stories,” Julia shrugged.

“Me neither. You won’t put in our last names, right?” James asked.

“Of course not. I’ll even change your first names.”

“No. Don’t do that!” Julia said, “I think it’s hot reading it back with our real first names.”

“Alright then. Just one more thing…” I said, forcing myself to blush.

“What?” Julia asked, a bit concerned.

“Well… I might get… you know… aroused watching you…”

“You mean you get a boner?” James asked bluntly.

“Uhm… yeah.”

Julia’s eyes lit up, and she tried to act cool, so she shrugged and said, “No big deal.”

“I don’t care,” James said and winked at me, “it might be even more fun with you around.”

“Great! What do you wanna do?” I asked, wanting the initiative to be with them.

“Uhh… what is there to do? I mean… I know about like, uhm… fucking, but there must be like… more, right?” Julia asked, checking her brother’s response.

“It’s called intercourse, but I know what you mean,” I smiled warmly. Seeing their eager faces, I continued, “There’s masturbation. Mutual or solo, oral sex in many different variations, anal sex, and of course, there’s intercourse.”

“I wanna try everything!” James said excitedly, causing Julia and me to chuckle.

“Tell you what. Why don’t you start by applying sunscreen to your sister?” I said, looking at James, “that’s a good way to explore her body and learn all about the good spots. Julia can do you after that.”

“Sounds good to me!” Julia smiled, flattened the chaise lounge, and turned onto her stomach.

James glanced at me, and the excitement was all over his face. I handed him the sunscreen, and he got on his knees beside his sister. He sprayed the sunscreen over her back, and after hesitating a millisecond, he started massaging her back, spreading the sunscreen in the process.

A soft moan escaped Julia’s lip, and she softly said, “This feels nice,” encouraging her brother even more.

His hands went lower, and after he rubbed the sides of her upper body, he touched a bit of sideboob, causing Julia to moan again. James didn’t seem to realize he was actually touching his sister’s boobs because he just went lower and lower. The moment he reached her ass, James looked at me. A slight nod was enough, and he started kneading Julia’s ass cheeks.

She spread her legs a bit, and James’s hands went between them, but he was clearly green as grass because he stayed clear from her pussy. After her legs and feet were done, Julia turned to her back without any hesitation.

“Now what?” James asked insecurely.

“Just massage her like you did her back,” I said, smiling warmly.

“Everything?” he asked, alternating his gaze between Julia and me.

“That’s the whole idea, isn’t it?” Julia replied, looking questioningly at me.

“That’s right. Just do what feels natural.”

So James started at her shoulders, but it was so obvious he was just killing time to get to her tits that I could hardly hold back a giggle. But both kids let out soft moans when his hands finally reached her small boobs.

“Ohh… that feels so good!” Julia softly said.

“Oh wow…” was all that came out of James’s mouth.

As I sat there sideways on my chair, looking at the innocent first steps of these two, I felt myself starting to grow hard. But the awkwardness I was expecting, despite having talked about this before, thankfully didn’t happen.

“They’re so soft,” James whispered.

“Try giving her nipples some extra attention,” I urged him on.

James gently started pinching and tweaking his sister’s nipples. The effect was almost instant. She started squirming a bit, and she opened her mouth a little. As she did this, she spread her legs slightly, giving me a great view of her young, moist, glistening sex.

But James clearly had shed his inhibitions. With his left hand, he kept massaging her boobs, alternating between them. But his right hand started traveling down over her tight belly, rubbing her there. But the end goal was clear from the start.

Julia kept panting heavily with an occasional moan as James’s hand kept heading down. He started moving his fingers through her sparse pubic hairs and rubbed the outside of his sister’s pussy. But that was about it. He looked at me with an adorable helpless look on his face.

So I looked at him, and he whispered, “I don’t know what to do next.”

This was my cue. I dropped to my knees next to them and realized how much I enjoyed the gorgeous look of young pussy and how intoxicating the smell was.

I looked at Julia. She had her eyes closed and her mouth still slightly open. So I asked softly, “Do you mind if I touch you?”

This snapped Julia out of it. Her eyes fluttered open, and she lifted her head. “N- no… of course not!” she stammered and moaned softly as James pinched her nipple again.

I started feeling bold, so I cupped her free boob and marveled at both the texture and firmness of her preteen tit. Her nipple was stiffer than any nipple I had ever felt before, and I toyed with it as much as possible.

My other hand moved slowly upward over the inside of her soft thigh, where I joined James’s petting fingers. She started squirming more deliberately when I slid my fingers between her lips. I made sure to only let my fingers slide in to just below the outside of her lips. I needed James to be the one to do the actual probing and fingering.

“Look,” I said to James as I spread her lips with one hand and kept massaging her tit with my other.

James’s head moved down closely, and his eyes were wide as saucers. He’d completely forgotten her boob and only had eyes for that mysterious place between his sister’s legs.

“This is her clitoris,” I said, pointing to the red swollen bump at the top of her pussy, “she’ll love it when you touch her there. But be careful! It’s very sensitive.”

James didn’t hesitate. His index finger immediately went to that magical spot, and he gently rubbed over it. If the effect on her nipples was instant, this effect was almost at lightning speed. Julia arched her back and let out a low grunt.

“See!?” I smiled, and the look on James’s surprised and excited face was priceless.

“And this is where the penis goes in,” I said, and I couldn’t resist the temptation to penetrate this preteen girl with the tip of my index finger.

I slid in past my second knuckle, and James’s stimulation on her clit, combined with me entering her, made her squirm and moan a lot.

“Lemme try!” James hoarsely said, and his left hand left her boob to start probing around in his sister’s pussy.

“Oh wow. This feels… different…” James excitedly whispered as he slowly entered Julia.

I looked at the squirming girl and excited boy in front of me and felt joyful about how wonderful this was all playing out. But I wanted this to progress even further. So I scooted upward a little and latched on to Julia’s right tit while massaging the other.

“Oohhh… oohhh… oohhhh…” Julia moaned constantly.

“Move your finger in and out and keep rubbing her clitoris with the other,” I said, lifting my mouth just long enough from her preteen nipple to say this.

“Yesss.. yesss… oohhhh…” Julia moaned, her head thrashing from left to right.

It was clear she was very close to cumming. And in the corner of my eye, I noticed James was doubling his effort and slowly pistoning his finger in and out of his sister’s pussy, which was making obscene sounds now, indicating she was enjoying this tremendously.

“Am I doing okay?” James asked insecurely and not reading into the situation.

I blamed that on his inexperience and found it extremely cute and adorable. But since Julia had trouble making complete sentences by now, judging by her, “ohh… you are… I’m… yesss…” I needed to answer for her. So I briefly lifted my mouth from her nipple and said, “You’re excellent! Keep going. She’s close.”

Moments later, Julia started lifting and dropping her pelvis, and her breathing became extremely shallow. Low grunts came from her throat, and a second later, “Oh yes… oh yes… oh YESSSS!!!!”

Her whole body stiffened, and she dug her fingers into my hair and pulled my face firmly against her chest. Right before she did this, I noticed she kicked James in his stomach when she extended her legs moments before she came. But James didn’t stop fingering his twin sister.

I stopped licking and sucking her nipple and looked down to check how both of them were doing. James’s face was crunched up a bit, but his face was filled with concentration as he studied his sister’s every move during her orgasm.

“Slow down a little,” I softly said.

James did as I told, and as Julia kept riding her orgasmic high, a sly grin spread across his lips.

“Oooohhhh!!!!” Julia moaned suddenly, and her whole body started shaking again.

James looked a bit scared at me, but I just smiled and whispered, “Girls can cum multiple times. So unfair…”

This orgasm wasn’t as intense as her first one, and after a few moments, she opened her eyes. She smiled lazily at her brother, and her eyes immediately went down to his hard dick.

“Did I do that?” James asked, a bit cocky.

“Yeah… you were amazing…” Julia smiled and stretched her body.

“So now what?” James asked, looking at me.

But before I could answer, Julia lifted her head, checked out her brother’s body again, and with a voice that oozed horniness, she said, “I wanna feel you inside me…”

I looked at her and was surprised at how horned up she looked. But there was absolutely no hesitation or apprehension to be seen. She wanted to be fucked by her twin brother, and she wanted it now!

I looked over at James, who suddenly seemed very nervous, and I could see him swallow. He looked at me like a deer in the headlight and said, “But… I… I’m… I don’t know how…”

“Relax. I promised to help you,” I soothingly said, “just get on your knees between her legs, and I’ll guide you.”

Julia had spread her legs obscenely, and I could see it all. With the fingers of her right hand, she was slowly rubbing her clit. She had taken over the moment James had stopped.

James crawled onto the chair, scooting closer and closer to his sister’s pussy. When his hard cock hit her fingers, she rubbed a finger over his glans and smiled widely at him.

“Fuck me!” she said softly.

“He won’t last very long the first time,” I said, preparing her for disappointment.

“I don’t care,” she said as she placed both hands on his chest.

I sat next to them and had a first-row seat to the spectacle in front of me. I didn’t want to prolong it any more than needed. Both for James and for myself. I needed to see these twins fuck. My balls were boiling from anticipation, and I felt I was also on the verge of cumming.

So I softly grabbed James’s rock-hard cock, causing him to moan. I pointed it down, and as its head slid between the folds of her pussy, I made sure to point it toward her hole.

“There. Just push,” I whispered, “and you’re no longer virgins.”

James looked at his sister and had a questioning look on his face. Julia’s nod could hardly be seen, but it was all it took. James gently pushed his hips forward, and I could see his almost thirteen-year-old cock disappear into his twin sister.

“Aaaahh!!!” Julia moaned, and she couldn’t sound more satisfied than at that moment.

“Oh… I feel it go in…” James softly said, his eyes locked onto his sister’s.

“Ohh… keep… ohhh… yes… oh yes!” Julia was moaning incoherently, and her brother wasn’t even in completely.

“Ahh… ohhh…” James softly grunted.

“Keep going, Champ!” I said and didn’t dare to touch my cock, afraid I’d pop off immediately.

“I… I… I can’t go deeper,” James said and looked at Julia.

But she hardly noticed. She was at a place of her own right now. But I leaned forward and was treated to the most priceless view there is: two preteen bodies merged at their genitals and their sparse pubes mixed together.

“Pull back a bit, and slide back in. Fuck her, Champ!” I said, urging James on.

James did what I said but was about to lose his balance. So he leaned forward, laying his lean body on top of his sister’s. Julia responded by wrapping her arms and legs around him and started kissing him on his neck, groaning animal-like grunts as she did this.

When I saw James’s ass move up and down as his instinct took over, I knew I had reached a life-long goal of mine. These kids would fuck at every chance they got from now on! And I had been a part of this journey.

After a few moments, where James was getting into the rhythm, Julia clamped her arms and legs even tighter around her brother. Her whole body shook, and her deep, low “Ooohhh!! Mmmnnnnggg!” grunts made me feel envious of her. I knew she’d cum a lot more after this, but having such a powerful orgasm during her first fuck, was something she’d never forget.

But James didn’t seem bothered by it. He kept fucking her with a steady rhythm and was still going strong. I was afraid he’d cum already by just entering her, but the opposite was true. This kid was a natural!

But seeing his tight ass move up and down, the low and high-pitched moans and grunts from both of them, and the idea I got them to do this made me lose my inhibitions. I grabbed my leaking cock and squeezed it tightly.

James increased his thrusting pace when I started moving my fist up and down. He was close. That much was clear. Julia’s eyes were closed, and she appeared to still be cumming, or was at least close to it.

I only jacked it five or six times before I reached my point of no return. I saw James slam his pelvis hard against his sister. He threw his head back between his shoulder blades and moaned from deep within his chest. Julia’s body started twitching again, and as my balls pulled up and I felt my cum enter my cock, I almost blacked out. Almost, because I didn’t want to miss a thing.

I saw thick robes of my cum shoot through the air and land on James’s back and some on Julia’s side. But neither seemed to notice or care.

By now, Julia had stopped shaking, James’s body went limp, and he laid down on his sister, his head on her shoulder. Julia released her grip around her brother’s body and was lying down on the chair with just her arms wrapped around James’s upper body.

We were all panting heavily, and when Julia said, “Now I know why you write about this stuff,” the three of us burst out in a post-orgasmic silly giggling session.

After he regained his breath, James asked shyly, “Can I just pull out?”

“Yeah, Champ! Pull back and relax a little,” I said, glancing at his sweaty body.

As James sat up straight, they both let out a soft, surprised sigh as he left his sister’s body. The sun was making his sweaty body glisten, and I saw my globs of cum slide down his back. I felt another stir in my groin as I looked at this.

But I didn’t want them to feel uncomfortable about this, so I grabbed a towel, got up, and wiped the cum from his back. Julia looked at me as I checked out the cum on the side of her body and wiped that off when she smiled at me.

“This was so freaking amazing!” James said after a few moments of silence

“Yeah. It was…” Julia replied, her eyes roaming over her brother’s body.

“We can relax in the pool a little. We can cool off a bit too, and get rid of the sweat.”

I didn’t wait for an answer and walked down the stairs of the pool and lay down in the shallow end, with most of my body underwater. By now, I was almost entirely soft again, but as James walked over, I noticed he was still almost fully hard.

Julia walked next to him, put her arms around his shoulder, and kissed him on his cheek. As she looked down, she asked, giggling, “Does it ever go down?”

James looked sheepishly at her and answered, “Not when it’s around a pretty naked girl like you…”

“Slick move, Champ!” I laughed.

James lay down next to me and Julia next to him. Our heads were above the water, but most parts of our bodies were under. “This is nice…” Julia sighed as she lay down. I looked over at them and smiled when I saw James’s dick sticking up from the water like a periscope and Julia’s nipples poking out of the surface.

Neither seemed to mind, and we all lay there quietly for a few minutes. Finally, Julia lifted her body, held herself up on her elbows, and looked at us. I looked back and saw James’s boner had gone down almost completely, and Julia’s eyes went down to her brother’s groin.

Without waiting or asking, she moved her body, grabbed his now half-limp dick between her fingers, and moved her head down. Before James could react to what was happening, she closed her lips around her brother’s soft dick and, judging by how her cheeks caved in, was sucking hard on it.

“Oohhhh…” James moaned as he looked down at what was happening between his legs.

“You don’t need to suck so hard on it. Lick it like a popsicle. And use your tongue around his tip,” I said as I moved down to get a better look at this hot action.

I saw her nod, and when she opened her mouth to swirl her tongue around James’s glans, I was hardly surprised that he was stiff as a board again. She was already showing some natural cocksucking abilities, and I was amazed at how quick she learned all this stuff.

As she bobbed her head up and down on James’s hard rod for a minute, I saw her squeeze her legs together several times. So I softly said, “Lay down on your side,” which she did without questioning or taking her mouth off her brother’s hard cock.

Somehow James had moved back up on the steps. That way, we all moved a bit further back up the stairs, and now we were lying in just about an inch of water.

James was moaning loudly now, and I think he knew what I was about to do. James was lying on his back, my now semi-hard dick brushed his shoulder, and my face was close to Julia’s crotch. I gently spread her legs and looked at this young pussy with a few wet pubic hairs topping it off. Her lips were swollen, and the smell coming from it was intoxicating. I adored the smell of young pussy. I couldn’t think of a better smell anywhere in the world. If there was a way to bottle it, I’d drench myself in it every day.

Before my voice of reason could come and spoil the day, I wrapped my lips around hers. Her body stiffened at the contact, and I heard a muffled moan from her throat. I let my tongue slide in just a tiny bit between her lips to let her know I was there. The tip of my tongue was treated with her taste, and as I moved it around slightly, her body shivered a little.

This was it. I was going to eat her out properly and give her the best oral job I could ever give to a girl. I was determined to bring every technique I learned into practice here, just like I did with her brother. So when the very top of my tongue brushed over her swollen clit, and her thighs closed around my face, I applied a little more pressure.

I started alternating between firm and soft lapping on her clit when I felt a small hand handle my now rock-hard cock. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on. And sure enough, moments later, my cock was surrounded by a hot and wet young boy’s mouth.

But I needed to keep focusing on Julia’s pussy, and that’s precisely what I did, even when James started going to town for real on me. I was overwhelmed by everything I felt and the realization that I was having sex with a preteen pair of twins. But I also knew that this was all far from over. These kids wanted to try everything I could teach them, and there was still a lot to be introduced to them.

I started lapping all around Julia’s soaking pussy. Her cunt nectar was such an aphrodisiac that every time another wave gushed out, I kept wanting more and more of what she was feeding me.

When my tongue started entering her love canal, I was treated with an even better taste. I was now tasting James’s sweet sperm, combined with Julia’s salty cunt juices.

I was so in the zone by now that I hardly heard our muffled moans. But when James started jacking me while sucking me, I realized I was close again. And judging by Julia’s squirming lower body and light squeezes from her pussy, she was also getting there.

But when James’s hand firmly gripped my base, and he grunted loudly on my cock, I knew he was cumming. Julia’s moans above me and her shivering body were enough indications for me to step it up. So I quickly but firmly inserted my index finger deep inside her. Her legs clamped shut again, and I felt her young pussy contract around my finger. At the same time, she was feeding me copious amounts of her salty love juice as she was cumming hard.

But James was still with us enough to keep stimulating me as he came. This, combined with the contracting pussy around my finger, was enough to make me cum too. It was unexpected and quick. I never expected to cum this quickly again after our session on the chairs. But when I felt my balls pull up and the familiar tingle spread around my throbbing cock, I knew I couldn’t hold back. Not even if I wanted to.

Because of the legs pressed against my ears, I only heard muffled sounds around me, and I only saw the slit of Julia in front of my eyes. Because of all this, I felt like I was pulled into an orgasmic vortex or something, and I felt James’s lapping tongue work hard to swallow everything I had to offer.

Spurt after spurt left my cock, and I had to work hard to keep Julia on top of her orgasm, but the combination of keeping an eye on Julia and James’s lapping tongue prolonged my orgasm even longer. I had an astonishing climax, but as it started to die down, I noticed Julia was almost done too.

Almost like it was scripted, we turned to our backs. I was feeling both drained and excited at the same time. This was all awesome, and we still had a few days ahead of us. I couldn’t be happier than at that moment.

“I can do this all day!” Julia said and splashed her hands in the water when she said ‘day’ to emphasize her point.

“Well… I can’t! You kids really wear me out!” I smiled.

“Yeah… my dick went soft now,” James chuckled.

“Really? I bet I can get it up again,” Julia teasingly said as she kissed her brother’s balls.

“We also need to eat. And it’s getting late, so…” I said.

“Can we order some pizza?” James excitedly asked.

“We CAN go out to eat, you know?” I laughed.

“Oh! Can we go to Luciano’s?” Julia asked.

“I don’t see why not. But we need to get dressed before we head out. That’s for sure!” I chuckled.

Both of them giggled at that. I sat up, looked down at these two marvelous-looking naked bodies, and said, “Why don’t you two get dressed? I’ll clean up here and get dressed after that.”

“I’ll wear my new skirt!” Julia said as she got out of the pool, extending her hand to help her brother to his feet.

As they walked toward the house, chatting about some latest TikTok viral video, I realized how comfortable they had become with each other over the last few hours. I also enjoyed how their similar-looking hot asses looked in the setting sun’s light. And what a fantastic pair of asses they had!

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Stagnum mundum est et calor est

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