High quality erotica. And more....

Day: March 1, 2023 (Page 2 of 2)

A Dream of Darkness – Chapter 2

A Dream of Darkness – Chapter 2
Levi Holland

Chapter 2

Henry didn’t leave his bedroom until his parents called his name for dinner. At the table, he avoided Keegan’s eyes at all costs, but if his brother had any worries about the orgasm he had earlier in the day, he didn’t show it. Keegan was back to his usual dorky self, telling their mom about the book he had to read for class and how funny it was when his friend Peter pretended to be a t-rex at recess.

After helping to clear the dishes, Henry excused himself to his bedroom to finish up the last of his homework. Outside, the rain had begun, pattering in full force against his window pane as Henry struggled through his math homework. When he decided he couldn’t look at his algebra work any longer without his head exploding, Henry changed into his pajama bottoms for the evening and went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Along the way, he noticed Keegan’s door was cracked. The lamp on his brother’s desk illuminated the crack against the door, and Henry heard his dad’s muffled voice from the other side.

Inside the kitchen, only the overhead sink light was on, casting a dim, ghostly glow over the faucet as Henry grabbed one of the plastic cups from the cabinet. While he waited for his cup to fill at the sink, a burst of lightning jutted across the sky, lighting the backyard in a pale flash. Henry nearly jumped out of his skin as he glimpsed the blackened silhouette of a person. Someone was standing in his backyard.

Henry ducked down so his eyes were just above the window sill as his cup of water began overflowing. When the next bout of lightning hit, nothing. Just the swing set rocking in the wind and a couple of garden tools left in the grass. Still crouched, Henry slowly turned off the water and dumped a little of the excess before carefully bringing his cup back. He turned on his heels and nearly bumped into his dad.

“What are you doing?” his dad asked.

“I was just getting some water,” Henry said, as if that perfectly explained why he was also crab walking across the kitchen floor.

His dad sighed and squeezed a hand over his eyes before muttering something incoherent about having boys.

Back in his room, Henry made sure his blinds were closed tight and positioned himself to where he wouldn’t be able to see out of the window even if lightning flared across the sky. Despite his nerves about the storm and what might be lurking outside his home, Henry’s body was also used to its nighttime ritual of jacking off before bed.

Beneath the covers, Henry reached under his waistband until his fingers brushed past the few short pubes he had on either side of his penis. Even though this would end up being his third time cumming in twenty four hours, good luck telling his dick that. Henry wrapped his fingers around his rigid pole and shuddered as the pleasure washed over him.

He focused on the same thoughts he had most nights, his best friend Aiden or another of his classmates he found super hot. He liked to imagine them shirtless first, their skin stretched taut over their developing muscles, before imagining them in some lewd position. Jacking off, getting blown, solo or together, it didn’t matter. It was all fuel for Henry’s fantasies. The best part was when he inserted himself into those fantasies. Then the people he dreamed about were doing those incredible things to him. Of course he’d never actually had anyone give him a hand job or suck his dick, but he could imagine!

The first thing on his mind was Aiden sloppily eating the salad he’d gotten for lunch. The excessive ranch had spilled out from his lips as he talked. Henry imagined it was cum leaking out from the edges of Aiden’s lips, his tongue stretching out to catch the bits that dripped out. It was enough to make his penis buck in his hand, but not quite enough to send him over the edge. He imagined Aiden’s hand sneaking beneath the lunch table, fiddling with his junk in secret and masturbating himself thinking nobody could see.

As his friend continued stroking, his eyes fluttering in pleasure, Henry found the image of Aiden gradually shifting. His friend’s pale blond hair was turning black, his body shifting from the short, stocky build of his friend, to the thin, lanky build of Keegan. Now it was Keegan’s face twisted in pleasure, his brother looking uncertain as the new and intense sensation washed over him.

Henry snapped himself out from his reverie and yanked his hand from his pajama bottoms. His dick yearned to be touched, and the dull ache of blue balls spread through his gut, but he tried to slow his breathing and heart rate and ignore his dick. He brushed the trail of precum stuck to his hand against the top of his blanket. He wasn’t about to jack off to the image of his younger brother cumming, even if it had sent a thrill through Henry’s entire body. It was wrong; he wouldn’t do it!

Despite the urge rushing through him, Henry turned on his side and shoved his hands beneath his pillow while forcing himself to try and sleep.

The rain cleared out overnight, and when the sun’s rays woke him the next morning, Henry was surprised he couldn’t remember having any dreams. He half-expected to wake up near the cave with that same haunting voice pervading his nightmare. A quick check of his pajamas showed he didn’t have a repeat wet dream either, despite pausing in the middle of his wank session. That being said, his typical morning wood was up to say hello, but he figured that had more to do with having to pee than anything.

Rolling out of bed, Henry stole a glance at his alarm to see that it was just past 7. Honestly, he still had plenty of time before he needed to get up for school. Maybe he’d get more sleep after using the bathroom. Henry shuffled over to his door before stepping into the hallway. It was quiet in the house, which was fine with him. He wasn’t much of a talker right when he woke up.

The bathroom door was shut, and Henry was about to knock when the door opened, and his brother Keegan stepped out. They stared at each other for a brief moment before Keegan’s eyes darted down to Henry’s waist. Henry flushed in embarrassment when he saw how obvious his erection was against his pajama bottoms.

“Sorry,” Henry said, “I just needed to use the bathroom.”

“S’okay,” Keegan said, tearing his eyes away from the bulge before not so casually placing his hands in front of his own pajamas.

Keegan left to his room to get ready for school while Henry stepped inside the bathroom. He had to fight against his boner and will it to go down before he could finally pee and get some relief. After what seemed like a solid minute, his erection wilted some, and he could comfortably finish taking care of business. After he was done, he figured he would get back into his bed, but when he opened the bedroom door, he was surprised to see his bed wasn’t empty at all. Keegan was sitting on the edge and looked up at Henry sheepishly as he stepped in.

“Dude, get out,” Henry said. “You have to get ready to go.”

“I know,” he said, “I will. It’s just…”

“Just what?”

“I wanted to see if you could help me with something.”

Henry sighed and walked over to his brother before joining him side by side on the edge of the bed. His brother, despite being lanky and tall, looked so fragile and withdrawn as he sat there. Henry couldn’t help but want to protect him. He’d always been that way for his little brother—the person who watched out for him when no one else was around.

“Sure,” Henry said. “Tell me what’s up.”

Keegan’s hands covered his lap, and he shifted a bit on the covers. His younger brother refused to make eye contact. “So yesterday, something happened when we were watching TV.”

Henry’s eyes widened when he realized what his brother was about to share.

“Oh, yeah?” he said, feigning ignorance.

“This morning, I saw your thing sticking up, and mine’s done it a lot more too, and at first I thought it was no big deal because it happens sometimes.” His brother was talking in a rush now, something he did when he was nervous or uncertain of himself. “Anyway, it happened yesterday when we were watching Teen Titans, but this time something else happened, too. I tried to ignore it, but the more I did, the more it kept tingling, and then this feeling exploded out of my body. I thought I might have peed at first, but nothing was wet, and it was the most awesomest feeling ever.”

Henry couldn’t help but smile at his brother’s excitement. In some ways he was jealous. He had only discovered masturbation a few months ago. His brother now had a couple years of enjoyment on him. Plenty of time to fine tune the skill.

“Anyway, I didn’t want you to think I was a baby, so I asked Dad about it last night, and he said I had orgasms, and that it was a part of growing up, and that it was something that could help my…penis from being hard all the time.”

His brother’s cheeks were tomato red as he finished talking, and Henry was willing to bet dollars to dicks that his own cheeks matched his brothers.

“I mean, Dad’s right,” Henry said. “It does help. I don’t know why you’re telling me though.”

“It’s just that…Dad didn’t really mention how to make the orgasms thing happen again. And I know I’ve gotta go soon, but when I saw yours sticking up this morning, I…”

“You got hard?”

Keegan lifted his hands away from his lap, and Henry saw where his brother’s pajama bottoms had scrunched up around his boner. He felt a stirring in his own groin as he drank in the sight of his brother’s tiny erection poking up.

“Can you show me how to fix it? I don’t want to have to go to the bus like this.”

Keegan finally looked Henry in the face, and tears were brimming in his eyes.

“Look, Keegan,” Henry said, “I don’t think brothers are supposed to talk about this stuff together. I mean, you can always think of Gran or something. That can help it go away.”

Keegan sniffed. “Dad said that too, but Gran, Papa, nothing’s working. I even tried doing math in my head.”

Henry scratched his head at the idea that his dad had suggested Keegan solve math problems as a cure for boners. Hmm…now that he thought about it, maybe his dad was on to something…

Henry was torn. Clearly his dad had been as unhelpful with Keegan as he was when Henry had his first wet dream. Tiptoeing around the truth had only left Keegan more confused than before. He guessed there was nothing too terrible about showing his brother the basics of jacking off. It was something all boys figured out eventually, and if it would help Keegan avoid an emotional meltdown before the school day, then that was a bonus.

Henry sighed. “Okay, look. I can show you what to do, but you have to swear, and I mean like double pinky swear on mom, dad, and anyone else you love to keep what I show you a secret.”

Keegan’s eyes perked up. “Yeah, of course! I double pinky swear. I TRIPLE pinky swear!”

Henry rolled his eyes but then stuck out his pinky to Keegan, who immediately locked his own around his brother’s. With that done, Henry walked to his bedroom door and stuck his head out. His dad was already gone for the day, that much he knew, but he couldn’t hear his mom yet. That either meant she was still asleep or perhaps in the shower. Either way, Henry didn’t want to take any chances. He gently pushed his door shut and twisted the lock.

“What’d you do that for?” Keegan asked.

“Because what I’m going to show you is private and isn’t something you do where others can see you. Especially not Mom.”

“Oh, okay,” he said, fixated on Henry like he was about to learn an important lesson. And he was, Henry thought. This would be an incredibly important life lesson.

“First thing you need to do is lower your pants and underwear. It’s not something you have to do all the time, but we need to make sure you’re doing it right.”

Keegan faltered for a moment. “But you’ll see my thing…hard.”

Henry rolled his eyes again before leaning forward and shucking his pajama bottoms to the floor. As he stood back up, his penis stuck out all four inches, bobbing in time with his heartbeat. A bit of precum trickled at the tip and, Henry knew it wouldn’t be long before he started leaking.

“You have hair!?” Keegan shouted.

“Ssh, you idiot,” Henry said. “Be quiet so Mom doesn’t hear. And yes, I have hair. You get it when you’re older. I’ll probably have a lot more in a few years. You will, too.”

“Wow,” his brother said. His eyes were as wide as saucers as he stared at Henry’s dick.

Henry snapped his fingers twice. “Eyes up here.”

“Why is it sad?”


Keegan pointed at Henry’s boner and the string of precum drooping from his dick. “Your thing, why is it sad? It looks like it’s crying.”

Henry slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand.

“Two things,” he said, holding up his fingers as he went. “For one, stop calling it a thing. You know it’s a penis, I know that. Call it that, or a boner, or a dick. You can call it a cock, too, but that’s a pretty bad word so maybe don’t go around saying that.”

“Isn’t dick a bad word?”



Henry sighed and continued. “Two, you know that babies come from their Moms. Well, to help make babies, guys put their sperm inside of her. That’s part of what this is.”

Henry reached down and scooped up the strand of precum that had nearly fallen off the tip of his dick and extended it toward his brother.

“That’s not a baby, though,” Keegan said.

“No, but it can help make one. Making a baby is supposed to feel really good, and for guys, we can practice feeling good before we meet a girl. Or a boy.”

Keegan laughed. “Boys can’t make babies with boys.”

“No, but it can still feel really good, which is what I’m going to help teach you. Now, drop your pants, and do what I do.”

Keegan looked down at the bulge his boner made in his pajamas before closing his eyes and lowering them down to his ankles. Like him, Keegan’s penis was on the thin side, giving a three-inch salute as it aimed completely upward. His brother’s pubic area was completely bare, his balls only slightly dropped as they rested in their sack.

Henry slowly wrapped his fingers around his boner, feeling the familiar gut-punch of pleasure that spread through him. His nerves must have been on high alert, because the combination of his hand with all the sexy talk with his brother was about to send him over the edge already.

“Now you want to make sure you have a good enough grip because you’re going to move your hand up and down like this.”

Henry demonstrated as his hand smeared in some of the precum along the head of his dick. His brother’s hand was too big to wrap around his penis, so Henry told him to switch to his thumb and two fingers.

“Try to switch it up. You might be able to get a better grip. Once you start going at it, that feeling you had yesterday will start to build up.”

“It feels fine, I guess,” Keegan said, but Henry could tell his brother was just saying that to seem like he understood.

Henry reluctantly paused his own jerking. “It helps sometimes to think about sexy things.”

“What do you think about?” his brother asked.

Henry paused. He wasn’t sure this was the right time to explain how he wished he could do X, Y, and Z with his best friend. He doubted Keegan would make any comments about him being gay, but Henry didn’t think his brother was ready to learn about the ins and outs of gay sex.

“You know, like people naked and stuff. Haven’t you ever wondered what some of your classmates look like?”

Keegan’s face turned scarlet, and he shrugged a shoulder as he looked away. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Good, think about that, and then concentrate on those things while you’re doing it.”

This time, as Keegan tugged his boner in a two-finger grip, his eyes widened in realization.

“Oh, it’s definitely working better now,” he said with a grin.

Henry resumed his own stroking, not sure how much longer he could hold off. Ah, the hell with it. He was here to give his brother a lesson. If he was old enough to learn about cumming, then he could learn about cum too.

“Pretty soon you’ll start getting that good feeling, and remember you aren’t going to pee even if it feels like it. Older boys like me make more of that stuff you saw earlier though, so don’t freak out.”

His brother nodded and was staring down at the head of his dick as he kept cranking away. Henry’s arousal got the best of him, and he felt that hidden space somewhere between his balls and crack give a spine-tingling throb. With a few final strokes, he stifled a groan as he felt his penis give way.

“Here it comes,” he told his brother, as his first blast of cum shot on to the carpet floor. He’d come to spraying his brother’s feet, and that thought sent out another quick spurt that fell much closer to his own toes. His orgasm finished with the rest of his cum dribbling out of him like normal.

“It’s…I think it’s, oh,” his brother gasped. His head had rolled back, exposing his flushed neck, and then his brother started shaking in place before falling back on the bed. Keegan’s hand fell away, and his little erection twitched as he took a few gasping breaths.

“I think you have it figured out now,” Henry said as he wiped his hand against his leg.

“That is…the most amazing thing,” Keegan said breathlessly. “Can I do that all the time?”

Henry shrugged. “For now anyway. Although like I said it’s pretty private, so maybe wait to be alone before trying it again.”

When Keegan got up from the bed, he did something that surprised Henry. He ran over and wrapped his arms around his brother in a hug. Despite the fact that they were both still naked from the waist down with drooping dicks nearly smushed against each other, Henry thought it was the most heart-warming thing his brother had done in a while.

“Thank you for showing me that. WAY more helpful than Dad was.”

Henry hugged him back before ruffling his messy hair. “I know. Now go finish getting ready.”

“You too, huh?” his mom said about an hour later when Henry was getting the last of his things ready for the school day. “You and Keegan both seem to be in a really good mood.”

Henry laughed and shrugged. “Must be because it’s Friday.”

When he arrived at school, Henry was looking forward to seeing Aiden. His best friend and crush was usually there before him, waiting in the courtyard for Henry before they headed inside, but today he seemed to be running behind. Henry waited alone on one of the stone benches while other buses arrived and dumped off their students next to the car riders. He greeted a few of his other friends as they passed, but it wasn’t long before most of the student body had shown.

Looking around, Henry noticed two people sitting across from him on the stone benches. One was a blonde girl from his science class he’d never spoken to before but knew to be Lexie. She was one of those casually popular types, making friends in whatever social circle she found herself in. The boy beside her Henry didn’t recognize, but he was pretty adorable with his gelled brown hair swooped to one side. His eyes were a lovely shade of brown that reminded Henry of warm chocolate.

As puberty grabbed Henry in its clutches more and more, he’d lately found himself wondering about the sexual development of his peers around him. He’d stolen quick glances at a few of his classmates in the gym’s changing rooms before they wrapped themselves in towels and hit the showers. He found it fascinating how different each person in his seventh grade class could be. Some had pubic regions that were completely bare, while others already had thick nests of hair. Most were somewhere in between like him. He knew their dick sizes varied as well, some growers and others showers. Every week since the start of the school year it seemed at least one boy boned up in the locker rooms or showers. Most of the times, Henry had to turn away since he knew he’d spring up in a matter of seconds if he kept staring.

Even though he’d cummed only a couple hours before, Henry felt the blooming feeling of arousal spread through his chest as he wondered about the cute boy sitting across from him. More interestingly, the moment that had begun to happen, Henry noticed the boy had stopped smiling and chatting so freely and started to fidget a bit on the bench.

Henry’s mind flashed to the events with his brother the day before, remembering the spontaneous orgasm that had happened just as he’d been about to have his own. Keegan, too, had been restless moments before he’d cum. The faint voice from the cave whispered across his consciousness about the gift once again. It was impossible, it was stupid, but what if…

Once again Henry focused on his arousal and ignored his hardening dick. His jeans were loose enough that he wasn’t in immediate discomfort. As he placed his attention on the cute boy sitting across from him, the kid continued to fidget while he talked to Lexie. Eventually the boy placed his book bag in his lap and leaned against it. Henry’s mind drifted to the mutual jerk session he shared with Keegan this morning, seeing his brother grip his little boner while he got lost in the delicious sensations.

Across from him, the boy lowered his head on his book bag, but before Henry could tease his thoughts any further, the morning bell blared above their heads, interrupting his thoughts. Immediately the boy snapped his head forward, and Lexie stood, oblivious to her friend’s condition as he remained crouched over his backpack. When he finally stood, a small, dark spot spread out from the telltale sign of where his boner pressed against his khaki shorts.

Henry made eye contact with the boy who blushed hard before turning away and hunching over while he caught up with Lexie.

Holy shit, Henry thought, breaking out of his own state of arousal as he felt his dick soften. Of course it could have just been coincidence again. Boys got unwanted erections pretty much every day. Hell, they happened to him all the freakin’ time. Henry couldn’t help but get the feeling that somehow, in some way, he was connecting himself to the people around him.

There was one way to find out for sure. He had several classes throughout the day where he could test his theory. If it failed, then no skin off his bones, he figured it would be a nice way to pass the time. But if it was real, if he really could affect people’s horniness somehow, then middle school was about to get a whole lot more interesting…

End of Part 2

Copyright 2023 – Levi Holland
All rights reserved

Thank you again for reading if you made it this far into the story. Please feel free to send me some feedback if you enjoyed it (LeviHolland@protonmail.com).


A Dream of Darkness – Chapter 1

A Dream of Darkness – Chapter 1
Levi Holland

Chapter 1

Outside of the town of Misty Pines, Henry Tucker froze as his foot cracked against a fallen branch. A howl echoed in the night, buried beneath the chirping of insects. Out here there was no glow from the moon, no light from the town. It was all swallowed up by the thick, inky blackness of the woods. To Henry, this kind of darkness felt eternal, like it might never let him go.

He couldn’t remember how he entered the woods, and not for the first time, he wondered if he was even awake. There was no path to follow, just the endless forest and the same lingering fog hovering around his feet. Even as he tiptoed cautiously, his mom’s voice echoed in the back of his head, warning Henry and his younger brother Keegan about the dangers of the forest. Even though he was already twelve, she still pressed him about it whenever he ventured out. He knew about Stranger Danger and to avoid wild animals, so what was the big deal?

Pausing again, Henry picked up on a sound he didn’t recognize. A low thrum rolled across the dead leaves, reverberating through his bones. The sound was a siren’s call, beckoning him closer, and as Henry traveled another quarter mile towards the noise, he reached a small clearing through the trees where a sliver of pale blue moonlight revealed the opening of a cave.

Henry was certain he would have remembered any caves nearby, especially with all the exploring he’d done over the years. He knew he was at a pivotal point where he could turn back and find his way home without taking another step closer. The deep hum had only grown more intense. The rough tree bark quivered beneath his palm, and the earth shook through his sneakers. The vibrations were having a deeper effect on him, too, as he grew hard in his jeans.

“Great,” he muttered. “Perfect timing.”

Erections were a part of everyday life, he knew. Sex-ed had tried to make that abundantly clear, but it didn’t help when they actually sprang up. What they should have taught all the boys, Henry thought, was how to take care of their hard-ons rather than coaching them with useless advice like shoving a hand in your pocket to readjust your penis or wrapping a sweatshirt around your waist to hide the bulge. Thank god he’d figured out the way to handle them on his own. The past couple months had been a game changer since then. If he wasn’t creeped the fuck out, he’d probably have taken care of his little problem right away.

Henry tried to pinch his arm as hard as he could. If this was a dream, maybe that would help snap him out of it. He didn’t wake up, but more unsettling was how the humming had suddenly stopped. Maybe stopped wasn’t the right word. The humming had retreated, and Henry was now certain the noise had originated from the cave, somewhere deep within that darkness.


Henry gave up on pinching and slapped himself hard in the face. Wake up, he thought. Wake up, wake up, wake up.

“Don’t be nervous, Henry.”

Fuck this. He was out. He spun on his heels to sprint as far and fast as possible. If he smacked into some trees on his way back to safety, then so be it. He took one step forward when his body betrayed him. He was frozen in place.

“I don’t like this!” he called out. “Let me go!”

Henry could no longer see the opening of the cave, but the deep vibrations began again, this time pulsing, growing in strength, as if someone…or something…was stepping closer. The misty fog which had given the town its namesake had thickened like coiling fingertips around his ankles and up his knees. The fog brushed against his skin teasingly, and Henry couldn’t stop his teeth from chattering as he nervously licked his lips.

“What do you want from me?” he dared to ask.

“You, Henry,” the voice said. It was neither masculine nor feminine. It carried no tone. Its voice was feathers on his skin. “I want to give you a gift.”

A hand gripped his shoulder, and though he couldn’t see it, he nearly fainted as a tickling pleasure radiated throughout his body. The vellus hairs on his neck and arms raised to attention, and he shuddered as his eyes rolled. If he’d been hard before, he was fucking steel now. Henry tried to shake the pleasure away, because while it felt more incredible than anything he’d experienced before—there was something disturbing about where it was coming from.

“It’s okay to relax, Henry,” the voice whispered, so close to his ear. It started to coat him like a thick blanket. “It’s okay to let go.”

“Please don’t hurt me,” Henry whispered in return.

The voice laughed in a whispering bark as the mist and pleasure swallowed him whole. His lungs had seized up. Tears began to fill his eyes as Henry tried to think of a way to escape, but he couldn’t move! Couldn’t cry for help! Couldn’t take a breath! He thought for certain he was about to explode from the intense feelings rushing through him, that his body would rip into pieces, when—


Henry’s dick was going nuts as his eyes sprang open, sunlight blinding him through his bedroom window. His heart hammered inside his chest, and his sweaty black hair was matted to his head. Sitting up in bed, Henry tore back his covers until his pajamas came into view. A large wet patch was spreading against the cloth where his erection pressed against it, still twitching and incredibly sensitive as his orgasm faded.

Four months ago, Henry’s first wet dream hadn’t felt nearly as intense as this one. An awkward conversation followed with his dad when Henry was convinced he’d pissed the bed. His dad had been just as embarrassed and tiptoed around a lot of the specifics, which ultimately just meant that Henry had to endure an even longer conversation as his dad tried to re-explain himself several times. To make matters worse, his ten-year-old brother Keegan kept pestering him multiple times that day about what was going on. He was a good younger brother, but sometimes Henry wished he would mind his own business.

He jumped out of his bed to make sure he hadn’t stained his sheets before changing out of his pajama bottoms. The inside of his pants were soaked, and a thin sheen of cum clung to the inside fabric. Henry couldn’t remember ever cumming more in the past. He buried his pajama pants beneath several clothes in his hamper. No need to have the cum smell wafting through his bedroom. Before grabbing a fresh pair of boxers, Henry examined his softening penis. It hung about two inches, and the few curly pubes around the outside of his dick seemed to be filling in more. He found it funny that he’d gone his whole life uninterested in his dick, and then all at once, it seemed like he’d grown a dozen hairs without ever spotting the first.

Henry thought back to his dream as he grabbed his shower towel. Only a handful in his life had ever felt so real—this one was so intense, between him walking through the forest, the vibrations tactile across his skin, and that disembodied voice. Even in memory it sent chills down his spine.

By the time Henry stepped into the kitchen after showering, combing his hair, and brushing his teeth, his younger brother had already taken the elementary school bus. His mom was in the kitchen, grabbing her laptop and a few other supplies for work.

“Finally,” she said, “Wasn’t sure I’d see you before I had to leave.”

“Sorry, bad dream,” he said with a yawn and grabbed a carton of orange juice from the fridge.

“Well, all better now,” she said, only half paying attention as she scrolled through her phone. Once she left for work in the city, she wouldn’t be back until nearly six in the evening. Henry’s dad worked similar hours, only he had to leave even earlier in the morning. Before leaving, Henry gave her a kiss goodbye and packed his book bag for the day.

Misty Pines was an okay place to live, Henry thought. It was a small town tucked away in a little valley between the Virginian mountains, but that was part of the charm. The weather was comfortable most months, and they weren’t teased with only a few short days of fall and spring. The only problem was that things were a bit…boring. You had to create your own fun. Sometimes that meant pickup games with a few kids down the street, hanging out at the swimming hole on hot days, or exploring through the woods. Except maybe he would hold off on his treks through the forest for the time being.

Sitting on the outskirts of town was Misty Pines Middle, the only feeder school for the surrounding elementary schools. As Henry made his way off the bus, he walked through the common area until he found his best friend Aiden standing alone in the courtyard. They met last year in 6th grade, but already they were tighter than two friends could be. Henry knew he could share anything with Aiden. Well, almost anything.

At the start of their friendship, Henry struggled to understand why Aiden made him feel a little goofy in his chest. Being around his friend was the first time Henry could remember springing a boner out of the blue. It wasn’t until a few months later when he started connecting the dots—he was attracted to Aiden. The boy had a scruffy head of unkempt, pale blond hair, was short for his age, and a mischievous smirk lived on his face. He had never gotten into any real trouble, but Henry had always found himself a willing partner-in-crime fora number of Aiden’s pranks.

“Dude, you’ll never believe this,” Aiden said, waving him over as he bounced between feet. “Take a look at what Tyler did to his hair last night.”

Aiden pointed at the row of jocks leaning together against the courtyard wall. One of them was Tyler who played on the JV basketball squad for the school. Beside him, Molly Sinclair was practically hanging from his arm to keep his attention. What Aiden wanted Henry to see was Tyler’s new haircut, the same mullet he usually wore, but now with the sides completely shaved off.

“No way,” Henry said.

“I know. Totally stupid, right? Also, could Molly the Slut be any more obvious today? Her tits are basically hanging out.”

Not for the first time, Henry pushed down the pang in his chest. While Henry knew he was 100% undeniably gay, he was also about as sure as you could be that Aiden was straight. It didn’t change much at all about their friendship, but a friendship was all it would ever be. That was okay with him. To Henry, their friendship was the most important thing he had. He wouldn’t ever want to ruin that.

“Totally,” Henry agreed, and the two laughed, hanging out until the first bell echoed across the courtyard.

The start of the day was a breeze but a bore. Math sucked, but what else was new? Algebra always made Henry fuzzy in the head when dealing with numbers and letters together. Several times he tried stealing glances at Suzie Lee’s paper, but when she caught him peering over at her paper, she covered it with her hand and turned away from him.

Later on in reading, the class had started their presentations for their book reports. Most of these Henry wanted to doze through, but some of his more attractive classmates, like Max and Asher, would give him plenty to eye-bang when it was their turn.

Henry sighed. Why couldn’t any of the crazy hot boys also be gay? He knew Asher played soccer, and even though he wasn’t buff in the traditional sense, his arms and legs looked really nice from all the toning and warm sun. Henry wasn’t sure if Max played any sports, but he had one of those faces that was pleasing on all sides: full lips, a set of blue eyes with dark hair, along with a smattering of freckles. Oh yeah, he certainly wouldn’t mind getting to eye-bang the two of them during their projects. Instead, he had to suffer through stupid not-hot Rachael stumbling over her words at the front of the class.

Henry’s stomach was in a nonstop grumble by the time lunch rolled around, and he grabbed an extra snack from the stand to go with his burger. The cafeteria was already a chaotic mess of people narrowly missing each other with their lunch trays as they searched for their friends. Aiden was at the same table they sat at every day, already munching through a plate of salad.

“What is it with you and salad?” Henry asked.

“Hey!” Aiden said through a mouthful of lettuce and ranch. “I gotta maintain alllll this, or I’ll never get any before high school!”

Through Aiden’s talking, a bit of ranch trickled down his chin, the white smear fueling Henry’s imagination enough to burn his cheeks alive.

“You good, dude? Not getting sick, are you?”

Henry blinked out of his fever dream and coughed to clear his throat before opening his milk. “Pssh, as if. May wanna lick your lip, though, you slob.”

“Like this?” Aiden asked before excessively licking his tongue around his lips. “Oh Jessica, oh Molly, you turn me on soooo much!”

“Gross!” Henry shouted and laughed at Aiden’s sloppy ranch goatee.

After Aiden wiped his lips with his napkin, he gave them a loud smack before eating more salad. “Seriously though, are you good? You seemed a little off when you first got to school. Keegan’s not being an asshole, is he?”

Memories of the cave and the shadowy hand on Henry’s shoulder flashed through his mind. He shook the thought away before it gave him the heebie jeebies. He considered sharing the dream with his friend, but wasn’t sure how much detail he wanted to go in. They were best friends, so of course they had stayed up late talking about personal things like jerking off and sex, and even though they’d never seen each other naked, they both shared when their first pubes started coming in. But the nightmare was different—it disturbed Henry in a way he couldn’t explain.

“I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.”

There was a small break in Aiden’s smile, like he was distracted by something else. The small, blond boy shifted a bit in his seat before grinning in a smirk. Within seconds, Aiden was back to his normal, goofy self. It wasn’t long before they were joined by a few of their other lunch mates, and the rest of their time passed talking about baseball, Fortnite, and their lame ass homework they were given that day.

The rest of Henry’s classes blurred by, and before he knew it, the school day was done, and he was back on the bus heading home. He plugged in his earbuds before pulling up his favorite pop station on Spotify. Settling in to his seat, Henry tried to suppress the huge yawn that welled up inside. His eyes fluttered closed as he leaned against the window and drifted off to the sounds of Billie Eilish.

“Heeeenry…” It was the voice. He was back at the cave. Back in the darkness. “Remember, Heeeenry…”

“Yo, Henry!”

Someone slapped his shoulder, and Henry snapped awake as the bus’s brakes squealed to a stop at his street corner. A boy from down the street named Ben was standing in the aisle, blocking the path from a smaller sixth grade girl who kept trying to slip around him unsuccessfully.

“Must’ve fallen asleep,” Henry mumbled.

“Yeah, no shit,” Ben said. “Time to go.”

Henry folded up his headphones and snatched his bag before stepping off the bus. A thick blanket of gray clouds had rolled in overhead as thunder grumbled in the distance. There was little chance of playing outside now, he thought. Instead, he bee-lined for his house, opening the front door with his latchkey. Keegan would have already been home from school, waiting in the house for Henry’s return while their parents were at work.

“I’m home!” he called out.

Henry went to his bedroom to drop off his book bag before grabbing a soda on his way past the kitchen and into the living room. He found Keegan in a pair of gym shorts and a loose t-shirt watching an old rerun of Teen Titans as Robin and the gang leapt into action to fight a group of baddies.

“Want some chips?” Keegan asked as Henry took a seat on the far side of the couch.

“Sure!” Henry grabbed a handful from the bag and cracked open the soda he brought with him.

As they watched cartoons, Henry and Keegan talked about their day at school, but it didn’t take long for their conversation to die down. Henry’s mind was fixated on the dream from the night before. He thought he remembered watching some Youtube video about dreams being reflections of one’s subconscious, but were recurring dreams a thing? And if that was the case, he didn’t have any clue how to prevent them from happening.

Dreams couldn’t hurt him, he knew that. Maybe there was no harm in enjoying the parts of the dream that had been good. For one, he’d came. Like, a lot. And that had been a pretty awesome feeling. Normally when he came, it was a quick spurt or two, and even then, most of it was pretty watery, although his cum had gotten whiter over the last few weeks. He knew that meant he was making real sperm now.

Beside him, Keegan kept shifting on the couch, moving his bowl of chips to the side, and then shifting again before tucking his feet up underneath himself.

“What’s got you all antsy?” Henry asked.

“Nothing, sorry,” his brother mumbled, trying to focus on the show.

Thinking about cumming had the inevitable effect of making Henry hard, and he snuck a hand in his pants pocket to adjust himself, pointing his dick towards his stomach. The vibrations from the dream had been the most intense when the creature had its hand on Henry’s shoulder. That was when he could feel the pleasure coursing through his entire body, ebbing and flowing like a rolling wave crashing to shore. There was something the voice had said, as well, something about giving Henry a gift.

Henry was just about to excuse himself from the couch so he could take care of Little Henry in the privacy of his bathroom when Keegan let out a soft groan beside him.

“It…oh…” Keegan whispered and stared down at his gym shorts. His brother’s face was flushed and his eyes unfocused as he shuddered in place. Henry spotted a small tent poking against his brother’s gym shorts that bucked several times against the fabric. Keegan was breathing like he’d just sprinted a marathon as the pulsing in his shorts slowed to a stop.

Holy shit, Henry thought. Did his brother just have an orgasm right beside him?

“Uhh,” Henry stuttered, his dick painfully hard in his jeans. “I’ll be right back. Need to use the bathroom!”

He leapt from the couch, and the moment he shut the bathroom door behind him, Henry unsnapped his jeans and dropped his pants to his knees. His dick was a leaky mess as a strand of precum dripped from the tip to the bathroom floor. Henry closed a hand around his four-inch cock and nearly came right then. The combination of remembering the dream while his brother had his cum right beside him was too much. Within a quick flurry of strokes, Henry squeezed his eyes shut and groaned as his orgasm struck. He was overcome with the pleasurable thumping happening behind his balls as his watery load jetted from his dick.

With his orgasm dying down, Henry regained his breath as he leaned against the sink counter. He hadn’t been awake for the orgasm this morning, but this had been a top 5 explosion for sure. He wiped his cummy hand with a few pieces of tissue paper before flushing them down the toilet.

Now that the sexual urge ripping through him had faded, Henry wasn’t sure what to think. On one hand, he had found it incredibly hot to see another boy in the throes of pleasure, but on the other hand that boy was his ten-year-old brother. There was a guilty part of him wondering if he’d witnessed his brother’s first ever orgasm. The last time they’d been naked together was in the bath nearly three years ago. Back then, Henry didn’t have the faintest clue of what sex really was or the joys his penis could bring him. There were times Henry’s dick had stiffened in front of his brother, but those moments were always embarrassing and made him self-conscious, even though it occasionally happened to Keegan as well.

He doubted Keegan had any clue at all about what just happened to him. Not only that, but there was the incredible coincidence of it all. Was it just by chance that the moment Henry had remembered the words about a gift from his dream, remembered and relived the intense pleasure he’d felt, that his brother had an orgasm? Henry knew that sounded silly, stupid even. His brother had probably just gotten hard and overwhelmed by the feeling of his penis rubbing against the fabric of his gym shorts.

When Henry finally unlocked the door to leave the bathroom, he went to his room for the rest of the afternoon, conflicted with thoughts running through his mind…

End of Part 1

Copyright 2023 – Levi Holland
All rights reserved

Thank you for reading if you made it this far into the story. Again this is my first time writing an erotic story even if I’ve read plenty over the years. Feel free to send me some feedback or if you enjoyed it (LeviHolland@protonmail.com).


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