High quality erotica. And more....

Month: March 2023 (Page 2 of 4)

The Snow Cabin – Chapter 2

The Snow Cabin
Levi Holland

Chapter 2

I’d never tried sleeping while wrapped in someone’s arms, but it was surprisingly comforting. Before I could really think too much about the cold any longer, I had conked out entirely, only waking up once I sensed the morning sun streaming through the cabin window.

I woke up on my back with my left arm pinned under Luke’s head. He was on his side and snuggled up close to me. Our legs were tangled up, so I started to shift until I noticed Luke’s hardness at my hip again.

I turned my head and studied Luke’s face while he slept. He had a bit of bedhead, his brown hair fanning out like a rooster’s. His eyes darted behind his closed eyelids, and I wondered what kind of dream he might have been having. Apparently a pretty decent one based on the erection against my side. Luke would absolutely die if he realized he’d boned up against me in his sleep, so I carefully removed my leg from his before scooting away.

It seemed Luke was already pretty close to waking up, because almost as soon as I moved from him, he began to stir. When I sat up and set my feet on the floor, he let loose a massive yawn and stretched his arms out.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” I said as he blinked his eyes open.

“Mmm, g’morning,” he mumbled as he adjusted to the light in the room. After opening his eyes and looking around, he said, “Well, we didn’t die from hypothermia.”

“Nope,” I said. “Good thing, too. That would’ve made for a sucky Christmas vacation.”

He laughed and sat up in bed before his eyes darted toward his midsection beneath the covers. Seems like Luke realized Little Luke was up before him. A thought trickled into my mind about what Luke’s penis might look like, how big it might have been. Last night and this morning, as it brushed against me, it was tough to tell exactly how big it might have been against my leg, although I didn’t have much to compare it with.

Wait, what was I thinking? I shook my head to clear the thought away. Bad, Hannah.

I couldn’t let myself think about Luke that way. I mean, hello? Incest? Gross.

I excused myself to the bathroom, giving my brother the privacy he needed to either adjust himself or throw on his clothes for the day. I remembered hearing in health class how random erections happened all the time to boys in puberty. This was just one of those embarrassing times, I figured, just like last night. Better to let it be and try to put the image out of my mind. As I entered the bathroom and sat on the toilet to pee, however, I couldn’t help but notice there seemed to be an extra bit of moistness inside my pussy.

When we left the cabin to join Mom and Dad on the other side of the cabin lot, I gasped when I looked out at the horizon. The lot gave us a breathtaking view of the snow-covered valley and town below, the sun glistening like little diamonds off the snow. Somewhere off in the distance echoed the sound of a buzzing saw against a tree.

“This place is way cooler in the day,” Luke said.

“It’s beautiful,” I agreed.

We hurried along to Mom and Dad’s cabin. It was beautiful, but it was also still cold as hell.

“There’s the kiddos,” Dad said when Luke and I entered their cabin. “Wasn’t sure how late you both would sleep in. Ready to eat?”

We loaded up into the van and drove until our GPS signal came back. It was another twenty minutes of narrow lanes and sharp curves across icy patches that took us downhill into the main town I saw earlier. We passed a small grocery store, a diner, and what I guessed was a repair shop for cars, but nothing like back home. These businesses were all Mom and Pop shops. No recognizable chains anywhere.

Apparently Dad had spoken with Hank earlier in the morning and got a recommendation for breakfast. After we pulled in to the diner, I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when we saw Hank’s truck in the parking lot. It was a small town, after all.

Dad pushed the diner door open into a set of wind chimes as we stepped inside. The diner carried a certain rustic charm, although it was in serious need of a makeover. Most of the furniture looked like stuff Grandpa would own. A few framed pictures hung from the wall featuring the owner and his family and another of the landscape. They seemed like they were of some sort of Native American descent. I couldn’t remember enough about our early American History classes to say what kind, though. At the counter sat a few older locals sipping coffee as they read the paper. One was in light conversation with the short order cook. Hank gave us a nod when we came in.

We were seated at a booth and soon had our menus brought to us. Mom rubbed at her neck a bit as she checked her phone.

“Dad, can we go snow tubing while we’re here?” Luke asked.

Luke told him all about the pamphlet we had on our nightstand and some of the activities inside.

“Maybe,” he said. “Might be a fun way to kill some time. Maybe skiing, too.”

Mom sighed. “I wish the other cabin had worked out. My neck is so stiff!”

“I didn’t think it was too bad,” I offered. “Oh, yeah, Dad. Our heater was on a timer. Can you fix it when we’re back?”

Dad nodded as our waitress came to take our order. Sarah and I exchanged a few Snaps while Luke scrolled through different TikTok videos.

Hank caught Dad’s eye and shuffled over from his spot at the counter. “Not exactly paradise, I know,” he said, “but hopefully the cabin treated you right.”

“Thank you again for the quick change,” Dad said. “Not sure what we would have done without you.”

They talked a bit more until the food showed up, and not long after, Hank said his goodbyes. His truck rumbled to life in the parking lot before he took off.

While we finished up our food, Dad found a ski resort with snow tubing and skiing about thirty minutes out that also had some available spa openings the next day. Mom was super interested in that, so at the very least we had a plan for tomorrow.

For the rest of the day, we hit up the shops around town. A few pieces of handcrafted jewelry caught my eye, but they were too pricey, so I ended up buying a yellow scarf instead. Mom picked out a clay-fired coffee mug, while Dad bought a cap with the words “Mountain Man” on it. When I found Luke in the back of the shop, he was examining a wooden trinket with strange symbols carved into it—maybe the language of the Native Americans indigenous to this place. To me, it just looked like a lame piece of wood, but Luke seemed drawn to it and brought it to the cashier up front who shot him a small glance before ringing it up. Finally, we grabbed a couple decks of playing cards to help pass the time inside the cabin.

On the way back to the cabins, we stopped by a barbecue place and stuffed ourselves silly. Mine had this insanely good sweet sauce that was to die for, and I swear it was some of the best food I’d ever had in my whole life! Definitely a hit all around, but at long last, we were on our way back to the cabins. I couldn’t believe how quickly the day passed, and I was ready to have a little R&R.

My phone buzzed with a new Snap from my best friend.

Sarah: Hannah, you’ll never believe what I just got from Jeremy.

Jeremy was a pretty hot boy from our class who Sarah’s had a crush on since early middle school. I opened it up, and my jaw nearly hit the ground.

Jeremy was standing near his bathroom mirror, dressed in only his underwear as he flexed his muscles. That was nice enough since he was nicely toned and had a flat six pack, but what really caught my eye was the bulge jutting against his black briefs. I felt a tingle shoot through my pussy and then remembered where I was.

I quickly shut the screen and looked to my left to see if Luke had seen my phone. It was hard to tell in what little light was in the van, but it seemed like Luke was facing out the window. At least I hoped he was. That would have been way too embarrassing to explain.

When we pulled up to our cabins, Dad fixed the settings on our heater while we brushed our teeth, and soon it was just Luke and I. Like the night before, he started taking off his winter clothes and getting his shower stuff ready. I noticed he hadn’t really said much since we’d gotten back, which wasn’t totally abnormal, but it got me wondering again if maybe he’d seen my phone after all. He barely looked at me at all.

Oh well. There wasn’t much I could do about it if he did see. Hopefully he wouldn’t tell on me. Not like I did anything wrong, though. And besides, if he did see, then Luke was the one snooping. Not me.

I took the time to do a little channel surfing while Luke was in the shower. There were hundreds of available options, and it seemed like Hank had some kind of special TV provider, probably because there weren’t many regular cable channels out here. While I had the chance, I stripped down to my night clothes. I didn’t feel too messy and decided to skip a shower for the night. If I changed my mind, there was always the morning. Besides, I was on vacation—I was allowed to slouch.

Before hopping under the covers, I reopened Snapchat and messaged Sarah back.

Me: You didn’t tell me you and Jeremy were a thing!

I sent the message and waited for her response.

Sarah: Weeeeell, we’re not really. At least not yet. But it sounds like things are looking…up…between us. 😉

Me: OMG I can’t with you. Ur gonna spill all the deets when I’m back. Later, bitch.

I turned off my phone when the shower stopped running, and Luke came back in, one towel around his waist and another being used to blot his dripping hair. He dumped his dirty clothes beside the bed and stopped short when he saw I was already under the covers.

“You’re not going to shower?”

“Nah,” I said, stretching my arms out and yawning a bit. “I’ll get one in the morning.”

“Oh,” he said, looking a bit uncomfortable. “Sorry, I planned on changing in here while you were gone. Be right back.”

Boys, I thought. Always so embarrassed about the strangest things. When Luke came back, the waistband of his sports briefs poked out from the edge of the towel. He turned off his lamp, dropped his towel, and darted under the covers.

I sighed. This little dance was going on too long.

“Listen,” I said, hitting the power button on the remote and turning on my side to face him. “We should talk about what you saw.”

Luke paled a bit next to me and stammered. “W-what do you mean?”

“Luke,” I said, shooting him a deadpan stare.

“Okay,” he said. “Maybe I did see something, but I’m not gonna tell or anything. I swear!”

“Then why are you being so weird about it? You’ve barely talked to me or looked at me since we got back.”

My brother squirmed a bit. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t think you were doing sex stuff with your boyfriend.”

I snorted. “Please. Jeremy is not my boyfriend.”

“He’s not? Then why was he sending you a picture of his crotch?”

It was my turn to blush, and my heart beat like a hummingbird in my chest. How did I possibly explain why Sarah would have sent that pic? I’m not even sure I had a great answer for that. But Luke clearly had some inkling about what he saw, which meant he was old enough to talk this out.

“Sarah’s really the one into him. She and I talk about everything. I don’t know why she showed me that pic of him, but if I’m honest, I was kind of turned on by it.”

“Eww, yuck!” my brother shouted. “I don’t want to hear about that.”

“Come on,” I said. “You’re the one who wanted us to talk more. This is part of it.”

To his credit, he shut up. I thought of an idea that might alleviate some of the awkwardness a bit.

“Listen, let’s make a deal with each other.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“This cabin can be our safe space. We can talk about anything in here, and it stays between you and me. No sharing between friends, no Mom and Dad, and definitely no embarrassing each other.”

“I guess that’d be okay.” He was quiet a few moments before he spoke. “Hannah, can I ask you a question?”

“You just did,” I giggled but told him to ask.

“You sure you won’t get mad at me?”

“Just spit it out.”

“Okay,” he said. He sat up in bed and stuffed some of the pillows behind his back while we talked. “What’s the farthest you’ve ever gone with a boy?”

Wow, just coming right out the gate with it, I guess. But, safe space. That was the deal.

“No boyfriend yet, remember? But I can’t wait until I finally get one.”

“That’s cool, I guess. I was just wondering.” Luke gave a shy smile.

“My turn. What about you? You have any secret crushes I don’t know about?”

“Maybe,” he said cryptically.

“Nuh-uh,” I said. “Spill it. I told you about me, remember?”

He nodded and cleared his throat a bit.

“Well, there is this one girl in my homeroom class—Grace. I think about her sometimes.”

“Think about her?” I asked.

Luke’s blush spread down his neck to his chest as he moved his wrist up and down. “You know…when I…”

“Oh!” It was my turn to blush in embarrassment. Part of me wondered if my brother was old enough to start masturbating yet, and clearly he was. I had to stop my head from spinning too fast as I tried to ignore the familiar moistness spreading inside my panties.

“Do you?” he asked. “Do it, I mean?”

I nodded shyly. I had never admitted to touching myself to anyone before, even Sarah. We were super close, but it was just one of those private things that never came up.

Apparently confessing to playing with my pussy finally kicked down the last barrier of nerves my brother had left.

“That’s really cool!” His braces gleamed with his toothy grin. “I do it a lot now. I didn’t think girls did stuff like that.”

“What? Of course we do. We like to feel good, too!”

“So, how does it work?”

I shrugged and lifted two of my fingers. “You know, just kinda in and out, almost like a…like a penis.”

My brothers hands were cupped in front of his lap, and even though he was shielded by the comforter, it didn’t take a genius to figure out he was hard. Hell, the front of my panties were soaked by this point.

“Hannah? Well, never mind.”


“It’s just that…do you think girls like me? I wanted a girlfriend by now, but so far none of them wanna talk to me. I haven’t even had my first kiss yet.”

Over the past few months, Sarah had actually mentioned a couple times how she thought Luke was pretty cute for his age. She said she could never date someone two years younger than her, of course, but I felt like I could share that with him. He could use the confidence boost.

“She really said that?” His blue eyes brightened a bit.

“Mhmm, it’s really true. You’re not an ugly dingbat.”

“Hey!” He grabbed a pillow and slapped me with it.

Sharing this time with Luke and opening up about all these personal things was making me feel really warm and fuzzy inside. I couldn’t believe what I was considering, but to hell with it. He was my younger brother, yes, but it was also my job to look after him.

“Hey, dork, close your eyes.”

“No way! You’re gonna tickle me or something stupid.”

“Just do it. You trust me, right?”

He huffed in annoyance but did so. I took in my brothers face, his short brown hair, his freckled, buttony nose. He was still far from an adult, but it was clear adolescence wasn’t far away. I leaned forward and gently placed my lips against his in a brief kiss.

Luke gasped and opened his eyes as he pulled away.

“You…you kissed me?”

“There, now you can say you got your first kiss from an 8th grade girl.”

He flushed a bit. “But you’re my sister.”

“Ehh, so what? That’s how you know I’m not bullshitting you.”

Luke rubbed his lips together, no doubt feeling the same tingle I felt.

“So wait,” he said, “if you haven’t had a boyfriend yet, was that your first kiss, too?”

I nodded, and his face split into a huge grin.

“That was pretty cool,” he said. “Thanks, Hannah.”

“Don’t mention it. Literally. I’ll see you in the morning.”



We turned off our lamps, and Luke and I settled beneath the covers. In the quiet of the room, the wind blew steadily against the cabin, and far away came the howl of a wolf. It was kind of nice, oddly enough.

Like the night before, I was having trouble getting to sleep. I tried not to shift around since I figured that would only make things harder on myself. The mattress wasn’t all that comfortable, but honestly I’d slept on worse. It was the fact that I wasn’t in my own bed and in a strange place.

Maybe twenty minutes had passed when I felt Luke shuffling beside me.

It seemed at first like he was turning over in his sleep, but then, I noticed an almost rhythmic scratching sound as the mattress started to shake. It sounded like he was tapping the comforter with his hand, and I realized then that Luke must have been masturbating. I was faced the other way so I couldn’t chance turning my head to see him, but there was no doubt about it. I was pretty sure anyway.

Sarah and I once watched a video where a woman and man had real sex, and before the guy cummed, he pulled out and began cranking his dick above the woman. I thought the guy was going to rip it off with how hard and fast he was going. The sounds were a little different now, but it definitely sounded like Luke was doing the same thing, his quick, little breaths straining as he tried to hold them in.

I wanted to reach inside my panties and frig myself until I was quaking on the bed with my own orgasm, but if I dared to move, Luke would surely notice and stop.

Beside me, Luke began to pant. It was only a few seconds later when I heard him pinch off a tiny, high-pitched whine. The shaking stopped abruptly, and Luke released a ragged breath. The covers rustled again, and this time it sounded like a hand was wiping something on the comforter. I guess he came pretty quick. And, surprisingly, it sounded like he was making semen. At least a little, anyway.

When the sounds of Luke’s soft snoring began to fill the room, I was finally able to reach my fingers down. I let my thumb work the outside of my clit while teasing the entrance to my vagina with a finger. There was little resistance as my middle finger slid up to the second knuckle, completely coated by my juices each time I dove back inside. The pleasure was like hot sparks and tiny fireworks popping off, and I tried desperately not to make any noise or commotion.

My fingers were on autopilot as my orgasm built up, and then, like a dam bursting wide open, I buried my sweaty face into the pillow as I came, my pussy clenching tight around my finger as my juices flooded past.

When I came down from my high, I wiped my middle finger against the sheets and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

End of Part 2

Copyright 2023 – Levi Holland
All rights reserved

Feel free to reach out to my email if you are enjoying the story!

The Snow Cabin – Chapter 1

The Snow Cabin
Levi Holland

Chapter 1

I sent my best friend Sarah a snap and jumped when Dad’s ringing cell phone broke the silence in the car. Four hours deep into this grueling car ride and still no sign of freedom. I’m pretty sure my parents were about the only ones excited for the cabin we were staying at. Me? I had far better plans this winter break, and they didn’t involve being stuck in the boonies with my parents and little brother. I sighed as the evergreens rushed past outside the car window. At least if I smelled another of Luke’s farts, I might be put out of my misery.

As his phone kept ringing, Dad fumbled through his pocket and answered.

Sarah sent me back a picture, and I laughed at the puppy filter she used over her peace-sign pose. Miss you, Hannah. Try not to die in the snow!

I sent back a frown emoji and typed in: Thanks, Buttface. TTYL

“It collapsed!?” Dad shouted.

“What collapsed?” Mom asked. “Brian.” She set her Kindle on her knees and readjusted her seat. Luke still had his AirPods shoved in his ears, oblivious to the world around him.

Dad swapped ears with the phone and covered part of it with his hand while he answered Mom. “The cabin we’re going to had a cave-in from last night’s storm.”

“Oh my god,” Mom said. “I hope nobody was hurt. And of course there’s a refund policy, I’m sure.”

Oh boy.

“Sorry, continue,” Dad said. “No, we weren’t planning on it…..I mean, yes, somewhere for the night…..Well how sturdy is this other cabin?”

Other cabin? It sounded like we were about to make a bit of a detour. Well, so much for the big vacation. After Dad finished up the phone call, there was a new plan. Cheap and sleazy motels were out of the question—my parents made that clear from the get-go. They wanted someplace…private. I shuddered at the thought of them getting it on. I mean sure, I knew they had sex to make Luke and I, but yuck. No need to have that mental image seared in my brain.

Turns out the new place was about 40 minutes out of the way, and soon Dad had the SUV turned around and headed to our destination. I checked my phone to see how late it was getting and texted Sarah goodnight.

The car’s headlights struggled to punch through the falling snow as we pulled in to the driveway. All we had for traction was the gravel crunching beneath the tires as the SUV trudged forward.

“Are we gonna die out here?” Luke asked, trying to peer out the edge of his window into the inky darkness.

“What? No, be quiet, dweeb,” I said, but to be honest, wherever here was did give me the creeps.

A forest of dense trees followed us along the narrow driveway until we came upon a clearing with two small cabins facing each other at an angle. A lone streetlamp loomed over them, bathing the cabins and falling snow in soft yellow light.

“At least…there’s electricity,” Dad said.

“Jesus, Brian.”

“I’m sure it’ll be much nicer in the morning. Hannah, Luke: let’s get the bags for your Mom.”

The frosty air bit my cheeks the moment I opened the door, and it became a mad dash to race the luggage up to the cabin porches. Luke and I stamped our feet and tried to rub some warmth into our hands, but it made little difference. I’m surprised our breath wasn’t turning into ice on the way out. Mom tested the door to the larger cabin and stepped inside when she found it unlocked.

About the same time, a rusty pickup rounded the bend and crunched along the gravel path until it rumbled to a stop beside our car.

“You folks the Cliftons? Hope you found the place okay.”

An older man stepped from the truck and zipped his coat up to his thick, gray beard. His cheeks held a rosy tint that reminded me of Santa Claus. And people who drank too much. In a place like this, it was probably the second option.

“Found it alright. Are you Hank? Can’t seem to get much of a signal,” Dad said.

“That’s me. Signal comes and goes,” Hank said with a shrug, “but there are landlines in either cabin. Speaking of…”

He fished out two sets of keys from his coat pocket and tossed them to Dad.

“Oh, uh, just the one cabin is fine.”

The man shook his head. “Cabin keys come as a set. Ain’t enough room to house all four of you in one. Just a single bedroom, living room, and bathroom in the big one. Heater too, of course. Got it running for y’all when I heard you was comin’.”

Mom came back outside and shouted from the porch.

“Brian! Why is there only one bed?”

“I’m working on it, dear!” Dad shouted back.

“It’s inconvenient, I know,” Hank said. “I wish probably more’n you that the other cabin didn’t collapse. Couldn’t tell you how long it might take me to fix her back up.”

“No, it’s fine,” Dad said. “We’ll make it work. Any issues with the power here?”

“None that I’ve seen,” Hank said. “House ain’t too far from here. You holler on the landlines if you need me. Same number.”

And with that, Hank loaded himself back into his truck and took off into the night.

When we gathered together inside the larger cabin, Mom was complaining about our misfortune while Dad prodded the different dials for the electric fireplace. Luke slouched down at the tiny kitchen table as we worked out what came next. It seemed pointless to find a new place tonight. The snow was too thick, the night too late.

“Well, there’s two options for now,” Dad said. “Either I can bunk with Luke in the other cabin and leave you two here, or we can put the kids in the second and take this one.”

I yawned. “Honestly,” I said, “I don’t really care what we decide. This was supposed to be a trip for you guys anyway, so if you want the main cabin together, Luke and I will be fine.”

“Luke?” Mom asked.

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me. We’re just sleeping there.”

“Alright,” Dad said. “I’ll make sure the heat’s still on while you guys bring your luggage over.”

The snow hugged our ankles as we followed Dad to the second cabin. Five days. That’s how long we were stuck here, although maybe we could convince Mom and Dad to leave a day early if this place sucked as bad as I thought it would.

Without a porch or overhang to rest under at the smaller cabin, we immediately moved inside. A well-worn Welcome Home mat sat in front of the doorway. It was a tight squeeze, so we spread out to the rest of the cabin, which was essentially a one bed, one bath setup. Off to the left side was the bedroom with a queen sized bed and two nightstands on either end. A thin widescreen TV was propped up on a dresser facing the bed. To the right was the bathroom and shower. Dad stepped into the bedroom and fiddled with the electric fireplace along the wall.

“You sure about this, Hannah?”

“I’ll be fine, Dad,” I said. “We’ll be fine. You guys are right across from us if we need you. You and Mom…enjoy yourselves.”

Dad flushed a bit as he stamped off some of the snow clinging to his laces.

“Alright, well, I’ll make sure your mother is settled in, and then I’ll come back to check on you guys one last time.”

By the time Dad returned, Luke and I had already picked sides for the bed. Despite his killer farts, my brother really was easy to get along with most of the time, and having to share a bed with him was just another example of that. He took out a fresh set of clothes along with his shampoo and body wash before heading to the bathroom. Rap music began playing from his phone as the shower started.

There was a knock at the door, and Dad poked his head in.

“We getting settled alright?”

“Yeah, Dad, we’re good.”

“Alright. Well, I love you both. Your mother says she loves you too. Call if you need either of us.”

“Goodnight, Dad. Love you,” I said, and then he shut the door behind him.

On my nightstand was the other landline for the house. A few numbers for local emergencies were printed and the number for the cabin next door was circled as well. There was a TV guide book which included must-see sites for traveling tourists. I picked up the guide and flipped through a few of its pages while Luke finished his shower. Some of the activities like skiing and snow tubing sounded pretty cool. Maybe I could convince everyone to go if there weren’t any other plans.

The shower squeaked to a stop, and soon Luke was back in the room, barefoot and shirtless with the towel wrapped around his waist. There was a surprising amount of muscle definition around his flat chest and torso—no doubt from the baseball he played outside of school.

“How’s the water pressure?” I asked.

“It’s pretty good! Man, I hope this place doesn’t totally blow.”

“Let’s hope so.” I grabbed my own shower stuff and stepped into the bathroom.

Inside, the air was still thick with steam, and I set my spare clothes on the little sink area. Closing the door behind me, I cranked the hot water back on and hoped the water heater would last through our back-to-back showers.

I stripped out of my shirt and bra first, pausing a moment to admire my breasts through the fogged up mirror. I cupped one in each hand to see if they’d somehow gotten any bigger overnight. Today was not that day. They were still the same boring cone-shaped breasts I was cursed with. Why couldn’t I be like some of the other 8th grade girls with their busty chests? My body still looked like I was stumbling my way through puberty.

With a sigh, I unbuttoned my pants before sliding them down with my panties. If any part of me had seen a change lately, it was my pussy. Over the past year, my mound had swelled nicely, and my pubic hair was finally filling in. It wasn’t very dense yet, just a few dozen curly hairs on the outside of my labia, but it was a start, at least.

After finishing my inspection, I stepped into the shower. The hot water melted away the tension in my shoulders from the day-long road trip. I gave my hair a rinse and squirted out some of the body wash I’d brought. I rubbed the slick liquid across my bare skin and began massaging my breasts and torso. It was times like this I wish I had a third hand to take care of a different part of me as well.

I was careful as I reached the outside of my vagina so I wouldn’t get the body wash inside. Once I rinsed it away however, I teased my clit with my middle finger and trembled as I stood in the shower. God I wish I had a boyfriend. At least then I could imagine the things he would do to me. I stifled a groan and forced myself to remove my fingers. I wasn’t exactly quiet when it came to masturbating. At home I could shove a pillow in front of my face until the orgasm passed, but here? Fat chance of that happening.

Twisting the knobs off, I stepped from the shower and toweled myself dry before slipping on a fresh set of panties and a long tie-dye t-shirt.

Coming back across the small foyer and into the bedroom, I found Luke flipping through the TV channels. He was snuggled beneath the comforter with his head propped against a few pillows. He stretched his arms out with a yawn which gave me the chance to check out his bare armpits.

“Anything good?” I asked.

“Probably,” he said. “All the channels here are different though, so I haven’t found anything yet.”

“The shower was nice, at least.”

I dropped my dirty clothes beside my suitcase and got under the comforter. The mattress was a little firmer than I would have liked, but I’d live. No sense in nitpicking anything and everything that could go wrong with the trip. Dad liked to tell us that if we only ever focused on the bad stuff, then the good stuff would pass us by.

As Luke channel surfed, I felt a huge yawn come over me as I realized it was past midnight. I guess my body was finally winding down too.

“This blows,” Luke said before turning off the TV. “And I don’t have any signal on my phone so I can’t watch YouTube or talk to my friends.”

“Yeah, I know,” I said. “Same with me and Sarah. But at least we have each other. I feel like we don’t get to talk a whole lot lately. We used to all the time.”

Luke was quiet for a few moments before saying, “That’s kind of your fault.”

Now this was a surprise. I wouldn’t have thought there was any tension between my brother and I, but apparently I was wrong about that. Go figure.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“Really?” he asked. “Ever since I started middle school you’ve wanted nothing to do with me.”

“That’s not true,” I said.

“You don’t even say hi to me in the hallway.”

That part…might have been true. But it wasn’t because of Luke, really. It just wasn’t cool for 8th graders and 6th graders to interact. I was almost in high school, and 6th graders were basically still elementary kids. That’d be social suicide! But Luke’s words did sting, and I realized how selfish I’d been acting.

“You know what? You’re right,” I said.

“I am?”

“Yes, silly. I haven’t been a good sister to you. So I’ll make you a deal; from now on, I’ll be sure to spend some time after school each day with you. And of course I’ll say hi to you when we see each other at school.”

“I guess that would be cool,” Luke said, smiling now. His teeth glinted from his braces. He wasn’t the biggest fan about getting them because he thought they made him look stupid, but I thought braces were cute in a way. I could never tell him that, of course, but the braces weren’t as bad as he worried.

Seeing him now, I realized my brother was turning into quite the looker. He and I were both blessed with decent genes, although Luke was the only one with freckles sprinkled across his cheeks. Along with baseball keeping him in shape, he seemed pretty popular in school, even for a 6th grader. I wondered if he had any interest in dating yet.

“Guess it’s time to hit the hay, yeah?” I asked, and pretty soon, we both said our goodnights and switched off the lamps.

Sleeping in a foreign bed was never as comfortable as the one back home, and it took a while for my brain to shut down. After what seemed like hours, I felt myself drifting away into the peacefulness of sleep.

I think that might have been the end of it, too, had I not startled awake in a shiver.

The glow and crackly sounds from the electric fireplace had stopped. Beside me, Luke’s teeth chattered while he slept. The clock on our nightstand read 4 am. Dad could easily fix the fireplace, but I didn’t want to disturb him and Mom if I didn’t need to. I had to show them Luke and I could handle being alone.

I braced myself for the nippy air and threw the comforter back as goosebumps shot across my arms. Luke began to stir beside me as I jostled the covers and set my feet on the floor.


“The h-heater’s off,” I said. “I’m going to try and turn it back on. Shouldn’t be t-too hard.”

Using my phone’s flashlight as a guide, I hobbled across the bedroom to the heater and searched for buttons I recognized. It had a few unmarked dials, but the on/off switch was easy enough to spot. My hand shook as I pressed my thumb against the button, and after a failed attempt or two, the heater kicked on with a dim orange glow. There was no immediate relief, but with any luck, the fireplace would warm the cabin long enough for the sun to come up. At least then Dad could adjust the timer setting.

“Jesus, it’s f-freezing,” I said and hopped back in bed, wrapping the covers around me like a cocoon.

Rubbing my hands up and down my arms wasn’t doing much at all to help me stay warm. Beside me, Luke’s teeth were still rattling.

“We could try this thing I learned about in S-Scouts a few years ago,” Luke said.

“What’s that?”

“If y-you’re ever camping out and it’s really c-cold like it is now, it’s better to share body warmth by laying close together. It’s saved lives before.”

“Well, I don’t think we’re in danger of d-dying, but what the hell? I’ll try anything.”

Luke laughed despite the chill. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you s-swear before.”

“Just shut up and come here,” I said.

The two of us squiggled our way closer until I bumped into Luke’s arm. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him close, my bare legs brushing against his own. He didn’t seem to be wearing any kind of pajama pants. He must have ditched them by the time I’d come back from my shower.

As we pressed against each other for warmth, Luke’s chest smushed against my breasts through my t-shirt. I won’t lie; it felt pretty neat, but we were there for warmth, not enjoyment. Within a few minutes, our chattering began to quiet. We were by no means warm, but at least we weren’t chilled to the bone like before.

There were a few beats of silence when Luke shifted against me, and something poked against my leg. He froze.

Oh my god. Was that what I think it was?

“Luke?” I whispered.

I could hear the panic and embarrassment in his voice right away as he pulled his hips back. “Sorry! I’m sorry, Hannah! It just happened. I’ll move away.”

He was shaking beside me, and he sounded close to tears, so I pulled him in for a tighter hug. It also meant his clothed erection was snug against my leg again. The fact that there were so few clothes between us was starting to turn me on, but I couldn’t let myself get carried away. This was Luke, after all. I wasn’t trying to traumatize him or anything.

“Listen, it happens. It’s not a big deal. Let’s just try and get some sleep. Besides, I think your little Scouts trick is actually working.”

He calmed a bit but still shimmied his hips further back. “Maybe Scouts wasn’t so useless after all,” Luke said. Despite the darkness, I could hear the grin in his voice.

“Goodnight, dork,” I told him before giving him a brief kiss on the forehead.

He was silent a moment before saying, “Goodnight, Hannah.”

End of Part 1

Copyright 2023 – Levi Holland
All rights reserved

But Levi, where’s the spice? You promised spicy story! Well… It’s called setting the mood. Nothing like a little appetizer before the main course. Although in this case, the salad’s probably coming out first, but that’s how these metaphorical things ramp up. If you want rampant, chimpanzee-esque sex, go to the zoo. More to come in Part 2, and yes. More spice.


Levi has his own place

A couple of days ago, I announced a new author posting his work on this site. The author is Levi Holland, and as you can see in the menu, Levi has his own place.

Right now, the only story is ‘A Dream of Darkness‘ and I’m positive you’ll enjoy it! Welcome to the club, Levi. Let’s hope it’ll be a long and prosperous relationship with the readers and me 🙂

As usual, the link to him is in the menu. As time progresses and he sends me more of his stories (he’s a bit busy in his personal life at the moment), the menu will automatically expand.

I’m really thrilled to be able to publish his work! If you’ve got questions, comments or anything, just ask me in the regular ways. You can also mail him directly at leviholland@protonmail.com.

His own place can be found here

Direct link to the new story ‘A Dream of Darkness’

Direct link to the new story ‘The Side Hustle’

Stay tuned for more!

A Dream of Darkness – Chapter 6

A Dream of Darkness – Chapter 6
Levi Holland

Chapter 6

Aleks stood over Keegan’s limp body.

From the moment he’d stood from the couch, it was like a switch had flipped in his new friend—like he’d shut off a part of himself entirely. Aleks’s cold, blue eyes locked on to his, refusing to break.

“What did you say?” Henry asked. He was pinned against the edge of the couch, terrified to move, but desperate to run.

“I said we need to talk. It’s best if we do this in your room.”

There was no misunderstanding Aleks’s tone. Henry would be going one way or another.

Flicking his eyes over to Keegan, Henry tried to search for any signs of life. A moment before, his brother had been jacking off under Henry’s compulsion, and his body had fallen unconscious the instant Aleks placed a finger against his brother’s forehead. The light snoring coming from his brother was the only thing giving him any remote sense of comfort.

“He’s fine, Henry,” Aleks said. “He’ll be asleep for a few hours. He’s fine.”

Aleks took a few steps toward him, but Henry held up a palm in fear.

“Don’t come near me! What did you do to him?”

A pained expression crossed Aleks’s face, but Henry didn’t care. Something bizarre was going on, and he needed answers right then.

“I didn’t do anything different than what you did just a few minutes ago.”

“I-I don’t understand,” Henry said.

“You do, Henry. The dreams you’ve been having. The arousal you make people feel. That voice you’ve heard whisper in your mind.”

When Aleks approached again, his hands raised in surrender, Henry didn’t squirm away. No, if anything, he felt like he’d been busted for a secret he’d been keeping inside.

“Take my hand, Henry. I don’t want to force you. This has to be something you decide for yourself.”

Aleks extended a pale palm out toward Henry, pleading silently with him. Henry still wasn’t sure. He was trying to process everything he was experiencing, but his mind couldn’t make heads or tails out of it.

“It has to be you, Henry. You can say no, and I’ll walk right out that door. I’m just asking you to trust me.”

Henry felt tears well up in his eyes. “What are you?”

Aleks smiled, his own tears brimming. He said softly, “I’m just like you.”

Henry took his hand.

Aleks helped him from the couch, and though his knees trembled, Henry led the two back into his bedroom where Aleks sat on the bed covers. He patted the space beside him, and Henry joined him. He didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing as he waited for Aleks to speak. The boy seemed just as lost in his own thoughts.

“I want to show you something, Henry. I could try and explain it, but I don’t think it’ll make much sense if I do.”


Aleks turned to face Henry on the bed and gestured for him to do the same. Taking Aleks’s open hand in his own, a comforting warmth spread from the boy’s palm and began to wash over Henry. If he had to search for a word to use, safe was what came to mind. He was safe here with Aleks.

“Close your eyes, Henry.”

Henry did, and Aleks’s forehead pressed against his own. The darkness behind his eyelids began melting away, and Henry found himself standing on cobblestone streets surrounded by high stone buildings bathed in soft sunlight. Aleks was to his left, his hand still clasped in Henry’s. Around them, the structures were painted in variations of pale yellow and beige, each complete with tall windows on every floor. They were alike, with subtle differences distinguishing them from the buildings beside them, yet they were all utterly unfamiliar to Henry as he spun around. It was all so different than anything he had seen; even the air was significantly cooler than what he was used to this time of year.

“My home,” Aleks whispered.

A basset hound huffed its way up the hill and sniffed the ground as it veered into a narrow alley. Henry took in the people strolling up and down the streets. They seemed out of place compared to the people of Misty Pines, but Henry couldn’t say exactly why that was. It was almost like they moved slower, without the hustle of people he saw at school or in town. And their clothes were old; clean and well-kept, but old.

“How are we here? Are we really here?”

Aleks shook his head. “This place is only a memory of mine. One of the last times I was here.” He squeezed Henry’s hand tighter as he took a breath. “It’s been nearly fifty years.”

Henry laughed hollowly beside him. “Fifty years…there’s no way. That’s actually insane.”

Aleks shrugged and nodded his head. “About as insane as being here with me in this moment. Seeing all this. Experiencing all that you have over the past few days.”

Henry listened close as two women passed by carrying small woven baskets stuffed with what smelled like warm, fresh bread. Their words were foreign to him, but the accent he thought he recognized.

“Are we in France?”

“Not too far from a city known as Marseille. These streets were my childhood. The first part of it, anyway.”

Off in the distance, the deep toll of a bell rolled down the street four different times.

“Henry,” Aleks said. “What I’m going to show you is not pleasant. I’m sorry for that. But for you to understand what I’m going to ask you, there can’t be anything hidden from you.”

Henry swallowed as his hands grew clammy in Aleks’s grasp.

“I trust you,” he said.

Aleks gave the saddest smile Henry’d ever seen.

In front of them, the front door to the building clattered open, and out stepped a small pale boy with wavy, blonde hair smushed under a cap. Apart from the styled hair and the modern clothes he now wore beside him, this boy was Aleks in every way. Behind him the boy shouted, “À bientôt, maman!” before pulling the door shut and waltzing down the wide, stone steps.

“My father was killed when I was young, and my mother had cancer, though I didn’t know it until after she had passed.”

Henry and Aleks walked together as they followed the memory of Aleks down the steep road. He leaned in to sniff a bed of pink and yellow flowers. Several shops down, Henry couldn’t read the sign, but the air smelled of brine and fish. The younger Aleks checked his reflection in the shop window. He pulled off his cap to adjust his hair before situating it back on his head in a way that Henry thought made him look dashing.

It was another several blocks of sloping streets before the two of them finished their journey. Another boy with a thick head of brown hair played with a rubber ball, bouncing it against the wall until he spotted Aleks. The two of them struck up an effortless conversation, the way only people in a deep friendship can. Beside him, the current Aleks smiled fondly, although Henry could feel a tremble in his grip.

“Nicolas,” Aleks said.

The two younger boys raced inside before Aleks closed his eyes and breathed in.

“It’s okay,” Henry said. “You don’t have to show me whatever this is if you’d rather just tell me.”

“Just don’t let go,” he warned, and the world evaporated in an instant, the vivid French town dissolving away before reshaping into a tiny bedroom with dark stained wooden floors. A thin brown curtain covered the window, blocking some of the fading sunlight. The room was mostly bare, save for a few scattered pieces of clothing, a nightstand with penciled sketch drawings on top, a single, twin bed, and the shirtless forms of Aleks and Nicolas as they held each other’s faces in a passionate kiss.

“By this time, I had been having the dreams for several weeks. In each of them, I stood alone outside of town, facing a darkness I didn’t know could exist. It kept telling me to do things, pushing me to give in to desires I barely had names for.”

Henry was struck with chills as he recalled his own encounters in the woods outside of Misty Pines.

“There was a priest in town who told me that demons worked in many forms to try and take my soul. He thought the voice was some kind of djinn, a dark genie that would give the illusion of wishes. I didn’t know what it was I was saying yes, too.”

The two on the bed continued kissing, but the younger Aleks began moving on down to Nicolas’s neck, and Henry noticed the blank expression on Nicolas’s face, like he was disconnected emotionally from his body’s feelings.

“It started innocently enough. I was eleven and didn’t have much of a wicked side. But after feeling some of the things boys do, I was hooked. And naturally I wanted to bring those same feelings to my closest friend. This is the day that it all changed.”

On the bed, Aleks continued exploring Nicolas’s body, kissing his undefined chest before pausing to take one of the boy’s small pink nipples in his mouth. His friend panted through that same horrifying empty expression that made Henry want to flee the room altogether.

“The djinn kept pushing me further, promising more, but of course there was a cost. I was too naive to understand that there might be someone out there that wanted to hurt me.”

On the bed, the younger Aleks began unbuttoning his pants and wiggling out of them. Henry heard Aleks whisper something in French to Nicolas who seemed to come back to himself a bit. When Aleks repeated the command, his friend turned to face him and briefly shook his head, a look of confusion and wariness on his face. Nicolas cast his glance down at the tiny bulge pressing up against Aleks’s underpants before retreating across the bed.

The next bit Aleks explained in bitter, icy tones as it played out in front of them.

“I thought if I broke the trance and suggested taking things further, he’d be up for it, especially after he felt how good the kissing was. He was my friend, so I’m sure it was hurtful and confusing for Nicolas. At the time, I was only thinking about myself, and so I broke through his mind. Forced him to do what I wanted.

“The only problem was that it was far from the first time I’d used that dark power. There is a limit to what each mind can sustain. I learned that the hard way.”

On the bed, Aleks gripped Nicolas by the shoulders and growled something in French at his friend. There was a brief, pained look of confusion and concentration before Nicolas’s eyes rolled in the back of his head. He began seizing and foaming at the mouth as his body broke out in a sweat all over. Aleks scrambled off the bed, his body striking the floor with a loud thump as he stared on in horror. Beside him, Henry’s Aleks was painfully quiet as he squeezed his eyes shut.

The shouts of panic that came next hurt Henry’s heart as presumably Nicolas’s family burst through the bedroom door. There was a flurry of scrambled words as the father went to scoop his son in his arms, and the mother fled for help through her sobbing.

“Je regrette, Je regrette, Je regrette,” the younger Aleks cried as he hugged his knees to his chest.

“Take me back,” Henry whispered, trying to stifle his own emotion. “Aleks.”

His friend was squeezing his chest with his free hand as the tears spilled through his closed eyelids. Henry broke the hand contact between them as he turned to embrace Aleks in a hug. Around him, the chaos of the bedroom dissolved, first Nicolas, then his father, then the room, and finally Aleks.

They were still sitting on the comforter in Henry’s bedroom, and Henry held Aleks tight in a hug as his friend sobbed and let his emotions go. Ignoring the snot drooling on his sleeve, Henry gave up on holding his own tears back. It was okay to grieve with his friend; for his friend.

It was some time before Aleks calmed down enough, and through it, Henry couldn’t help but think how utterly alone Aleks must have felt. Even though he had lived dozens of years, he was still a hurting eleven-year-old boy.

“I’m sorry I had to show you that, Henry,” Aleks eventually said, wiping some of the lingering snot with the back of his arm.

“Hey, you know it’s not your fault, right? What happened with Nicolas, you couldn’t have known.”

Aleks was still in his movements, and Henry could see that his words in that moment weren’t going to wipe away decades of self-inflicted torment.

“Everyone deserves to make choices for themselves, Henry,” he said with a meek smile. “Everyone.”

Henry reflected on all the people he’d manipulated with his power over the past week, most of all his younger brother. Had they been in just as much danger as Aleks’s best friend this whole time? Henry wasn’t sure how he would have managed to deal with the guilt Aleks had faced.

“But I’ve already taken that choice from so many,” Henry said.

Aleks shook his head and took Henry’s hands again in his own, this time for comfort. “You haven’t. Trust me. It’s not too late. For you. For them.”

Henry watched as Aleks’s blue eyes hardened. “I’ve spent a long time trying to hunt this monster down, Henry. It’s ancient, but it’s not immortal. It can’t be.”

“Wait, what? You’re trying to stop this thing?”

“From the moment I completely gave in, I was connected with it. I don’t have all the answers, but I can only guess it’s the reason why I’m still…like this. I think it wanted others like me to live continuously in exchange for destroying the minds of others. It feeds on the broken, Henry, like a psychic parasite. I thought maybe if I could find and kill it, I could free those who’d suffered like Nicolas. It’s how I found you…I’d been watching you before we met.”

“You were stalking me?”

Aleks had the decency to look guilty. “I wanted to see the type of person you were. Not everyone who has this power is worth saving, Henry. There are people I’ve come across that have done some truly horrific things. They crave the adrenaline and pleasure this power gives them no matter the cost.”

Henry chewed on what Aleks told him. He was afraid to ask Aleks what had happened to those people. The possibilities made him shiver.

“But what if this thing kills you once you finally find it?”

The emptiness behind Aleks’s gaze sent chills running down Henry’s spine.

“It wouldn’t matter. No one’s around to miss me.”

Henry’s heart hurt again as he shook his head. No, it wasn’t right. None of it. Not what was happening to Henry, not what was happening to Aleks, nor any person who had been affected.

“Would you shut up already?” Henry blurted out.

Aleks blinked a few times. “What?”

“I said, shut up. You keep talking like you’re some worthless piece of shit. Like no one could ever possibly care for you. If you say something like that again, I swear to god, I’m going to punch you!”

“But I—”


Henry wasn’t terribly strong, but he didn’t hold back as he struck Aleks’s shoulder.

“You really hit me?”

“If you weren’t being so stupid right now, you would realize how much I care for you. You made a mistake, man! We all do. You learn from it, and you grow. This monster was the reason Nicolas suffered, not you, and if you don’t see that, then you’re the dumbest person on the whole planet!”

Aleks held a hand to his shoulder, wincing at what Henry hoped would be a lasting bruise to help remind his friend how ridiculous he was being.

Henry half-expected Aleks to punch him back or tackle him off the edge of his bed, but instead he laughed. Laughed harder than Henry had ever heard before. For a few brief moments, the Aleks he was used to seeing was back as he rubbed his shoulder.

“Okay,” he said. “Okay. I get it.”

“Do you?” Henry readied another fist just in case.

“I do. It’s going to take some time, really, but I’ll try to remember what you said.”

Henry’s stomach growled noisily and he rubbed his stomach to try and ease the discomfort.

“You want a PB&J?”

It was a surprisingly normal thing for them to do considering the surreal experience Henry had just gone through with his pseudo-immortal friend. While they slapped together their sandwiches, Henry asked Aleks what came next.

“That…kind of depends on you.”

“What do you mean?” Henry asked.

Aleks shrugged and spread jelly across his bread. “I can take your power. I can take all the memory you’ve had with it so it’d be like you’re back to your normal life. Once I do that, it severs the connection between you and the darkness.”

“Have…have you done it before? On others?”

Aleks nodded and bit into the top corner of his sandwich. “It’s painless, if that’s what you’re worried about. I made sure of it. In return, it helps me get stronger. I’m not stupid enough to think I can win yet, but I know every person I take from the djinn weakens it just a little bit more. It gives, but it can’t take. That’s how I’ll stop it. The choice has to be yours, though. I can’t take it by force.”

Despite all of Aleks’s warnings and the memories he had shown him, Henry was torn. Not over the morality of the decision. He knew it was right to relinquish every bit of the dark power he had to his friend. At least then it could be darkness molded for good. No, what he would miss was what the power offered him: the chance to explore his sexuality without fear of rejection. Without the hurt that came from how cruel people could be. It wasn’t fair.

But everyone deserved a choice. That’s what Aleks had said. Even now, his friend was giving him a choice.

“I’m scared,” Henry admitted.

“I know,” Aleks said in a way that Henry understood now to be filled with the wisdom only many years can bring.

“I want you to have it,” Henry finally said, “but on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“I want to remember you.”

Not too long after the sandwiches, Henry noticed the time on the clock. His mom would be home in a matter of minutes. Aleks promised to return that night and told Henry to stay awake. Dreams were where the djinn prowled on its victims.

When Keegan awoke on the couch, he was confused as to when he had even fallen asleep. He didn’t appear to remember Aleks ever being at the house, nor the brief masturbation session Henry had forced him to have. It seemed Aleks had wiped his brother’s memory to protect him—perhaps to sever the connection to the djinn. After all, Henry still held that dark power for a few more hours yet. He wouldn’t use it. No matter what.

It was just past eleven that night when Henry heard a rustling from the shrub outside his bedroom window and the sharp tap of a fingernail on the glass. He peeked out the sides of the blinds and saw Aleks’s pale face smiling back at him. Henry raised the blinds, unlatched the window, and helped pull while Aleks pushed up. On his way inside, Aleks dragged in a few prickly leaves stuck to his blue jean jacket.

“Sorry,” he said as he brushed off the leaves.

“It’s fine, I’ll clean it all up later.”

Henry’s bedroom was on the opposite side of the house from his parents, but he still felt like they should be quiet in case Keegan woke up from the next room over. They sat together on Henry’s bed, facing each other with their legs crossed like they had that afternoon.

“So, listen,” Henry said in a low voice. “I was thinking about what you said earlier. I know you should take this power, but I want to help you somehow. Two of us together would be much stronger, right?”

Aleks sighed. “Henry…”

“You shouldn’t have to do this alone,” Henry said, his voice cracking in betrayal.

“I’m not alone. There are others like you who believe in me. A part of them is always with me.”

Henry lunged forward and wrapped his arms around his friend in a hug, squeezing him for all he was worth. There was only a brief hesitation before he felt Aleks’s arms hug him back.

“I don’t want you to go,” Henry said softly.

“I know. Me either. You helped me remember what having a friend was like. But if I stayed—anywhere—then nobody would be there to fight for the innocent. More people would be lost. I have to go.”

Henry pulled back from the hug and hovered inches from Aleks’s face. The boy’s blue eyes were like a well into infinity, and before he knew what came over him, Henry ignored the heavy thump in his heart as he leaned in to kiss Aleks on the lips. It was his first kiss and all too quick as he mashed his lips against the boy, but it was spectacular.

“I—I’m sorry,” Henry said in a rush. “I should have asked first if you were—”

Aleks kissed him this time, his technique much softer, and the boy gently guided Henry back against the bed. Henry wasn’t sure if this was a normal thing guys felt when kissing, but he had sprung rock hard inside his pajamas almost instantly. He was just about to reach down to adjust himself into a more comfortable position when he felt Aleks’s hand squeezing his cloth-covered erection instead.

Henry gasped far louder than he intended as the kiss continued. Aleks broke it off only to ask if should continue.

“Oh, hell yes,” Henry answered as he began to let his own hands explore.

He helped remove Aleks’s jacket from his body, leaving him in his black t-shirt. Aleks let go of Henry’s penis and leaned back so he could pull his shirt over his head. The boy’s pale chest and torso were bathed in the warm light of Henry’s table lamp. Henry ditched his own white t-shirt and threw it on the floor.

There was a momentary pause as Aleks considered what to say.

“Henry, I don’t want to push things too far. If you’re not ready for anything, just tell me. It won’t hurt my feelings at all.”

“I’m ready,” he told him. “I trust you.”

Henry grabbed the waistband of his pajamas before shoving them down to his ankles. He kicked off the first leg, and had to pull the second one away, leaving him completely exposed to his friend. Aleks drank him in from head to toe before unsnapping his own jeans. There was no denying the tent pressing against Aleks’s briefs, and Aleks pulled them down his legs, his erection slapping back against his stomach. It was everything Henry could have hoped for; perfection on a human body.

Aleks’s foreskin was slightly peeled back, the head of his penis a dark shade of pink. His balls were tiny in their sack, with only the slightest droop to them. The lamplight showed no pubes that Henry could see, though this wasn’t much of a surprise based on everything else he knew about him.

With their clothes removed, Aleks swung a leg over Henry’s midsection and straddled his waist. Henry could feel his friend’s lean ass as he rested on top of him. Their erections nearly touched, Aleks’s thin four inches standing straight up while Henry’s fell against his body, bobbing in time with his heartbeat. He’d already started to pool a small strand of precum down to his pubic area.

“I’ve always wanted…to do something like this,” Aleks whispered.

Henry was stunned. “You haven’t? But you’ve lived so long…”

“I didn’t want to get too close or hurt anyone again. I didn’t think I deserved it.”

“How do you feel now?”

Aleks didn’t answer but smiled and leaned forward to kiss Henry again. This time, the boy’s boner pressed against his stomach while Aleks rested his weight on top of him.

Henry chanced sticking his tongue between his lips to see how Aleks would respond. Immediately he felt the strangest sensation of another tongue against his own, firm but pliable as they twisted and danced together. They held the kiss another minute before Henry was forced to break for air with a heavy gasp.

“You’re supposed to breathe through your nose,” Aleks said with a laugh.

“Well how was I supposed to know?” His chest heaved up and down, and Aleks took the chance to explore Henry’s chest. There was little definition to it, but Aleks appeared satisfied as he brushed a thumb over one of Henry’s nipples, making it harden under his touch.

Before long, Aleks spread his hand out and ran it down Henry’s stomach, stopping once he reached the few pubes Henry had growing on either side. He teased a few between his fingers, smiling.

“I always wondered what these felt like. Mine never got to come in. Obviously.”

“They’re cool,” Henry said. “Kind of itchy, sometimes, though.”

Henry gasped again as Aleks wrapped his fingers around the base of Henry’s erection. The nerves on his cock felt like they were being charged with electricity. He hoped he wouldn’t cum right away, but he knew it wouldn’t take much at all to reach his trigger point.

When Aleks lifted Henry’s penis, another bead of precum burped out and drooled down to his stomach.

“I can make a little,” Aleks said. “But only when I cum. Not like this.”

“Can I see?” Henry asked.

“I’ll do you one better.”

Aleks shifted his hips again and leaned forward so the underside their erections connected. He couldn’t quite reach all the way around with one hand, but he had enough of a grip to hold them in place. If Aleks’s hand on his penis was electricity, then feeling both of them together was lightning from heaven. Henry loved feeling the weight of another person’s body against his own.

Henry ground his hips against Aleks’s boner, feeling his velvety skin slide back in response. They started to hit a rhythm, a couple times snagging a bit of precum as they leaned back in together. The sliding feeling of dick on dick was too much for Henry. He’d never imagined being able to have a moment like this with another boy so soon in his life. And this put his fantasies to shame. This was tactile. This was real. And this was sending him to the edge quicker than he’d ever felt.

“Aleks, I’m close,” he breathed out, feeling a tightness in his balls as Aleks rocked again.

“Me, too,” Aleks said, squeezing his eyes shut while his mouth hung open in pleasure as he rocked against Henry.

Seeing Aleks’s face twist in bliss along with the rolling sensation across his dick was enough to do it. Henry squeezed Aleks’s thighs as he felt his orgasm strike. Unlike the previous times he’d cum, this wasn’t the typical burps of cum that shot from his dick but rather a sprinkler of watery jizz that arced up his torso and neck. He wasn’t even sure he’d seen it shoot out of him, it had been so fast.

“Oh, yes, yes, yes,” Aleks whined and trembled as his pale skin became blotchy and red. Aleks’s boner twitched against his own as he had his own orgasm. His penis streamed out a single, tiny jet of clear cum while the rest of his pulses were dry.

“So good,” Aleks sighed and fell on Henry. Their warm cum squished between them, and even though Henry knew they’d have to clean themselves later, right now he couldn’t give two shits.

“That was…” Henry said at a total loss for words.

“Fucking awesome?” Aleks suggested with his face buried in Henry’s shoulder.

Henry laughed. “Yeah, that’ll do it. Fucking awesome.”

They stayed together at each other’s side, neither wanting to move as they talked to each other about random little nonsense. Words that meant nothing. Words that meant everything. In that time, Henry asked whether or not Aleks was sure the djinn, or whatever darkness haunted him, would truly leave him be.

“That seems to be how it’s worked in the past. You and anyone else he’s bridged a connection to while he’s been tempting you.”

“Others I’m connected to?”

“Your friend, Aiden,” Aleks said. “People tend to use their abilities on those closest to them. For you, that’s your brother and Aiden. This will sever their connection as well.”

“But they don’t know about the monster, right?” Henry pointed out.

Aleks had his head propped up on his arm as he teased a few fingers across Henry’s chest.

“You’re right,” Aleks agreed, “but…”

“But what?”

Aleks darted his eyes away as if he were considering what to say, or whether to say anything at all.

“It’s fine,” Henry said, “You can tell me.”

“Last night you had a dream where the djinn took you into Aiden’s bedroom and Keegan showed up, yes?”

“How did…you were there?”

Aleks shook his head. “Not in the same way you were. I can’t break through directly, not yet, but I can still experience them. The thing is, it wasn’t your own dream the djinn used to tempt you, it was Aiden’s.”

Henry sat up and looked down at Aleks. “But that doesn’t make any sense at all. Aiden’s not gay. Why would he have a dream like that about Keegan?”

And more importantly, Henry thought, why was the dream about Keegan and not him?

Aleks seemed to read the same question from his facial expressions, because he said, “You know people don’t have control over what they dream, right? It was the same for Aiden.”

“You were connected to his thoughts?”

“His thoughts. His mind. His personality. Even his desires.” Aleks let the last suggestion hang in the air for Henry to interpret.

“His desires?”

“Your friend needs your support, Henry. You may have things figured out for yourself, but we all accept who we are at our own pace. It may not be as hopeless of a situation as you might think.”

Henry leaned back against his pillow as he stared up at the ceiling. The whooshing of the fan blades was almost hypnotic as the cool air drifted through the room. Aiden was gay? Well maybe not gay, he figured, but maybe not fully straight either. And if it was something he was trying to wrestle with by himself, then what a nightmare that could be in its own right. No wonder he’d seemed so off lately.

He turned to face Aleks who gazed at him with a steady poker face.

“Thank you for telling me,” Henry said. “You can trust me. I won’t abuse what you said.”

“I know, Henry.” Aleks leaned forward and gave him a lasting kiss on his forehead. “You’re going to make a great boyfriend one day.”

Henry gave Aleks another hug. “I really wish you didn’t have to go.”

“You sure you want to keep your memories of me?”

“Oh my god, yes,” Henry blabbered. “Are you kidding me? Tonight was incredible. I’ve loved every second of being with you. And not just the sex stuff, either. I think you’re genuinely one of the coolest people I’ve met.”

“You’re pretty special, too, Henry. Well then, I think it’s time.”

Henry stepped off the school bus at Misty Pines Middle the next day, and damn it all, if people didn’t think there was a bit of extra pep in his step that morning. Despite the fact that he only got about five hours of sleep, he had slept deeper than he could ever remember. On the bus ride to school, he didn’t feel the need to even test the power that had been given to him. He could sense the instant Aleks had taken it from him. The boy had been right—it hadn’t hurt at all, and strangely, he sensed a part of his supernatural friend with him in his mind. It was comforting, like a hand on his shoulder guiding him along. Somewhere out there, that amazing boy was fighting to bring others out of the dream of darkness and back into light.

Aiden was waiting for him in the courtyard as usual and offered him a weak smile as he approached. Henry smiled back and bumped fists with Aiden.

“You look happy today,” Aiden said. “What gives?”

Henry looked around and breathed in the fresh morning air. “Just…happy to be here, I guess.”

“Where’s your friend?” Aiden asked, scanning the courtyard, half-full by now with students from the morning drop off.

“I don’t know,” Henry lied. “Maybe just hasn’t gotten here yet. Hey, so yesterday, remember when I was going to tell you about what happened at the swimming hole?”


“Well, guess what…”

Henry started spilling about how Jake had been filming himself jerking off in the woods, which naturally made Aiden lose his mind for a minute before he slapped him about withholding secrets for so long. Their conversation became filled with hushed comments and whispers, and Henry noticed, there were quite a few questions about Jake. When the morning bell rang, and the middle school students began shuffling inside, the two walked together, giggling to themselves as they passed the red-headed boy with his popular clique.

It wasn’t the time, Henry thought. Time was what he had, and one day soon, he would share with Aiden about how boys made him feel. Maybe it would lead to something, maybe it wouldn’t, but when time brought them to that point, it would be Aiden’s decision. The ball would be in his court. What was most important to Henry in that moment was having his best friend by his side through all the wild, unknown chaos of middle school.

The End

Copyright 2023 – Levi Holland
All rights reserved

Author’s Note: Thank you to everyone who stuck it out through the end of the story. Obviously there is more to tell beyond this chapter, especially for our friend Aleks, but for Henry’s story, this is where we have to leave things. In life we take chances, we discover, we explore, and we never promised the knowledge of what comes next. So it shall be for our boys as they prepare to walk their next steps in life.

Though this story is complete, there is more to share from the town of Misty Pines that will be on the way soon (sooner if I’m struck by more writer’s block, damn you!). Some are longer stories like this, some are one-shots where we dip in and out of peoples’ lives and the interactions they have. Hopefully they all have the kind of depth that I think every story and character deserves.

Until then, feel free to reach out with overall thoughts on the story or ideas for future stories!


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