High quality erotica. And more....

Day: May 28, 2021 (Page 2 of 3)

Confession of a Boy Lover – Chapter 6

Confession of a Boy Lover – Chapter 6

The first thing through my head was what the fuck had I done last night. Of course, it was easy to look back over the past few months and see the slide that led to our shared masturbation. I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, knowing that as much as the guilt ate at me, I wanted more out of my relationship with Jem.

My movement apparently woke someone else. Jem’s arm stretched across my chest as he mumbled incoherently. After a loud yawn, he said, “Hmm, morning.”

Even though I couldn’t ignore my feelings, I smiled, “Hey, buddy. How’d you sleep?”

A grin crept onto his face, “Good.”

He pulled the covers down, revealing a little tent in his underwear. He giggled, “Wow, last night was awesome, Jack.”

I tousled his hair, running my hand along his neck, enjoying how long it had grown. “Yeah. It was. Just remember-“

Jem lightly patted my stomach, “I know, our secret, big bro.”

My hand moved onto his back, “Thanks, Jem.”

Even though I had a morning wood, I wasn’t in the mood for fooling around, and after planting a kiss on the boy’s forehead, I headed to the bathroom. I pulled my erection out and pointed it at the bowel of water when Jem came up next to me and did the same thing. I enjoyed looking at his perfect little cock. I didn’t mind his less than subtle looks at me, either. Still, I managed to get a stream flowing and a few seconds later, so did Jem.

Once we finished peeing, we got started with our day. Breakfast followed by a beating at the hands of a ten-year-old on the PlayStation, followed by lunch. I stopped the beating, and we got dressed and went to the grocery store. I figured we needed something other than pizza or Chinese takeout.

When we got home, Wes’s car was across the street. Jem took a step toward it, then stopped. “What’s he doing home?” he said.

I took him by the shoulder, “Let’s get the groceries put away. Then, you can check if you want.”

After we filled up the fridge, Jem said, “I want to see Dad. Can you come with me?”

Uncertain I wanted to accompany him, even less certain about what Wes would say, I didn’t want to go. But the worried look in Jem’s eyes overrode my judgement, and I took his hand and said, “Sure, buddy. We’ll go together.”

When we got to the front door, Jem turned the knob. I half-expected it to be locked. But it swung open. I heard a noise and recognized it almost at once, although it was coming from the back of the house. Jem glanced up at me, a perplexed look on his face. I leaned down, “Maybe this isn’t a good idea, bro. We can come back later.”

He shook his head and nodded toward the kitchen and headed in that direction. Dreading what we’d find, I followed behind. The kitchen was empty, but the noises were louder. Beyond the kitchen was the expansive living area. Large plate-glass windows overlooked their back yard. Off to the left of the living room was Wes and Donna’s bedroom. The noises came from there.

I reached for Jem, but he slipped from my grasp and hurried across the room. I was only a step or two behind him. But I was too late to keep him from going through the open bedroom door. Wes lay on the bed, naked. Stradling him, just as naked, was Donna’s cousin, Cindy. She was bouncing up and down on Wes, her ample tits gyrating with the motion as she moaned, “Ah, I’m gonna fuck your brains out, Wes!”

Jem shouted, “Dad!”

Cindy shot off Wes like a rocket, exposing Wes’s erection to Jem and me. Wes grabbed at the covers as the tension of the moment caused him to wilt visibly in front of us, “Jesus Christ, Jeremy! What the hell are you doing here?”

Cindy’s voice was shrill, filled with both anger and embarrassment, “You said he was staying with friends, Wes. God Almighty!”

In a softer voice, Jem repeated, “Dad?” Then he swung around and buried his face into my chest as sobs wracked his body.

Wrapped in a sheet, Wes came over, “Jesus, Jack. What the hell?”

As I patted Jem on the back, I shook my head, “He wanted to see you, man. How the hell was I supposed to know you’d be…”

Words failed me as I waved toward Cindy.

Wes’s shoulders slumped, “Donna’s with friends this weekend. I figured… Oh, hell, I don’t know what the fuck I figured.”

Jem was slumped against me, still crying. I picked him up and said, “It’s none of my business, Wes. But you and Donna need to figure your shit out. Not for your sakes, but for Jem’s.”

Jem’s arms locked around my neck as my arms formed a seat of sorts on which he sat. Wes followed us toward the door. As I started back across the street, I heard the deadbolt slide into place.


I sat on the couch, Jem still clinging to my neck. The sobs had stopped, but I could still feel fresh tears dampening my shirt. I didn’t say anything. What could I say? And sometimes, the best thing to do is to simply be there for the person you love.

Eventually, Jem loosened his grip around my neck and pulled his head back far enough to look me in the eyes, “I-, I should have listened to y-, you.”

I rubbed his back, “How could you have known? Even I didn’t expect that.”

He swallowed and hiccupped. “I knew he and Aunt Cindy were, um, cheating. I just… I dunno.”

I found it interesting, even at ten, he knew what he witnessed. There were no questions about what his father and aunt were doing together. I hugged him, knowing his world was shifting under him, and he rested his head on my shoulders.

One of my hands went to his hair, and I gently ran I through his soft mane and whispered, “I love you, Jem.”

He lifted his head, “I love you too, Jack.”

I kissed his forehead and squeezed him tighter, showing him some of the affection he deserved. He responded by leaning forward and kissing my nose. A shy smile appeared on his face as he gazed into my eyes. Then he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.

I tasted the salt of his tears in that awkward, tender kiss. Sensing his deep vulnerability, my response was muted, going only so far as to accept the kiss with my lips. He pulled back after only a heartbeat or two, a questioning expression in his eyes. “Is it okay for me to kiss you?”

In response, I tilted my head forward until my lips found his. This second kiss was purposeful, telling him yes in deed rather than words. His reaction was to clumsily pucker his lips and push into my lips. I kept it simple as he explored my lips. Although I got a lot out of his affection, this was more about Jem than me.

As we kissed, I felt his arousal grow, and besides pushing his lips against mine, Jem also shoved himself into me. Although his clothes masked it, he was erect. Even though I was not in any hurry to give him release, I tugged at his shirt until I dropped it on the couch next to us. My hands rubbed his bare back as I responded to his kisses. When he broke the kiss, Jem rocked forward, pushing his crotch against my lower abdomen. I took the moment to bring my lips to his neck, kissing him in one spot and then another until my mouth found his flat, tiny nipples. I licked on them with my tongue, eliciting giggles from him even as he ground his hips forward.

After a few minutes of teasing and kissing his chest, Jem took my face in his hands and brought it back to his lips. After another kiss, breathlessly, he said, “Show me how to kiss, you know, with your tongue.”

Happily, when I touched his lips with mine, I slid my tongue between his waiting lips. I felt a thrill of excitement when our tongues touched, and rapidly felt my erection return. I rotated between more passionate kisses where our lips locked with one another’s, and deeper kisses where I probed Jem’s mouth. Then I pulled back long enough to say, “Your turn, my love. Let me taste your tongue.”

The boy’s breathing was heavy as he giggled, “You’re my love, too, Jack.” Then he slipped his tongue into my mouth without bothering to connect our lips. I moved my tongue around as he explored my mouth. As he grew more comfortable with our Frenching, he began pushing forward with his hips again, and when we broke the kiss, my hands went to his waist where I pulled at the drawstring on his shorts and then pulled at his waist band until I saw his two-inch erection.

The way he straddled me made it difficult to do more than look down his shorts, but Jem sensed the problem and he slid off my legs and then pulled his shorts and underwear off. Then, smiling at me, he straddled me again, returning his arms around my neck as mine wrapped around his waist. Now, as I pulled him against me, his little erection poked against my bare stomach as we resumed kissing.

Jem’s arousal built as we kissed and his crotch was pressing against me. Finally, when my mouth grew tired, and the kiss stopped, I moved a hand between us and massaged his erection, playing with his rock-hard flesh, rolling it gently between my fingers as he wordlessly moaned. When his hips began moving again, I wrapped a couple of fingers around him and slowly jacked him off, working in tandem with his hips. It wasn’t long before his little dick spasmed and kicked in my hand, followed by his body shuddering in my lap.

One advantage Jem had over Mark and the other boys was there was not yet any clean up when he came. I simply wrapped my arms around him and drew him back into my hug. Murmuring happily and incoherently, his arms tightened around my neck and we sat on the couch until my stomach growled and brought him back to full awareness.

He said into my ear, “Sounds like someone’s hungry.”

I chuckled, marveling in the moment. My naked little love was hugging me while I held him in my lap. Although he was now soft, his little penis was pressed against my belly button. “How was your catnap?”

He giggled, “It was nice. But not as nice as you making me feel really good. I liked that more.”

I scooted forward until I could stand, and still holding him against my chest, I headed toward the kitchen, “Me too.”

We both tired of me trying to hold him as we tried to figure out what we were going to fix for dinner. And I was okay with that. After all, I got to enjoy watching him move around the kitchen naked. We eventually settled on spaghetti. It was easy enough. Just brown some ground beef and mix it in with some sauce, boil the noodles and, viola, spaghetti and meat sauce.

We ate in the living room, watching the first Lord of the Rings movie. Once dinner was over, Jem leaned against me, still as naked as the day he was born, “Can you hold me some more?”

As if I could deny him. I patted my lap, “Sure.”

He reached his hands to the button on my fly, “Cool. You should be naked too.”

Surprised, I leaned back and watched him unbutton and unzip me. Rather than make his work difficult, I lifted my hips as he tugged my pants down. Once I was down to my underwear, I said, “You really want to sit on my naked lap?”

Jem giggled as he nodded, “Yeah. I wanna be naked with you.”

He reached for my underwear, pulling the front down and liberating my erection. He ran his finger along my glans before tugging the underwear down and off. He leaned over me and gave me a salacious grin, “I really like your stiffy, Jack. I hope mine looks like yours one day.”

I let him climb on me. When he sat down, I pushed my penis down so it poked out, just below his. Wrapping my arms around his stomach, I tried to return my attention to the movie, even as I sat naked with a beautiful boy, just as naked, sitting on my lap.

Neither of us lost our erections for the entire rest of the movie. When the credits rolled, I was incredibly horny, and imagined Jem was too. I moved forward to stand, “Come on, buddy. Let’s get that bath now.”

Jem turned to me, “Can you take it with me, Jack?”

I’d already been thinking about that. “Sure, big guy. What about a shower instead?”

Jem glanced up at me, “A shower? Mom says I’ll slip and fall.”

I shook my head, “Bullshit. I’ll be there with you and you’ll be fine. I promise.”

Once we reached the tub, Jem was ready to try it. Once the water was hot enough, I picked him up and set him standing in the tub and then joined him, closing the curtain.

I grabbed the soap, “I’ll wash you first, buddy.”

He giggled, “All of me?”

I reached down and took hold of his little cock and played with it for a moment, “Yeah, every inch. I think you’ll like what I’ve got planned.”

I spun him around and worked my soapy hands over his back, taking my time to knead his skin. Once I reached his butt, I soaped each alabaster globe and then ran my finger from his tailbone down his crack until I felt the little pucker of his sphincter. I stopped there, not really wanting to open the door to butt play. Not yet.

Then I gently turned him around until he faced me. Then, after washing my hands, I worked my way from his chest all the way down to his beautiful little erection. I wanted that little morsel in my mouth, and I felt Jem was ready for that. I sat down on the bottom of the tub and had him stand on either side of my legs. That put my mouth just about even with his erection. Then, taking him by the butt, I drew him in. The excited look on his face told me he knew what was to come.

My tongue tingled as it touched Jem’s glans. I licked across it, feeling his little piss slit. He groaned, “Oh, wow, Jack!”

I rewarded him by gently taking his little helmet between my lips. My tongue wasn’t done though. I swiped it across his tip even as I pulled him deeper into my mouth. At two inches, my lips touched his bald and smooth pubic area without the end of his erection coming close to my throat.

I licked his pole with my tongue as I applied different pressure with my mouth, sometimes sucking on Jem and other times moving back and forth, sliding his dick against my lips. He lasted a couple of minutes before he groaned, “Ugh, feels like I gotta pee again.”

I worked his little bone for all it was worth and seconds later, his two inches fired off his blank shots as his penis jerked around in my mouth. The way I sat and held him against me, I was comfortable enough to keep sucking even after the sixth empty ejaculation. All the while, Jem’s head thrashed back and forth as he was in the throes of the most powerful orgasm any ten-year-old boy had ever experienced.

His head stopped moving, and he sagged against me, and I had no choice but to remove him from my mouth. I eased him onto my lap as his head fell against my shoulder. I rubbed his back with increasing worry that I might have really fucked up. Following the most gut wrenching twenty heartbeats, Jem’s eyes fluttered open. Seeing my face next to his, he grinned as he hugged me, “Holy shit, Jack, that was… I mean, God, it felt…”

I knew what he meant. Words didn’t do justice to that orgasmic bliss.

A couple of minutes passed before he said, “My turn to give you a bath. Okay?”

We both stood, and I let him turn me around. Even though I was a few inches short of six feet, Jem had to stretch just a bit to reach my shoulders. As he washed my back, I couldn’t remember the last time someone had scrubbed my back or even shared a shower with me. I was in the lap of luxury as he worked his way down my back. When he reached below my lower back, Jem kept right on going, washing my ass one cheek at a time. It didn’t bother me that he ignored my crack. With a bit of luck, we’d have plenty of time down the road to explore that.

Then he turned me around. The look in his eye craved validation, I ran my fingers through his soaked hair, “You’re doing outstanding, bro.”

Smiling at me, he resumed his washing. At any other time, I would have felt self-conscious. Jem’s dad was hairier than me, even though he didn’t have a chestful of hair. He had that thick trail running from his belly down to his six or so inches. But if Jem noticed the difference, he said nothing. Once he got to my dick, he knelt down until his face was level with me and licked at me.

I put a hand on his shoulder, “Hey, bro. You don’t have to try everything I do.”

Jem flashed me a grin, “I know, Jack. But I really wanna try this. Okay?”

He licked my head, sending powerful tingling through my dick, straight to my balls. Then, holding me by the end of my shaft, he opened wide enough to take my glans all the way into his mouth. There aren’t many times where a man is happy to be below average in length and girth. At that moment, I was that man. At scarcely more than an inch in diameter, I was able to fit into his mouth.

“Ahhh,” I said as his teeth grazed my sensitive skin, “Hey, buddy, not with your teeth. Try putting them behind your lips when you do this, okay?”

If he said something, it was muffled. He didn’t take his mouth off me, but he didn’t touch me with his teeth again. Even with just my head in his mouth, Jem was sending me into the sexual stratosphere. Not even Mark had made me feel as good. And this was just Jem’s first time.

Bless the boy. After adjusting his mouth to my glans, he slowly took another inch into his mouth. Jem impressed the hell out of me for his effort. Then, slowly he backed out until my head popped out.

I said, “Wow, dude, that was pretty incredible.”

Saliva ran down his chin as Jem sent me a big grin, “Thanks. I’m gonna take in more.”

I patted him on the head, “You don’t have to.”

But he had already popped my glans back into his mouth, sending that tingling feeling I love so much washing over me.

He slid his lips over the first two inches and then pulled back a bit before sliding forward. I felt my glans hit the roof of his mouth near his tonsil. Damned if he hadn’t taken in three inches. From there, as I went nearly delirious with sensory overload, he pulled back and then sank forward.  It didn’t take long for that wave to rush up on me, “Ahh, Jem, pull back, bro. I’m about to blow.”

I was still in Jem’s mouth when my dick spasmed, blasting my cum across the boy’s tongue. The second blast hit his chin as he pulled off me. The third, weaker blast splattered on his narrow chest, while the rest dribbled onto the bottom of the tub.

Jem’s eyes seemed to cross as he swallowed the bit in his mouth. I helped to wash the rest off, “Jeez, dude, I’m sorry. I tried to warn you.”

He grimaced, “It tasted weird. Kinda slimy.”

I drew him into a hug, “Yeah, it’s an acquired taste, bro. You don’t have to do that unless you want to.”

As we washed each other’s hair, he said, “Would you, um, you know, swallow mine when I get it?”

I thought about the times I felt that hot, watery elixir hitting my tongue and the back of my throat. There was nothing sweeter than a boy’s cum for the first year or so. “Oh, yeah. Definitely.”

He quirked any eye at me, then shrugged, “Then, yeah, I wanna keep trying.”

It felt weirdly exhilarating going from the bathroom to my bedroom in the nude. Even more so when I asked Jem, “You need your underwear?”

And him replying, “Nope. Can we sleep like this?”

It was late when I turned the light out and pulled Jem to me, wrapping one arm around him while he snuggled against me, his body resting against mine. This second night the sense of shame was less than the previous. My previous experience taught me that as long as things found an equilibrium, I could manage the stress of what we were doing.

I fell asleep to Jem’s soft snores.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Confession of a Boy Lover – Chapter 5

Confession of a Boy Lover – Chapter 5

I flipped between two articles, trying to figure out why two respected investment advisors were advocating entirely different strategies for a particular tech giant’s stock. Disagreements in buying, selling or holding strategies are common in my industry, the devil, though, is in the details.

In the living room, I heard death raining from the surround sound speakers. Jem used his birthday money, plus a bit more that I kicked in under the table, to buy a PlayStation. His mom didn’t let him hook it up in their living room, so Jem brought it over here and played it as often as he could. And while there had been no more sleep-overs since the beginning of the summer, he was still over here a few times a week.

When the doorbell chimed, I set the two articles aside. I’d figure out later what games those investors were pursuing. Jem was still smashing buttons as I walked past. Donna was at the door.

“Hi Donna,” I said as I waved her into the entryway, “You need Jem?”

Donna came in. Her hair was slightly mused from the current heat-wave. We didn’t get many, but now and then the temperature would soar into the nineties. “N-, no. Jem is playing one of his games?”

I nodded. She leaned against the wall and tears streamed down her cheeks, “H-, he’s at it again, Jack.”

I hadn’t seen Wes’s car when I let her in. It was a Friday, so I figured he might be at work on campus. “Wes?”

She nodded as more tears came. Then she leaned forward until she was hugging me, soaking my shirt with her tears, “Oh, fuck, Jack. Why does he do this to me? I thought we could fix things. I even thought he was making an effort. What a fucking bastard.”

I didn’t know what to do. I patted her on the back, “I’m really sorry, Donna. I really was pulling for you. You deserve a guy who’ll treat you right.”

Donna’s posture changed, and I felt her body meld itself to me. I became more aware of her breasts through the skimpy summer blouse she wore. She said, “Thanks, Jack. You’ve been a genuine friend since we moved in.” She tilted her head up, and her lips found mine. I blanked out. Aside from a couple of first-date kisses in college, I haven’t touched a woman’s lips in more than a decade.

My initial reaction, which was involuntary, was to respond to the kiss, but as I tasted the saltiness of her tears, I froze up. Then she pulled back with even more tears, “Oh, fuck! What the fuck’s wrong with me, coming onto my gay neighbor?”

Gay neighbor? My face had to have betrayed my shock. I said, “Hey, Donna, it’s okay. Life’s fucked up right now, and I guess your feelings got the best of you. Actually, I’m kind of flattered you kissed me.”

She had turned a bright shade of red, “I’m so fucking sorry, Jack. I just assumed you were gay. I’ve never seen women over here. But come to think of it, not any guys either.”

I took her by the hand and led her into the kitchen, “No worries. I’m just not in the market to date right now. I got my heart crushed pretty bad a couple of years before moving to Boulder. I guess I haven’t found anyone since then because I’ve not been looking.”

Donna shook her head, “And here I go and kiss you. I’m a fucking idiot.”

I shook my head, “No, you’re pissed and upset because Wes had fucked up big time.”

I got her a beer from my fridge. As she calmed down and dried her eyes, I said, “You thought I was gay?”

There was still some color in her cheeks, “You’re not?”

I managed to avoid looking into the living room where we could still hear Jem playing. I shrugged, “But you’ve been letting Jem hang out over here a lot. Why would you let him hang out and be friends with some guy you think is gay?”

Donna’s eyes traveled to the living room. We could just see the top of his strawberry blond hair from where we sat. “I know he’s still young. But there are days when I wonder if Jem will come out of the closet when he’s twelve or thirteen or if he’ll hide his attractions until he’s in college.”

I was stunned at Donna. “How can you know? He probably doesn’t even know.”

Donna took a long drag at the drink, “Call it mother’s intuition.”

I wondered about that mother’s intuition. If it were real, there’d be no way she’d trust her boy to me. My own feelings for Jem had always been complicated. But I wondered how I could resist his boyish charms as he neared puberty.

I subtly shook my head, “I guess so,” Then leaning forward until my head was close to hers, in a voice no louder than a whisper, I said, “I don’t understand, Donna. If you think Jem and I are both gay, why do you let him hang out with me so much?”

Donna said, “I’ve always got a good vibe from you, Jack. You’ve got a good heart and I know you’d never do anything to hurt Jem. Also, if you hadn’t noticed, he doesn’t make friends easily, but he adores you. And unless you missed how badly I fucked up by kissing you, I do too.”

I was a bit taken aback by Donna’s emotional admission. I blushed a bit, “Eh, don’t worry about the kiss. What’s one between friends? It means a lot that you trust me with Jem. I’ve probably come to adore him just as much.”

Donna finished the beer. “I better get on back to the house. I’ve probably said too much or too little.”

I felt a bit too warm as I stood, “I’ll get Jem.”

Her hand reached out, grabbing me, “Don’t.”

I felt perplexed by the emotional rollercoaster she was on, “Okay?”

She headed toward the door. When I opened it for her, she said, “I need some alone time this weekend. Maybe even go perving for some guys who aren’t my gay neighbor.”

I flushed at the comment, but didn’t contradict her. She said, “I know it’s sudden, but do you mind if Jem spends the weekend with you?”

I found myself nodding before I even knew it. “You know, he’s always welcome.”

She gave me another hug, and even though I felt her breasts pressing against me, I knew she wasn’t doing it for me. She bit her lip, and I could see some kind of internal conflict. She took a step, then turned back, “I know I’m right about my son, Jack. I really hope you’re still in his life when he finally comes out of the closet. He’ll need you more then than even now.”

With that, she turned and walked back across the street. I turned and went back into the house. Jem was sitting on the couch, his game paused. “Was that Mom?”


He grimaced, “She thinks Dad’s cheating again.”

I collapsed on the couch next to him, “What do you think?”

Jem’s naturally rosy cheeks flared dark red as tears threatened to spill down his face. His next words shocked me, “He’s been fucking Aunt Cindy since right after he and Mom went to that marriage retreat.”

Jem had never used any profanity in my presence. When the tears spilled over, he flung himself into my arms and I pulled him onto my lap and I held him as he cried. I understood how he felt. His parents’ marriage was over in all but name. Even the stability of the summer was nothing but a façade.

After a while, I said, “Your mom asked me if it was okay if you stayed over tonight and tomorrow. Is that okay with you?”

The tears dried up fast as he looked up at me with a genuine smile, “Really? You said yes. Right?”

My arms went around his back and I gave him a big hug, “Of course, buddy.”

After a few minutes, Jem asked me to come with him while he grabbed some stuff. I had been in the Nelson’s house a few times, but this time, it felt less like a house and more like a mausoleum of Donna and Wes’s marriage. Donna was on the phone at their kitchen table when we came in. She waved as we went by. This was the first time I saw Jem’s room. Before, I have always treated it as off limits.

There was a large painting of a rainbow reflecting off some clouds with the Rocky Mountains as a backdrop. There weren’t any clothes scattered around, and even his bed was made. There were even a couple of stuffed animals in one corner. Jem grabbed his backpack from the closet and loaded it with some changes of clothes and white utilitarian underwear.

The room felt little like what you’d expect a ten-year-old boy’s room should look like. Not that it looked like a girl’s room. Just something unique to Jem. After a couple of minutes, he said, “All packed.”

Donna was off the phone when we came back toward the door. She waved us over and gave Jem a hug and then caught me off guard by giving me just as big a hug. “That was my friend Wanda. She’s in Aspen. She invited me to come stay with her for the weekend, and dammit, I think I’m going to do it.”

I nodded, “That’s the spirit, Donna. Take care of yourself.”

She said, “That’s exactly what I’m going to do. But would it be a problem if Jem stays through Monday?”

As I shook my head, I said, “What about Wes?”

Donna spat, “Fuck that bastard. He’ll be holed up with my whore of a cousin until then, I suspect.”

With that, I took Jem by the arm and beat a hasty retreat. Things between Donna and Wes were even worse than I thought, now that she was willing to run her soon-to-be-ex down in Jem’s presence.

Back in my house, I said, “Well, roommate, what do you want to do?”

Jem glanced toward my office, “Are you finished for the day?”

I thought about the articles I had been reading. I wasn’t in the right frame to come back to them yet. “It’ll be there Monday.”

“Cool, can we play on the PS?”

Jem schooled me on a couple of his games and before we knew it, the sun was going down and we still hadn’t eaten. With this responsibility suddenly thrust on me, my dinner selection was nearly nonexistent. Still, it wasn’t something pizza delivery couldn’t take care of.

With the pizza on the coffee table in front of us, we put something on Jem wanted to watch. After a few pizza slices, he turned off the TV and said, “Um, Jack, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, bro. What’s on your mind?”

Whatever was on his mind had him embarrassed. He chewed at his lip before he said, “I know you said I should talk to my dad about, you know, stuff. But … I can’t do that. Is it okay to talk to you?”

I rocked back. The last thing I wanted to do was say something to drive a wedge between Jem and Wes. On the other side of that coin, Wes was doing a good job doing that on his own. I said, “Well, you should feel able to talk with him about stuff. But yeah, buddy, if you want to talk about stuff, you can ask me anything.”

He went back to chewing on his lip for a moment. Whatever it was, he needed to work up the courage. He tilted his head as if looking at me differently, “Mom says that you’re, um, gay.”

My eyes widened, surprised to hear the same accusation twice within a few hours. The funny thing about progressive people like Donna is that having a gay friend is almost a badge of honor; their way of saying, “See, I support you.” Letting her believe I like other men was a simple misdirect. I felt a kindred spirit with Jem, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to give him the same misdirect. But the truth wasn’t something I was willing to share, even with this wonderful and perceptive boy.

“She thinks I’m gay? Wow. Okay. What do you think?”

He kept tilting his head one way and then the other, studying me. “I dunno. I guess it’s possible.”

“Would that bother you?”

His lips curled at the ends as he shook his head, “No. If you were, I think that’d be cool.”

Cool? Not the answer I expected. “Oh? Why’s that?”

Jem glanced furtively toward the front door, as though half-expecting to see someone overhear our conversation. Then he turned back and moved back against me, “Jack, can you promise to keep a secret? I know you’re an adult and adults tell kids they’ll keep a secret, and then if they think they’ve got to tell someone, then they break their promise.”

It was my turn to cock any eyebrow at him. “Jem, the last time you stayed over here, and you slept in my bed, what did I tell you?”

Jem answered right away, “That it was something my mom wouldn’t approve of.”

I said, “I think we’re both pretty good at keeping each other’s secrets, don’t you?”

He flushed as he grinned, “Yeah. I guess so. So, you promise, right?”

I held up my hand, “I promise, Jem.”

He leaned forward, “I think I’m gay.”

One point for Donna’s intuition. I said, “Are you sure? Most ten-year-olds aren’t interested in girls or boys.”

He shrugged, “Not sure. But I think so. This summer, when mom took me to the pool. I saw several other boys in the showers, um, you know, naked. I got a funny feeling in my stomach and well, I wanted to look more.”

I said, “It’s okay if you are, Jem. It’s okay if you aren’t. Either way, it doesn’t change how I feel about you.”

He smiled coyly, “How do you feel about me?”

I reached an arm around him and squeezed him in a bear hug, “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a very long time.”

When I let go the hug, he settled into my lap, and said, “Do you love me?”

I wrapped my arms around him. Instead of another bear hug, I just drew him into my chest, “Yeah, Jem. I love you.”

His hands wrapped around mine, “Cool. I love you too, Jack.”

While I wasn’t sure what had just happened, Jem turned the TV back on and we watched a couple of cartoons before I saw it was getting late. After Porky Pig told us that’s all folks, I said, “Alright, I think it’s about time to get ready for bed. You need a bath?”

Still in my lap, Jem said, “Will you give it to me?”

Even though I knew I needed to back away, I also knew I was hopelessly smitten with Jem and I was willing to tread back into dangerous waters. I asked, “Your mom still giving you baths?”

He shrugged, “She still bathes me. But I can tell she would rather not.”

I said, “I know she told you last time that it was okay if you wanted me to give you a bath. Did you tell her?”

Jem shook his head, “No. She asked about it once, and I told her I didn’t take a bath that night.

Surprised, I said, “You lied to her?”

He craned his neck around until our eyes connected, “I figured it was like sleeping in your bed. Our secret.”

Somewhere deep inside me, I hated myself for falling more in love with Jem right then. I said, “Okay. Well, if we’re going to get your bath, we best get busy.”

With him sitting in my lap, it was easy enough to pull his T-shirt over his head. “You want to head to the bathroom now?”

Jem giggled, “I bet you can’t get the rest of my clothes off with me sitting here.”

My arms were already around his torso, “You’re on, big buy.”

Jem wore a pair of athletic shorts, with a drawstring to keep it tight. I lifted him up and grabbed the waist band from the back and tugged on them until his shorts were midway down his thighs. Then, when he stopped squirming, I slid them the rest of the way down and off.

Having him sitting in my lap in nothing more than his underwear was a moment of erotic pleasure. And I felt myself growing inside my jeans. I leaned against his ear, “What do you want, Jem?”

He leaned his head back against my shoulder, “You can take it off, if you want, Jack.”

He didn’t squirm or wrestle about as I lifted his bottom off my lap with one hand and with the other, I tugged until his underwear slid down his legs. His little penis was pointing straight up, hard as a rock. His hands rested on his thighs, although ready to cover himself. But they didn’t.

With that, I picked him up and had him stand, “Come on, big guy, let’s get you that bath.”

Running the water was easy enough and once it was full enough, Jem sat down in the water. He seemed truly okay with me seeing his erect little cock. Curious about it, I said, “Jem, how do you handle things when this happens with your mom?”

He shook his head, “It doesn’t happen very often. But when it does, I cover it.”

“Why are you so chill about it with me?”

He shrugged, “I dunno. I just am. Last time, you told me we all get them. Then I saw yours in when we peed. Also, I…” his voice faded away, until he whispered, “Do you like seeing me like this?”

I should have lied. Instead, as I ran my soapy hands down his back, I said, “Yeah, bro.”

In the same near whisper, he said, “Me too.”

Once finished with his back, I said, “Lay back in the water and I’ll get your front.”

Jem slid his feet toward the drain and his head toward the back of the tub. He looked gorgeous, lying in the tub, exposing himself to me. Over the previous two months, he’d grown a bit. I guessed he was about four feet five inches. His marvelous penis still looked to be around two inches when stiff, as he certainly was.

I pulled the shower curtain back all the way and bent over the tub to reach his shoulders. As I moved down to his chest, he splashed some water at me, drenching my shirt. I knew the game he played, yet I felt powerless to stop it. I pulled my shirt off and worked my way down his stomach and abdomen, only stopping when I reached his pubic area.

Then switched down to his feet. As I worked my way up, I didn’t stop when I reached his knees. Nor did I stop when I reached his thighs. I only stopped when I touched his immature scrotum. Then I said, “Well, we just about got you clean. Can you finish yourself up?”

This time, Jem shook his head, “Can you finish me?”

With his invitation, my fingers, still slick with soap, cupped Jem’s little balls, caressing them gently. Then, as lightly as I could, I encircled his little penis and stroked him a few times, lathering his erection with soap. I also soaped up his hips and thighs, this time, not bothering to stop, happily and gently touching his erection. Once done, I said, “Okay, buddy, I think we’ve got you pretty well clean.”

Jem sat up with a silly grin on his face that he kept sending my direction. I’m sure I would have felt guilt and remorse if I wasn’t so fucking horny myself.

After washing his hair, I picked him up. At sixty pounds soaking wet, he was light. I wrapped him in a towel and set him on my lap as I towel dried his hair and then rubbed him dry over the rest of his body. This time, I didn’t hesitate to touch his stiffy through the towel. At that point, I was all-in, I figured.

When I had him stand, he was still naked, and he stood, turned around and wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing my cheek affectionately. Absentmindedly, I couldn’t help wondering how Donna would feel if, instead of her fifteen- or sixteen-year-old came out of the closet, instead, her ten-year-old did. Somehow, I didn’t imagine it would go well for me.

I grabbed his underwear and said, “Come on, you little nudist, let’s get you into these.”

Once he was dressed in his underwear, Jem settled down a bit with the overt and sexual affection. As I headed over to the door, I said, “I guess there’s no reason even pretending with setting up the couch tonight?”

Jem giggled, “Nope.”

Once we were in my bed, I put some Cartoon network show on and then stripped down to my underwear.”

Once I pulled the covers up, he moved over until we were touching. After a moment, he slipped his head between my arm and my chest, resting on my chest. A few minutes passed until he said, “Jack, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, bro. What’s on your mind?”

“Can I see your, um, thing?”

I hadn’t expected that. Although if he were indeed gay, then a request to see my boner shouldn’t be a surprise.

I said, “Thing? What thing?”

He dug his elbow into my ribs, “You know, your, um, penis?”

I was beginning to wonder if he knew the correct name. I already knew my answer by now. And I didn’t have it in me to torture out my response. “You want me to pull my underwear down and let you see me?”

He nodded, “Yeah. I can pull mine down too, if you want.”

I had already seen and touched him. Although it was endearing how far he would go to see me. I said, “Okay, bro.”

I pulled the covers down to the end of the bed and then pulled my underwear down to my ankles. I figured in for a penny, in for a pound. After all the touching I’d already done, I was hopelessly wound up. I even had a bead of pre-cum on my slit.

Not to be outdone, Jem slid his underwear down to his ankles. We propped our backs up with our pillows and Jem leaned over me, looking at my modest manhood. After a moment, he used a finger and touched it, running a finger from my glans, down past my circumcision scar, all the way down to my base and the smattering of pubic hair. “Cool,” he said.

His finger found the bead of pre-cum on my tip and he rubbed his finger around, causing my glans to become slick. “Wow, is this the stuff babies are made from?”

I sighed at his delicate touch, “No. That’s a lube our bodies make.”

Jem grabbed his stiffy in his hand, “Mine doesn’t do that.”

I gave him another hug, “Not yet, but give it time and it’ll happen.”

With that encouragement, he played around with my erection for a couple of minutes until I was sure he knew nothing about masturbation. While I had a growing awareness Donna wouldn’t mind if I explained about masturbation to Jem, I was equally sure she wanted that conversation to wait another year or two and not involve mutual exploration.

But when he said, “How do you make the stuff babies are made from come out?” I knew Donna’s concerns weren’t mine or Jem’s.

“Let me show you,” I said as I gripped my erection. Then I moved my fist up and down on my dick, enjoying the tingling that started in my balls and then went to my shaft.

After a moment, I moved my hand out of the way, and with no words exchanged, Jem’s smaller fingers wrapped around my shaft. Were I larger, I don’t think he could have wrapped his entire hand around me. But when he started moving his hand just as I did, I really didn’t care if he could fully encircle me or not. The feeling of his hand on my dick felt so much better than mine, even though he was inexperienced.

I let him go on for a minute or so, as the pressure in my balls built. My voice strained through the rising tide of my pending orgasm, “Watch out, Jem. I’m about to shoot my baby makers!”

To Jem’s credit, his fingers didn’t stop moving, even when my penis spasmed in his hand and a glob of cum shot into the air and landed on my chest. The rest of my orgasm landed lower on my abdomen or ran down Jem’s fingers.

When he pulled his hand away, the stickiness of my semen made it appear Jem had webbing between his fingers, “That was freaking cool, Jack.”

The feeling of my orgasm at Jem’s hand reminded me so much of my time with Mark, even though eight years separated the occasions. I said, “Yeah, for you and me, both.”

I grabbed my underwear and used them to mop up my seed and grabbed a couple of tissues for the boy’s fingers. As he was cleaning his hand, Jem said, “Can you do that to me?”

His quivering two inches called to me as clearly as a siren’s horn beckons sailors. I said, “I can, bro. But you don’t make that stuff yet.”

Jem nodded, “I know, Jack. But the way you moaned and the look on your face, I want the same thing.”

I wrapped my thumb and forefinger around his little boner and, as gently as possible, jacked on his erection. It didn’t take long for Jem to moan in pleasure. I kept working on him, sliding my fingers over his incredibly hard boner. A couple of minutes had passed when Jem’s eyes shot open, “Oh, shoot, I gotta pee!”

I sped the motion on his erection, “That’s normal, sport. Just ride it out, and you’ll like the result.”

A couple of dozen strokes later, Jem went rigid as his first orgasm washed over his body. His little erection spasmed over and over again, trying to ejaculate what wasn’t there. When his dick finally stopped jerking about, I took my hand off his two inches and said, “What do you think?”

Jem had a hazy and blissful look on his face, “F-, fuck!” he managed.

Then, as he came off his orgasmic high, he added, “Wow, Jack. I wish you’d shown me that the last time you gave me a bath. That was freaking awesome.”

I got up and grabbed clean underwear from my chest of drawers, “I don’t know if you were ready back then. I know for sure, I wasn’t.”

As he pulled his underwear back up, he said, “Because it’s a secret. Is that it?”

I nodded, feeling the post orgasm tiredness creeping up on me. “What do you imagine would happen to me if you told them what we did?”

Even though I could see his eyes growing heavy, Jem shook his head, unwilling to say the words, “Nothing. Because I would never tell. Not anyone at school, not Mom or Dad. Nobody.”

The guilt of what I’d done was settling heavily on me. But what I did was done. I couldn’t undo the molestation. Jem seemed happy. And I hoped with every fiber in my being as I drifted off that he would always feel the same way.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Confession of a Boy Lover – Chapter 4

Confession of a Boy Lover – Chapter 4

For a while, things returned to normal across the street. A month or two after Jem’s sleepover, I was writing up an investment strategy for a client when the doorbell rang. It was a Saturday morning, and I wasn’t expecting anyone.

Donna and Jem were standing there. Summer was almost upon us and the weather, even for Colorado, was warm. Jem wore a tank-top and a pair of shorts. His hair, still a tangled mess, touched his collar. He grinned up at me. Donna wore a long, flowing sundress. Her hair almost looked on fire when the sun reflected from it.

Donna said, “Hi Jack. Jem’s been pestering me for a few days to come over and ask.”

I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. “Sure. What’s up?”

Jem butted in, “It’s my birthday, Jack. I’m ten!”

I leaned forward and rubbed his hair, “Congrats, dude. You’re out of the single digits now.”

Jem said, “Yeah. We’re having a party this evening!”

Donna said, “Yeah. We wanted to invite you to it. It’s the least we can do.”

Both cars were in the drive across the street. I asked, “Yeah. I’ll come. When and where?”

Jem jumped in, “Our house. Six. There’ll be hot dogs and cake!”

Donna smiled apologetically. “He’s pretty hyped up. We’ve invited some kids from school.”

I nodded, “Cool. How are you and Wes?”

She glanced down at Jem, “You know how it goes. One day at a time.”

I knew a thing or two about just trying to survive. Things were still rough. I said, “You guys need anything, anything at all, just let me know.”

She smiled wistfully at me and then surprised me when she stepped forward and hugged me. It was over in an instant, but the feel of her breasts against my chest caught me off guard. “Thanks, Jack. Jem thinks the world of you. And frankly, so do I.”

Just to make it complete, Jem charged me with his own bear hug. He nearly bowled me over as he wrapped his arms around my waist and gripped me as hard as possible. I couldn’t help myself, and my arms wrapped around him, patting him lightly on the back.

Once they had left, I wondered what kind of gift to give Jem. Since the weekend when he had spent the night, I’ve gotten to know the boy better. Although he hadn’t stayed over again, he came over a couple of times a week, just to water the flowers and hang out with someone where the tension wasn’t so thick. As a guy, I was a firm believer that cash makes the best gift. And after thinking through Donna’s potential objections, decided to give him the gift that keeps on giving–cash.

I finished the article I had been working on and made a trip by the ATM and a store to pick up a birthday card. I was a bit nervous about what to expect. Aside from Jem, I was pretty serious about avoiding boys in general.

That evening, I headed across the street. I got there a bit early and found the Nelsons in their backyard. There were streamers and bunting and a long folding table covered with baby-blue paper tablecloth. Jem raced over and gave me another earth-shattering hug, “Hiya, Jack!”

“Happy birthday, sport!”

He grinned, enjoying the pet nicknames I gave him. I handed him the birthday card, “Here’s your gift.”

Jem’s face fell. I guess he was expecting a present. I leaned close and whispered, “Don’t spend it all in one place.”

With that, his smile returned, and he bolted off, pretending to be an airplane, flying low between the tables and chairs.

Donna came over and gave me another hug. She was still wearing the same outfit. Her breasts still pressed against my chest when she hugged me, “Thanks for coming, Jack. Not sure how many kids will be here, now that school’s out.”

Thirty minutes after the party was supposed to start, there were a grand total of three kids at the party, and that included Jem. And the other two were twins, a boy and girl. Jem tried to behave like he was excited, but having gotten to know him, I could see the disappointment.

The kids were in the yard, playing with a remote-control car. I was close enough to hear their conversation. The boy, Dillon, said, “This is pretty cool. I don’t know why Dallas didn’t want me to come.”

Jem froze in position on his knees by the car, “What? Dallas told you not to come? Is that why it’s just us?

Dillon shrugged, “Dallas is a dork. He said you’re gay.”

Jem handed the controller to the girl, Megan, “Here Meg. It’s your turn.” Then he turned back to her brother, “What? Why’s he think that?”

The other boy said, “You’ve got long hair. Dallas says only gays wear their hair long.”

Jem frowned and didn’t say anything else, only taking back the controller when Megan finished playing with it.

The twins and their mom were gone by seven thirty and although the sun was going down, there was still light in the sky and I joined Jem playing with the remote-control car. While I steered the little car around the Nelson’s backyard, Donna waved me over to where she and Wes were folding up the table and chairs.

With my ten-year-old shadow following, I came over, “You guys need any help?”

Donna said, “Wes and I are really glad you could come over. Although I still think your gift is overly generous for a birthday gift, Jack.”

I shrugged, “Jem’s a good kid. I’m sure he’ll enjoy spending it.”

I could see that even though Donna and Wes were trying for Jem’s sake, they were still struggling. When you knew what to look for, it was there. I knew it wasn’t my place to intrude, I added, “I know you guys are going through a rough spot and wish I could do more.”

Donna said, “Thanks, that means a lot. Wes and I were wondering. There’s a marriage retreat this coming weekend. We were going to take Jem to see Wes’s mom, but he’s been badgering me to see if you would let him stay with you. It’s just a couple of nights.”

While I really enjoyed having Jem around, I wasn’t blind to my growing attraction to the boy. I was trying to figure out how to diplomatically decline, when I felt the boy’s arms wrap around my waist, “Please, Jack. I promise I’ll be good.”

My resistance to the request crumpled under Jem’s assault of love. I said, “Sure, Donna. Jem’s welcome anytime.”


I was in the office when I heard a noise from the front of the house. Then my favorite cherubic voice, “Jack! You home? You said I’m welcome. Right?”

I chuckled. I glanced at the clock in my office. It was in the middle of the afternoon on Friday. It was a bit early, but that’s also why I had left the front door unlocked. I bookmarked the PDF I was reading and got up and stretched. I found him still standing in the doorway, his backpack slung over his shoulders.

“Hey, buddy,” I said, “How’s my favorite ten-year-old?”

Jem’s eyes lit up like the sun when he saw me. “Hi, Jack. You’re not upset that I came over early, are you?”

I came over and ran my fingers through his hair. It was below the collar. If he didn’t cut it, by the end of the summer it would touch his shoulders. “Not at all. As long as your parents know where you are, that is.”

He glanced back across the street, “Um, well, they were talking in their bedroom. I couldn’t really tell if they were arguing or not. So, I thought I’d come on over.”

Being single, I had no idea about marriage counseling or if going on some kind of retreat would help Donna and Wes. It wasn’t really my place to get involved. I was pretty sure I was too involved already. I pulled my phone from my pocket and found Donna’s name, “Let me check with your mom.”

Donna answered on the fourth ring, “Oh, hi Jack. I hope your still able to watch Jem this evening.”

I said, “Yeah. Your little munchkin showed up early.”

She said, “Goes to figure. Wes and I have been discussing things. I guess Jem heard through the walls.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, well enough,” Donna said, “We’re both hopeful. If he’s in the way, send Jem back home and we can drop him off when we leave.”

I glanced down at Jem’s hopeful expression, “He’s cool. I’ll put something on the TV for him while I finish up my work day. Any special instructions?”

Donna said, “I know it’ll be like a slumber party, but don’t let him stay up too late. Things with Wes have made his bath-time more difficult. He’s become a lot more needy lately. I’ve been giving him baths for the past few weeks. So, don’t be surprised if he asks for help. If that makes you uncomfortable, I guess a couple of nights without a bath won’t kill him.”

I moved away from Jem, allowing a bit of privacy, “No problem, Donna. If it bothers you, he can take a pass on a bath.”

I heard her sigh. Her voice fell to a whisper, “God, Jack, I think you’re the only man I trust right now. The jury’s still out on Wes. Jem adores you, and if you can get him to take a bath, more power to you.”

I said, “Okay. Jem and I will be fine. You and Wes try to go and enjoy yourselves. I’ll send your rug-rat home whenever you’re back on Sunday.”

Donna said, “Thanks a bunch, Jack.”

I walked back over to Jem, handed him the phone to let him say his goodbye. Then I set him up in the living room with some DVDs and finished the afternoon in my office.

I knew I wasn’t setting a good example for Jem, but I ordered Chinese takeout for us as we settled in and watched Cameron’s Avatar. After we finished our takeout, I kicked my feet up and rested them on the coffee table. Jem settled in next to me and did the same thing. At some point, he leaned against me and I responded by putting an arm around his shoulder.

I was still holding onto my vow. I actually felt pretty good about things as I realized how much Jem needed an adult to anchor his life and give him some stability. I knew the best way to do that was to keep my thoughts away from my attractions and focus on being there for him.

Once the movie was over, I said, “Your mom said you needed a bath. Get yourself a bath and we’ll watch another movie before bed.”

Jem jumped up and said, “Cool, I wanna watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid.”

I got up and headed to the bathroom where I started the water. When Jem came in, he said, “Do I have to take a bath tonight?”

I felt the clinginess vibe Donna had described. I beckoned him over to me and pulled him in and smelled his hair. There was a hint of boyish sweat. That musk of unwashed childhood. I said, “You could probably use a bath, buddy.”

He looked up at me, “Okay. Can you give me a bath?”

I knelt down and looked Jem in the eyes. I could see the stress of his parents’ damaged marriage in them. Even though he was a couple of months older than the last time we were in the bathroom, Jem’s carefree spirit was damaged.

I bit my lip as I considered his request, “Well, do you think your mom would be okay with it?”

He surprised me, “I think so. When she gave me a bath a couple of days ago, I asked if you could give me a bath this weekend.”

Donna’s earlier admission made sense. This was surreal. Here I was, a boy-lover given permission by Donna to bathe her son. Yet, instinctively, I knew I couldn’t take advantage of Jem. I said, “Okay. You want me to step out while you change?”

He shook his head, giggling, “Why? You saw my thing last time.”

With that, he took his shirt off and then removed his shorts. Instead of the superhero underroos, he wore a pair of plain white briefs. His cheeks colored as he lowered them to the floor, revealing the little noodle I had seen two months prior.

He stepped into the tub and sat down in the nearly hot water. Try as I might, I wasn’t able to ignore Jem’s gems. It was substantially unchanged from the last time; a soft noodle ending in the perfect helmet shaped little head.

I reminded myself I really needed to not stare, so I grabbed my soap and lathered my hands and started to wash his back. Once I finished his back, I said, “Let’s get the front, shall we?”

When he swiveled around, he said, “Do you want me to stand up? So you can wash me easier?”

Uncertain about how to answer, I said, “What does your mom do?”

“She just washes me sitting down.”

I shrugged, “You do you, bro. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”

He stood up and faced me. I grabbed a wash towel. It was one thing for me to wash his back with my bare hands. But as I lathered the little towel, Jem said, “You can use your hands. They feel better than the washrag.”

I felt an old familiar fluttering in my stomach as I touched his shoulder, rubbing the soap against his skin. Working my way down his thin chest, over nipples that barely registered as such. I tried to be deft in my touch when I reached his belly. From there, I shifted to his feet, lathering up his impossibly smooth ankles, going to just above his knees. By the time I finished, I realized Jem was cupping his penis with both his hands.

I flushed red, worried I’d done something. “You okay, bro?”

Jem’s rosy cheeks were just as red as mine, “Um, yeah.” Then in a voice no louder than a whisper, he said, “I got a stiffy.”

Part of me felt bad for him. But part of me knew it was a likely result of him flashing himself in front of me, especially when I’ve been running my bare hands over his little body. I said, “Happens all the time, bro. Do you want to finish the rest yourself?”

He bit his lip, thinking. After a rather long moment, he shook his head and dropped his hands to his side. I gasped. From its little one-inch softness, it filled out, stretched and pointing toward the ceiling. He was about two inches. His tiny balls still pulled tight at the base of his thin rod.

I knew what I wanted to say. But also knew I’d not dare to say it. Instead, I said, “Alright, big guy, I’ll wash your legs and thighs. Okay?”

Jem nodded, and I resumed working up his legs with the soap, only stopping when my knuckle accidentally grazed his scrotum. I washed his hips, coming midway around to his front on both sides, stopping a few inches shy of his little erection. At that point, I said, “Okay, buddy, I’m pretty sure, your mom doesn’t want me to wash that last part.”

Jem giggled, “Probably not.”

I stood up and said, “Let’s wash your hair and then you’ll be done.”

As I rinsed his hair with the U of Colorado cup, I said, “You know, standing up like this is a bit like taking a shower. Have you tried that at your place?”

Wiping water from his eyes, Jem said, “No. Mom’s afraid I’ll slip and hurt myself. Do you take showers?”

“Yeah. Been years since I took a bath.”

Once the shampoo was out of his hair, I grabbed a towel and dried his hair. Then worked my way down his back. I shouldn’t have, but I enjoyed rubbing the cloth across his bare backside. But his soft cheeks felt delicious under the towel’s protective covering.

When I turned him around, his little nail still stuck up in the air. I rubbed his torso dry, coming all the way down to just above his pubic area. Then switched and dried his feet and ankles, working all the way up his legs to just short of his erection.

I stopped, “Um, Jem, you want to finish drying yourself?”

He blushed as he took the towel and finished the job. Then he grabbed a pair of clean white underwear and put them on. His little nail was still poking out, but I tried to ignore it, “Nice underwear, bro. What happened to the superhero underwear?”

Jem handed me the towel, “Dunno. I guess I outgrew them. Men wear this kind of underwear, right?”

I hung the towel to dry, “Some do. Some wear boxers. There’s no right or wrong choice.”

His voice grew soft, “But you do. Right?”

My face felt hot, “Yes. That’s right.”

Jem pulled his toothbrush and toothpaste from the backpack, “Then this is what I want to wear.”

After he finished brushing his teeth, Jem said, “Can we watch a movie in your room?”

Worried what someone might think if they knew I had a ten-year-old boy in my bedroom in just his tighty-whities, I said, “Did you bring some pajama bottoms to wear over your underwear?”

Jem shook his head, “No. Why?”

I followed him into my bedroom, “Well, your mom might not like the idea of you sleeping in my bed in just your underwear. You think?”

Jem’s face grew pensive, “We could tell her I slept on the couch. Like last time.”

I sat on my bed and pulled him toward me, “Jem, do you really want to keep things from your parents?”

He shrugged, “They’re keeping secrets from me. And you letting me sleep in your bed isn’t a big deal. Is it?”

I looked around the room, trying to think about how to say what I wanted. “Let’s say that your friend Dillon, slept over at an older friend’s. What would you think if Dillon slept in just his underwear with the older friend?”

Jem’s eyes grew round as he connected things in his head, “Oh. That!”

Then, for whatever reason, the boy giggled. “Okay. I’d think that maybe they really like each other.”

I nodded, “So, what about watching a movie in the living room?”

Jem sat down next to me, “Um, Jack, I’d rather watch it back here with you. Even if it meant not telling my mom. Can we? Please.”

I sighed, uncertain about where things would end up with Jem. “Yeah, bro. That’s fine.”

He was asleep by the time the movie finished. I turned off the TV, leaving the only light in the bedroom a lamp on the nightstand. I stripped down to my underwear and looked at the boy asleep on my bed. We matched. I felt confused, knowing how much Jem had come to mean to me. I was attracted to him, there was no denying it. And also, a powerful urge to protect him from the pain he was going through.

Unable to resolve my internal conflict, I decided not to put on my boxers and climbed into bed, pulled the covers up over us and turned out the light.

The next morning, I awoke to a nearly naked boy sprawled across half my body. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jem’s head nestled against my chest. His torso was pressed against my stomach and abs, and his underwear touched mine.

Regrettably, I awoke with my morning wood straining against my underwear. Not so regrettably, I felt something poking against my hip, where Jem’s crotch pressed. I was of several minds, and only one of them was remotely the right thing to do. I needed to untangle myself, letting Jem continue sleeping and go to the bathroom. I was determined to not be that guy who takes advantage of the sleeping beauty beside me and roll him over to gawp at the erection tenting his underwear.

I moved my leg, ready to slide the rest of the way out of bed when I felt a hand slide across my chest and an angelic voice say, “Mm, morning.”

I froze in place, hoping he wouldn’t notice something that only a blind man wouldn’t. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

A few moments passed as Jem moved his head against my side, “Oh, wow. You got a stiffy too.”

So much for that. Jem, Blind Pew he wasn’t. I said, “Yeah. Happens to all of us, bro.”

Jem rolled onto his back, his stiffy quite evident in his underwear, “Yeah,” he giggled, “We’re twins!”

I couldn’t help laughing. “Yeah, something like that.”

He propped himself up on his elbow, “Dude,” that’s something he said when he was trying to be cooler than his ten years, “You’re, um, thing is huge.”

I took that moment to roll out of bed, “It just seems like that, bro. I’ll be right back, gotta pee.”

In the bathroom, I pulled the front of my underwear down and was waiting for my erection to go down enough to pee when I looked down beside me. Jem was so close, his shoulder grazed my elbow. He pulled his underwear down, revealing his erection.

Startled, I pulled my underwear up, “Dude, what happened to privacy?”

The crestfallen look on Jem’s face broke my heart, as he said, “B-, but I thought you wouldn’t m-, mind.”

I put a hand on his shoulder, as tears welled in his eyes, “Hey, Jem, it’s okay, man. You just startled me.”

He sniffled, “So, it’s okay to pee together?”

The correct answer was no, it’s not okay. I knew I should’ve said that. Instead, I said, “It’s up to you, bro. But it’s definitely not something your mom would approve of.”

With one hand Jem wiped at his tears, with the other one, he took hold of his penis and aimed for the water below, “Okay. It’ll be our secret, big bro.”

It’s hard enough taking a piss with a morning wood. Throw in a ten-year-old boy, and I stood there willing myself to urinate. I felt something slide through my urethra and just before anything happened, Jem said, “Dude.”

Damn, I thought, as my bladder seemed to hide. I glanced over at Jem. He was holding his little nail, apparently with no more success than me. “What?”

He said, “You’re, like, huge. And hairy.”

I couldn’t help myself. I chuckled. Only a tween would think five and a half inches was “huge.” And hairy? Not quite. I said, “By the time you’re fifteen, maybe sixteen, little bro, you’ll be as big, and probably hairier.”

Jem wagged his little nail around in the air, “You think so? I’ve seen some of the other boys at the urinals and I’m not very big.”

That little hard tube of flesh waving over to the toilet was perfection, as far as I was concerned. I pulled my hand away from my erection, giving Jem a better look, “Sometimes, bud, I feel the same way. There are guys bigger than me. I try not to let it bother me, and you shouldn’t either.”

With that, I took hold of my erection. I had gone too far; I was sure of it.

Jem grinned up at me, “Thanks, bro. I still think you’re huge.”

I chuckled as I finally managed to coax out a thin stream of urine. A moment later Jem joined his stream, and we pissed together.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Confession of a Boy Lover – Chapter 3

Confession of a Boy Lover – Chapter 3

The pizza box, which was on the floor of the living room, was empty. It sat between me and Jem, where we sat cross-legged, also on the floor. The boy patted a full stomach, “That was DE-licious,” he emphasized the first syllable and then punctuated it with a burp.

We both laughed at the antics of Woody and Buzz in Toy Story 3 all the way until the credits rolled. By then, it was pushing nine o’clock. I grabbed the pizza box and climbed to my feet with an exaggerated groan, “Alright, I think it’s bath time, big guy. You want to head that way while I put this in the trash?”

A few minutes later, I found Jem in the bathroom, rummaging through his backpack. After a few minutes, he blushed as he said, “Is it okay if I wear my superman Underroos tonight?”

He held up a blue t-shirt top with the red and yellow S and a pair of red underwear. I was sure he would look positively adorable. I was equally sure I wasn’t crazy about him wearing them. I said, “What about your Incredible Hulk pajamas?”

He shrugged, “They’re dirty.”

Inwardly, I sighed. “Sure, buddy. Superman it is.”

Then, I turned on the faucet in the tub, “I’ll run your bath-water for you, Jem. If you need any help, just let me know. I’ll be in my bedroom. Okay?”

He nodded, the blush still on his rosy cheeks. Once the water was to a suitable level, I cut it off and headed to the door. He was already shirtless as I closed it behind me.

Back in my bedroom, I lay on my bed, wondering how I found myself in such a predicament. The more time I spent with Jem, the more I wanted to be around the boy. And that wasn’t good for either of us. My thoughts ran back to the other boys I had loved before my life had gone off track. The youngest had been twelve. The oldest, just shy of fourteen. My attraction had been for boys in the early stages of puberty, and Jem was still several years away from that. So, I sucked in a deep breath and told myself I could handle myself, that I would never touch him. Not sexually, ever.

Around the time I made that vow to myself, his cherubic voice called out, “Jack! I need help!”

Holding tight to my vow, I went back into the bathroom. Jem was still in the tub. His legs were straight, and he was leaning back on his arms. That put his privates on public display. Like most boys in the US, he was circumcised, which gave him his penis a perfect bit of symmetry. His tiny glans created a perfect helmet above his thin, little tube of flesh. Even though he pointed nearly straight up into the air, it was because he was small, not really more than an inch in length. His sack was nestled tightly below his shaft and his balls, outlined within his scrotum, were probably twice the size of raisins.

He looked up at me, blissfully unaware his charms were on full display. I said, “Hey, buddy, you need help?”

Jem nodded, “Yeah, can you wash my hair? Mom usually does it for me.”

I knelt beside him and tried to not stare at his little noodle, “Sure.”

I had a plastic cup I had picked up at some U of Colorado game on the counter. I grabbed it and turned the water on and filled it up. “Let’s get your hair wet first.”

I doused his hair a few times with that cupful of water and then poured shampoo into the palm of my hand. There was something delightful in running my soapy fingers through his long strands of hair as he remained oblivious to how he gave me unfettered access to see him in all his innocent glory. Still, I needed to hold fast to my vow, so I did my best to not dwell on what he displayed. After thoroughly shampooing his hair, I rinsed it even more thoroughly, pouring warm water from the faucet onto his hair until the tub had filled up another six inches or so.

I leaned back, “There you go. Anything else before I let you finish up?”

Jem nodded, and finally leaned forward, hiding his boyhood below his hunch, “Can you wash my back? Mom does that too.”

I could see his request was purely innocent. He was just doing what he usually did. I would not make an issue of it, no matter how difficult it made my vow. I grabbed the soap and lathered up my hands. His skin was warm and smooth as my hands glided effortlessly across his shoulder blades and down the valley of his spine. I stopped my hands when I reached his lower back, even though I could see the soft, white globes of his backside below the water’s surface.

I used the cup to rinse his back off, “All done, big guy. You want a bit more time to finish?”

Jem shook his head and stood up, giving me another glorious look at his little boyhood. “Nah. I’m wrinkling up. Mom helps me dry off.”

When he said that, I could have sworn I saw a twinkle in his eye. But as I gave him a second glance, it was gone or never there to begin with. Uncertain about that, I grabbed a towel and took to vigorously scrubbing his hair dry. Then I wadded it up and dabbed at his back before turning him around and doing the same to his chest and stomach. I ignored his middle, instead using the towel to dry his ankles up to just past his knees. He really was a very skinny boy. I doubt he weighed over sixty pounds. Also, I noticed how smooth were his ankles.

The youngest boy I loved had just turned twelve the first time we were together. And even though his plumbing was turned on, the rest of his secondary sexual characteristics lagged, and he was very smooth. Except for his ankles. Dark hair was replacing the near-clear vellus hairs around his ankles. Running my hands over Jem’s ankles, his vellus hair was sparse and nearly invisible to the naked eye and the inspection by my hands.

Of course, that was the observation of just a couple of seconds. When I finished with his knees, I held up the towel to him, “There you go, Jem. I think you can finish the last bits yourself.”

Jem didn’t say anything cheeky, he just took the towel and finished drying off. I was at the door before he finished, “I’ll leave it to you to finish dressing.”

I was both proud of myself for my self-restraint and also terrified my self-control would eventually crack. I couldn’t afford to let myself go with Jem. First, he was too young. Secondly, I didn’t want to lose everything I have built since arriving in Boulder. Over the past seven years, I’d built a nice nest-egg. Between my returns on my day-trades and selling market research to other investors, I was doing pretty good.

Jem came into the door of my bedroom. His hair stuck up, still wet. He looked incredibly cute in his little superman underroos. He said, “I brushed my teeth. Can we watch some more TV before bed? No school tomorrow.”

I nodded, “Sure, you want to find one of the movies and we can watch it in the living room?”

He glanced down. I could see he had something on his mind. “What’s wrong, bro?”

He grinned at the comment. “I like how you call me bro, buddy, and stuff. It makes me feel like we’re friends.”

I beckoned him into my room, and patted the space next to me, “We are, Jem. As much as we can be.”

He said, “It makes me feel like I’m not just some kid and that my parents didn’t just dump me on you.”

I told myself my vow wasn’t in danger as I pulled him into a hug. The way he responded, wrapping his arms around my neck, told me I’d chosen well. He needed my friendship while his parents tried to keep his world from going to hell.

We watched another movie in the living room and I tucked him under the covers and even gave him a kiss on the forehead before retreating back to my bedroom, where I grabbed a clean pair of underwear and headed to the bathtub.

I showered, which I strongly preferred over baths. I wasn’t strong enough for my thoughts to not return to Jem’s bath-time. Even though I preferred boys who could give me their seed, I couldn’t deny Jem’s cuteness. Of course, I’d never let myself touch him sexually. I didn’t need that complication. Still, thinking about him led to an erection. Long ago, I’d told myself my five or so inches had been one thing women wouldn’t like about me. I told myself they wanted big guys. And at seventeen, I already knew I’d never be that guy.

Now, just on the other side of thirty, I accepted my body as it was, just as I accepted I would always be a boy lover. Correction, I’d remain a celibate boy lover. One thing I had hoped for when I was seventeen is that my body would eventually fill out. I felt uncomfortable in gym class. All us boys were between fifteen and eighteen. Most of us had glory trails between our penises and our bellies. Some of us had nearly as much hair on our pits and chests as we had on our crotches. At seventeen, I had a few strands under my arms and nothing of note on my chest. My glory trail died out a couple of inches above my shaft. Even my legs weren’t very hairy.

And now, as I washed my body, not much had changed. I had a few more errant hairs under my arms and a few lonely strands around my nipples, but apart from that, I was smooth down to my pubic area, where my hair started. I glanced at my pubic area. Just above where my penis pointed straight at the wall, my pubic hair struggled to spread away from the base more than an inch or two in any direction.

When I was in college, I shaved my pubes. It really made me feel closer to the boys I loved back then. And during my first job, I even paid to for laser hair removal. Mark had loved how smooth I was; Just like him. God, how I wish he hadn’t bragged about us.

Now, in my early thirties, as I looked at the sparse hair over my erection, I wondered if I had fucked up getting the laser hair removal. Even though I had never sported a huge patch of curly pubes, ever since then, my hair had been sparser, straighter, and less coarse.

As the water poured over my body, I couldn’t shake Jem’s image from my mind. His adorable little cocklet was firmly embedded in my mind and soon I was stroking myself, feeling that familiar tingle thrumming along my penis until I felt my balls constrict. My knees threatened to buckle as I leaned against the shower tiles. The first blast of my ejaculate splattered the shower curtain with my cloudy seed. My dick kicked in my hand a half-dozen more times, each successive blast less powerful than the previous until that which remained slid down my fingers.

Guilt set in as I washed my ejaculate from my penis and hands and even from the shower curtain. Come on, Jack, I told myself, I vowed to hold the line. How can I do that if I’m beating off to this gorgeous boy?

After drying off, my penis was back to its normal size, not quite three shriveled inches. I slid on my underwear and then headed toward my bedroom.

Jem was lying on my bed when I walked into my room. He had managed to find the remote and was watching some show on the Cartoon Network. At least until I walked in. His young eyes raked themselves over me before he said, “You’re in your underwear.”

I wanted to ask him why he wasn’t asleep in the living room. After all, that’s where I left him.

Instead, I said, “So are you. What’s up? Problem with the couch?”

I slipped on my boxers, pulling them over my white underwear as Jem said, “Yeah. I got scared, Jack. I really don’t want to sleep alone. Can I sleep in here with you? Pretty please!”

I shook my head. We were both practically in just our underwear. “Do you think your mom and dad would want you sleeping in my bed?”

I could see the worry creeping into Jem’s eyes as he said, “I’ll tell them I slept on the couch.”

I warred with myself. Part of me wanted nothing more than to let him into my bed. Instead, I said, “It’s not just your parents, buddy. What would your friends think?”

The worry deepened as his brows creased, “Jack, I promise I won’t tell anyone. Please don’t make me sleep alone.”

Seeing Jem’s genuine fear, I pointed toward my bed, “Fine. But no TV. Get your cute little butt into bed.”

A few minutes later, I turned the light out and crawled under the covers, hyperaware of the boy sharing the space. A moment later, I felt him against my arm. There was a childish giggle, followed by, “Do you really think I’ve got a cute butt?”

I groaned, “Good night, Jem.”

He giggled again, but at least he rolled away. A few minutes later, his soft snores confirmed he was asleep. It took a lot longer this second night before I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up on my back. During the night, Jem pushed the covers down. He had also cuddled next to me at some point. While he was also on his back, one of his legs now draped over one of mine.

That’s when I noticed, unlike the previous morning, my morning wood was in full form, pushing against my underwear. A moment later, I saw a protrusion poking from Jem’s red Superman underwear. Even though it wasn’t sticking out far, I recognized a boner.

As best as I could, I slid out from under Jem’s leg and quietly made my way to the bathroom. By the time I finished draining my bladder, things down below were back to normal. When I went back into the bedroom, Jem was stirring. He opened his eyes and saw me, “G’morning,” he mumbled.

I tousled his messy hair, “Good morning to you too. So, this morning, do you want cold milk and cereal or cereal and cold milk?”

Jem giggled until he realized what I had realized earlier. He saw his little erection creating a tent in his underroos, and almost immediately one of his hands sought to cover it. His rosy cheeks turned scarlet as he mumbled, “S-, sorry.”

I tried to make nothing of it, “No worries. Happens to every guy. Why don’t you go to the bathroom while I get breakfast served?”

He joined me in the kitchen, still wearing his underroos. Of course, I was still in just my boxers. As we ate, he said, “D-, does that happen to you, too?”

I nodded as I took a bite of cereal. “Yep. Your dad too.”

When he finished eating, he said, “Mom told me not to touch it when it happens. She hit my hand once in the bathtub.”

This surprised me. Wes and Donna struck me as typical progressive parents. Kind of the norm with the faculty at the college. Maybe she just wanted him to be older before discovering the pleasures his body had in store. I didn’t want to get involved in their parenting. Although I suppose I already was.

I said, “I’d suggest you not touch yourself when she’s around, Jem. Women can be weird about that.”

His face returned to that embarrassed hue as he said, “Do you, um, ever touch yours, Jack?”

I know my face turned red. I coughed. I really didn’t want to answer questions about our bodies. To be more truthful, I didn’t want to answer any question that could come back and bite me on the ass. I said, “Um, I’m not sure your parents want me answering questions about that stuff, Jem.”

Jem frowned, “I think Mom’s embarrassed about it. And Dad’s really busy with his job. Please.”

I leaned forward, resting my arms on the table, “I don’t think so, buddy. They could get really upset with me if I told you things they didn’t agree with.”

Jem sighed, “Being a kid sucks sometimes.”

I chuckled as I tousled his hair again and cleaned up breakfast.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

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