High quality erotica. And more....

Day: May 18, 2021 (Page 1 of 5)

The Best of Friends – Chapter 8

The Best of Friends – Chapter 8

Aiden’s feet pounded against the soft air cushions in the soles of his running shoes. He chanced a glance to his left. Wendy matched his pace, running easily beside him. After nine months, even on a bad day, which this wasn’t, they could beat their time from their first five-k run. Their next race was just a couple of weeks away and the boy could hardly wait. It was in San Antonio. The two of them planned a full week’s worth of activities during their stay.

A car sped along the road on the edge of campus and when its blinker turned on, he slowed his pace. Better to let the car beat him to the intersection. Through measured breaths, Wendy said, “You sure you want to do the ten-k next week in San Antone? It’s twice as far as our normal route.”

Aiden jogged in place until the car cleared the cross street, then he resumed his pace, “I know. But our route here is five miles now. That’s most of ten k.”

Instead of responding, Wendy turned her jog into a sprint as the quadplex buildings came into view. Aiden shook his head and pumped his legs as fast as possible, closing the gap between him and his girlfriend.

He liked the taste of that word on his lips. It had been the better part of six months since Nana’s heart attack. She was back home now, but Aiden had yet to move back into her house. Nana seemed to enjoy the peace and quiet. And he and Wendy enjoyed their new life together.

He finished the school year attending TOPS, an online public school that was a million times better than Travis Intermediate. In fact, he hadn’t been back across the highway to his old school since the Christmas break. And he loved it. Wendy knew so much and tutored him in anything he didn’t understand. But the teachers in the online school actually offered one-on-one on Zoom when he got stumped, if Wendy wasn’t available.

Wendy turned on more speed, pulling further ahead. Normally, Aiden would run his heart out to beat her. But seeing her backside in the microfiber shorts that barely covered her ass, reminded the newly minted twelve-year-old he enjoyed living with Wendy for more than just her tutoring skills.

When she reached the parking lot between the quadplex buildings and her apartment, Wendy’s hands shot up in victory. She spun around and flashed a wide grin at him as he reached the concrete ribbon a few heartbeats later. Aiden wanted nothing more than to grab her around the waist and kiss that grin from her face.

But even though he saw nobody else outside, he had long ago promised to avoid public displays of affection, as Wendy called them. Instead, he jogged by her, heading to the small apartment they now shared.

He leaned against the door, waiting for Wendy to unlock it. Despite it being mid-morning, the June day promised to be a real scorcher. His tank-top was soaked through and his eyes stung from sweat dripping from his unkempt hair.

Wendy patted him on the shoulder before unlocking the door, “Better luck next time, A.”

The cool air hit him square in the chest once the door swung open and Aiden made a bee-line to the fridge, where he fetched a couple of water bottles. One thing that had changed since moving in with Wendy is there was actually some food in the fridge. The boy usually ate breakfast and lunch there. They ate dinner at the cafeteria on campus closest to the apartment. Wendy didn’t have many friends, and the people who casually knew her thought she was Aiden’s nanny. He smirked as he twisted the lid from a bottle of water and handed it to her. If they only knew.

He drained the water from his bottle in a few gulps and set it next to the laptop on the dining room table where he had finished out his sixth-grade year a few days earlier, and then followed Wendy into the bedroom.

She sat on the end of the bed, her green tank-top plastered to her body. Green did a better job than white at masking her nipples, but as close as Aiden was, he could see the outline of her perky nipples through the fabric of Wendy’s shirt.

He came over to her, “Winner gets to tell the loser what they have to do. What’s it going to be?”

Wendy ran a hand through her short, wet hair, “You’re lucky I’m horny this morning, A. Otherwise, I can think of all sorts of ways to get back at you for when you won.”

Hearing the young woman admit to her needs, Aiden’s penis twitched, pushing at the fabric of his underwear and shorts. “I don’t remember you complaining, Wen.”

The twenty-year-old chuckled, “I bet you won’t either. Okay. Help me take off my shirt.”

Aiden grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. He knew every inch of Wendy’s modest breasts, how her tits didn’t quite fill out even an a-cup. But they were beautiful to him, swelling out just a couple of inches, topped by nipples only a bit larger than twice the size of his own small nipples.

He cupped one of the young woman’s breasts and squeezed it the way she liked to be squeezed. Wendy moaned, “Nice, A. Now, tell me why you’re still dressed?”

Aiden chuckled. It was a rhetorical question. That was one of the words Wendy taught him. Rhetorical; a question not requiring an answer. He grinned at her and pulled his wet shirt off and tossed it into their hamper. He slid his jogging shorts off, leaving them at his feet. “I’m not. Not anymore.”

Wendy’s fingers touched the waistband of his underwear. Gone were the superhero briefs. The girl traced her finger along the waistband of his solid black briefs. From the first day she bought them for him, Wendy told him he looked sexy in the low hung briefs that exposed his abs, which the frequent running had strengthened.

Funny, no matter who won the sprint back to the apartment, they both undressed the other. Wendy hooked her fingers under the band and tugged downward. His erection formed resistance to pulling the material down. But only for a moment, a bit lower and his penis, hard as a rock, slapped upwards, making a noise loud enough to bring laughter when it slapped against his abs.

Once he kicked his underwear away, Aiden took Wendy by the hand and pulled her to her feet. Now, he was only an inch shorter than her. He didn’t need to bend his neck up to kiss her.

He just leaned in and kissed her, their lips almost perfectly aligned when they stood up, like now. Wendy tasted of sweat, but Aiden didn’t care. He slid his tongue through her lips and felt himself growing aroused as Wendy’s tongue played with his in her mouth.

He pulled at her short shorts, revealing a sexy pair of black panties. Aiden knew where she stored the matching bra. But she only wore it when they went out.

Six months before, Aiden would have paused, worried about whether he was doing things right. Now, he just pulled the panties down too, revealing the rest of Wendy’s body. She was as smooth as he. He was still waiting for the first signs of puberty to hit and she still shaved away all her hair down there. He sighed, “Wow, Wen. You’re sexy.”

Wendy stepped against him, her body pressed to his as her arms wrapped around his back, “You’re biased, A. But I’m glad you are. Let’s get the sweat washed off. I told Nana we would stop by and bring her something for lunch. We don’t want to be late, so…”

Aiden heard the unspoken challenge. He took her hand and followed her into the bathroom. A moment later, they were under the rain showerhead, each washing the other. When Aiden lathered shampoo into Wendy’s hair, he said, “Are you still thinking about your Uncle Walt’s suggestion about taking one of the apartments in the quadplexes?”

Wendy bent her head toward him as Aiden rubbed the shampoo through her hair, “I haven’t told him no, yet. But I like it here in this little apartment.”

Once Wendy rinsed the shampoo from her hair, she returned the favor. Her fingers were lathering Aiden’s blond hair, “What about you? You want your own room?”

Aiden’s eyes were clenched closed, “No. Do you think your uncle thinks we’re doing… um, what we’re doing?”

Wendy chuckled as she pushed his head under the rain showerhead, “No more than Nana. Hell, probably less than your nana.”

Aiden felt his face flush. Whenever he went by himself over to visit his nana, it was always, “How’s your girlfriend doing,” or the like. Even so, he didn’t think Nana knew how intimate he and Wendy truly were.

“If you think we should, Wen, I guess that would be okay. As long as I don’t really have to stay in another bedroom.”

Wendy’s hand reached between his legs, gently grabbing his dick. He filled more of her hand now than he had six months before. He was even slightly longer. The twenty-year-old said, “Hell no. I like our sleeping arrangement, same as you.”

Once they dried each another off, Aiden happily let Wendy guide him back to the bed. She pushed him down before crawling onto the bed and onto his lap. He hadn’t known back in December how many ways there were for two people to have sex. But this was Wendy’s favorite. Aiden was fond of it too, because seeing his girlfriend orgasm was fun and made him even hornier.

Wendy reached between them long enough to guide him into her. She shifted her hips and wiggled her butt against his groin, sending tingles through his dick, before sliding down. The feel of the young woman shuddering as she descended sent a thrill through Aiden. Even though this position was familiar, each time Wendy took him, the feelings were always intoxicating. Wendy was his drug, and he was addicted to her.

As Wendy bounced on her knees, her juices coated Aiden’s penis, creating just enough friction to send tendrils of tickles through him. One thing he liked about this position was watching his girlfriend cum several times before finally getting him across the finish line. Idly, Aiden’s hands reached up and massaged the young woman’s boobs. The gentle swells gave against his kneading fingers, and he was rewarded by Wendy’s first moan.

A grin flashed across Aiden’s face. That wouldn’t be the last moan, not by a long shot. After a minute or two, Wendy leaned over him, her lips locking onto his as she rested her knees but shifted her movement to her hips, sliding along his shaft, sending more tingles racing through his boner and into his body. Her tongue in his mouth only served to make the pleasure more intense. It was Aiden’ turn to moan through the kiss.

Another couple of minutes passed before Wendy sat up on Aiden’s crotch. Her knees moved, making his dick slip and slide inside the girl’s pussy, driving him crazy, with a feeling he was getting close to cumming. But as Wendy changes position or rested, the pending orgasm retreated.

Aiden’s eyes were partially closed. Wendy had cum at least three times since climbing on top of him. He had no idea about edging. Not even his twenty-year-old girlfriend could have explained it. But with the way Wendy fucked him, he closed in on his orgasm several times, only to have the moment delayed as she altered her position.

Then it happened. With barely any warning, his dick spasmed within Wendy’s pussy. His cum was a top ten moment, especially when Wendy’s vagina undulated with another orgasm, milking him dry. Aiden nearly passed out before Wendy stopped fucking him, barely hanging on to consciousness in his orgasm-addled state.

Wendy leaned forward, staying impaled, and rested her head on Aiden’s chest. Once he could think clearly, the boy said, “I never want to move.”

Head on his chest, Wendy giggled, “Not even to eat?”

Aiden’s hands found Wendy’s back, and he caressed her, “That’s what delivery is for.”

Wendy kissed him before saying, “Maybe again before bed tonight? We promised Nana we’d come over for lunch.”

Aiden rolled off his girlfriend and lay beside her, “I know. She’s doing so much better. Do you think she’s going to want me to go back and stay with her?”

Wendy climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom to clean up, “I don’t think so, A. She knows how well you’re doing with school over here and I think she enjoys not having to take care of you.”

Aiden got up and joined her in the bathroom where he cleaned his groin with a wash towel. Was he a burden to Wendy? “Do you mind it?”

Still naked, Wendy grabbed him in a hug, “We take care of each other, A. I know it’s like something from a bad movie, but I think we complete each other. Don’t you?”

Aiden squeezed her in a bear hug, “Yeah. Sometimes you finish my sentences for me.”

Wendy headed back into the bedroom where she got dressed. Aiden followed her, enjoying the sight of her slipping on her favorite peach-colored panties. Pink shorts and shirt followed. When the young woman was dressed, she glowered at him. “If you hadn’t been perving me, we’d both be ready, A.”

Aided chuckled, “But I like watching you get dressed. It’s fun.”

Still, he was sliding on a clean pair of red low-cut briefs while talking. A few minutes later, he let Wendy take his hand and head toward the door. They spent a pleasant afternoon visiting his Nana. And after Aiden helped to clean the dishes, letting them dry in the drying rack, his nana grew tired, “You two wear an old woman out. I swear. What’re you kids going to do with your summer?”

Aiden smiled at Wendy, who said, “There are some five and ten k runs. Next week, there’s one in San Antonio. Do you mind if Aiden goes to run in it? We were thinking of making a week out of it.”

Nana’s eyes shone, “That sounds like so much fun. It’s nice that you ask me, Wendy. But you’re as much Aiden’s guardian as I am. I like that you tell me, but you don’t need my permission. You kids go have fun down there and then tell me all about it afterward.”

Aiden didn’t particularly understand all the guardian stuff. But if that’s what was needed to let him live with Wendy, he didn’t really care what it was called. Wendy patted him on the shoulder, “I know, Nana. We’ll always let you know what’s going on.”

It was all Aiden could do to not snigger at Wendy. After all, he and Wendy did some things nobody else could know about. Not even Nana.

“Thank you,” Nana said with a yawn, “Now if you kids don’t mind, I’m going to lie down for a nap.”

Aiden closed the door behind him, stepping onto the old, decaying porch. This wasn’t home. Not any more. He looked over at Wendy and slipped a hand into hers. “Come on, let’s go home.”

The End.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

The Best of Friends – Chapter 7

The Best of Friends – Chapter 7


Wendy folded the blanket and set it on the end of the couch. She grabbed the bedsheet. It needed to be washed, even though Aiden hadn’t slept on it the previous night. She turned off the lights in the living room and looked out the window at the door. It was too dark to see Aiden’s nana’s house, but she could see it in her mind’s eye, across the street and a couple of doors down.

She wished the boy was still with her. But when Aiden got home from school, his nana was feeling a lot better. Wendy sighed, turning and going into her bedroom where she deposited the sheet into the hamper and went and sat at the end of her bed, which was still unmade from where she and Aiden had woken up early in the morning, determined to get in the first jog of the week. She sighed, even though she had made it clear to the boy that they were still best friends, there was no point in denying to herself, she was hopelessly and completely in love.

That line she had told herself repeatedly not to cross no longer mattered. Even though all they had done was grow familiar with each other, Wendy wanted everything Aiden could offer. And she was perfectly sure he wanted the same thing. Every look he gave her only underscored his desire. Fourteen? Not a chance. Thirteen? Not going to happen. In a moment of stark honesty, Wendy knew the only thing holding her back was her desire to have Aiden make the next move.

Thinking of the boy only made her horny. She stripped and went to the shower. As the water cascaded over her, one hand went to her breast, where she tweaked and played with her nipples. The other slid through the strip of pubic hair until it found her clit. While her finger expertly brought instant pleasure to her body, Wendy missed the way her body felt when it was Aiden’s finger inexpertly bringing her to orgasm. She paused her motion, closing her eyes, thinking about the boy’s smooth body. She loved the way his penis felt in her hand, the way his silky-smooth pubic area felt under her fingers.

She wanted that feeling. Her fingers threaded through her black pubic hair as she realized there was something she could do. Wendy grabbed her razor and lathered her pubic hair until all she could see was thick suds. She pulled the blade down, carefully shaving with the grain. It was mesmerizing to see the exposed skin on the shaved side of the blade. A few more delicate strokes removed the rest of her pubic hair, turning her pubic mound into something almost perfectly smooth. More care was needed to get rid of the hair on her labia, but even that was soon smooth to the touch.

She ran her hand over her pubic area and thought about Aiden’s reaction. Some boys might not appreciate her effort, but Wendy had a sense Aiden would love it.

She certainly did, as her finger resumed playing with her engorged clit. Before long, the pent-up energy building inside of her raced toward some imaginary goal and as she crossed over that line, her eyes closed as wave after orgasmic wave crashed over her.

That night, the first sleeping alone since Saturday, Wendy dreamed of Aiden.


The icy wind bit into Aiden’s arms and cheeks as he spied the finish line. His teeth chattered as he tried to draw in another breath. But as cold as the first Saturday in December was, his lungs burned as he said, “Almost there, Wen. We can do it!”

In the three and a half months since he started jogging, Aiden had never known a day as cold as this. Most of November had been unseasonably warm. Now, just to prove how fickle the weather could be, the day was unseasonably cold.

Wendy, who had kept pace with him over the previous nearly five kilometers, pulled ahead, spurring him to reach inside himself for his own last reserves. They passed several other runners, pumping their legs for the final dash to the finish line. Aiden’s legs felt like Jell-O and his lungs felt like ice. Still, he pulled ever-so-slightly ahead of Wendy as they drew ahead of a half-dozen more runners before finally crossing the finish line.

Aiden shot a hand into the air, “We did it, Wen!”

Wendy spun around and threw her arms around his neck. The boy’s mind turned to mush as the nineteen-year-old pressed her lips to his. It was only for a couple of heartbeats, but Aiden’s mind jabbered, the kiss had been in public!

And she didn’t let go when her lips broke the kiss. The boy’s stomach did a belly flop when Wendy returned the hug, wrapping her arms around his waist, “Yeah, we did. And I couldn’t have done it without you, Aiden.”

As other runners crossed the finish line, they moved aside, moving off the route, and found the board the organizers posted runners’ times. Neither finished high enough to win a trophy. Aiden finished fourth out of sixteen while Wendy had finished seventh out of thirty. They waited around long enough to pick up their participation ribbons, then Wendy said, “I’m hungry. What about you?”

His teeth still chattering, Aiden said, “I’m freezing.”

As though contradicting him, the boy’s stomach rumbled loud enough to draw a knowing look from Wendy, and she tousled his hair as they headed toward her car after picking up their participation ribbons.

Wendy started the car and Aiden shoved his hands under his armpits, “Jeez, it’s cold.”

The heater roared to life. Wendy said, “I know. Felt like icicles on my hands. Still does, to be honest. But I’d do it again to beat my time.”

Aiden loved jogging, but the below freezing weather in just shorts and a tank top had taken a toll on him, “When’s the next race?”

Wendy pulled out of the parking spot, “In May.”

Still chattering, Aiden said, “At least it won’t be freezing.”

Wendy drove onto a feeder road leading to the highway back to campus, “If you want, I bet I can find one in January somewhere nearby.”

Aiden pulled his hands out from below his armpits, “I’m still cold, Wen. M-maybe we can wait until the spring.”

The young woman nodded, “Me, too. I don’t think the temperature got above freezing this morning.”

When they went jogging in the mornings, if the weather called for it, they wore sweat pants and long sleeve shirts. But so far, those days had been few.

Aiden’s teeth kept chattering, “Instead of going out to eat, can we just g-go h-home?”

All he could think of was getting warm. He stuttered, “T-thanks,” when Wendy turned the heat on full blast.

By the time Wendy pulled into her spot in the quadplex buildings’ parking lot, Aiden could hear his teeth rattling around in his head. As he climbed out of the car, the wind bit into his exposed skin and he shoved his hands back under his armpits as he hurried toward the door.

When Wendy unlocked the door and opened it, the warm air rushing out felt painfully good on his skin. The sofa where Nana thought he slept, was clean and neat. He hurried past it into the bedroom. The bed was rumpled and unmade. Both sides had been slept in and Aiden jumped under the covers, pulling the comforter around him.

His chattering teeth gave him no relief, “Wen, I’m s-, still fr-, freezing.”

Wendy collapsed onto the bed and pulled him into an embrace, “Shit, Aiden! You’re like an icicle!”

Aiden wanted to laugh at his best friend, but he felt too cold, “H-, hold me, Wen.”

Wendy moved the comforter out of the way until she could wrap her arms around him. Then she pulled it around them both. She held him for just a moment before saying, “We need skin on skin, A. Just a second.”

He felt colder when Wendy threw off the comforter and then tugged his shirt off. Then she took her own tank-top off, revealing a white bra. Normally she wore nothing under her shirts when they went jogging. He stammered, “B-, bra?”

Wendy’s face turned a rose color, “Had to. Somebody might have noticed.”

Then she reached behind her and unfastened and then removed the bra. If he wasn’t so cold, Aiden would have enjoyed the sight of Wendy’s nipples. Her nipples seemed to poke out further than normal. Wendy pulled him against her before wrapping the comforter around them again. Aiden could feel Wendy’s warmth against his skin. But still the chattering continued.

The young woman rubbed her hands up and down his chest, trying to make him warm. Even with her boobs pressing against his back, nothing helped. After a bit, Wendy’s voice alarmed him, “I’m worried you’ve got hypothermia, A.”

The word sounded ominous. “W-what’s t-that?”

“When your body can’t warm back up on its own. I was hoping cuddling with you would help, but it doesn’t seem to be enough.”

Trying to form a response was proving to be difficult. Finally, Wendy grabbed him and threw back the covers, “Come on, A. We’ll have you under hot water in no time.”

Aiden tried to walk straight, holding tightly to Wendy’s hand, but his legs felt weak. How he managed to get to the shower in the bathroom without falling was a mystery.

Wendy had the water going before she turned him to face her. Wendy murmured, “I was kind of looking forward to this part later,” before she pulled his shorts and underwear down in one fluid motion. His mind was slow to process he was standing naked in front of Wendy. Still, after the previous weekend, his mind didn’t see any reason to be embarrassed.

Wendy pulled her shorts and panties down and then yanked him into the shower enclosure. He yelped as he was pulled under the rain shower head. His body stung as the hot water struck him like pin-pricks on his cold skin.

Wendy took him by the shoulders and turned him, facing the wall, “Let’s try this again.”

Her arms snaked over his chest and her body pushed against his back. Even though he felt sluggish, it registered how Wendy’s boobs pressed against his shoulder blades. Her hands massaged his chest, rubbing his skin in circular patterns, from his upper chest, down to his lower abdomen, and back again.

The painful pricks from the water faded to uncomfortably hot, and Aiden’s awareness of how close Wendy was, grew as she kept on rubbing his torso. Then the water went from too-hot to uncomfortably warm and his teeth stopped chattering. Wendy’s body against his felt good. He didn’t need to see it to feel his penis grow stiff.

Wendy’s hands stopped rubbing him, “Feeling better, A?”

Aiden felt a familiar fluttering in his stomach. His stiffy rose, pointing upward. Now, when his voice shook, it wasn’t because he felt like an icicle, “Yeah. Thanks, Wen. This feels great.”

Wendy’s hand reached down, her fingers touching his smooth pubic area until they wrapped around his stiffy, “Yeah. I can feel. Very nice recovery, by the way.”

Aiden giggled, as much out of a sense of relief now the cold was seeping from his body, as from the tingling in his stiffy. “Thanks. I think you might have saved my life, Wen.”

The young woman let go of his stiffy and hugged him, “I couldn’t let anything happen to you, A. Not if I can help it.”

The last of the chill was gone. “Well, now that we’re in the shower, I guess we should get cleaned.”

Wendy chuckled, “Yeah. Probably so. I want to show you something.”

Curious, Aiden turned around. Wendy took a step back, and the boy saw the difference right away. The young woman’s pubic hair was gone. “What happened?” Aiden was stunned at the change.

Wendy grinned, “I really like the way you feel when I touch you and well, I though you might enjoy it more if I didn’t have any hair.”

Still trying to wrap his mind around the change, Aiden knelt, his eyes level with Wendy’s exposed slit. There wasn’t a hair to be seen. He touched her pubic mound, running a finger over where her hair had been. He could feel a few places where hair was just below the skin, but it still felt incredibly smooth. Even where he had felt hair where her slit started, it was smooth too. As he touched Wendy there, she spread her legs, and he slipped a finger in, touching the part Wendy called her clit.

She pushed her head back, “Ahh, A, that feels nice. Do you like the change?”

Aiden wanted to play with Wendy’s clit, but hearing her question, he returned to exploring the smoothness. She had done this just for him. This wasn’t the kind of thing a girl did for a friend. Even a best friend. A girl would do something like this only for her boyfriend. Aiden’s mouth went dry at the thought. After all, what else might she want to do with her boyfriend?

He stammered, “Y-, yeah, Wen. I really like it. You feel, um, really sexy this way.”

Wendy pushed her hips forward and Aiden took the hint, returning his finger to her clit. Inside her slit, Wendy felt the same. The more he rubbed her little button, the wetter his fingers became and the more she moaned. When Aiden’s finger tired, he pulled it out and put his other hand into the slit.

Wendy reached down, grabbing his hand, “You want to feel something even sexier?”

Aiden was bobbing his head before he realized it. Wendy let go of his hand and said, “Move your finger deeper into my pussy, A.”

Aiden’s penis twitched to hear Wendy refer to what he touched as her pussy. He liked the word, although he had been afraid to use it, just in case the young woman hadn’t liked it. He followed her instruction, feeling his finger slide between the meaty folds of her flesh. Then he felt something, a hole.

Wendy’s eyes rose as a smile creased her features, “Yeah. That’s it. You know what that is?”

Aiden’s knowledge of what girls had between their legs was limited to a few online videos and a half-assed sex ed program in school. “Um, your pussy?”

Wendy giggled, “Oh, that word sounds so fucking dirty in your mouth. It’s part of it. Everything from my clit to where your finger is, is my pussy. What you’ve found is my vagina. You know what it’s for?”

None of the online porn helped him now. He vaguely recalled the term from the health class, “Um, isn’t that where the baby comes from?”

Wendy’s cheeks flushed crimson, “Yeah, I guess so. It’s also how we have sex.”

When the girl used “we” Aiden wasn’t sure if she meant “we,” as in men and women, or if she meant it in a more intimate way.

The young woman added, “Go ahead, push it in.”

The hole felt tight as Aiden put his finger against it. Then, at Wendy’s encouragement, he pushed. There was barely any resistance as his finger slid inside. The hole seemed to suck at his finger, drawing it deeper still, until his knuckle bumped against it.

Wendy sighed, her smile widening, “Yeah, that feels nice too. See, to have sex, you put your dick into my vagina.”

There it was again. That inscrutable “we.”

Aiden wiggled his finger. The slick walls felt weirdly wonderful against his skin, pulsing and quivering around his finger. Wendy continued, “Now move your finger in and out.”

Following her instructions, Aiden pulled his finger almost all the way out before sliding it in to his knuckle. The pleased look on Wendy’s face told him all he needed to know as he repeated the motion. Wendy moaned, “Ahh, yeah. I’m getting close.”

Aiden kept at it. Wendy bit her lower lip and moaned again as her body shook. The quivering around his finger increased and the young woman leaned against the thick glass wall. When her body stopped shaking, the boy pulled his finger from her channel. The finger was coated with a creamy slime. He put it to his nose. There was both something familiar and alien in the musky odor.

The young woman slid to the floor, her eyes closed and Aiden’s tongue darted out, licking at the juice.  The taste was complex. While he had tasted nothing exactly like it, there was a hint of something citrusy in the taste. It wasn’t an unpleasant taste.

He stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked it clean. The citrusy tang was only part of it. It was also salty. Still, if given the chance, maybe he would do what he saw in one video, when the man had put his face between the woman’s legs.

Wendy’s eyes fluttered open and looked up at him, “And that’s how you do it, A. What do you think?”

Aiden’s body was fully recovered from the icy chill. His stiffy bounced as he squatted in front of Wendy, “Wow. We have sex when I put my dick into your vagina?”

Wendy nodded, a pleased look on her face, “Yep.”

Aiden still wasn’t sure if he and Wendy were the “we” being discussed. He asked, “Um, when can I put my dick into your vagina, Wen?”

The young woman’s eyes opened wide. “You think you’re ready, Aiden?”

Was this a test? What did it mean to be ready? If she meant was he able to cum, well, of course the answer was no. Or did she mean was he old enough to be her boyfriend? That was confusing to think about. The signals Wendy sent could be confusing. Or did she mean something entirely different?

Even though his stiffy still bobbed in front of him, Aiden felt uncertain. He badly wanted to be Wendy’s boyfriend, and he didn’t want to say something to make her second guess the things they were now doing. “Ready? I don’t know. But I want to find out with you.”

Wendy’s arms slid around his neck and she pulled his head and torso to her. Her lips were wet when she pressed it against his. When she let go of his neck, Wendy said, “Okay. I like that. You know I’ve never done it with anyone either.”

She climbed to her feet and pulled him up and gave him another hug. Her boobs pushed against his upper chest and his stiffy poked between her legs, just below her slit. Her hand took his face by his chin and tilted it enough to bring his lips up to hers. Aiden sighed in delight when her tongue slid between his lips and tangled with his tongue. When the kiss ended, Wendy whispered, “But first, there’s something I want to try.”

Wendy kissed his neck and then his collarbone, before gradually working her way down his chest, one kiss at a time. When her tongue flicked over his nipple, Aiden’s stiffy twitched at the feelings washing over his body. As her lips caressed the boy’s skin, going lower, from chest to belly, Wendy knelt. The boy’s eyes grew round in anticipation, as the young woman’s soft lips kissed his smooth pubic area.

Aiden gasped in pleasure at the kiss right above his thin shaft. And moaned when Wendy’s lips slid over the tip of his stiffy. His erection pulsed with tingles. He wouldn’t have believed anything would be better than when Wendy had jacked him off. Oh, how wrong he had been. Now, he understood why Wendy had leaned against the glass wall when he played with her pussy. He did the same as his legs grew weak.

The boy moaned in ecstasy as he watched Wendy take all three plus inches into her mouth. The touch of her upper lip against his pubic area sent shivers through his entire body. Even though he couldn’t see it, Aiden felt the young woman’s tongue as it slid up and down his thin shaft. Tingles surged through him, starting from where Wendy’s tongue and lips touched him, and running up his spine, overloading his brain with waves of pleasure.

The tingling grew in intensity and he opened his mouth, “Ahhh, c-, cumming!”

His stiffy spasmed and the most extraordinary feeling ran from the base of his stiffy to the tip. It jerked again in Wendy’s mouth, sending another intense shiver through him. And again, all the while, the young woman clamped down, sucking on his stiffy as though nothing else in the world mattered.

By the fourth earth-shattering spasm, Aiden’s legs gave way and Wendy guided him to the floor, even while her lips pressed against the base of his stiffy, until the last spasm wracked his body. Aiden was in an orgasmic haze when his stiffy slipped from between the young woman’s lips. She moved up and kissed his lips before saying, “That was fucking awesome.”


How could something that felt so good be bad? The shower’s hot water washed away some of her juices as well as her guilt, as Wendy stood and helped Aiden to his feet. The boy’s eyes were still glassy and unfocused as his lips curled at the corners. How was it possible that he had enjoyed getting sucked off more than she enjoyed giving him his first blowjob?

Aiden wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug, “Wow, Wen. When can we do that again?”

The only problem Wendy felt from giving the boy a blowjob was she was even hornier now than before Aiden had masturbated her. She rubbed her hands along the boy’s back, “Soon, A. You warm enough now?”

The boy nodded, “Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever been colder than before you got me into the shower.”

Wendy shivered, remembering how cold the boy had been. Still, everything seemed back to normal, and she didn’t want the mood between her and Aiden to end. Not yet. “Well, let’s get dry and get under the bedcovers.”

A few minutes later, she slipped between the sheets, snuggling against Aiden’s still naked body. The boy rolled onto his side, facing her. “Wen?”

Wendy felt a chill slide down her spine. Had she pushed things too far? Somewhere in the back of her mind there was something about a line. But surely that didn’t matter anymore. What she felt for Aiden was pure, wasn’t it?


Aiden shifted toward her until his knees touched hers, “We’re like boyfriend and girlfriend now, aren’t we?”

Wendy felt the vice-grip around her heart loosen. Amid her fear, of all the things she imagined him saying, that wasn’t one of them. She felt a smile play at her lips as she turned onto her side, facing the boy, “Is that what you want? To be my boyfriend?”

Even though he nodded, Aiden said, “Yeah. If it’s what you want.”

There was nothing Wendy wanted more. Even though keeping it secret would be difficult. She tilted her head until her lips touched Aiden’s. She didn’t move her head back when their lips parted, “I’d love to be your girlfriend, A. But how do we keep it a secret from your nana until you’re old enough for her not to care?”

The boy shifted closer, resting a hand on Wendy’s hips. “She likes you a lot, and she likes how we hang out together. I bet we can figure this out together.

Wendy hoped the boy was right. But nothing could change her feelings for him. No matter how his nana responded, Wendy needed Aiden just as much as he needed her.

“Okay, boyfriend. It’s our secret.”

Aiden shifted his hips. His penis brushed against her shaven pubic mound before he leaned forward to give her a kiss. His voice was soft, melodic and breathy, “Yes, ma’am, girlfriend.”

His hand slid from Wendy’s hip to her back. In turn, Wendy’s hand wrapped around the boy’s back, pulling them together. She felt something like electrical sparks as Aiden’s penis slid up her pubic mound, leaving her to barely feel her stiff nipples pushing against his chest.

“Nice kiss, boyfriend. What do you want to do with me?”

Wendy longed to take control, roll on top of him and ride his erection to another orgasm. But this was just as new for Aiden as it was for her. Letting him feel out what next was the right thing to do.

For his part, Aiden stared into her eyes. “Really? I can pick?

Wendy chuckled at his inexperienced naivety. Of course, that wasn’t exactly fair. Even though she was older, she was no more experienced than Aiden. “Yeah.”

The boy slid a hand between them, resting it on her left tit, “I-, um, I wanna have sex with you, Wen.”

Just hearing those words in his cherubic, unbroken voice sent a sensual electrical charge through Wendy. “Me too, A. I’m yours.”

Aiden shifted his hips while squeezing one of her boobs with one hand. His shift made his penis slide across her skin until it slit along her slit before sliding between her legs. She shuddered at her mini-orgasm as the boy’s penis dragged across her outer labia.

Wendy strangled a moan, “Just like in the shower, Aiden. Like with your finger.”

Aiden’s other hand slipped between them, much lower, and took his penis and pushed it through her outer labia, brushing through the slick folds of her inner labia until he found her vagina. “Here?”

Wendy, on the cusp of another mini-orgasm, nodded, “Uh huh, Fuck my pussy, A!”

Aiden’s face turned scarlet. But he pushed in. Wendy felt a brief pain when the boy’s glans pierced her canal. Aside from a couple of hair brush handles, a cold metal rod from her gynecologist, and their fingers, nothing had gone up her before. Aiden’s flared head was bigger than his finger. It was bigger than hers, too. But the pain faded nearly as fast as it came. A sensuous fullness replaced it.

“Are you okay?” Aiden said, “You looked surprised.”

A warmth radiated from where Aiden pierced her and Wendy nodded, “Yeah. Remember, it’s my first time, too. But the longer you’re in, the better it feels. Go on.”

Aiden thrust his hips against her. His penis went deeper. This time there was no pain. Just a tingle of pleasure that felt like a wave washing against the shore. The boy pulled back, popping out. His hand, still squished between them, guided his penis back inside, sliding in again. Wendy wanted to feel all of him inside her. Still holding his back, she rolled onto her back, pulling the boy on top of her, “Try being on top. Okay?”

Aiden rested himself on his elbows, his face hovered over her tits as he pushed his hips against her spread legs. Wendy moaned, feeling three inches slide inside. His immature testicles bumped against her backside with a satisfying smack. His moans mixed with hers as he remained buried inside her.

“Ahh, shit, that feels even better,” the boy gasped.

Wendy grabbed his pale white butt cheeks and helped him slide in again. The feelings crashing into her were unlike anything before. The little wave of tingling, lapping on the shore of her desire, grew. Another thrust and pleasured whimper from Aiden was an enormous wave crashing against her body. When the boy faltered, her hands, cupping his ass-cheeks, thrust his hips forward, sending his erection as deep into her as possible.

A dozen thrusts brought the wave crashing over her. Wendy’s body shook, her fingers clenched the boy’s ass cheeks and her hip bucked up, grinding her pelvis against his. She thrashed her hips as she came, making Aiden lose his perch. His pelvis pushed against her as his elbows slipped and his face landed between her nipples.

Her orgasm kept crashing against her body and mind until it subsided as her eleven-year-old boyfriend remained still. When she could catch her breath, Wendy said, “Holy shit, A. That was fan-fucking-tastic. Don’t stop!”

Propping himself up after kissing both her erect nipples, Aiden resumed rocking his hips back and forth. After a few uneven times, Wendy’s hands returned to his butt and his thrusting smoothed out, as Wendy felt the orgasmic wave return to lapping at her ragged brain. Her juices had them both slick and each time Aiden smacked his pelvis against hers, there was a wet smacking noise. She felt the rise of another massive orgasm coming on after a couple of minutes of rhythmic drilling. Wendy tried to suppress it until Aiden’s angelic voice chirped, “Ah, fuck, Wen, I’m about to cum!”

She had never felt anything like the spasm of Aiden’ penis inside her. His penis kicked against her walls making them quiver in response. She orgasmed again, nearly losing herself in her climax. She came again when Aiden spasmed a second and third time. This time, the boy’s arms gave out, and he fell atop her, his penis spasming a few more times before it finally lay spent inside her.

After the last wave of her orgasm ebbed away, Wendy stroked Aiden’s blond hair, “How was that, my love?”

The boy’s sigh was one of utter contentment, “Wow, Wen. That was the best.”

He giggled as his fingers traced her ribs, “Can we do that again?”

Wendy laughed. Not from him tickling her. His fingers were too gentle to elicit giggles. No, she laughed because she was spent. Ever since discovering the joy of masturbation, the young woman had never brought herself to orgasm more than once in a day. Now, in the span of less than an hour, Aiden had given her three.


“Come on, Wes, there’s nothing back in Houston for me. Why shouldn’t I stay here over the Christmas break?” Wendy said as she twisted the top of a water bottle and collapsed on the sofa.

Her attorney’s voice was tinny on her phone, “You know my wife and kids would like to see you. It’s been months since you’ve been over.”

Wendy glanced at her phone. Aiden would be over soon, if the past couple of weeks were any sign. Usually, she helped him with his homework before he headed home for dinner with his nana. But he was the real reason she didn’t want to head back to Houston. More than two weeks with no school for either of them. “Tell Loraine and the kids I’ll miss them. But I want to stay in town for the break. It’ll do me good.”

Walt chuckled, “Okay, Wendy. What’s his name?”

Was she that transparent? “Oh, you found me out, Wes. The reason I don’t want to come down is so you can’t see the huge knot on my forehead. I got it from knocking my head against the wall every time the guys ignored me.”

She smiled at the half-truth. Walt sounded doubtful, “Yeah. Okay. Well, I hope he treats you right, Wendy. I respected the hell out of your dad, but his views about women were, well, out of sync with the times. Don’t fall in love with some macho guy like your dad.”

Wendy fumed, how could he do it? She smirked, maybe because lawyers shovel so much bullshit, their ability to detect it is their superpower. “Not that there’s a guy, Wes. But if there was, he’d treat me right.”

“Look, if you won’t come down for the holiday, I’m going to send you the last few months’ statements from the CPA. Give you some light reading between semesters. I want you to-“

The door rattled as a fist pounded on it. A familiar voice cried, “Wendy! Help! It’s Nana!”

Wendy shot up from the sofa, “Oh, shit. Hold on, Wes. It’s my neighbor.”

She threw open the door. Aiden was still dressed in his blue jeans and collared shirt from school. A pallor in his cheeks competed with a flush from racing over. He blurted, “You gotta come, Wen. It’s Nana. She collapsed on the floor; said she’s having trouble breathing. Hurry!”

Wendy closed the door as she followed Aiden. “I’ll call you back, Wes. I’ve gotta go.”

Aiden’s nana rested in on the worn old sofa when Wendy rushed into the living room on Aiden’s heels. There was hardly any color in her cheeks. Each breath was a wheeze. She glared at Aiden as he sat next to her. Her words were slow, as though she had to pay by the letter, “Why’d you do that, Aiden? I told you to just give me a few minutes. I’ll be fine.”

By the time Nana finished talking, what little pallor she had was gone. Wendy knelt in front of the septuagenarian, “Aiden said you fell. Maybe I should call nine-one-one. Get you looked it.”

Nana shook her head, “Damned vultures. What can they do for me that I can’t do for myself?”

But her eyes didn’t follow Wendy as the young woman moved from side to side. And the last word was drawn out into three syllables. Worried, she swiped the screen on her phone and realized she hadn’t disconnected the call with Wes. She raised the phone to her ear, “You still there?”

“Yeah. Sounds like you’ve got your hands full. Call me back and let me know if you need anything.”

She killed the call and then dialed 9-1-1.


The next day, Wendy stood outside the door to Mrs. Frazier’s, Nana’s hospital room. Aiden gripped her hand tighter as he pushed the door open. Wendy let the boy pull her along until they both stood at the foot of the bed. Some life returned to the old woman’s cheeks and her eyes were bright as she smiled at their entrance.

“Thank God for friends like you, Wendy,” Nana said as she waved her to come closer. When the young woman was in reach, Nana took her hand and pulled her into a tight embrace, “Between you and Aiden, y’all saved my life. There’s no fool like an old fool and me thinking I could just walk off a heart attack was plumb stupid.”

Aiden didn’t escape a hug either. His nana went further and planted a kiss on his cheek before saying, “Thanks for keeping Aiden on such short notice. I can’t imagine what I’d do without you, Wendy. You’ve been a god-send.”

Wendy wouldn’t have called herself a god-send to the boy with whom she wanted to sleep. No, not sleep. Sleep was what they had done last night, after Aiden fell asleep crying. She had cuddled with him until exhausted sleep claimed her too. What Wendy wanted was for her eleven-year-old boyfriend to fuck her brains out. Maybe both of them could work out some of their stress.

Of course, Aiden wasn’t interested in that. Not right now. Not without knowing what would become of his nana. Or him. And Wendy couldn’t blame him. Not one bit.

She said, “Aiden’s always welcome, Nana. I really like having him around. Have the doctors said anything about when they’ll let you go home?”

Nana shrugged, “They’re still running tests. Be a few days before they know.”

Aiden grabbed at Wendy’s hand at the news. The look he gave her was one of fear. With her other hand, she wrapped it around his shoulders and pulled him against her, “Aiden can stay with me as long as you need, Nana. If you need a few days, a few weeks, whatever.”

She could feel the boy relax against her. Nana smiled, “Thank you sweetie. You’re our little miracle worker.”

Wendy coughed. How could Nana not see what the young woman wanted more than anything else was to lose herself in lovemaking to the boy next to her? “Not hardly, Nana. At best, I’m just a lonely girl who is grateful to have friends like Aiden and you.”

They made a bit of small-talk, Aiden telling Nana about his last day before the Christmas break and Wendy making light of the exams that would determine if she made the dean’s list her first semester. Then, Nana said, “Aiden, there’s a cafeteria here in the hospital that serves chocolate milk. Would you like to get yourself something to drink?”

Aiden grabbed Wendy’s hand. Nana said, “Can I borrow your young lady? I’d like the company while you go have yourself that drink.”

Wendy gave him an encouraging smile, when she didn’t feel encouraged at all. The way Nana referred to her as Aiden’s young lady left the nineteen-year-old wondering just how much of her relationship with her grandson, Nana had figured out.

Wendy pulled a five-dollar bill from her purse, and gave it to her young lover, “Can you get me one too, please?”

Once the door closed behind the boy, Nana sagged against the pillow, “I’m not sure, Wendy, but it could be several weeks before I get out of here. School could be back in session by then. I know Aiden worships the ground you walk on, and I think you adore him just as much, but that’s a long time to have to watch him.”

Several weeks with Aiden? Was this her Christmas present come early? “It’s fine, Nana. I’d love to have Aiden stay with me for as long as you need.”

Nana gripped her hand, squeezing it, “Thank you, child. I can see this year has been difficult for you. You planned to make lots of new friends your first year at college. Despite all that effort, you come away with just one friend whose several years younger than you. And you never complain or make Aiden feel like he’s not welcome. You know, you’re his first serious crush. He’s crazy about you.”

Hearing the admission from the boy’s nana didn’t surprise Wendy. Even though she knew he would never give up the secrets they shared, he was, after all, only eleven, and wore his heart on his sleeve. “He’s a special young man, Nana. I can relate. If he were four or five years older…”

She trailed off. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to put thoughts like that into the boy’s nana’s head. Nana chuckled drily, “You could do worse. Well, if you don’t mind having a boy who’s crazy for you living with you for a little while, I’m powerfully grateful, Wendy.”

Nana looked down, studying her hands, as though something else troubled her. Having avoided stepping on any earth-shattering landmines, Wendy asked, “Is there anything else I can help with?”

The old woman’s hands fidgeted, “I need to update my will, Wendy. I’m the only family Aiden has, and right now, God forbid, if something should happen to me, the state would take him.”

Wendy was stunned at the news. There was no way Nana would confide this to her if the old woman didn’t trust her completely. “How can I help?”

A tear slid down Nana’s cheek, “There are a couple of things, Wendy. I’m not sure I can take care of Aiden once I get back home.” There was a bitter tone to her laughter, “I keep throwing little tests your way; can you keep him for a few days? Maybe a couple of weeks, then maybe a bit longer. Every time I keep expecting you to say, ‘enough, I can’t do more for Aiden.’ But every time, you keep showing me you’re more of a woman than I imagined.”

Wendy’s cheeks were hot from embarrassment. “You know the answer is yes, Nana. I love Aiden nearly as much as you. Whatever I can do for him, I will.”

Another tear rolled down the one woman’s cheek, “Thank you, Wendy. I want to get a power of attorney for you to have over Aiden, so you can make decisions for his wellbeing if I’m not able to. I also need to update my will so that if I pass away before Aiden is an adult, you’ll become his legal guardian.”

Shocked at Nana’s proposal, Wendy said the first thing to come to mind, “Nana, you’ll be around for years.”

“At seventy-five, every year I have is a gift. The Lord could take me home any day and I want to make sure Aiden’s cared for.”

Wendy found herself nodding without realizing it. “Do you have an attorney who can do these things?”

Nana shook her head, “I got my last will at a legal clinic a few years before Aiden’s mom dropped him off on my doorstep and disappeared.”

Wendy found her lawyer’s number in her phone, “I might have an idea. Let me call someone.”

Walt Benson answered on the second ring, “Hey Wendy, your neighbor okay?”

Wendy offered Nana a smile, “Better. She had a heart attack. Um, she needs some help with her will and stuff. Can you help?”

“I draft wills in my sleep, kiddo. Of course.”

“Can you bill it to me?”

Walt said, “Oh.” The tone in his voice was one of surprise. “If it gets complicated, I guess so. Otherwise, I can do it as part of my pro bono work.”

Wendy said, “Thanks a million. I’ll let you talk to Mrs. Frazier now.”

Nana talked to the attorney for a few minutes before handing the phone back to her, “You’re a sweetheart, dear.”

Wendy put the phone to her ear, “Thanks, Wes. This means a lot to me.”

The attorney said, “So not some college guy. But I didn’t figure you’d become a nanny either.”

Wendy shook her head, “Come on, Wes. Really?”

Her attorney said, “I’ll send you the forms be the end of the day. They’ll need to be notarized.”

“Thanks. Bye Wes.”

Aiden returned and handed her an individual serving of chocolate milk. He gave Wendy a reproachful glare, “You women finished talking about me?”

Wendy glanced at Nana. The old woman said, “Sorry about that, Aiden. It’s just it may take longer for me to get back to normal and I wanted to talk it over with Wendy to see if you could stay over there until I’m better.”

The baleful look of reproachment faded and Aiden grinned at Wendy as he grabbed her hand, “That’s cool. What about school?”

Wendy hated Aiden’s school. She saw how it crushed his soul. Nobody should have to endure the kind of abuse the boy endured almost daily. “It’s the end of the semester. If your nana’s okay with it, I can look into a couple of online schools. We can turn my little dining room into your classroom if we need to. I can be your hands-on tutor.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when Wendy realized just how hands-on she intended to be with Aiden’s education. She glanced at Nana from the corner of her eye. The old woman beamed at her grandson, “You listen and behave for Wendy.”

After Wendy and Aiden said their goodbyes, while riding down the elevator, the boy glanced at her, his eyes roving over her body, “You going to make me behave?”

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

The Best of Friends – Chapter 6

The Best of Friends – Chapter 6


Her legs didn’t ache as much when Wendy finally slowed to a stop in the parking lot in front of her little apartment. Aiden stood in the nearby grass, feet shoulder-width apart, bent over, sucking in as much air as his lungs could hold.

When she caught her breath, the young woman said, “That’s an improvement over yesterday. I don’t think we have to worry about embarrassing ourselves at the five-k run.”

Aiden stretched, revealing a black and blue bruising along his stomach. He hadn’t complained about the pain or aches since yesterday. If he still felt pain, he masked it well. Wendy thought about what was hidden a few inches below where the bruising ended. She was still hard pressed to believe the boy that he didn’t understand the double meaning about the jelly. Still, the laughter they shared over the boy’s inadvertent flub brought the moment to a close. They had spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating meals.

When Wendy caught a second breath, she said, “Come on, Aiden. Let’s go check on your nana before we get on with our Saturday. She felt the boy’s presence right behind her as she walked across the street and down a couple of houses, until she stood on the old, worn-out porch and knocked.

When the old woman opened the door, she looked scarcely any better than on Thanksgiving. Her voice was scratchy, “I was beginning to wonder if you kids had forgotten me.”

Aiden moved up beside Wendy and said, “Sorry, Nana. Yesterday we watching the Fast and Furious movies. They were sick.”

Nana shook her head and turned and hid it behind the door when a body-shaking cough wracked her body. She dabbed her lips with a sleeve, “No. I think I’m sick. If I’m not better on Monday, I think I’ll have to go get this looked at.”

She turned her attention back to Wendy, “How’s my little urchin doing? You haven’t had to take him to task, have you?”

Aiden piped up, “I’m an angel, Nana. Really!”

Wendy smiled. “He’s been great, Nana. A proper gentleman. Don’t feel like you have to rush. Until you’re better, he can stay over.”

There was a rattling rasp to the old woman’s chuckle. “Don’t tempt me, Wendy. You might find yourself with an eleven-year-old boarder.”

Wendy felt some heat in her face. There was nothing she’d enjoy more than letting Aiden stay as long as he needed. Still, she didn’t want her genuine feelings for the boy to shine too brightly. “Well, I can always give him some chores, make him pay his way.”

Nana dipped her head in agreement, “Mighty fine plan, although I have trouble getting him to do anything, including take a shower.”

Aiden piped up, “I’m good. I promise. I like showering over at Wendy’s.”

The heat in her cheeks grew even hotter at the implication. She stammered, “Its, it’s a waterfall showerhead. Very popular.”

Despite being bloodshot, Nana’s eyes sparkled, “You must be doing something right. Or he has a crush on you.”

Aiden made a sour face, “Eww, gross. Girls are yucky.”

Nana gave him a sharp look, before turning back to Wendy, “Don’t believe a word of it, dear. He’s got a crush on you, plain as day. Don’t be surprised to find him sneaking looks at you when changing or in the shower.”

Aiden just scowled at the direction his nana turned the conversation. Wendy felt like she had just stepped into a minefield. “I guess I’ll have to duct tape the keyhole to the bedroom.”

The boy’s nana wheezed, “That would make it difficult for you to return the favor.”

Wendy felt an icy lance down her spine until the wan smile on Nana’s face eased her worry. Feeling it might be okay to joke a bit, the young woman said, “It wouldn’t be temptation if he wasn’t so adorable.”

Another coughing fit hit the old woman. When her breathing approached normal again, she said, “Maybe that’s the secret to a happy boy. Let him hang out with a girl who likes him as much as he likes her.”

The smile was still on the old woman’s face and the laughter reached her eyes. Even so, Wendy didn’t like where the conversation meandered. “I best get Aiden back to my place and feed him breakfast. Call me if you need anything.”

Wendy closed the door to her apartment and turned to Aiden, “Do you think your nana knows how close we are?”

Aiden pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the messy covers over the sofa, “I don’t know. But even if she knows how good of friends we are, I don’t think she cares. I think she likes that you like me.”

Wendy got the same vibe. But she seriously doubted the old woman would feel the same if she knew how much the young woman longed to kiss her grandson.

The young woman grabbed a couple of water bottles from her nearly empty fridge and tossed one to Aiden, who caught it, twisted the cap and then tipped it back and guzzled half the bottle. Wendy took a smaller sip, “What do you want to do, A? Watch a movie?”

Aiden shrugged, “I guess we can watch a movie.”

He came over to her and put the almost empty water bottle behind her. Then, his fingers darted under the fabric of her shirt and tickled Wendy’s stomach. Before she could respond, the boy ran and disappeared into her bedroom. The disquiet she felt earlier dissipated as the young woman ran into her bedroom, uncertain of what she would find.

Aiden, still sweaty from their run, sprawled out on her bed, flapping his arms as though making a snow angel. Wendy eyed the boy. If she gave in to his desire to horseplay, there was a good chance their clothes would come off. But if they did, she would find a line and stop before things could get out of hand, just like the previous day.

Confident in her ability to manage the situation, Wendy launched herself at the bed, landing beside Aiden, where she found ticklish spots on his ribs. The boy flinched as he had a fit of giggles. Then he grabbed at her t-shirt. But Wendy was fast, straddling Aiden’s thighs and fighting off his busy fingers. At one point, she grabbed both his wrists. She pushed forward, forcing Aiden’s wrists above his head.

What she had forgotten was how close their heads were to one another in this position. Aiden stopped struggling and grinned at her. Then he leaned forward until his puckered lips pushed against hers for just a moment. Wendy’s lips tingled at the moistness of Aiden’s lips. Hovering over the boy by bare inches, the young woman said, “Nice, huh?”

Aiden nodded as he managed to yank his left hand free of her grip. He snaked it under her shirt until he found a rib. Wendy let go his other hand, bringing her fingers back to the boy’s ribs, where she was determined to find Aiden’s perfect tickle spot.

Wendy felt no surprise when Aiden tugged at her shirt. This was becoming familiar to her, and she knew they weren’t anywhere close to the line she mustn’t cross. This time, she let the boy work the shirt over her head, freeing her small boobs from their temporary cloth prison. Aiden gasped when her chest came into view, “Wow, Wen. Those are perfect.”

She felt good at the boy’s praise and ignored how hardly anyone else might share Aiden’s opinion. Before the boy could say anything else, Wendy finally found the perfect ticklish spot toward the top of the left side of his ribcage. Aiden would have curled into a fetal position were it not for her strategic seat on his lower lap. He pulled a hand away from her belly, brushing away her hand from his ribs.

When Aiden reached for her ribs, he found one just below the bottom swell of one breast. She pushed away the thought of how nice it might feel if the boy’s fingers moved up. Or at least tried to. But sitting on the sweaty boy as he ran his fingers over her body, it was hard to think clearly.

Aiden must have picked up on her indecision. He wrapped his arms around her back and pushed up with one of his legs, rolling the two of them onto their sides. He didn’t stop with that, rolling himself onto Wendy’s lap, reversing position with her.

Now on her back, Wendy saw her best friend looking down at her. Blond locks were plastered to his forehead and his eyes sparkled. Aiden rested his hands on Wendy’s stomach while her hands had fallen to her side when Aiden rolled them over and traded places with her.

“Now you’re mine,” Aiden giggled as he tickled her stomach. Content, at least for the moment, to see where the boy would take things, Wendy left her hands by her side while laughing whenever the boy found a ticklish spot. When Wendy’s giggles ebbed, the boy moved his hands to her ribs, eliciting new guffaws of laughter from her. And just like before, on one particularly ticklish spot, Wendy felt her bladder give way. It was just a drop. She clenched her legs, determined to not have an accident. But as she squealed with laughter as the boy’s fingers moved up her ribcage, finding more spots to tickle, she felt another short trickle.

“S-, Stop, Aiden. You’re making me, hahaha, pee.”

Aiden’s fingers rested on her ribs, bare inches away from Wendy’s lower swells. “Really?”

He shifted just enough to see Wendy’s shorts. “I don’t see anything.”

His fingers dug in between two of Wendy’s ribs and she slipped into another giggle fit. The boy’s fingers moved upward until only a single rib rested between him and the bottom of her boob. And the spot was her most ticklish yet. Wendy teared up from the peals of laugher the boy drew from her. And she felt a stream slip from her bladder. This was enough to feel in her clothes.

She wheezed through giggles, “I’m peeing! Stop it!”

Aden glanced between them, “Oh, shit! I’m sorry.”

Wendy propped herself on her elbow to see the front of her running shorts. Sure enough, a dark little stain spread from the middle of her shorts. She knew she should be upset with Aiden for not listening to her the first time. But part of her wanted this. Not to pee. No, that was gross. But to give Aiden more to look at.

She sighed theatrically, “Jeez, A. How bad is it?”

Aiden brought a hand between them and touched the fabric of her shorts, “You’re wet in the middle.”

Wendy felt a moment’s thrill at the boy’s touch. “What about my underwear?”

Aiden’s fingers grabbed the front of her shorts’ waistband and he pulled down, revealing her panties. “Um, your underwear is wet in the front.”

Wondering where their game would go, Wendy said, “Can you help? Pull my shorts down. I don’t need them getting any wetter.”

Aiden’s lips curled at the corner of his mouth. He slid from Wendy’s lap and took hold of her jogging shorts and pulled them down her legs. He threw the shorts on the floor, leaving her in just her panties. Wendy struggled with her feelings. She loved the look the boy gave her as he knelt over her. And loved the way her body felt in just a pair of underwear. Yet, she had to keep from crossing any lines. Another look up at Aiden and she felt she had things under control. She wasn’t close to any line.

Aiden moved as though to sit back down. An idea popped into Wendy’s mind. Would the boy go along with it?

“Stop, A.”

A look of disappointment crossed his features, “I promise, I’ll stop tickling if you get close to peeing. I’m really sorry.”

Wendy grinned up at him, ignoring the dampness on the front of her panties, “It’s okay, A. Let’s keep playing. But do you mind taking your shorts off? Is it really fair if I’m the only one in my underwear?”

Without a shred of hesitation, Aiden hooked his fingers in the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down, revealing a tight pair of Spiderman briefs. “This okay?”

There was nothing the boy wore Wendy didn’t like. But he looked even smaller and more vulnerable in just his underwear. Of course, he had a bulge in his front. If Aiden wanted to let her see it, Wendy knew she would let it happen. The line she couldn’t cross wasn’t about them seeing each other’s bodies.

“Yeah. You okay playing some more?”

Aiden nodded as he straddled her thighs. The fluttering in Wendy’s stomach felt good. Her best friend’s briefs brushed against the bottom of her panties. The bulge in the front of the boy’s briefs seemed to be bigger now he was on top of her.

Wendy’s fingers returned to the boy’s ribs and gently, to start things off again, she traced them over his ribs, starting with his lower-most rib. Instead of tickling her, Aiden copied her, finding the bottom of her ribcage and gently tracing his fingers along her ribs.

Wendy fingers crept up Aiden’s ribcage, reaching his chest. At eleven, the boy had little muscle definition or any discernable fat. Even when her fingers were rubbing against the ribs under the boy’s chest, the young woman realized just how rail-thin was the boy.

Aiden stopped on Wendy’s rib just below the bottom of her boob, even while Wendy was tracing his ribs across his chest. The boy’s voice was dry, “No fair. You get to go higher.”

At the moment, Wendy’s body ached for the boy’s intimate touch. She said, “Who said you couldn’t?”

Aiden’s eyes went from Wendy’s chest to her face, “B-, but I’d be touching your boob!”

Wendy caressed the boy’s tiny nipple before finding a rib under the skin, “It’s just a game, right? But if touching me makes you uncomfortable, we can do something else.”

Aiden shrugged, “Okay. As long as you don’t mind.”

He moved up another rib. His finger pushed against the swell, finding the bone under the fatty tissue. When Aiden moved up to the next rib, Wendy felt a tingle under his touch. Even though her breasts were small, they were still there, and the boy was running his finger over the breast, unable to find the rib beneath it.

Aiden’s voice shook, “Is this okay, Wen?”

Wendy didn’t want the tingling in her breasts to stop. Sure, she had played with her tits when she masturbated herself. But even though the boy had scarcely begun to explore her breasts, what he was doing to her felt like an electrical current, if electrical currents felt good. Wendy murmured, “You’re doing great. Just pretend you can feel the ribs and don’t stop.”

A moment later, the boy’s fingers touched her areola. And a moment later, his fingertip brushed against her hardened nipple. The jolt Wendy felt was incredible. The moisture she felt between her legs now wasn’t just because of her earlier accident.

Nothing else compared to the feeling in Wendy’s breasts as Aiden seemed to have stalled out, moving upward. The young woman said, “You’ve got it, A. Don’t stop.”

She glanced down at where Aiden’s body met hers. The front of Aiden’s underwear was less of a bulge and more of a tent. Of course, lying down, she couldn’t see the front of her panties. But the piss hid the wetness she felt.

Wendy’s hands traced down Aiden’s chest, lightly touching the bruising on his stomach, “Does it still hurt?”

Aiden’s hand froze on her right boob, “Not when you touch it like that. It hurt a little when I was laughing, but not bad enough to stop playing.”

Even though she hated the ugly bruising, Wendy loved the silky-smoothness of Aiden’s stomach. She moved her hands until they rested on his thighs. Was Aiden enjoying her tit so much he was unaware of his erection?

“You having fun?”

The boy had just added his second hand to Wendy’s left boob, “Um, yeah. I can’t believe you’re letting me touch you. I thought this is what boyfriends and girlfriends do.”

Wendy felt torn, even as her body reveled in the boy’s wondrous touch. Touching each other wasn’t really where the line was. She could keep things from going too far. “Sometimes. But have you ever done stuff with a friend?”

Aiden’s face flushed, “Um, yeah. I guess.”

Wendy’s hands slid up Aiden’s thighs until her finger touched the hem of his underwear, “Me too. I guess this is like that. Just doing stuff best friends sometimes do together. Right?”

Aiden squeezed her boobs a bit, “Yeah. That’s right.”

Wendy felt relief mixed with lust as her breasts tingled all over. The tingling traveled along her spine, radiating through her middle. “Can I see your hard-on?”

Aiden’s hands didn’t move even as he looked down at his crotch. “You want to see it?”

Wendy nodded, “Yeah. As long as you don’t mind.”

Aiden’s eyes knitted in a thoughtful look, “I guess it’s okay. It’s just I’m not like older boys.”

Wendy’s fingers took hold of the Spiderman underwear and pulled down, freeing the boy’s erection, which quivered, pointing almost straight up. Aside from seeing her cousin masturbating in the bathroom when she much younger, Aiden’s was the only other penis she had ever seen in person. What one saw online didn’t count.

And he was gorgeous. Her mouth felt dry, and she felt an itch deep inside. Although Wendy had seen him naked a couple of times, this felt different. What would he feel like? Her voice shook, “C-, can I touch it, Aiden?”

The boy didn’t move his hands. “If you want, I guess so. Just don’t laugh.”

Why would anyone laugh at something so perfect? Wendy’s hand caressed Aiden’s smooth pubic area, sliding down until her finger brushed against the boy’s erection. His penis twitched at the touch and tingles ran up the young woman’s arm. Wrapping her fingers around his thin pole, Wendy’s question about what Aiden felt like was answered. He was both hard and soft.

Aiden’s skin was smooth as silk and incredibly soft. But just below the skin, he was hard. Wendy understood the biology behind it, but knowing why something was and experiencing it for the first time were entirely different. “How’s it feel, A?”

The boy’s eyes fluttered. A little moan escaped his lips, “Ahh, super nice.”

Enjoying the pulsing under her fingers, Wendy remembered her cousin, Tuan, sliding his hand up and down his shaft in that brief moment of discovery before she closed the door. The young woman gently squeezed Aiden’s flesh and pulled up. The boy’s skin slid along the shaft, causing him to moan again.

Seeing the pleasure she gave the boy, Wendy knew this wasn’t the line she must not cross. How could anything that gave such pleasure be wrong? After a few more tugs, she stopped as Aiden’s hands massaged her boobs, pressing against her chest. Even though the boy had no experience, and was clumsy in his touch, it didn’t keep her from feeling bliss at his touch nor a growing desire for more.

When the boy stopped, Wendy grabbed his shoulders and pulled him toward her. When his face was close to hers, she wrapped her arms around his back and leaned into a kiss. At first, Aiden’s lips were slack—surprised by the sudden motion. Then his lips responded, and he returned the kiss. Unlike the other kisses, which had been almost accidents of the moment, Wendy wanted the kiss to linger, to let Aiden know what was happening was what she wanted.

A dozen heartbeats later, the boy pulled back, breathless. His eyes were round as he stammered through rapid breaths, “Wow!”

Wendy didn’t need to ask what he felt about it. She could feel the heat of Aiden’s erection on her abdomen. Just like he could feel the warmth of her breasts on his chest. Still, she said, “What’d you think, A?”

As the boy’s breathing returned to normal, Aiden said, “Wow. This is awesome. Are we still just best friends or does this make us more? Like boyfriend and girlfriend?”

Wendy blinked at the question. Maybe that’s the line she wasn’t supposed to cross. At least not yet. After all, nobody would understand her dating an eleven-year-old. But best friend, that was acceptable. But waiting until Aiden would be fourteen was an impossibility. She didn’t have the willpower to wait that long for him to be her boyfriend. Through a haze of hormones, Wendy decided maybe that wasn’t the line she must not cross. “I don’t know, Aiden. We’re still best friends. Maybe we’re more. I just don’t know. Is that okay?”

Aiden leaned in and kissed her. This time, Wendy could feel his hot breath through his nose as the boy figured out how to breathe and kiss at the same time. When he lifted his head, he said, “Yeah. I like kissing you and um, ah, when you, eh, touch me. It’s incredible.”

As if punctuating Aiden’s words, his penis twitched between their bodies. Wendy wanted to see the fleshy tube again. She pushed Aiden’s shoulders until he returned to a sitting position. “Do you mind taking your underwear off?”

The front of Aiden’s underwear was bunched under his penis and balls. Despite his crimson cheeks, the boy nodded and stood up on the bed, his feet on either side of Wendy’s hips. He paused, uncertainty passing across his face, “Are you sure it’s okay with you, Wen?”

Wendy nodded, “Yeah, A. I’m the one asking.”

A shy smile replaced the look of confusion, and Aiden slid his underwear down to his knees. Then, he moved his feet to one side of her and pulled his underwear off, tossing it to the floor. Then, he straddled her again, feet on either side of her hips. He began to lower himself, but stopped, “Um, Wen?”


Aiden’s cherubic voice warbled, “Y-, your underwear? Um, they’re still wet. Do you, ah…?”

How a boy’s voice could make Wendy wet was beyond her. But there was no denying it. The wetness between her legs had little to do with her earlier bladder accident. She considered asking Aiden to help her pull her panties down. But the tremble in his voice left her wondering if she was pushing too hard. Instead, she said, “Do you mind if I take them off?”

Wordlessly, Aiden shook his head. Wendy’s fingers shook as she grabbed the hem of her panties and pulled them down below her knees. Then, she leaned forward enough to grab the boy’s hands and pulled until fell to his knees. Then his butt rested on her lap, hiding the top of her slit. Still holding his hands, Wendy pulled at him until his hands were once again playing with her boobs.



Even though Wendy’s boobs were small, there was a delightful softness under his hands as he massaged the surrounding tissue around her little areolas. And hearing the near-purring from the young woman left the boy feeling both delighted and confused.

Wendy had been adamant about them not dating until he was older. The last time they had talked about it, fourteen seemed the age Aiden would need to be in order for them to date. Yet, now they were both naked, him sitting on Wendy’s lap, his hands on her tits. His confusion was mostly for Wendy. After all, she was older than him and she’s the one who needed to feel comfortable with this.

Aiden wanted anything and everything Wendy would give him. If things had never gone further than a casual friendship, he would have been okay with it. But when Wendy decided being best of friends was something she was comfortable with, Aiden had been elated. Being best friends with the young woman meant spending even more time with her. And Wendy had been right about something about best friends. Best friends sometimes did stuff together that regular friends didn’t. After all, it had been with his best friend in the fifth grad where Aiden had learned about jacking off. How was this all that different?

Except it was. Aiden had never felt the tingling in the pit of his stomach for Brian or Derrick as he felt for Wendy. If Wendy wouldn’t relent and make him her boyfriend before he turned fourteen, Aiden would have no choice but to wait until then to be her boyfriend. But touching her boobs and seeing the trail of her pubic hair just below his balls, this was about more than even being best friends.

Aiden was already growing more comfortable with Wendy. After all, he had kissed her back a few minutes before. It was time to show her how much he enjoyed touching her. Thinking about a video he once saw online, he leaned forward, but instead of angling for Wendy’s lips, he moved his hand just before touching her nipple with his tongue.

Wendy moaned, “Ah, fuck!”

The profanity’s tone told Aiden he made the right choice. His lips locked around Wendy’s areola and his tongue licked and swirled around the rubbery texture of her nipple, all the while the young woman writhed under him.

When he finally sat up again, Aiden was rewarded by Wendy’s hand grabbing his stiffy. His erect tube tingled from the moment she touched him. And when she tugged on his stiffy, the tingles grew exponentially more powerful. Had Wendy kept at it he would have dry cummed. But Wendy let go after a few tugs and propped herself up on her elbows, “Wow, A. Where’d you learn to do that?”

Her boob was still slick with his saliva. He grinned, “The internet.”

Wendy’s playfully slapped his chest, “Figures. I liked it.”

Aiden enjoyed the light slap, “So, does that mean I can do it again?”

Wendy reached between them, sending shock waves of pleasure washing though Aiden’s body as she found his stiffy again, “Yeah, as long as I can do this.”

When Wendy let go, Aiden said, “That felt nice. Um, what now?”

Aiden had only the vaguest of ideas about what to do next. Sure, eventually he wanted to put his stiffy into the slit between Wendy’s legs. There was something innate about that desire. But he didn’t know about how to go about doing it. Maybe when Wendy was ready, she would show him how.

Wendy sighed, “We could stay like this all day, but we should probably get cleaned up. Would you…”

The look of expectation in the young woman’s eyes made his stiffy throb, “What?”

Wendy smiled up at him, “Want to take your shower with me?”

A smile creased Aiden’s face. Letting Wendy lead out sure simplified things, “Yeah, that’d be cool.”

The boy slipped off the bed and headed toward the bathroom with Wendy behind him. He stood by while she fiddled with the knobs and set the water temperature. Then, the young woman offered him her hand and Aiden followed her into the enclosed shower, where the rain showerhead soaked them.

Once in the shower, Wendy turned to him, standing toe to toe with him. Aiden’s stiffy pointed upward toward her slit, just a few inches away, “Would you like to wash me, A?”

Aiden’s stiffy twitched, “Yeah.”

Wendy grabbed a bottle of body wash from a ledge in the wall, “There’s a loofah, if you want.”

Aiden had seen the loofah before, but had never used one. And the idea of having anything get between his fingers and Wendy’s skin seemed silly. He took the bottle and drizzled the gel onto his palm. “Can I use my hands?”

When Wendy nodded, Aiden raised his soapy hands to her shoulders and rubbed the suds against her skin. The young woman’s normally soft and warm skin was slick and silky under the lather the boy spread around. Having permission to touch his best friend was heaven on earth. The best part was not needing to ask again to touch her boobs. He simply drizzled some bodywash across Wendy’s chest and then lathered each boob until he could scarcely see her milky-yellow skin under the soapy lather.

Wendy’s eyes were closed by the time Aiden finished soaping her breasts. The tiny moans of pleasure were all the boy needed to know that she approved. Her boobs were beyond clean long before the boy tired of them, but he moved on, soaping her stomach and abdomen too. Wendy’s next part, the part between her legs, was still a mystery. Where the slit between her legs started, there was a black mess of more or less straight hair. It spread a bit to either side, but not as far as the pictures he saw online. It also tapered away to smooth skin within a few inches toward her belly.

Aiden knelt and ran his soapy fingers along Wendy’s pubic mound, touching the silky strands of hair for the first time. Standing off to the side of the overhead shower, Wendy spread her legs, revealing more of the slit. Even below the pubic hair, Aiden could see the slit actually looked like a pair of lips. There was a bit of a fleshy bump of skin visible just inside the top of the slit. Curious, Aiden ran his slick fingers through the pubic hair until his index finger slipped into the slit.

The fleshy bump, Aiden discovered as his finger explored the tight space, was a slight hood hiding a little button of skin. When his finger touched that bump, Wendy shuddered and moaned, “Fuck!”

The look on Wendy’s face reminded Aiden of what he probably looked like when he dry cummed. The young woman didn’t move to stop him, so he explored the little nub of her flesh with his finger. Deeper inside the slit, there were mushy folds of skin that his knuckle went into as he kept plying the nub of Wendy’s skin with his finger.

The young woman’s legs shook as her groin pushed against Aiden’s finger. He barely understood what was happening, but more than wanting to see Wendy have her own cum, the boy wanted to make it happen. His finger inexpertly circled around the button as moisture not from the soap made his fingers even slicker. Then Wendy gripped his shoulders, digging her fingernails into him as she swore again and convulsed so hard that she had to lean back on the glass wall.

This was a million times better than watching a sexy video. More than that, the animal-like grunts and wordless moans were because of what Aiden had done. He leaned back on his knees, resting his tired hand as he glanced at Wendy’s face. When her eyes locked with his, she glowed with a smile, brighter than any Aiden had seen before. She sank to her knees and threw her arms around his neck, “Holy fuck, A. That was incredible. I’ve never cum that hard when doing it to myself. You’re fucking incredible!”

Then Wendy kissed him, her lips pressed hard against his. Aiden’s eyes went round when her tongue pushed past his lips. He felt something akin to an electrical shock when her tongue touched his, only better. When the kiss ended, the boy felt himself sliding to the floor of the enclosure. Wendy, kneeling over him, said, “How was that for a kiss?”

It took a handful of seconds for Aiden’s brain to connect the sensory overload of the kiss with French kisses he’d seen on TV. “You mean we could have been kissing like that before?”

Wendy giggled as she reached up and grabbed the body wash bottle, “I guess so. It’s just that was the first time for me too, A.”

She drizzled bodywash across Aiden’s torso and then leaned down and rubbed, turning the suds into a thick lather until she reached his penis. Then she gripped it and slid her hand up and down. The lather made him tingle and Aiden closed his eyes, enjoying the intensity building inside. The feeling swelled inside and before he knew it, Aiden moaned, “Ahh!”

His stiffy twitched and spasmed amid the most intense feeling in Aiden’s eleven years. Every kick felt like something was trying to burst out of his penis, and even though nothing spewed out, this cum was the best one ever.

When Wendy let go, Aiden felt like he was boneless, lying on the floor of the shower. He didn’t want to move. He didn’t want to do anything except bask in the afterglow of the most incredible twenty seconds of his life.

The water turning from warm to cold eventually made the boy move. A few minutes later, he and Wendy dried each other off. Then they returned to her bedroom, where they dressed before leaving to go to a late breakfast.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

The Best of Friends – Chapter 5

The Best of Friends – Chapter 5

The problem with Texas weather is you just didn’t know what you’d get. Wendy’s legs cramped as sweat streaked her face. She picked up the pace, keeping even with Aiden, as they rounded the last road leading back toward their starting point. Less than a week remained until the last month of the year and the temperature was close to eighty.

She wondered where the boy found the energy. After all, it had only been two days since the bullies had hit and kicked him. Before putting on his running shirt, the boy’s bruises stood out on his stomach. He had to hurt, but the pace Aiden kept made Wendy wonder about it.

When they were perhaps a hundred paces from Wendy’s place, Aiden yelled, “Race you!”

And with that, he put on a last burst of energy and pulled ahead. Despite telling herself it wasn’t a contest, Wendy’s legs pumped faster as she raced to catch up. Being four inches taller than the eleven-year-old boy, Wendy only missed winning their impromptu race by a couple of paces.

When the boy reached the concrete parking lot between the first quadplex and the Wendy’s small apartment, Aiden spun around and raised his fists as he gasped, “And that’s how I’m going to win the race!”

Sucking in air, Wendy stuck her tongue out, “I’ll get you tomorrow. I’m still laden with turkey.”

Aiden stuck his tongue out too, “Yeah. Wanna bet?”

They were back in the apartment when Wendy said, “I’ll take that bet. Winner picks the movie tomorrow afternoon.”

“Deal!” Aiden exclaimed as he fell onto the sofa, on top of the blanket still rumpled from where the boy slept.

Enjoying the moment, Wendy collapsed onto Aiden with an explosive “Oof!”

As gently as she could, she tickled his ribs, keeping her hands away from the bruising on his stomach. Aiden giggled, trying to inch away from Wendy as her fingers seemed to find the right spots to make him laugh. By the time they reached the end of the sofa, Aiden’s shirt was on the floor and Wendy’s fingers had touched every rib beneath his skin.

Then Aden surprised her. His hands slid under her t-shirt and dug into her belly. Wendy burst out laughing, partly from surprise, but mostly because she was ticklish and the boy found one of her many spots.

As Aiden went on the attack, Wendy inched back the way she came, along the sofa cushions. She was back to where they had started and the boy’s fingers moved to her ribs, pushing the hem of the t-shirt, exposing her midriff. Wendy couldn’t recall the last time she’d had more fun, just wrestling with a friend. Aiden’s hand grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled upward. At that moment, the young woman remembered she had gone jogging braless. Her small breasts didn’t do justice to the modest, padded a-cups she wore to her classes. It’s not like they jiggled around when she ran.

She grabbed the hem, stopping Aiden just as the bottom part of her swells came into view, “Um, I’m not wearing a bra, A.”

Aiden jerked his hands back like he was burned. His face turned to scarlet, “Oh, shit! I’m sorry, Wen. I thought you had a bra on.”

Seeing Aiden’s panicked response, Wendy took his hands in hers, “It’s okay, Aiden. That’s what I figured.”

The boy’s eyes were still fixed to her chest, even while his hands were close to his stomach, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

Wendy loved the boy’s expression and the deep scarlet on Aiden’s cheeks. She knew she ought not to feel this way, but part of her enjoyed the idea of the boy seeing her chest. Given that she had seen him naked already, what would it hurt for him to get a look at her, if he really wanted to?

“It’s okay, A. What’s the worst that would have happened?”

The shade of his cheeks didn’t change as he replied, “Um, I’d have seen your, ah, boobs.”

Wendy leaned forward, tracing her fingers along the boy’s ribs, “You’re my best friend, A. There’s nothing wrong with you seeing my chest. I mean, how much of you have I seen?”

Aiden giggled, “All of me.”

Wendy’s fingers tickled the boy’s ribs, eliciting more giggles until Aiden’s hands returned to her stomach and ribs. Then, as the boy’s fingers seemed to stop about half-way up her ribcage, she said, “You can take it off, if you want. I really don’t mind, if you want to see.”

Aiden grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it over her head. The boy sucked in a loud and deep breath as he stared at Wendy’s chest. The nineteen-year-old didn’t fully understand what the boy saw in her chest. Her areolas, a dark brown against her pale skin, were barely larger than an inch in diameter and her nipples were smaller than the eraser on the end of a pencil. Add to that, there wasn’t much swelling of her breast tissue.

Wendy’s chest never received even a second look from the guys in any of her classes. They gave their attention to women with bigger tits. But the look Aiden gave her chest was enough to let her know the one person who mattered liked what he saw.

“What do you think?” Wendy whispered.

Aiden dropped the shirt on the floor, “Wow. Shit. Wow.”

Wendy chuckled, “You’ve got a bigger vocabulary than that, A.”

The boy’s eyes never left her chest, “Yeah, I know. But Wendy, they’re beautiful. I’ve never…”

The enraptured look in Aiden’s eyes said everything Wendy needed to know. Still, he was her best friend, and she enjoyed teasing him, “You’ve never seen boobs so small?”

Aiden tore his eyes away from her chest and looked her in the eyes, “No. I’ve never seen a girl’s boobs at all.”

“None of the girls in school?”

The boy shook his head.


Aiden’s eye flicked to her chest, “It’s not the same, Wen. That stuff’s fake. You’re real.”

The silence that fell between them grew awkward after a few heartbeats. Wanting to fill the empty space, Wendy reached out and tickled Aiden’s ribs, and leaned forward, causing the boy to scoot back, slowly retreating in a fit of giggles.

When the boy reached the end, his hands reached out and found her ribs. Instead of retreating again, Wendy redoubled her attack on his ribcage even as Aiden’s fingers slipped between her ribs. Wendy laughed as his fingers found a particularly sensitive spot a few inches below the swell of her right breast.

As Aiden dug in, the tickling intensified and Wendy redoubled her laughter until her bladder leaked. There was only a slight wetness at her front, but it caused her to fall back to the middle of the sofa. Aiden bounded across the open space and reached out. He found another ticklish spot on her ribs, now just below the soft tissue of her breast’s gentle swell.

Through her laughter, Wendy gasped, “A-, ha ha ha! Sto-“

Another rolling fit of giggles beset her and her bladder slipped again. She brushed at Aiden’s hand, pushing it away. Unaware of Wendy’s dilemma, the boy’s fingers reached in and brushed against the upswell of her right breast. The jolt of the touch caused Aiden to pull back, “Oh, shit. I’m so sorry!”

Wendy didn’t know what to do or say. The tingle in her breast competed with the wetness of slightly peeing herself. Deep inside her heart, she enjoyed Aiden’s touch on her breast. But now wasn’t the time to explore those feelings. Not when she could see a small wet patch darkening the front of her shorts. Gasping for breath, she wheezed, “Jeez, A, you made me laugh so hard, I peed my shorts!”

A look of horror crossed Aiden’s face, “I’m so, so sorry, Wen. I didn’t mean to do that either.”

Even as a younger girl, Wendy had never played with other kids like she had with Aiden. The day had been one of discovery when it came to how ticklish she was. And she had never laughed hard enough to lose control of her bladder before. “It’s not your fault, A. Nobody’s ever made me laugh so hard before.”

Even as she spoke, Wendy felt a sense of relief, sharing so intimate a secret with the boy next to her. The intimacy of their play, coupled with the adorable expression on his face, she felt lucky beyond belief to finally have a friend as close as he. Perhaps that’s why she pulled the front of her shorts down, exposing her panties. Pressing her hand against the wet cotton made her realize she was even wetter than she originally thought.

Aiden’s eyes went from her bare breasts to staring at the white cotton panties. Wendy finally felt embarrassed when she saw the yellow stain on the front, knowing the boy could see the same thing. “Um, I guess I need to change.”

Having already seen Aiden completely naked, she wanted to share with him the same thing, even if part of her mind was telling her it was a bad idea. Wendy lifted her hips and grabbed hold of both shorts and panties and slid them down, exposing herself as completely as she had already seen Aiden.

The stunned look on the boy’s face made her second guess her choice, even as the boy stared at the silky strands of her pubic hair tracing away from her slit. Pursing her lips as she mentally beat herself up, she stood and hurried toward the bathroom, “Um, sorry, A. I’m going to get a shower, get cleaned up.”

Wendy stood in the shower, letting the hot water cleanse her embarrassment. What was she thinking exposing herself to him like that? Things were happening too fast. It was bad enough thinking he wanted to see her tits. God, why would anyone want to see those bee-stings?  And then to let him see her slit? Had she lost her mind?

No matter what her mind threw at her, the fluttering in her stomach was unrelenting. It wasn’t right, she knew, but she had enjoyed letting Aiden take her shirt off. And her body wanted to feel his fingers touching her breast’s soft tissue again, even though her mind told her it was wrong.

She tilted her head and let the water fall onto her face as she wetted her short hair. Rubbing shampoo into her hair, she thought about how much Aiden meant to her. College had been a bust when it came to meeting other students. The idea of pledging a sorority felt alien to her. All the girls in the sororities on campus felt fake, rather like Aiden’s view of online boobs. She didn’t want fake friends. Aiden was the only person she had met since her parents died, other than her father’s attorney, Mr. Benton, who felt genuine. Why couldn’t the boy be older?

In her mind’s eye, she knew his nana wouldn’t raise a stink about them dating if he were sixteen. After all, that’s a small enough age difference. Aiden’s nana would probably not be bothered if he were only fifteen. Even if other people might not feel the same way, Wendy was sure a fifteen-year-old Aiden standing next to her, would be a lot taller than her and people might even think he was older, given how young she appeared.

But what would the boy’s nana think if he were fourteen? Would that five-year gap be too much? Wendy sighed unhappily as she grabbed her loofah and washed her torso. Even if the boy’s nana would be okay with a five-year gap, she couldn’t imagine her accepting an eight-year gap until Aiden grew up some more. The sorry truth was, Wendy loved the boy and she couldn’t shake the feeling, even though she knew she couldn’t be anything more than friends with him, at least until he was in high school. And maybe not even then.

Her soapy fingers slid through the silky thread of her pubic hair. It was as if mother nature hated her. Was it bad enough she had tiny breasts, that instead of a full bush of pubic hair, she only had a thin ribbon of silky hair? Instead of radiating out from her vulva, like a vast bush, it was an inch at its widest, tapering to nothing after a couple of inches from her slit.

A soapy finger on her clit made her bite back a moan. Even though she needed the release, the last thing she wanted was for Aiden to hear her moaning while masturbating. Just thinking of Aiden brought the eleven-year-old into her mind. Despite trying to blink away the image, she saw him as he had appeared, naked and soft. Her finger sank deeper into her folds, pushing past her inner labia until she found her vagina. She sank a finger inside and shuddered at the feeling, as she realized Aiden’s penis would likely only be slightly larger.

The thought of the boy inside her was enough for the rising tide of her orgasm to crash over her. She shuddered, leaning against the glass as her knees buckled. Another wave crashed into her and her eyes flickered from the intensity of the orgasm. Again and again, as her finger pushed into her virgin cave, until she ended up on the floor of the shower, still shaking from the series of orgasms.

Even though Wendy had discovered the pleasure of her own body when she was a bit older than Aiden, she had never cum like that before. Of course, the closest she had come to losing her virginity before was when she and another girl had licked each other during a sleepover her freshman year in high school. The experience hadn’t been very satisfying, and she hadn’t thought she was missing much. Until now.

Just thinking about Aiden had given her the most powerful orgasm in her nineteen years. But as she climbed to her feet, she again felt shame. Not because she fantasized about the boy, but because there was nothing she could do about her feelings for Aiden. For the foreseeable future, all they could be is friends.


Although he was slow to respond to Wendy’s reveal, Aiden followed her into the bedroom a few seconds after the girl closed the bathroom door behind her. His heart raced as the image of the young woman’s parts replayed in his mind. The few images he had seen online didn’t come close to stirring in him what he felt seeing the slit between Wendy’s legs and the fine trail of hair going north a short way toward her flat belly.

He sat at the end of Wendy’s bed, and moved his stiffy around in his underwear, trying to make it comfortable as it strained against the fabric. He wanted to pull his shorts down and jack off until he got the tingles. But there was no way he would do that in Wendy’s bedroom. If she saw him doing something like that, she might freak out and not want to be his friend anymore. One thing the past couple of day taught him was, he wanted Wendy to be his friend more than anything else in the entire world.

When the shower turned on, Aiden figured he had a few minutes until Wendy returned and against his better judgement, he pulled his shorts off and his underwear down to his knees, freeing the not quite three-and-a-half inches from its cloth prison. He sighed as he wrapped his fingers around the shaft and thought about Wendy’s body. Perhaps they were small, as she said, but to his eyes, unfamiliar with the real thing, they looked breathtaking.

Then, as his fist jacked his shaft, Aiden imagined the delicate slit scarcely hidden behind soft, straight black hair. Just thinking about Wendy as he jacked off, made the feeling even stronger. And before more than a few dozen heartbeats passed, the tingling exploded and his stiffy spasmed and kicked in his hand. He closed his eyes against the powerful, dry orgasm. He pulled his hand away and let the overhead fan cool him off.

The problem was, even after a few minutes, he was still hard and images of Wendy refused to leave him alone. The only relief he could find was wrapping his hand around his shaft and closing his eyes as he started in again, eager to feel that dry orgasm once again.

He was jacking off, enjoying the gentle tingles that came early in each session when there was a sound at the door to the bathroom and he realized the shower was no longer running. He jerked his hand back as the door swung open and Wendy stood in the doorway with a towel wrapped around her torso. When she spied him, naked from the knees up, his stiffy pointing toward the ceiling, the young woman’s eyebrows shot up.

Silence descended on the room for a long, uncomfortable moment. Then Aiden came to his senses, and he tugged at the underwear bunched at his knees. “Ah, shoot! Um, sorry!”

He was still sitting on the end of the bed, Aiden’s underwear reached the bottom of his backside, but he would need to stand up to slide it up to his waist.

Wendy just stared at him; her mouth wide open in shock. When she closed it, she swallowed, her eyes still fixed on his little stiffy, “Ah, I, um. Maybe I should knock next time.”

The terror Aiden felt at the discovery lessened a tiny bit. His best friend seemed more bemused than angry. He shifted his butt so he could slide the underwear over his backside and then let it snap against his waist. Of course, his erection poked against the fabric and Wendy would have needed to be blind to miss the tent in his briefs. He stammered, “I-, I’m, ah, jeez, I’m really sorry. I dunno what I was thinking.”

Wendy came into the room and said, “Wow, I didn’t realize you were…”

The young woman’s eyes were still fixed on Aiden’s crotch when her voice gave way to more silence. Uncertain what words would salve the predicament he was in, Aiden looked down, crimson faced.

Wendy sat beside him and put an arm around his shoulders, “There’s nothing wrong with doing that, Aiden. Why didn’t you wait for your turn at the shower?”

Aiden blinked back tears, telling himself that Wendy didn’t sound too upset. With the young woman’s eyes on his crotch, it made no sense to ignore the bulge, “I’m really sorry, Wen. It’s just, after playing in the living room, I got, um, ah, hard.”

Wendy’s cheeks reddened, “Weren’t you afraid I’d catch you?”

Aiden doubted the young woman needed or wanted to know how horny he was. How jacking off once hadn’t been enough to get his stiffy to go away. He shrugged, “I kind of lost track of time and, um, the sound of the shower.”

A smile played across Wendy’s face, “Was it because you saw my boobs?”

Aiden breathed easier. If Wendy was really upset, she was hiding it well. He glanced at the towel covering her chest. The towel mostly hid her bumps. Then his eyes darted to the space between her legs, also covered by the towel. “Um, yeah, and down there, too.”

Wendy squeezed his shoulders in a half-hug, “I guess that’s my fault for getting undressed in the living room. Sorry, A, I shouldn’t have done that.”

Aiden knew that was exactly what led him to jacking off, but he didn’t want Wendy blaming herself, “It’s okay. I didn’t mind.”

Wendy’s lips curled even more, “You didn’t mind? More likely, you liked it.”

Caught like a deer in the headlights, Aiden nodded, “Maybe so. Being friends and all, does it bother you I think you’re the prettiest girl I know?”

Wendy leaned her shoulder against Aiden’s neck, “Bother me? No. I think it’s pretty cool, you think I’m pretty. Can I tell you a secret?”

Curious, Aiden nodded, “Sure.”

“I think you’re the most handsome boy I know. I like your blond hair, like the way you smile at me and how much you enjoy being my friend. You make being your friend easy. I know we talked earlier about how I would want to be your girlfriend when you’re closer to my age. But my real secret is I can hardly wait to be your girlfriend and when you get into high school, even if we can’t tell anyone.”

Aiden’s heart fluttered. Wendy liked him the same way he liked her. But two-and-a-half years is a lifetime away when a boy is eleven. Still, he couldn’t help but smiling, “I’ll be almost as tall and almost as old when I’m thirteen. Would you be my girlfriend when I turn thirteen?”

Wendy kissed his cheek, “I don’t know, A. The older you are, the less likely people would be to ask troublesome questions. Including your nana.”

The fluttering feeling in his heart sank. If he were fourteen dating her at nineteen and they had to keep it a secret, how was that different from him being eleven and Wendy being nineteen? It made little sense to him. Still, he reminded himself, Wendy hadn’t freaked out when she caught sight of his stiffy. Maybe she would change her mind.

“I guess I need to get cleaned up,” Aiden said, kicking the shorts from his ankle.

Wendy didn’t let go yet, “You’re not upset with me, are you, Aiden?”

He enjoyed the warmth of the hug, “No, Wen. We’re cool.” Even though he was supposed to get up, Aiden didn’t want the hug to end. Despite everything Wendy said, the hug felt like it was more special than something shared between friends, maybe even between best friends. Despite a tremor of nervousness, Aiden wanted to know if perhaps there was some wiggle room in their friendship for something more. He didn’t want to have to wait nearly three years to see all of Wendy again.

“Um, is it okay for me to get undressed in here, Wen?”

Wendy’s arm remained around his shoulders, “I guess, if you want, A. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”

The fluttering in Aiden’s heart returned as he lifted his hips again, this time sliding his underwear down. He pushed them until below his knees. Gravity took care of the rest. He resisted the nearly overwhelming urge to cover himself, especially given his stiffy still pointed to the ceiling. The embarrassment of being naked warred with the thrill of being horny and a growing realization Wendy enjoyed seeing him like this. Probably as much as he enjoyed seeing her.

Wendy’s voice was dry, “You going to get a shower?”

Aiden rested his head against her shoulder, “Yeah. But I don’t want to get up while you’re hugging me.”

Wendy said, “Aww, you’re the sweetest, A.” Then her free arm slid across his chest and she gave him a full hug. Aiden’s body responded; his stiffy twitched, as though happy to be out and about and just inches away from Wendy’s hands.

When the hug ended, Aiden felt a moment’s loss. He rose and glanced over at Wendy before stealing a glance at his own stiffy, “I guess I should get that shower now.”

He felt Wendy’s gaze on him as he headed toward the bathroom. Even though his feelings were tumultuous, Aiden wanted to be whatever it was Wendy needed him to be. Before the door closed, he saw her lay back, her feet nearly touching the floor. For the briefest of moments, her legs were open and he could see between her legs. Then the door closed, and it was time for his shower.

As Aiden washed his hair, he thought about grabbing his small pole and finishing what he had started before Wendy had interrupted him. But the desire to finish showering the smell of the morning run from him was greater, just to see if Wendy would still be wrapped in just her towel.

After a quick soaping and rinsing, Aden dried off. He stopped himself when the towel was halfway around his waist. He flushed as his stiffy bounced in the cool air. Wendy had already seen him several times. There was something exhilarating, letting his best friend see him without even a towel to hide his body.

He opened the door. Wendy was where he left her, still lying on the bed in just her towel. Smiling at the sight, Aiden said, “I’m finished, Wen.”

Wendy didn’t respond. Aiden went over to the bed and saw the young woman sleeping. He crawled next to her, “Wendy.”

The young woman’s eyes fluttered open, “Did I fall asleep?”

“Yeah. But you weren’t asleep for long. I was fast,” Aiden said as he sat cross-legged beside her.

She smirked at him, “You just wanted to see if I was still wearing just a towel.”

Aiden feigned innocence, “What? Me? Why would you think that?”

Wendy, still lying back, turned her head toward him. No doubt she could see the tip of his stiffy over his crossed legs, “I dunno. Could it be because you seem so happy to see me?”

Happy to see her? Of course, Aiden was happy to see… Oh, happy to see her—his stiffy poked over his crossed legs. It felt weird to hear Wendy talking about his penis, but he like the way his stomach fluttered. Uncertain how to respond to her comment about his penis, Aiden said, “I’m always happy to see you, Wen. I’m jelly to your peanut butter.”

Wendy propped herself on her elbow, “How’s that, A? Can’t have one without the other?”

Aiden blushed at the question. The idea of not being without her made his heart pound. He shook his head, “No. It’s just that they’re better together.”

Wendy’s eyebrows rose as a smile played at the corner of her lips, “I like that, A. You think we’re a better together?”

Nodding, Aiden said, “You ever eat a plain peanut butter sandwich?”

Wendy chuckled. Then she sat up and leaned toward him. When her face was nearly touching his, she whispered, “Do you want to know another secret?”

Aiden’s heart raced and his stiffy twitched, “What’s that?”

The young woman closed the last couple of inches, gently touching her lips to his. The kiss was but a heartbeat long, but had there remained a shred of doubt about how Wendy felt about him, that brief kiss blew it away. Breathing fast, Wendy said, “I know we have to wait ‘til your older, but I really like you, you’re my kind of jelly, A. Fourteen is so far away.”

Aiden’s lips tingled. Even his stiffy twinged at the kiss. He knew what love was. After all, he loved his nana. In that moment, when Wendy looked at him, following the kiss, what he felt for her was more real, more solid, and tangible than what he felt for anyone else. It wasn’t right that they had to wait. At school the teachers and principals were great at scaring kids about horror stories of adults hurting kids. He supposed people like that existed. But Wendy was the exact opposite of that. She was loving and kind and she wanted only the best for him; just like a best friend. Maybe now wasn’t the time, after all, his emotions were a riot of confusion and even Wendy seemed like her emotions were adrift too.

Aiden sighed as he reached around Wendy’s neck and hugged her, “I know you think we need to wait. Maybe we do. But I don’t want to. I think we’d make the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I can hardly wait for you to taste my jelly.”

Wendy’s eyes grew round as she giggled, “Oh my God!”

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
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