Hi guys!

I’m really proud of just posting my first ever story! I just completed it and posted it on this site. In a few days I’ll send it to Nifty too, but this way you all get to be the first to read it. As this is my first story and Englsh isn’t my native language, I’m super duper curious what you guys think of it. All comments (good and bad!) are greatly appreciated!
Right now I’m starting to write my second story, but considering the time it took to finish this one, I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you 🙂 But of course I’ll keep you posted if there is anything new to report.

Your comments can be e-mailed to: jasoncrowwriter@hotmail.com, as a comment under this post, or the story post. Or just drop it in the Guestbook section. I don’t care, as long as there is feedback…
