High quality erotica. And more....


Hi folks,

Just a quick message this time. Beating Off Bob replied to my e-mail I send him a few months ago. Jim pointed out that my story ‘All Dressed Up’ looks a hell of a lot lik Horsing Around For Halloween by BoB, found here and here.

I explained to him it was my own story and that I came up with it myself, but if he wanted me to delete it, I would. Turned out the main reason for his late reply is that he doesn’t use the pseudonym Beating Off Bob anymore. He switched over to Robert Lubrican. Now I know why I don’t see any new BoB stories anymore 🙂

He didn’t see any problems with my story. He said it happened to him too in the past; writing a story and someone mentioning ‘Hey! That looks a lot like this story…’ So thumbs up for Robert. You can check him out at https://www.robertlubrican.com/. Have fun!!

Jason out.


  1. Avatar for Jessie

    I just read both stories. Sure, they have similarities but they also have significant differences. It was like watching Gone in 60 Seconds and The Fast and the Furious back to back.

    • Avatar for Jason Crow
      Jason Crow

      Hi Jessie,
      Thanks! I like your comparison 🙂 I do think they’re two different stories too.
      But I don’t want to be that guy that’s known for ripping off stories from others. Mostly because I’m not 😀

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