Hi folks!

Jason with a little update here. I hope you’re still having fun on my website. I had a little issue with my DNS provider. Apparently, they had sent me several emails indicating that I needed to extend my domain registration. Turned out they DID send me an email. It was just sent to a mailbox I hardly ever check. A big mistake that cost me almost $200,- Ah well… It’s fixed now, and that’s the most important part.

Just so you know, I’m working on a new story. But I feel obliged to give you all a little warning. I’m planning for another big one. Like Smoky Mountains big!! So I’m guessing this will take me a while. The good news is that I’m already toward the end of Chapter Two. The bad news is that I’m just at the end of Chapter Two…

I know Levi Holland is heading toward the end of his big story. I don’t know when he’s planning on publishing, but this might fill the gap I leave.

So… nothing much besides this. All I can say is: Have fun, have a great summer, and I hope to finish up quickly.

Jason out.