High quality erotica. And more....

New story – The Esses

The Esses

Hi there, folks,

It took me a while, but there’s another story available. This one’s called ‘The Esses’ (the magnificent Silverstone Circuit inspired me here) and is all about Ronald. He’s a tech guy who struck gold and is living in this amazing house on the beach, where he has everything his heart desires. And then his phone rings and his sister has a favor to ask…

If you’re familiar with my stories, you’ll probably know where this all leads to. Nothing fancy this time when it comes to the plot. Just the usual backstory, character development, and… you know… that stuff that you come looking for here.

It’s another illustrated one. I did it myself this time, but I’m not too sure if this will happen with my next one. It is a lot of work, and time is precious, especially for a smut writer like me.

As always, E-o-F was a big help here, so a shout-out to him. Again. But this time, a fan stepped in and offered his help. After a bit of back-and-forth contact, he managed to give me some excellent pointers. Not just for this story but, more importantly, for my writing in general. Thanks so much for this, Tommy L!

As with my other stories, once every part is published, I’ll make the eBook and Audiobooks available on the story page.

I sure hope y’all like this one. I know I do! Have fun 😊

Here’s the link to part one



  1. Avatar for Mike

    Jason, great job on the story and the AI images. I lost count of how many times I had to stop and clean up. Looking forward to more stories, and Ai images. Can you share what AI generator software you’re using. I’d like to try to creat some images myself. Looking forward to more stories. Thanks for keeping the blood flowing in this 70 year old.

    • Avatar for Jason Crow
      Jason Crow

      Hi Mike,
      Glad you enjoy the images. It’s more difficult to create consistent images than I thought. But the tool I use, is Stable Diffusion with the Automatic1111 web interface. You do need a powerful GPU for this one, but Paperspace.com has some VM’s you can use for a reasonably fair price. The learning curve is steep, but you’ll get some half-decent results fairly quickly. Youtube is filled with tips and tricks on this open source software, all it takes is time. A lot of time…

  2. Avatar for Ilikumyoung

    More Explicit please 🙏

    • Avatar for Jason Crow
      Jason Crow

      Nope. Not going to happen.

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