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AI images

I’ve thought about how to bring this up for a while now. I want to talk about AI images. For my upcoming story (I’ll release it somewhere in the coming week), I’ve created another bunch of pictures. And although I enjoy doing this a lot, I was shocked when I received the bill… I’ve managed to make ten suitable images for the story, and the bill for doing so is… FIFTY BUCKS (Euros or Dollars don’t make too much of a difference here)!! That’s five bucks per image! I don’t mind paying for my hobbies. I really don’t. My annual costs for keeping this site up and running are about one hundred bucks, and I’m more than happy to pay for that.

But paying roughly fifty bucks per story just to add some juice to it is a lot. Too much, if I’m honest.

I’m not saying there won’t be any more pics from me. But I’m asking for your help here. If one of you guys knows any good free-ish site where I can do some NSFW stuff, please let me know! Or a site that accepts gift cards so people can donate without giving out too much personal information (this counts for both the giver and the receiver). Or if you’ve got a spare GPU lying around, I can also work with that 😊 Point is, I need to bring down the costs.

I currently use Paperspace to power on a VM. I run Ubuntu on that and install StableDiffusion and Fooocus on it. That way, I’ve got my own web-based environment, and nobody can censor my work. Unfortunately, Paperspace doesn’t have a gift card system or anything, so I can’t beg you to send me one of those. But I’m not married to Paperspace, either. If there’s another way for me to work with StableDiffusion/Fooocus, that’s also fine with me!

If you’ve got ideas to help me out in this department, so I can keep up creating images, please let me know! Send me an email (jasoncrowwriter@outlook.com), and we’ll get in touch.

Just know that I’m open to all ideas on how to keep up my image creation. For now, I’m closing down my Paperspace VM, and I’ll keep my eye on the lookout for alternatives.

Thanks for your help in advance! I hope someone will be able to help me out.

Your friendly-neighborhood story teller,

P.S. the header image is an example of a not-so-great image, but is still interesting in many ways. I mean… check out their hands…



  1. Avatar for Peter

    Love your stories and the images definitely enhance them. I’m no good on technical stuff -sorry – Gift card idea is a good one but how it can operate again I’ve no idea. Importantly, do what you enjoy and if it costs too much reduce the pics to one a story??? Prefer the gift carding idea

    • Avatar for Jason Crow
      Jason Crow

      Hi Peter,
      Thanks for this constructive comment! The gift card idea is still something that’s on the table here, but I cannot seem to find a suitable service that has a gift card option. I haven’t stopped looking, but until I figure something out, dialing down the number of images is definitely an option! For my new story, all the images are ready, so there are more images on the way. And if I’m honest, I might went a little overboard there. So yeah… fewer images might solve the problem altogether.

  2. Avatar for Tosh01

    Jason – you might want to ask the folks on site you pointed to long ago where Zoon’s images were from. There are a lot of very prolific AI artists there. I don’t think any of them would be paying $5 an image, so there must be free ways to create.

    If you have any concerns about NSFW images here on a more public site getting any trouble, you probably could also post your stories there with any NSFW images. It’s all PWP there. I would expect your stories would be welcome there, as Caliboy’s are.

    • Avatar for Jason Crow
      Jason Crow

      Hi Tosh,
      I think those artists all have a system with a decent GPU in it. I.e., a gaming computer with loads of power. I don’t have that, so I’m more or less bound to other ways. One of those is a VM. Buying a decent enough GPU sets me back about 700 – 800 bucks. I know this is a one-time investment, but a hefty one, if I might say… I’ve checked some of the artists, and most of them have a PC on which they render their images.
      And I don’t have concerns about NSFW images on my site. Yes, I stay on the safe side and don’t show forbidden flesh. I personally don’t see the need for that either because it’s the complete image that paints the picture (pun intended). I’m not that interested in seeing those bits in an image. I just want to see happy people enjoying themselves and admire the young form of their bodies.
      I would like to show more boobs because a bare-chested brother and sister smiling at the camera is both great to look at, and (maybe because I’m European) I don’t see that many problems with boobs. But in the end, I’m running a story site here, and that’s my primary focus. So, I’m not publishing anything that someone might consider over the line. They might disagree with my taste, but that’s their problem, not mine.

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