High quality erotica. And more....


Wow!! Can’t believe it’s already been a whole year since this site went live. I know things are a little slow lately. My accident and writers block are making it really hard for me to create new content. The good news is that I will keep trying, so don’t worry about that!

I’m also thinking about creating a neat list of films regarding our favorite subject. So stay tuned. Tonight I’ll open a bottle of Champagne to celebrate this birthday. And although there are no candles for me to blow out, I do have one wish for this new year. And I can share it with you guys, because of no candles, no ‘official’ wish… You know.. I would really, really like more contact with you guys, the readers. What would you like me to add on the site? What kind of story do you like? Your own experiences with incest / child activities? That kind of stuff. Of course it’s all strictly anonymous, unless you’d like it differently. Maybe your story inspires me, but most of all will it help me get motivation for my writing!!

So… Happy Birthday to y’all and hope to hear from you soon!


  1. Avatar for Beart

    A bit late to the party, but congratulations from me!

    • Avatar for Jason Crow
      Jason Crow

      Thanks Beart! Appreciate it..

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