As you may (or may not) have noticed, the site was offline for a few days. I was hosting this site completely free at which worked fine for the last year. I still don’t know why, but apparently I had too many hits to keep the site up for free. It’s not that I’ve been this active lately 🙁

Anyway.. The last few days I’ve been busy replacing the site to the paid version and aquiring the new URL ( The old site redirects to the new URL and as far as I can check, everything is online now. The guys at (which is the paid version of helped me out with everything. If you’re looking for a cheap (or free) hoster with excellent customer support, they are most definitely the place to be!

On a personal note: My recovery is going slow. And I mean sloooooowwww… Sometimes I’m losing faith, but I guess that’s a logical part of the whole recovery process. I did get some work done on the last part of The Magnificent Zafar, but it is still not finished yet. Also a lot of parts were scratched by me, because I was in a real dark place in my head when I wrote it. Reading it back later was a bit confronting.

I promise you guys that it WILL get finished! Thanks a lot for not bugging me too much about the story.
