Day Job Shenanigans – Part two
Jason Crow
Everything changed for me some time ago. My fascination with young boys began when, one night at a club, I met a young man who took me back to his house. We spent the night together, but in the morning, I met his brother Brian, a twelve-year-old boy who had awakened my inner boy lover. His young, soft, and tight body blew off the lid that had been firmly attached for so many years. I took the boy’s virginity, and we made love the rest of the day. In the first few months, we had met in secret. We had many opportunities to do this since his parents were gone a lot, and his big brother, Steve, couldn’t care less about what his little brother was up to.
But after about a year, Brian started growing. His voice broke, his muscles expanded, and his long, slender cock wasn’t that slender anymore. And his watery cum, which was like nectar from the gods themselves, thickened and got muskier with each time he came. And he came a lot when we were together. He was still plenty of fun in the sack, but he just didn’t give me that energetic spark I felt when this had all started. When we’d met, he was quite the innocent boy; that year later, he’d become a very worldly young man.
Thankfully, he knew how to keep his mouth shut. It would have been easy for him to brag about me to his friends, but he just wasn’t like that. We came close to being busted once, but that was when he stayed over at my place. Later, it turned out to be the last time I’d had sex with him, and I was in the kitchen making us early breakfast. I heard the door open, and my heart stopped. It was my roommate Gemma, who was home way too early.
“What an asshole!” Gemma sighed as she threw her keys on the counter and sat at the table. Her blonde hair hung in her face, so she quickly pulled it into a ponytail. Her stylish clothes looked like she’d dressed in a hurry. She was supposed to be spending the night at this one guy’s house, an asshole’s house, apparently.
My mind was racing. Brian was in my room and didn’t know Gemma was home. I didn’t stage the couch with blankets this time because Gemma never came home this early, and I wasn’t going to drive Brian home until ten.
I tried acting cool and asked, “I thought you said he was such a great guy and gentleman?”
“Well… he was. Until his wife came home unexpectedly. He said he’d divorced her, but- oh?”
I looked at what Gemma was looking at since she stopped talking and was staring wide-eyed at my bedroom door. Brian was standing there in all his naked glory, looking freaked out.
“I… I can’t find fresh towels,” he said, quickly getting his act together.
He didn’t act shy or try to cover up, which, as I later learned, saved me. I saw a glimmer in Gemma’s eyes, but she didn’t say anything. Gemma and I walked around the apartment without clothes whenever it suited us, but it was just us. This was different.
“They’re in the bathroom. Come on, I’ll show you,” I said, surprised at how calm I sounded.
“I’ve already put my sheets in your bedroom,” he said as we headed to the bathroom.
“Thanks!” I answered and flashed him a thumbs-up for his quick thinking.
As we entered the bathroom, I breathed a sigh of relief, and Brian pretended to wipe his forehead with a relieved expression.
When I returned to the kitchen, Gemma looked at me. There wasn’t any judgment on her face, just curiosity. I weighed my options. I couldn’t possibly tell her the truth. She wouldn’t understand.
“It’s almost impossible to get some clothes on that kid,” I said casually, “He’d walk around naked all day if I’d let him.”
She grew a smile and said, “I figured that much. Why don’t you let him?” she grinned, cleared her throat, and continued, “Since, uhm… he’s hung like a pony…”
“Gem!” I said, acting offended but glad she didn’t judge.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice!”
“Yeah… well…” I pretended to stammer, “he is…”
“He’s looking mighty fine! In a year or two, I’d take his cherry in a heartbeat,” Gemma chuckled.
I shook my head and pretended to be busy with breakfast.
“What!?” Gemma pressed, “Didn’t you see the ass on that boy?”
“I did,” I said evasively.
“Fuck! And that snake between his legs…”
“You’re still horny… he’s barely thirteen, Gem…”
“I know. But still…”
After Brian had taken his shower, he was smart enough to stay naked to keep up the pretense of walking around naked all the time. He later told me he’d heard Gemma and me talking while he was in the bathroom and figured this was the smart thing to do. And after I pressed on a little, he admitted that he liked the attention.
But to me, this whole thing was too close for comfort. I thought about it extensively but decided I needed to end this. We had another Saturday evening planned where I’d stay the night at his house and leave Sunday afternoon. I decided that this would be the last time I’d fuck my little lover boy. The fact that I felt nervous like a schoolgirl for breaking up with this almost fourteen-year-old boy was all the confirmation I needed.
When Brian answered the door that night, he was fully dressed, which was uncommon for him. Usually, on such a night, he’d be in just his tight boxers, showcasing his prominent bulge. The look on his face wasn’t too promising, either.
“What’s up, Bri?” I asked as he stepped outside and closed the door.
“I… I… I think we need to…” he stammered, and I could see a tear form in the corner of his eye.
“Did someone find out about us!?” I asked, panic clearly seeping through.
Thankfully, he shook his head. It turned out that his parents had another huge fight and were finally getting a divorce. Right now, his mother was gone for about another hour to arrange everything for their departure, and his father was off to his mistress. Their aunt was there to look after the kids, but she was in the dining room with Steve.
Brian and his mother would move in with his other aunt in Hawaii for at least half a year, and Steve would stay here with his father. It was all really sudden, but based on the stories Brian had told me, it was not that unexpected, at all. Brian assured me that Steve and his aunt would stay in the dining room that night so we could still do sexy stuff in his room. But that would be way too risky, so we just talked for a while.
Brian insisted we’d stay in touch by texting each other. I told him about the risks of being exposed, and he agreed. We’d keep things to a bare minimum and decided on no pics.
It turned out, not surprisingly, that the breakup with the young Adonis was easier for me than for him. He did send me a couple of nudes, which I carefully stored in a hidden, encrypted folder in my computer and were masturbation material for months. But after a while, Brian got himself a girlfriend, and our contact faded, which was fine. Sad, but fine. Being the one who took his virginity at a young age, and therefore being in his memories forever, was such a great consolation.
I think the breakup was easier for me because it coincided with the start of my new career. I had a degree in Art that I wasn’t using, and despite all my efforts to land a decent job, I was once again unemployed. The excuse to let me go this time? The company’s dire economic situation required cutbacks. It wasn’t me. No! If it was up to my manager, she’d never let me go.
It didn’t matter. This was another dead-end job, anyway. My fourth job in four years. I needed to find that one thing I liked and was good at. The only problem was that this was easier said than done. I was thinking about my options as I entered the apartment.
“Huh!? Back already?” Gemma asked, buck naked and drying her hair as the steam from her shower exited the bathroom.
My eyes quickly roamed over her firm tits and tight ass, but she immediately noticed something was up.
She sat down at the table and looked worriedly at me. “What’s up, Carol?”
I sighed, sat down opposite her, and said, “I’m laid off. Again!”
“No!” Gemma exclaimed with her face full of disbelief, “Fuck that! Why!?”
“Something about the economic downturn or some shit like that. Don’t know, don’t care,” I said as I slumped down in my chair, trying to act blasé about it.
Gemma held her head in her hands and said, “Fuck, Carol! Why?”
“I wish I knew. I guess it’s finally time to call my dad.”
My father was a pretty successful businessman. He had a couple clothing stores in the area, and business was booming. Dad and Mom divorced, then it was just me and Dad for a time. After a while, Dad met a wonderful woman whom he married. We got along well, and after the wedding, we were a typical family again.
I had a carefree life, and when I went to college, Dad paid for everything. He wasn’t overly excited when I chose a more artistic major, but when I explained that this would help him in his business since I combined it with an economics minor, he was okay with it and never gave me a hard time about it.
But I didn’t want to go and work for him after I graduated. I wanted to spread my wings and find out for myself what was out there. After we talked about this, my father accepted my choice and actually encouraged me to live my own life. So, I found myself a lovely apartment in the city, and together with my best friend from college, Gemma, we moved in there.
“I can cough up the rent on my own for a while, and you know that!” Gemma told me.

“But I don’t wanna live out of your pocket, and you know that, too,” I said and tried to smile at my naked best friend.
“It will only be temporary. It’s more important that you’ll get a job you like.”
“You’re the best, Gem!” I sighed, feeling relieved and glad I had such a good friend.
“Alright. Let’s make a list of things you’re good at and things you like,” Gemma said and looked for a pen and a piece of paper.
She got to her feet and walked over to the living room. As my eyes were fixed on her naked ass, I started thinking about what I liked. I knew exactly what I liked, but I couldn’t say that to her.
When Gemma came back, she’d put on her silk kimono and was carrying two glasses, a bottle of white wine, and her laptop. I joined her on the couch. As she filled the glasses, I smiled at her cleavage. Her kimono hung open and was closed below her belly button. Her nipples were hidden by the silky fabric, but just barely. Our first and only attempt at having sex together hadn’t been a great success. Otherwise, I’d probably be all over her by now.
“Alright. You have your Theater and Arts degree that you’re not really using, but that’s a start. Now… a list. What are your strengths?” Gemma asked as she held out her glass and touched mine.
Yeah, what were they? When I went to college, it was mostly to party. I didn’t fail any classes, though. I got an Art degree and studied various forms like directing theatre, fashion design, and I did makeup for the theater and student films. Still, I actually did better in my business classes.
“I… uhm…” I stammered, feeling a bit uneasy about opening myself up this much, “I’m creative?”
“Creative…” Gemma said as she started typing, “we can work with that. What else?”
I chuckled and said, “I give killer head…”
Gemma laughed at that and said, “There are some jobs where this is a huge plus…”
“I don’t think I’m looking for such a job…”
She looked thoughtfully in the distance and said, “We’d make a great couple as exclusive and expensive prostitutes, you know?” and she smiled broadly.
I smiled back at her and realized once again how much Gemma and I looked alike. Tight, fit bodies that we liked to show off in the gym three nights a week, where we’d turn lots of heads as we walked around. We’d squeeze ourselves into tight-fitting yoga pants and equally tight crop tops to show off our asses and C-cup breasts perfectly, and the cleavage was admired by all the men around us each time we bent over. Gemma’s blonde hair, as opposed to my dark-brown locks, was the main difference between us, really.
“If this doesn’t work out, I can always make a career move,” I said seriously.
She shook her head, “I don’t think it’ll help my career, though,” Gemma sighed.
Gemma was a fantastic marketing strategist. She interned at one of the best firms in the area, and they snapped her up when it was done. She’s rising fast and has her eye on becoming the youngest VP in the history of the company. She could easily afford an apartment of her own, but she said she liked my company and the down-to-earth vibe the neighborhood oozed. I wasn’t jealous or anything, but I sure wished my life was as much on-track as Gemma’s.

“So… you’re creative with blowing a guy… what else?”
“I like shopping… and I keep up with the latest trends…” I said weakly and shrugged. God! I sounded like Paris Hilton but without her money. What did I really want to do?
“Good. Go on…”
“I’d like to do something with clothes or costumes. I loved the backstage work in the theater I did when I was in college. But there’s hardly any work in that. It’s just that… I wish I could do more in that area than just picking up the phone and processing orders, you know?”
“Yeah. I get that. We need to find something more related to that. Anything else we can add to the list?” Gemma asked.
“I… I like kids?”
Gemma looked at me with a surprised look on her face. We’d talked about this before, and we both agreed we didn’t want to have kids. This was too much of a hassle and would limit us in how we wanted to live our lives. So, I could understand the surprised face.
I shrugged and said, “During one of the company’s fundraisers, I had to watch several groups of boys, and I had a great time. They listened to me and behaved themselves without any problems.”
“Did you promise to show them your tits if they behaved?” Gemma laughed.
I had to admit that this had been a tempting idea and had crossed my mind at the time. But the groups of ten- to thirteen-year-old boys I’d supervised had already been ogling my cleavage and ass constantly, so there really had been no need for promises. I’d even seen a couple of tented pants and became instantly wet at the realization that I was the cause of that.
“Maybe…” I said, making Gemma roll her eyes.
“You’re evil, you know that?” Then she considered. “Well, you did have fun babysitting that Brian kid.”
So, Gemma and I talked some more about what I liked and didn’t like. By the time we emptied our second bottle of wine, I was feeling a pretty strong alcohol buzz. Thinking about Brian got me a little horny. Seeing Gemma’s kimono slip open got me even hornier. I put my arms around her. “I don’t want to think about this anymore tonight,” I whined.
“What do you want to do, then?” Gemma asked, as tipsy as I was.
That was a loaded question. I decided to give it a shot. “I want to lick your pussy.”
I could see Gemma think it over. “All right.”
With delight, I pulled open her kimono and pushed her back on the couch.
* * *
The following day, after having moved together to her bedroom and making a better-than-before effort at fun sex, I woke up with a slight hangover. Not too bad because we’d taken time out to eat some leftovers in the fridge, and I had a bottle of water. But Gemma was awake early, so I missed out on waking up with her. She came back naked from the washroom, sat on the bed, and looked me in the eyes.
“I’ve got it!” Gemma softly said but didn’t say anything else.
“What?!” I asked, sitting up and waiting for her answer.
“Don’t judge me here. And hear me out before you say anything. Promise?”
“Of course!” I answered, curious as hell by now.
“What do boys hate doing?” Gemma asked.
“Uhm… showering. Going to church. Eating vegetables… lots of things.”
“Shopping for clothes!” Gemma exclaimed as if she’d just solved world hunger.
“Right…” I said, not sure where this was going.
“And their mothers maybe hate taking their kids shopping even more. So… you take them shopping for new outfits. For a small commission, of course…”
I had to let this sink in for a moment. Take boys out shopping? I was good at shopping. And by focusing on boys, I might even see a couple of them in their underwear. Just like with Brian before he stepped into bed with me and his soft, firm body pressed….
“Carol!? Hello??” Gemma said, snapping me half out of my daydream.
“I… I’m sorry. I think that’s…” I forced myself not to react too excitedly, “You know what!? I like it!”
“I know you’re actually good at shopping. I’ve seen you do it enough to know that much. And the little brother from that Steve guy you babysat a couple of times… he adores you! You just need a good marketing campaign and ridiculously overvalue yourself so the society ladies who are too busy screwing their tennis instructors think you’re the best – because you’re not gonna get the soccer moms. I’ll do the marketing for free, of course,” Gemma said, being the torrent of words she could be when she was excited about something.
“A Personal Shopper. I think this could actually work, you know?” I said, feeling hyped after the idea sunk in a little.
“Of course, it will! But you’ll need a logo… and a name… and…”
“StyleFocus,” I said, interrupting my best friend.
She thought about it for a moment and nodded approvingly. “That’ll work.” The rest of the day was filled with the design of the overall look and feel for the public image of my business: logos, a website, and a mission statement. We contacted my father and showed him what we’d come up with. He said he liked the concept of my company, and we set up a business relationship with his stores. He was delighted to be a part of it, and Gemma got to add his business to her company’s clients.
That day, StyleFocus was born. And I’m still grateful to this day that my best friend Gemma assisted with its birth.
My new career turned out to be even better than expected. Most of my charges were nine and ten-year-old boys, dozens of them in this first year. They were cool, but only there to pay the bills. My main interest was in the eleven to thirteen-year range. Those were the most fun on multiple levels. I’ve taken out over fifty of these. Seventeen of them were very cute twelve-year-olds. Yes, I keep detailed records of them on my laptop. I noticed that in the thirteen-year range, the boys were becoming more independent, so this group, unfortunately, was the smallest. But this wouldn’t stop me from trying to get into their pants…
End of part two
Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved
Adhuc inops? An nimis perspicuum est et scivistis post paucas paragraphos?
I like story of main character Carol and how she developed a sexual attraction to little boys.