Indian Summer – Part One
Jason Crow

In the summertime, when the weather is hot, my best friend Pete and I went into the woods behind our houses a lot. We did this since the moment I moved here. We played all sorts of stuff out there, but at the moment, it’s mostly war. We were both dressed in second-hand army clothes, and we made our own weapons from old, leftover pieces, of plywood and stuff. They weren’t just sticks or something that looked a little bit like an assault rifle. Nope. Pete and I spend a lot of time crafting the wood into actual M16, AK47, MP5, and some pistols. That was our thing. We liked to play stuff, but to us, everything we did needed to be as real as it could get.

It was the summer of 1987. Our vacation was about to start. The Berlin Wall was standing strong and the Russians were our enemies. President Reagan was weeks away from telling Gorbachov to tear down that wall, but no one I knew cared about that. Everybody sang along with Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin on a Prayer’. No one knew what a Rick-roll was, but Rick Astley was singing his song over and over again on the radio. Nobody ever heard of the internet yet, and a telephone was just used for talking to other people. Yeah. Life was simpler back then. That’s for sure.

But my life wasn’t always that simple. I have lived with my grandparents in south-east Missouri for about seven years now. My name is Ronald or, as most people call me, Ron. Well… technically, my name is Dewdrop, but my grandparents changed it officially to Ronald. I’m twelve, almost thirteen, have pale skin, and reddish hair. I’m four eleven and on the skinny side.

My mom ran away from home when she was fourteen, almost fifteen. She was one of these people who are easily manipulated, and that was also the reason she ran away. She’d always been rebellious, according to my grandparents. So, in 1975 when she met one of the ‘Children of the Divine Sunlight’ followers, she decided she wanted to join them. It took her just a little bit of planning, and one evening, she was gone. No note, no signs of where she went. Just gone.
Her parents, my grandparents obviously, were devastated and full of fear of what happened to their daughter. About half a year later, they heard from someone who knew someone, that knew someone… They learned their daughter joined that obscure cult. The FBI was investigating the cult because of some disturbing signs that people were brainwashed, and because there were some hints of them wanting to commit mass suicide to achieve maximum enlightenment. Or some bullshit like that.

But the cult was very closed, and no one ever left it. That fact alone was a bad sign, but then there were also some tales about adult-child sex. My grandparents did everything in their power to free their daughter, but it was virtually impossible.

After a few years, they heard about me being born. Their divine leader knocked up my mom, just like he did most of the women there. By the time my grandparents knew, I was already five years old, but this changed everything for them. My grandfather served two tours in Vietnam with the special forces. He wasn’t on active duty anymore but served in the reserves at the training facility we lived nearby. But, of course, he was still close friends with some of his former special forces mates, and they came up with a plan to rescue us from the cult. This plan had to be put in motion quicker than they originally intended because the signals of their ‘ending the time on earth and transit into the spirit world above’ grew a lot stronger lately.

So, one night I was taken from the cabin I slept in with four other kids and was returned to my grandparent’s house. They tried to rescue my mom too, but she refused to leave. In fact, she alarmed everyone, which meant our getaway was loud and a bit messy, I later learned. I don’t remember much from my time there, nor the rescue mission. I do remember bits of the compound and the fact that people hardly wore clothes there. But that’s about all.

The intel we had about the planned mass suicide, unfortunately, was true. A little under a week after my rescue, I walked into the living room and saw my grandparents crying. On the tv was the compound I knew, and I saw bodies lying everywhere. But luckily it didn’t register that they were dead and that something awful had happened there. They just appeared to be sleeping to me.

I do remember the funeral. Everyone was sad, and there were a lot of people in the house after the funeral. That was also the first time I met Pete. He lived next door, and he and his parents came over to pay their condolences to my grandparents. I was sitting on the swing in the backyard, not quite knowing how to cope with my feelings.

“Mind if I join you out here? It’s a bit depressing inside…” he asked.

He didn’t wait for my answer and sat on the swing next to me. I looked at him and he looked at me.

“I’ve never seen you around here… Are you related or something?”

“Sort of…” I said.

I wasn’t in the mood for talking, but he did seem nice, so I didn’t walk away.

“What does THAT mean?” he asked a bit annoyed.

“My mom died, alright!? And now I have to go to some stupid orphanage or something. So stop bugging me. Okay!”

“Wow… sorry dude! I didn’t know that. I’m sorry…” he replied, clearly a bit ashamed about his rudeness.

I immediately felt sorry for my blunt reply.

“It’s okay… You couldn’t know that. I’m Ron,” I said, trying to change the subject.

“Pete!” he said and stuck out his hand so I could shake it.

We shook hands, and from that moment on, we were best friends.

My grandparents automatically got custody of me. There were no other options, and they were thrilled to have me, so that was an easy deal. And considering the fact they were really young when my mom was born, combined with the fact that my mom was only fifteen when she got me, they could easily pass for a-little-older-than-usual parents. I didn’t want to call them mom and dad, grandpa and grandma, or anything in that line, so we opted for first names. From then on it was Chris and Marla.

We lived in a big farmhouse, but we hardly had any cattle. A big forest lay directly at our backyard and was practically owned by Chris and Hank. Hank is our next-door neighbor and Pete’s dad. It was a pretty big piece of forest, and only accessible through our backyards. I never saw anyone else in these woods for as long as I lived there. The house and the forest were the main reason Chris bought this house. Of course, the proximity of the Army Reserve Station was the initial reason. Obviously, there were more houses available in the area. But, because of the forest, he bought this one.

Our neighbor’s house was close. Not close enough to hear everything that was going on there, but also not so far away, you needed a car to get there. It was about a five-minute walk. Our two houses were a bit in the sticks, though. The next house in our vicinity was a few minutes away by car. And the small town was a bit further.

Having Pete next door to play with, was a big plus for me. We were both twelve, and our birthdays were just eighteen days apart, with him being older. His birthday is just after the summer in August, which means we’re both almost thirteen. Pete is also a twin. His sister Maya is a few minutes younger than him. The three of us got along really well, but it was mostly just Pete and me hanging out. Sometimes Maya would join us, but only if she didn’t have a friend to play with, and their mom ordered us to play with her too.

We spent a lot of time in Pete’s shed, building the stuff we could play with when we went into the forest. We’d almost finished an M60 replica that Rambo liked a lot, so it was a no-brainer that we needed it too. We were planning on a weekend in the forest to play war again and asked our parents if we were allowed to stay the night there, but they didn’t allow us. First, the school year needed to be over, and then we were allowed to camp out. Just like last year. Only last year, Hank or Chris joined us in the woods because they thought we were too young to stay out there alone. Of course, that was last year when we were eleven, and this year we were allowed to stay out there on our own.

School was still in session, so staying in the words was limited to the weekends. On Saturday, we decided to go into the woods at 6 am and stay there until around 8 pm. This wasn’t unusual for us. We had an army tent there and we brought enough water and food with us to last a few days. We’d put up the tent near a small swimming hole, which was our favorite spot out there. The swimming hole looked like it came directly out of a Bob Ross painting. Trees were hanging over the water to create nice shady spots. There was a big rock in the center where we could lie on or jump from. And on the banks of the swimming hole, there was a nice, and soft spot with grass and moss for us to lie down on.

We had a campfire place where we could cook and even had a small toilet, or better: a hole in the ground, where we could take a dump if we needed to. Peeing was done at a designated spot outside our camp, near the toilet.

After we put all our stuff in the tent and got comfy, we discussed the plans for today. As always, one of us would hide in the woods, and the other one would be hunting him. The only difference this time was that the hunter had the M60. We both knew these parts of the woods so well that it was getting a bit old. After eating lunch, we decided to go swimming. We did that more often, but not too much because the water was cold, and it took a lot of time before our undies were dry again. We always went swimming in our underwear. Back then, the plain white Fruit of the Loom bikini style briefs was the underwear every boy wore. We weren’t an exception.

Pete and I never saw each other naked after around our ninth birthday. I don’t know why, but we didn’t bathe again together, and in situations like this we kept our underwear on. We weren’t doing it deliberately. It just happened this way. Of course, swimming in white underwear meant that most of our junk would show anyway. But that didn’t matter to us, we weren’t naked. After swimming, we sat down in front of our tent and let the sun and wind dry us. When we were dry again, we went for another game of war. And another. And another.

After we cooked dinner, we sat down to eat it.


“Whazzup?” Pete replied with his mouth full.

“I’m getting a bit tired of war…”

Pete looked at me, and I could see him swallowing his food.

“I know what you mean. Me too, if I’m honest. It’s always the same. We’re both too good at it,” He said.

“But I really like our camp and hanging out here.”

“Me too! And I want to camp out here without any adult bugging us,” the look on his face brightened saying this.

We were silent for a bit, both lost in our own thoughts.

“You know what might be fun too?” I asked.

“Indians!” Pete replied enthusiastically.

“Yeah! How did you know?” I asked.

“Well… we did have that lesson about them last week, and I figured that might be fun to do too,” Pete replied.

“I know. And during class, I was thinking about all the opportunities we have when we’re doing this. I mean… we can make real bows and arrows, an original tipi, a headdress, a totem pole…”

“Yeah! We’ll turn this camp into an Indian village! And we can dress like them with the loincloths and headdress, and do rain dances, make a sweat-lodge…” Pete rattled on.
It was pretty obvious we were both pretty hyped about the idea. We still had a few weeks left to do our first sleepover here in true Indian style. But we were both determined to make it work. The rest of the day, and during our walk back, we spent planning everything. The hardest part was the tipi. We needed the stuff for that, and I offered to arrange the stuff we needed for it. I was sure Chris knew some people that could help me with that. The totem pole was easy, according to Pete. There was a large part of an old tree lying around, which he could turn into a pole. That was his job during the coming week.


It was our last week before school ended and this week we would be hauling or stuff into the woods each day. One day, we even did two runs to get our stuff out there. Our army tent was already gone, and the stuff for the tipi was almost completely there. We hauled the last bits up there and put up our tipi. It was big enough for six people if we wanted to, but we didn’t mind that one bit. This way, we could fit in all our stuff and still have leftover space. It was Wednesday evening, and we were walking back to our home. All that was left to do for us, was haul the totem pole up there.

The next evening we would be finishing our bows. We didn’t make it from some spare wood lying around this time. We bought some high-quality wood that was the best for creating a bow and we each carved some ancient signs in them. We couldn’t use animal gut or something like that as a string, of course, but Pete’s dad found some excellent parachute cord that would probably be even better. After we put everything together and the bows were tested for their strength, we wanted to try them out. We took some of the arrows we made and tested our bows in the backyard. Maya, Hank, and Chris came to look at how we did.

Apparently, I built a better bow than Pete. Or maybe I was a better shot than him because I hit almost all the targets after we shot the first test arrows.
And then there were the loincloths… Pete was in charge of these. We had a tryout session in his room and the loincloths were WAY too small. We both kept our underwear on, but even a baby couldn’t hide his penis under this. So I decided to help him with this. The string he decided to use, which needed to go around our waists, was perfect. It was a bit elastic and about half an inch wide and felt soft and comfy on my skin. The cloth itself was the problem. It was stiff, too thick, and way too short. I chose a soft, almost silk-like fabric, tripled it in size, and made sure it was long enough. After I was done, the fabric ended halfway between my ball sack and my knee. Pete hadn’t thought about our backsides either, so I added a piece of cloth there too.

But when I fitted the new loincloth in my room, the undies just didn’t do it. They needed to go, so it was just the loincloth obscuring the view. I tried it this way and looked at myself in my full-length mirror. And I liked it. The two cloths hid all the precious jewels that needed to be hidden, but they also made me look real Indian too. There was just a slight problem with the pubes I started growing recently. They were peeking out over the top of the cloth. Not a real big problem because I figured Pete had these too already, but they were visible this way. I decided to cut off the most prominent ones but didn’t want to cut off all of them. I was too proud of having pubes now, after all. I did feel a bit sexy in this cloth and I sported a boner. It was still hidden from view by the cloth, but it was impossible to hide the fact that I was sporting one. This could possibly become a problem, but I guessed I’d figure this one out later.


Well… Eventually, school ended and we immediately wanted to sleep in our Indian village we created in the forest. That Friday afternoon we walked toward our camp. We were going to stay for two nights in a row and would be eating there both evenings. We were completely psyched! Our backpacks were filled with food, candy, drinks, and the usual camping stuff like flashlights and air mattresses. The walk was almost half an hour, but it went by so quickly, we both were surprised we were already there. We put our stuff inside the tipi and our sleeping stuff inside the mosquito net we hung inside.

This was also the moment we started going native, so we needed to shed our clothes and wear loincloths and headdresses. I was the first to go inside, and I disrobed quickly. I put my clothes in the plastic bag I brought with me for this purpose and put them away. I put on the cloth and quickly pulled down my Fruit of the Looms before I could chicken out. Next was my headdress and I immediately felt like an Indian. We would also put some stripes on our faces and chests, but we decide to do that the next morning with the charcoal from this night’s fire.

I crawled out of our tipi and stood before Pete, who looked me over from head to toe and admitted he was impressed with the way I looked. I felt pretty naked standing in front of him, but I tried not to think about it too much. My dick was covered up after all. Pete got up and went inside to change. He’d already put down the pieces of carpet around the fireplace for us to sit on. We did have three chairs and a bench, but we found it more realistic to sit on the ground like Indians.

A few moments later Pete came out of the tipi. And I admitted to him that I was impressed too. We wore the same outfit, of course, but seeing it on another person was a lot different. Pete looked almost exactly like me. He was a few days older, so the development of our bodies was practically equal. He too was on the skinny side but with a darker complexion. His belly was tight without a sign of a six-pack, and his belly button was an outie. His shoulders were a bit broader than me and his chest was a bit wider. At 5 feet he was a tiny bit taller than me. He had brown hair and grey eyes. I could see some hairs peeking out above the elastic band that had the cloth attached, so he was growing pubes too, just like me.

“I feel like I’m naked dude…” he said as he kept his arms in front of his chest.

“I know. Me too. Let’s go and do something to get our minds off this, okay?”

We both took our bow and arrows and went into the woods. There was a small open spot a few minutes away. We figured we could go there for our target practice. At home, we made a few fake bunnies and took some of them with us. We were carrying them over our shoulders, along with our bow and arrows. Pete was walking in front of me, and I kept my eyes focused on the exposed bits of his butt. The outer parts of his cheeks were exposed, and the movement of them when he walked, almost hypnotized me. I didn’t consider myself gay, although I’ve never given it much thought. But I also didn’t label ‘looking at another boy’s body’ as gay.

We put down our targets and took turns shooting at them. I was way better at this than Pete, so I offered to give him some pointers. He accepted this gratefully. I took a few steps back and looked at his posture, the way he held his bow, the way he positioned his feet.. all that kind of stuff. Pete fired four arrows with me looking at him. When he fired his third arrow, I noticed that the front flap of his loincloth moved up when he fired his arrow. This briefly exposed parts of his penis, which I found very interesting. Once again, I wasn’t gay but curious as hell about these things.

“Do two more,” I said after his fourth arrow. “And lift your elbow higher at the back.”

During these two arrows, I saw his entire penis, by mentally adding up the flashes he gave me. He was my size, only his penis was circumcised, where I wasn’t. The shooting was going slightly better, but not by much, so I walked over to Pete. He took his position and I stood beside him. I lifted his elbow, just like I said. But he didn’t know exactly what I meant. I laid my left hand on his lower abdomen, just above the waistband of his loincloth, and pressed on it so he would stand straighter. I felt some hair tickling my fingers but decided to ignore that.

“Try shooting like this now,” I said and looked Pete in his eyes, keeping my hands where they were, so he would stay like this.

I noticed his face was red, but couldn’t quite place why. Until I saw movement in the corner of my eye and instinctively looked down at what was moving. I didn’t expect what I saw. His cloth was sticking out, and it was obvious he was sporting a boner. Luckily for him, the cloth was still covering his dick.

“Ehh…” I didn’t quite know what to say to this, so I chose to ignore it. “Just shoot, Pete!”

He tensed his belly muscles more, I could feel that quite clearly, and he fired his bow. His arrow struck the target dead center. He stepped back a bit and my eyes went to his crotch. Looking at Pete like this made my own pecker rise too, and was fully hard in no time. Pete’s eyes went to my boner too.

“Well… this is awkward…” I said, trying to break the tension.

“No shit!” Pete laughed. “You want to put your undies back on?”

“Nah… It’ll pass. Do you?”

“No. Guess we need to get used to walking around practically naked. I didn’t think this one through. I just figured it would add to the whole Indian vibe,” Pete said and smiled at me.

“It does! Good thing it’s just the two of us. Think about going to school like this!” I laughed.

Pete started laughing too and before we knew it, we were both soft again.

We went back to camp and got ourselves a nice fire going. Darkness would come soon, and we learned from experience that making a fire in the dark is quite an adventure. So, by the time it was dark, we were sitting around the fire, Indian style, of course, waiting for our stew to be ready. Karen, Pete’s mom, made this for us, so we could heat it on our fire. And by cooking this for us, she was sure we had a decent meal.

“It’s a good thing it’s summer,” Pete said.


“Well… Considering I’m not wearing much, I’m not cold at all”

”You’re right! Never thought of that. In fact, the fire feels kinda hot.” I said and slapped a mosquito sitting on my arm.

”Did you remember to put on the bug spray?” Pete asked and he threw the bottle to me.

”Thanks!” I said and sprayed my body from head to toe with the anti-bug stuff.

I threw the bottle to Pete and sat back down again. We were both lost in our own thoughts for a while. That is one thing I like about Pete so much. We can be together and be quiet for over an hour, without the need to talk. And that was what was happening now.

”Ehh, Ron?” Pete said after a while.


”Your stuff…” he said and looked at my crotch.

I was sitting Indian style and wasn’t boned up, I was sure of that. But apparently, the cloth covering my front had a mind of its own. The waistband had shifted and now my cloth hung completely the other way. This way my entire package was exposed.

”Oops!” I blushed and quickly corrected my fashion error.

”Don’t worry about it. I can handle it” he smiled. ”Hey! We should come up with some typical Indian names for ourselves!”

”Good idea!” I said, thankful for the subject change.

“Lemme think…” Pete said and went quiet.

“I think I’ll go with ‘Ray of sun,” he said a few moments later. “How about you?”

“I think my name will be ‘Dewdrop’,” I said.

Pete knew I had experienced something in the past, but he never knew how or what. That also meant he never knew my real birth name. So why not use it now?

”That settles it then. Let’s eat, Dewdrop. I think it’s ready.”

”Alright, Ray of sun. I’ll get the plates,” I said and went into our tipi to get the plates and spoons.

We ate Karen’s stew and talked about our plans for the rest of the weekend. Tomorrow we’d go hunting for real rabbits. The moccasins we made proved to be perfect and we could easily go through the woods with these on our feet. So one concern we had about this outfit was gone. A swimming break was definitely part of the program because tomorrow, we would get a blazing hot afternoon.

Another thing we both agreed to was a weather dance we needed to do this evening. We made these small drums we saw in our history books, and we needed to put them to use too.

”I brought us some firewater too…” Pete almost whispered.


”I took some bottles from my dad’s liquor cabinet, stupid!” he laughed. ”I mixed some of them to create the firewater.”

”Oh… Why?”

”The Indians drink some special potion before their dance, so they could get into a trance. That way, they’ll get closer to the spirits.”

”Right… I’ve read something about that,” I responded, but not sure if I wanted to drink it.

We washed our dishes in the collapsible army bucket and set them to dry. By now, it was completely dark. I went inside the tipi, took my flashlight, and made sure my air mattress was blown up, so I could sleep tonight. Pete figured he’d do it later, and he wasn’t in the mood now. He said he’d watch the fire and get our firewater ready.

I was done setting up my sleeping arrangements for the night and crawled out of the tipi when I saw Pete set down his mug with a slam.

”AHHH! Wow! That’s some strong stuff,” he said, looking at me.

“You drank one already?” I asked, a bit annoyed.

”I needed to test if it’s okay dude…” he said and poured us both a new cup.

I don’t know what kind of mixture he made, but it was a coffee mug containing some sort of a brownish liquid.

”To the spirits!” Pete said as he held up his mug for us to toast.

”To the spirits!” I responded, and we banged our mugs together.

We both drank it down in one swift motion. The mugs weren’t too big. It took me two big gulps to get it empty. But damnit! Pete was right. This was strong stuff! I coughed a bit, setting it down as I felt the warm glow flow through my throat. That made Pete laugh, but I could see he struggled too.

”Now we wait in silence for the firewater to start working, so we can dance all night,” Pete said and looked into the fire.

I knew he was joking about dancing all night. And I wasn’t too much into the dancing, but we both figured it needed to be done, considering we were Indians now. We sat there both watching the flames and lost in our thoughts. Flames can be pretty hypnotic, I learned then and there. I felt my head getting a bit light and I felt warm all over. As I was thinking about all this, I heard the sound of a drum beside me. Pete had picked up his hand-made drum and started a monotonous drum sequence. This added to the hypnotic effect of the fire.

Moments later, I heard ruffling beside me, and I looked over. Pete stood up and started moving his body to the rhythm of the drums. It looked a bit silly at first, but as he really got into it, I felt the urge to join him. I saw his bronze body moving in the shimmering light of the campfire. His loincloth was swaying from left to right on the rhythm of his motions. Every now and then a bit of his penis peeked out, but it didn’t bother me at all.

I picked up my drum and started playing at a different pace than Pete, but I matched his rhythm. I got up and joined him, dancing around the fire. Although calling it dancing is a bit of a stretch. We moved around the fireplace on the rhythm of our drums, with our bodies making all sorts of odd moves. But for some reason, we were both really into it. I don’t know if it was the firewater, the monotonous drums, the fire, or a combination of these, but I felt like I was in some sort of trance. And from what I saw, so was Pete. I felt my loincloth shift a bit during the dancing, but because I was so into it, I decided to leave it at that and only pay attention to the dance. I looked over at Pete and noticed he had the same problem as I did. His penis and balls were showing entirely, and he didn’t notice or didn’t care, because he was dancing like he was the only person in the world. But what struck me most about looking at him this way was that he was stiff. His boner pointed upward and was swaying with the motions of his body. That’s when I realized I was stiff too. I was so engrossed in the dancing that I hadn’t noticed it. This must’ve been something to behold when you walked into the forest back then. Two practically naked boys with their boners on display, dancing around a campfire. I wish I had a video of it now to look back at it.

I don’t know what it was, probably the firewater, but I decided to keep on dancing. I felt so at ease with myself dancing this way, and seeing Pete go on like this was enough to keep me going. Even if I was on display like this. Feeling my penis bob up and down with each motion, the wind on it, and sometimes a gush of warm air from the campfire made me tingly all over, and especially in my penis. Looking back now, I was just getting horny from walking around practically naked, my best friend’s boner on display, and a big mug of booze. But back then, I didn’t know what was going on. I never had an orgasm, and my penis was just there so I could pee. Sure, lately I had a lot of stiffies, and I didn’t know where that came from. But other than that, nothing even remotely sexual had entered my mind.

The tingly feeling in my penis kept rising, and I just HAD to touch it! So, I took it in my hand and continued dancing like this. That meant that my drum stopped making sound at that moment, and made Pete look over to me. He saw me holding my hardon and smiled. I just pulled back my foreskin a bit in an attempt to release the pressure and started drumming again. Now it was Pete’s turn to take hold of his dick. He looked at me doing as he did this, and kept dancing. I didn’t know what to think of it, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him now. This lasted a few seconds and we danced, just like before.

I was getting a bit tired and all sweaty. So, when I reached the carpet I sat on earlier, I dropped my drums and laid flat on my back, panting. Of course, my penis was still out in the open and my foreskin pulled back a bit, but I didn’t care about that at all. I was too tingly all over and needed a way to deal with that, but didn’t know how to do it.

As I was contemplating all this, Pete completed his circle and dropped his drums too. He didn’t go to his own carpet but instead came to mine. He laid down on his back too and looked at the stars, but with his head on my belly. We were lying there in a T-shape. His head was quite close to my penis this way, which added to the tingles I felt. He laid to my left, and I looked over at his body. The first thing I saw, was his penis standing up from his groin. I was getting a bit confused by now because I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. It looked absolutely magnificent in the glimmering light of the fire. I could see his dickhead was a bit darker than mine, and he had a few more hairs than me. But other than that, we were the same. Even hard like this.

“I think I want to try to jock off now…” Pete said out of the blue, with a slight slur in his speech.

“He is right!!” shot through my head as if a light bulb flipped on. “That is the way to get rid of that tingle in my penis. At least that’s what Dan said.”

Dan was Pete’s older cousin. During the birthday of Pete’s mom, he came to visit with his parents. At some point during the day, Dan, Pete, and I were in Pete’s room when Dan started talking about the sex stuff he learned recently. He didn’t show us anything, but he talked us through the mechanics of it all. We hung on every word he said. And when Dan was gone, and it was just Pete and me, we decided to try it sometimes, because it sounded really interesting to us. We didn’t quite remember all the terms, but we were close enough to understand what was meant. And of course, a little bit later in our lives, we learned the correct terms.

“Me too…” I said and heard myself slur a bit too. “Wanna do it here?”

Pete didn’t wait for an answer, and I saw him gripping his pecker. His fist moved slowly up and down on his penis and a small moan escaped his mouth.

“Ohhh… Ron… You must try it too!”

I didn’t need to be told twice. With my right hand, I gripped my penis and mimicked Pete’s movements. And he was right! This felt amazing! I had to do it slightly differently because I could use my foreskin to move over my glans. I figured that one out already.

“Ohhhh… This IS good, Pete!” I moaned.

“Mmmm…” was all he replied.

We laid there moaning and jacking ourselves off in the dimming light of the fire. Feeling Pete’s head so close to my penis added another level to it all for me. I felt my balls moving with each tug I gave my penis and touched Pete’s head now and then with my wrist. In the corner of my eye, I saw Pete abruptly let go of his penis as if he was stung by a bee. Now he laid there panting and his dick twitching.

“What is it, Pete?” I asked worried and temporarily stopped moving my hand.

“I think I need to pee…” he slurred a bit worried, between his gasps.

“You need to keep going, dude! That’s what Dan said, at least. If you do, the sperm will come out and you’ll feel great. Remember?”

“Yeah… But what if it is pee?”

“I promise if it is I’ll never tell anyone! What happens here, stays here. That’s the deal we made,” I said and started moving my hand again.

That was enough reassurance for Pete. He started moving again too, and I focused on his penis again, feeling a growing tingle in my balls. I never felt anything like this before in my life. Here I was with my best friend, doing something we knew was naughty. But the fact that we did this together made it so much better. I heard Pete’s panting increase again and he started moaning more loudly.

“Ahhh… I think it’s happening, Ron!” he moaned and the speed of his hand increased. “OHH! AHHH!!”

I looked at his penis and saw two spurts of watery fluid shoot from his dick onto his chest. His hand moved slowly, now and a bit more dribbled out of his piss slit.

“How was it!? Was it pee, or sperm?” I asked real curious by now.

“It was… It’s… Ah… You gotta continue, dude!” he whispered and turned his head toward my penis.

I increased the speed of my jacking now because I was too curious to miss out on this. Knowing Pete’s eyes were glued on my dick, and feeling his breath on it, increased the tingle in my balls significantly.

“You sure It’s not pee? Ahh…” I asked as I felt the pressure rising.

“No, dude! Keep going!” he slurred again.

So I kept going. The pressure in my balls was building, and I tried to hold it back the same way as I tried holding back my pee. But that didn’t help at all! The pressure was unstoppable, and it was a good thing Pete encouraged me to go on because otherwise, I would’ve stopped. And then it happened. The dam broke, and I felt a warm blanket fall over me and butterflies dancing inside my penis and balls. I came for the first time in my life.

“AHHHH… I’m mngngn…” I managed to get out of my throat.

I felt three spurts leaving my penis before the feeling died down a bit. I slowed down my movement, but there was still a tiny bit of stuff coming out. I couldn’t think. I just laid there.

I felt Pete’s head-turning over toward me and looked down at him. I couldn’t suppress a giggle because drops of my sperm were in his face. He didn’t seem to care because he just smiled at me.

“Oh boy… I didn’t know I needed this,” he said.

“Yeah. Dan was right! This is amazing stuff. Why didn’t he tell us this sooner!? I mean… That stuff shooting out of my penis felt great! Sorry, I slimed you though…” I apologized.

“Don’t worry. I knew I should’ve moved, but I wanted to see it up close.” He slurred again. “And stop calling it penis, dude. You’re not a teacher. Call it dick, or cock, or prick, or dong, or fuckstick, or…”

I couldn’t stop laughing at that last one. Especially the way he said it. I was a bit worried about Pete, though. He seemed drunk by the way he talked, but he didn’t act like a drunk. I was still feeling the effect of the firewater myself but was feeling clear enough to know everything we were doing.

“Wanna go to bed?” Pete yawned loudly.

“I do. Don’t we need to clean ourselves up?”

“Oh yeah…” Pete said, making no move to stand up.

So I gently moved away from under him and walked over to the pond. I took the towel we used to dry our dishes and dipped it in the water. As I stood there, I felt my sperm sliding down my body and quickly wiped it from my chest. I walked back over to Pete, and he still didn’t move. So I took the towel and wiped his face clean. He smiled at me again.

“I love you, dude…” he said.

“Sure buddy,” I replied, now knowing for sure he was a bit drunk.

I wiped the stuff off his chest and belly. I hesitated a moment, but then took his dick in my hand and cleaned it too. I never had another boy’s dick in my hand, but it didn’t feel a lot different from mine. I heard Pete gasp and felt his penis growing hard in my hand. I quickly let go and put the towel aside.

“Come on. Get up!” I said to Pete and offered him my hand.

He took it, and I pulled him to his feet. He didn’t stand too stable but was able to walk. So we walked over to our tipi, and he crawled in before me. Because our loincloths were still hanging on our hips, this meant a full moon in my face from his butt. I could see his anus and his balls hanging between his legs as he crawled in.

I went in right after him and then realized that Pete didn’t have his sleeping bag and air mattress ready. Right now, he was lying next to my air mattress, on the floor of the tipi where his mattress should be. I wasn’t in the mood now to fix it for him, so instead, I lay down on mine and pulled Pete over. He was still awake enough to realize that he needed to roll onto my mattress. I laid on my back, and Pete, who was barely awake, draped himself over me. It was a warm night, so a blanket or sheet wasn’t necessary, especially when we kept each other warm like this. The way Pete draped himself over me, I could feel his boner pressing against my leg. He ground it a bit on my leg and a soft moan escaped his mouth.

“I liked it a lot, Ron… Thanks,” he softly said as he drifted off to sleep.

“Me too, Pete. Now let’s sleep. We’ve got a lot of plans for tomorrow.”

I felt his breath deepen, and my eyes grew heavier.

“Tomorrow just one mug of firewater for Pete,” I thought to myself. I only had one and was feeling nicely buzzed. But Pete obviously had too much.

End of part one.

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Here it is. The first part of my first completely gay story. There is an author’s note though.I seriously doubted if I should use the term ‘Indian(s)’I. I know it’s considered inappropriate and maybe a bit racist. I assure you, there is no racist intention behind it. When I was younger, this is what we played and this is what we called it. That doesn’t give me the right to use such a term, but I hope you understand why I did it and there are absolutely NO bad intentions whatsoever!
Enough about that. I just hope y’all like it. If not, please let me know! If you do, spread the word (and maybe let me know 😀 ) The story is completely finished, I just need to edit it so I can post it here. so stay tuned for the next parts, because in a few days, I’ll post them here first!

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