October 21, 2008

Knocking Up Girls
Alex Hawk

“Are you sure it won’t hurt or anything, Elliot?” Maria asked me, looking a little nervous.

“I’m sure,” I said in my most reassuring tone. We were together in her bedroom. Her parents were at work.

“And I can’t get pregnant?”

“No, don’t worry. I’ll be careful.”

Maria bit her lower lip, trying to decide. As she did so I ran one of my hands up her bare arm. A little tremor went through her body.

“You won’t tell anyone, will you?”

I laughed. “Who would I tell?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Other boys, maybe.”

“I won’t tell, I promise,” I lied.

“Well, alright. I guess we can do it.”

“Cool.” I leaned forward and gave her a little kiss. “You’ll really like it.”

“I hope so,” she said, as I started to pull her blouse open. Once it was off, I pulled her bra up enough to expose her thirteen-year-old breasts and started kissing them. Maria let out a little whimper and put one of her hands on the back of my head.

I grinned to myself. Maria would be the fifteenth girl I’d fucked this summer. Four of them were already pregnant, three of which were definitely my kids, since the girls had been virgins (like Maria), and hadn’t ever fucked anyone else. With luck, Maria would get pregnant, too.

I was in a little competition with two of my friends. We’d dared each other to each get a girl pregnant last summer when we were all fourteen. We each pulled that off easily. I now had a young daughter. Her mother raised her. I almost never saw her.

This summer we’d picked something a little different. The goal was to get as many girls pregnant as we could. So far with three confirmed, one possible and the rest not sure yet (though six of them thought they might be pregnant), I was in second. My best friend, Kyle, had gotten five girls definitely pregnant, with another seven who might be and had fucked twenty all together. We were both ahead of Daniel who had only fucked nine and had only gotten two pregnant.

Kyle and I had both lost our virginities when we were twelve. Daniel lost his a year later, and it wasn’t long after that that Kyle got his first girl pregnant. That had lead to us having our race last summer and then to this one. All three of us were good looking enough that it wasn’t really hard at all to get girls to let us fuck them. None of them seemed to have really caught on to the fact that we were screwing as many as we could, trying to knock them up.

Now I pulled Maria’s blouse and bra completely off her and began kissing my way down her chest and stomach. Once I got to her jeans, I unbuttoned them and slid my hand down inside, rubbing at her vagina through the thin fabric of her panties.

“Oh, Elliot…” she whispered. “That feels good…”

“Glad to hear that,” I said, leaning down and kissing her tenderly as I slipped my fingers inside her panties, now massaging her vagina directly. Very slowly I moved my hand farther down and worked a finger into her vaginal canal itself, moving it back and forth a little.

Maria began writhing around on the bed. While she was lost in pleasure, I reached down and started unbuttoning my jeans, putting my hand inside to pull out my very hard penis. I seldom wore underwear. Too much of a chance that it might kill some of my sperm.

Now that Maria was really into it, I worked her jeans and panties off her, leaving her now completely naked. I continued fingering her with one hand as I pulled the rest of my clothes off with my other, at least as best I could. Once I was completely naked I started kissing my way back up her body until I was kissing her mouth, my penis nudging at her vagina.

I took it in my hand, rubbing it against her virgin slit. “Are you ready?” I whispered.

“I… I think so…”

“Good.” I gave her one last kiss and began pushing forward slightly, feeling the tip start to enter her. I pulled back a little and then pushed again. I repeated this several times, seesawing back and forth until finally my entire fifteen-year-old penis was deep inside Maria’s no longer virgin thirteen-year-old vagina.

“Oh, god… oh, Elliot… it hurts…” Maria had a couple tears going down her face.

I kissed her gently and said, “Don’t worry. It’s going to feel better.” That done, I started very slowly moving back and forth inside her, screwing her with no real passion yet. I just wanted to make it feel better for her.

Soon I heard Maria whimpering slightly into my ear. It was obviously she was starting to get into it, which was good. I’d have kept fucking her anyhow no matter if she enjoyed it or not, but it was better that she was enjoying herself.

Now that I knew Maria was getting into it, I started fucking her a little faster, my penis nearly a blur as it glided smoothly in and out of her vagina. I started breathing hard as I began to approach my orgasm. I hadn’t fucked her for nearly long enough to give her an orgasm, but I certainly was about to give myself one!

Seconds later my penis pulsed inside Maria’s vagina as my sperm blasted out into her lovely young body. I wished my little boys well as they started their long swim up into her, trying to find an egg to get me a new baby. With luck, she’d be pregnant within a few hours.

After the fucking, we laid there and talked for a little bit. Then we fucked. And fucked again. By the time I finally walked out of her house, I was pretty well fucked-out, having came inside Maria no less than six times. I planned to fuck her a few more times in the next couple days, just to try and make sure. Hopefully she was already pregnant, but if not, I planned to make sure she would be.

Meantime, it was time for me to go home.

* * *
A week went by. I fucked Maria about twenty-five times, and was pretty sure she was probably pregnant by now. If not… well, I’d tried my best.

The only problem was this: Kyle had told me another girl had confirmed she was pregnant by him, and even Daniel had a girl say he’d knocked her up. Now I was tied with Daniel and behind Kyle even further and this was the last weekend of summer vacation! I had to think of something.

I went to a party on Friday night, but had zero luck. All the girls there were already taken or weren’t interested in hooking up. Ditto on Saturday night, which was so depressing, I actually left the party early and was back at home by ten o’clock that night.

I was tired and annoyed when I got home. There was no way I was going to be able to get another girl pregnant at this point. I might get lucky and have one of the girls I’d fucked before turn out to be pregnant. This wasn’t impossible. But I really wanted to have a go with another girl, just to be certain.

“You’re back early,” said my twelve-year-old sister, Jenna, as I walked into the house.

“Yeah, well, the party sucked,” I replied, going over to sit on the couch.

“Sorry to hear that,” she said with some sympathy in her voice.

We sat there watching TV for a bit and a really, really evil thought started to enter my mind. My sister was really hot looking. Her breasts were just starting to really grow and boy did they look nice. I knew also that she’d started her periods recently. This meant she was fertile.

So in other words, I could, maybe, get my sister pregnant.

It was an unreal thought. I knew it would be incest, and illegal as hell, but really, who cared? I’d get more pussy, probably take my sister’s virginity, and stand a good chance of having another kid. That would mean that I might be able to win the contest, or at least not lose badly.

My penis hardened up as I considered all these ideas. Yeah… yeah, I’d fuck my sister. What a perfect idea! Now I just had to figure out how to get her to let me fuck her…

“So what you been up to?” I asked Jenna.

“What do you mean?”

I shrugged. “Just in general. What you been up to lately?”

“Nothing, really. Just getting ready for the new school year, you know? I’m trying to get into a couple honors classes.”

“Oh, yeah? That should be pretty cool for you.”

“I hope so. It’ll help me get into college at least.”

My sister was pretty smart. I almost felt guilty at the thought of getting her pregnant. It would almost certainly screw up her future. But it wasn’t like I was going to force her. I never forced any girls. I never needed to.

I searched my memory for things I knew about my sister’s social life. Oh, yes. “Whatever happened to Brendan?” He was a boy Jenna had been dating a while ago.

“Him?” She made a face. “We broke up like two months ago.”

“Oh, sorry. What happened? Why did you guys break up?”

Jenna shrugged. “He was just kind of a jerk, you know? He didn’t treat me really well.”

“He didn’t hit you or anything?” I asked, suddenly feeling a protective urge.

She shook her head. “No, but he kept hitting on other girls and stuff.”

“Oh. Jerk.”


“I don’t know why he would have hit on anyone else. Everybody knows you’re the best looking girl in town.”

“Ha!” Jenna said with a grin. “What have YOU been smoking, Elliot?”

“Nothing. It’s true, Jenna. You’re really cute.”

“Well… thanks,” she said after a moment.

“You just gotta learn how to make yourself look… you know… a little different.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you know. A little more like what boys want.”

“How so?”

I looked my sister’s body over with a critical eye. “I think if you wore a little more revealing clothes and maybe did some stuff to make your tits look bigger. You’d be fine.”

“You really think so?” she asked, looking down at her chest.

“Of course I do. You’re really hot.” I grinned a little. “Heck, if you weren’t my sister, I’d fuck you.”

Jenna turned a bright red and giggled a little bit. “Gee, that’s nice to know.”

I did my best to make myself look embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound like that. You’ve just got a lot of potential to look really, really cute, you know?”

“Well, thanks, Elliot.”

“Any boy ever try to do anything with you?” I asked.

“What, you mean like…” Jenna blushed a little. “You mean like sex or something?”


“Not really. I mean, I used to kiss Brendan a lot and I let him, like, touch my breasts through my shirt but, that was about it. Why?”

I shrugged. “Just curious.” It meant no one had fucked her yet, which made me happy. “Why didn’t you do anything more with him?”

“I don’t know,” Jenna said after thinking about it for a moment. “I just didn’t. I know he wanted to. But… I don’t know.”

“Sex is really fun,” I said. “You should have let him do it with you.”

“I don’t know,” she said again. “I thought about it a lot. I almost did do it with him, but I just guess I wanna wait until I have a boy who loves me, you know? Then try it with him.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.” We watched TV in silence for a bit and then I said, “So are there any boys you love enough to let them try it with you?”

“Not really.”

“Well, are there even any boys you love?”

“No,” she said after a bit. “I mean, I love you, Elliot, but you’re my brother and that’s not quite the same.”

“No, I guess it’s not, although…” I trailed off.

“Although what?” Jenna asked, looking at me.

I shrugged. “Never mind. Just thinking about something.”

“Well, what?”

“Never mind,” I repeated, knowing my sister wouldn’t just let it go.

“No, come on, Elliot. What were you going to say?”

“I don’t wanna tell you, Jenna. You’ll get mad.”

“No, I won’t! I promise!”

“Well,” I began slowly. “If you wanted to, we…” I trailed off again and then shook my head. “No, never mind. You’ll get mad at me if I say it and even if you don’t, you wouldn’t be interested, so it doesn’t really matter.”

“Elliot!” my sister said, looking annoyed. “Stop being a jerk! Just tell me, okay!”

“Alright, alright,” I said in a soothing voice. “Well… it seems to me that you want to lose your virginity to a boy you love. You said you love me. If you wanted to, you and I could, you know, have sex. I’m pretty experienced and I’ve taken a lot of virginities, so I know how to make it best. It’ll be really, really good for you.” I shrugged. “That’s what I was thinking.”

My sister’s mouth had dropped open during my little speech. She closed it and after a moment said, “Oh.”



“You did ask what I was thinking,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, I know.”


There was a new tension in the air. Jenna sat silently for a few minutes and then finally said, “So you wanna… you wanna have sex with me?”
I shrugged, doing my best to seem casual. “Well, I was just thinking that, you know, like I said, if you wanna have sex with someone you love, and you love me, well, why not do it with me? I know how to make it feel really good.”

“Yeah, but you’re my brother, Elliot.”

“So? Think of it this way; if you’re going to have your first time with your boyfriend and it ends up being not that great, you’ll both feel kind of weird. If you have sex with me and it’s not that great, then you won’t need to feel so strange cause I’m just me.” It was faulty logic at best, but I hoped it would work.

Jenna gave me a weird look. “I guess that makes sense.” I could tell she was getting a little tempted, but then she shook her head. “No. No, we can’t. It’s wrong for brothers and sisters to have sex with each other.”

This argument was one I had hoped she wouldn’t trot out, cause I had no idea how I was going to get past it. Then in a flash of inspiration, I had it.

“Well, you know WHY it’s wrong?” I asked.


“Because of religion,” I said, feeling slightly smug. “See, most religions say that you aren’t supposed to have sex for any reason other than making babies. That’s why they don’t like birth control. Well, brothers can’t get their sisters pregnant. Sperm just doesn’t work like that. So when a brother and sister have sex, there can’t be a baby.”


“Yeah. That’s another reason to try it with me your first time. You can’t get pregnant by me, but you might with another boy.” I felt a little guilty about the lie, considering the whole point of this was to get my sister pregnant, but if this was what it took, it was what I would do.”

“Oh.” My little sister considered all this new information. “I guess that all makes sense.”


“But…” I could tell Jenna was trying to think of more reasons not to let me fuck her, but wasn’t coming up with any.

I said, “Look. How about this? We can try some stuff, and if you like it, then we can keep going, and if you don’t, we can stop. Does that sound reasonable?”
Jenna was quiet for another long stretch. Finally she quietly said, “Well… I don’t know. Are you sure about all this?”

“Absolutely,” I lied. “Look, I already have one baby. You think I want anymore? Trust me here.” This of course despite the fact that I knew I’d gotten three girls pregnant already this summer with at least four more possible.

“Yeah… well… you wouldn’t, like, tell anyone, would you?”

I shook my head. “Of course not. Look, Jenna, you’re my sister. Do you think I’d do anything that would hurt you?”

“I guess not.”

“So you wanna try doing some stuff? Maybe even fucking?”

After another long bit of quiet, my sister said, “Ok. But you have to stop if I don’t like it, ok?”

“Sure! Of course!” It was all I could do to keep from cheering. I knew now that I had her. I could make it feel good enough for her that there was no way she’d want me to stop. Within an hour I’d have my penis driven deep inside her tight young vagina, and hopefully I’d have her pregnant by the end of the night.

“Ok.” Jenna took a deep breath. “So how do we start?”

“Well… have you ever seen a boy naked in real life before?”


“Ok, then. I’ll undress.” I stood up and very slowly began removing my clothes, pausing after each garment was off so that my sister could look me over. Once I was down to just my boxers, I stopped and said, “So what do you think of me so far?”

“You look really nice, Elliot,” she replied after a moment. “You have a nice body.”

“Thanks.” I hooked my fingers into my boxers and said, “Ok, here goes the last bit.” Slowly I pulled the waistband forward so that it could get past my hard penis and then lowered my boxers to the floor. I stood back up, now fully nude and erect in front of my twelve-year-old sister.

“Wow,” she said after a bit.

“Yeah.” I knew I looked good nude. You didn’t sleep with as many girls as I did without having the looks.

“It’s… wow, that’s big,” Jenna said, looking right at my penis. “Can that really fit inside me?”

“Oh, yes. Trust me.” Taking a small step towards Jenna, I said, “Do you want to touch it?”

“Alright,” she said and very slowly reached out with her hand. Her fingertips brushed the tip of my penis and then ran down the shaft. “It’s really warm.”

“Yeah” I sat down on the couch next to my sister as she moved her hand away. “So anyhow, you wanna try taking off your clothes now?”

My sister nodded silently and stood up. She pulled off her shirt, exposing her bra-less chest. I was a little surprised at that, but pleased. Her breasts were small and firm and very nice. I couldn’t wait to nuzzle them. Then she pulled off the rest of her clothes. Unlike me she didn’t pause before taking off her underwear, she just pulled them right down, showing off her small patch of sparse pubic hair and giving me a nice view of her virgin slit.

She stood there looking shy for a bit and said, “So what do you think? Do I look ok?”

“You look wonderful,” I said with a sincere smile.

“Thanks,” she said, blushing a little. “So now what?”

“Well… here, sit down on the couch,” I said, standing up and moving aside. My sister took my place. I knelt down in front of her and spread her legs a little, taking in the view of her lovely vagina. “Did your last boyfriend ever go down on you or anything?”

“No…” Jenna said, a little hesitation in her voice.

I spread her legs a little more, giving me good access. I said nothing further, I simply moved my face downward, stuck out my tongue and started licking all over my little sister’s vagina. It produced instant results. She tried to close her legs and let out a little whimper of total pleasure as I worked my tongue all over her labia, poked it into her vaginal canal and worked it near, but not on, her clitoris. I knew for a fact she’d never felt anything this good before!

“Oh, Jesus, Elliot… I… oh, god, that’s good…” she whispered, putting a hand on the back of my head.

I ignored her and reached out a hand, rubbing my fingers against her slit while my tongue now probed right alongside her clitoris. I placed one of my fingers against the entrance to my sister’s vagina and very slowly worked it up inside her, pleased that I didn’t a hymen. I’d run up against them before, though not for very long.

Keeping my first finger in Jenna’s vagina, and slowly inserting a second finger, I began to kiss my way up her body until I reached her small breasts. I kissed and then gently sucked on each of her nipples while I moved my fingers inside her body.

This position also had the advantage of putting me into a position where my penis could make contact with my little sister’s vagina. I pulled my fingers slowly out of her and took my erection in my hand. I began rubbing it gently up and down against her slit, knowing that if I did it right, I’d drive her nuts and get her ready for intercourse.

Now I moved my face up and nibbled gently on my sister’s neck. At the same time I positioned my penis right against her vagina, pushing it into her just slightly. Not enough to really penetrate, but enough to get some attention.

“Feels good, huh?” I whispered into her ear.

“Oh, yeah…”

“Glad you like it.” I probed again with my teenage penis, letting the tip sink into Jenna’s preteen vagina. She was nice and wet. Penetration would be really easy.

I kissed her lightly on the lips and said, “I’m going to put it in now. It might hurt just a tiny bit, but then it’ll feel really nice, ok?”

Jenna swallowed, obviously overwhelmed by the fact that she was about to lose her virginity to her older brother. Nodding she said, “Ok.”

I leaned down and gently started sucking on one of her breasts again, while with one of my hands I reached down to stimulate Jenna’s clitoris. Finally I steadied myself and pushed forward gently with my hips, my fifteen-year-old penis starting to slide into my little sister’s tight, twelve-year-old virgin vagina. I sawed it back and forth until I was almost entirely inside her. Then I took the last plunge, and was now entirely inside. I was officially committing incest.

Once I was completely inside her, I took a moment to pause and looked into Jenna’s eyes.

“You’re not a virgin anymore,” I whispered. “You’re being fucked. How’s it feel?” I asked softly.

“It hurts a tiny bit…” she said. “But it feels good, too…”

It was all I could do at this point to avoid fucking the shit out of her. Less than half an hour ago I’d had the idea of fucking my sister. Now here I was, actually doing it! Oh, it was sweet! I really hoped to get her pregnant from this.

I got myself into a comfortable position and began screwing my sister at a nice, slow, steady pace. I was determined to keep myself from cumming too soon, but I really wanted to give my sister an orgasm while I fucked her.

“I can’t believe… we’re really doing this…” Jenna whispered as I pumped steadily inside her.

“Feels sweet, huh?”

“Oh, yeah…” She placed her hands on my chest and ran them down to my waist, then around my body to rest on my butt. “Oh, Elliot, it feels soooo good…”

I began pulling my penis almost all the way out of my little sister, and then slowly easing it back inside, pressing hard against her body each time I sank back inside. I could feel the wonderful sensation of her vagina getting wetter and wetter as I fucked her, and I knew that she’d cum for sure if I held off on my own orgasm long enough.

After about ten minutes of steady, hardcore sex, varying from slow screwing all the way up to hard jack-hammering, I heard Jenna start moaning in a whole different way, and I knew that she’d be climaxing soon. Only a few moments later I felt her vagina start clenching around my penis while my sister let out a high-pitched mewling sound of total bliss as the orgasm claimed her mind and body.

Now was my moment. I let out a series of low grunts as I felt my penis begin kicking inside my sister’s vagina, my sperm fountaining out of me and blasting up into her. I pictured my little fellas swimming up into her body, finding an egg and giving me another baby. I couldn’t ever remember an orgasm as intense as this one.

Holding my still-hard penis inside my sister, I kissed first each of her breasts and then gave her a tender kiss on the mouth.

“Did you like it?” I asked.

“Oh, yes…”

“Good.” I kissed her a few more times, waiting until I was ready to go again. Then as soon as I was ready, I started moving back and forth inside my sister, fucking her once more.

I fired off a total of six loads of sperm into my sister’s vagina that night. We fucked in just about every position. We kept fucking all weekend. I eventually screwed her more than twenty times before Monday rolled around. I was sore as hell, but with any luck my sister was now officially pregnant by me. And if she wasn’t yet, she soon would be, because even after school started, we still kept fucking at least a couple times a day.

By the end of October, the bet was officially over. Kyle had wound up getting nine girls pregnant. Daniel ended up with a mere seven. As for me? Out of fifteen girls I’d fucked, a total of eleven, including my sister, ended up getting pregnant by me! My little boys had done better than I’d ever expected. By this time next year, I’d end up with a total of twelve children!

Sadly, I wouldn’t be able to see any of them for a while. When my sister found out she was pregnant she went into a panic and told our parents what we’d been up to. They were pissed. They were so pissed they ended up talking with some doctor who ended up talking with the police and next thing I knew, I was under arrest, charged with multiple counts of statutory rape and incest.

Soon the whole story came out and both Kyle and Daniel wound up getting arrested, too. Turns out I hadn’t been the only one to fuck his sister. Daniel had popped his eleven-year-old sister, and even though she wasn’t pregnant, he was in serious trouble for it. Both them had also fucked a couple underage girls. We were all in deep shit.

In the end all three of us wound up getting tried as adults and we all wound up being sentenced to five-to-seven years in prison. To say it sucked was to understate matters. Our lives were pretty well fucked up at this point. What little money we were able to earn working in jail went to pay child support. I ended up with about five bucks a month in spending money. The only bright side to it all was that we were all able to sell our stories to Hollywood. We each wound up with $10,000 after a huge cut was taken out for our kids. It wasn’t much, but it would be enough to provide us all with a good start at new lives once we got out of prison.


Got an interesting and TRUE first time or consenting incest story? Please send them to me! I might turn them into one of my stories! I’m also always looking for pictures of cute boys and girls, the less clothes the better! Refer to www.boblamb.com for the sort of things I’m after. Sometimes I get inspiration from these sorts of pics! Keep it legal, of course.
Send any and all feedback or requests for my FAQ about me to jasoncrowwriter@hotmail.com (replaced Alex’ address which is no longer in use -JC-) ! Thanks muchly and I hope to hear from you soon! ^_^

You know, speaking as someone who used to have sex with his sister, I consider myself EXTREMELY lucky that I didn’t wind up getting in legal trouble for it. Our parents never found out. I might have gotten her pregnant, someone did at any rate, but I don’t know for sure if it was me or not.

Needless to say, fucking someone without his or her consent is wrong. Was what Elliot did in this story wrong? Well, he lied to his sister to get her into bed and was trying to get her pregnant without her consent, but was the actual act of brother/sister sex wrong? I don’t think so. If you wanna read more about my views on incest, statutory rape and other sex related issues, please request my FAQ. Thanks for reading! ^_^