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Elijah’s Visit – Part Two

October 20, 2008

Elijah’s Visit – Part Two
Alex Hawk

When I got home from my visit with Michael, I saw Elijah watching tv like usual. He looked up as I walked in.

“Hey, Jake!”

“Hey,” I said, setting down the pizza I’d picked up from Little Caesar’s. “Hungry?”


We sat down and watched tv for a while as we ate. After we were done eating, I killed some time just talking with him and watching “The Matrix”. Finally at about nine, I said, “Well, I’m going to bed.”

“Oh?” Elijah looked surprised and a little disappointed. “I thought we might, you know, watch another movie…?”

“No, I want to get to bed.” I stood up and walked to my room, pausing at the door. Not turning around, not able to look my young cousin in the eyes, I said in a quiet voice, “If you want, you can come join me.”

“Uh… huh?”

“There’s just one thing you have to know first. I sleep naked. Anyone who is in my bed with me has to be naked, too.” I let that sink in a little and then said, “Good night. I’ll leave the door open.” Then I walked to my room.

Once there I quickly turned out the lights, disrobed and got into bed, leaving my door open just a crack. I wondered what would happen next. My penis was very hard and twitching with excitement at the possibilities.

After a couple minutes the door opened a little and Elijah stuck his head into the room.

“Jake?” he asked softly.


“Do you mean it? I can sleep with you if I want to?”


He took a step towards the bed. “And I have to be naked?”


“Does this mean… we’re going to have sex?”

Taking a deep breath, I very quietly said, “Yes.”

“Oh…” Elijah said nothing further for a few moments. Finally I saw him starting to pull his shirt off. He slowly removed the rest of his clothing and then got into bed next to me.

“So now what?” he asked as we laid there side-by-side.

My hand shaking a little, I reached over and rested my palm on Elijah’s bare chest. I could feel his heart beating about a million miles an hour. His nipples were stiff. His skin was smooth. He was so beautiful. I began to see what Michael saw in boys.

“What are we going to do?” Elijah whispered.

“Whatever you want.”

In the darkness, Elijah reached down and took my penis in his hand, stroking it slowly. “I want everything.”

Moving my own hand downward, I began masturbating Elijah and said, “Alright, then. You’ll get everything.”

“Cool,” he whispered. He leaned his face up towards mine and we began kissing.

It was pretty obvious Elijah had never kissed anyone before. At first when he tried to open his mouth for Frenching, he opened it way too wide.

“Don’t open your mouth so wide.”


“It’s ok, you’ll learn,” I said, kissing him again.

Elijah and I kissed some more and then he said, “Can I try sucking you?”

“Do you really want to?”


“Here, then, let me blow you first so that you’ll know what to do.”


I moved myself down under the blankets, kissing my cousin’s body as I went. When I reached his young penis I kissed the tip, licked the shaft and then slid my mouth down around it and began bobbing up and down. It was very cool knowing that I was giving this boy his first ever blowjob. I wondered if Michael always felt this powerful when he sucked off a young boy?

Elijah started breathing pretty hard. I heard him whisper, “Jake… I’m gonna cum soon…”

I had only an instant to decide what to do. Finally I figured I’d make it as nice as I could for him and kept going.

“Jake, I’m gonna… I’m… oooooh… oh, god…” Elijah let out one last long moan and I felt his penis start kicking in my mouth, his sperm splashing down my throat as I tried to swallow it all as fast as I possibly could.

When Elijah was done cumming, I moved up and snuggled next to him. “Well? What did you think?”

“I liked it!” Elijah said with an eager smile. “Now I get to do you!” Before I could stop him, Elijah ducked down and took my penis in his hand, giving it a couple slow, steady strokes. He gave it a couple uncertain licks and then slid his mouth along the shaft, just rubbing his lips against it. Finally he opened his mouth wide and took me in.

It wasn’t the best blowjob I’d ever had. It was, in fact, pretty far from the best and closer to the worst. The boy had no clue at all what he was doing. One would have thought that seeing all those porn films would have helped, but apparently not. Still, hopefully he would get better with time. There’s a real skill to giving a good blowjob.

I let Elijah suck on me for about five minutes before I finally pulled him up and started kissing him again. After we broke the kiss, he said, “Why did you have me stop? I wanted to make you cum.”

“I don’t usually cum while getting blown,” I said.

“Oh. I didn’t know that.”

I snorted. “Of course you didn’t. You’re new to all this.”

“Yeah,” he said with a grin. “I’m having fun, though!”

As we kissed, Elijah began grinding his hard penis against mine. The weight of his naked young body on top of mine really felt good, though I certainly wasn’t going to wind up cumming from it. He might, though. But I had a better idea for where his next orgasm should happen.


“Yeah?” my young cousin asked, lifting his face up from my chest where he’d been sucking on one of my nipples.

“You wanna fuck me?” I asked him.

Elijah blinked. “Like… like up your butt…?”

I laughed at how his voice sounded. “Well, it’s not like I have a vagina, you know.”

Elijah gave a nervous little laugh of his own. “Yeah, I know that.”

“So you wanna try it?”

“Actually…” Elijah looked even more nervous now. “Uh… I do want to try it, but… like… you doing it to me?”

Now I blinked in surprise. “You want me to fuck you?”


“Oh!” I felt very surprised. “Uh… well, we can try that, but it’s going to hurt at least a little. Maybe a lot. I don’t want to scare you away from the idea, but I wanted to make sure you know.”

“Huh… uh… if it hurts, though… why do people do it? I mean in the porno tapes it always looks like the guy getting fucked is having a good time.”

I shrugged a little, looking up into the boy’s eyes. “Well, it DOES feel good once you get going, especially if you’re being topped, that’s what it’s called when you get fucked, when you’re being topped by someone who knows what he’s doing.”

“Oh… would you know what you’re doing?”

“Well, yes,” I admitted.

“Ok. So if you fuck me, it won’t hurt, right?”

“It probably will still hurt at first at least. Then after that it should start feeling really good. I don’t want to lie to you, though. The pain will probably be pretty intense at first. I’ve been fucked a lot and even I have problems with it sometimes.”

Elijah appeared to consider this. Finally he slowly said, “Well… you’re my cousin, Jake… and I trust you. If you say that you can make it feel good for me, then I’ll believe you. Besides, I’m going to try it sometime. It might as well be with someone who knows what he’s doing.” Then the boy blushed a little, the feeling of warmth passing across his naked body. “And someone who I… love…”

Oh, lord, I thought. I choose to ignore the last little bit and said, “I’ll certainly try to make it good for you, Elijah, if you really want me to.”

“I do,” he said with a nervous little grin.

“Ok.” I reached over to the nightstand and rummaged around until I found my bottle of lube. Once I found it, I said to Elijah, “Ok, get off me for a moment.”

“Alright.” My cousin moved down to lay next to me.

I squirted some of the lube onto my hand and started rubbing it all over my penis. While I did so, I passed the bottle to Elijah and said, “Put some of this on your fingers and then stick one up into yourself. Rub all over down there and get as slippery as you can.”

“Alright,” he said, his voice trembling a little. He squirted the lube onto his fingers and then put them down between his legs. He let out a surprised little hiss. “It’s kinda cold!”

I laughed. “Yeah. It’s like that at first.”

“I actually gotta put a finger inside?”

“Well, yes. I mean, my penis will be going into there soon. If you can’t even handle one of your own fingers, how will you take that?”

“Yeah… ok.” I watched Elijah’s face as he slowly inserted a finger into his ass. He blinked a little and got an odd look on his face. “It… wow… it feels kinda weird… not bad, but weird…”

“Yeah, that sounds about right.”

“So ok… I guess I’m ready.”

“Alright.” I laid back. “Go ahead and straddle my waist. Keep your butt up above my penis.”


I positioned myself under Elijah, holding my erection up. “Right. Now just sort of lower yourself down until you feel me going inside you.”

Elijah took a deep breath. “Alright.”

My cousin slowly lowered his body down onto my penis. There was a little resistance and then the tip of my erection popped up into him. Elijah let out a little whimper and said, “Oh… that’s… ow…”

I put one of my hands on his thigh and the other around his penis, stroking it slowly. “Just relax. Keep going. When it hurts, stop, but don’t pull off me, ok?”

He exhaled loudly. “Alright. I’ll try my best.”

Elijah lowered himself down some more, and this time a little of the shaft of my penis entered his tight young virgin ass. He winced and held himself steady. “Wow… that does hurt a little,” he managed to say.

“I know,” I said as I kept stroking his erection. “Just relax. Once I’m entirely inside you, it’ll start feeling really good.”

“Alright,” Elijah said again and lowered down some more. We went like this for about five minutes until I was finally all the way inside him.

It was a real challenge to hold myself still. It was really nice inside Elijah’s body. I kept hold of his thigh and penis and whispered to him, “So now I’m all the way inside you. What do you think?”

Elijah winced a little and said, “It really hurts…”

“Well, you wanna have me pull out?”

He shook his head. “No. The pain is kind of fading a little, I think.”

“Alright. Well, when you’re ready for me to start moving, let me know. That’s when the good part starts up.”

“Ok.” After a couple minutes he took a few deep breaths and said, “Alright, I think I’m ready.”

“Ok.” Keeping hold of his naked young body, I started thrusting slowly, pushing my penis up into his tight ass. It was a major effort to keep from pounding the fuck out of him, but I maintained some self control.

“How is it?” I asked after a few moments.

“Oh, Jake… it’s… that feels so cool… I can’t believe I really have you inside me like this…”

I grinned at him and gave him a little kiss. “You wanna turn over and let me be on top?”


Moving carefully so that I didn’t slide out of him, we rolled over and now I was on top of Elijah. I started screwing him in a slow, steady motion, trying my best to make sure he enjoyed it as much as I was. Judging by the look on his face, I was accomplishing my goal. One part of my mind still couldn’t get over the fact that I was actually fucking a thirteen-year-old boy, especially one as beautiful as my young cousin. God, that was fantastic! I really had to make sure I told Michael thank you.

We fucked for about ten minutes, Elijah jerking off every once in a while. Finally his masturbation accomplished its goal, and he let out a series of incoherent sounds as his sperm starting firing out of his young penis, his ass contracting around my erection as he climaxed.

Well, that was it for me. I grunted and pushed deep into my cousin’s ass as my penis started kicking inside his little body. Soon his underage body was filled with several sharp blasts of my sperm. When I was done cumming, I held myself over him, trying to get my breath back.

“Oh, god, Jake,” Elijah whispered. “Wow, that was nice…”

“Glad you liked it,” I said with a little chuckle and kiss.

Elijah and I spent all day just having sex with each other. I fucked him. He fucked me. We blew each other. It was a fanastic afternoon! The next day was even better, cause I invited Michael over and, much to his happiness, we all three had sex with each other.

Through the rest of the summer, Elijah and I spent a great deal of time making love to one another. We occasionally had sex with other people, sometimes men my age, sometimes boys his age, and always we had lots of fun.

Eventually the summer ended and Elijah returned home to his parents in Oklahoma. They’d finished their divorce and he’d wound up having to live with his mother, which he didn’t mind too much. He made sure to stay in touch with me.

In fact, I recently got an email from him saying that he wanted to come and visit me this next summer and that his mother had already approved the idea! We’ll get to spend time having as much sex as our bodies can stand! Ah… I can’t wait!


Copyright 2004 by Alex Hawk. Boys are fun, but fragile! Be careful not to break them.



  1. Avatar for Dodger

    A sensitive story about cousins. It is somewhat similar to my own story, There could have been a lot of interesting scenes with the other friends. Maybe when Elijah visits the next time!

  2. Avatar for JonAnd

    A sex story in which everything else is described in detail, except the sex itself. “Boys are fun, but fragile! Make sure you don’t break them”? Jack is worried about the penetration being painful, and then just fucks the boy without any preparation? Shower first … Lick Elijah’s sweet asshole extensively and vigorously before the fuck, and then slowly stretch the virgin hole with fingers or other aids. Pampering the boy passionately, lovingly and considerately is how a gay man would proceed. Child fuckers proceed as described in the story, so it fits that the teenager is physically underdeveloped! Most supposedly teenage stories show this schema.

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