My Brother Saves Halloween – Part 3 By Tommy Linarcos
“It’s okay. Henry, it’s okay,” I soothed. “It was our first time. For both of us, it was just our first time, so…”
Something clicked in my brother’s mind. “Our first time?”
Then it clicked, what I’d said. “Our first time.”
“Just our first time, huh?”
“Yeah, just our first time.”
Henry started fucking me, again. I guess he’d never really gone soft — his cock, I mean. And it was still inside me. He was just looking at me, and I was looking at him, both of us with goofy smiles on our faces, and we started fucking again.
And that’s when the phone rang.
Both of us were in shock, like we’d been caught by Mom walking in, but it was just the phone. Still, we pulled out of each other in a hurry and jumped off the bed, both of us running around trying to find our phones. Whose was it? Where was it? Looking back, it was kind of funny, seeing Henry running around with a boner, though all the stuff leaking out of me while I ran wasn’t too much fun.
It’s like we were trying to get dressed to answer the phone! Something in our brains finally clicked, and we stopped, and Henry picked up his phone. “It’s Mom.”
“Answer it!” I whisper-screamed.
“Hi, Mom! We’re okay, we weren’t doing nothing.” Yep, that’s my brother.
“No, we’ve actually been here the whole time… No, no one came to get us, so… We’re upstairs… Yeah, in our room. Or the, you know, sitting room, the place with the TV. We’re watching TV.” Henry made motion to me to go fix the TV in the other room.
I flipped around the couch and realized the TV was still on the channel guide and found something — an old movie from last century called Phantasm. I don’t know what it’s about, but it looked scary, and it was Halloween, so I left it on that.
Henry wandered over, still naked, but his cock wasn’t pointing up, anymore. It still looked good, and it was kind of pointing at me, but it just wasn’t straight up, anymore. He turned on the lamp by the couch. Then I saw him naked with the light on. His pubes were blonde, like a real, real light brown. His dick was kind of red, but I wasn’t sure if it was always like that, or if it was because it was hard and we’d been fucking.
“Mom’s on her way up! We have to get dressed!”
I tried to think. “In what? Our costumes?” Or our regular clothes, or…?
Henry was putting the candy and empty wrappers back on the table. “No, we’re in for the night. Put on your sweats or pjs or whatever. Comfy stuff. We’re watching TV and eating candy and Doritos, right?”
I ran into the bedroom and found my nightclothes in the top drawer where I’d put them this morning. It was an easy ‘dress.’ I came back out and Henry had the root beer cups and the Doritos open. “C’mon, c’mon! You gotta get dressed, too!” Henry and his cock ran into our bedroom and reappeared in his blue sweats and the same yellow Nike t-shirt he was wearing before.
We quick-looked around. Was there anything else here that would give us away that we’d been having sex? Maybe Henry’s mussy bed covers, but that was in the other room.
We waited for Mom. She was taking a long time.
“Sit down,” Henry ordered. We had to look like we’d been here for a while, so we stretched out on the couch. The movie had some Tall Man stealing dead bodies, and there was this silver ball flying around a funeral place and it had blades that stuck in your head and a screw that drilled in your brain and blood came pouring out. That was cool.
Finally, Mom and Aunt Marcy walked in. They both came up to us and hugged us and hugged us and said how much they were sorry. From what I could put together, both Uncle Ted and Uncle Bill thought that Aunt Frannie or Aunt Trisha were picking us up, but all of them were downstairs. Aunt Marcy made fun of Uncle Ted, saying in a weird voice, “What we have here… is a failure… to communicate!”
They were both drunk out of their minds.
We showed them our candy haul, and then the Cereal Killer and Crazy Cat Lady costumes we’d made. Mom and Marcy were all, “Oh, remember? We used to make our own costumes!” We told them that Mr. Thomas and Miss Carrie were very nice to us, and we had dinner at a soul food place, but got caught in the rain, so came back and dried off and ate garbage and watched scary movies.
Marcy was all impressed that we’d made a Halloween for ourselves even without going to the north side. Mom was starting to snack on the box of Apple Jacks that Henry had speared. Marcy thought that was a good idea and took the Corn Pops. Then they were just standing there, eating dry cereal. And looking at our candy.
“You guys can go back to the bar, now, if you want…” Henry told them. “We’re fine, here.”
“Do you want to come down? See everybody? They have sodas there, too,” Aunt Marcy offered.
“No,” Henry said. “We’ll see everyone tomorrow. We’re a little tired. We did a lot of walking. We’ll probably go to bed like right after you leave.” Henry looked at me, then, and I swore he winked at me, but it might’ve just been the light.
Aunt Marcy apologized again, and Mom told us she wouldn’t be long, but we promised we’d probably be asleep when she got back. She made sure she had her key and they went back downstairs.
Henry and I collapsed on the couch, my head on his shoulder, his arm around me, just like before, except not in our robes. The robes were still right there, and might have needed some explanation, but not when Mom had been drinking.
Henry ate a Reese’s. “Energy,” he explained. I had a Kit Kat. Then he cleaned up the empty wrappers and threw away the root beer cups. I put our candy in a Walgreens bag and put it safe in our room, along with our robes. We took a couple extra minutes to clean up our markers and scraps and things from costume construction. Finally, Henry turned on Mom’s bedroom light, shut off the lamp by the couch, and shut off the TV.
He held out his hand. “You want to go back to bed with me?”
I took his hand and we walked into our bedroom. I had to use the washroom, first, though, and just kept walking while Henry closed and locked our door. When I came back out, I was naked hoping he would be, too, and he was. He’d found that the alarm clock on his bedside was a radio, too, and he’d found a good station, so played it quietly. The covers on my bed were messed up and the pillow all punched. That was new, too; I didn’t remember leaving my bed like that. Then I realized it was Henry’s smart thinking, because I wasn’t going to leave Henry’s bed until the morning, if I didn’t have to.
At the window, we could see that the storm was moving off, the lightning was more distant. Henry walked back to the bed, but turned on the bedside light. I turned to see why; I wouldn’t have thought he’d want the light on. He was staring at me, gazing at me. “I need to see you. Like, in color,” he said.
I came closer to him, between the beds and watched him watch me. He was noting the pinky color of my nipples and the golden hue of my pubes. He was nodding so slightly, he had a look of ‘I knew it’ on him.
I stopped him from getting into bed. I purposely placed my hands on his chest. “I have to do this…” I whispered. I didn’t have to whisper as we were alone, that’s just how it came out. He stood for me.
I just let my hands move along his body with weight, no light touch, slaloming over his chest, up to his shoulders, along his sides, back to his neck, his cheeks, and then his strong arms and his armpits, back down to his abs and waist. He let me, with his eyes closed.
“I have to do this. Touch you. All of you. Finally. No secret feels like at the water park or touching legs on the couch.” I wrapped my hands, as much as I could with my smaller hands compared to his body, around his thighs and down to his knees and calves, across his feet and toes, then up his backside to his butt and his back. I had purposely avoided his cock until I was behind him. “All this time, I’ve just wanted to feel… to touch… every part of you, Henry.”
I pressed my breasts against his back, my legs to his legs, and reached around and began to jerk his cock, slow and smooth.
“Oh… Katie—!” he breathed out in a weird voice that got caught in his throat. His arms shot out to the side and he tried to touch me, to hold me, backwards. I let him as much as he could without interrupting my efforts.
I let my left hand roam — from his butt, to his chest, to combing through his pubes, to holding his balls, which he seemed to like best.
“You like this, Henry?” I asked in a deep voice, trying to sound all sexy.
“Yes…” he hissed. “Faster… please…”
I took his advice and he started to falter, his knees bending and his legs giving out, and pushing himself back up, his breathing getting quicker. Good.
“I want to see you cum, Henry,” I demanded. I swear, his cock was sweating. And inflating. I kept pumping him, getting faster, bottom of his shaft to the top, but I found he liked it better with short strokes right by his cock head.
“Oh, Katie…”
“Are you going to cum for me?”
“When are you…” I was in the middle of saying when his whole body tensed up — every muscle from head to foot locked up in a whole-body clench. His hands found the sides of my ass and pressed me to him. I moved my legs back to support us both. And then I looked around side his body, determined to see what I’d wanted.
He made a noise like, “Gahhhh…!” and his cum shot out of him and across the bed’s comforter. I couldn’t hold back a gleeful squeal! His second shot actually flew further and I swear it cleared the bed. The third was as powerful as the first and it, too, painted the comforter. So did the next four, but they didn’t go as far, and there was less of it. After that, they mostly fell to the carpet or on my hand. My brother shot eleven times, in all, by my count, including the small ones. I slowed down my stroke, but I didn’t want to stop.
I wound up stopping, though, because he’d lost all control in support and the two of us wound up collapsing backwards onto my bed. Henry’s hands found my breasts.
We let a song play and end. “That was intense…” Henry breathed.
“That was a lot of cum!” I snickered. “Did you put that much in me before?”
Henry considered. “Probably.”
“You might have to marry me.” I brought my fist up to my mouth, and cautiously licked the back of my hand. Henry watched me, fascinated, but didn’t ask. It was… okay. Not bad, kinda plain. I’d have to try it again, hot from the source.
“Those first couple shots went, like, over the bed!” I recalled.
“I can hit the poster over my bed, at least with the first shot or two,” he bragged, but then got quieter, “If I haven’t, like… done… anything for a day.” He didn’t have to be embarrassed. What girl doesn’t know her brother jerks off? I just never spied on him.
“Is that what happened to Livvy Dunne?” I asked about the pretty gymnast poster in his room. “I thought you and Johnny just opened a shook-up Coke.”
“You and Mom are welcome to keep believing that,” he laughed. “I’ll take her down, if you want.”
“No, don’t do that.” I thought about his bedroom. “Bet you can’t hit your Jaguar poster.” His current cool car dream.
“No way would I shoot that! She’s prettier than Livvy! Livvy will get old, but I’ll take care of my car when…”
Henry got deep in thought. He rolled over and kissed me, and kept doing so. Then he surprised me by picking me up and bringing me back to his bed, laying me down. “I’ll take care of you, Katie.” He climbed on the bed and sat on his heels in front of me.
He moved up on his knees and caressed my breasts, though he was staring at my pussy. His hands moved down along my sides to my waist. “Katie, you are beautiful. I mean that. And I don’t just mean beautiful because you’re naked. That is, I know you are beautiful naked, but I mean, like… Katie, you’re just the prettiest girl I know, and I’m lucky enough to get to see you every day.”
“Henry…” I whispered. I wanted to tell him how hot I thought he was, but didn’t want to copy his mood. I’d tell him when the next chance came. I wanted to touch his face, but he was too far away, so I just ran my hand down his arm to his hand.
He gently brought his hands to the insides of my thighs and opened my legs. “I want to try this,” he said, then lowered himself down toward my pussy.
He hesitated, I could feel, as he tried to figure out all my bits down there. Other than porn on his phone, it was probably his first live pussy, too, like me with his cock. He touched his tongue to my entrance then moved up. I could feel his tongue was flat, and I thought of a dog lapping. I didn’t want to insult him as he learned, but I put my fingers down hear his mouth, showing him quietly that I liked to stroke my lips, and then pointedly circled my little clit.
He had watched, and when his tongue touched me again, I knew he didn’t take offense. He took instruction well, like I probably will when I try giving him my first blowjob, sometime. Tonight? Tomorrow?
Henry was sliding his tongue up and down my labia, but when he got to my clit, it was like an electric shock! Though I felt him probing for the right spot, when he circled it, both he and I could feel her getting stiff and popping out from her hood. “Oh, Henry… yes! Yes, rightthere rightthere!” I was rolling my hips, helping give him a little motion, helping direct him off my clit to my lips or hole, knowing he’d make his way back to my clit, now that he knew about it. And he did.
“Ffffuck, Henry… yes, yes, yes…” I could feel him react to my saying ‘fuck.’ I guess I didn’t really swear that much, or at least didn’t drop the F bomb, too much.
I was trying to just let my mind concentrate on the feeling, but my mind wandered with images of Henry on top of me before, fucking me, kissing me, his naked body, me touching his naked body, jerking him off, his cum spraying, the feel of his cum shooting inside me, and now his tongue… and seeing his naked butt when he changed into a costume! I’m not sure why, but that single image was sending me over the edge!
“Henry! Don’t stop! Don’t stop… I’m… oh gah…” I had been running my fingers through his hair, but now I latched onto it, gripping whatever lock was in my hand, keeping him in place. I didn’t mean to trap him, but I clamped my thighs together, probably smothering him, but I had to. I had to!
“Henry! Hen— h…. h…!” And I shook as I exploded. The only single feeling I was conscious of was my feet pushing into his ass, my toes clenching trying to grab it. I’d been close to cumming when fucking Henry earlier, but now, oh… This was so much better than doing it myself!
When I finally released my brother, he didn’t waste any time talking about how much fluid I’d cummed into his mouth and over his chin. He just rose up and stretched over me and shut off the light. Then he fed his arms around me as I kissed him twenty times in thanks for that wonderful, wonderful orgasm.
I could feel his hard, hard cock down below, and this time it had no trouble finding my entrance and making its way inside me. And my brother fucked me. He had to. I wanted him to.
I didn’t time it, or count the number of songs, but we lasted longer than our first time, that’s for sure.
He was pounding me, breathing like an animal. I could hear quiet words in his breath. “Katie… can’t believe… fuck… I’m fuck…”
“You’re fucking me,” I helped.
His eyes shot open. “I’m fucking you. I can’t believe I’m really fucking you, Katie.”
“Keep fucking me.”
My hands on his butt, helping push him inside me, I tried to speed up his thrusts. He was only too happy to do so.
“Harder, Henry… fuck me harder…”
That unleashed a monster! But fuck, it was feeling better and better! Even more so because it was a boy I loved fucking me. My brother. My brother was fucking me.
That set me off — the speed, the slamming into my pussy, and the knowing who it was that was fucking me… I screamed as quietly as I could while I probably strangled Henry with my arms around his neck, as I quivered and shook again. “Henry, oh… I’m cumming I’m cumming!…”
It would have been cool if we’d cum at the same time, but Henry needed a little more. And even though there was so much of my own cum splashing around between us, you better believe it when I felt his cock swell and fill me with his own hot cum. I was just laying back, basking in my own little aftershocks when the flood came.
“Katie, I’m cumming… I’m cumming in you again…”
I could feel his body tighten up, again, but I couldn’t hold him, this time. Not until he collapsed down on top of me. I put my hand up to his face, and I could feel him clenching his jaw, and then it finally relaxed when he was sure he was done shooting everything he had inside me.
This time, he slid off my right side and he held me tightly, not quite done with his own shocks of lightning. Yes, the storm had moved off over the lake, but all its lightning had stayed here in our room.
He found my breasts. They were his favorite, and I was glad.
Four songs later, Henry said, “We don’t live in Arkansas or Mississippi, but, you know, if I have to…”
He made me laugh! And he joined in, but I knew he was worried.
“I don’t know as much about it all as I could, but I just finished my period on Monday and Tuesday. I think we’ll be okay,” I soothed him.
“So… we have to wait a month to know for sure?” he asked. He held my hand.
“Pretty much.”
Henry shut off the radio. “So, do you not want to…?”
“Are you kidding?” I had to turn his face to me. “We’ve got this locked bedroom until we go home on Monday morning. We got tomorrow morning, we can leave the wedding reception early tomorrow night, we’ve got all Sunday morning while Mom and Dad are doing their own snuggling, Sunday night… I want my naked Henry to make love to me morning, noon, and night!”
He smiled. I could feel his face against mine, even in the dark. “And when we get home…”
“Every chance we get.”
My brother kissed me until we fell asleep, naked in each other’s arms, in his bed.
* * *
There was noise coming from the outer room. People talking. People laughing.
We’d both woken up, but didn’t want to acknowledge the adults, hoping they’d all leave soon.
Henry pulled himself out of bed and used the washroom. Then he walked naked to the window. “Hey, Katie, check this out…”
I didn’t want to get out of our bed — I didn’t want him to get out of our bed, but now I had to see, I suppose. I slid over and walked to the window. I looked out, but Henry pointed me down to the street level at two police cars parked in front of our hotel, blue and red lights flashing.
“It’s the city. Stuff happens,” I shrugged. I mean, we couldn’t tell why they were here from up in our room, now could we?
“Yeah, sure,” Henry nodded. “But don’t you see? Now, with the cop cars… I can tell… This is the place that Indiana Jones… the hotel that, um, Harrison Ford was at when he was the doctor? Beating up the one-armed guy on the train, and then goes into the hotel — this hotel — and goes after his friend? This is the place!”
I nodded sleepily. I was about to go back into bed when I turned to him. “You think they’re here because Mom and the others are partying too loud?” I meant it as a joke, but Henry wondered. His wheels were turning.
“Get your pjs on. I’m gonna put a stop to this.” He put his sweats and his Nike shirt back on. I used the washroom myself and then put on my nightclothes and switched to my bed. Henry gave me a sigh, then opened the door. He stepped out into the light.
“What in the heck is going on out here?” Henry demanded.
I didn’t want to approach the door and look outside, so I can only imagine what the adults’ faces looked like.
“It’s two in the morning. You people have to be in a wedding tomorrow!” he continued. What they must have thought of him, addressing them barefoot in his pj sweats!
Mom was saying something back to him, but it wasn’t yelling at him for speaking to her in such a manner. I could hear one of my uncles laughing, I think Uncle Bill.
“And why do you have the window open…?” I could tell he went further into the room. I could see people moving, now, but still didn’t want to go out there.
“Oh, my God! What are you…? Oh, Jesus! You know the cops are down there, right? We can see two cop cars in front from our window!”
Mom and Uncle Ted came into my bedroom to look out our window. When Mom noticed I was sitting up, she came over and gave me a bunch of ‘Oh, Sweetie, we’re sorry for waking you,’ and other crap. I had to say, “Um, please, we’re trying to sleep here?” and I pointed at the doorway well-lit from the other side. My uncle left and Mom kissed my head and waved at me with a look on her face like she was pretend-sad.
“Gimme these. All of them. No, all of them!” Henry said about something.
“This is why we got the suite, huh? So you all could party up here into the night after the bar downstairs closed down? Is this going to happen tomorrow night, after the wedding, too? Just you wait until my father gets here in the morning. Why I ought’a…”
There was some chatter about cleaning up and going on home.
“We’re trying to get some sleep, and you should, too. At least Aunt Marcy’s not here… she’s the only smart one.”
I heard the words taxi and Uber mentioned several times as Henry walked back into our room with the room’s ice bucket full of purple water balloons which he put on our washroom counter. He gave me a silent look of ‘you wouldn’t believe this’ and just shook his head.
He went back out and said a couple kind-of-sarcastic good nights. And lights were being turned off. Then the funniest thing: “Alright, woman, go to your room and get to bed. We’ll talk in the morning.” Then I guess he had an afterthought. “Do you need any help? From Katie? Okay. Good night.”
Henry came in and asked me to help Mom undo her dress. I won’t recount that here. Let’s just say I put my mom to bed.
Henry had popped all the water balloons, but did not throw away the remnants, just poured out the water. I gave him a puzzled look.
“They were throwing them at cars,” Henry said with disgust. “Tomorrow, after breakfast when the maids open all the doors to the rooms they’re working on? I’m gonna sneak into gorilla-guy’s room and put these remains by his window and in his trash.”
I love my brother.
“Is she down for the night?” he asked me.
“She’ll be out until lunchtime,” I said.
“Dad’s train pulls in sometime around 6:00am. We’ll have to let him in when he gets here.”
We closed and locked the door, pulled off our clothes, and crawled back into our bed.
“Come here, doll-face…”
I fucked my brother one more time before we fell back asleep.
The End
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos All rights reserved
My Brother Saves Halloween – Part 2 By Tommy Linarcos
Henry shut off the lamp so we could see the storm over the lake, better. It was night out, and the city had lot of lights so the clouds were well-lit from below. And with the big park between our hotel and the lake, we had a pretty good view. Lots of lightning flashes! We were just sittin’ there, us all lit up by the blue light of the TV, and I let my head roll over onto Henry’s shoulder.
Henry put his arm around me. “Well, doll-face, we had us an adventure.”
“I guess we did.” I tried to think if gorilla-guy made fun of Henry, he called him some letters, but I couldn’t remember, so I didn’t come up with a funny name for him. Nah, he’s just my Henry. And now I was ‘doll-face,’ but I liked when Henry said it.
When Henry stretched his arm around me, it opened up the wrap in his robe. Neither of us had these things on tight, and the belts were loose. I could see Henry’s chest and belly in the separation, and a little lower. Now, I knew I didn’t have any bra or panties on, but it occurred to me again that Henry didn’t have anything on under the robe, either.
I was trying to use my psychic powers to make his robe fall more open. C’mon… just a little more… move your leg a bit so it can… But we were both too still. I brought my hand over to give my brother a hug. “Thank you for taking care of me, Henry. Giving me a Halloween.”
“Heck, I didn’t take much care of you. Just… took charge to get us out there for tricks-n-treats,” he shrugged.
I started running my hand up and down the terrycloth. “You held my hand the entire time.” I let my hand slip off the edge onto his skin. I was running my fingertips from his chest down to his belly button, real slow.
“That’s what a brother does.” Henry moved his legs a bit, like he was gettin’ uncomfortable, and uncrossed his feet on the table.
Then, with the hand on my shoulder, he started running his fingers through my damp hair. He caught a little snag, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care at all.
“You kissed me,” I said. Just matter-of-fact, not an accusation.
“Yeah, I did,” Henry said. He felt very still, like he was nervous or scared.
“That was my first kiss,” I admitted. Heck, he probably knew it, too. In 6th Grade, you don’t do a lot of kissing.
“If you want it to be,” he said, still looking straight ahead out the window. “I’m your brother, so it don’t have to count, you know?”
“Oh, it counts…” I said softly into his collar. My fingers went below his belly button this time until they hit the loose terrycloth belt and found some hair. I’d seen this, but those other times it just went under his shorts. Now, it was leading somewhere…
“I’m sorry,” Henry said, turning to look at me, so I turned my face up to his. “You were in that dress, and you just looked so dang beautiful. I mean that. Your hair, your eyes were shiny, you were like a willow, I don’t know… all curvy. You just looked so… happy… I just had to kiss you. I’m sorry.”
“I’m not sorry. I kissed you back, you know,” I said.
“Yeah. You did.”
Probably too much time passed, then, us looking at each other, but I took a chance. “Can I have a second kiss, now?”
I could hear my brother take a breath and then his lips were on mine. Again. Only this time, he wasn’t kissing a surprised closed mouth; I was kissing him before he was kissing me.
He turned in toward me, his hand coming over to hold me when my hand went under the belt and I bumped into… it. Yes, his hair trail led to where I knew it would, only his dick was a lot closer to where my hand was than I thought it would be. It broke our kiss. “Is that…?” I asked Henry’s eyes.
“You know it is,” Henry breathed.
I had automatically pulled my hand away when I hit it, but Henry untwisted the belt, took my hand, brought it down, and put it right back on his dick. All the way on it. And for some reason, my hand automatically wrapped itself around his shaft. He closed his eyes and breathed in, just like if he’d slammed his foot into the doorframe or got a cut. I didn’t think my touching his dick hurt, but I kind of understood that the feeling would be intense, like if he touched my pussy I’d probably breathe the same way.
I got the feeling that it would not be an ‘if’ but a ‘when.’ I knew it. I hoped it.
I was holding my brother’s dick. It was hot. And it was hard. Soft, but hard. And it was big. I know I didn’t have anything to compare it to, this being my first time holding a dick and all, but it felt big to me.
Henry groaned and turned back to me and started kissing me, again. And you better believe I was kissing him back. And then, finally, his hand slipped under my robe and was feeling my boob. My breast. His hand was all over my skin, cupping my breast, his fingers swirling around my nipple and pulling on it.
I was in a sensory overload. A wonderful one! My head was like zip-zap inside, trying to figure out what I was feeling from the kiss, and what I was feeling in my hand, and what was going on while Henry felt my body and… And what I was feeling inside all over, about Henry, about kissing, about the heat that was starting to churn in me down below, about maybe going further.
But it wasn’t confusion. I knew what was going on. It was just all going on at once. I wanted to kiss my brother. I wanted to feel my brother. I wanted my brother to feel me.
I wanted my brother.
I always have, I guess. He’s been my hero since I was a baby. I mean, my daddy was, too, but Henry was my size, always there with me. We explored the fields together and sometimes made friends together, sometimes we fought or argued, but he always looked out for me. Always held my hand. It’s no wonder I adored him.
As I watched him grow up, watched him get tan in the sun, watched his body change, watched him suddenly get taller, watched his shoulders get bigger, watched his chest get some muscle, watched his belly get flat, watched whatever was in his shorts get to lookin’ like it was lookin’, watched his hair go from whatever was on his head to having a cute cut, his face to just… having that smile… I don’t know what I was going to say, I just wanted my brother to be doing what he was doing to me right then!
Henry needed me to do more, though. He let go of my breast and threw off one whole side of his robe, took his arm out and put his hand on top of mine, and showed me how to stroke his dick. “Please…” he breathed. It wasn’t hard to figure out and he let me go solo.
Then he was all about getting my robe off. My brother wanted me naked as much as I wanted him naked. Only, while he undid my belt and tried to push off my robe, I had to stop stroking him in order to pull my arm out. And we were kicking candy off the table. But once my left side was free, then both of us had our close-in arms still in the robes.
Henry pulled back, not quite sitting up. He wanted to see me. His eyes were glued to my breasts. I wasn’t nervous to let him see me. Heck all, I wanted him to peek at me while we were getting changed into costumes and getting dry from the rain. I liked my boobs. My breasts. They weren’t huge, but they were pretty good for what I see of my friends’ breasts. I was pretty well proud of them.
He was trying to take me all in. I could tell his eyes were down at my pussy, then, but I was turned away from the TV and he couldn’t see me real well. His hands traveled over my body — oh, yes, they did! — and he tried to push me flat and feel my pussy, but it wasn’t working real well on this little couch unless I scooted forward but with the little table in front… I could see by his eyes, lit up by the blue and red screen on the TV, that he was getting frustrated. And I couldn’t even stroke him too well, at that point.
Henry stood up and threw off his robe. And I could see my entirely naked brother. Finally. (Finally, for two years of wanting!) I could see my brother’s dick. His hard, pointing straight up, big, hairy dick. It didn’t have a lot of hair, honestly, not like all over, but it was a nice bush of light brown pubes above his dick. I thought they were light brown — that was my guess in the TV light, anyway, until I could see them in real light. But I could still tell, here at the end of October with his tan faded, where he used to be tan and where he wasn’t, that swimsuit area lighter than the rest of him, even in the TV light. For that second, I was able to look him up and down, all in one view. My totally naked brother.
He stood me up, then, gently — gentle even in his need to do this, and finished taking off my robe. Now I was completely naked for him. I helped him out, though, taking his hands and making us trade places, with the light from the TV on me, then. And like before, I watched his eyes look me over. I guess he wanted to see me naked as much as I wanted to see him. How long would he have wanted that? Since he was twelve, like me? Or once my body started to change? I’ve been curious about him since I was ten. But that didn’t matter at all, anymore, because right then, we were naked together.
Henry started breathing easier, though his dick was still hard and pointing at me and the ceiling. Something came to his mind and he took my hand. “Come on,” he said, and walked me into our bedroom, to the first bed, his bed. “Okay?” He didn’t push me; he asked me.
“Oh, yes,” I answered and climbed on the bed. Henry left the door open so we could still hear the music, but we didn’t have the light of the TV on us, anymore. We hadn’t closed the curtains, but it was dark in our room, so now we had a night-gray view of just the lake and all the clouds and the lightning flashes. No trees in the way. It was like being on a boat. Just me and Henry and the lightning.
My brother lay down next to me and this time we could hold each other right and we got back to kissing. As much as I wanted to feel his body, and feel his hands on my body, I think the kissing was my favorite part. I thought it would be weird, when I’d considered it before, like when I was practicing kissing my hand, or me and Jenna kissed, I had to wonder if it would feel weird because he was my brother, like kissing Jenna was weird, at first. But kissing Jenna became a little fun, and then I knew that because of how much I loved my brother, kissing him would be fun, too.
And then when he kissed me, I proved myself right. Even more so when we started using our tongues. At first, I just opened my mouth a little more in a kiss, wondering if this was how it worked. Henry kind of opened his with me, then we both knew something was missing and, at once, our tongues found each other. And it was like: wow! And it wasn’t weird, it was easy. And it was obviously a turn-on as I actually felt Henry’s dick get harder.
“Stroke my cock. Please. Jack my cock…”
So, it was a cock, not a dick. A cock. I could do that. I jacked his cock. John Hand Cock. Because he had pubes, I figured he could shoot his stuff, too. I wanted to see that, but it was too dark, then. I loved doing it, though. Suddenly, I wanted to be an expert at it!
And sure enough, I could feel Henry exploring further down me, and I opened my legs for him. His fingers felt my patch of golden pubes, though he couldn’t see they were golden in the dark, and then he dipped into my flower.
“Oh, wow…” He shuddered. My brother actually shuddered. He was nervous. I had to think — I wasn’t really nervous, more excited, but I felt that he was excited and kind of nervous. I held my brother a little tighter than I had been, letting him feel my breasts on his chest.
That actually felt great. I wanted to do that lots more! And I found his heart beating really fast!
He found my entrance. His finger was going inside me. He was feeling around, examining what it was like inside, and then plunging in and out. He was going a little too fast, I think, but he didn’t know. He was as… enthusiastic… as I was, probably, on his cock.
I took that opportunity to explore a little bit more, moving my hand down to his balls and feeling them, finding out what they were all about. His ball sack was kind of tight, but I could feel his balls move as I massaged them, but didn’t squeeze — I knew that much!
Henry broke our kiss, and I let him because he was moving down to kiss and suck on my breasts, and I loved that! His tongue and lips were on my chest, finding a path around my breasts. I thought of the Candyland gameboard, for some reason, don’t ask me why. But his tongue found the swell of my right breast and then his lips found my nipple, and then he was sucking on me… “Ooohhhhh…” I had to let out a moan, I’d wanted to feel that for so…
I was certain I could feel Henry smile while sucking at my breast, the way his lips and cheeks moved, like he knew I was liking it. I allowed my one hand that had been finding how smooth his body was to now hold his head and run my fingers through his hair. My other hand was trying to find a decent hold on his cock, again, and Henry changed his position enough to allow me to.
This was sex! I thought to myself. Or it almost was. Heck, we were naked in the dark, on a bed, there was some music, I was stroking his cock and he was sucking my tits and playing with my pussy, driving me nuts! If that’s not sex, then… But inside of me, I knew there could be more. I was feeling very warm, the chill from the rain long forgotten. Warm like… not like the robe, but like… inside me…
Henry’s finger was still inside me. I wanted him to psychically know he could explore more of me there, like find my clit, but I didn’t want to tell him. He was, though, finding out just how wet I am, and…
“Can I fuck you?” he asked me.
That was the magic question, now, wasn’t it?
“I really want to fuck you,” he confessed to me.
“Yes,” I said, maybe too quickly.
I wanted to fuck. I wanted to know what it feels like. I wanted to be ‘a woman.’ I wanted my brother. I wanted my brother to be the one. I loved my brother. Who else could it be? And the way I was feeling right then, if he didn’t fuck me, I was going to fuck him.
I was a little nervous about this, finally. Henry’s finger was inside me, and I’d had Jenna’s inside me, too and, of course, my own. And I’d played with the handle of my hairbrush, but this was going to be a real dick. Henry’s cock. What I could feel of it in my hand told me this was going to be bigger than any finger or hairbrush. The first time was supposed to hurt, some, they say. But just how much?
With my ‘yes,’ Henry changed all his positioning, leaving my pussy and my breasts. I spread my legs as he got in between them and propped himself over me. He looked a little uncertain, that’s what I thought I saw in his eyes, anyway, his eyebrows getting scrunched. Then he looked at me and gave me one more kiss. I gladly accepted it! Then he did a thing, taking a breath, like a ‘here goes…’
I looked down our bodies at his cock as it rubbed through my pubes, and then dropped down into my labia, finding center. He started poking me. He was using a gentle force, a light prodding, but he was in the wrong place. I didn’t know if I was supposed to tell him or not. I mean, he’s the boy, this was his part, right?
Henry’s face showed confusion or frustration when I looked up at him. When he saw my eyes, he looked away right away, like he was embarrassed that he didn’t get it right. I didn’t want to say it out loud, and he didn’t want to either, probably, but neither of us knew exactly what to do. He finally used a hand to guide his cock where he thought he was supposed to go. I got the guts to use my hand to help him find my entrance.
We both slid his cock head over my hole a couple times and then it went in. The whole head went in! And then he stopped.
I looked up to Henry and he looked at me, and we both instantly smiled! This was the right spot. It was going to work! He kissed me again and then started to push in. He kept his hand there to make sure.
I got the idea of how this was supposed to hurt, then. I’m sure I’d already broken my hymen a couple months ago, but it was the size of his cock, the… width? that was… I don’t know what is a normal size for a fourteen-year-old boy, but as far as its entering me, it might as well have been as huge as a grown man’s. But it was the stretching. His cock was stretching my insides. He wasn’t taking it very slowly, either; he wanted to get his cock inside me. I wanted his cock inside me, too, I just wanted it to go in easier.
I put my hands on his waist, making him pause, then I pushed him back a little, and held him. I didn’t want him to pop out, I just felt that trying a couple back-and-forths might feel better, moving my wetness.
I was right.
Henry got the idea. Turns out the in-and-out was natural for boys. And then… he was… he was… all the way in. My brother was all the way in. My brother’s cock was all the way inside me. I could feel his pubes on my clit as he just kind of floated there. I opened my eyes and saw his were still closed. It was dark, but in the faint light I could make out the look on his face.
It was like he couldn’t be happier.
I moved my arms up and wrapped them around him and pulled him down to me, kissing him when he got the idea. Then I crossed my legs behind him and locked him inside me.
“Henry…” was all I could get out. He opened his eyes and found mine. He knew.
“Does it feel okay?” he asked. “Does it hurt?”
I nodded a little. “A little. But keep going. Let’s do it — slow!”
When I said that, I heard an echo of the word “slow” coming from the sitting room. It was the TV music. I realized I was losing my virginity to the song from Suicide Squad! It was a great song, though — Twenty-One Pilots’ “Heathens”? — and it had a steady beat. Maybe we could use that.
I corrected my request to Henry. “…at first.”
“Okay.” He licked his lips and nodded at me. He raised back up and drew his cock back out. I don’t think he wanted to do that, though, because he immediately got about fixing himself and finding my entrance, again. And then I felt him sliding into me again, only this time his cock was wet, and so were my pussy lips. I tried to not be nervous, I didn’t want to make my hole tight, but as he slipped further in, I found that I was starting to love that feeling of my pussy grabbing his cock, holding onto it like my hand had when I was stroking him.
Henry was all the way inside me, again, and when he pulled back he didn’t fall out. He did make a little noise, an “Ohh-ohhh-ohhhh…” that I don’t think I was supposed to hear but he couldn’t help it. He pushed back in more quickly, and did it all again. And again. My brother was fucking me!
He started grunting as he made it back in me. Not grunting like an animal, but soft little ones, the air coming out of him when he pushed himself in me. It was like when you’re play-fighting and you make the noise when the other guy gets hit. Henry was making his noises of fucking, his ‘Mmm’s and ‘Uh’s. And he was doing it to the downbeat to the song!
I’d kind of been holding myself back with that, like I was trying to be quiet, like you’re not supposed to make noise doing this. It was funny that Henry was losing his breath each time he grunted, because he was really knocking my breath out! The next time he plunged into me with a grunt, I “ooh!”-ed right back at him.
That made him pop open his eyes and he looked right into mine and smiled. “It’s better?”
“Oh, yeah, Henry,” I told him. “So much better…! Keep doing that… keep going….”
Henry didn’t close his eyes now, he kept looking at mine. Then he started going faster, his soft grunts turning into one long groan. My oohs turned into a whimper, just one long word, as high a voice as when I open a birthday present and like what’s inside. And I really liked what was going on inside me!
This was feeling good! I kinda knew I might be a little sore tomorrow, but this was feeling better and better. And I was getting wetter and wetter. This was why people liked fucking, I now knew.
Henry was fucking me. My brother was fucking me and I was loving it!
I was going to try to tell Henry all about it, somehow, when he dropped down and started holding me tight. Real tight. “Oh, Katie…! I’m… Ka-” Then he went all stiff, except for his left leg — his left leg was shaking. I remember that. He stopped thrusting and I felt his cock swell up a little more inside me and then I felt it kick! And suddenly, there was more wetness and warmth inside me than there was before. His cock kicked again, and I knew he was shooting his stuff in me. His cum. I could feel it. I could feel his cum. The music crashed from its bridge and got intense, as if Henry had timed it! He started fucking again, just a little in-and-out, but I could feel him still cumming in me.
I wrapped my arms around him, held him to me. Me and Henry. I slowly stroked his back while the song played out. We were fine. We didn’t move. He was on top of me and still inside me. We were fine.
The song on the TV changed twice before we moved. I don’t remember what those ones were. We were breathing easier. Henry didn’t move off of me, but he did raise up, again. He was still inside me. I don’t think he wanted to come out of me.
“Katie… we…”
“Was it…? Are you… alright?”
“Yeah. Did you like it?” I asked him with a little smile.
“Oh, heck, yeah!” he grinned back. “That was the greatest thing ever!” He turned that into a kind of worried expression. “Did you like it?”
“Mm-hmm… I loved it.” I kept stroking his back, and then his hair.
“Did you… cum… like me?”
I was honest. “Almost. I was getting there. I could feel it coming on, but…”
“I’m sorry. Katie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to be so fast. It just felt… and then I…”
“It’s okay. Henry, it’s okay,” I soothed. “It was our first time. For both of us, it was just our first time, so…”
Something clicked in my brother’s mind. “Our first time?”
Then it clicked, what I’d said. “Our first time.”
“Just our first time, huh?”
“Yeah, just our first time.”
Henry started fucking me, again. I guess he’d never really gone soft — his cock, I mean. And it was still inside me. He was just looking at me, and I was looking at him, both of us with goofy smiles on our faces, and we started fucking again.
And that’s when the phone rang.
End of Part two
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos All rights reserved
This story was written as part of a proposed “contest” between myself and three other writers. Five prompt terms were randomly chosen from categories and would have to be part of each story in some fashion. The contest wound up not happening, but I liked the idea I’d gotten and wrote it, anyway.
The prompt terms were: incest / brother-sister / Halloween / rainy day / must include the line: “You and I in a little toy shop, buy a bag of balloons with the money we’ve got.” (Whether you’ve recognized this or not, all of Jason Crow’s stories begin with a song lyric – go ahead, go back and look if you don’t believe me! – so I pulled a lyric randomly from a select group when the terms were chosen.) I don’t know if I’d have won the contest, but I hope you enjoy the story.
The first half is a lot of character-building, very story-heavy. These things were very important to your narrator, Katie, who needed to tell you about them for you to understand the rest of her story. Please don’t skip it the first time reading – the “action” is always better, always means more, when you are invested in the characters. (The next time you read it, you can skip to where you want to!)
Tommy L.
My Brother Saves Halloween – Part 1 By Tommy Linarcos
“You and I in a little toy shop, buy a bag of balloons with the money we’ve got,” my brother sang near my ear. I giggled, but was more interested in his hands on my waist — not tight, just… right there… on my hips, as if he were supporting himself while he leaned down that little bit. That made me smile, and shiver a little. A good shiver. I liked when we were friends, when we were close.
My brother paid for the balloons and all the other stuff we’d picked to make Halloween costumes out of, and we left the store. He took my hand and we headed back to our hotel to get creative.
Here’s the deal. My aunt was finally getting married to her beau on the Saturday after Halloween. They really liked Halloween — it was when they’d met! I don’t want to say that my mom forced me and my brother to go to the wedding, because she didn’t. We like our aunt, and wanted to go. My mom’s like, “Katie, I’m afraid you and Henry have to take a few days off of school because we’re going to Chicago for Aunt Marcy’s wedding!” and I pretended to be mad — all “awwww, dang!” and stuff, but laughing. Mom knew! The only thing against it was that we’d miss Halloween with our friends, but we’d have our cousins. Or so we thought.
My aunt lives somewhere in Chicago, and it’s always fun to visit her a couple times a year. We go for a week every summer, and either spring break or winter break, and do different things, or sometimes just hang out when our cousins come meet us there or we head out to their houses.
Back in spring, right around Easter, we stayed at this Wolf Lodge place in the Chicago suburbs. There were a ton of water slides there and it was fun playing with Henry on those. I’ll tell you right now: my brother is hot! At least to me and my friends. My cousins got to stay there, too, so it was fun all-around, but I secretly liked hanging all over my nearly-naked big brother as we’d slide down a big slide together — my “needing” him for safety! He was always careful of my boobs when he’d hold onto me, or toss me in the water, but not of my butt, and I never minded that!
We live in Nebraska, so it’s fun to go to the Big City a couple times a year, and I don’t mean Omaha! At home, there’s a lot of land and not a lot to do. If me and Henry didn’t have our bikes, I don’t know what we’d do. We’re not farmers, though my dad is — he runs Mr. Tyrell’s operation. We live in the Omaha suburbs, kind of in-between Omaha and Lincoln, near the Platte River, but that really just means there’s some distance between our house and fun stuff. Not like you can swim in the Platte, anyway. And yeah, I hate it when my cousins ask about what it’s like when the cows are flying around from all the tornados… (I’ve seen one tornado.)
Life out there revolves around the corn. For the last two summers, Henry did some detasseling and roguing work for a few weeks for good money, and this is the first year I got to go and work with him, too. I hated it and didn’t last the season. I should have known when the boss was like, “A twelve-year-old girl? You won’t last.” He was right, I didn’t last a week, honestly. There was only one other young girl there that first day, but a few teenage girls stuck it out, I’m told. It was odd watching my brother dress in long sleeves and such for work on hot days. Back home in the summer, all he wears is a pair of shorts and his Cornhuskers hat, so he got himself a nice tan, anyhow, and he’s building up some muscles, so I really like it when he rides shirtless and I get to see them. In the summer, anyway.
So, when I’m talking about a trip to the city, I mean Chicago. A real city where the buildings just don’t stop and Lake Michigan is so big it might as well be the ocean!
We’d been forgotten about on Halloween. I’ll admit, it kind of hurt. No, it really hurt.
We got here Thursday, taking Amtrak in with Mom (Dad would come later), and were staying at this big hotel downtown. Aunt Marcy and her fiancée Ronald came to have dinner with us, and so did my mom’s brother Uncle Ted and his wife Aunt Frannie, and my Uncle Bill and Aunt Trisha, but none of their kids came — too fancy a restaurant for all the kids. They all said we could come to their places for Halloween tricks-n-treats and they’d come get us.
The next day, Halloween, the adults were doing the wedding rehearsal in one of the dining room/conference room places down on the third floor, and then they were going to have a dinner and hang out and get drunk the rest of the night, so all of our cousins were at home going Trick-or-Treating or going to a friend’s Halloween party.
And Henry and me were left here, in the hotel. We were supposed to have gone to one of their houses and they’d help us with costumes and we’d go Trick-or-Treating with the cousins. Hell, we’d have gone even if it was just with the littler kids, if someone had come out to pick us up. Or if we knew the bus routes.
Just the wedding party people showed up. Nobody showed to get us. We waited. We didn’t have their numbers, so we couldn’t call. We could have gone down to hang out with the rehearsal crowd, but we would have just been in the way, waiting for it to end, looking pathetic.
So we sat in the lobby for an hour after we expected to get picked up. There’s only so many times you can read the comics in the newspaper. Then my brother stood up and made a decision.
“C’mon, Katie,” Henry said as he took my hand, “we’re goin’ costume shoppin’.” There was something stuck in our brains from when we were little that Henry had to hold my hand when we went places. I was just-turned twelve this summer, and Henry would be fourteen come January, but he still did it, and there was no way I was going to stop him. We left the hotel lobby and walked out onto Michigan Avenue.
There’s just something about the city! It just feels different! There’s electricity in the air! People moving fast, some talkin’ to themselves on the phone, men in suits, ladies with shopping bags, teenagers or college kids dressed however they want to, and some dressed like people in the movies. All the cars… I bet there were as many cars passing us by right there than in the whole of Lincoln! And when I looked down the street, the street just kept going, it didn’t end at a field.
“Hey!” Henry was pointing to a hole in the middle of the street that cars were driving down into. “That’s from Batman! When, in Batman Dark Knight, they go down into the street underneath Gotham City? That’s it!” He was so excited, but he never let go of my hand. We’d seen some movies with Chicago in it before when we’d come out so we could see if we recognized anything, like Ferris Bueller and The Fugitive, but seeing Batman stuff always made Henry happy.
Down the street, there was this one giant slanty building with big giant Xs on it all the way up, and no matter how much walking we did, we never got closer to it!
“Henry, why ain’t we getting any closer to that building? It’s just always… down there… and we keep walking, and it’s still down there!” I asked my brother. I’m not dumb, but what the heck?
“That’s the John Hancock building,” Henry told me, as if that explained it all.
I had to giggle. “Hand cock!”
“Yeah, I’ll give you hand cock!” Henry laughed right back. He put his free hand in his pocket and thumped it out a few times, guaranteeing I kept laughing. I had to look around quickly to see who saw us. No one, really. Just my brother, smiling at me with a big grin, his blonde hair falling over his eye. He had it long in front on one side, and when he popped up out of the water in the pool, he could swing his head and shoot water at you with that hair, and he was pretty darn accurate!
“So, where’s the Serious Tower?” I asked him when I stopped giggling.
“In-land a bit, away from the lake so it don’t fall in the water if the beach erodes.” He pointed to our left. Used to be the tallest building in the world, but I still couldn’t see it because of all the other tall buildings.
It was actually kind of cold, so I was glad we were dressed for travel. My mom says when she was young here, it actually snowed one Halloween, and she had to wear her winter coat over her Little Mermaid dress! I hoped it wasn’t going to snow, though it did feel a little like rain, but Henry said that it might just be because we were right next to the lake.
Not that I didn’t like walking and looking at the people and the buildings, but… “Henry, where are we going?” We had to pull over out of the flow of people, standing next to a street lamp that people would walk around us naturally. It was cool that some of the people were dressed for Halloween — the girls, mostly, in black and with color-sprayed hair, though we did see some boys who looked kinda like zombies.
Henry turned around in a circle, nice and slow, looking at the names of the stores. “I thought there might be a good store around here, like a Target or something we could get costumes in.”
“What do we need costumes for? Ain’t nobody come to get us for tricks-n-treats,” I reminded him.
“Katie, we may be stuck here in Chicago, but this is where they make candy! And there’s all these people in black and orange, and everybody knows it’s Halloween, and all we need is some good costume and we can go Trick-or-Treating in these places right here. And there’s got to be some homes and apartments somewhere off this main street, you know?” My brother looked determined. I admired that about him. No forgettin’ uncle was going to ruin our Halloween!
Then me and Henry spotted it at the same time. A Walgreens! That was something we knew!
So we were at the Walgreens buying supplies to make Halloween costumes out of. There was a big Chicago souvenirs section, but there wasn’t much in the Halloween section except candy because this was a “downtown” store, so no Spider-Man or Pikachu costumes, and no Batman costume, which disappointed Henry. So we had to be creative.
“What if…” Henry began as we wandered down the aisles. He picked up a little stuffed dog next to the birthday cards. “I wear my wedding suit and tape this dog to me and some makeup for bruises and a beard? I could be John Wick!”
I caught on to what he was talking about being creative. I picked up three stuffed little kittens. “I can pin these to one of the hotel robes, wear the complimentary slippers, and be a crazy cat lady!” I could curl my hair weird with mom’s curling iron.
Next, I found a bag of purple balloons. “Could blow these up, pin ‘em on me, I’m a bunch of grapes!” That was a good ‘maybe.’ We took the balloons, too.
We saw some toys from Jurassic World. “If you wore your shorts, and my button-down shirt,” Henry was thinking, “you could be that woman from Jurassic Park 1. We just need to make a badge or something, maybe with a stuffed dinosaur?”
We picked up a box of markers. There was stationery in the hotel room to draw on.
We passed into the clothing aisle. There were some red leggings. “I wear these, and your red Cornhuskers shirt inside-out, and a green wool hat, and I’m a bottle of sriracha!” We both went, “M’eh…” but I put ‘em in the basket. A red wool hat could make us into a horrid, horrid lawn gnome, if we could find something for a beard? No. There was a leotard, and if I paired it up with something, I could be Barbie, maybe tape paper wheels to my shoes and she could be rollerblading… Complicated, but I could do anything as a Barbie if I stick out my chest and smile a lot. I got some boobs, now — not big, but they’re there. I told that to Henry, and that we could make him into a Ken, so we went to the beauty aisle and found Aqua Net hairspray, as an option.
“Blue hairspray?” Henry found a colored spray can nearby. “Hey, you could be that sad blue girl from Inside Out?”
“I don’t know if that would work,” I said. “I think I saw that girl outside, like in real life. So, not a costume.”
On our way back to clothing, we passed the automotive section and I picked up a chamois. I held it at Henry’s waist. “Tarzan?” I kidded. Yeah, I was kidding, but part of me imagined Henry nearly-naked wearing it. I mean, I’ve seen him swimming and how he runs around, but having him wear it on purpose would be fun!
Henry picked up a second chamois. “Only if you be Jane!” He held the chamois across my boobs.
Now my imagination went nuts, but I held it together. “Sorry, that’ll never hold these puppies…” I said, holding my right boob with my free hand. Henry laughed, but looked at me a little longer, then put the two chamois away.
Back in clothing: “Some big mittens, and be that Bernie guy from Congress?” M’eh… “An umbrella and be some kind of Mary Poppins?” M’eh… “This wife-beater t-shirt, my jeans, paint on a mustache, and be Freddy Mercury?”
“That’s a maybe,” I said, picturing my brother’s bare arms.
“A blue t-shirt… Look around, maybe there’s at least a Superman shirt, or I can get this plain one and color an S on paper. There’s glasses over by the pharmacist. With my suit coat, I could be Clark Kent?” Henry seemed to like that, so we took the blue tee.
Food was down the next aisle forward. We put a bag of Doritos and some Ruffles in our handbasket, and some little donuts, then chose two Cokes apiece — I got Vanilla, Henry got Cherry. You need stuff like that for TV watching in the room, you know? There was those little boxes of cereal… “Could tape these to you and be a cereal killer? Find or make a knife? Tape them to your shirt, do crazy eyes?” That was a maybe, but it reminded us to get some tape, too, since we kept thinking we could tape things to ourselves.
I put a plant on my head. “Get a yellow tablecloth for a poncho and I’m a pineapple?” M’eh…
“Here’s some silk roses. Wear your dress and you could be The Bachelorette!” Henry suggested.
That was a maybe. “I’d have to be pretty for anyone to get it…”
“You are pretty,” Henry told me.
I had to stop. That floored me! “You… you think I’m pretty, Henry?”
My brother blushed a bit. Here we were in the middle of Walgreens and I kind of put him on the spot. But what else could I say? It was a thrill and a mystery at the same time!
“Hey, don’t take this the wrong way, like weird, or anything,” he started, kind of shifting. “You’re my sister, and everything, but even I can see you’re a hot little number and I’m gonna have to keep my friends away from you, one day soon.”
I didn’t know what to say. This was… I couldn’t believe it! The words were spinning in my head and I had to… I threw my arms around Henry, bashing his ribs with the handbasket, my ear pressed to his chest. “Do you really mean that, Henry?”
I heard his “Of course, I do” through his body, the air in his lungs just reverberating into my ear. His hands were around me, his one hand stroking my long gold hair, but then I felt him pulling away.
Oh… yeah… we were still in the middle of Walgreens.
“C’mon, let’s go buy this stuff and get back to figure out what we’re gonna do,” he told me. And that’s when he sang in my ear, at the counter when I was taking the stuff out of the basket, and he saw the balloons, again.
I love my brother.
On the way back to the hotel, we stopped at this guy’s stand in the big Millennium Park with the mirror bean thing in it and bought some overpriced hotdogs. They were good hotdogs, but apparently, ketchup is not allowed on hotdogs in Chicago.
Up in our room, we ate the dogs and fries and felt less angry with food in our stomach. I guess we got a pretty good room for this special occasion, a suite. There was this fancy sitting room with a couch and chairs and a table and windows and everything; our mom’s bedroom had one big bed in it she’d be sharing with Dad when he made it into town; and Henry and I had our own bedroom with two single beds in it. They probably thought they were doing us a favor. Most times when we travelled, we all got one room with two big beds, and I had to share with Henry — which I didn’t mind, at all. But with actual bedrooms, we knew Mom and Dad wanted to snuggle this weekend. With two single beds, though, I couldn’t slide over in my sleep and spoon with Henry. But at least we had privacy. And our own washroom, which was nice.
We dumped out our supplies on the desk by the TV. We got the puppy, three kitties, balloons, a blue shirt, an eight-pack of little cereals, six fake roses, a pair of cheap kiddie sunglasses, a sleeveless undershirt, a leotard, red leggings, green wool hat, Aqua Net hairspray, some tape, scissors, Doritos, Ruffles, little gem donuts, and two Cokes. (The Cokes went into the fridge because we bought two root beers from the hotdog guy.) The whole thing cost a lot more than Henry wanted to spend, but he had his money from our summer job, and we wanted to give ourselves the options.
We had to get going on these costumes if we wanted to get out there and find tricks-n-treats. Henry took off his Nike shirt and then his jeans, figuring he’d try ‘Clark Kent,’ first. Stripping down to our underwear was no big deal — we saw each other like that every day. But when Henry stood there in just his blue briefs and his socks… “Hey, if we went back and got you blue leggings, you could be Superman!” I said.
There he was, almost naked. It was different looking at him in his underwear. When he was in his shorts, his butt was the same shape, sure, but it looked different in his briefs, like he showed the actual curve. His front was very different, too — in his shorts, his dick was just a bulge, but here it had shape, you could tell where each of the parts were and what they were doing!
But he stood there, his getting-muscular chest, his arms with summer-work biceps, his strong legs, and that underwear, socks for boots, and he looked like a superhero. He seemed to consider it.
“I know what you mean,” he said to the floor, looking at his legs and undies, “but we’re not going back. We should’ve thought of that before. I’ll bet you there was a Dracula cape there, somewhere. If we got all black stuff, I could be Bruce Wayne, like after fighting the Joker, like when he got home and he took off his mask.” Then he looked at our stuff on the table. He picked up my red leggings. “But, with these, and my Cornhuskers shirt inside-out, maybe I could be The Flash…”
He tried to step into them, realizing he needed his socks off, then got the leggings up to his thighs, finally realizing his briefs needed to be on the outside of the leggings.
My brother took off his underwear. I saw his butt. His real butt. He was turned away from me, but I couldn’t look away. My brother was naked. He put on the leggings, then his briefs, and then his red shirt, and turned to me. “Yes? No?”
I was still a little dazed. “The leggings actually make your legs look skinnier,” I was able to say when I came to my senses. The combination really didn’t look good, even for a cheap costume.
“Yeah, that’s what I figured…” Henry said, then sat down and took everything off, again. I couldn’t, like, stand up and run in front of him to look, but just knowing he was briefly naked in my presence, again, was unbelievable. I didn’t say a thing. Just enjoyed it.
He found and dressed in his khakis, the new blue tee, and with his button-down shirt open. Then he got about coloring a Superman S shield on hotel stationery. I, meanwhile, taped the three kittens to the hotel robe and tried that on. “Crazy Cat Lady?” I modeled for Henry.
“What are you going to wear under it? Your jeans, like that?” he asked. He popped the lenses out of the cheap sunglasses and had his Clark Kent glasses.
I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t a sexy costume, just funny. I’d have to mess up my hair. “Maybe my pajama pants?”
“How about the grapes or the sriracha?”
I ditched the robe and then I had to face the same choice Henry had. Do I change into the red leggings in the bedroom, or just do it out here, like he had? I went for broke and decided to tease him back, just to see his reaction. I stripped down to my bra and panties in front of my brother. Nothing he hasn’t seen before, but we were here. “Hand me your red shirt,” I asked as I put the leggings on.
My brother watched me. He didn’t give me the shirt until the leggings were on.
“With them over your underwear, they’re all bunched up,” he said, clearly looking at my ass.
I went to the mirror and turned around. “Yeah, but with the shirt, you can’t see them.” Henry shrugged, and then helped me out by coloring a “Sriracha” label.
I put on the green wool cap; I thought I looked funny, in a good way. Henry topped himself off with his suit coat, we took a couple pictures of ourselves (I wish I’d had my camera out when Henry flashed me his butt!), we made sure we had a room key and a couple Walgreens loot bags, and went out into the halls as Clark Kent and Sriracha!
We tried knocking on a room door down our hall. No answer. We tried another. No answer. The third door said, “What do you want?”
We sang “Trick or treat!”
The door said, “Go away.”
We had to figure that would happen. We had better luck at the next door. We knocked and it opened. A man with no shirt stood there. He had pants and shoes, but no shirt. He was very hairy, like chest, shoulders, and his back! I didn’t know men could grow hair on their backs! He also had some shave cream on his neck, so I guess I knew what we’d caught him at.
“Trick or treat!” we sang.
“Hey-ey… Look at youse! Yeah, it’s Halloween, I get it. I didn’t even think kids could…” He looked down the hall both ways, maybe to see if there were more kids, or any adults nearby. “Hey, I ain’t got no candy, but youse kids got some nerve, I’ll tell you. Here.”
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He flicked a couple one dollar bills at our Walgreens bags.
“What are you, a CPA?” he asked Henry. Henry’s shirt had fallen closed and he opened it to show the S. “Well, that’s a pretty cheap Superman, guy. Where’s the effort? And you, doll-face, I tell you… You wear something sexier, show a little skin instead of dressing up as a Keebler Elf, and I’d give you a few more bucks, you know what I mean?”
I didn’t know what to say to that. Henry picked up the dollars.
“Hey, Merry Christmas!” the guy said and closed the door.
We went right back to our room.
Once I was in, I pulled off the stupid hat and threw it against the wall, then I ripped off the red shirt and collapsed on my bed. “This is stupid! We’re stupid for even trying!” I felt like crying, and maybe I was, a little. My eyes were wet.
Henry came over behind me and put his arms around me. I raised up a bit to let him. “Don’t pay attention to that gorilla-guy, he’s just an asshole.”
“Gorilla-guy!” I sniff-laughed. From then on, Henry and I would refer to the ‘gorilla-guy’ in many private jokes.
“But you are a doll-face. I told you…” he whispered in my ear, “…you are really pretty.”
That did make me smile. “You know my friends and me all think you’re hot…”
“Your friends… and you?” he repeated. Oops, I did say that, didn’t I?
I sat up. “Mm-hm. I’m your sister, I can judge you. You look good after all that work this summer.” And I left it at that.
We went back out by our costume supplies. What else could I be instead of stupid sriracha? With my back to Henry, I took off my bra, then stepped into the yellow leotard. “Maybe gorilla-guy was right, though. What if I showed more skin and did the Barbie costume?”
“You don’t have to do that…” Henry said, looking right at my chest. I knew my nipples were pointy right then, but I was feeling a little daring. Henry did call me pretty, after all.
“Yeah, my underwear is all bunchy, still. I could take that off,” I teased, “and do a pony tail. Do you think that would be Barbie enough?”
“You… you could try…” Henry coughed.
I really didn’t like the Barbie combination. I had no idea what to do with it. “Yeah, no… I’m gonna go with the Cat Lady, but I’ll wear my shorts underneath, show some leg.”
And that’s what I went with. Henry decided to try one a little more Halloweeny, too, like he’d made some effort, and taped four cereal boxes to the sleeveless undershirt, punctured the boxes with the four plastic knives we got from the hotdog guy (why, I don’t know — what do you need knives for with hotdogs?), put his jeans back on, and gave himself some stubble with my mom’s mascara. We snapped some photos and we were back out the door.
We decided not to go door-to-door to the guest rooms, this time, but went downstairs and hit the front desk and the Concierge. Both of them, I am happy to report, had a big bag of candy at their desks! We got full-size Three Musketeers and Kit Kats from the front desk lady, and full-size Reese’s Cups and MilkyWays from the Concierge. We were going to try the bell captain, but the Concierge quietly shook his head at us. The front desk lady waved us back over.
“You kids should hit the stores while they’re still open,” she told us. “Usually, whoever is at the closest-in counter has something, even if it’s just Smarties or Tootsie Pops. The college kids like to trick-or-treat, thinking it’s funny, but the stores like the good will and surprise them.”
That was exactly what we were hoping to find out! We started out for the street when the Concierge stopped us. “Kids, I hate to tell you, but it’s gotten colder out there, now.” We should have remembered. It was cold before, too. “Bring a coat or… change your costume a little? Like padding or… pants?”
This was going to be the third costume change! But with four candy bars and two dollars in our bags, this was what we wanted, dang it!
In the elevator, Henry knew he couldn’t put his coat over the cereal boxes — the whole look would be ruined. Would he go back to Clark Kent? He decided to try the John Wick look. I could pad my robe and wear pants, I knew, but I suddenly wondered if people would think I was a homeless person? When Henry decided on John Wick, I had the idea of matching him, like we might’ve done with Barbie and Ken.
In our room, Henry changed pretty quickly into his good suit he brought for the wedding, taping the little stuffed dog to his shoulder. He was painting John Wick’s beard on his face with Mom’s mascara brush when I came back from Mom’s room.
I was in my nice dress for the wedding, a red, street-length gown with open shoulders, but I wore the leggings underneath, and borrowed my mom’s black jacket to keep out the chill. I’d put on a little makeup — not much — and used the curling iron on my long, golden hair, making it flip just below my shoulders, and applied lots of Aqua Net for the wind. And I carried the six fake roses.
“What do you think?”
Henry was stunned, making me very happy. “Doll-face, you are not pretty. You are beautiful!”
I couldn’t hide my smile, and I gave Henry one of my roses. “Will you accept this rose?”
When he took the flower from me, he leaned in and kissed me. He kissed me! A real kiss! On the lips! And not a quick birthday peck, a real kiss! I felt that one right down to my toes. At first, he just kissed my lips, but when he didn’t pull away, I kissed him back. When we broke the kiss, I had to shake the stars out of my eyes, but a smile, I’m afraid, was glued to my face, now.
We took a couple photos, grabbed our Walgreens bags, and took the elevator down. We got a very approving smile from the Concierge as we went outside. Henry took my hand, like he always did.
When we walked down Michigan Avenue, now we looked like we belonged. Well, we were certainly dressed right, although Henry’s fake beard — and the doggie — kind of gave us away as kids out for tricks-n-treats.
Not every store had candy for us. We got a few “Oh, I’m sorry, but aren’t you cute!” responses, but Carrie the desk lady was right and we did get candy at other places. No more full-size ones, but we did get a lot of M&Ms, Snickers, MilkyWays, and suckers I don’t know the brand of. One department store had candy, but since the closest desk was cosmetics, the girl there let me try on a nice lipstick to go with my dress and gave me some perfume samples — which was really cool!
Our favorite place was this soul food restaurant. The lady not only gave us some M&Ms, but felt so bad we hadn’t had dinner, yet, sat us down and gave us plates with samples of short rib street tacos, fried green tomatoes with lump crab, collard green dip and chips, and some parmesan truffle fries. This was, hands-down, the best stuff we’d ever tasted! And it was just appetizers, she told us, because the entrée stuff was portioned. Henry tried to pay, but the lady wouldn’t hear of it, and her husband, who had been cooking in back, came out and recognized Henry’s costume right away.
“Money’s no good — Not if you can’t spend it,” he told Henry, which Henry loved, because it was a line from John Wick, I guess. The lady wanted to know who John Wick was, and then the man and Henry both said, “John wasn’t exactly the boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the fuckin’ boogeyman!”
Henry said he should have a fake gun, but both the man and lady reacted immediately and said a fake gun is the worst thing you can have in Chicago! I’m like, Okayyyy…
We asked about any homes in the area to go to, and she said there were some west of the Loop, but things get kind of ‘empty’ in the south Loop at night, and now that it was dark out already, we should either stick to well-lit places or head back.
We took a couple selfies with the couple, and I gave them each a flower, and we were on our way. (Before the wedding on Saturday, we brought our dad back here for lunch!)
We went as far north as the Chicago River — which isn’t as big as the Missouri, but it was definitely deeper than the Platte, and this lady told us the Chicago River runs backwards for some weird reason — and we still hadn’t reached that John Hand Cock building! We decided to head back to the hotel.
On the way there, it started raining. Yep, it started light, and we hoped that would be it, but it got heavy real fast. There was no avoiding it. We tried running, but I was in my strappy flats and skidding, luckily still holding Henry’s hand so I didn’t fall. We tried waiting it out in a doorway, but we were soaked and kept having to move for people. We just got on with it and made it back to the hotel lobby as soon as we could.
When we got inside, we realized not only was my dress ruined, but Mom’s jacket, and Henry’s whole suit was, too. I was starting to cry when our friends, Mr. Thomas the Concierge and Carrie, the front desk lady, came to our rescue. Carrie assured me the things weren’t ruined — just incredibly wet!
We were to undress in our room and call down. They would have a valet pick up our clothes and have them cleaned and pressed. They wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow, but we didn’t need them until before the wedding, and our mother didn’t need to know — until the bill came at check-out!
I gave them each one of my wet roses, keeping the last one for myself.
When we were changing, Henry came sliding in front of the windows only in his white button-down shirt and socks, singing into the root beer cup. “Just take those old-time rock and roll songs and put ‘em on the shelf…” He was trying to do the Tom Cruise thing from that old movie where he sings in his underwear. Definitely cheered me up!
But Henry’s shirt and underwear were wet like mine, and they had to go, too. Our undies and socks were drying over the shower rod, but the nice clothes all went downstairs, somewhere, with the valet. We were cold, but didn’t bother taking hot showers, just dried off with towels, combed out our hair, and wrapped up.
So that’s how we wound up naked under our plush hotel robes, alone in our room, staring out at the rain on Halloween night.
“You want some tea?” Henry asked me. “I could use something hot to warm up with, you know?” There was both a coffee maker and a hot water thingy in the little kitchen area.
I checked out the selection and chose chamomile because I remembered that’s the kind that Peter Rabbit drank in the story. Henry put a little honey in it and made it very nice for me.
We turned the TV on, but wound up leaving it on the TV guide channel because it was playing a radio station as its soundtrack and the music was kind of Halloweeny — not “Monster Mash” but, like, “The Killing Moon” and Lana Del Rey singing “Season of the Witch.” We didn’t want to watch anything, we just wanted to relax. The channel also had the weather forecast — rain this evening. Who’d a-thunk it? If only we’d put that on when we were building costumes.
Now that we were settled, we dumped out our bags of loot. There was a little water, but at least the non-recyclable wrappers kept our chocolate dry! “Dang!” Henry exclaimed, “we actually got us a pretty good haul. It’s probably not what we’d have got if we went with Little Ronnie and the others in their neighborhood, but we did pretty good for a couple of left-behind kids.” We traded a look that showed we still felt a little betrayed. “Trade you a Kit Kat for your Payday?” He knew I liked Kit Kats.
We couldn’t help but dig into our haul. We’d had a good supper at the soul food place, so this was dessert! So, three candy bars in our bellies, we sat back on the little couch with our bare feet up on the table, looking out at the rain, mugs of hot tea in our hands.
Henry shut off the lamp so we could see the storm over the lake, better. It was night out, and the city had lot of lights so the clouds were well-lit from below. And with the big park between our hotel and the lake, we had a pretty good view. Lots of lightning flashes! We were just sittin’ there, us all lit up by the blue light of the TV, and I let my head roll over onto Henry’s shoulder.
Henry put his arm around me. “Well, doll-face, we had us an adventure.”
End of Part one
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos All rights reserved
Becky lay half-on, half-off the easy chair in their frontroom, one leg draped over the chair’s stuffed arm, her head propped up on the other arm, her long light-brown hair hanging over the edge. She’d been there much of the morning, the only physical thing she’d done in the past hour was pick up the remote to change the TV channel to avoid news and watch The Price Is Right. She wasn’t lazy, it was just turning out to be one of those hot mornings where it started out okay with the windows open, but you knew you’d have the air conditioning on by noon.
It was summer. Not officially — that was a week or so away, yet, but high school was out and the kids who didn’t have summer jobs at the Park & Rec or the golf course could sleep in and watch TV. Becky and her brother had each had some sort of breakfast separately — couple of Eggos, a Jimmy Dean thing in the microwave; Becky considered the coffee, but her mom had shut off the machine when she left for work, and now it was only lukewarm.
She’d move in a bit. She’d shower and find her friends, make plans. But for now, she was pretending to watch three fat people spin the Showcase Showdown wheel, but was really staring at her brother Jimmy’s cock. Much more interesting…
Her younger brother, Jimmy, was laying stretched out on the couch opposite Becky, tapping something onto his iPad. Becky couldn’t tell if it was a game or if he was texting, but he seemed fairly engrossed in it. It might be porn, or he could be going through some TikToks, she figured. She’d watched his cock grow in position and twitch, but it hadn’t ‘tented’ or flipped up. That’s what was fascinating.
He was only wearing a cut-off sweatshirt and loose blue basketball shorts, and his cock was a giant ball on top of his midsection. His shaft wasn’t laying to either side, it was riding the curve along the top, she could tell. Had to be trapped in his underwear, she knew. Had to be trapped. Maybe it had grown more while she watched, but it grew forward, then, not up.
The sweatshirt he wore had the sleeves cut off — a piece of spirit wear from their high school Wrestling team he’d been on last winter, and would be on again next winter. Red and yellow, or maroon and gold, depending on which school song you listened to. He was a primary colors boy, this morning. He had a good body, nice pecs; she’d seen them often, he didn’t hide them, they just weren’t on display this morning. He had shoulders and arms to be proud of. She could see the shock of hair under his right arm. She’d seen it before, of course, but this morning, she had to consider it. He’d cut the bottom of the sweatshirt off, too — he used it when he worked out in the basement, which he’d probably do sometime this morning — so his abs were showing, as was the treasure trail of dark brown hair leading under the basketball shorts.
She wondered if he shaved. She hoped not. That would look stupid, she decided. Having a treasure trail lead to nowhere? …sudden bare skin and a little-boy cock …and then his hairy legs? She hoped not. He could trim, if he liked, but she’d be upset if he was shaved.
She had to see it.
“Let me see what you’ve got goin’ on down there. Let me see your cock.” She still said this matter-of-fact, like she wanted to look over his homework, or see what he’d bought at the store.
“Get out of here,” Jimmy dismissed her.
“Seriously, that’s looking pretty big.” She slung her leg back where it belonged and sat up in the chair. “I mean, maybe it’s just how it’s sitting right now, but that looks like it could please a girl.”
Jimmy was a little torn on how or whether to answer her. Part of him still wanted her to just shut up — what was she getting at? The other part of him wanted to answer her that, yes, his cock certainly could and did please girls. But why was she bringing this up? He could just ignore her, but he knew his sister would not accept being ignored. She’d just get in his face, then. “Why are you being weird and looking at my cock?” He didn’t move off the couch, though he did twist a little so that his cock was not so prominent.
“I know you’ve got girlfriends. I know you’re not a virgin, so obviously, it works,” Becky pretended to analyze. “My friends have noticed you, and I have to say, you are noticeable. So let me see it.”
“No,” he said, pulling his legs down and moving to a sitting position. “You’re my sister, I’m not going to show you my cock.”
“Why not? Just because I’m your sister?” she put to him. “Because I’m your sister, it shouldn’t matter if I see your cock, so why not show me?”
Jimmy was aware she was trying to use some twisted logic, but he wasn’t going to get into an argument with her over this. “I’m not showing you my dick.” The idea of showing off, though, curled in his mind, and he didn’t get up to leave. “Why do you want to see it, anyway?”
“No. Not good enough. What’s going on in your head?”
Becky had to think quickly. Her brother didn’t leave and escape to his room. He was curious. She had to come up with a reason to convince him more relevant than just ‘because.’ She really wanted to see this thing. And, maybe, if she listened to the itch growing inside her, do other stuff… “I need to practice my blow jobs.” That’s what she came up with in that moment.
Jimmy laughed. “The hell you do! You’re the blowjob queen! Whole school knows that.”
She didn’t take offense or try to wave that down. There was a truth to that statement, she knew. Rather than argue, she’d use it, wrap herself in it. “Yeah… and that’s why I need practice. It’s not the number of blowjobs, it’s the quality of my blowjobs.”
Jimmy just stared at her, open-mouthed. How do you respond to your sister saying that?
She had his attention. She kept it up. “Hey, it’s summer, now, and I don’t have a few hundred boys staring at my bod just because I’m walking by. I have to actually go out and find them, or be where they are. It’s too hot to go out today.”
“You have a boyfriend.”
“Yeah, one boyfriend… and who knows how long that will last.” She started laughing, like she was being silly. It took away a little of the tension, and Jimmy laughed, too, so she pushed, again. “So let me see that monster. Let me see what I can do for it.”
Sitting right across from her, Jimmy tried to read her face. Was she serious? His older sister actually wanted to give him a blow job? Or was she just saying that so he’d take his shorts off and then something weird would happen?
“You’re crazy,” he decided and stood up. He started heading out of the room, but caught himself to get his iPad.
She had to stop him. “I’ll show you my tits.”
That one brought out a real laugh. “Hah! I see your tits all the time!”
“No, you don’t,” she countered. Did he really?
“Of course, I do. You run around here almost naked all the time, those things floppin’ around,” he said more to her tits than her face. “Look — right now — you’re wearing a tank top. Your left tit is sticking out right now!”
Becky chanced a look down. Yeah, it was true. Her left tit was half-outside the big armhole in her tank top. And a bit of a nip-slip. She didn’t fix it, though.
“And you never wear a bra inside the house. Only at school, and then not all the time, either. Can see your nips right through your tube tops, or you wear a big t-shirt at night and those bowling pins go swinging back and forth…” He was on a roll. How many other instances could he come up with?
But for Becky, all she heard was that he noticed. She let him keep going. Her little brother noticed a lot. She decided to take some action. She cross-grasped the hem of her shirt and took it off over her head. She shook out her long light-brown hair, and dropped the shirt behind her. “So, it won’t matter if I just do this.”
Jimmy was struck speechless, his mouth hanging open in the middle of saying something about her not even using a towel between the washroom and her bedroom after a shower, sometimes.
He stared at her tits. Yes, as he’d said, he’d seen them before, just not presented so ‘Here they are, Jimmy!’ He’d seen her side-boob and cleavage often. The whole things flopping now and then as she moved quickly. Her nipple secretly poking out, like it just had been, and he’d try to see it from the corner of his eye and not get caught staring. But now her tits were right here. In his face. Presented for his enjoyment.
He knew from handling her mislaid bras that she was a 36C, whatever that meant. They were bigger than a handful, and looked like a lot of fun to play with.
“You want to touch them?” she asked.
“Yes,” he automatically responded. Then he caught himself. “I mean… no, I don’t… I mean, they’re ni-…” He had to shut up.
She took his right hand and placed it on her left breast. “I’ll let you.”
She placed her own right hand on the bulge in his shorts, and petted it up and down, slowly. It was big. And it was trapped. She could feel the life in the animal inside as it pushed forward.
Jimmy dropped his iPad and took her right breast, as well. Sixteen years, and he was finally caressing Becky’s tits, felt their heft, pinched her wide nipples and made them contract to points. That was fun!
“Let me feel your cock, Jimmy,” she whispered, fully intending to seduce him, now. This had started just as a whim, just a desire to check out the size of her brother’s cock, see how much hair he had, maybe what it looked like hard, if it turned out that way. Had they done a quick negotiation and she saw it, that might actually have been enough for her. Maybe she’d have masturbated to the image, having that secret knowledge of her brother, creating a fantasy of the forbidden from it.
But now, as she pulled his shorts away from his waist with one hand, and went inside to fix his cock with the other, she got a sense of the monster inside, and it lit a fire inside her.
But when Jimmy felt his cock flip upright and his sister’s hand was inside his underwear, he reacted. “Whoa, hey!” He let go of his sister’s tits and backed away into the couch, and almost fell back onto it. The motion pushed her hand out and his waistband snapped back.
“Jimmy?” She was about to ask What’s wrong? but her new goal needed to keep him here, keep him in the mood, not give him a chance to beg out.
“This is nuts,” he murmured. He shook his head, still staring at her breasts, trying to say something else that would allow him to retreat.
“It’s okay, Jimmy.” She put her hand back on top of his package. “I like what I felt, there. Let me give you a blow job.”
Those were the wrong words. They brought back the ‘blowjob queen’ image, and Jimmy was able to think a little more clearly, again. “That’s okay. I can get a blowjob from Liza, if I want.”
“Of course, you can. But I want to give you one.”
“You don’t need any practice. Why don’t you go blow Caleb?”
“Caleb is…” She thought about how much to tell. “Well, Caleb hurts.”
“He hurts you?” There was anger in his voice and Jimmy flipped immediately into ‘brother’ mode, ‘protector’ mode. He might be a year and a half younger than Becky, but he was bigger than her and stronger than most of her boyfriends. Caleb was taller than he was, but Jimmy knew he could take him. He’d suffer a few hits, but he knew he could fight better than Caleb.
Becky realized her error. Another error. “No, not like that. No, don’t worry.” She put both her hands on her brother’s shoulders, letting them slide to his chest. “He’s okay. He’s a nice guy. He’s just… big. Like his cock is ‘stupid big.’”
Jimmy let out a snort, calming down inside. He’d put his hands on her back in assurance, but didn’t remove them.
“I mean, I can’t get his whole cock down, and it fills my mouth. And when we f-” She looked Jimmy in the eye to judge if it was okay to talk like this. His eyes told her he knew. “When we fuck, it kind of does hurt. There’s big, and there’s too big, you know? It’s not a lot of fun.”
“So, he might not be around much longer?” Jimmy asked, still concerned.
“Yeah, probably not.” She tried to shake the vibe. “But you, Jimmy…” she turned up her seductive voice, putting her hand back on his cock. “This feels a nice size, and I think it likes me. You’ve got a – ”
“Becky, come on,” he moaned.
“I’ll let you see my pussy?” she tried.
He looked at her, a little pity in his eyes, now. She was lapsing into desperation, and he knew it. “Becky, this isn’t right.” Still, he held her to him, her breasts pressing into his chest. Part of his guy-brain wished he didn’t have his shirt on, and could feel those tits against his skin.
“What’s not right? It’s just us. You’re my brother. You’ve been around forever, and you’re still gonna be.” She liked that he still held her. Maybe he was coming around. “So what if we have a little fun? I’d really like to see that monster in your pants. I really do want to give you a blow job. I’d love to make you cum. I’d love to see you cum!”
Jimmy was hesitating. Becky could tell that he was turned on, though. She could feel that. She gripped his cock through the nylon shorts and got a truer sense of his length and girth, now. She started a small stroking.
“Look, we play together all the time. We played ‘house’ when we were little, and with Legos.”
“And you made me play with your Barbies,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, Barbies, and your Spider-Man guys invading her DreamHouse!” This made them both laugh. “And then there was Sorry and Life and Guess Who. And Crash Bandicoot 2.”
“We were a team!” he recalled. “But those aren’t…”
“And swimming, and tag football, and we wrestled. I know your body. I like your body. I think you like mine,” she smiled, mashing her tits against him and roughly stroking his cock, now. “So what’s the difference if we play this way now that we’re, you know, older?”
Jimmy was almost there. She could push him down on the couch, and he’d let her. She knew it.
But Jimmy took a deep breath and exhaled, like he’d made a decision. “Becky…” he whispered. He let go of her back and pulled himself away from her breasts.
“You can fuck me.”
This stopped Jimmy in his tracks.
He had to look her dead in the eye. He had to see her eyes. His dark browns to her soft browns. There was no teasing about this. She’d just said the words that had fueled his fantasies for the last five years. From the time he figured out what his boners were for, his sister had always been the model for his masturbatory sessions late at night, in the morning, after school, break from homework, bedtime, and late at night, again. (He hadn’t done the session in the washroom at lunchtime since 7th Grade, and that was usually over Taylor Riordan, who sat in front of him in class back then.)
But Becky was always right there, right here. Walking around the house in almost nothing, day in, day out. He watched her get taller and lose her baby fat. He watched her boobs grow from nothing to apples to, suddenly, these big puppies. He watched her straight body get curvy. He’d watched her behind change from a boy’s butt to a girl’s ass. He’d seen every inch of that ass, in her thong underwear and bikinis, and its entirety when she mooned him. He’d seen every inch of those tits in various pieces before today, and now those tits were pointed right at him, completely bare. He’d held those tits today. But he’d never seen her pussy. The shape of her mound, yes; maybe some ‘cameltoe,’ yes; perhaps a hint of her pubes when she wore white underwear in the bright light, yes. But he’d never snuck into her shower or anything to see it in the open. That could happen today, and so much more. He’d get to suck those titties, hold that ass, and fuck that pussy. If this wasn’t a put-on. If this wasn’t a joke. If she was serious.
“Say that again.” He had to know.
She shifted in front of him, again, placed her hands on his waist, and ran them up his abs under his cut-off sweatshirt, over his pecs to his shoulders, pushing his shirt up so she could lean in, press her breasts onto his bare chest. She whispered in his ear, “Jimmy, you can fuck me.”
He still couldn’t breathe, but he put his hands around her back, again, keeping her pressed to his chest. He ran his hands down her spine to her hips and gripped the waist of her pink shorts, rolling the elastic in his hand, dragging the cloth together with his fingers until it was all bunched in his fists. His brain knew he couldn’t pull off her shorts this way, though. He released the shorts, flattened his hands, and slipped them under her panties, feeling her ass and grabbing at the bottom curve.
“There you go,” she told his neck. “You want to fuck me?”
“Yes.” Again, his response was involuntary, just an immediate blast of air out of his chest. “Yes, I want to fuck you.”
“Then let’s start by letting me see your cock.” She slid down his body, his hands automatically being pulled from her shorts.
She grasped the waist of his blue gym shorts, had to tug them over his hard cock, and then they fell to his ankles. She was then faced with his gray Tommy Hilfiger boxer briefs. She didn’t go for the black waistband, yet. Instead, she took the time to caress his straight up, very hard cock concealed within. She started at his balls, rubbing in a circle, careful not to squeeze or even cradle them here; she wanted to do that when they were really in her hand. Then she moved up the shaft, slowly, as if counting the inches. She could make a good guess, but didn’t care. Bigger than the average high school boy, lesser than ‘stupid big.’ It was Jimmy’s cock, her brother’s cock, that’s what was special about it.
She reached the head, but in finding the flare, noted the glans was already seeking release under the waistband. There was no reason to delay any further. She took the waistband with both hands, pulled forward and tugged down, shoving the briefs down to Jimmy’s knees.
“Oh, that’s a nice cock.” Instantly, she was faced with the goal of her morning’s torment. It bobbed a bit from the movement of his boxers, but this tower of manhood was everything she’d been imagining. The skin of his shaft was a little darker than the rest of him, or maybe that was just from blood flow, because his glans was definitely a shade of purple. She needed to hold it. Her hand magnetically went to its base, and she drew a finger up its length. Mostly smooth, a couple of veins prominent. There was a little bunching of skin just above his circumcision ring which she tweaked with her thumb and finger. Jimmy breathed in sharply and his thighs drew together. A sensitive spot? She pushed her finger from that point up in a direct line to his crown and he continued to shiver. Yes, this was his ‘spot.’ She’d remember that.
With her other hand, Becky swatted the boxers down from his knees. Jimmy stepped out of both the boxers and the shorts, then kicked them aside. He took a more solid stance, open for his sister’s inspection.
Her question about his pubes had been answered as soon as she’d pulled his boxers off, too. He had quite a thatch of dark brown pubes. No curls, all straight. She knew some swimmers who trimmed theirs, not wanting all their pubes to escape their Speedos, but apparently wrestlers didn’t care, as much, since it was all hidden inside their singlets. She’d never gone to see one of Jimmy’s matches; she’d have to take care of that, this next season. Those form-fitting singlets were quite revealing; she wondered why she hadn’t gone to a match to check the boys out. She ran her left hand through his wild bush, raking it between her fingers, then traced the treasure trail up to his navel and back, again.
Time to get busy. Her left hand went down and finally cradled his balls, while she parked her right hand at the base of his cock, squeezing a little to trap the blood, watching his head begin to expand. These spongy things were so fun! And there… yes, there’s the precum! She had to have it. She licked up from her hand at his balls along the same path her finger took, taking a moment to stop and tease his ‘spot’ with her tongue and front teeth, then went up to circle his crown, then summited and licked off his precum.
She looked up. She and Jimmy locked eyes and connected. He’d gotten blow jobs before, she knew, but never had one from her. She took him inside her mouth.
All Jimmy could do was breathe. Once Becky looked up at him, he couldn’t look away. He was locked on to her soft brown eyes. Only when she finally broke their stare to take more control of her efforts could he close his eyes and fall back inside himself. His sister was sucking his cock. Becky was sucking his cock!
He didn’t know how long he would last. His mother had made him get out of bed to water the lawn before she left for work, so he hadn’t had a chance to jerk off his morning wood. He figured he’d use the energy to have a good workout with the free weights in his basement, then stroke & nap, but he got involved with his friends online. So, he still had a whole night’s worth of cum in him. And then… Becky. And now… Becky.
When his hands were pulled from her shorts, they’d naturally moved to her shoulders and hair. He’d love to grab those titties, but they were out-of-reach from his standing position. He didn’t want to sit, though; he liked the tension in his legs while he fought the urge to buckle and fall back.
Oh, god, take it! he thought. Her tongue is magic. What did she say? It’s not the number of the blowjobs, it’s the quality? Fuckin’ A. My sister is the blowjob queen!
She continued to lick and suck on his head, then dive down as far as she could take him. Aside from a little humming, she was a quiet sucker, not one to make stupid, gargling, choking porn noises. This was a learned behavior from giving a good percentage of her blowjobs in a place where they had to be quiet, or mostly quiet, with parents somewhere else in the house.
She held his ass with both hands, then slipped her left between the cheeks, dragging a fingernail up from his ballsack to his hole. Jimmy shivered and widened his stance, allowing Becky more access to play. She realized that he liked it, pausing in her sucking to smile around his shaft, so teased his sphincter, pushed at it with her finger, gaining a little entry. Jimmy pushed down on her finger, wanting her to get it inside, but both felt her finger was dry, so it wasn’t going to go far, just to the first knuckle. It was fun, but she moved her attention.
She slid down to suck on his balls while using her hand to jack him. Jimmy could feel that was a dangerous move. When his girlfriend blew him, he could sit back and just enjoy the feeling of her tongue for as long as she’d do it, then decide it was time to cum and get his mind into the game. But now, with Becky, he’d been on edge since she first touched him, and every thought was on reacting to exactly what she was doing to him. Going to his balls was going to send him over that edge, and her hand was making sure of it.
“Becky…” His voice shook.
Her ears perked up. She could tell this wasn’t an ‘oh, Becky…’ moan; it was a warning. She had him. Her little brother was going to cum for her! “That’s it, little brother. Cum for me.” She licked from his balls up to his ‘spot,’ swirling her tongue on his knot of skin. “Give me all your sweet cum…”
Jimmy’s knees buckled and he moved to fall forward, his toes clenching to grasp the carpet, as if that would keep him upright, but he mostly held himself up on her shoulders. She gave him a quick succession of bobs and then licked back down, holding his cock in front of her.
“Beck, I’m cum—” was all he could say before he locked up and his entire existence was being shot out of his cock, his vision cross-fading to a bright golden haze.
Becky was going to taste his cum, she would take it all in, but she wanted to see it, first. She’d never been one to try to spy on her little brother when he’d close his bedroom door and jack off. She could hear him when he did it, and that turned her on, fired her imagination, but neither of them had really ever invaded the other’s privacy, that way. But now, she wanted to watch him explode in front of her!
His first shot launched up and fell forward to her hand and arm. She corrected the angle and his second shot, bigger than his first, rocketed straight up. “Yes!” she hissed. This is what she wanted to see! Shots three and four followed quickly, landing wherever while her hand and his cock fought, so she brought it back into her mouth and took whatever he could still give her, which was two more direct blasts and then whatever she could coax out.
He tried to take his weight back as his vision cleared, stop pressing on her shoulders and stand back up, but he just couldn’t do it, yet. He wanted to collapse, but he never wanted her to stop sucking on his cock. He purposely took deep breaths, calming down, shifted his weight back. He stood, and looked down to see his sister cleaning his cock. She looked up, took him out of her mouth, and smiled back at him. Then she pushed him back onto the couch. He fell back dead weight, arms akimbo, a goofy smile playing across his face.
“Did you like that?” Becky asked, starting to look around at where else the boy’s cum had landed. Her wrist and arm, some on her tits, a stream on the floor.
Jimmy breathed a laugh. “You have to ask?”
She licked off the cum on her wrist and arm easily, then before she went after the shot on her breasts, she looked at him with a spark in her eye. She got up off her knees, groaned a little and rubbed her kneecaps, then moved to straddle him on the couch. She parked her butt on top of his thighs and scooted forward, making sure his cock was trapped under her pussy, though still protected by her pink shorts. She held her tits out to him. “Help me?”
He knew what she wanted to see him do, his fourth cum shot still obvious across her right breast. But god, he wanted those tits! Holding them for such a short time had been a tease — he needed to get those nips in his mouth, no matter what he had to do. He went right for her right one, mouth engulfing the nipple, licking a circle around the areola, and sucking it all in. He pulled off and took care of business, licking the trail he’d left behind, smearing it then cleaning the area.
“That’s it, clean me off…” She ran her fingers through his hair. He’d gotten his summer cut just before Memorial Day — not a buzz cut like when he was a kid, but shorter than normal, and it was already starting to grow back. Still enough to hang onto while he licked his cum off of her. “You like that?”
Jimmy looked up from her breast. “M’eh,” he mumbled, “it’s not my first time.”
She thought her tease would have more impact. Obviously, Jimmy’d tasted his own cum at some point; it made sense. She knew her own taste, it’s true, whether from sampling her fingers or tasting herself on a cock after she’d been fucked. It was cool that he didn’t balk. “You’re very salty today,” she noted.
“Had McDonald’s a bunch of times this week, walking home with the crew.” He didn’t want to be interrupted. He wanted to hold and suck these tits. The right one clean, he went back to the nipple to tease and bite.
“Ooh!” she yelped. “Those McNuggets and Coke will do it to you…”
“I love McNuggets.” He switched to the left breast. “I love these McNuggets…”
“How long have you wanted to be right here?” she asked, playing with his ear.
Why’d she want him to keep talking? He just glanced up and gave her a look of ‘You kidding me?’
“Well, you don’t have to sneak peeks when my bowling pins are hanging out, anymore. You can have them anytime you want them. I love when guys take time on my breasts…”
A little pang of jealousy shot through him, though it didn’t stay long. He didn’t want to be added in to her pile of boyfriends. He was her brother; he should have a more special place in her heart.
She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the sensation. She had to, otherwise she might be tempted to see who won on ThePrice is Right Showcase, and she wanted to feel Jimmy’s lips every time he kissed his way around her breasts until he got to the swell and licked his way back to her nipple.
She could feel his cock beneath her, too, and it hadn’t really gone down much since she’d sat on it. She started rocking forward and back, lightly, letting the slight fuzziness of her shorts’ fleece play along the underside of his cock.
Jimmy’s attention to Becky’s breasts was slipping, with her grinding her pussy along his dick. That was unfair. He got another image in his head. He continued licking her nipple, but dropped his hands to her shorts. He grabbed each side in his fists, wishing he could just pull sideways and rip them off.
He released her breast and sat back. Now she was just rocking on his lap in front of him, teasing his cock, teasing her own clit. He could feel his blood coursing through him, again, felt power returning to his arms and legs, breathing heavier.
Becky opened her eyes to find Jimmy staring back at her. Not at her tits, not at her face, just at her. And she recognized that look in his eye. The look of desire. Her brother was about to make a move.
Jimmy took his sister about the waist and stood up, her 110 pounds nothing to him, he didn’t even need leverage. He spun slowly around, looking at the frontroom furniture, deciding the couch was best. He placed her on her back on the couch, and set one knee in front of her. He took ahold of her shorts’ waistband, dug his fingers a little further and added the waist of her panties, as well, and in one even pull, dragged her remaining clothing off of her, with her lifting and assisting as she needed to. He tossed her shorts aside; wherever they landed was their new home.
She opened her legs and let him see — “My pussy, as promised.”
Still on that one knee, he couldn’t move. He was finally looking at her pussy. No clothes, no towel, no swimsuit. Just her pussy. Her golden brown hair was trimmed short, shaved into the shape of a heart. He wanted to laugh, but didn’t want to laugh at her, so he just snorted his amusement. It was cute. She’d also shaved the rest of her outer lips clean. The shave job looked recent, no stubble. His eyes followed the line of her slit on down, her hood and labia peeking out…
It was time. He brought his other knee up on the couch and took ahold of her legs.
She had teased him long enough. She saw that cock aimed at her and knew what was coming. But perhaps there was time for one more.
“What are you going to do, Jimmy?” she said in a frightened voice. “Are you going to fuck me?”
“You said I could fuck you. I’m going to fuck you.” This was happening. He wasn’t wasting any time.
“Oh, but not here, Jimmy,” she comically complained. “Not on the couch. It’s itchy, don’tchya think?”
He looked like he could explode — not in anger but in sexual frustration, at having to deal with a sister, again. He wasn’t going to argue. Fine. Change of venue! He thought it, but wasn’t going to speak, wasn’t going to talk back to her, wasn’t going to negotiate. He stood off the couch and just picked her up, again, and put his naked sister over his left shoulder, his hand on her ass, holding her steady.
“Ooh, um, okay…” she fumbled, grasping onto her brother’s back. It was awkward, but fun, him pulling the caveman move. She just didn’t want to fall, but her brother was pretty strong and agile, being on that wrestling team, and all. She’d provoked him, too, she knew, so she’d let him get away with it.
She saw her house going backwards as he carried her away from the frontroom and the CBS News. She clung on a little tighter to his back and gripped his cut-off sweatshirt as he carried her up the stairs. “You got me? Don’t you drop me!” She tittered a little nervous laugh, but she felt him tighten the grip on her legs to assure her.
Jimmy chose her bedroom instead of ‘home court.’ It was also closer to the top of the stairs, true, but he imagined seeing her naked in her natural environment would be satisfying. Her nice white room with little roses all over the wallpaper, her thick white comforter with mauve and gray stripes, and her naked body laying on top of it, with those tits and heart-shaped pussy, inviting him in. He took care moving through her doorway — didn’t want her to hit her head, then everything would be over! He got to the foot of her bed and lowered her off his shoulder, but still held her in front of him, right hand on her bottom. He thought briefly about just tossing her on the bed and then diving on top of her, but that was no way to do this. He stepped to the bedside and laid her out, head on her pillow.
Her bed’s comforter was still askew from when she woke up this morning, so she pulled it back and out from under her, a bit. She looked to her brother, thankful he’d set her down so gently, but he still had that determined look in his eyes. There’d be no putting him off, now. No further delay. Not that she wanted delay. Her pussy was so damned wet, although Jimmy hadn’t taken the time to find that out, yet. Then she realized he’d only just taken off her shorts when she threw the tease at him. She watched her brother climb on the bed before her, and she spread her legs to accept him, that nice cock once again aiming right for her core.
He got in nice and close, his cock in his right hand, his left reaching out to address her pussy. He ran his thumb up from the bottom, parting her lips, opening her flower. A flick at the top got an “Oooh!” from her, but there would be no more stalling. He needed to fuck, and he was going to fuck his sister’s pussy. He quick-licked his palm and wet his cock head and held it at her entrance.
As much as he didn’t want to waste any more time, he couldn’t help but look Becky in the eyes, again. Just to be sure. To give her one more opportunity to back out. He really, really wanted to fuck her, but if she got scared all-of-a-sudden, he’d stand down. She wasn’t some cheerleader or sports groupie throwing herself at him at a house party. She was his sister. Part of the reason he wanted to fuck her was because she was his sister, but she was still his sister. He never wanted to hurt her.
She met his eyes. She knew what he was doing. Her little brother was actually a nice guy. She didn’t nod, she didn’t comically berate him for taking so long. She simply brought her feet up to his butt and tapped him forward, locking her heels as she did so.
He gave her a crooked half-smile — and she gave the same back to him — and then he pushed his cock inside her. Her eyes bugged, a little, and she started to sit up with the positioning, but she closed her eyes and lay back, putting her arms out to her brother’s shoulders. He got about halfway when her labia gripped his shaft, and had to pull back to spread her wetness, and slowly try again. It took one more pull back and push in and then he sailed through her wet pussy until their pubes met.
This was not his first time, but damn! that felt good!
He glanced down at where they joined. Her fuzzy heart was rising out of his tall grass. His English teacher would love the imagery. What did you do over your summer vacation? He pulled back and watched his cock slowly slide out of her and marveled at it. He actually had his cock inside Becky. He pushed it back in. He was actually fucking his sister.
He looked up at her. She was smiling — she’d watched it, too.
“Fuck me, Jimmy.”
That was all he needed. Just her saying that might’ve made him cum right there, had he not just come from her blowjob. He started his engine and built up a rhythm, not slamming his cock into her, yet, but increasing his force over time.
God, her pussy feels great… It wasn’t too long since his girlfriend Liza and he last slept together, but fucking Becky just made every nerve in his entire body light up, every one of them aware not just of making it, but of who he was making it with. Becky. The girl he watched grow up ahead of him. The girl who protected him from a bully at Milner Park. The girl he played games with. The girl he went to school with, but who wouldn’t walk with him, though he wouldn’t walk with her, either. The girl who swore him to secrecy over something he still couldn’t remember to this very day what the hell it was. The girl who held his hand as they ran through Disneyland. The girl who hated his first girlfriend. The girl who stood behind him when some asshat said something about her and then apologized. The girl he ate breakfast with in the morning. The girl he watched wander around in her underwear without a care. The girl who asked to see ‘what he was packing.’
She ran her hands along his arms and then grabbed at his red sweatshirt, gave it a tug. “Take this off, Jimmy. Be naked with me.” Jimmy ripped that shirt off so fast, it was a magic trick, except that it hit her perfume and deodorant on her dresser on its way down. Now she could run her hands over his bare chest, cup the edges of his pecs, and tweak his nipples, getting him back for biting hers.
But Jimmy never missed a beat in plunging his cock into her sweet pussy. Enjoying her hands on him, he slowed down his thrusting, pulling back slow and letting the head rest just inside her entrance, then dipping in five times, counting in his head, and then driving in completely through her wetness.
“God, Jimmy, I love your cock! It feels so fucking good!” She wrapped her arms tighter about him and pulled him down to her. It sounded like she was going to say something more. She might have been a quiet cock sucker, but apparently she loved to dirty talk, though all she got out now was a loud whimpering. “I… nnnnnn… ahhh… ahhh… Jimmyyy!”
She was cumming. Only this far into it, and she was cumming, already. She knew it was only partly because of the pounding they were giving each other, and mostly because of who she was fucking. What’s more, the moment he entered her, she knew it would happen quickly. And no one was home. She could scream if she wanted to, open window be damned.
“Jimmy… Jimmy… your cock is perfect. You can fuck me whenever you want…” She had to breathe, but she was trembling too much, her hips still bucking. She released him a bit, but not completely, so she could gulp some air, then pulled him back down. “Oh, it feels… God, my brother is fucking me. My brother is fucking me…” Her shaking was not stopping. “And I love it! Jimmy, this pussy is yours…”
Her patter was driving him insane. He loved hearing it – it was such a turn-on. Once again, if he hadn’t cum so recently, he’d have hosed her insides when she told him he could fuck her whenever he wanted to. And he absolutely loved knowing she wanted more!
He wanted to engage with her, he wanted to join in her dirty talk. But he didn’t want to sound stupid. A hundred things usually went through his head when he was fucking, things he could say, like compliments or how things felt, but the hesitation to actually say them made him reticent. He wanted to for Becky, though.
He ran his arms behind her back, further smashing those stunning tits between them, and just let himself go. Physically, his cock plowed ahead, splashing out her juices. He could feel the sensations running up his spine and fanning out to and back from his muscles, carrying the message to tell Becky all about it. Mentally, he opened up.
“Becky… my Becky…” He let her know he was vocal.
“Jimmy…” She let him know she would answer.
“I’ve wanted to fuck you since I was eleven. That’s five – fucking – years…” Each word he spoke was a slam into her pussy.
“Five – fuckin’ – years?” She loved the way he said it, and gave it right back to him.
“Five – fuckin’ – years!”
“So how are we gonna make up for lost time?” She was in her recovery state, though she could envision another orgasm on its way, if Jimmy kept it up.
“Every morning.” He calmed the slams down and raised himself back up on his arms. “Switch,” he indicated to her.
Together, they performed the dance of moving over and sharing space in her twin bed until Becky was on top. She lined herself up, and lowered away, that same look of bliss enveloping her as she slid down his cock and he filled her up. She took the first bounce, and wanted to find a rhythm before they got back on topic.
“Explain.” She knew what he was going to say, but wanted to hear him say it.
Before he did, though, he was caught up in watching her pussy rise up, seeing his cock appear then disappear as her pussy descended, again. He spoke with each lift and plunge. “Every morning. Dad’s gone at seven. And when Mom goes to work…, I’m coming over to your bed…, and I’m gonna wake you up…, and I’m gonna fuck you blue!”
“Unless I get to your bed, first…”
“Yeah, you can wake me up with a blow job… Practice your blow jobs!” He gave her a devilish smile, just in teasing her about how this all started, but also with the knowing that she actually would be doing that.
“Did you like my blowjob?”
“Oh, yeah,” he responded.
“Did you like my blowjob?” His answer was not what she wanted
He understood. “You give the fuckin’ best blowjobs…!” He moved his hands up to her breasts, again; his new best friends. “Now gimme these fantastic titties, again…”
She smiled in satisfaction, then leaned forward and began a languid slide on his cock. Jimmy shuddered a moan. “Oh, your fuckin’ pussy… so wet… feels so fuckin’ good…”
“I am wet, you made me that way,” she confirmed. Then she pulled forward, almost pulling off him, just leaving his head at the edge of her hole. “Whoa, don’t slip out!” She slid him back into her swiftly, then did it again. “Oh, no, don’t slip out!” She rocked her pussy back and shot him inside. “Don’t slip out of me, little brother…!”
He wasn’t taking it, this time. She was so wet he might actually slip out of her, and he didn’t want to not be inside of her. He gripped her waist and pushed in and held her there. “I’m not going to slip out!” He held her in position and began slamming her up from below.
Becky began yelping and fell down onto Jimmy’s chest. She kissed and then sucked on his neck until she got to his ear, which she bit. “That’s it, Jimmy, give it to me. Fuck me, Jimmy! Fuck me!”
Jimmy gave it to her, but this bottom position wasn’t doing it for him. He’d needed a rest, but he was done resting. He needed to fuck. He didn’t announce the switch, this time, but used his leverage in pulling a reversal — not as mean as he would do on the wrestling mat, certainly. He wrapped his arms about her and lifted with his legs and shoulders, and flipped them both in one swift move. Becky on her back, him on top and still inside her.
The combination of Jimmy’s weight and the maneuver briefly knocked the breath out of her as Becky realized what had happened, but she recovered quickly and grabbed Jimmy’s ass to get him moving again. “Oh, my god, Jimmy… yes!”
Jimmy raised up on his arms and went to town, giving her full, fast strokes — he wanted to cum. “Yeah, I’m fuckin’… fuckin’ my sister…”
“I love when my brother fucks me!”
“I love fuckin’ my sister!”
“My little brother’s fuckin’ me!”
“I fuckin’ love fuckin’ my sister…!”
“Ohhhh, keep going, Jimmy…”
“I’m gonna cum… cum in…”
“You gonna cum for me, Jimmy?”
“I’m gonna cum in you, Becky! I’m gonna fuckin’ cum in you!”
“Yes, cum in me. I want to feel your cum in me…”
“I’m gonn— fuckin’ — gahhh!”
All that was left was fighting for breath as Jimmy fulfilled a five-year dream of fucking and cumming inside his sister. He spasmed on top of her and wanted to keep slamming into her with each shot, but she held his ass tightly to her, not letting him buck and pound. He wasn’t aware because of his own throes, but Becky got pushed over her edge, too, her stiff-arm clutch of Jimmy’s ass only part of her reaction as she shuddered and melted while he shot off into her.
With his cock held captive, Becky could — “I can feel it, Jimmy. I can feel you cumming in me! Oh! Four… five… six… … seven…”
Catching his breath, Jimmy calmed down, deflating on top of his sister, fighting not to pass out. Becky released his butt and softly stroked his back, petting him, keeping him in her calm embrace while both their heads cleared. A sheen of sweat between them, Jimmy slid to her side, and slipped out of her, but let his left hand remain to hold her breast. He still needed some connection with her.
“Becky… I… we…” He still trembled a little bit.
“Hey… it’s okay, I got you.” Despite the temperature and the sweat, she cuddled up to him, holding him steady.
Neither of them moved for the next twenty-one minutes.
Becky pulled him closer and kissed him. She kissed her brother.
When the kiss broke, Jimmy pulled back to look at her mouth, a strange look in his eyes.
“Was that okay?” Becky asked him.
“It was a little weird. I mean…” He swallowed. “Here we just did all that stuff, we fucked, we had sex, but it’s… still kind of strange to be kissing my sister. You know what I mean?”
Becky nodded, a little disappointed, but she understood. It took her some guts to attempt the kiss, in the first place, so she knew where he was coming from.
She smiled. “So… you still want to do this every day?”
“Hell, yeah. For the rest of my life!” He slipped his other arm under her pillow to stroke her hair.
“Take it easy, it’s not like we’re gonna get married or anything.”
“I know, but you were great!” He dropped his hand from her breast to her pubes. “And these are cute. You know, I’d wondered what your pussy would look like, but I never imagined shapes!” A cloud passed over his face. “You do this for Caleb?”
“I did it yesterday. He hasn’t seen this, yet.” She thought about it. “Maybe won’t at all. So, I did it for you!”
That made him smile, again. He slipped a finger into her cleft and met her clit for the first time. Her eyes bugged, a little, but she was pleased he finally found it. She moved her hand to rake through his thick lawn of pubes.
“Can I trim these?” she asked.
He rolled his eyes in thought. “If you really think I need to.”
“What does Liza say?” she enquired about his girlfriend.
“Not a lot, actually.” He breathed a laugh. “But she’s sweet.”
“You know, we don’t have to get rid of our… significant others… just because…” Becky got all analytical, still teasing Jimmy’s pubes. “I mean, I’m getting rid of Caleb because of, you know, but it’ll probably be like a trade-in.”
“I get it,” Jimmy told her, dipping his finger inside her for some wetness, but bringing up some of his spooge, instead. Still, it was good to spread around on her labia. “But I think we can do this. I mean, we got the house to ourselves, like, eight hours a day. So, I mean it. I’m going to come here to your bed tomorrow as soon as Mom leaves.”
“Hmmm, I’m looking at my sheets right now, and by the way we made this place smell, maybe we should use your room more often. Mom expects your room to smell like you and have cum all over your sheets,” she only half-joked.
Jimmy shrugged and did not disagree with her. “But if you don’t show by 9:00, I’m coming to your room at 9:01.”
“If you’re awake.” She traded his pubes for grasping his cock and trying to massage it back to life, which it did, quickly. It didn’t take much.
“I’ll be awake.”
She was enjoying his fingers in her, down below, but… “Do you want to lick my pussy?”
“You mean clean you up, again?” he teased, with a slight but real frown.
“No, seriously. You’re turning me on.”
Jimmy got a little embarrassed. “I’ve… never really done that, before. I’ve seen guys do it in porn, but…”
“Are you kidding me?” Becky twisted, almost sitting up. “That nice girl, Liza, blows you, but you don’t return the favor?”
Jimmy shrugged. “It just hasn’t happened. We mostly just fuck. I don’t make her give me a blow job, but it’s nice when she does. Most times, we only have time for one or the other.”
Becky considered that. He was only sixteen. He’d learn. “Well, I won’t make you lick out your cum today, but by the end of summer, I guarantee you’ll be an expert with your tongue. And if you don’t want to taste your McNugget-infused cum, you’ll do me before we fuck. Class starts tomorrow. Damn Liza won’t even be able to thank me…”
“I’ll thank you.” He started breathing a little heavier, feeling what she was feeling.
She met his eyes. Both had that look in them. “You want to fuck me, again?”
“Love to.”
He pushed her onto her back and followed, pinning her. “One, two, three, I win.”
“Not yet, you don’t…” She ran her hand a last couple of times up and down his cock, then helped him position it. “Damn, this is a nice cock.”
He pushed forward easily, now, into her well-lubed pussy. “God, I love my sister…”
“Do you love me or just my pussy, now?” she asked while helping find a rhythm.
Jimmy paused his thrust. “I love you, Becky. Always have. Even if we stop all this tomorrow, I’ll still love you.”
She put her hand to his cheek. “Oh, Jimmy.” She might have said more, but Jimmy, this time, brought a kiss to her. He found her soft lips and made a good, long press, punctuated by continuing his interrupted thrust inside her. She drew in a sharp breath through her nose, not wanting to break the kiss for a gasp. With the reset of the kiss, though, she let her tongue slip past his lips and they genuinely started to make out. Below, he kept up a slow draw and thrust, which was easy with her wet pussy.
He paused with their next chance to take a breath. “It’s… not weird, anymore.”
“I love my little brother, too. I love you, Jimmy.”
They continued to kiss, and fuck, throughout the afternoon, taking a long nap after session three. By the time their mother came home sometime shortly before five o’clock, Jimmy had saturated Becky’s womb four times, the final time in the shower. They were ravenous for their dinner.
The next morning, Jimmy didn’t need an alarm clock. He’d woken up before eight a.m. in anticipation of what could happen, but his mother always stopped at his room to prod him and give him some chore to do before she left for work and he had to promise he’d get to it. He just waited for his mom to back the car out and drive far enough away to know she hadn’t forgotten something to double-back for.
At a quarter to nine, a hand slid up onto Jimmy’s body under his comforter, finding his cock very much awake.
“Hey, Jimmy… Let me see what you’re packing today…”
The End
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos All rights reserved
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Jason Crow on The Esses – Pictures: “Thanks! And you’re welcome. Lubrican has a decent story site, but I cannot tell if he’s got stories like this…” Mar 2, 16:28
Ernie Richardson on The Esses – Pictures: “The Esses is beautiful, a great turnon as are the photos. Thank you. Can you direct me to other well…” Mar 2, 03:16
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