The Esses – Part 2
Jason Crow
The Esses
Part two
“Your guests have arrived,” Maria warned, tucking her phone away. My AI app had also sent a push notification to my phone, confirming their arrival. I gave her a timid but nervous nod in response.
I was currently dressed in my ‘businessy-informal clothes’ as Maria called it. Usually, when it would be just me lounging alone, I would wear sweatpants and a shirt. But this time, I wore jeans and a button-down shirt that my personal stylist had chosen for me. I didn’t want to feed into my sister’s image of me being a hermit, and it wouldn’t hurt to make a good first impression with my nieces.
“Let’s go and welcome them, then,” I suggested, trying to muster some excitement. While I was genuinely looking forward to spending a week with my nieces, meeting my sisters always seemed to be awkward and uncomfortable. As they emerged from the car, that familiar sense of unease settled in, and this time was no different—especially when Laura’s Prius rolled into view, its questionable paint job catching my attention.
Desperately attempting to distract myself, I observed the car’s back doors opening. Two young women stepped out, and for a moment, I found myself wondering where my nieces were. It took me a couple of moments to realize that the young women were, in fact, The Esses: Sarah and Sandra!
“Good thing I grabbed those coloring books,” Maria remarked, playfully nudging me in the ribs.
“Shut up!” I chuckled.
“Hi, Ron!” Lisa greeted me excitedly, running up and giving me an awkward hug.
“Hi, Lisa. Good to see you. How are you doing?”
“I’m okay… glad it’s finally over.”
After Laura and I said our hellos, the two young women walked up to me. Holy shit! I didn’t expect this. At almost thirteen, they had started to fill out in some of the good places but still had that innocence and youthful charm over them.
Both were wearing yoga pants that hugged their lower body snugly and showed off their shapely legs and boyish but extremely tight asses. Each of them wore a short shirt that hugged their young, developing breasts and showed off the better part of their tanned bellies.
I must’ve looked dumbstruck because Laura asked, “They’ve grown a bit since you last saw them, haven’t they?” I tore my eyes away and glanced at my sister’s massive grin. I nodded and said, “They sure have. Are you sure they want to stay with their boring old uncle?”
“Hi, Uncle Ronald,” they chirped in unison.
“Ask them yourself,” Laura laughed. They each gave me a tight hug, clearly excited to be here.
“You probably hate hearing old people say how much you’ve grown, but I barely recognized you two. You’ve turned into beautiful young ladies,” I said, making sure to look them in the eyes.
They smiled broadly at me and then exchanged a grin I couldn’t quite place. They grabbed each other’s waists, and Sarah said, “Yeah… we hear that a lot. And… thanks for having us over.”
“Of course! No problem! Glad to have you here,” I answered, avoiding Lisa’s eyes. “Hey, this is Maria. Go on in with her, and she’ll show you your rooms. I need to speak to your moms for a bit.”
Maria took them upstairs to show them their rooms, and my sisters and I headed inside for some coffee.
“You’ve really got an amazing place here, Ron!” Lisa said, and for the first time, I could hear that she genuinely meant the compliment about my house.
“Bill was always so jealous about you, and when- ”
“Never mention your soon-to-be ex-husband again during this trip!” Laura interrupted her.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. But I should’ve been more supportive of you, Ronald. And I’m sorry things went the way they did,” Lisa said, and I could see in her eyes she was getting a bit emotional.
“Yeah… me, too. I hope you can forgive us, Ronald,” Laura said, looking guiltily at the floor.
This was totally unexpected. I always thought it was just my sisters being envious of me. Perhaps it was an easy way out for them by using their ex-husbands, but the fact that they apologized and that it sounded and looked sincere was more than I ever expected.
“It’s okay, I guess,” I answered timidly.
“No, it’s not. But from now on, we’re going to be there for you whenever you need us.”
And with that, my twin sisters got up and gave me a tight hug. This hug felt genuine, and the knot in my stomach was untying itself rapidly now.
During our coffee, I got all sorts of dos and don’ts regarding the girls. Sarah could be rebellious at times, and I should stand my ground when that happened. Other times, she might turn quiet. A little TLC could help then, but it would usually pass on its own. My sisters kept talking about what the girls liked and disliked. Laura also warned me about Sandra’s peanut allergy and handed me an Epi-pen with a brief instruction on how to use it. Her allergy wasn’t severe enough for a hospital visit, but she’d feel a bit sick and out of it when it happened.
“Ronald, can I ask you something?” Lisa asked once their parental worries were addressed.
I shrugged with amusement, “Of course! As long as it isn’t money. I’m almost out.”
“Yeah, sure!” Laura snorted with a chuckle.
“Do you know any good lawyers? You know… divorce lawyers?”
I gave her the number of the law firm that represented me and promised I’d cover her costs. They weren’t cheap, but they had one of the best teams in the field. So far, I’d only needed them for my business, but I knew they had a fantastic family law department.
When Maria walked by with my nieces during the grand tour, I noticed the yoga pants and short, tight shirts again. I knew I shouldn’t be looking, but they looked mighty fine in them, and given that they were turning into young women, my instincts seemed to take over.
“They’ve grown a lot, haven’t they?” Laura asked with a proud smile on her face.
“They sure did! I had Maria go out and buy some coloring books, but that seems like ages ago now.”
My sisters laughed at my apparent ignorance about the girls and reassured me that they still behaved like little girls at times. However, in the blink of an eye, they would transition into acting all grown up.
“You’re in for a treat, big brother,” Lisa laughed.
“I guess. But… what’s with the yoga pants? Do I need to hire a fitness instructor?”
“No, silly!” Laura chuckled as she playfully slapped me on my arm. “Sarah started wearing them the moment Rick left me. He was kinda… strict on what she was allowed to wear, you know?”
“Yeah… Sandra did the same thing when Bill left us. Heck! If it was up to the Esses, they’d be running around naked!”
My sisters started laughing, and I laughed nervously with them. But I was troubled by a little voice in the back of my mind that found the idea of naked girls running around extremely interesting. I pushed the thoughts immediately away, but it was undeniably there for a brief moment. I wasn’t a perv! I’ve had sex with so many beautiful women, sometimes with three of them together. I was as normal as normal goes! Right?
“But don’t worry, Ron. I don’t think you’ve got to worry about that. They’re probably too self-conscious at this age that they’ll lock their doors if there’s anything they don’t want you to see.”
“Thank god!” I sighed exaggeratedly.
After pouring another round of coffee, I asked, “Why did you guys come to me, anyway?”
My sisters exchanged glances, and Laura said, “It was the girls’ idea. We’d been talking about you and… They wanted to see you and wanted to reconnect. I guess hearing their fathers complain about this beautiful place has something to do with that, too!”
“The few times they did stuff with Rick and Bill, it almost always ended in disappointment,” Lisa confessed. “They thought they were all rough and tough guys and wanted boys instead of girls. This always rubbed off on the girls.”
I nodded, starting to grasp the difficulties my sisters had to deal with more and more. By the time we finished our second coffee, Maria had come in with the girls. They walked over excitedly and sat down on the couch.
“This place is amazing!” Sarah excitedly said, tightening her blonde ponytail and exposing more of her tight belly as she did so.
The girls looked almost like identical twins. The main difference between them was that Sarah had blonde hair that hung just below her shoulders, whereas Sandra was a brunette with equally long hair. Other than that, they were the same. Small, A, maybe B-cup breasts, a nice tan, slightly muscular and soft bellies, and asses so tight that they could crush a walnut between the cheeks.
“Yeah!” Sandra chimed in, “And it’s huge! There’s even a big sauna downstairs.”
“And a private beach, a swimming pool, a big…” Sarah added but was interrupted by her mother.
“I know, hon! You won’t be bored over here. Don’t forget there’s also your uncle who needs some attention,” Laura said, smiling.
“But we made that pact…” Sarah said secretively.
“Oh, right! The pact. Almost forgot.” Laura said and looked at me, “They both agreed to only use their phones as little as possible. They won’t have to turn it in or anything, but they promised to keep the phone time as limited as possible.”
“Wow. Really?” I asked, surprised. Kids these days hardly seem to be able to leave their phones alone, so I was a bit skeptical. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, so I tried to look impressed and said, “That’s cool!”
“Yeah,” Lisa added with a smile, “more time to bond…”
Sarah and Sandra exchanged another glance. I assumed they didn’t really want to be here with me, no matter what my sisters said. I thought maybe they had been more or less forced to come. They were excited about all the cool stuff my house had, so I guessed that’s where that glance came from. Despite this, I was sure we’d figure it out together. Besides, if we really wanted to, we could go through the week hardly seeing each other.
Everyone got to their feet. I figured this was the cue they were leaving. After tight hugs, some stern words to their daughters, and a couple of tears, they drove off. We waved at the car, and I was alone with two preteens for the first time in my life. I knew Maria was also still around somewhere, but she was professional enough to give us some space.
There was an awkward silence, and I knew I somehow had to break it. So I asked, “How are your rooms?”
“It’s great! But we decided we’d bunk together, so Maria helped us move the bed,” Sarah said with an adorable smile.
“Can we go swimming?” Sandra asked into the silence that followed, looking all hyped.
“Yeah! Can we?” Sarah added.
“I don’t see why not. I’ll go and slip into something more comfortable myself. Maybe I’ll join you outside.”
“So cool!” Sarah said as both girls raced upstairs.
My AI app told me Maria was downstairs in the laundry room, so I headed downstairs to find her. I wanted to hear her take on all this. I opened the door to the laundry room and saw she was ironing some of my shirts.
“What do you think?” I asked, noticing a smile on her face.
She placed another shirt on the ironing board and replied, “They’re clearly not eight-year-olds. Looks like they can handle themselves.”
“Yeah,” I said, rubbing the back of my head, “now I feel awful for canceling your vacation.”
“Don’t worry about that,” she said, though I sensed something in her voice. Was it anger? I wasn’t great at picking up subtle cues in people’s voices or body language, but there was definitely something there.
“I, uhm… I think I can handle them myself,” I said tentatively, watching her reaction.
She peered at me from under her black hair that hung in front of her face and said, “I think so too. I talked with them a lot during the tour, and they’re pretty mature for their age.”
An awkward silence settled in the room. After a moment’s hesitation, I made up my mind. I knew I could manage, and if I needed advice or anything, I could always call my mother. That call was long overdue, anyway. When it came to her granddaughters, I knew she’d help if I reached out.
“Come on. We’ll call my travel agent and book you that vacation. You’ll only miss a day, but there will be first-class flights and a five-star hotel to make up for it. What do you think?”
Maria looked at me, her expression stunned, but I could see her starting to nod. I smiled at her and asked, “Well?”
“Yes! That would be awesome, Ron! I’ll call my contact at the island so he can try to undo all the cancellations for the proposal I planned.”
“Great! Let’s do this!”
After a hug from Maria, we began making arrangements. A quick call to my travel agent secured the best flights and hotel before we knew it. It wasn’t cheap, but that didn’t matter one bit. Maria was helping me out, so I was glad to make it up with this vacation. It felt good to give her this after everything she’d done for me.
* * *
“Isn’t that right, Ron?” Sarah asked, snapping me back to reality.
The girls were still lying on their bellies next to me, looking expectantly at me. When they noticed my confused look, they started giggling. I glanced at the pool and toward the ocean to see if I’d missed something.
“Your basement is connected to an old bomb shelter, isn’t it?”
“Uhm… I said, “Yes. Yes, it is. Why?”
Before they could respond, I heard the living room door slide open. We glanced over, hearing footsteps coming our way. I stood up straight and smiled as Maria approached us, wearing a massive grin. I knew I was the cause of that grin, and it made me feel warm inside.
“Thanks, Ron! I really appreciate you doing this for me!” Maria said and gave me a tight hug.
“Don’t mention it. There’s no better time than today, right?” I replied with a smile.
“Guess not,” she agreed, flashing a smile before making her way to the door to say farewell to the girls.
“Goodbye, Maria! And good luck,” the girls chimed in unison.
“Goodbye, girls. Hope to see you soon. Take care of your uncle, okay?”
I wished Maria the best of luck and insisted she’d keep me updated on her girlfriend’s response. As we exchanged goodbyes, I couldn’t shake off a faint feeling that maybe this wasn’t my brightest idea ever, but it was so fleeting that I brushed it aside.
I quickly changed into my swimming trunks and grabbed drinks and a small snack. When I came back outside, the girls weren’t lying on their bellies anymore but had turned to their backs and were rubbing sunscreen on their arms and legs. My eyes quickly glanced over their lithe, healthy bodies, and I couldn’t help but admire their beauty. My sisters had done a perfect job putting these kids on earth. This wasn’t sexual at all; I was genuinely proud of how nice they looked.
As I set down the tray with drinks on the table between the chairs, Sarah and Sandra scooted forward. Before I could stand up straight, they got to their feet and had pushed me backward into the pool. When I resurfaced, two young cannonballs landed right next to me, marking the start of some good old-fashioned roughhousing.
The girls teamed up, attempting to dunk me, and I found it challenging to stay upright. There was a lot of back-and-forth groping around as we attempted to get some grip. I grabbed a couple of boobs and asses, but the girls grabbed my ass a lot too, and there were more occasions of a hand on my dick than I could count.
“Oh, no, you don’t!” I shouted when Sarah dove under and grabbed my ankles. I managed to break free just in time.
Sandra then jumped on my back and yelled, “Nipple squeeze!” as her fingers gripped my left nipple.
“Be careful what you wish for,” I chuckled, grabbed her by her upper leg, and pulled her from my back. As she got free, I grabbed her ass to keep her afloat, but when I realized what I was holding, I quickly let go.
Both girls were underwater now, and I was constantly scanning the water to check where they were. I swam away just in time when I felt four pairs of fingers on my legs.
“Hey! Not fair!” Sarah exclaimed.
“Yeah! We almost had you!” Sandra added.
“Well… you’ll have to be quicker than that,” I said as I swam back to them.
“Oh, don’t worry. We’ll get you, alright,” Sarah said with her eyes down to narrow slits as if we were at some spaghetti western-style shootout.
“Not before I get you!” I screamed and lurched at them, both girls yelping excitedly as they barely managed to get out of my way.
But I made a stupid mistake here. I lurched too far, and the moment I got to my feet, I felt two young bodies clinging to mine. I tried everything I could to get them off of me, grabbing some ass and accidental pussy as I did this. But since it was during this roughhousing, I didn’t pay too much attention to it, and neither did they.
Eventually, I had to give in. One of them started pulling down my trunks, and the moment I felt my dick pop free, I pulled it back up. But this mistake cost me dearly. Before I could even react, both girls launched themselves at me. Two pairs of boobs were pressed against my face, and the momentum of their launch put me off balance, and I got dunked back in.
As I looked up from under the water, I saw one of the bikini tops had shifted. Sarah’s red top no longer covered her breasts. My eyes were wide as saucers as I looked at her young, cone-shaped bare breasts. Two small but extremely hard nipples completed the spectacle in front of me. I could see they gave each other a high-five, and I tried to stay underwater a little longer to give her the chance to fix her wardrobe malfunction. At least, that’s what I told myself. I could hold my breath for this forbidden view.
Moments later, she corrected her problem, and I came up, exaggeratedly coughing and gasping for air. Both girls were giggling loudly, and I noticed Sarah didn’t even blush. I guessed she didn’t realize I saw her bare boobs.
“High five!” Sarah said, and Sandra responded immediately.
“Yeah, yeah…” I sighed in mock anger.
“Let’s face it. You can never beat us!”
“You two play dirty…”
They gave each other a look and excitedly nodded simultaneously. “Yup! That’s what we do. But we won, didn’t we?”
I didn’t want to make too big of a point of them seeing my dick and figured we’d leave it at this. So, I nodded and played along, letting them have their victory while silently plotting my eventual revenge.

We tossed a ball around and simply enjoyed each other’s company. Hanging out with them was effortless, and their positive energy made me feel they enjoyed my company, too. Yet, there was an indescribable tension I couldn’t quite understand. It had been a long time since I enjoyed being around others like this. I appreciated Sarah’s spirited nature. She wasn’t a tomboy, but she definitely knew what she wanted. Sandra, on the other hand, was a bit more timid but showed genuine affection towards me. Maybe I’m not such a hermit after all. Perhaps it all depends on the company.
As the sun began its descent, I suggested it might be a good time to wrap up our swimming session and head indoors. I hoisted myself out of the pool, grabbed my towel, and proposed, “How about I whip up my famous lasagna for dinner tonight?”
“Sounds perfect,” Sandra agreed, starting to dry off alongside me.
“I’ll lend a hand,” Sarah chimed in from the pool, casting a glance at Sandra. “You can hop in the shower in the meantime.”
“I wanna take a bath. Is that okay?” Sandra said.
“Sure! I’m making this lasagna from an old Italian recipe. This might take a while, so take your time!” I said as I wrapped the towel around my waist.
“Yes! I’ve never been in a bubble bath this big! Later,” she said and almost ran upstairs.
I followed her upstairs and showed her where everything was and how to operate the tub. And after a quick change back into my khakis and shirt, I headed back down to the kitchen. Sarah had already started working on cutting some of the vegetables. She’d tied the towel around her waist but seemed to push her chest a bit forward every time I peeked at her bikini-clad breasts.
“Smells good,” Sarah said as the sauce started to boil.
“Yeah. The trick is to let the water evaporate. It takes some time, but that’s what makes a good sauce. So, um… how’s it going?”
I knew it was a bit awkward to ask, but good conversations just weren’t my thing. I was good in bed and smarter than most people, but making small talk wasn’t my strong suit.
“Okay, I guess…”
“And the divorce?”
Sarah shrugged, stirred the sauce, and said, “Not too bad. It’s better for all of us, I think.”
I started buttering the dish and asked, “How come?”
“Well… Mom and Dad used to fight a lot. That’s over, so it’s more peaceful at home now. And Dad and I…” she sighed deeply, “He’ll never admit it, but I’m pretty sure he wanted a boy. And I’m… well… not a boy.”
She pressed her chest forward to emphasize her point, and I smiled emphatically at her. I knew I should say something reassuring about how he loved her no matter what, but like I said… I wasn’t that good at talking to people.
“Good thing you’ve got your mom.”
Her face lit up as I said this. “Yeah. She’s cool! A bit crazy, but cool!”
We were making up the plates when Sandra joined us. Her damp, dark hair hung over her white t-shirt. Judging by the way her nipples tried to poke through her shirt, she wasn’t wearing a bra. And apparently, she felt at home enough to wear a shirt that ended just above her purple panties, showing off a small stripe of skin.
She saw me looking at her panties and asked, “What? It’s basically the same as a bikini! I forgot to pack my PJs.”
This wasn’t quite the same as a bikini, and she knew it, but I didn’t want to ruin the bond we were building, so I shrugged and said, “It’s okay. As long as you’re comfortable in it, I don’t mind.”
I knew my sisters said they’d run around naked if they could. But I thought they were just joking when they said this. It just never occurred to me they would actually do this. Sarah glanced at her cousin and smiled. She smirked, grinned, and replied, “Didn’t bring my PJs either. I guess you’d better get used to it.”
I didn’t want to make too big of an issue out of it, so I shrugged and exaggeratedly rolled my eyes, causing them to chuckle. Placing the plates on the kitchen table, I grabbed a bottle of Merlot that would complement the pasta nicely and sat at the head of the table. Both girls took their seats to my left and right, looking expectantly at me.
As I poured myself a glass, I sensed the tension in the air, two pairs of eyes regarding me questioningly, so I asked, “What?”
“Can we have a glass, too?” Sarah asked, catching me off guard.
“No!” I replied sternly, not expecting this question.
“But… Mom sometimes lets us have one,” Sarah persisted.
“And we’re almost thirteen, you know?” Sandra chimed in, adding her support.
“Exactly my point!” I retorted, then paused to consider. Suddenly, an idea struck me, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit clever. Suppressing a smile, I proposed, “I can text your mother and ask her…”
I anticipated the girls would back down, but to my surprise, they became even more enthusiastic. “Yes. Please do that!” they both answered eagerly. “She’ll let us. You’ll see!”
I shrugged, reached for my phone, and composed a message to Laura, asking if it was alright for the girls to have a glass of wine. Striving to maintain an open and non-judgmental tone, I reread the message twice before hitting send. I didn’t expect an immediate response, but almost instantly after sending it, my phone buzzed.
“NBD. R allowed to have 1. YOLO,” the text read.
Even though I didn’t entirely agree that it was no big deal regarding underage drinking, I also recognized that I wasn’t the parent in charge of making that decision. So, with a smile, I showed the girls the screen and quipped, “Guess I need to grab two more glasses.”
I took down two glasses with full round bowls but only gave each a half-pour. I handed them to the girls. We raised our glasses in unison, offering a simultaneous “cheers” as they clinked together.
I laughed at the face Sandra made. Sarah tried hard to pretend she liked it, but I could see the opposite was true.
“Never had a Merlot?” I chuckled.
“Well… No. We did have a… uhm… Mogen Davids?” Sandra said.
“Mogen David. That’s a sweet wine and not something I keep on hand, I’m afraid. This is a dry wine, more suitable for dinner like this.”
Sarah tried her best to keep up the pretense and questioningly said, “It’s… different?”
“It sure is. Shall I pour you another, sweeter wine?”
“Nah. This is fine,” Sarah said and took another sip.
After taking her first bite of the lasagna, Sarah said with surprise in her voice, “This is delicious!”
“Yeah! You’re an amazing cook!” Sandra chimed in.
“Thanks!” I replied, feeling a sense of pride and flashing a proud smile. While I knew I could whip up a decent meal, I seldom did so since it was usually just for myself.
“So…” I said into the silence that followed, “How’s school?”
“Oh boy…” Sarah said, rolling her eyes.
“Really? School?” Sandra asked in that typical schoolgirl tone.
“Uhm.. Sorry?” I said apologetically.
“Only old people want to talk about school. We don’t. Unless we’re talking about High School Musical!”
“Yeah… no matter how old that movie is, that Zac Efron sure is a hotty!” Sarah added.
“Okay. No school, then. Uhm… what movies do you like?”
Sarah thought for a second and said, “Nothing in particular. As long as it isn’t horror or fantasy.”
“Yeah. Me, too,” Sandra added, “Although I can enjoy a good slasher movie.”
“Nah… I hate the jump scares in those!” Sarah said as she shook her head.
“How about you?” Sandra asked as she looked at me.
“I hate to admit it, but I kind of like fantasy. I know it’s a bit geeky, but I find stuff like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones amazing!”
“Isn’t that the one with the brother and sister…” Sandra asked quizzically.
“Wow… Really?” Sarah asked with disbelief on her face.
“I haven’t seen it, but heard a lot about it,” Sandra said.
“Well… the series is so much more than that. It’s got all sorts of layers in it. And politics, dragons, and knights…”
“And incest!” Sandra said, nodding to prove her point.
“And incest, yes,” I chuckled, “so we probably won’t be watching that one.”
Sandra and Sarah started talking about how much they enjoyed the Maze Runner movies. I was glad they did because I was running out of subjects to talk about. Apparently, the boys in those movies were hot. Almost without exception, judging by their excited conversation.
After clearing my plate and chatting with Sarah about the recipe, I noticed Sandra grumbling something beside me. Sarah’s eyes checked her out, and suddenly, they sparkled with excitement. Curious, I turned to Sandra and spotted a sizable glob of red lasagna sauce staining her white shirt right between her breasts. She looked at us sheepishly, prompting Sarah to burst into laughter.
“Now, that’s unfortunate,” I chuckled, trying not to laugh at her in her face. “I’ll toss it in the washing machine with some of Maria’s special soap, and hopefully, it’ll come out clean.”
“Oh, okay,” Sandra replied with a shrug, beginning to tug at the hem of her shirt, seemingly resigned to the situation.
It took me a second to realize what she was doing, but the moment the underside of her boobs came into view, I exclaimed, “What are you doing?!”
She stopped lifting her shirt, but there was still a hint of underboob showing. She looked expressionless at me and said, “You wanted to throw it in the washer, didn’t you?”
“Yes. But you can’t change in here! You’ll be topless.”
“Yeah. So?”
“I’m your uncle. You can’t just undress in front of me.”
“Why not? Haven’t you seen boobs before?” Sandra chuckled.
“I… well… yeah, I have, and I just have… but…” I started, feeling a bit awkward about having to explain myself.
“Then… what’s the problem?” Sarah interrupted, her tone curious.
“I… I think it’s inappropriate for us… You need to change in your room. I mean… I don’t want to get in trouble, and… it’s the right thing to do,” I managed to stammer, taken aback by this unexpected situation.
“Whatever,” Sandra sighed, clearly frustrated, and she got up, walking past me toward her room.
“At home, we walk around without clothes a lot,” Sarah said with a shrug, “We don’t really care that you see us, you know… like that…”
“I’m glad you trust me that way, but I… I just didn’t expect this. And I don’t want to be… it’s just that I… oh, I don’t know!” I said and sighed deeply, not knowing what to do about it.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s okay,” Sarah said, placing a hand on my arm, which was strangely comforting.
But the disturbing thing was that I found the idea of seeing their boobs strangely exciting. I still didn’t want to admit it, but the girls looked hot despite their age. But their age was precisely the problem. It was such a mental conflict for me, and then the girls started doing these things. If I hadn’t stopped her, Sandra would be sitting topless at the table.
“I dropped my shirt in the laundry chute,” I heard Sandra say behind me as she approached us again.
As she sat back down, she was still straightening her bright yellow tube top. I looked at her and noticed this was starting to get ridiculous! This tube top may have fitted her over a year ago, but now it was too short and too tight. And because of this, the fabric was stretched and basically showed her nipples as if there was no fabric there at all. The color of her small areolas was clearly showing, and her nipples tried poking through the fabric. The short top started under her armpits and ended about four inches above her belly button.
I contemplated saying something about it but ultimately decided against it, realizing it would only fuel her rebellious streak. So, I responded as casually as possible, “Fine. I’ll make sure to wash it later with anything else you two have.”
“I still think it’s stupid,” Sandra pouted, focusing on finishing the last bit of her lasagna.
I noticed Sarah shoot a glare at Sandra, and then an uncomfortable silence settled in. Sarah broke it with a nice suggestion, “Can we watch a movie in the theater later?”
This seemed to brighten Sandra’s mood considerably. She perked up and eagerly asked, “Yeah! Can we watch Poor Things?”
I hesitated for a brief moment. This was a movie with nudity and a liberal view about sex. I assumed that’s why they chose it. I briefly thought about texting my sister and asking for permission but figured she’d be clubbing by now and in no mood to answer me. And besides that, what was wrong with a bit of nudity, right? So, I replied with a casual, “Sure!” also relieved about the change of subject.
“Cool!” Sandra said with a smile, and I was glad to see the mood shift positively.
Sarah announced she wanted to take a quick shower, and I began clearing the table. As I reached for the last plate, I overheard the two of them whispering. I couldn’t catch everything, but two phrases caught my attention. When Sarah whispered, “Take it easy! Don’t push him,” Sandra muttered something I couldn’t quite make out. Although I lacked context for their conversation, it was the first time the notion that they might be hitting on me truly crossed my mind. I immediately dismissed this thought again because twelve-year-olds don’t do this, but the seed was planted and was here to linger in the background.
I’d just opened the dishwasher when Sandra walked over. My eyes were immediately drawn to her nipples, and I forced myself to look into her eyes. She smiled and said, “Lemme help you,” as she started putting the plates into the racks.
After we were done, she gave me a full-body hug and said, “I’m sorry, Unc- uhm, Ronald. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“It’s okay. Just remember that I’m an old, single man who’s not used to having two beautiful girls walking around.”
She broke the hug and looked at me with a funny expression. “You think we’re beautiful?”
“Of course! You really look amazing! But this doesn’t mean you have to show it all to your old uncle,” I chuckled, “My poor heart isn’t ready for that.”
“You’re funny. But you’re not old!” Sandra smiled, playfully slapped me on my chest, and headed to the living room, my eyes glued to her magnificent panty-clad ass as she walked away.
After Sarah was done with her shower, we headed over to the theater room. Sarah was dressed in her blue panties and a gray shirt that ended on her hips. That way, her outfit was slightly less revealing than Sandra’s but still revealing enough to show off her assets nicely. I tried ignoring this, but it was more difficult than I would’ve hoped. I supposed I could just try to get used to it.
“This is flipping amazing!” Sandra said excitedly with delight as the projector flickered to life, illuminating the giant screen.
My theater room boasted a massive couch at the front with two rows of five theater seats behind it. Both the seats and the couch were covered with the traditional red plush, aligned stadium-style, just like those in a real movie theater. The girls opted to cozy up together on the expansive couch, which suited me just fine, considering it was arguably the best spot in the theater.
Taking my place at one end, Sarah and Sandra settled to my right near the other end. About halfway through the movie, after seeing a scene with a lot of skin and the hint of fucking between the main character and some random stranger, I paused it and casually asked, “Who wants some popcorn?”
Nods and cheers came my way, prompting me to switch on the popcorn machine and prepare three generous buckets. Upon my return, I found Sandra nestled up against Sarah, her back against her cousin’s side. Sarah had draped her arm over Sandra’s shoulder, her hand resting on her cousin’s belly. After passing out the popcorn, I resumed the movie with a press of the play button.
A couple of minutes later, I noticed movement in the corner of my eyes and glanced over. Sarah’s hand was now fully cupping Sandra’s right breast, and judging by the movement of her hand, it looked like she was massaging it. I turned my head back toward the screen, but I kept stealing glances.
They looked as if there was nothing out of the ordinary, but I did find it strangely erotic to see them act like this. Maybe it had something to do with the sexy movie we were watching, maybe because of seeing my nieces’ hot bodies all day now, but I grew hard watching them, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. After I adjusted myself so my emerging tent wasn’t too obvious anymore, I thought I saw them looking quickly away from what I was doing, but this was probably my imagination.
The way Sandra was lying with her knees pulled up, legs a bit apart, and with her ass toward me, I could see the obvious cameltoe between her legs clearly. And the moment I noticed the damp spot in her purple panties, I immediately popped a full-on boner.
Thankfully, they appeared oblivious to my prying eyes. When Sarah casually remarked, “That Harry guy is pretty hot, isn’t he?” I figured it was probably safe to continue looking. We continued watching for a while longer, but the movie had completely lost my attention by now. Thankfully, my boner had mostly gone down by now, so I fetched us some drinks, and as I took a sip of my beer, I almost choked.
“You’ve got a pretty big penis,” Sarah said out of the blue.
I continued to cough, struggling to regain my breath, flummoxed. They both stared back at me with innocent expressions as if they had just complimented me on my lovely eyes.
“I… I’m sorry!?” I stammered.
“Yeah. We noticed it in the pool when Sandra pulled down your trunks,” Sarah replied casually, confirming my suspicion that they had indeed been discussing me earlier. By now, I wasn’t that sure anymore if they weren’t checking me out when I adjusted my boner.
“Right. We’ve only seen pictures of a penis so far, but yours looked pretty big to us.”
Sarah’s hand was still on Sandra’s tit as they were talking to me. The damp spot appeared to be bigger, but I only saw it in my peripheral vision, and I didn’t dare to glance down.
“I, uhm… it’s… you weren’t supposed…” I attempted to respond, but I was so taken aback that I couldn’t form coherent sentences at that moment.
“Are you gay?” Sandra asked, her expression smug.
“You don’t ask such a…” I croaked, cleared my throat, and let out a determined, “No! I’m not gay!”
“Our moms thought you might be gay but were still closeted,” Sandra stated matter-of-factly.
“Well… I’m not.”
“Okay,” Sandra shrugged, and they both turned their attention back to the movie.
And that was that. I must have looked foolish sitting there, but apparently, the girls thought this was just normal conversation during a movie, and they didn’t even spare me a second glance. But… they both saw my dick! This realization sent a wave of panic over me. What if they told my sisters what happened? What if…
As my blood pressure went down a little, so did my panic attack. First of all, they pulled down my trunks. As I reflected on the situation, I realized that their perspective was simply different from mine, and they didn’t seem bothered by it at all. They viewed things in a way that I hadn’t considered before, and it dawned on me that I needed to accept them as they were and refrain from trying to change them. It was on me to adapt, not on them. And would that be so bad?
Once this realization settled in, I found myself able to relax and simply enjoy their company. After the movie, we watched a silly series on Netflix called Di4ries, which wasn’t exactly my cup of tea. Still, the shared comments and chuckles about its absurdity were enjoyable and helped relieve the tension I had felt earlier. And the cast was pretty cute, so it wasn’t too bad to watch.
The rest of the evening passed without incident, and as the show concluded, we made our way upstairs together. Standing in front of my bedroom door, the girls approached me, and each planted a peck on my cheek simultaneously.
“Good night, Ronald,” they chirped.
“Good night, girls. Don’t let the bedbugs bite!” I smiled before retiring to my room.
After I disrobed and crawled into bed, I jerked myself to a quick orgasm, my head filled with images of hard nipples, underboobs, tight asses, and damp cameltoes.
End of part two
Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
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