Rumors – Part 2
Jason Crow


After lunch, it was time for history class. Somehow, this school had found an even more boring teacher than the one at my last school. He looked the part, too—stiff, tedious, and dull as can be. It was going to be another hour of staring out the window.

I did notice I was a bit on edge after what happened during lunch, hearing about a naked boy in the girls’ locker room, and the memories about losing my virginity. The window I stared out in this room had a view of the boys leaving the building in their PE uniforms, heading to the backfield. I couldn’t see the field from here, but I suppose that was by design. But with the better weather, it was nice seeing bare legs again and their cute butts bouncing as the boys jogged past.

When I focused on what the teacher was saying, I realized he had started talking about gay men and their role in history, and memories of Xander suddenly surfaced.

Xander had been my best friend since kindergarten. We always hung out together, and our moms would constantly tell everyone how cute we were and how amazing our kids would be. Once I learned where babies came from, I found that comment strange because Xander was just my friend. I didn’t want to have babies with him!

I had to admit, Xander was good-looking. I’d always kind of known this, but it didn’t seem important to me until a couple of months ago. With his blonde, surfer-like hair, dreamy-looking brown eyes, flawless skin, and his signature look of tight blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and one of his five unique unbuttoned Hawaiian shirts, he looked like a young Adonis. I was amazed I hadn’t noticed it sooner.

As we got older, I could tell Xander wasn’t like the other boys. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I just knew. Then, a couple of months ago, while we were hanging out in my room, I noticed he was struggling with something. He wasn’t his usual bright, sparkling self.

“Sup, X?” I asked as I pressed ‘next’ on my Spotify app, and the famous intro to “Stairway to Heaven” started playing.

He avoided my eyes, kept staring at the floor, and mumbled, “It’s nothing. Don’t bother.”

“Ah, come on. You’re my best friend! Spit it out…”


“Oh, come on… I know you wanna…” I pressed, being my silly self and acting goofy.

“Emma, no. I…”

“Just tell me! Who is she?” I smiled, made kissing noises, and hugged myself to annoy him. Pretty childish, but I thought it was funny.

“I… I think I’m gay…” he softly said, still looking at the floor.

Time stood still at that moment, and it was like in the movies where all sorts of flashbacks that confirmed his gayness shot before my eyes. The realization hit me hard. He was gay. I knew it then and there. But I didn’t want him to be gay! Not because I wanted to have his baby but because I didn’t want him to have to go through all the hassle of coming out. And the name-calling. And all the hate gay men get from all sorts of groups. And…

This all happened in a split second in my head, and I knew I had to say something, so I started stammering, “Well… shit, X! I didn’t mean to push or anything. But… that’s… you know… big. I’m… I’m not sure what to say. Uhm… fuck!”

I got to my feet and gave him a tight hug. That’s when I felt his shoulders were all tensed up, and I knew he was stressed out about this. Who wouldn’t be? But when I started soothing him, I felt him relax under my touch. No words were needed here. He just needed me to be there for him, and I knew I would be there for him whenever he needed me.

After a couple of minutes, he broke the hug and looked me in the eyes. In his tired eyes, I could see a bit of panic. I wasn’t sure what it was. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone!” he said.

I understood and smiled warmly at him. “Don’t worry, dude. It’s your call when to tell people. Not mine.”

He responded with another hug, and after a few moments, I was back on the bed while he sat in my chair. One question was burning inside, and I just had to ask. Fiddling with the blanket a bit, I hesitantly said, “Are… uhm… are you sure?”

A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He nodded slightly and said, “Pretty sure, yes.”

“But not one hundred percent sure?”

He laughed and replied, “No, not one hundred percent. But are you?”

I thought about it for a second and said, “Yeah. I think I actually am. Yeah… I’m pretty sure I’m straight.”

“Good for you!” he said.

Despite my first time being so clumsy, it was a confirmation that I was into boys. And into their dicks in particular. And that’s when I had an epiphany.

As Xander took his phone out of his pocket, I asked, “Did you ever have sex with a girl?”

He looked quizzically at me, shook his head, and said in a bit of a snarky tone, “No! I would’ve told you if I did.”

“And… with a boy?” I asked carefully.

Xander’s blush immediately gave it away. His eyes were on his phone, and I could see he was thinking about what to say to me.

“Maybe…” he said.

“Maybe…” I replied with amusement in my voice. “What does ‘maybe’ mean?”

“I… uhm…” Xander started and cleared his throat, “I, I mean, we jacked off together.”

“Pff!” I snorted, “that doesn’t count! All boys do that.” Or so I’d heard, anyway.

“And, uhm, he jerked me…” Xander continued.


Xander was quiet for a few seconds and softly said, “And I gave him a blowjob.”

I was impressed that Xander had already gone this far. But also slightly annoyed that he didn’t tell me this sooner. I was his best friend!

“Cool! Did you like it?”

“Oh! I loved it!” Xander replied enthusiastically.

He showed me his phone with a picture of Ryan on it. I must’ve looked stupid because Xander started laughing when he saw my face.

“Is that the boy you did it with?” I asked, feeling a knot in my stomach.

“You should see your face!” he laughed, and swiped a bit on his phone. I smacked him on the arm, but I have to admit it would have been really funny if it was Ryan…!

He showed me his phone again, and the picture had changed. A very cute guy was showing, but the picture had a bit of a candid vibe over it. It was as if Xander had taken it without the boy knowing he was photographed. I had never seen this kid in our school, but I had seen him around our neighborhood a couple of times.

“Is that him?” I asked.

“No. I promised I wouldn’t tell a soul about it. So, I’m sorry,” he said apologetically, “but this is a boy I really like.”

I was going to find out one way or another who Xander had given head to. But now wasn’t the time or place. Eventually, Xander would tell me. I was sure about that.

“He is cute! But is he…”


“Yeah,” I said and nodded.

“I think he is. I heard from someone who knows someone… you know?

“If you need a wingman to ask him out, just let me know. If he isn’t gay, I won’t mind kissing this cutie for you,” I said, nudged him in his ribs, and winked at him.

“You’re evil, you know that?”

We were quiet for a few moments, and I pictured myself making out with this cute guy. But in my head, he quickly morphed into Xander, which was weird. I never thought of Xander as someone I’d make out with. But it wasn’t off-putting in any way, either. I was still processing the idea of Xander being gay, and the wheels in my head were turning at full speed now.

“So how do you know you’re gay if you never tried the other side?”

“I… I just… know?” was his doubtful answer. But after a second, his face frowned, and he asked, “Did you ever have sex with a girl?”

I smiled wickedly at him but didn’t answer his question. A few heartbeats later, his frown was gone, and he softly said, “Oh, right! Lara…” and after another second, he exclaimed, “But that didn’t count as sex! You said so yourself!”

“It wasn’t real sex, I admit. But my cousin and I were both naked and had our hands on each other’s pussies. It’s as close as it gets.”

“Fuck…” Xander sighed, defeated, but smiled a friendly smile.

“So… I was thinking…”

“Uh oh…” Xander said while he rolled his eyes exaggeratedly.

I bit my lower lip and avoided his eyes as I continued, “Well… since you’ve never had… you know… and since I wanna know if it was… I don’t know, different because of Ryan, I figured…”

Xander was silent for a moment. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he said, “Are you… uhm… suggesting that you and I… we… should, you know?”

“Uhm… yes?” I tried carefully, shrugged, and forced myself to smile.

Xander looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He ran his hand through his long, blonde hair and cleared his throat a few times.

“It’s… uhm… won’t this be, like… weird?” he asked, though I could tell he was starting to warm up to the idea.

“Because we’re friends, you mean?”

Xander nodded, and I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as we seemed to be taking this seriously.

“Well,” I said, “I actually think being friends is a good thing.”

“Why’s that?”

“We know what we’re getting into. I mean… I really care about you, just not in that way, you know?”

“Yeah, I get it,” Xander said softly, nodding in agreement.

“So, we won’t hurt each other’s feelings if this doesn’t work out. No matter what, we’d still be besties.”

“If you put it like that… I mean… I can’t promise I’ll like it, and I don’t want to lose you because of such a stupid thing like sex.”


Xander’s grin widened, and when he said, “Let’s do this…” I got up to give him a hug.

As we stood there beside my bed, I suddenly felt nervous again. But from the pounding of Xander’s heart under my fingertips, it was clear he was just as nervous.

The last time we’d seen each other completely naked was roughly two years ago. We had been at a swim party from one of the neighborhood’s kids, and we needed to get home. In order to save time, we decided to share the small changing booth. I had recently started growing boobs. And although they were still just small bumps on my chest, I never thought it would be something that would make things uncomfortable. But when Xander saw me take off my top, I saw movement in the corner of my eye, and his penis stood up straight from his body.

Looking back, I guess that’s where my interest in boys was sparked. And this is also the reason why I didn’t believe Xander was gay. I mean, he boned up over my naked breasts. A real gay boy wouldn’t do that, right?

“So… how do we do this?” Xander asked, the insecurity dripping from his face.

“I guess we… need to undress?”

“S- sure. Yeah. Okay…” he stammered.

Somehow, I didn’t feel as nervous anymore. Now that we’d decided to go through with it, I was curious about how he would feel inside me. I began unbuttoning my pants and lifted my shirt. As I stood there in just my underwear, Xander had only taken off his Hawaiian shirt. But inside his jeans, I could see the unmistakable outline of his boner.

I wasn’t sure if I should say something to put him more at ease. But when he started working on his pants, I figured I might as well keep going and get this show on the road. I unceremoniously unclasped my bra and put it aside. I felt his eyes on my breasts, which made me feel sexier and more attractive than when this had happened with Ryan.

“You look great, Em!” he softly said as his tented purple boxers came into view.

I swallowed hard when I saw his bulge since it looked to be a bit bigger than Ryan’s. But I also couldn’t wait to see his bare cock either. I was so ready for it!

After he took off his shirt and we were both in just our underpants, I noticed something. He wasn’t the Adonis he seemed to be with his clothes on. I assumed he did some growing over the last two years, but he still looked like he did in that small changing booth at that time. And in my head, a true Adonis didn’t just have bronzed skin and a handsome face. No. He had to also be muscular. I never really looked at him as a boy, always as just my friend. But now that the tension was thick, and he was about to fuck me, I looked at him in a whole new light.

I wasn’t expecting high school muscles, but Xander was thin and underdeveloped. Not scrawny or underweight, but just… boyish. No real pecs whatsoever. Just hardly a hint of them. No abs, just a tight belly. Xander did have a cuter belly button than Ryan. An outie that fitted his body nicely. I was sorry to think it, but I actually liked Ryan’s body better. But because of Xander’s thin frame and that bulge, I assumed at least his dick would be bigger, even as it was still inside his boxers.

After checking out his body, I found his eyes. They were focused on my boobs, and I saw his boner twitch inside his boxers. I didn’t want to wait any longer and knew I had to take the lead. So, I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my panties, swiftly slid them down, and stepped out of them.

When I stood straight, Xander’s eyes were between my legs, and I heard a soft “Oh…” come from his mouth. Mine was the first real pussy he’d seen, I guess – when we were eleven and now. I pulled at my pubes, fluffing my little bit of red curls, there. 

I felt less self-conscious than I had anticipated. Being naked in front of my best friend was a bit awkward, but only because of what we were about to do.

“I… uhm… I’ll get on the bed…” I said and did just that.

My eyes never left his body, and despite the hesitation in his eyes, he started sliding down his boxers. First, a small but dense patch of light pubes came into view. I already liked this way better than Ryan’s thick, hairy bush. And when the base of his shaft appeared, I immediately knew he was indeed bigger than Ryan down there.

When his dick came free from the fabric, it bounced up and down, and I remembered that he was uncut, as opposed to Ryan. It looked funny with the extra skin covering it. After the pool party experience, I had to find out what that was all about, and I would have been mortified to ask him, so I stole a book from the public library to learn more about it. 

After Xander stood back straight, he looked bashful, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and basically hugged himself. I was glad to see at least something had grown over the years. I guessed his dick to be about four and a half, maybe five inches, but it appeared bigger on his thin frame. At the tip of his dick, where his foreskin parted a little, I saw a hint of his reddish dickhead.

“You… uhm… look pretty good, X!” I said into the awkward silence surrounding us.

His mouth turned into a barely noticeable smile, and he asked, “Really? I mean… I’m skinny, and because I’m not cut, people…“

“You really look good!” I interrupted him, knowing how insecure he could be at times, “You’ve got a fine body, and some muscles will grow eventually. And your… uhm… penis looks different, yes. But this is natural, and this is what makes you, well… you!”

“Thanks!” he said, and I could see that this had given him a confidence boost.

“Too bad you’re gay.”

“Too bad for you, you mean!” he smiled and wiggled his hips a little to emphasize his dick.

But I noticed it was already starting to go down, so I said, “Get over here and stick it in me to see if you’re really as gay as you think you are!”

“You always have such a… stylish way of saying things…” he chuckled and crawled between my legs onto the bed.

“What? What did I say?” I said innocently but grinning widely, glad the ice was broken now.

He sat on his knees between my spread legs. I looked him over and suddenly felt a bit nervous. Xander’s eyes roamed over my body, and I saw his dick was about half-hard. If I didn’t know any better, I’d feel offended by it.

“Scoot closer,” I softly said. I parted my lips and inserted a finger inside me, drawing out some of my fluids and getting my entrance wet. I wasn’t going to have another dry dick poke at my dry pussy.

He scooted forward on his knees, and the tip of his uncut dick was almost touching me. Judging by the nervous look on his face, I figured I had to take the lead here. So, without warning, I reached out and grabbed his dick.

“Oh!” Xander exclaimed.

In my hand, I could feel him grow hard within a few heartbeats. I gently tugged at it and lined him up so his dickhead touched my entrance. As I did this, he moved his thin body down, placed his hands on either side of my shoulders, and looked down at where our genitalia were about to merge.

“Just push it in…” I whispered in his ear.

He lifted his head to look at me and nodded ever so slightly. I felt the pressure on my pussy increase, and after a popping sensation, I knew his dickhead had entered me. But unlike Ryan, Xander stopped and asked, “Are… are you sure?”

“Yeah. I’m sure. You feel good, X!” I said, hoping to urge him on.

But he didn’t need any urging from me. After he checked with me, he applied more pressure with his hips, and I could feel him slide in. But he did it slowly and gently, constantly checking my face to see how I was doing until he bottomed out and had no more to slide into me.

His dick felt great! Way, way better than Ryan’s, and with Xander, it didn’t hurt at all! I shuddered as he pushed his groin firmly against mine, pressing hard on my clit as he did this.

“I’m… we’re…” he stammered wide-eyed.

“Yeah… we are…”

“And now what? I just…”

“Start moving. It’ll feel even better!” I smiled, trying to keep my cool but feeling all warm and tingly inside.

When Xander started moving in and out, it also felt way better than what Ryan did. But something was off. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but he felt… different than when he entered me.

When he pulled back for the third time, he slipped out. I grabbed his dick again and was amazed by what I felt. He wasn’t entirely hard anymore. It was nowhere near soft either, but definitely not at his maximum capacity. When I grabbed him, his eyes were wide open, and he looked guiltily at me. I squeezed his dick, and it responded with a violent twitch, but it didn’t grow.

“You, uhm…” I whispered.

He looked defeated and nodded. “I know,” he said, and I could hear him fighting back his tears.

“Oh, X!” I exclaimed, feeling stupid and sorry for trying.

Xander sighed deeply, and I could see the disappointment on his face. I guessed he liked the idea of being straight or maybe bi, too. It sure would’ve saved him from all the hassle a gay man has to deal with. But the simple truth was that Xander was gay, and there was no more doubt about that.

I hugged him as he lay on top of me and gently stroked his back and hair. I felt his now soft dick brush against my thigh every now and again as he moved. We lay like that for a couple of minutes, and after that, Xander got off of me and he lay down next to me on the bed.

“I’m so sorry, Em!” he finally managed to say.

“No, X. I’m the one who should be sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you into doing this.”

“But I wanted you to feel good after what happened with, you know… Ryan. And, uhm… to be honest… I wanted to know what it was like, too…” he said, “so it isn’t your fault!”

“But you wouldn’t have done this if I…“

“Stop it, Em! It doesn’t matter whose fault it is!” he said sternly.

“Guess you’re right,” I softly replied and cuddled up to him.

After a couple of moments of silence, he chuckled, “At least now I know it’s official.”

“Either that, or you think I’m repulsive.”

He lifted his head to look at me and looked earnestly at me, almost angry, and said, “No way, Emma Miller! You’re a beautiful girl with a beautiful body. On top of that, you’ve got an amazing personality and the cutest smile! Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise!”

“Thanks, X. That means a lot!” I said, hugging him again. And after another short silence, I said, “And whatever boy you end up with will be the luckiest guy in the world!”

Xander kissed me on my head, and I could feel him nod. “Thanks,” he whispered, and we were quiet again. I was moving in two weeks, and if this was the last time I saw him, at least we had this tender moment between us, forever.

We heard the front door slam shut downstairs, and it was like we were both stung in our butts by bees. In record time, we got dressed. Right before Mom knocked on my door, we were sitting down again, acting like nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

Xander and I didn’t talk about it anymore. It was our secret, and no one but us would ever know what happened. It wasn’t the last time I saw him, but I do think that what happened cemented our friendship for life.

End of part two

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

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