Hi everyone,

I know it’s been quiet over here for too long. The story I wrote that was about to launch early this year, simply isn’t good enough. I didn’t give up on it yet, but it needs some serious rework. But I cannot do this before I finished the next story I’m working on, and that one is getting along nicely!

Thankfully, more authors are willing to publish their work here, so you don’t have to wait too long for new, high-quality stories to be published. Tommy Linarcos has sent me his newest additions, and it’s amazing! I love the premise and the quality he manages to deliver constantly. And this one is no exception. And I personally LOVE the artwork he created. The vintage style is lovely.

His words about these three stories:
This short collection of stories comes from a novel I have written.  I had to write out these tales to work out the intricacies of the characters’ histories where they are coming of age as young adults, but also deal with a dying family member.  However, the level of detail and the subject matter would have been quite out of line with a mainstream novel, other than as summary.  These are, literally, unpublishable chapters for a regular publishing house and were never included in the novel, but I’d like them to have an audience, and Jason thought his site would be the right place to host them, where I now have other stories posted.  Each chapter can stand on its own, but they work better if you read them in order, at least the first time.

I hope you enjoy them!


I’m sure we do, Tommy!! Here’s the direct link

P.S. I did some rework on the front page. I hope this improves the way you can go directly to your favorite author.