Part two “Your guests have arrived,” Maria warned, tucking her phone away. My AI app had also sent a push notification to my phone, confirming their arrival. I gave her a timid but nervous nod in response.
I was currently dressed in my ‘businessy-informal clothes’ as Maria called it. Usually, when it would be just me lounging alone, I would wear sweatpants and a shirt. But this time, I wore jeans and a button-down shirt that my personal stylist had chosen for me. I didn’t want to feed into my sister’s image of me being a hermit, and it wouldn’t hurt to make a good first impression with my nieces.
“Let’s go and welcome them, then,” I suggested, trying to muster some excitement. While I was genuinely looking forward to spending a week with my nieces, meeting my sisters always seemed to be awkward and uncomfortable. As they emerged from the car, that familiar sense of unease settled in, and this time was no different—especially when Laura’s Prius rolled into view, its questionable paint job catching my attention.
Desperately attempting to distract myself, I observed the car’s back doors opening. Two young women stepped out, and for a moment, I found myself wondering where my nieces were. It took me a couple of moments to realize that the young women were, in fact, The Esses: Sarah and Sandra!
“Good thing I grabbed those coloring books,” Maria remarked, playfully nudging me in the ribs.
“Shut up!” I chuckled.
“Hi, Ron!” Lisa greeted me excitedly, running up and giving me an awkward hug.
“Hi, Lisa. Good to see you. How are you doing?”
“I’m okay… glad it’s finally over.”
After Laura and I said our hellos, the two young women walked up to me. Holy shit! I didn’t expect this. At almost thirteen, they had started to fill out in some of the good places but still had that innocence and youthful charm over them.
Both were wearing yoga pants that hugged their lower body snugly and showed off their shapely legs and boyish but extremely tight asses. Each of them wore a short shirt that hugged their young, developing breasts and showed off the better part of their tanned bellies.
I must’ve looked dumbstruck because Laura asked, “They’ve grown a bit since you last saw them, haven’t they?” I tore my eyes away and glanced at my sister’s massive grin. I nodded and said, “They sure have. Are you sure they want to stay with their boring old uncle?”
“Hi, Uncle Ronald,” they chirped in unison.
“Ask them yourself,” Laura laughed. They each gave me a tight hug, clearly excited to be here.
“You probably hate hearing old people say how much you’ve grown, but I barely recognized you two. You’ve turned into beautiful young ladies,” I said, making sure to look them in the eyes.
They smiled broadly at me and then exchanged a grin I couldn’t quite place. They grabbed each other’s waists, and Sarah said, “Yeah… we hear that a lot. And… thanks for having us over.”
“Of course! No problem! Glad to have you here,” I answered, avoiding Lisa’s eyes. “Hey, this is Maria. Go on in with her, and she’ll show you your rooms. I need to speak to your moms for a bit.”
Maria took them upstairs to show them their rooms, and my sisters and I headed inside for some coffee.
“You’ve really got an amazing place here, Ron!” Lisa said, and for the first time, I could hear that she genuinely meant the compliment about my house.
“Bill was always so jealous about you, and when- ”
“Never mention your soon-to-be ex-husband again during this trip!” Laura interrupted her.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. But I should’ve been more supportive of you, Ronald. And I’m sorry things went the way they did,” Lisa said, and I could see in her eyes she was getting a bit emotional.
“Yeah… me, too. I hope you can forgive us, Ronald,” Laura said, looking guiltily at the floor.
This was totally unexpected. I always thought it was just my sisters being envious of me. Perhaps it was an easy way out for them by using their ex-husbands, but the fact that they apologized and that it sounded and looked sincere was more than I ever expected.
“It’s okay, I guess,” I answered timidly.
“No, it’s not. But from now on, we’re going to be there for you whenever you need us.”
And with that, my twin sisters got up and gave me a tight hug. This hug felt genuine, and the knot in my stomach was untying itself rapidly now.
During our coffee, I got all sorts of dos and don’ts regarding the girls. Sarah could be rebellious at times, and I should stand my ground when that happened. Other times, she might turn quiet. A little TLC could help then, but it would usually pass on its own. My sisters kept talking about what the girls liked and disliked. Laura also warned me about Sandra’s peanut allergy and handed me an Epi-pen with a brief instruction on how to use it. Her allergy wasn’t severe enough for a hospital visit, but she’d feel a bit sick and out of it when it happened.
“Ronald, can I ask you something?” Lisa asked once their parental worries were addressed.
I shrugged with amusement, “Of course! As long as it isn’t money. I’m almost out.”
“Yeah, sure!” Laura snorted with a chuckle.
“Do you know any good lawyers? You know… divorce lawyers?”
I gave her the number of the law firm that represented me and promised I’d cover her costs. They weren’t cheap, but they had one of the best teams in the field. So far, I’d only needed them for my business, but I knew they had a fantastic family law department.
When Maria walked by with my nieces during the grand tour, I noticed the yoga pants and short, tight shirts again. I knew I shouldn’t be looking, but they looked mighty fine in them, and given that they were turning into young women, my instincts seemed to take over.
“They’ve grown a lot, haven’t they?” Laura asked with a proud smile on her face.
“They sure did! I had Maria go out and buy some coloring books, but that seems like ages ago now.”
My sisters laughed at my apparent ignorance about the girls and reassured me that they still behaved like little girls at times. However, in the blink of an eye, they would transition into acting all grown up.
“You’re in for a treat, big brother,” Lisa laughed.
“I guess. But… what’s with the yoga pants? Do I need to hire a fitness instructor?”
“No, silly!” Laura chuckled as she playfully slapped me on my arm. “Sarah started wearing them the moment Rick left me. He was kinda… strict on what she was allowed to wear, you know?”
“Yeah… Sandra did the same thing when Bill left us. Heck! If it was up to the Esses, they’d be running around naked!”
My sisters started laughing, and I laughed nervously with them. But I was troubled by a little voice in the back of my mind that found the idea of naked girls running around extremely interesting. I pushed the thoughts immediately away, but it was undeniably there for a brief moment. I wasn’t a perv! I’ve had sex with so many beautiful women, sometimes with three of them together. I was as normal as normal goes! Right?
“But don’t worry, Ron. I don’t think you’ve got to worry about that. They’re probably too self-conscious at this age that they’ll lock their doors if there’s anything they don’t want you to see.”
“Thank god!” I sighed exaggeratedly.
After pouring another round of coffee, I asked, “Why did you guys come to me, anyway?”
My sisters exchanged glances, and Laura said, “It was the girls’ idea. We’d been talking about you and… They wanted to see you and wanted to reconnect. I guess hearing their fathers complain about this beautiful place has something to do with that, too!”
“The few times they did stuff with Rick and Bill, it almost always ended in disappointment,” Lisa confessed. “They thought they were all rough and tough guys and wanted boys instead of girls. This always rubbed off on the girls.”
I nodded, starting to grasp the difficulties my sisters had to deal with more and more. By the time we finished our second coffee, Maria had come in with the girls. They walked over excitedly and sat down on the couch.
“This place is amazing!” Sarah excitedly said, tightening her blonde ponytail and exposing more of her tight belly as she did so.
The girls looked almost like identical twins. The main difference between them was that Sarah had blonde hair that hung just below her shoulders, whereas Sandra was a brunette with equally long hair. Other than that, they were the same. Small, A, maybe B-cup breasts, a nice tan, slightly muscular and soft bellies, and asses so tight that they could crush a walnut between the cheeks.
“Yeah!” Sandra chimed in, “And it’s huge! There’s even a big sauna downstairs.”
“And a private beach, a swimming pool, a big…” Sarah added but was interrupted by her mother.
“I know, hon! You won’t be bored over here. Don’t forget there’s also your uncle who needs some attention,” Laura said, smiling.
“But we made that pact…” Sarah said secretively.
“Oh, right! The pact. Almost forgot.” Laura said and looked at me, “They both agreed to only use their phones as little as possible. They won’t have to turn it in or anything, but they promised to keep the phone time as limited as possible.”
“Wow. Really?” I asked, surprised. Kids these days hardly seem to be able to leave their phones alone, so I was a bit skeptical. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, so I tried to look impressed and said, “That’s cool!”
“Yeah,” Lisa added with a smile, “more time to bond…”
Sarah and Sandra exchanged another glance. I assumed they didn’t really want to be here with me, no matter what my sisters said. I thought maybe they had been more or less forced to come. They were excited about all the cool stuff my house had, so I guessed that’s where that glance came from. Despite this, I was sure we’d figure it out together. Besides, if we really wanted to, we could go through the week hardly seeing each other.
Everyone got to their feet. I figured this was the cue they were leaving. After tight hugs, some stern words to their daughters, and a couple of tears, they drove off. We waved at the car, and I was alone with two preteens for the first time in my life. I knew Maria was also still around somewhere, but she was professional enough to give us some space.
There was an awkward silence, and I knew I somehow had to break it. So I asked, “How are your rooms?”
“It’s great! But we decided we’d bunk together, so Maria helped us move the bed,” Sarah said with an adorable smile.
“Can we go swimming?” Sandra asked into the silence that followed, looking all hyped.
“Yeah! Can we?” Sarah added.
“I don’t see why not. I’ll go and slip into something more comfortable myself. Maybe I’ll join you outside.”
“So cool!” Sarah said as both girls raced upstairs.
My AI app told me Maria was downstairs in the laundry room, so I headed downstairs to find her. I wanted to hear her take on all this. I opened the door to the laundry room and saw she was ironing some of my shirts.
“What do you think?” I asked, noticing a smile on her face.
She placed another shirt on the ironing board and replied, “They’re clearly not eight-year-olds. Looks like they can handle themselves.”
“Yeah,” I said, rubbing the back of my head, “now I feel awful for canceling your vacation.”
“Don’t worry about that,” she said, though I sensed something in her voice. Was it anger? I wasn’t great at picking up subtle cues in people’s voices or body language, but there was definitely something there.
“I, uhm… I think I can handle them myself,” I said tentatively, watching her reaction.
She peered at me from under her black hair that hung in front of her face and said, “I think so too. I talked with them a lot during the tour, and they’re pretty mature for their age.”
An awkward silence settled in the room. After a moment’s hesitation, I made up my mind. I knew I could manage, and if I needed advice or anything, I could always call my mother. That call was long overdue, anyway. When it came to her granddaughters, I knew she’d help if I reached out.
“Come on. We’ll call my travel agent and book you that vacation. You’ll only miss a day, but there will be first-class flights and a five-star hotel to make up for it. What do you think?”
Maria looked at me, her expression stunned, but I could see her starting to nod. I smiled at her and asked, “Well?”
“Yes! That would be awesome, Ron! I’ll call my contact at the island so he can try to undo all the cancellations for the proposal I planned.”
“Great! Let’s do this!”
After a hug from Maria, we began making arrangements. A quick call to my travel agent secured the best flights and hotel before we knew it. It wasn’t cheap, but that didn’t matter one bit. Maria was helping me out, so I was glad to make it up with this vacation. It felt good to give her this after everything she’d done for me.
* * *
“Isn’t that right, Ron?” Sarah asked, snapping me back to reality.
The girls were still lying on their bellies next to me, looking expectantly at me. When they noticed my confused look, they started giggling. I glanced at the pool and toward the ocean to see if I’d missed something.
“Your basement is connected to an old bomb shelter, isn’t it?”
“Uhm… I said, “Yes. Yes, it is. Why?”
Before they could respond, I heard the living room door slide open. We glanced over, hearing footsteps coming our way. I stood up straight and smiled as Maria approached us, wearing a massive grin. I knew I was the cause of that grin, and it made me feel warm inside.
“Thanks, Ron! I really appreciate you doing this for me!” Maria said and gave me a tight hug.
“Don’t mention it. There’s no better time than today, right?” I replied with a smile.
“Guess not,” she agreed, flashing a smile before making her way to the door to say farewell to the girls.
“Goodbye, Maria! And good luck,” the girls chimed in unison.
“Goodbye, girls. Hope to see you soon. Take care of your uncle, okay?”
I wished Maria the best of luck and insisted she’d keep me updated on her girlfriend’s response. As we exchanged goodbyes, I couldn’t shake off a faint feeling that maybe this wasn’t my brightest idea ever, but it was so fleeting that I brushed it aside.
I quickly changed into my swimming trunks and grabbed drinks and a small snack. When I came back outside, the girls weren’t lying on their bellies anymore but had turned to their backs and were rubbing sunscreen on their arms and legs. My eyes quickly glanced over their lithe, healthy bodies, and I couldn’t help but admire their beauty. My sisters had done a perfect job putting these kids on earth. This wasn’t sexual at all; I was genuinely proud of how nice they looked.
As I set down the tray with drinks on the table between the chairs, Sarah and Sandra scooted forward. Before I could stand up straight, they got to their feet and had pushed me backward into the pool. When I resurfaced, two young cannonballs landed right next to me, marking the start of some good old-fashioned roughhousing.
The girls teamed up, attempting to dunk me, and I found it challenging to stay upright. There was a lot of back-and-forth groping around as we attempted to get some grip. I grabbed a couple of boobs and asses, but the girls grabbed my ass a lot too, and there were more occasions of a hand on my dick than I could count.
“Oh, no, you don’t!” I shouted when Sarah dove under and grabbed my ankles. I managed to break free just in time.
Sandra then jumped on my back and yelled, “Nipple squeeze!” as her fingers gripped my left nipple.
“Be careful what you wish for,” I chuckled, grabbed her by her upper leg, and pulled her from my back. As she got free, I grabbed her ass to keep her afloat, but when I realized what I was holding, I quickly let go.
Both girls were underwater now, and I was constantly scanning the water to check where they were. I swam away just in time when I felt four pairs of fingers on my legs.
“Hey! Not fair!” Sarah exclaimed.
“Yeah! We almost had you!” Sandra added.
“Well… you’ll have to be quicker than that,” I said as I swam back to them.
“Oh, don’t worry. We’ll get you, alright,” Sarah said with her eyes down to narrow slits as if we were at some spaghetti western-style shootout.
“Not before I get you!” I screamed and lurched at them, both girls yelping excitedly as they barely managed to get out of my way.
But I made a stupid mistake here. I lurched too far, and the moment I got to my feet, I felt two young bodies clinging to mine. I tried everything I could to get them off of me, grabbing some ass and accidental pussy as I did this. But since it was during this roughhousing, I didn’t pay too much attention to it, and neither did they.
Eventually, I had to give in. One of them started pulling down my trunks, and the moment I felt my dick pop free, I pulled it back up. But this mistake cost me dearly. Before I could even react, both girls launched themselves at me. Two pairs of boobs were pressed against my face, and the momentum of their launch put me off balance, and I got dunked back in.
As I looked up from under the water, I saw one of the bikini tops had shifted. Sarah’s red top no longer covered her breasts. My eyes were wide as saucers as I looked at her young, cone-shaped bare breasts. Two small but extremely hard nipples completed the spectacle in front of me. I could see they gave each other a high-five, and I tried to stay underwater a little longer to give her the chance to fix her wardrobe malfunction. At least, that’s what I told myself. I could hold my breath for this forbidden view.
Moments later, she corrected her problem, and I came up, exaggeratedly coughing and gasping for air. Both girls were giggling loudly, and I noticed Sarah didn’t even blush. I guessed she didn’t realize I saw her bare boobs.
“High five!” Sarah said, and Sandra responded immediately.
“Yeah, yeah…” I sighed in mock anger.
“Let’s face it. You can never beat us!”
“You two play dirty…”
They gave each other a look and excitedly nodded simultaneously. “Yup! That’s what we do. But we won, didn’t we?”
I didn’t want to make too big of a point of them seeing my dick and figured we’d leave it at this. So, I nodded and played along, letting them have their victory while silently plotting my eventual revenge.
We tossed a ball around and simply enjoyed each other’s company. Hanging out with them was effortless, and their positive energy made me feel they enjoyed my company, too. Yet, there was an indescribable tension I couldn’t quite understand. It had been a long time since I enjoyed being around others like this. I appreciated Sarah’s spirited nature. She wasn’t a tomboy, but she definitely knew what she wanted. Sandra, on the other hand, was a bit more timid but showed genuine affection towards me. Maybe I’m not such a hermit after all. Perhaps it all depends on the company.
As the sun began its descent, I suggested it might be a good time to wrap up our swimming session and head indoors. I hoisted myself out of the pool, grabbed my towel, and proposed, “How about I whip up my famous lasagna for dinner tonight?”
“Sounds perfect,” Sandra agreed, starting to dry off alongside me.
“I’ll lend a hand,” Sarah chimed in from the pool, casting a glance at Sandra. “You can hop in the shower in the meantime.”
“I wanna take a bath. Is that okay?” Sandra said.
“Sure! I’m making this lasagna from an old Italian recipe. This might take a while, so take your time!” I said as I wrapped the towel around my waist.
“Yes! I’ve never been in a bubble bath this big! Later,” she said and almost ran upstairs.
I followed her upstairs and showed her where everything was and how to operate the tub. And after a quick change back into my khakis and shirt, I headed back down to the kitchen. Sarah had already started working on cutting some of the vegetables. She’d tied the towel around her waist but seemed to push her chest a bit forward every time I peeked at her bikini-clad breasts.
“Smells good,” Sarah said as the sauce started to boil.
“Yeah. The trick is to let the water evaporate. It takes some time, but that’s what makes a good sauce. So, um… how’s it going?”
I knew it was a bit awkward to ask, but good conversations just weren’t my thing. I was good in bed and smarter than most people, but making small talk wasn’t my strong suit.
“Okay, I guess…”
“And the divorce?”
Sarah shrugged, stirred the sauce, and said, “Not too bad. It’s better for all of us, I think.”
I started buttering the dish and asked, “How come?”
“Well… Mom and Dad used to fight a lot. That’s over, so it’s more peaceful at home now. And Dad and I…” she sighed deeply, “He’ll never admit it, but I’m pretty sure he wanted a boy. And I’m… well… not a boy.”
She pressed her chest forward to emphasize her point, and I smiled emphatically at her. I knew I should say something reassuring about how he loved her no matter what, but like I said… I wasn’t that good at talking to people.
“Good thing you’ve got your mom.”
Her face lit up as I said this. “Yeah. She’s cool! A bit crazy, but cool!”
We were making up the plates when Sandra joined us. Her damp, dark hair hung over her white t-shirt. Judging by the way her nipples tried to poke through her shirt, she wasn’t wearing a bra. And apparently, she felt at home enough to wear a shirt that ended just above her purple panties, showing off a small stripe of skin.
She saw me looking at her panties and asked, “What? It’s basically the same as a bikini! I forgot to pack my PJs.”
This wasn’t quite the same as a bikini, and she knew it, but I didn’t want to ruin the bond we were building, so I shrugged and said, “It’s okay. As long as you’re comfortable in it, I don’t mind.”
I knew my sisters said they’d run around naked if they could. But I thought they were just joking when they said this. It just never occurred to me they would actually do this. Sarah glanced at her cousin and smiled. She smirked, grinned, and replied, “Didn’t bring my PJs either. I guess you’d better get used to it.”
I didn’t want to make too big of an issue out of it, so I shrugged and exaggeratedly rolled my eyes, causing them to chuckle. Placing the plates on the kitchen table, I grabbed a bottle of Merlot that would complement the pasta nicely and sat at the head of the table. Both girls took their seats to my left and right, looking expectantly at me.
As I poured myself a glass, I sensed the tension in the air, two pairs of eyes regarding me questioningly, so I asked, “What?”
“Can we have a glass, too?” Sarah asked, catching me off guard.
“No!” I replied sternly, not expecting this question.
“But… Mom sometimes lets us have one,” Sarah persisted.
“And we’re almost thirteen, you know?” Sandra chimed in, adding her support.
“Exactly my point!” I retorted, then paused to consider. Suddenly, an idea struck me, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit clever. Suppressing a smile, I proposed, “I can text your mother and ask her…”
I anticipated the girls would back down, but to my surprise, they became even more enthusiastic. “Yes. Please do that!” they both answered eagerly. “She’ll let us. You’ll see!”
I shrugged, reached for my phone, and composed a message to Laura, asking if it was alright for the girls to have a glass of wine. Striving to maintain an open and non-judgmental tone, I reread the message twice before hitting send. I didn’t expect an immediate response, but almost instantly after sending it, my phone buzzed.
“NBD. R allowed to have 1. YOLO,” the text read.
Even though I didn’t entirely agree that it was no big deal regarding underage drinking, I also recognized that I wasn’t the parent in charge of making that decision. So, with a smile, I showed the girls the screen and quipped, “Guess I need to grab two more glasses.”
I took down two glasses with full round bowls but only gave each a half-pour. I handed them to the girls. We raised our glasses in unison, offering a simultaneous “cheers” as they clinked together.
I laughed at the face Sandra made. Sarah tried hard to pretend she liked it, but I could see the opposite was true.
“Never had a Merlot?” I chuckled.
“Well… No. We did have a… uhm… Mogen Davids?” Sandra said.
“Mogen David. That’s a sweet wine and not something I keep on hand, I’m afraid. This is a dry wine, more suitable for dinner like this.”
Sarah tried her best to keep up the pretense and questioningly said, “It’s… different?”
“It sure is. Shall I pour you another, sweeter wine?”
“Nah. This is fine,” Sarah said and took another sip.
After taking her first bite of the lasagna, Sarah said with surprise in her voice, “This is delicious!”
“Yeah! You’re an amazing cook!” Sandra chimed in.
“Thanks!” I replied, feeling a sense of pride and flashing a proud smile. While I knew I could whip up a decent meal, I seldom did so since it was usually just for myself.
“So…” I said into the silence that followed, “How’s school?”
“Oh boy…” Sarah said, rolling her eyes.
“Really? School?” Sandra asked in that typical schoolgirl tone.
“Uhm.. Sorry?” I said apologetically.
“Only old people want to talk about school. We don’t. Unless we’re talking about High School Musical!”
“Yeah… no matter how old that movie is, that Zac Efron sure is a hotty!” Sarah added.
“Okay. No school, then. Uhm… what movies do you like?”
Sarah thought for a second and said, “Nothing in particular. As long as it isn’t horror or fantasy.”
“Yeah. Me, too,” Sandra added, “Although I can enjoy a good slasher movie.”
“Nah… I hate the jump scares in those!” Sarah said as she shook her head.
“How about you?” Sandra asked as she looked at me.
“I hate to admit it, but I kind of like fantasy. I know it’s a bit geeky, but I find stuff like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones amazing!”
“Isn’t that the one with the brother and sister…” Sandra asked quizzically.
“Wow… Really?” Sarah asked with disbelief on her face.
“I haven’t seen it, but heard a lot about it,” Sandra said.
“Well… the series is so much more than that. It’s got all sorts of layers in it. And politics, dragons, and knights…”
“And incest!” Sandra said, nodding to prove her point.
“And incest, yes,” I chuckled, “so we probably won’t be watching that one.”
Sandra and Sarah started talking about how much they enjoyed the Maze Runner movies. I was glad they did because I was running out of subjects to talk about. Apparently, the boys in those movies were hot. Almost without exception, judging by their excited conversation.
After clearing my plate and chatting with Sarah about the recipe, I noticed Sandra grumbling something beside me. Sarah’s eyes checked her out, and suddenly, they sparkled with excitement. Curious, I turned to Sandra and spotted a sizable glob of red lasagna sauce staining her white shirt right between her breasts. She looked at us sheepishly, prompting Sarah to burst into laughter.
“Now, that’s unfortunate,” I chuckled, trying not to laugh at her in her face. “I’ll toss it in the washing machine with some of Maria’s special soap, and hopefully, it’ll come out clean.”
“Oh, okay,” Sandra replied with a shrug, beginning to tug at the hem of her shirt, seemingly resigned to the situation.
It took me a second to realize what she was doing, but the moment the underside of her boobs came into view, I exclaimed, “What are you doing?!”
She stopped lifting her shirt, but there was still a hint of underboob showing. She looked expressionless at me and said, “You wanted to throw it in the washer, didn’t you?”
“Yes. But you can’t change in here! You’ll be topless.”
“Yeah. So?”
“I’m your uncle. You can’t just undress in front of me.”
“Why not? Haven’t you seen boobs before?” Sandra chuckled.
“I… well… yeah, I have, and I just have… but…” I started, feeling a bit awkward about having to explain myself.
“Then… what’s the problem?” Sarah interrupted, her tone curious.
“I… I think it’s inappropriate for us… You need to change in your room. I mean… I don’t want to get in trouble, and… it’s the right thing to do,” I managed to stammer, taken aback by this unexpected situation.
“Whatever,” Sandra sighed, clearly frustrated, and she got up, walking past me toward her room.
“At home, we walk around without clothes a lot,” Sarah said with a shrug, “We don’t really care that you see us, you know… like that…”
“I’m glad you trust me that way, but I… I just didn’t expect this. And I don’t want to be… it’s just that I… oh, I don’t know!” I said and sighed deeply, not knowing what to do about it.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s okay,” Sarah said, placing a hand on my arm, which was strangely comforting.
But the disturbing thing was that I found the idea of seeing their boobs strangely exciting. I still didn’t want to admit it, but the girls looked hot despite their age. But their age was precisely the problem. It was such a mental conflict for me, and then the girls started doing these things. If I hadn’t stopped her, Sandra would be sitting topless at the table.
“I dropped my shirt in the laundry chute,” I heard Sandra say behind me as she approached us again.
As she sat back down, she was still straightening her bright yellow tube top. I looked at her and noticed this was starting to get ridiculous! This tube top may have fitted her over a year ago, but now it was too short and too tight. And because of this, the fabric was stretched and basically showed her nipples as if there was no fabric there at all. The color of her small areolas was clearly showing, and her nipples tried poking through the fabric. The short top started under her armpits and ended about four inches above her belly button.
I contemplated saying something about it but ultimately decided against it, realizing it would only fuel her rebellious streak. So, I responded as casually as possible, “Fine. I’ll make sure to wash it later with anything else you two have.”
“I still think it’s stupid,” Sandra pouted, focusing on finishing the last bit of her lasagna.
I noticed Sarah shoot a glare at Sandra, and then an uncomfortable silence settled in. Sarah broke it with a nice suggestion, “Can we watch a movie in the theater later?”
This seemed to brighten Sandra’s mood considerably. She perked up and eagerly asked, “Yeah! Can we watch Poor Things?”
I hesitated for a brief moment. This was a movie with nudity and a liberal view about sex. I assumed that’s why they chose it. I briefly thought about texting my sister and asking for permission but figured she’d be clubbing by now and in no mood to answer me. And besides that, what was wrong with a bit of nudity, right? So, I replied with a casual, “Sure!” also relieved about the change of subject.
“Cool!” Sandra said with a smile, and I was glad to see the mood shift positively.
Sarah announced she wanted to take a quick shower, and I began clearing the table. As I reached for the last plate, I overheard the two of them whispering. I couldn’t catch everything, but two phrases caught my attention. When Sarah whispered, “Take it easy! Don’t push him,” Sandra muttered something I couldn’t quite make out. Although I lacked context for their conversation, it was the first time the notion that they might be hitting on me truly crossed my mind. I immediately dismissed this thought again because twelve-year-olds don’t do this, but the seed was planted and was here to linger in the background.
I’d just opened the dishwasher when Sandra walked over. My eyes were immediately drawn to her nipples, and I forced myself to look into her eyes. She smiled and said, “Lemme help you,” as she started putting the plates into the racks.
After we were done, she gave me a full-body hug and said, “I’m sorry, Unc- uhm, Ronald. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“It’s okay. Just remember that I’m an old, single man who’s not used to having two beautiful girls walking around.”
She broke the hug and looked at me with a funny expression. “You think we’re beautiful?”
“Of course! You really look amazing! But this doesn’t mean you have to show it all to your old uncle,” I chuckled, “My poor heart isn’t ready for that.”
“You’re funny. But you’re not old!” Sandra smiled, playfully slapped me on my chest, and headed to the living room, my eyes glued to her magnificent panty-clad ass as she walked away.
After Sarah was done with her shower, we headed over to the theater room. Sarah was dressed in her blue panties and a gray shirt that ended on her hips. That way, her outfit was slightly less revealing than Sandra’s but still revealing enough to show off her assets nicely. I tried ignoring this, but it was more difficult than I would’ve hoped. I supposed I could just try to get used to it.
“This is flipping amazing!” Sandra said excitedly with delight as the projector flickered to life, illuminating the giant screen.
My theater room boasted a massive couch at the front with two rows of five theater seats behind it. Both the seats and the couch were covered with the traditional red plush, aligned stadium-style, just like those in a real movie theater. The girls opted to cozy up together on the expansive couch, which suited me just fine, considering it was arguably the best spot in the theater.
Taking my place at one end, Sarah and Sandra settled to my right near the other end. About halfway through the movie, after seeing a scene with a lot of skin and the hint of fucking between the main character and some random stranger, I paused it and casually asked, “Who wants some popcorn?”
Nods and cheers came my way, prompting me to switch on the popcorn machine and prepare three generous buckets. Upon my return, I found Sandra nestled up against Sarah, her back against her cousin’s side. Sarah had draped her arm over Sandra’s shoulder, her hand resting on her cousin’s belly. After passing out the popcorn, I resumed the movie with a press of the play button.
A couple of minutes later, I noticed movement in the corner of my eyes and glanced over. Sarah’s hand was now fully cupping Sandra’s right breast, and judging by the movement of her hand, it looked like she was massaging it. I turned my head back toward the screen, but I kept stealing glances.
They looked as if there was nothing out of the ordinary, but I did find it strangely erotic to see them act like this. Maybe it had something to do with the sexy movie we were watching, maybe because of seeing my nieces’ hot bodies all day now, but I grew hard watching them, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. After I adjusted myself so my emerging tent wasn’t too obvious anymore, I thought I saw them looking quickly away from what I was doing, but this was probably my imagination.
The way Sandra was lying with her knees pulled up, legs a bit apart, and with her ass toward me, I could see the obvious cameltoe between her legs clearly. And the moment I noticed the damp spot in her purple panties, I immediately popped a full-on boner.
Thankfully, they appeared oblivious to my prying eyes. When Sarah casually remarked, “That Harry guy is pretty hot, isn’t he?” I figured it was probably safe to continue looking. We continued watching for a while longer, but the movie had completely lost my attention by now. Thankfully, my boner had mostly gone down by now, so I fetched us some drinks, and as I took a sip of my beer, I almost choked.
“You’ve got a pretty big penis,” Sarah said out of the blue.
I continued to cough, struggling to regain my breath, flummoxed. They both stared back at me with innocent expressions as if they had just complimented me on my lovely eyes.
“I… I’m sorry!?” I stammered.
“Yeah. We noticed it in the pool when Sandra pulled down your trunks,” Sarah replied casually, confirming my suspicion that they had indeed been discussing me earlier. By now, I wasn’t that sure anymore if they weren’t checking me out when I adjusted my boner.
“Right. We’ve only seen pictures of a penis so far, but yours looked pretty big to us.”
Sarah’s hand was still on Sandra’s tit as they were talking to me. The damp spot appeared to be bigger, but I only saw it in my peripheral vision, and I didn’t dare to glance down.
“I, uhm… it’s… you weren’t supposed…” I attempted to respond, but I was so taken aback that I couldn’t form coherent sentences at that moment.
“Are you gay?” Sandra asked, her expression smug.
“You don’t ask such a…” I croaked, cleared my throat, and let out a determined, “No! I’m not gay!”
“Our moms thought you might be gay but were still closeted,” Sandra stated matter-of-factly.
“Well… I’m not.”
“Okay,” Sandra shrugged, and they both turned their attention back to the movie.
And that was that. I must have looked foolish sitting there, but apparently, the girls thought this was just normal conversation during a movie, and they didn’t even spare me a second glance. But… they both saw my dick! This realization sent a wave of panic over me. What if they told my sisters what happened? What if…
As my blood pressure went down a little, so did my panic attack. First of all, they pulled down my trunks. As I reflected on the situation, I realized that their perspective was simply different from mine, and they didn’t seem bothered by it at all. They viewed things in a way that I hadn’t considered before, and it dawned on me that I needed to accept them as they were and refrain from trying to change them. It was on me to adapt, not on them. And would that be so bad?
Once this realization settled in, I found myself able to relax and simply enjoy their company. After the movie, we watched a silly series on Netflix called Di4ries, which wasn’t exactly my cup of tea. Still, the shared comments and chuckles about its absurdity were enjoyable and helped relieve the tension I had felt earlier. And the cast was pretty cute, so it wasn’t too bad to watch.
The rest of the evening passed without incident, and as the show concluded, we made our way upstairs together. Standing in front of my bedroom door, the girls approached me, and each planted a peck on my cheek simultaneously.
“Good night, Ronald,” they chirped.
“Good night, girls. Don’t let the bedbugs bite!” I smiled before retiring to my room.
After I disrobed and crawled into bed, I jerked myself to a quick orgasm, my head filled with images of hard nipples, underboobs, tight asses, and damp cameltoes.
End of part two
Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow All rights reserved
Etiamne curiosus es quid puellae facturus? Subsisto suavi pro more
Part one It was the third of September, the memorable day this all started. After I changed into something more comfortable, I headed upstairs toward the pool deck. I couldn’t immediately find the girls. And since I had been downstairs for almost an hour, they could have been anywhere. I had to remind myself that I wasn’t their camp counselor and didn’t need to watch them every minute. That’s when I heard their voices outside on the pool deck. Relieved that they were making themselves at home, I went to check on them. They had been swimming and were now emerging from the pool, their bodies dripping wet.
“Fuck me…” I mumbled under my breath.
The two bikini-clad preteens, with their glistening bodies, struck a nerve inside I never knew I had. But I didn’t want to have this particular nerve! These girls were about to turn thirteen, damn it! And they were family.
Sarah was wearing a red bikini, which matched her blonde hair perfectly. It hid everything nicely from view and was decent enough for a girl her age, but it did manage to accentuate her curves nicely. Sandra’s bikini was denim blue with a bit of purple around its edges. It was a bit skimpier than Sara’s, but she could still go to a public pool with it without gathering too much attention.
I acted like it was the most normal thing in the world for me to be around two scantily dressed preteen girls, and I did my best not to stare. I liked looking at women. I enjoyed beautiful women! But these two weren’t women yet; they were girls. They were probably oblivious to how they looked and what their effect on men could be. I didn’t need to gawk over them. No! I needed to help them and learn how to deal with their maturing bodies.
“Hi, Uncle Ronald!” Sarah said with a smile, “Your pool is amazing!”
“Yeah…” Sandra added, “But I’m so wet…”
Wait… what? What did she just say? I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my head as I was looking for words.
“That’s the whole meaning of a pool, you dummy,” Sarah giggled.
“Uhm… yeah…” I tried, “water is wet, you know?”
“Jeez! I was just kidding,” Sandra said with mock annoyance as she wrung out her hair. “I’m looking for a towel.”
I breathed a sigh of relief and tossed her a freakin’ towel. Both girls dried themselves as I did my best not to look at their young breasts that were hidden by the small bikini tops. Their low-riding bottoms hugged their developing curves magnificently, and their bronzed skin showed no signs of any tan line either. I quickly needed to find something to do. Otherwise, I’d be busted looking at their bodies, and my life would be over. Okay, maybe not over, but I’d have a lot of explaining to do. So, I started checking on one of the umbrellas and made sure it was… well… still an umbrella…
I turned around and saw that she was holding out a bottle of sunscreen in her hand. Yikes! They wanted me to apply that all over them? While a growing part of me was all in favor of that idea, a wiser part wasn’t sure about how good of an idea it was. I mean, I’ve done that for leggy models in this very spot, but for these two….? I tried distracting them by saying, “Please! Call me Ronald or Ron! That whole ‘Uncle’ stuff makes me feel old and saggy.”
“Okay, Un- Ronald. Would you mind helping us with our backs?”
“Yeah, please…” Sarah added as she lay down on her belly on one of the chaise lounges, “But you don’t look saggy to us, Ron!”
“No, not at all,” Sandra said as she handed me the sunscreen and lay down herself. “You’re quite handsome, actually.”
I didn’t know what to say or do. If I didn’t know any better, these two girls were hitting on me pretty heavily. But this was probably me, reading into something that wasn’t there, combined with the fact that I hadn’t gotten laid in almost a month. And there was no harm in applying sunscreen, was there?
“Alright! Who’s first?” I asked, trying to be as casual as possible.
“Do me,” Sandra said.
Oh, fuck… I had to stop hearing these things in my adult mind…
She was lying closest to me, so I knelt beside her chair and squeezed some of the milky-white sunscreen onto my hand. Rubbing them together, I glanced down at her. She had turned her head towards me, wearing a warm yet mischievous smile.
As I reached out to apply the sunscreen to her shoulders, my hands trembled slightly. It felt a bit ridiculous—I was simply assisting her with something practical, nothing remotely intimate. Parents do this for their kids all the time. Nevertheless, I continued without dwelling on it, making sure to keep my touches purely platonic.
As I worked the sunscreen into her shoulders and back, I avoided any accidental brushes near sensitive areas. I wouldn’t accidentally want to touch some side boob or anything even remotely close. When I reached the top of her bikini bottom, she remarked with a playful tone, “You’ve got strong hands, Unc- Ronald!”
“Thanks,” I replied, feeling stupid for getting nervous about this. I grabbed the bottle of sunscreen, moved over to Sarah, and said as confidently as I could, “Your turn.”
It was the same routine with Sarah. But when I was at her lower back, she surprised me by untying her top and pulling the back strings out of the way.
“Can you please do that bit again? I don’t wanna get sunburned there.”
I swallowed when I looked at her bare back. It was really no different than it was a second ago, but with having that string untied… oh boy… I manned up and said, “Sure!” and rubbed her entire back again. I was trying to be as casual about this as I could, but my dick betrayed me when I felt it started to grow in my pants.
“There you go,” I said and oozed down on the spare chair next to Sarah.
“Why don’t you take off your shirt and chill a bit with us?” Sarah asked as she fixed her top and tied it back together again.
She was spot on. I really needed to unwind. I was currently wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt and loose-fitting khaki shorts, casual enough for me to chill with the girls. I knew I wasn’t bad to look at. Several other women had complimented me on my abs and pecs. I was far from buff but maybe even further from a typical dad-bod. This might have something to do with the fact that I wasn’t a dad and actually had time to work out. So I casually shrugged, slipped off my shirt, kicked off my boat shoes, and settled down beside my nieces on one of the chaise lounges. We engaged in some light conversation, and with each passing moment, I found myself sinking deeper into relaxation, basking in the warmth of the sun and the joy of my nieces’ company. I started thinking about how I had gotten into this unusual situation.
* * *
I had just wrapped up a Teams meeting with my financial advisors when my phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I let out a deep sigh. It was my sister calling, and history told me it wasn’t going to be good news.
“Hey, Laura,” I greeted with forced cheerfulness, attempting to conceal my annoyance.
“Hi, Ronald.”
Uh-oh. When she went for the full name, trouble was brewing. Judging by her tone, it was trouble with a capital T.
“I just got a call from Lisa. And believe it or not, she just announced her divorce too!” Laura said, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Not exactly breaking news. I didn’t see my sisters that much, but each time I did, I was amazed at how cold their marital relationships seemed. Lisa’s marriage had been on life support for ages, and Laura’s own divorce last month had practically telegraphed her twin’s imminent split.
Ever since I was a boy, my younger twin sisters have always copied each other’s actions. As identical twins, they considered it their prerogative. From the moment I first laid my eyes on them, I knew I was in trouble. They were four years younger than me, infinitely annoying, and had gotten themselves in trouble more than I can remember. I had to pull them out of a couple of tight spots numerous times.
“Yeah…” Laura continued, “She finally had the guts to tell that douchebag to go fuck himself.”
I kept my responses short, a strategy I’d learned over the years to avoid putting my foot in it. Laura was clearly on a roll, and I had no desire to interrupt her venting session.
“So, as we were talking about that shitty husband of hers, we decided that we deserved a break.”
In typical drama queen fashion, she paused for effect. I simply said, “A break…”
“A break, yes! We were both married for thirteen years, and we think it’s time for us to party!”
“To party… Right. You do realize you’re thirty-six, and it’s a bit sad when divorced women your age start hitting the clubs?”
“We don’t care, Ron. We need to let off some steam, period.”
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. It was obvious that something was up. She never calls me just to complain. She does that with Lisa. No, she wanted something.
After another dramatic pause, she dropped the bomb, “Because Lisa and I think it’s a good idea that you look after the girls for a while…”
“What!? No way! I’m swamped over here, and—”
“Bullshit! And you know it! We all think it’s good for Sarah and Sandra to see how a normal male role model behaves. And I know it’s a bit unsettling, but we think you’re the closest thing to a normal male for them.”
“But… I don’t have a clue how to babysit two eight-year-olds!”
“They’re twelve, almost thirteen, Ron…” Lisa corrected me. “They practically look after themselves. You’re just there to make sure they eat and won’t accidentally set the house on fire. I… we… well… We think it’s good if you guys reconnect. It’s good for you, too, you know?”
I sighed audibly, but after another short break, Laura dropped another bomb, “And it’s only going to be for a week.”
“A whole week?” I exclaimed.
“Don’t be a pussy, Ronald. It’ll be over before you know it. Trust me.”
I knew I was cornered, but I wasn’t about to surrender without a fight. “I… I can’t! I’ve got—”
My sister cut through my feeble protests, “We’ll drop the Esses off tomorrow morning so we can catch our flight in time. Make sure you’re ready.”
I paused for a second, feeling deflated, and said, “I’ll ask Maria to prepare two bedrooms.”
“You’re the best, Ron! See you tomorrow!”
I hung up, feeling defeated. Why did my sisters still have this much power over me? Sure, I liked my nieces, but babysitting was not on my agenda. Yet, as I contemplated the impending chaos to my life, Laura’s words stuck, and a small part of me looked forward to actually reconnecting with the girls. And I did feel a bit guilty for keeping them at a distance. Granted, their husbands had something to do with that. Actually, quite a lot, if I was honest. But they were still my sisters, and I was the one who always blew them off with some lame excuse. Maybe this was the start of reconnecting with them. Who knows.
My sisters did everything together. When Lisa had her first real boyfriend at fourteen, Laura had one a week later. Laura announced her marriage about a decade later, so Lisa announced hers six weeks after that. When Laura was pregnant, it only took Lisa a month to proudly announce her own pregnancy. As a result of this, my nieces were born four and a half weeks apart from each other. When the kids were together, which was nearly all of the time, people always asked if they were twins since they looked and dressed almost identically. And since both their names started with an S, the nickname ‘The Esses’ was born soon enough.
But the last time I saw them, they were about to turn nine, and now they were almost thirteen. I knew I wasn’t the best uncle in the world, and I felt a bit guilty for not seeing them as much as I wanted, as I didn’t have any children myself. So, the idea of looking after them now wasn’t as bad as I wanted Laura to believe. I actually looked forward to spending some time with them, but I didn’t want Laura or Lisa to know this.
However, my life had changed significantly since I last saw them. I had developed an early AI and ML model that caught the attention of big tech. When one of them came knocking to buy this tech, I initially refused their offer – and it was a generous offer! But I just knew I could do better. So, after almost another year of tweaking and tinkering, I had the feeling it was done and ready to conquer the world.
I realized I couldn’t market this alone. And I knew this would be a difficult task. As I was talking to a friend about this, by some miracle, the planets aligned, and I received the most important phone call of my life.
Another big tech company had been following me for a while and was highly interested in my project. And they made me an offer I just couldn’t refuse. I’d be filthy rich overnight, and I’d also get a decent percentage of stocks from that firm. Best of all, I could keep using my tech to further develop stuff I’d find interesting, and we’d renegotiate the terms if I would produce something interesting enough.
After I received the payment, I bought a vast piece of land near the ocean. On this land, there was an old, abandoned bomb shelter, lots of woods, but also a small, private beach. Steep cliffs surrounded my private beach, so I could work on my laptop while lounging in the sun and looking at the ocean without being disturbed by anyone. I hired an architect to build me a house on the cliff with lots of windows and natural light so I could see both the sea and the woods from up there.
This house turned out even better than I’d envisioned. It had a massive basement carved into the rocks, which I’d transformed into my workshop, seamlessly connected to the bomb shelter through a series of tunnels. It had a cozy movie theater that could fit a small group of people. A spacious outdoor and indoor pool that appeared to blend into the cliff, creating the illusion of diving straight into the ocean. And, of course, a generous living room, a fully equipped kitchen, and an oversized garage for my other passion: sports cars. I’d automated everything with AI and smart tools, but I’d also brought on some staff to lend a hand. Being a forty-year-old single man in a house this big was both liberating and suffocating.
My hair had recently turned more into a salt-and-pepper-colored bush. Thankfully, it was still a full and thick bush of hair. Despite working mainly behind a desk, I’ve always had the intrinsic motivation to stay fit. Before I struck it big with my software, I used to hit the gym at least three times a week. Now, with my own gym at home, I worked out almost daily. Good genes helped, but I never aimed to be buff. I didn’t want a dad-bod, but I wasn’t aiming for huge muscles either. I was fit, especially for my age, and proud of the shape I was in.
Enter Maria, my housekeeper. She was a pretty woman, and despite my attempts at flirting, she politely turned me down, revealing she was a lesbian. Initially disappointed, I considered letting her go, but our dynamic turned out to be perfect. We share a more roommate-like relationship than the typical boss-employee setup, with no underlying tension. It’s a powerful bond that transcends the professional.
But I liked to be alone. My sisters always teased me for being a hermit, but living alone in this spacious mansion feels like paradise to me. Sure, there was a brief stint when I lived the playboy life, cruising into town in my flashy sports cars, picking up one or two beautiful women to indulge in a night of passion at my mansion. Threesomes and foursomes weren’t uncommon, but every departure left me feeling like a sleaze and downright miserable.
Maria was always frank with me, and after another night of endless sex where she’d find me on the couch in my underwear looking like shit, she confronted me and asked, “Why do you put yourself through this, Ron?”
“Do what?”
“You’re pretending to be someone you’re not.”
“I’m not trying…”
“Yes, you are. Admit it. You’re a loner. You don’t need people. Just embrace it and keep a small circle of friends. That’s all you need!”
“I… I don’t…”
“Think about it,” Maria advised before walking away.
Maria was something else. Despite not being on my payroll for that long, she could read me like an open book and never shied away from telling it like it was. The more I reflected on it, the more I had to admit it. She was right! I loved being alone! Society had this misguided notion that solitude was a sad state and that people should pity those labeled as loners. But truth be told, I could go for weeks without a soul around, and I’d still be in high spirits.
Once I fully embraced this realization, my life settled back into a comfortable routine. Sure, I’d venture out occasionally, but the days of bringing a woman home were now more like a once-a-month thing rather than the nightly extravaganzas of the past. And you know what? I loved it! Maria’s company was enjoyable, and Hank, my groundskeeper, was a hilarious guy who always found a way to have fun with me. So, yeah, life was good.
And then, there was this impending disruption. Two young girls about to turn my peaceful haven into a playground. I gave Maria a mission: go out and stock up on board games, coloring books, and anything else that might entertain little kids. She gave me a curious look and shrugged but ultimately went ahead and did as I asked.
When she returned, I knew we needed to have a difficult conversation. Maria had requested a two-week vacation to Hawaii with her girlfriend Anna, and Maria was planning to propose to her during the trip. But I couldn’t manage the girls on my own; I needed Maria’s help. My heart sank when I heard her open the front door.
“What’s up, Ron?” Maria asked, noticing my expression.
“Can you sit down, please?”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No! No… it’s just that…” I sighed deeply, “I can’t manage the girls on my own for a whole week. I know it’s short notice, but my sisters…”
“So… I can’t go on vacation?” Maria interrupted.
“It’s… uhm… I don’t think so, no. I’m really sorry, Maria, but I just can’t.”
“Well… fuck,” she muttered, leaning back in her chair, looking defeated.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you, and I’ll cover all the cancellation costs. But I really need your help right now.”
After a moment of silence, Maria stared into the distance, then stood up and looked me in the eyes. “Okay. But you have to promise to listen to me and not be stubborn. I practically raised my sister and little brother, so I know what I’m doing.”
“Deal!” I said, feeling immensely relieved.
I chuckled at how she stood with her hand on her hip, like a true diva. I stood up to give Maria a firm hug.
She quickly broke the hug and said, “I’ll go and call Anna. Not sure how she’s going to take this.”
“Good luck! I’ll call the travel agency and cancel everything. If you need anything, just let me know!”
Maria grabbed her purse and handed me all the information I needed to cancel everything. It was the least I could do, and I felt grateful and relieved that she was willing to stay and help me out.
“But don’t think I’ll forget this,” Maria said, her eyes flashing with intensity. “I’m helping you because you’re a nice guy, and I don’t want to lose this job. But I’m furioso about all this.”
“I understand,” I replied, knowing her well enough not to push back at that moment.
“It’s always me,” she continued angrily. “You don’t ask Hank to come back from his vacation.”
“That’s different, and you know it,” I said carefully.
Her anger seemed to simmer down a bit. The fire in her eyes softened as she looked at me and said, “I know. But it’s just…”
“I get it. And you have every right to be angry with me. But I promise I will make it up to you!”
“I know you will.”
With that, she turned and walked away from me. I had never seen her so upset before, and for a moment, I feared she might resign. Thankfully, her fiery Mexican temperament didn’t completely take over at that moment.
“Don’t speak! I know what you’re thinking, but it won’t happen!” my mother said.
“But…” I tried.
“No! You’re both too young to go on your own. You’re only twelve years old!”
“Twelve and a half…” I mumbled.
“Exactly. Two twelve ‘and a half’ year old girls don’t spend two nights alone in a cabin on a mountain with hardly any cellphone coverage,” she said, overly emphasizing ‘and a half’.
“But… it’s summer vacation! And you know you can trust Andrea and me,” I pressed.
“It’s not about trust. I know I can trust you. But you’ll be all alone up there, and I think you’re too young for that.”
“You always say we need to go outside instead of looking at our phones all day. And now you…”
“I know, honey. But your dad has to work, and I’ve promised to help grandma, so…” she interrupted me, a little bit kinder now after realizing I was right.
“We don’t want adults around,” I grumbled, “we just want to, you know…”
My mom was quiet for a few moments. And then her face lit up.
“What about your brother?” Mom said with a face as if she had just invented something that could end world hunger. “Tell you what. When Joshua joins you, you can spend these two nights up there.”
“But mom! Joshua is… he’s a… he’s… he’s Joshua!! We’ve got all sorts of plans, and he’ll be…” I tried.
“It’s your choice. Ask your brother, or don’t go. These are the options,” she said and turned around to start doing something in the kitchen.
I was feeling furious by now. We were planning to go there by ourselves and have fun with just the two of us. I was also hoping we could continue where we left off during our last sleepover. I let my mind drift back to the previous weekend…
* * *
We were staying over at Andrea’s house, and while we watched one of the Twilight movies and drooled over Robert Pattinson, we painted each other’s nails. We were dressed in oversized t-shirts and panties. So when Andrea bent forward to grab a tissue from the box, I could see down her shirt and saw her naked boobs.
We used to take baths together when we were younger and changed clothes in front of each other, but after we entered puberty and started growing boobs, this became less frequent. We still undressed in front of each other, and we saw each other naked on several occasions, but it was more of a ‘thing’ now than it was before.
Seeing her small boobs now in this intimate moment made me look at her in a new light. And when her hard, pointy nipples came into view, I felt a tingle shoot through my vagina. I was suddenly getting extremely curious about the rest of her body but wasn’t sure how to bring it up. I kept stealing glances, but I didn’t get another glimpse besides a cameltoe in her green panties. So eventually, I tried steering the conversation toward Devon, BY FAR the hottest boy in our class. Andrea immediately perked up, and we were giggling so loud that Andrea’s mom came knocking.
“Andy, Kelly. It’s time to go to bed now. And please keep the noise down, okay? Roberto and your father are already in bed, so…” her mother said through the crack of the door.
“Okay, Mom,” Andrea said and started putting away the nail polish.
“Of course, Mrs. Lopez,” I said sweetly. “We’ll be quiet now. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, girls,” she said, smiling, and closed the door.
As we crawled into bed, we were still giggling but managed to keep the noise down. My vagina was wetter than it’s ever been before, and I needed to find a way to do something about it. I recently discovered the fine art of masturbation. But I wasn’t sure if Andrea did too, nor did I know what she’d say about me proposing or even doing it.
“Did you see it too last week?” Andrea asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“What do you mean?”
“Devon being pantsed by Mike in the middle of the gym?”
“Oh, that!” I replied, feeling sad for missing that, “no damnit! Missed that.”
“Well… I didn’t,” she whispered conspiratively. “He’s got a big bulge and tight ass. I saw it all!”
“Oh wow. Too bad there aren’t any pictures.”
“Yeah. He’s hot…” Andrea murmured.
“I’d let him take my cherry without even thinking twice about it,” I whispered.
“You go, girl!” Andrea giggled.
“Wouldn’t you?”
After a few moments of silence, she whispered back, “I… uhm… yeah. I guess so.”
“See?” I whispered. “But I heard that big isn’t necessarily better.”
“Well… according to my cousin Maria, bigger is always better,” Andrea chuckled.
“I don’t care. As long as I’m no longer a virgin, it’s good to me. Big or small,” I whispered into the silence that followed.
“As long as it’s not Mateo small,” Andrea giggled, causing me to laugh too.
Mateo is Andrea’s seven-year-old nephew, who always walks around naked in the backyard when he’s over there to go swimming. Even when we’re swimming there too. Of course, we always tease Mateo with it, but he doesn’t care about that at all. But when he got out of the pool the other day, and his little dicky was sticking up like a hard nail, Andrea’s mother stepped in and ordered him to start wearing trunks.
As I contemplated all this, I realized how wet I was between my legs and how I had an ‘I must come soon’ vibe over me.
“Andy?” I whispered.
She must’ve sensed the tension in the air because her reply was also filled with energy.
“Do you… uhm… you know… touch yourself sometimes?” I asked with a trembling voice.
A few agonizingly long seconds passed before she whispered back, “Yes.”
“Me too. Do you think… we can do that now?”
“Yeah. After all that talk about Devon and seeing that movie, I really need to. You?”
“Oh. I… uhm… Yeah! I feel like I’m about to explode!” I said softly.
We both giggled nervously, but neither of us made a move. So I glanced over at Andrea and just nodded. I slid my hand inside my panties, and the moment I touched my slippery clit, I let out a deep sigh.
“You… uhm… wanna keep your panties on?” Andrea whispered.
“Guess not,” I replied, glad to get rid of them.
I immediately slid my panties down and dropped them beside the bed. The sound of them hitting the floor caused Andrea to move too, and seconds later, a similar sound confirmed that she also took them off.
My hand returned to that sensitive spot between my legs, and I tentatively started fingering myself. The movement beside me was the confirmation Andrea was doing the same. I was getting into it when our bare legs touched. My first reaction was to pull back, but feeling her warmth and the movement of her leg was an added layer to my growing arousal. I kept wondering how Andrea did it in the back of my head, but besides the blanket movement, combined with her soft moans, I couldn’t see anything worthwhile.
“Ohh… I’m…” I panted, glancing over at Andrea.
The focused and horny look in her eyes as she looked back was all the answer I needed. Her eyes crossed a few heartbeats later, and her body started shaking. Looking at my best friend cumming was more than enough to push me over the edge, and when my orgasm washed over me, I just knew I needed to see if I could do more with her because it was beyond hot doing this together.
When I opened my eyes again, Andrea was smiling wickedly at me.
“That was hot,” she whispered.
“It sure was. I don’t think I ever came this fast before,” I said, smiling lazily.
We lay there for a few seconds, catching our breath, when Andrea asked, “Kel?”
“I… uhm… will you…” she stammered, followed by, “Never mind.”
“Oh! Come on! What is it?”
“It’s silly. Just drop it,” she said, but it wasn’t convincing.
“Tell me!” I said and poked her in the ribs, causing her to pull back and giggle.
“Okay… would you… mind holding me?”
Well… this wasn’t what I expected, but I would really like holding her, so I replied softly, “Sure! Of course.”
Andrea moved over and pressed herself against me as I spread my arms invitingly, wrapping her arms around my chest and laying her face on my left boob. I held her close and loved the feeling of having my best friend so close to me. But as she shifted, I felt her warm pussy pressed against my leg, and another tingle shot through my body.
“Andy?” I whispered.
“What?” she asked innocently.
“I feel your… uhm… against me.”
“I’m sorry. But it feels nice like this. Do you mind? Want me to move back over?”
“No. It’s just that… yeah… it does feel nice to be lying like this,” I admitted and blushed.
Andrea started moving her right hand upward over my belly and was inches short of my right boob.
“You sure did some growing, you know?” she softly said and placed her hand on my boob, sending off sparks in front of my eyes.
I wasn’t sure how to react to this. It felt incredible having her pressed against me and with her hand on my tit. But wasn’t this gay? Wasn’t I supposed to say or do something here? All sorts of thoughts shot through my head, but I decided it felt just too fantastic to stop her and just enjoy the feelings.
“Thanks. I’m almost a B now,” I heard myself say with a trembling voice, “but if I’m going to look anything like mom, I still have some growing to do. She’s a double-D!”
“Wow!” Andrea whispered. And after a moment of silence, she said, “You know… I… I really like what we did.” She looked up to meet my eyes, and I could see the vulnerability all over her face.
This was clearly a big thing between us. If this went wrong, it could jeopardize our friendship. And I wanted nothing more than our friendship. Maybe even more than masturbating together again.
“I really liked it too! It’s WAY better than just doing it by yourself,” I said, forcing myself to smile through the thick tension in the air.
“Oh! I’m SO glad you liked it too! I was afraid you’d hate me for tricking you into this!”
“Wait. What? You didn’t trick me!”
“Well… maybe a little?”
“Shut up, Andy! We did this together,” I said, hugging her tightly against me.
“Okay then. I’m glad you’re my friend, Doofus,” she whispered and hugged me back.
“Me too, Dork!” I said as we loosened our hug.
We lay there silently for a few minutes when an idea popped up.
“Hey! Maybe I can ask my mom if we can go up to the cabin this weekend! We can do all sorts of fun stuff, like swimming, create some wicked TikTok movies, and maybe… you know…” I said excitedly and blushed at the last bit.
“Really!? Do you think she’d let us go up there on our own?”
“Dunno. Gotta ask her, but we’re almost thirteen. So I don’t see why not!” I said, knowing quite well how difficult this would get, but I felt excited as hell about the idea of the two of us up there on our own. An entire weekend with my best friend up there in the mountains would be fabulous! We could play games, make our own dinner, and maybe, just maybe, go skinny dipping together. Or more. This would be freaking awesome!
“I would like that a lot!” Andrea whispered and softly squeezed my boob, which I figured was unintentional but hot nevertheless.
“Me too,” I yawned.
I felt myself grow sleepy, and before I knew it, light was streaming in through the window, and Andy was lying on her back beside me, snoring loudly.
She’d kicked down the blanket, and her t-shirt had ridden up during the night. I was looking at my best friend’s exposed pussy, and immediately thought back about last night.
Her pussy looked about the same as mine. There were a few strands of hair above it and only a few on her lips, but she was otherwise bald. The last time I looked at it this good, it was completely bald, and we were still flat-chested. We thought nothing about it back then, but I found it extremely interesting and exciting now. I got a good, long look, but as I was overthinking my next move, Andrea moved, her eyes fluttered, and she looked at me with a big smile.
“Morning,” she said warmly.
“Morning!” I answered.
“Guess we fell asleep while you hugged me,” she said, grinning.
“Yeah. Guess we did,” I smiled.
“Don’t you… think it’s… I don’t know… weird to do that?”
“No!” I replied, acting surprised, “Do you?”
“No, I don’t. But you could, you know… feel silly for what we did.”
“Stop it, Andy! I like being with you. And I don’t feel sorry or silly about that. We do what we want, remember? Girl power?”
“Oh yeah. Girl power!” she smiled and looked at the little scar on her thumb where we bonded our friendship by blood, back when we were around six. Our parents were mad as hell when they found out what we did, and Andy’s thumb had to be stitched at the doctor’s office. But it did seal our friendship, and we were still proud of it.
After eating breakfast and collecting my stuff, it was time for me to head home. We were standing at the front door, and before I could head out, Andy pulled me in another hug and gave me a peck on my cheek.
“Thanks, Kel! This was fun!”
“Yeah,” I sheepishly replied and pecked her on her cheek.
“Can’t wait for the next time!” Andrea said excitedly.
“I’ll talk to Mom, promise!”
“Awesome! Text me when you know something, kay?”
“Sure thing!”
* * *
And so here I was, standing at the bedroom door of my big brother, feeling slightly depressed for having to ask him. I was twelve and a half now, and my mom had forced me to ask my almost fourteen-year-old brother for help. This just didn’t feel fair. I sighed deeply and softly knocked on his door. “What?” came from behind the door.
“Josh? Can I come in, please?” I asked.
“One sec,” he said, and I heard some movement.
Moments later, he opened the door to let me in. I looked around in his typical boy’s room and noticed how clean it was compared to mine. On his desk, his computer screen showed some lame-ass fantasy background with two scantily dressed warrior women, and old folk music came from his speakers. On the center of his desk was a half-finished model of some ancient warrior he was working on. He sure had some weird hobbies, but I decided to ignore them since I was here to ask for his help.
“Sup?” Joshua asked as I walked in.
I looked at my brother and was once again amazed at how goofy he looked. It wasn’t just his shiny braces showing when he smiled. It was his whole appearance. Right now, he wore a black t-shirt with a stylized representation of Hedwig, Harry Potter’s owl.
Maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed like his shoulders were broader than I remembered them. But then again, I never really paid that much attention. He was my goofy brother, after all.
He was wearing his usual lounging pants, which were short, grey-colored sweat pants with a black, vertical stripe over each side. I couldn’t help but notice the lump in front of his pants and briefly wondered if maybe I had interrupted something. But I quickly ditched that thought because I didn’t want to think about my brother that way.
“I need your help,” I said, looking him in his eyes.
“Not interested,” was his short and emotionless reply.
“But…” I pressed, “you didn’t even listen to me!”
“Because it’ll probably be something stupid where you only need me to help you out, and then you’ll make fun of me again,” he said. “But if you feel the need to ask anyway, go ahead.”
I winced at his reply. The last time he helped me out, it ended with a bashing session from my soccer teammates. I had asked him to assist Molly’s mom in this big match that was coming up. Unfortunately, Molly’s mom knew nothing about soccer, and the only thing she did was tell us who played and called the substitutes, but at least we had a coach this way. I knew Joshua had studied the game frantically. His motivation to do this was typical for him. It was a different sport than usual, so he wanted to learn all about it. Plain and simple.
And he did have some good pointers before and during the match. But he overdid his duty in a way that only Joshua can. He dressed like a proper, high-class soccer coach. Joshua wore dress pants and a blouse and was even sucking on a lollipop. This caused a few giggles and weird faces from my teammates, but he ignored that or didn’t care.
The problem was that his dress pants were a little tight. I don’t remember it at all, and I didn’t want to know about it back then, but Andrea mentioned afterward that his front was filled out quite obviously. But when he sat down on the bench at the end of the second half, his pants ripped, and his plain white boxers were showing. All the girls on the field were pointing and laughing at him.
I didn’t want to, and I felt sorry for him. But it was a funny sight, and I didn’t want to chicken out in front of the other girls. So I joined them in their mocking session and laughed too. I felt terrible about it afterward, but I never apologized to my brother. I was hoping he’d forgotten about it, but that was clearly not the case.
“I’m really sorry about last time, Josh. I… it was…”
“I get it. I know how it works with group pressure. But it was… you know… I helped you out!”
“I know. And I really hate myself for it. So if you don’t wanna help me, I get it. And I totally understand. Just know I’m really sorry about it, and it won’t happen again. I promise,” I replied, feeling genuinely shitty about last time.
Joshua seemed to lighten up a little after my apology. “So, what is it this time?” Joshua asked.
“Andy and I want to spend this weekend up in the cabin, but Mom won’t let us go by ourselves. But if you join us, she says it’s fine…” I tried, keeping my eyes on him to size up his reaction.
“Just you and Andy?” he asked, and I felt him opening up to the idea.
“Yeah. Just the two of us. Well… three when you come with us,” I smiled warmly.
“What’s in it for me?” Joshua asked flatly.
“You… uhm… I don’t know… What do you want?”
This took him by surprise, judging by the look on his face. His eyes roamed around, but he was clearly struggling to find something he needed.
“I… uhm… I don’t want you guys to make fun of me,” he started.
“Of course. We won’t bother you if you don’t bother us. Deal! Anything else?”
“I want peace and quiet to make my drawings. And you two take care of dinner for those days.”
“Drawings. Dinner. Check!” I said, pleased about how this was playing out.
Joshua was quiet for a few moments and said, “And you take over my dishwasher duty for two weeks when we get back!”
“One week!” I said, not wanting to give in too much.
“Deal!” Joshua said, extending his hand for me to shake on.
“Great!” I said, shook his hand, and gave him a hug after we shook.
He hugged me back, and I was still feeling sorry about the last time. So I whispered, “I’m really sorry about earlier! I shouldn’t have done that! Can you forgive me?
“It’s okay. Just don’t do it again. When do we leave?”
We talked about when we wanted to leave, what to bring and who would carry what. Joshua insisted on taking the old, big backpack with the food, drinks, spare clothes, and towels because it was the heaviest and because he was the man. I giggled at that, but I’d let him have that one. I would carry our swimwear, sunscreen, the new first-aid kit, and some of Joshua’s drawing materials, whereas Andy would take all the extras, like props for our Tik-Toks, board games, and stuff. “Did you check the weather?” Joshua asked as I left his room.
“Yeah! It’s gonna be sunny and warm all weekend!” I smiled broadly.
* * *
It had been almost an hour since we said goodbye to Mom and started our hike toward the cabin. Our cabin was on the edge of the Mammoth Cave National Park and has been in our family for many generations. When the national park was established about eighty years ago, our grandfather agreed to sell the land to the government but demanded that our cabin be allowed to stay. And that we’d always have access to it through the dirt road. The agreement included that we weren’t allowed to sell the cabin, but our family never considered this, so the deal was made, and our family was the only party in the agreement that could end it. So we had that cabin until time itself ended.
From our home, it was a nearly four-hour hike. We usually hiked up there at least once a month. But lately, because of my dad’s busy schedule, this was down to around once every two months. About twice a year, my dad took the four-by-four, drove to the cabin for maintenance, and restocked food, drinks, and all the other stuff that needed replacement. Joshua went with him the last three or four times to help.
But he hated this. He just wanted to stay in his room to draw, work on his models, or write. Unfortunately for him, Dad insisted and also made Joshua help him with the usual gardening work. The forest ended in our backyard and required a lot of maintenance. We got our firewood for both the house and cabin from it, and Dad needed Joshua to help him. This was his way of making sure to pass the knowledge down to another generation.
“Let’s take a break here, kay?” I said to Kelly.
“Yes. Please!” she panted.
We had just completed one of the steepest parts of the hike, and I could hear how she struggled. Kelly had only been in the cabin once when we were about eight years old, and that time we drove up there with Dad.
“Josh? We’re taking a break,” I called out.
Joshua was behind us and had his earbuds in, listening to his music. We needed to get off the trail a bit and into an open spot near the trees. He gave me a thumbs-up, and Andrea and I walked over to the place. Moments later, as Joshua joined us, I handed each of them a water bottle. We sat down on some rocks, and I could see their faces were as flushed as mine from the climb.
It was already eighty-eight degrees outside, and we’d probably be topping ninety today. Andrea and I were basically dressed the same. We wore short, Daisy Duke style jeans, tight tank tops, and our hair in a ponytail. Andrea wore a red tank top. Mine was green. That was about the only difference. And our hair color, of course. We didn’t talk about it or anything. This was just our favorite outfit during warm sunny days.
Joshua was dressed for the occasion for once. Instead of black jeans and some lame-ass t-shirt, he was wearing light-brown, short khaki’s that ended halfway down his upper leg, topped off with a plain white shirt. I checked out his white legs and noticed they were completely hairless and still looked kind of boyish. But when I looked at his shoulders, I saw the confirmation of what I saw earlier. They had broadened over the last few months. He looked more like a man than a boy on that part of his body. I guessed the hard work in the garden was the cause of that. The only weird thing about Joshua’s outfit today was the lightweight jacket he tied around his waist.
“Why are you carrying that jacket? The weather only predicted sun for this weekend,” Andrea asked Joshua.
“Dunno. Just wanna be prepared for the worst, I guess,” Joshua shrugged and took a big swig from the water bottle.
“Better safe than sorry,” I said, not wanting Joshua to feel mocked.
“True,” Andrea added, probably sensing my intentions.
“You sure you’ve checked the weather?” Joshua asked while looking at the sky.
“Of course!” I replied but noticed Joshua’s eyes on the dark cloud that was forming.
“There’s no service,” Andrea said while holding up her phone to make her point.
“No shit! Better get used to that.” I smiled and ignored my brother’s rolling eyes, “There’s only one stripe of service every now and then. But only when we’re at the top. And then even just at certain spots near the lake.”
“Oh,” Andrea said and looked a bit disappointed.
“We better get moving. Just in case,” Joshua said as he got on his feet. “We’ve got about two hours of walking left.”
We got going again, and as the clouds above us kept growing, we kept increasing our pace. Finally, we left the cover of the woods behind us and went on to the open fields.
“It’s one straight shot to the cabin now, but I don’t think we’ll make it there before the rain,” I said when we paused for another quick drink and glanced at the almost pitch-black sky above us.
“Don’t we need to get back?” Andrea asked, looking a bit scared.
Joshua looked at the sky, and I could see the worried look on his face. He untied the jacket from his waist and put it on. I realized the temperature had dropped several degrees in the last few minutes, so I couldn’t blame him, and by now, I felt stupid for not bringing one myself.
“We’re way past the halfway point. So it’s smarter to press on than to head back,” Joshua matter-of-factly said.
“The weather can suddenly change up here,” I told Andrea, trying to comfort her.
“Oh?” she softly said and looked a bit scared.
“Yeah. We’ve had this a few times before. The weather forecast is all good and sunny. And then suddenly, a bad rainstorm comes out of nowhere on the slope of the mountain. Usually, it’s just a lot of rain, nothing serious with lightning or tornadoes,” I smiled, trying to put Andrea at ease, but feeling a bit scared myself since I’ve never seen it this dark before.
After about fifteen minutes of walking, where we almost doubled our pace, I felt a big drop of water on my shoulder. And immediately after that, another one on the middle of my head. Andrea yelped beside me, indicating she felt them too.
We had still a good twenty minutes of walking left and nowhere to hide, so we were bound to get wet. And oh boy, were we in for a treat.
“Okay. We’ll have to keep walking,” Joshua said behind us as the rain started to come down.
After a few minutes of relatively mild rain, the skies opened. It was as if someone emptied an endless bucket of water over us. I could hardly make out the drops, and water was just everywhere.
“HERE!” Joshua shouted from behind us and handed us his jacket.
“JUST HOLD IT ABOVE YOUR HEADS AND KEEP WALKING!” he shouted, and I could see his shirt was soaked and clinging to his body, and in that brief moment noticed his developed pecs.
That’s when I realized I was also soaked to the bone, and my top was clinging to my body as well. A quick glance at Andrea learned she was in the same position as I. Good thing we both wore bras today. Otherwise, we’d be practically topless.
“GO!” I shouted to Andrea, and we started walking so fast, we were almost running.
Joshua’s jacket didn’t seem like much when he gave it to us, but it was actually extremely helpful. It kept our faces dry, and we could clearly see where we were going. I was starting to feel cold all over my body, but the jacket kept most of my upper body relatively dry, and therefore I felt less cold on the upper half.
This made me think about Joshua. He must be freezing behind us! But that moment, Andrea shouted, “THERE IT IS!” I looked where she was pointing and saw our cabin pop up through the rain.
We ran toward the front door, glad to have the cover of the porch above us. Joshua had the key to the door, so I turned around to see where he was. But when I looked back, I didn’t see him. It was difficult to see through the heavy rain, but he was on our heels when we started our last part. I waited a few more seconds, but he didn’t show.
“WHERE’S JOSH!?” Andrea shouted, trying to get above the loud noise the rain was making on the porch’s roof, and she was looking worried.
“I DON’T KNOW!” I answered, feeling very scared now.
We waited a few more seconds before I grabbed the jacket from Andrea and shouted, “GIVE ME THE JACKET! I’LL GO LOOK FOR HIM!” and reached out my hands.
I had to give that to her. It was wiser to go together, but I didn’t want to force Andrea through the rain again. But since she proposed it herself, I simply nodded. Andrea held up the jacket. We got under it and started running back to where we came from.
“JOSH!” I shouted, but no reaction.
“JOSH!” Andrea shouted a few moments later.
There was still no reply, and my heart was beating inside my throat. I was so worried right at that moment I didn’t even care about the rain anymore. We kept running, and the moment I came over a small bump, my heart stopped. There was Joshua’s body lying motionless on the ground.
“JOSH!! JOSH!!” I shouted and ran toward him, feeling almost paralyzed with panic.
“JOSH!” I heard Andrea shout behind me, but it barely registered.
“Josh?” I asked, hovering over him to protect him from the pouring rain and trying to find out what was wrong.
A feeling of relief washed over me when he opened his eyes. His look was a bit unfocused, and his body was trembling all over, but he was alive.
“My… my ankle. I… I tripped…” he stammered between his shivers.
“Do you think you can get up?”
He looked at me, and I could see he tested his other foot. Then, a second later, he nodded and said, “If you can help me get up, I think I can manage.”
“Andy?” I said and looked at Andrea.
We helped Joshua to his feet, and I noticed him trembling like a leaf. The moment he put weight on his strained ankle, he moaned.
“Come on,” I said, looked at Andrea, and started supporting my brother on his left side.
Andrea got the idea and got to his right side. Joshua placed his arms over our shoulders for support, and we were ready to head to the cabin. Thankfully, the rain was down to more normal proportions by now, so we didn’t have to shout anymore. When we started walking, I noticed the backpack Joshua was carrying lying on the ground and reached out to pick it up
“Leave it,” Joshua moaned through clenched teeth. “It’s soaked all the way through… It’s way too heavy to take with us… and no use right now.”
“Okay. I’ll go get it when the rain stops,” I replied, realizing he was right. It just contained stuff we could do without at the moment, especially since everything was soaking wet anyway.
Our primary focus was getting into the cabin and ensuring we got dry. So we started heading for the cabin, and despite Joshua’s sore ankle, we arrived there quicker than I expected. As we were standing there, dripping all over the porch floor, Joshua let go of me and started searching in his pocket. His hands were shaking badly. But moments later, he handed me the key, and I quickly unlocked the door.
“Kelly!” Andrea said panicky behind me as I pushed against the door.
I looked back and stepped in just in time to support Joshua. He was shivering uncontrollably, and it seemed as if he had passed out. Moments after I caught him, he seemed to have snapped back.
“You okay?” I asked worriedly.
“I’m so cold…” he said, barely above a whisper.
“Let’s get inside. Now!” I said to Andrea, who nodded understandably.
We managed to get inside, and with my foot, I pulled back one of the wooden chairs from the table, and we helped Joshua sit down. I looked at my brother, and his shaking was almost painful to watch. His eyes kept closing, and his lips were turning blue.
“We need to get him out of these wet clothes,” I said to Andrea, realizing I was shivering quite a bit myself.
“And then what? We don’t have towels or spare clothes!” she said, and I could hear the panic in her voice.
“Grab the blankets from that bed, and put them all on the big bed over there. I’ll start undressing Josh in the meantime,” I said, feeling the urgency to take the lead.
I looked at her surprised face. “What?” I asked since she didn’t start moving.
“Are you really going to undress him? Like… all the way?”
“I… uhm… well… maybe not ALL the way,” I stammered, just now realizing what I said, “but we need to do something! If his temperature drops too low, it can be a serious thing! I read about it the other day. So, please… grab these blankets, and we’ll try to get him warmed up.”
That did it for Andrea. She turned around and headed for the blankets. I decided for myself that undressing Joshua down to his underwear would be okay for the three of us. We’d gone swimming together a lot, and this wouldn’t be much different from that. So I grabbed the bottom of his soaking wet shirt and lifted it over his head. Joshua had still enough consciousness in him to lift his arms.
It didn’t go really smoothly, but a few seconds later, the shirt landed on the floor with a loud smack. Seeing him now without his shirt made me notice how much his chest had developed since the last time I saw him shirtless. He had nice pecs, a clear start of a six-pack, and lovely, broad shoulders. How could I’ve missed this? Was it all because of his stupid clothes and geeky hobbies?
Needing to focus on the job at hand, I shook my head and knelt down to take off his shoes and socks. I threw his first shoe on top of his shirt, and I noticed Andrea was done with spreading out the blankets on the bed.
“I’m getting pretty cold myself!” she said softly, probably ashamed of admitting this now.
“Yeah. Me too. First things first,” I replied, realizing we also needed to find a solution for ourselves.
I started working on Joshua’s second shoe. The moment it came off, I noticed how odd his upper body was angled. I looked up and saw his eyes were closed again, and he was hanging to one side.
“JOSH!” I shouted and got to my feet.
His body slumped over further as I did this, and he dropped to the floor with a loud thump.
“Quick! Help me carry him to the bed!” I said to Andrea, who came running over.
I stood near Joshua’s head, put my hands under his armpits, and tried to get some grip. After a few moments, I felt like I had enough grip, so I nodded at Andrea, who counted down. With a lot of effort, I got his upper body onto the bed, but only a little bit of his butt was resting on the blankets, and his feet were still on the ground.
“He’s heavy!” Andrea panted.
“I know! Can you please get the sheet from the other bed?” I asked Andrea, realizing we needed to do something to get a bit dryer.
This time, she didn’t ask why but rushed over and quickly returned with the thin cotton sheet we used to ly on. She handed it to me, and as I started drying Joshua’s upper body with the corner of the sheet, she started working on his legs and feet. After we were done, I draped a bit of the blanket over his upper body. We still needed to get him entirely into the bed. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to fully cover him. But I also still needed to get rid of his wet pants first.
“I know. But this is good for now,” I said and stood next to his upper legs, where I started undoing his button and zipper.
“Good thinking!” Andrea said as she stood close to me, and I could hear her shivering.
As I started sliding down his wet khakis, his white boxer briefs came into view. First, the Calvin Klein text on the waistband, but soon enough, the white cotton of the boxers itself. When I started pulling down his pants, I thought nothing of it. But now that I saw his soaked boxers appear, I realized this had nothing to do with swimwear we’ve seen him in before.
Because they were so wet, they were almost transparent. I didn’t immediately realize it when I saw the dark spot of his pubes appear, but the moment my brother’s dick came into view, I realized that I was basically looking at his naked dick.
Though I decided to keep on going, Andrea sucked in a breath beside me, and it was obvious she wasn’t expecting to see this either. “Is that… what I think it is?” she whispered.
“I guess…” I softly replied, not taking my eyes off it as more and more of it was exposed.
I kept pulling down his pants, figuring the damage was already done. But when his darker dickhead appeared, I realized my brother had a reasonably big dick. I had such a good, long look that I was pretty sure it was four, or just a little over four inches long and quite thick.
I lifted each leg out of his pants and threw the pants aside. When I looked up at my brother and saw him lying there basically naked, an extremely strong tremble shot through my body, making my pussy instantly soaking wet. But seeing how wet his underwear was, I knew he needed to get rid of them too. And it would hardly make any difference in how much exposed he was already.
“Josh?” I asked.
He blinked and opened his eyes. His eyes moved from left to right, and it was evident that he didn’t have a clue where he was. So I stepped closer, and his eyes locked on mine when I came into view.
“Wha… what?”
“We need to get you into the bed to warm up, but…” I started.
“But what?” he asked, his focus slightly sharper than before.
“Well… your, uhm… Your underwear is wet. Really wet. Can you take ‘em off, or do you need help?”
“My underwear?” he asked, suddenly with panic in his voice as he realized he was almost completely naked already.
He lifted his head and looked down. His current situation couldn’t be missed from his point of view, and he started blushing furiously.
“I’m sorry, Josh. But you need to get warm,” I said with the most sympathetic voice I could find.
He simply nodded, and his hands started moving down, but they trembled so hard that he couldn’t find the waistband.
“You do it,” he whispered after a few failed attempts.
My heart was almost beating out of my chest as I started working on pulling down my brother’s underwear. But as it came down, I realized that looking at his exposed dick was still different from looking at it through the transparent white cloth.
His cut dick pointed downward and laid over his tight ballsack. His sack was pulled so tight that I couldn’t make out his balls. It was completely hairless, and a small patch of black hair above his penis was the only hair he had on his body besides his head.
“All done,” I said without trying to look too long and obvious at his dick, “let’s get you on the bed properly. Andy?”
I looked at my best friend and noticed she had taken off her top and shorts and was standing there in her underwear, shaking with her eyes locked on my brother’s groin.
“These clothes are so cold!” she stammered apologetically.
“I know,” I said and knew I had to get out of mine quickly as well.
We each got on one side of my brother’s shoulder and helped him completely onto the mattress. I saw his dick flopping around in the corner of my eye as he moved, which was very intriguing. We covered him with the blankets, and as I got off the bed, I looked at him and saw he was out again. I was feeling worried, and it must’ve shown because Andrea said, “He’ll be alright, Kel.”
“You really think so?” I said as I started taking off my top.
“Well… In the Girl Scouts, I learned that warming up another person can quickly be achieved by using body heat… And this works both ways.”
“You mean…” I asked, wondering if she was thinking what I was thinking.
“Yeah. We need to get in bed with your brother… I don’t think there’s another way.”
I noticed she didn’t sound disappointed or apprehensive at all. And the idea of feeling my brother’s naked body near me, or even against me, didn’t put me off at all! Heck! I liked the idea!
“And we need to…” I said, pointing at my panties, “take these off too, right?”
“I guess…” Andrea said, and I could see her blush.
“I bought these especially for this weekend,” she said, blushing and looking at mine.
“So did I,” I giggled and noticed how similar they looked.
Both were black with a bit of lace on the edges. They were nothing fancy. Just nice, stylish panties that made us look more mature. Andrea was wearing a striped blue and white bra, and as she reached around to undo the hooks, I felt butterflies in my stomach over the idea of seeing her boobs altogether.
It took me a second, but when I snapped out of it, I started working on my green bra with white dots. It was closed at the front, but by now, my hands were beginning to shake uncontrollably too, and I couldn’t undo it.
“Here. Lemme help,” Andrea softly said as she watched me.
My eyes were immediately drawn to her boobs. Her skin was naturally dark with her Cuban background, and her nipples were even darker. Her breasts were smaller than mine, and as she said before, they were a small A-cup. Not big, but clearly passed the puffy-nipple stage.
Her hands went to the front of my bra, and as her fingers started working on the clasps, another tingle shot through my pussy. Despite the cold, I was feeling all warm inside. But when she opened my bra and her hands moved the pads away, her palms brushed my stiff nipples, and a soft moan escaped my throat.
“You okay?” Andrea asked and looked at me with a sly smile.
“Yeah,” I smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
“Let’s help you out of these as well,” she said, and her hands started pulling at my panties.
Before I could react, they were at my ankles, and I stepped out of them. I felt Andrea’s eyes roam over my body, and I felt exposed but very sexy standing there, despite my shaking hands and body.
“You look nice,” she whispered, and I could see her blush.
Andrea grabbed the sheet and started drying my body. She did it quite unceremonially, but it still felt incredibly nice to feel her hands all over my body. Andrea didn’t linger as much on my boobs as I would’ve done to her, but I didn’t blame her, considering how cold we both were. She gently pushed against my shoulders and started drying my back.
“All done,” she said, and as I turned around, she was already drying herself.
She looked at me as she was drying herself. She handed me the towel as she started pulling down her own panties, and after a few moments of me drinking in the sight of her nude body, I gave back the sheet. I noticed how much her hands were shaking now, and I folded my arms in front of my chest to at least feel a little bit warmer. After Andrea was done, she tossed the sheet on the ground
We stood on either side of the bed, ready to get in. “This is weird,” I said, looking at my naked best friend as I was about to step equally naked into the same bed as my nude brother.
“Yeah… But it’s for the best,” she smiled.
I lifted the blanket and saw my brother was still passed out. I looked at his now exposed chest and still wondered how it got this hot this quickly. I inhaled deeply, stepped in, and draped the blanket over us. The bed was shaking as Andrea was doing the same on the other side of the bed.
I lay on my back, and my right side was pressed against my brother’s body. His body felt even colder than mine, and I could still feel him shiver a little. We laid quietly like this for a good ten minutes, and I felt our combined heat warming us up nicely by now.
“What are you doing?” Joshua mumbled as he was getting back to us.
I looked at him and said soothingly, “We need to get you warm, remember?”
“Oh. Right. But… I’m… you’re…” he stammered.
“I know. But getting out of our wet clothes was the only way to get warm quickly. After we’re warm, we’ll light up the fireplace,” I smiled warmly as I looked into my brother’s eyes.
He was looking at me with a panicked look in his eyes that I couldn’t place. But when I felt something brush against my hip, my eyes widened, and Joshua winched. Was this his…?
“Turn on your side,” Andrea said, “that way, our bodies make the most contact, and the effect will be even better.”
She pushed against Joshua’s shoulder, and he turned toward me. I hesitated slightly because I wanted to ensure I felt what I felt. But it quickly dawned on me that I could feel it even better with my back pressed against him.
So I also turned to my left side, and when I felt Joshua was on his side too, I scooted back. At first, his upper chest touched my back, but I was determined to feel all of him against me by now. So I moved my lower body back toward my brother. The moment I felt his dick touch my lower back, I felt my pussy contract. This was a dick pressed against me. And a hard one as far as I could tell. I didn’t care that it was attached to my brother at all. It was an even bigger turn-on, if I was being frank.
When I was pressed entirely against him, there was no more doubt that he was hard as a rock. It was nudged between my butt cheeks, and the tip was pressed against my lower back. I was SO excited to feel this that I felt as if every nerve in my body was on high alert.
“I’m so sorry, Kel,” Joshua whispered so softly I could barely hear it, but the panic in his voice was unmistakable.
“It’s okay,” I croaked a little too loud as my voice betrayed me.
“What is?” Andrea asked behind us.
“Lying like this,” I responded, internally proud of this quick reply because I didn’t want this to ever end.
“Yeah. It’s better, isn’t it? I’m starting to feel warmer already. How are you doing, Josh?”
“Hmppf,” was all that came out of his throat.
“Well… you’ve stopped shaking, and you’re not passing out, so it’s better, right?” Andrea asked.
I felt Joshua nod and his body relaxed a little. We were lying like this for about five minutes, each of us lost in our thoughts. Joshua’s hard dick twitched every now and then, and I was only thinking about how nice it felt to feel him pressed against me like this. But, deep down, I knew I needed more. So, after a long internal struggle, I grabbed his hand that was lying modestly on my hip and placed it directly on my left boob. When his hand touched my over-sensitive nipple, my pussy started contracting sharply again.
When his hand closed itself around my boob, another exciting thing happened. My brother’s hard dick twitched violently between us. To me, this indicated that he was also enjoying this tremendously.
“I… I’m sorry,” he whispered real softly again into my ear.
I responded by pushing my butt back against his hardon, and I squeezed my butt cheeks at the same time to let him know I wanted this. Apparently, Joshua needed no further encouragement because he started kneading my boob and gently pinched my nipple. I could barely hold back a few moans, and my cheeks kept gently rubbing over his shaft. My pussy was beyond wet by now, and I felt an incredible urge to touch it. It would just be too many kinds of wrong to do this now, but I felt my hormones were clouding my judgment at the moment.
“This is really helping,” Andrea said behind me, snapping me back to reality, “I’m starting to feel warm. Almost sweaty. But my back is still cold.”
“Uh-uh,” I managed to get out of my throat.
“And I don’t hear the rain anymore,” Andrea continued.
I was clamping my legs shut in a vain attempt to release the pressure. But Joshua’s kneading hand on my tit and hard rod against my back made this impossible.
“No. Guess it stopp- aah,” Joshua said and moaned as I firmly rubbed my butt against his cock again.
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Uh-huh,” Joshua said, and I could feel him nod.
“Hey! Have you been working out?” Andrea asked after a few seconds, and I could hear the sweet talk ooze from her voice.
A very slight sting of jealousy shot through me. It was odd to feel jealous of my brother. Of course, Joshua wasn’t my boyfriend, nor could he ever be. He was my damn brother! But still… I wanted to touch him. Feel his cock and hard muscles.
I wanted him inside me.
That realization shocked me. It came out of nowhere, but it was SO true! I wanted my virginity to be gone, and I wanted my big brother to take it.
“N- no,” Joshua stammered.
“Well… I noticed you’ve grown some muscles, and I think they look nice on you,” Andrea said as she kept on sweet-talking my brother.
I felt her fingers touch me every now and then as her hands caressed the side of Joshua’s body. Her light touches felt electric to me, and that’s when I knew it. I was in bed naked with a boy I wanted to give my virginity to and with my best friend I wanted to fool around with. How could this be wrong? If I played it right, I might have both.
As I was considering my options, Andrea said, “can we turn on our other side now? My back is still cold.”
Joshua swallowed audibly behind me, and the gears of my brain kicked into motion. I lifted my brother’s hand from my boob, squeezed my cheeks one more time, eliciting another soft moan, and then turned to my back. I smiled when I saw the fear on Joshua’s face and looked at Andrea.
“He can’t turn around. He’s got a boner, and he doesn’t want you to feel it,” I said, and Joshua’s eyes went wide as saucers.
I knew I was putting him on the spot this way. But I also knew that Andrea would be cool about it. And this way, it was way easier to make a move. So Andrea blinked a few times, and then a sly smile spread across her lips. She winked at me and turned to her back too.
“I get it,” she said, “but you don’t have to be ashamed. It’s natural. Right, Kel?”
I wasn’t sure where she was going with this, but I decided to play along. So I said, “Completely natural.”
“But we’ve already seen it when we put you in bed. And I think you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of,” Andrea said as she kept looking at the ceiling.
Joshua turned to his back and looked at me, then at Andrea. I noticed something had changed in the way he looked at me. It wasn’t anger or fear. It was something else.
“But it isn’t fair,” he whispered, also looking at the ceiling now.
“What isn’t?” I asked, realizing now what the change in his look was. He was horny!
“You two saw me, but I didn’t get a chance to look at you,” he whispered after a short pause.
“Well… we could pull down the blankets,” I said softly, “it’s way too hot under them by now anyway.”
The three of us chuckled nervously at that, but no one made a move. The tension inside the room was thick, and I felt like we were about to cross a line.
“You’re also going to see your sister naked. You know that, right?” Andrea said with a grin that I couldn’t place.
“So?” I snapped, “What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing! Honestly. But some people might think it’s weird. Just saying.”
“I like how she looks,” Joshua whispered shyly, “So what if she’s my sister? It’s not like we’re having sex.”
“Yet…” Andrea said bluntly in the silence that followed.
That made my heart skip a few beats. The realization of me wanting to have sex was back, and there was no way I could deny it.
Joshua alternated his look between Andrea and me and shrugged. He surprised me as he took the initiative. With his feet, he started pulling down the blankets covering us. He stopped when the blanket reached our midsections and looked openly at my boobs. He switched his gaze between Andrea and me, and I felt extremely sexy being watched like this. Especially when I also saw Andrea looking at me with a lustful look in her eyes.
But my eyes switched between Joshua’s hairless and slightly muscular chest and Andrea’s small boobs. I loved looking at both and wanted to lick and kiss them badly. The blanket ended just below the top of Joshua’s pubic hairs, and his dick made a small tent. I couldn’t see it clearly enough, but it seemed that a few of Andrea’s pubes were also visible. The tension about seeing forbidden flesh was almost unbearable.
“Wow,” Joshua said softly, “you look amazing!”
“Yeah. You too,” Andrea and I replied simultaneously.
We all giggled nervously at that. My heart was beating fast as I anticipated the next step. Joshua must’ve sensed it because the blanket slowly moved further down moments later. At first, his reddish dickhead came into view, and both Andrea and I sucked in a breath. This didn’t seem to bother Joshua because the blanket kept moving down. Then, more and more of his stiff dick appeared, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Andrea’s pussy on display.
But two pairs of eyes were focused on my brother’s stiff dick, which looked amazing! Then, finally, when the blanket started sliding down over his balls and his entire dick was visible, I could adequately judge its size and girth. I guessed that with five and a half inches, it was slightly longer than when it was soft. But seeing it hard and throbbing with every heartbeat impressed me even more than when I saw it for the first time.
I glanced quickly at Andrea and saw her eyes were roaming over my body. But my eyes returned to that amazing piece of hard flesh between my brother’s legs.
“Can I touch it?” I heard myself whisper and looked Joshua in his eyes.
“I… uhm… you…” he stammered.
But I actually didn’t need approval. I felt a deep, primal need to feel, squeeze, and jerk it. I needed to see him cum, and that need came from a place so deep inside my soul that I didn’t even know I had it. I watched my hand as it snaked over his hip, inching its way toward the end zone.
The moment my fingertips touched the hard rod, I was amazed by the warmth radiating from it. But I didn’t waste any time on this unexpected fact, and when I saw my hand wrap around it, another surge of pleasure shot through my already trembling pussy.
“Ahhhh!!!” Joshua moaned when my fingers gripped him firmly.
I couldn’t explain the pleasure and amazement I felt when I held my very first boner in my hand. It felt hard and soft at the same time, and I could feel my brother’s heartbeat through it. Next, my hand moved upward, and when I reached the edge of his dickhead, I was treated with a completely new texture under my shaky fingers. Then, when they completely covered his dickhead, the softness and sponginess gave me another shot of pleasure. And as I softly squeezed it, Joshua moaned again.
My eyes were fixed on his dick and balls, and all of this lasted only a few seconds. Then, as I was toying with it, I saw Andrea’s hand join mine. Her hand was on the bottom half of my brother’s hard cock, and she moved down to cup his balls. These fascinated me greatly, but right now, I was primarily focused on his dickhead and shaft.
I’ve already seen enough clips of guys jerking off that I knew the basic mechanics. And that same primal urge to touch his cock, was urging me on to watch him shoot his cum. It was almost as if I wasn’t myself anymore as that urge took over.
So I gently moved my hand down over the tip of his dick, where my hand touched Andrea’s. Our eyes met briefly, and judging by how she looked at me, she was almost hornier than I felt.
But by now, I was on a mission. I wanted my brother to cum. I wanted, no, I needed to see him spurt his cum. There was only one way we’d go from here, and that was his orgasm. So as I slowly started moving my fist up and down the tip and upper half of his cock, Andrea began to massage the lower half, which she alternated with toying with his balls.
“Ohhh… I’m… AAAHHHH!” Joshua moaned and squirmed under our massaging hands.
Andrea and I kept going, and I saw her move in the corner of my eye. She laid her head on Joshua’s chest and looked at me longingly. I instinctively knew what she wanted, so I moved my head up too, and the moment our noses touched, we kissed each other passionately.
“Stop it! I’m… LOOK OUT!” Joshua said with fear in his voice.
I could feel him trying to squirm away from our hands, but I would have nothing of that. He was probably afraid he’d cum, and we’d be offended by it, but the exact opposite was true.
“Just let it come! Shoot your stuff for us!” I hoarsely said, breaking the kiss with Andrea and looking down at his thick cock.
“I… AH! AH! AH! AAAAHH!!” Joshua moaned.
I felt his dick grow even fatter in my massaging hand, and it started kicking violently. Then, a heartbeat later, the first spurt flew out of his dick and hit me on my chin. The following spurts weren’t as powerful, but the globs landed all over the top of his six-pack and ended around his belly button.
A good six or seven spurts later, a small dribble hung from the tip of his dick, and Joshua was panting heavily.
As I realized what I had just seen, I looked over at Andrea, feeling stunned. But as I looked at her, I only saw horniness and lust in her eyes. She didn’t look surprised at all. Her lips turned into a wicked smile when she looked at my chin. Andrea moved in and licked the glob of cum from my face. This both tickled and felt hot at the same time.
“Mmhhh. Nice!” she smiled after exaggeratingly licking her lips.
She glanced down at the top of my brother’s six-pack and lapped up some of that too. This was it! I needed a taste too! I wanted to know what it tasted like, and I certainly didn’t want Andrea to have it all. So I also moved down and lapped up the nearest glob.
It tasted… interesting. It was between sweet and salt and had a very intriguing texture. It took me a little while to process, but I knew I liked it. I liked it a lot, so I moved my face down to get some more and satisfy my primal need.
My face was just inches away from my brother’s still hard cock and the small patch of black pubes as I was licking all over his muscular lower abdomen. Then, in the corner of my eye, I saw Andrea move. Judging by the movement of the mattress, she was getting up. I didn’t care too much about what she was about to do because I was too focused on eating my brother’s cum.
But, moments later, when I felt her hands on my knees, gently spreading them, I figured she would touch my soaking pussy. Maybe even finger me and satisfy my neglected puss!
So I willingly spread my legs. I was lapping up the last drop around Joshua’s belly button. After this, just the drop hanging from the slit of his dick was left. But I was too chicken to lick his dick, so I decided to leave it hanging. Since I was done here and Andrea was going to touch me, I might as well get comfortable, soI turned to my back. Joshua was still panting and had his arm over his head, looking at the ceiling.
I was expecting a few probing fingers around my pussy. But when I felt something moist and warm cover my pussy lips and a wet, soft worm sneaking around and trying to wiggle its way between my lips, I immediately put two and two together. My best friend was eating me out!
I let out a loud moan when the realization hit, and the overwhelming feeling washed over my body. Joshua’s body moved beside me, and judging by his soft, “oh fuck!”, he saw what was going on and apparently loved it.
Moments later, I felt his hand on my tit again, and he started pinching my nipple gently. His massaging hand and squeezing fingers lifted me off the bed. At least mentally. I felt like I was floating in mid-air because of all the attention my body was getting.
Andrea’s tongue was doing something magical between my legs because I felt like I was practically cumming, but somehow she managed to prevent the inner dam from breaking. I was constantly on the verge of cumming, but never went over the top.
“I think you’re ready,” Andrea said, and a shot of disappointment shot through my body as her face left my pussy.
“Ready for what?” I asked, looking down at my best friend’s face that was looking up from between my spread legs.
“Ready to get fucked,” she said matter-of-factly, and a wicked smile slowly appeared.
I noticed Andrea’s hand was around Joshua’s hard cock, slowly massaging it. It took a few moments for her words to sink in, but I looked at my brother when they did. The look on his face was a mixture of fear, surprise, and lust. This look represented precisely how I felt. I wanted to feel his hard dick slide into me. But I had never done this before. Wouldn’t it hurt? And, last but not least, he was my freaking brother!
“But… I’m… we’re… he’s my…” I stammered.
“She’s my… I… I never…” Joshua stammered next to me.
Andrea started laughing and looked at us both.
“Look,” she started, “I know you’re brother and sister. But I think that’s the best way to do this! You love each other, but not like ‘that’. So if either of you doesn’t like it, no one’s feelings will get hurt. And no bragging, slut shaming, nothing!”
Being the drama queen she is, a dramatic pause followed, where I let these words sink in. It only took me a few moments to make a decision. I wanted to be fucked by my brother. He had a nice body, he’d never hurt me, and Andrea would be here for moral support. But Andrea’s words about us not being romantically involved gave me the final push.
“But..” I heard Joshua half-heartedly sputter.
“I want to try it…” I whispered softly, interrupting my brother and looking him in his eyes.
“You do?” Joshua asked, and the fear on his face was instantly replaced with amazement.
“Yeah. Andy’s right. I know I want to know what it feels like, and I guess you do too,” I said, feeling myself grow even hornier by the thought of losing my virginity to my own brother.
“I uhm… I guess you’re right. But are you sure it isn’t… I don’t know… weird?” he said, but somehow I knew he was playing it down so he wouldn’t seem too eager.
“Why would it be weird?” Andrea chipped in, “it’s just sex! It’s not like you’re trying to get her pregnant or something.”
“How do we do it?” I said to no one in particular but was determined to get this show on the road.
I was hornier than I’ve ever been, and getting fucked by that magnificent-looking cock attached to my brother’s fine-looking body, was something that needed to happen soon!
“Why don’t you lie on your back, Josh? Kel can sit on top of you; that way, she can easily control how deep and fast you guys go,” Andrea said softly, and I could hear her voice tremble from anticipation.
“But I can’t,” I started.
“I’ll make sure to point his… uhm… dick at the correct place. Don’t worry! And I’ll be right behind you to help you,” she said soothingly.
Andrea extended her hand to help me up. When our faces got close, she kissed me passionately on my mouth and slid her tongue inside. I tasted something I had never tasted before and realized I tasted my own cunt juices. Andrea smiled at me when we broke the kiss and gently pushed me toward my brother.
Joshua turned to his back, and I looked at him as I straddled his waist. He was obviously nervous, but there was also sheer lust dripping from his face. I loved that look! I sat down on my brother’s lap, and the moment my pussy landed on his rock-hard cock, we both let out a soft moan. I placed my hands on Joshua’s chest and marveled once again at his solid and tight pecs.
“Lift your butt a bit Kel,” Andrea said.
So I did just that, and a moment later, Joshua sucked in a breath. I figured Andrea was gripping his dick, which was confirmed a second later when I felt the warm and squishy dickhead touch the outside of my pussy. She rubbed it up and down over the length of my pussy lips a few times, causing my brother and me to squirm a little.
“Ready?” Andrea asked as I was getting used to feeling my brother’s dick rubbing over my pussy.
I looked down at Joshua, and a slight nod from his head was all I needed.
“Yeah. I think so! But I’ll stop if it hurts, okay?”
“Of course!” Joshua said immediately, looking a bit worried all of a sudden.
“Don’t worry! You’re wetter than a fire hydrant in a dog kennel. This won’t hurt one bit. Trust me.”
I felt the tip of my brother’s dick press against the entrance of my pussy. This was it! This morning I wanted to fool around with my best friend, but here I was, losing my virginity to my brother. And every fiber in my body was buzzing with anticipation.
“Just slowly move down, Kel! And keep your butt on the mattress, Josh! Let your sister determine the pace.”
Joshua nodded silently. But as the tip of his dick slid inside me, the nodding stopped, and his eyes flew open. We simultaneously sucked in a breath, and I felt his dick twitching slightly, but since the tip was held by my pussy, and the shaft by Andrea’s hand, there wasn’t much room for it to twitch.
I slowly inched my way down over his throbbing member. I was expecting to feel a bit of pain, or at least some discomfort. But none of that was true. Instead, I felt stuffed and stretched, but in the best way possible. I never felt anything this fantastic ever before.
By now, about an inch of my brother’s dick was inside me, and not only did I want more. I wanted it all!! I needed every inch of his hard, throbbing cock inside me. I felt the inside of my pussy contracting lightly, and Joshua’s dick twitched a little with every contraction. He still didn’t have enough room to have a significant effect on me, but I felt it. And it was a massive turn-on for me to keep going.
So I inched down further, and when my underside touched Andrea’s hand, I knew I was only about halfway. There was still more of this magnificent cock left!
“Ohhh…” I moaned as I clearly felt the rim of his cockhead inside of me.
“Does it feel good?” Andrea softly asked as her hand left Joshua’s dick and snaked over my right hip.
I simply nodded as I wanted to stay focused on impaling myself on my brother’s boner. But then, I felt Andrea move behind me, and moments later, her tits pressed against my back.
“Doesn’t it hurt?” She whispered in my ear, and her hand slowly moved from my hip toward my pussy.
Not trusting my voice enough to speak, I shook my head, and as I slid down even further, Joshua moaned loudly. I almost forgot there was someone attached to this dick, so I tried finding eye contact with him. His gaze was unfocused, and his mouth was slightly open. It looked like he was enjoying this even more than I was, which I found almost unbelievable.
Getting used to being filled up like this and feeling absolutely no pain, I let the last bit of his dick slide into me in one quick move. I was SO eager to have my brother’s entire dick inside me that I threw my caution in the wind. When Andrea’s fingers started caressing my pussy, I let the tension in my legs go.
The result was almost unbelievable. I dropped at least two inches, and when our pubes mashed together, the pressure on my clit nearly triggered an orgasm. Inside, the tip of his dick touched a spot I couldn’t place at the moment. I later learned he hit my cervix, which unleashed a whole new wave of different feelings I had never felt before.
I looked at my brother as we both moaned loudly, and his eyes found mine. The look of pure lust and horniness was sexy as hell. Somehow we both knew what we wanted, and we didn’t need words to let the other know what that was. We needed to fuck! I Needed his cum inside my pussy. And I needed it as quickly as possible.
I gently squeezed my brother’s pecs, and when Andrea’s left hand snaked around my upper body and cupped my right boob where she started toying with my over-sensitive nipple, her right hand started toying with my clit.
“Fuck him!” she whispered in my ear as her whole body was pressed against my back, and her hands started stimulating me for real.
It was as if I wasn’t myself at that moment. Lust had taken over, and hearing my best friend’s encouragements in my ear was the last drop. I slowly lifted myself up and felt the rim of my brother’s dickhead slide down through my soaking wet love canal.
Right before he slipped out, I immediately moved down again. Both my brother and I moaned loudly, and Andrea’s finger was now properly rubbing my clit, which caused my pussy to get even slipperier.
When my clit crushed against my brother’s pubes and he hit my cervix again, I almost came. By now, I was constantly on the verge of cumming, and I felt an incredible urge to do something about that. So after I felt my brother’s dickhead travel down my insides again, I decided to try something new.
When he couldn’t go down anymore and Andrea’s mouth was kissing the side of my neck, I relaxed the muscles in my legs, let gravity do its work, and dropped down.
The result was unbelievable! The pressure on both my clit and my cervix was beyond everything I had ever felt before. And I came! My pussy started contracting, but it didn’t go through all the way. The feelings inside me were the same, but my pussy just couldn’t do its regular thing because it was so filled up. So I came, but not in the way I usually came. It was so weird and confusing, but also sexy and thrilling beyond everything I’ve known up until then.
A loud moan from Joshua told me this was also the way for him. So I lifted myself again and dropped down hard. After I did this a few times, Joshua lifted his butt off the mattress to slam hard into me. This enhanced the effect to a level where I was constantly cumming, but never went completely over the hill. Even Andrea’s fingers on my clit and nipple couldn’t bring me over.
The lewd sounds of flesh slapping loudly together filled the cabin, and as Joshua’s moans increased in both level and pitch, so did our pace in fucking.
“AH! AH! AH! AHHH!” Joshua moaned under me.
I dug my fingers into his pecs and felt a tornado approach from deep within. The intensity of it was both frightening and liberating, as I knew this was it. I felt my brother’s dick grow even fatter within my insides, and when he slammed into me, he did it with such force I knew he was cumming.
The moment his dick started kicking inside me, and I felt his sperm shoot out, coating my insides, I felt the tornado unleashing itself. I could only let out a deep, animal-like grunt. I heard it coming out of my throat, and it almost sounded alien-like. I never knew I could produce such a sound.
The pressure that had built up during my incestuous fuck, gathered in the middle of my body, right above my stomach. And when I came, that pressure spread throughout every part of my body. First, it traveled down my arms, after which my fingers started tingling. After this, I felt it fly both up and down in my chest, causing my head to feel like it spun on my neck. My vision was blurry, and I felt my pussy contract so sharply that I was surprised I wasn’t hurting my brother.
Andrea’s fingers were still playing around, but apparently, she knew to tone her actions down now. My brother’s dick was still kicking around, but I didn’t feel any more cum shooting out of it. I never felt my muscles down there contract the way they did now, and this way, I was milking his cock dry.
Joshua lowered his butt back on the mattress, and as I leaned back against my best friend’s body, I felt myself returning from this magnificent orgasm.
“That was some hardcore shit!” she whispered with obvious amazement in her voice.
“I need to lie down,” I said, but the words came out so raggedly that I could barely hear them myself.
Andrea supported me as I got up. As my brother’s dick slid out, I felt a little of his cum drip out of me. After I laid down next to Joshua, I looked at him. His eyes were a little unfocused, but after a few moments, they locked with mine, and a big grin spread across his face.
“We need to do that A LOT more!” he softly said, and the three of us all giggled at that.
This post-orgasmic silliness relieved the tension I was afraid we’d have. But there was absolutely none of that. Joshua was clearly okay with this, and I certainly knew I was. I just wasn’t sure how Andrea would act on this. So as she laid down next to me, I kissed her on her cheek.
“You both look like you enjoyed yourselves,” Andrea said, smiling broadly.
“If I knew having sex would be this awesome, I would’ve done it way sooner!” I exclaimed excitedly.
“Yeah! Really!” Joshua added, clearly as excited as I was.
“I know…” Andrea said softly, “that’s exactly what I thought after my first time!”
It took me a few seconds for this to land. I guess I was still riding my orgasmic wave, but it suddenly landed.
“What do you mean? You’ve had sex before?” I said into the silence that followed Andrea’s comment.
“I… uh… yeah. I kinda did…” she said apologetically.
“Wh… what!? With whom?!” I asked as I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
Why didn’t she tell me? I was her best friend, for Christ’s sake! So Andrea had sex, and she kept it a secret? Despite the post-sex hormones flowing through my body, I started to feel pissed.
“This has to stay between us! You have to promise me!” she said, and I could see her struggling, causing me to immediately feel a lot less angry.
“Uhh… you watched my sister and me have sex. I think you’re good!” Joshua said, and I could hear the amusement in his voice.
“I know. But still…” Andrea whispered.
“You’ve got our word!” I said and ignored the urge to hug her, “right, Josh?”
“Of course!” he said with such a serious voice that it was clear he meant it.
“Well… Roberto and I… we… you know,” Andrea stammered.
“What? You’ve had sex with your brother too?” I exclaimed, hardly believing my ears.
Roberto was about half a year older than Joshua. They went to the same school and even shared some classes. I didn’t think he was hot, but several classmates thought differently.
He had the same dark, Cuban skin as his sister, long, black wavy hair that ended just below his ears, and, I had to admit, a cute smile.
“I did. Well… we did. Yeah.”
“Oh wow…” Joshua whispered.
“But… how?” I asked, still confused.
“A few months ago, I walked in on him to ask something about my history homework. And there he was, looking at his monitor with his pants around his ankles and his hard dick in his hand. I clearly saw it all right before he tried covering up and shouted about me needing to knock and stuff. But I couldn’t keep my eyes off his dick. And as he tried to kick me out of his room, he stood up and tripped over his pants.”
Joshua started giggling, looked at me, and said, “You almost caught me last week too! I was just in time to pull up my boxers.”
“Oh! I remember that!” I said, laughing, realizing just now what I witnessed the other day.
His pants were in a heap below his desk, which I found odd, but didn’t connect the dots at that time.
“Then what?” Joshua asked, looking very interested.
“Well… he fell to the floor and hit his head on his bedpost. So I helped him get up, and he sat on his bed, his pants still around his ankles. He calmed down after a bit and put his hands in his lap to cover up.”
“He must’ve felt awful!” I said, holding my hand in front of my mouth.
“He did. But we started talking, and after a while, I managed to get him to feel better, and I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone. Pretty soon, the subject went to him jacking off, of course! And as it turned out, we were both extremely curious about how the other one masturbated. So we sat on opposite sides of his bed, where we both did our thing. It was SO hot watching him cum!”
“Holy shit!” Joshua said, “Now I feel silly for covering up!”
“Yeah! Why did you do that?!” I laughed.
“We did this almost every day from then on,” Andrea continued, “until one day, he asked if I wanted to try jerking him. Of course, I didn’t dare to ask, but I didn’t think twice when he offered this!”
“Of course not!” I smiled.
“The moment I took his dick in my hand, something clicked inside my head. I just had to feel how it felt inside me!”
I glanced over at Joshua and noticed his now soft dick was starting to get hard again. I thought boys couldn’t get it hard for a while after they came. Apparently, I was wrong!
“Since I was already naked, I just had to scoot over, where I started brushing his tip against my hole. Roberto looked questioningly at me but didn’t say anything. But when I pushed a little and felt him go in… Best. Feeling. Ever!”
She used her best drama queen voice to say this, but I truly knew how it felt, so I couldn’t blame her for it.
“Roberto grabbed my hips, and before I knew it, we were fucking. It wasn’t as intense as your first fuck, but it was damn close! We fucked like rabbits after that first time. Every chance we get, he’s inside me. I even went into his room after we went to bed last week. Of course, we had to be quiet, but the risk of getting caught made it even better.”
“Aren’t you afraid to get pregnant?” I asked.
“I was at first. But I’m on the pill now, and Roberto says a brother can’t get his sister pregnant.”
“That’s bullshit!” Joshua said sternly.
“Josh!” I said, feeling sorry for Andrea.
“It’s okay, Kel. I know it is,” Andrea softly said, “but if he wants to believe it, I don’t mind. As long as he keeps fucking me! That’s why I’m on the pill now anyways.”
“I still haven’t had my period yet. But I need to talk to mom and get on the pill as soon as possible because I want to keep on doing this, but I don’t want to… you know…”
“I know. And will this be a problem?” Andrea asked.
“Nah. Mom is cool about it. She even talked to me about me still not having my period and that I can come to her whenever I need to.”
I wanted to know what happened precisely, so in the silence that followed, I asked, “So… did you plan something when you knew we were going to the cabin? You wanted it to happen between us too?”
“I didn’t plan anything,” Andrea said calmly as a sly grin spread across her face. “But when I saw Josh’s dick with you so close to it, I figured I might as well give you a push in the right direction.”
“I did get a push, alright,” I giggled, and my hand went down to lightly caress my pussy and assess the potential damage.
“I… uhh…” Andrea stammered after looking at Joshua’s hard dick.
“What?” I asked, looking at some of my brother’s cum on my fingers that leaked out of my pussy.
“I don’t know how to ask this…” she blushed.
“Try us,” Joshua said as he scratched his balls openly.
“Is it okay if he fucks me?” Andrea asked, looking at both of us.
“I… uhh… sure! As long as I get another go. I mean… you helped us out and stuff, so I don’t see why not. Josh?”
“Oh, don’t worry! We’ll definitely do that again! And I think it’s only fair if I fuck Andy. She DID help us out, you know?” he chuckled as a shit-eating grin spread across his face.
“And…” Andrea said as she blushed.
I slapped her softly on her arm and said, “Come on! Spit it out! You don’t have to act all shy now, you know!”
“I like the taste of cum. A lot!” Andrea said.
“Do I need to take it out before I cum?” Joshua asked.
“No. Well… that’s perfect. But what I meant was…”
“You want to eat me out again!” I said, interrupting my best friend.
“Do you mind?” Andrea asked with a wicked grin.
“Well… Duh!” I laughed, “but how do we…”
“Oh, that’s easy!” Andrea said as she turned to her back.
She scooted down the bed, so her ass was at the edge of the mattress. Joshua caught on, got to his feet, and stood at the end of the bed with his boner sticking up, throbbing and hard as a rock. I couldn’t deny to myself that I had fallen in love with his cock. I wanted nothing more than to be fucked by it, so I felt slightly jealous when it was this close to Andrea’s pussy. But I also knew that Joshua enjoyed it so much that he’d do me again in the blink of an eye.
“Get that pussy over here,” Andrea hoarsely said, gesturing for me to sit on her face.
“Do I look at the wall, or…”
“Whatever you want. I’d look at your brother if I were you. You’ve got the best seat in the house that way!”
So I lifted my leg over her and sat on my knees, hovering my pussy above her face. I looked at Joshua as he stood there, holding his stiff dick at the base.
I let my eyes roam over his body, and now that I could see him from his balls up, I was even more convinced about how fine his body was. A small patch of black pubes, a noticeable v-line above it, topped off with a tight, barely noticeable, but definitely there, six-pack.
I did get a good look at his pecs and shoulders while we fucked, but seeing the complete picture now, I couldn’t stop admiring his body. And I had to convince him to start dressing differently, but that wasn’t for now. This just wasn’t the time or place for that.
“Where uhm…” Joshua asked as he put the tip of his dick against Andrea’s pussy.
“Can you help him?” Andrea asked amused, “I’ve got other business to attend to.”
And right after she said that, her tongue started licking all around the outside of my pussy.
“Ohhh…” I moaned because of that sudden stimulation.
But I didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity. So I lowered myself and looked directly at my best friend’s pussy where my brother’s dickhead was probing around.
“Here,” I whispered and spread Andrea’s pussy lips.
Next, I grabbed Joshua’s dick, resisted the temptation to toy with it, and pointed it toward her opening. All the while feeling Andrea’s tongue working its magic, which made it a bit difficult for me to focus. But when I saw my brother’s dickhead enter her pussy, I just had to pay attention.
“Do it!” Andrea said from under me, taking her mouth off my pussy just long enough to say it.
I heard Joshua swallow, and I looked up at him. One corner of his mouth pulled his lips into a sly grin, and he nodded. I followed his eyes as he looked down. My eyes focused back on his dick, and as Andrea’s tongue started slipping into me, my brother began to slide his dick into my best friend.
It was clear that Joshua wasn’t as careful and gentle as he was with me. But given the fact that Andrea had been fucked before already and that she was urging him on with her moans, I would’ve done the same if I were him.
I watched his dick slide in, and he didn’t stop or pull back even once. Andrea’s moans on my cunt were terrific, and her probing tongue was magical. But watching my brother’s hard cock slide into a pussy up close was way hotter than I’d ever imagined.
“Oohhh! You’re bigger!” Andrea moaned as her hips started gyrating.
I could see my brother beam with pride as I looked up at him. I was still amazed about how I missed how hot he was naked and what a magnificent cock he had. And now he was fucking someone else with it. I wanted him for myself, and watching him fuck my best friend, made me realize I needed to step up.
As he inched the last piece of his rod inside Andrea and their pubic hairs merged, I heard both of them moan. Andrea stopped licking my pussy, and I heard her say, “and, ooohh, longer,” between her grunts.
I lifted my body, my eyes locked on him, and moved in. My face inched closer to his, and he immediately caught on. We looked deep into each other’s eyes, and he suddenly moved his head forward. Our mouths mashed against each other, and our tongues hungrily started probing around in our mouths. I felt his teeth brush against my tongue but didn’t care about that at all. I placed one hand on his shoulder, and as Andrea started eating me out again, I marveled at the moving muscles under my fingers.
I could feel by both the thrashing of Andrea’s mouth and the movement of my brother’s body that he was now fucking her for real. I wanted to feel as much of his body as I could, so my other hand roamed around over his body. I desperately wanted to cup his ass and feel it move as he fucked my best friend, but this was physically impossible in the way we were sitting now. So I made a note to myself to grab his ass the next time he fucked me.
But as Andrea’s action on my cunt increased, and the more than erotic Frenching with my brother continued, I realized I was getting close. But as my brother’s movement became more deliberate and the sound and speed of bodies slapping against each other increased, I knew they wouldn’t last much longer either.
Maybe my approaching orgasm clouded my judgment, but I just knew there was one thing I wanted. No! That I needed right now.
“I want to taste your cum again,” I said, looking my brother deep into his eyes.
I saw a twinkle in my brother’s eyes as he slammed into Andrea in my peripheral vision. Under me, she was squirming uncontrollably and had stopped licking me altogether. It was clear she was close and just couldn’t focus anymore.
Joshua slapped hard into her two more times, and Andrea’s body stiffened. Her face was pressed against my pussy, and I could hear and feel a loud moan coming from deep within her.
Joshua stopped moving for a moment, but after the peak of her orgasm had passed, he started slamming into her again. He looked hornily at me and said, “I’m… I’m cumming… what… what do I do… ohhh…”
“Just pull out,” I softly said, and laid down on Andrea again, my face inches away from their joined genitals.
Watching him slide in and out in the heat of his second fuck, was even better than before. His cock glistened with Andrea’s cunt juices, making it look even hotter.
“Ah… ah… ah… ah…,” my brother moaned.
I felt Andrea’s tongue going at it at full speed again, and I felt myself heading toward the inevitable at lightning speed.
“Look ou…” Joshua moaned.
He pulled back and quickly thrust forward again. I had just enough clarity left to grab his dick by its base, point it toward my mouth, and slide my lips over his dickhead.
Moments later, the sound of a low groan filled the room, and his dickhead grew fatter in my mouth. The force of the first spurt caught me off guard. It flew straight against the back of my mouth and slid down my throat. I had to suppress a cough because I didn’t have time to recover. The next spurt was still powerful, but not as much as the first. Then, as the third filled my mouth and the cum coated my tongue, triggering my tastebuds, I was immediately hooked. I LOVED the taste of my brother’s cum!
I heard my own muffled moan, and as spurts four and five fed me even more of this magnificent juice, I felt Andrea’s tongue fully on my clit, and two fingers entered me.
Now I just had to swallow, and the moment my brother’s cum slid down my throat, Andrea’s tongue and fingers pushed me over the edge. I started coating her face with my juices as I came hard. I didn’t come as hard as during my first fuck, but it was close!
During my orgasm, Joshua kept feeding me small spurts of his spunk, and as it kept on triggering me, I kept coming.
I was still firmly gripping his dick and wasn’t about to let him go just yet. Not as long as he kept feeding me his cum. But as my orgasm died down, so did his supply of sperm. I wasn’t ready for it to stop, so I started sucking on it like a baby sucks on a tit, and my tongue was lapping over his slit in an attempt to taste more.
“Stop… no…” Joshua panted and pulled his hips back.
I reluctantly let go of his dick and looked pleadingly at him. Just then, I realized I was still panting heavily, coming down from my orgasm.
“Sorry… it’s too sensitive,” Joshua said between pants and flopped down on the bed next to us.
I rolled off my best friend, turned around, and kissed her passionately. I tasted myself again as we kissed, but it wasn’t the turn-off I expected it to be before all of this started happening.
During the rest of the weekend, we didn’t wear clothes again. Andrea only put on her shoes to get the backpack we left behind but ditched these the moment she got back. Joshua fucked me at least ten times that weekend, but it might have been eleven or twelve. Somewhere during the weekend, I lost count.
He only fucked Andrea once more because she liked it better when Joshua or I ate her out. And she said that the fucking was something between the two of us and that she had her own fuck buddy back home to satisfy her.
It wasn’t just the sex. We genuinely had a fabulous weekend. Andrea and I swam in the lake, Joshua did some drawing, and we played some games. Two of his sketches went into the secret part of his book. One of them was where Andrea and I sucked him off together. Seeing how it looked from his point of view in the sketch with Andrea and my face pressed together with our tongues struggling who could get the best part of the cock, was highly erotic. The other drawing he made was when Andrea and I were going at it in a sixty-nine at the shore of the lake. I didn’t know at the moment that Joshua was looking but judging by the sketch, he had one of the best seats in the house.
After reluctantly putting our clothes back on and locking the cabin, we headed down the mountain. After a while, Joshua walked up next to me and took my hand. As I looked at his puppy eyes, I felt a lot of affection for him. Maybe even love. But I figured we needed to explore a lot more to be sure of that.
All in all, we had the best weekend ever! Andrea insisted on us getting together next week when their parents went to a big party at her dad’s work to fool around with Roberto and her. So we did just that and had another great weekend. But somehow, it wasn’t my thing. I loved the sex, and I loved Andrea. But being fucked, was something that I wanted to do with my brother and with no one else around. Of course, Andrea and I still had our fair share of sex when we had a sleepover, but never a foursome again.
The relationship Joshua and I had, had deepened severely after the weekend in the cabin. We grew a lot closer and hung out together after we got back, even in school. And since I convinced him to start wearing less geeky clothes, he fit in better too.
But the nights at home were the best. Because every time I heard that soft knock on my bedroom door and Joshua came in, wearing nothing but his smile and his bobbing boner leading the way, I fell a little more in love with my brother.
The end
imago potest dicere mille verba
Copyright 2022 – Jason Crow All rights reserved
A relatively short story, right? I had a lot fun writing it! I came across this youtube video, and I found the kid extremely cute! A still from that video (that’s why it’s a bit blurry) is the featured image above this story. The gears in my mind started spinning, and Joshua was born.
But the most important thing here, is the fact that this is my very first illustrated story! As you can read on the front page, Randall Stanhope made a generous offer to create some illustrations for my stories. I think they came out perfectly! I don’t want them to be porn-ish, but tasteful and capture the mood. And as far as I’m concerned, Randall did an amazing job! I want to give him the credit he deserves, so thanks a lot, Randall!!! If you feel the need to thank him, give comments, constructive feedback, etc. you can reach him at
“Are you crazy? What if someone sees us?” I asked, surprised.
“Don’t worry! No one will see us. And if Jake comes home from school, we’ll have plenty of time to put our tops back on,” Brandi insisted.
We were lounging by the big, above-ground swimming pool at Brandi’s house. Brandi lived in a slightly better part of town, and she even had a fence to shield us from prying eyes. We just came out of the pool and were sitting in the sun, so we would get dry and tan at the same time. Brandi’s top had moved during a bit of roughhousing in the pool, and she had a classical nipple-slip. She quickly corrected it, but it got her talking about lying topless in the sun. Brandi always was a bit of a daredevil. Especially compared to me.
“Then I’ll just do it by myself then,” she suddenly said, and before I knew it, I was staring at my best friend’s breasts.
“You’re crazy,” I said but was tempted to do it too.
Brandi was thirteen, almost fourteen like me, and already had a nice rack. I guessed them to be a big B-cup, as opposed to my A-cup. But I was rapidly growing in the boob department, and pretty soon, I’d be needing a B-cup too. This wasn’t the first time I saw her boobs. We showered together after gym class and at sleepovers, she wasn’t exactly shy either.
“Ahh… This is nice,” Brandi said and jiggled her breasts a bit as she sat back in the chair.
I wasn’t easily manipulated, and nothing that Brandi could say would persuade me to do it too. But the idea of sitting topless with my best friend in a semi-open place was just too naughty to say no to.
“Okay. Let’s do this,” I said and unclasped my bikini top and put it next to me on the ground.
“You go, girl!” Brandi said and started laughing.
“You’re right! This is nice!” I smiled at Brandi, whose eyes were focused on my chest.
“You’ve grown a bit, didn’t you?” she asked.
“Yeah. I think I did,” I said, looking down at my boobs. “My bras are getting too small, and I don’t think that’s because of a shrinking bra,” I giggled.
“We need to put on some sunscreen. I don’t want sunburned tits,” Brandi said.
“Me neither. You’ve got some?”
Brandi sat up straight, faced me, and pulled a bottle of sunscreen out of nowhere. She sprayed some on her boobs and sensually started spreading it all around her chest. I saw her nipples harden as she moved her hands over them. All the time, Brandi kept looking at me with an extremely horny look on her face.
“Want me to do you too?” she hoarsely asked, scooted over to my chair, and sat down next to me.
I couldn’t say anything and just nodded. The moment I felt her hands on my boobs, my pussy immediately went from moist to dripping wet. My nipples were already hard from the show Brandi gave me but were now rock-hard to the point they almost hurt. As she was massaging my boobs, she leaned over and kissed me hard on my mouth. Moments later, I felt her tongue entering my mouth, and we started Frenching quite hardcore.
One of her hands slowly left my boob and inched its way down to my bikini bottom. The moment she reached the waistband, Brandi didn’t hesitate and slipped her hand inside. Her middle finger slid between the folds of my pussy, rubbing at my clit a little. But it was clear she was aiming for another goal. Her hand went down further, but she constantly kept pressing against my clit, which felt amazing. The moment she reached her destination, her finger went inside me in one swift motion.
I was constantly moaning inside her mouth, and the moment she entered me, I moaned even louder. But I couldn’t get my moan out of my mouth the way I usually could. It was as if something was holding me back. I couldn’t quite place it. Brandi just kept on fingering me and massaging my boobs.
“Having fun, girls?” I heard beside me.
I opened my eyes, and there was Jake, Brandi’s seventeen-year-old brother. He was topless and only wearing a short and very tight pair of cut-off jeans. His huge boner was clearly visible in these tight pants. Brandi and I broke our kiss, and both looked at him. He looked so strong and handsome standing there, and he started to rub his boner through his pants.
“Yeah, we are,” Brandi said. “Care to join us?”
All of a sudden, he was naked, and Brandi had started sucking on his dick. I was dumbfounded by what I was looking at, but at the same time, I felt an extreme urge to join her, so I got up from my chair to crawl over to join them when I stumbled and fell.
I don’t know what woke me. I felt my heart beating fast inside my chest and was horny as hell. It took me a moment to realize where I was. I was feeling hot, but I was in my room judging by the wallpaper I was looking at. Soon enough, it dawned on me that Joel was lying in bed with me. After we dozed off, we apparently turned over. I didn’t remember doing so, but that was why I was feeling warmer than usual. He was spooning me and had his arm draped over me. His hand was lightly touching the underside of my left boob. Judging by Joel’s breathing, he was sound asleep.
I pressed my legs together to relieve a bit of the pressure that had built up after my sexy dream. I closed my eyes and wanted to sleep some more when I noticed something hard pressing against my butt. I wasn’t fully awake yet, so it took a moment to realize what this was. The moment I did, I was fully awake. Up until this afternoon, Joel was just my brother. But seeing him shirtless today had sparked something in me. He wasn’t only my brother. He was also a male with everything that comes with that. The last memory I had about my brother’s penis was when we were four or five years old and still took a bath together. Back then, it was just a tiny wienie that I didn’t find interesting. We were just having fun in the bathtub, that was all.
I pressed my butt against his boner to see if I could get a better mental picture of it. The moment I did this, Joel moaned. I couldn’t help myself and giggled a bit. My upper body moved a bit because of my giggle, which caused Joel’s hand to fully land on my boob. That was a bit unexpected but felt lovely, and I could feel my now hard nipple poke the palm of his hand through my tank top. I rubbed my butt at him again and was rewarded with another moan. It did feel big to me, but the hardness of it impressed me even more.
At that moment, I heard a phone buzz on my nightstand. I also realized there was a lot of noise outside our house, way more noise than usual in the middle of the night. A second later, a phone buzzed again. And again. Outside there were screams, and I heard a few police cars race by with their sirens and lights on full alert. I was starting to feel a little anxious, and the moment our two phones started buzzing together, I decided to wake Joel. I gently lifted his hand away from my breast. I felt him stir behind me the moment I did this, and he pressed his boner hard against my butt. I started turning around to save him from humiliation, although I wasn’t too concerned with that right now.
“Joel?” I said and could hear the anxiety in my voice.
“What?” Joel said, not fully awake yet.
“I think there’s something wrong,” I said, reaching for my phone.
“What time is it?” he asked and took my phone to give it to me, so I wouldn’t have to crawl over him to get it.
“I don’t know. But there’s a lot of noise outside, and our phones keep on buzzing.”
I looked at my phone and had over a hundred missed posts on Facebook, TikTok, and WhatsApp. Almost every social media app I owned. Joel got out of bed, walked to my window, moved the curtain a bit out of the way, and looked outside. I couldn’t help myself and checked out the tent in his underwear. The way he was standing now, it looked huge. Guessing sizes wasn’t my strong suit, but I estimated it to be at least five inches. As he looked out the window, I saw it deflating quickly and started checking the missed messages.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but it seems dad was right. People are looting and rioting, as far as I can see. Damn!” Joel said softly.
Joel closed the curtains and came back to bed. I was scrolling through the posts and was shocked at what I saw. A lot of clips showed people screaming at the top of their lungs and falling to the ground. The moment they hit the ground, they stopped moving. There were also some clips of people checking if they could do anything, but they quickly concluded they were too late and that the people on the ground were dead, just like that.
There were literally hundreds of these movie clips. And the further I scrolled down my timeline, the more people were lying dead in the streets.
“Fucking hell!” Joel said beside me.
“What’s going on, Joel?” I asked, totally freaked out by now.
“I don’t know, Mia. But this is fucked up!”
“These people are dying as if it’s nothing. What’s killing them?”
“Just a sec,” Joel said and looked concentrated at his phone.
I kept on scrolling through the videos I received. One of them showed the big hole in Brazil as black smoke started coming out of it. But most of them were videos of dying people. Sometimes it was a random video where someone talked into the camera, started shouting, and just died. Other videos were of people looting and rioting where they died one by one. It was complete chaos.
“They are just dying randomly,” I said to Joel, who was still fiddling with his phone.
“Uh-huh,” he responded, obviously not paying attention to what I said.
“What!?” he asked, annoyed but kept his eyes on his phone.
“People are dying randomly! What if we’re next?”
“We’re not going to die. Just give me a sec. I want to check something,” he said, and he scrolled, pinched, and zoomed through his pictures and videos.
I got out of bed and walked over to the window. I peeked through the curtains, and I could see dead people lying on our street. On OUR street! And Joel just kept looking at his phone. I wanted to go to the living room and see if I could see more from there, or maybe get a glass of water or something, anything to get my mind off this crazy situation. The moment my hand went to the door, Joel stood up and stepped in front of the door.
“Don’t, Mia. Stay here. I think I found something,” he said and sat back on the edge of my bed.
“Look,” he said and held the phone, so I could look too.“
On his screen was a close-up selfie video of a girl I recognized from Joel’s class. She was talking into the camera about how scared she was. All of a sudden, she started screaming, her phone dropped, and the picture went black. Joel began to rewind the video to the point just before she started screaming.
“What is there to see?” I asked, not knowing where to look at.
“In her neck,” Joel said and pinched his phone, so he zoomed in.
Now I could clearly see it. There was a small black spot on her neck. The moment Joel pressed play again, the girl started screaming, and the black spot flew away.
“It looks like some bug bite is killing all these people,” he said thoughtfully. “I checked out some other videos and pics, and if you look closely enough, there is always a bug on their body before they start screaming.”
This was typical for Joel. He’s the king of detail and always saw what a lot of other people missed. It was almost impossible to see, but Joel noticed. And if it was true, which it most probably was, we were in some serious trouble.
“I just don’t know yet where they came from so suddenly.”
I checked my phone and immediately found the video from the Brazilian hole. I showed it to Joel, and the worried look on his face got even worse.
“Up until now, I thought it was smoke,” I said. “But seeing this, I’m afraid that’s where the bugs are coming from.”
“Fuck. You’re right. We need to…”
At that moment, we heard our dad scream from the other bedroom. We looked at each other, and all the color had washed from Joel’s face. I jumped to my feet and went for the door. Joel jumped up too but grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back.
“Don’t!” he said with tears in his eyes.
“But… that’s dad!!” I screamed.
“He’s…” Joel started but couldn’t talk anymore as he started crying.
I stared at Joel for a few moments, trying to digest all this. Seconds later, I realized he was right. In all the videos we saw up until now, people that screamed like this were instantly dead. I couldn’t help our dad, no matter how much I wanted it. At that moment, it really landed that Joel was right, and I threw my arms around him, buried my face in his neck, and started crying harder than I ever cried before. Joel wrapped his arms around me too and was also crying his eyes out.
I don’t know how long we stood there in my room crying together. Joel broke the hug and looked down at me. His eyes were swollen and red from his crying, and I must’ve looked pretty bad too.
“We need to make sure we’re safe,” he said, wiping the tears from his eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“Your room is the best in the house. I don’t think there are any holes in here. Our living room has this worn-down ventilation system, and my room has a hole in the window. I think that’s how…“ and he stopped talking, swallowing audibly.
I felt I was tearing up again too, and I lay my head on my brother’s chest and hugged him. There wasn’t anything even remotely sexual about this, but feeling his muscles against my cheek felt incredibly comforting. Joel cleared his throat and started talking again.
”We need to fortify this place and make sure we can live here for at least a few weeks. I don’t know how long these bugs will be around, but we need to be prepared for the worst.”
”But… How do you want to do this? We can’t go out of this room, ” I worriedly said.
We stopped hugging, and Joel opened my closet. He stood there looking at my clothes, and I had no idea what he was thinking.
“If I wear enough clothes and make sure that no body parts are uncovered, I think I can go into the living room.”
“Are you crazy?” I responded, not wanting to lose my brother.
“No. Of course not. But if we just stay here, we’ll die too. So, either way, we have to do something.”
“But…” I tried.
I couldn’t find the words I needed to stop him. And after a bit of thinking, I knew he was right.
“You’re not going outside, are you?” I asked him.
“No! Way too dangerous! But we’ve got a lot of stuff in our living room and kitchen that we can use. We just need to make a list together of stuff that we need in here.” Joel said and started putting on his clothes. As he pulled up his pants, he turned his back to me to let me get dressed too. After I put on my bra and t-shirt, I turned around. Joel was looking at my desk and picked up a pen and a piece of paper. I dropped my sweats, pulled up my pants, and joined Joel at my desk.
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