Jason’s Mom and the Wrestling Team Car Wash – Part 2
Tommy Linarcos
I didn’t stay out too long. Arianna was good company, and she picked up immediately on the idea that something was up with me, but, god, I couldn’t tell her! I did mention the car wash, and described what she’d missed in an off-hand way, but left the erotic details in my head private. I had a couple drinks, but consciously did not drink enough to start confession. Besides, I was driving, so I wasn’t going to get trashed. But, damn, did I need to file the edge off…
We were hit-on at the bar we’d gone to by a couple of decent-looking guys who we played darts with, and I got a number. It’d been three years since my divorce went through. It was a fairly amicable divorce, as those go; we didn’t hate each other, there was no adultery, we just couldn’t live with each other and fought too frequently. We’d actually become better friends in the years since the divorce than the entire time we were married, but I think that’s because we didn’t live with each other, anymore. Diana, my daughter, actually reacted like, “Finally!” when we broke up. Jason took it a little harder, but he sees his dad frequently as the man doesn’t live far away, and they have a good time when they get together.
I did a little revenge/freedom dating when we first broke up, had some good sex, though that tapered off. I had a decent fella for several months last year, but only a couple ‘maybe’ dates since then.
Obviously, I’m avoiding talking about how attracted to Jason I found myself that morning. God, he was beautiful. And then… in his bedroom…
I got home around eleven, an early night for us. I got back into loungewear, and finally had that third glass of wine I denied myself at the bar. I put on the TV and watched a repeat of Saturday Night Live, with the news of Weekend Update being several months old.
Before the segment was over, I heard the key in the front door lock, and Jason came in. He pried off his shoes and came in to sit by me.
Were we going to talk about earlier? I avoided it by bringing up his evening. “So, have a good time? Everyone celebrate the fundraiser?”
Jason looked troubled. “I got a little cooked this afternoon.” Sunburn. He fiddled with his buttons and angled out of his rolled-up sleeves, took off his nice blue shirt, and tossed it on the sofa back. He still had a tank top on. “Didn’t feel it until later, and I wore the wrong shirt. Still too new, not an old friend, yet.”
“Shoulders? Want me to put some aloe on you?” I offered. Like a mom, not… whatever I felt I was.
“Maybe after I shower. I want to wash the night off.” He rubbed at his hair which likely still had residue from the car wash suds, but probably meant more about how his evening went.
“So, not a good night? Penny?” I surmised.
“Yeah.” Would he be more forthcoming? We talked a good game between us. I knew he was sexually active with his girlfriends — hell, I bought his condoms, so that was no secret, though I didn’t ask for dirty details. “She got angry because of all the girls at the car wash today. Touching me, flirting with me… and me not shoving them away.”
“Were you encouraging them?” I asked.
“Not any more than usual. I mean, we were all half-naked, it was like a beach party — there were a lot of amazing girls to look at!” he told me.
“And boys…” I said with a drink of wine.
“Yeah!” Jason threw his hands up. “She didn’t mind any of the guys hitting on me. Nor, probably, any of the guys hitting on her. I mean, everyone was doing whatever we could to get our suits to ‘shift’ a little, you know what I mean?”
“Sure do. There was a lovely young lady whose boobs ‘shifted’ against my driver window,” I laughed.
Jason laughed with me. “I wish I knew who it was, I could tell her, ‘Hey, I heard you flashed my mom!’”
He reached out and picked up my glass, took a big sip of my Agiorgitiko.
“Did you drink tonight?” I asked. He was no saint. I knew.
“I wasn’t driving.” He put my glass back. “Two beers. Left early because of Penny. And I was tired.”
“You guys spent all day in the sun. That’ll do it to ya.”
Jason still looked pensive. “I don’t know if me and Penny are breaking up. There was this one girl, Maddie, who was all over me, so I know why Penny’s mad, but I didn’t do anything. They all just want my bod.”
“You know it, kid.”
Jason looked at me, trying to figure out that statement, and god only knows why I’d said it. I could blame the wine, but I knew what I was feeling.
“What’s the history?” I asked. “Have you been… intimate… with Penny, yet? Is she going to go nuts if you break up?” I know how teenage girls are.
“It’s only been… I don’t know how many weeks. Started halfway through summer. I’m not in love, like with…” He stopped. Breaking up with Iris, his First Great Love, had hit him hard, over a year ago, now. Since then, most-to-all of his girlfriends have been older, some who only wanted sex, or so I’d found out from Jason in read-between-my-lines discussions. “So, we’ve done some things, but we haven’t had sex, yet. Or not ‘yet.’ Or not ever, whatever.” He shook his head.
“She’s a year younger?” I asked. He nodded. “It’s a tough decision to give away your virginity.”
“But she’s been such a tease…”
“Go take your shower.” I didn’t want him to ruminate too much on the girl, didn’t want him to start insulting her or getting angry.
Jason took my advice, got up, and went to his room, then I heard him head to the washroom and the shower water running.
I watched the next skit play on TV. Like usual, there was no punchline, it just kind of ended.
My mind was more on the naked body in the shower. What was wrong with me? Was I obsessing? I’ve seen Jason naked before — though, admittedly, not truly naked for about ten years. Underwear or swimsuit, like today, often. A flash here and there as he went from his room to the shower and back. We don’t hide ourselves, neither did his sister, though we don’t wander the house nude and invite the kind of gazes as I was giving my son today. Or my son toward my tits.
I thought about his cock — the bit I truly hadn’t seen since he was seven. His tumescence during wrestling matches. The occasional full erection, like today at the car wash. And in his bedroom. Don’t forget what you saw in his bedroom, Helen!
I saw the boy cum. Two white jets and several white sprays. He came looking at my tits. I could see his eyes, looking at me, that look of a man who wants what he sees. I could see his cock in Hector’s fist, and then it pointing at me when Hector let go of it. I wanted that cock.
Calm down, Helen.
Maybe I just wanted to see that cock. Fully.
I got up and went to the kitchen island where I left my bottle. Did I want more? No, I’d probably had enough.
I could hear Jason exit the washroom. Then I saw him in the living room. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, otherwise he was naked, still. He picked up his shirt that he’d left on the couch, nodded to me as to show me he was picking up his things. He headed back to his bedroom.

“Jason?” I stopped him. “Can I see you?”
He stopped and turned, listening, as if I wanted his attention, but that wasn’t it.
“Do you have the aloe?” he asked and moved toward me.
“No, that’s in the washroom, so…” I fumbled. He stopped. “I want to see you. Without the towel.”
Jason let that request filter through his mind. “You want to see me naked?”
“I’m your mother,” I said, as if that explained it. “Today, I realized how much… I’d like to see my creation.”
Jason still looked at me a little wary, but he tossed the shirt back onto the couch. Then… he unwrapped his towel and let it fall.
My son was naked before me.
“My god, you’re beautiful. Eisai panemorfos. You’re like a statue, a Polykleitos…”
I tried to breathe. I needed a deep breath, but all I gave myself were little sips of air as I looked at my son, my Jason, standing with one bare foot forward, legs apart, toned calves and thighs leading to his cock. He’d come from the shower, so his cock was not hard, but was warm and hanging long. His shock of dark pubic hair, dark brown. His muscled abs and up to his incredible pectorals. His arms, just hanging akimbo, but I knew of his biceps and triceps and all the other ‘ceps. His shoulders. And his face. The face that resembled his father, but I could see some of my own father there, too. His damp brown curls.
He moved. He walked toward me.
“Is this what you want to see?” he asked me quietly. Not as a challenge. Just the question.
My hand moved to his chest. I had to touch him. It looked so hard, but the muscle was firm, his skin soft. “You’re perfection.”
As soon as I’d touched him, I’d seen his cock jerk, just a bit, at the bottom of my vision.
“If that’s so,” he said, and I glanced up at him, “it’s because of you.” My eyes fell back down slowly. Did he mean because of how I raised him? or just genetics? Or was he saying something about me, too?
My hand traveled down his abs. And lower. I felt his hair at his navel, trailing down to… I had to look.
His cock was growing in front of me. Like at the car wash, it was hanging heavy to the side, but bobbing, with blood pulsing, and rising. I watched it. It stood tall, pointing at me.
I could barely breathe, and yet I whispered, “Why wouldn’t that little tease want this?”
Jason touched me, put his hands on my arms. “Tease? I’ll tell you who’s a tease…”
I looked up at him, to his eyes. And nervously back down to his cock. And back to his eyes. “Me? I could never tease you…”
“You always tease me, ómorfi. Have been for years…”
“I… I wouldn’t tease you,” I stammered.
“If you’re not teasing me, then… show me your tits.”
I had done that once that day, already. If I took off my shirt again, then… But I had very little say in the matter. Jason put his hands under my top. His face was right close to mine, nose to nose. “Just let me see your tits, Mom.” He began lifting my top off and I did nothing to stop him. In fact, I did everything to assist him except for doing it myself.
I stood in front of my son bare-breasted, once again, though he was so close he couldn’t see them. He could only feel them. As soon as he could, he’d pulled me to him so he could feel my breasts against his chest. So I could feel his chest against my breasts. A little noise escaped his lungs, not a whole word, but a sigh, a ‘yes,’ a ‘finally’ sound. His hands found their sides and began a caress that included my sides and waist. He hesitated at my shorts waistband, but inside, I was already waiting for him to rip them off. I felt him move his hand to center and pull the drawstring. I’d felt his hard cock against me, but then I felt him step back so my shorts could fall. They were still a little hung up on my ass, so I invisibly used a hand behind me to release them, and they fell to my feet.
“You just don’t know how hot you are, do you, Mom?” Jason whispered into my neck.
At that point, I was feeling very hot, feverish, even, but that’s not what he meant.
“You’ve wanted to see me? I always wanted to see you.” With his hands on my sides, he gently pushed me back a step, and gazed at my breasts, blue in the TV light, nipples darker than they were. His hands came back to them, hefted their weight, finding their suppleness, and started tweaking the nipples. “These tits… yes…” he breathed.
I could follow his eyes as they went further down me. One hand stayed on my breast, the other made its way, slowly, along my belly to my panties. He didn’t shove his hand inside; instead, he moved to my hip and tried to push them down on one side. Then his other hand left my breast.
I wasn’t sure where this all was going. I mean, I knew where I wanted this to go, but could I ask that of my boy, in reality? I could step away and end this here, just let it be the views and the feels we’ve both wanted to take. But being that one step away from him to see my body, meant I never stopped staring at his body. Before he pushed off my panties, before I was as naked as he was, there was something more I had to do. Maybe it was to postpone the inevitable, maybe it was to please him so he would be satisfied for tonight, or it was just to serve my own desire from this morning. Hell, from the last two or three years, maybe…
I dropped down to my knees, falling out of his grasp, and gazed at his beautiful cock. The cock I’d only seen hidden in those ridiculous singlets, the cock I’d seen engorged from a tense battle on the mat, the cock I’d now seen when he dropped his towel.
My hands went to his thighs, judging the sinew beneath his skin, then roamed north — my left through his pubes and my right back to his abs, then both to his pecs, and back down. Though my hands roamed, my eyes never left his hard cock, pointing right at my mouth.
My left hand held his testicles. I’d noted they were hanging loose when he dropped the towel, but had now contracted a little — due to nerves? Of course, my baby was nervous, though he sure didn’t seem like it.
My right took his shaft. I could guess at his length — somewhere in the seven-inch range, perhaps more, maybe not, but I knew it was bigger than any I had experienced in the last three years. Definitely thicker. I pumped his cock slowly, trying to imagine what it would feel like entering my pussy, so to put that off, I found, instead, how it felt entering my mouth.
“Fuck, yes…” I heard Jason exhale above me, his hands finding my hair.
His crown was so large, I had trouble fitting it in my mouth, at first, and couldn’t get much further, then I realized I was holding onto the base of his cock rather tightly. I stroked him for better blood flow and was able to take him in deeper. I used to suck cock pretty well. Still do, I think, it had just been about a year. But my head was foggy with that ‘should I or shouldn’t I?’ stuff. I pulled off of him to look at it, again. Yes, I decided, I should.
I took gentle hold of his balls and sucked his cock back in, relaxing my throat, and took him down until my upper lip kissed his bush of dark brown pubes. I repeated as I could, letting my son know how much I wanted him, wanted all of him.
With his cock secure, I let my right hand slide around to his behind, taking a good feel of that soft muscle in a way I never had. Sure, a swat at his butt when kidding around might have let me know how much jiggle he had in there, but I’d never caressed it as if it were one of my own breasts, before. Part of me thought about slipping a finger inside of him, but I didn’t want to shock him.
Would he be shocked? The boy was no virgin, a number of times over, but I didn’t know, couldn’t know, how much quality experience he had. His girls were all in high school, too, after all.
I pulled off of him, but held him still, licking his head, then down the shaft, then back up. I wanted to feel every vein, every ridge, the little knot of skin at his scar. I heard him suck in his breath above me and felt his body stiffen and relax as I moved on, circling the corona. He continued to hold my head, loosely through my dark hair, in a needless effort to keep me from stopping.
I went back to a quick bob, continuous, and let my hands move across his backside, my arms holding him in place so that he couldn’t move. He did, however, begin a gentle thrusting — not fucking my face — but helping keep my rhythm, I thought.
“Mom, I’m… I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum in your mouth…” he whispered. His voice was thick, deep. Insistent.
His hands in my hair now did hold me in place.
My son was going to cum in my mouth. Whether he knew it or not, there was no way I wasn’t going to let his cock out of my mouth, anyway. I wanted that cum as much as he wanted to give it to me. I’d seen his cum shoot out of that cock just about six hours before, and now I was going to taste it.
Jason’s hips were waving, his cock making short jabs into my mouth in the opposite direction of my sucking. We were a machine. Daedalus couldn’t have designed us better.
“Ah, god…” Jason moaned and his body went stiff as he shot his load inside my mouth. The first shot came when he was at my lips, so I held him there, allowing that short distance over my tongue to catch his hot semen, and taste it, before I swallowed it. He gave me five thick shots, and then three more, before I was doing the work to coax what was left out of him. A few more light bobs while he recovered, some licking up the sides and crown to make sure I got it all, and I felt him relax, though I could feel his solid posture would not allow him to collapse.
He tasted salty. Well, he did have hot dogs and pizza, today, and plenty of soda, probably, and I couldn’t remember what we’d had yesterday. That part of my brain that was still a mother made a note to cook healthier this week. I’d kind of hoped his taste would be singular, unique. But I kept my eyes closed and just swallowed the remainder of him down. My boy had cum in my mouth for me, and I knew there was no way I’d ever turn that down.
I got off my knees and climbed his body, kissing his form along the way. “You’re so beautiful, so strong… ómorfo agóri, moró mou…” Then I was standing, looking him in the eye, though he was a couple inches taller than me.
Jason just took my face in his hands and kissed me. Then it was me who could have collapsed, but I held myself together, wanting to enjoy the real kiss I only sampled through my window at the car wash. There were constellations in my head, static running up and down my spine. My boy knew how to kiss, a long double press of the lips, but he didn’t try and force his tongue through, gauging my reaction.
I’d kissed my boy many times, but not like this. A love kiss, a kiss of passion, like this, was not something I had contemplated with him until today. But I wanted it, and kissed him back as he was. Touching him was new, sucking him was new, why not enjoy this new experience? I purposely put away any feeling of being his mother. I just wanted to be a woman, right now. My hands went to his back, holding him.
My face still in his hands, he pulled back to look at me, a curiosity, perhaps a fear, in his eye — was this alright? he seemed to say. After a blowjob, how could a kiss be wrong? I thought! But I just smiled back at him. I didn’t say ‘Oh, Jason, this is so wrong,’ or ‘Jason, we should never do that again,’ or ‘Oh, Jason, what are we doing?’ I just smiled and waited to see what he would do.
He took my hand and led me to his bedroom, that’s what he did. I followed and kept pace, did not drag my feet in apprehension, did not stop to turn off the television or pick up clothing. I followed my son into his bedroom, let him pick me up, and set me on his bed.
Then Jason finally removed my panties.
He threw them off to the side, somewhere in his room, and I was never to get them back. He stood at the foot of the bed, bracing himself with one knee on, like when we spoke at the couch, earlier. He remained still, contemplating my pussy, my dark featheriness. I opened my legs for him — not spread wide, but enough to get a clear picture of my vulva, enough for my labia to split open. His hand cautiously drew near my dark pubes, just that hint of a tremble, yet. Nothing was going to stop what we were about to do, I was fairly certain of that, but I had a sense that my all-man boy would back off if I shied away.
I did not shy away.
If anything, I grew wetter, waiting for his touch. His middle finger found the line of hair that ran north from my slit, and then his others fanned out as my hair did. I saw a thin smile of satisfaction grow on his face; he was touching his mother’s pussy — it was real, I like to think it meant.
He moved away and shut off his bedside reading lamp. His bedroom door was still open, so there was enough light coming from the living room that we could see more than shadows. He climbed on the bed, laying full-length with me, and our hands found each other in the dark without too much trouble. I had forgotten about his sunburn and felt him flinch when I drew my hand across his shoulder. Then my boy kissed me, again. And he didn’t stop while he caressed my breast. In a bit, his one hand traveled south; he wanted to get back to my pussy and played in my pubes. He ended our kiss so he could move down and suck at my breast. In the quiet of the room, I could hear a faint, “…tits… so long…” in his exhale, while his hand found my folds and my clit.
It was a good thing we weren’t kissing when he touched my clit, as — “Ahh-ohhh!” — I gasped and needed all the air I could get in recovery. His touch had some brilliance. He trailed along the sides of my labia to my entrance and dipped inside.
“Mom… you’re so wet… you’re sssssso wet…” he murmured, looking up at me from my breasts. He gained that look in his eye that all men get, that hunger, that knowing that I was hungry for him, too. As much as he’d shown me that he loved tonguing my nipples, he shifted and moved down my body. “I have to…”
He opened my legs further and made himself at home between them. I watched as he looked up at me from my vulva. The look in his eye… If he could, I think that he would have actually taken a bite of my pussy like it was an apple! There was desire, there was lust, there was… his tongue on my clit!
“Oh, god!” I had to finally scream. My body reacted, bending and clenching with the pleasure. I convinced myself to lay back, but stroked his sides with my feet, held onto his still-damp hair with my fingers. It had been more than a year for me for this experience, and … now… it was more than just having some man go down on me again, it was the sensation of who it was. It was my Jason, my son, eating my pussy, sucking on my clit, licking my…
My boy knew what he was doing, I realized. There was wisdom in his tongue. Well, there was something to be said for all his girls he’d paraded back-and-forth this past year. Which of them had taught him how to do this? I recall being a little judgmental of all the older girls, the Juniors and Seniors he dated while still a Sophomore. What were all those “old ladies” doing being interested in my Jason? I’d harrumphed back then. Well, I knew, it was just something I had learned to accept. Almost as soon as he and his Iris had broken up, the cheer squad and all the swimmers and gymnasts descended upon him. I’m pretty sure he lost his virginity to Iris, but I don’t know if she was worldly enough to teach advanced cunnilingus. Perhaps the next girls were, and then word spread. Either way, I was the one enjoying his talents, now.
In my fog, in my whimpering, with my head rolling side to side, I realized that Jason wasn’t just writing out the ABCs on my clit, he was using a combination of…
And then it hit me. I could feel it churning inside me, building, welling up. Sometimes, for me, an orgasm can be sudden, but this one was warm, slow and warm, filling me like water rising in a sinking caïque. Little contractions warning me a big one was coming. And then the wave hit! I clamped my thighs around poor Jason’s head as I shook, the intense feelings of pleasure rocking me as I came inside his mouth, this time.
“Jason!” I called, probably several times, maybe a hundred. If the neighbors wondered who was making me cum, I sure let them know, I guess.
I have no idea if I ripped out his hair, or kicked him as I convulsed, I just knew my body was rising and falling in the wave until I washed up on the sand like Danaë and started breathing again.
I opened my legs and released my son’s head. His face still had that same look, that hunger, but with a devilish grin of pride. He wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand, and then lifted up, crawling up above me. I grasped his head and pulled him toward me, needing to kiss his face over and over again, showing thanks and love for sharing that…
And his cock slid right in me.
I was so wet that his cock, his big, lovely, hairy cock, pointed right at my pussy as he moved, slid right inside me, pausing only briefly as my body reacted, and then pushed on until our pubes met.
I wailed an “Aaahhh!” but Jason knew it was not from pain. It was what I’d wanted to feel all day, and having him enter me like that… He was big, and he fit. He fit! It was like his cock was made for my pussy!
Several minutes ago, back in the other room, I had put off thinking about what his cock would feel like entering me, and now I knew. It was wonderful. It was heavy, it was prodigious, it was hot, it was soul-melting. It was reality-shifting. It changed everything I knew.
On one hand, I should’ve been feeling ‘how can I live with myself, now?’ But I was actually feeling ‘how can I live without this, now?’
My hands left his head and my arms tied themselves around him, holding him fast to me. I tried not to hit his shoulders, but that was unavoidable in my scramble. My legs and feet twisted and locked him in place.
His cock was perfect, and now it was inside me. I was fucking my son.
No. My son was fucking me. He couldn’t endure the extended stillness that I was enjoying, just feeling his cock inside me. He needed to move. He needed to thrust. His engine started, his hips pulled back, and his thick, wonderful cock speared inside me, again. And again. And again. My son was fucking me and I was loving it.
He pushed himself up out of my grasp, but stayed above me, looking into my eyes as he fucked me.
“Oh, Jason… Jason… I can’t believe you’re…”
“I’m fucking you, Mom. Ah, god, I’m fucking you…”
“Oh, yesyesyes… fuck me! Fuck me, Jason!” I shouted, and then whimpered, “… fuck me… fuck me… fuck me…” as he did just that. I closed my eyes, but when I opened them again, he was still above me, looking into mine, with a look like he adored me. I pulled his face down and we kissed while he pounded me, but I was on short time.
I pulled away for air, I needed to breathe. An orgasm was building, again, and it was going to be strong. How could it not be when all I could think about was that my son was fucking me. I threw my arms wide. I was falling limp, weak. I could barely focus my eyes, watching Jason take sure pleasure in fucking me. My shoulders and back began spasming. “Jason, oh, Jason, you’re making me cum again. You’re making me cum! Ahh, oh, fuck, Jason… Jason?”
“You gonna cum for me, Mom?”
“Yeah, I’m going to cum for you…”
“You gonna cum for me, Mom?”
“I’m cumming… I’m cumming for you… for you, now!” My body quaked, my arms flew back up to him, and he withstood my erratic swats and caresses, while I just moaned my rapture and released my juices.
“There’s that cum… there’s your cum,” he sighed. “Give me your cum, Helen. I need you to cum so I can keep fucking you… so wet…”
He’d used my first name. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that when I heard it, but I was in no shape to bring up the point. I just didn’t want him to stop.
He sat back on his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs, pulling my knees up to his chest, still fucking me. As much as my legs needed to quiver, he was now in control of my legs. He pulled me upward, tilting my pelvis. “Look at that pussy, look at my cock going in and out of that pussy. I’ve wanted to fuck this pussy for so long…”
I had to look, as he’d asked me. I know men are visual when it comes to sex, but I had to agree — watching his cock slide in and out of me was as wondrous to see as it was to feel.
“Tell me this isn’t a one-time thing, Mom…” Jason asked, probably at the exact right time for me to give him the answer he wanted.
“Anytime… anytime… you can have me whenever you want… that cock… your body…” I muttered almost incoherently. “My son…”
“Good…” he breathed.
“Will you make love to me all the time?” I asked in my stupor.
“Day and night,” he declared. His fucking picked up speed. His body began to waver, his shoulders were fucking me as much as his hips were, now.
“Are you…?” I barely whispered.
“Mom, I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum in you,” Jason breathed.
“It’s okay, baby. I still take the pill. Go ahead, baby,” I said, breathless.
“What, baby?”
“I don’t care.”
My eyes bugged from the realization of what he’d said and my orgasm started again, dropping another pint of fluids. He thrust his cock one more time, as far into me as he could, and blasted his cum deep into my womb. He let my legs drop and they shook, my whole body quivering, and I screamed something like “Oh, god…!” but the words got stuck in my throat and came out in a cry.
Jason dropped onto me and held my arms tight against my sides, and he held still inside me, still in that same thrust, so I could feel each of his cum shots filling me, the thick head of his cock spasming. I could feel Jason cumming inside me. My boy had fucked me and was cumming inside me. Filling me with his cum — two, three, four, five times. He held me so tightly that I couldn’t move, only shake, only shudder and cry.
Finally, he needed to fuck again, and gave me some freedom, but then continued his thrusts inside me. He needed to make sure every ounce of his cum was inside me before he started to ebb. His hold on me slackened, and he lay down on me, but propped himself on one elbow, and shifted his weight to my side, legs still entwined, while one hand went back to my breast.
I continued my aftershocks, which only made his hands roam, again. But he was gentle, stroking my sides and breasts and thighs. As I regained my breathing, his fingers came to my cheek, and my son kissed me again.
“Oh, Jason…” was all I could get out. Half of my brain knew what we’d just done, felt the guilt, what it all would mean, what the implications were, and wanted to talk it out. The other half of my brain told it to just shut up and enjoy it.
Jason’s cock was still inside me. How could I not enjoy it?
My hands found his back. I dragged my nails over his skin, and I could feel him react to them in a little shiver.
“Jason, I love you, baby…”
“I love you, Mom.” Then he added, for me, “Eísai i agápi mou.”
He kissed me again. My Jason kissed me again, and then he slowly pulled out of me. I know he did this so he could fall to our side, and not crush me, but I felt the loss of his cock when he pulled out, a loneliness, a sadness that I… And it went away when Jason found position and cradled me in his arms. He cradled me. I was safe. I was loved. In my boys’ arms.
“S’ agapó méchri ton ouranó, méchri to fengári, méchri ta astéria,” I giggled. Something I used to tell him when he was a baby, but it still applied.
He started humming “Swinging on a Star” back to me.
It had been a long day. We both could easily have fallen asleep, but there was still too much adrenaline flowing, our skin was still alight, our lust mixed in with our love.
It was a moment, maybe two. Maybe ten minutes or twenty. I had no concept of time, I was so happy. Eventually, it registered that I was still in Jason’s room. He had brought me here, not necessarily like one of his girlfriends, but that’s what he did, operating in familiar territory, his home court. We didn’t stay in the livingroom, we didn’t go to the larger bed in my bedroom, we were here with his games and toys, clothes and uniforms, photos and posters taped to the wall. And his scent on the pillow. That alone would help some nymph swoon in his arms.
“Somewhere in there…” I started, knowing I was breaking into our moment, “you called me ‘Helen.’”
Jason breathed a laugh, joining me in the breaking, “Yeah, I just tried that. With what we were doing, I just… had this passing thought that you… might want me to…?”
“I think I still prefer ‘Mom.’ And it’s hotter that way, don’t you think?” I wanted to wink at him, but he wasn’t facing me right.
“I’ll say,” he sighed.
I looked at what I knew to be his team photo on his wall, though I couldn’t make out a single face. “So, you and Hector…?” I asked, leading.
Jason rolled his eyes. “Hector and I have been doing that since we were kids.”
I kind of thought so. A mother realizes these things, but she is never supposed to ask about it, so long as her boy airs his room out and cleans the sheets now and then. I’ve washed Jason’s sheets for near seventeen years, I’ve seen the stains but turned blind to them long ago, whether they were caused by himself, a friend, or him and his girlfriend.
Talking about it is supposed to be his father’s business, but I don’t think Jason needs any advice.
“Do you and Hector do… anything else?” I was pushing it, but I was interested. Here I was, lying naked with my son, holding his cock, him rolling my nipple. I could ask.
“You mean have I fucked him?” Jason half-laughed. “Well, now that you know… yeah, once or twice. But that was… before high school. Before we got girlfriends. That hasn’t happened since, probably, 7th or 8th Grade, now… But jerking off? That’s just fun!”
“It was fun to watch,” I admitted.
“You liked that, huh?” he smiled. “You want to watch me fuck Hector?”
Oh, my god… I hadn’t even considered that. That would be wild. “I’d like to, but no. Hector should probably remain a one-time thing. Don’t let him think every time he comes over that I’m going to show him my boobs or that he even has a chance to fuck me.”
“He’s always wanted to. A few of my friends have asked, joking or not joking.”
This hit me. Not that I wanted to start patrolling the high school parking lot, but just the idea that younger men found me attractive. Hector always gave me some compliment. Jason had said I didn’t know how “hot” I was. Maybe I was selling myself short. Maybe I could up my game when I go out with Ariana.
“Well, I’m not going to fuck Hector. Or any of your friends,” I warned him, though I did not promise that I wouldn’t masturbate to the new fantasies. “I would like to see that Jimmy, though…”
“Really? Hang on.” Jason got up and went to his dresser and got his phone. My god, was he going to call him? I put out my hand to stop him when I realized what was up. “Want to see a photo of him?”
Jason ran his finger along his phone and then turned the screen toward me. And there was Jimmy, stark naked with an erection, a shock of dark brown hair above his cock, and that nice smile of his. And his pecs, arms, and abs — can’t forget those. I took the phone from Jason and pinched the screen to make Jimmy’s cock larger, not that it needed to be. I took a chance and swiped the screen and was presented with another wrestler I instantly recognized, then the twins, and then a girl, and another girl, all nude.
“Whoa, don’t go spying, please,” Jason asked and held out his hand. Guiltily, I handed the phone back.
“So many,” I realized. “Why do you have a photo of Jimmy and…”
“Oh, they’re like trading cards. We take ‘em, we send ‘em. Jimmy’s hot, so I didn’t delete it, and I’ve fucked his sister a couple times. She’s in there, too.” I could tell Jason was looking at me, figuring me out. “You want me to send you the good ones?”
“Yes,” I said, weakly. He did not do this immediately, though; he just put his phone on his nightstand. I asked, “Do you… use those photos to…?”
“I use a lot of stuff. Mostly what’s in my head. I don’t have a photo of you,” he smiled. “I need to cum, like, three times a day, so…”
I curled into him. Ran my hands across his chest and down his abs to his cock. “I can help you with that. Maybe I could be one of your times each day?”
“You kidding? I’m gonna fuck you before school, and I’m gonna fuck you to sleep.”
“Think you could you fuck me while I make dinner?” I joked.
“I’m gonna fuck you while we eat dinner!”
We both had to stop and laugh at that one.
“You’re not mad, though, right?” he asked me, his eyes showing that worry about reality, reminding me he was yet a teenager.
“Oh, baby, no. No,” I told his eyes. “The PTA might think I’m a bad mother, but I’m not upset.”
“Good, because I really wanted this.”
“I’ve wanted this, too.”
I could hear a happy sigh. “I’d wondered. From that kiss you gave me in the car…”
“The kiss I gave you?” I reacted. “You leaned in and kissed me.”
“Well, I was going for your cheek, but you turned into it and got my lips,” Jason recalled, his way. “Not that I’m complaining. It was cool. I got this electric tingle from it, and I’ll admit I held on for an extra second. You’d kissed me a million times, but this time it felt different. It felt… I don’t know. Like I could do it again.”
So, he thought I kissed his lips. The moment created itself. “You can do it again,” I told him.
With that, Jason smiled, and we kissed, tenderly, for a while. Then he turned me onto my back and, as promised, he fucked me to sleep.
End of part two
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos
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