Fiona’s Collateral Damage – Part 2
Tommy Linarcos
I found Cindy’s face and we started making out. This had been my primary goal tonight. Make out with Cindy, ask her out, make out some more. The guy-goal of getting her tits or getting laid were all a little beyond that — a hope, not a goal. But damn, I liked her. I wanted to ask her out right then, make her mine, but should I do that right after a blow job? Like: Hey, you did a great job making me cum — would you go out with me? And then, also, can I ask her out in front of June?
I really didn’t know what to do about June. Was she really okay with how we ended up? I still felt guilty about the whole thing with her. Of course, I still felt horny about seeing her nearly naked, now, and wanted to fuck her almost as much as I wanted to fuck Cindy. In our collapsing, she was laying on my right, her hand running up and down my thigh, taking ahold of my cock, going over my abs. What was she thinking? I went back to thinking about Cindy’s tits as I caressed them.
Actually, as my hands roamed, I found that Cindy had lost her panties at some point. I cupped her ass to let her know what I’d discovered. “Did you spin the bottle for this?”
“June did. That’s why I had to kiss her with your cum in my mouth. You know the rules.” My god, I don’t think my blood has stopped racing since she pulled my shoes off. Cindy whispered to me, then: “I don’t think her panties are coming off, though.” I just kind of nodded, taking it as advisory.
Cindy started sliding north and flipping on her back. “Where you going?” I asked.
“You said you wanted to eat my pussy. Don’t think I forgot…” she said in her bedroom voice and pulled my badly-drying hair until I was in position.
And then I finally met Cindy’s pussy. It was pretty. Mostly shaved except for a black triangle up top. It was an upside-down isosceles triangle, if I remember my geometry from last year, but it was tiny and thin and it was cute as all hell. I pulled on her hair and her legs opened wider. I think I was actually salivating. I really wanted to taste this pussy.
Fiona’s was the first I’d tried. I didn’t lose my virginity to her, that was someone else, but hers was the first pussy I’d licked. I don’t think I was the best-ever at it, but I did learn what to do. I’m pretty sure I got better as we went along. Her Scott’s probably a master… but I’m never going to think of that, again.
I liked Cindy, now, and I was sure I was going to like her pussy. I dived down, letting my tongue open her labia from bottom to top. She had a pretty long clitoral hood, and I spent some time there, trying to get her clit to pop out. I’d learned not to ignore the rest of her, though, and stroked my way back down each of her lips, and back up on the other side. My tongue then found itself plunging inside her hole, and I tried my damnedest to tease out her juices. Her taste was… well, not Hawaiian Punch, but I liked it. God damn, I liked it.
“Mmmm…” Cindy moaned above me, her feet drawing pictures on my back. “You’re driving me crazy…”
“I can do this all day,” I said, glancing up at Captain America. But I could. I kind of have a short tongue, I guess. I know I can’t reach in too far and, like, tickle her spot in there, so I headed back up to play with her clit. Spell out the ABCs. But I found that Cindy’s clit is kind of big — bigger than Fiona’s, anyway. I could actually pull it into my lips and suck on it! And that’s exactly what I did…
Not that I wasn’t 100% into what I was doing, but my brain did flash to June. She was still somewhere in this room, and Cindy and I were doing this on our own. Our threesome had become a 2 + 1. If I could reach her, I could try to pull her in, but I didn’t want to stop doing what I was doing to find her. I did want to see June’s pussy, though. Even if I didn’t get to fuck her, maybe I could eat her pussy, too. That would be cool. I focused back on trying to make Cindy cum.
Something changed above me. Not bad, just different. I guess Cindy and June were exchanging silent information, but between moans, some needed to be spoken. I heard Cindy ask, “You want to lose it tonight?” At first, I thought she was talking to me, but what could she mean? She knew I was no virgin. At that point, like immediately, I knew she was talking over me to June.
I’m not sure of her exact words back, but June said, “I kinda thought that would happen with my boyfriend.” Or she wanted to get a boyfriend, or she was going to wait for her boyfriend, or I used to be her boyfriend, or she thought I would do it when I was her boyfriend, or something. There was something in her words or tone I picked up that she wished it was me, but that just might’ve been my guilt — or wishful thinking. It’s not that I hadn’t imagined fucking June — I mean, that was all part of my breakup with Fiona, but Cindy had warned me that it probably wouldn’t happen tonight, so I hadn’t made any crude invitations.
I shook that off and concentrated on Cindy’s clit, again. I could feel Cindy relax, too, so her conversation with June was over. She wanted to cum. Her hands gripped my hair, again, 10-and-2, like a steering wheel. She wanted me to circle her clit, and I took her direction well. I was happy to give the lady what she wanted. She started bucking under me, throwing off my circle, but I kept at it. And I knew it was endgame, so two fingers in the pussy. She wanted to scream but she was holding back, I could tell. She was conscious of being in my bedroom with my parents upstairs. I wasn’t about to stop and explain to her the ‘rents bedroom was over the kitchen and my room was down here in front, so she could let go a little more. Hell, I’d take whatever guff my dad gave me just to hear her scream. All I could manage inside the action was, “You can do it, baby.” She was whimpering, rising in pitch. I tried again. “That’s it… cum for me, baby.”
A noise — a pwhah! — came out of her mouth, like she’d been holding her breath, and she let out a loud, cascading, “Ohh, ohhh, ohhhh, ohhhhh!” as her cum poured all over my lips and chin. “Fuuuuck…”
She held me tightly to her with hands and thighs while she shook and trembled. I let my hands go under her ass and held her as tightly as she did me while she calmed down, and then for another five minutes. The only air I could breathe was pussy-scented, and that was fine by me.
Slowly, Cindy released me. I looked up at her gorgeous smile. This was my girl, I knew. I had little flashes of her and me with our group out bowling but we were playing that stupid claw machine, trying to win something, anything for her; sitting in a circle in the dark, talking quietly backstage during rehearsal but only looking at each other; at a party, but keeping an eye on the other, seeing who they were standing with; playing around in the green room, trying to guess whose clothes were who’s based on pocket contents, though we didn’t steal anything; splitting her lunch when my bag got wet in a Chemistry accident and I didn’t have any money. I was going to fall in love with this girl, and I’m telling you this so you don’t just think it’s because of the sex.
Curious about June, though, I looked over to find her sitting on my desk chair, pulled up to the bed, one foot tucked under her, the other foot wrapped with Cindy’s on the bed. She was cushioned on her big sweatshirt, and her hand was stuffed down the front of her panties. She was breathing like she’d just finished a run around the track in the PE field house. She smiled a little shakily at me. There was nothing to be embarrassed about, if she was. I smiled back, happy she was able to get off, too.
While down on Cindy, my cock had been in neutral too long, so I got up on my knees, stroking it in anticipation. I looked to her eyes. “I have to fuck you now…”
“Oh, you can fuck me, alright,” Cindy said. “But not until you take down those pictures.”
My head was spinning. Pictures? I adjusted and put a hand on the bed to stay steady, trying to look where she was looking, what pictures she was referring to. Captain America? Some little funny pictures I drew and…? No, it was the photos. The Fiona-and-Leo photos taped up on my wall, facing the bed. Damn it. Couldn’t I do this tomorrow?
I had to remind myself where I was and who I was with. I breathed down my frustration. Cindy was right. I sat up. I’ll admit this took a little of the spirit out of me, like letting some — not all — the air out of a balloon. I still wanted Cindy, but she was right. This was something I needed to take care of. Why would she want to see Fiona smiling and laughing while…
I stood up. At first, June wasn’t quite sure what was going on, either, but she saw where I was headed. Five photos of me and Fiona in better days, the end of summer, on the beach, the backseat of a car, Six Flags, rolling on her lawn. One from winter, just before Christmas. There were a hundred on my phone, still, probably. One day I could curate those, get rid of doubles and bad focus ones, put them in a Fiona folder on a hard drive. I didn’t want to get rid of them; they were a part of my life, she was a part of my life, we had good times, until we didn’t. But I didn’t want to forget them. But Cindy was right, they needed to come down so I could have good times with someone new. I was over Fiona, I truly believed that, but there were probably still too many things around that reminded me of her and our time together. Those needed to be filed away as memories.
I pulled down the six photos. I considered pulling off the twenty-four tape loops on the backs, now, but that would take too long. I would do that tomorrow. For now, the photos were stuck together and put inside a red two-pocket folder on my desk.
I went back to the bed. “Better?”
“I am over her, you know. They were just up there because they were up there.”
“I believe you. Same for me and Scott. When you come to my bed, though, I want you to see pictures of you on my wall.”
“You have pictures of me, already?” I couldn’t suppress a smile.
“Group shots from backstage. Got any nudes you can send me?”
I crunched my eyes in comic thought and angled over to my dresser to snatch my phone. “Actually, I do have a couple good ones you can have.” I tapped and slid things on my phone, and then there was a ‘receiving’ chime from Cindy’s phone. She bounced up immediately and got her phone to see.
“Ooo, yes… I do like these…” she said.
I considered something, then there was a chime on June’s phone, as well. She got her phone and smiled at me. “We should take some new ones, you know?” she teased.

A great idea! We three posed for a couple “almost safe for work” shots — naked but no naughty bits, and then a couple naked portrait shots each, and then some porno shots. June kept her panties on, but what are you gonna do? I sent the bunch to the other two, who immediately spent the next ten minutes going over them, realizing the shots we just took had them still in their Pigeon Sisters hair. Cindy sent me three good shots of her naked with her real hair, and June sent me the only mirror shot she’d ever taken.
I tried setting up my phone to video the rest of our encounter — but I couldn’t make it stand anywhere with a good angle of the bed. Then June suggested something incredible. “Get your laptop.”
I mean, I thought I might just forget it, maybe get a little video by hand when things got hot — grab my phone for a hot minute, or something. But June said it! Of all people! I looked at the two girls — I’d never had a threesome, before, and who knew when the next one would be. Cindy smiled, so I guess she was okay with it. I went to my backpack and got out my laptop and quickly set it up on my desk, getting the best angle and coverage that I could, trying to think what parts of the bed would we be on, how much headspace would we need… Honestly, I only gave that half-a-second — I wanted that video rolling so I could get back to Cindy and June and then forget it was on! I went back to the bed, my cock leading the way.
I kind of leapt on toward Cindy, and she caught me and rolled onto her back, cradled me kneeling between her legs. “Now, where were we…?” I teased, bending over and latching onto a nipple.
“You were going to fuck me.”
“Yeah, I was…” I kissed up Cindy’s chest to her throat and ear. I whispered, “Do I need a condom?” to which she turned my head and bit my ear with a low ‘nuh-uh.’ Cool.
I rose back up and gained a position with my cock knocking on her door. I don’t know if I needed to since her pussy was drenched, but I licked my palm and wet my glans, and set myself up to penetrate that pussy. I waved it up and down her entrance a couple times, then pressed forward and slid right in — all the way to my pubes. Both of us gave an unexpected “Whoa!” when it happened, and then met eyes and laughed a bit. And then I pulled back and slid in again. Her eyes bugged a little, but that smile remained. She wrapped her arms around me — a bath of warm water rising from below and submerging me — and pulled me down to her, my arms finding that support as we moved.
We started a nice rhythm while kissing. Her legs twined behind me and I could feel her cumming, already, a quiet cum, a shiver, juices inside her pussy, just that little whimpering in my ear telling me how good it felt for her, having me. There’s always that bit of pride when you make a girl cum, but I was happy that we both felt this way, how good it felt to be inside her — her pussy and her arms.
“What’s it like?” June moaned from behind us.
Was she asking me? Cindy? Both of us? Was she considering joining in? I was half-thinking of something to say when Cindy grabbed my ass and ratcheted-up the action, making me slam into her. I propped myself up again, taking advantage of the height to make those slams count and watch her tits bounce.
“Oh, fffuuuck!” Cindy moaned. “So deep, so deep, oh, my god, so big…”
Now there was an ego boost! Now I know I’m not huge, and I may have pushed the ruler a bit into my skin when me and Fiona measured me, but I had developed some skills. “You like that? Oh, I love this pussy…”
“Oh, fuck me, baby… Ohhh, you’re making me…. yesyesyes… I’m cumming I’m cumming!… Oh, it’s just nonstop, the tingles… all over…”
I got the idea, then, that she was not just dirty talking for me; she was performing for June. A bit. I mean, I was certain she was loving the action, but she was answering June’s question. I could play. I’m a performer, too. “Oh, baby, you’re so wet for me. You’re sooo wetttt…”
“Oh, I love it! Give me that beautiful cock! Oh ohhhhh….”
I picked up her legs and put her feet over my shoulders, slamming into her hard and fast. “I’ll give you this cock. Day and night. Right after school until your folks get home… And backstage, in the green room, we’re gonna cut gym class, and I’m gonna rip your clothes off, fuck you until you can’t see straight…”
“Oh, fuck yeah! Fuck my brains out! Make me fail History!”
That one caught me! I had to laugh! And then she was laughing. I let her legs fall to the sides and pitched forward, myself. And that’s when I felt her pussy gripping my cock, like spasms when she clenched from laughing. That almost made me cum right then, but my mind was split on the sensations and the laughter. It stopped the whole proceedings, pretty much. I had to lower myself to kiss her when I caught my breath.
I found my position, again, holding Cindy’s waist, and more gently thrust into her, slowly finding a new rhythm. I looked over to June. She’d laughed with us, but was still on that chair, one hand on her breast, the other down her panties, playing with her clit the way she knew best, her eyes trained on the connection of my cock and Cindy’s pussy. “There’s no better feeling in the world. This could be you, Junie…”
Her eyes flashed upwards and met mine.
“That’s right, Junie. I’m gonna fuck you, just like this…” She was watching me, her mouth hanging open, unable to speak. Even Cindy didn’t interrupt. “What are you doing there? You need to be a part of this. Me and Cindy want you to be a part of this.”
I pulled out of Cindy and stood off the bed, my wet cock now pointing at June. I took the two half-steps to her on the chair and took her under her arms, lifting her and moving her towards the bed. “Get over here.” I didn’t throw her down, though she might remember it as rough just because I took control. I laid her down next to Cindy, Cindy scooting over a bit toward the wall to give her room on the bed.
Cindy, hot and flustered, immediately welcomed June, pulling her face in and kissing her, her tongue searching for and finding June’s, her free hand on her breast. June gave in and let herself go, needing the touch of another after sitting and watching for too long a time.
“Get rid of these,” I muttered as I pulled off June’s panties, finally, twisting her pelvis so I could get them over her ass. When they’d cleared her toes, I tossed them somewhere. I had to get in and see this pussy. Brown curls, like a dark, dark blond; a little thicker, I could run my fingers through those pubes. She groomed, but didn’t shave much, just her bikini triangle. I had to feel those downy hairs on her outer lips, and when I did, I found how sopping wet she was, too. I ran my finger up her labia to her clit, making her flinch, and back down to her entrance, slipping inside with my middle finger as deep as I could go.
This was fun, but I wanted to get back inside my Cindy. So, I took Cindy’s right hand off of June’s breast and placed it on her pussy. June immediately turned toward Cindy to let her take full advantage of their face-to-face positioning as Cindy set about finding June’s clit.
I took up position over Cindy’s leg, raising her right and sending her foot behind June’s butt, then re-entered that pussy, fucking her sideways. I just kept a steady rhythm — slide in, slide out — having just as much fun watching these two beauties make out, June’s hands all over Cindy’s breasts, Cindy deep inside June’s pussy. Cindy needed to shift and brought her leg back down, so I fell back, got between her and the wall, and fucked her from behind while nibbling on her shoulder.
That’s when June started playing with Cindy’s clit; I could feel her hand each time I thrust forward. Their kissing muffled Cindy’s cries as she back-bounced on me, but they started twisting and I fell out of Cindy. Just like before when our threesome turned into a 2 + 1 when I was eating Cindy’s pussy, these two girls were so into each other right now that I became the spectator. But that was okay. I took the opportunity to run my hands all over their bodies as they moved.
June wound up on top of Cindy, their breasts mashed together, their pussies above each other until June shifted and started humping Cindy’s leg. I was pushed aside again as Cindy began moving downward — down and down until she was at June’s pussy, driving her tongue inside and driving June crazy. I was left looking into June’s eyes when she chanced to open them, and she pulled me in for a kiss, her tongue finding mine, her hand finding my cock.
“I’m going to fuck you, Junie. I’m going to fuck you. You know this,” I whispered into her mouth between tongue massages. She didn’t answer me, and didn’t open her eyes so she wouldn’t have to answer me. But I think it helped push her over the edge.
She was squeaking. “I’m… oh, my… oh, my… Cind… oh, fuck! I’m…” June tightened her arm around my neck, fairly choking me, as well as gripping my cock so hard with her other hand it felt like a vise. She clamped her thighs on Cindy’s head and shook so hard I swear the Disney glasses wobbled on my desk. She fairly screamed into my ear.
I prayed my folks were heavy sleepers.
June fell slack and just rolled her head, finally releasing her grip on both me and Cindy. I looked down as Cindy looked up and we smiled big stupid, toothy grins at each other. I scooted down a little, reaching for her. “Let me taste her,” I said to Cindy and went in for a kiss. She climbed up to meet me and I got June’s tangy juices second-hand. I licked Cindy’s cheek, but Cindy really wanted to just take hold of my sheets and wipe her face — it was all over her.
I decided to go to the source. Cindy and I mostly traded places, her rising along June’s side, caressing her breasts, while I went to explore June’s pussy, again. She was so wet. I could actually discern the thin fluids of Cindy’s saliva from Junie’s thicker cum juices. Junie’s Juices suddenly popped into my head. Great name for a sports drink. We should do a commercial in Acting class.
June wasn’t responding to my tongue as she did Cindy’s. She might’ve been too worn out, or she’d worn out her clit from getting herself off and then from Cindy. But she did start to wake up — I could hear her groan from above me. Now was the time.
I rose up and took position. My cock was hard as a rock from watching the sapphic display before and being denied admission. I wanted to fuck this girl. Now, I’m no creep — if she really wanted to wait for her next boyfriend or her true love, I wasn’t going to rape her, but I sure as hell was going to do my best to make her want to fuck me.
I started grinding my cock up her labia, making sure my head hit her clit on every up and every down. “Junie, I’m going to fuck you, now…”
Cindy was watching, and kissed Junie’s cheek, whispering to her what I was doing.
“Junie? Yes or no?” I offered, continuing to grind my cock.
June’s legs started to twist, and I could feel her feet start gliding up my calves. She opened her eyes and looked to Cindy, listening to Cindy’s whispers. She reached across and held Cindy for security, then looked at me.
“Yes or no, Junie?”
I stopped and held my cock at her entrance, my tip playing at her hole.
June barely nodded and breathed, “Yes…”
I started sliding into Junie’s pussy.
June was my second virgin, the first being the girl I shared losing my own virginity with. The difference between June’s pussy and Cindy’s was immediate. There was nothing stopping my progress, but it was incredibly tight! She was so wet that I didn’t need to push and pull to get in, but I needed to take it slow as I stretched her. The most she’d ever had inside her was a finger or probably a hairbrush handle, but now she was getting my hot cock.
Her eyes were wide, watching me, watching us. She’d look at my eyes, then down to our union. I could see her eyes show surprise, then discomfort, then lose focus like they were floating as I finished pushing myself in. I held myself inside, letting her get used to the stretching, meshing our pubes, pushing a little at her clit. Then I slid back out slowly, watching her eyes discern that feeling. As soon as I was back with only my head inside her, I knew I wanted to feel that grip again.
I couldn’t be all gentle and slow, again, though. I had to start letting her know what fucking was like. I didn’t start pounding her, but each time I went in it was a little faster, a little harder. Not just for her getting used to it, but god, I wanted to fuck this pussy!
Cindy, at June’s side, was busy sucking on her right breast while pinching her other nipple. “Fuck her, Leo. Slide that cock up her pussy…”
June was intoning one long, solid moan, only broken by taking a breath.
I told Cindy, “This cocksleeve is so fucking tight…” I motioned for the Reese’s pillow; Cindy pulled it and helped me put it under June’s rear. I started fucking June harder, her long moan breaking into successive “Oh-oh-ohs.”
“You like this, Junie? You wanted to know what it felt like. It feels like this,” I told her as I continued sinking my cock into her.
“So…” June started. “So…”
“So what?” Cindy prompted her.
“So fucking good! Oh, god…” She had expelled all her breath with that, and wheezed as she pulled in more. “Oh, god, fuck me, Leo! I love your cock! Fuck me!”
Well, she gave me an order — I had to carry it out. I still didn’t go nuts on her. She was my friend, and first time, and all… I was glad she was enjoying it. I sure was.
I had to let her know that it was not impersonal. I lowered myself on top of her and began kissing her, showing her that love was involved. Cindy kissed her, too. We actually did try to do that three-person kiss; it was weird and awkward, but we’d done it. My hands roamed, Cindy’s hands roamed. June tried to wrap her arms around the both of us, but they were kind of trapped.
I raised up on my arms again, and Cindy got an idea, the gleam in her eye a giveaway. She pushed me back to kneeling while I fucked, and she started licking Junie’s clit.
June’s reaction was immediate. Her scream was a combination of “Aaah!” and “Whoa!” and she rocked up, almost to sitting, then fell back onto her elbows. She let out a series of “Hi, hi, hi, hi…” but I have no idea what word that might have been, if it was even going to be a word. Then she exploded. Literally, her cum exploded out and around my cock. It was so tight inside that each time I went in, it just pushed all her cum out at me. Her “Ohhhhh, fffffuuuuck,” went through the ceiling, I was certain.
But that was all I could take. This girl cumming on me drove me over the edge and I felt the final tingle inside my balls as my cock got thicker, corking her pussy even more, and I shot that load out like a rifle.
“Pull out, pull out!” Cindy reminded me. I hadn’t even thought about it. I was so pleased not to have to wear a condom for Cindy, I hadn’t even thought about it for Junie. But, of course, she wouldn’t be on the pill, now would she? Stupid! I was in the throes of orgasm, sparkles around my vision, the moment any enemy soldier could run a sword through your gut and you could do nothing to stop him, but I pulled out, and lobbed shots 4, 5, and 6 at Cindy’s throat and at Junie’s tits, belly, and pubes, but I was pretty sure shots 1, 2, and most of 3 were still deep inside Junie. Shots 7 and 8 and whatever else leaked out were on me, and Cindy took me in and cleaned me off. God, I loved that girl!
I fell back on my heels and wanted to collapse, but wanted to see June through it. Her legs were still kicking, her pelvis up off the Reese’s pillow, her hand still gripping Cindy’s shoulder, but she started breathing easier, and her body relaxed. I fell to her left as Cindy stretched out on her right. We caressed her body top to bottom as we could reach, but didn’t smear the cum, just in case she wanted to see it.
We each reached over and, in turn, kissed our Junie. I whispered in her ear, “That’s what it’s like.” Junie smiled and, I think, chuckled. Cindy whispered something else, probably some kind of ‘now you’re a woman’ thing; she didn’t tell me what, but I saw June nod.

After several minutes, I sat up and climbed over June to land behind Cindy. I wrapped my arms around her as I could. I kissed the back of her neck. “That was intense,” I told her. She agreed with a ‘Mm-hmm.’ “I didn’t plan this, you know. I was originally hoping just to… you know… be with you.”
“I know,” she said, twisting her neck to see me. “But it was fun…”
“Yeah, it was. But… um… Will you go out with me?”
This time, Cindy fully turned to face me, body and all. “You idiot,” she teased, poking me, kissing me. “We’ve been going out since last week.”
I kissed her back. “It sure felt that way, I’d just never officially asked you.”
“Well, the answer’s ‘yes,’ if you haven’t figured that out, either,” she said, and yanked on my cock to make her point. “You need a shower.”
“We need a shower,” I said. We looked over at June. She was just staring at my wall. I whispered even more quietly, if that’s possible. “She going to be okay? I mean… What do I do with her, now?”
“Well, she’ll never forget you, that’s for sure,” Cindy said. I was June’s first. You never forget your first. “But if you’re worried she’s going to fight me to be your girlfriend, don’t worry. We’ve already discussed that. I told you, you and I have been going out for a week, now. This,” she pointed to the three of us together on the bed, “adds a new dimension, but she’ll be fine.”
I hoped so. I’ll probably always have that little regret that I dragged her into the whole Fiona thing, but I’m really happy to have given her this pleasure.
June finally spoke. “That sign.” She pointed to the One Way sign I’d stolen from an accident at my other corner. “That should say Three Way.” Cindy laughed, but I just rubbed my eyes. Sophomores…
But, Cindy… “Hey, I have something here for you,” I said, and leveraged myself off the bed. I went to my backpack and took out a stuffed giraffe. I got on my knees and presented it to her.
“You finally won it?” she recalled from our claw machine experience at the bowling alley.
“Yeah, I went back and it cost me about four times what it’s really worth, but I got it for you.” I kissed her, and she, me. “I hope to serve all your needs like I have tonight.”
I gave the girls their Disney glasses, and we all slaked our thirst. The girls each took a turn sneaking across the hall to visit the washroom, then we all cuddled naked, again.
“It’s going on one o’clock. I have to get home,” June pronounced, but made no move to sit up.
“Too bad. You’re going to be late,” I said. And then I fucked her again. She needed to know.
I didn’t cum in her, this time. I traded girls half-way through and fucked Cindy, again, but this time to completion and got to cum full-blast in her pussy. There is nothing like it… I didn’t pull out when we collapsed, she wouldn’t let me go — I just lay with my Cindy and we breathed the same breath. We almost went for another after our haze cleared, but June was lightly snoring and we had to look at the clock. It was time to get the girls home. We’d make up some excuse for the hour on the short drive.
While we got dressed, I stopped the video, and made a mental note to transfer the file off this school laptop and put it on a flash drive or something, so I could edit it. We had to turn in our computers at the end of finals, and if that were still on there…
I had to kiss Cindy some more before we left our sanctuary and went back into the outside world. I wanted to just take our clothes off, again, and spend the night with her. But Cindy and I would have plenty of opportunities this summer. At the beach, at the pool, at Six Flags, on vacation. In my room and hers. Cindy said she was going to post pictures of us having summer fun and make girls jealous and want “relationship goals” based on our photos. That’s cool. But all I want is her.
* * *
The next day, Sunday, I met my dad in the kitchen for breakfast. Well, for me it was breakfast, for him it was lunch. He was making a turkey-and-havarti sandwich.
“So, you did have guests last night,” he surmised as I brought in the pint glasses.
“Yeah,” I smiled in memory.
“We heard a little commotion through the floor, some music. No mess, this morning. How many people did you bring over?” he asked like a parent.
“Just two,” I told him as I rinsed out the glasses.
“Just two?”
I brought the box of unfrosted strawberry Pop-Tarts to the table with me and sat across from him. I looked him in the eye. “Two.”
He looked at me, and at first I wasn’t sure if he was going to say something about not believing me because of the noise, or something was broken or whatever. But he just looked at me, and then the corners of his mouth rose up, and his eyes twinkled. I got to smile back at him.
He looked down and closed up his sandwich with a top slice of swirled marble rye. He just nodded his head, like he was satisfied with his sandwich, but at that moment, I knew he understood. He’d given me a silent ‘attaboy.’
I took a bite of my Pop-Tart. Men were eating.
“Did you drive, afterward?”
“Had to get them home,” I responded.
“Give me your keys.”
Fuck, how did he know these things? The bottles. I forgot to put away the rum. “I wasn’t bad at all,” I pleaded. “We only had a little.”
“One week.” He chewed a bit. “Five days,” he amended.
Fuck, I was walking to school for a week. At least the weekend would be mobile.
But even my dad knew: I was no loser, even if I was collateral damage.
The End.
Copyright 2025 – Tommy Linarcos
All rights reserved
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