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Helpless for the Summer – Chapter 5

Helpless for the Summer – Chapter 5

Day 3


I can always tell when I’m dreaming. The edges around things are blurred and the light around me feels off. That’s how I knew I was dreaming when I was jumping on a trampoline. I was naked. I guess that was probably another clue this was a dream. Bouncing next to me was Mom. She was also naked. I was perfectly happy with the arrangement. Of course, all you had to do was look at my stiffy to know just how happy I was. This was, without a doubt, the weirdest dream.

The problem with two people jumping on a trampoline is that someone eventually misjudges a jump. I was the one who misjudged things, my legs flying out from below me. Mom’s legs got tangled in mine and we collapsed into each other’s arms. Mom’s hands were all over me. More importantly, they were all over my stiffy too. I knew it was only a dream, especially when it faded into blackness.

When I woke up, I realized three things. First, the dream had given me one of the biggest hardons I’ve ever had. Two, it was too damned early to be awake, and three, I had wet myself.

There was no way I wanted to bother mom. Not yet. The dream had left me feeling icky. I knew it was only a dream, nevertheless, yuck. That was my mom I was getting boned up about. Now, though, I just wanted my stiffy to go away. If I didn’t have these damned wrist braces on, I knew what I’d do to get rid of it. A few months ago, I discovered the joys of jacking off. I had been over at a friend’s house one Friday night over spring break. When he pulled a magazine from under his mattress, I was curious. I’d seen girly magazines at school before, but in the confines of my friend’s room, the fear of being caught was a lot less, and he and I thumbed through it, looking at the sexy women.

Both of us got hard pretty quick, and he said, “Kelly, I’ll kick your ass if you say anything, but fuck, I gotta jack off.”

At the time, I didn’t really understand. But I went along, “Yeah, I know.”

Before I knew it, he had pulled his shorts and underwear down. He was almost thirteen and had some pubic hair already. His penis was rock hard when he grabbed it and started pulling on it. He glanced at me with a frown, “Come on, dude. I don’t wanna be the only one jacking off. Someone might think you’re gay if you keep staring at my schlong.”

I might have been fascinated by him tugging on his penis, but I didn’t think I was gay. So, I stripped down and was soon mimicking him, sliding my fist up and down on my stiffy. The tingling was pretty intense. More than I’d ever felt before when I touched myself down there. I was happy to keep pulling on it, enjoying the intensifying tingling.

My friend was the first to say, “Oh, fuck, I’m about to blow!”

My eyes were riveted on him as his hand practically flew up and down on his dick. Then he moaned, “Gaaa!”

White stuff shot out of his dick, splattering his t-shirt, and ran down his fingers. Before I could fully consider what had just happened, my stiffy really began tingling even more, and I felt like I was about to pee. “Um, dude, I think I gotta pee!”

He giggled, “Fuck, no. Keep jacking off, man. You’ll see!”

I kept at it and a moment later, the most incredible explosive feeling shot through my body. A clear strand of watery looking stuff shot out of my stiffy, going straight up in the air almost as high as my head before it splattered on my fist. My erection kept on spasming, like more of that clear stuff wanted to come out, but all I could make that first time was a single drop.

Now, a few months later, my broken wrists stymied me from my favorite activity and it sucked. Unlike my friend, whose cum was thick and whitish, mine was still clear and watery. But I figured that would change once I get hair down there. Of course, I was starting to worry about when that might happen, after all, I was only a couple of months short of being thirteen.

While the diaper didn’t feel as wet as before, I was still really uncomfortable; the wetness was colder than my skin. It frustrated me that my erection hadn’t gone down, but my discomfiture outweighed my embarrassment and I rolled out of bed and padded down the hallway between my room and Mom’s. Just like yesterday, she was asleep on her bed. She had kicked off her covers during the night, revealing a pair of dark blue panties. Instead of a tank-top, she wore a black sports bra.

I don’t know if I made a noise coming into her room, but Mom smiled when she saw me. Her voice was cheerful, “Hey kiddo, how’d you sleep?”

I shrugged, “Okay. Um, I’m wet again.”

What I was thinking was how much I wished my erection would go away.

Mom stretched and rolled off her bed, grabbing the changing material from below. She spread the changing pad on the side she hadn’t slept on, “Come on, baby. Let’s get you up here and get you changed.”

She pulled the rubber pants off. There was no way she could miss my erection poking against the cloth diaper. I bit back a groan when she rested her hand on the front of the diaper. “Are you sure? You don’t feel wet.”

As if touching me there would make my erection go away! Unbidden, the image from my dream returned and in my mind’s eye we were both bouncing on the trampoline. My stiffy twitched where her hand rested. But that didn’t make me feel any less wet. I mumbled, “Yeah. Pretty sure I peed on myself.”

Mom unfastened the pins and pulled the front of the diaper away. My penis, as hard as ever, slapped my abs. I glanced toward her, certain she would stare at my stiffy.

Instead, she stared at the inside of my cloth diaper, “Well, that’s not what I expected.”


Mom wore a weird expression on her face, “Um, Kelly, have you ever had fluid other than pee come out of your penis before?”

The look on my face had to mirror that of a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. What did Mom know about jacking off? I knew some boys had gotten “The Talk” from their dads. But mom had never mentioned any of that sex-ed stuff to me. Too embarrassing, I’d imagine.

I shrugged, mumbling incomprehensibly.

Mom’s lips curled upward. She pulled my diaper off and held the inside up so I could see it, “Do you see the wetness in the middle?”

I’d have to be blind to miss it. I nodded.

Mom sat down beside me and rested her hand on my shoulder, “Baby, you had a wet dream. I think this wetness is your, um, semen.”

I stammered, “S-, semen?”

I knew what semen was. I just didn’t think that’s what had come out of my penis overnight.

Mom pursed her lips, “Maybe we should do the whole birds and the bees talk, Kel.”

I grimaced, “Really? I know about The Talk.

Mom squeezed my shoulder, “Okay. Well, then tell me about how the birds and the bees connect.”

I rolled my eyes. There I was sitting naked on the changing pad, my erection flat against my stomach, and Mom wanted me to tell her how babies are made?!?

I squeaked, “Really? Now?”

Mom glanced down my body. I thought maybe she would have some mercy on me. Instead, she said, “Sure. Now’s as good a time as any.”

I pulled my legs up, giving me the illusion of masking my penis. I don’t know why I did it. She could still clearly see me. I cleared my throat, “Um, well, a man puts his thing into-”

Mom laughed, “His thing? Come on, Kel. Are my tax dollars going to waste? I thought you’ve taken a health class.”

I flushed, my face was warm, “Ah, yeah, his penis. He put his penis into a woman’s vagina and then he puts his semen into her and she might get pregnant.”

Mom shook her head, chuckling, “I guess that’s the basics, Kel. Well, your body’s starting to make semen and that means that you’re growing up.”

My voice didn’t so much as crack, “I am?”

Mom leaned into me, hugging me, “Yep. My little boy’s becoming a man.”

“Mom!” I protested, pulling away. After all, I was naked. As much as I wanted to be like a man, my little stiffy looked like a little boy’s. Didn’t puberty mean having a big package and hair on your balls and above your penis? That wasn’t me. I was sitting on a changing pad, waiting for my mom to change my diaper, and I didn’t have even a single hair below my head. I didn’t feel like a man. Not at all.



I pulled Kelly up from lying on the pad and gave him a big hug, “My little boy’s becoming a man!”

“Mom!” he squealed. Oh, well, his voice would eventually catch up to the rest of his body.

Kelly looked down at himself with a critical eye. As close to thirteen as he was, surely he wondered when his pubic hair would come in. If I hadn’t been a bit of a late bloomer myself as a tween, I might have wondered the same thing. To me, his penis was perfectly normal.

As though reading my mind, he said, “Um, when do you think I’ll get, uh, you know, hair?”

My boobs hadn’t started growing until I was twelve. Being as flat as a pancake in the seventh grade can be just as hard on a girl as being short or undersized for a boy. The hair between my legs didn’t start growing until just before I turned thirteen. And girls usually develop earlier than boys.

Still wrapping my arm around Kelly’s shoulder, I said, “It’ll happen when it happens, baby. I think you look fine just the way you are.”

Kelly’s face flared scarlet as he saw me looking at his penis. His arms crisscrossed his lap, pushing his erection down, masking it mostly from view. I felt conflicted. He’ll have to wear the wrist braces for six weeks. That’s forty-two days. We’re only three days in. Between baths, diaper changes, and those times when he could get to the bathroom before needing to be changed, I’d be seeing his penis at least a hundred more times. If Kelly had broken his wrists at ten or even eleven, his shame wouldn’t have been as severe. It had to happen when he was most self-conscious of his body.

As he hunched over with his arms crisscrossed over his groin, I was of several minds. Kelly’s my son. I love him. I hated he was in this predicament. I’ve always respected his privacy. But those boundaries were in complete disarray. His temporary handicap left no real choice. I needed to care for him and that care involved bathing and changing him. That required seeing his nakedness.

What I struggled with the most is finding his penis perfect and beautiful. I hadn’t expected to fall in love with Kelly’s body. After all, he’s my son. Listening to some women at work, most of whom are teachers, I’d heard enough to know feeling this kind of attraction wasn’t entirely uncommon.

I didn’t know what to do, but listening to my heart, I took one of his arms and pulled it away, “It’s okay, baby. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.”

Kelly didn’t resist and a moment later, both his hands were at his side, letting me see his perfect four-and-a-half inches.

Kelly leaned his head against my shoulder, “Why do you think I had this accident?”

Where my arm draped across his shoulder, I rubbed his upper arm affectionately, “When was the last time you, ah, played with your penis?

His head popped up from my shoulder, “Mom!”

His cheeks were even more crimson now than before. I patted his arm, “You asked, Kel. I think the reason you had a wet dream was because you haven’t played with your penis since the accident. Am I right?”

His head returned to my shoulder. I could barely hear his response, “Yeah.”

I felt a tingle between my legs at his admission. My little boy has been masturbating. Just thinking about him holding his erection in his hand sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. My throat was dry, “It’s pretty normal. As you mature, your body starts making semen. Most boys don’t have wet dreams because they, ah, masturbate and release the pressure that way. But if you don’t masturbate, then your penis will ejaculate in your sleep, um, and it’s called a wet dream.”

Kelly nodded, “Oh, I see. The, um, wet dream, is it really a dream?”

I shrugged, “I dunno. Boys are a bit different from girls when it comes to this stuff. Why? Did you have a dream?”

I could almost feel the heat coming from his face when he nodded. I wondered what kind of girl filled Kelly’s dreams. “Was it a girl at school?

Still blushing, he shook his head.

I nodded toward the TV, “A girl the show you like watching?”

A better mother would have left it alone. Kelly deserved the privacy of his little fantasies, “Did you dream about a fantasy girl? One you made up?”

Kelly’s flush reached his chest as he shook his head again.

I was getting increasingly curious. “Was it someone you know?”

I’d eliminated just about everyone that Kelly knew already. Then I realized. There was one person who he knew whom I hadn’t asked him about. My tummy fluttered at the thought. I figured it wasn’t uncommon for boys to have those thoughts. I knew I should have stopped, but I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.

“Was I in your dream?”

He looked down, staring at an erection that wouldn’t go away. The way the red spread to his ears and further down his chest was answer enough. I felt horrible at that moment. Why didn’t I stop? What Kind of mom was I? Not knowing what to say, I reached around his torso with my free arm and squeezed him around the chest. I couldn’t ignore how I felt drawn even closer to him by this revelation.

I had to say something, even though I was at a loss for words. I pulled him even closer to me, “That’s the sweetest thing, Kel.”

Then I turned my head and kissed his cheek, squeezing his chest a bit more, before saying, “Do you want to talk about it?”



I don’t know what I expected when Mom guessed about my dream. But the warm smile, gentle hug and the kiss on my cheek wasn’t it. Until that moment, I had felt guilty about it. But it was clear she didn’t think it I was bad for dreaming about her. But I wasn’t sure I really wanted to give her details. After all, in my dream I had felt up her boobs, and that’s something I’d never do in real life.

I tried to think of something to stop thinking about Mom’s breasts. “Um, do you think I’ll keep getting these, um, wet dreams? They’re kind of embarrassing, you know, with the diapers and stuff.”

Except for her arm around my back and shoulder, Mom let go of me. She glanced again at my stiffy, which seemed determined to remain as hard as ever. I wanted to cover it up, but she could just as easily move my arms away. And given how she’d see me every time she gives me a bath or every time she changed me, hiding it just didn’t make much sense, no matter how weird it felt.

She nodded, “It’s likely, I suppose. You have the wet dream because you’re not, um, playing with yourself right now.”

I groaned, “Mom! Do you have to say it that way? It makes it sound weird.”

She giggled, “Fine, you’re having wet dreams because you’re not jacking off, choking the chicken, slaying the one-eyed lizard.”

Despite how embarrassed I felt, I laughed. I had no idea Mom knew all the different ways to describe masturbation. “Jeez, okay. I get the picture.”

As I stopped chuckling, I asked, “How often do guys have wet dreams?”

Mom gave me a wink, “Well, for those who aren’t out slaying the one-eyed lizard, I guess once or twice a week. Why?”

I sighed, “It’s kind of embarrassing. I thought I had peed myself. Isn’t there a way to make it stop?”

Mom’s hand caressed my upper arm, “Just find a way to slay your one-eyed lizard without using your hands.”

It felt strange to be talking about jacking off with Mom. Certainly not something I could’ve imagined before breaking my wrists. All this talk wasn’t doing anything for my penis. It was as stiff as ever. Worse, I was horny.

“Kinda hard to do when my wrists are in braces.”

Mom tousled my hair, “I know baby. I’m really sorry about your wrists. Tell you what, if you decide you need a bit of help, let me know. Maybe I can help.”

My jaw fell open. Was Mom proposing what it sounded like? I glanced over at her and she was smiling back at me. I croaked, “Really?”

She caressed my back, “Do you want my help?”

I doubted she was serious. After all, it sounded to me like she was offering to jack me off. Surely, I had misunderstood her. My curiosity got the best of me and I said, “Yeah.”

Her left hand reached across our bodies until her fingers touched my smooth pubic area. My stomach fluttered uncontrollably. Mom said, “Ready?”

I didn’t trust my voice. I just nodded. Mom’s hand slid down my smooth skin until my penis jerked at her touch. Her touch was like an electrical charge surging from my stiffy, traveling along my spine. I had no idea a touch could feel as good as hers. Her fingers encircled my erection as my eyes were glued on her hand and my stiffy.

“This okay, Kel?”

When I nodded, Mom pulled on my erection, sending tingles through my body, more intense than those I gave myself. I couldn’t tear my eyes away even if I tried. Her stroke was slow. Up and down. I leaned back until my back lay flat on the bed. With each upward stroke of her hand, Mom sent even more tingles surging through my body.

Mom reclined, facing me on her side as her fingers kept working on my erection. She murmured, “Is this good, baby?”

I moaned, “Ahh, jeez, this feels really good.”

I closed my eyes. Mom continued sliding her encircling hand along my rigid shaft. Maybe a minute or so after she started, I felt a familiar intensification of my tingling. It had been four days since I had last jacked off, and my wet dream had done nothing to lessen my arousal. I opened my eyes as I crossed the point of no-return. A few more strokes from Mom and the tingling exploded inside me. How it was possible is beyond me, but my stiffy grew even harder and it spasmed harder than it ever had before. A strand of clear cum shot into the air. I have never seen it go as high as it did that time. Before the first bit of cum reached its apex, another equally strong spasm sent another thread of semen into the air. A third squirt of my seed shot into the air by the time the first bit splattered on my chest.

It was like fireworks exploding in my brain at the same time my cum blasted from my stiffy. My eyes fluttered, closing for a moment to bask in the most incredible and intense feeling I’ve ever had. When I cracked my eyes open again, Mom was staring at my stiffy, eyes wide open, as though shocked.

She broke the silence, “Shit! That’s incredible, Kel.”

She touched my chest, rubbing her finger in my clear, watery cum. “Your semen shot up at least three feet, baby. I had no idea it would shoot out like that.”

The tingly feeling had subsided as a smile played at my lips. I don’t know why, but in that moment, nothing felt more natural than Mom making me cum. “Wow. Wow,” I managed to gasp. My thoughts slowly came together, and I added, “Yeah. I’ve never had it happen like this before. Um, your hand… it felt super good.”

Mom grabbed a wet-wipe and cleaned my chest and then my penis, which was finally going soft. “I suspect you won’t have a wet dream tonight, Kel.”

I giggled at the situation. I had been worried about having another wet dream. Some of my fear was because of wetting my diaper. But a lot of it was because I didn’t want to have sexy dreams of Mom that caused the wet dream. And now, Mom was wiping my watery cum from my chest and penis after jacking me off. Somehow or another, she and I had gone way beyond a wet dream. And I couldn’t help but laugh.

After a few minutes, Mom had me diapered, complete with the rubber pants covering the cloth. I think this might have been the first time changing my diaper when I didn’t have a stiffy. The rest of the morning was awkward. We both traded knowing looks at breakfast. We settled into the living room on opposite sides of the couch afterwards, watching some game shows. Lunch was more of the same, although smiles accompanied those knowing looks too.

After lunch, things seemed to revert to yesterday, I settled against Mom’s shoulder as she watched a couple of her soaps, and we acted like nothing had happened between us for the rest of the afternoon, on through dinner and into our movie time in her bedroom.

I was as comfortable as I could be, after taking one of the pain pills at dinner. My head lay on one of Mom’s pillows and my wrists lay on my stomach. It felt just like the previous night for me. But during a commercial break, Mom got up from the bed and cleaned some clothes from the floor, even straightening my cloth diapers. She disappeared into the kitchen with a load of laundry. A moment later I heard the washing machine.

When she returned, Mom collapsed on the bed and laughed, “I’m becoming a slob, Kel. Lounging around in my undies all day, watching TV and not getting a damned thing done. I’m not much of a housekeeper.”

I glanced over at her. Her chest rose and fell as she caught her breath. I rather enjoyed seeing her in her undies, especially because I was stuck wearing diapers for a while. Even though she groused about it, I think she went around in just panties and a sports bra to make me feel better. She was just cool like that. And what’s funny, before my accident and my broken wrists, I had never even noticed that my mom was the coolest person I knew. I snuck another peek at her chest, rising and falling. She was actually very pretty. It’s no wonder I had a wet dream about her last night.

“You a slob? No way. You’re totally awesome. I don’t know what I’d do if didn’t have the summer off. You’re my hands and do everything for me.”

She gave me a skeptical look, “Are you sure, baby? I’m letting my routines go. Heck, I’m so far off my game, I don’t even want to get dressed.”

I shook my head, “No. Really. You’re the best. When I broke my wrists and had to wear diapers, I thought my life was over. But you’ve been so cool about it.”

I tried to snap the elastic waistband of my rubber pants, but my wrists and hands wouldn’t cooperate, “Can you imagine me having to get into and out of shorts or pants every time I have to go to the bathroom? Or slipping a shirt over these,” I said, nodding toward the wrist braces.”

A grin slid across Mom’s face, “Okay, you’re definitely easier to change in just a diaper.”

I smirked, “See, I told you.”

She scooted over until our shoulders touched as we watched the movie on the TV. The day had been the strangest. I had started it scared about my dream. I thought mom would think it gross having a dream about her. But the way she touched me, giving me the most mind-blowing cum of my nearly thirteen years changed everything. And the rest of the day had been great too. Even the awkwardness of our morning was just us adjusting to the unexpected change.

Wanting to let her know I had enjoyed the day, I shifted my left arm and slid it behind her neck. It was challenging, because the wrist brace partially got in the way. She shifted closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

As the movie ended, I felt like I needed to tell Mom how much she meant to me. I said, “Sorry I’ve ruined the summer. I should have been more careful on my bike. Then you’d not have been stuck at home taking care of me like I’m a little baby.”

Mom stretched her arm across my chest, “Oh, Kel, you couldn’t have known you were going to get hurt. Anyway, all isn’t lost. I think today showed we could have a fun day even with a broken arm. Right?”

I wasn’t sure if Mom was referring to the shows we’d watched throughout the day together or how she had solved my wet dream problem. “Even though you’ve gotta change my diaper and give me baths?”

Mom flashed a grin, “I don’t mind, Kel.” Her voice fell to a whisper, “I think I discovered how much fun they can be.”

My face grew hot. I was nearly certain she was talking about jacking me off this morning. “Yeah. I guess wearing a diaper hasn’t been as bad as I feared. You’ve made it easier.”

Mom’s fingers touched the top of the rubber pants and I turned even redder, “Um, you know, wearing just your sleeping clothes during the day. I feel, um, closer to you.”

Mom’s hand retreated a few inches to my belly, “So it doesn’t bother you, me wearing my underwear?”

Bother me? Hell no! Turned me on! Instead of those things, I said, “No. I like it. Makes me feel better about wearing a diaper.” It was my turn for my voice to fall to a whisper, as I added, “The only thing that would be cooler is if you wore only a diaper, like me.”

Mom craned her neck until her lips kissed my cheek. Just as quietly as me, she said, “I think you just want to see my tits.”

My eyes grew round and my jaw fell open. Partly because it was true, but mostly because Mom actually said it.

She took the opportunity to plant a quick peck on my stunned lips, “It’s getting late, Kel. It’s time to get your bath. Your hair needs washing.”

I pulled my arm from around her shoulder, wincing at the pain in my wrist, I grumbled, “Fine.”

Mom slid around me and stood on my side of the bed, “Let’s get the diaper off first.”

I tried to hide my excitement. After this morning, the idea of Mom seeing my stiffy thrilled me. But there was no reason to be that obvious to her, even though I bet she could figure that out by looking at my penis.

After a quick bit of work, Mom pulled my diaper off, freeing my stiffy to point upward. She grinned at me, “Alright, on to the bathroom.”

When Mom began filling up the tub, I said, “Couldn’t I take a shower? It’ll be easier to wash my hair under the showerhead.”

Mom glanced at the showerhead and back at me, “I don’t know, baby. Seems like it would be a waste of time. The rest of you still needs washing.”

I didn’t want to take a bath, even though Mom giving it to me was a definite improvement. Then I had an idea. “What if you stand to one side, where it’s dry? You can put the shampoo on my hair and even get me soaped up while staying dry.”

As Mom considered my suggestion, her eyes drifted over my body. My stiffy twitched at the attention. “Dunno, Kel. Sounds like I might still get wet.”

I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, “If you’re worried about getting your clothes wet, maybe you could put on a swimsuit, then it wouldn’t matter if you got wet. That way, I can take a shower, get clean and not have to take a silly bath.”

Mom’s eyes ran over my body again as she weighed the choices. “Fine, Kel. If my underwear gets wet, I guess I can change it later. If it means so much to you to take a shower, then a shower it will be.”



Day three started out like no other. Even now, having a bit of time to think about it, I don’t know what possessed me to touch Kelly’s penis this morning. But it drew me in like nothing else, and before I knew it, I had masturbated him to an eruption that satisfied him and surprised the hell out of me.

I got the surprise of my life when Kelly ejaculated. With no body hair and a smooth small set of balls, I figured my son was still preadolescent. Although the fact that he had some semen in his diaper should have clued me in. But several respectable, if clear and watery blasts left me no doubt, he was further along than I originally thought.

The rest of the morning, even though we both pretended nothing had happened between us, we traded looks. At first, I felt terribly guilty. After all, I had just molested Kelly. But the sly smile he kept giving me told me he had enjoyed the attention I gave him. By lunchtime, I told myself, Kelly couldn’t wait six weeks to take care of his needs. If there was any doubt about that, he wouldn’t be battling near constant erections. As his mother, it was my job to help him in any way I could, and it was now clear to me, he needed my help releasing the growing tension in his developing body, if only until his wrists heal enough for him to take care of his needs.

Once I realized I was truly taking care of his needs and not harming him, the rest of the day passed pleasantly. Even feeding him at supper didn’t bother me as much as yesterday. After all, Kelly needed me.

Even though I was coming to terms with how much more Kelly needed me beyond just changing his diaper, as I looked around my bedroom while watching a movie with him, I realized I was letting other things slide. In the three days since we had returned from the doctor’s office, I had done little housework. During a commercial break, I picked up stuff off the floor, got a load of laundry going and even cleaned stuff out of the sink in the kitchen. I owed it to both me and my son to be more responsible.

By the time I fell back onto my bed, I felt bad about letting things go over the past few days. I ruefully chuckled, “I’m becoming a slob, Kel. Lounging around in my undies all day, watching TV and not getting a damned thing done. I’m not much of a housekeeper.”

I felt Kelly’s eyes on me as I caught my breath. I didn’t want to admit it, but I liked the way I felt in just my underwear. I felt I was equalizing things between the two of us, with Kelly in just diapers. Eventually he said, “You a slob? No way. You’re totally awesome. I don’t know what I’d do if didn’t have the summer off. You’re my hands and do everything for me.”

We talked a bit and Kelly made me feel I could balance things while still letting thing become relaxed between him and me. Eventually, I moved over next to him, brushing shoulders with him. I wanted him to know I was okay with how things had gone today. Eventually, he responded by stretching his arm around my neck and shoulders. There was something intimate in the way he tried to hold me, even though his wrist brace kept him from holding my shoulder.

I responded by shifting even closer. Our legs touched, and I rested my head against the side of his chest. My stomach fluttered at our closeness and we stayed close until the end of the TV movie. Even Kelly felt the connection. As the credits scrolled on the TV screen, he said, “I’m sorry I’ve ruined the summer. I should have been more careful on my bike.”

I told him I didn’t mind helping him and after making him feel better about things, I gave him a quick peck on the lips. After that, it was time for his bath. I took off his diaper and was rewarded with another glimpse of his erection. But it was bath time, so we went to the bathroom where he begged me to let him take a shower. If we hadn’t grown closer today, I probably would have put my foot down, and insisted he take a bath.

Instead, I pretended to be exasperated, “Fine, Kel. If my underwear gets wet, I guess I can change it later.”

As gently as possible, I removed Kelly’s wrist braces and helped him into the bathtub before flipping the knob that sent the water to the overhead showerhead. The tub was longer and wider than most tubs because the previous owners had installed an extra-long tub and moved the showerhead to the middle. This let Kelly stand under the cascading water. I closed the curtain after climbing into the tub at one end.

Even at my end, the water splattered against my feet and shins. I didn’t see how I could escape without getting soaked. And in truth, the idea of letting Kelly see even more of me sent a shiver down my spine. For now, I watched my son slowly turn around, getting completely wet from head to toe. He stopped turning when he faced me. His penis was still poking upward, hard as a rock. I loved the view he gave me. When he wiped the water from his eyes, I stopped looking at his erection and said, “Ready for me to wash your hair?”

He nodded, and I stepped closer to him and I felt droplets of water landing on me. I ignored getting wet as I reached up and ran my fingers through his soaked hair. Kelly is about four inches taller than me and I had to stretch to touch the top of his head. Shampooing would be easier if he knelt.

“How about kneeling, baby? I can get your hair easier that way.”

Kelly knelt. His eyes were even with the bottom of my bra as I drew even closer. Picking up a bottle of shampoo, I squeezed a generous amount into my hand and massaged it into his hair, lathering it until it was mostly a sudsy white. Then I helped him lean back until his head was under the showerhead. By the time I rinsed his hair clean of soap, I was almost as wet as him.

Kelly said, “You should have worn a swimsuit, Mom. You’re all wet.”

My black sports bra was wet. The straps felt tighter than usual, and I needed some relief from how they cut into my shoulder. I said, “Yeah. I suppose. Do you mind if I take my top off? It’s digging into my skin.”

Kelly’s eyes were fixed on my breasts as he gulped and nodded, “Um, that’s cool.”

I peeled my top off. The fluttering in my stomach was all encompassing. Even though I was soaked to the skin, I felt wet where the water couldn’t reach. I should have kept my mouth shut. But as my tits came into view, I said, “What do you think, baby?”

Kelly stammered, “Oh, ah, wow!”

A grin spread over my face at the open admiration on Kelly’s. Maybe these showers would work out after all. I said, “Your hair’s clean, Kel. Now, let’s get the rest of your body.”

He stood up again, even though his eyes never left my chest. I grabbed a bar of soap and lathered my hands and rested them on his shoulder. Then, I worked them gradually down, scrubbing his narrow chest. By the time my hands reached his belly, the look in his eyes was all the confirmation I needed to continue working my way down.

The slick smoothness of his pubic area made my fingers tingle as they rubbed soapy suds across the area above his erection. I looked up one more time and saw the delighted expression on Kelly’s face before I wrapped my soapy fingers around his shaft.

The way I leaned down was a bit awkward, so I knelt, bringing my eyes even with his smooth stomach. It also made it easier to grab his erection. My fingers slid along his nearly four-inch shaft, repeating what I had done before breakfast. Kelly rewarded me with a wordless moan of pleasure as he tilted his head back.

I must have been doing something right. His penis twitched in my fingers as more noises came from Kelly’s mouth. My fingers tugged at his glans as I decided right then, I didn’t want him to have to worry about an unexpected wet dream for the rest of the summer. If that meant masturbating him once or twice a day, well, that’s just the kind of sacrifice I was willing to make for my boy.

Kelly’s moaning changed, and his knees shook. Even though he had grown quiet in his pleasure, I was pretty sure he was close. My fingers sped up and then I felt it. His flared head seemed to expand in my hand as his shaft spasmed. A blast of cum shot across the narrow opening between our bodies and hit me between my breasts. As fast as I dared, I kept jacking him as another thing strand of clear cum hit me again. A couple of more blasts of Kelly’s watery seed landed on my stomach before I let go of my newfound toy.

Kelly sank to the bottom of the tub, sitting cross-legged, as his body came down from what had to have been an incredible orgasm.

After washing the soap from my fingers, I scooped up his watery cum running down my chest. I held it to my nose, but aside from a slight but unique scent, there was nothing. I stuck my finger in my mouth and sucked it clean. I was expecting a salty bitterness, but when his semen hit my tongue, it tasted sweet. I searched my chest and stomach and scooped up what little remained and plopped it into my mouth and enjoyed the sweet taste of my boy.

Kelly’s eyes focused on me as he came down from his blissful high. When he found his voice, he said, “That-, that was awesome.”

I sat down next to him. My panties were already soaked. It wasn’t like I could get any wetter. I thought about taking them off, but letting Kelly see my tits was enough for now. In fact, that’s where his eyes were glued as I joined him on the bottom of the tub. I said, “I’m glad you liked it. I sure did.”

He blushed, “Cool.”

I rested my hands on his knees, “I really liked it a lot, Kel. But, if this gets too weird, say something. Okay?”

Kelly’s lips curled upward, “You mean we can do this some more if I want?”

In my head, I replayed what I said to him. I hadn’t realized how open-ended I had left it. Maybe it was a Freudian slip. Even if it was a slip, I wanted to explore more of his body. I nodded, “Yeah. As long as you want it.”

The look he gave me made my guilt slide away. After all, Kelly didn’t have the means to take care of his needs himself until his wrist heals. And he’d already said what I did was helpful. I felt my lips curl into a grin in response to his. He replied, “Cool. Maybe having my wrists broken won’t be so bad after all.”

We laughed, and the tension I felt over what I’d done to my son faded away. Kelly said, “Can you wash my back?”

Without waiting for a response, he spun around on his butt, turning his back to me. I said, “Sure, baby,” as I grabbed the bar of soap and lathered my hands. Kelly is skinny. Always has been, even as a baby. I could feel the sharpness of his shoulder blades as I soaped up his back, the indentions on his spinal cord as I ran my hand ran along its straight line.

After what I’d already touched, I thought nothing of cupping my hand and squeezing his pale ass-cheeks. Even though I had already washed his chest, I shifted forward and ran my fingers over his shoulders and chest. To get my hands stretch across more of his torso, I moved my legs so they would run along either side of his body and then moved forward until Kelly’s back was just inches away from my chest.

We were both under the showerhead and as soon as I could wash his chest, the water would wash away the suds. When I ran my fingers across Kelly’s belly, he leaned back against me and I felt a thrill at his back against my breasts. In a way, my son had been the one to touch my boobs. Feeling his bony back against my chest, I couldn’t help but wonder what his hands would feel like. Of course, by the time he would be finished with the wrist braces, he wouldn’t need my help anymore.

As my fingers touched Kelly’s pubic area, I couldn’t shake a mental image of the two of us bathing each other after his wrists healed. In that brief fantasy, we were both touching each other.

My mind bounced back from that thought, as I rationalized my current behavior as necessary for Kelly’s well-being while his wrists heal. I pulled my hand back, “I think we’ve just about gotten you as clean as possible, baby. Ready to get out?”

Kelly laid his head against my shoulder, “Aw, I was just getting comfortable.”

I loved him so much at that moment. I wrapped my arms around his chest and hugged him, “I love you, kiddo.”

When I let go the hug, Kelly leaned forward, letting me stand up. From there, I helped him to his feet. You really don’t realize how little you can do when your hands are out of commission. When he was on his feet, he faced me, “Mom, you’re the best. I really liked my shower today.”

Seeing my son, my baby boy, standing taller than me felt surreal. Of course, since Christmas, I’ve watching him surpass me in height, but with me in just my panties and him standing naked before me, I realized even though he may not have the most noticeable sign of puberty, there were other signs he was growing up.

I caressed his cheek, “Me too, Kel. Any time.”

Then, overwhelmed by feelings not entirely maternal, I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around Kelly’s neck and gave him a hug. Sure, I could feel my breasts against his chest and his penis, quickly growing from soft to hard, against my lower abdomen. But I didn’t care as I rested my cheek against his shoulder.

When we parted, Kelly was blushing as he looked between us, no doubt at my breasts or his erection. As tempted as I was to touch him again, I resisted. “It’s getting late, Kel. Do you need to use the bathroom before we get your diaper back on?”

A bit later, after Kelly used the bathroom, I had him on the changing pad, his legs pulled up so I could pin the cloth corners together. As I slid the cloth towel under his backside, his penis pointed upward. I couldn’t blame him. His eyes were fixed on my chest. I hadn’t replaced my wet sports bra yet, and my boobs were still available for his viewing pleasure.

As I pulled the corners of the diaper up, I murmured, “Sorry, baby. I should probably cover myself.”

Kelly smiled as his penis twitched. “You’re really pretty, Mom. I think your, um, ah, tits are splendid.”

It was my turn for my cheeks to turn scarlet. Hearing the word ‘tit’ in the cherubic soprano tone of my son, as it related to my own breasts, left me feeling weak in my knees. “Thanks, Kel. I think your dick is splendid too.”

Turnabout was fair play. We were both about as red in the face as possible as I gently took his penis and pulled it down so I could pin his diaper in place.

Once he was diapered, I left Kelly on the changing pad and went over to retrieve a change of clothing for me. The little voice inside my head told me to take my clothes into the bathroom and change there. There was just something about our situation that made that voice impossible to listen to. Instead, I turned my back to Kelly and pulled my panties down. In my underwear drawer, I had several clean choices from which to pick. I picked up a rather modest pair of white panties. When I wore a dress to work, these were a sensible go-to option. I dropped them when I found a pair of pink low-cut panties with lacy trim. These were so much sexier than the others.

I could feel Kelly’s eyes on my ass as I stepped into the clean underwear and pulled them up. Dry at last, I glanced behind me. Kelly had moved toward the head of the bed, propping himself against one of my pillows. He fixed his eyes on me and his mouth was agape. I gave him a cheeky grin, “What?”

He stammered, “Y-, you were naked!”

I turned around, facing him, letting him ogle my perky a-cups, “Well, I’ve certainly seen you naked quite a few times over the past few days, Kel. But if it bothers you…”

His eyes, already large, grew bigger, “N-, no. It’s cool. I guess I never realized how, um, ah, mm, hot my mom is.”

I flushed at the compliment as I grabbed a pink tank-top from the closet and slid it over my chest, hiding at least for the time being, the object of Kelly’s attention.

I put the changing supplies back under the bed. I was about to take Kelly back to his room when I noticed how natural he looked on my bed. Apart from Kelly climbing into my bed when he was still little, I hadn’t shared my bed with anyone since before he was born. Given his injuries, it would be nice to keep him closer to me at night. At least that’s how I rationalized it. I came back around the other side of the bed before asking, “You can sleep in here tonight, baby, if you want.”

An already happy boy positively glowed as he said, “Cool.”

He shimmied his backside until he slid under the covers. He was quite resourceful without the use of his wrists or hands. I slipped under the covers and pulled them over me before I turned out the light on my nightstand.

Once the room was cloaked in darkness, I moved over beside Kelly and reached my arm around him and hugged him, “Good night, baby.”

He surprised me and took my breath away when he leaned in, his lips pressing against mine. It was only for a couple of heartbeats, but the tingles remained even after his deep breathing told me he had fallen asleep.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Helpless for the Summer – Chapter 4

Helpless for the Summer – Chapter 4


If things weren’t weird enough, getting spoon-fed by Mom was weird all on its own. This evening she fixed some fish-sticks, macaroni and cheese, and spinach. By suppertime, I’d given up completely on trying to use my hands for anything. Even wiggling my fingers hurts like a son-of-a-gun. So, Mom fed me my food a bite at a time at the same time she ate. I guess there’s a small part of me that liked her putting the spoon to my lips, but most of me can hardly wait for my wrists to heal enough to feed myself.

After Mom finished cleaning up from dinner, she said, “I could really stand a break about now, Kel. I’m going to find something to watch in my bedroom.”

I couldn’t manage the remote control so, watching something in the living room by myself was out of the question, and what was I going to do in my own room? My face must have given my predicament away. She added, “Come on, let’s see if we can find something we’ll both like.”

While Mom’s TV is slightly smaller than the TV in the living room, her bed is tons more comfortable than the old, worn cushions on our couch. There’s hardly anything I’ll miss once my wrists are healed, but watching TV in Mom’s room is something I’ll miss.

This summer was shaping up to be so different from anything else I’ve ever known. Last year, I was riding my bike all around, hanging out with my friends who lived a couple of miles away and just having fun. Today, Mom and I hung out together. She read to me after breakfast, we watched some of her soaps in the afternoon, and now, after dinner, we were going to watch a movie; me in my diaper and her in just her tank top and panties. At one point, she mentioned about how bad she felt about me having to wear these darned wrist braces and diaper. I think the reason she didn’t get dressed was so I wouldn’t feel so bad. And in truth, it kind of helped, after I got used to seeing her in panties and tank-top.

After the movie ended and the credits started rolling, Mom turned her TV off, “Okay, Kel, time for the worst part of the day. Bath time!”

I groaned and rolled onto my side, facing away from her. I hadn’t been looking forward to a bath at all. Some of it was because I just didn’t like baths; let me take a shower over a bath any day. After all, baths are for little kids. I tried not to think about how I really felt like a little kid right then, dressed in nothing but a diaper, not even able to move my hands without them hurting. The other part I didn’t want to think about was getting naked for Mom again. Even though she already had to take the diaper off twice now so I could pee, I still wasn’t comfortable with it.

Mom rolled off the bed and came around to the side I was on, “Do you need to pee or poop before your bath?”

I thought I could take the kids for a swim, as some of my friends liked to refer to taking a dump, “Yeah, I guess.”

“You dry right now?”


Mom’s eyes roamed across me, like an inspector, “Probably easier to take the diaper off here. But it’s your call.”

Being naked in front of Mom still felt incredibly weird, but if I didn’t make a big deal out of it, maybe my body would behave. I bit back a sigh, “Here’s fine.”

Mom grabbed the changing pad, which she had stored under the bed. I rolled onto it and spread my legs. Not that I wanted to, but having heard Mom tell me to a couple of times already, I was getting familiar with the drill. Mom grabbed the rubber pants and pulled them off, then removed the safety pins holding the cloth corners together. When she pulled the front of the diaper down, in my mind I begged and pleaded for my penis to stay soft. For now, it listened to me.

Mom patted my hip, “Already Kel, to the bathroom.”

I practically ran to the bathroom, stark naked while Mom put the changing stuff away. I was about finished with my business on the toilet when she came in and started filling the tub.

Wishing I could take care of my own shit, I mumbled, “I’m done.”

Mom pulled some toilet paper from the roll and said, “Why don’t you bend over at the waist, Kel? Maybe I can wipe you here.”

The soft toilet paper inside my butt-crack tickled, and despite my best effort, I giggled. While I doubted this would get me as clean as when she had me on the changing pad, I was about to get in the tub, so I doubted it would matter.

Mom grabbed some more TP, and I giggled again when she wiped me again. I think it was an accident, but her finger brushed the bottom of my nut sack and all my effort to keep myself from getting hard went out the window.

When I stood up, I turned to face away from Mom. She said, “Hold up, Kel. Dr. Peters said we should take the wrist braces off at bath time. Let me take them off for you.”

Reluctantly, I turned and stretched my hand out. I guess this was the third time Mom saw me hard. But it didn’t make it one bit better. As she gently slid the brace from my wrist, I twisted my hips, trying to angle it so she wouldn’t see my erection pointing toward the ceiling. It was all for nothing. After pulling my second brace off, she swatted my butt and said, “Boys.”

My face was beet-red when I stepped into the nearly-hot water. It wasn’t so much that what she said bothered me. No, it was the fact that my body seemed to be at war with me. I sank into a sitting position, facing away from Mom, toward the tub’s inner wall.

Mom picked up the bar of soap, “Let’s get your back first.”

Already facing away from her, I bobbed my head. Mom’s soaped-up hands were soft as she ran them over my back. I hunched over and enjoyed the light tingling running up and down my spine from her slick, soapy touch. Maybe letting Mom bathe me wasn’t the worst thing. If I had realized how nice it felt for her hands to wash my back, I might have asked her to wash my back before now. She seemed really cool about it, I couldn’t help wondering if I’d been missing out.

From my back, her hands shifted to my arms. She was especially gentle when her hands practically glided over my wrists. Then, she picked up my left arm, and soaped my upper arms and then slid her fingers against my pits, which she tickled. Involuntarily I jerked my hand down as I laughed, “Ahh!”

I should have learned my lesson. When she washed my right arm, she did the same thing. “S-, stop,” I squealed, “That tickles!”

Finished with my arms, Mom reached around my chest and pulled me out of hunching over, almost like she was hugging me, “Come on, baby. We’ve gotta get the front now.”

All the touching and tickling almost made me forget about my stiffy, which hadn’t gone away. But I tried to ignore the fact that if Mom looked down my front, that she would see it pointing up. She washed my shoulders and then my chest, working her way down my front until her hands found my bellybutton. As a finger played with my bellybutton, my penis twitched just above the waterline. I felt really conflicted. I was totally exposed to her and if she was looking down, she’d see my quivering stiffy. But her hands felt great on me.

I sucked in a breath of air. From my bellybutton, her fingers worked their way lower.



Honesty, even to yourself, is hard. Given a choice between spoon-feeding Kelly or having to change his diaper, I realized this evening I’d far rather change his diaper than spoon-feed him. Oh, I love him more than words can express, but holding up a spoon to his lips is going to get old pretty quick.

I know I should dread changing his diaper, but I can’t deny Kelly is a beautiful boy. And the sight of him naked has affected me in ways I hadn’t expected. It seemed like every time I changed him, his penis would spring to attention. Perhaps I’m biased, but there’s nothing more beautiful that a circumcised boy’s erection. Kelly’s glans was gorgeously symmetric, topping nearly four inches of perfectly formed shaft. And I felt terrible for thinking those things. After all, Kelly was my son and were it not for the accident and the wrist braces, I would have remained completely oblivious to the marvelous changes his body was beginning to undergo.

Despite sorting through where our boundaries should be, I invited him to watch a movie with me in my bedroom after dinner. In the past, that had been my time of solitude when Kelly would watch TV in the living room or play with his toy soldiers in his bedroom. Kelly started the movie lying on the other side of the bed, his arms resting on his stomach. But after an intense scene, his head rested against my shoulder. The closeness left me confused. I suppose it was because I couldn’t get the image of his four-and-a-half-inch penis out of my mind.

What kind of mother dwells on her son’s body? That thought sent me down a rabbit hole of past conversations with some women I work with at the school. A bunch of thirty- and forty-something-year-old women actually spend more time than most of us would care to admit, admiring the bodies of some of the boys in our school. But that was just talk. Right?

I knew I could never admit to those thoughts, but day two of our misadventures had been a day unlike any other I’d ever had with Kelly. It was completely unscripted and impromptu. Thinking back on it, it was around lunch time when I realized I was still in my panties and tank-top, and by that time, I figured it was so late and Kelly didn’t seem to mind, I just didn’t see any point getting dressed. After that, I felt so liberated just hanging out in my underwear and Kelly certainly didn’t seem to mind, especially when he was wearing just a diaper.

Once the movie was over, I leaned over and sniffed Kelly. He had that unmistakable smell of boy. He hadn’t showered in a couple of days, and even as uncomfortable as it might make him, I couldn’t justify letting him go another day.

Once he was in the bathtub, I had him face away from me as I lathered up a bar of soap and started working on cleaning his back. As my hands felt his soft skin, I realized I hadn’t given him a bath since kindergarten. He actually purred as my soapy hand caressed his spine. I think he enjoyed it every bit as much as I. I felt a moment’s anger at those people who told me the proper way to raise my son was to ween him off my helping him in the bathtub as soon as possible. They had cheated me out of years of baths when I could have enjoyed giving him lots more baths. At least we have the next six weeks.

I pulled Kelly back, resting his head on my shoulder, when it was time to wash his front. His shoulders held a wiriness, a hint of more muscles to come. My soapy hands caressed his chest. Part of me knew I needed to be fast and efficient, but I didn’t want to. My hands massaged his undeveloped muscles, even tweaking his immature boyish nipples until the tiny nubs grew erect under my touch. Glancing down, it wasn’t just Kelly’s nipples that were hard. His penis pointed upward from his crotch. My thoughts went back to how incredibly soft his skin felt over the blood-fueled hardness of his penis’s muscles.

I pushed the thoughts from my mind as I worked my way slowly down his chest, eventually working a finger into his inward-facing belly button. He giggled at the touch while I relished the tingling in my fingers. I let my fingers go a bit lower, stopping at his lower abdomen. Part of me wanted to go lower, and intellectually, I knew Kelly couldn’t go six weeks without washing his penis. But deliberately touching him there—that wasn’t something moms usually did.

As the battle of desires waged inside my head, I didn’t realize what my fingers were doing until my index finger touched the base of his erection, where his penis met his pubic bone. He was rock hard. We both jumped at the touch. I blurted, “Sorry about that, Kel.”

Kelly’s breaths came in quick shallow gasps, “Ahhh, it… It’s okay. I, um, didn’t see that coming.”

I knew I should stop there. Nothing good would come of touching him further. I don’t know what I was thinking when I said, “You normally clean yourself down there when you shower, right?”

His breathing remained irregular and fast, “Um, yeah.”

My mouth and brain were disconnected. “Is it-, is it okay if I clean it for you? At least until you can do it yourself.”

Kelly stopped breathing. The only sign he heard me was the twitch in his penis. After a few heartbeats he murmured, “Um, yeah. I guess.”

A rapidly shrinking voice of reason warned me against touching him. But I didn’t listen. I lathered my hands again and then ran my sudsy hand across Kelly’s pubic area, making sure to brush my fingers over his boner. Then I encircled his erection with my fingers. I hadn’t touched a guy on his junk since I was with Kelly’s dad. It had been way too many years. But I sure hadn’t forgotten how to hold a boy’s penis in the intervening years.

At some point, Kelly started breathing again and my fist slid up and down his soap-slicked erection. As I washed him in the most intimate of ways, I wondered if he knew about masturbation. At nearly thirteen, I figured he had. Still, that wasn’t something I wanted to ask him about. More than that, I was damn sure it wasn’t something he wanted to mention to me.

After a few tugs, I let go. I had wanted to wash him down there. Not make my twelve-year-old orgasm. I said, “Sorry, baby. I guess that was kind of uncomfortable.”

Kelly let out a nervous chuckle, “Yeah. I guess. I still remember the stuff about good and bad touches. I said it was okay. That makes it a good touch. Right?”

There was a tremor in my voice, “Yeah, Kel.”

As much as I wanted to touch him again, I had to retrain myself. I added, “Please tell me if this becomes too uncomfortable.”

Kelly turned his head until his lips were a couple of inches from my cheek, “You’re only touching me because you love me, Mom. My, um, my privates won’t clean themselves.”

As if punctuating it, his penis twitched again. I did my best to hide my sigh as I had him stand while I washed his legs. After which, Kelly was about as clean as I was going to get him tonight. I’d worry about his hair tomorrow. From there, it was just a matter of drying him off, putting his wrist braces on, putting a fresh diaper on him and putting him into his own bed.

He was asleep before long. Then it was my turn to take a bath. I changed out the water and stripped. While I waited for the tub to fill up, I looked in the mirror. I help up my arms and noticed a bit of stubble. Of course, it had been a week since I’d last shaved. That was one of the nice things about not having much body hair; shaving under my arms and my legs once a week kept me feeling quite smooth.

Once I sank into the bath’s hot water, I took more time than usual shaving my usual spots. Even though I knew it was a bad idea to think on it, I couldn’t keep from thinking about Kelly’s smooth legs and arms. And even though I could barely admit it, even to myself, his pubic area. I especially found that smoothness alluring.

Before long, my fingers pushed through my pubic hair. I’d never had what I considered a big bush. My pubic hair tapered off before reaching my legs. Also, it thinned considerably before it made it even a quarter of the way to my belly button, with my treasure trail disappearing a couple of inches below where my panties normally started. My thoughts returned to Kelly. I had loved the feel of his erection in my hands earlier. Despite the hot water, I grew wet just thinking about his silky-smooth penis. It was enough that I took my razor and carefully shaved all my pubes. I took my sweet time; even shaving the hair from around my labia, managing to not cut myself even once.

Once I finished shaving, I ran my fingers down my slit and I felt a thousand times more sensual and sexier running my fingers down my slit. It felt so much better with no hair getting in the way. I found my clit and rubbed it. I should have thought of someone else. Really, anyone else. But I couldn’t get Kelly out of my mind, nor his gorgeous four-and-a-half inches.

By the time I finished my bath, the water had gone cold.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Helpless for the Summer – Chapter 3

Helpless for the Summer – Chapter 3


I awoke to the pain in my wrists; the medication was good, but it didn’t last forever and in the dimness of the early morning my wrists dully ached, a constant reminder of how my summer was ruined. Something else penetrated the pain. I was wet.

My fingers touched the plastic-like material of the pull-up, but the pain in my wrists left my fingers numb and I couldn’t tell by touch how wet I became. I wanted to take one of those magical little pills that numbed my pain. The problem with it, it made me sleep so soundly, my bladder seemed to fail when I slept under its influence. I vowed, as I moved over to the edge of my bed, not to take the pain pill the next night. Better to deal with the pain than to wet myself at night.

When I scrambled out of bed, I looked back and breathed a sigh of relief. From what I could see in the dim light of early morning, my sheets appeared dry. It was bad enough I had to ask Mom’s help to change the pull-up. How much worse my humiliation would have been if she had to change my bedding too.

I wasn’t sure when I peed my pull-ups during the night, but thinking about it was enough to trigger something inside me. I had to pee again, and soon. Worse still, I also needed to take a dump. A quick glance out my window showed the sun wasn’t quite up. It was still very early. But any thought of lying down died when my intestines gurgled. I really had to go.

I was wearing a diaper; I toyed briefly with the idea of letting Mom sleep and taking care of all my business in the pull-up. But the idea of sitting in my own filth turned my stomach and with another groan from my intestines, my discomfiture overcame my embarrassment and I headed toward Mom’s bedroom.

Her door was open. She always slept with her door open. I guess it was so that she could hear me if I called during the night. There was a bit of light filtering through her curtains, letting me see her sleeping form on her bed. The clock on her nightstand showed it was halfway between six and seven in the morning. No wonder she was still asleep. We were not early risers in the summer.

At some point, Mom had kicked the covers off her bed, and I found myself staring at her sleeping form. I was mesmerized by what I saw. She wore a tank-top with my school’s mascot and a pair of peach-colored panties. That was it! I was stunned. Mom dressed modestly around the house and usually expected the same of me. While it was true, she really didn’t care what I slept in, the rest of the time she expected me to wear at least a pair of shorts around the house. And until that moment, I had never seen her in less than shorts and a t-shirt.

She looked so peaceful. Without meaning to, I stared at her chest. The thin cotton of her tank-top let me see the outline of her nipples as well as the swelling of her breasts. I don’t recall ever seeing her without a bra on before, and I couldn’t keep myself from staring. I’d never seen my mom like this. The way my school’s mascot bent around her boob was hot. It reminded me of Tonya Reese. She was a girl I sat next to at school. She was in my homeroom through the end of the school year. I liked Tonya. Or more accurately, I liked looking at Tonya, even though some of the other guys gave her a lot of crap about her boobs, because they weren’t very big. Still, as I gaped at Mom’s chest, even though her boobs weren’t that much bigger than Tonya’s, they looked sexy to me.

I let my eyes fall on her panties. This was unfamiliar territory for me. I’d never seen Mom so exposed. The particular shade of peach nearly matched her skin, making it almost look like she was naked below the waist. I’ve seen some pictures at school and I knew women had a thick bush of hair down there. But if Mom did, her panties hit it from view. The last thing I noticed as I stared at her underwear was the indention at the bottom of her panties. One of my friends in school would have called it her camel toe. I’d seen girly magazines before, so I knew the crease was her slit.

I felt some pressure in my pull-ups. Oh, no! This wasn’t good. My dick stirred to life, poking at the wetness of the front of my diaper. It couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Not when I had to pee and take a dump.

I don’t know if I made a noise, but Mom shifted and stretched on her bed as she woke up. I don’t think she noticed how long I had stood there, so I tapped the open door, “Hey Mom, you awake?”

“Mmm hmm,” she murmured. Then her eyes opened, “You need to go to the bathroom, baby?”

I nodded, even as I tried thinking of something other than my mom’s boobs or panties. I was reaching a crisis point; Even though she’d seen me once the previous day with an erection, that wasn’t something I wanted a repeat of. But my bladder and bowels would not the be denied. “Yeah. Gotta go.”

Still waking up, she slid off the bed and followed me into the bathroom. I don’t know if she even realized at that moment how little she wore.

When I reached the toilet, I turned toward her as she asked, “Is it wet?”

Feeling my cheeks turn hot from shame, I nodded, “Yeah. And I gotta do number two, too.”

Mom’s sleepiness seemed to fall away as she grinned, “A number two, too? That’s a lot of toos.”

After another yawn, she shook her head as though trying to get rid of her sleepiness, “It’s like yesterday, baby. I’m going to need to take this off. Is that okay?”

No, it really wasn’t. I was still erect. I couldn’t get Mom’s boobs or panties out of my mind. My body had other ideas. My intestines made a loud noise and even though I clenched my butt-cheeks, I farted. Rather than wait any longer, I nodded silently.

She grabbed the pull-up’s waistband at my hips and tugged them down. She didn’t say anything when my erection popped free, although when it did, it swung up and slapped my abdomen before pointing upwards. As soon as the pull-ups were at my feet, I sat down and scrunched over my groin, resting my elbows on my knees.

Mom retreated with the wet pull-up as my bowels opened up and my butt made wet farting noises. As she disappeared out the bathroom door, she said, “I’ll let you finish that up.”

I tried to clear my mind as I kept going to the bathroom. But when Mom had hurried out, my eyes had glanced at her butt. I don’t understand why, but the way her panties clung to her backside was better than anything I had seen in one of the sexy magazines my friends and I had stolen glances of in the bathroom at school. When clearing my mind didn’t work, I tried thinking about Tonya Reese. That should have been easier. Since discovering how much fun jacking off could be, Tonya had been a favorite fantasy of mine. But every time I tried to imagine Tonya, I saw Mom. That only made my erection all the harder. It seemed like it took forever for me to finish peeing. Mom was back at the door by the time I was done.

I was still hunched over myself when she said, “You finished, Kel?”

I wanted to shake my head. My penis wasn’t behaving itself. But my bladder and bowels were empty and I could see she knew it. I don’t know why, but my eyes began to water. Sure, my wrists hurt pretty badly right then, but that wasn’t why I was tearing up. I didn’t want Mom to think I was some kind of perv, getting erect around her all the time. What would she think?

Mom came over, “Hey, Kel, it’s okay. We’ll get you cleaned up and into a dry diaper, then get you some medicine for the pain.”

She flushed the toilet, “Unless you were planning on taking a picture of that, no reason to let it stay.”

Despite the horrible discomfiture we felt, I couldn’t help smiling at Mom’s attempt at humor. At least until she took me by the arm and pulled me to my feet. My erection popped back into view. Her eyes went to it and a look of sympathy filled her face, “Don’t worry about that, baby. It’s just your body dealing with itself. We’re going to get you cleaned up and then put one of the cloth diapers on you.”

Hearing the words cloth diaper, I temporarily forgot about my boner and I groaned, “Mom, do I have to wear a diaper? It’s so embarrassing.”

Mom guided me toward her bedroom, where she had set up a changing station, “I’m afraid so, Kel. Between the way your pain meds are messing with your bladder and just the entire issue of not having use of your hands, I don’t see another option.”

In her bedroom, Mom patted the changing pad on the edge of her bed, “Climb on up here, babe and roll onto your back for me.”

My butt was still a mess, so I was careful climbing onto the changing pad, and even more careful as I shifted myself around until I was lying on my back. I felt vulnerable, lying helplessly, waiting for Mom to clean me and put a diaper on me. Worse, my penis was still as hard as ever, although now that I was on my back, it lay against my abdomen.

Mom said, “Pull your knees up, Kel. I need to wipe you clean.”

I followed her instructions, pulling my knees against my chest. I felt something wet and cool touch my backside as she said, “Heavens, Kel. I’d forgotten how messy spaghetti was on the back end. Give me a moment more.”

Mom’s fingers, or maybe it was the wet wipes, touched my nut-sack a couple of times as she cleaned my back door. Then she sprinkled some baby powder on my butt and on my front. She took a large rectangular towel and folded it a few times before she slid it under me, “Almost finished, Kel. Just need to fold it over and pin it in place.”

It was when she folded it over that my erection got in the way again. Exasperated, Mom said, “Does it ever go down, babe?”

I flushed three shades of red. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Mom had just talked about my erection! The horror. I certainly wasn’t going to tell her what I did to make it go away. Not on my life. I mumbled, “Eventually.”

Mom shook her head, “Boys!”

Then she pinned the cloth diaper on the right side. Next, much to my surprise, she took my erection and pushed it down enough to pin the left side of the diaper closed. It was her turn to mumble, “Sorry, sweetie.”



I woke up that morning to an angel. The dim light from my window seemed to cast a halo over Kelly’s head as he stood at my door. As I woke up, I realized he was practically dancing in place as he pointed toward his diaper, which sagged between his legs, a sure sign I recalled from when he was little, of a soggy diaper.

My voice sounded scratchy, “You need to go to the bathroom, baby?”

Kelly nodded, “Yeah, gotta go. And also, number two, too.”

The homophones sounded silly in my ears as I finally woke up. “A number two, too? That’s an awful lot of toos. Still, I followed Kelly to the bathroom and added, “Sorry to say, sweetie, it’s going to be like yesterday. I’m going to have to take your pull-up off.”

Instead of a normal response, Kelly farted after his body made a loud intestinal noise.

I couldn’t help but smiling at his nervousness. I certainly could understand. I barely remembered changing his diaper as a baby. It had been so long ago. He didn’t have any recollection at all and had to find the whole thing completely disconcerting.

Taking his body’s response as a yes, I pulled his pull-ups down. Just like the previous day, Kelly’s boner popped into view when it cleared the elastic waistband. I kept a serious face when it loudly slapped his smooth pubic area. Once I pulled the soggy diaper off, he sat down as fast as possible before hunching down, trying to hide his embarrassment.

I turned to leave with the wet diaper when I realized I hadn’t gotten dressed when Kelly woke me up. I was way off my morning routine, even for a summer morning. Normally, even in the summer, I was up well before my son. And I had plenty of time to get dressed and take care of my morning routine. And as I slipped out of the bathroom, leaving behind the stench of a bowel movement, I felt a bit scandalized in just a tank-top and panties. I could only imagine how Kelly must feel. He had no choice but to let me see him in the most uncomfortable of situations. That’s when I realized, as bare as I felt, what I wore and what I was experiencing paled compared to what Kelly was going through.

I found some plastic bags in the pantry and dropped the diaper into the bag. After tying the bag and tossing it into the garbage, I went back to the bathroom where Kelly hunched over, hiding himself from my eyes.

After getting him into my bedroom and onto the changing pad on my bed, I had Kelly pull his legs up to his chest, exposing his backside to me. It took several wet-wipes to get him cleaned and I could see his pinkish-brown sphincter winking at me. A couple of times, by accident, my hand brushed against his scrotum. That did nothing to stop his erection, which remained hard.

I grabbed a cloth towel and folded it over. It was when I was pinning one corner of the towel to another that I quipped, “Does it ever go down, babe?”

The look on his face told me I had said the wrong thing. Instantly, I regretted it even as he mumbled, “Eventually.”

I wanted to hide my shame at making him so embarrassed, I just muttered, “Boys.”

Still, my eyes were drawn to it like a compass. It’s impossible to not make comparisons. And Kelly was smaller than any of those boys I’d seen when I was eleven. But not that much smaller. From base to the tip of his circumcised glans, he was all of four and a half inches and his little scrotum hung under his thin pole. Would I be happier if my son was closer to the fifty-percentile? Sure. What mother wouldn’t? Even so, exposed like that, I found myself thinking that he was simply beautiful.

I needed to be done. Seeing my son’s penis wasn’t good for my mental health. I could not pin the last part of the cloth diaper closed without doing something about Kelly’s erection. Quickly and gently, I touched the fleshy tube and pushed it down. Then I pinned the cloth diaper closed, trapping Kelly’s erection inside the diaper.

I couldn’t shake loose of what Kelly felt like when I took hold of him. He was at once hard as steel and yet soft and smooth. But I had to put those thoughts aside. I grabbed a pair of rubber pants I’d found in the attic and slid them onto his legs and around the cloth diaper. The rubber pants had been a gift from some ladies at a nearby church when Kelly had been a baby. There had been various sizes in the collection, including a couple of pairs big enough for Kelly even now.

Kelly slid his legs down, letting them drape off the edge of the bed. The shame of his body’s betrayal and of being seen naked by his mom had taken a toll on him. Right then, I wished he hadn’t broken his wrists, and that this wasn’t necessary. I pulled him to a sitting position before I joined him on the edge of the bed. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him into a hug, “You’re the bravest boy I know, Kel. All this has gotta be difficult, but you did great, baby.”

He shuddered and sighed, “I’m trying, Mom. When you saw me, um, lying down just a moment ago, I wanted to crawl into a hole and pull it in with me. Even when I got pants’d in the fifth grade, I wasn’t as embarrassed.”

Mentioning the pantsing in the fifth grade brought back the tears and shame Kelly had felt when I found out that day nearly three years earlier. If this felt worse, I could hardly imagine what he was going through. And this was only the start of the second day. We still had six weeks with those splint braces. I rubbed his back, “It’ll get easier, Kel.”

“Really?” his pure soft voice sounded earnest. I could tell he wanted to believe me, even feeling as bad as he did.

“I promise, Kel,” I said as I rubbed his bare back. Feeling his soft skin under my fingers reminded me we needed to get dressed. I was about to mention it when I thought about how difficult it would to get him into and out of his shorts or jeans. It was pretty clear, if Kelly needed to go to the bathroom, I was going to be the one taking his diaper off. Maybe more clothes were a bad idea.

I followed up on that idea, “You know, baby, one thing we can do now to make things easier is to do away with your summer dress code. If you don’t want to wear anything more than what you’ve got on now, that’ll be fine. You can leave the shorts and shirts for when we need to go out.”

Kelly leaned into my hug. He seemed to enjoy the contact as much as I was. “Thanks, Mom. Even though I feel really weird wearing this, shorts over it would feel even weirder. The room fell silent for a bit before he glanced at me with an inscrutable expression. “What about you?”

I wasn’t wearing much more than him, sitting in just my panties and a tank-top. That scandalized feeling I had earlier returned. What must my boy be thinking about me wearing so little? I wasn’t sure how to answer him. On one hand, it had been years since he’d seen me in as little as I wore now, and I was most comfortable around him in shorts, a t-shirt, and bra. But on the other hand, I was relaxing the dress code for Kelly and there wasn’t any harm in relaxing it for me too.

I nodded, “Yeah, maybe I’ll relax the dress code for me too.”

Then I thought about Kelly’s earlier erections. Could his reaction be because of me? Uncertain, I added, “Well, as long as you’re not uncomfortable about it.”

Knowing my son better than anyone else, his silence caught me off guard. Perhaps he was even more worried about his body’s reaction than I’d thought. After the uncomfortable silence dragged on longer than it should have, Kelly said, “What? You’re going to wear a diaper too?”

That wasn’t what I expected. I sucked in a breath in surprise, “What? Me, wear a diaper?”

For the first time since bringing Kelly home from the doctor’s office, he giggled, “Oh, that would be so cool, Mom.”

But after another long, uncomfortable moment, the shamed look returned, and he tilted his head when he looked up, “Would you? If I asked?”

It was my turn to contribute to the uncomfortable silence. I opened my mouth to offer a resounding no. Hell, I’m twenty-eight years old and way too old for diapers. The only reason for Kelly to wear them was to keep accidents to a minimum. But the look of humiliation and shame in his eyes held my tongue. He had nobody with whom to share this embarrassment. As much as I tried, perhaps even I didn’t fully understand his humiliation. Even though I was the only person who would be there for him, I was also the one person who would see his every humiliation, his every shame.

I felt ashamed about how I nearly slammed his request. It was my turn for tears to pool in my eyes as I softly nodded, “Yeah, baby. If you asked, I suppose I would.”

A tear spilled down Kelly’s cheek as he tried to lean in even closer. His hands stretched around my waist, “I need another hug, Mom.”

The silence that descended now lacked the awkwardness of before, as we sat on the edge of the bed hugging one another. We might have gone on, save that Kelly’s stomach rumbled, reminding us we had yet to eat.

I stood, “Come on, Kel. Let’s get some breakfast in us.”

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Helpless for the Summer – Chapter 2

Helpless for the Summer – Chapter 2


The most stressful day of my life was when I found out I was pregnant at fifteen. Thirteen years ago. This was the second most stressful day of my life. My son, Kelly, is my moon and stars. And he gave me the scare of my life. He was racing his bike down the country road in front of our house when he hit a pothole and went flying off his bike. He tried to stop himself from hitting the ground too hard and ended up breaking both of his wrists.

I called his pediatrician, Dr. Peters, who was able to get us in right away. If we lived in a larger city, I’m not sure that would have happened. Thank God for country doctors. Anyway, the doctor x-rayed Kel and discovered that he’d fractured both wrists. My baby would have to wear wrist braces for six weeks.

Dr. Peters was direct and honest about Kel’s situation. It was going to be bad. My baby wouldn’t be able to do anything for himself for first six weeks of summer. That meant I’d have to spoon-feed him three times a day, help him with going to the bathroom, and even give him baths.

So, what’s a girl to do? The first thing was to go by Wally-world and pick up some diapers for my little man. But heaven help me, I’d forgotten how expensive they were. My job as a teacher’s aide at the local elementary school doesn’t pay much, but between public assistance and a housing voucher, we get by. A month’s supply of big boy diapers was going to put a real dent in our summer budget. Across the aisle from the disposable diapers, I saw some old-style cloth diapers, and I remembered I had never thrown out or given away the cloth diapers I’d used when Kelly was a toddler. I decided to pick up a single package of disposables and then see what I had available at the house.

When we got home, Kelly laid down for a bit while I climbed into the attic. I went through three boxes of baby clothes before I found a stack of cloth diapers. There must have been twenty or more thick white square towels that I’d folded up and wrapped around my baby when he was little. I picked one up and eyeballed it. Not really knowing what I was doing, I’d bought them larger than I’d needed to more than a decade ago and folded them down to his size. I might not have to fold it as many times as I had when he was two or three, but my little boy could still wear them, and that would save a lot of money this summer. Setting the towels aside, I also found baby powder, safety pins and a box of wipes I had never opened.

Even though I knew I would do lots of laundry, I felt better knowing I’d been down this road before and felt as though I could handle it again. After all, it would only be for a few weeks. After hauling all the stuff I’d need out of the attic and into my room, I fixed spaghetti and meat sauce, one of Kelly’s favorite meals, before going into his room and waking him up.

Imagine my surprise to find the front of my son’s shorts already wet. I hustled him into the bathroom and then undressed him, which had to be humiliating. After all, Kelly was just a couple of months short of his thirteenth birthday and already about three inches taller than me. And I’m the one who has to change his diapers! He was so embarrassed.

He sat down and finished what he’d started in his underwear. I figured the pain medication had to be affecting his bladder control when asleep. If that were the case, the next few weeks would be torture, changing wet diapers every morning or after naps.

I got the shock of my life after wiping the urine from around his groin. His penis sprang to life. I think the last time I have seen Kelly erect was when he was a toddler and I was still potty training him. What a difference a decade makes. Kelly was about halfway between four and five inches when erect. Seeing the long nail of flesh pointing into the air made my stomach flutter and left me feeling confused. Living in a small town, and staying away from the bars, I hadn’t been with a man since I got knocked up and pregnant with Kelly. It really had been too long since I saw my last erection.

I looked away and told my son to step into the pull-up. Maybe if I didn’t make anything out of this, Kelly wouldn’t either. It was embarrassing enough for the both of us. “Come on. Step into it and we’ll be finished in a jiffy.”

Kelly tried to hide his erection behind his wrists. The pleading look he sent my way left no doubt he still wasn’t sold on wearing the pull-ups. But what choice was there, if he had already peed on himself when he took a nap?

I swear, his erection quivered, hardly hidden behind his wrists. Ignoring the fluttering in my stomach, I repeated, “Come on, Kel. Step into the diaper and let’s get you dressed.”

Finally, he responded by stepping into the legs. I pulled the pull-ups up his legs and ignored the fleshy pole protruding from his groin. Until the waistband smacked it. “Ouch!”

I felt about two inches high when I realized I’d hurt Kelly’s penis. I grumbled, “Oh, shit!”

I didn’t know what to do. Panicking, I pulled the elastic band away from his skin and then, as gingerly as possible, pushed Kelly’s erection back inside the pull-up; I felt surprised at the warmth and steely softness of his skin. I was awash in self-doubt and shame as I stood and said, “Sorry about that, baby. Let’s go eat.”

Dinner proved to be a challenge. Spaghetti is the wrong first meal to spoon-feed someone else. I should have picked mashed potatoes. Anything but spaghetti. I twirled the noodles around a fork and had to feed Kelly every bite. I was uncomfortable with Kelly’s handicap. But he was embarrassed beyond words. We spent the entire meal with him sporting crimson cheeks even as he took every bite offered. I guess it was one of those things where his needs outweighed his shame.

After dinner, I let him join me in the living room where we watched one of my TV shows. He was almost asleep when I finally rousted him to bed. Usually, Kelly would be the last person to crawl onto the couch next to his momma and watch TV. But if the day had been tough for me, how much worse had it been for him? His wrists lay by his side and his head propped against my shoulder. I couldn’t help but study my son for the first time in I don’t know how long. Kelly was a boy of contrasts. Even though he was only a couple of months shy of turning thirteen, he still loved playing with his GI Joes, even though he had passed me by height-wise earlier in the year. His face had never had much baby fat, always being a bit angular. But it was more so now, not unlike a teenager’s.

I nudged him awake at the end of the show, “Time for bed, baby.”

“Alright.” His voice was clear and unbroken. He didn’t sing often, but when he did, he could melt my heart with his soprano voice. I knew the day was coming when that delightful voice would break, and it would fall in pitch. Part of me hoped that time was a long time coming.

I followed Kelly into his bedroom and helped him undress, pulling off a pair of shorts. When he refused anything but the pull-up, it was just another reminder of how close he was to leaving childhood behind. I visited with him for a bit before tucking him into bed. Before leaving for my bedroom, I gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Good night, Kel.”

When I turned off the light, he replied, “Good night, Mom.”

Once in my bedroom, I undressed, replacing the torture device called my bra with a loose fitting tank-top I got from school where I work. I was emotionally exhausted; All I wanted was to crawl into bed and pretend the day hadn’t happened. I guess Kelly wasn’t the only one who had given up on pajamas—at least tonight.

Once under the bed covers, I couldn’t shut my mind off. It was still spinning a mile-a-minute. Even though I thought I’d done well ignoring certain things when I put Kelly in a pull-up, I had only delayed thinking about it. Now, with the light off and the house quiet, my mind wouldn’t turn loose of the smooth tube of flesh poking out from Kelly’s middle. Maybe if I hadn’t wiped the urine from his penis, Kelly wouldn’t have become erect.

But he had, and putting his penis from my memory was proving difficult. Kelly is tall for his age and I guess that makes his penis look small on his growing frame. I barely knew his father when he was Kelly’s age to know how my son compared. And his dad hadn’t been in the picture since making his little contribution, leaving me to raise my son alone. Still, as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, I recalled a memory from my childhood.

I had been eleven. My older brother and his friends were going to the movies, and I wanted to go too. At first Jules told me there was no way I could go. But I was persistent and wore him down until he threw up his hands in frustration and said, “Fine, Karen. You can go. But only on one condition. You’ve gotta show us your pussy.”

I’m sure he thought I’d be too embarrassed to do what he wanted, or to tell our parents. And truth be told, I nearly refused. But I had an epiphany. I said, “Fine, but only if you boys show me your dicks.”

Growing up with an older brother, I knew the lingo. After all, Jules had a bit of a potty mouth. When I countered my older brother’s demand, I wasn’t sure what would happen. Would he refuse or tell me to forget it and let me come along anyway? At fourteen, my older brother was the oldest of his little clique of friends. Paul and Thomas were both twelve and followed my brother around like little puppies.

“Fine,” Jules said with a smirk, “You go first.”

I really wanted to hang out with them, so I dropped my shorts and panties and exposed my hairless slit. My brother shrugged and unfastened his belt and pulled the front of his pants down until his penis popped out. He was soft, perhaps three inches, although it was hard to tell because a thick bush of hair partially hid it. Paul went next. He was staring at my slit when he pulled his shorts down.

I gasped when his penis appeared. It sprang from his underwear, coming to attention, pointing toward the sky. He was somewhere between five and six inches long. Unlike my brother’s bush, Paul only had a smattering of pubes, leaving his erection fully exposed. My brother may not have reacted to my slit, but Paul’s erection made Jules’ penis spring to life. Fully erect, my brother was almost six inches. Last to go was the shortest, Thomas. He was a few inches below five feet tall. When he yanked his pants down, he was just as hard as Paul and Jules. But he was smaller. Not quite five inches long with a few stray strands of hair over his shaft.

My baby was older than two of those three boys from my childhood. I couldn’t help but remember how smooth Kelly was when I pulled his wet underwear down. Apart from the near-microscopic baby hairs he’d always had, there had been no other hair around his groin. Not a one.

Kelly had been just as erect as Jules and his friends had been all those years ago. His erection had been smaller than even the youngest of those boys from my childhood. I rolled over in my bed, pushing my sheets aside. As a mother, even though I would never talk about it, I’ve always hoped Kelly would be well endowed. What mother doesn’t want that for her son? But for now, at least, Kelly wasn’t.

It was a long time before I fell asleep. My mind kept replaying that moment after I cleaned him when Kelly’s penis swelled and became erect.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

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