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Kim’s Game – Chapter 9

Kim’s Game – Chapter 9

Kim closed the door as he followed the Tyler women into the living room. The image of what he’d seen when he pulled Andrea’s bikini down was still burned in his mind. When he yanked on her bottoms, he felt a twitch between his legs as her pubic area came into view. Instead of a thick mess of dark blond pubes, he saw Arya. No, he thought, not really. Just smooth, like his girlfriend. Until that moment, the idea of shaving one’s pubic region had never crossed his mind. Now, though, he thought it looked incredibly sexy.

Before Andrea’s bottoms came off her legs, Kim also saw the slit between her legs. Her lips weren’t puffy like Arya’s. There was something more… he couldn’t decide. Just different, he supposed.

He’d expected more protest from Andrea after he managed to pull her bottoms down. Instead, she simply held her hand out for them and smiled at him, even as Arya proved that it’s hard work doing a victory dance when you’re neck-deep in water.

And now that they were back in the living room, Kim could feel the tension as all three of them traded glances with each other. Arya kept looking at him with a mixture of impatience and lust. While Andrea’s glance reminded him of what he felt like when he sat down at Thanksgiving dinner back when his mom was still alive. Hungry. The looks the Tyler women traded were inscrutable to the boy.

Perhaps kissing Arya’s mother had been a mistake. To be fair, he thought, he had tried to talk Arya out of the idea, but maybe he should have tried harder. Try harder? With Arya? The girl was a force of nature, and she usually got what she wanted. Just the thought of trying to rein in his girlfriend made him chuckle, turning the girls’ eyes on him.

Kim felt self-conscious, standing there next to the front door in his swimsuit with both Arya and Andrea staring at him. He cleared his throat, “Ah, what now?”

It was as close as Kim could come in acknowledging that their game with Arya’s mom in the pool was the reason for the silent tension.

Arya turned around said, “Can you untie my top, Kim?”

Perhaps in any other household, a small teenage boy taking the top off a nine-year-old girl would have been out of place, even scandalous. Since Arya’s birthday, in the Tyler household, it had become routine.

Kim obliged the girl. After all, he enjoyed touching every part of her. Nothing in the internal conflict about Andrea could change that. Once Arya was topless, she said, “We both noticed you were feeling kinda down and wanted to make you feel better, Mom. I thought if we played tag and if Kim kissed you, you’d go back to feeling better.”

Andrea was leaning against the bar separating the kitchen from the living room as Kim set the strip of cloth from Arya’s swimsuit on top of it. The young woman sighed, “It took a bit for me to figure out you were behind this. It was really sweet of you, even though I’m not sure it was a good idea.”

Arya frowned as she folded up her towel and used it to sit on as she sat on the bed. “You didn’t like it?”

Her eyes flicked to the boy, “No. I liked it a lot. Kim, your kiss was what I needed.”

Kim blushed under Andrea’s gaze. Arya spoke up, “If you liked it, then I don’t understand why it was a bad idea.”

Kim knew. Even at that first kiss a few weeks earlier, when Andrea taught him how to kiss so that he could give Arya a proper kiss, he had felt something between them. He had ignored it as he fell in love with Arya, even managed to pretend there was nothing there. After all, he was Arya’s boyfriend, and that was that.

But the kiss lingered in his mind, and he realized that even though he loved the young girl and he was happy to be her boyfriend, he couldn’t shut off the emotions he felt for Andrea.

The young woman said, “Because I want more than a single kiss.”

Arya rocked back, and Kim could see realization dawning on her. He hadn’t known how to explain to her why he’d been against the kiss, but now that the genie was out of the bottle, Andrea had explained it so much better. Part of him wanted to kick himself for not explaining it better. But the rest of him wanted to kiss Andrea, to feel her boobs under his fingers, even find out how she differed from Arya down below.

Arya slowly shook her head as she looked at Kim, “This was what you were trying to tell me. Boy, I messed up, didn’t I?”

Kim sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, “Hey, I’m still your boyfriend. Nothing has changed about that.”

He even leaned over and kissed her on the lips. But her lips didn’t respond. Instead, tears flowed down her cheeks. She pulled back, “But I saw how you just looked at her, Kim. That’s how you look at me! At me!”

She moved away from Kim, up to where the pillows were, and leaned against the sofa back. “God, I fouled this up. Dammit!”

The tears kept coming, and Kim felt helpless. When he tried to join her on the bed, she held up her hand and shook her head. After a few minutes, he said, “I’m sorry, Arya. Sorry I didn’t say no about the kiss. Sorry I gave your mom that look. Sorry for everything. I’m going home tonight. Dad will be home tomorrow morning, and we’ll… oh, hell, I don’t know. I’m sorry, Arya.”

Kim turned on his heels and left the apartment.

Back in his own room, Kim changed into a pair of underwear. After a week sleeping naked next to Arya, it almost felt weird. He collapsed on his bed, “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

He blew it with Arya, and no matter what he felt for her mom, his heart ached to think of the girl hurting. He was older than her, and he should have put his foot down. Alone, there was nobody to hear the bitterness of his laughter. Older he might be, but Arya was a force of nature, and he couldn’t have stopped her from orchestrating the kiss if he had wanted to.

And that was why he felt so confused. He loved the girl. Wanted to be with her. Wanted to kiss and have more great sex with her. And then there was that electrifying kiss with Andrea. Even though he didn’t want to hurt Arya, there was a growing realization that what he had with Arya, he also wanted with Andrea. He shook his head, no clearer on what to do than right after the kiss in the pool.

He went to brush his teeth and remembered all his toiletries were on the counter in the Tylers’ bathroom. Kim lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling fan rotating overhead. The steady rotation eventually helped him to stop torturing himself. He was almost asleep when he heard a knock.

His eyes flew open, and he shot out of bed. Maybe Arya was there; maybe she was ready to be with him. He hurried down the hallway and into the living room. When he opened the door, Andrea was standing there, still in her swimsuit. Her eyes were puffy. She had been crying, too.

Kim opened the door and let her in. “Is Arya okay?”

Andrea shrugged, “She’s asleep.”

“I feel like such an asshole.”

The young woman shook her head, “It’s not your fault, and you know it. She loves you, and that won’t change, but she blames herself for all of this, and when she’s ready, she’ll bounce back. Until then…I don’t know. I just couldn’t go to bed without seeing you first.”

Kim flushed as Andrea’s eyes fell to his underwear. “I, you…” his voice faltered. His mind was a wreck, and even the love he felt for Arya wasn’t enough to stop himself from enjoying the look the young woman gave him.

Andrea crossed the short distance between them and put her arms around his neck, and before he could form even one coherent word, her lips pressed against his. The tiny voice of reason telling him to back away, to not respond to the young woman, died when Andrea’s tongue pressed against his lips.

Kim responded to the kiss by opening his mouth and letting her tongue touch his. The electrical shockwave that rocked his body at the touch destroyed every ounce of reason and resistance in him. His arms reached around her back as he let her tongue invade his mouth.

The kiss lasted longer than any before it. When it ended, and they parted, her bikini top fell to the floor between them. Apart from that brief moment in the swimming pool, Kim had never seen a grown set of breasts. The secretly watched porn videos excepted. Andrea’s were perky, her nipples pointing at him. The swells below her nipples were gentle, the soft tissue was such that there was very little extra to sag.

Andrea grabbed Kim’s hands and placed them on her breasts as she exhaled noisily. “God, how I need this.”

As though they had minds of their own, Kim’s fingers massaged the soft tissue, pushing and rubbing as Andrea looked on. His face has been pressed against her right boob when she’d grabbed him in the pool, but this was better. Now his fingers rubbed at her nipples, which were no larger than an eraser-head on one of his pencils. They felt rubbery yet hard under his touch.

The young woman stopped him long enough to grab his hand and say, “Show me your room, Kim.”

The boy felt himself stir as he led Andrea into a place that Arya had only seen once before. A bit of light filtered through the curtains, and he could better see the untanned and unblemished breasts. The young woman pushed him onto the bed and then straddled him before her lips found his again. The urgency was still there, but there was a tenderness to her kiss that warmed the boy and made his stomach flutter.

Kim was nearly breathless when Andrea lifted her face. He thought about all the times he and Arya had kissed, but nothing had prepared him for what the twenty-four-year-old did to his mouth. Even as he drew in a deep breath, Andrea kissed his neck and then his chest. Her lips found and teased his flat nipples. It had never dawned on him to ask Arya to do this, but it felt like liquid electricity running from his chest down to his groin.

Andrea went lower, kissing his abdomen and belly. Then her fingers traced along the elastic band on his swimsuit. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he shouldn’t. He loved Arya, and this was a betrayal of her trust, even if it was something the girl had put into motion. He stammered, “B-but Arya…”

The young woman gripped his waistband, “We’ll figure it out, the three of us. But right now, I need you.”

She pulled his underwear down his legs until they were off. Then she kissed his smooth pubic area as one of her hands cupped his ballsack. Kim felt a powerful twinge when the young woman touched the tip of his dick with her tongue. The same tongue that a few minutes earlier had pleasured itself in his mouth.

He felt hot breath on his erection, “You feel so much like Cory, it’s uncanny.”

Then she took his glans in her mouth, her tongue pressing against his pee slit. Kim leaned his head back, the feelings racing through him too powerful to ignore. He’d never thought to ask Arya to do anything like this.

Andrea lowered her face, taking all of his erection inside her mouth. At four inches, he felt his little helmet brush the soft tissue in front of her tonsils as her tongue worked around his shaft. The tingling was intense, and before long, that pressure at the base of his dick pushed up. Andrea’s tongue touched his glans, and white lightning exploded inside his closed eyes as his hips bucked into the woman’s face and his dick jerked in her mouth, kicking about several times until his hips fell back onto the mattress and the orgasm subsided.

Kim kept his eyes closed, feeling the effects of his orgasm ebb away slowly. Andrea opened her mouth and let his still-erect dick slip out. He opened his eyes when he felt her lips against his. It was a short, satisfying kiss. She said, “How was that?”

The boy opened his eyes and saw the smile on Andrea’s face, only inches from his own. He nodded, “Wow. That was fucking incredible.”

She chuckled, “Yeah. It was. I had forgotten how nice it is to suck a boy before he can cum. The feel of your dick jerking around as you orgasmed was intense.”

Kim moved over and let the young woman snuggle in against him on his twin bed. Her arms snaked around him, pulling him against her. His dick lay hard and flat between his pubic bone and her abdomen. Now, as they kissed, Kim didn’t feel the same urgency as before. In its place was a simple passion to hold and be held by Andrea.

After a while, the young woman’s hand drifted down and took hold of his dick. She giggled, “Oh, fuck, I bet you stay hard all the time!”

Kim couldn’t help but laugh, “Well, you’re touching it. So, yeah.”

The boy knew what he wanted next. He’d already done it once, so this time he didn’t hesitate as his fingers grabbed the baby-blue cloth of Andrea’s bikini and pulled on it until her swimsuit joined his on the floor.

He had blocked out thoughts of Arya. And all Kim could think of is the naked twenty-four-year-old in his bed. He wanted her as much as he wanted anything else.

His dick was still in the young woman’s hand, so he moved his body enough to line up with her. Andrea didn’t let go of him. Instead, she held the base of his dick as she slid it into the folds of her pussy. She was even wetter than Arya as if that were even possible. After a moment, with one hand still wrapped around him, Andrea wiggled around until she lay on her back and Kim lay on top of her. His dick still in the folds of her sex.

“Fuck me, Kim. I want to feel you inside me!”

The filthy words were enough, and Kim felt Andrea guide his dick to her hole. As soon as he felt the opening, he shifted his pelvis forward, sliding into the young woman’s warm encloser. It was tight, gripping his erection, but not “cut-off-the-circulation” tight of Arya. Still, he knew what to do, and he rocked his hips back and forth, feeling the tightness and slickness making his dick tingle. Still, he’d cum just ten minutes earlier, and the tingling built very slowly.

Andrea’s arms pulled him onto her chest as she groaned, “Ahhhhh, fuuuuck!”

Even her pussy shook under his thrusts as she orgasmed. When he slowed, the young woman shook her head, “Keep fucking me! Need…feel…you…cum!”

Her eyes rolled back as her head craned backward as Kim slid in and out, again and again. There was something magical and familiar as the boy slid in and out, that slow buildup spreading from the base of his dick, flowing toward his little helmet and also upwards to his chest.

Against Andrea’s groans, he sped up, rocking back and forth. His mind was barely working as he felt the connection between the two of them. Back and forth, growing in intensity. His world had shrunk to nothing more than his dick in Andrea’s pussy. He felt as though he was right where he was supposed to be, making the young woman under him happy was all that mattered right then.

Andrea reminded him that she was still riding her own orgasm as her legs wrapped around him and helped him push deep. Then his eyes went wide, and he groaned wordlessly as he collapsed against the young woman, even as his dick spasmed so hard that she yelped as another orgasm hit her.

Spent, Kim’s face pressed against Andrea’s boobs. His dick softened and slid out from between her legs. Closing his eyes, exhaustion overcame him, and he slept.


Kim felt warm, despite the cool air from the air conditioning circulating with the aid of the ceiling fan. He was on his side, his arm resting across Arya’s stomach. He stretched, feeling his morning wood poke the girl’s thigh, as his arm moved upward until it cupped the girl’s breasts.

Kim’s eyes shot open, the events of last night crashing down on him. He spooned against Andrea, who was lying on her back. His fingers lingered on her breast as he thought back to their frantic kissing, followed by the boy’s first blowjob and then mind-blowing sex.

His dick twinged at the thought. But something else niggled his mind. Arya!

The boy groaned, “Holy shit!”

It was enough to disturb the twenty-four-year-old who had shared his narrow bed all night? Was it? He ratcheted his head around and saw the alarm clock. Six-fifty-five. Might as well be all night.

Andrea rolled onto her side toward Kim. His dick slid between her legs as the young woman mumbled, “I want you again, Kim. Take me!”

Almost more than anything else in the world, Kim wanted to fuck the young woman in his bed. But he couldn’t get Arya out of his mind. How he had failed her.

He groaned, “Arya! We gotta check on her.”

Andrea swore, “Oh, fuck! I can’t believe I fell asleep over here.”

She rolled away from Kim and onto the floor where she swore again. As the girl’s mom put on her swimsuit, Kim dressed as fast as possible.

Kim pulled on a T-shirt as Andrea said, “Can you help with the top?”

She held out the blue top. Kim’s eyes were drawn her tits. Her small, perky tits.

While concern for Arya was at the top of the boy’s mind, he knew he wanted to explore what he and Andrea had shared last night. He took the top and, with her help, managed to tie the ends together.

When they reached the front door, the young woman said, “Please, your dad can’t know… about last night.”

Kim opened the door and shook his head, “He won’t know, but we should check on Arya.”

When they entered the Tylers’ one-bedroom apartment, the curtains were drawn, leaving the living room in darkness. When Andrea turned on the light in the kitchen, Kim swore when he saw the empty bed.

Andrea raced into the bathroom before hurrying into her bedroom. When she came out, she said, “We’ve got to find her, Kim. This is all my fault.”

Kim said, “Right. I’ll check the playground and the pool. And it’s not your fault, Andrea. I love Arya, and I fucked up, too. This isn’t just on you, no way, no how.”

As Kim ran across the parking lot, he was livid with himself. And, if he were honest with himself, Arya. None of this would have happened if she’d just left well enough alone. Insisting that he kiss Andrea had started the whole fucking mess.

The playground was empty, and he raced over to the clubhouse and punched in the passcode to the pool. There was an old lady swimming laps, but that was it. When he got back to the apartment, Andrea had dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. “Any luck?”

Kim shook his head. “No. Maybe she hasn’t gone far.”

Minutes later, the boy was buckled into the passenger’s side bucket seat in the older model import as Andrea turned out of the apartment complex’s parking lot.

The young woman’s fingers drummed on the steering wheel. “I fucking blew it,” she muttered as her eyes scanned the side of the road.

Kim was staring out the window, his eyes peeled. Even though he felt terrible about Arya’s disappearance, hearing the young woman beating herself up over everything grated on his nerves. “Stop it. I’m the one who kissed you.”

Andrea turned at an intersection after waiting for the stoplight to change from red to green. “Maybe. But who’s the dumb bitch who knocked on your door, Kim?”

Kim shook his head, “I opened the door. And you know what?”

Andrea’s eyes left the road for a moment and looked over at him. “What?”

“I really hate betraying Arya. I’m a really shitty boyfriend. But I loved being with you. How’s that for fucked up? What’s worse. Even though I would beat myself up over it, if I got another chance to… fuck you, I’d still take it. So, stop telling yourself you fucked up. You’re no worse than me.”

At the next intersection, there was a sign pointing to the left, telling motorists the local Greyhound station was four blocks away. Andrea’s grip on the wheel turned her knuckles white, “Yeah, but I’m the adult. I’m supposed to know better.”

Kim scoffed, “Oh, please! When my mom died, Dad climbed inside his pity hole, and I haven’t known him since. You think being an adult all of a sudden makes you responsible? I’m grateful Dad gives me a place to sleep and make sure I don’t go hungry, but that’s about all he does for me. You love Arya. Hell, you love me, too. I don’t get that from anyone else.”

Kim could see the bus station. The parking lot was mostly empty. He fumed, feeling he wasn’t being understood, “So what if you’re not perfect? None of us are.”

Andrea pulled into the parking lot. There was what looked like a homeless man sleeping on a wooden bench outside the terminal. A bag-lady, with a broken-down grocery cart, was going through a dumpster on the side of the bus station. Andrea parked the car and shifted in her seat, “I know I don’t have to be perfect, Kim, but I seduced you and failed my daughter.”

Kim was fuming. Why couldn’t Andrea understand it wasn’t her fault. He unclasped the seat belt and leaned across the console between the seat and kissed her. It was both quick and forceful. When he sat back, Andrea’s eyes were uncrossing, and he said, “Enough. We can figure out things together once we find Arya. The only thing I regret is hurting Arya.”

Walking a couple of steps ahead of the young woman, Kim felt overwhelmed. Love was a lot more complicated than he’d ever imagined. In the midst of his internal turmoil, the boy felt powerfully toward Arya. The problem was, he also felt powerfully toward Andrea, too. But before he could untangle the wreck of his heart, they had to find his girlfriend.

He grabbed the handle on the old plate-glass door to the bus terminal’s waiting area. To one side, he saw a counter where a gray-haired clerk returned his gaze. Several rows of rickety chairs were on the other side of the room. As Andrea came in behind him, he moved into the too-hot room.

His heart pounded against his chest as he spied a head with blond hair facing away from the door, toward the far wall, which had once been white but was now a dingy gray. Andrea brushed past Kim as she rushed toward the row of chairs. Ignoring the trepidation in his heart, Kim ran after her.

Arya may have been the tallest girl in her class, but sitting in the adult-sized chair, Kim thought she seemed smaller than she really was. She was hunched over, her eyes staring at the floor when Andrea reached her and pulled her into a fierce embrace.

The girl’s face was red and puffy with tears still streaming down her face. Her arms were in her lap as her mom clung to her. She blubbered, “H-he w-wouldn’t s-sell me a t-ticket!”

Kim sat down next to the girl as Andrea said, “I’m so sorry, sweetie. I’m here for you. So’s Kim.”

Arya finally lifted her head, a spark rekindled in her eye, “I hate you both! How could you?”

She turned toward Kim, “I thought you were my boyfriend. I thought you loved me!”

Kim tried putting a hand on her shoulder, but the girl shrugged it off, “I do love you, and I’m sorry, too.”

Kim felt a presence behind them and turned and saw the gray-haired clerk. “Excuse me. But are you this little lady’s family?”

Andrea stood, wiped at her eyes, and said, “Yes. I’m her mother.”

“I’m supposed to report runaways to the police, and I just got off the phone with them before y’all came in.”

Kim’s heart seized at the idea of police butting into their business. He glanced up at Andrea and saw fear there, too. She knelt back in front of Arya and glanced back at the clerk, “Thanks. We don’t want to be a bother to you or the cops. You mind if we go?”

The grizzled clerk stepped aside, “No. Place like this ain’t really a place for kids anyway. Don’t worry about the five-oh. I’ll just tell them her family came and collected her.”

With that, he turned and shuffled back toward the ticket counter.

“Arya, we should go,” Andrea said.

The girl crossed her arms, “Go on, what’s stopping you?”

Andrea glanced out the windows. They could see their car in the parking lot. She begged, “Please, Arya. Before anyone bothers us.”

More tears streamed down the girl’s face as she shook her head.

Kim leaned over, even as Arya edged away. His voice low and urgent, “You can hate me all you want. But, please, let’s just go. Do you really want to cops talking to you about, um, our stuff?”

A glimmer of fear appeared in the girl’s eyes. She stood and said, “I still hate you, though.”


Andrea sagged into one of the chairs at the kitchen table after Kim closed the front door. She pinched her nose, wincing as Arya threw herself onto the sleeper sofa. While she was grateful they had left before the police got around to responding to the ticket clerk’s call, she was frazzled, aware of how much worse things could have gone.

Arya moved to the sofa’s seatback and was alternating staring daggers between her and Kim. The boy leaned against the bar, his brown hair still disheveled, the remnants of his bedhead. He was biting down on his lower lip, a pensive look on his face.

Andrea wanted to come around the bar and take him in her arms and kiss away his fears. She wanted to take her daughter and comfort her, too. It was all just too fucked up.

She sighed, unable to stand the lengthening silence. “I never meant to hurt you, Arya. I wish I could make you feel better, but…”

Her voice trailed off. What could she say? She had bedded her nine-year-old daughter’s thirteen-year-old boyfriend.

Arya’s eyes misted as she said, “Why, Mom? Kim’s my boyfriend.”

Kim looked up from the floor and dabbed at one of his eyes, “It wasn’t just her, Arya. When I kissed Andrea in the pool, something happened. I don’t know what or why, but it did.”

Tears were streaming down the girl’s face again. She shook her head, “You told me you didn’t want to kiss her. Why didn’t I listen?”

Arya lowered her head, resting it between her knees as she sobbed. Kim climbed onto the bed and sat next to her, putting an arm around the girl. For once, she didn’t push him away.

The boy leaned in, “I’m so sorry. I hate seeing you hurt.”

In between sobs, the girl said, “Why would you care? You…you…let my mom sleep with you.”

Kim looked pained. Still holding her daughter, he said, “I care because I love you.”

Arya looked up with an accusatory glare, “But she slept with you!”

Kim sighed, “God, this is confusing. I know we slept together, just like you and me slept together. And I don’t know why I feel this way, but I’ve fallen in love with two of the most incredible girls in the world, and the pain is killing me.”

“But you slept with her!” she cried.

The boy rubbed at his eyes, and Andrea felt his anguish. She should, she thought, it matched her own. After a moment, Kim said, “I know you hurt, but for a moment, if you weren’t hurting so much, would you tell me that you love your mom?”

Arya sniffled, “I guess so.”

“And if you weren’t so angry at me, would you say you love me?”

Arya shrugged, “Yeah. That’s why it hurts so much.”

Andrea could see the connection Kim was making. It wasn’t the one that she would make. The love between and mother and daughter wasn’t the same kind of love between lovers. But she was drowning just much as the kids on the bed, and if it made any sense at all to Arya, then Andrea would grab onto it like a life preserver.

Kim said, “I don’t love you any less just because I found out that I love Andrea, too.”

Andrea found herself nodding as she added, “That goes doubly for me. I love you more than you can possibly imagine, and nothing that I feel for Kim would ever change that.”

Arya shot a venomous look across the room, “But why feel like that at all with Kim? He was supposed to be my boyfriend. Not yours!”

Andrea moved from the kitchen table to the foot of the bed, “You love Kim, right?”

Arya cast a sideways glance at the boy next to her, “I just told him so. But right now I want to kick his butt. I’m so angry.”

Kim took the girl’s hand and put it up to his face, “You can hit or kick me if it’ll make things better between us. I get it if you don’t want to, but I still want to be your boyfriend once you’re finished kicking my ass.”

Arya tapped her hand on his face. A giggle slipped in between a couple of sobs. Then she leaned into his hug, “I’m not done being mad, but I really need a hug right now.”

Andrea felt wetness on her face as the boy wrapped his arms around Arya’ torso, holding her. She moved up and sat next to her daughter, praying they were past the worst of it.

A bit later, Kim lowered his head and pushed it against her daughter’s neck. Arya muttered, “I ought to punch your lights out. If you weren’t still my boyfriend, I might just do it, too.”

Kim squeezed her, “I’m still your boyfriend? After all of this?”

Arya grabbed his upper leg and pinched on it, “Yes. I’m still angry, some of it at you and some of it at Mom. But I’m the one who started all of this. Maybe it’s even more my fault than either of yours. I just know I don’t want to lose you.”

Andrea felt her daughter’s gaze on her, “I don’t know how I feel about what happened between you and Kim. I know I can’t stay angry, and that means I gotta figure out how I feel about you messing around with my boyfriend.

Kim surprised both Tyler women by letting go of Arya and swinging around and straddling the girl’s legs. Before the girl could even react, the boy leaned forward and kissed her. Andrea felt her heart pounding against her chest as her daughter’s mouth responded. The boy’s mouth opened; Arya gasped as his tongue touched hers. Then Kim pushed his tongue into the girl’s mouth, where he explored her tongue, lips, and teeth.

When Kim broke the kiss, Arya’s puffy eyes were glazed over. “Wow,” she managed.

The boy said, “I love you, Arya Tyler. I want to bathe with you, to sleep with you and…” his face flushed as he glanced at Andrea, before returning his focus on the nine-year-old. “Make love to you.”

Andrea nearly shook at his touch when Kim grabbed part of her shirt and pulled her to him. He kissed her. It wasn’t as passionate as the one he gave Arya, but there was still some heat in his lips that made the young woman’s stomach flutter.

He said, “I know it’s crazy. I love you, too. Both you and Arya should probably dump me, because I want to be with you, too.”

The fluttering in Andrea’s stomach only grew in intensity. From the first time she taught the boy to kiss, part of her had wondered what it would be like to share Kim with her daughter. It wasn’t something she had seriously entertained until she had knocked on his door the night before. Now, though, she would give anything to share the boy. Half, even a quarter of Kim would be heaven.

She glanced at her daughter from the corner of her eye. Arya’s eyebrows knitted together. Andrea had seen that look before when the girl had faced tough choices before. Of course, back then, it had been which barbie doll to decorate or which movie to see. Andrea felt her sense of dread growing as time seemed to stretch out. Finally, Arya said, “Even if you and Mom do stuff, you promise me that you’re still my boyfriend?”

Kim nodded, “I swear to God, yes!”

Arya’s arms snaked around the boy’s neck, “Prove it.”


Kim’s eyes grew round as Arya’s arms pulled him toward her face. Sure, her eyes were red and puffy, but there was something fierce and primordial, too. And when her lips touched his, the girl wasted no time in showing him that she’d paid attention to his last kiss. Her tongue pushed against his lips, harder than he’d expected, but as relief washed over him, he didn’t care.

Even as the girl’s inexperienced tongue probed his mouth, Kim knew he needed to make her understand his love was real. Both for her and for Andrea. His hands found her waist and slipped up onto her chest, rubbing her diminutive, boyish nipples under his fingers.

When Arya moaned in his mouth, Kim tugged at her shirt. He managed to pull it off when the girl ended the kiss when she ran out of breath. The girl tugged at his shirt, and he held his hands up, letting her pull it off.

As Arya’s fingers found his zipper, Kim was keenly aware that Andrea was sitting next to her daughter, watching all of this. It was strangely surreal. He was embarrassed that Arya’s mom was watching the two of them making out. And he loved that Andrea would be part of this cleansing, healing moment.

When the girl had pulled his zipper down, Kim stood up on the bed and pulled his shorts and underwear down in one quick action. He returned to straddling Arya’s upper legs as the girl reached out and took his dick in her hand. She murmured, “I really like your dinky.”

He smiled. He caught a glimpse of Andrea covering her mouth as she grinned at her daughter’s choice of words. With his twenty-four-year-old lover watching, he couldn’t resist, “Well, my dinky is looking forward to playing with your kitty.”

At that point, Andrea snickered. Arya turned and frowned, “Those are prettier names than dick or pussy.”

Kim barely contained his laughter, even though he was used to Arya’s silly pet names. Even as Andrea laughed, the boy reached down and pulled on the elastic of the girl’s shorts. He rose onto his knees as Arya helped pull her shorts and underwear off.

Once she had shed her clothes, the girl shifted down, her eyes hungry for Kim. As the boy moved, lining up his dick between Arya’s legs, Andrea said, “Sweetie, if you want to make your boyfriend really happy, there’s something else you can do before he puts it into you.”

Kim’s mind went back to the previous night when the twenty-four-year-old gave him his first blowjob. He smiled as the girl stopped and said, “Better than getting my kitty petted?”

Her mother said, “Well, for Kim it would be. But I think you’d enjoy it almost as much.”

Arya glanced between her boyfriend and her mom before she finally nodded, “Okay. What do I do?”

Andrea leaned forward and said, “Watch me, and learn, Arya.”

Kim gasped, as the young woman’s tongue touched his glans. It was what he thought electricity should feel like if it felt good. Then, her lips kissed his nascent balls before her tongue licked the bottom of his four inches. He moaned when she slipped his little helmet between her lips. Then she slid down his shaft until he felt her lips brush his smooth pubic bone.

After bobbing up and down a few times, Andrea pulled off. Arya stared at Kim’s dick, “That felt good?”

The boy nodded, “Oh, yeah. Really good.”

Arya shifted around until her face was inches over Kim’s erection. Her hot breath sent shivers through him, then she took his glans in her mouth, trapping in behind her lips.

Andrea said, “Remember, no teeth.” Kim loved the little bob of the girl’s head. His dick slid further in when she nodded. After she moved up and down a few times awkwardly, the girl fell into a rhythm that made his stomach flutter. While this was his first blowjob from his girlfriend, it was hardly their first intimate moment. But having his girlfriend fellating him while Andrea watched was an entirely new experience.

The tingling along his shaft built up fast, and after a couple of minutes, his dick spasmed in the young girl’s mouth as Kim’s entire body shook from the intense orgasm. He threw his head back and screwed his eyes closed as the pleasurable wave crashed over him. Even though he had sex the night before, the tension and fear of the morning had left him in a brittle emotional state, and the power of the orgasm was in response to the morning’ emotional rollercoaster.

Kim’s eyes fluttered open, “Oh, fuck! That felt really good!”

Still coming down from the high of the orgasm, the boy couldn’t say if he enjoyed that more than the sex he and Arya had shared. For the briefest of moments, he tried to compare Arya’s blowjob with the one Andrea gave him the night before, and all he could decide is that they were simply different from one another.

Andrea pulled Kim back into a sitting position, “Would you like to return the favor?”

Kim nodded and started to his knees when she stopped him, “No, sweetie. I’m talking about something else. Something that I think your girlfriend would really enjoy if you learned how to do it.”

Cocking his head, Kim said, “Uh, okay. What do I do?”

Andrea traded places with him and then had Arya lean back with her legs splayed, displaying her puffy lips. The young woman flashed him a smile as she lowered her face toward her daughter’s pussy, “Watch and learn, Kim.”

The boy leaned to the side, watching as Andrea kissed Arya’s kitten. No, Kim thought, her pussy. Kissed her pussy.

The girl gasped, surprise etched across her face, feeling Andrea kiss her. The young woman’s tongue slid into the girl’s puffy pussy lips, making Arya arch her back and noisily moan. Kim watched in fascination as the girl’s moaning grew even louder, and Andrea’s mouth grew slick. With her own saliva or the girl’s juices, he didn’t know.

Arya’s fingers grabbed the bedspread, “Ahhh!”

Andrea pulled back, “I’ve got her warmed up, Kim. Let’s see if you learned your lesson.”

A moment later, Kim pressed his face between Arya’s legs. The girl nodded, “I wanna feel like that again!”

Kim’s tongue found the girl’s tiny clitoral hood and pushed under it, eliciting another moan, “Mmm, yeah.”

Even during their first fuck, a couple of weeks earlier, the girl’s pussy produced enough to provide all the lube that he wasn’t yet able to help with. There was even more now. It tasted like nothing he’d ever tasted. Almost tasteless, in fact, with just a hint of saltiness and something else he couldn’t identify.

He slid his tongue into her inner lips, lapping at the fluid even as his tongue worked toward her hole. Her hole was slick, and even though the entrance was still tight, Kim felt his tongue push into the tightness. There was even more of the moisture of her juices, trickling across his taste buds.

Arya moaned, “Ahh, pet…my…kitty!”

Instinctively, the boy figured she wanted his tongue back on her little clit. As he pleasured her tiny button with his mouth, he slid one of his fingers back into the girl. He barely managed to work his index finger into the hilt when Arya pushed down as another groan escaped her lips. Her head shook back and forth as her entire body shook. Kim stopped sucking on her little clit, and she collapsed against the bed, her eyes unfocused, in a daze. The boy moved up next to her. Her eyes finally closed as a warm smile spread across her features.

Andrea nudged Kim. “I need some attention, too, kiddo. Can you help me out of these clothes?”

The boy’s eyes darted back to Arya, “Are you sure? We just got her calmed down about us.”

The young woman nodded, “I know there’s a risk, but goddamn, I want you, too.”

Kim helped her strip down. When he got to her underwear, her crotch was already soaked. When he threw them on the ground, he moved to put his face between her legs. Andrea shook her head and pulled him forward, “We can do other stuff later. Right now, fuck me, please!”

Who was he to argue with the beautiful young woman? Although he had only been in Andrea once, his dick seemed to find its way back to where it needed to go. He slid right in, as wet as she was. With her body moving under him, Kim felt Andrea’s urgency, and it became his own, as he rocked back and forth, pushing his wet dick in and out of her adult pussy.

Kim loved the incredibly tight fit of Arya. There was nothing like it. But Andrea’s experience and maturity was an entirely different experience, and the boy knew both of the Tyler women had their hooks in him. Even though he worried about Arya’s volatility, he wanted both of them equally.

Andrea’s hand gripped his backside, pulling him against her. She pulled so hard, his pubic bone ground into hers as she bit her lips, only letting a low, growling moan escape. She was close. Kim sped up, rocking back and forth, feeling the tension in his own dick growing by the second. Andrea shook, pushing herself against the boy. That was enough, and a moment later, Kim felt like something exploded inside him as his dick kicked and spasmed inside his twenty-four-year-old lover.

He collapsed against her breasts, his face resting in her cleavage. He was covered with sweat, even as the last vestiges of his orgasm seeped out of his body, leaving him a rag of a boy, draped across Andrea.

He lifted his head just enough to see Andrea’s face, “I love you.”

In stereo, he heard two voices, “I love you, too.”

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Kim’s Game – Chapter 8

Kim’s Game – Chapter 8

The asphalt under his feet was still warm as Kim hurried across the parking lot, following Arya’s shapely bikini-clad backside. When he reached the grass near the entrance to the pool, he turned. Andrea was slowly making her way across the parking lot.

As he reached Arya, he said, “She’s been like that all week. Am I wrong to feel so good about stuff when your mom is unhappy?”

Arya’s fingers intertwined with his. “I know. Every night you’ve made me feel really good and happy. Maybe tonight, when we finish playing, we can go over to her. Maybe you can, uh, you know…”

Kim shrugged. Having sex with Arya made everything between them more comfortable. Except for her mom. Trying to make Andrea feel better with a kiss seemed likely to create as many problems as it fixed, and Kim disliked problems. Even one that let him kiss Andrea with her daughter’s blessing.

He hurried over to the gate to the pool area and keyed in the passcode. Almost nine in the evening, and they were alone, as was nearly always the case this late in the evening. Kim waited for Arya to drop her towel onto a lounge chair and dropped his next to hers.

The girl giggled as she looked into his eyes. Kim thought she might take his hand. Instead, she touched his chest and said, “You’re it,” before running to the edge of the pool and folding herself into a cannonball on her way into the water.

Her touch on his chest, though meant in jest, made Kim tingle below, and he wasted no time following her into the water. He did a shallow dive and swam underwater until he saw Arya’s legs. Kicking his legs through the water, Kim grabbed Arya and pulled her under.

When the girl surfaced, she spat some water out of her mouth and said, “My turn now!”

Arya was on him like a lioness, climbing up his torso as Kim backpedaled. The girl’s weight soon pushed him beneath the surface. But even as Kim let his weight take him toward the bottom of the pool, the girl hadn’t let go. Now, though, her arms were around his neck as her face was inches away from his own. She pressed her lips against his as his butt touched the concrete bottom.

Kim’s arms reached around the girl, and he returned the kiss. It was over too soon, as his lungs protested the lack of oxygen.

He surfaced just after Arya’s head bobbed above the water. She grinned, “I like this game even more now.”

Sucking in air, Kim dipped his head in agreement. Just as he was about to lunge at his girlfriend, he glanced behind her; Andrea sat on the bottom step at the end of the shallow section. His eyes must have faltered, because Arya turned her head and then waved.

Then she said, “Hey, doofus, you’re it.”

Kim didn’t like the feeling that looking at Andrea caused inside him. It conflicted with what he felt for Arya. Yet, seeing the young woman in just a small bikini, he couldn’t ignore his feelings even though he knew he should.

Arya finally splashed him and grabbed him around the neck. She giggled and said, “About Mom, I’ve got an idea, but right now, you’re going down.”

Kim let her pull him under, trying not to feel guilty for eying Andrea. Over the past few weeks, Arya had become a much better swimmer. When he first introduced her to the swimming pool, the girl hadn’t liked diving down near the bottom, but now, she was the one pulling him down until the surface was four feet above.

Arya let go of his neck and reached for his swimsuit. Kim could have moved away when her hands darted toward him, but feeling guilty, he let her pull them down and off. No sooner had Arya liberated his swimsuit than she pushed off the bottom. When she broke the surface, she held them aloft, “I won!”

Then she tossed them over by the lounge chair, laughing. Kim sputtered, “What the heck! Why’d you throw them?”

Andrea called out, “Arya, you’re asking for trouble.”

The girl waved at her mom and said, “It’s just part of tag.”

Shaking her head, Andrea said, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

With Arya standing between the boy and Andrea, the young woman couldn’t see the girl’s hand grab Kim’s dick and pull on it until he was hard. Kim lost interest in the game as a wave of pleasure washed over him.

It was interrupted when Arya said, “You’re still it. I’ll let you figure out how to end the game.”

With that, she swam away, splashing him as she went. Distracted by his erection, he let the girl get most of the way across the pool before he figured out what she meant. Then he kicked off and swam after her. He caught her halfway toward the deep end. The water was over both of their heads here, and when he managed to overtake her and pull her down by her waist, the girl went under.

And that made it easier for Kim’s fingers to find the bows on the back of her bikini top and untie them. Arya twisted away, spinning around and flashing him a grin before swimming for the surface. The girl pointed toward his crumpled swimsuit and, in a low voice, said, “This is fun. Throw those over there.”

Kim glanced toward Andrea, who was watching them with what looked like amusement. Then he tossed the girl’s top over by his swimsuit, and then he turned and sprang for Arya. Between Arya’s aggression and Andrea’s amused expression, Kim realized that as long as they remained alone, there really was nothing to stop them from their fun.

He caught up with Arya and grabbed at her ankle. She contorted herself around until her head was near Kim’s. Flashing her white teeth, she whispered, “My kitty needs to come out and play. What’re you gonna do about it?”

How one sentence could sound at once so innocent and perverse was beyond Kim’s understanding, but it didn’t keep him from pulling on her bikini bottoms until she wiggled free. Instead of swimming away, the girl pushed herself into him and pressed her lips against his before drifting to the surface.

Kim surfaced behind the girl and wrapped one arm around her while using the other to toss her bottoms into the small piled the two of them created. Arya’s backside pushed back against him, and he felt himself slip between her legs as she waved at her mom. Andrea was shaking her head. Her hand was in front of her mouth, as though she was trying to stifle a laugh.

Leaning against him, Arya said, “Pull me into the deep end.”

Kim leaned backward and used the backstroke to take them toward the deeper end. The young girl rested against his chest, letting him pull her along. He stopped once he was even with the nine-feet marker on the side of the pool. Arya treaded water, too, as she turned around and put her arms around his neck.

She glanced at her mom, “Here’s what I was thinking. In a few minutes, we’ll swim back over to Mom and see if we can get her into the water. If we can, then we’ll wrestle with her, and then when you get a chance, kiss her.”

Kicking his legs to stay afloat, Kim was skeptical, “Are you sure about this? I, uh, well, I love you.”

Arya leaned in and kissed him, “Doofus, I love you, too. You’re not doing anything I’m not asking you to do.”

Kim sighed, worried Arya would be wrong.

The girl reached between them and grabbed his dick, “But before we do that, my kitty wants to play with your dinky.”

Kim’s legs protested at the idea of trying to keep his head above the water while trying to put his dick in the girl’s pussy, even while she wrapped her legs around his waist.

If kissing Andrea filled him with uncertainty, then the idea of feeling the inside of Arya should have filled him with delight. Even though it was late and the pool was supposed to be closing soon, someone could always come upon them. Worse, Andrea was sitting less than fifteen yards away, aware of their every move.

Arya kissed him again and said, “I bet I can hold my breath for at least ninety seconds. Can you?”

Seeing the glint in the girl’s eyes, Kim took a big gulp of air, stopped kicking his legs, and let himself sink. Once his head dipped below the water, the boy grabbed his dick and pushed it into Arya’s pussy. Looking into her eyes, he saw them widen as he entered her without the usual hesitancy. They were drifting above the bottom of the pool, Kim rocking his hips back and forth. His lungs protested about the same time as the tingling started at the base of his dick. He moved faster, sensing the urgency of the moment. Could he finish before his air ran out?

Kim was vaguely aware he was fucking Arya like a rabbit, shoving his pelvis back and forth as fast as possible as the pain in his chest grew. The tingling also grew, and he shut his eyes as his hips shuddered against Arya. His dick spasmed, once, twice, and a third time before he had no choice but to put his feet under him and push toward the surface, still holding Arya. As if there was any other choice; the girl’s legs still entrapped his waist in their vicelike grip.

Kim’s dick still trembled, trapped within Arya’s tight walls, as he broke the surface of the water, sucking in a deep breath. Arya’s gasp for air was even louder, although the boy wondered if she might have experienced her own orgasm on the way to the surface, given her rapturous expression.

They parted, only because Kim was too tired to keep both of them afloat. He swam to the edge and grabbed onto the concrete ribbon that ran around the pool and then reached out and pulled Arya to him.

She grabbed his neck, “Oh, man. That was … awesome!”

Kim could only bob his head. If anything, the pain in his lungs when he’d cum had only intensified his orgasm.

After a moment, Arya said, “Let’s go over to Mom. I really do want to make her feel better.”

Kim glanced over to Andrea. The look on the young woman’s face was opaque. Between the darkness of the evening, the low lighting on the deep end of the pool, and the fact that he and Arya had fucked at the bottom of the pool, he wasn’t sure if she could’ve seen what the two of them had been up to.

Even if she had, he reasoned, he was pretty sure she knew that he and Arya were having sex. After all, they had been sleeping naked on the sleeper sofa all week. Still, what the girl was proposing felt like she was giving him permission to cheat. And that bothered him, especially when he thought about how Andrea made him feel.

Without waiting to see if Kim was following, Arya swam toward her mother.


When Kim and Arya’s heads reappeared on the surface of the water, Andrea breathed a small sigh of relief. The lighting on that end was pretty shitty, she decided. The kids had been down at the bottom of the deep end for what felt like an eternity, although she reasoned it was probably closer to ninety seconds than two minutes.

She knew she should have told them to stop taking each other’s clothes off when playing tag. Even though she’d never seen any of the other residents in the pool area after sunset, the risk was always present. But the truth was, she enjoyed the sight of Kim without clothes on. Since seeing him lying next to Arya at the beginning of the week after the two had clearly had sex, Andrea hadn’t been able to keep herself from going into the living room each morning before they were awake and watching his sleeping form. Always naked, always erect. Sure, thirteen-year-old boys are often hard, but Kim seemed to be perpetually stiff when he was asleep.

Andrea hated herself for the way she felt. In the decade that had passed since Cory’s family had moved away, she’d never stopped thinking about him. Intellectually, she knew he was twenty-two. But to her, he was forever twelve. Until Kim, she hadn’t thought anything of it when she’d fantasized about the boy who had given her Arya. Even when she had tried dating and hadn’t found anyone who made her feel like that boy had, she had always chalked it up to a hundred other reasons.

The sigh that escaped her lips was more of a groan than anything else. What was wrong with her that made her fixate on a prepubescent boy?

As if thinking of him would conjure him, Kim was swimming toward her, following behind Arya. She put a smile on her face, plastering it in place as if doing so would make the agony of what she felt go away. As Arya swam up, Andrea felt a pang of jealousy. However, fleeting it may be, she hated herself for feeling that way about the girl she loved more than oxygen.

If she were a good mother, she would have nipped the sex between the two kids when she found out about it. But she wasn’t. Instead, she told herself she should be happy for Arya. Happy her daughter had found such a boy as Kim.

The water was three feet deep in the shallow end of the pool, and came up to Kim and Arya’s belly buttons. But the lighting was better here, and Andrea could see the boy’s penis pointing upward below the surface. Yes, Andrea thought, I really should have told them to keep their clothes on.

Arya broke the silence as she said, “Come on, Mom, play with us.”

Although she felt a tug in her heart as she looked at Kim, Andrea shook her head, “I’m good. Why don’t you kids play some more tag?”

Arya came up and grabbed one of her hands, “Please. Kim and I want you to play with us!” the girl’s plaintive note didn’t have the same effect on her mother as she seemed to have on the boy next to her. But hearing that Kim wanted her to join them stirred something inside Andrea. Still, she shook her head, afraid that she’d do or say something that would ruin things between her and Kim, or worse, with Arya.

The kids traded looks, and Kim took her other hand, and Andrea felt herself standing up, powerless against the touch of the small thirteen-year-old. Pulled away from the steps, the young woman soon found herself in water that reached just below her breasts. Arya, neck-deep in the four feet of water, splashed at her and said, “You’ve gotta stay on your feet, Mom. Our job is to knock you over.”

Andrea’s eyes were glued on Kim as he circled one way while Arya went the other. The boy feigned a couple of times, and then she felt her daughter land on her back. The young woman reached around, trying to find the girl, her fingers grabbing at air. That’s when Kim struck, going under the water until his arms wrapped around her legs, and he pulled her under.

Andrea spat a stream of water when she surfaced. Arya had joined the boy as they laughed, “See, Mom, I told you this was fun!”

It did feel good to be in the water, even if the object of her obsession was only a few feet away. So close, yet equally out of reach. That didn’t mean she couldn’t have some fun, though. Keeping a wary eye on the boy, Andrea turned her focus back on Arya. Two could play at this game.

She sprang at Arya, who wasn’t quite quick enough to dodge out of her way, and she wrapped her arms around her daughter’s chest as she pulled her under. As Arya struggled to break free, Andrea felt the girl’s immature chest against her arm. Could it be Kim was obsessed with the girl’s flat figure?

Andrea let go and watched the girl swim away like a fish. She should have been paying more attention. A heavy weight pressed against her back, and before she could react, Kim dunked her from behind, the boy’s body pressing against her back. Just after Andrea went under, she thought she felt something brush against her lower back. Was that his penis?

Twisting around under the water, she watched the boy smiling back at her as he pushed backward. Her eyes should have stayed on his face, but she couldn’t avoid looking at him if she tried. Her eyes zeroed in between his legs, and sure enough, his penis poked upwards. She tore her eyes away from him and pushed back to the surface.

And Arya was waiting. As soon as the twenty-four-year-old broke the surface, her daughter was on her back, laughing. “You’re going down, Mom.”

Andrea planted her feet and tried to get a hold on the girl, but she was elusive, staying on her back but moving from side to side to avoid her hands. Something around Andrea’s neck felt loose, and when she managed to grab Arya’s arm and pull her away, the young woman realized, too late, that her daughter was holding the straps to her bikini top.

The next thing Andrea was aware of was Kim surfacing the water a couple of feet in front of her. The look of surprise on his face must have matched the stark terror on hers. For a long moment, she simply stood there, as the boy stared back. Then she came to her senses and crossed her arms over her chest.

Kim, for his part, cried, “Arya, give her back the top!”

Her daughter swam over to the boy and said, “I thought we were playing tag. Isn’t this part of the game?”

Andrea was unable to take her eyes from Kim, although she knew she should. She didn’t say anything as the boy took the top from Arya and waded through the water until he was inside arm’s reach. His eyes were on her chest as he said, “You’ve kinda seemed bummed lately. We just wanted you to have some fun with us, Andrea.”

She couldn’t take her eyes off his face. His brows were wrinkled in concern, and his lips pouted, worried about how she felt. He really did care for her. When she finally found her voice, Andrea said, “Thanks for including me. I’m not sure you kids would want to see me naked. Old woman at twenty…”

Kim, bouncing on the balls of his feet, closed the distance until his face was just a few inches from hers. Before she could finish, he leaned forward and kissed her.

His lips were soft and warm, tasting of chlorine. He had closed his eyes when his lips touched hers. Stop it, a voice in Andrea’s mind shouted. This is wrong. He’s eleven years younger. What’ll people think? What’ll Arya think?

Against all of that, her lips responded and pushed against his. Every feeling she had repressed since she had taught him to kiss came rushing back. She wanted this kiss more than anything else. Seconds passed by until her daughter said, “Okay, are we still playing or what?”

Kim pulled back, and Andrea felt her longing grow. She wanted what Arya had, and that was just wrong on so many levels. A glance at her daughter showed the girl’s impatience. Andrea had expected a furious scowl or righteous anger. Instead, she was impatient, ready to continue playing.

Kim handed over the top and rejoined Arya. His eyes were conflicted as he glanced between the Tyler women. Andrea felt his conflict. It seemed to match her own. One thing that confused the young woman was Arya’s reaction. There wasn’t any surprise on the girl’s face, nor any disgust. Just impatience to move on. The confusion on Kim’s face, the impatience on Arya’s. It all made sense. And now that Andrea thought about it, she could see her daughter’s fingerprints all over this.

Holding her top in her hand, Andrea wasn’t sure what to do with that revelation or, really, about any of this. The smart thing would be to put her top back on and get the kids heading back to the apartment. But, and it pained her to admit it, even in the depth of her heart, she wanted more of Kim. To know some of what Arya experienced.

Even though a part of her mind told her this was a bad, horrible idea, she said, “Let’s play. I wasn’t ready before, Arya. You won’t get the rest of my bikini as easily.”

With that, her top sailed across the water, landing on top of the kids’ clothes.

Arya laughed and threw herself across the water, meeting only space. Andrea had easily sidestepped the girl and then put her hand on her head and pushed the girl under. Even as Andrea ducked, weaved, and dodged, always keeping one step ahead of her daughter, she noticed Kim hanging back.

Andrea sidestepped Arya, letting the girl go into deeper water as she lunged past her. She found herself within arm’s length of Kim and decided to dunk him as well. She reached for his head, but the boy slithered to the side, and all she grabbed was his shoulder, which she clamped down on to keep him from getting away. As fast as possible, she used her other arm, brought it around his shoulder, and pulled at him, trying to dunk him.

The boy’s head was locked in her arm, and when she pulled him down, his face pressed against her right breast. The boy’s effort to resist died, and she pulled him under. After he’d been down for a few seconds, Kim came back to life, the surprise of her boob in his face apparently fading as she refused to let him go. Kim wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled backward, knocking Andrea back with him, and breaking her hold.

As they both surfaced, Andrea saw that Arya was slowly making her way back over. The young woman grabbed at Kim’s head and said, “Don’t feel bad about the kiss. It was nice.”

When Arya finally came back over, she launched herself into another flurry of attacks designed to grab Andrea’s bottoms. The girl was tiring, and Andrea thought she’d won when she bumped into Kim, who had come up behind her. In one quick move, the boy sank under the water and pulled her bikini bottoms off.

Arya, sucking in gulps of air, saw the baby blue bottoms in Kim’s hand and said, “We win!”

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Kim’s Game – Chapter 7

Kim’s Game – Chapter 7

Andrea picked up her phone and pressed the icon on the screen, turning the alarm off. She was due at work by ten. Still, she wanted time to take a long, leisurely bath, drink a mug of coffee, and not feel rushed.

Swinging her legs out of bed, her conversation with Arya and Kim came back to her, and she groaned, “Oh, God, did I really say I wanted to kiss Kim?”

She stood up and then sat down, uncertain if she should go into the living room and tell the kids to forget about last night, that it was a mistake. Sure, she thought, just as soon as she could relieve the pressure on her bladder.

She opened her door and glanced into the living room. The thick, heavy curtains blocked out any sunlight, and the room was almost pitch-black. Padding across the short hall to the bathroom, Andrea closed the door and turned on the light. She thought about getting a bath first, but first things first. She pulled her panties down and sat on the toilet. The steady stream felt good as the pressure lessened and then disappeared.

She glanced at the bathtub. She wanted to soak, maybe think about some way to explain to Kim that she didn’t really want a kiss. It was all just a misunderstanding. She could tell him she understood his feelings for Arya and would give them their space. But, next on the list was coffee. She pulled up her panties and made sure her T-shirt covered her breasts and headed over to the kitchen.

She flipped on the light in the kitchen and grabbed one of the coffee-pods. The Keurig was always ready to satisfy her craving for coffee, and she set the coffee mug under the dispenser. All she needed to do was wait a couple of minutes, and she could satisfy at least one craving.

While her coffee brewed, the young woman came around the bar into the living room. The light from the kitchen reached the bed. Arya had never put any panties on and was asleep on her back, her legs open. Kim, just as naked as her daughter, was snuggled up next to her, on his side. An arm stretched protectively across the girl’s chest as the boy slept.

One of Kim’s legs rested on top of Arya’s right leg. Andrea nearly gasped when she saw his penis, erect and laying a couple of inches below the girl’s waist. More than that, Andrea noticed. It was just a couple of inches away from Arya’s slit.

While the kids looked peaceful in their sleep, there was a familiarity in how they snuggled that Andrea hadn’t seen in the two weeks that Kim had slept over every night. Moving as quietly as she could, the young woman leaned over the sleeper sofa’s mattress. Kim’s erection has a splotchy white film on it in places. Had he cum during the night?

Even though Kim was thirteen, he had the development of a much younger boy, and Andrea honestly thought an emission was beyond his little balls’ ability to produce. Then she saw Arya’s puffy labia. It was red and inflamed. Andrea recalled the first time she had fucked Cory, how her vagina had ached for a couple of days afterward. Her pussy had looked just like Arya’s.

Andrea gasped and retreated into the kitchen. Her emotions were a riot of confusion as she realized the whiteness on Kim’s erection was something her daughter’s body produced when sexually aroused. There was a quiet beep, alerting the young woman that her coffee was ready, and she grabbed it and turned out the light, throwing the whole of the living room back into near darkness.

Still, she leaned against the countertop, troubled. The mother in her knew she needed to stop this. Kids weren’t supposed to do things like this. She had a duty to stop it. She took a sip of the near-scalding coffee and sighed. She had been deflowered by Cory when he was only ten. Just a year older than Arya. And Kim, even though he was thirteen, physically, he was less developed than Andrea had been at twelve.

She retreated back into the bathroom, where she turned on the water. She pulled her panties down and pulled off the T-shirt. Now she was just as naked as the two children in the next room. She waited until the water was full, steam rising from it. The water was hot, just how she liked it. And as she slid into it, she sighed as the heat seeped into her skin.

She closed her eyes, savoring the moment. She saw an image of Cory at twelve. He was on top of her, shoving his four-inches into her eager pussy. Before she knew it, her fingers were running over the stubble of her bush. She’d shaved it when she started going to the pool with the kids a few weeks earlier. The idea of pubes poking out from her swimsuit hadn’t appealed to her, and she’d only been too happy to watch her bush disappear down the bathtub drain.

She liked how there really wasn’t any hair to get between her fingers and her clit, as she pushed a couple of fingers into her slit. She could see Cory’s beautiful smile as he leaned over her. In Andrea’s mind, he was making love to her the time he put his seed into her womb. He gently rested his torso on his elbows as he slid in and out of her, all the while telling her how much he loved her.

As the pressure between her legs increased, the image in her head shifted. Instead of Cory’s face floating over her as he pushed his hard cock inside her, it morphed. Now, the image of Kim floated over her. Gone was her fourteen-year-old body getting fucked by her twelve-year-old lover. She was herself now. Twenty-four. And Kim lay between her legs, pounding away at her pussy with his slender four inches.

Andrea moaned, “Kim!” as her body shook, wave after wave of pleasure washing over her as her fingers pushed against her clit. She couldn’t shake the image of the boy in the other room, leaning over her, thrusting himself into her.

She yanked her hands from between her legs and opened her eyes, pushing away the intimate image of Kim. In that horrible moment, she knew she had no moral authority to talk to Arya and Kim about what they’d done the previous night. How the hell could she? From the time she had been twelve until she became pregnant at fourteen, she had lost count of the number of times Cory fucked her.

Sometimes when Andrea masturbated, she felt the sexual high of her orgasm linger and make her day better. Today, though, there was no afterglow, only shame. Kim was perfect for Arya, even though four years separated them. But he was also everything Andrea had found in Cory. And it was wrong for her to feel these kinds of feelings for Kim.

She pulled the plug on the tub when the water became tepid. She was no closer to knowing how to handle the situation than when she’d stepped into the bathtub. What she would be, was late to work if she didn’t get a move on.

She dressed and was heading toward the front door with a few minutes to spare. She paused and looked back. Light from the open door filtered into the room. A sliver fell on Kim, bathing the sleeping boy in a halo of light. She locked the front door and closed it, sighing unhappily. She had hoped the morning would bring clarity. A crystal-clear path forward. Instead, Andrea didn’t know what she would do the next time there was an intimate moment with the boy.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Kim’s Game – Chapter 6

Kim’s Game – Chapter 6

The light from the kitchen was the first sign of morning as Kim cracked his eyes open. Andrea was drinking coffee. She wore the white blouse she usually wore to work. She faced the living room as she took a deep drink from the mug.

Kim didn’t think he had moved, but her eyes found his, and she smiled. Coming around the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room, she whispered, “Going in to work the breakfast shift in a bit.”

Kim, only slightly more awake than before, mumbled, “What time is it?”

Andrea leaned in, “About five thirty.”

Kim bit back a groan. It was way too early for a Tuesday morning in the summer. A glance at Arya showed that she was still asleep. She had kicked off the covers at some point during the night. A hand was stuck into the panties, pulling them down a bit. The image of her sleeping, with her hand down the front of her underwear, made something stir inside the boy.

She snored lightly and shifted, turning her head away from Kim and Andrea. Before Kim knew what he was doing, his hand nearly touched the girl. When Andrea sat down beside him, Kim realized where his hand was, and pulled it back.

The young woman said, “I need to leave in a bit, but I saw the two of you sleeping in here. You looked so cute in here with the covers kicked off.”

Kim had been so focused first on Andrea and then on Arya that he didn’t realize he’d pushed the covers down past his knees, and his own white briefs were on display for the young woman. Worse, his morning wood made a tent at the front.

His first inclination was to cover his embarrassment. Then he glanced at Andrea’s face and saw her staring at his underwear. The strange feeling from the night before came back, and he held off covering himself.

After a moment, Andrea’s eyes drifted toward his face, “How was your bath last night?”

Kim felt himself flushing as his eyes drifted to his tented erection. “Um, it was nice, like you said.”

Andrea put her hand onto the boy’s chest, and Kim was certain she could feel the rapid beat of his heart. The young woman said, “Looks like you’re going to be taking over the job of Arya’s baths. I think you’ll both enjoy it more than I did.”

Although he loved the feel of Andrea’s hand on his chest, it still left him wondering if she had feelings toward him. Part of him found the idea very intriguing. The rest of him only wanted to make Arya happy. He asked, “I’d like that. And you’re really okay with Arya and me taking baths and showers together? I mean…” His eyes returned to his erection.

He could see more color in Andrea’s cheeks as she nodded. Her hand slid to his belly and rubbed it there for a moment before running a finger along the hem of his underwear; in a pensive voice, she said, “I think you already know that both of us like your penis, Kim.”

Andrea sat up as though she’d said too much. Flushing scarlet, she got to her feet and looked down at him, her eyes still lingering on his dick. Then, in a move that left him breathless, she leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

Before he could decide how he felt about Andrea’s kiss, she was out the door.

Baffled by Andrea’s behavior, Kim lay back down. He rolled onto his side, and as he closed his eyes, Arya murmured, “She likes you, too.”

Kim moved over next to the girl and whispered, “What’s that?”

A soft snore was the only reply Kim received. Uncertain what to make things, Kim closed his eyes. A moment later, he didn’t care. He was asleep.

Something tickled, although what it was, the boy didn’t know. It was still dark in the living room when he felt the same thing again. He batted his eyes open. The room was still bathed in darkness. He felt a tickle, and now he saw Arya’s back was inches away from his chest, and he realized her backside had grazed his underwear.

Kim craned his neck and looked at the DVD player. The digital display showed 6:58. He didn’t really want to get up, not when Arya was so close to him. After a moment, he realized he wasn’t going to fall back asleep, so he thought it might be fun to hold the girl while she slept on. When his hand touched her shoulder, Arya mumbled, “Hmmm, hold me.”

The boy inched his body forward until his chest rested against Arya’s back. He slid his arm across her chest. And tried to ignore his dick, which was still hard, but now pressing against Arya’s backside. Although sleep eluded him, the boy enjoyed the tingling on his chest, where their bodies met.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d held Arya when she snuggled up even closer to him. “Hug me, Kim,” she murmured.

Glad to hear the girl’s voice, the boy slid his other arm under her and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. It also had the effect of pushing, even more, his dick against her backside.

Arya wiggled her backside, which made Kim’s dick feel even better. The girl said, “Your dinky’s stiff.”

Kim murmured, “I can move it, if you want.”

The girl wiggled again, “Only if you move it closer.”

Kim wiggled against her, “I’m about as close as I can get.”

Arya stopped wiggling and said, “Can I see it again?”

“My dick?”

Arya giggled, “That’s a gross name. But yeah, your dinky.”

Kim let go of the girl and lay on his back while Arya propped herself up on an elbow with a smile on her face. He pulled his underwear down below his knees when he realized he hadn’t grown nervous exposing himself to the girl. He kicked the underwear off and said, “Whatcha think?”

Arya’s fingers touched his erection, “I like how hard it gets.”

Kim grinned at her, “I like how it feels when you touch it.”

The girl traced her finger around his glans, “I saw something online where a man moved his, um, dinky until some white stuff came out. Can you do that?”

“I can’t make the white stuff come out, not yet.”

Arya said, “Oh, the video made it seem like its something that you could do.”

Kim didn’t know why he felt embarrassed. After all, Arya liked him just the way he was. But it still grated that he was so far behind other boys his own age. But the innocent look the girl gave him made his frustration seep away. He said, “Once I hit puberty, it’ll happen.”

Arya touched his ballsack, “When will that happen?”

The tingling in Kim’s balls made him feel good. “I don’t know. Most boys my age have already had it happen. I hope it happens soon.”

Arya circled the base of his shaft with a finger and thumb, “Me too. That man in the video looked like he liked it a lot.”

Kim laughed, “I bet. I can still have just as much fun, Arya. I just don’t make a mess yet.”

Arya leaned against him, “Oh, can I see?”

When Kim grabbed his dick in his hand, the girl let go. She stared at him as he stroked up and down on his thin four-inch dick. The tingling in his dick was powerful. Spending as much time as he had over at the Tylers’, Kim hadn’t masturbated in several days.

His fist was sliding up and down, again and again, as the pleasant tingling increased. Then it happened. His butt cheeks clenched as his dick spasmed in his hand. Euphoria washed over him as he kept pumping. His dick jerked in his hand a few more times as he felt his orgasm start to fade.

When he let go, he said, “I guess there’s not much to see, but that felt really good.”

Arya’s hand reached out, and her touch almost hurt at the intense feeling. “Ah, it’s sensitive. Give it a few minutes.”

The girl’s eyes were wide, “Wow, I saw your dinky bouncing all around. Was that your good feeling?”

He dipped his head, “Yep. That’s what it looks like when a boy has an orgasm.”

“Orgasm,” Arya repeated. Then she added, “And when you are older, that white stuff comes out when you, uh, orgasm?”

“Yeah. But it still feels good now.”

Arya said, “Did you know that girls also have good feelings?”

Kim sat up. He hadn’t thought that Arya, at nine, would know anything about how girls masturbated. He said, “You know how to do it?”

A deep red settled across her cheeks as she bit her lower lip and nodded. “I caught Mom doing it in her bed one night. Then I figured it out for myself. Do you want to see?”

Kim nodded and then watched the girl as she pulled her panties down and tossed them on the floor. Arya spread her legs, wider than Kim had seen before, and she put her finger into her puffy slit.

Her eyes slid closed as the girl’s finger pushed into her small pussy hole. Although Kim had watched a couple of videos online, he’d never seen a girl fingering herself before, not in real life. After a couple of minutes of steady fingering, Arya’s breathing became ragged, and then she pulled her finger out. Kim wasn’t sure if she’d actually orgasmed, but she was smiling as she held up a slick finger.

Either way, Kim was still as hard as he’d been earlier. He was even playing with his dick again, enjoying the slight tingling he felt along his shaft.

Arya said, “Next time, if you want, I’ll let you play with my kitty and give me good feelings.”

Kim stopped playing with himself and said, “I want you to play with my dick, er, dinky, too.”

The girl rolled off the bed, “I gotta pee. After breakfast, do you want to play my PS four?”


Kim dropped the controller and said, “I give up.”

Arya laughed, “Girls rule, boys drool!”

The boy leaned over the bed, his body resting against Arya’s, and rooted around for a different game. “What about Onrush? We haven’t played that yet?”

Before he could eject one game cartridge and insert another, Andrea looked up from the table. A laptop was open, and she had a harried look. She had told them earlier to let her alone while she paid some bills. Now, she said, “No more games until you guys get cleaned up.”

Arya groaned, “Aww, Mom. I was kicking butt!”

Kim stuck out his tongue at Arya. In fact, he was relieved. The game he’d just suggested was another racing game, and the girl had an uncanny ability to kick his ass on most games like that. Even though only a week had passed since he’d practically moved in with Andrea and Arya, he wasn’t looking forward to his dad’s return the next day.

The boy pulled his shirt off and said, “Andrea, can I stay over tomorrow night, too?”

The young woman almost looked relieved to get her nose out of the numbers on her screen, “But your dad’s going to be home. You know he’d like to spend some time with you?”

Kim gave her a baleful eye as he pulled his shorts down, “Really? Fine. If he says it’s okay, can I?”

Andrea got up and came over. She sat on the end of the bed and pulled him onto her lap. “There are two things you should know. First, you are your dad’s son. If he wants to spend time with you, then that’s what you need to do.”

Kim sighed; it’s about what he expected.

Then Andrea wrapped her arms around his chest and hugged him close, “And two, you don’t have to ask to stay over here. Right Arya?”

Arya was pulling her shorts down when she looked up and said, “Right. You’re the best thing to happen to us.”

Andrea nodded, “If you want to stay over here every night throughout the rest of the summer and your dad’s okay with it, then that’s what you’ll do.”

She glanced over at Arya, who had just shimmied out of her underwear. “Why don’t you two go ahead and get cleaned up. I’ve got a bit more to do before I’m done.”

Kim slid off her lap. It still felt weird to get undressed in front of the young woman, not least because of the way she looked at him when he was naked. He pulled his underwear down, feeling Andrea’s eyes on him as he led Arya into the bathroom.

Once the door was shut, he turned to Arya and said, “You’ve taken showers with your mom, right?”

She nodded, “Yeah. You wanna shower?”

Kim’s head bobbed up and down, “Yeah.”

Standing next to a naked Arya, long before the water was the right temperature, his dick grew out to its four thin inches. She glanced down and grinned, “I really make your dinky stiff?”

The boy grinned back, “Yeah, you do.”

Once they were in the tub with the shower blasting warm water down on them, Kim pushed Arya under the spray, “You get wet first, and I’ll wash you.”

A moment later, Arya stepped out from the direct blast of water, and Kim squeezed out dribbles of bodywash on the girl’s back and front. He completely ignored the loofah, letting his fingers touch her back, rubbing the wash into her skin, turning it into a sudsy lather.

When he got to the girl’s butt, he was able to glide his slick fingers over both of her small globes of flesh. Arya said, “Oh, that’s nice.”

He finished her back by quickly lathering her legs and then turned Arya around to work on her front. By now, the bodywash had streaked down her body. Kim enjoyed starting on her chest, playing with her tiny nipples until they protruded a bit. And then he hurried through the rest of her torso. Kneeling before Arya, Kim pushed a solitary finger through her puffy lips.

He hadn’t been able to shake the image he still had in his mind when he had watched her finger herself. The more he replayed the image, the more he doubted that she’d managed an orgasm. With that thought in his mind, his soapy finger slid under the tiny clitoral hood and touched her sensitive, immature clit.

Much to Kim’s delight, Arya pushed her pelvis forward as she gave a nearly imperceptible moan. With his other hand, Kim slipped another finger between her inner lips. He felt his dick twinge as he found her tiny hole. Sliding around, his finger was almost instantly slick with the girl’s juices, and he slid the digit up to the first knuckle into her pussy. Arya’s moan was a bit louder, but still only something he could hear.

Twisting around and moving it in and out a bit, Kim managed to slide his index finger all the way into Arya up to the third knuckle. He glanced up and saw a dreamy grin on the girl’s face. He pulled the finger almost all the way out before pushing it as far in as it would go. The next time he did it, he used his finger on his other hand to slide over the girl’s clit.

Both hands were wet with the girl’s juices as Arya’s moans grew a bit louder. When she said, “This feels different. My tummy is tingling, and I feel… oh, wow. That felt…”

Her voice trailed off as she leaned against the tile wall. All the while, Kim’s fingers either plunged in and out of her pussy or rubbed her clit. Then it happened. Arya bit her lower lip and shuddered. Through clenched teeth, she moaned loud enough that Kim worried Andrea might hear.

The boy pulled his hands out of Arya’s pussy as she slid down into the bathtub. After a long moment listening for Andrea, Kim breathed a sigh of relief and sat down beside Arya. He leaned in, putting an arm around her, “Are you okay?”

She dragged in a ragged breath and nodded. She smiled up at him, “I’ve been doing it wrong, haven’t I?”

Kim shrugged, “I don’t know. But that was an orgasm.”

Arya nodded, “That was fun. I wanna do it again.”

“Me, too. I liked watching your face, and how you were feeling.”

Arya got to her feet, “I think you liked playing with my kitty even more. My turn to wash you now.”

The girl’s efforts to wash Kim were similar to his own. When she got to his dick, the girl gripped it and said, “Let me see if I’ve got it right.”

Kim felt himself lean against the tile, just like Arya before. His knees were week as the tingling grew throughout the length of his erection. Even though Arya’s strokes were inexpert and uneven, the feeling growing in his dick was better than anything he’d felt using his own hand. And before he knew it, his knees buckled as his hips thrust forward. The intensity of the pleasurable wave washed over him, making his dick spasm in Arya’s hand.

She leaned over him and said with a huge grin, “That one, I think I did right.”

Chuckling, Kim nodded, “Yeah. You made me feel really good.”

By now, the water coming from the shower was getting cool, and Kim cut the water off. Arya leaned into him and said, “That was a lot of fun.”

She glanced down at the water draining out of the tub before she looked back up contemplatively. “Um, would I need to do something different for you to, mmm, be my boyfriend?”

Kim’s eyes scanned the girl’s face. Gone were any traces of humor. Kim was stunned. Even though he was learning so much about Arya and her mom, because of how badly delayed his development was, he’d just assumed that he wouldn’t get the joy of a girlfriend until his body caught up with the other boys in his grade.

He heard the hesitation in his own voice, “You want more than being my best friend?”

Arya nodded, “Don’t you? The way you touched me. How I touched you. If I’m your girlfriend, then we can do even more stuff together, right?”

Kim wasn’t sure the girl’s logic was on target. But he didn’t care. The idea of having a girlfriend touched something deep inside the boy. Instead of answering, he leaned forward until his lips found Arya’s. The kiss was awkward, as Arya was still trying to get the hang of what to do with her lips. When their lips parted, Kim said, “You don’t need to do anything different to be my girlfriend. It’ll just like being best friends, except we can kiss and hold hands even when your mom sees it.”

Arya leaned in and kissed the boy before saying, “Okay, but I want to do more than just kiss. I want that feeling again.”

They dried off, and before Kim could open the door, Arya grabbed his arm and pulled him into another hug. He loved the feel of their chests touching. And even better, his dick pushed upward against the girl’s smooth pubic mound. More kisses meant more hugging. And more hugging meant he got to touch Arya’s body even more.

When Kim followed Arya back into the living room, Andrea was still at the small dining table. He felt the young woman’s eyes on him as he crossed over to the bed. Kim was still trying to figure out what he could get away with in Andrea’s presence, so he climbed on the bed, still naked and stretched out.

Arya sidled up next to him and lay down, just as naked as he was. At this point, Andrea closed the notebook and said, “You kids have any idea how distracting you are?”

Arya shrugged, “You’ve seen me naked plenty of times.”

Chuckling, Andrea got up from the table, “True. I was mostly looking at Mr. Erector next to you.”

Kim glanced down. He knew Andrea was right, and for reasons he was still sorting through, he didn’t particularly care anymore if she saw his erection.

Arya said, “You need a break, Mom. You should take a bath.”

Andrea yawned, “I should, but you guys probably used all the hot water.”

She came over and sat on the end of the bed. Kim could feel her gaze resting on him. Part of him that the boy was learning to ignore felt uncomfortable with the look the twenty-four-year-old gave him. After all, she was Arya’s mom. Another part felt guilty because the feelings he and Arya shared were real. The last part, the part he knew he needed to ignore, enjoyed knowing that Andrea liked his body. Every girl in the seventh grade had given him the cold shoulder for the past year. And now, in addition to Arya, this young woman found him desirable!

Kim didn’t want to think about any of that right then. He said, “Get all the bills paid?”

Andrea ran her fingers through her hair and nodded, “Yeah. That extra money your dad gave for groceries really helped.”

Arya said, “Oh, no. Not money stuff. Let’s put something on TV, you can watch it with us, until there’s more hot water.”

Kim nodded and moved out of the center of the bed, “Yeah. We’ll make space.”

Andrea chuckled, “Watching TV with two beautiful, naked kids. I don’t know about that.”

Arya blew raspberries, “We used to watch them with me. My boyfriend bothering you?”

The silly way she dragged out boyfriend was a stark contrast to the girl’s earnest request in the bathroom.

Andrea scooted onto the bed, into the space between the boy and girl. As she turned around and leaned against the sofa back, she drawled, “Ohhh, so Kim’s your boyfriend now?

Arya gave an exaggerated head-dip, “Of course, after all, we kissed!”

Kim didn’t know what to make of the byplay.

Andrea said, “Oh, so that’s all it takes is kissing a boy?”

Arya giggled and coyly said, “Well, kissing Kim.”

Andrea reached her arm around Kim’s shoulders and pulled him against her chest, “So, if I kissed Kim, wouldn’t he be my boyfriend?”

Kim felt the cotton fabric of Andrea’s shirt against his skin. Already erect, he felt a twinge between his legs at the contact.

Arya also reached her arm around Kim’s back. Her voice bubbled, “Nope. He’s mine. I call dibs.”

The girl’s soft skin, bare against his, nearly drove the boy to distraction, albeit an enjoyable one. He couldn’t help wondering where Arya and Andrea’s interaction would go. As long as Arya enjoyed herself, he was content to play a passive role.

Arya’s eyes widened for a split second, and she leaned around Kim. Her voice was softly inquisitive, “Do you want to kiss Kim?”

Kim felt Andrea’s body flinch. There was a long pause before she spoke. To Kim, the playful tone in her voice sounded forced. “Oh, sweety, he’s your boyfriend. After all, you did call dibs.”

Arya smiled thoughtfully. “I never thought you might like him, too.”

Andrea tensed up, “You think I like your boyfriend?” She stressed in the same whimsical tone as before.

Arya, though, to Kim’s mind, was looking at her mom differently than before. She whispered, “I think so.”

Kim felt the tension. He’d felt something with Andrea almost every time they shared a moment. While the smile on Arya’s face had faded, the thoughtful expression remained.

Finally, Andrea said, “Maybe a bit. Kim’s a very beautiful boy, especially when he’s wearing his current attire.”

Arya shook her head, “Attire?”

Kim interjected, “When I’m naked.” Then his mind worked through the rest of the young woman’s words, and he stuttered, “Y-you t-think I’m beautiful?”

The two Tyler women, one twenty-four, the other nine, chimed, “Yes.”

Andrea and Arya both laughed, and the building tension defused like a balloon popping. Kim felt it; his laughter was filled with relief. Before, if anyone had called him beautiful, he might have taken it as an insult. From Andrea, it didn’t feel like it.

He looked at the young woman, “Why do you think I’m beautiful?”

He saw Arya staring at her mom, waiting for the young woman’s response. “I guess you won’t accept I just do, will you?”

Kim smiled as he saw Arya shake her head along with him. “You know I was fourteen when I got pregnant. Even though Cory was just twelve years old, the reason I was with him wasn’t just because I was babysitting him and his sister. No, it was because he was kind to me. Always sweet and thoughtful. He practically worshiped the ground I walked on. And, Kim, you remind me of him in how you treat Arya. And like you, he also had brown hair and a smile that could melt my heart.”

She sighed, a faraway look in her eye, “The two of you are so much alike it’s almost painful to watch. The only difference, at twelve, he was just as tall as me at fourteen. That’s where Arya gets her height. I’ve tried to recapture that in the guys I’ve dated over the years, but I concluded that Cory was one-of-a-kind. That is until I met you. And now it’s my daughter, not me, that gets to discover a boy that is worth keeping.”

The young woman wiped at her eyes, and Kim wasn’t sure what to do. While he longed to reach out and kiss away Andrea’s tears, her words galvanized within him the realization he wanted to be Arya’s boyfriend. To be the boy who so captivated her heart that she would give herself to him the same way Andrea had to Cory a decade earlier.

A hand, nearly the same size as his own, squeezed Kim’s. It was, in a way, Arya’s permission to respond to Andrea’s heart-wrenching declaration. Still uncertain, and out of his depth, Kim leaned against Andrea and kissed her cheek. He said, “I think you’re beautiful, too.”

Tears fell from Andrea’s face as she said, “Thanks, Kim. A girl likes to know when a guy finds her beautiful.”

His arm was already draped behind her back, and he gave her a one-armed hug, “I just hope I’m good enough for Arya.”

“You are, Kim,” Andrea said as she dabbed at her eyes.

“And,” Kim said with a note of hesitation, “If things were different, I’d hope that I would have been as good to you as Cory.”

Andrea gave him another hug, her scalding tears splashing on his shoulders. Even Arya reached around the boy, hugging both him and her mother.

After a bit, the young woman pulled her arm from around Kim and said, “I should get on to bed.” Then her eyes returned to Kim’s crotch, and she added, “Who would have known? It does get soft.”

Kim glanced down, and his dick was its normal flaccid size. When Arya laughed, his own taut emotions needed release, and he joined in the laughter.

A moment later, Andrea was off the bed, and after blowing a final good-night kiss at them, she closed the door to her bedroom. Kim felt a sense of loss when the door closed behind her as well as relief. He glanced at Arya, who was still staring at the door. He moved across the bed until he snuggled against the girl.

Kim heard Arya’s sigh of discontentment. He didn’t know how to help Andrea. Instead, he leaned in and planted a kiss on the younger girl.

After a moment, the girl’s eyes were on Kim as her lips responded. She threw her arms around his neck and said, “hold me, please!”

Kim’s arms slid around her waist, and he pulled her to him. Perhaps it wasn’t fair to Andrea, but he pushed thoughts of her aside and put everything into holding his nine-year-old girlfriend.

After a moment, Arya wiggled against him and his dick, erect again, slid between her legs. The girl gasped as the top of him pushed against her puffy lips. The boy felt a familiar tingling and pulled back with his hips until his erection smacked back into his belly, free from the narrow place between the girl’s legs.

Arya reached down and took hold of him, “Again, Kim. I want to feel that again.”

After everything he’d learned this evening, Kim felt something primal within him, and he needed Arya to know that he was hers, and only hers. He pushed his dick down until he felt her slit again. Instead of going below it, he slowly rocked forward, pushing between her puffy lips.

The girl’s breath hitched as his erection slid across her clit. He slid forward, feeling the soft inner lips that were moist with Arya’s juices. He stopped when he felt himself push against her small hole. He slid back, letting his glans drag along the inner lips until he almost pulled out from her slit.

Arya wrapped her legs around him and pushed her head against his neck as he pushed forward again until he reached her hole. Feeling the girl’s heartbeat against his chest, he wanted her. To join with her. Kim pushed, and his slick, small mushroom of a head slid within the incredibly snug confines of her narrow walls.

Arya gasped, “Ahhh. You’re in me!”

Kim slid in another inch, and the girl let slip a small moan as her arms gripped his neck, and her legs constricted around his backside. When Arya tightened her legs, she pushed him in the remaining inches, grinding her bare pubic mound against Kim’s.

“Arrrgghhh,” she moaned. Involuntarily, Kim’s eyes swung over to Andrea’s door.

Every little bit of his dick was trapped inside Arya’s tiny pussy. Kim couldn’t help wondering if he’d have been able to fit inside of her if he were much older. His penis wasn’t anywhere close to an inch thick. Barely bigger than his middle finger.

The door to Andrea’s room remained closed, and after letting himself adjust to Arya’s tight confines, Kim gradually pulled his dick out until he felt his head about to pop out. Then, with more force than before, he pushed all the way back in.

Arya trembled against him, her lips pressed against his neck. The power of her leg muscles around his butt created resistance when he rocked back on his hips, and his dick didn’t come close to popping out before her legs pushed on his butt, grinding his pubic bone against hers.

Kim’s mind was overloaded. The girl’s too-tight hole constricted on his dick. But her juices coated him completely, and the friction between them almost wasn’t there. Except she was really tight. He pulled back, his dick tingling all over, the cool air felt good on his shaft. Then Arya’s legs pulled at him, and he shot forward, slamming into her. The wetness on her mound made a slapping sound when their bodies came together.

He groaned, “Arggh.” He felt that pressure building at the base of his dick and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. That didn’t stop him from sliding back out again. The pressure on his backside from the girl’s legs was different than he’d thought sex would be. On the videos he’d watched, the man lay on top, pounding down on the woman. He and Arya clung to each other, on their sides. He’d never thought a girl could control things unless she were on top. He had seen those videos, too.

But Arya controlled his thrusts with her legs. Even though Kim started by penetrating her, the way she forced him back inside her with each thrust confirmed that she wanted him inside her just as much as he wanted to be there.

The tingling was almost unbearable when he rocked backward. Just at the right moment before his dick would have popped out, Arya squeezed her legs with so much force that the plopping sound of their bodies smacking together filling the quiet room. And pushed Kim over the edge. He shoved himself as deep as he could as his hips gyrated, and his dick spasmed inside Arya’s tightness.

The shockwaves radiating into her from his spasming dick must have done something in her; Arya’s entire body convulsed. Kim couldn’t believe she could hold onto him any tighter, but she did as she wordlessly moaned into his shoulder, “AHHHHHH!”

Kim clung to Arya as his body came down off the most intense orgasm he’d had in all his thirteen years. He opened his eyes and looked into Arya’s, just inches away from his. Her face was covered in sweat as her lips curved into a smile. She leaned forward and kissed him. This time, her lips were a bit less awkward, as they learned what to do when pressed against Kim’s.

When she broke the kiss, her face went back against his neck. She whispered, “Oh, that’s what it feels like.”

Kim’s face was set in a perpetual grin, “I didn’t hurt you when I went inside you, did I?”

She shook her head, “No. You’re bigger than my fingers, but not too big.”

Still feeling the girl’s indescribable tightness, Kim shifted his hips to pull out. Before he finished, Arya’s legs clamped down on his butt, burying his erection inside her. “No, don’t move. I feel like you and me are one when you’re in me. I don’t want that feeling to stop, not yet.”

Kim’s dick twinged. His erection didn’t flag. He was every bit as hard now as he was when he first pushed into the girl’s tightness.

After a moment, Arya pulled her head back far enough for Kim to see her eyes in the room’s near darkness. She said, “I’m glad you’re my boyfriend. I…um, I…”

Kim, feeling the girl’s heart pounding in her chest, sensed what she was trying to say. The space between them was full of their emotions. Despite the confusion of earlier, when Andrea had joined them on the bed, Kim knew what he felt for Arya was real. He finished what she was trying to say, “I love you, too.”

Arya blushed at the words and kissed him again. When the kiss ended, she said, “I wanna go again. Can we?”

Kim’s dick twinged in reply. The boy nodded.

Arya pushed and said, “I want to try something I saw once. I want to be on top.”

Kim rolled onto his back when the girl’s legs finally unwound from around him. He propped himself up on a pillow as the girl climbed onto him. She must have been lucky. When she settled down on him, his dick slid back into her stretched opening.

When Arya was fully impaled on Kim, she leaned forward and kissed him again. “Hold me,” she said.

Kim complied, his arms wrapped around her back as her chest pressed against his. Even though her hole had stretched, letting him enter her almost effortlessly, she was still incredibly tight, as she lay on his chest.

After a moment, she said, “When did you realize that Mom was in love with you?”

Kim was taken aback by the question. He had pushed aside his confusion about Andrea and being inside Arya, he wasn’t sure he wanted to think about the girl’s mom.

Arya prodded, “It’s okay. I’m not mad or anything. I know you love me, and that’s all that matters. It’s just that I didn’t realize she likes you, uh, you know, like this.”

Kim shifted his hips just enough to feel his dick slide inside the girl. Still, the look on Arya’s face wasn’t to be denied. He shrugged, “I don’t know. I should have guessed something was up on your birthday. When I told her I didn’t know how to kiss a girl, well, she showed me how.”

Arya’s eyes grew round, “No way,” there was no heat in her voice. Just surprise. “I really liked it when you kissed me. And Mom showed you how…” her voice trailed off.

Kim moved one hand from the girl’s back to her hair, “She may have shown me how, but you’re the one I wanted to kiss.”

Proving it, the boy’s lips brushed against the girl’s. Arya moaned against his mouth when she slid up against Kim’s body, letting the boy’s dick move inside her. “I know. But she wants to kiss you some more. I could see it.”

Kim moved his pelvis, sliding in and out. It was hard to think about anything other than the incredible feeling of being inside this marvelous young girl who loved him. Still, he managed, “I’ve given myself to you.”

He rocked under her, “I’m giving myself to you, my love.”

He pushed his pelvis up, griding against her labia. “I’ll give myself over and over, as long as you’ll let me.”

Arya sat up and used her knees and legs to move up and down on the boy. “I can’t believe how lucky I am, Kim. I mean, your dad is on the road all the time, and you’re practically living with us, sleeping with me all the time.”

She bottomed out on him, grinding herself against his pubic bone. When she quit moving, she said, “I feel guilty about Mom, though. I found you, and she’s got…nothing.”

Kim gyrated under the girl’s body, feeling his dick move around in her tight space. “Maybe we can set her up with my dad.”

Arya lay forward again and kissed his lips. “Doofus. Mom isn’t interested in your dad. She’s interested in you.”

Kim sighed, lying still under the girl, “I don’t know how we can fix that, Arya. I’m your boyfriend, not hers.”

The girl kissed him again, “I like to hear you say that—a lot. I don’t know. Maybe when we’re watching a movie with her, you could, I don’t know… kiss her.”

Kim’s dick twitched, “You want me to kiss your mom?”

Arya shrugged and sat back up and moved up and down. For a bit, thoughts about Andrea faded away as Kim focused on the feeling the girl gave him as she slid up and down. The tingling in his dick grew slowly. After all, he’s just dry cummed less than fifteen minutes earlier. Arya began moaning within her throat, and before long, she shuddered as she pounded down on his pelvis. Kim could feel the rise of his own orgasm just a few beats away, and he reached up and grabbed the girl’s hips and rocked under her, sliding in and out as fast as he could.

Arya threw her head back as a keening noise came from her throat. It was low, but in the quiet of the night, it sounded loud to the boy as his own orgasm washed over him. He arched his back, shoving every bit of his four inches into Arya as his hips shook, and his dick kicked around inside of her, firing off blanks.

When their orgasms faded for a second time, Arya, still straddling his middle, lay on his chest and, in a tired voice, said, “I don’t want to see my mom unhappy. Not when I feel so wonderful. If kissing you will make her feel better, then, yeah. I want you to kiss her.”

Kim felt his body relaxing. His dick finally slid out from Arya. He yawned, “Are you sure?”

She nodded, reacted to his yawn with one of her own, “Of course, I’ll be there beside you…”

Kim waited for her to finish. After a moment, he said, “Arya?”

Her only response was a soft snore. It was a long time before sleep came to Kim. He couldn’t shake the idea of kissing Andrea.

Copyright 2021 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

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