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Smoky Mountains – Chapter 23

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 23 – Busted
Day 6.

I woke up with a shock. Joel and I were still lying the same way as we fell asleep last night. I guessed because we were both so tired from yesterday’s events outside and our long sex session in the evening. I knew something had woke me up, but I didn’t know what it was.


There it was again! The phone downstairs was ringing. Joel moved beside me too and quickly sat up straight.


Again? Joel’s sleepy eyes looked at me, and as he did, I saw the sleep vanish from his eyes.

“What’s that?” he whispered. “The landline?”

“Yeah,” I whispered back, reaching for my phone.

I looked at my phone and noticed the time. It was 6:34 a.m.

“That can only be Ellie and Adam, don’t you think?” Joel whispered as he got up.

That’s when I noticed the ‘No Service’ text in the top right corner. My heart almost stopped when I read it. What was going on? Was the power out? Were we being sabotaged? Who was calling us?

“I don’t have service anymore.”


The ringing had stopped for a minute or so, and here it was again. Joel looked at me wide-eyed and quickly picked up his phone. The look on his face already told me what he was looking at.

“We must get dressed quickly,” he whispered with an urgency in his voice I hadn’t heard before.


“Fuck!” I whispered. “Do we need to get that?”

Joel looked at me as he was pulling up his boxers. I had to look at his dick before he hid it from view and adjusted it in his boxers. The moment he started pulling up his pants, I started with my panties, tearing my eyes away from his crotch.


We didn’t stop this time, and both started dressing as quickly as we could. As I was tying my shoes, I glanced over at Joel, who was tying the knife sheath to his leg. He was still shoeless and shirtless, and the tip of his tongue stuck out of his mouth as he was concentrating on tying the cords. I put on my shirt and hurried over to help Joel. We needed to be dressed comfortably, and this was one of these things that needed to be done correctly.

“The phone stopped ringing,” Joel said softly.

“You’re right. I think it’s ringing three times and then stops for a few moments,” I said, tying the last knot. “There! All set.”

“Thanks,” Joel said and started fiddling with two smaller knives that were supposed to sit parallel on his belt above his butt.

I tried the light switch and noticed we still had power.

“What do we do, Joel?” I asked, feeling the panic sweep over me.

“We stay calm. We’re safe in here, and after we get dressed…”


“After we get dressed, we’ll carefully try and go downstairs.”

“I guess you’re right. We need to get dressed and be completely…”


“Fuck! Completely ready before we get out of this room.”

“It’s an S.O.S. signal…” Joel said as if he was struck by lightning.


“Oh my god… You’re right…”

I started gathering my things and regretted leaving our guns by our bikes. The shotgun and rifle weren’t a problem, but I’d feel a lot safer with my handgun in my hand, despite my aversion for guns. A knife suddenly just didn’t seem enough.

I noticed a loud click downstairs but couldn’t quite place the sound. Joel apparently didn’t hear it, as he was still working on these knives. This was starting to annoy me. He needed to put his shoes and shirt on and worry about these knives later. The moment I wanted to open my mouth, we both froze.

“Told ya that nigger was the owner,” a familiar voice downstairs said.

“Fuck, fuck fuck…” Joel whispered, moving around frantically.

There was no way we could hide from anyone inside this room. We needed to do something, but I couldn’t figure out what to do.

“Good thing we checked these apartments, right?” the voice continued.

“There’s some great shit in here. Don’t we need to call it in?” another voice said.

“Nah. Let’s check for ourselves first…”

Joel reached for his shoes to pick them up. The moment he did this, his shoulder bumped against a stack of staples and paperclips, causing them to fall over. It wasn’t that loud, but it was almost like a pile of glasses fell over and shattered on the floor in our ears.


Joel and I didn’t move an inch. We both just stood there, afraid to make any more noise. I was feeling terrified, and my heart was trying to beat out of my chest. The voices had stopped, and everything was quiet now. Maybe they didn’t hear us?

“Did they hear us?” I whispered as softly as I could.

Joel shrugged his shoulders but looked just as petrified as I felt. I slowly stepped over toward the door to put my ear against it. I didn’t hear the voices anymore, but there were still footsteps. I just couldn’t figure out if they were close, downstairs, or somewhere in between that.

“Can you hear them?” Joel whispered just as softly.

“No. I think…”

With a loud bang, the door cracked as it was kicked open. It hit me hard on my head, causing me to fall back. I felt a sting in my head and saw white flashes before my eyes. I saw a familiar face appear in the door opening between these flashes, immediately pointing a gun at Joel, who quickly raised his hands.

“Well, well. What do we have here, Ben?”

“The two fuckers that tricked us!” Ben said as he came into view and pointed his gun toward me.

“You two got a cozy place in here,” Curtis said as he glanced around. “Too bad for you we found the keys to this place on the body of that nigger who owns this place. We just had to take the keys out of his pockets.”

“Yeah… Too bad, fuckers!” Ben added with a sly smile.

“What do you want from us?” Joel asked, still bare-chested and far from being as diplomatic as yesterday.

“What do we want? HAH!” Curtis said. “We want to know how you tricked us and then come with us to City Hall. That’s what we want.”

“What do you mean? Tricked you? We were scared shitless when the shooting inside that building started,” Joel said with a straight face.

“Right… Scared, huh?” Ben said sarcastically.

“Listen up. I know you were behind it one way or the other. That’s why I let my friends shut down the cellphone towers in this region.”

“Why? Did you run out of your prepaid phonecard and didn’t want anyone else to know?” Joel smiled.

Curtis moved quickly and punched Joel in his stomach with the back of his rifle. Joel let out a moan and hunched over, grabbing his stomach.

“Don’t get cocky with me, BOY. We were out all night looking for you two. I didn’t think we’d find you anymore, but yet here we are.”

“I’m sorry,” Joel groaned. “But how on earth could we do what we did? We were just on our way to our Uncle!”

“I don’t know how you did it! But Ben noticed you were both wearing an earbud. I just put two and two together…” Curtis trailed off.

I could only hope Joel would keep his mouth shut and not try to be funny about adding up numbers. So I decided to beat him to it.

“We were just leaving this place to head out to our Uncle. All the stuff in here is yours if you want. We won’t tell,” I said with the friendliest smile I could.

Curtis looked over at me and got a weird look on his face.

“And you know what else?” Curtis continued while he kept looking at me, “That pretty mouth can be used for a whole lot of interesting things…”

The moment he said this, Joel stepped forward angrily. He was pressed back immediately by the barrel of the gun being pressed against his chest.

“Oh yeah! Please! Give me a reason… BOY…” Curtis said.

I could see Joel trying to hold back, but his eyes looked… different. The last time he met Joe, his eyes shot fire. Right now, I could see utter violence in them. Something I never figured I’d see in my brother’s eyes.

“Maybe we should try her out for ourselves first, Curtis,” Ben chipped in and laughed loudly after he said it.

“Yeah… Maybe we should… She’ll need to be doing it a lot anyway. Might as well teach her the ropes,” Curtis smiled. “And you, BOY… You’ll help us hauling in all the stuff our foraging teams bring in. You think you can…”


Curtis and Ben looked back at the door, a bit surprised. It was only a tenth of a second, but enough for my brother to spring into action. Joel quickly grabbed the gun by its barrel and pointed it toward the ceiling. With his other hand, he punched Curtis hard on his nose, causing blood to spurt out all over his face and his clothes. Moments later, Joel grabbed the knife on his belt’s back and moved it quickly toward Curtis’s throat.

This all happened in a split second. I noticed Ben looking wide-eyed at the scene in front of him, not moving a muscle. But after the initial shock went away and Joel grabbed his knife, Ben sprang into action. With the back of his rifle, he punched Joel on his shoulder. He aimed for my brother’s face, but since they were all moving fast, he missed. In the meantime, I tried to get up, but the air mattress slowed me down too much. It only delayed me for seconds, but it was enough to make me unable to help my brother.

Curtis grabbed Joel by his bare shoulders and quickly swung him around. Joel fell backward out of the room onto the balcony. Curtis jumped out too, and was pointing his rifle at Joel. The moment he fired, Joel kicked against the underside of the gun, causing it to miss my brother by mere inches. Curtis lost his grip, and the rifle flew out of his hands and landed in the door opening.

Ben looked at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes, which gave me the opportunity to grab him from behind. I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I could see Joel quickly got on his feet, swinging a punch at Curtis’s bloody face. But despite his bulky build, Curtis was light on his feet and dodged Joel’s swing. The moment Joel’s fist passed Curtis’s face, he took a punch at Joel’s side, causing him to groan loudly.

I was gripping Ben’s neck as tightly as I could, but he threw himself back against the wall, trapping me in between. Ben was a skinny guy, but this blow still punched all the air out of my lungs, which caused me to loosen my grip slightly. This was enough for Ben to wrestle himself free and slap my face hard. The sting of it was incredible. I’d never imagined such a skinny guy being able to punch someone this hard. Maybe him using a flat hand instead of a fist added to the effect and sting of it. Before I could duck, he slapped me again, and I fell down on the air mattress.

The way I was lying now, I could clearly see the fight between Joel and Curtis. Joel’s back was against the railing as he tried punching Curtis again. I wanted to shout at them to stop, but time itself seemed to slow down. Joel missed Curtis by a hair, and Curtis punched against my brother’s chest with a lot of force. Joel’s head flew back, and so did his torso. I could see his feet trying to get a grip on the floor, but gravity was winning. Curtis’s second blow did it. Joel tumbled back over the railing, his arms desperately trying to grab something. Anything. The gravitational pull was relentless. His eyes caught mine, and I’ll never forget the look of desperation in them. And then he went over.

“JOELLLL!!!!” I screamed as time got back to its regular speed.

Curtis stepped against the railing and looked down. In the meantime, Ben had picked me up and grabbed me firmly by my wrist. Curtis turned around and had a big grin on his blood-covered face. I didn’t care, and I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks.

“That’s one coon less,” Curtis said proudly.

“Is he dead?” Ben asked.

“Looks a lot like it,” Curtis chuckled. “He dropped two stories, and I didn’t see him move. He did have a mean right fist, though.”

Curtis took the hem of his shirt to wipe the blood from his face. Dead? Is my brother dead? I didn’t seem to register in my mind. How could Joel be dead? My sweet and strong brother… He had always looked out for me, and now… Why didn’t I help him? What now? Oh no… Joel’s dead. DEAD!

Nothing registered. Only “Joel is dead” was inside my head. Until a big sting took me back to reality. I saw Curtis smiling at me, and his hand raised. Ready to slap me again.

“I said… What will you do now without your precious boyfriend, princess?”

I couldn’t think. I just looked blankly at Curtis through my tears, feeling completely helpless. I wouldn’t care if they threw me down too. Joel was dead.

“On your knees, princess,” Curtis shouted. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Ben kicked me back at my legs, causing me to drop to my knees. He let go of my wrist but pointed his rifle at my head. I didn’t care. It didn’t even hurt me. Joel was the only thought in my head. My eyes were open, but I didn’t see anything. Joel…

“Ever suck a grown man’s cock, princess?” Curtis asked, gripping his dick through his pants.

I didn’t move. I didn’t nod, didn’t talk. I just looked at the ground. This obviously irritated Curtis a lot. So he grabbed me by my chin, forcing me to look up at him. At that moment, my vision returned, and I saw the face of my brother’s murderer. I never felt more intense hate for another person than at that moment.

“You killed him,” I whispered.

“You’re damn right. I killed him. And I’ll do the same to you if you don’t open your mouth and do what we tell you.”

“You killed him,” I whispered again.

SLAP! Another sting on my cheeks, but I practically didn’t feel it. It hardly registered. Curtis started unzipping his trousers, reaching inside. Before he took it out, he looked at Ben.

“What are you doing?” Curtis said.

“Making sure she doesn’t do anything funny,” Ben responded, moving the gun to make his point.

“Get behind me, you fool. Or do you like looking at my dick?”

“Jeez…” Ben said. ”Is it that small?”

“Fuck you! Get over there and stop looking at my dick, or you’ll get jealous.”

Ben moved a bit, so he couldn’t see his brother’s groin. But he still kept pointing his gun at me. I was starting to feel sick in my stomach from the idea of having to suck off the guy that killed my brother. I was trying to think of a way out of this, but my thoughts were too clouded with Joel’s image falling to his death. I couldn’t think of anything.

The moment the hairy little dick came out of the fly of Curtis’s pants, I realized I had to do this. My mind was in survival mode and was witty enough to know I had to get this done. I would seek a way out later when I was able to think straight. Curtis’s dick looked smaller than my brothers. It was still soft-ish but slowly rising. The uncut glans looked pointy, which made it look even smaller. Pubic hairs were peeking out of the sides of his shaft, and as he stepped closer, I could smell the stale stench of someone with bad personal hygiene. I could suppress a gag, but I immediately felt another one coming.

“What’s the matter, princess? Impressed? Just mind the teeth, or you’re leaving here without them. Got that?” Curtis smiled.

“And if you try anything funny, I’ll shoot you. And don’t worry. I won’t kill you, but you’ll wish I did,” Ben said from behind his brother.

Curtis took his dick in his hand and pointed it toward my lips. The moment the tip of his glans hit my lips, I felt something warm spray over me.

“Did he cum already?” I thought.

But when I heard a gurgling sound above me, I looked up and was shocked at what I saw. Curtis’s throat had a big red line over it, and blood poured and spurted out of it. I could see the end of two knives at the sides of his throat disappear from view as Curtis slowly sank to his knees.

“What the…” was all Ben could say before his words were cut off.

It all happened in a flash, and it took me a moment to realize what I was looking at. Joel jumped against Ben with two bloody knives in his hands. The moment Ben tried to speak, both knives landed in his chest. As soon as they were entirely inside his chest and the blades weren’t visible anymore, Joel pulled them back, only long enough to push both of them back in. And again, and again. I didn’t count, but I was sure Joel stabbed Ben over twenty times before he stopped.

Joel sat there panting heavily, and his face and chest were covered in blood. I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Joel was alive! And he saved me! I jumped over to him and hugged him tighter than I ever hugged him before. My forward motion caused both of us to tumble over. Joel groaned the moment we hit the floor.

“Oh, Joel! I thought you were dead! And that evil fucker wanted me to…” I started.

“Shh… It’s okay now. We’re safe,” He moaned.

“But… How?” I couldn’t help but ask. “You fell down. I saw it with my own eyes!”

“I did. But I landed on a stack of boxes containing the new fleece vest collection. It hurt like fuck, and it still does. But the moment I landed, I knew I lived. I figured I’d lay still for a few moments to let these fuckers think I was dead. The moment he disappeared from view and started talking to you, I grabbed two knives from the shelf and crept upstairs to surprise them. ”

“Fuck! You saved us!” I exclaimed and hugged him again, kissing him on his mouth.

“Mpfh!” he groaned again.

“Can you move? Do we need to stay another night? Do I need to find a medkit?” I blabbered.

“No. No, I’m fine. I’ll be sore for a few days, but we can go. We NEED to go. These morons probably bragged about finding the keys to this place over the radio. So the moment they don’t respond, this place will be crowded with more of these fuckers.”

I looked at the dead bodies on the ground, realizing Joel was right. My face burnt from the slaps I received, but other than that, I was fine. And I guess Joel was okay too. He got up and was starting to clean himself with his t-shirt. There would be plenty of time to rest when we reached the shelter.

“Let’s go to the locker room. There’s a sink in there so we can wash off the blood,” I said softly.

We got ourselves cleaned up in no time. Joel was still shirtless, and mine was covered with drops of Curtis’s blood. So I took it off and glanced at Joel, looking at my bra-covered breasts.

“This is a fucked-up world, Joel,” I said seriously. “Thank you for saving me!”

I took his face in my hands and kissed him passionately on his lips. He returned my kiss but pulled back way sooner than I wanted him to.

“We must get going, Mia! I don’t want to waste any more time.”

We grabbed our backpacks, knives, and shoes and went downstairs. Just before we hit the bottom step, the phone rang again. We looked at each other, and I shrugged.

“It’s probably Adam and Ellie. Worst case, it’s someone from the A.W.A. But now we’re out of here in seconds if we need to,” I said, looking at Joel.

He just nodded. I walked over, got behind the counter, and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I said, not knowing what to expect.

“Thank, god! Mia?” I heard Adam’s voice asking.

The relief in his voice was unmistakable. I nodded at Joel, who started smiling, and it seemed like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

“Are you two okay? We saw these two guys enter the shop, but we couldn’t reach you. They sabotaged the cell phone towers. At least according to SHIVR.”

“We’re fine,” I said calmly. “And these two guys are… dealt with.”

“Oh… I… I see,” Adam said after a long silence.

“Put them on speaker,” I heard Ellie say in the background.

“Mia?” Ellie’s voice came on after a small beep.

“Hi, Ellie. Yeah. We’re fine. We need to get to you now, though. We want to leave NOW.” I said with great urgency in my voice.

“We already checked everything,” Adam said. “The area is clear, and SHIVR calculated that there will be a cellphone signal the moment you’re leaving town. The road is just one straight line.”

“Which way do we go?” I asked.

Adam explained the first part of the trip. After we went left and right a few times, it was a straight shot toward them. After what Joel did today, I was confident we could make it, but I had to ask Joel. The moment he knew it was Adam, he stepped closer so he could listen in.

“You’re okay with it, Joel?” I asked.

“Of course I am. We need to get the fuck out of here as quickly as we can. If they checked the area, plotted the course, and say it’s safe, then we go.”

“It’s safe, Joel. I promise. The road is clear, and as far as we can see it, every A.W.A. member is either at City hall or at the rendezvous point at the other side of town.”

“Then it’s settled,” Joel said. “We’ll be wearing our earbuds, so you can call us when the signal comes back. Can you watch us on cameras all the way?”

“In the town, we can see you all the way. But the moment you leave town, there are a few gaps. SHIVR is working on another satellite feed, just no promises there. But we’ll be in touch over the phone by the time you leave town. We didn’t see any movement outside the town last night, so we’re assuming the back roads are clear. At least clear from A.W.A. people.”

“They’re not people,” Joel said grimly.

“Well… You know what I mean. If you go now, you probably won’t have to sleep outside, or maybe just one night,” Adam said, carefully avoiding Joel’s comment.

“We’re ready,” I said. “We’ll grab our coats, guns, and bikes, and we’re off. Talk to you later,” I chirped.

“Later. Be careful, alright?” Adam said.

I hung up the phone and smiled at Joel.

“With a bit of luck, we’ll be having a nice, warm shower tonight,” I said.

“Oh yeah… Can’t wait to have a shower. Maybe we need to preserve water and have to shower together,” Joel said and smiled mischievously.
At the idea of showering with my brother, my vagina moistened considerably.

“It’s also better for the environment, so maybe we need to do it anyway,” I smiled back.

After we put in our earbuds, zipped up our new coats, and holstered our guns, we grabbed our bikes.

“Let’s go,” Joel said as he opened the door.

End of Chapter twenty-three

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

quia caritas quae agis

Smoky Mountains – Chapter 22

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 22 – Happy
Day 5.

It felt terrific guiding Joel upstairs by tugging at his dick. And judging by the way Joel’s erection throbbed in my hand, he didn’t mind too much either. I pulled him into the storage room and closed the door behind us. I turned around and pressed my body against his while I started Frenching my brother pretty hardcore.

“I wanna taste your cum again,” I whispered in his ear while pressing my boobs firmly against his chest.

I heard him swallow audibly, and he just nodded. But his hands moved down my back, and the moment he firmly gripped both my asscheeks, I heard myself moan. His penis was trapped between our bodies, and I felt it was already leaking some precum

Joel stepped back and laid down on the air mattress. The look of anticipation on his face was a big turn-on to me. Apparently, he liked me sucking his dick which was a big plus to me since I wanted his cum down my throat.

I got onto my knees and slowly crept forward like a cat. Joel never took his eyes from me, and his throbbing boner made it clear what he wanted. I gripped his stiff dick at its base and planted a big, sloppy kiss on top of his glans, and slowly lapped my tongue over his piss slit.

“Ohhh…. Mia….” was my brother’s reply.

That was more encouragement than I needed. I slowly slid my lips down over his shaft while keeping my tongue up and around his glans.

“Hmmm… Turn over. I wanna taste you too! OHHH,” Joel managed between his moans.

I’ve seen enough porn to know what Joel meant. So without his dick leaving my mouth, I moved my body around and lifted one knee over his head before settling down. The moment his tongue hit my clit, I couldn’t hold back a moan. That, in turn, caused Joel to moan, which felt amazing on my pussy. I moved a bit more, so I was even more comfortable. I laid down entirely on my brother’s body, but I was sure he didn’t mind. The way I was lying now meant I could fully concentrate on sucking and being eaten out by Joel and not have to worry about staying upright.

I was slowly sucking off my brother, and I could feel him lapping away at my pussy. We both weren’t that focused on making the other person cum. The urgency of earlier was gone and was replaced by a more laid-back type of oralizing the other. With my lips, mouth, and tongue, I was exploring every inch of his dick and slobbering away on it. It fit perfectly in my mouth, and every now and then, a drop of precum triggered my taste buds, which caused a shiver down my spine.

As the moans filled the room, I cupped Joel’s balls and took another good look at them. His sack was still hairless, and as I toyed a bit with them, I noticed how odd they looked. But to Joel, it was more stimulation, which caused him to moan more, which caused me to… You know… I was having a perfect time.

Me cupping his balls caused Joel to start using his fingers too. He started softly caressing my outer lips and occasionally slipped a finger between the fold, rubbing my clit. When his tongue and fingers both stimulated my clit, I felt my pussy contracting lightly. Almost like a tiny orgasm. I’ve never felt anything this good in my whole life. I wanted it to last for days. I knew this was impossible but having oral sex like this without any urgency to finish quickly was definitely my new favorite pastime without any doubt.

Joel’s moans started increasing, and I knew we were getting toward the end of it. I didn’t have any clue on how long we were at it since we started. If I had to guess, we were at it for over half an hour already. I stopped licking and sucking in an attempt to prolong our activities. Judging by the subsiding moans, it was the right call. At that moment, Joel started using his tongue and finger simultaneously again, which caused my orgasm to approach.

“I don’t… AHH… want to… ohhh… cum yet,” I whispered, lifting my head just long enough to say this to Joel.

Joel stopped licking and only rubbed his finger through my folds. I figured Joel’s arousal was back down enough for me to get started again. So my mouth started moving again, and I was treated to a big glob of precum. We kept it up like this for a while longer, each of us getting better and better in reading the other’s signs of an approaching orgasm.

The tension in my body grew bigger and bigger, and I knew we couldn’t keep this up forever. By the time I figured I couldn’t prolong it any longer, I felt Joel’s hips starting to buck, and his balls were moving toward his body again.

“HSSS… Cumm…” Joel moaned.

His tongue started lapping quickly now, and his finger was rubbing the other side of my clit very deliberately. The moment a finger pressed against the entrance of my pussy, I felt the gates open too. I didn’t have the opportunity to warn Joel because the moment I felt my orgasm hit me, spurt after spurt filled my mouth.
It was almost a sensory overload to me. All the action around my pussy gave me probably the most brutal cum ever. This added with my brother’s cum filling my mouth, almost caused me to blackout. My vision went blurry, and at that moment, there were only two things in the entire universe. My contracting pussy and my brother’s spurting cock.

I felt myself go limp but managed to keep Joel’s softening dick inside my mouth and made sure I kept sucking for every last bit of cum I could get out of it. Joel was thinking the same as he was still slurping away slowly.

We kept lying like this for a few more minutes before I reluctantly got up and cuddled up to Joel. He took the sleeping bag, which was already unzipped, and draped it over us like a blanket. We didn’t say anything and just laid there. I never felt this drained and satisfied at the same time in my life. I was happy. That was the only word I could come up with that described my feelings at the moment. Happy.

As I laid there thinking all this, I noticed Joel’s breathing had deepened. He was falling asleep. I felt my eyes grow heavy too, and before I knew it, I was also sleeping.

End of Chapter twenty-two

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

sed aliquantulus brevis spem

This one is a bit short. Especially compared to the other chapters. But not less fun, right??

Smoky Mountains – Chapter 21

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 21 – Vaccine
Day 5.

“You think they’re safe in there?” Ellie asked with a worried look on her face.

“I really do. The front is secured by a big fence, and the backdoor is blast-proof. The only thing is the surroundings. We can’t see everything, and they’ve only got one exit. That’s my main concern.”

“We’ll take turns looking at the cameras, so we can warn them in time. Right?”

“Right. I do want to talk to you about something, Ellie,” I said.

“What is it?”

“In Uncle Robert’s lab, I found some… medicine I think we should use. It’s experimental, but according to his extensive logs, it’s safe to use. The only experimental bit is that it hasn’t gone through all the medical trials. And it’ll probably never go through these trials, considering the army wants to keep it for itself.”

“Okay. What kind of medicine?” Ellie asked suspiciously.

“There are three types, but I’m thinking of the most relevant one. It’s a vaccine that says it’ll protect us from, and I quote, the unknown threats inside the earth.”


“What do you mean, why?” I asked, not knowing what Ellie meant.

“Why should we take it? We’ll stay down here.”

“Well, for starters. We don’t know what Joel and Mia might carry. If the bugs are still out there for some reason, I guess we’re protected from them. But maybe the side-effects of the vaccine are important right now,” I said calmly.

“What side-effects? Aren’t side-effects bad?”

“Not necessarily, no. A side-effect is just something the vaccine does that wasn’t expected. In this case, there will be heightened hearing and seeing capabilities. I think these are pretty handy when we’re looking at small monitors and poor audio, don’t you?”

“I guess you’re right. I don’t see why not… If you think it’s safe to do,” Ellie shrugged.

“I think it’s safe to do, yes. There’s just one other side-effect we need to discuss first,” I said, blushing a little.

“Oh-oh…” Ellie smiled.

“Yeah… Well… Robert wrote, and I quote again, increased blood flow through the genital area.”

I let that sentence linger for a bit, observing Ellie’s reaction. She didn’t show any sign of disturbance, and slowly a sly smile spread across her face.

“We’ll get horny,” she giggled.

“That’s one way to put it,” I chuckled myself, “But, yeah. I’ll get hard, and we’ll get horny. It’s a bit similar to Viagra, I guess.”

“Considering the things we’ve done already, I don’t mind. We’ll just masturbate a few times. The only difference is we’ll probably end up doing it in here instead of the bedroom.”

“I think about it the same way, Ellie. But I don’t want you to think I tricked you into doing something.”

“Don’t be silly! I groped you first, remember?” she smiled.

“Then it’s settled. I’ll prepare the shots.”

“Can you first help me with moving the couch in here? We need to settle in here for tonight and tomorrow, so the sooner, the better.”

“Good plan! One of us can sleep on the couch, as the other keeps watch.”

“That’s what I was thinking too. It’ll be cramped, but we can still keep both desk chairs and eat on the couch or behind the panel,” Ellie said thoughtfully.

We made sure every obstacle was out of the way before we lifted the couch. It wasn’t that heavy to me, but I figured that it was a lot to handle for a thirteen-year-old girl. We had to pause only once, and we didn’t scratch anything, so I complimented Ellie on how well she did. After I lifted the chairs over the couch, we agreed this could work. It was indeed a bit crowded inside the room, but it would undoubtedly work this way.

I went over to the lab to retrieve the vaccines. I prepared them, put them on a tray, and walked back to the control room.

“Ready?” I asked Ellie. “You look a little nervous.”

“I’m ready. I’m just not too fond of needles. That’s all. Just get it over with, okay?”

“Don’t worry. You won’t feel a thing. I don’t have to shoot it into a vein, just your arm muscle.”

I gripped her upper arm and made sure I got it right the first time. It has been a while, but shooting this stuff is the easiest to do, so I was confident I’d get it right.

“There. That’s all. You’re done.”

“Oh? That was quick! I hardly felt anything,” Ellie said, smiling.

“Told you. Can you do me? I’ll talk you through it.”

I could easily shoot it in my leg muscle. Still, I wanted to give Ellie some confidence and teach her how to do this if, for whatever reason, I couldn’t do this anymore. I talked her through it, and before we knew it, it was done.

“Thanks, Ellie. I’ll check if I can fix the Flux Capacitor before they get here. I don’t think I will, but I have to try, you know?”

“I get it. You do that. I’ll make sure we’re looking at the right cameras,” Ellie said as she started pressing all sorts of buttons on the control panel.

I started working on the Flux Capacitor. I just couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it. I decided to disassemble it thoroughly and then put it back together. That way, I had the biggest chance of figuring out which part was broken.

After about an hour or two, I realized I was getting a boner. This wasn’t unexpected, of course, considering the shot we had. But it was getting a bit uncomfortable. I tried ignoring it, but when I felt a drop of precum oozing out, I couldn’t hide from myself any longer that I indeed was getting horny as hell.

Not realizing how clouded my judgment was at that moment, I figured I needed to check on Ellie to see if she was okay. I didn’t hesitate and went over to the control room. When I approached it, I heard soft moans coming through the open door. At that moment, I was genuinely concerned and thought something was wrong with Ellie.

I entered the control room and immediately realized there wasn’t anything wrong with Ellie and that I shouldn’t have entered. Ellie’s panties were on the floor next to her chair. Ellie was in the chair, and her feet were planted apart on the control table. One of her hands was between her legs, and the other was pinching her nipple through her tank top. Her head was back against the top of the chair, looking at the ceiling. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was open with soft moans coming from it every few seconds.

If I wasn’t already horny from the shot, this definitely would’ve got my engine going. As I stood there, looking at one of the most erotic things I ever saw in my life, Ellie opened her eyes. I expected her to be shocked seeing me, but she just smiled at me and continued fingering herself. Her eyes drifted down my body toward my tented boxers.

“Ohhh… Why don’t you join me?” she moaned, her hand moving faster.

That was all the encouragement I needed. I quickly dropped my boxers and sat down next to my niece on the desk chair. This chair didn’t have armrests, which made it easier to jerk while sitting back and relax.

I glanced over at Ellie and saw her eyeing my dick. She licked her lips and started using both hands near her pussy. The squishy sounds coming from between her legs were both vulgar and exciting at the same time. I didn’t waste any time and started jerking furiously while looking between Ellie’s legs. I never felt the sensations in my dick I was feeling now. I’ve done drugs a few times before in my life, including once or twice during sex back in the days. But I never felt anything like this. Just touching my dick made me feel like I almost came.

“OHHH!!! Yeahhhh….” Ellie moaned, and her whole body stiffened.

I kept on stroking, checking out the young girl’s orgasm as I felt my balls move inside my sack. Ellie only stopped moving her hand for a brief period before she went at it again.

“Ohh… This is amazing,” she moaned.

With one hand, she reached out and started toying with my balls. I just kept on stroking, wanting to cum badly. I was so horny, I didn’t care if I sprayed all over the control panel or Ellie. As long as I came. I had to come. It was so close but still so far away.

“Ellie…. I’m so… Ahhh…” I moaned, lost for words.

“I know. Just keep going. I want to see you shoot, Uncle Adam. Shoot for me!” Ellie groaned with the squishy sounds from her actions in the background.

The familiar tingly feeling I get before coming didn’t start in my balls this time. I felt it growing in my spine, moving down to my anus and then going straight to my dick.

“Here it comes, Ellie! I’m co… AHHH!” I kept jerking as spurt after spurt left my dick.

I came in a way I never thought was possible. During a regular orgasm, my balls contracted, and my dick spasmed as my sperm flew out. This time, however, my entire body spasmed. It was like my spine contracted and expanded. My toes curled up to a point it hurt. But the most intense experience was mental. It’s best described as when Neo exited the Matrix. My brain turned inwards, went down my spine, and floated out through my dick where I saw myself cumming.

During my orgasm, Ellie’s hand was still firmly around my balls, and in the middle of it, she suddenly gripped them a bit firmer. After I was back inside my body, I glanced over and saw her whole body stiffen again, and her eyes were crossed. She already came again.

I said there, covered in my cum and feeling the last drips oozing out of my dick, as Ellie got her focus back. She smiled at me, still horny, and licked her lips.

“I never felt like this before,” she whispered as her hand started moving again.

I wanted to say something, but I realized my dick didn’t soften at all. In fact, I was still feeling as horny as before I started jacking myself. So I slowly started sliding my fist up and down on my rock-hard pole again.

“This IS amazing, Ellie. Oh my god, I’m still…” I moaned as I started to get into the rhythm again.

“My fingers aren’t enough,” I heard Ellie whisper.

I glanced over, not missing a beat, and saw Ellie taking off her top. She threw it on the floor and moved over, extending her hand to grip my boner. I figured she would jerk it, but what she did next surprised me big time.

She straddled my waist, pointing my dick toward her pussy. She started rubbing my glans up and down in her slit, causing both of us to moan loudly.

“Ellie… I…” I half-heartedly started.

But the moment she started lowering herself on my dick, I was silenced. I fucked a few girls in my life, but her tight pussy, combined with the feelings the vaccine gave us, I was unable to resist. I had to let her do this.

“Oh, yeah! This is way better than my fingers… A little bigger than my mom’s dildo,” Ellie smiled as she kept impaling herself on me.

The moment I was balls-deep inside my niece, she ground her clit against my pubic bone. I looked her in the eyes, and she looked back at me with a look that can only be described as ‘too horny.’ She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard on my mouth. When we kissed, she started raising herself a bit, only to slide down a few moments later.

“Oh, you’re big,” she moaned, openly fucking me now.

I felt the sperm between our bodies as she pressed her boobs against my chest. My hands gripped her ass, and I massaged her cheeks as she was riding me like a pro.

“Oh, Ellie… OHHH… This is…” I managed between moans.

“AHHH… Uncle Adam… I’m Cu….” Ellie managed as I felt her pussy contracting sharply around my dick.

Ellie kissed me firmly on my mouth again and held perfectly still during her orgasm. But the moment the contractions subsided, she lifted herself again. Before I knew it, we were fucking again. It wasn’t a romantic fuck. Not by a longshot. We were both only working toward our own orgasms. I did like it a lot, though. I wasn’t sure if this was because of the vaccine or because I liked fucking thirteen-year-old girls, but I was having the time of my life.

I was getting that tingling feeling in my spine again. But this time, it kept lingering there, not going down toward the rest of my body. My hands were still kneading Ellie’s ass, and I accidentally rubbed my finger over her anus.

“OH!!! YESSS!!!” she practically screamed the moment I did this.

Her body stiffened once more, and her pussy was contracting again. I decided to add another level to it for her and deliberately rubbed my finger over her anus. The contractions were more potent, and after they went down a bit, I felt her body go limp against me. Luckily this lasted only a few seconds because I was starting to worry there was something wrong with her. But she started grinding her clit against me again. And after my dick started sliding in and out again, that worry was gone immediately.

“Cum inside me,” she whispered into my ear. “I want to feel your cock spurt inside my pussy.”

Usually, I wasn’t that into horny talking during sex. But hearing her whisper these things in my ear was enough for me to start slamming myself into her. Ellie pressed her body against mine and was licking my ear. All the time, my hips were slamming my dick deep into her pussy.

“Yesss… Yesss… Yesss…” Ellie urged me on.

“OHH! AHHHHH! It’s… AHHHHHH!!!!!” I moaned as I felt my balls contract and my sperm flying into my thirteen-year-old niece’s pussy.

“OHH!! I can feel…” Ellie said and came hard again.

We sat there on the chair as my sperm started leaking out of Ellies pussy and coating my balls. We were panting heavily, and Ellie’s pussy was still gripping my dick firmly every now and then. I expected my dick to grow soft by now, but it was still as rigid as when we started. Ellie noticed too, and started moving up and down again. I was feeling absolutely no remorse or guilt as we sat there. Ellie began to French me as she lazily moved up and down on my dick.

“Let’s get on the couch. I wanna be on top,” I hoarsely said.

Ellie got off, and I noticed my sperm leaking out of her pussy. She didn’t seem to care and laid down on the couch, spreading her legs widely. We fucked like that for a while. Ellie came twice as we did this but wanted to be on top again. I don’t know how long we fucked this time, but after I came for the third time, my dick finally went soft. This time we came together, and it seemed that Ellie’s lust was finally satisfied too.

Ellie climbed off my dick and cuddled up next to me, feeling all sticky. Her hand immediately went to my dick, and she started petting it.

“Is sex always this good?” she asked.

“It usually is good. But honestly, this was exceptional! I’ve never had sex like this, Ellie,” I smiled while stroking her hair.

“Was it because of the shot?”

“Probably, yeah,” I honestly replied.

“I never thought we’d fuck. I didn’t think you’d let me. But now that we did, I’m SO glad we did. Is it weird I want to fuck my own Uncle?”

“I can’t answer that,” I giggled. “I want to fuck my own niece. So I’m biased, don’t you think?”

“I do feel satisfied now,” Ellie said.

“I can imagine! You’ve had what? Six orgasms in a row?” I chuckled.

“Twelve. Or thirteen. Not quite sure,” Ellie said as she toyed with my balls.

“I really hate girls…”

“You didn’t do too bad either, did you?”

“No. But thirteen! Wow!”

“It’s not all glitter and glamour, you know?” Ellie laughed. “I do feel a bit sore and worn-out down there.”

“We need to clean up and watch the monitors. If our vision is as much improved as our sex, we probably won’t need a monitor,” I smiled.

“I’ll hop in the shower quickly,” Ellie said, and she kissed me on my mouth. “I really hope we can do this again!”

After this, she got up and walked out of the control room. Her ass looked magnificent, and I almost got hard again for looking at her.

After we both showered and ate dinner in the control room, we settled in for the night. Ellie would take the first turn and would wake me at around three. Thankfully, sleep came quickly, and before I knew it, I was awakened by Ellie gently rubbing my cheek.

I looked at the monitors intensely and realized it was getting light outside. It was almost 6:30, the usual time for sunrise. But the moment SHIVR started talking, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

“Adam, I notice two of the five cellphone towers in the designated area going offline. Correction. Three of five.”

“Can you see why they’re going down, SHIVR?” I asked worriedly and noticing Ellie was waking up.

“As far as I can tell, the power to these towers is cut. Everything else in the neighborhood is still online.”

“Why would they do that?” I heard Ellie asked beside me.

“I’m not sure, Ellie,” SHIVR responded. “I assume they only want to communicate over the radio.”

“Are Joel and Mia in the affected area, SHIVR?” I asked worriedly.

“Yes,” was SHIVR’s emotionless reply.

End of Chapter twenty-one

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

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Smoky Mountains – Chapter 20

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 20 – The store
Day 5.

We hung up, and I looked around. We were currently standing between the outside wall and a divider wall containing bike clothes. This created a small corridor for the employees to enter and exit the store in the back, because of the corridor they wouldn’t have to worry about the customers.

“Follow me,” Joel said and started walking.

We rounded a corner, and through a small gap, we were inside the showroom. It had been years since I had reason to visit Uncle Tyrell’s store. It was way bigger than I remembered.

The main hall was about two stories high. Some articles were hanging from the ceiling as decoration. A few long fishing rods were sticking up in the air, some long canoes. There was also a bouldering practice wall. We were standing with our backs against the back wall, facing the glass front of the store.

“Fucking hell! What a mess,” Joel whispered.

As SHIVR already mentioned, there had been an attempt to enter the store. The sheer force sure left its mark. The store’s front was covered with broken glass pieces, and a light breeze was coming in through the broken windows. Lucky for us, the stuff we needed was located near the back and on the second floor. But we did have to keep very quiet in case a roaming patrol came by.

The colossal security fence was still in front of it, and a little bit of light came in through the fence’s small gaps, which ensured we couldn’t easily be spotted from the street. The truck they used to ram the fence was still partly in front of the store, obstructing the view even more. The big dent in the fence was impressive, and I could only imagine the noise and carnage it caused.

I looked up and noticed there was a first and second level. These were in a U-shape against the side and back walls, almost like oversized balconies.
“The first story is mostly clothes. On the second story, it’s offices, the canteen, locker room, and a storage room,” Joel said as he saw me looking around.
I could see the ground floor had a lot of camping equipment, mountain bikes, fishing rods, and the guns department in the far corner to our left.

“Mia?” Joel whispered as he stepped behind me.

I turned around to look at him. He looked me deep into my eyes, and I never saw him looking like this before. It was an intense and loving look. I could feel it deep inside my soul. He took my face in his hands and slowly pressed his lips against mine.

His action surprised me at first, but the moment his lips touched mine, I melted. It was as if the two of us merged into one. Moments after the kiss started, his tongue pressed against my lips. I opened my mouth and touched his tongue with mine. I thought the initial kiss was terrific. But touching tongues was a gazillion times better.

This was my first ever French kiss. I never thought it would be with my brother. But now that we were doing it, I wouldn’t want it to be with anyone else.
I don’t know how long it lasted. For all I knew, it was a few hours. I was so lost in the kiss and in all the feelings that swept through me that the moment Joel started pulling back, it took me a moment to return back down to earth.

I opened my eyes and looked into Joel’s smiling eyes.

“I was so afraid I’d lose you out there today,” Joel said, “so I decided then and there, I needed to show you what I feel for you. I love you, Mia…”

“I love you too, Joel. With all my heart!”

We kissed some more, and after a tight hug, we just stared into each other’s eyes.

“Let’s collect the stuff we need while there’s still light coming through the windows, and we don’t need to turn on lights in here. We’ll sleep in the storage room upstairs. So we’ll gather the stuff in there and prepare our backpacks in the safety of the room, okay?”

“Fine with me. Enough stuff in here to make ourselves comfortable in there,” I giggled.

We started walking around in the store in search of usable items. We started in the corner with the guns. Joel knew where all the keys were, so we could also take the good stuff.

We both took a Glock 17 handgun with a matching belt holster. I wasn’t too thrilled to be armed, but I realized I didn’t have a choice after today. Joel took a pump-action shotgun, and I had a scoped hunting rifle, just in case. We threw a lot of matching ammo in a plastic bag to put these in our backpacks later.
We went by the mountain bike department, and each selected a bike with lots of bags and storage options. We attached the rifle and shotgun to the frame and filled the bags on the bikes with protein bars, water bottles, and our spare clothes from home.

Joel mounted a lightweight, two-person tent to his bike, and mine was fitted with a two-person sleeping bag and inflatable mattress, both extremely lightweight. We parked the bikes in the corridor near the exit to leave immediately if we had to. We were both delighted with our rides, and our confidence in reaching Adam and Ellie grew significantly.

Next was clothing. The stuff we took from home was good. But the outdoor stuff Uncle Tyrell had over here was way better. We each took a few packs of ‘comfortable, seamless, and breathing’ underwear. At least that was what the package read. Without feeling the need to hide in a fitting room, we each tried one on.

Joel looked sexy as fuck in these black, tight boxers with the outline of his dick clearly visible. Mine wasn’t that nice. It was a sports bra and boxer-style panties. Joel giggled as he looked at me.

“Functionality over fashion, Mia,” he chuckled.

“Shut up. Not everyone looks as hot in their underwear as you do!” I said, blushing after realizing what I said.

We both knew we needed to dress in layers. So we made sure to do that. After we tried everything on and decided it was okay, we took three more of each, threw it in another bag, and went upstairs.

We had these functional, multi-pocket wilderness pants, undershirts, fleece vests, walking shoes, and everything else we could find that would benefit us outside. If we had to pay for it all, I’m sure we’d be in for it for over a thousand dollars.

We each grabbed a big backpack and entered the storage room. The Christmas decoration was standing in the corner. Besides a few racks with office supplies and other spare stuff, the room was empty. If the shelves weren’t here, it was roomier than my bedroom.

“Let’s put our stuff in that corner over there,” Joel pointed, “we need to get one of these big air mattresses and a sleeping bag for tonight.”

We went down for another run, and before we knew it, we closed the door behind us to settle in for the night to come. We grabbed a big, semi-permanent, two-person air mattress for us to sleep on. This wasn’t lightweight or ultra-compact or anything as it was designed to put in a boat or RV and keep it there for a few months. It was equipped with an extra silent internal air pump, and once it was fully blown up, it looked even comfier than my bed at home.

Joel laid down the two hunting knives beside each side of the bed for us to reach them quickly. Next, he placed the candles we grabbed downstairs on the shelves around the room. After he’d lid these, the room had a nice, warm glow.

I placed the single burner cooker in the corner and wanted to heat the canned sausages for us to eat. But the moment I stood up straight, the light switched off, and I felt Joel pressing his body against me from behind. His hands were rubbing over my belly, just below my breasts, as he started nibbling my neck just below my ear.

“Hmm,” I purred, not sure what he had in mind but liking it so far.

“I want to make you cum,” he whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine from anticipation.

His hands moved down to the hem of my shirt and slowly started pulling it upward. All the while, his tongue, and lips were caressing the side of my neck just below my ear. He only stopped licking and kissing me to pull the shirt over my head.

The second my shirt hit the floor, his hand was under my bra, kneading my left boob. His other hand started working on the buckle of my belt. With only a little help from me, he unzipped my pants and pushed them down. As they crumbled around my feet, I stepped out of them, leaving me in my underwear.

His hands gently pushed at my sides, letting me know to turn around. I did just that and looked longingly into my brother’s eyes. We locked lips and started Frenching right away. Joel’s hands kept roaming over my body, and before I knew it, I had to lift my arms so he could take off my bra.

“Ohhh…” I moaned as his lips locked themselves around my left nipple.

I rubbed my fingers through his hair as the tingles from my boob shot straight to my pussy. I barely noticed his fingers slipping into the waistband of my black boxers. Still, the moment he started sliding them down, I felt myself trembling. Was he going to fuck me? I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that yet. But the way this was going, I wouldn’t object. He was so tender, and I knew he would never hurt me. And this was all feeling amazing! But still…

His mouth was leaving my nipple, and my brother started kissing down my body. As he moved down, so did my underwear. He tapped my left foot, indicating I should lift it. After my underwear was gone, he softly kissed the top of my slit.

“Lie down on the mattress,” I heard him whisper.

I was horny and insecure at the same time. Where was he going with this? I completely trusted him, and I knew if I didn’t want it or didn’t like it, he’d stop immediately. So I decided to let him go. I laid down on my back and looked at Joel as he pulled up his shirt. His body looked magnificent in the soft glow from the candles.

Joel dropped to his knees, and I realized he was still wearing his pants. That took the edge off for me, allowing me to enjoy everything he was going to do to me. My brother kissed my right knee, gently spreading my legs. He was slowly kissing his way up inside my leg. Was he really going to…

“Ahhhhh…” I heard myself moan as he kissed me fully on my pussy.

Moments later, flashes appeared in front of my eyes. I felt his tongue rub over my clit, which was BY FAR the best thing I ever felt. He tentatively lapped over it a few times. My moaning increased, and so did his tongue action.

“OHHH, Joel! I’m… OHHH,” I moaned and let my fingers roam through his hair for encouragement.

Joel started out by focusing on my clit, but soon enough, he licked all around my pussy. All the attention was making my head thrash around on the mattress, and my pelvis was rocking against my brother’s face.

“AAARGHH… Oh, Joel!”

“Mmhhh,” was his muffled reply.

“Oh… oh… oh… I’m getting close! I’m agtt hbfrw…”

It was as if I lost the ability to speak. I couldn’t think straight anymore as I felt my orgasm approaching. And the moment I felt Joel’s finger against the entrance of my pussy, I lost it. I arched my back, and my legs clamped against his face while my hands firmly gripped his head.

The most powerful orgasm of my life washed over me, and my vision went black with white flashes. All the while, Joel kept licking gently over my clit.

The moment I started coming down from my orgasmic high, Joel surprised me again. During my orgasm, his finger was toying on the outside of my pussy. But Joel must’ve realized my orgasm was subsiding. At that moment, he slid his middle finger into my pussy. He did it gently but firmly, and feeling his palm pressing against my pussy lips with his finger filling me up, pushed me over the edge again.

“Grussc… hhrtjjr!!!” I practically screamed.

Joel quickly moved his other hand over my mouth in an attempt to stop my scream. The moment he did this, I realized I was making too much noise. So I put the base of my thumb in my mouth and softly bit on it, trying to hold back as much noise as I could.

Joel slowly kept lapping over my clit and moved his finger in and out in a slow pace. This extended my orgasm even more.

Where I usually felt drained after cumming, now the opposite was true. I gently tugged on Joel’s hair which made him look up at me. The smirk on his face triggered something in me. I got up and pushed Joel against his chest, causing him to sit on his knees. I didn’t waste any time and started unbuckling his belt.

“You don’t need to…” Joel started.

“Shut up. I wanna suck your cock,” I hoarsely said, still feeling extremely horny.

I slid down Joel’s pants, exposing his tenting boxers. I pulled these down too, making sure his erection didn’t get caught in the waistband as I did this.

I moved off the mattress and took Joel’s hands. He turned too, unsure what I meant. The moment his back was toward the air mattress, I pushed against his chest, causing him to fall on his back. I quickly removed his pants and boxers completely, leaving him naked with his boner sticking up from his groin.

Sitting at his feet, I looked up and saw him looking down at me with his hard-on partially obscuring the view. I was in no mood for teasing. I needed his cock in my mouth. I needed to taste it, feel it, nibble it, and most of all, I needed his cum down my throat.

So I took his dick in my hand and slid my lips over his glans. No sloppy kiss on his dickhead or tentative licks. No. Straight into my mouth with my lips tightly around his stiff shaft. The moment his dickhead hit the back of my throat, I knew it was meant to be in my mouth.

“Oohhh, Mia,” I heard him moan the moment I licked the underside of his glans.

I didn’t know how to suck cock. Brandi gave me a few pointers, but considering this was the first dick I had in my mouth, I learned by trying and listening to my brother’s reactions.

I knew he liked me licking around. I tightened my lips and started bobbing up and down, mimicking a hand-job. He liked that too but was less responsive than with my tongue action. So I moved my head up and rubbed his dickhead with my lips as my tongue lapped over the tip.

“AAAHHH,” was all that came out of Joel’s mouth.

I didn’t know yet if I was up for it, but I also wanted to try deep-throating him. I moved down and let his glans rest against the back of my mouth, just shy of the entrance of my throat. I inhaled deeply through my nose and tried relaxing my throat muscles. I moved further and further down, suppressing my gag reaction. I felt a slight popping sensation as he entered my throat.

“Hmmm… I’m… Ahhhh,”

I moved down even further until my nose reached his pubic hairs. The realization he was deep inside my throat and could cum at any moment was a huge turn-on.

My right hand gripped his balls gently and started moving them around in his sack. I moved back up and let his dick pop free from my throat. I used my lips and tongue again on his squishy dickhead and, judging by his increased moans, figured he was getting close.

“Good!” I thought.

I wanted his cum in my mouth. As much cum as I could. So besides my hand toying with his balls, my other hand started jacking his shaft. But I made sure my lips were securely around his shaft, so no cum would be wasted.

“Ohhh! Look out, Mia! I’m cumming. Look OUT I… AHHH,” Joel moaned, obviously trying to do it as quietly as he could.

I felt his balls being pulled back and his shaft thicken. It was coming! I was so thrilled I made him cum this way, and that I was able to drink his cum without having to explain myself, I almost came again. Almost.

The moment the first spurt hit the back of my throat, I realized I had to work for it. There was more cum than I anticipated, so I had to swallow the first two shots without the opportunity to properly taste it. The following five spurts were less powerful and could be contained better.

I let it swivel through my mouth as I slowly sucked my brother’s dick dry. There was still a tiny bit oozing out, and I needed it all. His balls were returning to their original position, and his dick lost a bit of its stiffness.

The realization it was almost over made me a bit sad, but I also felt extreme pride inside. I gave my first ever blowjob, and he liked it. And I liked it a lot too.

“Stop… too sensitive…” Joel whispered.

I swallowed the last drops and let his dick pop out of my mouth. I gently laid it down on his thigh. I crawled up and laid down beside him, my arm draped over his muscular chest. His heart was beating fast, and I noticed a tiny bit of sweat on his forehead.

“We… ehm… I uh… just WOW!” he smiled.

“Things are only getting better. If we keep this up, I don’t want to do anything else anymore,” I chuckled.

“Hate to say it, but we still need to eat and sleep, you know?” Joel laughed, “otherwise, we’ll die.”

“Hmmm… I know… but it’s just SO fucking awesome. Where did you learn to do that?”

“Haha! I was just about to ask you,”

“I asked you first!” I laughed, playfully slapping his arm.

“I saw a thing or two online,” Joel said, trying to look all serious.

“I see… well… I just tried what I figured would work.”

Joel looked at me with one raised eyebrow.

“Really? You never checked out some of this stuff with Brandi?”

“Well… I… Okay… Busted!” I laughed.

We laid there for a few more minutes before I started heating the wieners on the burner. Joel retrieved the buns and ketchup we found in the canteen’s fridge and ate it like a gourmet meal.

“You can’t get enough, can you?” Joel giggled.

“What?” I asked, not knowing what he meant.

“Wieners in your mouth!”

I didn’t have a quick reply ready, and frankly, it was funny. So I started pretending to blow the wiener, looking all seductively at my brother.

“Oh…” was all he said, and I could see his dick chubbing up, which brought a smile to my face.

After we ate our healthy dinner, we walked downstairs to get our power banks. They were charged by now. We reckoned if we each carrying six of these, we’d never run out of juice for our phones. We were walking around naked through the shop.

“I’ve never been naked in a public place before,” I said.

“Well… That’s good news, isn’t it?” Joel chuckled.

“It is. Otherwise, I’d have something to explain, wouldn’t I? You just look out you don’t cut off your wiener with these knives.”

Joel was walking around with a knife in each hand. He did this so he could protect us when necessary. It was a funny sight and sexy as hell with his semi-boner sticking out and the weapons in his hands.

We each grabbed another hunting knife before going back upstairs. We figured you can’t have too many knives when you need to protect yourself. When we were walking up the stairs, I noticed Joel’s dick still sticking out. He was walking next to me, so I extended my hand and wrapped it around it. Joel stopped, but I tugged on his dick, urging him on.

“What are you doing, Mia?” he asked.

“Making sure you follow me. You know how much I like wieners in my mouth, don’t you?” I smiled seductively.

End of Chapter twenty

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

os enim potest esse res mirabilis

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