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Tag: The Son Also Rises (Page 2 of 2)

The Son Also Rises – Part four

The Son Also Rises – Part four
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Ryan struggled over the next few days to contain his lust, to eradicate it, to excise it from his brain. He was unsuccessful. If anything, his desire for his son grew. Lucas continued to run around in his thin little briefs, or to wear tights with nothing underneath. It seemed that every time Ryan turned, Lucas’ little cock was on display.

Three days after the incident in Lucas’ room, Ryan was sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee and some yogurt. He turned as he heard footsteps to find Lucas walking toward him, his eyes shut and his arms stretched as he yawned, still obviously half asleep. He was wearing what were called boy shorts, which was amusing because boys never wore anything like them. So the ones on his son were obviously made for a girl. They were very low on his hips, pink, and they had a gray waistband with ‘Tomboy’ stamped around them. Lucas was fully erect.

Ryan had only seen his son in this state that one day when they were playing on the couch. Lucas didn’t even seem to be aware of his erection, mumbling a greeting as he approached and then passed his dad, who was staring at that jutting bulge. The little crown, the edges of it clear, was near escaping, and was distorting the waistband. Another half an inch and it would be free. In fact, as Lucas walked by him, Ryan saw that the head of his son’s cock was actually pushing out the waistband enough that it had lost contact with his groin, creating a gap that Ryan desperately wanted to look down.

Ryan turned as Lucas passed. The boy went to the cupboard and grabbed a bowl, then the pantry for a box of Fruit Loops. Finally, he pulled the gallon jug of milk from the fridge. The entire time, his erection continued to stretch his little pink undies. Ryan felt his own erection pounding under the table. He was wearing only a pair of briefs himself, and a quick glance showed him they were bulging obscenely. He scooted closer to the table to hide it.

Ryan had to say something. He wasn’t sure why he had to say something, but he felt so awkward that he had to diffuse the tension he was feeling. When Lucas placed the milk on the table and began to open the cereal box, all of this about two or three feet from Ryan, he cleared his throat.

Lucas turned to look at him. Ryan said, “Kiddo, you’re about to escape.”

“Huh?” the boy said blearily.

Ryan gave him a very pointed look downward. Lucas followed his gaze.

“Oh,” the boy said, dropping his hand to his erection. Looking back to his father while he squeezed himself, Lucas said, “You said it was okay, right? Like, normal and stuff.”

“Yeah,” Ryan said. “Of course, kiddo. I… I was just saying, you know, I didn’t think you wanted him to pop out and say hello.”

Lucas giggled, his hand still squeezing. Then he playfully folded the waistband over, exposing the rosy pink head of his cock for a brief moment and said in a cartoonish voice, “Helloooo!” He giggled again as he covered himself.

Lucas just stood there, a bit thoughtfully, staring down at the prominent bulge in his underwear. Then he looked up at Ryan uncertainly and asked, “Dad?”

“Yeah?” Ryan asked, trying so hard to meet his son’s eyes instead of staring at that sexy little bulge.

“When did you get hair? You know, down there.” He pointed at his straining cock.

“I… I guess I was about your age,” Ryan said. “No, maybe older. I was sort of a late bloomer.”

“What’s that?” His hand had drifted downward of its own accord and he was squeezing his dick.

Ryan was fighting a battle to keep from glancing downward, relying on his peripheral vision while keeping his gaze locked on Lucas’ eyes. “It means I matured slower than some other boys.”

Lucas gazed down at himself again, giving Ryan the opportunity to stare at the sight of his son openly squeezing his cock. Lucas looked back up and Ryan flicked his gaze quickly upward as well. “You mean I might not get hair for awhile?”

“I… who’s to say, Lucas? You could get one tomorrow, or you might not get any till you’re fourteen. There’s really no way to tell.”


“Lucas, pubes don’t mean anything. They don’t make you more manly or anything, if that’s what’s worrying you.”

“I just… I don’t know. I’ve seen… I mean… you know… grown-ups have such big ones and mine’s tiny and I don’t have any hair, so… I don’t know. I don’t feel normal or something.”

Struggling to be a parent while he was also desperately attracted to his son was like walking a tightrope. “You’re perfectly normal, Lucas,” he assured him. “In fact, you’re just perfect, period.”

“Even down here?” Lucas asked, and he pushed his pink shorts down far enough to reveal everything.

Ryan stared. Maybe he stared too long. He wasn’t sure. It was like time had stopped. What he’d said was true. Lucas was perfect. Ryan hadn’t given any thought previously as to what the perfect cock might look like, but he knew now, without a doubt.

Lucas’ cock stood up proudly, nearly four inches of boyish perfection. The shaft was straight, smooth, and slender, capped with a perfect little pink helmet. Down below in a wrinkled sac, his little balls hung. As he’d said, he was completely hairless. As Ryan watched, his son’s small cock twitched.

“Even there,” Ryan said a bit hoarsely, his eyes unable to tear themselves away from the erotic spectacle before him. It was only three feet away. He could practically reach out and touch it.

Lucas hooked a thumb on his small glans, pushing his boner down until it was horizontal, then let it snap upward with a meaty little smack. He looked up at Ryan with a grin, then put his underwear back into place. “Thanks, Dad,” he said, coming up to Ryan and bending down to give him a hug around his neck.

Ryan hugged the boy back, of course, though it took everything he had not to grab his son’s ass, or reach up between his legs. Instead he lightly stroked his back. “You’ve got nothing to worry about,” he said softly.

Lucas straightened and gave his dad a smile. Then his eyes drifted downward and grew huge. “Dang, Dad,” he breathed. Ryan looked down. He was wearing gray Calvin boxer-briefs, and his cock was stretching them to the limit, his fat cockhead like a surfacing leviathan, a wet spot marking the center.

“Sorry,” he said awkwardly, once again sliding his chest up against the table to hide himself.

“It’s just normal though, right?”

“Um, right,” Ryan said.

“Hey, Dad?”


“Your thing is huge,” Lucas grinned. “Do you think mine will get that big?”

“Maybe even bigger,” Ryan said, noticing that Lucas’ hand had found its way into his little shorts and was wrapped around his cock.

Lucas noticed his dad’s gaze and looked down himself, hastily removing his hand, but not before Ryan got another flash of that little pink acorn. “Sorry,” the boy muttered.

Lucas went back to preparing his cereal and sat cross-legged on his chair, far enough back that Ryan could still see his erection. Around a mouthful of sugary cereal, he asked, “Did we get more likes?”

They had posted a few more ballet poses over the last few days. Lucas had quite a number of tights, and he wanted to show them off, once even wearing a leotard that was cut very high on the hips, and which Ryan suspected was meant for a girl. He’d debated about whether or not to show Lucas the comments. The pics were all getting a lot of likes, and the comments continued to come in as well.

“Tons,” Ryan said. A quick glance showed that Lucas was still hard. He made a decision. “You want to read some of the comments?”

“Yeah!” Lucas said, dropping his spoon into the bowl and coming around the table.

Ryan held up the phone and Lucas bent over to read.

Ryan began to scroll down through the comments. “It’s mostly just emoji stuff.”

“Stop, I can’t see,” Lucas complained. Then he began to squirm his way in front of Ryan, who had no choice but to move back. As soon as he did, Lucas slid into his lap, straddling his right leg, his backside pushing Ryan’s cock back against his stomach.

Ryan realized he was holding his breath. Lucas was bent forward, intently reading while using a finger to scroll. Lucas giggled. “More eggplants,” he said.

Ryan’s cock was throbbing. “Yeah,” he croaked. “Uh… you should know, some of the comments might not be… appropriate.”

“Really?” Lucas asked avidly, eyes locked on the screen. He squirmed a bit on Ryan’s leg.

Ryan slid his right arm around his son, his hand coming to rest on his belly. His left slid down to caress Lucas’ left thigh. His breath must have been heavy in Lucas’ ear.

“That ass though,” Lucas read, giggling. “Ewwwww! He says he wants to lick me!”

“I can delete those comments if you want,” Ryan said huskily in his ear.

“You don’t have to,” Lucas said. He turned his head a bit and asked, “Where do you think he wants to lick me, Dad? Down there?”

“That’s probably what he means,” Ryan said, continuing to rub his belly and squeeze his thigh.

Lucas was silent for a few moments, clearly not looking at the phone. He squirmed a bit, rubbing against Ryan’s cock. “Dad?” he asked softly.

“Yeah, kiddo?”

“Did you ever… when you were my age… did you… you know… touch… it? Down there?”

Ryan’s hands stilled. “Yeah, Lucas. All guys do. And not just when they’re your age.”

“So it’s okay, right?” he asked softly, nervously.

“Of course it is. There’s nothing wrong with making yourself feel good.”

“So I shouldn’t be embarrassed about that? Like with boners?”

“Never be embarrassed,” Ryan said gently.

“Cause… I really wanna touch it right now.”

Then Lucas’ hands went below the table, and Ryan could tell from the motion that his son was pulling the front of his briefs down with one hand, and grabbing himself with the other. Ryan’s conscience was screaming at him. He knew he could just do nothing. He could just sit there while his gorgeous little boy jacked himself off on his lap. He could maybe even help. There was a part of him though, a part that was perhaps growing smaller and smaller as the days went by, that told him he couldn’t allow that to happen.

“Lucas?” Ryan asked softly, barely breathing it out.

“Huh?” Lucas asked, his voice trembling, the movement of his hand obvious.

“Lucas, you need to do that in your room, okay?”

The hand stopped.

“You said it was okay,” Lucas whispered.

“It is okay, but it should be private. Don’t be embarrassed to do it, but you probably shouldn’t be doing it at the kitchen table. Especially when you’re sitting on my lap.”

“Sorry,” Lucas mumbled, and he slid off his father’s leg. The waistband of his little boy shorts had pulled down, and half of his son’s cock was visible. The little head was more red than pink. Lucas hooked the shorts up over his glans and looked pointedly at his dad’s lap. Ryan looked down at himself, seeing his cock standing up, straining at his briefs, the wet spot now much wider.

“Did you pee?” Lucas asked uncertainly.

“No, it’s… it’s a guy thing,” Ryan said, unable to figure out how to respond.

“Like sperm?” Lucas asked softly.

“Sort of like that. It happens to older guys when… they get… excited.”

Lucas just stood there, staring at his father’s cock, his own little cock twitching in his undies. Ryan’s cock twitched as well, and Lucas looked up. “Are you gonna touch yours, too?”

Ryan saw no reason not to be honest. He stood, and watched his son’s eyes follow his cock. Standing, his cock was much more obvious and vulgar. Lucas’ eyes were wide. “I guess we should both take care of our little problems,” Ryan said, trying for humor, though his voice cracked.

“I think you got a big problem,” Lucas said, with no hint of humor.

“Off you go,” Ryan said, and he turned and retreated to his room.

Ryan got through the next three days without molesting his son, which he counted as a win. Only six years to go. This task was made much more difficult given that Lucas no longer made any attempt to hide his erections, and in fact seemed almost proud of them. He also let his dad know every time he was going to his room to ‘take care of a little problem’. Apparently Lucas had a lot of little problems.

Ryan was careful to stop lying around in his underwear. He’d barely survived that morning, and if he thought he could wear chainmail around the house without making it obvious, he’d have done that.

They continued to post pics on Instagram, and he gave Lucas his login info so he could check the comments himself. Lucas always laughingly shared the inappropriate ones.

That evening, after Lucas had gone to bed, telling his dad he was going to take care of a little problem before he went to sleep, Ryan was lying in his own bed with his laptop. He’d begun to go through Insta looking for other boys. He told himself, at least at first, that it was to find ideas for poses, so he was looking for boys who did ballet, but soon he was just finding boys to look at boys. So many beautiful boys, but none as beautiful as Lucas.

He was checking out a couple of new photos from a boy he’d really come to love, a cute Russian kid, when he got a private message.

Hey just wanted to say I really like the pics you’ve been posting of your son.
I’ve been following you for awhile. You do great pics.
Not surprising you have such a good looking kid.
I know from some stuff you posted in the past that you live around
San Diego. I was wondering if Lucas has done any modeling?
I’d be happy to help put together a portfolio.
I’d even do it for free if you would agree to pass my name along
once you start getting some work. I can also
give you some advice on how to get him work if you need it.

Ryan read over it a couple of times, thinking. He’d honestly never thought about getting Lucas into modeling, though he was certainly good looking enough. That was actually one of the reasons he’d stopped attending Lucas’ dance stuff. He couldn’t stand those parents who lived through their kids and kept trying to push them into careers. There were a lot of them out there.

A couple of thoughts were going through his head. First, just the thought of Lucas being out there in the world, knowing guys were looking at him, was a turn-on. As a model he’d be exposed to even more people. The second thought was just as selfish. This lockdown was killing him. He was living off savings and was considering filing for unemployment. If Lucas was getting some modeling work… but no. If that did happen, then that money was Lucas’. Still, it wasn’t a horrible idea, and it would maybe help get him out of this pressure cooker of a situation for a bit.

Ryan messaged the guy back, saying he’d have to ask Lucas how he felt about it. The guy responded twenty minutes later, enthusiastic. He gave Ryan his contact info, including a website so he could check out his work and to show he was legitimate. Ryan wondered what Lucas would say.

Lucas was excited by the idea. Ryan spoke with the guy, Phil, over the phone and they made arrangements for a photo shoot two days later. On that morning, Ryan walked into the kitchen to find Lucas already up, looking over a huge pile of clothes on the kitchen table.

“I have to get all the right stuff,” Lucas explained.

Phil had suggested Lucas bring several changes of clothes, from casual outfits like jeans and t-shirts, to swimwear, which had Ryan secretly excited. Lucas was also picking out some of his dancewear.

“Which swim trunks?” Lucas asked, holding up a tiny sky blue Speedo in one hand, and a pair of jammers, all black but for a big pink skull that ran from the left hip most of the way down the thigh.

Ryan picked up a third pair he remembered Lucas wearing a couple of years ago, a set of trunks that were all red except for a small V shaped panel on the front in yellow that seemed designed to draw your eye to the boy’s crotch. “Why not all three?”

“Those are old,” Lucas said. “They might not fit.”

“When has that ever stopped you?” Ryan joked.

Lucas grinned and took the trunks, checked the tag. Then he shrugged and pushed his briefs down and off, leaving him completely naked. Ryan watched with a lengthening cock and a racing heart. His boy was just as perfect in this state, with his soft little penis hanging down, no more than two inches long.

Lucas stepped into the trunks and drew them up his legs, pulling just a bit harder to get them up over his hips. They really were small. If Ryan had worn something like that, most of his pubic bush would be showing. Lucas had gotten them on though, and they showed off his little cock wonderfully.

“Turn around,” Ryan said. Lucas did so, and Ryan saw that his ass was just spilling out of the things, above and below. It was wonderful. “A little bit small,” he said with a smile, running his fingers along the bottom of Lucas’ left cheek by way of illustration.

Lucas turned, and with a sly smile asked, “Is it too small in the front, too?”

Playing along, Ryan ran his finger along the waistband, his finger caressing that skin so close to the base of his cock. “Yeah, pretty small.”

“On my balls, too?” Lucas asked, and there was something in his son’s voice that made him look at his face. Lucas blushed and looked away.

Ryan had been given the invitation though. Did he dare take it? Was Lucas only joking? Was he testing him? One way to find out. He reached out, a bit slowly so that his intent was clear and Lucas could move if he wanted, or stop him with a laugh. He did neither, and Ryan allowed two fingers to slide down over his son’s tightly compressed testicles. He slid his fingers until they were underneath Lucas’ nuts, and then drew them back.

“Pretty tight,” Ryan said, looking at the boy’s crotch, where his small cock was already swelling.

“Yeah, I guess I could bring them though,” Lucas said softly, not meeting his father’s eyes. Between his legs his dick reached its full length, sliding to the side as there was no escape past the tight waistband.

Lucas looked up at his dad again, blushing a little, and he bit his lower lip as he hooked fingers in the trunks and pushed them down, freeing his twelve-year-old erection. Then he just stood there, his dick throbbing, and looked at his father questioningly.

“I’m gonna go take care of my problem,” he said softly.

“Okay,” Ryan said, voice a bit rough.

Lucas just stood there. After a few long moments, he said, “You got a problem, too.”

Ryan looked down. He was wearing loose shorts and tight briefs, but they couldn’t completely camouflage his obvious erection. “I guess I do,” he allowed.

Lucas swallowed, his eyes locked on that bulge. His hand drifted down to his little erection, caressing it lightly and causing it to bounce. “Are you gonna take care of your problem, too?”

Ryan didn’t answer, his throat dry. Lucas was openly stroking his cock now. Not fast, just gently up and down. Ryan didn’t think his son was even aware he was doing it. It really seemed like Lucas was sexually excited by Ryan’s obvious excitement. He thought that maybe if he were to take his cock out right now, that Lucas would happily jack off with him. Or more. Lucas shivered and his cock lurched in his hand.

“Yeah, I guess I better,” Ryan said softly.

“Okay,” Lucas said, still standing there, still stroking his cock. He shivered again and looked down then dropped his hand. His little cock continued to twitch.

Ryan turned to go, his heart hammering, and Lucas said, “Do you…?”

“Hmm?” Ryan asked, turning.

“Nevermind,” Lucas said, and he turned and hurried away. Ryan stared until that perfect little ass disappeared from view.

Neither father nor son spoke of the incident at breakfast. They spent time on their own for another couple of hours, before it was time to head for Phil’s studio. Ryan helped Lucas carry his chosen outfits to the SUV, opening up the back and putting what was likely way too many clothes inside.

Lucas was dressed in tight, nearly knee length jean shorts and a muscle shirt that left his shoulders exposed and gave tantalizing glimpses of his hairless armpits. Ryan could tell he was nervous by the way his left leg was bouncing.

“Relax,” Ryan smiled, reaching over and putting a calming hand on Lucas’ thigh.

“I’m just excited. And nervous I guess. How much longer is it?”

“About fifteen minutes,” he answered, already twenty-five minutes into the trip.

The studio was across town in a middle income area. They arrived where the GPS coordinates had lead, and Ryan checked the address on the building. They were in the right place, but there was no sign or even a storefront. It looked like an anonymous industrial workplace or maybe a warehouse.

“Wait here while I go make sure this is the place,” Ryan said as they parked.

“Can’t I go with?” Lucas asked.

Ryan laughed. “Just calm down and wait. I’ll just be a minute.”

Ryan got out of the car and walked to the front of the building. There was a sign directing him to the rear, but again no way to tell if it was the studio. There was a buzzer next to a metal door and Ryan pressed it, hearing a faint sound from inside.

Moments later the door opened, revealing a bald and bearded man who was probably in his late forties. He smiled. “Ryan.” He held out his hand and they shook. “Phil Lundquist. Welcome.” He peeked over Ryan’s shoulder. “Lucas is in the car? Well, come in, come in. Do you need any help carrying anything? I hope Lucas brought a few outfits.”

“We’ll be fine,” Ryan said, “even though I’m pretty sure he brought half of his closet.”

Phil laughed. “Boys usually get a little overenthusiastic the first time. Or they bring nothing at all. Rarely anything in the middle.”

“Well, I’ll get Lucas and we’ll be right in.” Ryan wondered just how many boys the guy had photographed.

With that, Ryan returned to the car. Lucas hopped out before he even got there, bouncing excitedly on his toes. “Is this it?”

“This is it,” Ryan said, pushing the button on his key fob which opened up the back hatch. “Help me grab this stuff.”

Phil laughed and held the door open as they approached, their arms full. “You weren’t kidding about half the closet.” He turned and smiled at Lucas. “Hello, Lucas. I’m Phil. Of course, you know that already.”

“Hi,” Lucas smiled shyly.

“Well, come in, come in,” Phil said. “You can put your things back there,” he said, pointing to the south-eastern corner. “That’s a privacy screen where you can do your costume changes.”

Ryan looked around as they entered. It was a big space. Perhaps a couple thousand square feet. It was broken up mostly by half walls. There seemed to be only one room, at the far side, and Ryan assumed it was an office. The section they were in was obviously the studio, with lights and those umbrella things and a large, white infinity cove. There were various bits and pieces that Ryan assumed were props, like large colored boxes for sitting, various pieces of sporting equipment, some chairs, rolled up carpets or rugs. Ryan wondered if the guy lived here, as he could see the last foot or so of a bed further down behind one of those half walls.

“You found the place okay?” Phil said, hovering as they placed the clothes on a table behind the privacy screen. There was a clothing rack there, and Lucas immediately began hanging things on the available hangers.

“GPS is a wonderful thing,” Ryan said.

Ryan was still a bit nervous about all this. A guy from the internet interested in photographing his son. Who knew what kind of guy this was. He seemed nice enough though. He looked normal enough. Maybe twenty pounds overweight, but clean, wearing a dark blue polo shirt and khaki slacks with leather loafers. He almost looked like he should be working at Best Buy.

As they got settled, Phil explained what they’d be doing. He was good with Lucas; attentive, friendly, answering all his questions. Phil would start with the outfit Lucas was wearing, just getting him used to the cameras and lights. Then Lucas would go change. Phil suggested a ballet outfit, like he’d worn on Instagram.

So that’s what they did. Ryan sat on one of those canvas directors chairs back behind the lights and cameras, watching as Phil directed his son, posing, facial expressions, how to adjust his clothes. Lucas really was beautiful, he thought. Phil apparently thought the same, or he wouldn’t be doing this. Ryan wondered if Phil was sexually attracted to his son. Was he drinking him in with his eyes and camera?

After about fifteen minutes of photos in the first outfit, Phil sent Lucas off to change. The boy looked happy and excited. Ryan stood and followed him. When he came behind the screen, he found Lucas already stripping off his shirt.

“Are you doin’ okay?” Ryan asked. “Having fun?”

“Yeah,” Lucas grinned. “Do you think I could really be a model? For real?”

“I don’t see why not. You’re gorgeous.”

“And sexy,” Lucas smiled cheekily.

“And sexy,” Ryan grinned. Lucas unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts. “Do you want me to wait outside?” Ryan asked.

“You can stay,” Lucas said, sliding his jeans down. He was wearing plain white briefs, but not tighty-whities of course. They were bikinis and he was adorable, and indeed sexy, in them. He lifted each leg in turn to peel off his black ankle socks, then skinned out of his briefs. Ryan drank him in.

Lucas chose his baby blue tights to start, and pulled them up, making sure there were no wrinkles. His little penis lay to the the left, more or less pointing at his shoulder.

“Going to wear a shirt?” Ryan asked.

“I wasn’t,” Lucas answered. “Should I?”

Ryan shrugged. “Not if you don’t want to.”

“Well, I never wore one for the Instagram pictures, so I guess not.”

“That’s a great outfit,” Phil said, and there was something in his voice that told Ryan the man was most certainly perving on his son. As he was doing the same, the knowledge somehow increased his own arousal.

Phil sent Lucas through his paces, doing all the bone-defying stretches and poses that he’d done for Instagram. Phil circled him, his camera always searching and snapping. He adjusted lighting, and used filters to change the color of the infinity cove.

After awhile Phil had Lucas in a pose where he was on all fours, but in reverse, his back bowed and head down, his crotch up in the air. Even from his chair Ryan could see the outline of his son’s penis. He was sure Phil could see it, too, and he seemed to be circling and taking photos from angles to capture it perfectly.

The time came for another change, and Ryan once again followed Lucas back behind the privacy screen. As Lucas stripped out of his blue tights, Ryan looked around, trying to spot anything that looked like a spy camera. It’s what he would have done in Phil’s position, but he didn’t see anything. He turned to watch his son’s little penis swaying as he stepped into another pair of tights, gray this time, which Ryan had discovered with his own picture taking seemed to show off Lucas’ body, and his little cock especially, to its fullest.

Lucas told him that he was having fun, and looking forward to more posing. He’d been thinking of different ones he could try, and was excited to show Phil. Ryan imagined Phil would be excited himself.

Ryan didn’t sit this time. He watched Lucas, and he watched Phil. Phil liked to have Lucas turn to his side a lot, and Ryan suspected this was because that little bulge in Lucas’ tights was much more easily seen from that angle. At one point, Phil turned himself, but Ryan saw that he was trying to hide the fact that he was adjusting his cock. The guy was hard. Ryan was sure of it.

After the gray tights, Phil and Lucas decided it was time for swimwear. Ryan stood with Lucas behind the screen as he changed into the little blue Speedo. He’d suspected that Lucas might try the old trunks he’d barely fit into before. He wasn’t sure if he was disappointed or not by his son’s choice.

Phil certainly wasn’t disappointed, snapping pic after pic, and turning to adjust himself each time he had to kneel or change position too much. Ryan certainly couldn’t blame him. Lucas was a little blond angel in that blue Speedo, and Phil had turned the cove blue to match. Lucas’ soft skin looked magical under the lights, and the little bulge in his Speedo begged for the camera’s attention.

Finally, the Speedo shoot was complete. “What do you want me to wear next?” Lucas asked, standing in front of Phil, looking up at the man, absently pinching the tip of his penis. “I got more tights and shorts and shirts and stuff.”

“Well, I wanted to concentrate on categories today,” Phil said. “You want variety for a portfolio. We did your street clothes, and your tights. The poses were amazing by the way.” Lucas grinned. “And now we’ve done your swimwear. See, if you’re selling to catalogs for instance, you want to show them you can model for the different types of clothing. So we covered street clothes, dance wear, and swimwear. Not sure what else there is.”

Ryan knew what else there was. He suspected that Phil was very much aware of what else there was. Ryan wasn’t going to say anything though. He didn’t want to influence Lucas in any way, and anyway, he wasn’t sure how he felt about it himself.

Lucas got there on his own. “Umm, I could do… you know… underwear? That’s a category, right?”

“Well, that is a category,” he answered, looking over at Ryan, obviously seeking approval. Ryan shrugged and indicated that it was Lucas’ choice. Phil turned back to Lucas and asked, “Did you bring any underwear to model?”

“Well,” Lucas said, seemingly a bit reluctant, “just the ones I wore. I could wear those though.”

“Well, we have a bit more time for another shoot I think.”

“Okay,” Lucas grinned, and he turned and headed back behind the screen.

Ryan and Phil shared a look. Ryan wasn’t sure what all was communicated in it. Some acknowledgment perhaps, of their shared secret. Yeah. Phil saw something in Ryan that he recognized in himself, and when Ryan turned to follow Lucas, there was an implied permission there.

Lucas looked up as Ryan came around the screen. He was just pulling up his white briefs, and Ryan watching his adorable little penis disappear. “You sure you want to do this, kiddo?”

Lucas looked at him searchingly. “It’s okay isn’t it?”

“Sure, if you want to,” Ryan said.

Lucas seemed to think for a few moments, and then he shrugged and said, “It’s just underwear, right? It’s practically the same as a Speedo.”

Ryan didn’t want to tell him how much more the thin cloth of his briefs clung to his little boyhood, how much more blatant it was. If Lucas was fine with it, Ryan supposed he was fine with it, and certainly Phil was fine with it.

Ryan walked back to Phil and the lights with his hand on Lucas’ shoulder. Phil only had eyes for Lucas’ crotch, though he tried to hide it.

“Are these okay?” Lucas asked, coming to a stop before the man.

“I think those will do nicely,” the man replied in a voice that was just a bit husky with lust.

Ryan couldn’t help himself. He slid a possessive hand down over Lucas’ shoulder to his chest and pulled him back against his body. He really hadn’t done it on purpose, and as he did he realized that he was basically telling Phil that he could look, but that Lucas was his and his alone.

Phil said, “You look great holding him like that. Father and son. Would you want to do a few poses with him?”

“Will you, Dad?” Lucas asked, turning around and wrapping his arms around his waist and staring up at him with those blue eyes.

“I… sure,” Ryan said. To Phil, “How do you want me?”

“Hmm, maybe… would you be comfortable taking off your shirt? And maybe your shoes and socks as well. I think the jeans will be a great look.”

“Sure,” Ryan acquiesced. He kicked off his shoes, pulled off his socks, and then slipped his t-shirt off, leaving them all in a pile.

“That’s why so many people follow you,” Phil said, admiring his body. Apparently Phil had a wide age range of attraction. “Why don’t you start on your left side.” Ryan did as asked. “Great, now cock your right leg. That’s right. Now, Lucas, how about you sit down in front of your dad. That’s good. A bit to the left so your back is against his stomach. Great, now lean back and pull your knees back. Perfect.”

A glance showed that Lucas was leaning against him with his legs spread, his crotch on display. Phil took some pictures.

“Okay, how about… Ryan, lie on your back?” Ryan rolled over to his back. “Now, Lucas, can you lay on top of your dad?” Lucas laid down atop Ryan, stomach to stomach. “Yeah, like that, just flat. Cross your arms on his chest and just look at him. Ryan, hands behind your head if you will, and look up at Lucas. That’s gorgeous.”

Phil took some pictures. “Now maybe put your arms down, Lucas, and lay your head on his chest facing me. That’s great. Close your eyes, okay? Very good. Now, Ryan, you can just hold him, okay? Man, you guys look great together. Hard and soft. It’s a great contrast.”

Ryan stroked his son’s back gently.

Phil said, “Okay now let’s try Lucas on his back on the ground, and Ryan, turn on your left side. That’s right, up against one another. Hmmm… Lucas, cock your right leg. That’s good. And, Ryan, maybe a hand on his belly as you stare down at him?”

Ryan looked into Lucas’ eyes, smiling as he softly rubbed his belly.

“This is fun, huh?” Lucas asked softly, grinning.

“Lots,” Ryan agreed with a smile.

“Dad, you should be in your underwear, too.”

Ryan stilled. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Lucas.”

“Why not?” the boy asked. “You said underwear was okay.”

“Well, that’s at home,” Ryan said.

“But I’m wearing mine,” Lucas said reasonably.

“I certainly wouldn’t mind,” Phil added.

Ryan knew this was important. This was a step. He wasn’t sure exactly what kind of step it was, but it felt significant. It also felt a bit fated, considering he was wearing white briefs that looked a heck of a lot like the pair Lucas was sporting. He turned to look at Phil, who just stared back expectantly. Ryan could actually see the bulge of the guy’s cock poking out against his khakis. This was such a dumb idea, he knew.

Ryan rolled to his back, his hands going to his waist, and he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, and then wiggled out of them. Lucas sat up, staring down at him with excitement. “We match!” he said happily.

After Ryan tossed his jeans away, Phil said, “Ryan, could you maybe lift Lucas up over your head? Hands on his back so he’s facing upward? And Lucas, you could do something… you know… artistic and graceful. Some sort of pose.”

“Will you, Dad?” Lucas asked.

With a sigh, Ryan rose, and Lucas quickly stood as well. “No, lie flat,” Ryan told him. “I think it’ll be easier.”

Lucas returned to his back, and Ryan bent over him, sliding one hand under his neck and the other under his thighs. He straightened, adjusted his hands a bit, and then easily lifted Lucas over his head. Lucas giggled, and then adopted an artistic and graceful pose.

“Perfect,” Phil breathed, circling around them, snapping pics. Ryan saw him glance more than once at his crotch. “Okay, now lower him until he can hold on to your neck and you can support him under his… butt.”

Ryan lowered his son, who wrapped his arms around his neck and his long legs around his waist. Lucas looked at him, smiling, and then he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

“Can you do that again?” Phil asked, almost frantically. “I missed it. That’s wonderful.”

Lucas leaned in again and once again pressed his lips against Ryan’s. Then he held it, because Phil was circling them taking more pictures. Lucas pressed his lips a little bit harder. They spread a bit and and a sigh escaped them.

There was the quickest flick of a tongue, so fast and then gone that Ryan could almost believe he’d imagined it. Almost. Then Lucas leaned forward, putting his mouth close to Ryan’s ear and whispered, “I’m getting a boner, Dad.”

“Try thinking of something gross,” Ryan suggested.

“Like what?”

“Like… a fat old lady naked.”

“Ooooo, gross,” Lucas said, screwing up his face.

“Okay, could we get Lucas on his back?”

Ryan laid him down, checking his crotch, which seemed to be mostly boner free.

“Good, now you down next to him?” Phil instructed. “Maybe… lay your head on Lucas’ stomach? Uh, facing the other way,” he said, when Ryan had laid his head facing Lucas’ face. He turned his head, suspiciously, his eyes full of his son’s cock. “Now, Lucas, maybe just put your hands in your dad’s hair. Lovely.”

Ryan understood the image Phil was creating, and he said nothing.

“Dad, do a raspberry like before,” Lucas said. “He does raspberries sometimes,” Lucas said to Phil.

“A raspberry doesn’t work all that great for a camera,” Ryan pointed out.

“Well, just pretend,” Lucas said. “Like you’re doing it except don’t. And I can pretend I’m laughing.”

“That’s a great idea, Lucas,” Phil said, praising the boy and at the same time manipulating Ryan into doing what would likely look very different than what Lucas was thinking.

As Ryan turned over though, and moved his head down to the perfection of his son’s stomach, he knew something more than a raspberry was happening. Ryan slid his right hand under Lucas’ cocked right leg, and laid his hand on his son’s left thigh, which was flat on the floor. He gripped it, and then pressed his lips against Lucas’ stomach. Unable to stop himself, he slid his tongue out, tasting his boy’s skin.

“That tickles,” Lucas said. “For real.”

Ryan felt his son tense as he mimed laughing. For his part, Ryan pulled the boy closer and kissed his stomach. Then again. Shuddering, he slid his tongue for about two inches just above the waistband of his low-rise bikini briefs.

“Dad,” Lucas said, worried and giving a warning at the same time.

Ryan already understood his son’s distress. As he watched, his lips still pressed against his flat tummy, Lucas’ slim little cock began to grow. It lengthened and began to lift almost vertically, stretching the white cloth of his briefs. Ryan just stared.

Phil didn’t say a word, but he, too, was aware of the change, and he was taking pictures as fast as his finger could click.

“Dad?” Lucas asked, his voice a bit strained as he lifted his head enough to look past his dad’s obstructing head. His voice lowered to a whisper, as if Phil wasn’t right there. “Dad, it’s sticking up. Can… can you make it flat at least?”

Ryan lifted his mouth from Lucas’ belly, his eyes locked with Phil’s through the camera lens. Slowly, deliberately, he slid his left hand down and hooked a finger under the waistband of Lucas’ briefs and he lifted, not as far as he could have, but just enough so that his right hand, which he’d pulled back, could slide inside the warm, slightly sweaty confines until he found his son’s cock. Fingers tingling, heart racing, and his cock pressing almost painfully into the floor, he slid his thumb and two fingers slowly up the length of his boy’s cock until he could gently pry it loose from the little pocket of cloth in which it was caught, and lower it gently downward until it was lying flat. Then he withdrew his hand and let the waistband snap gently back into place. Phil’s camera was a steady series of clicks through it all.

“Is it okay, Dad?” Lucas asked. “Here?”

“It’s okay,” Ryan said, but not to Lucas. Maybe not even to Phil, though he took it that way obviously.

“That’s a normal reaction here, Lucas,” Phil said gently. “Nothing to worry about.”

“I know,” Lucas said. “My dad says underwear is okay and boners are okay and being naked is okay as long as you take care of your little problem in your room.” Lucas was rambling nervously.

“Boners are okay,” Phil said. He crept slowly forward and knelt, his attention obvious. Ryan just watched him, not moving. “Is it okay if I take pictures of it? It looks like a really nice one.”

“It is?” Lucas asked. “I… I don’t got hairs yet.”

“Th-that’s okay,” Phil said hoarsely, swallowing hugely, trying to wet an obviously dry mouth. “Some people think they look better without hairs.”

“They do?” Lucas asked skeptically, rising to his elbows so he could look down at himself. Ryan leaned back a bit, feeling a bit surreal, aware of what was happening, what was being said, but somehow separated from it. Distant and apart.

“Well, it’s hard to tell really,” Phil said softly, cautiously, looking at Ryan guiltily, warily. “Cause, you know, I can’t really see it.”

Lucas looked down at his protruding crotch and bit his lip uncertainly. He looked at Ryan. “Dad… is it okay?”

Ryan looked at him, and then looked at Phil. He rose to his feet, and Lucas gasped as he saw his father’s swollen crotch. Ryan walked to Phil, who looked at him wide-eyed, like he was about to bolt. Ryan leaned close and said, “If they get out… if I ever see them online, I’ll end you, do you understand?” Phil nodded rapidly.

Ryan didn’t know why he was letting this happen. He knew he shouldn’t. It was crazy. What did he hope to gain? Giving a perv some pics of his naked and erect kid? Maybe to sell to Russians or something? The thought of those pictures out in the world made his cock ache, despite what he’d told Phil.

Ryan went back to Lucas and laid down beside him. He placed a gentle hand on his son’s belly and caught his eye, which had to tear itself away from the bulge in his dad’s briefs. “It’s okay if you want to,” he said.

Lucas looked to Phil, then down at his own erection, and then over to Ryan’s before finally meeting his dad’s eyes. “I wanna,” he said, eyes sparkling with barely contained fear and excitement. Then, his eyes never leaving his dad’s, he reached down, lifted his hips, and pushed his briefs down over his erect twelve-year-old penis. The camera was snapping before his fingers even touched his briefs and continued non-stop.

Ryan slid back along the floor and sat up, his cock aching. Lucas looked at him shyly, then began to pose. He stretched, and arched his back, then twisted his body, hiding it before thrusting it out. He rose to his knees, boner bouncing, offering it up. Ryan watched it all feeling a bit numb, as if he had blown his circuits, unable to take any more sexual excitement.

“Touch it,” Phil said, moving in close as Lucas lay on his back, his left arm above his head, his right leg cocked, his back arched just a bit.

Lucas slid his hand down along his body, teasingly. His fingers crept across his hairless groin, then slid to the side, not touching, but down until he was gripping the inside of his right thigh, the back of his hand against his little balls. Then he turned his head, gently tickling the little orbs before taking them in his hand, cupping them. Then his fingers slid up along his twitching shaft, zigzagging upward as his breathing quickened. The whole time, he stared into Ryan’s eyes.

“Maybe,” Phil croaked with a desperate look at Ryan, “maybe we could reverse it. And… Lucas, you could… you could pretend to give your dad a raspberry, like he did.”

“Do you want to, Dad?” Lucas asked softly.

“Do you?” Ryan replied.

A pause. “I do if you want to. It’s okay. I like modeling.”

Knowing it was a mistake, knowing there was so much more than modeling happening here, Ryan said softly, “Okay.”

Ryan cast a last look at Phil, and then turned slowly onto his back, swiveling until he was laid out as Lucas had been. When Ryan settled, his eyes found his son, who was staring intently at the huge bulge in his white briefs.

Lucas turned over onto his stomach then slid closer, his eyes never leaving his father’s cock. Closer and closer, until he was mere inches away from the lewd display of Ryan’s obscenely bulging briefs. Ryan for his part put his head back and covered his face with his arms, resigning himself to whatever happened.

As Phil snapped furiously, now openly squeezing his cock through his pants, Lucas leaned down and touched his lips to his father’s stomach, his cheek no more than two inches from the fat head of his dad’s cock. Ryan stifled a moan as he felt his son’s tongue slide along his stomach.

Ryan heard something. Some muffled, whispered word. He turned his head and opened his eyes to slits, staring under his arms to where Phil was miming a motion to Lucas, who was shaking his head. Phil mouthed, ‘It’s okay’. Then he nodded a couple more times and repeated the action with his hand. Ryan understood immediately what Phil was saying and asking, and he did nothing.

Ryan felt Lucas’ hand brush against his thigh, then his hip, and then his stomach. It slid over, and he felt small fingers curling under the waistband of his briefs. “Dad? Is it okay?” Lucas whispered.

Ryan pretended not to hear.

Hesitation. Another silent assurance from Phil. Then Ryan felt his briefs being pulled up and then back, baring his cock to his son and to this stranger. Down and down, the cool air on his fevered cock. Click, click, click. Lucas’ hand stopped when the waistband of Ryan’s underwear cleared his large, hairy balls. Another peek after a slight adjustment of his arms, to see Lucas just staring. Avidly. In awe. In… desire?

Lucas licked his lips, his eyes full of his dad’s cock. Then Ryan’s underwear slid back up a little as they were released… and a small hand wrapped around the base of his cock.

Ryan almost came right then. As it was, his cock bucked in Lucas’ hand and burbled out a bubble of precum. Lucas seemed to follow that droplet with his eyes, and then he was leaning forward and Ryan knew he was about to lick it up. Lucas’ tongue got to within an inch of his father’s cock before Ryan grew a backbone.

“Okay, we’re done,” he said hoarsely, moving to sit up, which caused his cockhead to slide ever so briefly against his son’s lips before he scooted back and stuffed it back into his briefs. He stood, cock aching for release, but doing what he felt was right. Late though he was to do it. “Get dressed, Lucas,” he said.

Ryan stalked over to Phil, his 6’2” frame versus Phil’s 5’9”, his 185 lbs to Phil’s… well, probably 185 lbs. Phil looked ready to faint. Ryan held out his hand. Phil couldn’t pretend he didn’t know what Ryan wanted, and he didn’t even hesitate to give it.

Ryan took the camera, flipped it over and removed the memory card. He handed the camera back. “I’ll send you everything up till… you know.”

“Of course,” Phil said faintly.

Ryan just stared at him for long moments, then nodded and turned, grabbing his clothes and dressing quickly. Lucas didn’t say a word, already struggling into his clothes and trying to gather up the rest. Ryan joined him and they walked out side by side.

As they put the clothes in the back of the SUV, Lucas asked softly, worriedly, “Did I do something wrong, Dad?”

Ryan turned to his son, took him by the shoulders and then pulled him close. As he ran his fingers through the boy’s short blond hair, he murmured, “No, honey, I did.”

End of part four

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

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The Son Also Rises – Part three

The Son Also Rises – Part three
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Ryan ended up cooking two nights in a row. That hadn’t happened in quite some time. Mason had spent the night a few times in the past, and Ryan always cooked. As a single parent he felt this need to prove himself to other parents, and he didn’t want it getting back to Mason’s mom that he’d been served Hot Pockets and tater tots.

After what had happened earlier, Ryan found himself reexamining all those previous sleepovers, looking for some clue that would confirm what he was already pretty sure about. If he was sure about anything. He wondered how long it had been happening. He wondered if he should be upset, or be worried. Mason was younger than Lucas. Would it be considered some sort of molestation? Was Mason ten or eleven? Did it matter?

Ryan had showered before dinner, and he was dressed in a long muscle shirt and sweatpants. He wanted to be prepared to hide himself if that proved necessary. Ryan had hopes that at least for this night that he wouldn’t have to look at Lucas in tight little briefs. He’d done the boy’s laundry, so Lucas couldn’t claim he had to wear stuff he’d long outgrown.

Those hopes were dashed a bit after dinner. Full of spaghetti and garlic bread, he sent the boys off to shower and get ready for the evening while he cleaned. He just happened to be passing the hallway that led to Lucas’ room and the hall bathroom when the boys emerged from the steamy room together. At least they were wearing towels.

Ryan was still unpacking the probable fact that Lucas and Mason had showered together when the boys emerged from Lucas’ room. He gave an internal groan of despair when he saw them. Lucas came first, looking proud and a bit mischievous, wearing another pair of tiny bikini briefs. These fit at least. They were appropriately sporting rainbow colors. The surprise was Mason, walking bashfully behind Lucas, also clad only in a pair of briefs. These were at least the traditional Y-front design, and they had little Lego Stormtroopers on either side of the plain white front panel, which was showing a modest little lump. Realizing he’d looked, Ryan looked away. The cartoon undies made it even worse; it made Mason’s tender age much too apparent.

“So, more zombies tonight?” Ryan asked, deciding to ignore the way they were dressed. Ryan wondered if they were doing it deliberately, and why.

“See, I told you he wouldn’t care,” Lucas said to Mason. Lucas came and sat on Ryan’s right, and for a moment Ryan had equal measures of hope and fear that Mason would take his left, but the younger boy instead went and sat to the right of Lucas.

The next two hours were a sort of sweet torture. They watched a Star Wars movie while Ryan made popcorn and the boys giggled and whispered and wrestled on the couch. At one point, Ryan was sure he saw a prominent little tent in Mason’s briefs, but it was quickly hidden away and he allowed that it might have just been the light and wishful thinking.

When the boys finally went off to bed, Ryan found himself wishing he had a camera in his son’s room. Then he chided himself over the absolute perviness of the thought. He considered standing outside Lucas’ door again, but he didn’t.

Ryan occupied himself the rest of the evening watching Youtube and checking his Instagram, which had still more comments for Lucas and requests for more along with a few ‘hot’ and ‘sexy’ comments that brought him mixed feelings. When he finally started yawning, he looked at the clock, amazed to see that more than three hours had passed.

Ryan was already regretting the next morning, because he knew he couldn’t sleep in with Mason over. Had to keep up the appearance of attentive super-parent. With that thought in mind, he decided to do the responsible thing and check in on the boys before he went off to bed. Ryan didn’t look in on Lucas every night, but it wasn’t an unusual thing for him to do.

So after turning off the tv and closing up his laptop he cleaned up the last bit of detritus left behind by the boys and then went down the hall to Lucas’ room. Not wanting to wake them, for what he told himself were completely unselfish reasons, he quietly opened the door.

He shouldn’t have.

Lucas’ bed was to the left of the door, with the foot of the bed facing the window opposite. When Ryan opened the door, the light from the hallway spilled into the dark room, throwing a fan of light on the boys. The nude boys.

If there was any doubt in Ryan’s mind about what the boys had been up to, it was dispelled in that glorious glow of illumination. Lucas was lying mostly on his stomach, closest to the door, while Mason was between Lucas and the wall. Mason was on his back, with Lucas’ right arm over his chest, and his right leg draped over Mason’s thigh.

The first thing Ryan really noticed when he opened the door was Lucas’ ass. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen it before, but though he saw it every day, he realized that it had changed somehow in the few years since he’d last seen it bare. Firm and round, it protruded out in a way that brought the word ‘plump’ to mind, though there was no fat there. It was a true bubble butt. Ryan could make out just the barest hint of shadowy something between his legs, but it was too dark to really get a look.

He got a hell of a look at Mason however. The younger boy, ten or eleven, Ryan still didn’t know, lay breathing deeply, his mouth open slightly, his lips full and kissable. That was the thought in Ryan’s head, that a ten or eleven year old boy had kissable lips. He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He knew he was likely being influenced by the perfect little erection the boy was sporting. It was about as thick as Ryan’s thumb, and about as long, maybe two-and-a-half inches. Unlike Lucas, Mason’s foreskin was attached, a little funnel of skin adding another three-quarters of an inch to his length. It was pointing up to his chin, bobbing a bit and occasionally twitching. The urge to crawl into the bed and take that tiny thing into his mouth was nearly overpowering, and before his willpower could crumble, or the boys could wake and see him standing there with an enormous bulge in his pants, he backed out of the room and walked slowly to his own room, his heart pounding with fear and lust.

He was ten. Or maybe eleven. Like it mattered. Ryan was hating himself.

Ryan didn’t have an opportunity to show the responses to Lucas’ pic on Instagram until after school on Monday. Mason’s mom picked him up after a hearty bacon and egg breakfast and Lucas disappeared into his room until that afternoon. Lucas did two hours a day via video and then was supposed to work another three hours on his own. Lucas rarely did more than an hour, and Ryan didn’t press him because he knew his son was acing all of his classes. By then, the pic had earned 1,532 likes and was up to 42 comments, mostly of the emoji variety.

Ryan was amused when Lucas emerged from his room that he was still wearing the rainbow undies from the night before, but he’d put on a shirt for the video conference. At least Ryan assumed he still wore the rainbow undies, as the shirt was just long enough to hide them. Lucas could almost be naked under the shirt.

“Hey, you’re famous,” Ryan said by way of greeting.

“I am?” Lucas asked, coming to stand before him. Ryan was sitting on the sofa with his laptop in his lap.

“I posted that pic of you practicing the other day on my Insta account,” Ryan told him.

“Why?” Lucas asked, not crossly, but just out of curiosity. He did sometimes tease Ryan about his account and the shirtless pics he posted.

“Because you looked really cool,” Ryan explained. “Anyway, you got a hell of a response.”

“I did?”

Ryan nodded. “Wanna see?” he asked.

“Okay!” Lucas said, excited, and he joined Ryan on the couch. He sat down cross-legged next to him, causing his t-shirt to ride up and reveal that he was not in fact naked underneath.

Ryan turned the laptop to face his son.

“Wow, that’s a lot of likes,” Lucas said, reading. “Can I see the comments?”

“Sure,” Ryan said, just a bit uneasily. He began to scroll down through him.

Lucas snickered and looked at his dad with a smile. “Eggplant emoji. Do you know what that means?” Before Ryan could answer, Lucas continued, “It means a boner. You know, when your dick gets stiff?”

“Yes, I know what a boner is,” Ryan said dryly.

“Yeah, I know,” Lucas said with a knowing grin, and Ryan was reminded of the near flashing he’d almost given the boy.

Eyes back on the laptop, Lucas said, “They said I’m sexy. And hot.”

“Uh-huh,” Ryan said noncommittally.

Lucas looked up at him. “Am I?” he asked. “Sexy and stuff?”

“You,” Ryan began, giving his son a critical eye, “are the sexiest boy ever.” Then, moving the laptop to the cushion beside him, he quickly attacked his son, tickling his ribs.

Lucas shrieked and tried to get away, his eyes shining with excitement. Ryan didn’t relent, moving so that he was hovering over the boy, still tickling with one hand while he attacked Lucas’ neck, making ‘nom nom’ sounds while wetly kissing him. Lucas giggled and tried to squirm away. It was something father and son used to do a lot of in the past, but Ryan realized they hadn’t done in quite awhile. Still, he remembered where all Lucas’ ticklish spots were, which was honestly just about everywhere.

Lucas was bucking his body up against Ryan’s trying to force him off him, but Ryan was much too strong, and Lucas was laughing too hard to really concentrate on the effort. Remembering what else he used to do, Ryan slid down on the sofa a bit, and still holding his son down with one hand, he pulled up the boy’s shirt and began to blow raspberries against his stomach.

“No! Dad! I’m gonna pee!” Lucas screamed with laughter.

Ryan gave his son two or three more wet, noisy raspberries and then relented. They were both breathing hard, especially Lucas, who covered his eyes with his crossed arms, still giggling. Ryan was lying on Lucas’ left leg. The boy’s right was cocked and against the back sofa cushions. Ryan had his left hand between Lucas’ right thigh and the cushion, where he’d been pressing down against his chest to keep him in place.

As Ryan rose to his right elbow, he looked down. Less than a foot away from his face, Lucas’ rainbow colored briefs were being stretched by a very obvious and very stiff erection. He felt his mouth go dry, as his eyes tried to drink in the sight. It was difficult to tell exactly how big his son’s cock was, but Ryan guessed somewhere between three and four inches. He desperately wanted to pull back those little briefs and see it in all its naked glory.

A noise made Ryan look up and he saw Lucas staring at him. Ryan looked downward again and then rose up, sitting back on the sofa. “Sorry,” he said, not sure what else to say.

“Sorry,” Lucas said at the same time, sitting up and pulling the hem of his t-shirt down over his rebellious organ. “I didn’t mean…”

“It’s not…” Ryan said at the same time. He tried a smile. “Don’t sweat it, kiddo,” he said. “You’re growing up.”

“It just… happens,” Lucas said, blushing.

“Hey,” Ryan said, “I was twelve once myself.”

“Yeah,” Lucas muttered, hardly mollified.

“And don’t think you get any better control over it as you get older,” Ryan grinned. “As you saw yesterday morning.”

Lucas did grin then. “Do you still get ’em for no reason?”

“Uh… yeah,” Ryan said, and then very deliberately made a show of adjusting his very hard cock in his shorts. Lucas laughed. “See?” Ryan said. “It’s a guy thing. Better get used to it.”

“Yeah,” Lucas said, then his smile melted, and he twisted his mouth wryly, “it’s just embarrassing.”

“Hey, no need to be embarrassed,” Ryan said, scooting over and hugging his son against his side with an arm around his shoulders. “It’s just a part of being a guy. The things have minds of their own. You should never be embarrassed about it. Especially here at home. Just don’t go whipping it out in public.”

Lucas giggled.

“You ready for some lunch?” Ryan asked. He knew he was.

Over grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup, father and son talked about nothing. Lucas did ask if he was going to take any more pics of him for Instagram, pointing out that lots of people were asking for more. Making sure he really wanted to, Ryan said he’d be happy to do so.

Later, Ryan finished an intense workout, then grabbed his phone out of the docking station in the garage, muscles burning and feeling great. He walked through the kitchen, snagging a bottle of water out of the refrigerator on his way to the sliding doors where he could see Lucas dancing.

He really was such a graceful boy when he danced. Lucas was dressed today in another pair of tights, this time a light gray. Ryan stepped outside, grateful for the cool breeze on his sweaty flesh. He stood there admiring his son, who gave him a smile of greeting but continued dancing. Ryan couldn’t help his gaze sliding downward over Lucas’ slender body to his center. The hem of the tights was apparently right in between Lucas’ small nuts, so that the sac was spread and there was a little grape-sized orb on either side of it. Lying straight up was the unmistakable outline of his son’s penis, the rim of his glans clearly visible.

“Do you want me to just get pics like this, or do you want to pose?” Ryan asked.

“Uh, pose I think,” Lucas answered, relaxing.

“So pose away, my little supermodel,” Ryan smiled.

“Your sexy little supermodel,” Lucas reminded him with a grin.

“Very sexy,” Ryan joked.

“I won’t be able to hold it long, so be ready, okay?”

“Got it,” Ryan assured him.

Lucas turned a bit, so that his left profile was to Ryan, and then he went effortlessly up onto the toes of his right foot, his left leg went back and then up while his right arm flew forward elegantly and his left went back, his hand nearly touching his heel. Ryan quickly snapped three pictures before Lucas sank back to both feet.

“Did you get it?” Lucas asked, coming close.

“Let’s see,” Ryan said, going back through the pics. They were all pretty much the same, but they were clear and well framed. Ryan had been doing pics and selfies long enough to have some skill in the area, and he had a natural photographer’s eye, which helped a great deal with his real estate job.

“Do you want me to do any more?” Lucas asked.

“Sure, kiddo,” Ryan said. “Show me what you’ve got.”

“Like this?” Lucas asked, gripping his tights on either side and pushing them down. He only went down a few inches, stopping about an inch above the root of his dick, then stopped laughing. “You should see your face,” he teased, pulling the tights back into place.

“Very funny,” Ryan said, masking the beating of his heart.

“How about this?” Lucas asked. He stepped up to the side of the house and leaned his left shoulder against it, then he lifted his right leg backwards, and kept on lifting until it was perpendicular to the other, a straight line from heel to heel, broken only by the lump of his little balls. Lucas took his heel in his right hand and his toes in his left then stood there grinning at his dad.

“How do you even do that?” Ryan asked, a bit awed as he snapped a few pics from slightly different angles. Lucas apparently had no issues holding this amazing pose.

“I stretch a lot,” Lucas grinned. “It doesn’t even hurt anymore.”

“I’d be screaming in pain,” Ryan said.

“Ready for another one?” Lucas asked. When he got a nod from Ryan, he turned his back, then quickly went into a handstand. Then he spread his legs until they were perfectly horizontal. Ryan took several pics, especially taken with the perfection of Lucas’ pointed toes.

“One more, okay?” Lucas asked, going off the patio and out into the yard. “I’m gonna jump right in the middle of the porch, okay? So be ready.”

“I will be ready,” Ryan assured him, and then fixed the camera where he thought the shot would go off, holding it steady and watching out of the corner of his eye as Lucas got a running start and then flew. Literally flew. Okay, maybe not literally, but it was like there was a gazelle traipsing through his backyard.

Lucas’ legs once again went perpendicular to one another in that impossible stretch, while his head went back, his chest arched, his arms outstretched, even his fingers delicately posed. It was glorious, and Ryan got lucky and captured it perfectly, his phone on its side to get a wide angle.

As Lucas came up to him, grinning, Ryan looked at him with a bit of awe and said, “Lucas, that was beautiful. Incredible.” Lucas smiled, and Ryan reached out, took Lucas and lifted him easily into the air. Lucas laughed and then Ryan lowered him until they were face to face and hugged him to him. “I’m so proud of you, you know that, right?”

Lucas’ blue eyes sparkled as he smiled and said, “I know, Dad.” Then he leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. It was a brief kiss, like always, but Ryan felt his lips tingling as Lucas put his head on Ryan’s shoulder and wrapped his long, slender legs around his waist. Ryan didn’t need to, but he took advantage of the situation and dropped his hands down to Lucas’ magnificent ass, just holding him there.

“I love you, too, Dad,” Lucas breathed against his neck.

The likes and comments kept coming. It was late and Lucas had gone to bed some time ago. Ryan lay in bed, naked with a sheet pulled to his waist. It was tented. There was something about knowing that all of these people were staring at his beautiful boy, likely blowing up the shots to see his little cock and balls molded against the thin cloth of his tights, that was really turning him on. There were comments about his beauty and flexibility, but it was the inappropriate ones that inflamed Ryan. ‘I want to lick him’ read one. ‘That’s how you fill out a pair of tights’ said another. There were more eggplant emojis. Ryan knew he should delete the bad comments, but he didn’t. He wondered if he should show them to Lucas. He wondered what Lucas would think about some random guy wanting to lick him, or talking about his cock. Ryan had zoomed in on all the pictures once he was alone, and Lucas’ little dick was clear in every one of them. The thought made his cock twitch.

Ryan slid out of bed. He was suddenly overcome with a desire, a need, to see Lucas. He crept quietly through the dark house, his cock bobbing stiffly before him. He looked down at the shadowy shaft staring up at him as he stood at Lucas’ door. He wasn’t sure what he was doing. He wasn’t sure of a lot of things these days. These feelings and thoughts. They were wrong. He knew that. He opened the door.

There was moonlight out the bedroom window at the wall opposite Lucas’ bed. It cast a square of light that didn’t quite reach the bed. Still, there was enough light to make out Lucas lying there, and Ryan’s eyes were well adjusted to the dark. His son lay on his stomach, his left leg out straight, but his right cocked about as high as it could go, so that the lower half of the boy’s body was actually a bit on its side rather than flat down. A thin sheet was pulled up to his waist, but didn’t cover that right leg.

Ryan stood there staring down at his son while his cock continued to stretch upward. Lucas looked so innocent lying there, his mouth slightly open, his breath soft. Ryan reached out and pulled the sheet back slowly, just a few inches. Just enough to show him Lucas was still wearing the orange and gray briefs he’d lounged around in that evening. He realized that he’d been hoping that Lucas would be naked in bed again. He remembered staring at his son’s ass the night before. In fact, Lucas’ ass was becoming a bit of an obsession with him. He pulled back the sheet even more.

Ryan knelt, looking at his boy’s face, looking for any sign of waking. Lucas continued to sleep soundly. Ryan’s heart was beating a rapid tattoo in his chest. Slowly and oh so gently, he reached out and put his hand on the back of Lucas’ thigh. He just let it rest there. It was so soft and warm. With glacial slowness, he slid it upward, up over the fleshy mound of his son’s ass. His breathing was fast and his hand was actually trembling. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. He squeezed, softly, and he felt a rivulet of precum sliding down his shaft.

Moving his hand very slightly, reaching just a bit deeper, Ryan felt his fingers sliding over Lucas’ nuts. He slid his fingers along them as far as he dared, feeling the little nuggets shift away from his fingers as he pressed. Ryan imagined turning Lucas over. In his mind, Lucas didn’t wake, and he slowly worked his little briefs off him, then took his soft young cock into his mouth, sucking it gently, feeling it lengthen in his mouth. His cock lurched and Lucas made a noise.

Ryan froze. When Lucas didn’t move or make another sound after nearly a minute, he slowly stood. He’d risked too much. He had to leave. He stood there, staring past his cock at his son’s gentle, innocent face. Those soft, full lips, so pink and kissable, were spread slightly. Screaming at himself inside to stop, he leaned forward and gripped the headboard with his left hand. With his right, he pushed down on his cock, and then leaned forward and crouched down enough that he was able to just barely kiss the fat, leaking head of his cock against his son’s lips.

Ryan moaned softly, moving the head of cock back and forth over Lucas’ lips, hating himself but unable to stop. Then he felt it. He had seconds only, and he lurched out into the hallway, his left hand cupping the head of his cock as he emptied his balls, the hot goo barely contained by his fingers and dripping onto the floor. With a handful of cum, Ryan made his way to Lucas’ bathroom and rinsed his hands in the sink, letting his seed swirl down the drain. He squeezed his cock, bringing up the last of it and then washed again.

Feeling shame and shock at what he’d done, Ryan went back down the hall to his son’s room where the boy still lay sleeping gently. He eased the door shut, swearing he would never do anything like that again.

End of part three

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

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The Son Also Rises – Part two

The Son Also Rises – Part two
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Ryan avoided Lucas the rest of the morning. At lunch Lucas was still in his underwear, and Ryan offered to take him with him to the grocery store just to get him into some clothes. So they masked up and headed, returning an hour and a half later laden with groceries.

About an hour before dinner, Ryan headed out to the garage. He put his iPhone into the docking speaker, cranked up a playlist on Spotify and got down to a serious workout. Later, muscles bunching and aching, he took a couple of quick selfies of his sweating body and posted them on his Insta account. Then he headed into the kitchen to get some water.

Lucas was dancing in the backyard. He was wearing black tights, which Ryan was pretty sure was an improvement over the tiny briefs he’d have most likely been wearing if he hadn’t dragged the boy to the grocery. Ryan watched as his son stretched and did all the ballet things for which he didn’t have words; squats and probably pirouettes or some such. The only move he knew for sure was called a grand jeté, which was a sort of flying leap. He had a tattoo on his chest with a silhouette of a boy doing a grand jeté and Lucas’ name above it. Ryan noticed that the dark material of his son’s tights obscured things up front, for which he was grateful.

Ryan was still feeling a lot of guilt over what had happened that morning. A guy perving on his own kid was just wrong, he knew. It didn’t matter that Lucas’ androgynous, perfect features were so reminiscent of his late wife, or that his young, smooth body reminded him so much of his young lover Scott from his past. Lucas was his son, and that’s all there was to it.

As Ryan stood there staring at his son, he noticed that the sun was just low enough in the sky to be peeking out underneath the spreading branches of the large oak in the backyard, but still above the brick wall that circled the property. It lent an almost angelic aura to Lucas, who was backlit by the satiny sunlight.

Lucas looked up as Ryan opened the sliding glass door that led to the patio. “Just hold that pose,” Ryan said, lifting his phone. Lucas, who had started to relax, resumed the position he’d been holding, on the toes of his right foot while his left rose perfectly straight into the air. His body was twisted to the side and he held his left foot with his left hand. Ryan snapped a couple of quick pics.

“What do you call that pose?” Ryan asked as Lucas finally relaxed and settled to both feet.

“It’s pretty much a standing second position stretch,” Lucas answered. Then he grinned and said, “You should try it.”

Ryan laughed. “I’m pretty sure I’d tear something important.”

Ryan left his son to continue his practice session and headed to his room to grab a shower. Before dropping his phone on his dresser, he logged on to Instagram and posted the best pic of Lucas with the caption, ‘My son practicing at home #prouddad #balletboy #flexible’

Dinner that night wasn’t actually frozen or microwaved. Ryan tried to provide at least one ‘real’ meal each week, and it was usually on Saturday night. That night he made Lucas’ favorite; tacos. He was frying up the hamburger with the scent of cumin strong in the kitchen when Lucas came in, fresh from a shower.

“Tacos?” Lucas asked, excited and coming up to Ryan’s side.

“Thought we deserved a treat,” Ryan said, hugging his son with his left arm while poking at the browning meat. A quick glance downward made him swallow uncomfortably, though he hid it with a smile. Lucas was wearing a tiny pair of briefs that were even smaller and tighter than the ones from the night before. They were low enough in the front that pubes should be visible, not that Ryan saw any. The thin tube of Lucas’ penis lay to the left, with barely enough room to contain it. In the back, a good two to three inches of ass crack showed.

“Those are… small,” Ryan said, feeling he had to say something. He wasn’t sure what he’d hoped to accomplish by parading around in underwear himself, but he felt things might have gone a bit too far.

Lucas glanced down at himself then back up at his dad. “I forgot to do laundry,” he explained. “They’re too small for me now.”

“Well… you could have worn shorts,” Ryan pointed out reasonably.

“I like wearing underwear now though. It’s okay, isn’t it?” Ryan watched as the boy reached down and absently pinched the tip of his penis.

“I… sure,” Ryan relented, earning a big grin from Lucas, who slid around in front of him to give him a hug. Ryan hugged him back and watched as his son laid his head against his chest. Ryan ran his hands gently up and down Lucas’ bare back.

“You are coming right out of these,” he said a bit hoarsely as he reached down and gripped the hem of the boy’s briefs. He tugged them up until they were concealing the cleft.

“Dad!” Lucas complained, stepping back and reaching down to adjust his briefs. When Ryan had pulled them up in back, he’d succeeded in pulling them down in the front, so that they were exposing the root of his son’s cock.

Lucas quickly pulled them back into place, but not before Ryan saw that the boy seemed to still be completely hairless down there. “Sorry,” Ryan said. Then, feeling his own cock starting to rise, he said, “Watch the hamburger for a sec, Lucas. I’m gonna run to the can.”

Ryan hurried to his room, his dick fully erect by the time he made it there. Then he just leaned with his back against the door, his heart beating and his cock throbbing. Lucas had gotten him hard. Ryan couldn’t deny that. He couldn’t trick himself into thinking it was something else. He wasn’t sure what it meant, but he couldn’t deny it. The feeling of the boy in his arms had always been a pleasurable one for him. The connection he had to the boy. Today had been different. His small body had felt firmer somehow, more alive. Certainly more sensual, with Lucas’ head on his chest, and his chest on Ryan’s belly. Lucas’ belly on his… well, that didn’t bear thinking about. When had Lucas’ skin gotten so soft?

Ryan forced his mind to other things. It took a couple of minutes, but he was finally able to return to the kitchen without embarrassing himself. The sight of Lucas in front of the stove, moving his hips to the rhythm of a song on Alexa in those tiny briefs though almost did him in again.

“How’s the meat coming?” Ryan asked.

Lucas turned with a smile, and Ryan couldn’t help himself. His eyes slid down to the shape of his son’s pubescent cock before flicking up nervously. Lucas’ eye quirked just the tiniest amount, as if he suspected his dad had been looking, but maybe wasn’t sure. Or maybe he was sure he’d looked, but wasn’t sure why. Who knew what the boy was thinking?

Ryan took over the cooking again, and with Lucas’ help they soon had all the fixings for tacos, which they took to the living room. They set everything up on the coffee table and sat close together on the sofa as they constructed and then wolfed down several tacos each while watching television.

There was a sofa in the living room along the back wall facing the television on the opposite wall. To the right was a love seat. It was basically a twin to the sofa, but smaller, but there was no corner piece, so it couldn’t really be considered a sectional. In any case, Ryan usually planted himself on the larger sofa, while Lucas was usually on the floor or the smaller sofa. Father and son didn’t usually sit so close together. So close in fact that as they settled down and relaxed after eating, their thighs were touching.

A week ago, Ryan wouldn’t have given this a second thought. Lucas was just his kid. Sitting together wasn’t unusual. Of course, Lucas sitting around in tiny, too-small briefs was unusual. So was this new, strange attraction that Ryan could finally admit was real. He almost asked Lucas to move back to the other sofa. Several times he almost asked him to go put on some shorts. He did neither, and not just because of the sexual undertones, but because he was worried that if he made an issue of these things, he’d somehow make Lucas aware of his feelings, and that he couldn’t do.

So Ryan did what he thought he’d typically do in this situation, and he slid his right arm behind and around his son, who happily snuggled up against him. Then Ryan did his best to imagine that Lucas wasn’t even there.

That lasted for maybe thirty seconds. There were zombies or mutants or aliens or something on the tv. Ryan wasn’t paying enough attention to figure out which. His eyes were instead locked on his son. On his smooth, creamy thighs, the flat expanse of belly, and between them, No Man’s Land. Lucas’ small penis was right there, once again stretching off to the left. The ridge of his little cockhead was clearly outlined, capping the end of a soft penis that Ryan guessed stretched maybe two inches total. Lucas’ legs were together, his feet up on the coffee table, so Ryan couldn’t see the little lump of the boy’s testicles. He’d seen plenty of them the last few days though, and knew they were likely the size of plump grapes.

Ryan was suddenly nineteen again, lying on his stomach on Scotty’s bed, the late-blooming fourteen-year-old on his back with his legs spread, and Ryan was eagerly lapping his tongue over the small, hairless balls that hung there beneath a slim, erect cock. Feeling a tightening in his groin, Ryan shifted uncomfortably and tried to concentrate on the tv. Zombies, he finally realized. Well, there was nothing boner-inducing with zombies.

“No!” Lucas groaned. “Why is he leaving?” the boy asked in response to the scene in the show. “His dad told him to stay there and now he’s probly gonna get eaten. Why are kids so dumb on tv?”

“Everyone is dumb on tv,” Ryan said. “If people were smart there’d be no drama.”

“See! I told you! Run, kid!” Lucas exclaimed, his body tensing as he shared the sense of danger with the young actor on the screen. Ryan was just watching the muscles ripple in his son’s thighs and stomach.

As the boy escaped from the zombies, Lucas relaxed again, his legs falling open. Ryan wondered what it would be like to cup that little lump between his son’s legs. He shut his eyes, attempting to rid himself of such thoughts. On the tv, things took a turn.

Focusing on the show again, Ryan watched as the boy from the last scene’s older brother pinned a girl to a bed, both of them grinning at each other. The kids were maybe eighteen or nineteen, both very attractive of course. The scene quickly grew steamy, both of the teens down to their underwear, stroking each others bodies while their hands roamed and they moaned into each others mouths.

Ryan’s gaze shifted to a barely seen movement and he watched as the little tube of his son’s cock began to lengthen. Two-and-a-half inches… three, fighting against the restraining cloth. Ryan felt his mouth go dry while his heart hammered in his chest. He surreptitiously arranged the erection in his shorts, lifting his own legs up to the coffee table to help mask it. Then Lucas leaned over and grabbed one of the sofa pillows and pulled it into his own lap. Ryan turned his gaze quickly back to the tv as Lucas turned his head to look up at him, but he could feel the flush on his cheeks.

He wished his son would move back to the other couch.

Sunday started the same as most other days since the lockdowns. Ryan was starting to lose track, and had to check his phone a couple of times a day to remind himself where they were in the week. Sunday, he sat up in bed and walked naked into the bathroom where he peed before heading back to bed. He picked up his phone and saw that it was Sunday, although he hadn’t need to check that time as he’d cooked yesterday. Of course, that thought led him to thinking about sitting on the couch with Lucas snuggled up against him. In his tiny briefs.

The erection that he’d woken with, which had gone down after peeing, returned as the mental image of Lucas’ little cock stiffening came back to him. He determinedly forced the thought away, and looked at his phone. He was on Instagram moments later, and only then remembered posting that pic of Lucas.

Ryan was shocked. 1,287 likes. In one day. One of Ryan’s pics had about fourteen hundred likes, but it had been up for months. And there were comments. Twenty-three of them, which is more than Ryan’s pics had ever gotten. Most of the comments were just heart emojis or the like. Two were a single eggplant, which Ryan was unsure how to feel about. Then there were written comments, most saying ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’ or talking about how flexible Lucas was. Two actually said that they found Lucas sexy. One was a woman, or at least her avatar was, and the other was probably a guy.

Ryan was pretty stunned. His eyes drifted from Lucas’ comments down between his legs, where seven inches of guilt stared up at him. He started when there was a knock on the door.

“Dad?” Lucas called.

Ryan quickly covered up his erection with his sheet. “Yeah?” he said nervously. “I mean, come in.”

Lucas opened the door and peeked his head around it. He grinned and came in fully, still wearing the too-small briefs. With an evil smile, he ran and launched himself, landing hard on Ryan’s left and giggling. Lucas’ landing had yanked Ryan’s sheet to the side, uncovering about half of his erection and he quickly pulled it back into place. Luckily, Lucas hadn’t been looking.

“Dive bomb attack successful,” Lucas said with a grin.

“So what did I do to deserve that?” Ryan laughed.

“Cuz you’re still in bed and it’s after nine,” Lucas asked. Then he rolled and scooted until he was next to Ryan and reached out his left arm and hugged him around the waist. Ryan felt his son’s arm against his cock.

Lucas immediately looked down, his eyes searching. Finally he met his father’s eyes and asked, “Do you got a boner, Dad?”

“I…” Ryan flushed. “I… yeah, Lucas. I do.”

“Yeah, I get ’em all the time in the morning, too,” he said, rolling back and removing his arm. “It’s called morning wood,” he grinned.

“I’m… familiar,” Ryan said, a bit sardonically, trying to cover his discomfort.

Lucas’ eyes once again scanned the area between his father’s legs, and then he looked back up and asked, “Can Mason come over? His mom said he could.”

Mason was a boy from up the street. He was only ten or eleven, but he was the only boy near Lucas’ age in the neighborhood, so they’d fallen together almost by default. “Sure,” Ryan said.

“Cool, thanks,” Lucas said, then leaned over and gave Ryan another hug. Luckily Ryan’s erection had subsided a bit, so there was no contact.

“I’m gonna go get a shower,” Lucas said, then he rolled again, but in the other direction and slid off the bed. Apparently his dive bomb had dislodged things a bit, because when he stood, Ryan saw that his briefs were slanted, baring his right hip and his left cheek. Lucas adjusted them back into place and left the room, and left Ryan once again with a raging erection.

He’d never even gotten to show Lucas the Insta response.

Mason was cute. Ryan had always thought so, but now he found himself looking at the boy in a new light. He could have been Lucas’ little brother, both blond and slender, with perfectly symmetrical facial features. Mason was a shy little thing, always looking up at Ryan through his bangs and speaking softly.

Lucas had at least dressed for Mason’s visit, wearing a pair of little shorts that Ryan was sure he’d purchased from the girls section of Amazon. They were too short to have been made for boys, but the blue and aqua shorts looked nice on him and Lucas liked them so that was all that mattered. Mason was wearing tight little denim shorts, nearly knee length, and a Star Wars t-shirt. Lucas hadn’t bothered with a shirt.

Ryan watched Youtube videos and checked his Instagram from time to time while the boys played in Lucas’ room. The pic of Lucas continued to get likes and the occasional comment, some of them insisting that he post more pics of his son. After about an hour, Ryan realized that he hadn’t heard a peep out of the boys in some time. Curious, he stood and made his way toward Lucas’ bedroom.

Ryan approached quietly, not sure what he was expecting to hear, and not quite sure why he was being sneaky about it. He’d expected to hear the boys playing on one of Lucas’ consoles, but there were no electronic noises. There were no noises at all in fact, until he got much closer to the door. He’d actually cocked his head, with his ear inches from the door, and he could hear whispered voices, and then a soft gasp.

Ryan straightened, realizing he had an instant erection. Were the boys doing what he thought they were doing in there? Ryan had certainly had his share of boyish exploration when he was young, but it had never occurred to him to wonder if Lucas had. His mind was swirling, conjuring up images of all the things that could be happening behind that door. He had an instant picture of the two boys on Lucas’ bed, naked, sweaty, their slender little limbs wrapped around one another. He thought of the sight of his son’s penis stiffening in his briefs last night, and imagined it naked, standing stiffly, throbbing with his heartbeat, a bald little boycock, aching for release. Mason’s would likely be smaller, but no less sexy. Ryan wondered if Lucas had ever sucked the other boy, and then that image filled his head.

Before Ryan even realized what he was doing, his shorts were at mid-thigh and he was softly stroking his cock while his ear pressed as close to the door as he could while doing his utmost to not make a sound. He realized he couldn’t hear over his own stroking hand and labored breathing, so he become still and concentrated.

That was a whine of pleasure. Ryan was sure of it. A boyish voice full of pleasure. He just didn’t know if it was Lucas or Mason, and then realized it didn’t even matter. The desire to open the door was nearly overwhelming. He’d pay hell for it, but it might be worth it to see those boys locked together in some way.

Ryan’s hand had somehow found his cock again, which he didn’t even become aware of until he felt it bucking in his hand, and he choked on a gasp of his own while he spattered the bedroom door with several blasts of cum. There followed a couple of minutes of hasty, silent activity as he made his way to the kitchen and retrieved paper towels, feeling the sticky warmth of a last couple dribbles of jizz soaking into his briefs. He slowly and gently wiped the mess off Lucas’ door, then snuck away and deposited the incriminating evidence in the kitchen trash. Then he headed into the shower to clean off the dirty feeling that was plaguing him.

By the time Ryan finished his shower and dressed, he’d convinced himself he hadn’t heard anything at Lucas’ door. His mind had been in the gutter, so that’s where his imagination had taken him. He wasn’t sure what the hell was going on with him, but he told himself to man up and get a hold on it.

The boys were out back in the old treehouse when Ryan left his room. They’d apparently made themselves sandwiches for lunch, and made a mess. In fact, the whole house was really a mess. He started cleaning, looking for something to occupy his mind and get it off thoughts of his son.

That lasted until he came to Lucas’ room. He was happy to see no evidence of his crime on his son’s door. Walking into the room though, he was hit with that funky boy smell that tightened things down below. How could a smell that he’d until recently found mildly distasteful now turn him on? Lucas had clothes all over the floor and the bed was unmade. Ryan started gathering up clothes, hating himself that he lingered over the scattered pairs of briefs. He flushed with guilt as he brought the pair Lucas had been wearing last night up to his nose. It smelled of musky boy sweat and the unique odor that was his own boy. The smell nearly took him to his knees.

Ignoring his aching erection, he continued to pick up clothes, putting them into the nearly empty clothes hamper in Lucas’ closet. Then he was picking up electronics and games and books and magazines and cartridges and discs, trying to put them in what he hoped were the appropriate places.

He hesitated when he came to Lucas’ bed. The image he’d had before, of his son and little blond Mason in a passionate, sweaty bundle came to him. Pushing it firmly out of his mind, he started to make the bed. He found his son’s laptop stuffed under the boy’s pillow, and he grabbed it to put it on Lucas’ desk. Then he stopped. Feeling guilty, peeking out the window that looked into the backyard to make sure the boys were still occupied, he opened up the laptop. He knew it was an invasion of privacy, and oddly, if he’d just been snooping in a parental sort of way he’d have felt even guiltier, but his reasons for violating his son’s trust were much more base.

Lucas made no attempt to hide anything. Ryan gave him unfettered and unrestricted access to the internet. He’d had talks with him about online predators, the do’s and the don’ts. He wasn’t worried about Lucas doing something stupid. Still, Ryan was surprised that the web browser already had a site loaded. It was called gayboystube, and the page it was on left no doubt that it was hard core porn. Ryan wondered if Lucas and Mason had been watching this video together.

Flushed with guilt and shame and excitement, Ryan closed the laptop and put it on Lucas’ desk, then quickly made the boy’s bed. Then he took the hamper and headed to the garage and the laundry. He started a load, seeing there’d be enough to make two.

“Dad?” he heard his son calling over the sound of the washing machine.

“Here!” he called, then opened up the door to the house to find Lucas and Mason drinking Mountain Dew in the kitchen.

“Dad, can Mason spend the night? His mom said it was okay.”

“I don’t know, Lucas, it’s a school night.” Part of him felt some relief at the thought of Mason being a buffer between him and his son come evening, but part of him, a bad part he knew, wanted Lucas to himself that night.

“But I don’t have school till eleven tomorrow,” Lucas said. “Please, Dad?”

Ryan knew he was going to relent. He’d always had difficulty saying no to Lucas, especially now. It was a good thing he was a responsible, well-behaved kid, or he’d have taken advantage of that fact long ago. “Yeah, okay,” Ryan said, and Lucas cheered while Mason smiled shyly.

End of part two

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

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The Son Also Rises – Part one

The Son Also Rises – Part One
Rwxxx13 (rwxxx13@yahoo.com)

Ryan Jeffries never planned to fuck his son. In fact, if someone had suggested such a thing a year before, that person would have likely ended up bleeding. The thirty-four year old real estate agent had lost his wife three years earlier. His son Lucas had been nine at the time. Now twelve, the cute little blond boy had become much more than just a son.

Ryan wasn’t sure when it started. The idea of it. A germ of an idea at first, certainly; one he hadn’t even been aware of for some time, just lurking in his subconscious. After his wife passed, Ryan and Lucas had been a bit lost. They clung together and finally worked through their grief and found an easy camaraderie. As guys living together alone, the feminine touches Ryan’s wife had brought to the home slowly faded away, and the guys were living as true bachelors. Home cooked meals became frozen dinners. The house was cleaned, but mostly just on the surface, while dust gathered in the cracks and crevices.

This partnership began to morph even back then from the typical father and son relationship until they were more like roommates. Equals, but separate. Still loving, but more independent. Ryan worked, Lucas went to school. They were together most evenings, but often in separate rooms. There wasn’t any unease between them; they were just two guys living their separate lives together. Ryan played poker with the guys and went to the gym. Lucas did homework and had his dance classes.

Lucas had been taking ballet classes for about five years. His mother had enrolled him over Ryan’s hesitant objections. Mother and father both knew that Lucas was gay. They’d accepted the fact years before Lucas announced it himself when he was nine. So Ryan’s objections about ballet weren’t the typical father’s worries about a boy doing a ‘girl’ activity, but rather worry about what other boys might think. Of course that supposed that other boys were somehow unaware of Lucas’ orientation, which Ryan’s wife reasonably pointed out was highly unlikely. So Lucas took ballet.

The boy wasn’t overly serious about it. There were boys who put their all into dancing, and they did competitions all over the country. Lucas was more interested in the social aspect of it, and while he practiced and went to all the classes, he didn’t obsess about it.

So father and son eased into a friendly, loving relationship that resembled more than anything a couple of college roommates. That was until the virus. COVID changed everything.

From having separate lives in the same space, with some obvious overlap, Ryan and Lucas were suddenly together 24/7. No more going to work. No more going to school. No gym. No ballet. No friends. No space. So Ryan and Lucas struggled to adapt. Ryan did what little work he could do from home. Lucas did school via video chat. Ryan pulled his dusty old weight set out of the garage. Lucas began to dance in the backyard.

Working out at home was fine for keeping up the body that Ryan felt such pride in, but he realized that there was an important aspect that was missing. He hadn’t ever been aware of just how important the social aspect of working out had been to him. Not just the friendly waves and nods to the people he saw every day, but the opportunity to show off a bit, and the good feelings he got from his body being noticed and appreciated.

Ryan found a way to get some of that feeling through Instagram. He’d never had much of a social media presence, but suddenly he was posting shirtless pictures of himself and eagerly reading the appreciative comments. It gave him something to look forward to every day.

On the home front, however, things were degenerating a bit. Not in any truly negative ways, but Ryan realized that the dishes were sitting on the counter a bit longer than they had previously. That the trash was getting fuller before they dragged the cans around to the front. Dirty clothes were beginning to litter the floor while there were more and more days between doing laundry. Ryan noticed that Lucas had stopped making his bed, and after mentioning it and being told that Lucas was in it half the day, Ryan relented. Then he stopped making his as well.

While Ryan was working out in the garage, Lucas had taken to practicing his dancing on the back patio. Ryan was a bit ashamed to realize that he hadn’t seen Lucas dancing in at least a couple of years, and one day he found himself standing in the kitchen watching his son practicing out back. That day Lucas had been wearing black tights. He was shirtless and had on black dance shoes. Ryan watched the boy twirl and stretch and leap with a bit of awe for his son’s talent.

He was also noticing his son’s body. Really paying attention to it in a way he never had before. At twelve, Lucas was a willowy boy, with long legs and a lean body. He was tall for his age at five-foot-two, but he didn’t look at all awkward or gangly. In fact, he looked graceful and… something. Ryan didn’t try to pin down exactly what that something might have been, his mind sort of skittering away from it unconsciously.

Although there was something almost delicate about Lucas, there was also strength. His legs bunched with lean muscle as he danced, and his flat stomach flexed with his movements. Ryan even found himself noticing Lucas’ backside, which while full, was also muscled. The black tights made it difficult to see the shadow of his son’s crotch, and when Ryan realized that he’d actually had that thought he looked away guiltily.

The sight of Lucas dancing stayed with Ryan though, and he made sure to be in the kitchen to watch over the following days. He told himself he was just an appreciative and proud father. One day Lucas’ tights were a light gray, and the shape of his young penis was much more obvious. When Ryan realized he’d been looking, he told himself it was just natural curiosity about his son’s development. When he started to get an erection, he told himself it was completely unrelated and he went to take a shower where he took care of it.

For the next few days, Ryan settled into the routine of watching his son dance, and then going and jacking off in the shower. He never thought about his son while he did that, but he did find himself thinking about Scott, for the first time in years.

Ryan had been nineteen. A sophomore at the local college. He had a girlfriend named Amy who he told himself he liked very much. He wasn’t a virgin, having lost that at sixteen. There had been other girls. There had even been a couple of boys, but that was when Ryan was twelve or thirteen and of course that was just natural boyhood exploration. Or so he told himself.

Amy had a brother. Scott was fourteen, although he looked young for his age. Scott looked up to Ryan, and for his part, Ryan treated Scott like a little brother. The boys were close. Close enough that Amy complained that Ryan was spending more time with her little brother than he did with her. It began to affect their relationship, and Amy responded by cutting him off. They didn’t break up, but she was punishing him with a lack of sex. One night she got so upset that she told him to get out of her room. As it was late, too late to go home, Ryan ended up sleeping in Scott’s room. Then in Scott’s bed.

Ryan wasn’t quite sure how it happened, or why it happened, but he and Scott quickly found themselves in the midst of a furious physical relationship. Ryan didn’t try to analyze it, just enjoying the boy’s body, and the things he could do with it, while trying to keep the secret from his girlfriend and everyone else.

Ryan and Amy broke up three months later, but he and Scott continued their relationship for nearly a year after that, until Scott decided he wanted to be with girls, despite his obvious desire for a cock in his ass or in his mouth.

Soon after, Ryan met the girl who would become his wife, and he put thoughts of Scott behind him, sure it had just been a bit of a quirk and that it didn’t say anything at all about his sexuality.

“Hey, Dad,” Lucas said, and Ryan started, realizing his mind had been elsewhere. Lucas was coming in from the back patio, a sheen of sweat on his smooth body. Ryan realized he was hard and he looked down guiltily and then gave a mental sigh of relief when he saw that his loose shorts and hanging shirt were obscuring his bulge. He felt guilty that he’d been thinking about Scott while his son was so close.

“Hey, kiddo,” Ryan said with a smile. Lucas was wearing baby blue tights that day. Ryan was sure that the boy wasn’t wearing underwear, or even one of those dance belts he’d had to buy. Lucas had never liked the dance belts and complained about how uncomfortable they were. All the boys in his dance class had to start wearing them around eleven. It didn’t surprise Ryan that Lucas wouldn’t be wearing one now, and he jerked his eyes upward with a flush of embarrassment. “Good practice?” he asked, to cover.

“Yeah, I don’t know why I keep doing it. Bored I guess.”

“Well, you look really good,” Ryan said. “I mean, you know… talented.”

“Thanks,” Lucas grinned, slicking his short blond hair back off his brow. It was always falling into his eyes. “Well, I’m gonna grab a shower.”

“Oh. Yeah, me too,” Ryan said.

“Working out in the garage?” Lucas asked.

“Gotta maintain the guns,” Ryan joked, flexing his bicep.

Lucas rolled his eyes, but in a playful way. As his son walked away, Ryan found himself looking for lines that would tell him if Lucas was wearing underwear or not. He didn’t see anything.

In the shower, stroking his cock, Ryan was thinking of Scott. The brown-haired boy from his past had blond hair for some reason.

Lying in bed later that night, Ryan couldn’t quite understand why he’d done it. After his shower, he’d dried off and thrown his damp towel on the bathroom sink instead of hanging it up as he’d have done a couple of months before. Then he stood there examining himself in the mirror. At six-foot-two, Ryan was tall and muscular and had a well-defined body. He had very little body hair, and the small amount that grew on his chest, he shaved. He turned side to side, watching his cock swing. Flaccid, he was about five inches long and thick. He was mostly a shower, and would grow to just over seven when erect. He kept his light brown pubes carefully trimmed. It was just habit. He hadn’t seen anyone since his wife passed.

In his bedroom, he pulled on a pair of black boxer-briefs and then opened up the drawer where he kept his shorts, which he usually wore around the house. He started to reach in and then paused. He just stood there for about ten seconds, hand outstretched, still. Then he straightened and closed the drawer.

Ryan was standing at the open fridge drinking from a bottle of water wearing just his underwear when Lucas came into the kitchen wearing his usual night-time attire of shorts and a t-shirt, today featuring a koala bear and the legend, ‘You are Pre-koala-fied for a hug’. Ryan had been standing idly in front of the fridge for nearly ten minutes before he’d heard Lucas’ bedroom door open and he’d grabbed the water. The entire time he there waiting he was fruitlessly exploring his motivation for standing there, but he honestly couldn’t think of anything. He was feeling strangely unsettled and uncertain.

Lucas had given him a raised eyebrow, but didn’t comment on the way his father was dressed. Nor did either of them address it as they ate microwaved pot pies and watched America’s Got Talent. Ryan noticed that his son’s eyes kept drifting over to him throughout the evening though, and he got the same sort of warm glow he’d feel being noticed in the gym.

Lying in bed that night though, he couldn’t figure out what had driven him to do such a thing. Was it just a desire to show off? Why? Why should he care what his twelve-year-old son thought about his old man’s body? He finally fell asleep a bit confused and disconcerted.

The next day followed the same pattern as the previous one. They’d fallen into a routine over the months of forced isolation, so Ryan did some work, and Lucas attended school and Ryan worked out and took selfies to put on Instagram while Lucas danced in the backyard. Then each went off to take showers.

After his shower, Ryan found himself thinking about the day before and how he’d worn his boxer-briefs in front of Lucas. Now, it wasn’t like the family had ever been particularly body-conscious. Ryan’s wife used to stand in the bathroom topless and do her hair and make-up and he and Lucas thought nothing of standing there talking to her while she did it. Being seen by Lucas while getting dressed wasn’t exactly unusual for Ryan, although it hadn’t happened in a few years, and he was fairly sure Lucas hadn’t seen him naked since the last time they showered together when Lucas was about four or five. So lying around in his underwear the night before wasn’t exactly shocking or scandalous, but Ryan felt odd about it all the same. Especially because he couldn’t figure out why he’d done it.

However, that lack of understanding didn’t stop him from doing it again that night. This time the underwear was gray, with the white Calvin waistband. As Ryan looked at himself in the mirror, he realized that the lump his cock formed would be much more apparent in the lighter colored boxers, and he arranged it carefully to slide down his right thigh, again confused as to what he was doing and why.

Ryan was busy microwaving some lasagna when Lucas finally finished his shower and joined him, and if the boy was surprised to see his father once again in his underwear, he didn’t show it. Ryan was surprised though, because it appeared he wasn’t the only one.

The man wasn’t sure at first, because Lucas’ t-shirt, advertising Gucci, went a bit past his hips, but there weren’t the usual long satiny gym shorts underneath, just bare hip and thighs. Again, no words were spoken, and Ryan eventually realized Lucas was wearing just his underwear as well.

Lucas didn’t like boxer-briefs. He didn’t like regular Y-front type briefs either. At eight, the boy had announced that he was no longer going to wear cartoon underwear, or boxers or ‘tighty-whities’. He’d only wear bikini style briefs from then on, which had to be purchased online. For Ryan and his wife, it was just further confirmation that their son was a bit different.

That night, Ryan saw just enough to get peeks of dark blue briefs. Not that he was looking. The next night, Lucas didn’t bother with the shirt.

Ryan was sitting at the kitchen table, in his now-usual boxer-briefs when Lucas came into the room looking just the very slightest bit nervous, only the nervous clutching of his hands giving him away.
Dancing had sculpted Lucas’ body, but puberty hadn’t yet given him the definition he’d soon have. Now he was slender and graceful, with long, smooth legs and a body that seemed as if it had been stretched like taffy, with an impossibly long waist and torso, and a firm abdomen stretching downward which displayed the deep V cuts that Ryan had to work at so desperately.

The underwear Lucas wore was light blue, cut low on the hip, and high on the leg. The cloth that stretched around Lucas’ narrow hips was less than an inch thick. The material was a soft, thin cotton that molded itself to what was underneath it. If Ryan hadn’t already been aware of the fact, he’d have easily been able to tell that Lucas was circumcised.

Even that little thing, no pun intended, had been a point of at least mild contention between Ryan and his wife. Ryan was himself cut, but he’d wanted Lucas to remain intact. Not out of any sense of moral outrage or overblown political belief, but just on the idea that with no real reason to do it, why bother? Kat, Ryan’s wife had argued in favor of the procedure. For her was purely an aesthetic choice. She simply preferred the way they looked, she’d said. When she raised the question about whether it would cause Lucas some confusion seeing that he and his dad were different down there, Ryan had dropped it.

As the evening of television watching progressed, it was now Ryan who felt his eyes being drawn again and again to his son. It was, he told himself, simple curiosity. He hadn’t seen Lucas naked since the boy was eight or nine. He was twelve now. Ryan had started puberty himself when he was twelve. Had Lucas? Well, he supposed he had. He’d had a growth spurt certainly, and although there were no other signs of pubescence, like acne or body hair that Ryan had ever seen, or a fuzzy lip or deepening voice, Ryan supposed those things didn’t mean much. Being twelve himself once upon a time, he knew that the only thing he’d cared about was how much hair he was getting down there. At that age he’d never even considered worrying about his size, or how he might compare to other boys. How big had he been at that age? How big was Lucas down there? Flushing, Ryan pulled one of the throw pillows into his lap.

The next morning Ryan emerged from his bedroom wearing shorts but no shirt to find Lucas at the kitchen table eating a bowl of Cap’n Crunch. His son was dressed only in the skimpy briefs he’d been wearing the night before.

“Hey, Dad,” Lucas said through a mouthful of cereal.

“So I guess we’re both finding getting dressed to be too much of a hassle these days,” Ryan said, trying for humor, feeling the need to address the issue.

Lucas shrugged and swallowed what was in his mouth. “It’s not like we’re goin’ anywhere.”

“True enough,” Ryan said, going to the cupboard and getting down a coffee mug. The coffee-maker had started brewing about half an hour earlier. “Are you going to put something on before school? Your teachers might object,” he said, smiling.

“It’s Saturday, Dad,” Lucas pointed out.

“Wow, it is?” he asked. Lucas nodded. Ryan said, “Hey, where’s my morning hug?”

Lucas grinned and rose, stepping up to Ryan and wrapping arms around his waist. Ryan bent down, his nose in Lucas’ hair, smelling vaguely still of strawberries from his shower yesterday.

“That’s better,” Ryan said, and Lucas grinned up at him. Ryan kissed him briefly on the lips, a quick peck. Still holding his son, he asked, “So what are you doing today?”

Lucas shrugged. “Cartoons I guess.”

Ryan grinned. “Good plan. Maybe I’ll join you.”

“Okay,” Lucas smiled, and then returned to his cereal.

About fifteen minutes later, Ryan walked into the living room to find Lucas on the floor, chin propped in his hands, engrossed in a cartoon that seemed to be about flying girls. Ryan settled on the couch, placing his coffee on the coffee table and opening his laptop in his lap. He felt a nice sense of completion at using both items for their named purpose.

He didn’t have any work to do, so he was just checking his Insta while the sound of the cartoon washed over him. Ryan happily read some nice comments on his most recent pics, looking up on occasion as something blew up on the screen. After a couple of minutes, he realized that he’d stopped looking at his laptop and he’d stopped looking at the television. Lucas’ knees were bent, his calves forming a V, his feet together. The boy was idly sort of clapping his feet together, but that’s not where Ryan found his attention. Rather, he realized after a couple of minutes that he was looking at Lucas’ backside.

Ryan decided that Lucas had his mother’s butt. Ryan had a slim, athletic ass. Lucas’ was much more rounded and prominent. Of course, Ryan knew just how firmly muscled it must be because of the boy’s dancing. Lucas’ briefs had slipped a bit; enough to show the top of his cleft. Somehow they’d also ridden up, so that the lower part of each full cheek was exposed.

Ryan wasn’t sure what had drawn his attention to his son’s ass. It wasn’t like he was checking him out or anything. That would be weird of course. He was trying to figure out what had distracted him when Lucas’ ass tensed, and Ryan realized it had been that movement which drew his eye. After a few moments, it happened again. It took Ryan a minute to realize what he was seeing. Lucas was humping the floor. He wasn’t being overt about it. For all Ryan knew, the boy was doing it unconsciously. Ryan was mildly disturbed by the sensuousness of the sight.

Then Ryan watched as those hips lifted again as Lucas slid a hand underneath himself. Ryan realized that the boy must be adjusting his… Ryan didn’t even want to think it. It seemed wrong somehow to think about his son with an erection. Of course, Lucas was twelve. It was only reasonable to suspect that he was getting frequent erections. Ryan then found himself wondering if Lucas had learned to jack off yet. With another sense of unease, Ryan realized that he was erect as well, and he made sure that the laptop was blocking a casual view, because his distended shorts left no doubt as to his condition.

Ryan was glad a few seconds later that he’d adjusted the laptop, because Lucas rose to his feet. He was very careful to keep his back to his dad. “Gonna go to the bathroom,” the boy said as he walked off. What Lucas didn’t notice, but his father did, was that when Lucas had paused the show he’d been watching, it was during a brief scene transition, leaving the screen nearly black. So as Lucas stood and walked away, for just a brief moment, Ryan had been able to see the boy’s reflection in the television, a reflection that was clear enough for him to see that his son was stretching the front of his little briefs.

As Lucas disappeared around the corner to the hall bathroom he used, Ryan set his laptop aside and rose, the tv now reflecting his own obscenely tented shorts. As Ryan hurried to his own room his hand was already reaching down into his shorts to wrap around his throbbing cock. A minute later, lying on his back on his bed with cooling ropes of semen decorating his chest and belly, he told himself that he hadn’t just gotten turned on by his own son.

End of Part one

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