High quality erotica. And more....

Month: March 2019

New Theme

Well… I couldn’t get the comment section to work the way I wanted. I found it way to hard for you guys to post a comment on the posts I place on the WordPress blog. The only way I could make it work, was by using a new template. Just click on the comment text above each post. In the process I also brought back the background pic that Alex used on his site, but not too sure yet if it works the way I want.

If you find it annoying or don’t like it at all, let me know in the comments 😀 An e-mail will do too. Don’t worry!

BTW: The previous post was about underwear challenges. If I google the word ‘onderbroek’ I get a lot more Youtube hits of boys doing all kind of challenges in their underwear. These guys in The Netherlands sure like showing off in their underpants! Not that I mind 🙂 Here’s another example (unfortunately these guys don’t know how to keep a camera steady, so don’t throw up watching this):

Underwear challenge

A dedicated Jason Crow blog reader pointed me to this guy named Hugo. I’m told he’s Dutch, and his video’s are in that language and not subbed, but he is really cute and like to do challenges in his underwear with his friends.

Especially these video’s got my attention


I especially like the reactions from the people watching them run around in their underwear. My guess is that in the US you’ll get arrested doing this, but in Europe (and obviously The Netherlands) people are not that uptight. Hugo isn’t shy at all about his body because his channel is filled with him and his friends doing stuff like this. So check them out if you like. The link to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Z-48-mX68hOTYNYP06SFg

BTW: I’m about halfway with the second part of “The Magnificent Zafar”. Right now I’m considering to maybe make it a three part story, so you guys don’t have to wait too long. As you can guess I’m kind of struggling with the story, but I’m determined to finish it. So stay tuned!!

BTW2: I’ve changed the comment option on the site. I was wondering why I was receiving such a tiny amount of comments. When I checked things out, I could see an e-mail address was required. Even though anything on this site is 100% legal, I get that you don’t want your e-mail address registered anywhere here. The content isn’t that socially accepted…

The Jason Crow FAQ

The Ultimate Jason Crow FAQ

Jason Crow! You can read it anywhere on this site…
Of course not!! I’m pretty fond of my privacy, so my real name is none of your business.
No. I’m from Europe and I live in a non-English speaking country. And that’s about all I’ll give away about that!
I don’t think I can fill Alex’s shoes. And I don’t want to. I write my own stories. Admittedly, I like his style a lot and hope I can stand in his shadow with my stories some day.
In the story “Fact Versus Fiction” Alex writes about a writer. His name is Jason Crow (hmm… Is there a link with Alex Hawk? Both a bird as the last name… I don’t know.) I figured I could use that name as a tribute to Alex. And the initials are a nice reference to a historic biblical figure too 🙂
NO!!! Absolutely not! I don’t have ANY link with him. And I guess he doesn’t want to be linked with me either... And, oh... Just to be clear, there’s also no link with that biblical figure…
Absolutely! And as long I can pay for it, it’ll remain free of banners and other commercial stuff. I don’t like their trackers and want my readers to be as safe as I can get them. I’m not doing anything illegal here, that’s for sure. But the general consensus around the world is that there’s still a big taboo regarding the subjects I write about. So that’s why I think it is important to keep the trackers and cookies to an absolute minimum. That’s the main reason why there are no banners and stuff. There is a Google Analytics tracker, but I only use that one to see what the hit and bounce rate is.
Yep! For YOUR convenience. But if you like it and want to tribute to it, feel free to donate! That’s why there’s a crypto donation box on the site. And, regarding the previous question, that’s why it’s crypto and not Paypal for example.
Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m a bit undefined. Currently, I’m in a monogamous heterosexual relationship, but I’ve experimented with boys a lot when I was younger. But girls were in the picture back then too. In my adult life, I’ve had sex with a couple of guys too which I enjoyed a lot. So…. I guess I’m bisexual.
I’ve had a lot of sex when I was 12 – 15 with two of my male friends and both of their sisters. Never together unfortunately, but I guess fantasizing and thinking a lot about that, sparked something in me. One of the friends I've had sex with is Pete. My story 'Indian Summer' is based on these events.
Well… I was… And I find the bodies of both boys and girls at that age extremely interesting. The innocence at that age is something I sometimes wish I still had. Oh! And don’t worry! I’ve never acted on it (after I grew out that age of course) nor have any intentions that way, and I absolutely despise kiddie-porn!!
I’m an inexperienced writer. I’ve never had any courses or something, so I’m learning as I go. Besides that, I have a full-time job as an IT professional and a wife that needs some attention. So in the little free time I have, I need to do the writing. And then I need to be inspired too… That’s not a good combination. Besides all this, I'm also a writer that finds it difficult to write stories without a decent backstory, which is pretty time-consuming too.
Inspiration comes at moments when you least expect it. The other day a colleague was telling about her thirteen-year-old daughter having a male friend about all her life. "They’re more like brother and sister," she said. They still sleep in one bed together (he just turned fourteen). And they change clothes and stuff right in front of each other. THAT sparked something in my brain, so probably one of my stories will be about them. But also some articles I read online or watch on the news will inspire me.
Tell me all about it! If it inspires me, I’ll probably write about it.
Personally. I don’t think so. Admittedly, I have a dirty mind. But can separate it perfectly from reality. I have really fond memories of my sexual discovery during my own puberty, so I guess that’s why I’d like to read and write about it. But I'm not a shrink, so I'm just assuming here...
First of all, that’s not a question, and second: if you don’t buy it, I don’t care.
I guess because that’s how I experienced my own development. Sweet and full of mutual respect. But again... Not a shrink.
Absolutely not! Won’t happen. Ever. Never ever. These kinds of stories are such a turn-off for me, I can’t even read it. Let alone write about it.
Again: not a question, but if you say so…..
I know. But I started shaving my own pubes at 14. I didn’t like the bush I was growing. I never stopped shaving them. And I totally dig the way it looks and feels. So why not have my characters shave them?!? I’m the boss over them you know. Oh! One more advantage: It’ll make your junk look bigger 😀
That’s most definitely a tribute to Alex. He wrote it in almost all his stories and I find it a nice reference to Alex to do this too. Although, admittedly, most of the time I put in there when proof-reading my stories because I forget about it during the writing.
That’s a really difficult one! In its essence, I’m not against it. But almost every time there is a power element in play; the adult has power over the child. And I DON’T condone that!! No way! But if there’s real mutual approval, why not have fun?? But I know… In almost all cases this is not how it goes, so yeah… It’s difficult. Stop making my brain hurt!! And one other thing about this subject: I totally disapprove of parent/child sex! The power element is always there! I must admit that sometimes , on my darker days, I dig these stories. But not in real life! No way!!
True. But always with keeping the above rules in mind.
I have an older (three years) brother. And yes, when I was about thirteen / fourteen we did have sex a few times.
I don’t think so. One thing though… If you have any interesting pictures for me, send them to jasoncrowwriter@hotmail.com. Remember! No kiddy porn!! 3D / CGI pics are okay, I guess. But absolutely no real kids! I will delete them immediately and ban you! And maybe if I meet you in real life, I’ll stomp on your toes! Really… I mean it. No real nude kids!


This never happened to me before! Some update fucked up my computer, and now almost the entire story of The Magnificent Zafar – Part II is gone!! The only thing left is the first quarter of the story. 🙁

I feel really stupid now. As an IT professional I of course know the importance of backups. And believe me, I do make backups. I’m still trying to figure out what went wrong, but now the truth is that I need to start all over again (well almost all over).

Right now I’m trying to find motivation to start over. So stay tuned, but I can’t give an indication of the time left now.

Sorry guys!

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