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Category: Boy/Woman Sex (Page 2 of 18)

Day Job Shenanigans – Part two

Day Job Shenanigans – Part two
Jason Crow

Everything changed for me some time ago. My fascination with young boys began when, one night at a club, I met a young man who took me back to his house. We spent the night together, but in the morning, I met his brother Brian, a twelve-year-old boy who had awakened my inner boy lover. His young, soft, and tight body blew off the lid that had been firmly attached for so many years. I took the boy’s virginity, and we made love the rest of the day. In the first few months, we had met in secret. We had many opportunities to do this since his parents were gone a lot, and his big brother, Steve, couldn’t care less about what his little brother was up to.

But after about a year, Brian started growing. His voice broke, his muscles expanded, and his long, slender cock wasn’t that slender anymore. And his watery cum, which was like nectar from the gods themselves, thickened and got muskier with each time he came. And he came a lot when we were together. He was still plenty of fun in the sack, but he just didn’t give me that energetic spark I felt when this had all started. When we’d met, he was quite the innocent boy; that year later, he’d become a very worldly young man.

Thankfully, he knew how to keep his mouth shut. It would have been easy for him to brag about me to his friends, but he just wasn’t like that. We came close to being busted once, but that was when he stayed over at my place. Later, it turned out to be the last time I’d had sex with him, and I was in the kitchen making us early breakfast. I heard the door open, and my heart stopped. It was my roommate Gemma, who was home way too early.

“What an asshole!” Gemma sighed as she threw her keys on the counter and sat at the table. Her blonde hair hung in her face, so she quickly pulled it into a ponytail. Her stylish clothes looked like she’d dressed in a hurry. She was supposed to be spending the night at this one guy’s house, an asshole’s house, apparently.

My mind was racing. Brian was in my room and didn’t know Gemma was home. I didn’t stage the couch with blankets this time because Gemma never came home this early, and I wasn’t going to drive Brian home until ten.

I tried acting cool and asked, “I thought you said he was such a great guy and gentleman?”

“Well… he was. Until his wife came home unexpectedly. He said he’d divorced her, but- oh?”

I looked at what Gemma was looking at since she stopped talking and was staring wide-eyed at my bedroom door. Brian was standing there in all his naked glory, looking freaked out.

“I… I can’t find fresh towels,” he said, quickly getting his act together.

He didn’t act shy or try to cover up, which, as I later learned, saved me. I saw a glimmer in Gemma’s eyes, but she didn’t say anything. Gemma and I walked around the apartment without clothes whenever it suited us, but it was just us. This was different.

“They’re in the bathroom. Come on, I’ll show you,” I said, surprised at how calm I sounded.

“I’ve already put my sheets in your bedroom,” he said as we headed to the bathroom.

“Thanks!” I answered and flashed him a thumbs-up for his quick thinking.

As we entered the bathroom, I breathed a sigh of relief, and Brian pretended to wipe his forehead with a relieved expression.

When I returned to the kitchen, Gemma looked at me. There wasn’t any judgment on her face, just curiosity. I weighed my options. I couldn’t possibly tell her the truth. She wouldn’t understand.

“It’s almost impossible to get some clothes on that kid,” I said casually, “He’d walk around naked all day if I’d let him.”

She grew a smile and said, “I figured that much. Why don’t you let him?” she grinned, cleared her throat, and continued, “Since, uhm… he’s hung like a pony…”

“Gem!” I said, acting offended but glad she didn’t judge.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice!”

“Yeah… well…” I pretended to stammer, “he is…”

“He’s looking mighty fine! In a year or two, I’d take his cherry in a heartbeat,” Gemma chuckled.

I shook my head and pretended to be busy with breakfast.

“What!?” Gemma pressed, “Didn’t you see the ass on that boy?”

“I did,” I said evasively.

“Fuck! And that snake between his legs…”

“You’re still horny… he’s barely thirteen, Gem…”

“I know. But still…”

After Brian had taken his shower, he was smart enough to stay naked to keep up the pretense of walking around naked all the time. He later told me he’d heard Gemma and me talking while he was in the bathroom and figured this was the smart thing to do. And after I pressed on a little, he admitted that he liked the attention.

But to me, this whole thing was too close for comfort. I thought about it extensively but decided I needed to end this. We had another Saturday evening planned where I’d stay the night at his house and leave Sunday afternoon. I decided that this would be the last time I’d fuck my little lover boy. The fact that I felt nervous like a schoolgirl for breaking up with this almost fourteen-year-old boy was all the confirmation I needed.

When Brian answered the door that night, he was fully dressed, which was uncommon for him. Usually, on such a night, he’d be in just his tight boxers, showcasing his prominent bulge. The look on his face wasn’t too promising, either.

“What’s up, Bri?” I asked as he stepped outside and closed the door.

“I… I… I think we need to…” he stammered, and I could see a tear form in the corner of his eye.

“Did someone find out about us!?” I asked, panic clearly seeping through.

Thankfully, he shook his head. It turned out that his parents had another huge fight and were finally getting a divorce. Right now, his mother was gone for about another hour to arrange everything for their departure, and his father was off to his mistress. Their aunt was there to look after the kids, but she was in the dining room with Steve. 

Brian and his mother would move in with his other aunt in Hawaii for at least half a year, and Steve would stay here with his father. It was all really sudden, but based on the stories Brian had told me, it was not that unexpected, at all. Brian assured me that Steve and his aunt would stay in the dining room that night so we could still do sexy stuff in his room. But that would be way too risky, so we just talked for a while.

Brian insisted we’d stay in touch by texting each other. I told him about the risks of being exposed, and he agreed. We’d keep things to a bare minimum and decided on no pics.

It turned out, not surprisingly, that the breakup with the young Adonis was easier for me than for him. He did send me a couple of nudes, which I carefully stored in a hidden, encrypted folder in my computer and were masturbation material for months. But after a while, Brian got himself a girlfriend, and our contact faded, which was fine. Sad, but fine. Being the one who took his virginity at a young age, and therefore being in his memories forever, was such a great consolation.

I think the breakup was easier for me because it coincided with the start of my new career. I had a degree in Art that I wasn’t using, and despite all my efforts to land a decent job, I was once again unemployed. The excuse to let me go this time? The company’s dire economic situation required cutbacks. It wasn’t me. No! If it was up to my manager, she’d never let me go.

It didn’t matter. This was another dead-end job, anyway. My fourth job in four years. I needed to find that one thing I liked and was good at. The only problem was that this was easier said than done. I was thinking about my options as I entered the apartment.

“Huh!? Back already?” Gemma asked, buck naked and drying her hair as the steam from her shower exited the bathroom.

My eyes quickly roamed over her firm tits and tight ass, but she immediately noticed something was up.

She sat down at the table and looked worriedly at me. “What’s up, Carol?”

I sighed, sat down opposite her, and said, “I’m laid off. Again!” 

“No!” Gemma exclaimed with her face full of disbelief, “Fuck that! Why!?”

“Something about the economic downturn or some shit like that. Don’t know, don’t care,” I said as I slumped down in my chair, trying to act blasé about it.

Gemma held her head in her hands and said, “Fuck, Carol! Why?”

“I wish I knew. I guess it’s finally time to call my dad.”

My father was a pretty successful businessman. He had a couple clothing stores in the area, and business was booming. Dad and Mom divorced, then it was just me and Dad for a time. After a while, Dad met a wonderful woman whom he married. We got along well, and after the wedding, we were a typical family again.

I had a carefree life, and when I went to college, Dad paid for everything. He wasn’t overly excited when I chose a more artistic major, but when I explained that this would help him in his business since I combined it with an economics minor, he was okay with it and never gave me a hard time about it.

But I didn’t want to go and work for him after I graduated. I wanted to spread my wings and find out for myself what was out there. After we talked about this, my father accepted my choice and actually encouraged me to live my own life. So, I found myself a lovely apartment in the city, and together with my best friend from college, Gemma, we moved in there.

“I can cough up the rent on my own for a while, and you know that!” Gemma told me.

“But I don’t wanna live out of your pocket, and you know that, too,” I said and tried to smile at my naked best friend.

“It will only be temporary. It’s more important that you’ll get a job you like.”

“You’re the best, Gem!” I sighed, feeling relieved and glad I had such a good friend.

“Alright. Let’s make a list of things you’re good at and things you like,” Gemma said and looked for a pen and a piece of paper.

She got to her feet and walked over to the living room. As my eyes were fixed on her naked ass, I started thinking about what I liked. I knew exactly what I liked, but I couldn’t say that to her.

When Gemma came back, she’d put on her silk kimono and was carrying two glasses, a bottle of white wine, and her laptop. I joined her on the couch. As she filled the glasses, I smiled at her cleavage. Her kimono hung open and was closed below her belly button. Her nipples were hidden by the silky fabric, but just barely. Our first and only attempt at having sex together hadn’t been a great success. Otherwise, I’d probably be all over her by now.

“Alright. You have your Theater and Arts degree that you’re not really using, but that’s a start. Now… a list. What are your strengths?” Gemma asked as she held out her glass and touched mine.

Yeah, what were they? When I went to college, it was mostly to party. I didn’t fail any classes, though. I got an Art degree and studied various forms like directing theatre, fashion design, and I did makeup for the theater and student films. Still, I actually did better in my business classes. 

“I… uhm…” I stammered, feeling a bit uneasy about opening myself up this much, “I’m creative?”

“Creative…” Gemma said as she started typing, “we can work with that. What else?”

I chuckled and said, “I give killer head…”

Gemma laughed at that and said, “There are some jobs where this is a huge plus…”

“I don’t think I’m looking for such a job…”

She looked thoughtfully in the distance and said, “We’d make a great couple as exclusive and expensive prostitutes, you know?” and she smiled broadly.

I smiled back at her and realized once again how much Gemma and I looked alike. Tight, fit bodies that we liked to show off in the gym three nights a week, where we’d turn lots of heads as we walked around. We’d squeeze ourselves into tight-fitting yoga pants and equally tight crop tops to show off our asses and C-cup breasts perfectly, and the cleavage was admired by all the men around us each time we bent over. Gemma’s blonde hair, as opposed to my dark-brown locks, was the main difference between us, really.

“If this doesn’t work out, I can always make a career move,” I said seriously.

She shook her head, “I don’t think it’ll help my career, though,” Gemma sighed.

Gemma was a fantastic marketing strategist. She interned at one of the best firms in the area, and they snapped her up when it was done. She’s rising fast and has her eye on becoming the youngest VP in the history of the company. She could easily afford an apartment of her own, but she said she liked my company and the down-to-earth vibe the neighborhood oozed. I wasn’t jealous or anything, but I sure wished my life was as much on-track as Gemma’s.

“So… you’re creative with blowing a guy… what else?”

“I like shopping… and I keep up with the latest trends…” I said weakly and shrugged. God! I sounded like Paris Hilton but without her money. What did I really want to do?

“Good. Go on…”

“I’d like to do something with clothes or costumes. I loved the backstage work in the theater I did when I was in college. But there’s hardly any work in that. It’s just that… I wish I could do more in that area than just picking up the phone and processing orders, you know?”

“Yeah. I get that. We need to find something more related to that. Anything else we can add to the list?” Gemma asked.

“I… I like kids?”

Gemma looked at me with a surprised look on her face. We’d talked about this before, and we both agreed we didn’t want to have kids. This was too much of a hassle and would limit us in how we wanted to live our lives. So, I could understand the surprised face.

I shrugged and said, “During one of the company’s fundraisers, I had to watch several groups of boys, and I had a great time. They listened to me and behaved themselves without any problems.”

“Did you promise to show them your tits if they behaved?” Gemma laughed.

I had to admit that this had been a tempting idea and had crossed my mind at the time. But the groups of ten- to thirteen-year-old boys I’d supervised had already been ogling my cleavage and ass constantly, so there really had been no need for promises. I’d even seen a couple of tented pants and became instantly wet at the realization that I was the cause of that.

“Maybe…” I said, making Gemma roll her eyes.

“You’re evil, you know that?”  Then she considered. “Well, you did have fun babysitting that Brian kid.”

So, Gemma and I talked some more about what I liked and didn’t like. By the time we emptied our second bottle of wine, I was feeling a pretty strong alcohol buzz. Thinking about Brian got me a little horny. Seeing Gemma’s kimono slip open got me even hornier. I put my arms around her. “I don’t want to think about this anymore tonight,” I whined.

“What do you want to do, then?” Gemma asked, as tipsy as I was.

That was a loaded question. I decided to give it a shot. “I want to lick your pussy.”

I could see Gemma think it over. “All right.”

With delight, I pulled open her kimono and pushed her back on the couch.

* * *

The following day, after having moved together to her bedroom and making a better-than-before effort at fun sex, I woke up with a slight hangover. Not too bad because we’d taken time out to eat some leftovers in the fridge, and I had a bottle of water.   But Gemma was awake early, so I missed out on waking up with her. She came back naked from the washroom, sat on the bed, and looked me in the eyes.

“I’ve got it!” Gemma softly said but didn’t say anything else.

“What?!” I asked, sitting up and waiting for her answer.

“Don’t judge me here. And hear me out before you say anything. Promise?”

“Of course!” I answered, curious as hell by now.

“What do boys hate doing?” Gemma asked.

“Uhm… showering. Going to church. Eating vegetables… lots of things.”

“Shopping for clothes!” Gemma exclaimed as if she’d just solved world hunger.

“Right…” I said, not sure where this was going.

“And their mothers maybe hate taking their kids shopping even more. So… you take them shopping for new outfits. For a small commission, of course…”

I had to let this sink in for a moment. Take boys out shopping? I was good at shopping. And by focusing on boys, I might even see a couple of them in their underwear. Just like with Brian before he stepped into bed with me and his soft, firm body pressed….

“Carol!? Hello??” Gemma said, snapping me half out of my daydream.

“I… I’m sorry. I think that’s…” I forced myself not to react too excitedly, “You know what!? I like it!”

“I know you’re actually good at shopping. I’ve seen you do it enough to know that much. And the little brother from that Steve guy you babysat a couple of times… he adores you! You just need a good marketing campaign and ridiculously overvalue yourself so the society ladies who are too busy screwing their tennis instructors think you’re the best – because you’re not gonna get the soccer moms. I’ll do the marketing for free, of course,” Gemma said, being the torrent of words she could be when she was excited about something.

“A Personal Shopper. I think this could actually work, you know?” I said, feeling hyped after the idea sunk in a little.

“Of course, it will! But you’ll need a logo… and a name… and…”

“StyleFocus,” I said, interrupting my best friend.

She thought about it for a moment and nodded approvingly. “That’ll work.”  The rest of the day was filled with the design of the overall look and feel for the public image of my business: logos, a website, and a mission statement. We contacted my father and showed him what we’d come up with. He said he liked the concept of my company, and we set up a business relationship with his stores. He was delighted to be a part of it, and Gemma got to add his business to her company’s clients.

That day, StyleFocus was born. And I’m still grateful to this day that my best friend Gemma assisted with its birth.

My new career turned out to be even better than expected. Most of my charges were nine and ten-year-old boys, dozens of them in this first year. They were cool, but only there to pay the bills. My main interest was in the eleven to thirteen-year range. Those were the most fun on multiple levels. I’ve taken out over fifty of these. Seventeen of them were very cute twelve-year-olds. Yes, I keep detailed records of them on my laptop. I noticed that in the thirteen-year range, the boys were becoming more independent, so this group, unfortunately, was the smallest. But this wouldn’t stop me from trying to get into their pants…

End of part two

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Adhuc inops? An nimis perspicuum est et scivistis post paucas paragraphos?

Day Job Shenanigans – Part one

Day Job Shenanigans – Part one
Jason Crow

Where it began, I can’t begin to know when. All I knew was that right now, I was doing the thing I liked best, and it was currently lighting up my entire insides. My tits were tingling all over, and my pussy was already soaking wet. The reason for this was simple. My thumbs were inside this thirteen-year-old boy’s boxer briefs, slowly pulling them down here in the clothing store fitting room.

“Ohh, yeah…” Damian whispered hoarsely above me.

“Mhhh…” I purred.

His small bush of reddish-colored pubes came into view. There were a couple more hairs there than the last time I looked at his pubes. Gazing at him, I felt my pussy tremble. Two seconds later, his hard, almost four-inch cock sprang free. It was so stiff it hardly bounced as it was freed from its confinement. Without waiting a second longer, I wrapped my mouth around his slender cockhead.

“Ohhh!!” Damian moaned above me, and he placed his hands on my head.

This was what my little lover liked best! I kept my mouth around his cock and let my tongue explore his spongy cut dickhead while my hands kept pulling down his purple and white striped boxers. My eyes moved up over his scrawny chest, seeking his eyes. When our eyes met, I made a show of licking his small dick like a popsicle and smiled inwardly at his hornier-than-horny face.

My hands moved up to cup his small and hairless but extremely tight ass, and I went for it for real. I knew that no matter what I did, this boy would cum quickly, anyway, since he’d anticipated this moment for weeks. But I wanted him to have fun. And there was almost nothing better than having a young cock in my mouth, so I wanted to enjoy the feeling of this slim tube of flesh the best I could.

I kept bobbing up and down, feeling his ass muscles move under my fingers. I considered aiming for his hole for a brief moment, but as the pitch of his moans grew higher, I focused all my attention on his cock. He was getting close.

I cupped his grape-sized balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. This would delay his orgasm for about another thirty seconds, and I let my tongue explore the entire length of his rock-hard dick. I loved the texture of his shaft and made sure to lick it everywhere I could. But when he approached the inevitable point of no return, I focused on the underside of his glans.

Up until now, at barely thirteen years old, just half my age, Damian had shot blanks. But in the car ride over here, he boasted that he could shoot, now. I sure hoped this was true and that it was not just a tiny drop on his piss slit. The good thing was that I was about to find out any second now. I released his balls, and I moved my hand under my skirt, where my pantyless pussy was aching for some relief.

“I’m… Ohh… I think I… oohhh!” Damian groaned above me and started moving his hips.

My right hand was still on his firm ass, and I made sure he couldn’t move his hips too much. I had to hold on as if my life depended on it as he tried fucking my face frantically. The moment his fingers dug into my skull and his thin cock fattened a little, I let the fingers of my left hand rub through my slit briefly. I didn’t want to cum yet, but the tension and anticipation was simply too much for me to handle. I shoved his boxers down to his ankles, ready for him to step out of them. He kicked them toward the fitting room mirror. 

Damian groaned loudly and suddenly kept perfectly still as his penis started kicking in my mouth. This was it. Would I be treated with… Oh yes! After two violent kicks of his cock, a small but powerful blast hit me at the back of my throat. And a second one landed on my tongue immediately after the first. I would never, ever grow tired of the taste of young boy spunk. It was a bazillion times better than the thick, musky stuff older guys shot. Granted, that was also pretty enjoyable, but the sweet, watery stuff that didn’t contain actual sperm yet – that was the best. By far! And I was treated with two small globs and a little dribble from the tip that I eagerly lapped up.

“Ohhh…” Damian exhaled, coming down from his orgasm.

I let go of his ass, and he immediately dropped into the chair behind him. I smiled at the goofy expression he always had after an orgasm and was pleased to see his cock was still sticking up and hadn’t lost any of its stiffness.

“That was… it was… I did, didn’t I?” he asked, still panting a bit. He reached forward to touch my hair, wrapping one of my loose, dark-brown curls in his fingers. 

“You sure did. You actually shot some cum!” I said as I let his sperm swirl through my mouth, savoring the taste as long as possible. I licked my lips for him. “So good…”

“It… I… oh, wow!” he exclaimed and slumped back in the chair.

I was so horned up by now that I just had to do something. My hand was under my skirt, lightly caressing my pussy. Damian looked at me and said, “I wanna see your tits…”

I still don’t know if he was aware of the effect this had on me. Seducing young boys was one thing, but being bossed around by them was even hotter. So, even if I wanted to resist, there was no way I could. I was like wax in his hands, and my hands almost involuntarily started lifting my shirt. The moment my breasts were revealed and the cool air made my nipples grow even harder, I heard Damian whisper a soft, “Oh, wow…” as if he was looking at my tits for the very first time.

I pushed my chest forward a bit, and as his eyes drank in the sight of my exposed boobs, I bit my lower lip. In his lap, his dick gave a violent twitch, and I knew he was more than ready for more. Yet another perk of fucking young boys. Even after cumming seconds ago, seeing my tits and the idea of fucking me kept him going.

“Can I… I mean… is it okay if we, you know…”

“We’ve talked about this, Hotshot…” I said, my eyes still on his rock-hard cock.

“Oh, right… I, uhm…” he cleared his throat, sat up straight and said, “I wanna fuck you, Carol. Get naked.”

“Ohh! That’s more like it, Hotshot!” I hissed, got up, and unzipped my skirt.

As it fell to the floor, Damian’s eyes roamed up and down over my body unabashedly. His hand gripped his cock and gave it an absentminded squeeze. I needed that cock inside me as soon as possible, so I lay down on the carpeted floor and spread my legs. Getting fucked on the floor wasn’t my first choice, but it was the quickest way to get him inside. Damian complained last time about how he couldn’t get a decent grip with his knees or feet on the room’s couch. So, by doing it on the floor, he could get rough if he wanted to. I knew I wanted that…

His eyes were glued to my cunt, and with my left hand, I spread my lips for him while my right pinched my nipple. He swallowed audibly and got off the chair. As he dropped to his knees between my legs, his boner hardly moved. Of all the boys I’ve seen naked and erect, Damian undoubtedly had the stiffest cock of them all. Unfortunately, he had lost his act about being in control and became a little boy again. I didn’t mind too much, though, as I watched his cockhead inch closer and closer to my sopping-wet entrance.

“There you go…” I whispered as the tip of his dick touched my pussy lips.

“Ohhh, Carol… You’re so freakin’ hot!” he said while looking in my eyes.

He talked about tits and fucking before, but when it finally came to actually fucking me, he always got this focused look on his face. This little red-headed cutie was adorable! But when he pushed himself inside with one strong push and his pubes mashed against mine, all this cuteness was gone, and he was my little fuck-boy again. He entered me for the third time since I met him, and it was just as hot as when he had before. There wasn’t the thrill of taking a boy’s virginity, but Damian compensated for this by tirelessly pistoning in and out of me. This kid had a stamina that a grown man would envy.

Feeling my clit being squashed under his small frame almost pushed me over the edge right away. His stiff little cock had such an upward angle that his dickhead rubbed over my G-spot with every thrust of his bony hips. Damian didn’t wait for me to get accustomed to being fucked. He just went for it, and I loved that about him.

He breathed a little laugh, and I noticed he was looking beyond me. He was watching himself fucking me in the room’s tri-fold mirror, the little scamp! “Who’s that boy over there?” I playfully asked.

“That’s me,” he replied between slams. “Me fucking you…”

What are you doing?” I encouraged him.

“Fucking you… fucking your pussy!”

“Yeah, fuck my pussy…”

My hands cupped his firm little ass as the good feeling started washing over me. Feeling the bones of his hips slam against my thighs was another turn-on. I knew I’d be sore for the rest of the day down there, but damn! This boy was good! After three or four slams of his pubic bone against my clit, and the overstimulation of my G-spot, I came. It was sudden and unexpected, but a fantastic orgasm nevertheless!

But Damian didn’t seem to care. He just kept on pounding away, his mouth a little open, and his eyes unfocused. He was in the zone! The best thing was that I knew this wasn’t the end of it. I would come a couple of times more before he’d freeze, and his hard little cock would kick violently inside my pussy, triggering my final orgasm.

Thankfully, I was right! After four somewhat smaller orgasms, my little lover froze in my arms, and he threw his head back. The muscles in his neck tensed, his shoulders were shaking to hold himself upright, and he grunted deeply. And sure enough, a heartbeat later, his little cock started kicking, which sent me over the edge for the final time. This final push of his pelvis was the one that really did it! My little stud managed to do his magic once again. I came hard, and my belly muscles contracted so sharply that I had to bend my body a little. Damian didn’t care. He was in a world of his own as he came back down from his second orgasm in under ten minutes.

He dropped his body on top of mine and was panting heavily. I loved feeling the weight of his thin body on top of mine. His head was lying on my chest, and I smelled his freshly washed red hair. My hands caressed his back as he regained his breath. His skin felt velvety under my fingers, smooth with a light sheen of perspiration.

After a couple of moments, Damian asked, “Did you pee?” 

“No. Your cock made me cum so hard that I spurted a bit, too.”

“Cool! Now we both can shoot,” he chuckled.

I gave him a tight hug and patted him on his ass. It was time to go now. Good thing he was okay with the clothes I showed him after we entered the changing room here at The Style Haven. But then again, he’d also be okay if I’d picked out a summer dress for him instead of the jeans and tops. And I couldn’t blame him, considering what we did instead of trying on clothes.

“Can we do this again next week?” he asked as he stepped into his boxer briefs.

“I’m sorry, Hotshot. That would make your mom suspicious, don’t you think?”

He sighed deeply, looked at the floor, and disappointedly said, “Guess you’re right.”

“But don’t worry! This means it’ll be even more fun next time,” I said, and I could see his frown turn into a smile. “Don’t forget, holidays will be here soon, and you need a new outfit for church!”

We finished dressing, and I gathered the clothing items that Damian would be taking home today. I made the purchase on my special account, and we headed out to my car. During the drive home, we made small talk as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. With Damian, I had no concerns whatsoever about him accidentally talking to his mom or his friends about us. He wasn’t a bragger or a talker, and he didn’t have lots of friends.

His mother was pleased with the result and thanked me for helping her out. But when Damian walked off for a moment to put the bags into his room, his mother whispered, “I think he has a crush on you!”

My heart froze.

“It’s so cute!” she chuckled, “He takes a shower before you get here, and he acts all nervous when he’s waiting for you.”

“I… uhm…” I tried to smile like I was embarrassed.

“Don’t worry, dear! You know how boys are. I think it’s adorable. He shou…”

Damian was back and smiled warmly at me. His mother laid her hands on his shoulders and said, “Thanks again, Carol. Are we square?”

“Yes. The transaction should appear on your account tomorrow. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to return,” I said so professionally.

“I’d like to add a little something for you…” she hinted.

“No need,” I assured Damian’s mother. “I get plenty of satisfaction just seeing him smile!”  When he cums inside of me…. I added mentally. “Damian is a great kid.”

“What do you say to Carol?” his mother asked, clearly not yet accustomed to the idea her son wasn’t nine years old anymore.

“Thanks, Carol!” he said timidly, but couldn’t hide the sparkle in his eye.

“No problem, Hotshot,” I said and winked at him. “Thanks for choosing StyleFocus as your Personal Shopper,” I said to his mother.

I turned around and waved goodbye over my shoulder. After I started the car and drove off, my heartbeat finally started to calm. A couple of moments later, my phone rang, and it was my dad.

“Hey, Dad!”

“Hey, Pumpkin. You’re coming over later?”

“Of course! Today is the first anniversary of StyleFocus. We need to celebrate!”

End of part one

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

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Date Night Discovery

Date Night Discovery – Other formats:


Date Night Discovery
Jason Crow

Date Night Discovery

“What are you looking at?” I asked, a bit snarky, as I noticed a guy staring at me from the bar. The man seemed like a typical hillbilly, so full of himself that he resembled a cartoon version of him. Despite his attempt to undress me with his eyes, I was here just to get hammered with my roommate and best friend, Gemma, and had no interest in him. However, when I checked on Gemma, I found her in a corner, kissing a guy whose hands roamed over her body. Great!

Gemma and I often went out together, and it wasn’t unusual for us to end the night separately, each going home with someone. Since I was twenty-five and she was a year older, we felt free to do as we pleased and had no problems doing so. We even ended up in bed together after a wild night, but we both agreed that we enjoyed the company of hot guys a lot more.

Finding attractive guys on a Saturday night like this wasn’t a challenge for us. We basically looked the same. Firm C-cup boobs that we loved to accentuate with loads of cleavage, smooth muscular bellies, and tight asses showcased in either tight jeans or short skirts. The only difference was Gemma’s blonde hair compared to my dark-brown locks. Currently, my hair cascaded in loose curls around my shoulders, though during the day, I usually wore it in a ponytail.

The hillbilly, who had been eyeing me, walked over. I sighed deeply, not in the mood to reject another guy, when I noticed someone else checking me out. He appeared a bit younger, and I even doubted if he was allowed to drink yet.

However, he looked amazing standing there. He was tall, blonde, had piercing blue eyes, and a tight white T-shirt showcasing his muscular chest and bronzed skin. I winked at him and put my hair behind my ear, signaling my interest. He responded with a warm smile, and I knew I had him hooked.

“Hi. I have to ask you… Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got FINE written all over you,” the guy who was eyeing me earlier said as he got close to me.

I looked at him as he checked me out from top to bottom. He looked at me as if I was a piece of meat, his face smug about his opening line. I opened my mouth to tell him to go fuck himself when the guy in the white T-shirt appeared.

“Really, dude? You think that kind of cheesy line will work on such a beautiful lady?”

“I… uhm…” the hillbilly stammered.

“Wanna dance?” the guy in the white T-shirt asked, extending his hand.

“Love to!”

We hit the dance floor, dancing for a few minutes before finding ourselves talking at one end of the room.

“I’m Steve,” he said, smiling broadly, and asked, “You want some pickup lines?”

I shook my head, but he didn’t wait for an answer. With a massive grin on his face, he began. “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.”

“Oh boy…” I said, laughing loudly.

“Don’t worry. There’s more where that came from,” he chuckled, “Like… Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?”


“Are you a magician? Because when I’m looking at you, you make everyone else disappear!”

“Stop it!” I laughed.

“I think your father is a thief! He stole two stars from heaven and put them in your beautiful eyes.”

He continued with pickup lines as if I wasn’t even there, a straight face intact. By now, I was laughing loudly and playfully slapped his chest.

“I’m not usually religious, but when I saw you, I knew you were the answer to my prayers.”

“I mean it! Stop it!” I said and kept my hand on his chest, enjoying the feeling of his muscular pecs under my fingers.

“I didn’t think anyone would actually use these lines anymore. That guy apparently didn’t get the memo.”

I wiped a tear from my eye and said, “Guess not. Thanks for saving me. I’m Carol.”

This was the start of a fantastic evening. We drank some drinks. Well… we drank a lot, actually. I learned that, according to his fake ID, Steve was twenty-one. But he actually was only nineteen. This put me off at first because I never went to bed with a guy this young.

But the more we talked and drank, the more attractive he became. He was sophisticated, funny, well-dressed, and simply looked like a young Adonis. I lay my hand on his jeans as we started kissing and slowly moved it toward his crotch. He didn’t object, and when I cupped the bulge in his pants, I was surprised by how well-endowed he felt.

“Wanna go to my place?” I asked, feeling the urge to get him inside me and ride his cock like a cowgirl.

“Sorry! I can’t,” he said, noticing my disappointment. “But we can go to my place if you want.”

“You’ve got your own place?”

“Well… not exactly. I still live with my parents. And my little brother is home alone now. I promised my dad that I’d watch him.”

“Oh…” I said, looking disappointed again.

“Don’t worry. He’s twelve and won’t bother us. I promise! And I think we can have a lot of fun together.”

He leaned in, nibbling on the sensitive spot under my ear, his hand moving up over my leg and under my skirt. The moment his fingers brushed over the laced front of my tiny string and his teeth gently scraped my neck, I was a goner.

“Let’s go,” I hoarsely said.

Steve ordered an Uber, and we headed out. As we stood outside waiting, I checked my phone and saw Gemma had sent me a text saying she was at our apartment with the guy she had met earlier. During the ride, Steve couldn’t keep his hands off me. I wasn’t a prude, but seeing the driver’s eyes constantly checking us out in the rear-view mirror was a bit of a turn-off. Despite that, I didn’t mind him squeezing my boobs every now and then.

We stopped at a huge mansion in a part of town I rarely visited since it was reserved for the wealthy. After my recent unemployment, I had even fewer reasons to be there.

As we walked toward the front door, I was amazed by the fantastic house Steve lived in. Okay, it was his father’s house, but still. It was modern, white with black accents, and the way the lights made it stand out in the night gave it a ‘fuck you, we’re loaded!’ vibe.

In the living room, the table in front of the TV was littered with a half-full pizza box, empty soda bottles, ice cream packages, and other stuff I couldn’t make out. But before I could take a good look at it, Steve was all over me.

As we went up to his room, I was stunned by how big this place was. But Steve was very good at keeping me occupied, so before I knew it, we were inside his room. I didn’t waste any time and dropped to my knees. After I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, I sucked in a breath.

Inside his white Calvin Klein boxers, a monster tented out the fabric. I couldn’t wait to see it, so I pulled the black waistband forward and freed his hard cock. It stood at a forty-five-degree angle from his hairless groin, and the seven, probably eight inches of throbbing meat was something I’d only seen in porn so far.

It was the first time I had sex with a guy who’d shaved himself. Somehow, this turned me on even more. I’d always thought it would feel like having sex with a little boy, but now that I looked at this massive cock on a hairless groin, I felt a tremble inside my cunt. I didn’t waste any more time, licked my lips, and eagerly went down on his massive pole.

It turned out that he knew how to use his tool! After I sucked him off for a while, cramping my jaws in the process, he entered me. Thankfully, he did it with care because I haven’t felt this stretched before. But once he started going, he was like the energizer rabbit. He came quickly, which he later blamed on my more than excellent blowjob. But after he came, he stayed hard and just kept on going.

We fucked for almost an hour, but after he came for the third time, it was over. I only managed one orgasm during this fucking frenzy, and that was when he went down on me. He was just too big for me to really push me over the edge. But maybe the alcohol had something to do with that, too.

“You’re staying the night?” Steve asked as he lay down next to me.

“If you don’t mind…”

“Of course not.”

We pulled up the thin bedsheets, each on our own side of the bed. Steve yawned loudly, and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

* * *


I opened my eyes, and it took me a moment to realize where I was. Steve was lying to my right with his back toward me and didn’t move.


I lifted my head and looked at the door. There, in the dim hallway light, was a smaller copy of the guy who was lying next to me. He was standing there in just his bright-green boxer briefs, looking helplessly into the room.

“Get lost, Bri,” Steve grumbled next to me.


The boy sniffed and looked so vulnerable as he stood there. But at the same time, I couldn’t help myself and let my eyes roam over his boyish body. I liked how his hairless body almost radiated in the hallway lights. This only lasted for the lesser half of a second, but I couldn’t deny it happened.

“I had a bad dream, and… my tummy hurts,” he softly said and sniffed again, “can I sleep with you?”

Steve didn’t respond, and I heard his breathing deepen, and he was asleep again.

“Well, that’s a dick move,” I thought to myself.

The boy shifted his weight from one foot to the other and was about to turn around. I was completely naked under the sheets, so I hesitated for a moment. But looking at his smooth, tight body and the thought of feeling it next to me triggered something inside. I didn’t want to admit it, but I found this young boy extremely interesting. And I blamed my motherly instincts for wanting to comfort him.

So, right before he turned around, I whispered, “Hey, kid! You can come over here if you want.”

His face lit up, and he strained his neck to see who I was. After a couple of seconds, he stepped into the room, tiptoed around the bed, and stood next to me. My eyes landed briefly on his crotch, and I was impressed by the bulge in his underwear. What was wrong with me? This was a freaking kid!

“Who are you?” he asked softly.

“I’m Carol. A friend of your brother. Who are you?”

“I’m Brian,” he said, and a sly smile spread across his face, which was an odd contrast with his puffy eyes.

“Lemme scoot over so you can get in.”

I turned to my left side so my back was toward Steve’s. I moved back a little and lifted the sheet a bit as an invitation for Brian to get in. I was careful to not lift it too high. He caught on and crawled into the bed with his back toward me. I draped my arm over his midsection and kissed his hair. He smelled like a mix of popcorn and axe body spray, which brought a smile to my face.

He scooted backward so his back was pressed against my front and chuckled. I felt my hard nipples press against his shoulder blades, but surprisingly, it didn’t bother me one bit.

“You’re naked,” he whispered secretively as if he told me something he wasn’t allowed to know.

“Yeah… didn’t bring my PJ’s with me.”

“Did you do… sexy stuff together?”

“That’s kind of a personal question,” I said and stroked the soft skin on his chest, “but, yeah. We did.”

“I thought so. I heard you guys earlier. Wha- OW!”

He cramped up and pushed his body firmer against mine. I felt sorry for the kid and tried soothing him by kissing him on his cheek.

“It’s my tummy…” he whined.

My hand moved down from his chest to rub him over his belly. Feeling his soft, velvety skin under my fingertips was something I’ve never felt before. Usually, there’d be hairs down there one way or the other, but this boy’s skin was as smooth as a baby’s ass. Feeling his developing muscles was a weird contrast, but I absolutely loved how it felt.

“Better?” I asked as I gently rubbed over his belly.

“I guess…”

“What’s wrong with your tummy?” I asked after gently rubbing it for a while.


“Did you eat too much ice cream, maybe?”


“Probably…” I chuckled.

“Steve lets me eat what I want as long as I don’t tell Mom or Dad.”

“I see. And where are your parents?”

“Mom is at a tennis tournament somewhere in Florida with her teacher. And Dad is on another business trip with his secretary.”

Oh wow! It can’t be more cliché than this. Filthy-rich parents pretending to be married but screwing around as much as they want. And their kids need to figure it out on their own. I felt sorry for the boy lying in front of me.

“Steve was supposed to watch me, but I don’t need a babysitter anymore. Had my birthday last month, and now I’m already twelve, you know?”

“I see. You’re a big boy”. I can tell.”

“Yeah… He does this all the time. Every Saturday evening, he buys me pizza and stuff so he can go out and find a girlfriend. He usually does…” Brian said and giggled as I put a finger in his belly button, ”Usually not as nice as you, by the way.”

It didn’t bother me one bit that Steve slept around like this. I did precisely the same, and we both knew what was happening here.

We were quiet for a few moments. As I rubbed his soft belly, an evil little voice whispered inside my head. It was wondering if this sweet boy was this soft and smooth everywhere… I dismissed this thought at first, but it just kept coming back, no matter how hard I pushed it away.

As if my hand had a mind of its own, it moved down and brushed the skin right along the elastic waistband of his boxers. I didn’t know what it was, but I just had to know. My fingers moved to the side of his little body, and right below his hipbone, his boxers had a tiny bit of space between his skin.

“How’s your tummy?” I whispered.

“A little better.”

I slid my fingers under the elastic waistband and moved them toward his front. They were still just under the waistband, but I wanted to see how he reacted to this.

I loved how his silky-smooth skin felt under my fingertips, and I whispered a soft “Good” into his ears.

“Yeah. Your fingers feel really good.”

As he said this, I slowly moved them down and rubbed my fingers in the same circular motion over his skin, just as I did on his tummy. I hoped this would keep up the pretense of helping him as I was aiming for my goal.

Further and further down I went. By now, I must be low enough to feel something, but he was still completely bare. The circles I was making with my fingers were smaller now, and a tingle shot through my pussy as I realized I was rubbing the pubic area of a twelve-year-old boy. I never knew I wanted this, but as I went down this path, I was amazed at how excited I was.

My heart was beating in my throat, and my pussy was slippery as hell by now. I was still a bit sore from being pounded by Steve’s big cock, but this quickly got to the background as my excitement grew.

When I accidentally brushed against the base of his boydick, he softly sucked in a breath. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome here or scare him off, so I moved a bit upwards again and whispered a soft, “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. This feels nice.”

I needed to divert the attention away, so I asked, “What was your dream about? I heard it helps to talk about your dreams.”

“Two big spiders were chasing me down an old house. Then I ran outside, and the garden was one big graveyard,” he whispered and took a deep breath.

“Sounds scary,” I said and kept making small circles with my fingers over his bare pubes.

“As I was running towards the gate, zombies came crawling out of the graves. I kept on running, but I tripped. And that’s when the zombies got to me. One of them bit me in my neck, and that’s when I woke up.”

“Poor boy… Think you can sleep now?” I asked and kept on moving my fingers around.

“I guess so…”

“Let’s try and get some sleep then, okay?” I said, kissing him on his ear and keeping my fingers inside his underwear.

“I was afraid you’d send me away…”

“Of course not. You can stay with me for the rest of the night.”

“You’re cool…”

“You too,” I chuckled.

I got comfortable, but I kept my hand where it was. I could relax my arm since my fingers were held in place by the elastic waistband. I felt the warmth of his young body against me, his soft, hairless skin under my fingers, and I knew, deep down, that I had tapped into some deep, hidden desires I never consciously realized I had.

His body relaxed in my arms, and his breathing deepened. I squeezed my legs together to release some of the building pressure and felt the long night and alcohol pushing me down to the land of the sleeping.

“Maybe it’s just the alcohol,” was the final, comforting thought thatshot through me right before I drifted off.

* * *

I felt a hand on my shoulder and movement behind me. I was still lying there with the twelve-year-old boy pressed against my naked body with my hand inside his underwear. But when a muscular chest pressed against my back, I felt a bit of panic.

“Hey,” Steve whispered, “I see you met Brian. Would you mind looking after him for a couple of hours?”

I turned my head to look at him and must’ve looked confused.

“He’s a good kid, but I’ve… I’ve got somewhere I need to be,” he said and showed his phone to somehow make his point.

“Uhm…” I mumbled, still half-sleeping but already excited to be alone with him.

“I’ll pay you!” he blurted, pressing his lower body against mine, “One way or the other…”

His seductive smile did nothing to me now. Last night, it had gotten me instantly wet, but seeing it now and feeling his soft, massive dick against my back, did absolutely nothing. I was feeling tired and wanted him to leave as quickly as possible, so I whispered, “Sure. No problem.”

“Thanks! You’re a lifesaver, uhm…”

“It’s Carol.”

“Thanks, Carol! Later.”

He gave me a kiss on my cheek and got out of bed. He was moving fast, and I figured it must be something important. In my arms, Brian slept like a baby and didn’t even flinch as the bed shook.

But I was instantly awake when I felt something brush against my fingers. It was a very brief contact, but a touch that made my pussy quiver. This was his little stiffie! And it was incredibly close to my fingers!

Now, I was fighting a mental battle about what to do. The sensible part of me told me I should pull my hand out of his undies. But the naughty part of me had to know what he felt like in the dick department. And that’s when I felt it touch my finger again.

I didn’t know what it was that pushed me over the edge. I was well aware that it was a million kinds of wrong to touch the dickie of a barely twelve-year-old boy. But somehow, it was different with this boy. At least, that’s what I told myself.

Ever so carefully, I moved my fingers upward. Almost immediately, I touched the skin of his shaft. The radiant heat coming from it wasn’t at all different from a grown man’s dick. I softly traced my fingers around the shaft so I could touch the underside and size him up properly. As I did this, I had goosebumps all over my body, and my pussy was instantly sopping wet again. But I didn’t care. I had a goal.

Once I had my fingers on the underside of his stiffie, I moved them down towards his balls. When I felt his dick move inside his body and his sack started, I stopped moving down. It was difficult to move further down without moving my body and wake him. And I wasn’t here for his little balls. I wanted to feel what he was packing.

I took a breath to steady my nerves and moved my fingers. My thumb and index finger were at each side of his shaft, and my middle finger was in the middle. I didn’t know what to expect when I started sliding upward. Two, maybe three inches of throbbing boy meat?

I slowly moved my fingers, savoring every piece of him and careful not to wake him. My pussy contracted sharply when it really dawned on me what I was doing. The moment I reached his cut glans, I realized he was big. It was probably four, four-and-a-half inches without his cock head. He was made from the same gene pool as his massively hung brother, so it shouldn’t be a surprise. But this only added to the youthful sexiness this boy oozed. 

I was careful around his glans because this was his most sensitive spot, and I definitely didn’t want to wake him and explain what I was doing. But there was just one more thing I had to know. So, I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and gripped it. I was only touching it and careful not to squeeze or stimulate it in any way. I was surprised by its slenderness. Because of his brother’s monster between his legs, I had expected the same here. But he clearly had some growing to do in the girth department. I didn’t care. I fucking loved his long, slender cock in my fist. And at that moment, I didn’t care that it belonged to a young boy.

This soft, sexy body in my arms had unlocked a part of me that I knew had always been there but hidden deeply away in the crypts of my core. I had just pushed it away every time it roared its ugly head. But the smooth, shaven body of his brother and this young adolescent sexiness in my arms were just too much. It had blown off the lid from this part of my soul, and it would never get back on. There was no more denying. I loved boys!

This epiphany didn’t upset me as much as I expected. I had always known. I was just too chicken to accept this fact. But now that I did, I didn’t know what to do with it. Should I jack him? Should I wake him and let him fuck my brain out? Should I do nothing and hope my feelings will go down eventually?

After giving it some thought, I figured it was probably best to do nothing. My female body was a weapon here. This boy was probably curious about girls and women, and I would use that to my advantage. It was best to let him set the pace here. But this didn’t mean I had to let go of his hard boydick! If he’d wake up and have a problem with it, I could always say it happened in my sleep and get away with it.

I figured I might try and get some sleep. Not that I’d be able to sleep like this, but there was no harm in trying. I gave it a gentle squeeze, and it tried twitching in my fist. He didn’t move a muscle, and I smiled broadly. I couldn’t control myself and did it again with the same result.

I resisted the temptation to do more and settled in again despite knowing it was probably useless.

* * *

I was startled by the movement next to me. My arm was still draped over Brian’s body, and my hand was on his hip now. My underarm was on his pubic bone, but I couldn’t feel his dick. I panicked for a moment. Did he wake up with my fist around his stiffie? But since he was still living here and not squirming away from me, I was probably okay.

He softly chuckled. I could hardly hear it, but I felt his body shake a little as he did. I fluttered my eyes and opened them. Seeing his angelic, Adonis-like face in the golden morning light made my heart melt instantly. His eyes were locked on my chest, and he didn’t even realize I was awake.

Inside his underwear, there was movement. As he was checking out my boobs, he grew hard. Before long, I felt him press against my underarm. I didn’t move and made sure to feel as much of his boner as possible.

When he chuckled again, I asked, “What’s up?”

“Your boobs are showing.”

“So?” I asked and moved my body a bit so my arms weren’t in the way anymore, and he could see them better. As I did this, my hand rested right on his boner. But he was so focused on my tits that he didn’t even notice.

“I’ve never seen boobs before.”

“You can look. I don’t mind.”

“They’re cool.”

“Thanks!” I said, hesitated for a moment, and said, “You can touch them if you want.”

“Really?” he asked, and his face lit up.

His boner twitched violently under my fingers, but he didn’t seem to notice. Because my hand was touching him in its entirety, I could size him up even more accurately. One thing was clear. He was big for his tiny frame!

Reluctantly, I lifted my hand from his underwear-clad boner and turned to my back to give him all the access he needed. I smiled warmly at him as he looked nervously at me. He extended his hand, and I saw it was shaking a bit, which was adorably cute. But the moment his hand touched my right boob and he squeezed it softly, all the cuteness was gone. The electricity that shot through me went from the back of my spine straight into my sopping wet cunt.

This pubescent boy feeling me up was incredibly sexy, naughty, and forbidden at the same time. I absolutely loved it and wanted nothing more than to keep this up.

But Brian didn’t need encouragement. He was bold enough to fondle my boob and switch to the other one without me urging him on. He started toying with my rock-hard nipple, squeezing it gently. I let out a soft moan as he did this, and he looked worriedly at me.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No. Not at all!” I said, smiling warmly at him, “This feels really good.”

“You’re so soft…” he whispered to no one in particular and continued feeling me up.

I loved what he was doing to me. But I was so horned up by now that I wanted to take this a step further. So, with my foot, I started sliding down the bedsheet. Brian didn’t notice and just kept squeezing my boobs. I glanced down, seeing I was lying there completely naked now without the sheet covering me. He was lying there in his bright green boxers, with an unmistakable tent inside.

As if he snapped out of a trance, he looked down at my body and whispered, “WOW!”

“If you want to, you can also touch me there. I don’t mind,” I said as casually as possible.

He swallowed audibly, nodded, and moved his hands over my belly toward my pussy. He didn’t take it slowly. He had a goal, and he wanted it now. But his fingers felt electric on my skin, nevertheless.

“You’ve got hairs down there,” he said as he brushed his fingers over the top of my neatly trimmed Brazilian.

“Yeah,” my trembling voice managed to croak.

I was having a hard time keeping it together as this small Adonis explored my most intimate parts.

“Steve doesn’t have hairs,” he said, his hands going lower and lower, exploring every inch between my legs, “he shaves it.”

“I grpg-“ I groaned as he brushed over my lips. I cleared my throat and calmed my nerves. “I know. I noticed last night.”


After a couple of moments, he perked up, lifted his head to look at me, and excitedly asked, “Hey! I’ve got a couple of hairs now. Wanna see?”

Did I want to see? Really?! This adorable innocence was new to me, but it reminded me he was still just a boy.

“I’d love to!” I answered, equally excited, without sounding creepy.

A strange emptiness washed over me when he let go of my body and turned to his back. But I knew I was in for a treat, so the emptiness quickly made way for excitement. He pulled down the front of his boxers and exposed his bare pubes. I felt my mouth water as I looked at his groin.

“See?” he said proudly.

Beside his sexy, slightly muscular belly with bare pubes and the hint of his dick’s base, I didn’t see anything. Not a single hair was there. He must’ve seen me looking because he softly said, “You’ll have to look closer…”

He didn’t have to tell me twice! I moved in closer, and as my face was inches away from his groin, I smelled a sweet, musky scent I came to love so much after I smelled it for the first time on this young stud.

“Here!” he said and pointed at a barely noticeable blonde hair right above the base of his dick.

I had to stifle a giggle but nodded enthusiastically to put him at ease. I started feeling bold, extended my fingers, and touched it. I noticed a tiny other one and rubbed it, too.

“Here’s another one.”


An idea popped up as I felt myself grow slipperier by the minute. So, I looked him in the eye and asked, “Want me to check your balls?”

This made him visibly uncomfortable, and I knew I had to act quickly. I smiled my warmest smile and said, “You’re getting bigger now, so there might be some hairs down there now.”

“But… I…”

“Don’t worry,” I said soothingly.

I didn’t give him time to think and started pulling at the legs of his boxers. He didn’t protest or stop me, but he wasn’t actively helping me either. But I didn’t care. I had to see him. All of him. I made up my mind then and there that I’d do everything I could to teach him how to have sex with a woman. And I was going to be that woman!

The moment his boxers got caught under his ass, he lifted his hips, and they slid down halfway past his upper legs. My eyes immediately went to his hard boy cock between his legs. And I was genuinely impressed. I’ve been fucked by grown guys smaller than this barely twelve-year-old boy. Up until now, I only had a mental picture of it by using my fingers. But now I saw him in all his glory, and I could see he was five inches from his cut tip to his base. His shaft was as thick as my thumb, which only accentuated his length. The small, marble-sized balls inside his hairless sack completed this sexy stud next to me.

I pulled his boxers off completely before he could stop me and drank in the sight. He looked insecure and vulnerable but also sexy as fuck lying there for me to play with. I kept up the pretense of checking his sac and let my fingers roam all over it and the base of his dick.

“You’re really a big boy!” I said hoarsely and wrapped my hand around his shaft.

“Aaahh!” he grunted.

I smiled at his reaction. I was probably the first person besides himself ever who ever touched his boner. I moved my hand upward, and he whimpered softly as I did this.

“You like this, huh?”

He nodded vigorously as I slowly moved my fist up and down over his slender erection. He fitted perfectly in my fist, and I was amazed at how sensitive he was, especially around his blunt dickhead. He was rock-hard, and as it slid through my fist, I knew then and there that I needed him to fuck me. But if I’d let him enter me now, he’d probably last only a few seconds. I needed him to cum first, so we could both enjoy his devirgination to the max.

All my inhibitions were gone by now. I was going to fuck this boy’s virginity away, and I’d make it count! Before I knew it, my lips wrapped around his dickhead, and I tasted his sweet but still boyish musky taste of his dick. There was a hint of saltiness mixed with the sweet bitterness of a day without a shower. I abso-fucking-lutely loved it!

“Wha- what are you… ooohhh…” Brian moaned as he realized what was happening.

His long, slender cock fitted perfectly in my mouth. It was long enough to hit the back of my throat and thin enough so I could work my tongue the way I wanted. Every time I lapped over the underside of his cock head, he squirmed and moaned louder. This kid was experiencing all sorts of new feelings he couldn’t place, but he clearly loved every second of it.

I moved my hand from the base of his young cock and started toying with his lovely little balls. The squirming and moaning got even more intense as I did this, and I heard his breathing getting shallower. Good!

His balls pulled up in his sack, a clear indication he was about to cum. In the corner of my eye, I saw his hands gripping the sheet and his knuckles white from clenching his fists.

His ass lifted off the bed, and he started fucking my mouth. He was rapidly approaching the point of no return, and I wondered if this was his first-ever orgasm or not. And was he able to shoot cum or not? If he could, what would it taste like?

All these thoughts shot through my head as I gave this cute little blonde his first-ever blowjob. And when he whimpered, “Stop! I’m… gonna… pee…” I knew it was his first. And I was the one to give it to him! He’d remember me forever, and an incredible sense of pride and power washed over me.

He tried squirming away from under me, but I didn’t let him. I doubled my efforts, and a moment later, his thin boy cock thickened in my mouth. A high-pitched groan filled the room, and when his dick started kicking in my mouth, my pussy contracted sharply, and I almost came without touching myself.

His dick kicked violently at least seven or eight times as it tried shooting his non-existent sperm into my mouth. He was firing blanks, and I was ever so slightly disappointed by that because I was extremely curious about its taste. But at the same time, it was exciting as fuck to get a boy this young off.

After the twitching of his cock died down, he collapsed on the bed and was completely limp. With an obscene pop, I let his dick get out of my mouth and looked at him to see if he was alright. He was looking wide-eyed at me, and his face was a mix of excitement and wonder. Now that I could look at him properly in all his naked glory, I let my eyes roam over his young, sexy body and made as many mental pictures as possible. I knew I’d get off on this for months!

“What was…” he panted.

“That was a blowjob,” I smiled and laid down next to him and draped my arm over his chest to caress his chest and belly.

“And when I… I thought I needed to pee, but…”

“That was an orgasm. Or cum, which is a word I like better. You’re really a big boy now!”

“Wow!” he exclaimed. Next, he propped himself up on his elbows and excitedly asked, “That was… can we do that again?”

I chuckled at the expression on his face and his shameless eagerness. I let my hand wander down, and as I wrapped my fingers around his boner, I wasn’t surprised he hadn’t lost any of his stiffness.

“Sure! What do you wanna do?”

“Dunno…” but as a wicked grin spread across his face, I knew what he wanted.

“What?” I asked innocently, feeling my dripping cunt contract again.

“Can we do, you know… real sex stuff?”

A tremble shot through me, and I asked, “Real sex stuff?” as if I didn’t know what he meant.

“Yeah… when I stick my, you know… in your…” his boner twitched in my fist as he said this, and his face and upper chest turned crimson red.

“I think we can do that,” I said, smiling wickedly myself. His blush faded away, and his face lit up, “But only if you use the grown-up words for it…”

“Wh- what… oh!” he whispered, but as my words landed, his blush was back with a vengeance.

 I squeezed his dick but didn’t make any move. I wanted this sexy young stud to say it himself. I didn’t know why I wanted it, but the idea alone was an immense turn-on.

“I… I wanna… fuck… you!”

“Hmmmm…” I purred, “I want you to fuck me too!”

He quickly got up from the mattress and sat on his knees between my spread legs. I looked down, and between my tits was this bronzed young, slightly muscular blonde boy with his hard cock sticking up from his groin. If this was the last thing I ever saw, I’d die a happy woman.

“Where… where do I put my thingy?”

“Grown-up words, remember?”

“Where does my… dick… go?”

Good enough.

I spread my lips and pointed at my opening. I couldn’t resist the urge and slid my index finger inside. A shiver shot through me, and I almost came as I looked at his amazed face. As I pulled my finger out, he nodded ever so slightly and scooted forward.

He grabbed the base of his cock, moved his body, and aimed at my opening. The moment his blunt dickhead touched the entrance of my pussy, I had to resist the urge to push him inside with my legs. But I had to keep my cool and not scare the little kid away. So, I steadied my nerves, took a deep breath, and hoarsely whispered, “Good! Now push it in…”

He swallowed audibly, and the tip of his tongue peeked out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on his task. It was incredibly adorable and blazing hot at the same time.

But as he entered me, I started to lose my cool. My dripping cunt was on fire, and the preteen cock that was entering me only added to the fire. He was about halfway inside when I couldn’t take it any longer. He was moving so slowly that it almost hurt. It was cute he was being careful, but I needed him to fuck my brains out!

So, I grabbed him by his arms and pulled him on top of me. It was a little rougher than I intended, but he didn’t seem to mind too much. Once his whole body lay on top of me, I placed my hands on his cute little butt and whispered, “Fuck me, big boy… fuck me!!”

With one final push of his hips, he was completely inside. His hairless groin pressed firmly against my clit, and his eyes locked onto mine. His mouth was open, and the look of amazement on his face matched my feeling of victory for having this boy inside and on top of me.

“Ohh… you…” he groaned and held himself perfectly still.

I was so close to cumming at that moment that even the slightest movement would set me off. But he kept lying still on top of me, and his slender cock didn’t move an inch. The combination of his small body and thin cock was unbelievably hot. I had expected to be a little disappointed by it, especially after being fucked by the thick monster his brother was packing. But the opposite was true! Because he was thinner than anyone I had ever fucked before, my pussy had more room to move but was still stimulated over its entire length.

And because of his small frame, his head was on my tits and not breathing down my face, which wasn’t that pleasant most of the time either. These two things combined were my definitive confirmation that I only wanted to fuck young boys from that moment on. But my young lover still hadn’t moved an inch, so I squeezed one of his ass cheeks and said, “Start moving. It’s even better.”

“I just move my thi-… dick in and out now?”

Another tremble shot through me as he said this, and I could only nod. Under my fingers, I felt the skin of his ass move. It was delicate and firm at the same time, and I could feel every muscle move under his soft, hairless skin. The moment his cock started sliding back, I let out a groan. I couldn’t help myself anymore. But my inexperienced lover stopped moving immediately and looked worriedly at me.

“Did I hurt you?”

“Oh no! You’re doing great! It feels so good. I can’t hold back my moans!”

A light clicked on inside his head, and he asked, “Are you gonna make a cum too?”

Hearing him talk with this enthusiasm and naivety was so amazing that I just had to talk dirty to him. So, I looked him deep into his eyes and said, “Your stiff cock is so perfect! If you start fucking me good and strong, I’ll cum so hard, you’re never gonna believe it. My hot cunt will suck your cock dry, I promise!”

His insecure look made way for a shit-eating grin. And he started pulling back again. But way too soon, he pushed back in. It was frustrating knowing his five-incher had more room to move and more chances to please me. But he needed to figure this out for himself.

When his bald pubes smashed against my clit again, I felt I was already at the peak of my arousal, and another moan escaped my lips. But this time, he didn’t stop. He pulled back, and as the rim of his dickhead slowly slid out, I felt my insides ripple over his shaft. I’ve never felt this before. But then again, I was usually fucked by thicker cocks.

He pulled back further than last time, and I wondered when he’d stop. It was obvious he was completely inexperienced because last time, he had pulled back less than halfway, and now he kept on going. I tried pushing on his ass to warn him, but a heartbeat later, he slipped out, and his wet dickhead rubbed over that sensitive spot between my asshole and pussy.

“I’m… I’m sorry,” he stammered but didn’t make a move.

My right hand sneaked between our bodies, and I quickly lined him up again. I smiled at his worried face, but when his dickhead slid in, he grinned and pushed inside. He didn’t go slow this time, though. He pushed in hard, and his groin slapped against mine.

All this clumsiness, combined with another push of his soft, bald pubes against my clit, pushed me over the edge unexpectedly. Usually, my build-up was way longer and almost agonizingly slow. But this time, this smooth little boy with his long, slender, but rock-hard cock pushed me over instantly. The combination of being fucked by a cuter-than-cute boy this young, the dirty talk, the clumsy inexperience, and the look of wonder on his face was just too much.

I firmly grabbed his ass as the waves of pleasure rolled over me. My pussy had enough room to contract but was filled up enough to still be stimulated by this thin, throbbing piece of flesh. I had to shut my eyes, arced my back, and grunted deeply. But this green-as-grass young lover between my thighs didn’t give a shit about it. He just kept sliding in and out of me. And I didn’t care one bit.

With the thicker cocks, I needed time and space to let my orgasm hit me. But with this young lad pounding away, it didn’t matter. Heck, it was way better than I’d ever had in my whole life! I couldn’t stop moaning as my orgasm kept rumbling, and this boy kept stimulating me. It was like a perfect storm. My cum urged him on, and his prepubescent cock kept enhancing my orgasm.

Our bodies merged into one as I lost my connection with reality. I squeezed his ass, moaned incoherent sentences, and only saw his blonde little concentrated face in front of mine. Everything else was gone. It was just this fantastic fuck, and the one long orgasm that came with it.

But this couldn’t last forever. In front of me, his concentrated face morphed into one of pure lust and excitement. He was slamming his groin against mine with such force now that a grown man would hurt me. But his tiny frame and small hips weren’t capable of this yet.

When his eyes crossed and he slammed into me even firmer and stayed there, I knew it was happening. The mere thought of his young cock trying to shoot his jizz into me was enough to push me even harder down the rabbit hole my current orgasm had become.

I felt him thicken, and his eyes crossed. My pussy was gripping him firmly, and as he let out a loud, “Aaaahhh!!!” his five inches of boy meat started kicking inside me furiously. This caused all the muscles in my lower abdomen to spasm, and I was sure I’d have a muscle ache for days because of its strength. Even though nothing came out, his cock tried all it could to shoot deep inside of me. With grown men, their dicks would kick four or five, maybe six times. But this young stud’s cock just kept on kicking, sending me off again!

I lost count by then, but looking back, it was like one big organic orgasm, and the separate ones had morphed into one. After he came, he dropped down and lay his body on top of mine. I kissed him on his neck and rubbed him gently over his back, letting him enjoy his devirginizing first fuck. Damn! I took this boy’s virginity! He’d remember me for the rest of his life. And if he even knew how good it was for me!

This was the moment it really dawned on me that I only wanted to fuck young, virgin boys from that moment on. I knew it was a gazillion kinds of wrong, but I didn’t care! I never had the urge to be married with children, and I was perfectly fine on my own. I just wanted to get fucked regularly, and I knew I could pull this off. I just had to work for it, but the reward was well worth it!

Brian was regaining his breath, but his little cock was still rock-hard. “Another perk of fucking young boys!” I thought to myself. I squeezed my pussy, causing his dick to twitch, and the cutest giggle came from his mouth. He lifted his head and smiled wickedly at me, a smile that melted my insides.

“Now you’ve made your cum, didn’t you?”

I’d have to explain to him how to talk about sex, but now I opted for a simple reply. “Oh yeah! You did great!”

“Did I give you your cum?”

“You sure did! More than once, actually!”

“Oh wow… cool!”

Seeing his proud face was just too cute. I leaned in and kissed him on his girlish lips. My little loverboy immediately caught on and kissed me back hungrily. I squeezed my pussy again and was pleased he responded with another twitch of his boner. Good! He hadn’t lost any of his stiffness.

He broke the kiss, slid his hips back and forth, and eagerly asked, “Can we do it again?”

“Sure! But… when will your brother be back?”

“Dunno. He’s usually back at two. He’s at Aunt Julie’s. He always goes there on a Sunday when Mom and Dad are gone. I think they do sexy stuff because he always smells… different when he gets home.”

I couldn’t blame his aunt. Steve was a good fuck. A very good fuck, actually. But as I checked the alarm clock on the nightstand, I was thrilled to see we still had over four hours of fun ahead of us.

We fucked three more times that morning. This stud just kept on going! We headed over to the bathroom, and he finally went limp as we walked. But I would have none of that. So, during the shower we took together, I sucked him off the best I could, and we had our final fuck in there.

After Steve got home, he thanked me extensively and offered to give me my payment upstairs. Brian was right, and he did smell like sex. Good for them! But I smiled warmly at Steve, politely turned down his offer, and winked at Brian, who chuckled softly.  

We said our goodbyes, and when my Uber arrived, Brian and Steve waved goodbye. As I walked up to the door of my apartment, Gemma just waved a good-looking jock goodbye, and as we passed each other in the hallway, we nodded politely to each other, the grin on the guy’s face saying it all.

“And?” Gemma asked, “Was your fuck as good as mine?”

“Better!” I smiled.

I thought about little Brian all week. I just couldn’t get him out of my head. Every night, I fingered myself silly with images of his magnificent body filling my head. When Gemma asked me to go dancing with her next Saturday, I came up with a lame excuse. The moment she was gone, I stepped into my car and drove over to Brian. I parked a little out of sight, but I could still see the front door of the mansion. Sure enough, only ten minutes after I arrived, Steve came out of the front door, all dressed up, and I heard him say, “Don’t wait up, Bri! I’ll probably be back tomorrow at two!”

He shut the front door and stepped into a car that pulled up. I couldn’t see her properly, but I guessed her to be in her mid-forties and, judging by her Mercedes, a wealthy woman. It wouldn’t surprise me if this was his aunt making a booty call.

I waited another five minutes, slipped off my underwear, straightened my skirt, and walked over to the front door. When Brian opened the door, he excitedly slammed his body into mine in a firm hug and said, “You’re back!”

I sure was, and I was in for another night of countless sex with a hot, preteen boy.

The end

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Hoc videre posset altera pars

P.S. Are you interested in the process of how I created images?? Here’s a link to a couple of the images that didn’t make it.


In the Deep End – Part two

In the Deep End

In the Deep End – Part two

Freshly showered, shaved, plucked, and most anything else she could think of to avoid the inevitable return to the madhouse, Janice put on her bikini and prepared to go out into the hallway. She now wished she’d brought more modest swimwear, but it hadn’t even occurred to her. Not that there was anything wrong with the bikini. It wasn’t particularly daring in any way, just a simple black swimsuit that for some reason now struck her as incredibly sexy.

Poking her head into the hallway, she was relieved to find she was alone. She’d almost expected Emily to be waiting for her. She went with some trepidation back downstairs. Perhaps she could talk the kids into going out, she thought suddenly. Putt putt. Did kids do putt putt anymore? That seemed like a safe activity. However, looking down at her bikini she realized she was pretty much committed. Besides, what was she so worried about? She was the adult here. She was in charge.

Filled with new determination, she marched to the back of the house. She knew the pool was in the back, a huge, glass enclosed structure surrounded outside with a large, private lawn, hidden by high shrubs and a security fence beyond that. The pool was through a set of glass doors in the living room, and as she neared she got an idea of the size, which was impressive. She’d only gotten a vague impression the night before, as the pool had been dark.

The pool was long. She knew the kids were both swimmers, with Emily being the distance swimmer and Logan being the diver. Their father had indulged them and installed a twenty-five meter pool equipped with starter blocks and an impressive five, three, and one meter dive platform as well as diving boards. The depth of the swimming lane section was six feet along it’s length, but there was a shallow section off to the side for lounging. The deep end under the diving boards and platform was thirteen feet.

Janice saw someone moving in the pool, a sleek form moving gracefully through the water. As she slid open the door she was hit with the smell of chlorine and the clean scent of plants, which were sprinkled throughout to mask the scent of the former. Sound echoed differently in the large space, and she could hear the swimmer now.

Apparently they could hear her as well, as a blonde head came to a stop and made it’s way to the side of the pool. “Hi, Aunt Janice!” Emily called. She waved an arm, beckoning her. “C’mon in!”

Janice lifted a hand in greeting and stepped forward. She realized she’d forgotten to close the door, but when she turned to do so she found Logan standing there. The boy was still in the same briefs from that morning. There was no longer a wet spot on the front, and he didn’t seem to be erect any longer, his penis just a small lump in the material now.

“You should ask her,” he called, obviously talking to his sister.

“But mom said,” Emily whined.

The boy crossed his thin arms across his skinny chest and said, “You should still ask her.”

“She’s family,” Emily insisted.

“Ask me what?” Janice asked.

Logan sighed and explained, “When it’s just family, we’re allowed to swim naked. I told Em she should ask before just doing it, but,” and he leaned around and pitched his voice louder, “she just doesn’t listen.”

“She’s family,” Emily repeated.

“Uh…” Janice stalled, “guys, I’m not sure how comfortable I feel with that.”

“See?” Logan said. “I told you.”

“You mean I gotta put my stupid suit on?” Emily responded.

“You’re not wearing anything now?” Janice asked, surprised.

“No,” Emily said, and suddenly she lifted the top half of her body out of the pool. Janice couldn’t help but lock onto the girl’s budding little breasts, shining with wetness. Seeing her aunt hesitate, she asked, with just a hint of coyness, “Do I really have to?”

“I… I don’t…” Janice stammered. “I don’t want you guys to feel uncomfortable in your own house,” she finally said. She wasn’t sure if it was the right decision. She wasn’t sure there was a right decision.

“Yay!” Emily cried, slipping back down into the pool without a sound.

“So I suppose you’ll -” Janice began, turning to her nephew, but she was startled to find he’d already shucked off his briefs and was standing next to her completely naked. She hurriedly avoided looking at him.

“Are you going to take yours off?” Logan inquired.

“Uh… I think I’m just going to sit and relax for a bit,” Janice said, not even turning her head to look at him.

She sensed more than saw his shrug, and then he was trotting past her, his pert little ass flashing as he picked up speed and dove with all the grace of an otter into the pool. Janice had seen no tan lines there, his taut ass just as dark as the rest of him. Emily by this time surfaced on the far side, and Logan soon joined her. Finding a lawn chair, Janice sank into it, aware that the kids were speaking in low voices together.

Janice worried what they might have planned, and then chastised herself for imaging that there was any sort of planning going on at all. After a few moments and a final entreaty from Emily to join them which Janice waved off, the kids set about playing together.

Janice was happy to find a book on a small table next to the lounger. It was some schlocky romance novel, the type she knew her sister loved to read. She tried to get into it, only occasionally glancing up when she saw one nude sibling or the other run by, luckily far enough away that she didn’t get a lot of detail. Both of the kids wanted her to watch them dive, Logan doing some impressive somersaults off the five meter board, but again, distance kept all but the vaguest details of their bodies from her, which was fine with her.

It wasn’t until she heard the voice nearly right over her that she realized she’d fallen into the story in spite of herself and hadn’t even realized that the kids had walked up on her. “You said you’d come swimming,” Emily reminded her.

Startled, Janice glanced up to find Emily was standing right at the foot of the lounger. The girl’s sleek young body was shining wetly, highlighting her burgeoning curves. She had her hands on each of her slightly cocked hips, clearly displaying herself. Her tiny nipples were erect, her breasts small, but deliciously pert, just beginning to round. Water dripped down over her stomach into a thin little dusting of dark blonde pubic hair, pasted against her little mound. She was standing with her legs far enough apart for Janice to see the sleek pink lips of her vagina.

Tearing her eyes away just led her into more trouble, as Logan was standing practically at her left shoulder, and a glance had her staring directly at his crotch. No expert on penises, she could only think of the Seinfeld episode and the joke about shrinkage. She imagined that must be the case here, as Logan’s naked penis didn’t at all resemble what she imagined it must have looked like this morning, had he been naked then. It was less than two inches long, and she could see rows of wrinkles along it’s pale length. The bit on the end was a bit bluish, perhaps from the water she thought, and the little wrinkled bag which hung underneath was hugged up close, allowing her to see two grape-sized shapes within. Logan, like his sister, had only a light dusting of silky hairs at the base of his penis, probably darker than usual for being wet. Her final analysis, after a moment of thought, was that it was sort of adorable.

“I did say I’d swim,” Janice said. “I just got caught up in this book.”

“Swimming is more fun,” Emily assured her. “C’mon!”

Trapped, Janice swung her legs off to the left of the lounger. Unfortunately, this left her less than a foot away from Logan’s penis. “Okay, let’s go,” she said.

“Are you gonna take off your suit?” Emily asked.

“Does your mom swim with you naked?” Janice had to know.

“Sure, all the time,” Emily said.

“And what about your dad?” Janice asked, curious as to what was going on in this house.

“Well,” the girl paused, “not with Daddy. Not anymore.”

“Not anymore?” Janice asked, curious despite herself.

Emily giggled, “Because Daddy kept getting boners. Like Logan but a lot bigger.”

Apparently feeling slighted in some way, Logan said, “Only because you were always rubbing against him.”

“It’s called hugging, dummy,” Emily responded and proceeded to stick her tongue out at her older brother.

“It’s not hugging when Dad is layin’ down and you sit on top of his thing while you’re both naked and start rubbing. It’s called humping.”

Wow, Rachael thought, no wonder Ray wouldn’t swim in the nude with them.

Emily shrugged as if the semantics bored her.

“But you two swim naked together?” Janice pressed, although the answer was obvious. She just couldn’t understand how two such obviously sexually charged kids could do that and not… well, she wouldn’t allow herself to think of that.

“Of course,” Emily said, moving over to her brother. There was a sudden twinkle in the girl’s eyes that Janice didn’t like. Janice watched as the girl slid herself up under her brother’s left arm, so that it was around her neck. She hugged herself to his side, her left hand reaching out to lightly caress his stomach. Logan’s hand hovered awkwardly between the girl’s small breasts. A quick glance showed Janice that Logan wasn’t entirely comfortable with the move and she knew that the girl was definitely the aggressor in their relationship, whatever it was.

“Are you gonna take off your suit?” Emily repeated. Her hand slid a couple of inches downward along her brother’s slick body, moving playfully just below his innie navel. “Logan wants to see your boobs,” Emily grinned.

“I do not!” Logan protested, turning crimson, but there wasn’t a lot of power in his voice, and his eyes flicked guiltily towards her breasts and then away.

Janice was trying to formulate a response as she watched Emily’s fingers slip brazenly downward, her eyes daring her to say something. The woman swallowed as she watched her niece begin to playfully run her finger through her brother’s sparse pubic hair.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Janice managed to croak.

“What do you mean?” Emily grinned, her finger not stopping.

“Emily, that’s not appropriate,” Janice said, but there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice she didn’t like and that surely the perceptive little girl picked up on.

“What isn’t?” Emily teased, and then she ran a finger down along the short length of Logan’s penis before gently taking it between thumb and forefinger.

“Em,” Logan said warily, glancing nervously at his aunt.

Janice didn’t know why she was allowing herself to be drawn into this discussion, nor why she couldn’t tear her eyes away. Already Logan’s small member was beginning to lengthen as Emily gently tugged on it.

“You guys are brother and sister,” Janice said. “You shouldn’t touch each other like that.”

“But Logan likes it, don’t you, Logan?” Emily replied reasonably. When she reached down to caress the boy’s small testicles his penis remained sticking straight out, but continued to lengthen and lift with each heartbeat.

Within just a few moments, Janice finally got to see what she imagined she’d have seen at breakfast if Logan had simply walked into the kitchen naked. Gone were the wrinkles. What she saw now was a smooth tube of pale flesh, standing almost perfectly upright, although with the slightest of curves to the left, and quivering with hardness. The little glans was now gaining more of a pinkish hue, and had widened, but was still a bit thinner than the shaft beneath, a sleek bullet shape. Head met shaft at a little V-juncture, where a tiny membrane of skin sat and melted into a slight collar of thicker skin that she took to be the remnants of his foreskin.

Along the shaft was what looked like some sort of thick tube underneath the flesh, and she could see traceries of red veins along its length. Down below, under his sister’s gentle ministrations, Logan’s teen scrotum was loosening, making it easier for his sister to manipulate the delicate little balls within. Janice estimated that the boy’s penis was just over four inches, and maybe an inch thick. While still not the discomfort-inducing things she remembered from her previous sexual encounters with men, it was still more formidable than it had been just moments before.

“See?” Emily said, wrapping her tiny fist around her brother’s erection; all the evidence needed to prove that Logan did indeed like being touched there.

“Do you do that in front of your mom as well?” Janice asked.

“Well, not like this,” Emily said, sensuously stroking her hand up and down the boy’s shaft a few times. Logan squirmed. “But sometimes when he gets a boner I’ll just squeeze it to tease him.”

“And your mom is okay with that?” Janice asked, disbelieving.

“She thinks it’s kinda funny,” Emily said. “She says not to be mean and tease him, but she usually laughs when she says it. And sometimes she squeezes it, too.” Emily giggled. “She baby talks to it. She calls it Little Logan. Like,” and she adopted a baby voice, “Is Widdle Wogan all stiffy wiffy? Poor baby.” Emily laughed. “Once she even said she was gonna kiss it and make it feel better, but she didn’t. But I do, don’t I, Logan?” she finished sweetly.

“Em!” Logan said, with real warning in his voice now.

Janice felt her eyes widening in shock.

Seeing her aunt’s reaction, Emily said, “Wanna see?” and she immediately dropped to her knees and pulled on Logan’s erect penis so that he had no choice but to turn to face her.

“Em, stop!” Logan said, casting a frantic look at his aunt.

Janice knew she should be the one saying something, but it was like she’d been struck mute and she watched as Emily pulled her brother’s cock down until it was sticking straight out, and then she carefully wrapped her lips around it.

“Em,” Logan tried again, but this time there was no force at all in his voice as his sister slid forward, taking more and more of his teen cock into her mouth.

Once the girl’s lips encountered the silky-haired base she pulled back slowly, until the shiny tip slid with a soft sound out of her mouth, but the preteen girl wasn’t quite finished, using her tiny pink tongue to swirl a sensuous circle around the shiny cockhead and taking just the tip back between her lips again for a couple of bobbing strokes. Then, releasing it from her mouth, but still holding it down to point at her face, she turned a triumphant look at her aunt, her eyes dancing mischievously.

“Have you ever sucked a boy’s thing before?” the girl asked.

Janice shook her head mutely.

“You might like it,” the girl said. “Do you wanna try? I could show you how.”

The urge to lean forward and take that shiny tube of young flesh into her mouth was suddenly a very real one, and Janice, shocked, recoiled. What the hell was she thinking?

“I have to go,” she said weakly, but she was stopped by two things. The first was the fact that in order to stand she’d have to move even closer to Logan’s tantalizing young erection, and the second was the fact that she didn’t think her legs would support her. She also realized, to her shame, that she was soaked through, and her pussy was suddenly pulsing with need.

Either she somehow sensed it, or Emily had decided to try a different tact. Taking a couple of shuffling steps forward on her knees, she came up to Janice and put her hands on the woman’s thighs. Janice looked between her nephew, who’s cock was back to pointing to the ceiling, and her niece, who’s hands were so warm on her thighs.

Emily, suddenly shy, or so it seemed, was lightly caressing her aunt’s legs. “Aunt Janice?” she asked.

“Wh-what?” Janice managed.

Emily twisted her skinny hips a bit against her aunt’s knees, until the woman had no choice but to spread her legs and the little girl instantly insinuated herself between them, pressing closer and closer, her hands rising higher and higher up her thighs. Then the girl’s face lifted and met hers, all wide-eyed innocence. “Do you think you could teach me about gay sex?” she asked softly.

Janice was shocked, and then startled when she felt the girl’s thumbs brush against her crotch through her bikini. “Okay! That’s it!” she exclaimed. She took a firm grip on both of Emily’s shoulders and moved her backwards so that she could stand. Then she maneuvered away from Logan, who was playing idly with the head of his young dick. “I don’t know what this game is,” she told them firmly, “but I’m not playing it. You guys… no more of…” and she waved her hands vaguely at them, “whatever this is. Not while I’m in charge. And the next time I see you, you’d better have some damned clothes on.”

And with that, she stalked away, once again feeling lucky to have escaped.

The End

Copyright 2024 – Rwxxx13
All rights reserved

Yes, really! The End. No more chapters will follow. Not written by me, nor by Rwxxx13. Sadly, he passed away and will never write another chapter. Even though I think it deserves a more satisfying ending, I’ll never write an end to it. I don’t want to touch this genius writer’s work, because I know I’ll never do it justice. But please! Feel free to do so yourself, and send it to me and I might end up posting it here!

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